The Straits Times, 9 December 1940

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
  • 27 1 The Straits Times 1». I'U.KS SINGAPORE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1940 PRICE 5 CENTS The Straits Times 16 I'A(.KS SINGAPORE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1940. PRICE 5 C KNTS
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 263 1 hot Up-to-date TAILORING^ MIEN CHONG \i*il*Mr Salt Irnxtht H \IN SHIILLS la StU and Wml Alm x-i»KI( \S SHARKIa vartoM riltwt •imaa SI.. Spare. rh— e t»U W A 'MM km mil mm mm Wr Wr?Ca v i mW I M mm M mW W mum mm m-< mum :^i
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    • 7 1 SINGAPORE. 140 CECIL ST. f 'PHONE 5471).
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    • 348 1 KUALA LUMPUR 2b JAVA ST (PHONE 3683 K y^Sg'r^ GIVE HIM A \m k Si ij7\\ crT P3CT TUIC V'UftPi rms SMOPPH6 hokws wlff Vv^^ t Bllt business for X mM Shop. From Dec. 9th to 13th. BA «iiCl\G Close 5.30 p.m «B ..Aia-lfcM»'* W* Saturday. Dec. 14th S 111
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    • 39 2 There viij bt a Requiem High Mass at 6.30 m. on Tuesday, Dec. 10, at the- Roman Catholic Church In East Coast Rd.. Katong. for the n post of the soul of the Isle EdwarO Jd>«-ph Asmiw.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 453 2 SUic Straits (Times SMALL APS7 Minimum charge $1. tm mm hcm«n Urn* Mar* Mm* Immt MM 25 c«nts tfr line (Six »orda) Bex No. 25 cents extra. OOMKSTK OCCURRENCES BIRTHv MARKIAGBS UKATHfe ftCKNOUUCDGMENTS ANNOUNC* MCNTS fTC CARDS *re afcann S3 aaen wtt iMirtlw an aek Ovct < lark 28 eto.
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    • 483 2 SITUATIONS WANTED KIROPEAN. 2b. »erks poelUon. any caparlty. willing to travel. Box No 336. Strait* Times. EXPERIENCED TELEPHONE OPERATOR available for immediate engagement. Box No. 341. Straits Tlmea. BILLET WANTED by well experienced Ceylon cook, boy. and tukang ayer. Reply Box No. 349. Straits Tlmes^ WANTED by a Competent European
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    • 450 2 HOUSES ACCOMMOQATTON WANTED WANTED furnished house or bungalow with tennis court. Two bathrooms. Modern sanitation essential. Would consider taking over furniture. Tangltn district preferred. Reply Box No. 338, Straits Times. BOARD RESIDENCE BAST 4NULLV 6 OxJej Rlae 000 l and tjatm Term* moderate. Tele. MM BELLEVILLE, 15 Scotts Road. Ph
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    • 458 2 LOST LOST, petrol model aircraft OAF-X Reward given Will finder please communicate with W/O Church, R.A.F., Seletar. Spore TENDERS S.S. "VIDOVDAN" On instructions from Underwriters offers are invited tor the purchase of the single screw steamship "VIDOVDAN" as she lies aground on the Great Natuna Island within Dutch territorial waters.
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    • 523 2 EYE EXAMINATIONS EYEGLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY. Personalised Service by a duly qualified licensed VC JL and registered practi- d^flP*^r^* tioner with legal jnali- %^^k^F fie at ions X.'^v'^ THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4 ARCADE BLDG, (COLLYEK QUAY1 K. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science 35 years' European Clinical Experience. ~DOGS~ NEWLY IMPORTED 2
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 388 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. Incorporate*) in England T*ENINSUI.AR AND ORIENTA1 8 N Co MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE The best possible services are being maintained by the P O S N Coy trom the Straits to their usual ports oi call in China. India. Ceylon
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    • 98 3 NIPPON YUSEN KAISYA (Incorporated In Japan* Meyer Chambers, 15. Raffles Plae*. TeL Norn. 5841. 5842 and 5843. CaMe Address: -VI SEN Loading A/rents (for Europe', PATERSON, SIMONS ft CO.. LTD. Incorporated in England for Cargo— SUMITOMO MARINE AND FIBE INSURANCE CO. LTD. TOKIO BEN LINE (Incorporated tn OJt.) tor LONDON
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    • 457 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE Frequent Sailings to Unite o Kingdom. Dates are not guaranteed all cargo bookings subject to Conference War clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE AT THE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle (Perth| via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A
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    • 17 3 Agants tor fcSffcrf Straits Settienisnti Vw|fiwir9 F. M. S. Boustead Co., Ltd. (Inc. in F. M. S.)
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 589 3 Broadcasting TO-DAY SINGAPORE ZHL 13.33 mc/« 235 m.) ZIIP1 9 80 me/i (30 96 m.) ZHP3 7.2S nc'i (41.38 m.) (ZHL. ZHP1 ZHPS) 15.00 noon News in French- 12.10 p.m. European light musict; 12.25 p.m. Teochew musict: 12 55 p.m. Tin. copra and rubber prices in Hokkien 1 00 p.m.
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    • 622 3 EMPIRE STATION OSB 9 51 men (31.55 m.); HG Ml me 1 (31.31 m.>; GSD 11.75 me s (25.33 m. M 11.86 mr i (25 39 m. > GSI' 15.14 me (19.83 m.); GSU 17.79 me s (16.86 m-l: GS1I 21.47 me/a (13.97 m.); GSI 15.2b me s (19.66 m.);
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  • 1128 4 OVER £3,000 MILLIONS CAN BE RAISED WITHOUT INFLATION creased surpluses of the unemployment insurance fund and lower expenditure on public assistance. Secondly, the net Increase of £262 millions in Incomes under £250 should increase the savings of this group by £29 millions. "Thirdly, the increase of £233 millions in consumption
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  • 248 4 The conclusiun at lint signt would seem to be that much more can be expected from issues such as the National War Bonds than from S?vings Certificates and Defence Bonds. Mr. Radice stresses however, his opinion that the restriction of consumption by an extension of
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  • 12 4 Bukit Katil Rubber Estates Ltd. harvested 31.300 Ifc. of rubber in November.
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  • 1353 4 SATURDAY. DKC 7. 1M«: 1Z-M PM. I WllflMO Bvjen JiMiri Amptt Tin (is) 3s 4Hd Ss 9d Auatrnl Amal (to) 6s 6d 7s Austral Malay tts 6d Ste 6o Aver HlUun (5«) 19s 21s Ayer Weng ($1) .65 .75 Bangrln Tin 15s l«s Batu Selangor
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  • 332 4 Singapore, Dec. 7. Books CnwBMj oniOwm Close ran Payable Total ttn Ga ur> tmanclal fea; Date to date Batu Selangor 5% No. 23 18 Burma Malay 6d. No. 25 Dee. 18 Hltam Tin 5% int. Dec. lloog Fatt 7% int. Dee. Jclapang 1|3 No. 15 Dec.
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  • 130 4 Indo-China a m ARRIVALS Mails lrom Australia and Java air) general delivery 3.30 p.m. to-day Malls from Great Britain. South and East Africa <alr) boxholders 5 p.m. i -day; general delivery 8.15 am to-mor: Mails from Java and Sumatra ulr) general delivery 1.40 p.m. to-morrow vtuiK
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 248 4 Cook. 6t| Cj_2»S -Hot (n\ Coo-ing by C*_ eUnunatea aU ,'ue_s-wor_. Up-to-date Gas Oookeni give Kie-U— c oven-heat control; make every d_h a 'uccess; cook a whole meal without attention; reduce The coat of coo_in«. Modern G_i Cookers (there are many models to ch ook from) may be hired at
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 204 4 TIDK IABLBS mNt;Ai'ORG To-aa> H. W. 6.22 a.m. 8 ft.: 6 55 p. IB I 2 ft. L. W. 1 p.m. 4.1 ft. To-morrow H. W 7.18 a.m. 8.2 ft.: 8.10 pi ft. L V.' 00.50 a.m. 4.3 ft.; 2.05 pm :t 5 ft. Wednesday. Dec. 11 H W. 8.04
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  • 90 5 SINGAPORE PRODUCE PRICES Itur gui.lrd per koyan 10 plruK Othti rnminodilir* quoted per ptcnl exr«pt whrrr olhrnrise »UitML duyei SeUers S 7.75 bUll Cut* $1300 113 50 $15.00 $14.50 S 6.50 I $2.1.. S24P $4.80 $4 80 $4.50 $;4.00 $13.00 $14.00 $7.00 $650 :un-Fla! :e $8.00 Pearl $8.00 irr. :im
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  • 80 5 Mondai. m-r <*. noon. Buyers feiiti :*rice« MmN« IX ICS.a i Spot !-»*-<■ 38: l« No IX R.S..N laa in ease* •nbrr 39 ZS'-t IU A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. In bates Dfrember 3*\, Zll X I \.Q R.S.S. o.b. 'n bales Dote.vlMT 38V MV, I I
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  • 539 5 All Shares Steady: Record U.S. Rubber Consumption Mill or respondent Singapore. Dec. it T.irkct opened quite morning and al1 no i;rtjt buying tis was nod Itrm at 01 the business in tl lone among i nut. which i me, ati r i a ion and it tust
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  • 14 5 The Perak River Valley Rubber Co.. Ltd. harvested 55,851 lb. of rubber In November.
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  • 104 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 7. U/ORLD exports of rubber in October were 129,076 tons, compared with 124,973 tons in September, according to statistics published by the International Rubber Regulation Committee. Absorption in October was 87,977 tons, compared with 76,706 tons on September and the
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  • 144 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) London. Dec. 7. MANY MALAYAN sterling rubber companies have this week announced bigger profits and dividends ror the past year. Lumut Rubber earned £23,394 compared with .€8.386 last year and the dividend is nine per cent, compared with five per cent, in
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  • 80 5 London, Dec. 7. THE International Tin Committee meeting has been provisionally fixed for Dec. 16th, subject to the arrival of M. Van den Brock. The production quota is not being discussed and the meeting will mainly discuss the continuance of the International Control Scheme after the
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 90 5 <From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec 7. THE directors of Malayan Tin Dredging Ltd. have declared an interim dividend of 15 per cent, making 30 per cent, to date for the current year which ends next June. Southern Malayan Tin has also announced a second
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  • 365 5 THE following donations to The War Fund are recorded to-day CHURCHILL BIRTHDAY FUND S Staff and contractors of P.W.O. (Malacca) 274 P.W.D. Staff: X Nanklvell $50; A. A. Fisher $15. $3 each: Lee Teck Chang; Yeo Tiong Hoe; O. B. KhaLnabhiran; W. B. Perelra. $2
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  • 145 5 Selangor Races (From Our Own Correspondent) Kiiala Lumpur, Dec. 9. WEIGHTS for three further races on V.'oJnerdaj\ the second day of tho Turf Club's winter meeting, arr tnm, Claca 2. Div. 3. IMfM f" rN- .urn Cher 9.00 Danger Zone 8.06 mm 8.13 Utrecht 8.04
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  • 66 5 THE secretaries of Sungei Bilut Rub- ber Co. Ltd. s^ate that the company's estate in Pahang has been sold for I 5300.000. The nam3 of the purchaser ia not disclosed. The estate has 912 acres planted wi:h rubber of which 776 acres are i mature
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  • 170 5 fee following are the exenange rates tbU morniTig according to the dally circular lssue-j by the Hongkong and Shanghai Bankln* Corporation:— SELL IMG Louaon IM a/4 i/n Lor don demano 2/4 i/k Switzerland demand (T.T. only) 202% New York demand 47 3/32 Montreal demand 5127/32 Batavia demand 88^6 Samarang
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 81 5 r' I V^J »^yS_ Icr -^s^"^g^B g^gV^flal g^Llg^g^g^LHwlg^»^^^_l^^~ lßr^^^SESr^^^^a e^^*7 y' j >^^H H^ _^^H g^g^fegflttKlif tiL^lf-^fifegirgM^g^gMMßKMg^^-g^LWg^g^g^g^g^g^g^^ g^k7 ?P~*y WILLYS This year we have huilt a product which will be second to none in the industry, and we are presenting our cars to the public at prices lower than any
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    • 724 5 QGIYEOTGONE Trained Nursa Loses Sh lbs a week Sarry Mat* None] mt^d6oma with u«ty faj, of thaw Dratiei I "hich makes yon look and fe<# r v I old. wtuczy, ungainly, uncxw Come H.Yo«f sii«] foruble, cauaca you to »aa» t ■■> > antenionabte dotbea, and M more or ten
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    • 171 5 FURNITURE I "Tl Bt( RAH laW*» Chairv Stools, Bedstemds, Cots, KeTolTtni; Office Chairs, Shop and Hospital equipment are made in either Chromium or Stove Enamel finish. Special designs made to order f*r sufficient quantities. Write for descriptive folder "F" aav Think what it means to be surr of finding your
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 253 6 THE TOWN'S BIG PICTURE HOOK EARLY 'PHONE 6909 OWING TO THE LENGTH OF THE FILM. PATRONS ARE TO BE SEATED EARLY PRM K^ I \< i.ISIVE of TAX $2. $1 SO rig. DAVIS B9^\ifl 111 111 Hf/ I\l (4 I |UhrUP j *y* I r at p!« fc<?Xl-i:rf .ra'chelfieldW -hi
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  • 412 7 ROOSEVELT HAS PROMISED PLANES, SAYS GREEK LEGATION OFFICIAL Washington, Dec. 8. THE United States has offered Greece "any kind of 1 help she wants, including warplanes," declared a Greek legation official here last night. The official specified only planes in discussing with
    Reuter  -  412 words
  • 217 7 Improved Types Of Warplanes London, Dec. 8. DEVELOPMENTS in the technique of co-operation between air and ground forces were foreshadowed in the recently formed army co-opera-tion command of the R.A.F. When the time comes for new land operations against the German army, it will be found
    British Wireless  -  217 words
  • 162 7 Athens, Dec. 8. JEWS in Athens have sent Gen. Metaxas, the Greek Prime Minister, a letter thanking him for his determination to fight for Greek liberty and principles of religion, writes Maurice Lovell, one of Reuter's special correspondents in Greece. They are also making
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 305 7 British Support Of Greek Forces Cairo, Dec. 8. FORTY raids on 11 different Albanian centres have been carried out by the R.A.F. during four weeks since they started active co-operation with the Greeks. British pilots are continually over snow-covered mountains and deep valleys in Greece,
    Reuter  -  305 words
  • 221 7 Manganese Ore Food Being Shipped London, Dec. 8. FURTHER British aid to Spain was r revealed in London to-day, one week after the signing of the financial agreement between Britain and Spain. British authorities are granting facilities for the shipment to Spain it 6,000
    Reuter  -  221 words
  • 84 7 Buenos Aires, Dec. 8. I^EVER before has British economy been *^l so planned and so adaptable to changing conditions," declared Capt. C. Irving, speaking here on behalf of Lord Willingdon leader of the British mission to South Ameilca. Capt. Irving added that Britain would never
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 35 7 Washington, Dec. 8. POL. Prank Knox, Secretary ci the Navy, has asked Congress to authorize the spending of $300,000,000 for strengthening the antiaircraft defence* of the navy's fighting ships. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 540 7 RAFFLES HOTEL ro-mcHi DINNER DANCE (informal) 8 p.m. to midnight cabaret RIICTFR A MAfiGIF IN TAPS ATTRACTION DUO I Lit OC mMUUIb- TUNES Dinner Non-diners SI. OO EVERY SUNDAY EVENING —REGIMENTAL BAND CONCERTS from 8.30 to 10.30 p.m. IN THE rn>rw urn dstm r>r»TTBT (In case of raln the Band
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    • 260 7 Positively Last 111)11 Three Shows CrtLH H V Tf\ r\ AY I JEjBL MALAYA'S CINEMA Df lUXI O-DAY! 5_6|5_9.,55 6 S _9., 5 Edward Small presents JON HALL LYNN BARI ih "KIT CARSON 11 UNITED ARTISTS Also Latest 2Oth Century Fox Newsreel "opening to-morro w /7^ /...WHY DONT THEY LET
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  • 1267 8 The Straits Times SINGAPORE. MONDAY, DEC. 9. 1940. (463rd Day Of The War.) Trial And Error Thanks in a large measure to experience gained during the last *ar, the various schemes introduced since September, 1939, to check rises in prices have worked very successfully. Two notable examples in Malaya are
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  • 132 8 NAZI HAVOC IN COVENTRY SOON REPAIRED (By Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 6. PXACTLY a fortnight after the famous raid which destroyed whole streets of shops and offices, killed between 200 and 300 people, blocked transport and damaged water, electricity and gas services, in short it seemed virtually to have
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  • 1634 8 COME extracts from letters re- ceived by Malayans from friends in Great Britain giving an interesting picture of conditions in England and showing how the people are facing the ordeal of the Battle of Britain, appear below: Some Narrow Escapes From the wife
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  • 895 8 War For Factories Is The Newest Phase About 2.500 new houses with indoor raid shelters and every amenity are already being biult to replace the lost homes and plans for a new city centre are nearing completion by the city architect who assured me that from
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 363 8 Ir «\<o A. tttMett steel. &AO trproof. unbreakable 2n4f) uiass, adjustable wristlet it* I P A KHtV Di*rf wuh I rhe Index makes H^E± >t possible to f<nd '->4 f any date with two motions only. Saves iTf>t »nd •inoyance. R°N£°uo.. Si«g»po»e Ju-l Arrived! DIARIES FOE IS4I f-opular Diaries made
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    • 73 8 HAIR FALL If you have bald head, if your hair is thin or rruws slowly; if it falls off in patches or generally; if you encounter early rreyinf of same or have dandruff or feel an itching sensation on your sralp. do not wait for things to trow worse. Use
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  • 267 9 De Gaulle's Call To N. Africa Syria OPPORTUNITY FOR VICTORY IN THE MEDITERRANEAN "France Uniting Secretly Against The Enemy" A CHANCE to turn the Italian reverses into a complete rout and win for France "the victory of the Mediterranean now presents itself to
    Reuter  -  267 words
  • 338 9 Two-Day Lull In Air War Ends London, Dec. 9. HARDLY before dusk clouded the outlines of London an alert broke the longest all-ckar spell two whole n.tys and one night the citizens of the capital have experienced since Uv? itart of the German air blitz on
    Reuter  -  338 words
  • 56 9 London, Dec. 9. GDI. Dentz. Commander of the 15th Army Corps In the Marseilles district, has been appointed High Comr of Syria, Reuter learns from well-informed French sources in Loncon. Ho succeeds M. Jean Chiappe wiiD wui killed in an air accident wh!le on
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  • 95 9 Rome, Dec. 9. ■p\VO Italian generals were killed on Saturday when a military plane, carrying members of the Italian armistice commission which has been negotiating with France, crashed near Acqui in Piedmont Province, it is revealed to-day. They are Gen. Pietro Pintor,
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 185 9 London, Dec. 9. THE reshuffle of Italian naval appointments may presage, writes Reuters diplomatic correspondent, greater activity on the part of the Italian fleet or at least a promise of it by Mussolini to his ally Hitler. To victory was the keynote of the order
    Reuter  -  185 words
  • 78 9 Belgrade, Dec. 9. RUMANIA will send to Germany 60 per cent, of her total oil exports, or 3,000.000 tons, next year. This surpasses all quotas granted to Germany in the past and is the result lof the recent ten-year GermanI Rumanian economic pact, says the
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 86 9 VICHY FREE FRENCH GENERALS London, Dec. 8. Ik MARSHAL Petains Minister of "1 Jufiice at a cabinet meeting in Vichy yesterday announced that Gen. de Gaulle, Gen. Le Gentilhomme and Colonel de Larrninat will shortly be deprived of French citizenship, sta'es th? Swiss radio. Gen. Le Gentilhomme, former Commander-in-Chief of
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 41 9 Kvn alert for any move on the part of the enemy to attack Britain, this field battery maintains the highest possible standard of efficiency by ceaseless truiuinj. Thes« pictures show them during one .of their frequent exercises.
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  • 44 9 Thr Brewster Buffalo seen here is one of two new American light and medium plane types which have arrived for service with the R.A.F. The Buffalo is a land fighter. The other type is the Douglas Boston," a twin-engined bomber.
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  • 177 9 Two Of Five Hangars Are Destroyed Cairo, Dec. 9. AT least eight Italian aircraft were j destroyed on the ground when the Royal Air Force carried out an attack on Castel Benito, near Tripoli, in Libya. An P.A.F. communique states that; many bombs, including
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 217 9 Scuttling Bid On j Seeing Cruiser Washington, Dec. 9. THE German freighter Idarwald (5,033 tons) was afire off Cuba yesterday after attempting to scuttle herself on being approached |by a British cruiser, according to the United States Navy Department. The Idarwald is one of the German
    Reuter  -  217 words
  • 404 9 Mr. Herbert On Great Britain's War Aims London, Dec. 9. ;CTATING that his answer, when questkned as to Bri;ish war a.rr. was that Britain is lighting lor fen British Parliament, Mr. A. P. Herber i M.P., in a broadcast talk said the I British Commonwealth is
    British Wireless  -  404 words
  • 58 9 London, Dee. 9. TTHE Lord Mayor of London, broad- casting last night, asked the people of Great Britain to contribute sums towards the families of Greek soldiers. After the broadcast, he handed In a cheque for 500 as a contribution to the new fund, while
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 561 9 ONE-QUARTER OF ALBANIAN POPULATION FREED Many Prisoners Much Material Taken At Argyroeastro WITH the taking of Argyroeastro, officially confirmed last night, one-quarter of the population and one-seventh of the territory of Albania have been freed from Italian rule. It is revealed that a large number of prisoners and materials were
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  • 73 9 A COMPREHENSIVE survey of the educational situation in Britain la i now being undertaker? by the Board or j Education. To secure an accurate picture of the country as a whole, local education authorities have been asked to make returns, giving details of various aspects i
    British Wireless  -  73 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 89 9 OTHER CABLES in pages 7, 13, 14 and 16 Royal BAKERY ANNOUNCEMENT We are no longer permitted to import any further supplies of HO VIS or VITBE flour :n?d are, therefore, compelled to cease manufacture of these two varieties of bread until further supplies of flour are available. As alternatives
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  • 600 10 Another Four-Figure Gift Acknowledged To-day FURTHER CONTRIBUTIONS FROM TWO GARRISON SCHOOLS ANOTHER four-figure jfift from a private individual figures in to-day's list of acknowledgements of contributions to The War Fund. This time the donor is Mr. Sr. Nassim and he has sent $l,(> 00.
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  • 80 10 T straits Times understands that the kgailMt the Imposition of ln\M in the P.M. B. was forwarded to I hi- Secretary of State for the through the High Commissioner. Sir Shrnton Thomas i bears tho signatures of many representatives of agricultural, mining, traue, commercial industrial and
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  • 105 10 SINGAPORE U»TUS HOTEL DtiimT Ac Dance i Informal) S p.m. to Midnight O\UI(K rill \TKK. GfcYLANG My Man it Chatrmbuckiwali— Double Feature Hindustani Talkies «t> p.m. OUAI WORLD Cabaret. 7 30 to 9 p.m. <St 9 p.m. •t. Globe: Pour Just Men. Sky: Undrrpup. wrw n(iiti.i) neatres ar.U
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  • 165 10 'THIS Diary is intended to call 1 attention to functions which are being held in aid of The War Fund Organizers of such functions are invited to submit details for inclusion in this feature. To-morrow: Premiere of 'He stayed for Breakfast (Columbia) at the Capitol at ».15
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  • 236 10 At The Cinema ''Young People" (Shirley i einple, Jack Oakie and Charlotte Greenwood). 20th Century -fox. Midnight premiere *t Cathay. nOW three Broadway vaudeville artistes tried to change the old-fashioned way of living of townsfolk in the farming town of StonefleW in New England. Americu. is tint UKBU
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  • 101 10 THE outbreak of rabies in Malacca a; the end of February 1940 has entailed extra expenditure cf $14,135. Anti-rabies comrol measures were taken for six months throughout the Settlement by engagement of temporary staff, concentraticn of the staff in the town for a mDruh, purchase
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  • 46 10 The G.0.C., Lt.-Gen. L. V. Bond listens vith obvious interest to an Indian officer describing his experiences at the luncheon given yesterday by the Indian Troops' Entertainment Committee to the Viceroy's Commissioned Officers of the Indian Army now stationed in Singapore. S.T. Picture.
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  • 701 10 Good Work Done By Musical Society GREAT credit deservedly goes to the Singapore Musical Society for being able under wartime conditions to complete their year's series of four concerts. Last night's orchestral concert was well attended and thoroughly enjoyable. The programme given covered an interesting range and
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  • 274 10 AFTER considering representations made Dy the municipalities and rural boards in the Colony and by the Automobile Association, the select committee appointed by the Legislative Council to examine and report on the Road Traffic Bill, has recommended that the bill be passed, subject to amendments which
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  • 328 10 Mr. Bisseker Leadership "Y ou can count upon the loyal co-operation of all the communities in the efforts which you will undoubtedly make to prosecute the war and to bring our war effort up to the scratch," stated Mr. F. D. BLsseker, senior Unofficial member, welcoming the
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  • 115 10 yESTERDAY'S luncheon party in 1 honour of the Viceroys Ccmmissioned Officers of the Indian army units stationed in Singapore, which the General Officer Commanding, Malaya, attended, was a grea; success Indian officers of the Hong Kong and Singapore Royal Artillery were also among the gues v s.
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  • 45 10 MR. and Mrs. R. Young of Karak Estate, Bentong, Pahang, received a telegram from the Air Ministry on Saturday stating that their elder son. Pilot-Officer Cecil Reginald Youne, was killed in air operations on Dec. 5. He was 20.
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  • 408 10 London Ruling While Unit Engaged On Local Defence THE Colony must now meet an additional item of wartime expenditure, following a ruling: by the Secretary of State. This expenditure is being incurred in keeping: our sea lanes safe for shipping, and deals with
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  • 88 10 THE silver Jubilee number of the Hu Yew Seah magazine, official organ of the wellknown Straits-born Chinese association, reflects the progress of the club during the 25 years of its existence. The magazine contains many readable articles. Is well illustrated and is a
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  • 92 10 Two More Are Expected AMOTOR bus resembling closely a popular London type, has been 1 introduced in Singapore for the first time by a private transport company to service the Beach Road Seletar route. It is streamlined and provided with spring-cushioned seats of the tuaular type
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  • 48 10 JfOX and Cox will be on the air again to-. night in the Singapore radio news re* view at 7.10 p.m. on 225 and 30.96 metres. On Wednesday, at 7.10 p.m. on the same wavelengths. Victor Purecll will broadcast on Thoughts of an Englishman.
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  • 33 10 r relieve the shortage of quarters!. Government has purchased two houses at a total cost of nearly $60,000. The houses are Wheatley," Watteti Estate, and No. 8 Peel Road, Singapore.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 55 10 or AUSTIN"! 2" All-steel flush fitting sliding roofs on de luxe models. 9 Genuine Girling brakes "easy clean" pressed steel spoke wheels. Pressed steel body of modern line with wide opening doors. Unusually large luggage compartment. Deep full winding windows give wide field of vision. v Ml i^ L BORNEO
      55 words

  • 1301 11 The Governor On Duty To Make Every Sacrifice A PLEA that Malaya shall be united as Great Britain is united in one aim to defeat the common foe was made hy the (Jovernor, Sir Shenton Thomas, replying in the Legislative Council to-day to speeches
    1,301 words
  • 190 11 AT the fourth annual n"^t<pg of the Sojth Indian Muslim League, Singapore, v.tth Mr. B. Mohamed rbrahim (managing director of Messrs. B. S. Mohiadeen and Co. in the chair, tne following office-bearers were elected President, Mr. A. Jama!uddln (of Messrs. Dawood and Co.); vice-presidents,
    190 words
  • 28 11 MR Jtn*o Putaml, the n-w Japanese irOnistf* to Thailand, has arrived in Singapore Mr Kutami will proceed to Bangkok after a ihort stay in Sinfrnpor*.
    28 words
  • 38 11 This view of the construction of the new block of Improvement Trust flats at Tiong Bahru gives a good idea of the large size of the undertaking. Two air raid shelters are incorporated.
    38 words
  • 277 11 College Men As Teachers IS teachers recruited from Raffles College passed the same tests as those accepted for the Straits Settlements Civil Service, their salary scheme and prospects should be adjusted and brought to the same level as those for officers of the Service, suggested Capt. N.
    277 words
  • 104 11 rl Regimental Band and Drums cf the Manchester Regiment, by permission of Lieut. -Col. K. B. Holmes and the Officers cf the Regiment, will Beat Retreat on the l»adang this afternoon. Ths program ne will be:— "Sounding of Retreat by Massed Bugles; "Rising" by
    104 words
  • 216 11 CHINESE examination reoults at tne Singapore Ohineae Mandarin School Advanced Absolute: Hob Sou Yee (dist.i, Lin Shie Cbong (dist.), Yuen Khew Lam dift Boey Ting Seong, Liang Shi Chow. Span See Bah, Tan Kong Hua, Lin Tiiitf Koa and Wang Gia Dor. Senior' Bong Khian Fong (dist.). Am-:
    216 words
  • 46 11 A STATEMENT from the Traffic Branch shows that there were 31 road casualties last week in comparison with 32 the previous week. There were also three fatalities last week which brings the total number of road deaths so far this year up to 36.
    46 words
  • 47 11 ftJfK. Custodin de Noronha, a magia- trate in Portuguese India, who has been appointed legal adviser to the Governor of Timor, has arrived in Singapore from Bombay on his w%y to take up his new post. He is accomjPtinied by his wife and daughter.
    47 words
  • 221 11 At Trust Flats In Tiong Bahru THE completion of air raid shelters in the midst of the $2,000,000 block of Singapore Improvement Trust flats in Tiong Bahru area coincides with the Governor's statement on his return from leave last week that the question of shelters was "under
    221 words
  • 215 11 'Public Shaken By Revelations' "THE public has been shaken by the recent revelations regarding irregularities, abuse of privilege, corruption and bribery in certain parts of Malaya," said Capt. N. M. Hashim in the Legislative Council this morning. "If the new Straits Settlements Civil Service and Straits Settlements
    215 words
  • 105 11 TIE B&r.d of the Strnl»- menti Police will perform un£.-v the direction of Mr. J. C. Hitch at Farrer Park at 5.30 p.m. to-morrow March. "For King and Country." Bidgood: Overture. The Barber of Senrllte." Rossini." Selection. "Follow tne Sun," Berlin; Japanese Mazurka, "I<a Mousme," Louis Oanne:
    105 words
  • 42 11 Buenos Aires, Dec. 9. ■yilK British cruiser Enterprise, it is rumoured here, may make c- on tart with the German raider in the region of Samborotnbon Bay, off the coast of Argentina, near the '.wife of (he Rive* Plate. lUwtw.
    42 words
  • 221 11 THE gradual abolition of the European police inspectorate in the Straits Settlements and the recruitment of Asiatics in their place was carried a step further this year when the strength of the former was lessened by eight and that of the latter increased by
    221 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 68 11 OZONES OYSTER S/M y j4t sC&S^^V SPECIAL /^PsS|^B OCCASIONS! 'a 4 *?JW W i hr > arc different, appotis- n^ ant^ delicious. A. J|. m r\\*sr*' fj&tl or y° ur m x l p*u*ly» Iry /W\ OZONE Oyslers. You can *t^^i|^^^ss^s«J mak.*- Oyster cocktails, Pattiee and Souffles that Jj /*^St^
      68 words
    • 186 11 rLATINUM WATCHES SET FINK WHITE rlfff DIAMONDS. $145 to 5*55.90. 1 '^Tl tj B X Day "Camera" Clock. We "M wF Dark Blue or Brown Leather Case, 4 ins. x PAIK BLACK ONTX WHITE GOLD CUFF 2^ 2 in3 $27.50 UNKS STTDS $42 00. With vest buttons $M.W M Stainless
      186 words

  • 519 12 Chinese Community's Share Is Still Remembered "CINGAPORE Chinese are playing as prominent a part in contributing to the Malaya Patriotic Fund and War Fund to-day as they did 25 years ago," said a well-known local Chinese to a Straits Times reporter. He emphasized that,
    519 words
  • 141 12 >"T*H£ following have offered to assist at the 1 War Fund premiere of Columbia Pictures' latest comedy success "He Stayed For Breakfast" at the Capitol Theatre to-morrow at 9 p.m. which will be attended by the Governor, Sir Shen ton Thomas, and party: Mrs. M. Swaine,
    141 words
  • 314 12 Parents Realising Importance AN indication that Malay parents in this country are realizing more and ;nore the need for educating their raughters is given in a short review of the work of the Department of Educatlcn last year. Referring to Malay vcniacuiar schools, the review states: 'The
    314 words
  • 316 12 SPONTANEOUS contributions to the Lord Mayor's Air Raid Relief Fund are still received in large numbers by the China Relief Fund Committee. The second list. which includes donations up to last Saturday, is as follows: Mr. Ong Soon Tee $200, Mr. Tan Kirn Tee $100.
    316 words
  • 523 12 rIK death occurred yesterday morning at his residence in St. Barnabas Road, Singapore, of Mr. Colin Ernest Frederick Strays, at the age of 42 years. He was the eldest son of the late Mr. G. W. Strays, of the Singapore Harbour Board. He
    523 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 456 12 Take this brake off your heart Tip allow your htart to be subjected tn the resistance of hardening arteries in like chiving a car with the brakes on! Healthy, resilient uteria assist the heart to circulate the blood, but thickening, hardening arteries tend to resist the flow of the blocd
      456 words
    • 285 12 JPne I m m^^Mm^^^^^^mm A bubble?*; AT least once every day refresh yoox pp.* Wra Pptr? TUfi^ It complexion with Pean' gentle took ig Cy CLOp>r •c'ion." When you wash with Pears', Take o/f Wr 'PP*rt IA JI enlarged pores contract and your whole any p*?*, Wr <ippt r s
      285 words

  • 319 13 Hopes Of Nazi-French Collaboration Fade Madrid, Dec. 8. THE newspaper Information's Berlin correspondent states that the viait to Berlin of Laval, Vichy vicePremier, has been cancelled and adds* "This can only be in:erpre;ed as postponement of all Franco-German collaboration in the figh; cf the Reich against
    Reuter  -  319 words
  • 182 13 Shanghai, Dec. 8. WHILE the situation continued to remain quiet in the blockaded zone in the Japanese occupied sector of the western district of this city yesterday, the area entered its sixth day of the blockade following the shooting of a Japanese gendarme by Chinese
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 88 13 I IGHT trailer pumps which have proved invaiuable to Britain's civil defence workers are In great demand for export. These easily transportable and comparatively cheap fire-fighting appliances are proving ideally suited to the needs of upcountry townships and cuLstations where the cost of standard firp
    British Wireless  -  88 words
  • 116 13 DUSINi-feS ai u^uai' and .he "family spirit' will go literally hand in hand in Britain during Christma. 1 when postmsn and their wives will work tfge.her delivering mails during the usual rush period. The Post Office in endorsing this novel idea states that a
    British Wireless  -  116 words
  • 59 13 Washington, Dec. b. WARPLANES now be n=j produc >d in the Uniced States are equai to the "best in the world" rays the War Department. Action taken in February, before the bulk of existing mass orders were placed, has corrected deficiencies disclosed by the war
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 158 13 Warning Of Comniander-in-Chirl' Of Far Eastern Forces Moscow, Dec. 8. "AT any moment we are ready to start for battle, and under any conditions we are ready to defeat any enemy," declared Gen. Popov, commanding the First Red Army in Siberia,
    Reuter  -  158 words
  • 478 13 Ascribed To British Attacks On Air Bases liondon. Dec. S. •pHE strange lull in CKrman air activity over Britain since Friday night has intrigued British observers, says Reuter's air correspondent Three reasons are advanced, all sptvulative, but cur or more may have some basis In
    Reuter  -  478 words
  • 83 13 Tokio, Dec. 8. VICE-ADMIRAL Boshiro Hosogaka has been appointed supreme commander of the Japanese fleet in South i China waters, succeeding Vice-Admiral Umataro Tanimoto, who has been assigned to the general staff of the j navy; it was officially announced toiday. Vice-Acimiral TanimoLo
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 55 13 Peiping, Dec. 8. Fhas been suggested in diplomatic circles that delay on the part of Germany in recognizing the Wang Ching-wei government is due to Germany's desire to use recognition as a I bargaining counter to force Japan to take action a gains Bri;»in
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 43 13 T Chungking, Dec. 8. HE execution of Gen. Shin Yu-san, former governor of Chahar, for "disobedience to orders" is officially announced. Gen. Shin's younger brother was executed on a similar charge, according to a Japanese I report from Shanghai. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 85 13 Shanghai, Dec. 8. JAPAN is demanding the employment of Japanese nationals in the Government of French Indo-China including the department of finance, communications and the arinv office, according to I!ir Ta Kung Pao, influential Chungking newsoaper. The Journal adds that the Governor of Indo-China, Vice-Admlral Decoux,
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 71 13 Chungking, Dec. 8. pHINESE military commanders In the field as well as leaders in the provinces arc Issuing telegrams denouncing Wang Chingwci and th<> "puppet government' 1 in Nanking and pledging loyalty to the government, in Chungking. The Commander-ln-Chief of the Chinese forces in the provinces
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 40 13 Chungking, Dec. 8. A GOODWILL mission of Burmese pressmen comprising nine Journalists will shortly visit Chungking. Chinese report* here state. The party Is scheduled to leave Burma on Dec. 20 en route to China. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 475 13 1 Wlien they're ARUOTTS* You know they're excellent! Sp^HaSyp^^'SijS^^^^^r'fi V1 1 *Li refill J 1 Wfl Faff lh3*> t WJuJrnjilf pK wry) r y <v>iji>v» Oven fresh stocks arrived regularly from Australia j 1 j ASTH MA Fduataue Ends Attacks at JB^SM Lightning Speed ja|ir m m arTTTS ricmt side
      475 words
    • 127 13 Nothing cures CONSTIPATION llkt CASTOPHENE WWnrovikr* < ASTOHItNf; jott tiynvduce inro your mmi «m*D <ktr* a Canar Oil tnH nttmft •ramtK ifywAnwi ihm «rr m- m •rmlljf *ckno»Mgnl Sr.lil,, V% fentmv CA*IX»PHENE i«rr« Vl «nlj> of Chocnbtr and ihwlutrly 1 Iftrr horn tmf Juanmahh nmr 5l ~nfa qutrtN, n»tnm!U an.l
      127 words

  • 21 14 A croup of Italian prisoners in Ejypt, captured by British troops, being questioned by an Egyptian officer.
    21 words
  • 791 14 an invasion into the heart of Libya along a single, waterless road. The aim would be to destroy the Italian advance forces at Sldl Barranl and drive what is left if any out of Egypt. The political and strategical effects of such a blow
    791 words
  • 151 14 Fighting For "Folks At Home" Cairo, Dec. 8. BRITISH soldiers in th* Western Desert refer with pride to the fight which their mothers, fathers and sisters are pu.ting up at home, writes Kenneth Anderson, Reuter's special correspondent in Egypt's Western Desert The soldiers say that they are thankful that the
    151 words
  • 128 14 Peiping, Dec. 8. TTHE Japanese have arrested a large number of persons during a week's house-to-house search for the murder ">f a Japanese colonel last Friday, including some oollcemen stated to have been actually prssent at the time of the murder, according to Chinese reports.
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 66 14 Cairo, Dec. 8. BRITISH artillery in the Sudan hammered away nt Italian positions yesterday. Loud explosions were hoard following what is described in an oflicial communique as a "successful shoot" on enemy positions east of Metamma. British guns were also active in the area
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 71 14 Washington. Dec. 8. MRS. Elizabeth Deegan. the United States embassy cleric who is detained by the Germans in Paris. Is being hrld in a sma'l private hotel, according to a report received by the State Department from the United States Charge d' Affairs in
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 199 14 Quick Action By Air Fighters London. Dec. 8. TTHE part played by Spitfires in sayA Ing H.MJS. Javelin, which was hit by a German tcrpeda In a long-range naval action in the English Channel, has now been described by the pilots Lord Louis Mountbatten. the King's cousin,
    Reuter  -  199 words
  • 157 14 Convicted Of Libel On Beaverbrook London, Dec. 8. AT the Hampshire Assizes, William Ernest Frank Jones, described as a monetary scientist, who was a former adviser to the Salt Revenue Adminls tration of the Central Chinese Government and claimed to have been appointed economic adviser to
    Reuter  -  157 words
  • 42 14 Cairo. Dec 8 KINO FAROUK has given £3,000 for comforts for British and Egyptian troops on the occasion of the holidays of Christmas and the Mohammedan festival of Corban Bairam, the amount to be equally divided between the British and Egyptians. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 225 14 URGENT DECISION? Important business or family questions are quicker and more efficiently settled personally. FLY K. L. M. AND DECIDE ON THE SPOT Regular services to Sumatra. Java, Straits, Thailand. Burmah, India, Iraq, Arabia Palestine. Sir ■fV/ /L ama^ta\ [^^t) P ff T'Wi'bm SOLE AGENTS: JOHN LITTLE «St CO., LTD.
      225 words
    • 463 14 COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS ENROL NOW Enrolments are now oelnß mad« for the commencement of classes, during December for the 1940 41 year of training, in the following subjects All London Chamber of Commerce 1341 rxamination subjects. School Certificate Examination. December. 1041. All Pitman Commercial Certificate Subjects. Particulars of classes and fees
      463 words

  • 1023 15 Victories Over Pahang And Selangor At Kuala Lumpur (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. S. DKRAK maintained their winning: form by heavily defeat- in? Pahang: by seven goals to one in an inter-State The winners played fine hockey, but Pahang (ought a gallant losing
    1,023 words
  • 175 15 RKSI'LTS in brief of Saturday's races at Kuala l.umpur are Race 1— Fernlet $30 and $10 Danse Dv Vrntre Sl2 Myanee $9 Rare t Royal Beau $10 and $6 Miss Rod $7 Stenclla $6 Rare 3 Queen Beon $41 and S8 rhariol $7 Kaealie $6 Race
    175 words
  • 322 15 Eclipse B. P. Marigolds Win Easily League Badminton DOTH the inu-r-rluli fixtures in the Singapore badminton championships, played at the C.U. Hall yesterday, proved to be very one-sided, the margin of victory in each game being five-niL The Sphinx Badminton Party showed no Improvement In their form, and suffered another
    322 words
  • 31 15 W FIGHTS for the three remaining races on Wednesday, the second day of the Selangor Turf Club's winier meeting, will be found in PAGE FIVE if received in time.
    31 words
  • 357 15 London, Dec. 8. rOB following are the results of league football matches played yesterday: NORTH Blackburn Rovers 5 Manchester United S Bradford 2 Rochdale 4 Bury 0 Preston North End 0 Chester 8 New Brighton 2 Chesterfield 0 Grlmsby Town 3 Ctewc Alexandra 3 Wrexham
    Reuter  -  357 words
  • 781 15 Wanderers Win By Eleven Points To Nil Wanderers .11: Crusaders 0. AS was generally expected, the Army Wanderers beat the Army Crusaders in Saturday's Malayan Rugby Union fixture on the padang, but had to fight vary hard to do so. The margin
    781 words
  • 112 15 EURASIAN XV WIN 27—0 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 8. A RUGGER team, drawn from Eurasian players all over Malaya, trounced a scratch team. Ah He's fifteen, comprised mainly of Asiatic players, by 27 points to nil in a game played on the Solangor Club padang to-day. The
    112 words
  • 230 15 Penang Win All Blues Rugby Final (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Dec. 7. PENANG annexed the All Blues Cup for rugger to-day by beating Selangor on the padang l>y 21 points (one goal, three tries, one drop goal and one penalty goal) to nil. Though up against a better
    230 words
  • 122 15 THE following have been selected to play hockey for the Y.MC.A. vs. CSC. on the C.S.C. ground at 5.10 p.m- to-day: Wee Aik Chan Lee Fong Ldm, J. Sanderson, R. T. L. Fleming, G. L. Day, Goh Chin Chye, Low Huck Yang, Gan Kee Tian, I. B. Surata.
    122 words
  • 48 15 rE S.CJR.C. tennis section will hold a meeting at the Club on Wednesday at 5.15 p.m. All members Interested are requested to attend The meeting will elect a tennis captain for the year 1941, a vice-captain, a convenor, and a representative to the S.L.T.A.
    48 words
  • 48 15 <>< KEY SC.C II vs. R.A.K. ■H.Q.), S.C.C.; SRC. vs. Hyderabad Regiment, SRC; Post Office luh vs. Sappers and Miners, Post >ffice ground: Indian Assn. vs. 'ndian (leneral Hospi al. Balestier: CS.C. vs. V.M.C.A., C.S.C. SOCCER Dalvey Cup, Singapore Cold Storage vs. Fraser and Neave, Stadium.
    48 words
  • 236 15 now full of life and enerfjr There arc hundred* of such men out here worn-out belore their time, listless, irritable, and prey to every fever, chill or Influenza that*! i:olng. Alwayi too fagged out to enjoy either work ox play. You may be one of
    236 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 12 15 I ■■^M«_--__M________M "v*V>A*n 3 v.f_P I V«H s\^ "Vw/UICICY ft Hl3ill a.».<*«rf
      12 words
    • 216 15 _N _B «K__9_V 5*5 Broun Ev<* Bin<> E y e>i Grey Eyes? ltvery day voui eves aic mvi tied by invisible germ <>t every loin) They become covered with just such .1 film of dust :mi' smoke md 1001 M your face and !ian<K AnJ the) MO'C MMMM No wondci
      216 words

  • 898 16 NAVAL STAFF CHIEF HANDS IN HIS RESIGNATION Unrest Spreads Among Defeated Forces On Albanian Fronl London, Dec. 8. MUSSOLINI'S war leaders continue to show their dig- satisfaction with the ill judged Albanian campaign by resigning, it being announced this morning that Admiral Deminico Cavagnari has
    898 words
  • 513 16 "Enemy Heavily Damaged In Last Week's Action Captain Hardy Montevideo. Dec. 8. A BRITISH naval squadron headed by H.M.S. Warspite i-; believed in I ru^uav to lie scouring the Atlantic for the ci-.uised f.erman raider wheh was engaged by the 20,060ton IJritish
    Reuter  -  513 words
  • 82 16 IT has recently been officially made clear that no change is contemplated In the training and duties of the Home Guard, but with the shorter days, indo?r lectures and training have gensrally taken the place of outdoor practice during evening! on week-days. Training and duries will interfere
    British Wireless  -  82 words
  • 126 16 Mystery Trip Of CoL Donovan Washington, Dec. 8. IF Col. William J. Dono-jit, who was yes er day reported as proreeding to Europe as a "private emissary of the AdrcinM- *]"n." has actually flown to Eur he may have gone on any mission or none, for at present complete mystery
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 162 16 British Raid Off Albanian Coast Athens, Dec. 8A DIRECT hit on the stern of one ship and many near misses were observed by the crews of R.A.F. bombers which are officially stated to have attacked Italian shipping off the Albanian c jast yesterday. A raid was carried
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 266 16 TWO-POINT PLAN DISCUSSED New York, Dec. 8. IT is learned that highly placed Ml ministration officials are discussin? a two-point plan for financial aid to Britain, says the Washington correspondent cf Associated Press. The plan, which some officials predict will be adopted, is stated to provide
    Reuter  -  266 words
  • 81 16 London, Dec. 8. TO-DAY is "Sacrifice Sunday" in Germany The German people are beln» pressed to contribute to the Winter Help Fund, whi'h is a regular feature of the Nazi Part; since it came to power. Ostensibly the collection of money Is for the poor and
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 39 16 Rome, Dec. 8. rE Rumanian Government has been authorized to export a certain amount of aviation spirit to Italy in exchange for lead, says a Bucharest telegram to the official Italian agency. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 105 16 Athens, Dec. 8. THE extent of the premeditation of the Italian attack on Greece is proved by documents found by the Greeks in their advance into Albania. Photostatic copies of these documents, which belong to the the 3rd Julia Division, were shown to newspapermen
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 530 16 in France and the Low Countries enemy's bases for night raids on the British Isles were successfully attacked by a strong force R.A.F. bombers from nightfall on Friday until several hours after midnight. The Channel ports of Dunkirk, Calais and Boulogne were also
    Reuter  -  530 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 44 16 BOWRAN'S BOWRANITE A solution that solves the problem of MUST PREVENTION. MmmM mI3M Mm BOWRANITE PAINTS ARC MORE THAN PROTECTIVE. Stocked in six colours and black, they enhance the appearance of visible structures, Sole Agents Stockists I¥\| lPli^^\^> J (incorporated In S.S.) Warint 144A
      44 words
      3 words