The Straits Times, 27 December 1940

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 195 1 t Up-to-date TAILORING.. NIEN CHONG *v»ii»bl«- Suit I rat (It* W \IN MIIMI/S In SUk and Moot Ala* AHKRM'VN SHARKSKIN la nrini ecloais 31 C otrman St.. Sport Pl»an» tll« 1 MM V O/« Si- M I It "^^Sv i "vJCn" 1 i^>> j^< Vyp^^ii^ WhBKyM MM ml Ot^ttpJ li-
      195 words
    • 130 1 \m^\ REV-ROBE ik^W TRAVEL WARDROBES L nvsrs FOR LADIES MEM 1 I* iJ^J You don't really pack a REVf^_^ ROBE, you hang your Suits or jl Dresses in it straight from the wardrobe. 5 suits or 12 dresses ML can be packed in 3 minutes f x n(^ never crease
      130 words
    • 47 1 ELSIE MARY Battery Road. FOR EXQUISITE EVENING GOWNS. ™»i« S E R VI C E XZ^S^lUlfgSW* fULL CTRCLE RFI-READED WITH < i.ATFST MAPHTNKS SHOW THEATRE-QUALITY MOVIES FILMASTER BMM P^£> PROJECTOR Full Particular* on request SINGAPORE PHOTO CO. "«t mmm g==y^^^_ Prevent mr ATTACKS i4«atic Pefroieum Co., (S.S./ iw.
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    • 30 2 KJ.K 15 at Eatu CSajari Ht*..d wife of Cecil K^, of VANDEKrri Oily, Vandcrput »ge 7. of Mr. Mrs. L. T. -pital at Burial to-day at f p n
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 450 2 £ta Straits Wmes SMALL APST Minimum charge $1. Nm* ihmm fai itmm 25 cent* Qt «»»e (SI* word») Box No. 25 c««U extra. OOMM.TIC OCCUtKfcNrKS SIRTHh MMMMI lll-ATHft IMiUMMRI *NNOl)NCkM M A r* C CAKO^ «re e^rte* $1 e>fk pr> iMertlM »w O>«» Small Ad*, arm prepayable M Sim-.apore on
      450 words
    • 471 2 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED rOB BINGAPOHI mechanical md e!ectric«.l supervisor to take charge of plant maintenance on large contract. Apillcant must have experience of Oil Engines md DC Hectricity. He must hold a sec >nd trade engineer's certificate or equivalent, Salary S2OO per month with free quarters. \pply by letter to
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    • 692 2 WANTED PROPERTY. WANTED to purchase good shop or terrace houses from $20,000 upwards. Send full particulars Including Title, area, lent and price ta Box No. 443. Straits Times. PQQS ft CATS PEDIGREE DALMATIAN PUPPIES for sale. Telephone Singapore 1655 before 8.30 r».m. PIANOS I A STIRS PIANO CO.. 64 Rangoon
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    • 426 2 AUCTION NOTICES AUCTION SALE Of oW machinery scrap Iron etc.. Including one boiler to be sold by public auction in one lot by A. T. Edwards Co.. Ltd., at No. 6 Cornwall Street (off Havelock Road) on Saturday, the 28th. Dec, 1940. at II A.M. On View Friday 27th Dec.
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    • 130 2 I EYE EXAMINATIONS EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY. Personalised Service hy a duly qualified licensed Jk and registered prat-ti- P^P*^T~' tioner with legal mali- I flcations X^T THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4 ARCADK HJX2. (COLLYI.R QUAY) R. A. Thompson. Dr. of Ocular Science 35 years' European Clinical Experience. A HOME FROM HOME Situated on
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 352 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. r lncorporatea in engianai PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAI 8N Co MA II I'A.iSKNOER AND CARGO SERVICE Tht oesi possible services are being maintained by the P O S N Coy from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China. India.
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    • 285 3 (Incorporated in Japan > GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE, TO EUROPE VIA AMERICA Through fares to North America to Europe via America and Round Tours in the f'anni quoted id l'.S. on application To t'alifornla from the Orient via Honolulu lea. Manila lea. H'kon-r m.s. KAMAKCRA AIABU
      285 words
    • 502 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed all cargo bookings subject to Conference War clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA- ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 581 3 Broadcasting TODAY SINGAPORE /III 13.33 ones 225 m.) ZIIP1 mc'» (3O.»6 m.) ZHP3 7.2S me s (41.M m-t (ZHL ZHP1I 6.00 p.m. Modern Mandarin muWi; 9 40 p.m. News In Cantonese; 5.50 p.m. Teoche* musict; 6.10 p.m. News in Hokkten; 6.20 p.m. News In English. Relayed from London: 6.35 p.m.
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  • 272 4 Representations Made To Board Of Trade REPRESENTATIONS made by the Singapore European Association in connection with food control have been forwarded to the Board of Trade by the Secretary of Defence. Malaya. In the meantime, it is stated that the Food Controller would be pleased «o receive
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  • 142 4 Penang Races WEIGHTS for the two class three event* in Penang to-morrow are: Horns, CUM 3. »iv. 1. 1 fun. Westenra 9.00 Just My Luck 8.03 The Cutter 8.13 Highland Beacon 8.03 Ordination 8 13 Russian Rose 8.02 Echo 8.12 Vintage 8.01 Cambalong 8.11 Nutcracker
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  • 254 4 Main Point In Dispute FRESH light on the new agreement, reported In August to have been reached as a result of a dispute between the Ang'.o-Iranlan Oil Company and the Government of Iran, has now come to hana It will be recalled that reports from Iran stated
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  • 296 4 Sir C. Weir On Export CIR Cecil M Weir, an executive mem- ber of the Export Council, Board of Trade, said at a luncheon meeting of the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce recently that we could not go through the bombing experiences of the past two
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  • 387 4 Tins And Rubbers In Quiet Demand: Prices Steady (By Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Dec 27 ALL sections of the market opened very quietly this morning and there is very little inclination to do business. A good few operators and brokers are out of town and quiet markets
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  • 108 4 Singapore, Dec. 27, noon. Buyers Gambler Hamburg Cub* Java Cube Petnte* White Muntok White Black Ooura Mixed $2.15 Sun Dried S2.40 Snot Flout No I Lingga $4.55 Fair $445 Sarawak $4.50 Itlotont Palembr ng Banja Sarawak Tavtoca Small Flake Pair Fluke Medium-Flake Small Pearl RiCt Siam Rice
    108 words
  • 183 4 The following are cne excnange vntee thh tncmlng according to the dally circular issue-, by the Hongkong and Shanghai BantUot Corporation ■UflM (London ri M6 I Lor don demand J/4 1/1* Switzerland demanfl (T.T. only) 202»4 New York demand 47 3/32 Montreal demand 5127/32 Batavia demand 88% Samarnnc demand
    183 words
  • 513 4 THE following donations to The Wai Fund are recorded to-day C. V. Mites 1.000 Anonymous, Mengkibol, Johore 575 T. H. Holy oak (further contribution) 250 Royal johore International Club, Johore Bahru 50 per cent, gate rollecti >n of the November Dance held in connec.ion with the
    513 words
  • 86 4 Friday, Der. 27, noon Bu.'-crs villen l»n c< Pried No. IX tt.S.S tS..«#t l<H»"f > 3C 38 N». IX K.S.S. t.o.j. in cases Dec-Jan, (sellers option) J« 38% O.FA.U K.S S i o.b in l«al«* n*c.-J»n. tSrtlers option) 37*, M I V<}. X S.S. fob.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 276 4 BJUST THAT! Like all great inventions, the CilletU *y«tem of shaving is simplicity itself. Put a Blue Gillette blade into a Gillette raior^ and you can't go wrong. Vow wilt £et a clean, velvety shave that no JV <fl other system, however complicated u» •oftti), can equal. mfoe M W\
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    • 244 4 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. NOllCi; Li hereby gtvai UMt I. Aaron Manaw-eh, MH the sole proprietor of the Indian Talking Pictures Thiruneclakantar, Para uraniar. Prakalatha, Ka!amegan and Sathiavani and that auy person or persons entering into any Contract or arrangement for the exhibition or screening of the said talking pictures ihou'.d
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  • 298 5 N)ii(Kni. Ore. 26. I I -irfanre on I MB I .;>■!..;:.»•,. :i .,,l Bl m »v Influenced t>\ tht IMBBI atm.r4»l"-rr all BMfcctJ nutlntaiiv-d a I I l»» lUOII OixUw tailed to disturb ■BBMB ..f -Is Chinese and I'ghtly ff-j ■Ml nt MMMJ aie M-dayt cioeana mtddit
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  • 122 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES <rrom Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec 2i £OMMODITY and Exchange markets clo&ed lollowp vrlio orcvtouii quotaUnru In narenthrsla:— RIBriKR: Quiet S|K.t I2d 12Sd dl^d 12', d t K.-b. 12Sd 12', d H2'ml lSS|ied) Apr. June ***** d ISSI6O (123|1M 12Vid> ttily«p(. 12 31M 12 6IIM H2 3|l6d 12V.d)
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  • 104 5 Now York. Dec. 24. •"pHE Iron Ace reports steel produc- U<m at 80 per cent, of capacity. '1 he formation of the super Defence Hoard lias produced strong indications in Washington of Government control of Industry and labour, with an extension of the priorities system, the
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 114 5 To-day H W 8..52 a.m. 9.3 ft.; 10 23 p.m. 8 9 rt. I. W. 305 a.m. ft.; 3 49 p m. 1.1 ft To-*norrow H. W. 9 40 11 m. 9.8 ft.; 11.11 p.m. 9.2 ft L. W. 4 01 a.m. 4.6 ft.; 4 36
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  • 1379 5 TIKSHAV. DEC. 24. I94«: 1 PM MM sajen &*O*n Anipat Tin (4s> 3s 6d 3s lO'-.d Austral Amal (5si 6a 9u 7s 1V1 Austral Malay <C> Uf Od Ste So Ayrr Hitam <5s> 21s 22s M xi Av.r WciiK ($1) .90 95 Hr.nCTln Iln (I)
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 17 5 -caew^PWPWjßgSSgl Trm Saaß^aaHßA^^ dßi i^- 4^Z^¥^^ bbEbVi WILLIAM JACKS CO., (Malaya) UMITED. Singapore K. Lumpur Penang Ipoh
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    • 730 5 YOU REQUIRE VITAMINS TAKE NESTRO VITE TABLETS A ROCHE PRODUCT Contains VITAMINS A, B. C D in correct proportions for the promotion of health and growth of children and adults. Sol* Agents: GRAFTON LABORATORIES LTD. Kinx.iporr. Kuala Lumpur «ft Prnanjc PUBLIC NOTICE THK SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD WHARF I>KI*ARTMKNT Holidays— {tiristma*
      730 words
    • 501 5 bY f_ JbH b^bW ?IT* j^^yffj^p^a M« Ml NWpiwHi in in in 1 \mmMlW 'I 'I1I 1 I1I 1 i» ti ildi siiimi MMMMrVAA relepbmie Mannfrt'* Itfllr* Sub M;»iM;rr OSC« Ml Knehanire llept. 4SM (irneial Olflce 476? Cable AtfdrrM PROv INiVXNK Mrad onicf-— Slnohnw Kwanxluni PAII» vr CAPITAI lCk.l KKSKRVK
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 202 6 TODAY TO-MORROW 2 SHOWS DAILY 11 a.m. 3.i5 ALHAMBRA WALT DISNEY'S AU-SH^rt Programme Released by KKO Radio Pictures in An Exciting fefe Mystery-Comedy *^R OPENING TO-DAY I THE ALHAIVIdKA 6909 Something more than just a thriller GORDON HARKER 'SALOON BAR' BBS IHUR 1 w r y HM MERVYN JOHNS Wa
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  • 471 7 Peace Christmas Cheer Prevail In Britain BOXING DAY ALSO PASSES WITHOUT ANY AIR WAR ACTIVITY r^^n London, Dec. 26. a day of intimate gathering and irrepressible •good cheer and a Christmas night of unbroken peace -peace which the RA.F also accorded all Germany and German occupied lands— Londoners awoke refreshed
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  471 words
  • 270 7 Mr. Cross Says German Reports Untrue London, Dec. 26. |b|R- Ronald Cross, the Minister i of Shipping, has issued an explicit denial of the repeated German assertions that the British Government has seized Danish ships now serving under the British flag and will neither
    British Wireless  -  270 words
  • 208 7 Montevideo, Dec. 26. "•yHE extraordinary friendly reception and sympathy shown us by this friendly city" is commented on with gratitude by Lord Willingdon in a farewell message to Uruguay on the conclusion of the: British trade mission's visit. I/>rd Willingdon writes: 'Even before we came
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  • 177 7 Americans And Sikhs A gainst Italians Shanghai, Dec 26. American marines and thret sailors are reported to have been sent to hospLal as a result of one of the bitterest cafe brawls in many months between the defence forces of the International Settlement In which 100 American and Italian marines
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 50 7 Tokio, Dec. 26. "T«HE Increasingly .ordlal relations between our Empire and the treaty powers" were a matter for ■tttoK°n' < !eclai f d l J?e Emperor when formally opening the 76th ,f>sslon of the Diet to-day. He made a ctron* appeal for national I unity.—
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 382 7 RAFFLES HOTEL t<^night-SPECIAL DINNER DANCE (informal) 8 p.m. to midnight attraction BUSTER MAGGIE Dinner $3M. Non-diners Sl.OO. SUHDAY EVENING'S CONCERT ATTRACTION R> the Han, l of THE MANCHESTER REGIMENT By kind permission of LT.-COL. E. B. HOLMES. M.C. Officer^ IN THE OPEN AIR PALM COURT-8.30 to 10.30 m DDfNU PAHITS
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    • 270 7 PAVILION RESTAURANT AIR-CONDITIONED Arrange your parties now Enjoy excellent food good service Private parties catered for. Teiephen egso BOOK NOW FOR NEW TEAR'S EVE speciaiTlmnner WITH PLENTY OF CRACKERS STREAMERS BALLOONS NOVELTIES AT VERY MODERATE CHARGES THE AIRPORT HOTEL Phone 3356 14im. Upper Thomson-Sembawang Rd. Opp Mata Gate Naval Ba«e.
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  • 76 8 serious as ilif raging r, is the serious weakness it leaves It is dar.gcr Dor.t No. 2 in »ss. overcome the \fccikung up. But the stomach I at of the body *jk: foods There which U.< It Is n n a fe«bi. stomach. sant
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  • 1224 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. DEC. 27, 1940. (481st Day Of The War.) Lost Chances When the history of this war :omes to be written, there will be material for a very long chapter headed 'Lost Chances." In the year now drawing to a close, we have been nearer to
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 267 8 Continuous Training And Rubber To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— The official communique announcing a further two months trainIng for Volunteers reads rather like that broadcast by Sir Shenton Thomas on income trx. To quote the last paragraph— "He feels sure that the planting Industry will determine
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    • 183 8 Gratifying Response From Europeans To the Edi.or of the Straits Times Sir,— lt is gratifying to see that J people in Malaya, especially Europeans, have offered their services for blood- transfusion at the General Hospital and that the response ha.s been satis- 1 factory in Penang. Men and women
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    • 168 8 Spiritual Damage By Jehovah's Witnesses To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir lam convinced that there is a case not only for the suppression of every Watch Tower publication bu,. also for the expulsion without further delay of all Its agents including its advocates and friends. These
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    • 82 8 64 Per Cent. Paid In Great Britain To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Estate duty of over £3,000,000 will be paid to the Exchequer on a property of £4,681.000 by the death of the Duke of Bedford. This works out at 64.09 per cent. For the
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    • 619 8 Why Germany Plans Invasion Attempt To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— One frequently hears the statement that the war may be over next year, supposedly coming from various highly-placed people, and there are many very Interesting facts to support this theory. Hitler started oil on
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    • 125 8 Examples Of India, Java And Sumatra To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, One of the main points brought against the imposition of income tay is the difficulty of proper assessment of income of various Asiatic races whose complicated systems of accounts are kept in different languages.
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    • 91 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Your leader on the utter and abject poverty prevalent in the Malacca settlement was a shocking revelation to many of your readers. Malacca id noted for its wealthy inhabitants, and to know that acute destitution is rampant. Is certainly a
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    • 766 8 "L.C.L" Suggests Social Service League To the Editoi of the Straits Time* Sir,- With reference to your leading article on poverty in Malacca, may I say a few words? The question It if ten raised as to whether the wretched poor, the poor who sulTer in
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    • 76 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, Someone who shr uld know bet* ter has made a L'under in his English. The following sentence is fr »m an Education D?parlm<nt advertiser! in the S rait.s Tir<u\> ol December 24: If the number <>f candidates justifies, n-w t!iss*s fer
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 182 8 ■■gm mm nsmmm and friends rROMTROI S NEW YEAR i. II KIAT CO, LTD, IT-intrr* and SUUiolfceM, Stmaporr r»| Offer f .06 Printimr Oept. 6M5. S. P. C. K. t HI Xl II BOOKSHOP t*. Bras Bwi»h Ro»d. Phon« 4238 >C\ot« to R*ffles Institution) Etocbs mm Kn Off ALL RINDS
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    • 26 8 lICKFORD'S ASPIRIN TABLETS Gnta S «Xl 2 om.) Is W. t'.M D 6 iONJ lIMITID UrtlWiH «*tf Bc.ibjn* if. JOHN DUKE Manufacturing Optician. 21, BATTERY ROAD.
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  • 166 9 Massing Of ISazis In Rumania Reported STORIES OF INCREASING GERMAN-SOVIET TENSION Hitler About To Send Aid Against The Greeks? DKI'ORTS of increasing tension between Germany and Russia, more specifically concerning: alleged German inspiration of anti-Communist activities by the Rumanian Iron Uuards, arc being
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 438 9 lirilisii Gi\e Aid To Irregulars Nairobi, Dec. 27. iß\ >SIM AN resistance to the Italians is growing, according; to reports reselling here. Leaders of guerilla bands, who have come into contact with British forces tell of frequent rights with Italian lr<M.»i» > vidence of their success in
    Reuter  -  438 words
  • 72 9 New York, Dec. 26. ANVajhi i n the United States failing 1 1 to rtr.ii.ter by midnight to-day is liable to six months' imprisonment and uf $1 000. Mm new b?en ding for four mrnths. Final ■rill no. bo available for at least
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  • 71 9 Spanish British Fire On M ystery Plane (•ibraltar, Dec. 27. JIST as King George started his Christmas broadcast, gunfire was heard throughout Gibraltar but the majority of the listeners continued to concentrate on their radio. Later a communique was issued statin?. An unidentified aircraft approaching Gibraltar was fired on b>
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 109 9 New Success In Northern Sector Athens, Dec. 27. QREEK troops are reported to have entered Lin, an important point on the road to Elbasan, their! next big objective in the northern! sector. Lin was captured by advanced Greek troops skirting lake Okhrlda. Reinforcements are now stated
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 141 9 Madrid, Dec. 27. THE Pope's appeal for peace has found a ready echo In Spain. The formerly rather fiery newspaper \rriba, the official organ of the State party, las a leader expressing great satisfaction at iio virtual Christmas •truce," the fact that >n
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 124 9 Berlin. Dec. 27. UITI.ER fpent Christmas with the German armed forces in "the west" and on Christmas Eve attended a celebration of I workers near a heavy long-range battery. He expressed complete confidence In victory during a speech, says the German news agenry and
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 47 9 London. Dec. 27. ])UKING the week ending Dec. 24, the number of loans free of Interest received by the Treasury waa 103. totalling £153.587 I RM Mai ai i.-Hint received 1& now £25 097 369 I jtfid the number of loam*.— BrVuii i
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  • 110 9 New York Dec ''G P^ SUGGESTION that a German sea raider may have met disaster has arisen from the sighting adrift in the Atlantic, 800 miles from the coast of Portugal, of an empty lifeboat marked "Hamburg," reports the Dow Jones agency. The
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  • 141 9 Nazis Release French Generals To Lead Struggle In Colonies London, Dec. 27. TWO French generals who are to lead and organize Vichy's struggle against the Free French forces in France's Colonial Empire have been released by the German authorities, according to a statement
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 238 9 An American Appeal To President Roosevelt Washington, Dec. 26. jI^ORE than 150 American citizens have urged President Roosevelt to "make it a settled policy of the United States to do everything that may be necessary to ensure the defeat of the Axis powers." This was
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 164 9 London, Dec. 27. TTHE constantly growing volume of war material which America can produce ensures the certainty of our ultimate victory, said Sir Walter Lay ton, well-knowfF economist speaking here yesterday. Sir Walter, who recently returned from a special mission to America on behalf of
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 136 9 London, Dec. 27. MORE than 1,000 churches, schools, halls and vicarages have suffered damage from enemy action, says the Church of England in a review of the past year. The review tells of the destruction of Coventry Cathedral and damage to Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral,
    British Wireless  -  136 words
  • 28 9 London, Dec. 27. lIP to a lat*- htur last night, there i v w. n no reports of any enemy air over Britain slu&e du»t—
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  • 73 9 London, Dec. 27. A DM. DARLAN, the Vichy Minister of Navy, returned to Vichy from Paris yesterday, according to the official merman news agency, says a report rom Geneva. Immediately af ter his arrival, he had l long talk with Marshal Petain, and
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 127 9 Defence Preparations Being Pushed Ahead Cairo, Dec. 27. npHE Chamber of Deputies, alter a three-day secret debate, by a margin of 122 to 68 passed a vot? of confidence in the Government's foreien policy. The Prime Minister, Sirry Pasha winding up the debate declared that
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 48 9 London. Dec. Yl^ y ICE- ADM. Geoffrey Arbutlinot. former Commander-in-Chief of the American and West Indies station, has been appointed Commander-ln-Chlef of the East Indies station In succession to Vice- Admiral Ralph Leaf ham. The appointment wUI date from about May, 1941.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 77 9 Washington, Dec. 2C. rE talks begun between the late i Lord Lothian and Mr. Cordell Hull on mutual defence rroblems in the Pacific will be continued by Mr R G Ctaey, the Australian Minister to th^ United States, pending the arrivai of Ui«! new
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 56 9 London, Dec. 27. THE Admiralty announces that ih i 1 destroyer Archeron (Lieut J R Wilson, R.N.) has been sunk. The nex: of kin of the casualties have been inlormed. Acheron was launched In 1930. She had a speed of 35 knots, and her normal component
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 9 9 .j^_a^_lMm± 1 ~t<> 1Q J 1/> I
    9 words
  • 771 9 When British Invasion Of Italy May Become Possible mrr-r'XTrn London, Dec. 27. DECENT great victories by land, sea and air justify us in entering 1941 with confidence and with a resolute will to conquer, writes Gen. Sir Hubert Gough, Keuter's military commentator. J
    Reuter  -  771 words
  • 98 9 Free Belgians' Call To Arms New York, Dor. 2f>. A "CALL to arms" to all Bi-lguinjt between the ages of 19 and 25 has been issued by the Belgian ConsulGeneral. M. Charles Hallart. It indudea reserve officers, and volunteers between the ages of 16 and 36 Will be accepted. The
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 100 9 THE PHOHE^\ I (MfliMffi SERVICE I II You will find our Telephone Order If Service a useful and time saving way ll of shopping. It is at your service from 7 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. daily, and on U^ Sundays and Holidays until 10."0 a.m. Ring 5376 and ask for
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  • 574 10 Office Staffs Contributions Feature Of To-day's List ADVANCE OF MORE THAN $4,000 IN PAST 24 HOURS p>\ ntIBUTIONS from office staffs which contribute monthl\ to Th< i War Fund arc acknowledged in to-day's list. These include $121.35 from the Asiatic staff and labourers <»t
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  • 54 10 ErEEN Ricei 1 the Royal Aus- r roe were among tnse to a Buxing Day luncl'eon i. Sir Shenton 1 lay. a meetI tea Course Road 10DdH ff lo .At t of the League, vho rtijr on a holtday. ■!ijl understands that Mr. C A cr
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  • 42 10 NIM.AI-OKi i Informal) OAKKIi I rHRATI \HO 't Serial at m. to Heal juar« Danclnp uvrt st\ i} n i:oti.i uncf I tIKIES •>f Prop-amme. Y.—Tb* Home of c«prt»' -Darning nignny Te* dai -ilnr nostfv 26 at >rty. IMactot nlgiiUj. coot)
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  • 50 10 The well-known X.L.M. pilots J. W. Smirnoff (right) and E. E. Hulsebes photographed during their swearing-in on their appointment as reservecaptains of the Netherlands Indies Air Force. The ceremony was attended by many high military authorities and the flight personnel of the garrison at Bandoeng.
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  • 92 10 New Delhi, Dec. 27. '•T"HE inspiring feat of arms" achieved by Indian troops in the Wcs'.ern Desert of Egypt is the subject of a special message received by Gen. Sir Robert Casse's, Commander-in-Chief in India, from the Army Council. The message says: "The British soldier
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 198 10 Fine Film For "Buy A Bomber" Fund 'THERE have been very heAry bookings for the gala premiere on Monday of Alexander Korda's colour film, "The Thief of Bagdad," at the Cathay. The entire proceeds cf the show will be donated to the liuy A Bomber FLnd. In addition to excellent
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  • 321 10 T*HE need for telephone facilities along the Burma Road, of widening certain stretches of the highway and of making less dangerous some of its many hairpin bends, is stressed by Mr. Tan Kah Kee in a telegram despatched to Chungking on his re
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  • 383 10 Experiments Being Carried Out By Institute THE Rubber Research Institute of Malaya is testing various materials as to their suitability as substicutes for those estate supplies which are now not obtainable with the same certainty and regularity as before the war. Among them are
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  • 488 10 New Central Registry To Begin Work Next Week ALL aliens in Malaya will be called upon to re-register from Jan. 1 when the Central Registry of Aliens aimed at tightening the control of foreigners begins operating with the Inspector-General of Police as its head. The
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  • 310 10 Parachute Descent Watched By Parents London. Dec. 27. THE thrilling story of a parachute escape irom a Spitfire is told by a sergeant pilot who was a member of one of the RAF. fighter squadrons to have shot down 100 aircraft while operating irom
    British Wireless  -  310 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 100 10 •2.500 Kva T_-%» riiinmr. o*« o 20 000 h p r»v« r »irc dc motor, 1.600 voitt. ■K^^^WttBMBHi^VsBBH T RANSF C RMERS)'^ ISO.O/I&O r.p.m. driving 40 inch <og(ing mill. .'',_J ■7 MERCURY ARC RECTIFIERS W.OOOKVA IH/6*kV er»n»lorm«. I m BRffKi plant and contrul gear, including the I "'""I'l iiuhfo>.mw»w,J-| largest
      100 words

  • 336 11 Investigating Committee Said To Favour Imposition EARLY PUBLICATION OF DRAFT IS FORESHADOWED •om O«r Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 26. j 'lII M^ial committee appointed to investigate income 111 in the Federation has completed its task and the report ii has drafted wfl be
    336 words
  • 125 11 J il >*ing n; p -ji the Colon? 1 i are gazetted The King has apprr- im Han Roe s appointment us *i- Member MCUttTe Council for a pciod of twx Th» Se- retary of State for the Colonies has approved the appointment of Mr. William Her to
    125 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 11 Corpoml George Luck Simmons. R.A.O.C. and his bride, Miss Amy Day. The wedding took place at the Bethesda Chapel yesterday.
    22 words
  • 205 11 Malayan Petition To Lord Lloyd MEARLY 2.200 signatures appear on i 11 the income tax petition which is being sent by a section of the population of the Straits Settlements to the Secretary of State fcr the Colonies, Lord Lloyd The signatures, in the vast majority
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  • 190 11 Large (fathering At Hatu (rajah Burial 'From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 24. FIE funeral of Nancy Rac, wife of Lieut-Col. Cecil Rae. took place at the Batu Oajah Protestant cemetery to-day, b"Ifore a large gathering of friends from all part^ nl the
    190 words
  • 88 11 r[E following notifications regarding officers of the Straits Settlements Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve are gazetted: Promotion to the rank of Lieutenant of Subr.icutrnants Edward Gibbon Wakcneld-Gash. Tudor Edward Richard Morphy and William Bentley McMillan Demp3ter approved; promotion to the rank of Acting Lieutenant of Sub-IJeutenants Leonard Stephen Day
    88 words
  • 25 11 rIE Oovernor has promoted Flying Officer? A. Newark and E. C. Whiteipy, Strain Settlements Volunteer Air Force, to the rank of Flisrht Lieutenant.
    25 words
  • 460 11 Hockey Arch For G.S.C. Bride pPL. George Luck Simmons, Royal v Army Ordnance Corps, the son of Mrs. Gertrude Luck Simmons, of London, was married to Miss Amy Alexandra Mary Day, the daughter of Mrs. M. L. Day and the late Mr. A. A. Day of Singapore,
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  • 142 11 fFrom Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 24. TURFE Perak Chinese boys left to-day for 1 Australia to further their studies. They are Cheong Kong, Cheong Vow and Ng Ah Kow, students of the Angio-Chmese School. Ipoh. Checng Kong and Cheong Vow are sons Of
    142 words
  • 44 11 MR. TAN KENG TEOW. one of the mu6t senior Interpreters m the Singapore Courts, will retire shortly, after about twenty years" service. A Straits-born Hokklen 46 years of age, Mr Tan took up work In the police courts early in 1921.
    44 words
  • 67 11 TIE following notifications regarding j offcers of the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force arc gazetted Promotion of Lieutenant (Acting Captain) L. S. Hiraley to the rank of Captain approved; resignation of their commissions by Lieut. P. J. D. Regestcr and Second-Lieut. C. P. PuTcell accepted; transfer of Major H.
    67 words
  • 66 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Dec. 24. rIE Pcrak Spitfire Fund now totals $C,260. The latest list of donations Includes a contribution of $250 from Cheah Chcang i LJm, former Federal Councillor for Pprak Chinese. The list is; Previously aclr- ivledged $5,710; Mr. Cheah Chcang Lim $2.-0;
    66 words
  • 199 11 OEVERAL thousands of dollars worth of presents have changed hands this Christmas in the form of War Savings Certificates. While figures are not yet available, j i; is officially stated that the scheme i to givj War Savings Certificates as Christmas presents has had
    199 words
  • 318 11 CONSIGNMENT AGENTS RICE IMPORTATION FACED with the possibility of their bu n the local market beine completely cut oiT, rice consignment agents in Singapore have made representations Government in connection with the new arrangement un< which the Government will be the sole importer of rice the whole of Malaya from
    318 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 266 11 liT i," jK Ar ao»e of U» mellow maturity, v h h<rh medlrinal vtloe !t >^*~* v of far »^<ter qnallty than <WotW otn r Fmpfre. brandies, and yoo AVs^ *W%s ?W hnBl(1 always keen a bottle «n '^V^^^^f house, aratnst ifcfcMM and tMljy eme^pencle*. KBR 9 The Healthy Woman's
      266 words
    • 93 11 fi if i BY APPOINTMENT TO M]*;THE I .ATE KTNG GEOUCK V AJEVfIk T^ Jafkdair of Item. \\\£m JOHN LITTLE CO., LT D. i r»>.. i ii m —i M rap ill P 1 """^^^QSn^fi**^ Suggestions For Ne w Ye a r G ift s Madame Butterfly (Puccini) CJi>li Tosca
      93 words

  • 295 12 Buffalo Machines Capable Of "Every Bit Of Flying Technique" London, Dec. 26. THE R A.F., already equipped with the best-armed and the fastest fighter airplanes in the world, are now using an American fighter which is capable of turning more quickly than any other
    295 words
  • 177 12 Lincoln's Picture For Admiralty British U.S. Navies Exchange Gifts London. Dec. 26 HTHE heads of the British and United States navies have exchanged letters and gifts marking the sympathy and understanding between the two fleets. "I have learned with great satisfaction that you had named one or the former American
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 141 12 j R.A.F. Cause A Number I Of Enemy Casualties Cairo, Dec. 26. A SUCCESSFUL British raid east of Kassala, in which a number of casualties was inflicted on the i; nemy, is announced in a G.H.Q. communique. No cnange is reported in Libya and on
    Reuter  -  141 words
  • 124 12 London, Dec. 26. TPHE following message has been sent from the King to all British merchant and nshing vessels: "This second wartime Christmas finds the members of the British Merchant Navy and fishing fleets pursuing their calling throughout the seven seas and I
    British Wireless  -  124 words
  • 123 12 Masuru fßasutoland), Dec. 26. SEEISSO GRIFFITH, the paramount chief of Basutoland and one of the most loyal supporters of the's war effort died In hospital yesterday after a short illness. Seeiso Griffith succeeded his father Griffith Lerothodi last February. At Griffith Lerothodi's funeral, his
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 118 12 London, Dec. 27. THE announcement thaft the Vichy Government has decided to release the French officers captured at Dakar, 'has drawn from Gen. de Gaulle a reI minder that he welcomes the fact that French public opinion has compelled jthe release of these
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 112 12 London, Dec. 26. rIE Ministry of Food announces that during January 1941 maximum prices to be 1 charged for milk sold by retail will continue Ito be Id. per pint more than the price charged at the corresponding date of 1939. Under the national
    British Wireless  -  112 words
  • 68 12 London, Dec. 27. ARMS workers sacrificed their Christmas holiday to ensure a continued and steady stream of munitions, and yesterday also the war factories were running at full speed and millions of factory workers and others in offices 1 and public services were working
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 204 12 YOUR NEW YEAR FOOTWEAR Wear Florsheim Shoes with FLAREWEDGE pOUR out of five men have normal "outilare" feet feet that rcqui re more room on the outside rdge .•"SKY of the shoe. By the Flare- jf wedge principle, Florsheim j&* /V_J jt has developed lasts designed yT Ifjm/m specifically for
      204 words
    • 148 12 hltfttKl/^T t i so I kS mF ■If TO| /A- rf- >■ 'J.fMr I Yes! Their quality does I make all tbe difference! y H I find just as you do, that Craven *A' *^7 cork-tipped never »ffe« the tl iat. w 0 1 j PACKETS of lv They are
      148 words

  • 182 13 Lost His Nerve Aftc. 12 Months' Agony. ruiK from acu:e rheuma hla kni'f j( in 1 he was afraid to cross liiad what hp sa"Ft 12 months I sutferpd wi.h acute 1 in bo.h my knees. I was Iho str?<>t Fvr een day*,
    182 words
  • 313 13 Widespread Pro-Soviet Feeling Follows Intensive Red Activity DI'LCiARIA has been profoundly shaken by the greatest subversive activity organized from abroad in the country's recent history. The Sofia correspondent of The Times says thit thousands of Communist leaflets have been circulated declaring
    313 words
  • 91 13 Yugoslavia And Her Neighbours "We W ant To Keep Out Of Present Conflict" Rome, Dec. 2G. JUGOSLAVIA wants to keep out of the present, conflict and intends to maintain good relations of friendship with ail her neighbours," declared M Markovitch, the Yugoslav Foreign Minister, in a Press statement quoted in
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 78 13 r'O men in hospital Mwe, "arrested at Barnet as Nazis, after a hue and cry led by a 52-year-old Home Guard armed with a shot-gun, proved to be convalescent soldiers from Lan cashire who had left their military hospital In Surr?y to 'see .he
    78 words
  • 106 13 London, Dec. 26. A MUNICH newspaper has published another warnm? to O?rman .housewives not to treat their Palish servants too well. They are reminded that the Polish woman is the child of a people whose only destiny is to work for
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 122 13 London, Dec. 27 THE Canadian Chief of Air Staff, Air 1 Vice-Marshal Breadner has arrived in England to participate in the discussions now proceed ng in orllcial circles in London on Canada's war effort An important factor of these discussions is the exnansion of the
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 95 13 Fleet On Visit To Malta C.-in-C.'s Tribute To The Islanders Malta, Dec. 25. LARGE crowds cheered the arrival hers recently of the British fleet including the battleship Warspite, flying the flag of Admiral Sir Andre* Cunningham, Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Fleet, who met with spontaneous ovations wherever ne went. Scenes
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 278 13 Bomber's Trip In Thunderstorm REAR-GUNNERS are known In the RA.F. as "Tail-end Charlie." On>* who took part in an unusually unpleasant trip over enemy territory gay; this account of his experiences as h^> sat, leaning back, in the gun-turret. About two-thirds of the way to tho target area I h^ard
    278 words
  • 47 13 LIQUID gas and gas are helping the Nazis to 1 nwrve petrol according to MaJ-Gm Schell. head of the German mote dustry. Some 60,000 lcrries and 7 vehicles are now running < a tblt stitute fuel, and 10.000.00u galloi petrol have been saved.
    47 words
  • 50 13 Vichy, Dec. 26. T\VO earthquake shocks rocked Erzindjan, a district of Turkey, early on Christmas maming, says an Ankara dispatch, but no damage or casualties have yet been reported. This was the area where 50.C00 were killed or injured during the earthquakes last December.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 711 13 A LARGE gathering was present at the funeral of Mrs. Chen Hui Ming, mother of Dr. Chen Su Lan, at Bidadari on Monday. The service was conducted by Rev. Andrew K. T. Chen, of the Foochow Methodist Church. Floral tributes were received rrom: Son
    711 words
  • 197 13 a.m. 120 BMJt 25.53 m. 19.82 m. 5.50 Manila iKZRMi 31.35 m. 6.05 8.8.C. 31 55 m. 6.55 Manila (KZlti) 31.58 m 8.20 8.8.C. 31.55 m. and 49.59 m. 9.27 Rangoon 49 91 m. 9.40 Melbourne 25.25 m. (except Sunday) 10 40 Delhi 31.3« m. p.m.
    197 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 193 13 S.rfotf& ry R. VJCK ft CO., LTD. m'Diiutcks mm ri»>M& k. mure* JOSIPM TRAVERS SONS 110. I Vaaa a a y Gloria says: >j r s N° Magic— just pure, rich cow's f 6*\\ ""I** n >"•** convenient form, a K^lyT *//r\\l ls s m P')' wonderful! And because it's
      193 words
    • 331 13 n^rVCnflß^6»H iM«!aw»V*^ lf^-*^^^l^^S^B >■ 41 708T PERFECTED BATTERY OPERATED RADIOS This four tube radio has a synchronous Nflf-rprtiiyii.jr, ti vult vibmtor disp- nsii-ff with one tnbe however, jiving Six Tube performance. Hiich quality of tone and performance are incorporated in this nuwerfal battery model, housed in a beautifully designed IU
      331 words

  • 1497 14 Review Selections For Seven Races To-morrow A REVIEW and selections, subject to scratchings, for seven of the nine races to-morrow, the second day of the Penang Turf Club's Xmas-New Year meeting, are given below. Weights for the other two races, for horses class three,
    UP  -  1,497 words
  • 24 14 THE order of running and nonacceptors for to-morrow's races in Penang will be found in Page FOUR if received in time.
    24 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 583 14 GUMS BLEEP? FORHAN'S can save them! Weak, flabhy gums invite pjorrhoca -that dread disease thai often J^ OnJt Forban't^^k. causes even sound teeth to loosen m brand original •ndfallout. At the first sign of bleed- m dentifrice con- ing gum*, play safe! Give them I tains a special liaphff ma^saqe
      583 words
    • 15 14 BC P W grip: iff i xture Excellent Emergency Keniedy fcr courul:;!' ns In clilldren.
      15 words
    • 265 14 jgk Tailored byRAAB gM Ahtt^ SINGAPORE'S FINEST mM Ik tailor When you wear clothes cut by Raab. WB H you feel at ease on all occasions. [^jE for his fine English suitings are a, I designed and cut under Mr. J. Kaab'i personal supervision, which means WK the skill of
      265 words

  • 664 15 |«"<M'K more records \*ent hy the board on the final day, yesterday, of the Singapore Chinese athletic meeting at jalan BtMf Stadium. The credit for creating the new records all poes to th? women. re BittblhlMij lor :he women s 1 1 mi metre
    664 words
  • 157 15 C. \V. Warren The Winner INSURANCE officials of Singapore held their fourth, annual EOlf competition on the new course, Royal Singapore Golf Club on Saturday, Der. 21, under Stapleford conditions, when the following "ards were returned. C. W. Warren 18 12-30; J. A. Dean 20 +9
    157 words
  • 118 15 A RETURN badminton match, con- j listing of four singles and three doubles has been arranged between ihe Maxfli Badmin'f n Party and the Serangoon Lads Badminton Party. The match Will take place this Sunday at the Maxfli's ccurt, Upper Serangoon Road, commencing at 300 p.m. The
    118 words
  • 24 15 Hockey; S.C.RC. vs. Indian Army, S.C.R.C; S.C.C. II vs. ACS. Old Boys, S.C.C. Rugger: S.C.C. (B) vs. R.A. (Hevy. Battery), S.C.C.
    24 words
  • 312 15 ABOUT 40 boys and girls under the age of 16, besides enjoying themselves immensely, showed that they were extremely able swimmers at the annual children's swimming gala held at the Singapore Swimming <iub yesterday. The title of champion of the carnival may be given to
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  • 47 15 Cheow Chye Elected Captain AT a cricket meeting held at the Straits Chinese Recreation Club on Dec. 11. the following were elected the Club's office-bearers for 1941: captain: Eu Cheow Chye: vice-captain: Chua Boon Unn; convener: Ong Swee Keng, representative: Lee Fons Urn.
    47 words
  • 977 15 Misses Fourth When San Frisco Is Disqualified In Last Event (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Dec. 26. THE outstanding feature of to-day's races here in the 1 first day of the Penang Turf Club's Xmas-New Year meeting was the success of trainer
    977 words
  • 746 15 A review and selections, subject to scratchings, for to-morrm's races in Penan? will be found in PAGE FOURTELN. Also ran: Grand Prix 7.11 (302) E. Donnelly (6): Royal Worlington 7.08 (3t>2> Whalan (3): Toyman 7.07 (71) Harper (4>. Won by head, shorthead, length. Time: 1 nun. 13 2.5
    746 words
  • 60 15 SUBJECT to the approval of ny Singapore Amateur Football Association, a football match between thf Tiger team and the Municipal Services. will be played at the Jalan Besar stadium on Sunday, Jan. 5. The sate receipts will be donated to the Malaya Patriotic Fund and the China Relief
    60 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 191 15 An wMstW Villi* I*'1 yS# »v^avjFSl» v^avjFSI wKf J9 Wkt W&W Winner 1939 Singapore Gold Cup VIA Only P er ect breed inr and training can produce a real Wj \Slj llm/^ v inner. Cooltipt had fr.e best of both gaining «r r'Jl Wm MaUya's turf laurels by winning the
      191 words
    • 155 15 Have you "FOOT ITCH" ?xf> Warning! Stop *f.x>t wS&rr itch'— use the |x>wer> MBBAI ful antiseptic that AMT^^^ kills ringworm of the toes, relievos •nd heals the feet. r^'H Healthy Children Sef rid of constipaKon, fhe cause of many ether aiimenfg. Restore yourserf *o normal health your system will be
      155 words

  • 476 16 CUTTING COMMUNICATIONS ATTACKING ISOLATED UNITS Italian Forces Suffer Fresh Reverse On Central Front London, Dec. 2G. ACCORDING to the latest reports from Albania, Albanian irregular troops are getting behind the Italian lines, cutting communications and attacking isolated detachments of the enemy. Some irreuulars are said
    Reuter  -  476 words
  • 22 16 The '"Bison," a mobile blockhouse mounted on a lorry and used in ti.e defence of airports in Britain
    22 words
  • 41 16 Jerusalem, Dec. 26. SOME 6.500 Jews have enlisted in the fighting units and various services of the British Army in the Near East. This was announced by the Jewish Agency's political department to-day.
    41 words
  • 297 16 London, Dec. 2(». THE extent to which the Italian army has suffered from R.A.F. activities during the campaign in Albania is revealed in an Air Ministry bulletin reviewing operations from Nov. 7 to Dec. 21. Thus Valona alone has been bombed 11
    297 words
  • 103 16 New Incidents On Thai Border Artillery Firing Goes On All Day Long Bangkok, Dec 26. DAY-LONG skirmishes on the Thai-Indo-China frontier on Christmas Eve are reported in the latest communique issued here. Incidents occur red along the salient from Nakon Panon, in the north, to Aranya Prads in the south.
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 71 16 London, Dec. 26 T^HE British Government's efforts U reduce imports of unessemi; 1 articles are shown by th^ trade return for November showing imports totalling nearly £73,000,000, a decrease o. over £12,000,000 on October and a decrease of £11,000,000 on Novembei last year. Exports amounted
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 392 16 London. Dec. 27. •"THERE were three notable speeches over the Christmas recess, all of extraordinary interest and exceptional importance, writes Reuter's chief diplomatic correspondent. The speakers were Mr. Churchill, the Pope and King George VI. Mr. Churchill's broadcast was addressed to the Italian people
    Reuter  -  392 words
  • 387 16 Perfect Invasion Weather BE \CH DEFENDERS ON THE ALEUT London. Deo. 2ti. QREAT BRITAIN stood on gourd atfa'nst invasion throughout Christmas' !de. While the unofficial air war "truce" was on, vigilance on the Channel coast was redoubled. This was due to tho porfoct "invasion weather" in the
    Reuter  -  387 words
  • 59 16 Clcrmont Ferraru!. Dee. 2C. TiNTENSE cold has prevailed thfOUfboOl 1 the crater p:'.rt of France durlnK tin past few days, with deep snow In the hn;her regions and heavy frosts even in the ragUM usually tf.mpeiate. Midi Cunal Is covered with Ire. Therj also
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 42 16 ,^i^»jta«^ m, M^— -|-|in_ BOWRAN'S BOWRANITE A solution that solves the problem of RUST PREVENTION [//tfW BOWRANITE PAINTS BSH ARE MORE THAN PROTECTIVE. Stocked in six colours and black, they enhance the appearance of visible structures. 60,e St^taU (jUTHMJ^^L/ lirC0 at9< SS)
      42 words