The Straits Times, 31 December 1940

Total Pages: 18
1 1 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 208 1 Up-io-uate TAILORINGMi E N CHONG \v«.Ut>lr Salt Lnilhi \IN fITI II In Sift and Wml Ala* \M>KII \S SH\KK KKIM In T.rUtu rtlnn it att-maa St.. Spare. rh«M ttlt IT •<' fm Mr m X -'<^sBmbWßt JP^ W, Wj J w A f m F m^^m y* 1. thanks to
      208 words
    • 252 1 The final word i n safety. FISK SAFTI-FLIGHT TYRES PROTECTION AGAINST SKIDS Hundreds of deep flexible cushion cleats give an amazing stopping and ncnskid efficiency that dees not have to be periodically renewed. .It is built in for the life of the tyre. PROTECTION AGAINST BLOWOUTS FISK Anti-Friction Cord fabric,
      252 words
    • 69 1 WEEK OHl'"* 1 SPECIAL LINE OF PRINTED COTTON AND SILK DAY FROCKS Offered at the following prices $6.50 $8.50 $10.50 $12.50 $16.50 •LIMITED QUANTITY ONLY RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE MENU FOR NEW YEAR Grapefruit Hors d'Oeuvres Fillets of Sole— Mushroom Sauce Roast Leg Veal Savoury Stuffing Puffed Potatoes French Beans Rhum
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 512 2 14. CairnhlU Circk- dd Mln. MtNKVIK^ ■)"frabfr 28. mo. «t 11 35 am at thf QOMTBI H'wpl'al 8in•re. a son. to Rita, mfr of Mr D. K virat»»e ol ih^ Plnpapore Municipality. l->n piiper* MDtlMr and rhild fio'ne m-ell. niafcrmrnt 1« announced brtApfn Mr. J"«> I .am Chyr of Mu«r.
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    • 504 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WAN'TI I EfTICIF.NT SHORTHAND MT fir » languace. Reply Box N.i. 486. Straits Times. WANTED FOB SINGAPORE mechanical and elrctricM supervisor to take charge of plant maintenance on large contract. Applicant must have experience of Oil Engines 1 and D.C. Electricity He must hold a second I jrrade
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    • 724 2 BOARD RESIDENCE EAST ANGLIA, 6 Oxley Rise, cool and quiet. Ternw moderate. Tele. 4390. BOOMS A FLATLETS at "Uoyd Bouse 3 Lloyd Kd Owd bathrooms Board or tne*4 44. OXLEY RD., rooms ft private sums. Meals it scrvlr-e opt. Central quiet (m.c.i BELLEVILLE, IS Scotts Road. Phan* 4374 lance ft
      724 words
    • 446 2 LOST LOST m vi.uiity of No. 1 Oxley Ri:v, Siamese Cat with bushy tall. Finder please phone No. *****. LOST, Raffles Hotel Ballroom. Saturday, 28th. December, between 1Q.30 p.m. and 1 a m.. a white Zercon Clip with one blue Zercon centre stone. Reward. 17 Eu Court. (Phone 7668). PUBLIC
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    • 124 2 BUSINESS CARDS Etc CATHAY BEAUTY SALON British Operators Permanent Waving Cathay Building. Phone 2085. There will be NO ISSUE of the STRAITS TIMES on NEW YEAR'S DAY JANUARY Ist Publication will be resumed on Jan. 2nd AUCTION NOTICE AUCTION SALE I Of one teak built Auxiliary catch Mo'or I Yacht
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    • 108 2 USED CARS READY FOR GOOD SERVICE used car is only as dependable as the dealer who srlls it. l!»36 Slutl««iaker Siiln.n (Fxcelh-nt (Oiu!. .on) 1940 Morris X S;iloon SlCf.O As New Mileage .1.000) 193.S llumhor Snipe fmprrial S.ihuni M.'lMi 1f»37 Morris 8 Salmm llNti 1935 Kuick Limouine Sal'ton lltM 193f)
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  • 190 3 am l.? 0 8.8.C MJI 1982 m. 5.50 Manita (KZR.Hi 31.35 m. 6.0S 11.8.C. 31.55 m 6.55 Manila (KZIln 31.58 m 8.20 R.B.C. 31.55 m. and 49.5;) m. 9.2? Rangoon 9.4* Melbourne 25.25 tn. (except Sunday) IMO Delhi 31 3* ra. p.m. 12.50 Hongkong 31.49 m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 329 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. in corpora leo in England) <■ NSULAR AN MSN Co U\II lA.SSENOER AND CARGO SERVICE The best possible services are being maintained by the P O S N Coy troro the Straits to their usual ports oi call in China. India.
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    • 349 3 (Incorporated tn Japan I 2ENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. TO SAN FRANCISCO nong Rone. Kobe Yokohama. hotiMato, Saa Fraaciac* and Loa Angeles Ixare Leave Manila H'kong n.B. KAMAKURA MARU Jan M s. YAWATA MARU Jan. 25 Jan. 28 n.s ASAMA MAHU Feb. 8 Feb. 11 TO SEATTLE
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    • 510 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed all cargo bookings subject to Conference War clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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    • 486 3 II \^r clean JiMinri <-«- B production tot whirh the» are unjnrpwed lAwnf.v HOE BOON LEONG I ■mOAMMN n^tributors RADIO ft GENERAL AGENCY.. Kuala l.umpur I THE RADIO SOUND SERVICE I Lupine. Peraa. Penang. ITovince WeHeslr T ft lAli»r Star Krdah CHOP HUP SOON AUR Kuala Uuncun, I'rencganu SCIENCE WINS
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 630 3 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE ZHL 13.3J mc/8 825 m.) /.HIM 9 60 me/* (30.96 m.) ZIIF3 7.25 mo/» (41.38 m.) (ZHL ZHPli 5 00 p.m. Modern Mandarin music*; 5 40 p.m. Ntws in Cantonese; 5 5C p.m. Moden. Mandarin music. (; 6.10 p.m. News in Hokkieu: 6 20 p.m. News m
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  • 331 4 Favourable Balance Of $258,949,000 For 11 Months A SHARP fall in the value of Malaya's foreign export trade is recorded in the statistics for November which were issued this morning. Exports for the month were valued at £84,052,000, compared with $96,441,000 in October and $74,581,000
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  • 42 4 ijonaon, uec. 3U. The new loan terms are causing a minor adjustment in the gilt-edged market, w;:h the longer life issues nt?er than the short-terms, reflecting the Government's successful policy j of securing slightly be.ter terms for each successive war loan. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 725 4 Eight Tenders For New U.S. Smelter (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Nov. 21. 1 II/HILE clearly accurate statistic* j are lacking, London tin experts i jare hopeful that the enormously 1 increased demand for tin by the British and American armaments j industries may in due
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  • 53 4 London, Dec. 30. THE Admiralty announces plans for the construction of fabricated ships, as in the last war. The scheme provides lor the fabrication of allpai^s Jat various constructional centres with only assembly at shipyards. Reuter. London, Dec. 30. Tin opened quiet. The turnover was M tons The market later
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 486 4 Tin Shares Advance But Raub Gold Easier By Oar Financial Correspondent Singapore, Dec. 31. THE only activity in the local share market yesterday was in the tin share section. Australian issues wenmost in demand and several issues recorded further small advances in prices. Kampong Lanjut advanced to
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  • 165 4 Order Of Running Non-Acceptors Penang Races THE order of running and nonacceptors in Pennng to-morrow. I the third day of the Penang Turf I Ciub's Christmas New Year meeting, arc Race O»e: Horses, class 4, div. 3. 6 fur?. I StrathpeCer, See you Later, Wymering, Amazon. Eagle's Eye. Race Two:
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 22 4 The Greatest MALAY Drama ever produced! Gala Midnight Premiere SAT. 4th Jam Simultaneously At QUEENS MARLBORO I!£M ><4a^MaiL v/ N V I
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    • 277 4 LEGAL NOTICES APEXES NOTICE is hereby given that The Crown Cork Company Limited of Apexos Works Southall Middlex England Manufacturers are the owners and sole proprietors of the above Trade Mark u««d in respect of bottle filling stoppertnz and washing machines. The said Trade Mark is rcgut^red in tho United
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    • 271 4 TENDERS TENDERS INVITED. TENDERS are Invited for the air Co tioniiiK of two Operating Theatres at the y«remban General Hospital. 2. No Under will !>■• oaniddi 1 the tPTiderer or his a.«ent hus penooally irspected the buildings. 3. The buildings ran be Inspected any day on application to the state
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  • 1308 5 w»m>%» mi j«, i»«« 4 ri»i imh MV#o «s> 3s 6d 3* 10<4d Austral <5»> &t M 7.s Arar Wm« »i. t5 M Bmictki rir. it) 11* Bfttu flri*n>or < 11 i u i ■»'K" r I .M 1 .54 nrrjunui (to) »s
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  • 53 5 Mail. vcral P*»t Office aj TO-DAT Java air .> p m i Meila:. surface A air .p.m. surface A air p.m. ARKIVALK Mail, from Java and Sumatra *lr> general delivery i.40 p m to-day. Mails from'hlna fair) boxholders 1.40 p m. to-morrow, (;en<»ral delivery 8
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  • 217 5 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association. Singapore Dec M Books Company Olvtdend Olom TIN Ayt-r Hitam Tin 10% Int. less ta< Idrts Hyd. 2M% int. less Uk K. L. Tin Is. No. 39 Malß/sjom Tin 5% less tax Pahang ConsoJ 20% flnfl less tax Renonß Tin
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  • 238 5 To-day It. W. 00.33 a m. 9.4 ft.; 11.47 a.m. 10.1 ft. L. W. C a.m. 4.3 ft.; 6.35 p.m. 0.6 ft. To- morrow H. W. 1 .10 am. 9.3 rt.; 12.21 noon 99 ft. L. W. G 36 a.m. 4 2 ft. 7.10 p m. 09
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  • 72 5 London, Dec. 30. |%N the Stock Exchange to-day, although business was only spasmodic, the character and undertone were satisfactory. Furthermore, President Roosevelt's speech and the terms of the new 2V 2 per cent. War Bonds und the three per cent. Savings Bonds, indicating the Government's
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 74 5 London, Dec. 28. AVBRNIOHT loans were plentiful this w week and it la confidently expected that borrowers will obtain all requirements over the turn of the year easily. Treasury Bills for £65,000,000 were offered and allotted at an average discount rate of JOs. l.S2d. per cent.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 613 5 GRAmN LABORATORIES. LTD wish their numerous customers the Compliments ot the Seasou. THE FACT THAT THERE ARE MANY BUYERS OF THE testifies to the recognition by owners ot the RELIABILITY AND GENERAL HSKFI'I.NKSS of this m.»kr of car. One man recommends it to another and so there is quite a
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    • 244 5 THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA (TRUSTEES) LIMITED. Guaranteed and ontroll<*ci uy Till. MF.R< \NTII.K HANK Ot INDIA uaum The Company which La incorporated ;n the S.S. and registered M ;i Company, undertakes the following duites. EXECUTOR OR TRUBIU 01 I WILL ADMINISTRATOR OF HTATI OF DECEASED PERSON TRUSTEE OF
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  • 397 6 DOBRUSHE IS CAPTURED, ITALIAN COUNTER-ATTACKS ARE REPULSED London, Dec. 30. THE Greeks have repulsed an Italian counter-attack in the Pogradec area and have captured Dobrushe, a small town 15 miles south-east of Berat, Reuter learns in authoritative quarters in London. The Greeks are
    Reuter  -  397 words
  • 70 6 Moscow, Dec. 30. THE former Commanders-in-Chlef of the Lithuanian, Estonian and Latvian armies have been appointed lieutenant-generals in the Red Army. These officers are Gen. Vitkouskas, Gen. Jonson and Gen. Klavins, respectively. Sixteen other officers of the armies of the former Baltic States have
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 55 6 London, Dec. 30. IT was confirmed in London this afternoon that the R.A.F. carried I out an attack on Naples last night, dropping bombs and also leaflets which are believed to have contained copies of Mr. Winston Churchill's speech Indicting Mussolini as "the one man who
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 41 6 The German pilot was found dead when a German plane was shot down at Bromley, Kent. Picture shows some of the bombs taken from the wrecked plane being examined by experts after being rendered harmless.
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  • 261 6 Moscow, Dec. 30. T*HE difficulties of German industry and economic reorganization In Rumania are the subject of two articles from the Press of those countries, quoted by the semiofficial Tass agency here to-day. The first article, from the Danziger Vorposten, deals with German labour problems.
    Reuter  -  261 words
  • 399 6 Achievements Of Polish Air Force London, Dec. 30. POLISH fighter pilots in Britain have destroyed 300 German aircraft in addition to the 400 destroyed by them in Poland. To this remarkable fact must be added another that within a little more than a year of
    Reuter  -  399 words
  • 55 6 London, Dec. 31. AFTER Sunday night's fierce raid on the city, London was raid-free last evening at a fairly late rour and there were no reports of enemy activity from any part of the country. Bad weather conditions are believed to be I the
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 35 6 Vichy, Dec. 31. ADMIRAL William Leahy, the United States' Ambassador to the French Government at Vichy has arrived at Lisbon in the Un.'ted States cruiser Tuscaloosa, states th« Ravu arency, Reut:r.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 386 6 9f you do this t(oi4 must do this WBBJ> a httlc thing rubbing the eyes BL^ V yet it's a definite sign that all is not well. SP*t2i«H'^^' «w_ Eyes that are thoroughly healthy and happy j^m don't need rubbing. Even spectacle wearers wjm people who think that they are
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    • 215 6 KOTEX !UtURV If MM ft 3. Regular Junior Super I You scarcely know you're wearing it.' B i#' Wjn IF YOiik BREATH HAS A SMELL YOU CAN'T FEEL WELL Unless 2 pints of bile juice flow (ram our Tver into our bowels every day, our movements get hard and constipated
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  • 369 9 Belated Resistance By French African Colonies Feared London, Dec. 30. "THE things which Hitler now most wants from France are beyond doubt the Mediterranean ports, the remaining units of the French fleet and, above all, bases in Africa," \g on the tug-of-war
    Reuter  -  369 words
  • 89 9 Cairo, Dec. 30. |N REPLY to British harassing fire. Italian artillery at Bardia became somewhat mure Mtlve yesterday. Nevertheless, according to to-day's British communique. British troops sustained no damage or interruptions to their preparations, which are proceeding smoothly. Active patrolling continues on the SudanKenya front. To-day's
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 62 9 Istanbul, Dec. 30. OVER 70 villages have been cut off and 4,000 people rendered homeleta as a result of floods in Menetnen and the Manissa plain, in the Symrna region. Fif:een bridges have also been destroyed and communications are disrupted. The Turkish authorities
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 74 9 Vichy, Dec. 30. A REFORM of school administration aimed at the elimination of all political and local influences" from French state schools is introduced by a new decree of which one of the main objects is to eliminate the influence of teachers who were members of
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 67 9 London, Dec. 30. PROBATE has been granted of the will of Mr. Conrad Fry. who was associated with the well-known flrm of cocoa and chocolate manufacturers He left £1253.741. Estate duty amounts to £573,292. Amonp: large number of bequests Mr. Fry left £250 to Walter
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 43 9 Cairo, Dec. 30. THE enemy's Western Desert landing grounds at Tmiml, Derna and Gazla were raided by the R.A.F. on Sunday. Fires were started at Tmlmi and dispersed aircraft were attacked, according to an R.A.F. communique. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 45 9 London, Dec. 30. A BOX of cigars was sent by th« Netherlands Indies to Mr. Wins. on Churchill as a birthda> present. The inscription on the box pays tribute to Mr. Churchill's energry, doggedness and leadership. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 198 9 Wartime Supplies For The Forces Council To Be Set Up For Eastern Group London. Dec. 30. j AS the result of the recent Delhi j** conference, an Eastern Supply Group Council will be set up to make British territory east and south of Suez self-supporting in wartime. "The permanent council,"
    British Wireless  -  198 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 238 9 WE WISH OUR FRIENDS THROUGHOUT MALAYA. THAILAND. SARAWAK B. N. BORNEO I A HAPPY NEW YEAR Count on Columbia to make the Cinema patrons happy. The Studio of A. 1. Wartime entertainment. VICTORIA THEATRE: 3rd 4th JAN. THE SCENE SHIFTERS in WINTER SUNSHINE ADMISSION (including tax) $3 00 $2.00 $1.00
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  • 1070 10 SINGAPORE. TUESDAY, DEC. 31. 1940. (485 th Day Of The War.) GOODBYE TO ALL THAT With to-morrows dawn, 1940 will have passed into history, to take its place as the blackest year known to any generation of our race. Not one of us can regret its passing; indeed, with all
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  • 60 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— Possibly as a result of your recent leading article on the social evil and Mr. Pierponfs letter en the same subject, some enthusiastic citizens will get together and form a voluntary a, which might be called the Bureau, to
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  • 3692 10 BRITAIN RAISING HUGE NEW FIGHTING FORCES from the normal plane than Is absolutely unavoidable. Naturally, the early opening, each evening, of tne nightly bombing attacks, in conjunction with the inconveniences and traffic dangers of the dense black-out, curtails going out aftor dark to a minimum. A lurther sobering factor is
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 103 10 fadfock with the greatest combination of protective features has the strongest case construction yf i_*%_ Secret service Laminated Padlocks are Burglar-Proof. ASK FOR MASTER PADLOCKS THE WORLD'S Leader in padlocks CHIN HO CO. Singapore. Padded seat -and I'pholstered in tirecn Kcxinr. 1)1 M AN ROBERTS LTD. Singapore kual.i Lumpur. Ijj
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    • 60 10 I Attest Most Improved POLAROID DAY GLASSES in new design of frame Just A rrived. Fits-ons are also available. Call for a demonstration Everbright Optical Co QIALIFIED EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 19. (hulia Strrrt. Phone 4435. C. S. CIIONG. Dr. of Optomctry. CONCESSION TICKETS AT ORDINARY SINGLE FARE FOR DOUBLE JOIRNEY ARE
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  • 439 11 Extensive Troop Moves Reported M\^ SEIZE KUST OF FRANCE iK UD \UA IN ALBANIA Nazis Being Moved From The Western Front? i *ERMAN troop movements on a big scale are confirmed by the latest information from Germany available in Belgrade, reports Reuter. Large
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  • 86 11 British Railways Vu<l arlimc Problems Londjn, Dec. 31. AHKVIEW of the work of the British railways daring th-- past 12 months I ill how the problems cau.-cd hi] 11, iif raids and weather vercome. During Irs. Januarys exceptionaik weather 1.500 miles of 111
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  • 38 11 Madrid, Dec. 30. REPORTS that German troops are b) Italy are officially denied in Rome, says the ABC's correspondent In Rome, who states that the rumours are of foreign orijrln. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 23 11 The remains of an Italian Fiat bomber which was brought down in a raid on England.
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  • 112 11 FRESH GREEK SUCCESS 1,000 Italians Are Taken Prisoner Athens, Dec. 31. pORTIFIED positions to the west of Pogradec, in the northern sector, have been wrenched from the enemy and despite bad weather action has yielded good results all along the front," stated the Athens radio last night. More than 1.000
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 61 11 London, Dec. 31. •TTHE Vichy Government is establishing a central research bureau to deal with the urgent problem of food supplies, states the Havas agency. It will be under ihe direction of the Inspector-General of Food Supplies and will work in conjunction with a scientific
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 11 1 his picture of air raid damage in C cventry shows a car in a bomb crater in one of the side streets. i for the liritid tationed ilierc. I'irture shows
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  • 351 11 Full Support For Roosevelt Policy Washington, Dec. 30. DR£SIDENT Roosevelt is greatly 1 pleased at tiie reaction to his speech. The address brought greater response than any previous Roosevelt talk, said Mr. Stephen i Early, the President's secretary. making this announcement at a Press conference to-day.
    Reuter  -  351 words
  • 332 11 Londoners Call For Reprisals Premier Visits Scene Of Nazi Bombing London, Dec. 31. I CIRE-FIGHTERS worked without a pause throughout yesteror... .clearing up debris and smotherir.r; the last of smouldering embers o i fires caused in Sunday night's raid !on London. Scores of charre'" i buildings are seen in the
    Reuter  -  332 words
  • 33 11 Italian Prison ers Tn London One of several Italian airmen, who were taken prisoner when their planes were shot down in England, is here being escorted by a Tommy on arrival in London.
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  • 117 11 London, Doc. 31. Aeag oi at least is enemy all destroyed "outstanding c leadership, course and skill" contrl- < ouLe to the D.S.O. awarded to acting r ;Squadron-Lcadcr R R. S. Tuck, *v.o ,had been previously awarded the DP.C. j The
    British Wireless  -  117 words
  • 177 11 Foreign Minister s Statoment Sofia, Doc. 30. BULGARIA will not depart h^r avowed policy of stl neutrality, dcclarod M. Ivan Po the Foreign MinL->t.r. in the Bulgarian Parliament to-Ja>. M. PcpolT emphasized Ihrrv r eurren caurea raquirlng a i thp neutrality policy which hca clenrly enuni
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  • 120 11 Army Pots And Pans For 500 Planes. OVER hall the aluminium anda <n household! i towards war production h.; Uirnt-d Into the manufacture planes. T r 11. A. L.tyhm B shairman oi the Aluminium Committee. ready to to the January, Botne tons of aluminiui :<ad pan* ;rcm army kitchen •lent
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  • Page 11 Advertisements

  • 690 12 Dragon Part} Organized By Phosphate Workers ANOTHER BIG CONTRIBUTION TROM KUANTAN DISTRICT T 1 lAS ISLAM) a?ain secures pride of place in to-day's Mtt of conlri hut ions to The War Fund. The District Olticcr. Christmas Island, Mr. R. W. I. Band, has
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  • 123 12 nimjapork kami is iiottl Orchestral Conr -n 8 p.m. Gala Dinner A: Carnival Ball to 2 a.m. CARKKK Till ATKfc. GKVLANO The 3 n Return 1 Sea IWils at 7 45 p.m GRE.41 WORLD Ciibari't: 8 to '1 am. Globe: Mv Lava Cum.- Back. Sky: Mail'* Heritage BAPFY
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  • 134 12 YESTERDAY afternoon the Governor. Sir Shenton Thomas, met deleca es of the Straits Sc'tlements (Singapore) Association.. Straits Settlements (Penan);) Association. European Associa.ian of Malaya, Ex-Services Association of Malaya and the Straits Chinese Brrish Asso"iation. Ther? was a full and free discussion on th? subject of local
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  • 106 12 CENSORSHIP REVIEW IN AU STRALIA Canberra. GENERAL agreement has been reached by the War Cabinet on a review Oi c?nsorship crntrol to prevent unnecessary concealment of news and tD facilitate release of information to the public. It has been agreed in general, that the function of censorship should be to
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  • 491 12 Fuii Programme For Reception ADDRESSES TO BE PRESENTED (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Dec. 30. ADDRESSES by the Ungku j Mentri Besar, the Johore Planters' Association, the Chinese. I Indian, Ceylonese and Japanese communities will be presented to the Sultan of Johore at the reception to
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  • 85 12 What may be described as Malaya's most modern surgical unit, costing approximately $81,000, has been completed at the Singapore General Hospital and tcill be open at the beginning of January. The unit will also serve as a teaching clinic for students of the College of Medicine,
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  • 382 12 "The Thief of Bagdad" (Conrad Veidt, Sabu, and June Duprez) United Artists. Gala premiere last night. At the Cathay. WONDROUS and impossible hap- penings typical of the engaging Arabian Nights, presented in the medium of beautiful technicolour, Alexander Korda's "The
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  • 51 12 Here are some of the 130 seamen of various nationalities who were given a bio New Year dinner by the Singapore Marine Hostel last night. Seen talking to them are the Rev. A. V. Wardle, superintendent of the Hostel, and Mrs. Wardle.— Straits Times
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  • 412 12 Government Stocks lo Be Stored In Dealers' Godoums rOMING in with the tide last night, fully laden tongkangs carried rice from ships in the Roads to warehouses on the banks of Singapore river. Shoulders to poles, lightermen i scores of them "powered" these j
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  • 300 12 Shows At Hotels, Cinemas, Cabarets SCOTTISH TROOPS HOG MA NY Singapore to-ni several i thou at at the hotels, •abaret?. and other places of entertainment, will usher In the Now Year In as trc'i* '.nner as possible. Toasts to tl drunk irH counlert 'vith the wishes for
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  • 59 12 pARENTS looking Tor .Ncho:«L> In New Soutli Wales suitable for girls and boys can bi> given on application to the Director ol Education, Straits Settlements particulars of schools (Including school fees and cost of vacations) that have been recently visited by a senior officer of the Department of
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  • 24 12 Tho photograph of the bride of the SuJtaH of Johore which was published in the Straits "nines yesterday was taken by Hay Wrightson, Ltd.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 203 12 INDIJStRIAL i EQUIPMENT Jf^ i B^l. Standard ventilated enamelled ■z —^p l^^S steel dispersive reflector available ?r-*| I '^§^^^Z^=3 irom 12" to 20" diameter. Speci- \~h Y%g^ Ji^^^^~^ r ally recommended for efficient y^ I.=^^^* factory or godown illumination. aOp£^>>»z T^ Enamelled steel angle reflector for ym&iS^Z^^*"*) rccial purposes. Suitable
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  • 554 13 Su&jests From Two To Eigfit Per Cent. On Incomes CONSIDERS NO INDIRECT LEVY COULD BE MADE AS FAIR TMK imposition oi a tnx on incomes and profits. frilJi a maximum of S per cent., in the Colony and the Federation as ;i wartime MMR,
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  • 154 13 POSTAL RATE INCREASED To Places Outside British Empire DOSTAL charges to destinations outside the British Empire will be slightly increased from Jan. 1. 1941. This is not a further war tax. but it gives effect to a decision taken at tho International Postal Union convention held in But nos Aires
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  • 96 13 Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Serrmb&n, Dec. 30. TIIiSE kons*is of Chinese labourers aa Tanah Mcrah Estate. Port Dickson, went on strike to-day, demanding increased wages. The Chief Police officer and the Offlcer-ln-charge of detectives proceeded to the ycen". j Th<> police have detained 1 1
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  • 61 13 JJ/.11. of $1,000 was allowed Lee Pei lam j wlun he claimed trial in the third court I yesterday to a charge of being a member of an unlawful society, the Malayan Communist Party. The case Hi (x«?tp,ned a we k for! mention annum ltdtr per centum
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  • 49 13 vi of having in his possession a .15 Ivor without a licence at Kamporkg i:a Tenr. off Tion? Bahru Road on Sunigr, was t;;:plainod w F-hun Yip Ngan. 40. lr .o third (ourt y^-erday. The. case was ft))»n- d n week tor mention, *nd bail of
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  • 345 13 WEDDING AT KATONG Mr. H.R. Leicester Miss May Innes •JR. Henry Raymond Leicester was married to Miss May Valentine Innes. the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Innes, at the Church of the Holy Family, Katong, yesterday. Mr. Leicester Is the son of Mr. N. P. Leicester of
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  • 22 13 Liondon. Der 30 TILE Sultan of Brunei has given £2.5x0 towards Britain's war effort neuter.
    Reuter  -  22 words
  • 26 13 ■^EMBERS of Australia's delegation to th° Eastern Group Conference held in New Delhi rpcently, were in Singapore yesterday tm their way back tc Australia.
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  • 243 13 May Soon Be Seen In Malaya AN early world release will be given to the films and photographs of the British victory over the Italians in North-West Egypt and Libya, which were taken by the Australian official photographer, Capt. Frank Hurley, it was announced in
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  • 227 13 School Treasurer In District Court CHAN Peng Kiong alias K. S. Chan alias George P. K. Chan, treasurer of the Chin Nam School in Race Course Road, faced allegations in the criminal district court yesterday of committing criminal breach of trust of money given to him
    227 words
  • 95 13 CAUSING DEATH CHARGE 1 fHARGED with causing the death of k Cliinese workman by negligent driving on<l also two counts of causing hurt to two other Chinese, an Indian named Mir Mohamm was on trial in the traffic court before Mr C.H. Whltton yesterday. I At the outset Court ln.«pcotor
    95 words
  • 831 13 Evidence Before Coroner As To Identity Of Victim T HAVE every reason to believe that the Imklv in that car was that of Dr. Martindell," declared Dr. James McKie Atkinson Lowson, acting Principal Medical Officer, Johore Bahru, in the Singapore Coroner's Court yesterday. Mr. W,
    831 words
  • 498 13 THfe following donations to The War Fund are recorded to-day •5 Kuantan War Fund (Bth contribution) 1.016.80 Cliurchill Birthday Fuml-s:>o cadi:— H. C. Dolinj-n, J. M. Cotterill, and Miss N. E. Stafford. $25 each: W. A. C. McNaracs. and Mr. and Mr*. H. G. Jones.
    498 words
  • 111 13 COT onei. .1 A. 1, Montgomery, C.8.1. c.b.. fetter a Lady ThoniM th< wife of fh« Governor i>f the strait. menta, Sir shenton Thomas, died reeentij rt, Molvllle, Count; Donegal, at th91. lie m a U:ik with the car'y days of Bn< ttah :'duurist
    111 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 51 13 mW^K-'f^vfimmmt mWtJm&JJftffM SaX Q9m#^^ammCS mmV mmm£lG gmmm^a^mmmmM.4E^mi r^LAmmmmmßßßm^ga l^^^ "™*V J' /"JtaJal/^i '^^^^^^^^^B J^ T B ADEX^^'W^/ MA P X tjjs *****11 1 Mil hi Including Raspberry. Lemon, Vanilla, Strawberry. Orange. Ped Currant. Port Wine. Cherry. Apricot and Pinapple. Ecch packet makes one pint of jelly, prepared from the finest
      51 words
    • 243 13 m -^^s^ PKK FS OP AIiKTFX VBBTS. tt m |I flf> ft' Qual. 931 Button fronts and si. or' Vllll W^ sieves. All Si^e.s. S*!.fio each UIIU Qual. 88. I ii'hl-.vfi"ht athletf.W Vests. AH Kizer.. 52.0!) e:t< h w Qunl 18ft0. Lightweight nthletie slyle. All .Sizes KM each I m
      243 words

  • 3198 14 Bills Based On Former Colony Legislation PROPOSED RA TES TO RANGE FROM 2 TO 8 PER CENT. T!li Joint Committee which has been investigating problems connected with incon»e tax in the Colony and the F.M.S. l»a> recommended the imposition of a war tax
    3,198 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 314 14 jSMMs^aas|s^j^^^^^^|fv. i. |ta ~.f SWCCtS Pf r <: S f? IT D Votes i CHI VERS Chiv«n ielliu •r* Idol far ln/mUd. T> I I > If* t— The most popular jellies j§\ tor over half a century Q\ j The rich fruity flavour* so characteristic or Til IAVI. M
      314 words

  • 11279 15 Full Details Of Measure Which Will Be Laid Before Council THE text of the Colony's War Tax Bill, referred to in the report of the Joint Committee on Income Tax, is published in full on this page and pages 16 and 18. It
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 111 15 CAPITOL RESTAURANT to-night <jl special new teak's eve dinnek dec. 31st. ss.m. FKEE Distribution of Craekcn Balloons mad Streamers "I MENU TO-MORROW NIGHT Grape Fruit An Marachino Jan. Ist 1941 O*» r <>* Tall Soup drtLIAL NLW XfcAK Roast Saddle of Lamb and Mint Sauce DINNER $2 25 EarUsh Capon
      111 words
      27 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 489 16 NEW -TWO-WAY' TREATMENT t-. M |plf?S that gets at the Infection Itl |BKt^l'-^VW^ ,K. m _J 4 HKT A CARGU TMBI A SMALL note mno Tnroai 1 with t.cp. I son <* t.c#. I VTINI-: turcs out often you can stops T.CP. helps to clear right out of the IN
      489 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 371 17 A\^M oHA M E D ?oT s A HOVV CO Z^^WlJ^^' r- I "^^^K^^O^ U DULFAKIR^CO. B 8 Choua T s A Q&%£&\^ WING \£f^J S fcSj #7 %A L \KW£#jEs O f th.s-^^ G^°^ e CO( PHO^ 450 eT S> Q9 eA SINGAPORE >L \ar*"^ V-\O^ G \l STRAITS
      371 words

  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 266 18 |ji APf liS A TOOL FOn EVERY PURPOSZ M ALAVA GARAGE REPAIRS PATRIOTIC DREDGE CONSTRUCTION FUND LOCOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE tf^fl 1 Bl i jar m D v i 823 aJ i HEALTH APPETITE -ECONOMY First of all Marmite makes food more appetising &SS^^^jM because ol its delicious savoury flavour. Then, V
      266 words
    • 180 18 Test this good cigarette for yourself A tin or two will suffice to show its mdi- a vidua!. smooth and satisfying character. What you think of this special blend by Carreras />^§?=?\ will govern your su£*equent choice. GUARANTEED lOO^o PURE CORK TIPPED AND PLAIN Cellophane wrapped in packets of 10
      180 words

  • 1140 19 Third Day Of Penang Tur Club's Meeting fXS the form they have already shown at this meeting, Merrury and Moonlight Sonata should be the best bets in I'enanp to-morrow, the third day of the Penanjj Turf Club's Christmas New Year meeting. There is only
    1,140 words
  • 189 19 TTHE is the programme of j man events at the Garrison Golt riub during January: T i-morrow. Ho:e cup competition, ng round: Sunday, Club champicnship, quali:ying round; Wednes:i 8, Hjs? Cup. flrst round; Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 11 and 12, mus mon hly medal (stroke) and
    189 words
  • 469 19 i From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 30. i IN spite of havmg tinve Selangor State forwards 'H^nry. Ismail and Nadaraj i^i playing for them, the Methodist I Buys' School Old Boys were beaten by three goala to cne by Victoria
    469 words
  • 50 19 Ma > beaten by Ihe bounce of the ball a phase of play in the loose in Sa nrday's rugger match in aid of war charities on the padang in which Singapore beat the Army Cru ■■it'ers by 18 points to nil. S'raits Times
    50 words
  • 304 19 THE weights for all eight rz final day of the Penang Year meeting, are Horses, CfaMß 1, Div. 1, C farm. Cimon 9.12 Mediation 8.05 'luolin 9.07 Carloca 8.04 Bridge Law 8.13 Lore" Bug 7.11 Jack Drue* 8.13 Grand Prix 7.08 Smoke Dreams
    304 words
  • 133 19 I*HE staff and friends of the China Insurance Ccmpany. Limited 'Sincr.poro Branch) held a picnic at Mr Cheong Kirn Eng's bungalow, Tarnpines Road on Sunday. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. D C. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Pan and Dr. C. C. Checng
    133 words
  • 24 19 THE order of running and nonacceptors for to-morrow's races in Penan* will be found in PAGE FOUR if received in time.
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  • 17 19 Rugttr: RAif. and R.A.F, officers vs. S.C.C., S.C.C.; Loyals vs RAF. Kal'.anr, Gillman Barracks.
    17 words
  • 75 19 THE Singapore Cricket Club will hold a meeting, at which all members j in-.erested in association football are I asked to attend, at 6 30 p.m. on Jan. JB. Thr> purpose of the meeting is, inter alia, to elect a captain and a i
    75 words
  • 37 19 r THE following were the two best scores returned In the Keppel Golf Club's December mixed foursomes competiticn: Mr and Mf< J. Kean 46—12-34; Miss D. Hirsi and A. C. Good 42— 6>A 35^-
    37 words
  • 731 19 Marked Improvement Shown By Junior Players THE close of the official badminton season in Singapore is fast approaching. Regular players, much as they love the tfame. are looking forward to a woll -earned respite, and for the next three monlhs they will put aside their
    731 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 130 19 "BILL" TILHEN "=r =b Outstanding amongst tennis players for many years. Bill i'ilden |p? f achieved his phenomenal success h> his perfect control and S W co-ordination of mind, muscle and nerve. f *j3? t-~--Jt -~--J =r From the moment he broke into the ranks of international \-_J V ■J'
      130 words

  • 1422 1 FAMOUS BUILDINGS HIT BUT CASUALTIES ARE SMALL City Saved By Heroism Of Members Of Civil Defence Force THE ancient Guildhall and nine famous churches were 1 among: the buildings damaged! last ni^ht in the court* of a concerted effort by Goering'§ murder bombers to set
    Reuter  -  1,422 words
  • 38 1 The 17*! pe .ons killed in the indiscriminate German bombing of Coventry were buriei in a common Rrave. Picture shows the scene at the gTaveside as 1,000 family mourners gathered for the service.
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  • 230 1 bnportance Of Tl:c k Burma Road: Takio Official Pessimistic Montw, Dec. 31. 'Till; figfctimg ;:l>iiily sjf tho Chinese army has increased in the past voar," declare, the Soviet arm> newspaper Kt»d Star, attribuiinf; this to the opening of the Burma road .■md devdooment
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 26 1 Vichy. Dec 30. GEN. DENTZ, newly-appointed French Hi^*h Comrrusdoosr for Syria, has arr-.ved at Beyrouth to tak» ud his post, say* o Havaa acoucy message. —Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 107 1 Japan Changes Her Tu ne ..!i<jim. Dec 31. IAPAM dOM not Intend .ate. the pr- Pacific nee la noi r» atont-d. $m<\ Dr [toh, J;ipiister of Information, to a h Bwedi ill Democraten, to-i Ml I d it jup; nese pollejr i an alliance with the Axis i riirocUM against
    107 words
  • 657 1 Washington. Dec. 30. DV his outspoken address last night. President Roosevelt accomplishe<J several things. In addition to telling the Americans where they stand in the pre«eni-day world, he explained clearly to all the dictators how much they are up against. He told Japan that ncr
    Reuter  -  657 words
  • 47 1 London, Dec. 30. IN Germany, President Roosevelt* 1 speech was hidden from the people On being questioned about German reaction, the spokesman of the Nazi i propaganda ministry refused to make any comment to-day except to say that I (Continued in next column)
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  • Page 1 Advertisements