The Straits Times, 15 December 1940

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FlNAL.**** No. 469 Sunday, Dec. 15, 1940 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 469 Sunday, Dec. 15, 1940 Price 10 Cents.
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  • 827 1 Blackskirts 9 Desperate Bid To Stem Rout BRITISH FIGHTERS DESTROY 15 ENEMY PLANES DLACKSHIRT divisions are fighting desperately hard up against the Libyan frontier to prevent the rout of the Italian army in the western desert. They are being engaged by advanced units of British armoured
    Reuter  -  827 words
  • 115 1 New York, Saturday A SPEED-UP in America's defence production was urged by Mr. W. S. Knudsen, the defence commissioner, in an address to an audience that included America's leading industrialists. Mr. Knudsen asserted that a speedup in defence production was imperative <md
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 765 1 *PHE reported hurried depar--1 ture from Berlin of Hitler and Kibbentrop, the Nazi Foreign Minister, is believed in Washington to be connec* d with the Italian situation, sa. Reuter. Private report* reaching Washington from Europe indicate that Italy is rapidly moving towards a serious
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  • 733 1 Growing Influence Of Those Hostile To Duce London, Saturday. it la appreciated that the Italian people do not retard with equanimity the reverses experienced by the Italian armies, sustained in a war for which they had no desire bat wrre coerced into undertaking in order to further the grandiloquent aspirations
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  • 51 1 Mareniro is a small village In northern Italy. It was here on June 14. ISOO. Napoleon best the Austrian* In one of history's most famous battle*. Next day the victorious (though surprised) French obtained from the dased Austrians a convention by which the greater part of Italy was evaemattd by
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  • 212 1 Eleuthera Island (Bahamas*, Saturday. UNITED States plans for the establishment of the Bahamas aase is being held in abeyance owing r e unfavourable anchorage and other conditions at Mayaguana Island. This was disclosed by President Roosevelt ir. a statement to the Press
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 66 1 London, Saturday. MEMBERS of the Allied Governments attended a private showing ln London >n Friday of Charlie Chaplin's film, "The Dictator." The film is a biting satire on dictators WBt particularly on Hltlr-r who bears a striking resemblance to Charlie Chaplin's make-up in the
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 51 1 German Radio Appeal For Gestapo Men London, Saturday. •yUE German radio has issued an urgent appeal for new recruits to join the Hazi secret police. It stated that pamphlets showing the advantages of bein? a Gestapo spy could be obtained from ail police stations and Hitlrr youth centres throughout Germany.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 123 1 Laval Out Of French Government London, Saturday. «piERRE LAVAL is *no longer a member of the government," dramatically announced Marshal Petain in a message broadcast to-night by I. yon radio. Marshal Pecain prefixed his announcement with the words "Frencnmen! I have Just taken a decision which I trun is in
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 18 1 London, Saturday. PILOT Officer George Macaulay, th© former England and Yorksnlre cricketer, has died on active service. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  18 words
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    • 17 1 1 TAI HENG CO. I r 1 /atl o r jfj^ Colcmm St.. Singapore. Phoae. 3375 Jjr
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    • 139 1 AM OPEN SECRET NO TIME SHOULD BE WASTED CHOTIRMALL'S STOCK-TAKING SALE B-l-G REDUCTIONS TIGER ftAsk mRDE COOLER B V /iC^t*»l»-|CICICII.|L. I|CTCl |CTC 3^^T| V v 1 ffIySgBCSBBBB^— »«JS3CBS t THtltlnM ■-^-fm I EH MqUkmN IMLtVjLmIES IT* I V, Hi u/jIOL IV Efifc M»Uya"» most popular veer Ik set-red Ail/Ill r^i
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  • 64 2 Cairo, Saturday. KING FAROUK, in a message conveyed to them by the Egyptian Prime Minister, congratulates Sir Archibald Wavell. Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham and Air Chief Marshal Longmore on the victory attained by the British forces in the Western Desert. His Majesty asks them to
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 305 2 Gen. Wavell's Stirring Call To Battle Cairo, Saturday. THK result of the fighting in the 1 Western Desert will be one of the cVcisive events of the war." Thus opened a special order of the day to the troops in the Western Desert by Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell, Commander-in-ChW of
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 39 2 London, Saturday. HUNDREDS of congratulatory messages from all parts of the British Empire and from other countric have reached the King since an early hour this mornina on the occasion of his forty-fifth birthday to-day.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 107 2 Washington, Saturday. THE Germans have taken into custody a second American woman, Mrs. Etta Wetta Kahn Shibsr. The U.S. State Department announces that it has been advsed diplomatically of her detention, but says the Embassy in Paris is unable to discover the natuiv of the
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  • 34 2 Mojl, Saturday. MR. Kcnkichi Yoshizawa, special envoy to the Netherlands Indies. la scheduled to sail to-day for Batavia r board the Nis^bo Maru. states a semiofficial Japanese announcement. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 614 2 Destructive Raids On Ports, Air And U-boat Bases London, Saturday. O.A.F. bapkeN attacked build- ir>T yards at Kiel and factories and other targets at Bremen on Friday i»J£M, states an Air Ministry communique. Weather conditions were difficult. Docks and aerodromes in Holland were also bombed.
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  • 252 2 London, Saturda- THE fa'-t that Germany will not be able to get any more oil from Russia is hinted in an editorial in the official Soviet newspaper Pravda. It says that in the coming year, Russia will be faced with a gigantic economic
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  • 84 2 London, Saturday. A RRANGEMENTS have been made for the funeral service of Lord Lothian, the British Ambassador In Washington, to be held this afternoon at the Washington Cathedral, where President woodrow Wilson and other US. statesmen are buried. After cremation, the ashes will be taken to the
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  • 106 2 American Unit In The R.A.F This picture shows some members of a Canadian fighter squadron which is led by Squadron Lender l» K. S. Bader (centre, hands in pockets), the famous legless D.S.O. During three recent engagements pi Ms of this squadron destroyed 33 enemy
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  • 113 2 Nanking, Saturday. TPHE Japanese Navy is handing over the captured warships and coastal bases to the Nanking Government under the terms of the Slno-Japanese treaty. Llukungtao Island was the scene of a ceremony yesterday when the Japanese Navy handed over nine Chinese warships
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  • 127 2 American Warships As Convoy Escorts? Washington, Saturday. 'T*\VO proposals for aiding Britain at sea have been formulated by advocates of greater assistance, according to authoritative reports here. They will be brought to the attention of President Roosevelt next week. They are, firstly, the convoying
    Reuter  -  127 words
  • 62 2 F Ottawa, Saturday. ROM now onward all military forces in Canada are to be called the '"Canadian army" under an order-in Council passed yesterday. Thus for the first time in the history of Canada the Dominion officially has an army and the new designation
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 74 2 London, Saturday. "IT Is useless to talk about a long war unless more food Is got out of the soil of this country," declared Mr. Lloyd George in a speech at Carnarvon to-day. He stressed the necessity of a complete survey of land iv. order to ascertain
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 145 2 Indo-China Warning To Thailand Tokio, Saturday. THE conflict between Thailand and Indo-China has been intensified throughout the border region during the pa^t lew days, according to a semi-official Ji panese report from Hanoi. Expressing his Government a ilrm e'eterminat on regarding the situation, Vicc-Adm. Jean Decoux, Govern orGeneral of Indo-China,
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  • 63 2 Toklo. Saturday. •THE forthcoming Franco-Japanese negotiations will be mostly economic." Mr. K. Ishii, deputy spokesman of the Government, told foreign newspaper correspondents yost. The negotiations will be started after the arrival of the French delegation, now on the way to Japan, Mr. Ishii added. The Japanese
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 379 2 START to ENJOY LIFE ALL OVER AGAIN Renew Your VigourRestore Vitality WITH THIS QUSCK ACTION REMEDY So complete is the change from lite ai home to life m the tropics that many are the cases of health breakdown. Unless you are ultra-careful, your vigour and vitality is drained away. You
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    • 58 2 y Vitamins The all-wheat and all-of-the-wheat Crispbread FOR HEALTH AND STAMINA What you eat determines how you look and how you feel. PEEK FREAN'S "Vita Weat" Crispbread contains the essential Vitamins and proteins necessary to maintain health and physical fitness. made by OBTAINABLE FROM ALL DEALERS M Sb& PEEK FREAN
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  • 204 3 Vast Quantities Of Munitions Arms Also Seized Athens, Saturday. THE number of Italian priA soners mentioned as having been taken in Greek official communiques total 200 officers and 7,000 men, according to the spokesman of the Greek Press Ministry. This total excludes
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 63 3 CIGMFICAXT references are *J made in the German Press to the threatened position of the Albanian o;lflel£g. H is very noticeable that the German newspapers do not hesitate to hint that it is of the utmost imnortancr to Italy to protect this relatively small source
    British Wireless  -  63 words
  • 184 3 Shanghai, Saturday. THE British capture o. Sidi Barrani marks tne turn of the tide of battle, declares the American-owned Morn ng Post. The journal continues: r :ir more hurtful than the material losses to Italy is the moral effect of this
    Reuter  -  184 words
  • 36 3 This Italian Sovla-79 bombe was brought down by the pilot a Hurricane and is now on vieu in a square at Alexandria. On left is the pilot who shot down the raider.
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  • 43 3 Mexico City, Dec. 2. GENERAL Avila Camacho was inaugurated as President of Mexico yesterday. He pledged adhesion to PanAmerican Ideals, but announced that Mexico would build her own naval bases, thus "contributing to continental defence and maintaining dignity and sovereignty."
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  • 116 3 Cairo, Saturday. A FEELING of relief coupled with j good cheer is spreading among the Egyptians in Cairo as news arrives of continued successes of the British forces in smashing i Marshal Graziani's legions in the j Western Desert. Alexandria is particularly gay
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 38 3 The Canadian Prime Minister, Mr. Mackenzie King, has announced that Colonel George P. Vanler. the Canadia i Minister in France, has been appointed a member of the Canadian section o! the Joint Defence Beard.
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  • 285 3 London, Saturday. formations fighting on the Adriatic coast have achieved a particularly brilliant victory, according to a Greek radio broadcast reviewing the military position. It is stated the impact of the Greek attack was so strong that it carried the Greek troops near
    Reuter  -  285 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 330 3 \f have tfOH tried f CAHADtAH H FIUEIS^ j Make your next fish dish Canadian Sole Fillets. They have an exceptionally fine flavour and are economical, too, because there's nothing to throw away. i^ in f f „,,.1* PHONE 5376 FIVE LINES C.S. 205 A Adrt. of 81nr*Dore Cold Storage
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

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    • 303 4 SEASON EXTENDED OWING TO SUCCESS ITS THE SHOW THE WHOLE TOWN'S TALKING ABOUT! JUST GRAND FOR YOUR WEEK-END ENTERTAINxMENT! ■^ADBTAG TO-DAY U CAPITOL 3.15-6.15-9.15 U'l i— mo m»~ Columbia's Fast. Frenchy Funfest that drew 65,136 people to the STATE Theatre, Sydney, <1 urine: its 8 weeks' run! The "AWFUL TRUTH"
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  • 182 5 Largest Buyer From America Outside Europe Washington, Nov. 29. THE Department of State disclosed to-day that it had ied export licences in October for shipment to Netherlands Indies of arms and military material valued at $fi;.S.) 11.160,000. of which $8,640,001! w«s for tanks «:nd ••rmoured car*.
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  • 54 5 CEYLON FEDERATION Benares. Nov. 18. T^RE opinion that the people of Ceylon 1 would welcome a suggestion to come into the Federation of India when Indians have achieved freedom, was expressed by Mr. D. S. Senanyake. Minister for Agriculture, and Mr. Bandaranayake, Minister for Local SelfGovernment, at a tea party
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  • 125 5 Death Of Old Friend Of Churchill JLfR- Winston Churchill will have heard with regret of the death of John George Howard, at Johannesburg, for it was he, when manager of the Delagoa Bay Railway, who assisted Great Britain's present Prime Minister to escape after he was made prisoner, when a
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 5 Acting Might Lieutenant Percival Stanley Turner, D.F.C.. who recently shot down an enemy aircraft when hU own aircraft was hit by a cannon shell which put it temporarily oat of control. On recorery, he saw and attacked a further enemy aircraft which he destroyed, afterwards bringing his own
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  • 90 5 Air Minister's £78,816 Estate Melbourne, Dec. 4. I*HE late James Valentine Falrbairn. of Mt. Elephant. Derrlnallum, who was killed when Minister for Air in an air crash at Canberra on Aug. 13. left £78,816 in real and personal estate in Victoria. Subject to an annuity to a friend, the estate
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  • 80 5 Soviet Claims For Its Industry London, Dec. 2. SOVIET industry has overcome the serious difficulties encountered earlier in the year as a result of the International situation, according to the Moscow newspaper, Izvestla." the official organ of the Soviet Government. During the past two months. It claims, the coal industry
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  • 467 5 "SWEDISH FLAGS PAINTED ON HER SIDES" Perth, Dec. 2. A FIRST-HAND description has now reached Australia of the German sea raider "Narvik," which is believed to have sunk the British freighters Port Brisbane and Maimoa in the Indian Ocean. It comes from a Western Australian rating, Mr.
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  • 146 5 London, Dec. 4. THE indiscriminate bombing and slaughter of non-combatants and the destruction of churches, convents, schools, and hospitals must stir the deepest indignation in everyone in whom lingers a trace of civilization." The Archbishop of Westminster (Cardinal Hinsley) says this in a message to the
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  • 100 5 Noumea Centre For Free French /CAPTAIN Broche, of Tahiti, named by General de Gaulle as commander of the forces in New Caledonia in place of Colonel Denis, has taken up duty at Noumea. He will recruit volunteers for the de Gaulle forces. "We hope to form without delay a mixed
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  • 159 5 London, Dec. 2. THE death occurred to-day of 1 John Ball, the noted English golfer, at the ace of 79 years. DaU was one of the great men in coif SO years ago. He won the British amateur championship eight times and was
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 90 5 Announcement A. FLINTER Diar.ionds, Pearls. Emeralds, Rubies and Sapphires of highest quality Modern Jewellery, Double Clip Combination Brooches, Bracelets, Earrings, Rings etc., etc, set with Diamonds and Diamond Baguettes other Precious Stones Specially Ordered for Christmas New Year Wholesale Retail. Moderate Prices Inspection invited without obligation at: 6, RAFFLES PLACE,
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    • 319 5 ma l a v p n P<UUKR GIFT A Beer Mug is only one of the many attractive gifts to be found in the range of Malayan Pewterware. There is something to please everybody, so do not fail to see our display of this 100 pei cent. Malayan product when
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  • 1229 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By "»TO cut a long story short," said 1 The Man In the Local, "I told my wife to get me the thickest underpants and vests she could buy, because you never know when you're going to get stuck in a shelter or how
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    • 568 6 What Happened To France. By Gordon Waterfield. John Murray. Ss. (Reviewed by D. G. Osborne-Jones.) ntVE writer of this little work happens to have been Reuter's war correspondent in France during the recent invasion of that country by the German Army. Prior to this, he
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    • 256 6 And so to Bath. By C«cil Roberts. Ilodder and Sioughton. 10s. 6d. DILLED with scorn .'or the motorists r who rush from London to Bath in three hours, Mr. Cecil Roberts decides to follow the old coach road In a leisurely manner, and In fact spends montlis
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 685 6 I KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING JLBOUT Have Paid To Learn Both With Health And Pocket AGAIN Thank You*? ~~~~J For Your Wonderful R PID RESULTS tTlta The Secret of the Immense T m BucceBB of Yeast-Vite llea, of Wm^^m CrA/ 1 course. In the fact that it Is an
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    • 351 6 1r ASEPTIC OINTMENT The World's GREATEST HEALER mJOjjjUr Germofen* souUit-s at ''•j^B the first touch, comp mences almost instantly S^l Jto grow new skin, unites 7 H 3 tne broken ti>sue, de- \f* M featsthedangerofKermw°?h W outa7o^ fec h Uonl It 9 coolln 8 I touch on a sore inff^y"~""~]Bpi
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  • 1251 7 By The Onlooker WITH the departure on leave of T Mr. W. S. Ebden, the Resident Council or, Malacca loses an able official who in the thirteen months he has been here has gained a reputation for sound administrative qualities with a most creditable record of achievement,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 180 7 m afiT-.'>ni ip ti.wm mmii r a/n I•< Bar \m Dditiaj rerfiiiib A c es^ brewery in Londou rr^r^^jdS^^^^s^^^, is enjoyed in all warm climes and tm I s P ar^> n appearance and ro ~."J~=r^B W hL 'reshing tanpr is appreciated by all. v| |H Sole Agents' Hfs^ I^9
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 347 7 CONTRACT BRIDGE TN some detective stories, the handsome x "society- burglar lets his intended vie- Ry THE FOUR ACFS tlm know just when and of what he will be y LKEj r v^VJIV /A.V>IL»O robbed. We haven't met enough burglars West opened a low spade and East's to say whether
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  • 458 8 Death Of 15-Year-Old Schoolboy At Picnic MISADVENTURE VERDICT TOLLIEST and happiest of a batch of schoolboys who J went on a sea bathing picnic at Ponggol on Monday, Dec. 2 three days after school had closed for the holidays Wee Teck Choon, 15-year-old
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  • 235 8 Police Appeal For Man Who Saw Fight NO response has yet been received to the police appeal for the help of a European who saw a fight in a Singapore road one night in October. The police appeal, first published on Friday, reads: On Dec. 11 the body of a
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  • 60 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. YONG HON CHONG was charged in the police court to-day with criminal breach of trust in respect of $346 entrusted to him by many people for remittance to China. Accused claimed trial and the case was postponed for
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  • 106 8 Dividends of four per cent, were declared at the meeting of various labourers' cooperative societies in Negri Sembilan and president.*! were elected as follows: Temiang Estate Mr. N.B. Fraser; Ulu Rantau Estate. Mr. H. Harding; Seremban Estate Mr. J. I. Warden Third Mile Estate. Mr. J. Dewar. Mr.
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  • Article, Illustration
    90 8 The hospitabilitv and kindness of the Greeks, who cannot see a Briton walking along the streets without cheering and shouting:, is mentioned in a letter to his father from 22-year-old N. A. Bheema Varma, who is at present in Piraeus. Varma, who is wireless operator on a ship
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  • 220 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday. 4 PRELIMINARY inquiry into a charge of murder preferred against a middle-aged Malay, Attan, who was alleged to have stabbed to death a compatriot named Sa'aban on the evening of Nov. 20 at Serom No. 3, was heard by
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  • 79 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Temerloh, Saturday. THE death occurred on Wednesday evening at her residence at Temerloh of Tungku Asmah, daughter of the lungku Penglima Besar of Pahang the niece of the Sultan of Pahang. Deceased was about 30 years of age. The funeral
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  • 49 8 '""HE Royal Australian Air Force Sergeants' 1 Msss successfully launched their first c yvsterday when some 300 guests, Ser- s and Civilians attended. Music was supUed by the band of the East Surrey Regiment vl prizes were offered for winners of spr£ unces.
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  • 43 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. TIIE distinction of being the first to contribute to the Perak Spitfire fund falls to the Ex-Services Association of Malaya (Ipoh branch), which heads the list with a contribution of $1,000.
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  • 56 8 In aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund and the St. John's Ambulance Association, the Seremban Amateur players, pupi's of Mrs A. K. Mullaly, of Seiemban, will present their second variety entertainment in the hall of King George Fifth School on Saturday, Dec 21. There will be a
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  • 41 8 AS a result of conferences between the Chinese and Indian merchants in Klanjf, it has been decided to close the shops in Klang, Banting, Port Swettenham, and Kuala Selangor for a half day on Sundays, commencing from 1 p.m.
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  • 35 8 The committee of the Y.W.OA. entertained 100 children of the Portuguese Settlement at a Christmas party at the residence of Mrs. A. H. C. Allen, president of the Y.W.C.A., at Buklt Sebukor, Malacca on Saturday.
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  • 35 8 A marriage has been arranged tnd will take at Christ Church, Malacca, on Saturday Dec. M, between Mr. Harold scholes. of the R A. P. and Miss Eileen Wlnton, only daughter ot Mr«. Winton. Malacca.
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  • 40 8 A Chinese who was waiting for a bus at the Junction of Keppel Road and Telok Blangah Road was taken to hospital yesterday with a sprained wrist and an injury to his thigh after being knocked down by a cyclist.
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  • 24 8 A 14-year-old Chinese knocked down by a lorry In Geylang Road yesterday was taken to hospital with serious injuries to bis head and body.
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  • 92 8 THE ALHAMBRA "TRAITOR SPY," which hod a midnight premiere at the Alhambra cinema is another film m the traditional melodramatic fashion that has served to populari entertainment of his type. Bruce Cabot ana Martha Labarr give competent performances. THE CATHAY A TIMELY spy story of a Nazi
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  • 63 8 AtR passengers who passed through Singapore from Australia yesterday en route to Penan? and Rangoon were Mr. H. Pomford. Mrs. Thomns. Mr and Mrs. E. A. Lamb and Mr. E. Boyd. En route from Calcutta to Sydney werr Messrs. F. E. Harris. O. Musprave. G. O. Perm and
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  • 31 8 Organized by the Malacca women's section, Malaya Patriotic Fund, and patronized by all communities, a very successful Christmas bazaar was held at the Malay Volunteer Headquarters at Banda Hillr on Friday.
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  • 260 8 'Suspicious Circumstances Coroner INQUIRY INTO DEATH OF WATCHMAN THE prolonged hearing of a Coroner's Inquiry Into the death of Suopiah, an Indian watchman employed by McAlister and Co.. Ltd., at a godown in Robertson Quay, whose body was found floating in the Singapore River on Oct. 25. came to an
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  • 101 8 HUNDREDS of European and Asiatic children "paid" with toys and tins of milk for admission to the [Capitol cinema yesterday to see tne film Little Accident starring Hugh Herbert and Baby Sandy, and the locally-made picture. With the Indian Army in Malaya."' These gifts
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  • 66 8 'From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Saturday. *THE first matter hjard before Mr. Justice Manning who assumed duties In Johore to-day, was a petition by Mr. Attavar Ycllappa for admission to pracuo° as an advocate and solicitor in Johore. The petition was allowed. Mr.
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  • 65 8 VXfHEN the British Naval Attache and Mrs. L. N. Brownfield arrived In Bangkok nvm S3n<?apore they were welcomed by Luane Dhamrong 1 Nava.".nstl Momluang IVekdhip Malakul and Momluang Manit Chumsal fall of the Thai Goodwill Mission which recently visited Malaya, the Indies and Australia! and
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  • 281 8 "No Indian 'Problem 'ln Malaya, Only 'Question'" 'piIF Central Indian Association of Malaya was as much representative of the Indian population in this country as the United Planting Association of Malaya of the planting interests, asserted Mr. N. Raghavan, president of the C.1.A.M., addressing a crowded -meeting at the Clerical
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 845 8 Restore Youthful Vigour To Glands in 24 Hours New Discovery Brings f^ Pleasures of Life to Men Who Feel Old Before ||rv Their Time JL Do you feel older than you ere? Are you fflM^^HHk^MßiJfl^F^l^^ lacking In youthful animation? Do you en- t>^^ bT*VH l» UQ, Joy the society of
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  • 348 9 Decision Of Local Pullers Association VOW AND HORSE OCCUPATION' WITHIN a few years, Singa- pore may see the last of rickshas and ricksha-pullers if a decision made by the Singapore Ricksha-Pullers Association to abolish ricksha-pulling as a means of earning a living is carried out.
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  • 324 9 QUEEN INSPECTS GIFTS FROM COLONIES A TELEGRAM received in Singapore from the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Lord Lloyd, states that the Queen, at Buckingham Palace on Thursday, inspected a number of mobile canteens, bought with money subscribed from the Colonies, which are to
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  • 71 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. THAT professional and commercial careers should be closed to women was the subject of a debate at the Kesri Sembllan Indian Association. The opposition consisting of Misses H. Simpson, G. Daniel and V Paul won the day. The sprakers
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  • 117 9 Ray. John Hayter (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 14. IT is hoped that the Rev. John C. E. Hayter, who has been appointed assistant Chap'.ain at St. Andrew's Cathtdril, Singapore, will sail for Malaya in the near future. H comes from St. Edmund's Hall. Oxford, and
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  • 43 9 According to the parish magazine of St. Mark's Church. Seremban, news has been received that 22 -year-old Michael, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Manners, formerly of Tampin Linggi Estate, Rantau, Negrl sembllan, was killed in action in Egypt on Sept. 15.
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  • 131 9 THE Straits Settlements police band will 1 perform In public during the week as follows, under the direction of Mr. J. C. Hitch. Monday, at K atone Park, at 5.30 p.m.; March. "Washington Gray." C. 8. Grafulla; Overture, "Crown Diamonds." Auber; Selection, "Looking Backward." Flnck: Vale, "Confidence." Robinson:
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  • 243 9 WELL-KNOWN MEMBER OF CEYLON COMMUNITY (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. HTHK death took place here at the age of 83 of Mr. Samuel G. Lee, a member of the well-known Ceylonese family which has rendered distinguished services to the Portuguese, Dutch and early British
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  • 411 9 Evans-Murray CAPT. N. K. Evans, Manchester Regiment, was married to Miss E'speth Murray, dau&hter of Group Captain and Mrs. C. G. Murray, of the R.A.F.. Singapore, at Tanglin Garrison Church yesterday. Capt. Evans is the son of Mrs. Evans, of Alderney. Channel Islands, and the late Brigadier General W.
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  • 112 9 Chinese Fined $25 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. Saturday. A CHINESE, Wat Soon, was produced before Mr. S. A. Baker, first magistrate, and charged with having practised dentistry when he was not licensed to do so. It was alleged that accused carried on his practice at
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 99 9 Wincarftis is suitable alike for the robust, the invalid and the convalescent. It. braces the whole system, imparts health .and vigour, and preserves gfjji enriches the blood, and not only restores lost _^>p- vitality but builds up new reserves of strength and vigour. As Wincarnis is an entirely natural K
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    • 554 9 p| c Pharmacy 60, Chulia Street. igjlj Enquiries ■^■^■i >■ v.-. „v...-.,w,.... Solicited Nos. 10-12, Hill Street Opposite the Telephone Office. to ease agonisingpP?; STOMACH PAIN The sufferings of this poor Indigestion ..ig stomach *cid ai one* martyr were beyond belief! "I obtained sooihes and comforts the lacerated no relief
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  • 971 10 PVIDENCE of the desire to give tl ail possible assistance to China in her struggle against aggression, provided by the granting of loans and credits by the United States and Great Britain, has naturally been welcomed by all but the Axis partners, and it is not surprising
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  • 391 10 pOULD Hitler glide troops to Great Britain if he attempted invasion now? German High Command orders for enormous numbers of transparent gliders indicate it's an idea he's toying with. Noiselessness Is the surprise factor which gliders have contributed to modern warfare. can be
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  • 95 10 Muzzled Press Danger Warning London, Deo. 1. "AN excessively cautious newspaper censorship is dangerous," said Mr. J. A. Spender, historian and publicist, in a speech yesterday. "If such caution gives the enemy a long start with false news. It may cause us a serious military disadvantage." he declared. "We may
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  • 105 10 War May End Fox Hunting London, Dec. 1. FOX hunting may not be revived in England after the war. Most of the famous hunts are practically at a standstill. Horses have been sold and stables closed. Many well-known kennels have only a few hounds left. The others have been destroyed.
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  • 103 10 LEADING -Aircraftman Tom See. first Chinese to enlist in the R.A.A.F.. was entertained in Sydney recently at a luncheon. He !s Australian -born, of Chinee parents. His parents, Mr. and Mrr, C W. See, of Vaucluse, have lived in Australia more than 50 years. Leading-Aircraftman See
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 427 10 H We have a wide n range of tuit n|* lengths WAIN SHIELL'S Bfn In Silk and Wrol ft] Also AMERICAN *H Rr| SHARKSKIN pKU'I In various colour* TRY OCR TAILORING We only solicit your trial order.' MIEN CHONG Spores most up-to-date Tailor 34 Coltman St. Pbone 4816 PHONE 4310
      427 words
      119 words
    • 153 10 Mr. Can is forgot my papers and had to go back!" 3TAV|fIS vSCST Mr, Can: "It's forgetting your Eno that makes you so slack!" If you awake liverish and »NO s Jrrr f>eavy-«yed, it it a sure sign teca Us I ♦hat your system is out of P|ijq order. Take
      153 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 174 11 £45,000 Realized LESS THAN HALF OF NORMAL VALUE London, Dec. 3. PIE most important thoroughbred bloodstock sale fur many years was held to-day, when more than 80 horses belonging to the rM.tte of the late Sir Abe Bailey were ofl'cred at auction at Newmarket. The total
    174 words
  • 143 11 Hollywood. THE strip-tease striker stood outside Universal Studios recently and took off all her clothes except a lace brassiere and scanties. She Is Greta Roan, a blonde Austrian actress. She was staging the strike as a protest against tbe cutting out of her part In
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  • 432 11 FIRST of England's child refugees in America to get a good chance in the talkies is 12-year-old Roddy McDowall, who crossed the Atlantic amid bombings on the Scythia. Roddy has been assigned the leading role of Huw in the picture, "How Green Was Mr
    432 words
  • 39 11 London, Dec. 2. 'THE favourite bandmaster of ex- Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany is dead. He was Colonel Fritp Brase, Germanborn director of the Irish Army School of Music since 1923. Colonel Brase died in Dublin.
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  • 122 11 The King's Comment On Left-Handed Soldier 117 HEN the King inspected an infantry brigade in training at the Aldershot Command he noticed that one man used his rifle lefthanded. Is this usual the King asked. An officer said that they usually tried to convert left-handed men to th* right-handed use
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  • 179 11 New Delhi, Nov. 20. •T*HE Defence Secretary, India, informed Raja Yuveraj Dutta Singh in the Ce^trnl Assembly, that there Hen- now 51 Indian Air Force pilots on active service. Two service training schools had been established in India for the training of Indian Air Force
    179 words
  • 172 11 Canberra, Dec. 3. WAR Cabinet has approved the erection of a new naval depot on a 40-acre site at Sydney, at an estimated cost of 290.000. This was announced tonight by the Minister for the Interior (Senator Foil). The Minister for the Navy 'Mr.
    172 words
  • 44 11 Wardhaganj, Nov. 19. WR. Arthur Moore. Editor of The "•Statesman, after arrival last night, drove to Sewagram, where, it is understood, he interviewed Mahatma Gandhi this morning. It is believed, he discussed the present situation and also the Press regulations.
    44 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 145 11 _kS Vfc_j/) A A_l W^ IB K^^'/X > J _C_i v U f is~'^W^S\l i £_> J L^~» WHAT BETTER PRESENT? Every gift of a War Savings Certificate is a lasting reminder of the goodwill and friendship of the giver towards the recipient. Every dollar invested in the purchase of
      145 words
    • 253 11 s .'f t m C_f >__fi V^^^^^^_______H____________B__> _r xr\'l 1 _^____H___J__*_i____H __L_L^_LLi-L-^_-_xA_fl_ Examine these models simple, compact, versatile. Packed with new features. KODAK VICILAHT— #j^ J^\ has /4.5 lens, five-speed Kodomatic Mm Shutter. Shutter-release on body to minimise camera movement. Two jbJJHB Rfofi_\ view-finders. Takes pictures 31 x2J I Irow
      253 words

  • 610 12 Investment Demand For Tins And Prices Rise Singapore, Saturday. TTHE features of the past week's markets were the large investment demand for some tin shares which have generally remained steady with some rises in prices; the steadiness and broadening demand for rubber shares; the continued buying
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  • 1341 12 SATURDAY. DEC. 14. 1940: 12.30 P.!VL MINLNG outer* Sellers Ampat Tin (4s) 3s 4'-,a 3s 9a Austral Amal (ss) 6s 6d 7s Austral Mala; <£) >3s 6o 35s So Ayer Hitam (ss) 19s 21s Ayer Weng ($1) .70 .75 Eingnn rtn (£1 15s 16s Batu
    1,341 words
  • 82 12 Saturday. Dee. 14, noon. Bayers 4*Hen Price* Prlf*» No. IX K.S.S (Spot loose) 38% 38% No. IX R.S.S. f.o.j. U> cases December 39 39^ OJF A.Q. R.S.S. r.o.b. In hale* December U¥ t 39 F.A.Q. R.S.S. o.b. 'n Dales December 38 3894 FUTURE QUOTATIONS No.
    82 words
  • 121 12 Singapore. Dec. 14, noon Buyers Sellers Gambler S 7.79 Hamburg Cube 513.00 Java Cube ***** Pepuet White Muntok $16.00 White 51».50 Black 6.50 COBro Mixed $2.15 Sun Dried $2.40 Saoc Flour No I Lingga $4.50 $4.50 Fair $4.50 Sarawak $4.50 /etotonf, Palembong $14.00 Banja $12.50 Sarawak $14.00
    121 words
  • 271 12 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association. Books Oomp*ny DtYidend Clom TIM Batu Selangor 5% Mo. 23 18 Burma Malay 6d. No. 25 Dec. 18 Hong Patt 7% Int. Dec 1 Jelapang 113 No. 15 Dec 11 Katu 6d. No. 26 is. bonus Dec. 9 Kramat Pulal
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 607 12 THE RULES OF HEALTH are few and simple ti ff^bßsjMflN m jfl YjJ tr\ A*j Xl(l irrv v Hrj Andrews gives you complete Inner Cleanliness. \T7M Andrews is far more than a laxative. It cleans M the system through and through, makes you feel j alive and alert, invigorated from
      607 words
    • 85 12 HH^BP^^^^m Sir Finer, Richer! I j. f IVE ioi,. iamily and yourself the pleasure (hST m That's what you gei In BtrwUlLt- 1 M rfr/ I Chase Sanborn Coffee W/r^ijVl*wKsff v J Made from the world'? «/|^^2s^3jZ»tsr I choice coffees, it's friendly «3?«^ flavoured delicious f I jML I Coffee
      85 words

  • 211 13  - Requirements For The Right Of Sight R. A. Thompson, (By Dr. of Ocular Science) HERE are ten requirements for the right of sight: 1. Drops administered at birth of every "hild. 2. The eyes of all children regularly and periodically examined and tested. 3. Corrective glasses scientifically prescribed and treatments
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  • 2099 13  -  R. H. Naylor By TO-DAY. DEC. 11 For most of us: Congenial Sabbath fot churchgoers, not so good for the rest of u»; vague atmosphere of uncertainty over' shadows the day. Put business trorrtel wide, act out and enjoy yourself. For luck to-day voear or use:
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  • 493 13 HERE, grouped according to month of birth (irrespective of year), is a statement of probabilities to be expected this week. JANUARY (Dec 21— Jan. 1»> Friends dominate the week, for the time being the personal rather than the business side of life has your attention. Indecision
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 595 13 tv i Eaten Up with RHEUMATISM Basfe&clie headache 'l/|S|^ ■xi ■>•«. fjji CIRCLES yywfijJL Now Fit as a Fiddle, LnoereyesJ^lPw Thanks to Cystex r V> NURSE AT LAST FIKDS A MEDICINE NERVOUSNESS/: I TO END HER CHRONIC RHEUMATISM CAS fc-ELOATINC Vcr people h»v# tlie »<J »nt»gc* of a. Nu.» In
      595 words
    • 657 13 YOUR LEISURE IS WORTH MONEY If You Lean To Write Short Stories At Home Magazines and Periodicals U'e world ovet pay handsomely for short stories either founded on fact or pure fiction. In your own home, by the Pitman's Short Story Writing Course, which is written by famous authors, you
      657 words

  • 715 14 Keeping Your Grooming In Its Original State Of Perfection Max Factor's Advice J^ANY women who conscientiously strive and succeed in CREATING perfections in the details of their make-up and coiffure very often fail to KEEP these perfections established for any appreciable length of time. All of us have observed instances
    715 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 197 14 ■f^^— <<f rr v UMtf* I'"*1 No Christmas present will be more appreciated than the gift of a course of Elizabeth Arden Salon Treatments. Make enquiries at the Salon about this delightful way of solving the gift problem. (air-conditioned) MAYNARD'S Battery Road. A DAILY TUB THATjOT INVIGORATES will give you
      197 words
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  • 117 15 SIEVES are useful things when cooking, yet they are not in gen- eral use. Some people, for instance,^ find them useful with potatoes.Their method is to boil well-washed, cut-up, but unpeeled, potatoes. Then they use the sieve for draining the potatoes, and they also mash them
    117 words
  • 73 15 3 tablespoons bacon fat 4 firm bananas (halved) 1 tablespoon lemon juice tablespoon salt y 8 teaspoon celery salt Heat fat in a frying pan. Add bananas and cook about five minutes or until well browned on all sides. (Turn them carefully with a spatula and fork to
    73 words
  • 565 15 Supple Headgear Is As Popular As Ever CUPPLE headgear is as popular as ever. Turbans are still being worn some with a new and individual twist. Pixie hoods will be worn again in the cold weather. So will lined bonnets made from oilskin. Knitted helmets with scarfends are new modes
    565 words
  • Article, Illustration
    72 15 JUNE Prelsser wearing a heavy •'silk crepe flowered print, accompanied by navy blue accessories. Her dress Is cne piece with narrow belt which loops through a duet of shirred pockets at the waistline. The neckline is high, cut on a square. A large navy felt turnedup Breton with
    72 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 243 15 jm mZ&Jmk loveliness Shampoo makn >^p bair demn healthy, radiantly lurdy. Xj* Setting*, too, we FT wonderfully ewy V for Amami makes fur hair really Vg~w Mnatcrtlc ~^^>y ■MWETTU..JI*. I FRIDAY NIGHT IS AMAMI NIGHT 1? nbk to obtain Amami, write to A. T. GiDcapM. Arcade HuiULng., Raffle* Square. P.O.
      243 words
    • 85 15 JjP^mi sight Men detest greasy painted lips... but thrill to the rosy softness Tangce gives. Orange in the stick, Tangee can't paint. Instead its magic Color Change Principle intensifies your individual coloring .becomes a part of your lips, not a greasy coating. Stroke it on a second time and the
      85 words
    • 509 15 Dirt in o Scratch may be SEPTIC It is never safe to let even a pin will end. Limbs and Jives are prick go without applying an endangered, as the newspaper antiseptic to kill any septic columns so often show. The germs which may have been handiest and most effective
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 291 16 N<». 77 S«t I la atuaeli»» 'a^^SS i^ coloured bygicnio ■moulded /4V"^^^^^T'Jlliißa^Bi^^s^-». cm«, contain* two pieoa CiUrtU razor, threa Hlua /B I^iir^*^ No. *4 Sat CompriM* a (.ill.uo rasor, Uirea Ulna W^mJHNhH Mb Gilletta blndet to plat«d •heath, the whale contained colourful leatherettaeovrrrd oirtal ea»e, of tha popular pookrt-editioD tjrpa.
      291 words
    • 239 16 IT PAYS TO APPETISE WITH HP SAUCE Hj^^^j A" m <" »"J fuh diahc*, mm %tk I •oupitndsimlwichntMta D[Vk l infinitely nicer with hula IIP Sauce. Thia /^S^^^^f^^P^fc, unique blenJ of AVL^^kjSS- 58 a^Ln l' ru 't», «pi c« an 4 _flaa^B^^KS*^^^aiaP malt vinegar Foot Itch Healed in 3 Days
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 2446 16 Wireless Programmes TO-DAY EMPIRE STATION NIROM CIMrADADC OSB 951 mr/I (XI 55 n0L); GSC 9M me/i YDB 15 3 nc/> (19.61 m.>; TDC 15.15 bm/I fIMNVAIPUKIS (31.M m.>; GBD 11.75 mc/s <*5.53 m.); CSE (19 g« m.) PLP ***** mc/» <n.27 m.); PMN •rm nunr/i I 225 m.l 11 w
      2,446 words

  • 719 17 i By Our Badmunon Correspondent) THE badmUiton season in Singapore will be brought to a close in a matter of three weeks or so, ai.d as is usual in previous "nny matter j crop up that result in ii not inly by Urn members
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  • 1772 17  -  "Doc. By DOXINti ..ill bf amply catered for when the ;emi-flnal and final of th> Middlesex Cup take place. At the Commas a lyrr.iiasiun on Monday the Gordons meet thr I >>yuls, aiid the winners meet the holders, the lesters. in the final. The last minute :;cratchir.R
    1,772 words
  • Article, Illustration
    85 17 Photograph taken at the seventh anniversary celebration of the Playfair B.P. Rack (from left) Kwek Choon Hian. Paul Lim, Lini l.ian lien;, Chua Cher Yong, Yap Thian Hock, Chan Siew ('hone, Lim Kirn Chwee, fang Eng Guan, Johnny Tay and Ec Thian Sianp. Middle Wee Kirn Wee. Chan Siew Lee,
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  • 493 17 OPEN BADMINTON TITLE WON BY 'JUNIORS *T*HE biggest badminton surprise of the season was provided by Ahmad Mattar and Chia Chin Soon (Eclipse 8.P.) who after winning the junior doubles title a short while ago went on to clinch the open doubles title, defeating the Marieold pair. Tan (.'hong Tee
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  • 385 17 IN the Sc-Ungor junior badminton interteam singles lian Hwa accounted Xor the Sprlngvale Reserves by four games to one. and Springvalc Juniors beat the Postal Union. With their players turning up in full force, I Jan Hwa's supporters were apparently confident of their side collecting the maximum
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  • 612 17 BADMINTON LEAGUE FOR ESTATES (By Our Perak Correspondent.) THE badminton championships of Sitiawan 1 and Dindings will begin shortly and, it Is understood, a record number of entries have been received. Teluk Alison Is taking the initiative in forming competitions for the staffs of large estates in that district. The
    612 words
  • 44 17 At the first annua! general meeting of the Jolly Youngsters B.P. the following were elected office-bearers: Provident, G. Murugaya; vice-president. C.R. Krishnan: hon. secretary. P. Nagappan (re-elected); treasurer, M. Allauodin; captain. R. Ilajagopal (re-elscted); vice-captain. Choo Kwong Leong; committee, V. Narayanasamy.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 390 17 NEW LIFE B.P. The New Life B.P. will hold a social function to celebrate its third anniversary in tbe form of a dinner-party at the Great World Restaurant on Saturday. Dec. 21, at 7.30 p.m. DANCE HOSTESS NEARLY ,rf^^ LOSES HER POPULARITY f "^Ttiv.Mt. |/this cabaret prides n~~ WW*JB>TTM I
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    • 513 17 Gelling Up Nights Makes You Old Before Your Time According to statistics. 65 out of everr 100 men cooncr or later are started on th#' road to premature old ago by prustato gland trouble. One of tho oommono: sj-mptoms of this dangerous and mysterious :"l iiilmont is the necessity of
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  • 1829 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. PIE opening event of the third and final day of the Selangor Turf Club's winter race nmeting was run in a drizzle. Mcc paid a win dividend of $147 in the fourth race. Race 1 Horse*. CUm
    1,829 words
  • 139 18 THE following will represent the Singapore Colts In the following hockey games: On Wednesday against the Junior Civil Serrice at Tessensohn Road: W. Gray; M. Modder. H. Humphries: N. Armstrong. D. De Crus. L. Estrop (c«pt.); E. Jayakoddy, A. Kerr. J. Tralll. O. O'Hara. M. Tralll. Reserver: M.
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  • 773 18 Unbeaten Rugby Sides Meet, Result A Draw A DRAW was a very fair indication of the relative strengths of the two teams, the Army Wanderers and the Royal Air Force, the Blues, when these two unbeaten sides in the series of matches arranged by the Malayan Rugby Union met at
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  • 124 18 O HOW ING marked superiority In the forward line, the Police hockey team beat the Gordons by five goals to nil In a keenly-contested game at the Depot yesterday. The winners had to thank H. Singh and Cavalho for their victory. H. Singh scored the
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  • 18 18 The Indian General Hospital drew two-all with the Indian Army Ordnance Corps In a hockey match played yesterday.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 624 18 YOU WON'T HAVE fiOUT if Gout is due to a blood condition. If you have a tendency to acidity you are liable to it. There are var» tons causes. Unbalanced diet. Pott* onrd trrth. These upset the digea* tion. The liver and kidneys get out of order. Gout occurs. There
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    • 459 18 ALL OUR YESTERDAYS Good party last night, wasn't It so dugustmgly cheerful ami bright this morning." Er— yes I suppose so. Somehow I don't seem to renZmber thing, very know, it must be very exasperattUarly. Vve got a va?ue recollection of in R; A man warned me xo somebody
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  • 151 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. MALACCA selectors are having a try-out on Monday of a "Probables" team for the meeting with Singapore In the State hockey fixture at Singapore on Dec. 21, when the Malacca XI will play a strong team drawn from the
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 19 TAN KEE FAH Negri Sembilan State footballer. Plays rugger for the All Blues and is a good club hockey player.
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  • 25 19 Brooke's XI (practically the Selangor State hocicey side) will play against a Services side on the Indian Association ground at 5 p.m. to-day.
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  • 15 19 British Army officers are meeting the R.A.F. officers on the AP.C. ground at Paya Lebar.
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  • 181 19 THE Navy turned the tables on the 1 Royal Australian Air Force at rugger yesterday at the Naval Base beating them by nine points (three tries) to three points (a try). The R.AP. were without several of their first team players. In earlier matches against
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  • 99 19 THE following have been invited to play soccer for Chung Wan against the Post Office Club at Farrer Park to-day. Lee Pa* Tong, Oon Yoon Sin: Boon Soon San, Chan Ah Bah, Chan Slew Moon, Chua Hock Guan Choo Seng Chye; Lee Hong Siew, Van Wtnc Fong,
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  • 61 19 IV^RS. GARDEN, with a total with handicap of 103.05, won the Singapore Women's Rifle Association December spoon shoot, while Mrs. Hutchings. with a total with handicap of 102.82, was second. Mrs. Garden scored 25 points at 300 yards range, 23 at 200 and 34 at 100. Mrs.
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  • 60 19 THE women's doubles lawn tennis final of the Y.W.C.A. Sports Club was played between Miss N. Chia and Mrs. Koh and Mrs. N. S. Hogan and Mrs. D. Marshall, and, after a hard fought game, which ran into three sets, 6 4, 3—6, 6—l, the mntch was
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  • 61 19 New York, Saturday. I£EN Overlin easily retained the world middleweight boxing championship by outpointing the youthful challenger, Steve Belloise, in a 15-round contest at Madison Square Gaiden. Experienced Overlin sapped his opponent's strength with a forceful body attack, while Belloise foolishly elected to wait for
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 185 19 ■THE following ha»e been selected to play hockey for the V.M.C.A. to. S.B.C. on Ue Alison Road ground on Monday at 5.10 p.m.: Wee Alk Chan, Lee Fong Llm. J. Sanderson, A. C. Edgar, a. L. Day. Gch Chin Ohye. Low Huck Van. Oan Kee Tian. I. B.
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  • 246 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday. niSPLAYING better combination the soccer team of the Malacca Indians beat the Muar Indians by three goals to nil when the sides met in their annual match played at the Muar Club padang yesterday. The Malacca Indians were full
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  • 589 19 SINGAPORE BEAT SELANGOR AT HOCKEY IN a came of thrills and disap> pointments, with the thrills just able to compensate for the general scrappiness of play, Singapore beat Selangor by four goals to one at hockey on the padang yesterday. Despite the fact that they netted the ball four times
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 185 19 \m\ I /^**XjM^^'^ THE BRISTOL BLENHEIM M^^lj^fifgs;M Despite all the constructional efforts of our <:^Stt^^^ fifSWk enemies. The Bristol Blenheim is still the L VU fastest bomber of its type, in service in the vS SW world. This all-metal cantilever mono- S^ W=§k. plane, fitted with two "BRISTOL" Mercury *i
      185 words
    • 129 19 f Spratt's mobilize their forces the East! Thousands of dogs in the East, as well as in the Old Country, depend upon their favourite Biscuit Food for health and happiness thousands of dogs who must have their daily Spratt's. Spratt's are in action to meet the demand. There are
      129 words
    • 535 19 vjUffljrj BATTERIES ensure ecv..omy> Hfcj^Bjaj^F n-i satisfaction' TRADE MARK AKD YOU CURB THATCOVGH Phlegm 15 the cause of brejilnng difficulties, ehesuness, coughs, and oiher bronchial Jisorders Tussipe-.! hnngs r.ipid relief li loosen? the phlegm and j'.sisu in the process of expectoration Confining no dangerous drugs v will mx cause psiric
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  • 29 20 Mr. Anthony Eden. Secretary of State for War. recently visited the Western Command. In the picture he Is inspecting the cookhouse of the North nmbrrUnd Fusiliers.
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  • 94 20 Chungking. RICH oil wells have been discovered in western Kansu and they are now in full operation, it was officially revealed. These wells. It Is added, will pro bably yield 80 million gallons a year for at least a century. The wells are located outside the historic
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  • 254 20 Alexandria, Dec. 2. r\S an Australian destroyer, forming part of a convoy escor in the Mediterranean, I have just witnessed a sudden attack by two Italian torpedohorn bo i planes, writes lan Fitchett, Sydney Sun war correspondent in the Middle East. It was -i minute of terrific
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  • 396 20 the sound reached us. showed that the leading ship had opened fire at extreme range. Shrapnel puffs and splashes on the horizon near the bombers revealed good shooting, and the planes moved warily around on our &Jde. manoeuvring for position. By this time all
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  • 175 20 Ernakulam, Nov. 21. HTHE Cochin Legislative Council carried to-day by 28 against 7 votes Mrs. Thankamma N. Menon's Child Marriage Restraint Bill. Tbe Bill seeks to prohibit marriages of boys below 18 years ot age and of girls below 14. The oppositionists expressed regret 'hat
    175 words
  • 97 20 Tokio. •"HHE Finance Ministry has approved the Foreign Office's request for V. 150,000 for e'evation of the Japanese Legation in Thailand to the status of an Embassy. Among other Foreign Office projects approved by the Finance Ministry for the budget was V.50,000 for establishment of
    97 words
  • 26 20 A Swedish aeroplane forced down an unarmed German machine at LJungbyhed aerodrome. In South Sweden. The crew of four were taken Into custody.
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 20 Splinters," mascot ot m British warship. H.M.S. Kelvin, is weU known for his antics ana is I und in many unlikely places. Hire he la on the ship* beU.
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  • 20 20 "That was a very short air raid wasn't it?" Yes —hardly worth putting my teeth in for."
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  • 132 20 Dutch Journalist Shot On Thai-Indo-China Border Hanoi, Dec. 4. MR. Hubert Hermans, 32, the Dutch correspondent of the Netherland Indies newspaper Soerabaiasch Handelsblad was killed to-day while sitting in the guardhouse at Poipet, on the Thai-Indo-China border. It is believed, reports United Pres3, that a sniper fired the single bullet
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  • 77 20 Stork's Message Of Nazi Oppression In Holland London. Dec. 3. A DEAD stork, found on a farm in North Transvaal, had a tapesewn to its leg bearing a message from Holland to South Africa, says The Times correspondent at Johannesburg. The message read: "To our South African brothers. We, the
    77 words
  • 28 20 It Is announced from Vichy that on account of the scarcity of coal in unoccupied France the already reduced passenger train services will be further curtailed.
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  • 196 20 NO COSMETICS OR CORSETS FOR RUMANIAN ARMY GENERAL Antonescu. the new dictator of Rumania, has issued a confidential order to all army corps commanders, instructing them to take stern disciplinary steps at once to see that in future officers do not: Wear corsets; Use beauty preparations of cosmetics. He makes
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  • 292 20 •pHK lonely, fear-filled life of tbe Japanese puppet leader in China, Wang Ching-wel, was described by the Consul-General for China, Dr. Pao. in an address to the China Society in Sydney. Loyal and useful Chinese hate Wan? Chlng-wei for his treason to his counI try,"
    292 words
  • 73 20 London, Nov. 29. CHRISTMAS celebrations will be heir* in London's alr-rald shelters. The Daily Telegraph says that arrangements, sponsored by the Government, have been made for the preparation of Christmas fare In communal kitchens, and Its transport to th? shelters in vans. Carols, community singing, and
    73 words
  • 40 20 ORINCESS Chi Chen-feng, the flght- ing Mongolian amazon of the Urlat Front Banner In West Sulyuan, has been highly commended by General Chu Chao-llang. Commander of the Chinese Forces in the North-west, for leading Mongolians against the Japanese.
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  • 32 20 An impressive funeral service took place when brother officers attended the last departure for sea of Captain J. G. Blckford, D.5.0., R.N, who was killed in H.MS. Expies*.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 80 20 Ir A < m o VSj^ T^_ BRANDY A SENSATIONAL 1 NEW TYRE (A /^CL*^^S*!j^»»«m|»^ah^M^|^-^M«^a^|»M|aW t^m-Tnm'^^^^Smri Tirestowt CHAMPION Amazing New Non-Sldd Tread New Type Stronger Cord Body Longer Mileage it Creator Safety Another Firestone triumph— «he new Firestone Champion! A revolutionary new tyre with aKounding performance record* for long fnileMC.
      80 words
    • 391 20 WHEN YOU ARE NOT GETTING SATISFACTION TRY ap- 1 Warn uYfffi^l Iry^g^^y B The world's best by every Test! x;mas cards Wholesale and Retail. Best selection in town. X'MAS TOYI Honey, Panda, 80-80, Polar and other BEARS. Tats, Docs, Rabbits, Chicks, Ducks, Jesters, Sailors,, etc. COMPLETELY BRITISH MAI>E TOYS ONLY.
      391 words