The Straits Times, 8 December 1940

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 39 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA 1 FINAL** No. 468 Sunday, Dec. 8 V 1940 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 468 Sunday, Dec. 8, 1940 Price 10 Cents.
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  • 721 1 Dodecanese Commander Follows Badoglio DISORGANISATION OF BODY POLITIC AND MILITARY QUICKLY following the resignation of Marshal Badoglio, Chief of the Italian General Staff, another Italian commander has been relieved of his command "at his own request." General Cesare rie Vecchi, Commander of Italian forces based on
    Reuter  -  721 words
  • 65 1 Flifht Sergeant Cecil L'nwtn. of Bolton-•n-Dearne, Yorkshire, awarded the Dbtintuished Flying Medal. with "Fla-JL" the squadron mascot. This airman ha* displayed grrrat courage In his attacks against the enemy and has destroyed ten of their aircraft. On recent occasion when returning from an en/raxement alone, he intercepted a
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  • 77 1 Cairo. Saturday. AS the Greeks sweep on to further successes pro-Allied sympathies in Syria have increased both among the native population and demobilized French soldiers, according to travellers arriving from Beirut. A spontaneous pro-3ritisn demonstration recently occurred In a Beirut cinema. When the Union Jack*
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 138 1 SINCE Italy entered the war she hu il S2B aircraft in combats with the R.A.F. in Albania, Africa and over the Channel. At least another 120 more Italian machines have been destroyed on the ground. British loam are six over Albania, 49 over Africa and none at
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  • 45 1 London, Saturday. PRESIDENT Roosevelt has pledged American aid to Greece in an exchange of messages with Kins George 11. Mr. Roosevelt's pledge was given in answer to a message from King George thanking him for American aid already received.
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  • 89 1 t^ondon, Saturday. MR. R. B. Bennett, a former Prime Minister of Canada, soeaking in Britain to-day, contrasted the freedom of the British Empire with the tyranny of Hitler's new order. "Whenever we hear of the new order of Hitler," he said, "we realise It li not
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 146 1 Tokio, Sunday. CHANGHAI dispatch to Japanese news agency assert* negotiations now proceeding between British Ambassador to China and Chiang Kai-shek for conclusion secret military alliance between Britain and China, Agency attributed report to "reliable Chinese source" in Shanghai. It adds terms proposed alliance would include strenuous efforts by
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  • 213 1 TWO NAZIS DOWN IN RAIDS ON BRITAIN London, Saturday. TWO enemy bombers were shot down by our lighten to-day in raids on Great Britain which were only on a small scale. German raids on Britain last night •veiv iot heavy and finished before midnight. The mam attacks were against Bristol
    Reuter  -  213 words
  • 51 1 M Washington, Saturday. R. Cordell Hull Secretary for State, to-day stated there was no truth In the Mexico City reports that the United States was negotiating with Mexico to exchange United States destroyers for the use of naval bases and facilities in Mexican waters.—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 481 1 London, Saturday. tl/hen the Greeks captured Santi Quaranta, the Italians' supply port in southern Albania, they found a half-submerg-ed Italian destroyer hi the harbour. It was to have been used to take officials and documents back to Italy. It was known that British bombers
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  • 102 1 Germans Find Britain 's Secret Weapon London, Saturday. THE Germans have discovered Great Britain's secret weapon. It is the British public. An article in a fJerman paper begins: "The question so many of us are asking ourselves again and again is; 'How can the London people withv'.and it? Is their
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 150 1 KEYNOTE OF NEW BRITISH ARMY London, Saturday. COMK hint of the organization of the new British army was given in Lon<!on to-day. The keynofe^Afthis new army is tanks, '|,i^MtwMl »nob?lity. An ofljeer of Ahe Tank Corps declares -thai, rnariy of the German principles of moerianlsed warfare nave
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 239 1 Special U. S. Emissary To Europe: 'No Defeatism' Newark (New Jersey), Saturday* /X)L. William J. Donovan, of New York, a well-known lawyer with a. distinguished record in the last war, is to proceed to Europe soon "as a private emissary of the A( ;iration,"' according to a Washington dispatch
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  • 39 1 London, r.aturJaj-. W. S. Seamark, described as a "Christian Pacifist Stop The War Candidate" was heavily defeated in tJie Northampton hyeiectlon hy Gerari Summers (National Conservative), who polled 16,587 votes to 1,1G7. Reuter.
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    • 11 1 TAI HENG CO. Tailors 4Vfc Colenuft St.. Siagapwe. Pbo«e. 337S J|r
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    • 120 1 AN OPEN SECRET NEVER TO BE FORGOTTEN REDUCTIONS IN ALL LINES STOCK' O K I C TAX.XC OALt CHOTIRMALL'S Mf SEE THE NEW cow priced HELVINATBR Y ou owe &to yourself, before you invest in a refrigerator to examine carefully the new KELVINATORS. Look at the size Look at the
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  • 405 2 Destroyer Safely Home After Four Days Of -ttIULcICK London. Saturday. ANOTHER epic story of gallantry at sea was made known to-day when an official account was i.-sued describing the manner in which the destroyer Kelly, crippled by a torpedo, was brought to a home
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  • 78 2 London, Saturday. RICHARD BRUNOT, the French High Commissioner in the Camcroons, and Jules Marcel de Coppet, Governor-General of Madagascar, have been dismissed by the Vichy Government, states the H;ivas agency. Bruno 1 is now in London and operating in the colonial department of Fret French
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  • 51 2 Bcston, Saturday. AN acute shortage or food and clothing in Finland is reported by the crew of the Finnish :reighter Wirta. Arriving after a 21-d:iy voyage from Petsamo, one seaman declared that little meat was available in Finland. Tobacco and salt had recently been severely restricted.—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 111 2 New York, Saturcay. nrtlE Duke of Windsor made what is believed to be his first appearance before the microphone, since he made hLs abdication speech, when he made a surprise broadcast from Nassau last night, thanking Americans for all that they are doing to relieve the
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  • 94 2 INTER- VARSITY RUGBY Late Sport London, Saturday. r«AMBRIDGE with one goal and two tries (eleven points) beat Oxford a goal and a dropped goal (nine points) in the annual inter- Varsity rugger match for which no Blues was awarded owing to the war. Cambridge generally took the initiative in the
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 251 2 London, Saturday. ON the day when Hitler's "new order" crumbles Into ihe oust together with the rest nf the evil inbric of Nazi-ism. Poland will be ready to do her part, .said Dr Junosza, v. Polsm as' the nvddls of September, in a broad:;-
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  • 137 2 NAZI war aims were exposed in the New York magazine life which published what is claimed to be an authentic speech by the German Minister of Agriculture recently. The Minister said that German were to over- run Europe and conquer the whole continent
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  • 147 2 JAPANESE BUSES IN BLOCKADED AREA OF SHANGHAI gnafignai, Sal urday. ANEW importer angle In me japantss blockade ot tho we&iern area adjoining the International Settlement has appeared w th the operation of Japanese-owned buses along certain streets of the zone In place ol vehicles of the British-owned China General Omnibus
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  • 85 2 HonK Konz, Saturday. MIYSTKHY surrounds th:. 1 New York Mac- kay Radio's report that it had pi< ketl up an R O.S. from the British steamer Newchwanp. owned by the Cliina Navigation Company. Ltd.. Htytßg she required immediate assistance and givtitt her position 57.53 north and 25.56
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  • 235 2  -  Raider By THE German raider, which was In action with the armed British merchantman Carnarvon Castle in the South Atlantic on Thursday, has been prowling in those waters for months, laying hundreds of mines and trying to waylay Allied shipping. The raider left Hamburg on Apr.
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  • 429 2 AMERICAN opinion, says the New; York Times, may deplore the! situation which nas sent so earnest an Indian patriot as Pandit j J&waharlal Nehru to four vears'j rigorous imprisonment for publicly j advocating passive resistance to the British war effort until India 1
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  • 58 2 The royal lodge at Windsor Castle has been damaged in a recent raid. Picture shows a Messerschmitt 109 shot down by the R.A.F. put on view at the St. Albans Street gate of the Castle. A fee of 6d. is charged for inspecting it,
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  • 208 2 Washington, Saturday. JAPAN'S appointment of a diplomat to succeed a businessman as envoy to the Netherlands Indies Ls being interpreted, when added to the preparations for a I'Tanco- Japanese conference in TOLJO on Indo-China, as confirmation ftf the belief that Japan is
    Reuter  -  208 words
  • 45 2 New York, Saturday. 'pHE Punish freighter Navcmar has radioed thtt she has rescued 28 seamen from llie Bntish freighter Palmella (1,568 tons), which wuf .sunk by a submarine 120 miles ofl tine lortusuese coast on Thursday night. Reu f .cr
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  • 40 2 New York, Saturday. jV/lOKli than 2,500 United Stat«*s citi:i ns are serving with the Canadian Air Force, sf tcrl Mr. Leonard Brockinston, counsellor of tho Canadian Cabinet's War Committee, speaking heu: last nicrht.-
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  • 122 2 Washington Saturday. SIR Frederick Phillips, of the British Treasury, who had an important talk yesterday with Mr. Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the US Treasury, is to see Mr. Morgenthat' again on Monday. There are many questions to be discussed with Mr. Morgenthau.
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  • 58 2 Hankow, Saturday. GEN. Noboyuki Abe. special Japanese envoy to Nanking, arrived in Hankow yesterday on an inspection tour and is leaving for Japan by air to-day. Two hours before his arrival, the political adviser to the Hupeh Provincial Government was shot five times 'jy
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    • 712 2 ■JpFEET PAIN? /it H The skin-pores of your leot ehould be constantly eliminating acid impurities. When your feet feel lashed with pain, when they ach.» ana ■well, it is because those pores have -.c ciioked. and acid i.s piling up inside them. Then you suffer foot agony. Corns and callouses
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    • 76 2 .^gll^P^ "Man Is What He Eats" HOW you look, how you feel and y^^g^^^^j^^^^^^ how you act depend on what food you eat! WHEAT. with all its Vitamins, A,B, >/^ anc k> carbohydrates, proteins and mineral salts, contains the essential I elements for a vigorous and healthy life. S/ WHEAT
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  • 522 3 CONTROL OF DUCE'S ARMY SOUGHT Why Badoglio Quit Post As Chief Of Staff London. Saturday. POLITICAL observers are inclined to connect the resignation of Marshal Kadoglio from his post as chief of the Italian General Staff with rumours that Germany is willing to help
    British Wireless  -  522 words
  • 43 3 Hon.- Kong. Saturday. SIR JOIIN LATHAM, the first Australian minister to Japan, has arrived here on way to Janan. He is expected to resume his voy?.?e to Tokio after a suort stay in the Colony. Renter.
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  • 106 3 Japanese Bid To Seize Big Silver Copper Hoard Shanghai, Saturday. HHHE Japanese authorities here are said to be seeking to confiscate $6,000,000 in copper and silver bars which are reported to be stored in a godown of the American Trading Company in the French Concession. The Japanese allege that they
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  • 62 3 Shanghai, Saturday. ARRESTS have been made in connection with the blow ng up of a Shanghai-Nanking train last Friday, it is revealed. Seventy- four persons were killed when the train was blown up presumably by guerillas. The victims were traveling to Nanking in connection with
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 59 3 Many cf the Nazi machines shot doitm in Britain have crashed and yet remained in fair condition. Some of these have been repaired and are now in flying condition, enabling our pilots to know just what the other man is undergoing while in the air. Picture
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  • 169 3 Chungking On JapanNanking Treaty Chungking, Saturday. THE Ta Kung Pao, the influential Chinese daily, stated to-day that the Japan-Nank ng treaty has been an important contribution to the cause of Ch nese resistance. "The treaty has resulted in Increased assistance to China from the United SUtes and
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  • 139 3 Madrid, Saturday. rpHE "Youth Front" created under a law promulgated at yesterday's meeting of the National Council will be organized as a section of the Falange Party and will be composed of boys from the age of seven until the time they are called up for
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  • 102 3 "Training To Chase Italian Troops Melbourne. Dec. 1. QOOD health, good spirits, fair play and free competition were the things worth fighting for, said the Prime Minister, Mr. R. G. Menzies, when opening the Fight~ ing Forces' Athletic Championship meeting on the Melbourne Cricket Ground. "These are the first athletic
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 130 3 PHO ft t 5376 FIVE Llft E S C.3. 2XBA Advt of Singapore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd. V^ Ear x.^v Sm "^^^^^^fw^^ jjjff *M flHK^^y Dikl these Mother* and their lovely Babies Ye», they »n torn* of the miny, man/ Mothers who willingly paid little more for something a good
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

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    • 258 4 3 SHOWS TO-DAY DAVYIT rf^ 3.15. 6.15 9.15 JrAY IlilOW HELD OVER SO THAT YOU CAN COME AND GET~ YOUR SHARE OF LAUGHTER! 9L x GAUMONT BRITISH NEWS NEXT CHANGE another laughter riot i Season Extended owing to tremendous success. j W^ TO-NIGHT 6.15 9.15 Nelson EDDY Ilona MASSEY In
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    • 361 4 SEASON EXTENDED owing to SUCCESS! ANOTHER HIT IN M.CM.'s PARADE OF OUTSTANDING PICTURES CAPITOL 3.15—6.15—9.15 The Girl who won the World's Award as Beauty's NUMBER ONE BEAUTY— The Man who won TWO ACADEMY AWARDS as the YEAR'S P K F AO-vm" '3^^^h TW mXVMTf 11 TMOE Bk a 1 MH
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  • 344 5 "Blackout Does Not Hinder Bombers" ILLUMINATION AS CAMOUFLAGE IS SUGGESTED London, Not. 24. "U/IIV should Britain copy Hitler demands Captain Bernard Acworth. writer on naval subjects, in an article in "The Daily Herald," denouncing the black-out, which he declares, Britain unthinkingly accepted. He points out that
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  • 325 5 Chinese Envoy Visits Dr. Tagore Calcutta, Nov. 11. HIS Excellency Tai Chi Tao. accompanied by the Chinese Vice- Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. T. K. Tseng, and Staff called on Dr. Rabindranath Tagore at his residence this afternoon. The poet, who is still unable to move about. received His Excellency
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  • 108 5 Sequel To Lighting Restrictions Madras IN view oi the lighting restrictions introduced in connection with the air raid precautions in the City of Madras it has been decided that earlier hcurs of work should be adopted in the Secretariat in order to minimize the need
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  • 59 5 Twenty lucky mothers and two grandmothers travel from a dozen boroughs every night with babies and small children, to London's only nursery raid shelter, in the lofty white undercroft of St. Martin's-in-the-Ficlds. Trafalgar Square. The undercroft is screened off from the general public shelter in the
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  • 133 5 fHARGED with climbing to the second floor of a house in Berkeley, Cal., and stealing a pvrse, Richard C. Rudolph who saiu h e 7oas a graduate of the Vnivers. of California, had a master's degree, had taught for three years, and was presently attending the university
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  • 191 5 Famous Newsman Killed When Plane Crashes Athens, Nov. 21. THIS is about Ralph Barnes, world-famous correspondent of the New York HeraldTribnne, who was killed in the crash of a British bomber in the mountains, making the same type of trip I had made the previous night in the raid on
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  • 101 5 WALK ROUND FRONTS Aged Chinese Elders Plan To Visit Troops TEN Chinese elders in Hong Kong, all 1 over 60, have organized themselves for a tour on foot to China to comfort war refugees and wounded soldiers. They will leave next week for Shiukwan where they will call on General
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  • 26 5 Buenos Aires. PAN-AMERICAN Airways is planning an air service between Miami and Capetown, by way of Porto Rico, Brazil, and Portuguese East Africa
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  • 20 5 Thf Dvcbess of Kent m here seen in.spec>ui^ depot f»t the Red Cross and St. John F«nd
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    • 307 5 L Time marches on. Methods of travel change. II Also medicines. Now we don't have to take nasty-tastinj oils, inconvenient herbal brews md «ripinj purgatives Medical science gives us LAXOBAC tne modern chocolate laxative Laxobac tastes just like chocolate because it is chocolate. Yet a small tablet will cause your
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    • 154 5 FLORAL PERFUMES Vy $rfffl*&AS X'MAS GIFTS LILLY OF THE VALLEY ENGLISH BLUEBELLS SWEET PEA WILD CYCLAMEN MAUVE LILAC HONEYSUCKLE WHITE ROSE. antl 25 other perfumes, all of which are the true sweet sceni of the flower. Prices from $3.25 /%v/?arcfe Stockists of Ail Exclusive Perfumes and Toilet Preparations. TODAY n
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  • 1522 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By POR a long time now we have breathlessly followed the adventures of a girl called Jane in one of the picture papers. Jane is what is known as a comic strip character. Or. if we may be permitted a rather weak joke here
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    • 176 6 Battle of France. By Andre Maurois. The Bodley Head. 7s. 6d. (Reviewed by D. G. OsborneJones.) •■pHIS author needs no introduction in these columns, or to British readers either. He was asked by our Army Council to accompany the British forces to France in 1939 as "official eye
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    • 178 6 Mr. Finchley takes the Road. By Victor Canning. Hodder and Stoughton. 9s. 17ICTOR Canning's favourite char- acter, Mr. Finchley, is busy once more discovering England. This time he has retired from his solicitor's office, and is in search of the perfect house somewhere in Kent. He
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    • 58 6 The House of Clystevill. By Bertram Atkey. Jenkins' Colonial Library. "The House of Clystevill" is good old mellerdrammer." Wicked squires betray village maidens, scheming doctors doctor their patients' medicine, abandoned houses are guarded by fierce dogs, unwary investigators are quietly taDped on the head and put away. It is
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    • 476 6 this work none too favourably. I like this essay, as I do all those of XL j Maurois. His sympathetic insight and vivid pictures of BrlMsh Army officers and men could hardly be improved upon and he is a highly intelHgent and cultivated foreigner
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    • 714 6 URGENT A MESSAGE TO ALL WHO ARE LOSING WEIGHT All over Malaya, there are men and women who are gradually losing weight. First their cheeks begin to get a little thinner— then their dresses and suits seem to hang a little more loosely They try not to notice— but they
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    • 256 6 I AMAZING INK INVENTION I 1 CREATED FOR PARKER VACUMATIC I I Now Improves All Pens sgi&^ezi^^^^^^^m g& J*^ Guaranteed for Lv« To guard the jewel-like Vacumatic pen V fW^ •against old-time pen-clogging inks, Parker i^ H ValS experts invented an amazing new kind of f/wB" Ink called Quink. Parker
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  • 691 7 T»HE final detachment of the Joliore Volunteer Engineers underwent intensive military training at Changi during November in charge of Regimental Sergeant Major Carpenter, R.E. The men in this detachment were mo.stly the key men who were unable to attend the chief camp at Kota Tlnggi held in
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  • 750 7  -  The Onlooker By A KTKK more than 24 years in the Colonial I^pral Bcrvfcc Mr lust'-.. Arthur Burnaby Howes, .Judge, Perak Supreme Court, is retiring. Born in 1879 Mr. Howes is a son of Major General F. A. Howes, R.E. After leaving Dulwich he was called to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 185 7 So*A laSfe? jf^^ INDIGESTION? '■'^■M INSTANT RELIEF WITH W PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA V THESE SIGNS SAY "ALKALIZE" U«««t Stomach Ftatulanc* W&\ Haanbwrn Con«ip»Uoo j^k dj TM T.Mcti vm mMn flavoured. Hand? boKlw of 75 mi MO <w fc— e Man/ people suffer irom sour "repeating" after eating. They call
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    • 476 7 I J^S^S.^^WB^^^^^B Brqi n c h Ofi i c Nos. 10-12, Hill Street Opposite the Telephone Office. Foot Itch Cause Killed in 4 Days Pain and Itching Stopped in t>o your feet Itch so badl? that they perms, parasites, and fungus respon.ilM* Marly drive you crazy? Docs th« skin on
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  • 20 8 The King and Queen leaving a section of a bombed London hospital after a visit of inspection.
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  • 351 8 Pose As Nawab And Staff With Dancing Girl As Begum Hyderabad. CEVEN members of a danirerous gang, belonging to all walks of life, who had been responsible for duping sahukars (rich men) and businessmen in the cities of Secunderahad, Bombay and Madras to the extent of nearly
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  • 46 8 Capetown, Nov. 25. TpHE South African Government has declared the Afrikander "Ossewabrandwag" a political organization, and has prohibited members of the police force from becoming members. The South African Prime Minister. General Smuts, recently denounced the subversive activities of the society.
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  • 254 8 "WE ARE LIVING IN HELL, CRY POLISH WOMEN New York. Nov. 27. "WE are living in hell says a moving message from the women of Warsaw which has been smuggled to the United States, and which declares that 3,000,000 Poles have perished since the German invasion. "There is no Pole
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  • 476 8 RIGHTS RESERVED BY BRITAIN Weihaiwei, Nov. 11. IN connection with the announcement that the British Naval Mainb?nance Party has been withdrawn from Weihaiwei and all stores of the Naval Depot have been shipped to Hong Kong for use elsewhere, it is recalled that the British Government last month
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  • 75 8 London, Nov. 26. THE Germans are practising cliff climbing with ropes and rope ladders between Calais and Boulogne, in full vieT" of British naval and military watchers, according to a member of the staff of the "Daily Express," who writes from the southeast coast of England. This,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 226 8 Plan for the future by means of the ifTWRIWI MONTHLY WfjgjnM BUDGET PsMH plan A monthly deposit of 3^H HiVy»J^Ja^S £4. 15s in the case of l^X^B^/^w a man aged 30 years T V^WS will secure:- W tIM If (WMSA A guarantee cash pay- ynCBWBIMPBWB^W ment at age 55 of
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    • 598 8 Learn Shorthand, Book-keeping, Commercial Correspondence etc. IN YOUR OWN HOME Solve your problem of personal pr by selecting a specialised ource of training at home. This Is the method that can help you to secure a well paid post. Thousands of Pitman's trained men and women have attained success by
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  • 782 9 A CHRISTMAS SHOPPING GUIDE High Street B. P. DE SILVA. LTD.: A gift ln jewellery is undoubtedly an Ideal gift for the Christmas season. De Silva's has an extensive choice of the very newest designs in all platinum and diamond jewellery, and stocks Include diamond and platinurr set brooches, pendants,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 154 9 J CHRISTMAS IS JUST AROUND I ITO CORNER! BUY YOUR PRESENTS NOW! TAKE ADVENTAGE OF OUR GENEROUS- ROD"rTin*S!" MA-LINES STOCK-TAKING yrt NOW IN FULL SWING We slock it Furnishing Fabrics Window Curtains All Classes of dress materials from U.S.A. Ribbons Rickrack frillings and •k everything that ladies need All at
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  • 799 10 SEOW KCAN COMPANY. 4-5, Dtooby Ghaut. Singapore, has a large stock ol suitable goods for Chrlstmu. there is a big selection of radios from which to choose. Ask to see and hear ths latest KB. Radios, made In England. Visif.r.s to the shop will also find
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 169 10 SKOLSTER-BRANDES SPECIAL OVERSEA MODELS Sole Agents Malaya: SEOW KUAN COMPANY 4 5, DHOBY GHAUT. SINGAPORE. Place ycur orders with us NOW. They will be executed in time £or CHRISTMAS f Be they for Evening Trousers, Dinner Jackets or Dress Suits all will receive our prompt and careful attention. II MIEN
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    • 241 10 Useful and Attractive CHRISTMAS GIFTS SELECT YOURS FROM OUR STOCK OF:— Silver brush sets, cigarette cases and other Silver wares, L.P. N.S. wares, cut crystal wares, watche s, etc.. etc. FOR GIFTS MORE PERSONAL! A DELIGHTFUL RANGE IN CEYLON GEM SET JEWELLERY. C .TURE D PEARL NECKLACES SIAMESE SILV ER
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    • 272 10 OUR L IT V, Modern Rings of Distinction For Every Occasion R Lvv co| v E" k ~c?» /l\ E k\V mo<1 pete.! /Ilk A kv\\\ V /iifl R I* kH It U Impoulbk to Illuftrtt* MH Con,id«f Oojlity btfor. you Mpß «l| our stock, or mm <o mdi- •'&/>*?■■
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  • 936 11 Collyer Quay, Raffles Place, Battery Road, Hill Street, Orchard Road, Bras Basah Road, Middle Road, North Bridge Road, Beach Rd., Kallang G AMMETER te CO.: The Christmas display this year includes deligntful travelling clocks with gay -coloured leather cases, boudoir clocks of every size and description,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 132 11 GRAND X'MAS SALE i CATHAY SILK STORE 38-39. ERAS BASAH ROAD. <*> §5 25 64 1 10 10 31 6 1 5 IN S E n EDg SH°if? O C J T S iw G cJ,, K ucs "REL£a C SNON« TR g E L EO E b u ss
      132 words
    • 223 11 rcj\^\ c °f* er an "Exceptionally" Comprehensive Collection of /Y^fQJjSjTv^^V Dramatic Hats of Rare Beauty for )Vy Merely Trifling charges. vsJmSwTilsm)* >he biggest hat bargains ever /I BEJ^W v offered in Singapore. c i nv *te you... See Them at once <^^I^^)MODE ELITE P hone 6089. Ist Floor, Rodney House,
      223 words
    • 493 11 Here is the sale to help you Solve your Xmas Gift Problems Economically... tG I A N SINGH'S Grand Annual Christmas Sale The Greatest MoneySaving Event in Town Here are si few of the numerous Bargains which are being offered here BOOK FOLD SHIRTING BRITISH MADE 36" x 20 Yards
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  • 731 12 The Sunday Times Opinion EDITORIAL, MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE: Cecil Street^ Sinrapore. S.H.B. Progress MOT many members of the public ever see the annual reports and accounts of the Singapore Harbour Board. The report is not drawn up for public circulation but it is fur- nished "for the information of
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  • 51 12 Now the United States has releasea Flyins Fortress bombers to Great Britain the huge machines will be able to range right to the Balkans, over Italy, and on to Italian Africa, and to Austria and other far-off European countries to which Hitler is transferring vital production
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  • 277 12 AMERICA'S March of Time film, "The Ramparts We Watcb." has been banned by Americas State of Pennsylvania In face of nation-wide criticism. Pennsylvania's Censor Board object- j ed to the two reels which were taScen j'rom the Nazi propaganda piotur* "Baptism of Fire." "Baatlsm of Fire" was
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  • 245 12 Asked Excess Fare On Black-Out Night •TMIE case against Yip Xi, taxi-cab driver, for demanding excessive fare from intending passengers during the black-oat on Oct. 30, was concluded before Mr. T. J. Gould at Hong: Kong Central Magistracy when defendant was convicted and fined $50. or four weeks'
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  • 90 12 London, Not. 23. A LONDON bibliographer claims to have found a book from which Shakespeare drew the plots of many of his plays. The book is Edward HaU's "History of the Families of Lancaster and York," published in 1550. It has many marginal annotations believed
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  • 93 12 fOMMUNITY sleeping in public shelters has led to a new job for British women; snore defectives. Qualifications are gentleness and tact, and the ability to handle people firmly. It's c very necessary job, for snoring has become a major social problem. One of the first shelters
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  • 58 12 Trivandrum. A RESOLUTION that in commemoration of the noble part she had borne in the cause of humanity and the all-rcund progress of Travancore. a statue of Maharani Se>j Parvati Bayi, mother of the Maharaja of Travancore. should be erected in Trivandrum was unanimously passed by a meeting
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  • 188 12 London, Nov. 24. A MESSAGE from Vatican City on October 30, stating that the Pope, at an audience given to 200 Italian troops, said, "We bless all of you serving your beloved fatherland in fealty and love." has been widely publicized in Britain. The "Sunday
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 265 12 NM nY *3' ML 1 aP 'ft i have wia Nk tI '-I range of tuit lengths Hvff^l WAIN SHIELL'S infv 'M in sak and wcci mkm AIM American Cm In vanou* colour i If you ha v not tried our t injuring WE SOLK IT YOU FOR A TRIAL
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      176 words
    • 117 12 ROUNDTRIP TO SOUTH AND EAST AFRICA FROM £126. 17/6 K. P. M. LINE. Uncorp. in the N.IJ Tel. 5451. Tht Blood is tht Strtam »f Mfc" «—fr IMPURE BLOC it the root caus*. of Skin p3f Disease*, Bollt Ecze- .a. Rashes, Ulcers, Sores, Painful 'oints Kneumatlc com- /g^sg S^ plaints.
      117 words

  • 137 13 Card-Sharping Ring Took £1,250,000 In 10 Years New York, Nov. 24. AN American card-sharplnj rin* has taken V 1.250,000 from "suckers" in the last 10 years. The Brooklyn District Attorney (Mr. William O'Dwyer) said this yesterday. Hymle Caplin. manager of the Ameri chii lightweight champion. Lew Jenkins, arrested on a
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  • 271 13 Fines For Drivers Causes Stir TI!K General Manager of Kail ways, Ceylon, Mr. W. G. Hills, was castigated recently by th< Executive Committee of Communications and Works for havinT imposed lines on the drivers of roast line trains from the engines •>f which smoke was emitted
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  • 33 13 Manila. IN an effort to reach Frenchmen in Indo-Chlna and New Caledonia, the local committee of the de Gaulle Free French movement has inaugurated a daily five-minute broadcast.
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  • 51 13 Almost daily bombers of the R.A.F. Middle East Command raid Italian air bases in the Western Desert. This picture shows the results of a raid on the military aerodrome at Addis Ababa, capital of Abyssinia. Direct hits «er.- registered on four hangars and a fierce fire was
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  • 310 13 Washington, Nov. 24. CENSATIONAL uncensored reports of internal conditions in Japan by Wilfred Fleisher, lately editor of the Japan Adv rtiser, were published to-day. Flelsher says Japan faces serious dissei'Sion regarding home and foreign policies and he would not be surprised if this
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  • 131 13 U.S. Critic Of British Censor London, Not. 25. Trill-: London correspondent of the New York Times compares British censorship with that in France before the French collapse in June. "It Is as ominously oppressive as it was in France before the people discovered the Germans were marching in," he says.
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  • 208 13 London. nTHE British people's morale is I higher than ever. They know ♦hat thousands will die, but they would rather stand up and face death than kneel and face an existence imposed by a conqueror. Bombs cannot kill an unconquerable spirit. This
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  • 82 13 Bangalore. I*HE Mysore Government granted free of cost a plot of land valued approximately at Rs. 40,000 In the centre of the city to the Buddhist Goodwill Mission from Ceylon for the purpose 01 constructing a Buddhist Monastic College and Vinara. It Is understood the Mission
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  • 233 13 PRESS WELCOMES "NEWS IN PHOTOGRAPHS" Criticism Of Delay London, Nov. 26. •Y"«OOD news in photographs," is the description which the newspapers rive to the pictures published of the damage at Taranto. confirming to the world the truth regarding the Fleet Air Arm's gallant and successful raid. The photographs give a
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  • 141 13 Beecham Talks Of Australians Toronto, Nov. 24. SIR Thomas fleet-ham, orchestra conductor, said to-day he found Australians "living in a fool's paradise a 'cuckoo' town of unreality." Sir Thomas said: "Australia's contribution to the world of arts is nil. "I have been in the thick of many musical controversies, but
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 112 13 British Reading DRITONS read a good deal just now. Favourite fiction is alleged to be "The Airaidian Nifhts." Relief from the BBPC^f I SPBP torment of <^fes^l'^^ »»llow and black box. B» I The burning lorment of pnckly beat is often unbearable. Don't put up with miserable days and nights.
      112 words
    • 364 13 Fin First thing in the morning even before washing— think of Inner Clean- '&jjjj| mUt liness. For a clear skin, bright eyes and V| r" y i that inner sparkle which is the secret of h BwJY AM loveliness, Inner Qeanliness is far more »iy effective than any outside treatment.
      364 words

  • 232 14 Chinese Help For British Victims Of Air Raids A WARNING that the strengthening: of the local defences alone would not suffice to ensure Malaya from impregnability against attack was sounded by Mr. Lim Keng Lian, a well-known Singapore Chinese presiding over the performances at the Happy World last night in
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  • 92 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. PASSING through Penang to-day on the Prxiient liner, President Adams, to take up a commission with the army in India was Mr. P. W. Grant Camerrm. who is a member of a family of well-known whisky manufacturers in Scotland.
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  • 141 14 THE ALHAMBRA Dcx Beach's "Flowing Gold," which was Riven a midnight premiere at the Alhambra cinema, makes a fine picture, full of thrills. The acting of the leading payers. John Qarfleld, Frances Farmer and Pat O'Brien, adds to the merits of this Warner Brothers' production. THE CAPITOL
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  • 146 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. |\i|R. W. S. Ebden, Resident Council--1"* lor, made h's last public appearance in Malacca yesterday when as chairman of the committee of tn»Malacca Library he presided at a spe cial meeting of the members on the oncas'on of the opening
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  • 139 14 SIT CHIN SOON, a 41 -year-old ricksha puller, was fined $2 959, or 11 months' rigorous imprisonment in the S ngapore second court yesterday when he was convicted by Mr. Conrad Oldham on a charge of assisting in a public chap ]i kee lottery. Sit,
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  • 86 14 THE Ladles' Aid Society of the Tamil Methodist Church held a social when the helpers in their variety entertainment concert held at the Victoria Memorial Hall were entertained The Ladles' Aid Society has contributed $768 from the proceeds of the concert to the Malaya Patriotic Fund and
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  • 39 14 STRUYS— On Dec. 8. 1940, at 17, Barnabas Road, Singapore, CoHn Ernest Frederick Struys. eldest son of the late G. W. S f ruys, In his 42nd year. Funeral at Bidadati Cemetery at 5 p.m. to-day. Deeply regretted
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  • 26 14 THE Financial Secretary. Mr. H. Wei*b« i Is leaving Singapore for Sydnry this week He will be away for a month.
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  • 94 14 At Volunteers 9 Camp These were the Regular and Volunteer officers stationed at the Volunteer ramp at Siglap for «ie intensive training of Depot recruits and Volunteers. Seated in front are (left to right): Major T. H. Newey, second in command. Major P. T. Hutchings, commanding officer, and Capt. A.
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  • 375 14 THE latest batch of Royal Air Force cadets to pass through the Government Flying Training School were inspected yesterday by the Commander-in-Chief, Far East Command, Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Brooke-Popham. The C.-in-C. emphasized the importance of their future duties as pilots in the
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  • 28 14 jyiALAYAN War Savings Certificates have now passed the one ;ind a half million dollars mark, having brought in another $200,000 during the tast. forininht.
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  • 272 14 No Exemption For Likely Recruit •"PUREE applications for postpone- merit certificates and total exemption from all compulsory military training were heard by the tribunal which sat in Singapore yesterday. Of the three applications those of R. T. O. Lammert, manager and director of Warms Publicity Services
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  • 139 14 GAOL ROTAN FOR EX-POLICE RECRUIT MOHAMED bin Haji Abdul Majid, a 20-year-old ex-Malay police recruit, was sentenced to one year's rigorous imprisonment and 12 strokes of the rotan by Mr. J L. McPall In the Singapore criminal district court yesterday when he pleaded guilty to charges of extortion and Impersonation.
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  • 73 14 (Prcm Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. MR. and Mrs. H. Kingdom-Rowe. well-known Pcrak residents, have celebrated their silver wedding. Mr. KingdDm-Rcwe Is resident engineer and manager of the Kinta Electrical Distribution Co. He came to Malaya in 1928 and was prominent In Selanpor and Perak mining circles before he
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  • 28 14 The next meeting of the Seremban ilotary Club will be held at the Resthouse, on Wednesday. at 7 p.m., the speaker being Mr. Richard Sidney on "Adolf Hitler."
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  • 54 14 |\R. E.S.K. Alfred of the Klang hospital, president of the Klang Rotary Club, wn» entertained to a farewell dinner on his transfer to Kuala Lumpur. Tengku Hussaln bin Tengku Yahaya, secretary of the Klang Sanitary Board, has been elected president of cne Rotary Club In
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  • 224 14 (.From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. A CHINESE woman, Yeoh Cheng Seng, was convicted by Mr. H. A. Forrer in the district court on a charge of in her possession 50 American $20 gold pieces and 30 English sovereigns at her house
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  • 232 14 (From Our Own Correspondent'! .■Malacca. Saturday. "j\J° one ran dispute the beauty of Malacca." said Lieut.-CoL Lord of the Salvation Army at the last meeting of the Malacca Rrttary Club. "but investigations have proved only too sadly that in spita of its picturesque outlook behind
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  • 196 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) M Malacca, Saturday. ALACCA contributions to the Malaya Patriotic Fund in November totalled 5520.997.13. Subscribers were: District Officer. Alor Gajah, Penghulu ot Kuala Linggi. $19.23: Mr. G. Wiseman, $sa; G.F. Stringfellow, $25; B.L.H. Shepherd, $10: Rev. L. St. G. Petter, $5:
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  • 120 14 THE following have offered to assist at Che War Fund premiere of "He Stayed For Breakfast at the Capitol on Tuesday at 9 n.m. which will be attended by the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, and party Mrs. M. Swaine. Mri. Doreen Davis Mrs. Kay
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  • 120 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar yyHILK some Malay children wcrr playing In a house at Sungei Balang Kechll a pot of boiling water was knocked 4own and a three-year-old girl fell, sustaining scalds to the chest, back and body. As a result of the Injuries
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  • 25 14 A SMOKEHOUSE In Nee Soon Village, Seletar Read, was destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. Two neighbouring at tap huts were partly Involved.
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  • 33 14 The Police Band will play to-day at BotanJo Gardens at 8.30 p.m., on Tuesday at Fairer Park at 530 p tn., and on Thursday at Tclok \yer at 6.00 p.m.
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  • 35 14 A lecture and discussion will be held at the Ramakrishna Mission. 9, Norrts Road, on Monday at 7 pjn. The subject is Back to the Village" and the speaker Is Mr. S.A.. Balan.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 1098 14 IN HOT WEATHER MORE THAN EVER rOUWffD REVITALISING QUAKER OATS This delicious food is abundant in THIAMIN* and 4 other important benefits. Offsets fatigue, builds up your resistance. -^flHP^fe. Excessive heat saps vitality, M^ causes fatigue and nervousness. If Then, more than any other time, J| you need the strength-giving,
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  • 44 15 Costinr nearly $2,000 this new billiards table has been installed In the premises of the Chinese Association. A corner of the hall in the new building of the Chinese Association. A view of the new building of the Chinese Association
    44 words
  • 77 15 IFn m Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. RENDERS are being invited by the Perak St?te Engineer for the construction of a State workshop in Ipoh. The proposed site— about 16 acres is at the second mile, Lahat Road. The estimated cast of the building is $150,000. When
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  • 109 15 r A POPULAR programme is to be preA sented at to-night's Musical Society concert in the Victoria Memorial Hall at 9.15 p.m. The orchestra will be under the direction of Robert Waddle and the soloist will be Gertrude Nunn. The programme includes: Overture, The Marriage of Figaro,
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  • 301 15 New Clubhouse Cost $10,000 TO BE OPENED THIS MONTH DECENTLY completed, the Chinese Association's new $10,000 clubhouse in Serangoon Road, near the Macpherson Road junction, will be opened officially by the Chinese Cor.iiulGeneral, Mr. Kao Ling-pai, on Dec. 28. To celebrate the openin; a tea party and dinner will be
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  • 67 15 From Our Own Correspondent) Klang, Saturday. THE members of the Chinese Goodwill Mission headed by General Wu Teh-chen, Minister for Foreign Affairs, paid an informal visit to Klang yesterday and had tea at the Chinese Merchants Club, with leading Chinese. He motored round Klang and visited rubber
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  • 118 15 Dr. W. Cullis (Frcm Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. DR. Winifred Cullis in an address yesterday under the auspices of the Malaya Patriotic Fund urged Malayans to cut dewn luxuries and give the money thus saved to the government. She praised the magnificent war work done
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  • 412 15 TKI..VI IN(. an appeal by the Crown to enhance the fine imposed on the licensee of the Monico Cafe in Orchard Road as a revision of the case, Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell, acting Chief Justice, yesterday set asid.' the conviction and fine and ordered
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  • 150 15 AMERICA will buy Malayan canned pineapples if the requirements of the American market are fulfilled. This is the view of Lee Kong 1 Chian, nanaging director of Lee Pineapple Co., Ltd., wno has Just returned from the United States. He added that Malaya stood a
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  • 18 15 R.M.M.L. Letchumanan Chettiar has presented a diamond chain and brassware to the Mariamman temple recently built at Klang.
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  • 69 15 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Klang, Saturday. M.^. J. C. Symons. manager of fiungei Bua'.a Ifl estate. Banting, has retired. He was a pioneer planter In the Kuala Lani?at district. He had been engaged In planting for 40 years with his brothers, Mr. G.O.W. Symon\ who Is
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 1013 15 RHEUMATISM&BACKACHE now known to be caused by BAD KIDNEY ACTION Few medical discoveries clean raw. sore, sick kidneys and bladder and to of recent years can have ly'i remove acids and poisons from your system more far-reaching effect safely, quirU'.r and rarclr, yet contains no upon the health of the
      1,013 words

  • 675 16 Tins Industrials Rise: Rubbers Again Quiet Singapore, Saturday. THE features of last week's local markets were the steady appreciation in values of most tin shares: a renewal of interest In industrials with some notable improvement in prices; a falling-off in activity among rubber shares; a revival
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  • 1339 16 SATURDAY, DEC. 7, 1940: 12.30 P.M. ttlXINO say en tellers Ampat Tin (4s) 3s 4Hd 3s 9d Austral Amal < 5s i 6s 6 d 7s Austral Mala; it) I3s 60 36e 6a Ayer Hitam (5s) 19s 21s Ayer Weng ($1) .65 .75 Bangrin Tin
    1,339 words
  • 124 16 Singapore, Dec. 7, noon. Buyers Seller* Gambler 17.75 Hamburg Cube 513.00 Java Cube 512.5 C fevvet White Muntok $15.00 White $14.50 Black 6.50 Copro Mixed $2.1 b Sun Dried t? 4< Sngc Flour No 1 tingga $4.80 $4.80 Pair 54.72% Sarawak $450 Jelotono Palcmbang $14.00 Banja $13.00
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  • 175 16 Singapore, Saturday. me following are one exenange rates (Ok morning according to the dally circular issue-., by the Hongkong and Shanertai Banking Corporation: ■MM London 1.1. 2/4 l/ie Lordon demand i/( 1/11 Switzerland demand (T.T. only) 202 y, New York demand 47 3/32 Montreal demand 51 27/32 Batavla demand
    175 words
  • 76 16 Saturday. Dec. 7, noon. Bayers Price* Prle« No IX R.S.S (Spot loose) 38?fc 3|- r No. IX R.S S. f.o.^. in vases* December 33 .19', C.K.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o-b. in bale* December 38)4 3894 F.A.Q. R.S.S. ..o.b. 'n bales December M% 3R 1 il lIKI QUOTATIONS
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 135 16 SkattrnQ u/ken you apply Just the rujht ammmt of $oap V 0& SUSPENSION HOLDER KEEPS ERASMIC TIP MOIST -JUST Kjjjk RIGHT FOR PERFECT SHAVES The Erasmic Shaving Stick is hunjj wM&^Nu^& upside-down in a special container. lorn Moisture collects in the tip, giving the. jßßJfi^iMftV luxurious double-dense Erasmic lather P
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    • 367 16 Jm Jim Oi^W^V)/ /J&\ A NEW SURGICAL J^MwjjtU^^^l BUR NS-SORES- ULCERS WOUNDS-STYES AND i /mtJmfflmm h// INFECTIVE CONDITIONS JmWflStt fff \V OF THE EYELIDS. JTOCfflSJffil r ICantu 2 Coughing, Strangling Asthma, Bronchitis Curbed in 3 Minutes .Do you have attacks of Asthma or Bron- Canada, had lost 40 lbs., suffered
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  • 178 17 •TWO years ago the parents of five-weeks-old Helaine Colan, of Chicago, were faced with the problem of choosing between her life or her sight. They left the choice to a jury of 12 doctors, who decided to save her life at the risk of her sight.
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  • 1481 17  -  R. H. Naylor By TO-DAY. DEC 8For most of us: An odd atmosphere of fantasy and mystery. Just right for imaginative people and the artistic type. Good day for thinking of solutions to problems which have baffled you. For luck to-day wear or use: Soft yellow,
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 316 17 A GREAT NEW ADVANCE IN THE CORRECTION OF FAILING EYESIGHT Our 18 Point Examination Is A Conscientious Study and Covers Every Possible Eye Deficiency. SPECIALISING: Ocular Muscle anomalies. Crossed eyes. Complicated cases of defective vision. Glasses if needed. We take care of your eyes in the way of lens changes,
      316 words
    • 81 17 r IRIUM THRILLS MILLIONS^ *mk ;^'*WHfe y**" 4 fl*f*4<"toHf Tooth Paste is thrilling million* morning after morning, by the new dazzling whiteness of their nethl Never before has tter >eea UC^ nu^ ance a tooc h P**** fl '''MW: nUtfij soft \fe«, there's never a ride wkfa aPjl ERJUM-cootalning Pepsodent...
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    • 335 17 lln 15 A minutes /fj revive your spirits If you are feeling fagged out Phosferine will put you on your feet again. It's a really great tonic —the very best to buiid you up and put back what you have taken out of yourself strength, energy and vitality. Get some
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 450 17 CONTRACT BRIDGE By THE FOUR ACES EFFECTIVE defence often depends on team-work, and team-work is best achieved when a player makes It easy for his partner to understand his Intentions. To-day's hand is a case in point: North, Dealer East-West vulnerable 5 Q J 3 H A K J 9
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    • 447 17 THIS WEEK FOR YOU HERE, group according to month regard to the oldest of the two. Look of birth (irrespective of year), is a f ter V°* T *<*"*' a statement of probabilities to be JULY (June 23— July 23)— expected this week. July people also should pay special attention
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  • 714 18 Max Factor's Advice THE first artistic objective 1 of make-up is to define and accentuate the beauty of natural features and to direct the attention of onlookers toward this accentuated perfection. Thus, women who have eyes which are perhaps as naturally beautiful as those
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 345 18 Keep Young-Keep Gay-Keep Lovely with the aid of Elizabeth Arden offers you methods to keep your skin fresh and youthful in spite of the difficulties of a tropical climate and without coo much trouble. Concentrate on her essential preparations, for their regular use will maintain the natural health, clarity and
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    • 340 18 I tt f AM f C lffl> ROUGE IS SO jP^ j &&S ILJ like Hollywood's famous .*i screen surs, you, too, will be delighted with the I^BS^'^CSf lovely, natural beauty im- I Jjß jfcbi parted by this life-like Jg I FACTOR Hollywood. ff| lEAMMO Df AUK J~ fIHI I
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  • 394 19 By Sunday Times London Woman Correspondent lyi AN Yof the smartest suits for the coming season boast the new, longer jacket. Sometimes the jacket is an inch longer than wrist length sometimes a fraction shorter. The trimmings on th^se jackets are chosen to accent uate
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  • 96 19 /""HECKS combined with plain colours have long been a favourite of American wemen. Here is th? newest combination, suggested by Irene, in a two-piece suit for Ginger Rogers to wear in "Lucky Partners.' Long blcused jacket is of black tD the waist, from the waist down it Is
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  • 103 19 >2 cup shortening I 1 2 cups granulated sugar 3 squares chocolate, melted 1 teaspoon vanilla 4 teaspoon salt '4 cup butter-milk <or sour milk < 2 eggs, beaten 3'/ 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon soda Cream the shortening and suga*r Add the chocolate, vanilla, salt buttermilk and
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  • 73 19 ryou have made some cake and want to keep it as long as possible, you will follow this rather o'.d-fashioned way of making sure of its freshness. You will put a sound app'e in the cake box. This helps to keep the cake moist a long time.
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  • 49 19 AN ordinary leather coat with a shiny surface mot the suede type) can, be cleaned quite effectively at home. A mixture of one part soap flakes to ten parts methylated spirit should be made and a cloth dipped in the solution and rubbed over the leather.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 122 19 mmm V MAM W&l mrM A MM tTFwfmi /^XsPslI VardJo' FnghJi l^armder »1 V *">"'' [l 1 UvnJer Toilet Soap— I 4*| I Tk, Luxury Scop W*U II V4^^ l^itiuUr Fact Pouxltr jß^^ ji Englith CompUxion Cream 0 &S The beauty of fragrance of the Yardley Lavender long the most
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    • 410 19 ...WITHOUT A SAH/TARV 'ijHjk TOWEL lii It* such a wonderful relief I No more bulky pad* and belt* No mnr« chafing and irritation Freedom and comfort every day! Tampax is *<>m internally. An adaptation of the medical tampon, Tampax protects you without your even being aware of its presence. Discomfort
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 314 20 VERY DARK BLOOZE Kindly resi 00 foiu oars, proves that the Dcvi! 'ook* after Timothy. That contraption is his own." getting you nowhere. And it look after myself, old ton. squeaks. And the Eton Boating Lou night I took a sizeable swig of Song is not in the key of
      314 words
    • 541 20 Belief in 30 Seconds from Vhsery of CATARRH r Kovtl Iw.altt A'JfjK j i New Medical Compound Act* Like Magfw No need to wait a day longer to rcliovs the mUcry of catarrh. Chemists now have KARSODRINE new medical compound that acts like magic. Simply sniff KARSODRINB twice up each
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 2050 20 W ir eiess Programmes TODAY EMPIRE STATION NIROM GSB 9.51 me/1 (31.55 m.); GSC 9.5S mc/s TDB IUI mc/s (19.61 m.); TDC 15.15 m. s SINGAPORE < 31 32 81 ->: GSD v 75 < 25 53 CSE (19 Mm.): PIJ» ll.M* mc/s (27.J7 m.): FMN w»**-»>#*» w llg€ b|c/(|
      2,050 words
    • 216 20 Winners Of Puzzle Of Nov. 24 Four competitors succeeded in solvinsr correctly The Sunday Times Crossword Puzzle printed in our issue of Nov. 24 and they therefore share the $100. Their names and addresses areSINGAPORE Miss Pam Zehnder. 403. Pasir Panjang Road: Mrs. T. S. Gan. 7, Lincoln Road. KUALA
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  • 700 21 Singapore Badminton Married vs. Singles Annual Meeting O}y our Badminton Correspondent) T.'K Married vs. Singles annual badminton 1 match for the Tan Eoo Teck trcphy. •Mcl) is scheduled to take place some tirri? next January, will as In former years mark the close of the official badminton teacon in Singapore.
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  • 169 21 JUINBTEbN pairs were entered for the open doubles championship of the Useful B.P. The draw resulted: Top Section: Wee Kirn Wee and Sim Thiam Yew (bye) vs. Cheo Emj Hoe and Teo Seng Leong (bye), Raymond Frols and Ec Tian Boon (bye) vs. P. T. Paul and U.
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  • 344 21 iFrom Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. PROGRESS has been made in the Junior events of the Malacca Badminton Association tournament which op3ned last week. The results were: JUNIOR SINGLES First round: Tan Kam Tong beat F. EC. de Cruz 15—9. 15—10; Dr. S. J. Chong biat C. T.
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  • 95 21 IN the inter-club badminton fixture played at the Clerical Union Hall yesterday, the Devonshire B.P. defeated United Family B.P. by five game? to nil. Results were (Devonshire first) Yap Chin Tee beat Benjamin Heng 15— 3, 15—3: Pen Teng Slew beat Heng Siak Kwee 15—11. 15—4; Cho Kirn
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  • 1966 21  -  "Doc" By ONE ct the chief sporting events of the week will be the meeting of the Argylls and the Manchesters in the first round of the Command Inter- Unit boxing championship or Wednesday at the Command Gymnasium. The Manchesters, the holders, are bound to he all
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  • 227 21 SEGAMAT MUAR CASUALS MEET (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. Saturday. f\ESPITE adverse weather conditions, exciting hockey was seen when the Muar Casuals met the Segamat Casuals in an Inter district match on the Segamat school padang yesterday and lost By two goals to nil. Ground conditions made ball control and
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  • 83 21 (Prom Our Perak Correspondent) THE Perak Badminton Association, It Is understood, has received invitations from Singapore and Negrl stmbllan to take part In inter-State matches during the coming holidays. Tiiese Invitations have unfortunately been turned down owing to the Inability of the P.B.A. to
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  • 122 21 The following have been selected to play hockey for the V.M.C.A. .vs C.S.C. on Monday on the CjB.C. ground at 5.10 pjn.: Wee Aik Chan, Lee Pong Llm, J. Sanderson, R T L. Plem'ng, O. L. Day, Goh Chin Chye, Low Huck Yang, Gan K«e Tlan, I B
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 138 21 ■L _^BaßßaaaaaVa^£*^ jt M<^BaP#^B>>>>>>DßßMßnoiß^B>>W d W BY JANTZEN gee** artiat turns to swim suit \r r< y^O o «_v6^/ I designing! This year George Petty, q£)T** famous for his glamour girls in 01/ u^S!^/ a* "Esquire**, designs for Jantzen with ryj 44 1 1^ the same master strokes of line
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    • 274 21 7^ day's IteM M jrw. Km? Mm M tu-tof iii Mii ■Jwayt by rtnlar #©t«t »'Wi "BmlMw't," Mm ■rttiinl f Mrfiumr Ht ttji x ill lortt tmt Ml ttw. IlMnliil i B an cam el MANSE, WORMS, ECZEMA. »»t. full fulfill ulnn free on rrqutti t BwtaatoaMW CtaM, Lea***, Cat.
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  • 130 22 WHAT STOMACH SUFFERERS CAN EAT 'You can"t lay up a sick stomach? Your body must be nourished even though solid food and most liquid foooo cause pain and vomiting. The problem has always been to find a food that soothes the Inflamed stomach walls and provides all the nourishment needed
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  • 1758 22 j (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. AN objection raised against Strathmore in the fourth race to-day, the first day of the Selangor Turf Club's winter rrveting, was overruled. Strathmore paid a win dividend of $34. Race 1 i Ponies. Class 2, Div. 3.
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 22 F. K. MACNAMARA All-Malayan and Colony cricketer, Selangor State hockey player and a first class lawn tennis player.
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  • 68 22 OWING to a misunderstanding the hockey fixture between the Indian Army and the Indian Association arranged to be played at Balestier yesterday was not played. The Army team turned out, but there were no opponents. A scratch side which included many players from the Khalsa Association, however,
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  • 189 22 CHARITY STATE SOCCER IN PENANG (From Oar Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. pENANG beat Perak by one goal to nil in a soccer match played on Victoria Green this evening. The game was in aid of the Poppy Day Fund. Penang deserved their victory and should have won by a blggpr
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  • 214 22 PERAK'S HOCKEY WIN AGAINST SELANGOR (From Oar Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. DERAK justified their claim to be called the strongest hockey team in the country to-day by defeating Selangror on the padang by one goa.l to nil in a very fast game. Pcrak's goal was scored in the first
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  • 260 22 (From Oar Own Correspondent) I pota, Saturday. IN a thriiling: inter-State rugby match in aid of the War Fund, Perak nearly sprang a surprise when they grimly set up an B—68 6 lead until the last minute when Was:stafT went over to score and win
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  • 145 22 (Frcm Our Own Correspondent.) Selangor, Saturday. DLAYINO vigorous hockey, the Selangor women's team defeated Perak women In a match at the Victoria Institution ground this afternoon, by two goals to one. Selangcr scored in the first half through Mrs. Chalmers. In the second half. Perak equalized
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 566 22 Heart Trouble Dangers Due to High Blood Pressure \.3usc Many (@&gm **»>'**«»* J IClWrifon POOKSUtP Dangerous Symptoms f^T^^L. _y, i. -fff'' 1 -4 mmmm W^r^ ywi HEART Check These Symptoms r i^|^^ N^ 1 0 1^ ES$ With Your Condition '"""^K^RnViIJ Before It Is Too Late IliitlE^r^^^'H The ii ws
      566 words
    • 557 22 BANK OF CHINA t Incorporatod In China by Special Charter) SINGAPORE bee? to announce the opening on Dec. 9, 1010. of their SOUTH BRIDGE ROAD OFF2E at 209. South Bridge ltoa.l, Singapore Chief: m. LOKE CHAN HIMG TELEPHONES: Chiefs Office: 6513 General: 6512 PARKCANE C. HWANG, MANAGER. SINGAPORE BRANCH. After
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  • 720 23 Wanderers Win Over Crusaders •yilK Army Wanderers were well worth their elevrn points to nil victory over the Army Crusaders in a fast and evenly-contested Rnfi!>y game on the Singapore Cricket Club padang yesterday. The Wanderers scored their points through two tries and a goal. Actually the game was much
    720 words
  • 183 23 IN a disappointing hockey match played at Gillman Barracks yesterday, the Ceylon Sports Club drew with the Loyal Regiment, there being no scoring. In Cyril, the Ceylonese had I substitute right wing, and the Lovals also made a last-minute change in their team Stevers playing in
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  • 242 23 SINGAPORE PILE UP POINTS IN JOHORE iFroin Our Oan Correspondent) Johore, Saturday. SCORING 17 points (one goal, three tries and one penalty goal) without reply, Singapore gained a well-deserved victory over Johore at rugger at the Civil Services Club padang to-day. The game was fought out at a fast pace,
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  • 349 23 FINAL PLACINGS IN MUAR SOCCER LEAGUE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. AFTER a rather unnecessary long season the curtain was rung down on Muar soccer when the first division league competition was completed when in the last match the Customs S.C. conceded a walk over to the Johore Military Forces.
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  • 34 23 Twenty cards were taken out for the Decmber women's spoon (bogey) at the Keppel Golf Club. Two best cards returned: Mrs. E. O'Sullivan 1 down, Mrs. S. R Burstall 2 down.
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  • 28 23 The hockey match arranged to have been played bet wet n the Police and the Royal Engineers (Changi) at the Police Depot yesterday, was cancelled.
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  • 232 23 Penang Win Final Against Selangor (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. PENANG annexed the All Blues Cup for rugger to-day by beating Selangor on the padanr by 21 points (one goal, three tries, one drop goal and one penalty goal) to nil. Though up against a better
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  • 220 23 A RATHER scrappy rugby game was seen at Woodsville yesterday, when a team from the Royal Australian Air Force beat the St. Andrew's Old Boys by 15 points (three tries and two penalty goals) to nil. Proving superior in every department the R.AAF. (Reds)
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  • 93 23 AT the tenth ft""»#i general meeting of toe Girls' Sports Club the following were elected office-bearers: I evident, Mrs. Q.L. Scott; vice-president, Kirs. M. G. Eber, hon. secretary, Miss Z.D.M. Clarke; hon. treasurer, Mrs. 0.M.8. Westerhout; asst. Hon. tr a-vorer, Miss M. de Silva; committee, Mn. J.S.
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  • 39 23 OUTCLASSED in all departments of the game, the second team of the Loyal Regiment were trounced by the R.A.F., Tengah. in a rugby match at Giliman Barracks yesterday by 23 points (six tries and goal) to nil.
    39 words
  • 168 23 Sima's Points Win Over Diamond (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. JOE Diamond lost a points decl- sion to Rattling Sima last night at Bukit Bintang park, thus enab'ing the latter to maintain his unbeaten record in Kuala Lumpur. A large section of the crowd, however, did not agree
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 330 23 I RICHER... I I MORE MELLOW I I ffci d3*&^^^t A Coffee is coffee exactly H V 1 ■fjiyCi^O^'*^ the way you like it V Vff^JfyfCß^JtrA rich and mellow. Full '<■ l\v^^^mf^i \of friendly, thrilling *M W 1, davor aJI exciting C^j*\ blend of the world's |3£ V^L^s^^^ choice coffees.
      330 words

  • 295 24 London, Nov. 25. nr>HE Incompetence of General Gameiin, Allied Comiiianderin Chief until May 20, was mainly responsible for the French defeat, declares Ui# Vichy Government. It has issued a pamphlet which, it claims, reveals the "inside story" of Prf.nce's collapse. Charles Riebel, a member
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  • 53 24 GIRLS in British munitions factories are being issued with steel helmets. They are to be worn when the "alert" is sounded or when the roof spotter warns that enemy aircraft are approaching. In the smaller picture one girl assists another to fix her helmet at
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  • 97 24 Where is your partner? He's dead at present. Did you hit her with your fist? Certainly nof. hit her with a hammer. How did you pay your rent? Well, my land-lady used to come to the fence and call out, "Yoo-hoo," and I'd pass it to
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  • 149 24 Madras. SRIMATHI M. A. JANAKI, Advocate, has received a communication dated Nov. 4. 1940 from the Madras Government in reply to her letter of Oct. 8. requesting the Government to test women by appointing them to higher posts in the Judicial and other public
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  • 118 24 Not Commanding Chinese Forces On Any Front A CHINESE press report that Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang has been appointed to take command of attacks by Chinese forces in Ileilung-kiang, Klrin, Liaoling and Jehol, is entirely without foundation, according to Chungking messages. The Young Marshal." a few years ago kidnapped
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  • 89 24 London, Nov. 20. A FUND to start R.A.F. pilots and air crews In civil life after the war has been launched by the Auctioneers and Estate Agents' Institute. The King and Queen have sent dona tions to the fund, which will be known as
    89 words
  • 67 24 London, Nov. 21. LEGAL history was made In the Law Courts to-day when, at the request of the counsel concerned, Mr. Paul Ernest Sandlands. K.C., deputized for the Judge, who was ill but who considered it inadvisable to delay the hearings. Mr. Sandlands sat at the table
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  • 66 24 Manila, Nov. 23. AFTER six years in the Far East, Manila bid farewell to .he flagship S S. Augusta this morning when the •ruiser sailed tor San Francisco for overhaul, after which she will Join the battle fleet at Hawaii. The flag of Admiral Thomas Hart, C. ia:nander-in-Chief
    66 words
  • 51 24 ("ommumi cookinr centres set up in London are besieged bj housewives bringing pie dishes and other vessels. Far the word has spread around that the food provided at a very low cost— 4s good. Centres are in districts where gas mains and ether utilities are out of
    51 words
  • 100 24 Army Captain Given 15 Year's Gaol Manila, Nov. 26. CAPTAIN Rufo Romero was sentenced to-day to 15 yean' hard labour for having disposed of military secrete It was alleged at Romero's courtmartial that he photagranhed defence documents for a foreign Power. He is an officer In the Philippine Army, which
    100 words
  • 70 24 New Delhi. •yHREE battalions of the Indian Ter 4 rltorial Force have been embodied ■to support and supplement His Majesty's regular forces In India." say:: a notification In a Gazette of India Ex traordinary. The units are the 12th Battalion, 9th Jat Regiment, embodied on Oct. 15: the
    70 words
  • 43 24 A YOUNG man from the East End of London decided voluntarily to join the Army. A few days later he received a white feather from his fiancee, as a sign that he had fled from the dancers of civilian life
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  • 545 24 Freed Of Murder Of His Wife CTEPHEN GALE, 26, crane driver, has been acquitted of a charge of having murdered his wife. Dolores Patricia Gale, 30. Oale broke down and sobbed when the Jury announced its verdict in the Sydney Central Criminal Court, reports the Sydney Daily Telegraph. The Crown
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 130 24 egW y*L brandy V iSfi Hl^k More Non Skid More Salet y W\ n §.§Qr?xm &Jlvm&&l HP TllE new Firestone Champion it tbc greatest mi Q W^^V^^sfSsT^slr^sflrflrlS'FA ll(w* i* b Q\VH SyB^MrOTKJEI. rvcr offcrc^ th motoring public. Look at /in mh X v A thicker, heavier, tougher tread with men
      130 words
    • 275 24 TRY AMERICAN S E E R E S S tor MORNING, AFTERNOON EVENING "A DELIGHTFUT. FHHRICT Vlkasßßsas^sßßJ\ I /mm Staytorite stainless steel, aj waterproof, unbreakable \£u\ glass, adjustable wristlet «P*V« XWAS CARDS Wholesale and Retail. Best selection in town. X_LM_A S TOYS Honey, Panda, 80- 80, Polar and other BEARS.
      275 words