The Straits Times, 29 December 1940

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER FN MALAYA FlNAL**** No. 471 Sunday, Dec. 29, 1940 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 471 Sunday, Dec. 29, 1940 Price 10 Cents
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  • 252 1 Prepared To Resist If Nazis Press Demands READY FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION May Move To N. Africa, Say London Journals rpHE London newspapers are all speculating animatedly on the possible outcome of the alleged German demands or ultimatum to the Vichy Government, reports Reuter. Some newspapers
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  • 35 1 Five Vichy Men Killed New Yoik, Saturday. IT is reported from Berlin that five important members of the Vichy government were killed when an aeroplane on the way to France from Morocco was lost. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 84 1 Japanese Officer's Blunt Warning London, Saturday. 'I 'HE new chief of the Japanese army press section, on his return to Tokio after more than a year in China, h is givan hfc fellowcountrymen a blunt warning. In a newspaper interview published yesterday he said that
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  • 89 1 Loud. >n, Saturday. A 4.000-TON supply ship was utt on tire yesterday by British planes during an attack on Haugesund, Norway Thj communique states that enemy shi-^plnn; and h:\rDour works were atta'-!-: d in the area. AH aircraft returned 7 1 1 re? bombs scored
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 398 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. oaturday. tMPORTANT changes In the Johore Govern- ment service will take place at the end Ol this year. Dato Abdul Kadir bin Daud. State Commissioner. Muar. will be retiring and his place will be taken by Dato Adbul Fanman bin
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  • 28 1 Forty foreign 'planes have been brought down on Swedish territory cither because of engine trouble or by Swedish fighters since the war be§r°n.
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  • 228 1 F'RGUS J. Ferguson, Reuters diplomatic correspondent, writes that the German method of dealing wi»h Vichy appears to alternate between blandishments and threats, and at present it would appear that they are resortine more to threats than to flattery, although there is n» official confirmation in London that
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  • 119 1 London, Saturday. LAST night's raiders over London adopted new tactics, concentrating their reckless bombing into four hours only. The raid equalled In Intensity, but not in duration, some of the heaviest onslaughts on the capital. Anti-aircraft nre was almost oont nuous for nearly two hours. Th*
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 86 1 Fabricated Vessels London, Saturday. IN order to provide new ships quickly, the construction of fabricated vessels will be started on a substantial scale very soon. Shps will be of standardly i Sections will be rolled a^ the st-^l--works and then transported to launching sites for assembly.
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 77 1 New York, Saturday. A CABLE from the captain of the tanker Charles Pratt <9,000 tons>. on Dec. 5 while en route from the Netherlands West Indies to Sierra Leone with a cargo of oil fuel, says that only two members of the crew, both
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  • 61 1 60% Americans Prepared To Risk War New York, Saturday. CIXTY per cent, of the American people to-day think it more important for the United States to help Great Britain even at the risk of being involved in the war vhemselves than to keep out of the war, according to the
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 102 1 No Desire To Take Advantage Of Indo-China Tokio, Saturday. MR. Yo3uke Matsuoka, the Japanese Foreign Minister, voiced deep symjpathy for the "difficult position in I France and disclaimed any desire to take advantage of it during impending i economic negotiations In Tokio with the Indo-China trade
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 125 1 "China Is One With Us, We Shall Not Forget" London. Saturday. THE Manchester Guardian writes In an editorial: With devastation and distress on our doorsteps our thoughts should go out more than ever to the war-rr.ckcd populations of remote lands, like Cl'iin^ and Spain, who were the first to enaur.^
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 71 1 London, Saturday. ¥\URING the week ending on Christmas day. 31 Italian planes were destroyed by the R.A.F. This does not take into account those destroyed on the ground. Of these 31, ten wcr^ lost over Greece and 21 over African toil. During the same
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  • 56 1 Chelsea air raid shelters are now beta* unofficially provided with short concerts of good music. They are being given by a groan of professional musicians, known as the Mobile Concert Artists, in aid of the Lord Mayor's Fond for air raid victims. Mr. Leonard Hirsch, the violinist,
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  • 130 1 London, Saturday. DRITISH units are now operating west of Bard ia in the Libyan desert. To-day's communique from Cairo says concentrations of our forces invading Rardia is proceeding; *mootn!v while o>-- a»-MH<»rv continues to harass the Italian garrison. Prisoners captured to date since th?
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  • 223 1 Details Of Nauru Shelling NAZI FLAG UP "Don't Use Radio Or I Shoot Mast" Melbourne, Saturday. •TIIE raider under Japanese colours which yesterday shelled Nauru hoisted the Naxi flag before opening fire, it was revealed herr to-day by Mr. W. M. Hughes, the Navy Minister. Quoting reports from Nauru Mr.
    Reuter  -  223 words
  • 26 1 More than 500.000 women are now employed on the ral'ways of the Soviet Union. They Include 58 engine-drivers, 2.900 assistant engine-drivers, and 2.000 station-masters.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 TAI HEN 6 CO. m 1a 1 lor a g^m Colemaß St., Singapore. Pboae 3375 J|
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    • 115 1 i GENUINb REMNANTS! TO BE CLEARED 25°0 LESS SALE PRICE CHOTIRM ALL'S >■''■! v w •f°) f-\ FOR HOTELS, PROVISION STORES J\J A) AND INDUSTRIAL APPUCATIONS Z»~ jl£** The leadini Clubs, Hotels and Provision 1i Stores throughout Malaya are equipped vi tlt with KELVINATOR Refrigeration for Ott' world- wide experience,
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  • 182 2 London, Saturday. FURTHER information has now been received officially in London of the capture and ultimate destruction of the German steamer Rhein (6,031 tons) in West Indies waters by the Royal Netherlands Navy ship. Van Kinsbergen. A suspicious vessel was sighted by the Van Kinsbergen
    British Wireless  -  182 words
  • 97 2 SOVIET COMMENT ON ITALY'S OIL SUPPLIES Moscow, Saturday. THE possibility of Italy's oil supply problem becoming acute is foreseen in an article in Red Star, organ of the Ked Army. Pointing out that Italy mainly relies upon imports Irom Rumania, since supplies from Alban a play only a small part,
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 124 2 Reported Discord Between Hungary And Rumania London, Saturday. A BROADCAST from Bratislava says that Hungary may recall her minister in Bucharest. This step, it is added, is not expected to be taken until the Hungarian Foreign Minister has comhis illness. The .Hungarian minister in Bucha- rest nas oeen there for
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  • 106 2 Washington, Saturday. UNITED States Treasury experts have completed a preliminary audit ol Brit sh resources in America. According to informat'on in authoritative sources this has disclosed that Britain w 11 run out of cash to pay for purcnases in the United States early in the
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 186 2 Four Feet Of Snow And Thick Mist London, Saturday. AMID the wild mounta>'n ranges of northern Albania, where parks of wolves pad silently through the snow in search of food, the heavy mist of the past three days plus four feet of snow is temporarily sowing up the Greek advance,
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  • 148 2 Belgrade, Saturday. WHEN two bombs fell on Susak. a Yugoslav town just across the border, arc or dine to reports from Fiume received here, the population of Fiume rushed panlr stricken in the darkness to the main shelter in the centre of the town, only to
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 54 2 Madrid, Saturday. TTHE war guilt trials of Gen. Gamel'n, M. Daladier, M. Cot. and M. Guy L-* Chimbre will begin next week, according to a German disnatch f?om Vichy. It says they are charged with urdertaking war with Germany while France was unprepared, especially in
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 193 2 Freed Of Enemy Activity During Next Year Athens, Saturday. TTIIK conviction that the Mediterranean will be freed of all enemy activity during the next year was expressed by the Commander-in-chief of the Mediterranean Fleet. Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham in a message to the chief of the
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  • 335 2 Hitler Still Toying With Invasion Idea London, Saturday. NOTHING that is known of German preparations in northern France justifies the hrlirf that they have abandoned their intention of striking at us by air and sea, says The Times. They will attempt an invasion if the gamble seems worth it. The
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  • 41 2 President Roosevelt has tentatively arranged to discuss the "present emergency" arising out of the Nazi warning over aid to Britain, •by radio "fireside chat" to the nation. The broadcast will be heard in Malaya at 9.50 a.m. tomorrow.
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  • 364 2 British Experts Unmoved By 'Secret Weapon' A LTHOUGII the Nazi Press has been hinting at a new "secret weapon" giant rockets that are to achieve what all the German planes have failed to do, to pierce our barrage of firhters, balloons and A.A. guns British pyrotechnic experts are not impressed.
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  • 24 2 The National Joint Industrial Council 'or the Electrical Contracting Indusry announces that the cost of living war) addition will be lls. 8d a week.
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  • 216 2 Thai Border Fighting Continues NEGOTIATIONS AT DEADLOCK Bangkok, Saturday. CKIRMISHES have been resumed on the frontier between Tnailand and French Indo-China. A Thailand communique say.s ihat a French attack following artillery and machine-gun prepaiation v.its repulsed at Donkongluk on Thursday Frontier reports istatc that a huge fire lighted the sky
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  • 179 2 London, Saturday. AI^HILE the German press has warned vv the United States not to send ships to Eire. Rome has assured Eire that if she should be "forced to defend herself against British tyranny and aggression she will receive full support from the Ax The German
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 84 2 London, Saturday. IN India to-day the President of the Indian National Liberal federation declared that this is as much India s war as Great Britan's. "We iausi not allow domestic troubles between India and Britain to queer the pitch of action against the common
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  • 47 2 Cairo. Saturday. ALL officers and N.O.C.'s of the Egyptian army who are due for demobil'zation in January will be Kent with the Colours for a further six months In accordance with an order Issued by the Egyptian Ministry of Defence.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 302 2 When it's Tea-time JOIN THE We cat Vi^'Wcaf] for a Slim and Healthy Body m~ Vitamin-rich wheat Crispbread manufactured exclusively by Peek Frean Co^ Ltd., London. PF Them par»slt«a. in aduition to cftusinc ravenous appeuta. Ikv0) Indltastlon. leanness, and a etar ng coat, can so weaken s^^w) tha system of
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    • 116 2 SINGER SEWING MACHINES International events have caused a shipment of Sewing Machines Intended for another country to be diverted to Singapore. These machines have the boat-shaped shuttle and are like the machines Mother used." They are Hand machines, light, compact and portable, made at the famous S nger Factory in
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  • 251 3 Japan's New Bid To Gain Control Of Shanghai Shanghai, Saturday. •pIK opening gun of what is believed will be a vigorous Japa.ii tempt to gain control of the International Settlement administ rat ion by increasing th-»ir membership on the Municipal Council has just been fired by the newlyorganized Japanese Ratepayers
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  • 106 3 Cairo, Saturaay. Y*HE latest news received here from the Western Desert indicates that a large-scale attack on Bardia, Italian fortress ten miles insice the Libyan border, has not yet been launched. n reinforcements continue to amve, and the Italian defenders hiding in their
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 75 3 Chunking, Saturday. THE Burmese pr^ss party comprising ti<rht Burmese Journalists, is expected to arrive in ChuriTHing to-day from Yunnan Welcoming th-> visit of the Burmese Jourr^l'sts to Chini. the official Central Diily Nsws ca'ls on the Chinese a: r\ Br.rnrs" pcopit-s tr> estab'ish mutual
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 34 3 A my 1 dander who spend] a lot of bis time walching ;he Bri ish trojps in Icelrnd at work, arrives with his barrow to *«ye a helping hand.
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  • 369 3 Pan American Airways Singapore Facilities OEPORTS that British Overseas Airways will secure a number of Lockheed Lodestars and three Boeing Clippers from the United States to improve the African section of the Empire air route, and t'lat the operations manager of Pan American Airways at Manila has completed a survey
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  • 58 3 1 A CANADIAN who desires to remain anonyI nious has wnt £10.000 to the Lord Mayor cf London for the national air raid distress fund, which incrrr^-xi cvr ChKstmas by £35.000 and now totals £1.319,000. Among ether j large gifts were ov r £3.010 from the Vi-eroy
    British Wireless  -  58 words
  • 33 3 Buenos Aires. Saturday. HHHE Argentine Government has prohibited the showing of Charlie Chaplin's new film "the Great Dictator," as a result of representations by the Italian ambassador. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 171 3 Shanghai. Saturday. THE American-ownsd Evening Prs, characterizes Lord Halifax's apDOJi.mrnt to Washin/tcn as a soeciacular exhibition ot Dicking the wrong man. H has been given the post in direct disregard of tha feelings of most Americans, the journal a ens. nevertheless American pciicy remains
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  • 189 3 Tokio Tale Of New U.S. Pressure Tokio, Saturday. "THE Nlchi-Nlchi Shimbun reports 1 that the United States Government is taking a stronger attitude towards Japan and will order all Ar.ier.cans in the Far East to leave for home by Jan. 31, according to well-informed quarters. The daily adds that America
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  • 96 3 Patients' Cakes Seized By Nazi Soldiers New York. Saturday. 'THE Germans are confiscating about 10.0001 b. of meat daily in "*slo, according to a statement made the Norwegian Legation here. Th°. £ta em?nt adds that 50 000; Christmas cakes intended fir hospi'nl n« i-n;3 were requisitioned by che German-; a
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 349 3 CYDER ing drink, Whileway s C/der takes J| a lot of beatir.c. M**m '$&s** We can offer you a fine selection tW'^- of Whlteway's Sparkling Cyderf fm »*^^^^fc 'see list below^ which are mada Uhtt \n the heart of glorious Devon mL^i gggfcW**! :v "h" -p Urn worlds fln<st cyder
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

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    • 206 4 6th DAY and STILL DRAWING CROWDED HOUSES! SEASON EXTENDED FOR 2 MORE DAYS! DON'T MISS IT! TAPITAT 4 SKOWS T DAY \*jnkMTm JL VL n a B 3.15 6.15 9.15 The BEST of the 'HARDY FAMILY' S^rios— I^mkT HmTwT IWb¥i rrw F WH .^_^b<HbbbH M. -^r- B^^^^^^^^ Yf Jt^a^r Lj)
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  • 17 5 Sfcetc/ies by Web wWcft appeared originally in the London Daily Mail.
    UP; Daily Mail  -  17 words
  • 51 5 Arrival Of Long-Range Bombers From America Manila, Dec. 15. Fis officially confirmed that 12 American bomber planes from Honolulu landed at Cavite yesterday after an uneventf jI trans-Pacific flight This brings the Navy's long-range bomber strength in the Philippines lo 26 the largest -n the history of the
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  • 211 5 Russia Among Year's big News Stories New York, Dec. 13. A NEWS story which has not been written Soviet Russia's role in world events is included in the annual United Press selection of the year's ten biggest news stories. The stories ranked first are President Roosevelt's third term re-elec-tion, followed
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  • 81 5 London, Dec. 20. A CADET in an Officers' Training Corps, who was formerly a Harrcv. schoolboy, bayoneted a girl to death In a locked bedroom, then shot himself. He was William Hitchins, 33, ot Burnham. The girl was Eleanor Corbett, 20, of Kensington. Hitchins called
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  • 130 5 Have you a safe at your home The only sale I have at my place is a meat safe. Salesgirl: Stockings are made tn several shades of neutral tonlng3. Magistrate: Neutral has a great many meanings these days Witness: The colour of the fur Is like
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  • 358 5 U.S. War Writer's Escape London, Dec. 25. ITALIAN machine gunners nearly shot Leland Stowe, famous American war correspondent. The incident happened when Stowe drove Into Pogradec, captured Italian basp on Lake Ohrldsko (Greek right flank). He was with the correspondent of the Christian Science Monitor, a Greek lieutenant and a
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  • 269 5 MORE AID TO CHINA URGED Washington, Dec. 6. pESSATION of all U.S. shipments of essential war supplies to Japan and diversion of them to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, "free of charge, if necessary/ was urged yesterday by Mr. Edward V. Izac, Democratic Representative of California, in an interview with the United
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 356 5 Says CB. Brooks the iivcntor of the Brooks Rupture Appliance, "Don't let your repture make you a war-time casualty! Let my appliance defend you from sudden strains and exertions, whatever your job". Write now to Maynard Co. Ltd., Battery Road, Singapore, for a free illustrated booklet on this wonderful invention
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  • 1538 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By II7ELL," said The Sweep, and ow are you glttln on "All right," I said. "I see they ain't blowed your cad orf yet," said The Sweep. "Not yet," 1 said. "Though they seem to be avin a good try," said The Sweep. "They
    1,538 words
    • 639 6 The Art of Living by Andre Maurois. English Universities Press. 7s. 6d. (Reviewed by D. G. Osborne Jones.) THIS is a book of infinite wisdom and of art. Maurois as a writer makes a strong appeal to English readers in that he has written highly
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    • 454 6 Harsh Herita«e. By Nirel G Tranter. Ward Lock's Colonial Library When Daylight Dies. By Tom Brown Tivey. Suspense. By Kathleen Lindsay. Both from Jenkins' Colcnial Library. KMR. TRANTER is a new novolUt ITm this is his second boo*— wno would appear to be specializing in Highland characteristics and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 380 6 ■rw«yn| *^fl onto 1 W'Miv I IB Miivtk t Cf\ 17 CA GUARANTEED j\J I/.DU SD32.0 VAIUE Boy Direct from British Manufacturers D«itn*d en Um i«ine principle and madt from lh« urn* malahtU as thu British Army Offlcwt' Trtnch Coat. r«u»' Kamou«"lT'c«-m-On?" H.nui-o^t will keep vou dry Mid com(nrtul>l« in
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  • 1448 7  -  The Onlooker By A VALUABLE recruit to Selangor's Local Defence Corps is Mr. Adrian Clark, who has a distinguished war record and who has just been appointed a major in the corps. Clark, who was born in was educated at Westminster where he was a Kind's Scholar
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 240 7 km* W MB^am iti^^yjL sacchar|n ■Jcj s Wai B No Longer Afraid •to Comb Her Hair L Afttr using Kotaiho v bald patch on Never b fore have you used I crown c{ my h*ad m me KQtalk Q U trtm U completely covered with a thick growth he "alp
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  • 300 8 MEYV-born babies in Singapore hospitals are being saved from death or paralysis by the administration of a new vitamin, known as X," which stimulates bloodclotting. Fortunately the use of this vitamin is infrequently required. Doctors in Singapore, Australia England and in America are agreed
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  • 73 8 ADDITIONAL time has been allotted foi news in liii::ku>n, Cf.ntonesc and Hindu strni in the Singapore broadcasting progran mics 30-jinnir.g to-day, the period allotted te rarh cf these bulletins will be 10 minute i:i tead of ten minutes ~he times of the bulletins will De
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  • 91 8 MALAYAN War Savings Certificates passed the $2,000,000 ma.k on Boxing Day. Th se Certificates are raising money for the war at the rate of $500,000 a month, and there has been a marked increase in the rate of advance lately. "If you cannot afford to lend
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  • 59 8 Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. KUALA Lumpur is likely to have its first crematorium in the near future, ccstins about $8,500 or $9,500. At a recent meeting of Hindus and Sikhs living in Sc-n.ul and the vicinity, wen discussed for raising money to erert a crematorium
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  • 97 8 i AT the eleventh annual meeting of the I Singapore Broadway Musical Forty, the 1 following were elected office-bearers: Patron, (Chhi Teck Chyc; president. Pang Leong Chwec: vice-presidents. Tan Ah Goo, Lim i Chyc Hock and Koh Mor Koon; hon. sec'rrtary, B. Swee Hoon; hon. treasurer, Teo Boon
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  • 44 8 First aid classes for the Klang and Kuala Langat divisions of the Selangor Defence Corps will be held at the District Hospital. Klang. weekly on Thursdays at 5.15 p.m. from Jan. 9. Dr. W. Ansley Young will be the j lecturer.
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  • 490 8 Strike Menace To Prosperity Of Tin Industry Anti-British Moves By Agitators (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. FOUR factors which might yossibly affect the continued prosperity of the tin industry were enumerated by Mr. J. Gordon, who presided to-day at the sixteenth annual general meeting of shareholders of the
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  • 161 8 SEVERAL deliberate attempts had been made to set fire to the cushions of a motor-car belonging to a Chinese named Msng Chye, and on two occasions Foo Hee Lye had been MtC throwing liphted cigar. .te butts into the car, 6aid Court Inspector
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  • 69 8 DE COSTA.— Mr. Nlchlos de Costa, aged 88, and father of Mr. Alex de Costa, of the District Court, Singapore, passed away peacefully at hjs residence* 24, Lorong Stangee, off East Coast Road, at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 28. 1940. The funeral will take place to-day (Sunday) at
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  • 248 8 Income Tax Report On Tuesday THE report of the Joint committee on Income tax and the draft bill to impose direct taxation will be published on Tuesday, the Sunday Times understands. This will give the public and public associations an opportunity of studying itoth and, if considered necessary, to .sjnd
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  • 129 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. rfO drowning tragedies occurred at Kuala Kangsar on Thursday. The j victims were Malays, a schoolboy and j a four-year-old girl. The boy lost his life when a boat In which he and three companions were rowing capsized. They
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  • 201 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Dec. 27. TWO motor accidents occurred during the Christmas holidays as a result of which the drivers of the respective cars were produced before Mr. P. F. Y. RadclifTe, in the Ipoh First Magistrate Court to-day. Both the drivers pleaded
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  • 24 8 Mr. Lee Kirn Swee. Office Assistant, Pahang Secretariat, who was away on a holiday In Seremban and Kuala Lumpur, has returned and resumed duties.
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  • 307 8 Consul-Gen eral Urges Chinese In Singapore To Seek Military Training AN appeal to the Chinese in Singapore to seek military training and prepare to help the local authorities should hostilities come to this island was made by Mr. Kao Ling-pal, Chinese Consul-General, at the opening yesterday of the new premises
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  • 320 8 Entertainment nrHE Sceneshifters have another winner in Winter Sunshine." which was presentzd at the Victoria Theatre last night. It is a breezy comedy of life aboard a liner between Southampton to Sydney, and the dramatic society of the V.M.C.A. of Singapore has assembled a cast of finely contrasting
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  • 49 8 T*HE Police Band will play on Thurs- day at Telok Ayer at 6 p ni. March, Light Cavalry (Hermann Starke); Overture, Fingal's Cave (Mendelesohn); Selection, Noel Coward Me.odies (W. J. Dutholt); Valse, Sobre Les Clas (Juventino Roses); Dancing Daffodile (Herman Fin iI Selection, Princess Caprice (Lee Fall;.
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  • 50 8 Inche Abdul Khalid bin Dato Klana. Court Inspector. Johorc Bahru, is going to Batu Pahat as O.C P.D. Inspector Othman bin Haji Samad, of Kluang, takes the place of mchc Abdul Khalid and Inspector Ibrahim bin Hltam. Court Inspector, Segamat, will be transferred to Kluang In plare of Inspector Othman.
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  • 270 8 MISS Ruth Russell, a teacher In Raffles Girls' School, appeared In the Singapore second court yesterday to apply for the restoration of a green Parker fountain pen which she lor.t on Oct. 2. Miss Russell told the court that the fountain pen, her sun-glasses and
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  • 201 8 REMARKING that the appellant should have driven more carefully in view of the fact that he was driving a borrowed car, and also that it was known that a part of the rocd near the new military hosp.tal was dang^ous, Mr. Justice a'BetTkett Terrell, acting Chief
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  • 60 8 TWENTY-POUR- YEAR-OLD Bua Ah Ng, a 1 Chinese detective in tl»». Straits Settlements police force, claimed trial in the second court yesterday to a charge of assisting in carrying on a chap-jee-kee lottery at Geylans Road on Friday evening. The case w»a postponed till to-morrow
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  • 20 8 Col. A. Le Provost, well-known Negrl Sembilan planter, returned to Malaya la#t week after a six months' holiday in Australia.
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  • 20 8 The Methodist Tamil Church. Bukit Rottan. Kuala Selangor, gava a Christmas tree party for the poor children of the district.
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  • 135 8 Group photograph of delegates who attended the All-Malaya Malay Association's conference held during the Christma3 holidays in Singapore. Sitting from left to right are Raja Bon, A. Haji Zaini, Mohd. Tahir, Daud bin Mohd. Shah, Dato Panglima Kinta, Tcngku Nasir, Tengku Ismail, Dr.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 144 8 I PREE 3 I whH* Stock* E 1 EVERY woman can hare a naturally 1 A BUBB L^» PICT lovely complexion if »he follow* thii I 6 wrapP er 1 jimple beauty rule a tone up with PEARS' CYCLOPEDIA I pears' at le^t once a day 1 Pears' tonic (8
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  • 1131 9 MR. Sidney Bain, the son of Mr. ITI and Mrs. G. Bain of Kuala Lumpur, was married to Miss Beryl 1 Plunkett, the daughter of Mrs. C. F Plunkett of Singapore and the late Mr. W. W. Plunkett. at St. Joseph's Church yesterday morning. Tr?« Rev. Father
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  • 129 9 THE following passengers arrived In Singapore by the President Harrison on Friday from America and the Philippine! Mr. V T. Armstrong. Mr. Eugenio K. Bcltran. Miss Alice Mac Dome, Mr. C. C. Dorsey. Mr. R. R. Plguhr. Mrs. Joeepb Galbrnith Mr. L. R. Ocyer, Mrs. Hamilton M. Outhrle.
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  • 18 9 M". W. MaKv.-c'.l-G'i.nhleton, accomaauiled by li?r J .a;;s'..t;r. :.:;-j II Mrxweil UiimblPton, la fiiiigapw* last week (from Australia
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  • 135 9 $1,500,000 From Johore Chinese For China Relief (Prom Our Own Ccrrespcndsnt.) Muar, Saturday. HPHE sum of $1,500,000 <S..raus cur- ren^y) has been cclleced from Johore Chin 3^3 for relief purposes in China, during the first ten mcn.hs of this year. This was revealed a; a meet ng of representatives frcm
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  • 55 9 THE annual Christmas treat for eh Iren held by the Catholic Action Society, Katong. will be held at the Roxy Theatre, East Coast Read, beginning at 2 p.m. on Mondaj Applications for complimentary tickets for the treat should be made to the parish priest or
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  • 21 9 Robert Fisher, son cf Mr. Juliui Pl'her, was involved in a bicycle accident on Friday and received Injuries to his face.
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  • 88 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Temerloh. Saturday. AT a meeting of the Pahang State Council he'd at Pelran. th«? Mttm of Pahang exoressed regret of the impending departure of the acting Resident, Mr. O. W. Bryant, to Malacca He thanked the British Resident for his ndvlce
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  • 451 9 AIR RAID SHELTER PLANS IN CITY Business Firms' Realistic View DEOPLE in Singapore who can aIT >rd it and business firms who have the facilities, are being urg< d to i» gin immrd'atfly to provide ay raid for thrmselvcs. The Sunday Times understands that this is the desire of
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  • 510 9 TTHAT he ccnsldsred the authorities at the Naval Base dd a most amaz ng ani a mo^t peculiar thing by a cer am Chinose wcrkimn at .he Nava.l Dockyard to form a socie'.y withou; trking any s ers to discover whs.her that
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  • 49 9 MR. 11. B. Dudley, manager of Padang Gajah estate. Kopar, is shortly leaving the country on retirement. Mr. Dudley aas originally with the Education Department, and was for some years on the stall ol th« Victoria Institution, Kuala Lumpur. ll* resigned to take up planting.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 816 9 WORLD BOOKS /^W^hfl The Phenomenal New Booh Club lw&r£i^ l W^ A brings world-famous books, pn ed mm^L Jk elsewhere at 86 to 25/- each, for KB& vJP J»»il mt^m^ B HH3I W IHi "juy MHWIWm'M Bound in in Fine UmW^ JmBR cloth T>fT|iniii Mm. iwMßj Hi (English Currency) Mjj^^
      816 words

  • 757 10 Our Duty T*HE end of the year Is a period for stock-taking, a time when it is profitable to look back and see what has been achieved, a time to look forward and indulge in a little speculation as to what the New Year will bring forth. Looking back
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  • 51 10 Railway Track On Curve For Traversing THE diagram on the right shows how the German guns fire across the English Channel. In practice these guns do little firing because no sooner is a rail track laid than it is destroyed by British bombing
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  • 176 10 fVLDONYO LENGAI, the "Monn- tain of Gold," the volcano sacred to the South African Masai tribes, has erupted, throwing out molten lava and red-hot ashes. The countryside over a 30-mile radius In the northern province of Tanganyika has been scorched. The Masai people hurriedly left
    176 words
  • 50 10 All air records between South Africa and Kenya were broken when a South African Air Force machine, an American Lockheed, flew from Pretoria to Nairobi in 10V 2 hours. This is the first time that the distance, more than 2.000 miles, has been spanned in one day.
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  • 96 10 "BOYS in blue and khaki MJ Eagles of t\t air Soaring thro' the misty heights Dauntless, tree from care. Upward through, the grey clouds On your silver icings Trusting to a fickle fate Taking what it brings. Some have gone be) ore you Passed the final Test Where they
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  • 85 10 OIR Henry Maxwell-Lyte, the historian, has died at Wells, Somerset, aged 92. As Deputy Keeper of the Records, |M was head of the Public Record Office for 40 years until his retirement at the age of 78. He was spoken of as the father
    85 words
  • 90 10 YUNNAN MINES INCREASED OUTPUT Shanghai, Dec. 14. •"THE output of wolfram, antimony and tin is being increased under the auspices of the National Resources Control Commission of the Chungking Government, as these minerals are being exported as payment of China's debt to the United States, according to the Shanghai Cheng
    90 words
  • 82 10 Moscow. AN order issued by Marshal Tlmoshenko. Commissar for Defence, rcintroduces non-commissioned ranks in the Red Army. The ranks are efreiter (corporal), junior sergeant, senior sergeant, and starshina, a rank roughly corresponding to sergeant-major oC adjutant In the French Army. A starshina may be promoted
    82 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 233 10 Let Mien Chong look after your clothes. Ton can have full confidence in the eorrectnets of the cut. the quality of Vie material* and the value for money. We have a wide range Salt Lengths, WAIN SHII I. S In Silk and Wool Also AMERICAN SII \KKSKJV In nrion colours.
      233 words
    • 198 10 THE NEW WORLD CABARET fO-OAY TIFFIN OANCE 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. Admission FREE. TO-NIGHT 930 TO MIDNIGHT Admission 25 eta. PIANO TUNING- REPAIRS REMOVALS. HI RE E. CHARLES. Phone 2902—50 Orchard Rd. GOLF CLUBS second hand matched set wanted for 6 foot 3 player. Must be in excellent condition. Apply
      198 words
    • 118 10 Mf» Can ts "How I envy your hearty appetite" Mf. Can: "What you should envy is my morning Fno!" A hearty appetite is the pre- ff ENO is Al t rogativ* of healthy people. 9 '^•'"eni I Take Eno's regularly. Eno's ensures thai your system is «NO r M *r««<
      118 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 1870 11 Observer Corps' Aid To Fighter Pilots MoT so very long before war started the men who gave up some of their leisure time to watch and listen for aircraft were regarded as slightly eccentric, over-grown schoolboys whose refusal to grow up took the form of liking
    1,870 words
  • 128 11 RENE CL AIR "NO LONGER FRENCH" ni.NE CLAIR, the French ftlm producer, ha* been deprived of his French nationality and fortune. His name is in a list of 23 Frenchmen to suffer this fute." Among the otters is M. Alexis Leger. a former high official of th« French Foreign Office.
    128 words
  • 53 11 Bomb Offer For Berch tesgaden Girard (Kansas). H ALDERMAN Julias, a book publisher, has written to Mr. Winston Churchill: I offer to pay the cost of a halfton bomb, plus petrol, if yo« assign a competent pilot to drop it on the Chief Butcher's Berchtesgaden habitat, the scene of Hitler's
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  • 57 11 Chungking, Dec. 10. WITH a view to promoting popular alr-mlndedness and as a step towards training more air pilots, a movement has been launched by the China branch of the International Peace Campaign among Its two million members to raise funds for a squadron of gliders. The
    57 words
  • 149 11 TWO doctors, one In Nottingham and the other in the U.S.A.. have been playing a fanw of chess by post for four yean. From the start Dr. H. F. Weber a Professor of Philosophy at one of the J American universities, has been In difficulties
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  • 116 11 NAZIS FEAR PARIS NEWS-SHEETS Police Take Action 'T*HE spread of clandestine newssheets in Paris and elsewhere in the occupied region of France has led Otto Abetz, Ribbentrop's agent there, to take countermeasures in two directions. Through the Paris Chief of Police. M. Langeron, he has forbidden the sale of stencils,
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  • 40 11 The Rome News Agency reports that a new Italian plane capable of a speed of 621 miles an hour at a height of 40.000 ft. Is undergoing trials, but Is not ready for mass production.
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  • 139 11 Hitler's "Jersey Lilies" CC ORES of Hitler Youth girls, mostly dressed in white blouses and shorts, have arrived in Jersey on a cultural mission." The towns and villages are full of them, though how the inhabitants win react to their culture Is not yet aoparent, especially as the Islanders aro
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  • 34 11 Himmler, Gestapo Chief, bro^e the first sod for the erection In the Cracow district of police barracks, tt ie nameJ after him, In that part oi Poland no: Incorporated in the Reich.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 591 11 FICTION 'HIRAYAMA TAKFS A CHANCE" (by Waller Bacbler.) A thrilling Romance of Japan, true to life and exciting. "I must recommend with some part rulai y This story is an exquisite v.ork of art It is comedy; firmly formed, mature, and wellrooted in a natural humour Richcrd Church In John
      591 words

  • 293 12 Advantages Of Plan London, Dec. 22. FINANCIAL interest is focussed large- ly on two implications of President Roosevelt's completely unexpected plan. In the first place, the President's anxiety to remove the dollar sign from the matter of aid for Britain suggests a realzation that
    293 words
  • 697 12 Small Turnover But Price Levels Maintained Singapore, Saturday. ALTHOUGH the week has been interrupted by the Christmas holidays all sections have malnta'ned a steady tone: tin share price movements have nearly all been upward and the turnover was as well as could be expected at this
    697 words
  • 184 12 Singapore, Saturday. The following art cne fxcnana> -aic cmmorning according to u.t dall? circular issue-, by che Hongkong «nd Shanghai eanklm Corporation SELLING Louaoo 1.1 a/4 1/18 Lor don demana 34 I'll 1 Switzerland demand (T.T only) 202 New York demand 47 3/32 Montreal demand 51 27/32 Batavia demand
    184 words
  • 139 12 r[E rubber statistics for November show that production on estates of over 100 acres was 30.401 tons, ccmpar3d wi h 30.792 tons in Octcber. On estates of less than 100 acres the production was 10,949 tons, compared with 18.606 cons in October. S.ocks on estates show a
    139 words
  • 88 12 Satwday, Dee. M, aeeai Bayera <eßen mcv mwi Ma CX X.8.& (Spot leeee) 37*4 38 No. IX R.S.S. t.n. in uw Dec-Jan. (Sellers option) 38 38fe Q.F.A.U K.s s t ii. i> in bale* Dec.- Jan. (Sellers option) 37-* 37% FAQ. R SS. f.o b.
    88 words
  • 98 12 ouik \*ji c, j^cv »;«j. *i wu Buyers Gambler Hamburg Cub* Java Cvbe White Muntok White Black ,'ODro Mixed ms Sun Dried U.4C iacc Plow No I Linn* UM Fair UM Sarawak $4 50 leiotttne Palembang Banja Sarawak i amoca Small Flake Pali Flake Medium-Flake Small Pearl
    98 words
  • 15 12 Rice qnot«4 per koyao— 4t pleal* Otfcw eommodltie* qno'en p«r ptcnl except where ottaerwtM vUted
    15 words
  • 1372 12 SATURDAY, DEC. 28, 1940: 12 .30 P.M. ■MM Buyer* Seller* Ampat Tin (4s) 3s 6d 3s 10 '/id Austral Amal .5s) 6s 9d 7s Austral Mala-. (C> 1S» 80 35* SO Ayer Hltam (5s) 21s 22s 6d x.d Ayer Weng ($1) .85 .90 Bangnn Tin
    1,372 words
  • 245 12 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association. Singapore. Dee. 3t. Books rw*j f 01 Ootnwuay OMOeaa Glow Data A Dt» Onaocla) Tew TIM Payable Dato to 1»«# Ayer Hltam Tin 10% Int. lew tax Jan. 2 n .-"i Idria Hyd. 2M% Int. lew tax Jan. 2t 10%
    245 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 511 12 THE RULES OF HEALTH Xl met fir^L^iM X^**^Thai morning glass of Andrews f How it sweeps away sleepiness It» r^v bubbling tonic action brings to your I^o- ~*2ss£*}-rsk\\ whole system that deep down Inner K^=^~— ?^^f Cleanliness which leaves you clear JK^^z—-^--,^^d headed and alert, ready for the day. 1
      511 words

  • 2052 13  -  R. H. Naylor By To-day, Dec. 29. For most of us: Curious influences in force; expect unusual developments in the day's activities; better spend it in planning out next week's programme. Visit old friends. For luck to-day, wear or use: Electric Blue, 4, Blue Opal. BIRTHDAY
    2,052 words
  • 516 13 HERE, grouped according to month of birth (irrespective of year), is a statement of probabilities to be expected this week. JANUARY (Dec. 21— Jan. 19) Lively week, events will crowd upon you; concentrate on major interests, don't footle. Curious undercurrent in personal affairs; avoid misunderstandings here.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 473 13 ALBINISM. lly R. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Scieme. Albinism means whiteness." It U not confined to any race or colour Albinos have almost white hair, a pink skin, and very light eyes. Their eyes look like those of a white rabb:t. There are three defects of vision which go
      473 words
    • 232 13 ihe Cup that Cheersstrengthens nerves, x IT'S wonderful wiiat a difference 'OvaUme can -*1 <<i£3JP make to your outlook on life. This delicious zdt&fo tonic food beverage will build up the sound, V healthy nerves which keep you cheerful and con- \IfJSJ ""^mdwT fident. Moreover, it is the world's best
      232 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 389 13 CONTRACT BRIDGE By THE FOUR ACES IT doesn't always pay for a defender to over-ruff declarer, as this unusual hand demonstrates: Scuth. Dealer Neither »ide vulnerable S K 6 4 2 H K 9 7 2 D Q 9 3 d K 4 S QJ101 I Kl I 8 9
      389 words

  • 677 14 Gambling With Extremes Max Factor's Advice f JNLESS you are a true gambler, with a gambler's willingness to lose, as well as win, don't be an extremist in your make-up, coiffure, costume, diet, exercise or anything which will in any way affect your heaith and appearance. In make-up, coiffure, and
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 242 14 Elizabeth Arden j|» Miss Ardens powders are renowned for their unusual fineness, the delicacy, their absolute purity, and the fact that you use so little and it lasts so long. Ardena Powder gives a particularly delicate finish. Japonica Powder when used over Ardena gives it a porcelain smooth appearance that
      242 words
    • 16 14 British siren suit, which includes fitting knickers to wear underneath. Honey is a serviceable colour choice-
      16 words
    • 277 14 fßlr^^^^^, I VUGINIA GfiEY, M-G-M ***** I .^^^■i^^^^-l i Ktt For your color harmoay make-up chart mail this coupon! M-t~AL».V,S*HH+~tOtf~. |c W u..u,| »B I Vmt UfM n Mm 1} BLOMDKt iHni MM mr ri»,limn A—ly^i and Coior Ha—r C C Ll^i Q Dm* .Q I IU»-U> rtmn. Al» «4
      277 words

  • 367 15 Things To Do With Odd Bits Of Cheese THEESE is a very useful stand-by. So it is as well to keep some in the pantry to add substance to meatless dishes. Odd pieces of cheese however hard they may be <an be grated down and stored in a bottle with
    367 words
  • 47 15 \I7HEN you are darning a thin place ln a knitted Jumper, try It this way: Darn the patch one way only, across the knitting. Then do lines of chaln-stitching the way of the knitting, making the stitches the same size as the knitted ones.
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  • 521 15 By Sunday Times London Woman Correspondent JERSEY cloth with a suede J finish is something in the nature of a news item It is weighty enough for clothes which must stand the test of durability such as cyclists' jerkins, jackets, skirts in fact anything which
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 138 15 Pomp With Pompadours latest in the long line of "important" eolffvc* \m the pompadour the Gibson Clrl with a 1940 accent. New pompadour* caa be high, low or just medium, can turn back in a deep roll, or flattering swirL Bat tarn back from the face they must. Here is
      138 words
    • 433 15 STOP Pfgt •ts^ «f \yf CAT j I■! •{■•^S^^Bi Qs< J LsHSH^4tfci B^^S^flniUr^ ln th rad > y*i<ow I 9§B^HB^^H>dfl||jil'^ *t*nding medicinal propartU*. I BBs*^*" t will relieve you of the ggg^ 1 ft .5* A. -^j torment of prickly heat. Use it at B^r |V /q V -^1 the
      433 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 285 16 MOST UP-TO-DATE Pharmacy Wholesale Department 59, Hill Street. Branch Office i iMmmnmnmi\\imw v fMflf" 60> Chulia Street. 1 sbE 91 Enquiries Solicited Nos. 10-12, Hill Street Opposite the Telephone Office. The long and the short of it 1 I Whichever way you look at it, doggy welfare there's nothing Sprau'a
      285 words
    • 251 16 Grand News for HEADCOLD SUFFERERS Two tnifft of New Medical Compound Clear Stuffed-up Nottrili iti 30 irtunJt. Look at the diagrams above. One minute you're stutfed-up with a heavy cold. Nasal membrane swollen puffy. Bicaihing passages blocked with ongcstrJ mucus 1 hen you snitf KARSODRINK, through the h.indy pocket tube,
      251 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1080 16 Wireless Programmes TODAY SINGAPORE ZHL 13.33 me/i 225 m.) ZIIPI 9M me/8 (30.96 oa.) ZHP3 7.25 mc/s (41.38 m.) ZHL. ZPHI it ZHP3 11.00 ajn. Military band music played by the American Legion Band of Hollywood. Californlat; 11.15 a.m. Concert by Rellera band. Relayed from the Sea View Hotel: 12.10
      1,080 words
    • 369 16 EMPIRE STATION GSB 9.51 mc/s (31.55 m.); GSC 9.3S me/* (31.32 m.l; GSD 11.75 nt/l (25.53 m.); CSE 11.86 mc/s (25.29 m.); GSP 15.14 mci (19.83 m.); GSG 17.79 mc/s (16.86 m.); GSD 21.47 mc/s (13.97 m.); GSI ISJSC me/i (19.66 m.); GSJ 21.53 mc/s (13.93 m.); 01SN 11.82 mc/s
      369 words
    • 747 16 NIROM YDB 15.31 mc/s (19.61 in.); YDC 15.15 me/* (19 80 m.(; PLP 11.000 mc/s (27.27 m.); PMN 10.26 mci (29.24 m.); YDB 9.55 mc/s (31.41 ni.); YDD 6.04 mc/s (49.67 m.) 5.50 am. Recorded music; i".50 a.m. The news. Recorded music; 7.20 cm. Church service: 8.35 am. Classical conc.rt;
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  • 663 17 (By Our Badminton Correspondent) THE annual general meeting of tho! Badminton Association of Malaya has now been fixed for Su-.oay. Jan. 19. and arrangements Are being made for this meet- Ing to be held at Seremban. The report and i account, just
    663 words
  • 1615 17  -  "Doc." By |N spite of abnormal times, sport in the Garrison has had quite a successful year. Many star players have left the Colony for other stations and we have welcomed new players to fill the gaps created. In the football world, ;hc R.A.F. had hard lines
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  • Article, Illustration
    70 17 The Chung W« Athletic Association basket-ball team visited Kuala Lumpur and Penann for frieadly and charity games daring the Christmas holidays. Mr. Chew Kay Hong was the manager of the team and Uie following were the playintmcinbcm: Tm Khoon San (rapt.); Ong Tien Tin (Wce-capt); Yeo Kirn Hock; Soh Eng
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  • 446 17 DEVONSHIRES GO AHEAD IN LEAGUE TABLE (By Our Badminton Correspondent) THE Devonshire B.P. Improved their position *n the league table when they beat the Amateur Ath. 'tic Union yesterday at the Clerical Union Hali by four games to one in the inter -Hub badminton championship. The nnai score rather flattered
    446 words
  • 60 17 The following will represent the' Great World Athletes against trie Jalan Dapat B.P. of Johore Bahru at ths home court on Thursday at 7.15 p.m.: Richard Low, G. T. Chye, Yeo Hong Chunn. William Tan. Tay Eoo Hye, Llm Cheng Kwee, Koh Oon Kiong, Charlie Yeo. Richard
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  • 210 17 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. THE Inter-party badminton tournament b now In full progress. During the week Ui» Malacca Indian AssociaUon beat Uie Adameveans by four games to one, and lh« Seng Cheong Society beat Uie Malacca Chinese Recreation Club by five games to nu.
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  • 157 17 (By Our Perak Correspondent) THE Starlight 8.P., a newly-formed team in Ipoh, hr.d the better of the Poon-: Seong B.P. In their return encounter in which Uie former won by seven matches to three. Results <Starlight first): Chaew Fook Shin lost to Izhab I—ls, 1—15; Ong Phal Khuan
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  • 65 17 Further ties of Uie Merridale B.P.s women's open singles handicap < league system are: Monday, Nancy Chuc vs. Lav Yin Ching, Dora Tan vs. Young Sook Linn, Maria Llm vs. S. T. Quek. Anna Ma vs. Choong Chen Lan. Friday, S. T. Qvel: vs. Nancy Chue, Anna Ma
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  • 59 17 The following will represent the Merry Union B.P. agalr -t the Spartan B.P. to-day it 7.30 p.m. at the. Happy World covered stadium: Salleh Ahmad, M. M. Alkadree. Andrew Chia, RicJiard Tan, Tay Cheon? Boon, B. C. Mah. Soh Keam Heap, Teo Kixr ScTg. Gan Poh Yew.
    59 words
  • 541 17 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. Saturday. A large number of ties In Uie Malacca Badminton Association tournament were completed during Uie last week-end and Ui3 Christmas holidays. In the final of the Junior doubles for men Tan lay San and R. Kylasam beat Chen Yong and
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  • 237 17 (From Our Own Correcpondent) Kluang. Saiuiday. THE all-Johore Malay:." badminton tourna- ment held at the Government I^.'.gli a j School hall, Kluang, during the Christmas' holidays, has ended. Superior courtcraft enabled Sheikh Ahmati bin Hassan of Johore Bahiu. a v. ele worker, to become the new open
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
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    • 28 17 M 12 Fw ALL DEFECTS OF VISION Commit- fitFzckiel 'zScrp. ft 111 < .:> i QuaUkt«>4 Ophthalmic UptidaaTbe only Slncapirr 4ddre** 10 12. THE ARCADE (Raffle* !•;»<•« or illyer Quay Intranet,
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  • 198 18 Take These Strengthening Tonic Tablets. Too many bouts of fever are dangerous Each attack leaves your system a little wenker— a little more prone to far more dangerous ills. If you feel an .utack coming on— or If you have just recent y recovered, lose no
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  • 2226 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. f OOD DIVIDENDS were a feature of to-day's races, the second day of the Penang Turf Club's Christmas-New Year meeting. In the first race CodcHus paid a win dividend of $70 Young Ginger paid $84 in the third
    2,226 words
  • 170 18 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, Saturday. rE Muar Chinese sporting community will be losing the services oi three prominent sportsmen at the end of this year. Mr. Law Chin Tang, of the Government English School, is going to Johore Bahru en transfer. H2 pl?yed soccer and
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  • 69 18 TTHE following will play hockey for the V.M.C.A. vs. Ceylon S.C. on Monday ar^s.lo p.m. on the Anson Road ground: Wee Alk Chan. J. Sanderson. Lee Fong Llm, R. T. L. Fleming. O. L. Day. Goh Chin Chye, Low Huck Yam?. Gan Kee Tlan. I. B. Surata, A.
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  • 279 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. GIVING an all-round better disp ay. the Segamat Casuals scored a four-nil win over the Europeans when the two sides mot In a hockey match on the Segamat English School padan? last week. The gnme was fast and keen throughout. The
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  • 319 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. PLAYING with ten men throughout md without the services of several of thoir regular players the Muar Chinese hockey team were beaten by the Muar Casuals by the odd goal n three when the sides met in a friendly match
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  • 319 18 Navy's Win Against R.A.F. (B!ues) A LTIIOUIiII displaying marked ••superiorly in every rirpartirrnt of the game. exep. in the tight sc-ums, .in R.A.K. iliiues) team were surpri>in?ly bea en by the R3yil Navy by mx p^in s (two tries) to four (a drip gjal) in a frisne'ly ruffby gam? at
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  • 211 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat. ONLY four clubs, the Civil Serv.ce. the Baiu "'that, the Hcspita; ard Lh3 Chinese Recreation, are takinc; part in the Falconer Cup lawn .«t i tournament b-gan re Th 3 Chinese, who nave dv holders for two yeas
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 263 18 AMD YOU CURt THATCOVGH Phlegm is the cause of breathing diiT.-ulnet, (hMMKHi coughs, anj other bronchial disOrUcM lu^ipea bring rjpid relief It loose ns the pfcfagß »nJ MM in (he process of ■MtCWntMM Containing no dangerous drugs II w.ll not cause gastric disturbances and is equally suitable for adults and
      263 words
    • 184 18 Nutritive Food for Children health-giving properties. D«T. Liars Hoewkwe EXTRA FINE. Containing an adequate proportion of h ealth-g-iving properties to nsure growth and health. D. T. LIM'S HOENKWE is an ideal nouri&hinj; food for children. It Increases appetite and stimulates rijrestion in the intestines. It is especially important to the
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  • 252 19 Johore Beat An S.C.C. Team At Rugby (From Our Own Correspondent.) Rengam, Saturday. AnINOAPORE Cricket Club side held Johore to level scores up to half time afler very spirited exchanges between the packs at rugger at Rerißam to-day. In the i.jl hali Johore pilsd up the points and won by
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  • 55 19 The following will represent the Bendemeer Athletic Club asa'nst the Singapore Engineering Mechanic Assoriation at soccer to-day, at Farrer Park: Peng Kon?, Lian Mun, Yong Kee. Soon Hlan, Fook Poy, Ah Cheong. Joenfj Bong. Yeow Slang. Kum Yin, Sit Aye. Mok Seng. Peck Whye. Peck Shenng. Chu Loon.
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 19 J. n. Potter (Singapore) tries to slip past a Crusader on the break-up of a loose scrum.
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  • 40 19 •T*HE Chung Wah Football Club will meet the R.A.F. (Seletar) in a friendly match of soccer at Jalai; Besar stadium to day. At 4 p.m. Chung Wah second te?m will meet the Taml: Brotherhood Party second team.
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  • 29 19 The Ceylcn Sports Club proved much the better team when they met the Royal Signals in a game of hockey at BalesLicr yesterday, winning by four goals to one.
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  • 221 19 Perak's Eight Against Penang's Nil (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Saturday. IN an inter-State rugger match In aid of the Perak Patriotic Fund, Penang heat Perak to-day by eight points (one goal, one try) to nil. Keay at full back, and Seward, Ha°ue and Abbott werp outstanding, I among the
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  • 191 19 THREE final games played at the Hanpy World covered stadium last n'ght brought the Singapore table tennis championships to a close. The President of the Singapore Table Tennl* Association, Mr. Soh Ghee Soon, delivered a brief address at the conclusion of the games, after which the
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  • 47 19 Threr» best scores in the Keppel Golf Club D?cember women s four omes were Mrs. H. K. Rodgers and Irs. R. E. Earle 48— 12y 2 =35V 2 Mrs. E. Litchfleld and Mrs. Hitcham 46—10= 26; Mrs. H. Gunstone and Miss D. Hirst 48—10-38.
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  • 26 19 The Singapore Hornets, a new nockey team, gathered socially at Katong last night. A Hawaiian band played until the early hours of the morning.
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  • 315 19 SELANGOR AND PERAK EX-STATE PLAYERS MEET (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. SCORING a goal in the last few minutes of play, Selangor ex* State players beat the Perak ex- ate players in a hockey game on the Selangor padang to-day by the odd goal in flve. The proceeds
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  • 388 19 FIELD AMBULANCE S.R.C. DRAW *T*IfAT the Singapore Recreation Club did not win their hockey match against the Field Ambulance on the padang yesterday was a personal triumph for the Ambulance goalkeeper, Pitman. The result was a draw. Pitman gave a magnificent display, his timin? and his clearances being flawless. The
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  • 626 19 Singapore Beat Army Crusaders PROVING superior in every department of the same, Singapore had no difficulty in beat in? the Army Crusaders by 18 points (a coal, a dropped and three Irks) to nil in a Malayan Rugby I'ninn fixture on the Singapore Cricket Club padang yesterday. Actually Singapore
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  • 493 19 Kedah Champion Team's Visit To Penang THE Anglo-Chinese School Union surprised Sunrocs B.P. of Alor Star last week when the Kedah champion team paid a visit to Pccang. Despite having practically the entire Kedah State team against t;'em, the Union won a creditable victory by ten games Ito three. The
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 47 19 MALAYA'S NATURAL WEALTH SPRINGS FROM ITS SOIL bINoA WAlt%f f Jj if fl at the Seletar Hot Spring, Singapore\\ ij'Hl'|l/' MuUlf ill Has just the right alkaline character c\& 111 e ilflnll(fp \i to neutralise after-dinner acidity -J&A" ,j/jl 't'Alo I. fW^Sfi Hra! 1 FRASER NEAVE, LTt>f>^^^M^^B^^'
      47 words
    • 324 19 BOOK-KEEPING CAN BE LEARBED AT HOME A knowledge of Book-Keeplaf i-s both an n> every commercial man, and a sup v .or,:: the path of promotion for every junior. Enuippeci wltta the knowlrdi? that qualifies you to prepare or examine accounts wi'h speed and accuracy, the cntluct ol a business
      324 words

  • 77 20 Christmas Carol, 1940 Version "While shepherds watched their flocks by night. All seated on the ground, A parachutist floated down And aimed his gun around." 1 ,at is how a e r im Ch.-istmas carol parody, now in circulation in Great Britain, begins. In most English towns this Christmas, no
    77 words
  • 206 20 "Strains At Gnats, Swallows Camels Whole" London, Dec. 3. AN Air Ministry communique announcing that the Germans had bombed an unarmed south coast town caused nine hours' anxiety on Sunday to persons ha* ing friends and relatives in many towns between Hastings and Penlance, says the Evening News," in a
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  • 60 20 London, Dec. 21. rE United States Red Cross, at the request of the British Ministry oi Health, is sending by air nnt. -d nhtheria jserum to inoculate 200,000 British school children. Enough to Immunise 800,000 Is being sent by sea. Approximately 11,500,000 British children under
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  • 39 20 Thirty-one lives have been lost In floods in the Pyrenees Orion. ales (Southern Francs). The church and school at Tech, a village in a gorge of the Pyrenees, collapsed and six bodies were found in the ruins.
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  • 142 20 THREE members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force have been awarded the Military IWdal for gallantry in remaining at their posts under heavy aerial bombardment. They are Sgt. Joan Eugenic Mortimer, of Yorkshire, Sgt. Helen Emily Turner, formerly of the switchboard of a famous
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  • 157 20 British Won't Work For Japan London, Dec. 22WORKERS at a big British en. ginen-inr plant, after sacrificing holidays for the war effort, found they were making arms for Japan. When this was revealed they refused to work on the ordsr," says the financial writer of the Sunday Express. The night
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  • 51 20 Shlukwan, Dec. 16. TfO prevent private hoarding by un- scrupulous merchants and landlords, the Kwangtung Government has ordered thf> establishment of public rice granaries in various hsien and has instructed the agricultural credits department of the Kwangtung Provincial Bank to allocate funds i/o purchase rice to regulate the
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  • 119 20 Canberra, Dec. 21. SPECIAL war problems of sea transport and marketing which face Australia's Pacific territories will be discussed in a Canberra conference next month. At the conference will be officers from the Territories Administrations and representatives of the Commonwealth. Valuable markets have already been c'os-'d
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  • 60 20 Melbourne. Dec. 20. AFTER Jan. 1 all match boxes will have only one strip of striking composition. Announcing this, the Australian Minister fcr Supply and Development (Senator Mcß> said the change would produce a big saving in materials needed by the Defsnce services. He
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  • 402 20 Nazis' Costly Trade Trick In South America Buenos Aires, Not. 2G. Germany's tricky at- tempt, by offering last spring to deliver German goods in South America this month, to make countries in this part of the world belie c that she would win th? war this year has not only
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  • 200 20 Kwangtung Corn Fields Become Poppy Fields Canton, Dec. 17. •yHE monopoly of opium in Canton has been given to a syndicate, Fook Men Tong, by the Japanese. Due iz activities of guerillas, the importation of opium was hampered. A shortage of supplies has Increased tinprice of opium to N.C $50
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  • 71 20 SQUADRON Leader R. Collard. describing some of his experiences in bombing raids on Berlin, said: 'When we go there the tendency is for members of the crew to take other things with them besides bombs. The tail gunner, for instance, usually takes a brick with
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  • 41 20 Ruins of a large citadel built by Tamerlane have been found by a Russian archaeological expedition in the town of Ashpara, on the border of Kirghizia and Kazakhstan. The height of the walls is as much as 59ft.
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  • 35 20 For the entertainment of the British troops in Iceland, four mobile cinema units of the N.A A.F.I, are already in operation, together with a concert party, which has been a great success.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 58 20 Cg} 4 jS_ BRANDY V^r* f noun rwf si EsensationalJl NEW TYRE Tlfos-f ©ttNJ£.: CHAMPION Amazing New Non-Skid Tread New Type Stronger Cord Body Longer Mileage Creator Safety ANOTHER Firocooe triumph-d»e new Ftrwtooe Champion! A revolutionary new iyre with Mtoundins performance record* for long mileage, non-skid SArrrr-raovzo ipii*»M r—T— «p»nmiiß
      58 words
    • 340 20 TRY AMERICAN SEERESS Cor MORNING, AFTERNOON EVENING "A DELIGHTFUL. FABRIC** MALAYAN PEWTER Travelling alarm clocks with Swiss 8 day lever movement fitted in solid Malayan Pewter cases. To Our Numerous Patrons We wish you all A Happy and Prosperous New Year THE ORIENT STAR NEWS COMPANY 108, North Bridge Road.
      340 words