The Straits Times, 14 December 1940

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 146 1 MIEN CHONG tor SMART YAILORING tuiliMr Mil l-rnctlt* U\IN SIIIKI.I 'S IB silk and Wool AIM \M> KM \N SHIRKnKIN In Tarh>u» r«lo«ir« 31 Cotemaa St. S »«r* fhonr IXIS PJIIC ll)^ilil'f<Jih ft I SOLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR CI.iGAPORC <f UNIVERSAL r^jo house, CINOAPORE-KUALA LUMPUR-IPOH— PENANG-MALACCA. 205 QRCrArtD ROAD. SINGAPORE. Specially
      146 words
    • 156 1 •1 ris*ff*V l'''iTi ~7, oj <^ I. MICMtST »W»«O O^ _-rf^^^^ CAfl rO»H IXMIIITIOH. l»0»-»- U Mtlrax't i. tnolT «WIW Mi 1 11 fli ll GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY PW RAFFLES PLACE o SINGAPORE XHE FACT THAT THERE AH MANY BUYERS OP THE testifies to the recognition by owners ol the RELIABILITY
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    • 47 1 FINAL EDTN. ELSIE MARY Battery Read, Just Arrived AMERICAN DRESSES. Recognised Everywhere as the Supreme Beverage /br Health, Strength and Vitality OV/ILTINE J 1 CHUTNEYS PICKLES DAW SEN CO. P.0.80x.9020\/ CALCUTTA, inoia PRONE 5376 5 LINES Advt. of Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I^— CM HIA ■■MMMMBW
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  • The Straits Times
    • 73 2 < 'lonK en wee passed away peacefully at 5.25 p.m. on the 12 12 M at his residence. No. 341. Pasir Panjnns Road. He Jraves behind his Mtvai «ife, two sons. Messrs Ang Soon Hoe Ani,' Soon Ljre. a daughter son-in-law, three (trand•*h:!drcn two nephews. Messrs. Tan Lei Chuan
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 354 2 SMALL APST Minimum ch• r g SI. '•r t*n n«t e\re«dt«c Mor» ikar r««t »mm 25 centft o«r line (Sin »ortfs) Box Mo. 25 cent* extra DOMESTIC iKIIKIUMis •IK HIS MARRIAGES HIATUS A( IMMUMHRt ANNOUNtfcMKMS PP.C CARDS are e**rgr« S3 Mfc ori uner I ton prt ark i imrh IS
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    • 323 2 SITUATIONS VACANT When applying far an> position a<»ai'Mwtt n these columns wnd copies of Inttnn nhita Im not scad ortftnala PROVISION Counter Salesman. Previous ojtperirnci? essential. Write Box No. 387. S.T. DF.MVERI t'M.RK for retail store, must posses* good knowh-dge of Sirpapore. Write Box No. 386. Straits Times. WANTED H
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    • 830 2 SITUATIONS WANTED No. 1. CABLE (lIRK nn.l Typist— 7 years' ruiitinuous yervice in a leading British concern can produce Ist class reference available for Immediate .srrvlce. Plcare apply to Principal Rsjnh's College. Phone 6551. YOUNG INDIAN. 32, with fourteen years experience, large European Firm in I keeping, stock accounts, ."hipping.
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    • 736 2 BOARD RESIDENCE EAST ANCI.IA, o Oxley Rise, cool and quiet. Terms mocUvate. Tele. 4390. ROGERVILLK 308 Orchard Rd. large front room shortly vacant. Phona Mrs. Platt 44t>l 44. OXLEY RD., rooms private suitts. Meals s»r\ice opt. Central, quiet tm.t'.i ROOMS A FLATLETS at -Lloyd House" 2. Lloyd Ro Own bathrooms.
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    • 298 2 PUBLIC NOTICE RUNNYMEDE HOTEL, LIMITED. (Incorporated m the Straits Settlements) NOTICE is hereby given fiat the Twentieth Annual General Meeting of th« (Vmpany will be held on Saturday the L'fl'li day of December. 1940. at the Registered Office. Georpe Town Chambers, 39, Beach t Penang at 12 noon. BUSINESS. 1
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    • 73 2 BUSINESS CARDS ETG JOIN THE GREEN CIRCLE LENDING LIBRARY Ist HOOK 18 V K.VI TFRY RD. P.O. BOX 31. SINtiAPOUK. Moderate Irrms: .special ratrt Oulslatiot) M' nbvr*, Vlubn md Mrws Oprn Daily: A.T.O *.M. to I.M. Saturdays: 8..10 i.M. to I I' M EUGENE Permanent Waving EUGENF Hair-reconditioning. MAISON PERM
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 376 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (lncorporaiea in England) NSULAR AND ORIENTAL 8 N Co UAU PASbENOER AND CAROO SERVICE The best possible services ore being maintained b$ the P O S N Coy from the Straits to their usual ports of cal) tn China. India. Ceylon
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    • 228 3 (Incorporated In Japan) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. TO EUROPK VIA AMERICA Through fares to North America to Furor* via America and Round Tours tn the I'arillf Quoted in L.S. on application To California from the Orient wim Honolulu 5.s NITTA MARU leave H'kong Dec. 19 m.s.
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    • 554 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed all cargo bookings subject to Conference War clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth) via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A £28)
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    • 141 3 TO TESTATORS, Administration of estates by a corporation formed and highly qualified to act as Trustees and Executors is everywhere admitted to offer greater security than is obtainable fro ra personal Trustees. This does not mean changing your Bankers, Solicitors or others who have handled your business. If you appoint
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 742 3 Broadcasting TODAY SINGAPORE zm 15.33 mc/t < 225 m.) ZIIPI 9 61 nc/l (30 96 m.) Zlir3 7.25 mc/« (41.33 tn.) (ZHL ZHPD 500 p.m. Modern Mandarin music*: 5 Am pjn. News m Cantonese: 5.50 p.m. Petptiia dramat; 6.10 p.m. News m Hokkicn. 6.20 p u\. News In English. Relayed
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  • 335 4 London. Dec. 13. ALTHOUUH sentiment mis sUll good the usual week-end quietness Dr«*v;r.l?d on the stock Exchange to-day. Gilt-edged were fairly active around previous levels while a good demand remained for Egyptian Issues. Portuguese loans wen* also higher and Home industrials and oils moved rather irregularly. Reuter.
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  • 41 4 THE price of rubber for purposes of assessment of export duty in the F.MJS. for the period Dec. 13 to Dec. 19, inclusive, has been determined at 38^ a cents a pound, states an F.MJS. Government Gazelle notification.
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  • 12 4 Malaka pinda Rubber Estates Ltd. harvested 73,100 lb. ©f rubber in November
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  • 135 4 COMMODIT IES EXCHANGES c From Our Own Correspondent London, Dec. 13. /"•OMMODITY and Exchange markets i.osed M follows witt) orevlow <j'iotatJon> w oarenthesls:— RI'BBJCK- Firmer. Spot 12 I'l6d 12 316« tl2d 52'<,d> Jan. l2Hd l2V»a (ttttd 12» 4 d» Feb. 12>id 12 5!16d (12 3 lCd ISHfil) June 12 sjl6d
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  • 189 4 Singapore Prlday me following are ohe excnangt •a^e^ m morning according to the dally clrciilai ttau» t^v the Hongkonp »n<} Shanghai Gankin -ornora' lon SELLING von 1.1. I' l ,ljordoD demand >/* 1/1' Switzerland demand (T.T only) 202 H 1 New York demand 47 3/32 Montreal demand 51 27/32
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  • 387 4 the loiiowing aoiidiioiia lo The Wai Fund are recorded to-day lers, Ltd.— Proceeds of War Fund premiere of the Columbia i omedy, "He Stayed for Breakfast." at Capitol Theatre 3.605. li 1 Sale of Tickets, $1,971; Advertisements in programme, $1,165; and sale of programmes, drinks,
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  • 395 4 AROUND THE MARKETS Tins Firm: Rubbers More Active: Industrials Steady By Our Financial Correspondent Singapore. Dec. 14. YESTERDAY'S share markets were rather quieter and there were few price changes in any sec ion. Among Dollar tins Hong Fatt was a shade I hotter and had fairly good business ;jnd Sungei
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  • 180 4 Ljndon, Dec. 12. AMONG achievements earning the Military Cross for gallantry m the North African campaign is a story of gallant conduct which brings the decoration to Lieut. Taj Mohammed Khan Zada, of the 11th Sikh Regiment. During operations m August th. year a picket was attacked
    British Wireless  -  180 words
  • 52 4 L rden. D?c. 14. Tin opened steady. The turnover was 125 tons. The forward improvement reflects better Uni.rd Stat< sumer demc-nd overnight. Including two Navy orders of 90 tons apiece 400 tons were bought from the East. After official hours the market was lifm and a further 30 tons were
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 82 4 C HA MBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. Frirtd\. i*rr II nmiii. lloyrrf rllen l»rlr»< PrtMl N« rt-S.S LSPOI lOO.sf) —SI I IX K.S.S. f.«. >ii .a-r-r>e«-rml>ei < > K.S.S. f.«..b in hiilf« f»r»-rirl>.-r 38- I .\.Q R.S.S. o.b. n »«lrs Dfrrml) r 3X'. ISM i t Tl XX Ol\l lONS
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  • 34 4 me following rubber ci harvested In N'< Aloi i Ayer Panai 80.l Bukit Ki'bu i JalanKcbnn 14.» Xli:. iMiii Port Sw« !■> Talisman Wi.MO Tambalak Teluk Ane i] Ulu Benw; 7 iK">
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  • 127 4 WHEN CHILDREN OUTGROW THEIR STRENGTH With rapidly growing children, nou* rishment must keep pace with growth? When it doesn't the child geta thin] pale, weedy, with no em nation for food. For extra nourish iik-m; ndt hurc*a say there is nothing better than. Horlicks. It builds up Beth, bone md)
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 224 4 The Calcutta Commercial Bank Ltd., (Incorporated in British India) A purely Indian Scheduled Bank Uc-Hd Office, 2 Clive Ghat Street, Calcutta beg to announce the opening on Wednesday 18th of December, 1940 of their Kuala Lumpur Branch at 79 Java Street (Ist floor) N. Chaudhuri M. S. Marwaha Inspector of
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    • 345 4 PUBLIC NOTICES GOPENG CONSOLIDATED, LIMITED. (Incorporau d m England.) Advice has been received by cable 01 the declaration of a bonus dividend of one shilling In respect of the year ended 30th September, 1940, and of an interim dividend of six In respect of the current year both payable
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    • 15 4 nil 9639-***** Corrtci lor all GCt4»loi>* wui. tiyfid shoe ol fiiictl calf, with torcd <*'M.
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  • 878 5 $100,000 Donated To War Fund: Reserves Increased PERCENTAGE OF PROFITS AS BONUS TO ALL EMPLOYEES O7EARNE BROTHERS LTD. is to creci a modern garage in Seremban and make extension to its garage accommodation in Singapore and $100,000 has been set aside from last
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  • 201 5 ARRIVALS Mails from Great Britain, South and East Africa boxholders 5 p.m. to-morrow; general delivery 8.15 a.m. Monday. Mails from Australia and Java (air) general delivery 3.30 p.m. Monday. Air mails for Great Britain forwarded via the U.S.A. and Trans-Atlantic route on Oct. 26. 28 and
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  • 249 5 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association. Hooka Company Oivaena Clow Date Payable ex otT. Data Total toe anaccuu rear to date Bum Selangor 5% No. 23 18 Burma Malay 6d. No. 25 Dec. 18 Kong Fatt 7'i Int. Dec. 't Jelapang H3 No. 15 Dec. 11
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  • 1336 5 FRIDAY, DEC. 13. 194*: 4 P.M. Ml.VtNn Bayer* seller* Amp-vt Tin (4s) 3s 4'4d 3s 9d Austral Amal (ss) 6s 6d 7s Austral Malay f£> S3s 6d 35? 6d Aver Hltam (ss) 19s 21s Ayer Weng ($1) .68 .73 Bangrln Tin (E) 15s 16s Batu
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 99 5 rIRIUM THRILLS MILLIONS-, JPM&tEHKtfit'&lk y** 444 P+pdodenf Tooth Paste is thrillu^ f:\ millions morning after morning, by the new **)2j dazzling whiteness of their teeth! Never before has j£3 f..\ there been such radiance with a tooth paste so V"ik 4 utterly safe Yes, there's never a risk with x
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    • 647 5 AUCTION NOTICE AUCTION SALE Of Freehold Singapore properties, at the Saleroom of A. T. EDWARDS CO., LTD No. 11 MALACCA STREET. On Thursday. 19tn December, 1940. at 2.30 P.M. Lot 1. Freehold land and house No. 319 319A New Bridg Road, area 1,779 sq. ft. Lot 2. Freehold land at
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    • 248 5 12 Brilliant Shampoos Think of the delicate bloom on a peach. Your baby's skin is like >£*» that. Harsh ordinary #y/ soaps, or even the so- /fifir called '"toilet" soaps, con- AWm tain alkalies that take j»BF~^ all the beauty out of the JKT7Scrjj, hair, and no matter how .carefully
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 100 5 SINGAPORE TIDE TABLES To- day H. w. 9.56 a.m. 9.4 ft.; 11.10 p.m. 8.6 ft. L. W. 4 a.m.. 4.4 ft.: 4.39 p.m. 1.4 ft. To-Tnorrow 11. W. 10.28 a.m. 9.6 ft.: 11.45 p.m. 8.9 ft. L. w 4.34 a.m. 4.4 ft.: 5.10 p.m. 1 ft. Monday. Dec. 16 H.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 340 6 fiuuit lyntuits tunb uvuu tunwiea uu dvi CHARLEY'S (BIG HEARTED) AUNT IS STILL RUNNING T THE PAVILION 3.15^15*8 9.15 MIHURASKEY LOTS OF i t^^^ HEARTY WsSw LAUGHTER *%/^^^S WHOLE FAMILY! n^J GAUMONT BRITISH wfflWjffjfj 31 ivivr w <; T MFW S MURDOCH Ul\lVn X o A L. IN r. >
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    • 218 6 PLEASE BOOK EARLY and AVOID THE QUEUE TO-NIGHT ITS THE SHOW THE WHOLE TOWN'S TALKING ABOUT 1 JUST GRAND FOR YOUR WEEK-END ENTERTAINMENT! TADITni TO-DAY tArl lUL 3.15-6.15-9.15 WM? Columbia's Fast, Frenchy Funfest that drew 16,136 people to the STATE Theatre, Sydney, during its 3 weeks' run! The "AWFUL TRUTH"
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  • 406 7 ALAS! How little is known of the so-called major prophets Isaiah Jeremiah— Ezekiel— Daniel. For instance, this Sunday evening many congregations will be listening to the openiru? verses of a magnificent lyrical ecstacy found in the chapters 24 27 of the flrst-natnjd. but they
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  • 1019 7 CHURCH OF ENGLAND ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL.— Third Sunday In Advent, 6.50 a.m. Holy Communion: 7.30 a.m. Matins; 8 a.m. Choral Eucharist; 9.15 a.m. Holy Communion; 5.30 p m Evensong and sermon. Preacher: The Rev. H. W. Todd. Assistant Chaplain General ST. PAULS CHURCH.— Sunday. 8 a.m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 402 7 RAFFLES HOTEL to night -SPECIAL DINNER DANCE (formal) 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. pop 2t?r r ac c t?SS ret BUSTER MAGGIE ROOIC VOTTP TfIRT F Dinner $3.00. DKJKJR. YUUK IABLt Son-dinrrs Sl.OO. RI.ISTTAFEI. served to-day from 12.30 to 2.30 p.m. TO-MORROW WIGHT S CONCERT ATTRACTION By the Band of
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    • 116 7 X'MAS GIFT FOR "HIM* "HAWLEY TROPPER** Sun and Rain HAT makes a good present because it Is: Waterproof The coolest hat under the sun Insulated, air-cooled Feather-light 25 degrees cooler than going hatless Smartly Styled For Work, Sport or Dress wear Worn by Hollywood Actors Adjustable to any size. Prices
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    • 255 7 r o d a y Wher# 3.15, 6.15, 9.15 PA] UAV Morning Show To-morrow %0 M~B I ll^m I At 1 1 O'clock FREE PRESS "Superbly directed, the production is the best that have come out of Hollywood. It is more than just a production. rTHE AMAZING REVELATION OF
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  • 1063 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. DEC. 14, 1940. (468th Day Of The War.) A Great Loss Extremely generous tributes have been paid on both sides of the Atlantic to the work and personality of the British Ambassador a'.! Washington, Lord Lothian, whose death took place with startling suddenness on Thursday.
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  • 33 8 BIG NORWEGIAN LINER LOST OFF NEWCASTLE TKE Norwegi&n liner Osloljord (16,500 tons) struck mines and sank on Wednesday off Newcastle, England, it was reported In authoritative New York shipping circles yesterday, reports Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 63 8 THE R. A.F. They rode into the Mists of Death and laid down their young lives for thee, O Mother England, and willingly poured out their noble Llood as cheerfully as ever after a long day's sport, when infants, they had rested their wearied heads upon their mother's face or
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  • Letters To The Editor
    • 309 8 What Is Being Done In Northern Ireland To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— ln your article Warnings you said that if Ireland would permU, the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force to establish bases in Ireland, it would help our cause enormously. Instead of Ireland you
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    • 372 8 How Children Should Be Taught To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, We are agreed that the past, present and future of Malaya are contained in one word. Agriculture, and how best to improve the agricultural methods adopted by our friend the villager is the ques:ion. Taking the
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    • 197 8 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Quite a lot of ink has been spilt over the problems of the Eurasian community in Malaya. Though I am an Asiatic and have not sufficiently mixed with the members of the Eurasian community i n Malaya, yet having been
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    • 414 8 Collaboration In "A New World Order" To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— Your leader of Dec. 6 has the somewhat clumsy heading: "Dominate or be Dominated." I suggest: "Dominate and be Damned" as more concise and truthful. It is almost amusing to recollect the naive
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    • 334 8 Duty Of The Citizen In Wartime To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— The Empire is at war with Hitler and Mussolini. Japan has fallen in line with them, only waiting to act. The world knows what these Axis Powers have done and are still doing. Hitler
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    • 114 8 Givers Of Bribes To Go Free? To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— ln the Legislative Council, in reply to Capt. Hashlm. His Excellency said, among other things: "It Is not so easy as it might appear. It has to be remembered, of course, that It ls not
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    • 914 8 Must Not Be Divorced From Life To the Editor of the Straits Timr* Sir, There is. perhaps, no other \!c of lifp where fools are su apt to rum >i as education, a walk of lue largely unknown and unexplort d even angel experts fear to tread temerity with
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 193 8 BROADWOOD GRAND UPRIGHT PIANOS BRITISH SUPERIORITY BEST IN TONE SOLE AGENTS ROBINSON PIANO CO., (S.S.) LTD. Opposite New Pier, Singapore. 4g muwiw RSI frte»«Mmirt t!itgt Mt Oltnttdi «.bto«. bmratdt. Uppttkm. Al' >V ■SB »kk*4 <m rtr. £1 Mrtgl* itoM IIn«a In «M Ip > ■Biatw wHlit« «»rl«i. Sp*ti- »tOM« O»4f
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    • 70 8 OBTAIN EARLY 1941 DESK CALENDARS REFILLS TO FIT ANY HASE AT BASRAI BROTHERS STATIONERS ANT) ACCOI NT BOOK SPECIALISTS 5 CJIULIA STRKKT, SINGAPORE. 'PHONE S49T NUMONT FUL-VUE in I.OXIT (Serewless) Construction. F»shi<>n't Uieai. featuring an entirely new princ iole of eyrwear desifn and possessing numerous advantages not found in other
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  • 166 9 BRITISH CONTINUE VIOLENT DESERT OFFENSIVE Italians' Retreat Now In Danger RKMNANT ENEMY FORCES IN I HFFICULT TERRITORY Five Divisions Routed In Week's Blitzkrieg THE British and Imperial troops are continuing: their offen\c m the Western Desert with sledge-hammer violence, and htest reports indicate that the operations are proceeding verj satisfactorily,
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  • 468 9 WavelTs Petition London, Dec. 14. TKF- smashing victory by the Bri- tUh "orces around Sidi Barrani bctn described by Mr. Churchill i "the first order" and that is no exaggeration, writes Gen. Sir Hubert Gough, Reuters military commentator. That is true whether it Is regarded irum
    Reuter  -  468 words
  • 119 9 Reform In Navy Promotions Yaptains of outstanding merit in the Royjl Navy will be Me lor promotion to the rank of admiral under a new promotion ;nced by thr> Admiralty lit. next batch of promotions due i D xt yv.iT will not depend on ■rity as hitherto but will be
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  • 83 9 Propaganda Chief's "Bombshell" London, Dec. 13. Sill Waiter Mom-kton, at present deputy director-general, will •succeed Mr. Frank Pick, who has relinquished his appointment as director-general of the Ministry of Information, announces the Ministry. Mr. Pick was formerly head of London's passenger transport. Mr. Pick's resignation is In the nature of
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 217 9 DUKE MEETS ROOSEVELT Conference In U.S. Cruiser Miami, Dec. 13. THE Duke of Windsor returned here this evening after his flight to the Caribbean. The Duke talked with President Roosevelt for an hour and a half about the proposed defence bases in the West Indies The Duke and Mr. Roosevelt
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 173 9 THE armed merchant cruiser For- far has been torpedoed and subsequently sank, the Admiralty announces. The next of kin of the casualties have been informed. The British cruiser Enterprise arrived at Montevideo yesterday and is expected to remain about 48 hours. A further extraordinary
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  • 738 9 HOW BATTLE WAS WON Graphic Story Of Campaign London, Dec. 14. "/"*OD has been with us throughout this action.' It was a tough air force commodore, who in the last war shot down more than 60 Germans, who uttered this remark to me yesterday, cables Reuter's special correspondent with the
    Reuter  -  738 words
  • 169 9 Hitler and Ribbentrop, the Nazi Foreign Minister, have left Berlin for an unknown destination, according to a Columbia Broadcasting System broadcast from Berlin. Rumours that Hitler and Mussolini mn meeting shortly are denied by the official German news agency. The fear that the ships might disappear in
    Reuter  -  169 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 9 KING GEORGE VI is 45 years old to-day. lie was born at Sandringham in 1895.
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  • 364 9 BIG BATTLE IN ALBANIA Greeks Forecast New Victory London, Dec. 14. THE situation m Albania continues to develop favourably for the Greek Army, according to the Greek Propaganda Ministry, quoted m an Athens broadcast last night. The spokesman !s quoted as saying that on many points of the front tbe
    Reuter  -  364 words
  • 108 9 Tangier, Dec. 14. THE Spanish authorities have dissolved the international administration here at a moment's notice at noon yesterday. All British, French and Italian employees have been dismissed with immediate effect, including the British finance minirter and his treasurer. The International police has also been
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 208 9 London, Dec. 14. CARRYING 1,000 tons of petrol, a British tanker in convoy was bombed and set on nre by what had been thought to be a iriendly plane. "ITiere was a terrific explosion. Two mr:i i were lulled and a large fire was soon
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 700 9 ENEMY BASES ON THE COAST HEAVILY SHELLED BY NAVY Libya Now Cut Off From Urgenlly Needed War Supplies London, Doc. 14. THE Britisli naval bombardm?nt of the Italian forces m the Western Desert has been "fierce indeed," Renter was informed m London naval circles, yet ships carrying out this intensive
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 60 9 WliSaliDn LHND CLEBRipfi .fljjj 1 1 Though simple In use, the WilPM^T^'/wl W//< i |V| "Trewhella" Monkey Grubber will J I'fll/JlKffl WJK WJi I rackle the hardest Job-by hand. J|» MZZMIIt fIM IJIlf-r Scientifically made to conserve V'yl/J/./, InHi^p physical energy and eliminate inJytv/ «^£-|r^O!/fl' i >l(V strain. Ideal for
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  • 541 10 Wearne Brothers' Ltd. New Gift To War Fund MALAY ENTERTAINMENT AT HAPPY WORLD YIELDS $400 TUESDAY'S *|KTial performance at the Capito! Theatre of He Stared for UreaMa*r yielded $3,605.40 for The War bund. This follows upon a donation of $1,220.68 as a result i»l the
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  • 169 10 'TWERE are to-day three more 1 cifts to The War Fund of money which would normally be spent on Christmas cards and Sifts. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jordan write to say that they would prefer their Christmas cards and Christmas yifts to be delivered by the Royal
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  • 179 10 THIS Diary is intended to call attention to functions which are being held in aid of The War Fund Organizers of such functions are invited to submit details for inclusion in this feature. To-day Dec. 17: The Blue Bird by pupils of Dean's School at 302, Orchard
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  • 469 10 A SLIGHT change in the proce- dure in importing certain article^ of food from the United Kingdom has come into force with the publication in the Gazette yesterday of revised rules and regulations. It was announced some time ago that the United
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  • 641 10 Views Of Chinese Newspapers THE treaty between Japan and the Wang Ching-wei government will not only benefit China but lessen tension in the "Soulh Seas." in the view of the Sin Chew Jit Poh, of Singapore. The object of Japan's recognition of the puppet government of Nanking,
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  • 74 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. Dec. 12. TRAINING of the Perak Local Defence Corps will begin on Monday when recruits will parade for the first time at the headquarters of the Perak Battalion, Ipoh. There will be similar parades in Taiplng and Tapah
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  • 37 10 It is notified in the Government Gazette that Good Books, Pictures and Works of Art, Ltd., will be struck off the Register ot Companies at the expiration of three months unless cause is shown to the contrary.
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 10 Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Pickard after their marriage at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd to-day.
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  • 134 10 Mr.R.H.Pickard& Miss Pat Linn MR. R. H. Pickard of C.C. Wakea field and Co., was married to Miss Pat Linn, daughter of Squad-ron-Leader and Mrs. G. A. Linn, of Stanmore, England, at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd this morning. Mr. Pickard, who is an S.C.C. rugger
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  • 111 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Dec. 13. 'THE funeral took place at the Buklt A Gedong cemetery to-day of Madam Chan Teck Neo, widow of the late Mr. Yeo Thin Hye. pioneer planter of Malacca, who died last Saturday at the residence of her
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  • 228 10 Colonial Office Scheme To Help Relieve Anxiety U/ITH a view to *"elievin£ anxiety which residents in the Colonies must feel regarding: the safety of their relatives in the United Kingdom while air raids continue, the Secretary of State has had under consideration the question whether
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  • 161 10 fProm Our Own Correspondest Ipoh. Dec 12. I J. CATT, until recently manager of the Ipoh branch of John Little and Company, Ltd., again appeared in the first magistrate's ccurt, before Mr. A. W. Hay. on an amended charge of criminal breach ol trust as a
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  • 56 10 AT a parade of A.RP. wardens from Central Division Group 7 the amount of $7.59 was collected for the Lord Mayor's Fund for the I'elief nf air raid victims' destress. This amount is regarded by the wardens as a gesture of loyalty and also
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  • 49 10 ■"THIS month's social of the Indian AssoI ciation. Singapore, will be on Sunday, Dec. 22. at the Clerical Union Hall. Tea will be served at 5 p.m. Mr. R. Muthiah will speak on "Pairs, Pilgrimages and Festivals." Music will be provided by the Musical and Dramatic Section.
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  • 179 10 March Of Time Commentary (From Our London Correspondents MEMBERS of the Dutirh Government m London attended the private showing of the new "March of Time" film devoted to the Netherlands Indies. The film, which is already showiir: m the United States, stresses the Immense importance of
    179 words
  • 126 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Dec 14 IT is believed that a petition will b<" sent shortly to the Secretary of State for the Colonies from leading businessmen and residents in the F.M.S. against the present high rates of estate duty. Principally protested
    126 words
  • 44 10 fpHE Band of the Straits Settlements Polled will perform under the direction of Mi J. C. Hitch at Katong P;;rk at 5.30 p.m. on Monday at Parrer Park at 5.30 p.m. on Wednesday, and at Botanic Gardens al) D.30 p.m. on Thursday.
    44 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 104 10 AMUSEMENTS (Formal) 8 p.m. to 1 v m. t, \Fi:uk HKATW OKVLANO Hu».< Wilderness (Whole p.m. t MOKI.f) v to g Si 9 p.m. to Irene. Sky: Mutiny or. the Hlarkhawlc. NfctV W OKI. II 1 Cinema*. SirW i barn Dancing In Arm* with Mickey ■ 7 p m. At
      104 words
    • 99 10 If AU STin| I lv iff/ifSmllej per gallon I AND ARE DESIGNED FOR HEAVY DUTY WORK WITH ALL EQUIPMENT SUITED TO THE SEVEREST CONDITIONS. FEATURES: [r* kil it Powerful 27 H.P. overhead valve engine, designed tt% JfVto for rnoximum power at low engine speeds. IAJ Lockheed Hydraulic Brakes, giving maximum
      99 words

  • 291 11 Duty To Help In Defence Of Country In Emergency IN a message addressed to the Chinese Chamber of Singapore, the Overseas Chinese Department the Chungking Government draw? attention to the importance of military training m the present world situation and ur^es that overseas Chinese should
    291 words
  • 228 11 Children To Spend Christmas Here PAGER to have their children with them during the Christmas holidays, many Malayan parents whose sons and daughters are schooling m Australia, have arranged that they shall fly back to Singapore. Already many rosy-cheeked youngare arriving back m Malaya, some by
    228 words
  • 103 11 ALL Eastern ports were free from human plague for nearly five months, states the latest bulletin issued by the League of Nations Eastern health bureau. Improvement in the cholera situation in Hong Kong, Macao and Shanghai is also rcDortcd. It is 'tated that there was
    103 words
  • 519 11 MANY people in Malaya thought that Lord Stamp, Chief Economic Adviser to the British Government, hit the Malaya nail Mjuarely on the head the other day when he said: "It is not much good without doing without here (at One can almost
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  • 94 11 "VOl appear not io have liked the reformatory. Now you will have the chance to find out the difference between reformatory and prison." With this comment Mr. L. C. Goh, the Singapore fifth magistrate, yesterday sentenced a 15-year-old Hainanese youth, Ho Boon Soi, to two weeks'
    94 words
  • 282 11 Bankruptcy Uf JbxLessee Of Cabaret AN application for a discharge from bankruptcy by a man who had been lessee of the Happy World cabaret and whose liabilities amounted to about $50,000 was refused by Mr. Justice Manning In the High Court yesterday. The judge told the bankrupt,
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  • 87 11 a meeting of Singapore Justices of the Peace held in the Council Chamber for the purpose, amongst other things, of nominating a list of six Justices from whom three are to be selected by the Governor to be members of the Committee of Appeal
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  • 143 11 rE following notifications concerning officers of the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force are gazetted: Major W. A. Aeria. ED., has been transferred to the Reserve of Officers. Capt. (acting Major) H. J. Rae has relinquished the acting rank of Major on ceasing to command the Singapore Royal Art illery
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  • 29 11 The granting of a commission as Sublieutenant in the Straits Settlements Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve to Mr. Harold Edward Holwell has been confirmed, states a gazette notification published yesterday.
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  • 373 11 AN appeal to a European who is believed to have witnessed an attack on a Chinese whose body was later found in a sack buried near Mcßitchie Reservoir, to get in touch with the Superintendent of the Detective Branch, was broadcast
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  • 220 11 Patriotic Duty During War A SUGGESTION that Wearne's Air Services, linking up Malaya's principal towns, should be stopped was made by Mr. E. Keating at the annual general meeting of Wearne Brothers, Ltd., yesterday when he asked the board of directors to consider whether it
    220 words
  • 108 11 pOR dishonestly inducing a man to give him $72 worth of medicine by pretending h« had instructions to buy medicine for Chop Ban Seng, Tan Sole Hwee, 27, was sentenced to five weeks' rigorous imprisonment by the third magistrate. Mr. Oon Khye Kiang. yesterday. Tan pleaded
    108 words
  • 103 11 WE are asked to state that the closing I date for the signing of the local petition against Income tax has been fixed as Saturday, Dec. 21, at 2 p.m. Signatures may be recorded at the following places: In Singapore Chinese Chamber of Com- j merce.
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  • 110 11 \TINE Tamils who claimed trial several weeks ago in the third court to a marge of attempted murder of Sinnasamy by throw- Ing him Into a pond in the Jcampong of Potong Pasir. off Upper Serangoon Road, on JNov. 13. clnimed trial again yesterday when
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  • 45 11 OFFICERS and N.C.O.'s or the St. John Ambulance Brigade will be addressed by Professor Winifred Cullls at the College of Medicine on Tuesday at 5.30 p.m. The Commissioner trusts that as many members as possible will be able to attend.
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  • 60 11 P^ 32 -year -old Chinese Llm Hock Seng, admitting previous convictions, was sentenced to four months' rigorous imprisonment to be followed by six months' police supervision, when he was com ir ted in the third court yisterday of stealing two pillows, a blanket, and a bedsheet ♦Rom a
    60 words
  • 50 11 MISS EUNICE A. LEE, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Lee, of Singanore, will be married to Mr. Wong Peng Tong, the son of Mrs. S. N. Wong, of Johore, at at four o'clock to-morrow. A reception will b-* held afterwards at the Victoria Memorial Hall.
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  • 20 11 Mr. Peter Drummond Lawson, Senior Customs Officer, Malayan Customs Service, has been aopointed a Justice of the Peace for Singapore.
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  • 362 11 FISHING-STAKE MAN PUBLICLY THANKED Rescued Lightermen At Sea After Tongkang Sank SOLE survivor of the crew of a tongkang (hsliter) which was blown up by a mine in the sea off Singapore on Dec. 2, Lvi Boh Doo, a 44-y ear-old Hainanese lighterman, told his story to Mr. W. G.
    362 words
  • 181 11 Secreted In Man s Suitcase P*OR attempting to export 747 pieces of jade worth $580 without a permit, Toh Ix»k Fun alias Toh Koh Leong, 40-year-old Cantonese, was fined $100. or two months' simple imprisonment, m the Singapore fourth court yesterday. Court Inspector 8. EK'dcLs, who
    181 words
  • 75 11 HTHE O.S.K. vessel Manila Muru, WHICH arrivrd in Singapore from Japan JTMtOT* day will not mil at South America, laclwh J in her original Itinerary on this outward trip. The sn:p will, however, call at Cu^ Town. The reason phon for this Is Mint .no
    75 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 167 11 Jlllk k\ lit** i^m TV\ XVI Wv^vW lll«i PLATINUM WATCHES SET FINK \gg}B&^§GJs!ffl A WHITE DIAMONDS $155 to $285.00 V .'J» SIAMESE NIELLO SILVER. TtVllißsJMrtiii''' nl'ilfj Best Workmanship only. *2M n Powder Cases. 529.00, 533.00. filHKMtfeHr 3«i.00 $45.00. T&N&Br*£J Siamese Bracelets. $17.50,521.00. $24.50 $27.50. Clips. $6.00, 58.50 SI 1.00. Pair
      167 words

  • 206 12 3 Ministers Fall Out Of Favour With Pro-German Clique Tokio, Dec. 18. U/ITH the rapid approach of the opening session of the Diet, it is rumoured that there will be an early major reshuffle of the Konoye Cabinet as an expedient to enlist more
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 154 12 Tokio, Dec. 13. A FURTHER indication of Joint Anglo-American pressure against Japan is seen by the Asahi Shimbun. In a leader, the newspaper declares that the new British loan of £10.000.000 to Chungking has been synchronised with tne j extension of American restrictions on
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 108 12 General Staff Official Reported Arrested IT is reported from Bangkok that a civilian official of the Thai general staff and a major on the active list have been arrested for selling secret military plans to the French. The Bangkok radio yesterday Issued a warning to the
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 247 12 Will Aid Chiang To Cope With New Money Moves London, Dec. 13. 'r«HE fact that the Shanghai Exchange responded only slightly to the recent news of the substantial American credit to China and has hitherto been quite unaffected by the announcement of th^ advance
    Reuter  -  247 words
  • 84 12 Tokio, Dec. U. rpHE claim tliat 44 Chinese planes, lncluding 22 Soviet-built fighters, were destroyed on the ground 1-; rr.ndc by the Domei news agency. The agency H/l that r. JcpMtete <ur squadron raided Siangyautj. 100 miles west of the Yur:iur. provincial capital of
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  • 80 12 Frequent Mutinies In Pro- Japanese Army London, Dec. 13. MOSCOW radio has quoted reports of increasingly frequent mutinies in the army of Wan? Ching-wei. The first battalion of this army mutinied in Anhwei on Nov. 29 and joined the army of the National Government with a large quantity of arms
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 142 12 Gandhi- Jinnah Talk Urged Settlement Favoured By Political Leader Allahabad. Dec. 13. AN immediate meeting between Mr. Gandlii and Mr. M. A. Jinnah. head of the Muslim League, is suggested In a statement issued by Sir TeJ Sapru, the well-known political leader. Sir Tej Sapru says the two leaders should
    Reuter  -  142 words
  • 225 12 Comments On Situation In The Pacific Shanghai, Dec. 13. SIR John Latham, first Australian Minister to Japan, gave a press conference here on his way to take up his post. Sir John. Australian Chief Justice is on leave from that post. Formerly he w» Deputy Prime
    Reuter  -  225 words
  • 67 12 Canberra. Dec. 13. ANEW call-up for a citizen army has been announced by the Prime j Minister, Mr. R. G. Menzies. Unmarried men who have attained the age of 19 during 1939-40 and I widowers without children who have reached ages between 25 and 35 during
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 80 12 Shanghai. Dec. 13. A LEADING Japanese business man iiiterrt viewed here by the Evening Post states the Japanese community Is making a determined campaign to win the next municipal elections m the spring m an endeavour to obtain control of the Municipal Council
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 67 12 London, Dec. 13. TiHE official news agencies of Russia *nd 1 Germany report that the demarcation "f the frontier between the two countries is now completed. A joint commission has been engaged on this work for some months. There is, however, no suggestion from cither country that the final demarcation
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 402 12 Better iobs and \fj\/ bigger salaries are ♦or smart men only. That is why millions ol men use Anzora. It «s the best, most healthy l^jwafc hair dressing you y can buy. And rt j I J I keeps the head cool. v V MASTER YOUR (UXOtAI HAIR WITH CMAI
      402 words

  • 476 13 Offensive Against Nazi Shipping Being Continued Relentlessly London, Dec L 3 |T is believed m well-informed circles that the X.A.X., m their constant attacks on Lorient and other French ports being used by the Nazis as U-boat bases, have without doubt damaged, and
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  476 words
  • 59 13 Italian Submarines Leave Tangier London. Dec. i 3. IT is reported from Tangier that the i two Italian submarines there left port early this morning. The submarines, which were chased into the port by the Royal Navy, had been undergoing repairs since the beginning of November, and were granted addi
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 120 13 London, Dec. 13. SPEAKING at Dundee last night Professor Koht, Norwegian Foreign Minister, .said tha: during the Norwegian campaign 30,000 German soldiers fell on Norwegian soil, while another 30.000 Germans met their death at sea. •It seemed almost incredible that against such large German
    British Wireless  -  120 words
  • 158 13 London. Dee. 13. SUSTAINED acts of gallantry in unusual circumstances have earned the award ot George Medals to two farm workers who over a period of nine weeks continued dally to thresh corn while under direct fire from raiding aeroplanes and danger from falling anti-aircraft shell
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 143 13 Many Ineendifuries Are Dropped in Town London, Dec. 13. LAST night enemy air activity was directed chiefly against Sheffield and the Sheffield area. This was the first time when Sheffield has suffered a comparatively heavy attack. The Air Ministry says that a number of buildings was
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 152 13 London, Dec. 12. ipilE British public is going to live a more simple life In the future, said Lord Woolton, Minister of Food, speaking at the inauguration of a nine-penny lunch to-day. Lord Woolton added that food was a munition of war and in the
    British Wireless  -  152 words
  • 251 13 Rumours Of Meeting With Mr. Roosevelt Miami, Dec. 12. MYSTERY surrounds tha movements of the Duko or Windsor and Prei sldent Roosevelt. The Duke of Windsor, who is Oovrrnrr and Commander-ln -Chief the Bahamas, left In a United Shiios naval plane at- I.JO a.m.
    Reuter  -  251 words
  • 60 13 Delay In Packages To War Prisoners London, Dec. 13. MORE than 150.000 parcels addressed to prisoners of war in Germany are held up between the Spanish Irontier and Geneva. This was stated at a meeting of the Duke of Gloucester's Red Cross Fund ir. London, when it was announced that
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 320 13 FEEL TIRED AFTER A GOOD MEAL? 0 Docs Mju»re tnemi put hf> r\n-\ <norjj> mto \->m or n |>>. dinin«'lined la in<>. •»l niehl tMMV yvH ■•••a Get t»U)K<s of (Mill in lie- li.v I II ni'ist bo unnuthing «nmg with t<hi. Its probably con-stipat ion. m»y be "reg^iUr." Still,
      320 words
    • 171 13 GATHERING COMPLIMENTS WITH KAYSER CLAD LEGS! You don't have to be extravagant »o have legs they turn to look at K.iyscr Mir-O-Kleers* are ciivinely sheer and Battering, yet surprisingly lo:i£ wearing and modestly priced. Choose either service or sheer weights in a nev. "eye catching' sh.ide. Kayser J> "Trade Mirk
      171 words

  • 1936 14 Some Results And Costs Of Various Treatments By Our Planting Correspondent FOLLOWING some notes recently extracted from the R.R.I. (1939) annual report on root disease experiments on inland soils I now turn to its latest recorded results in what is known as experiment HI,
    1,936 words
  • 138 14 Planting Topics nr.d that hi'herto incidence of root disease has been remarkably small but I do not suggest that the same results would apply to all types of soil. Another question raised is this. If you can keep young, new or replanted, clearings reasonably free of root disease infection up
    138 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 185 14 INER T O L PAINTS FOR THE PROTECTION OF METAL STRUCTURES CONCRETE SURFACES BRICK WORK JNF.QTOT. ft r»»rf cmnomical iit use titan nit f»"J~»* ~n«J J»v tts superior botul and finish, outlasts ordinary putnu. It v unique in its protective properties. DIETHELM «c CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Suntzeriandt SINGAPORE
      185 words
    • 197 14 Tongue IHCOATED? If i* it* a sign of stomach troublo constipation. Tak« Castophene, it rectifies all constipation ailments dizziness, pains in tK* back, bad headaches, blemishes, bad breath, etc. Caitophan. ii a choc*. Q^R r^^%i l««fi v obtaining \]^f' 1 pura castor oil. It ii not L dittait.ful and act*
      197 words

  • 976 15 Final Day Of Selangor Turf Club's Winter Meeting DKLOW is given the full card of events at Kuala Lumpur to-day, the third day of the Selangor Turf Club's winter race meeting. The double totes will be drawn on races four and six and rifchi
    976 words
  • 132 15 Tom Offire S.CC. 1. PLAYING on the padang yesterday, i Office Club bent the S.C.'J. second team by two goals to one in a kern namr ol hockey All the goals cored in the lirst halt. Early m the name Mat Noor,
    132 words
  • 181 15 SELECTIONS for to-day's Selangor races are STRAITS TIMES Race 1. Davis Cup. Sir Pa:rick. Rare 2. Rye Seamus, Miss Labis. Race 3. Lay Off K»m» Quilt. Race 4. Judith Anton, Quick Money. Race 5. Benedict. Treasure Race G. Release. Distinguished. Race 7. Murray C >nrt. Kentucky. Race
    181 words
  • 220 15 Singapore Versus Selangor SINGAPORE mm Selangor today m the first inter-state hockey match to be played m Singapore this season, and a right royal game is expected. Both teams have formidable sides, and no quarter will be asked for or given. The advantage perhaps is slightly
    220 words
  • 140 15 DROMOTER C. B. Tan's second effort in minor fight promotions at the Happy World covered stadium last night was very successful. It drew a good crowd and every one of the six fights provided plenty of thrills although there were no knock-outs. Results were: Cleve
    140 words
  • 116 15 OUTCLASSED in every department of the same, the St. Andrew's Old Boys' Association were beaten by 18 points (three goals and a try), to three (a try), by a Singapore Cricket Club side in a game of rngby on the padang yesterday.
    116 words
  • 87 15 PARTICULARLY fast hockey, vigor ously contested, w^s played on the padanc yesterday when the S. R. C. met and defeated the R.A.F. tSeletar) by four clear goals. While there was no doubt that the better team won, the Airmen did give the Club a
    87 words
  • 469 15 UNBEATEN RUGBY SIDES OF SEASON A RUGGER match which should attract a very large crowd will be played at Jalan Besar stadium to-day when the Army Wanderers and Royal Air Force, the Blues, meet. Each team has an unbeaten record in the series of matches arranged
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  • 44 15 TO-DAY Hockey: Singapore vs. Selan^>r, S.C.C; Police vs. NedTlands team, Depot; Singapore Hornets vs. Mountain Battery, Naval Base. Rugger: Wanderers vs. Blues, Jalan Besar stadium; K.VAt., Reds, vs. Navy, Seletar. TO-MORROW Hockey: British Army Officers ▼s. RAF. Officers, AJP.C. ground, Paya Lebar.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 134 15 THERE'LL BE OCCASION FOR MUCH DANCING wfc m during this month, of all months. You'll Jf By iVo therefore need a now flpMl DRESS SUIT for this reason, to f'\ I supplement your old mA one owinfe to frequent I 9 wear. <WM PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW WING LOONG, High
      134 words

  • 438 16 Fascist Newspapers Accusations rWinst Marshal Badoglio London, Dec. 13. THi: heavy defeats suffered by Italian arms in recent week> in Albania, in the air and at sea, which have now l>cen followed by a British victory "of the lirst order*' in the African
    Reuter  -  438 words
  • 60 16 Rome, Dec. 13. SOME 200 pecple including 66 children, were drowned yesterday when a mo':orship was driven by a violent s orm on to reefs on the shore of the Spa of Marmora and foundered, reports the Stefani agency from Istanbul. The ship was bouriu
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • Article, Illustration
    0 16
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  • 155 16 New York, Dec. 13. THE belief that an Italian blood purge of similar propor- tion to Hitler's is imminent" was expressed in a sensational broadcast by Johannes Steel, the well-known author and commentator, to-day. Mr. Steel forecast Hitler's purge in 1934. Mr. Steel
    Reuter  -  155 words
  • 314 16 Danger To Egypt Has Been Removed London, Dec. 13. rr»HE British victory m the Western j Desert of Egypt is warmly ac- claimed m all the London newspapers, which emphasize that the exploit of Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell, the Middle East com-mander-in-chief, has dramatically relieved Britain of
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 481 16 R.A.F. Continue Incessant Attacks On Enemy Air Bases And Troops In Libya Cairo, Dec. 13. D.A.F. bombers and fighters main- tair.ed their incessant attacks on aerodrome-?, troop and motor transport concentrations in Libya throughout last night and yesterday. A communique irom R.A.F. headquarters in the Middle East, announc- ing this,
    Reuter  -  481 words
  • 41 16 London, Dec. 13. nrilK fact that rebel activity in Italian East Africa, including Abyssinia, is on the increase is the belief in military circles in London, gathered from information now in their possession. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 169 16 London. Dec. 13. TpHE decision of the British Gov- ernment not to agree to any lifting of the blockade Tor any country under German domination which was announced by late Lord Lothian on Wednesday, has been followed by the issue of a report by the
    British Wireless  -  169 words
  • 548 16 VAST SUPPLIES FOR EGYPT INVASION CAPTURED Five Generals Thousands More Troops Taken Prisoner Cairo, Dec. I.J. THE fact that the battle of the Western Desert is now being fought on the Libyan frontier, which is 45 miles west of Sidi Barrani, is announced in
    548 words
  • 536 16 Two More Albanian Towns Menaced London, 1) 13 ANOTHER Greek success In Alb la re>orted Iron Athens tnThe British United Press taya thai .t has been officially Bnnounceu tl*i Greek troors have occupied a "i the const 15 miles north-west of rOuaranta and about 35 mUea
    Reuter  -  536 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 157 16 ia/" VC'auh. Suimltn "or Solid U>Hti. \X\i:erprj SinJpr,\>/ and i>h<xkprou/. Send for the BENSON catalogues now T>ENSON'S ot Ludgatc Hill, London, have been building a reputation for supplying good watches for generations. Benson ~K watches all over the world not only win golden fj tjJ£\ j J^jPjßjj^^^ reputations for accuracy
      157 words
    • 4 16 PR IS dpif] MATIC
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