The Straits Times, 1 December 1940

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA SINGAPORE FINAL No. 467 Sunday, Dec. 1, 1940 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 467 Sunday, Dec. 1, 1940 Price 10 Cents.
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  • 1015 1 Puppet Chinese Government May Join Axis BRITAIN AND AMERICA DECLARE CONTINUED SUPPORT OF CHIANG Shanghai, Saturday. THE puppet Nanking Government under Wang Ching-wei. which signed a treaty with the Japanese Government to-day after protracted negotiations, is expected in due course to announce? her adherence to the
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  • 179 1 London, Saturday. THE official German news agency to-day issued the text of a communique stated to have been drawn up in Vichy, reporting the death of M. Chiappe, a former Paris P efect of Police, while flying to Syria to take ftp
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 48 1 JT is reported from German sources that a new German destroyer flotilla is to be named the Narvik destroyer flotilla by HUIt. "Thus they will commemorate the British naval victories at Narvik at which seven German destroyers were sunk!" remarked the 8.8.C. announcer last night.
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  • 87 1 Chungking, Saturday OEPORTS that 1,000,000 cracK, well-equipped Chinese troops are now massed along the northern and southern fronts awaiting the order of the Chinese High Command to launch a general counteroffensive are regarded as somewhat premature in well-Informed quarters here. It is only natural,
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 136 1 London. Saturday. MESSAGES from all parts of the country and Empire reached Mr. Winston Churchill, the Prime Minister, this morning on his 66th birthday, which he is celebrating, it is stated, at No. 10. Downing Street, "by getting on with the war." This follows the customary, care-fully-planned day's
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  • 277 1 British Appeal To U.S. To Help Blockade London, Saturday. AN appeal to the United States administration and businessmen to help the British blockade was made by Dr. Hugh Dalton. Minister of Economic Warfare, broadcasting to North America to-day. He suggested that they should refuse financial facilities to Britain's enemies In
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 173 1 London, Saturday. COME of the newest war pictures will be on view to the public in the National Gallery on Dec. 3. Covering all phases of the war, portraits as w?ll as damage in air raids have been dealt with by artists commissioned on the
    British Wireless  -  173 words
  • 106 1 T Vichy, Saturday. HE plight of 70,000 Frenchmen driven from Lorraine by the Germans was the subject of a pathetic broadcast by Marshal Petain to-day. He said they had been forced to abandon everything. "They have no riches left unless it be the pride of
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 75 1 WNew Delhi, Saturday. AR materials valued at £27,000,000 were purchased by the Government of India's supply department during the first year of the war, for delivery to Great Britain, to Indian defence forces and to Empire ana allied countries. Contracts placed during the first 14 months
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 71 1 London, Saturday. REPORTS from Washington to-day state that Mr. Morganthau, secretary to the U5. Treasury, Is expected to appear before the banking committee of the Senate or. Monday to at for aproval ror a plan to help China. The plan which has been dormant since the
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  • 66 1 London, Saturday. THE Greek destroyer Aetos has stink an Italian submarine. An oPHciil conreunkjue from Athens which reports this success «tates that while the Aetos was escorting a merchant convoy, an Italian submarine fired a torpedo at one of the ships. The communique adds that for reasons
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  • 114 1 Washington. Saturday. VIRTUAL defeat for Tokio is reported to be the result of the Japanese trade delegation's visit to the Netherlands Indies. The JaDanese are said to have secured, after considerable d plomatic delay, only one-third of their total
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 35 1 San Diego, fCal.), Saturdaj. /CAMOUFLAGED an olive preen, the first of a fleet of 20 patrol bombers took off from here last night tor an unknown destination, presumably Britain. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 46 1 New Delhi, Saturday. INCOME tax In India is Increased by 25 per cent, as from tomorrow. Postal rates, telegrams and telephones will be dearer. The enhanced rates are sanctioned by India's supplementary finance bill to meet war expenditure, which is now law.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 223 1 BRITISH WOMAN SENTENCED TO DEATH BY NAZIS Paris Resident Who Listened To Foreign Broadcasts London, Saturday. T5 IMPORTS that two women— one British have been sentenced to death by the German authorities in Paris are confirmed in London. The case of the British woman. Miss Winifred Harle. it is understood,
    British Wireless  -  223 words
  • 77 1 London. Saturday. P T^VO unsuccessful attacks were made to-day by enemy aircraft on a convoy in the English Channel. Ounflre from the ships soon drove the raiders away and the convoy continued on Its course. People on shore saw two great columns of water rtse
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 11 1 TAS HENG CO. Tailors gfam Colemaa St.. Singapore. Phone. 3375 J|
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    • 212 1 You want to SAVE! BUY YOUR X'MAS GIFTS CHOTIRMALL'S stock (ii r TAX.MO O A L t IfELVMATOR B m 26 Yean of Success in J Q^Hk building One refrigerating r" 2%^U equipment since 1914. J i| 1 1 5j j7|^ That simple statement f^ I I." SHI S perhaps
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  • 740 2 Axis Strategy In Mediterranean Is "Irretrievably Wrecked" London, Saturday. "THERE is wide agreement in the London newspapers that the estimate of the blow sustained by the Italian navy in the Tyrrhenian sea may safely be left to responsible public opinion of the world. The blow to prestige is particularly stressed
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  • 171 2 Washington, Saturday. /"^ROWING concern at the slow v increase in industrial production in the United States is reflected both in the Press and in conversations among highly paid people. s .staird thai the speeding- up process is not fast enough 'either for
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  • 108 2 '< '»rk. Saturday. COMPLETION «l the 166 new In I S'aUs destroyers is to be speeded up. cU*n. Roosevelt di~cios..!d vi his pr>^ s cenference yesterday that h? had taken the necessary steps to msurc this, according to a Washingon dispatch to the
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  • 54 2 Shanghai. Saturday. •"THE police strike ended early this afternoon, when the strikers numbering about 1,000 agreed to return to Wjrk, pending an examination of their demands. Business in Shanghai's main .shopping district was entirely at a standsi ill during the brief strike as all shops put
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 36 2 Sailors of one ship of the Medilerra nean Fleet while away (he long hours during searches for elusive Italian warships listening to these two canaries, pets of this smiling bearded tar."
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  • 467 2 London, Saturday. ON the whole of the northern front in Albania the Greeks are holding their positions desnite Italian counter-attacks, eal les Reuter's special correspondent on the Yugoslav frontier. The Greeks have even improved their positions above Moscopolye. Fighting all along the front is severe.
    Reuter  -  467 words
  • 293 2 London, Saturday. THE re-interment of the former Iron Guard leader, Codreanu and 13 members of the Iron (inard who were killed with him two yean ago when, it is stated, they were trying to escape from custody, took place this morning in the Green House,
    Reuter  -  293 words
  • 61 2 Washington, Saturday. THE United States has 500,000 men in the field undergoing intensive training, and within a few weeks the total will approach 800,000. Giving these figures in a broadcast. Gen. G. C. Marshall, Chief of Staff, said this contrasts with the 170,000
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 82 2 Manila, Saturday. THE postal authorities have an- nounced that from now on the direct transfer of mail to Malaya and Java from the United States will take place at Man la instead of via Hong Kong as in the past The announcement is regarded as indicating
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  • 52 2 Sydney, Saturday. THE "Arnnta," the first of the Tribal class of destroyers to be laid down in the British Dominions, was launched here to-day. Speaking at the ceremony. Lord Gowrle, the Governor-General, said. "Every rivet hammered into these ships is a nail in the coffin of Hitler and
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  • 46 2 ,«s An:,rit>». Sa.urdat. Till-: Canadian Government has assumed (he contract for the 111 military .<mili.ii planes from (he Vultcc Corporation which were originally destined i'or Sweden. The corporation is unable to carry out its contract owing to exZ»or( difficulties.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 109 2 No Agreement In Talks On Ceylon Indians' Status New Delhi, Nov. 13. FAlLl'lir. to secure an agreement on the question of the status of Indians resident in Ceylon is announced in a communique, which says that the informal talks between the delegates of the Government of India and Hie (Government
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  • 86 2 Saturday. SUCCESSFUL British actions in the Sudan are reported in a communique issued in Cairo today. It says that in the Kasala area one if. our mechanized pairols successful! 1 ambushed a party of the enemy, lnilicting heavy casualties both to the original party and to the reinforce-
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 44 2 |\)|l? Sum PaJc-ming, wel: -Known 1" shipping merchant and former compradore of the Java-China-Japan Lain, left Hong Kong estate worth $808,600 (provisionally). Mr. Sum died on Aug. 15, 1939. Probate of the will has been granted to the widow. Sum Yipshi.
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  • 276 2 New l)i- Mil. MR. C. M. (i. Ogilvie. Ikfoiu-e Secretary, to the Government of India informed !Wr. Lalcband Nayalrai. a member of the Central Legislature recently that up to Oct. 1. 1940. emergency conimiss:i>n^ including I. M. S. had been granted to 320 Europeans and
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  • 92 2 j will da. THE War Minister. Mr. Anthony Eden, in a message to Gen. Sir Robert Cassels, coinmander-in-chief in India, ;>sks that the congratulations of the War Cabinet be conveyed to all units of the Indian Army which took part in the recent recapture of
    British Wireless  -  92 words
  • 388 2 ONLY FEW GERMAN AIR RAIDERS REACH LONDON Lonuon, Saturday. FEW German planes succeeded in reaching the London area today to drop their bombs. One bomb dropped by a German raider this morning fell close to one of London's main shopping thoroughfares. As it whistled down, thousands of people rushed for
    Reuter  -  388 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 78 2 --^z2*~37\ JOIN THE We. eafWa-Weaf l^^^^^^^^fe^ijy y Because Wheat is the cereal richest in the 1 Vitamins, proteins and mineral I S?$S93-^*' V#/^ salts essential to fcood health. I ¥>*/ Because Wheat is at its best in "Vita-Weat," V*/| c all-wheat and all-of-the \-v\eat //i^tX Crispbread. Because Vita-Weat" Crispbread requires
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    • 19 2 ANNUAL CHEAP SALE COMMENCES To-morrow— 2nd December For 2 WEEKS oQo ECHIGOYA CO., LTD. 131, Middle Road, Tel. 6312
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  • 364 3 Little Relief From Looting In Fallen States T.mdt.n, Saturday. DUBBER i 3 one of the commodities trie lack of which be causing serious difficulties to Gorman authorities, it is believed in authorilative quarters. Reviewing the position after 15 months of wnr. business circles
    British Wireless  -  364 words
  • 42 3 LJAVING completed the test of the oil refinery built under his direction at Bangkck by the Thailand Ministry of National Defence, Mr. Toshiyasu Hirata, of the Fujlnagata Dockyard, has returned to Japan after a four years' absence.
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  • 74 3 London. Saturday. THE dressing of Brita'n's army has 1 set a great task to the clothing trades. Two hundred and fifty firms have been given orders for more than 5.000,000 serge suits. Another 70 firms have this week been given contracts for a further 1,500,000 great coats.
    British Wireless  -  74 words
  • 26 3 British residents and others in Yugoslavia have sent £11,000 to the Minister for Aircraft Product on for the nurchas3 of aircraft for the R.A.F. British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  26 words
  • 29 3 In spite of barbed-wire obstructions placed along the beach these girls managed to go for a dip watched enviously by a soldier on duty.
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  • 106 3 London, Saturday. IN a statement on the Home Guard. Sir Edward Grigg, the Under-Sec-retary for War, said there was no auestion of using the Home Guard for any duties different from those for which it was raised, namely, that of an auxiliary force for
    British Wireless  -  106 words
  • 27 3 FE liner Washington passed through Shanghai recently, with 177 airmen, attached to the 17th Pursuit Squadron from Selfridge Field, on their way to Manila.
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  • 57 3 Shanghai, Saturday. fV*E of the leading Chinese business men of Shanghai, Mr. Percy Chu. was kidnapped yesterday near his home by five armed men who forced him into a waiting car. Mr Chu is the manager of the Joint Reserve Board of the Shanghai Banking Association,,
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 51 3 SIX large tombs of the Han Dynasty were recently discovered at Loshan. south-east of bmel, by a party of I archaeological research fellows of the Nanking University led by Mr. Shan«» Cheng-tsu. Inside the tombs were found two large chambers and more than ten I beautiful stone
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  • 448 3 London, Saturday. AN exciting story of the rescue ot a British heavy bomber crew when their machine landed in the sea off the Brit sh coast owing to lack of petrol is told by the Air Ministry news service. On the
    British Wireless  -  448 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 678 3 Grand News for HEAD-COLD SUFFERERS Two mnifft of New Medical Compound Clear Stuffed-up Nostril* in 30 tecond: Look at the diagrams above. One minute you're stuffed-up '.ith a heavy cold. Natal membranes jwollci puffy Breathing passage* blocked with congesteJ mucus. Then you miff KARSODRINE. through the handy pocket tube, twice
      678 words
    • 271 3 pardon us for blowing our awn Trumpef but SI'S SAUSAGES are good i Everything Is done to make S.C.S. Sausages the nnest. tastiest. ■^^^P^^K^^^^H most tempting Sauraijc; m^^W J r |f a you can buy. Only 4 «^^^^^^^^^^^^^l delicious tendei men is "^W^^^^^iiif^ililf used expertly _^~^^^l blended with rare spices
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 54 3 Blondie *> <* By Chic Young""] WMATOI^v ''I/*ly»4 A»O I ABE STAPTOgd I. I tVkG^SOO -COME f \H k 111 \Jj BWrW—J* E^jn*K*/c| f* zoo wrnj peal *wWAiS f UPQmCtf. AMD T*tCE y WW4ATS M yl /I |wL X fmj 4 x\^VN VOUHTVOSE) S*f CAUOJT all. K">iOS O* < SOXES
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 286 4 SEASON EXTENDED TO MONDAY TO-DAY 11 A.M. 3.15, 6.1S 9.15 P.M. (mm Tp9 J* Hnl JL jp 4t. »*utf!n 1 o« is uapi^ii yfli mam nA I I /^4 WL VICIU BAUMS intimatb STORY, wOtt /jdrnkm Virginia ralph FIELD BELLAMY Rwmmumi KATHARINE ALEXANOU EDWARD BROPHV «fi^l /^»AWo IC "CTUM WWW
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      301 words
    • 289 4 It's Speeding on to become The Year's Biggest Spy Hit! COME AND HEAR THE SURPRISE "LINE" THAT THE TOWN'S TALKING ABOUT! (JUST BEFORE INTERVAL) For Convenience^sake SECURE YOUR TICKETS EARLY and avoid having to QUEUE up at the BOX OFFICE. ADVT fif 3.15—6.15^9,15 APITOL| DA L Y Hop aboard. and
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  • 475 5 MEMBER OF OLD FEUDAL FAMILY DRINCE Koichi Saionji, 38- year-old grandson of Prince Saionji, the last of the Japanese Elder Statesmen, who died last week, is being mentioned as Japan's first Minister to Australia, writes Robert Hughes, Sydney Daily Telegraph correspondent
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  • 129 5 IN Sorth China says News Week many strange events occur bt cause of the Japanese conviction that they can't low hope really to subdue the whole area and can vnly icork to protect the railroads. Thir, well -authenticated story illustrates the point: Recently Governor Pang. Chungking-appointed ruler
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  • 147 5 U.S. PRAISE FOR BRITISH WORKERS New York, Nov. 19. DRITISH workers are producing as men never produced before. By their labour they are making Britain an unconquerable citadel of freedom." The United States Secretary for War (Mr. Stimson) said this at the American Federation of Labour's annual convention at New
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  • 192 5 l^i-.r.N ears make blind men good spotters And because their heariig is abnormally sensitive, bliid men are being officially used to listen for the approach of 'aiders on predictor apparatus. 'Several of our men do this work," an official of St Dunstan's said.
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  • 35 5 Wine Commander Sir Louis Greig talking to Indian pilots on their arrival in London. The men have gone to an K.A.I depot for selection for bomber and fighter command operational duties.
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  • 302 5 GIRL MAY SEND HER MOTHER TO DEATH A GIRL of 22 may doom her mother to the electricchair. New York. This is the latest development in the fantastic story of "Murder Incorporated" The Brooklyn "oash and bury" syndicate which is now believed to have been responsible for 54 murders. Two
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  • 375 5 Officers' Wives Accused Of Spreading Baseless War Rumours Sydney, Nov. 13. LIELT.-General Miles yesterday accused service officers' wives of being among those spreading baseless war rumours. Lieut.-Geneial Miles is General Officer Commanding the Eastern Command. He was giving a luncheon address to the Millions Club. Wives of servicemen are the
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  • 127 5 92,000 LONDON CHILDREN HAVE NO SCHOOLS London, Nov. 18. fXb 112.W children still in London, 92,000 are without any form of education, states a News Chronicle investigator. He reveals that more than 100 schools Mtve been bombed. Two weeks ago a Dally Mall reporter, Graham Stanford, described the children of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 213 5 m a l ft v m P<UUT<R iISSi GIFT This Christmas give Malayan Pewter, the 100% Malayan product. Among the wide choice of attractive handmade articles there is something to please everybody. Call now and see the display in our showroom or write for an illustrated catalogue. Genuine Malayan Pewter
      213 words

  • 1314 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By ]^|R. LUCIFER writes:^ Dear Mr. Gubbins, In these unfortunate times it seems churlish to say I told you so," though you must remember all the warnings I have given you during the past three or four years. You will also remember that 1
    1,314 words
    • 451 6 The Rise Of The Labour Party In England Told In Novel Form Fame is the Spur. By Howard Spring. Collins. 9s. fed. MR. Howard Spring's new novel is a saga of the rise of the Labour Party in England from its inception until the formation of the National Government in
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    • 205 6 Framed in Hardwood. By Eric Lowe. Collins. 7s. 6d. FRIC Lowe has written a novel of his native Australia, full of vigour and drama, although his style is perhaps a little flowery in contrast to the ruggedness of his characters and background. His hero, Peter Bennett,
      205 words
    • 204 6 Two Gun Lefty. By Frank Carr. Cowboy Guns. By Forrest R. Brown. Both from Ward Lock's Western Novels. 4s. each. f HE reviewer of Western novels gets used to supermen, but Lefty Foran must be one of the most extraordinary characters ever to hrill a nervous reader. He
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 155 6 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? "What do you think?" "British to the teeth* y^ II JL __—^aaßß«— ■■■■■■■BMaBIaBIaBBBBBBMM aM IMMIII I II I 3? R& '^aaaaMri:' bbbbV m bbbbbbHK i^ V^B Lbbv^ 'j^LwfiflLKß W PEARS', the century-old transparent soap, always a symbol of purity, is to-day the premier beauty
      155 words
    • 250 6 3sk I! OiNTMENT XpStoC^SSia IRRITATION AND SOOTHES W Jr^mr'^L OF haem o rrhoids II lIIBIMI I 1 r-Bl^^—^^— Wanttj I JFy^ I (^ja t^Bßßß*li_/ X Yp> I fff~\ WW ■bbb^s^^«b^ubbhMH Bja? SIX AND EIGHTPENCE Meredith, I want to make my will. Lord Henry, but in all my long M»
      250 words

  • 1797 7  -  The Onlooker -By UIGHTY-FOUR-year old C. 1 Alma Baker is one of Malaya's most colourful personalities and he wa^ again in the news last week following the presentation to him by the Ministry for Aircraft Production of a plaque commemorating his recent gift of four Spitfire planes
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 89 7 a THE REASON Innumerable complaints arise from impurities /Mpg^^ in the blood, and so long as the impurities r*> main, permanent relief cannot be obtainedClarke s Blood Mixture, by cleansing the ftOM^iITLi blood, is invaluable in the treatment of rheumatic complaints, lumbago, painful *fl?§^L i° iat9 > neuritis, glandular swellings,
      89 words
    • 155 7 I TASTING LJERE'S a wonderful coffee taste-treat for you delicious, heart-warming Chase Sanbom Coffee. You'll say when you drink it "That's coffee exactly the way I like it it's #fej Chase Sanbom flfajg#i^^a; Ju) Coffee gets its superb iLfpiU 11/ friendly fragrance Mil g&&£ XjliJP^? from the world's choice coffees.
      155 words

  • 1963 8 New Zealand Is A Grand Place For A Holiday T HAVE been asked to illustrate a few impressions of New Zealand, culled from five hundred odd photos and snaps, collected during a recent three months' visit, and confess that few more pleasurable tasks could have come my way. My wife
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 390 8 ANNOUNCEMENT BANK OF CHINA (Incorporated In China by Special Charter) IPOH SUB-AGENCY will commence business on 2nd December 1940. Address I—3, Hugh Low Street I—3,1 3, Market Lane P. O. Box No. 170 Telegraphic Address "Chungkuo" Telephones Noe. 1008— Sub-Agent's Office 1009— General Office District Manager MR. PARKCANE C. HWANG
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    • 108 8 trig au sti nio The 10 H. P. 4-cylindcr engine provides more than enough power for the large and roomy body. Powerful Girling Brakes give maximum safety under the most severe conditions. Long, wide leaf springs give the best possible riding comfort to all passengers. The Austin "10" is noted
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  • 773 9 A CHRISTMAS SHOPPING GUIDE High Street B. P. DE SILVA. LTD.: A gift In Jewellery is undoubtedly an ideal gift for the Christmas season. De Sllva's has an extensive choice of the very newest designs In all platinum and diamond jewellery, and stocks Include diamond and platinunr set brooches, pendants,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 194 9 PRfICTICRL K^i i SBM.«BBT T b ITT^^rJ9B 9 m wbp ll iTTbh mJE-SS^mJ] E^ X IV\ >v &rjm We stock Furnishing Fabrics Window Curtains All Classes of dress materials from U.S.A. Ribbons Rickrack frillings and everything that ladies need All at moderate prices S. A. MAJEED tfc CO. 70, HIGH
      194 words
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    • 252 9 BBTfal ■LvnßßlH^BßV*T^«liil f-Sl HMBbm' WbW .^BBBbBmI bQc BJJJJBJ f .^^BBBBv^v^aW^Ba BBB^^»*^^^^^r^J^ B^7 SIAMESE SILVER ART BRACELET BBB*'^BBB*'ti^£j^^"^ «^^^BO&flBB^BB& Bfi>3S9B^BBBBftMBM BL^ L 1 A thing of Beauty is a joy for ever. Select the most beautiful NOW and have no regrets. SALE TIME IS YOUR TIME. SALE NOW, ON OPPORTUNITY'S DOOR
      252 words

  • 809 10 North Bridge Rd., Coleman Street, Stamford Road And Dhoby Ghaut SEOW KCAN COMPANY, 4-5, Dhoby Ghaut. Singapore, has a large stock ol suitable goods for Christmas, there is a bis selection of radios from which to choose. Ask to see and hear the latest KB. Radios,
    809 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 189 10 Q KOLSTER-BRANDES jp "KB" RADIO SPECIAL OVERSEA MODELS xF I em i r flf ode Agents Malaya: i SEOW KUAN COMPANY j 4 5, DHOBY GHAUT, SINGAPORE. 1— mmWm B^HS e^Hi m—mmm* mmmtm MM mmm mmrm Mgß*k Place your orders with us NOW. They will be executed in time Cor
      189 words
    • 168 10 Useful t^nd Attractive CHRISTMAS GIFTS SELECT YOURS TOOM OUR STOCK OF:— Silver brush sets, cigarette cases and other Silver wares, E.P.N.S. wares, cut crystal wares, watches, etc.. etc. FOR GIFTS MORE PERSONAL! A DELIGHTFUL RANGE IN CEYLON GEM SET JEWELLERY. CULTURE D PEARL NECKLACES SIAMESE SILV ER WARES. P. B.
      168 words
    • 258 10 KfcHi »»*O«NTMINT TO >T A"OINTMtNT »O f,&' X'MAS S* «£&fc PRESENTS GIVING At Christmastide is one of The oldest known customs ssr Here you will find a choice fZt Array of gifts to suit all tastes P. He HENDRY, f| HEAD OFFICE. 78, NORTH BRIDGE RD., BRANCH KUALA LUMPUR. SINGAPORE.
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  • 898 11 Collyer Quay, Raffles Place, Battery Road, Hill Street, Orchard Road, Bras Basah Road, Middle Road, North Bridge Road, Beach Rd., Kallang G AMMETER A CO.: The Christmas display this year Includes delightful travelling clocks with gay-coloured leather cases, boudoir clocks of every size and description, waterproof
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 151 11 jit IMf P I rii 5^ pA v f^ En m m CZ C Wfi P. y/\fjS_ L —-f HMsKaH^s^HHmL GRAND X'MAS SALE CATHAY SILK STORE 7 38-39, BRAS BASAH ROAD. g "4 1 1010 3 1 6 1 STSK Po Ny sy BS °ir o si i relk a
      151 words
    • 223 11 ir,i>i We offer an "Exceptionally" -^^oJg[Aj* Comprehensive Collection of /Yj^t^rc^2j\ Dramatic Hats of Rare Beauty for y3j By I Merely Trifling charges. lifj^B|^^H|^Psp The biggest hat bargains ever /OHB£2[Slfi(j\. offered in Singapore. We invite you.... See Them at once <^s^^2> MODE ELITE Phone 6089. 1 st Floor, Rodney House, Battery
      223 words
    • 308 11 Economy is the watchword of to-day! Practise Real Economy Right now! BUY ALL YOUR REQUIREMENTS GIAN SINGH'S Grand Annual X'mas CASH Sale! The Greatest Money Saving Event in Town! Here are only some of the amazing bargains. Short sleeves LADIES SLACKS POPLIN SHIRTS Palm Beach Grey Sizes 13 'i' to
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 12
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  • 712 12 Opinion Planters' Task COR the first time since the introduction of the Rubber Regulation Scheme in June, 1934, with the exception of the first two months of the scheme which was regarded as a period of notice, the International Rubber Regulation Committee has decided to fix the exportable allowance for
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  • 130 12 London. Nov. 15. 'THE new half-yearly budget pre- pared by the Netherlands Government in London provides 91,000,000 guilders for defence, according to the "FriJ Ncderland." the Dutch newspaper published in London. The total budget provides for the expenditure of 98,000,000 guilders, of which 79,000,000 must be
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  • 36 12 I*HE Commonwealth Broadcasting Network, comprising 24 commercial radio stations throughout Australia, has announced that the network is to disband. The member stations of the network will operate as separate units in future.
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  • 121 12 Of Mice And Two Boys On A Train T ETTER from a London schoolboy on returning to his West of England school, received by parents worried about his safe journey on a much overcrowded train: "Dear Mum and Dad. We had a very comfortable journey down and ate all the
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  • 45 12 Rurbank, (Calif.), Nov. 20. 'THE Lockheed Aircraft Corporation has announced that Great Britain has placed a $(UJS.) 30,000,000 order for new bombers, which will be larger and faster than the Lockheed Hudson type at present used by the Royal Air Force.
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  • 144 12 WALT DISNEY'S "Fantasia," which had its world premirre in New York on Nov. 14 is revolutionary film entertainment. It gives a pictorial interpretation ol nine musical classics as recorded s y Leopold Stokowski and his Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra. Its Importance tc the screen lies in its new
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  • 32 12 Quebec, Nov. 19. Three men were killed when an explosion occurred to-day at a defencs plant at Nobel, OrHario. The explosion was confined to one small building.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 260 12 Choose the tailor who has given complete satisfaction to his clients for over 20 years. Chojee II We have a vide range ol suit lengths fPflvK^a WAIN SWELL'S Bnl In Siik and Wool i^BI W.| Also AMERICAN 9f 0 SHARKSKIN Wi^H In var.Q'.ts colour* MIEN CHONG 34 Colrman St. Phone
      260 words
      148 words
    • 134 12 Mfs» Can tl "How I envy your lovely skin!" Mrs* Cans "What you should envy is my morning Eno!" Linos, wrinkle* and poor com- £NO is <Jiff pUxion «r« often th« result of a sluggish, unhealthy blood- EMn stream. T«lc« Eno's regularly, t, att d co ncen I Eno's ensures
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  • 194 13 2,000 Americans Leave Far East BUT 10,000 REMAIN Shanghai. Nov. 21. MOKE than '?.000 Americans have \ril the Far Fast in response in the I .S. Government's warning to evacuate, but 10.000 remain, i:iblcs thr» Sydney Daily Tele graph rorrcsp'indcnt. unr-r Washington (2-5,289 tons) li ft Shanghai to-day with 450
    194 words
  • 90 13 New York, Nov. 19. A I IRK broke out aboard the battleship South Dakota, under ((instruction at Camden, New Jersey, tut was extinguished half an hour later. Eight men who were trapped by the names were rescued. OfT.clals discount the theory of sabotage, and say that
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  • 257 13 Italians Adopt New Tactics In Desert Warfare London. Nov. 20. TH E Italians have adopted new tactics to push forward Kir\ptian Desert outposts, reports the Cairo correspondent of The Times. They are establishing a number of fortified outposts to form a triangle, which has its base along the coastal road,
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  • 23 13 A HISTORY lesson for boys evacuated front Denmark Hill school, London, in the well-equipped projection theatre at Trinity College, Carmarthen.
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  • 74 13 "TTO play at love, a man should not only look hungry; he should BE hungry. The hunger light in the .eye is the same as the love light. Only a good cook can tell the difference. "Many directors find that the love scenes go better in
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  • 111 13 Sonja Henie Loses Case New York, Nov 13. ANEW YORK Supreme Court jury has ordered Sonja Henie to pay Denis Scanlan, promoter, £28,400 for breach of contract. This was the full amount sought by Scanlan who said that through his efforts Sonja Henle was raised to stardom. He claimed 20
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  • 171 13 JAPANESE SAID TO HAVE CANNON PLANES HTHE C.N.A.C. plane piloted by W. C. Kent was fired on by bombers equipped with 20-mm. cannon, according Mr. T. B. Brown, the pilot's father-in-law, says the Manila Bulletin. The pilot and eight passengers were killed by shots from the cannon, not from machine
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  • 104 13 SPECTATOR SCORES SOCCER GOAL A SPECTATOR was instrumental in the scoring of a goal at the Race Course, Shanghai, recently, states the North China Daily News. In a reserve division one of the forwards drove for goal, but missed the posts by inches. A bystander attempted to catch the ball
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  • 60 13 rvOROTHY Lamour, Laurel and Hardy, Bebe Daniels, and Ben Lyon will go to Australia, probably next year, under contract to the Tivoli circuit. The dates for their visits have not yet been fixed, but negotiations are proceeding for them to tour Australia when there is a large
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  • 40 13 CONTINUING the expansion of JaV* pan's air transport service overseas, the Japan Airways Company is inaugurating next spring a new air service between Taihoku in Formosa and Palao in the Japanese Mandated Islands in the South Seas.
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  • 150 13 Face Masks In Raid Shelters London, Nov. 20. 11/ EARING of face masks to prevent disease infection in air-raid shelters is recommended by a committee of investigation. The committee, headed by Lord Horder, physician-in-ordinary to the King, makes the recommendation in a White Paper being considered by the Government. Other
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  • 143 13 DAPTISM or Fire," the Nazi propaganda film which has misfired berause American producers of the March of Time have incorporated it in The Ramparts We Watch," has been passed for exhibition in Australia in its entirety by the Commonwealth Censor, Mr. Creswell O'Reilly. Hitler designed "Baptism
    143 words
  • 35 13 PHONE MAN'S $46 ,700 The late Mr. William Louis McKenzie. former secretary of the Hongkong Telephone Co., who died at the Queen Mary Hospital on Oct. 5 last, left Hong Kong estate worth 546.703 (provisional).
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 25 13 Singapore Dog Show Help The War Fund by going to the Dogs at the Happy World m%g\ |\AV from 2p.m. jLAJMUAY to 9 p. m.
      25 words
    • 579 13 117 HEN the shadows engtheii, md a man begins to fee! the) weignt of nis declining years, he should be able '.o relinqubn the hard daliy round lo: thu lulet content of a peace:-:'. ESHHH^bHHHHBH retirement. But. unless he afl lYl"] y H S^ B^ |T|sg l tias wisely and
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  • 187 14 Commissioned In Volunteer Air Reserve (From Our Our Correspondent.) London. Nov. 30. MR F. W. Palmer, V.C. of Messrs. Kyle. Palmer and >mnany, who is well-known in Selangor, has received a probationary rommi slon as a pilit officer of the Royal Volunleer Air Reserve,
    187 words
  • At The Cinema
    • 57 14 FEATURING Spencer Tracy, who has won two Academy awards as the year's best actor, and Hedy Lamari, winner of the world's award lor beauty, I Take This Woman" which was given a midnight showing at the Capitol cinema, provides strong drama. Fine acting all round, coupled with an
      57 words
    • 57 14 A STIRRING adventure drama, "Kit Carson, 1 was given a midnlgnt ihowint; at the Cathay cinema. Exciting entertainment, the film unfolds the dashing adventures of an American hero and holds interest and action throughout. Jon Hall plays the title role and receives support irom Lynn Bar!, D*aa Andrews,
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  • 53 14 Our Crwii Correspondent) Ponang. Saturday. It ~d thai the body ot Pr.nce V 3 Svastiknla ot Thailand, who. ith r.curred in Penang a few in bo conveyed to BangKok i Prince Vipuya was tli, ol late Prince Sommr>' nan bee .icent here for
    53 words
  • 67 14 fFrom Our Own f> I Qt) day. TIE Sleepy Hollow a?pej to be waking un. A Palm Bsr.Ci Tanjong Kllng, Mrs. G B ,i'iv ha; c) ced a guest houss with r..? aurant and lul'v-lic"n-rd bir. Sif'-it.jd in na.'■-' k surroundings by the sea. Palm TJjacli is
    67 words
  • 115 14 APPLICATION for leave to appeal in the Shinozaki case was filed yesterday by Mr. D. K. Walters, counsel for Mamoru Shinozaki who was recently convicted in the Singapore Assize Court of offences under the Official Secrets Ordinance. Shinozaki was sentenced to three years' rigorous imprisonment and a
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  • 188 14 Government To Continue Aid For Jobless? <From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 29. ANXIETY about obtaining the necessary income for the Selangor Asiatic Unemployment Committee for next year in the absence of any information about Government's contribution is voiced by Mr. John Hands, the honorary secretary, in his November
    188 words
  • 171 14 TTHE postage for letters from India to Malaya and other Empire countries will be three annas, six pies, or roughly 14 cents in Malayan currency, instead of the present rate of two annas, six Dies, roughly ten cents In local currency, if the new budget proposals belore the
    171 words
  • 202 14 EURASIAN IN TORPEDOED SHIP (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. A PENANG Eurasian marine en- gineer who was recently making his way back to Penang in a British ship on which he was serving, had the fearful, yet thrilling, experience of being in a shipwreck when the vessel sank after
    202 words
  • 168 14 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Muar. NO fewer than 50 exhibits were produced by the prosecution when a preliminary inquiry into charges of being in possession of counterfeit coins and of materials for the manufacture of counterfeit coins preferred against Won* Kirn Pol was beard b> Mr. S. A.
    168 words
  • 135 14 CHARLES Smith, of the Customs, was fined $15 on a charge of negligent driving, by Mr. C. H. Whitton in the traffic court yesterday. It was alleged that on Sept 27 about 8.25 a.m. Smith overtook by cutting in front of a car, which was filtering into
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  • 111 14 P*OR committing criminal breach of r trust of $1,1(31 01, while employed as under-manager of the N.A.A.F.I. canteen at the Alexandra Military Hospital, Toh Chiap Choo, a 23-year-old English-speaking Teochew, was sentenced to four months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. L. C. Goh, the Singapore
    111 words
  • 31 14 The Singapore Filipino Association Is holding a special general meeting this morning at 10 30 at 1-A, Kirk Terrace to elect an honorary secretary and to discuss pHns regarding the clubhouse.
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 14 Mr. 11. Ward, of the AJ».C, Puloe Kukom, son of Mr. J. Ward and the late Mrs. Ward, and Miss Majorie Martinus, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Martinus, who were married at the Church of the Holy Family, Katong.
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  • 237 14 Major J. M. Rogan Miss A. Clarke IUIAJOR John M. Rogan, R.A.M.C.. was married to Miss Agatha Anne Clarke, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard F. Clarke of Ronglet. Cameron Highlands, at St. Andrews Cathedral yesterday. Major Rogan is the son of Mrs. C. A .Rogan of Edinburgh and
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  • 144 14 PLLOWING action taken by Mr K. L. Johnson, Assistant Superintendent of Police. Deris bii. Wah Moh. a 20-year-old Malay, appeared before I Mr. C. H. Whitton in the traffic court i yesterday on two charges of driving without a licence and with
    144 words
  • 85 14 •¥*HE Singapore Musical Society will give Its fourth concert of the 1940 series on Sunday. Dec. 8. at the Victoria Memorial Hall. The orchestra, under the direction ol Robert Waddle, will give an interesting and varied programme including th No. 5 Symphony of Beethoven. Gertrude Nunn, who will
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  • 56 14 TWO Cantonese, Chan Chen, 30, and Lee Wan Poh, 31. had a charge of housebreaking at D2sker Road on Ncv. 5, at night, explained to them in the j third court yesterday. The case was j postponed a wesk for mention, and I bail of $750
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  • 474 14 ANOTHER £25,000 SENT Malaya's Help Continues WITH donations still cominr In for The War Fuud. another £25,000 was remitted- to London from Singapore yesterday, with an indication that 1 11.500 of it represent a birthday gitt from the people of Malaya to Mr. Winston Churchill to buy Spitfires. The War
    474 words
  • 131 14 FORTY Chinese and Malay women ii'ecl into the third court yesterda 1 in connection with a case in which :i young Hainanese. Tan Ken Siang. was charged with knowingly permitting prostitutes to assemble at the Modern Cafe In Jalan Besar. of whi"h he was
    131 words
  • 166 14 GEN. WU AT SEGAMAT (From Our Own Correspondent i Segamat. Saturday. FERE was a distinguished gathering at the Chong Hua Association yesterday when the Chinese community entertained General Wu Teh-chen to tiffin. Among those present were Dato Abdullah bin Esa 'State Commissioner, Segamat), Mr K. Q. A. Dohoo (Assistant British
    166 words
  • 92 14 Wardens of Po«t 15, Group Pest I, tUtloa d at TeJok Kuraa En{Ush Scb«oL Sit..n? (left to right) ChU Kirn CJilow, Lim Te k lice, E. S. Kltto (Senior Wardmi. A. Uobertson (Group Po«t Warden). Or I" itt Chuan (Dep. Senior Warden). Ahmad bin Omar,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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  • 835 15 "Britain Must Win" Says Dr. Lim Boon Keng *\J^ Chinese in British Malaya, and particularly in Singapo;e. understand that Britain is Lg the cause of democracy," laid Dr. Lim Boon Keng in a broadcast appeal from the Singapore station last night in a talk on beh?!f or the China Relief
    835 words
  • 1245 15 Petition Drafted In F. M. S. PETITIONERS representing various interests in the F.M.S. have isluetf a memorandum opposing inlune tax which it is proposed to lend to the Secretary of State for Iho Colonies through the High Comoii sioner for the Malay States. The petition reads
    1,245 words
  • 213 15 TTHE enthusiastic support given to Mr. 1 K. T. Joseph's stage adaptation of Mr. Gregory W. de Siiva's novel "Princess of Malacca." when recently -"resented in Kuala Lumpur by the Ceylon Association of Selangor in aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund may, it is hoped, encourage
    213 words
  • 48 15 'THE Police Band will play on Tuesday at Telok Ayer at 6 p.m. and on Thursday at Katong Park at 53C pm. Mr. S. Navararnam. Postmaster, Klang. aid president of the Postal Ciub, has re.ired. Mr. O A. Manen from Ipoli has taken his place.
    48 words
  • 79 15 TO-MORROW, the regular weekly feature, "Radio News Review," wi'l be given at 7.10 p.m. from the Singapore station, on 30.96 and 225 metres. The Review is given in the form of a conversation between Messrs. Box and Cox, two new Singapore commentators, who give
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  • 209 15 Ex-Convict Lived In Monastery A 47-YEAR-OLD Hokkien, who declared that for seven years, from 1931 to 1938, he was in a Chinese monastery studying to become a Buddhist priest, pleaded guilty in the third court yesterday to being a police supervisee who failed to report to the Central Police Station
    209 words
  • 176 15 AN amendment to the Increass ol Rent (Restriction) Ordinance has been suggested by Mr H. Paulusz to I,he Singapore Ratepayers' Associatior. lh*» suggestion wil' he considered at th^ next meHbtf o* the oommltt-o. Mr. Paulusz has suggested that section 8 of the ordinance should be
    176 words
  • 46 15 RAFFLES Hotel, is launching a series of regimental band concerts on Sun day evenings or. the lawn in the Palm Court between 8.30 and 10.30 o'clock The first concert will take place this Sunday; and the band will be the Loyals.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 349 15 -A Smart fdeu ure 03& BRYLCREEM R^ THE PERFECT HAIRDRESSING \v* "^^3^ r^n There's no denying your smartness if you v— V\ I BRYLCREEM. A little Brylcrceia on your hair every '^^^r morning ensures a well-groomed appearance every \V mi M day and Brylcreem's natural oils and tonic \\^v MS
      349 words

  • 819 16 BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT More Movement In Tin And Rubber Shares Singapore, Saturday. LOCAL markets were rather more active last week and there was a welcome Improvement in turnover. Rubber shares came in for better demand at slightly higher prices; tins, remained firm and
    819 words
  • 1333 16 SATURDAY. NOV. St. 1940: 12.30 P.M. ■MM Ampat Tin (4s > 3s 4Vfcd 3s 9d Austral Amal (5s) 5s 10'id Gs 3d Austral Mala? (£> 13s 6d 35s 6d Ayer Hitam (5s) 19s 21s Ayer Weng ($lt .73 .78 Bangrln Tin (£> 15s 16s Batu
    1,333 words
  • 228 16 London, Nov. 30. THE City believes that the advance In the issue of the 1941 rubber export licences from the East is more important than the higher quota which is academic for some producers, though others should be able to produce 100 per cent., especially
    Reuter  -  228 words
  • 123 16 Singapore. Nov. 30, noon. Buyer* Sellers CHunbler t 7.76 Hamburg Cube $13.00 Java Cube S12 50 Pevvei White Muntok $13.00 White $12.50 BUck 6.25 Covra Mixed $2.15 Sun Dried $2.40 Saoc Flam No I Iinggra $4.2C $4.30 Fair $4.20 Sarawak $3.75 Mmmi Palembang $13.50 Banja $12.00 Sarawak
    123 words
  • 85 16 Saturday. Nov. ,:0. noun. Bnyen. •*l!«r» fri f- Prlref No. IX UJ (Spot loose) 38'« It] So. IX K.S.S. f. 0 tn «H« Nov.-Dec. Sellers option ?.K G.F.A.Q. K.S.S. fob. in balr* Nov.-Dec. Sellers option 38 T. 9 F.A.Q. R.S.S. r.o.b. in balos Nov.-Dec. Sellers
    85 words
  • 74 16 RUBBER producers in Malaya are to get an exportable allowance of 97 V 2 per cent, of one-quarter of standard production In respect of the first quarter of next year. As stated yesterday the international allowance is 100 per cent, of basic quota. No indication is given
    74 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 305 16 THE RULES OF HEALTH TNLESS the bloodstream is purified of all poisons (9k which collect through modern conditions of living I |HV^P I you cannot expect to look or feel well, t Andrews P^CmI^HH liver Salt purifies the blood. y **H 1 Andrews gives you through and if .ough Inner
      305 words
    • 134 16 I UP TO DATE WITH THE I 1 *(?YdL~ m7AD I GILLETTE (m 1 rruba ub l&vvvra^&u Gillette one-piece razor is tha rW^^^^l last word in razor design the simplest ft^vX^rag^^ shaving method ever devised I No <ooac f|g<^>sA*ajr pieces no bits to screw or unscrew. Just 3p^€[ Bw twist
      134 words

  • 1668 17  -  R. H. Naylor By TO-DAY, DEC. 1. i For m-ist c; vs: A nrprise Sunday txpeditions, parlie: planned in a b*r*V do tcell. Relatxitt |RM a standby. For ln-:k to-day wear or use: Ct >.itn Drown. 8, Sapp'urz BIRTHDAY FORECAST TO be born on a December
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 258 17 A DOUBLE SAFEGUARD FOR YOUR EYES The Wonderful Ophthalmoscope No scientific eye-examina-tion is complete without the use of the Ophthalmoscope. With it we can see the inside of the eyeball and can actually view the arteries, the veins, the nerve head and the living tissue of the eye. We can
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    • 233 17 New Air-Floated lace Powder Amazing Discovery of ibns Beauty Chemist Face powder ten times finer and lighter than ever before thought possible I Only powder that floats on air is collected for use. This is the amazing new process of a Paris chemist now adopted by Tokaloa. That is why
      233 words
    • 454 17 SHE GAINED 8«/ 2 LBS. OF FINE, FIRM, FLESH Took tasteless, flesh-forming, Tablets Here is a letter from a qualified nurse which brings new hope to all who are worried about their weight. This lady had actually lost nearly 10 lbs. yet in six weeks she got 8y 2 lbs.
      454 words
    • 55 17 4 im M^MUST YOU USE THAT |p GREASY STUFf AT NIGHT ?M .WHAT CAN I USE IN PLACE 0^» IMY GREASY NIGHT CREAM? ffl Wf A IEVELYNl EVELYN A5TRO^\ &4 J S <s\ (beautifieil^ 'you certainly Loo^]vS^j Thave thrown tmaT\ v %>' «v GREASY STUFF AWAY. 1 1 /r3tt/S*SM USE
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 873 17 THIS WEEK FOR YOU HERE, grouped according to month JULY (June S3— July 23) of birth (irrespective of year), is An exciting week for yourself and others a statement of probabilities to be connected with you. Friends fall out you exoerted this week may have to arbitrate or if you
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  • 756 18 Latin Influence Among Film Stars Max Factor's Advice VUHEN the half-way point of a calendar year has been passed, it is a good time to check up and analyze the beauty, glamour, and style achievements, as well as the trends which have evidenced themselves during the months which have already
    756 words
  • 89 18 1i cup fat 1 cup granulated sugar '.4 cup cocoa ft teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon vanilla 14 teaspoon oil of peppermint 3 tablespoons cream 2 eggs, beaten (or 4 yolks) 2Vi cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder Cream fat and sugar. Add the cocoa, salt, ranilla, peppermint cream
    89 words
  • 34 18 Here are some spice tips: add a little powdered sage to creamed dried beef, thyme to corned beef hash, powdered bay leaf to veal loa. r and ce'ery seed to egg omelette.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 252 18 A YOUNG FACES jTs^^\ See th*t tbe spirit of youth looks I out at you from your mirror! Youth /R I and beauty begin with a perfect complexion. Keep your skin fresh and exquisite with Elizabeth Arden's E -sential Preparations her Cleansing Cream, Skin Tonic and Velva Cream or Orange
      252 words
    • 558 18 ANDREA LEEDS ip^jlljir] HOLLYWOOD'S 10^ LIPSTICK! ij^H^""^^ ji li Have you tried dm perfect lip M^Vtf#v\ -^t%. makeup? Created by Max Factor M Hollywood, it is subtr-imUlibU ■B. 4L-s- i^ W-M an(^ moisture-proof... in new Color ■DH Mil mwk\ I Harmony shades to give your lips PP^Utf^ V mU WU
      558 words

  • 53 19 LEATHER articles which have become dull and soiled can be revived by a home-made cleaner made of two parts of vinegar to one part salad oil well mixed together. Dip a .oft flannel in the solution and rub gently over the leather, afterwards polishing with a clean
    53 words
  • 81 19 /"\NE of the best "exercises" for the sealp —and therefore for the beauty of the hair—is that of squeezing and pinching the skin of the scalp between the fingers. This helps to loosen it and to encourage the blood stream to flow freely. Another excellent treatment is
    81 words
  • 568 19 Cool Drinks To Quench Your Thirst JNSTEAD of adding sugar to the fruit cup, when you are making cool drinks, make a syrup of four cups of sugar boiled for five minutes in two cups of water after dissolving. This syrup can be bottled for future use. Barley Water W/ASH
    568 words
  • 362 19 A Bolero With Raglan Sleeves f^ SIMPLE bolero with raglan sleeves is a useful garment. It takes about 8 ounces of double knitting wool, and is made on a pair of No. 3 needles' and a set of four No. 7 needles with points at both ends. The Back Start
    362 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 19 A TRIM waistcoat is a useful complement to any en"mble, especially If it is as shapely as this style.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 541 19 "Believe Me This Cream Of Milk Recipe will make the average woman of 50 look like 30" Bk9H a^a^aak. m I Use it where these arrows point then all over your face and neck HE RE is a quick way to make a wrinkled, flabby, sagging skin, fresh, firm and
      541 words
    • 331 19 <■.<■■ j4n t \vir M^OJUH ot cream, r S^HP^f rrn< rr coarse I *> ill 'iJr^^\ rc<l ik fmooth jfl R99| If \jr* *l v B It 'I t£i s^Lf ~~^4ftttten^. safeguard against f.^/B Antiseptic 40 BLEMISHED SKIN \^y^^ BeingaMEDICINALaMdTOILET will endow you with a new peachSoap, Cuticura serves a
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 393 20 1 SUPREME PEH INSPIRES f NEW SELF-CLEANING IHKI To guard the revolutionary Parker Vacu- JjKSK-\ raotic from ordinary pen-clogging inks \y /fjSfW J Parker experts invented Quink— an en- flfflll™) hrely new kind of ink that actually cleans Muf&mj a pen as it writes S/fijM Five secretageni* in QuJnk dissolve
      393 words
    • 296 20 LEARN AT HOME SECURE A CAREER GAIN MORE SALARY In me lumtori 01 youi own rlomt- vom can Icaru by corre. pondence. any one ol these subject.- all taught by PIIMAN9>. branch ot the tarr.ous London College Knowledge mean.-, a better post, hlgirr salary and financial protection it all
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 2429 20 W ireless Programmes V^\ HAY I gramme on GST. CRY. GSF: French news MIRAM W "«W#m on OSO, GSH. GSJ; 6.50 pjn. Weekly pro- t«»wi»» I gramme summary; 7.05 p.m. Oeraldo and his: rUB 15S1 -^j. i 5 i 5— Singapore «*«*vjs p^j»* 0 1011 ci~J^iSri8»W«S?J5?HK M onGSG GSH. GST.
      2,429 words

  • 882 21 Singapore Inter-Club Badminton Games Prove Popular tVr: Our Badminton Correspondent) THK open Inter-club badminton chamUp tournament ias once again l to b<> a popular event in Singapore. ntly the running of the tournament on Hi l. ague system has provided the solution to the problem of getting sufficient entries to
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  • 320 21 From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. Saturday. AFTER being one goal down midway through Xfr .second half the Muar Hornets rallies strongly to score two t;oals thus Kivi.iE them a narrow 2—l win over the Segamat Casuals when the sides met here in a friendly hockey
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  • 42 21 A friendly badminton match has been arranged between the Sportlight "B teaw *ud the Flight "B" team for to-day at 2.45 pjn. at the latter's court. Players and supporters should assemble at Mr. Lye TbJm Fook's premises, 522-A, Oeylang Road
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  • 287 21 CHOON KENG ENTERS ALL-INDIA TOURNEY Tllii c:ho>.:i Keng, the i'euang leH-iianded unorthodox player, hus sent In his entry for the :eventh All-Lndia championships to be held at Bhowaniporc V.M C.A on Der. 22. If his entry H accepted. Choon Keng propoyts to leave In the second wee:: of December. He
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  • 195 21 'From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday. BY beating the Customs by six goals to nil in their last league match the Govsrnment Offices won the first divis:Dn league competition. The Government Offices were definitely the better team and scored when and how thr-y liked. Lav Seng Tuck opened
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  • 207 21 THE Great World Athletes beat the Chinese Sports Association at badminton (Oreat World first): Richard Low brat PeUr Wong 15—3. 15 5; Tan Kok Ann beat Chin Wai Mun 15 10. 15 2; Charlie Yeo beat Lee Pa* Yin 15—7, 15—10: Poh Kirn Van beat Yeo Cheng
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  • 1564 21  -  "Doc" By IN order to select a team for the Combined Services for their charity hcck?y match against the Singapore Civilians next Thursday, a trial is beins held at Thomson Road ground mew poio ground) en Tuesday. The Civilians to far are cock of the walk,
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 8 21 ==p^ a e;e f*o~ >p J M 12
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    • 466 21 Examine these models simple, compact, versatile. Packed with new features. KODAK VIGi; IW— 4j£ j^K has J4.5 lens, fivc-spotrJ Rodomatic jH Shutter. Shutter-release on body to minimise camera niovcmctit. Two Br^^^^ vk-w-finders. Takes pictures 3J x2\ mfm EJ7m\ gjs BrU wLmB |U hIHO\ World's most popular aimers. Iff llMn 4
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  • 250 22 (From Our Owu Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A BRILLIANT three goals in a row by Tajuddin saw Selangor heat Penang on the padang to-day at hockey by three goals to one. At half time Selangor led two-nil. Selangor had more of the game in the first
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  • 169 22 (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star. AN interesting game of rugger was played between the Sultan Abdul Hamid College and Mr Lancaster's tram resulting in the foimer winning by 11 points (one goal and two tries to 6 points (two tries). Mr. Lancaster's XV was composed mainly
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  • 820 22 SPORTS DANCES AT HIGHLAND GATHERING LEAVING the Highland Gathering at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday evening after the massed bands of three Highland Regiments had thrilled the larce crowd with their beating Retreat, one took away a vivid impression of Highland contests, games and dances seen against a background of a
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  • 216 22 (From Our Own Correapond^nt I Johorc Bahru. Saturday. "TllE R.A.F. Blues teat Johore by eight points (one goal, one penalty goal» to three points (one try) in a mediocre rugby game played at the Johore Civil Service Club to-day. The slippery ball following rain
    216 words
  • 221 22 (Ftcm Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. IN a rousing game of rugby played on the Malacca padang to-day Negn Sembilan beat Malacca-Johore by 14 points <one goal, one try and two penalty goals) to three points (one penalty goal) It was the forwards' day. Both sets
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  • 231 22 ON a rain-sodden ground with players slipping and slithering m their vain efforts to keep their feet and i where a ball invariably stuck in the mud, the Hornets beat Fort Canning |by three goals to two in a hockey i match played at
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  • 171 22 (From Our Own Correspondent. Segamat. TWO interesting hockey matches are to be played this week and good keen hockey should be provided, on Monday, the Europeans turn out for their third came of the year when they meet the Ssgamat Malays. Both teams cught to
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 22 MISS N. GUNERATNE well-known Kuala Lumpur sportswoman. Captain of Postal linion hockey team, 1940.
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  • 58 22 THE Royal Air Fore?, the Bues, will mzet the Royal Australian Air Force, the R-ds, in a friendly rugger match at Jalan Besar s(ad*um on Wednesday. The gam? will, most probably, be p!\vrd in aid of the snort* funds of the two units,
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  • 424 22 (From Our Own Correspondeii: > Muar. I OEVERAL interesting hockey matcnes 3 were played durir.g the week. By beating the Batu Pahat Government English School by on* 1 goal to nil in their annual int?r-s?hool encounter, the Muar Government English Schooi became the school champions of North Johore.
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  • 120 22 fFrom Our Own Correspondent* Maiacca. Saturday. I^ALACCA selectors have not yet chosen th? team to meet Singapore at Malacca in Malacca's first State hockey fixture on Dec 21 A further trial will be held on tht Malacca Club Padan* on Thursday, the sides beingC lours: Wee
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  • 142 22 THE S.CC. played fine hockey to beat the Punjab Regiment by two goals to nil on the padang yesterday. Hewan was an acquisition to the S.CC. and notched a fine goal. In spite of playing with ten men for ten minutes, the Club were superior and in
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  • 419 22 Perak Beat Singapore At Hockey (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. IN the finest hockey game seen in Kuala Lumpur this season PeraU heat Singapore by two goals to nil on the Victoria Institution ground, both goals being srored in the second half. Singapore played very well but the
    419 words
  • 217 22 DESPITE the fact that throughout the game they were a man short, the Post Office put up a magnincent dlsp'.ay in a hockey match at S?rangoan yesterday, when ihey heJd a Bntis'i Army team to a jne-all draw Full credit for their fin? ihow
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  • 269 22 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segatnat. EXCITING hockey was seen when the Europekns met the Casuals on the Government English School padang and went down by one goal to four. The Casuals, though winning by such a margin, did not have things their own way and had
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  • 89 22 (From Our Own Correspondent) Temerloh, Saturday. OWING to the recent F.M.S. Volunteer training, the annual Temerloh district soccer league only makes a start to-day. This year the competition Is on the Knock-out system. This arrangement was arrived at owing to the few teams competing The Cup was presented
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 460 22 f% H•* v LJ j| C nAOofrlE ...Dumb friend If he could talk he couldn't say Thank you more eloquently. He'll wag bis tail right off if he's not careful. He may not know it, but Spratt's contain the correct proportion of meat, thoroughly cooked and easily digestible. There's no
      460 words

  • 321 23 Selangor Race Weights (From Our Own Correspondert) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. WEIGHTS for the first day of the Selangor Turf Club's wirter meeting which begins next Saturday were issued to-day as follows Horses, Class 2, Div. 1, 6 furlongs. Sonny 9. 00 Viola II 8.04 Scofflaw 8 08 Servus 8 02
    321 words
  • 110 23 Horses, C'ass 4, Mile and fur. Constant Light 900 Tin Poclaet 8.01 Blndanglaja 8.13 Time Tell*, 8.01 Carrotop 8.05 Silverlaw 8.00 Dancing Foam 8.02 Pay Out 7.13 Amendments to tie schedule of racing are as follows Horse class 2, first run, mile and a furlong, div-sion
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  • 211 23 »THE foUowlng an V.M.C.A. hockey teams this week Against Police it Thomson Rot-.d at 5.10 p.m. to-morrow Monday > V. N. PUlay; Lee Fong lim, V. Xavler; R. T. L. Pleminjr, O. L. Day. Ooh Chin Chye; Low Huck Yang. Gan Kee Thm, I. B. Surata. A. C.
    211 words
  • 396 23 McConechy Cup WonByP.W.D. Of Segamat (From Our Own Correspondent) Segsunat, Saturday. IN one of the most exciting games seen on the local padang, the Segamat P.W.D. won the McConechv Cup beating Johore Bahru in the finals to-day by the odd goal in thrre. There was a large crowd which included
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  • 119 23 KEE SOON BEE, the Penang star, now with the Singapore Police, yesterday created a new record for the men's 120 yards back stroke, clocking at 88 3/5 sec. (90 3/5 sec. old time* at the V.M.C.A. pool. Kee Soon Bse will be remembered for his remarkable performances
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  • 23 23 The hockey match between the Y.M.CA. and the Dutch Club, to have been played en tne Y.M.C-A. ground yesterday, was cancelled.
    23 words
  • 112 23 "TO-DAY'S soccer match at th« stadium in Anson Road, is be' tween the K.A.F. and the Singapore Civilians, arranged f< the Royal Air Force Benevolent und The Airmen have been beaten by Singapore in the Malaya Cup competition. To-day the Airmen have an opportunity of
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  • 96 23 f*HE United Family BP. beat the 1 Junior Civil Service Association at the Clerical Union Hall yesterday in the open inter-club badminton championship. Results, (United Family first) Benjamin Heng beat Ng Liang Chilian 15 10, 15—3; Heng Slak Quee beat Quek Song Quee 15 12, 7—15. 14—14 (3—0)
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  • 236 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat ANOTHER final in the Batu Pahat lawn tennis tournament was completed last week when Khoo Ah Tong and Quek Beng Chew beat Edin Haji Oahlan and Mentol Basir, 3 6, 6 l, 6—4. in tha junior doubles final. The winners were
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  • 73 23 UARD-HITTING Ah Kcw and Baby Chocolate are the main attraction in promoter C. B. Tan's boxing card arranged for next Friday at the Happy World stadium. This is the second time the pair have been matched f'nocolate won a disputed decision some months ago and the Chinese has
    73 words
  • 86 23 •*pHE following were tha two best 1 cards returned in the Keppel Oolf Club House Spoon for November: Mrs. A. M. Low 38 +34+ 37 109; Mrs. E. A. Elder 39+43+34=116. The following were the scores returned In the November women's fcursome: Mrs. E. A. Elder and
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 195 23 PROSTRATE for a whole day with OV GASTMC PAINS For over 20 long years, Miss B. C. > c r yvai traoblt is— lndihad suffered with a gaslric pcstlon, Wind, Flatulence, Biliousstomach. Her trouble was a ness, even the more serious tragedy, a handicap in work and Gastric Ulcer. remember
      195 words
    • 378 23 Why are I^^^K DOG LOVERS so^^^ Your dog is entirely dependent on you tor Ml aJUSSmSJZ health and happiness. Remember that his un- bloodstream, »nd as his skin natural life in a hot climate makes blood correctives u*i no pores, he cannot g« essential. That's why you should give him
      378 words

  • 1016 24 Believed Operating In Pacific And Indian Oceans SEETEUFEL CRUISE RECALLED POUNT Felix von Luckner. German commerce raider in the last war, is reliably reported to be again directing scattered German raider forces in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Von Luckner, says the American
    1,016 words
  • 124 24 QOOD girl or bad girl it's all in the day's work for blue-eyed Ona Mujisoii. Ona's career in Hollywood was continuing steadily if not spectacularly, when she was given the part of Belle Watling, the bad girl in "Gone With The Wind." That portrayal made Ona's
    124 words
  • 157 24 ONE of the things that has impressed the cities of the three Baltic Republics now incorporated in the Soviet Union is the neat appearance of the Soviet women sohT.ers. These women soldiers wear the same uniform as the men, though they are allowed
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  • 63 24 \7I( F-ADMIRAL 11. Ferwerda, Commander-in-chief of the Netherlands Indies Navy, has announced that enlargement of the Sourabaya Naval Base is progressing and when complete it will be large enough to accommodate capital ships. Recalling that the Dutch Navy does not possess ships larger than cruisers. Japanese
    63 words
  • 121 24 1,745 Planes From Los Angeles For Great Britain SO far Los Angeles aircraft factories have sent 1,745 planes 945 of them bombers to Great Britain. One hundred bombers have been sent to Australia. The British figures include 589 Hudson bombers and 286 Douglas bombers. All factories report considerable speeding up
    121 words
  • 54 24 Tokio. M /*OLDEN Bat" cigarettes, the popular brand first marketed 30 years ago by the Japanese affiliated BritishAmerican Tobacco Company, will disappear this month as the Tobacco Monopoly Bureau has decided to rename them "Kinshi,' or "Golden Kite." Another popular brand, "Cherry," will in future be known by
    54 words
  • 30 24 With the Italian fleet spending so me h time in port these men of a British warship have time to bathe in the warm Mediterranean waters.
    30 words
  • 339 24 Washington, Not. 10. IV/IR- James R. Young, for many years a news correspondent in Tokio who was detained in a Japanese ftaol for 61 days for sending news to America which did not meet with the approval of the Japanese army, spoke bluntly about
    339 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 67 24 \^>^" ,>*•*/ "V-" 5 Ennui's rwi st A SENSATIONAL I NEW TYRE I CHAMPION Aj( Amazing New Non-Skid Tread New Type Stronger Cord Body Longer Mileage Greater Safety ANOTHER Firestone triumph— the new Firrttoae Champion! A revolutionary new tyre with Mounding performance record* for long mileage, nonikid fitted with a
      67 words
    • 341 24 SEE OUR BARGAIN COUNTERS DISCOUNT OF 35"t TO 60', ARE BEING OFFERED Phone 7144 31-33 High St. 21^ Accurate jra Reliable Modern XIMAS CARDS Wholesale and Retail. Best selection in town. X_LM_A_S TOYS Honey, Panda, 80-80, Polar and other BEARS. Cats, Doers, Rabbits, Chicks, Ducks, Jesters, Sailors, etc. COMPLETELY BRITISH
      341 words