The Straits Times, 22 September 1940

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES ,T/ffi LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA pjf^^L EDITION No. 457 Sunday, Sept. 22, 1940 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 457 Sunday, Sept. 22, 1940 Price 10 Cents.
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  • 878 1 ADMIRAL DECOUX STANDS FIRM Refuses Entire To kio- Vichy Agreement CRITICAL STAGE AS JAPAN CLAIMS FREE HAND WHILE the situation in French Indo-China remains as con- fused as ever, owing to the rigid French censorship, it is clear in spite of reports to the effect that the Japanese demands have
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  • 873 1 OiriOURS and opinionsexpert and not-so-expert in the subject of the invasion ft Great Britain are pouring Into London from all quarters. 'We are naturally very interested in them," said the 8.8.C. announcer last night, "but we are sometimes sceptical
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  • 37 1 Men of the Australian Imperial Forces, who now stand alongside the Etnpire's forces in Egypt, ere ready to meat :he Italian invasion, which has been launched through the deszrt from Libya.
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  • 63 1 Tokio, Saturday. IT is disclosed to-day that Mr. V. Peters, a British subject, has been sentenced to eight years' penal servitude on a charge of espionage. Mr. Peters is a resident of Kobe. II- was arrested on January 17. Sentence was passed yesterday by a
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 79 1 London, Saturday. THE extent of America's war help for Great is shown by a statement issued by the British Purchasing Commission in the United States. It Is revealed that the Commission has ordered £500,000,000 worth of war materials from the United States since the
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  • 219 1 'Hundreds Of Dutchmen Interned In Germany Berlin, Saturday. "IN view of the maltreatment of German nationals in Netherlands India, it is slated in competent quarters here that the German authorities are compelled to take the appropriate counter measures," says the German news agency. The agency adds that the authorities in
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  • 38 1 Lcrdon, Saturday. Mr. T. H. Hewlett (Conservative) was returned unopposed for the Exchange division of Manchester in succession to the late Mr. P. T. Eckerslev who was killed on active servle? with the Fleet Air Arm.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 11 1 TAI HENG CO. Jailors «g^ Coleman St., Singapore. Phsnc. 3375. J^
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    • 147 1 for SILKS of all kinds MOT CHOTIRMALL'S LADIES DKESS-MAKLRSi i\Mon 5™ AU' JEB-"~'| J x'/^h For break In a pleasant evening's ftpT: i jfin &i entertainment or when the thirsty Sts* /v* I traveller steps up to the world-famous *«x J*^*/l/l ij/j/Ol I Singapore Airport Bar immediately you are greeted
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  • 854 2 Citizens Find Time To Make Capital Look Quite Tidy 'DAMAGE NOT SO BAD AS EXPECTED' London, Saturday. QNLY one or two raiders appeared to have shown their noses over the southeast coast this morning, and at least one of them did not get back. It
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  • 37 2 These Pilots Shot Down Five Nazis Damaged Seven Some of the pilots of tioo Hurricane formations of the Royal Air Force Fighter Command, who met 17 enemy aircraft and shot doum five. They seriously damaged another seven.
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  • 262 2 Alexandria, Saturday. A NAVAL officer who took part in the British bombard- ment of Sidi Barrani and Sollum on Tuesday night to-day gave Reuter's special correspondent a graphic description of this flank attack on the invading forces of Marshal Graziani, who commands the Italian
    Reuter  -  262 words
  • 87 2 London. Sept 21. THE Speaker of the Northern Ireland Parliament has ser.t to the British Air MUiister. Sir Archibald Sinclair, congratulations oil the work cf the R.A.P. at the iinnr.lnc.w request of the members. Sir Ar-hibald replied: 'The tribute of the House
    British Wireless  -  87 words
  • 122 2 London, Saturday. AN indication of the state of affairs in the English Channel is contained In a rcDort of a London correspond- ent cabled to-day to his paper In America. The report was of a trip he had made with a British convoy through the Straits
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  • 65 2 Simla, Saturday. THE Hurricane Fund of "iyderabad 1 State, which has already remitted £100,000 to the Air Ministry for the purchase of fighter aircraft, to-day remitted a further £40,000. The Assam war fund has sent 1,000 to the Lord Mayor's fund for l
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  • 38 2 New Delhi. Saturday. •"■"•HE Government of India is to in- vestlgate the possibility of manufacturing parachutes in India. An inquiry is being matte to find out whit materials .and facilities are available.
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  • 220 2 Cairo, Saturday. UO decision regarding Egypt's att!- tude towards the incursion tf Italian troops Is expected from the Cabinet for some days. According to the newspaper Al Balagh, there are two schools of thought on the Italian move. The first holds that this cannot
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • 120 2 London, Saturday. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT made another attack on the Nazi dictator when he spoke in Philadelphia last night. He said that this was a strange period of relapse Li the history of world civilization. In some lands,- It had become the custom to burn the books
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  • 102 2 London, Saturday. KMR Attlee said in a broadcast to-night that the workers and civilians of Great Britain had refused to be intimidated by the ahwar. He warned the people that they might have to endure worse things. There was no room for easy optimism. At the same time,
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  • 118 2 Shanghai, Saturday. COMMENTING on the Shanghai situation, the American-owned Shanghai Evening Post declares llir> t the Japanese can assert the right to help the U.S. Marines to defend the International Settlement, challenge the Marines' claim to the British defence sector and do lots of
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  • 277 2 "Still Living Metropolis London, Saturday. •"TMK London correspondent of the 1 Chicago Dally News to-day cabled a report to his paper saying that London is still a living metropolis with all the essential services functioning. Fantastic reports of the breakdown of these utilities must have been of Nazi origin, he
    British Wireless  -  277 words
  • 239 2 London, Saturday. ""THE Royal Air Force made farther heavy attacks on German military objectives last night. Bremen radio this morning admitted that a group of British planes succeeded in entering central Germany. The report stated that the British planes encountered a strong
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  • 88 2 Oiie of the youngest Hardens in Britain, 18-year-old Donald Louis Jones, cf a toicn in Kciv has been awarded the Officership of the Order of the British Empire Civil Dinision). For four hours- -while 'he rescue squad st-ove to release f h--^i he sheltered with his
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  • 70 2 Time Bombs Task For Nazi Pilots (From Our Own Correspcp t'.rnt) London, Saturday I OKD Marchwood of Fenailf, in a letter to the newspapers, suggests that captured German airmen should be given the task of digging out tim? bombs, since "it is right and proper to transfer the hideous risk
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  • 182 2 BULGARIANS MARCH INTO THE DOBRUJA Sofia, B) AT 9 a.m. this morning Bui troops marched into and occupied the .southern Dobruja In accordance with the agreement with Rumania A commun ('!!■> broad by the Bulgarian ccmmancL-r m the ere of the advance f ays that bs.'ore withdrawing „h;; Rumanian frontier
    Reuter  -  182 words
  • 106 2 London, Saturday. MR. Robert Boolhby, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, in a speech at Manchester replied to a demand for sterner bombIng of Berlin as a reprisal for tha attacks on London. He said: "The Nazis do not care a damn for
    British Wireless  -  106 words
  • 42 2 Professor \jez\\ Roth, who holds th« Chair of Philosophy at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, has been elected Rector of the university for two years In succession to Professor Frnonke). Professor Roth was formerly Lecturer in Philosophy at Manchester
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  • 25 2 London. Saturday. An anti-Nazi drive has begun tn Uruguay. Three Germans have been charged with anti-Uruguayan activities, and eight more have been arrested.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 283 2 \eQv ruins JjEk YOUR LUNGS! '^^^B i H A couxh NOW means more serious trouble later B unless you take care How can you face the BlL^ ..ijjfi winter with your chest and lungu already weak- 4q W^p cned by that constant cough, cough, cough Stop that COUGHING AT ONCE
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  • 306 3 Regularity Of Supplies Impresses Neutrals London, Saturday. DISIXG after a night riis- turbed by the almost continuous roar of anti-aircraft barrage, punctuated by the occasional crump of nearby enemy bombs, the average Londoner finds timely reassurance in the regular appearance of milk at his
    British Wireless  -  306 words
  • 122 3 BRITON NAZI SHARE RESCUE BOAT London, Saturday. A HURRICANE squadron pilot officer and a German sub-lieutenant, who shot each other down off the Thames estuary, shared the same rescue boat. During an attack on 50 enemy aircraft, the pilot officer shot down two Messerschmitt 110 fighter-bombers. One of them hit
    British Wireless  -  122 words
  • 56 3 Washington. Saturday EGISLATION for expanding the Re- construction Finance. Corporation's Borrowing powers by $1,500,000,000 has been passed by the Senate and sent to the V-hm« House for sUnatu-e. This 'egiylatlcn paves the way for loans by the Fxrort and Ini;)..-: Bank to
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 148 3 Cairo, Saturday. A FORMATION of R.A.F. bomb<>rs, flying through a heavy antinircruft barrage, successfully attacked shipping in Benghazi (Libya) I harlM)ur, states an R.A.F. communique, which adds that three largo ships were seen to be on fire as a result of the
    Reuter  -  148 words
  • 141 3 London, Sept. 21. A MESSAGE from Aden describing the air raid by a single Italian aircraft In the early hours of Thursday says that four bombs we., dropped. There were no casualties and damage, which was slight, was caused to only one building. In a
    British Wireless  -  141 words
  • 72 3 Chungking, Saturday. T*HE ports of free China continued to shnw an excess of exports over imports Ivrinc the fitst seven ninth* cf the y«^ar. An expart surplus of $109,710,000 for the ports of Nlngpo. Wencnow. Santuao, Wuchow, Luichow and Mengtze was shown as ?galnst
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 108 3 Bucharest, Saturday. VIOLENT attacks in the Rumanian press alleging Hungarian brutality in occupied Transylvania are understood to have been published with Axis permission after being withheld for three days. It is stated In some quarters that the campaign may precede a demand for a rectification
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 49 3 Hong Kong, Saturday. rIE authoritirs are studying the problem of providing air raid shelters for the Chinese masses crowding the tenem-nts of the is'and and A plan has been prepared for cht'tering 500.000 at a cost of $1,500,000 Chinese currency. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 38 3 Air Vice Marshal Hassan' Abdul Wahcb Pasha, Director of the Royal Egyptian Air Force, greeting Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Longmore. Air Officer Commanding the R.A.F., Middle East, when Sir Arthur inspected an Egyptian squadron.
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  • 375 3 London. Saturday. THE story of the sinking of a German transport by the submarine Sturgeon was told by an officer of Sturgeon, who said they went up the Skaßgerak, got into position early on the morning; of Sept. 2, when it was
    Reuter  -  375 words
  • 103 3 London. Saturday. A RE TURN Issued by the Church of England Press Bureau shows that one army chaplain lias been killed in action r.nd another died of wounds, j while 33 are prisoners of war. Nine have been officially posi'^d as ir. Bilng and no
    British Wireless  -  103 words
  • 31 3 A London fireman with the new geared type of monitor, which is capable of discharging 800 gallons a minute at 100 pounds to the square inch, pump pressure.
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  • 229 3 London. Saturday. QN many occasions of late broadcasts from Zeesen and Rome have spread sensational and alarming reports about movements of Saudi Arabia troops on the Transjordan frontier and of imminent hostilities there. An official despatch from Transjordan, which throws light upon the
    British Wireless  -  229 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 299 3 Lnuto-tu/irJo f MAKe numv muuu DELICIOUS a/M/ays fresk I COOL MiAL i If you have not tried on? of our X*~^9lB^^. famous S.C.S. Pies you've missed a f /W^^^^f^^^ treat. They are really scrumptious \V» i because only the tenderest m?at, v 1^ iß^ A poultry and game are us?d
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 77 3 I milt I I t 1 JW Blondie "^> <* By Chic Young| iOw AOE yOu) JtiAGCX, ifl H //iw wuEsj rue^^J *^t C* *t*'' r wOOrt ■> f 1 gomg ■o ol'tsviajtt it H j mouse co^gs ou T K. IH^ r OA.b v »'g '-^c y-^-,"» catc* rue
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 205 4 OPENING TO-DAY (SUNDAY) 22ND e.i" AM 9.i5 31 p 5 M. ALHAMBRA Warn;r Bros. Action-Thriller, built with the same stirring action and excitement of "GOD'S COUNTRY THE WOMAN" and "VALLEY of the GIANTS" «■> v -*m --iatuea JOHN GLORIA PAYNE DICKSON "KING 0 LUMBERJACKS" It packs all the punch of
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    • 272 4 The BEST WAR-TIME LAUGH TONIC EVER PRESCRIBED 4 SHOWS TO-DAY 11 1.8.-3.15-6.15-9.15 CAPITOL Note: AT TO-DAY'S 11 a.m. and 3.15 Matinees the WAR COMEDY SKIT "YOU NAZTY SPY" (Peaturine "The 3 STOOGES") will be shown with "The DOCTOU TAKES A WIFE" RAY MILLAND r fresh from his triumphs in m>
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  • 558 5 BLOOD TRANSFUSION HAS SAVED THESE LIVES IN MALAYA Donors Patients Tell Their Stories THE growing support that the Blood Transfusion Service is getting from all communities is ample proof that its valuable work is appreciated. There are many people in Malaya to-day who would not 1 be alive if it
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  • 27 5 MORE. Ac London on the lHh instant William John More t Daddy > of Messrs. Thomas Firth 6c John Brown, Ltd. (By :ab!«v r.M.S. papers please copy.
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  • 188 5 New Restrictions On Cameras In Colony Waters NEW regulations placing restrictions on cameras on board ships in the Colony's territorial waters are announced in the Government Gazette. To form part of the Defence Regulations. 1939, they provide that safe custody" in respect of any camera on board a ship means
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  • 85 5 |\i|R Godfrey Eric Slddons, a special class clerk in the General Clerical Service, died yesterday morning in Tan Tock Seng Hospital. The Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, will hold an inquiry, it is understood. Mr. Siddcns worked for the oast 22 years
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  • 62 5 i From Our Own Corrc.:.:o:-.dent) Khuig. AT the last meeting of the Klang Rotary Club Mr. F. F. Cooray, of the Malay Mail. Kuala Lumpur, gave a talk on Nancy C. Astor, wife of Viscount Astor. the first American woman to enter the English Parliament, Mrs. Margaret
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  • 135 5 BAIL was opposed when Huron bin Hamid. a 39-year-old Malay, appeared before Mr. L. C. Goh, the fifth magistrate, yesterday, on a charge of housebreaking and an alternate charge of dishonestly retaining stolen property. Haron was alleged to have committing housebreaking and
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  • 121 5 THE Singapore Ratepayers' As- sociation has had a year of steady progress in its activities, states the annual report for 1910 of the Association. During the year the Association held one general and 12 committee meetings at which questions relating to the Commissioners' power of waiver
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  • 177 5 THE response by subscribers to the subscription concert at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Sept. 27 has been excellent and as announced in page 4 the subscription lists will close on Tuesday, Sept. 24. As there seems to be some doubt on the matter, intending subscribers
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  • 61 5 (From Our Own Correspondent"* Alor Star. THE bersanding ceremony was per--1 formed at the residence of Che Abdul Rahman, retired Chief Magistrate, Alor Star, when his daughter Che Kalsom was married to Che Halim. Assistant Offlcer-in-Charge of Detectives. Kedah. The ceremony was attended by the Regent of Kedah and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 373 5 JOHORE GOVERNMENT TENDERS TENDERS a:e invited for the supply of Beef, Mutton, firewood and Charcoal for the Government HospltaL at Johore Bahru, namely: General Ho.-.pical Johore Bahru. Mental and Leper Asylums, Johore Bahru, 3rd Mil.5 Hospital and Johore Military Forces Hospttal, Johore Bahru, lor the remaining period of 1940 i,le.
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    • 31 5 Mr. O. Ramasamy Nadar, who was recently made a Justice of the Peace, was entertained by the South Indian mercantile community at a tea party yesterday evening at the Cathay Cafe.
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    • 234 5 mo LflVAn P<UUT<R f There is something among the large range of Malayan pewterware suitable as a Gift for every occasion. Furthermore your own designs can be executed by skilled workmen. Visit our showroom or write for an Illustraied Catalogue. Genuine Malayan Peuter is only obtainable from MAYNARD CO., LTD.,
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  • 1566 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By TIIE Other Sparrow, a red and blue check apron round her waist, was bottling worms for the winter when The Sparrow hopped into her Nest. "Hullo, Sex Appeal," called The Sparrow. "Hullo, Sugar," The Other Sparrow called back, "what are you doing to
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  • 651 6 BOOKS Manual For Magistrates In Malaya A .Manual for Magh ates in Malaya. By J. Bernard Wei-... Lithographers limited (no indication as to price}. (Reviewed by D. G. Osborne Jones.) MR. Bernard Woi^s. the Johore Supreme Court Registrar, has. in this volume, compiled a remarkable store of valuable knowledge of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 468 6 ALL OUR YESTERDAYS Good party last night, wasn't it m disgustingly cheerful and bright this morning." Er yes I suppose so. Somehow I dont Jem to remember things very know. It must be ,cry «a»p«.,cUarly. Vve got a vague recolUction of A m f*«°« W med "V^ somebody wearing a
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    • 133 6 Never a party for me I WINK THATS .M BF /S/VT REALLY M W new you f^Kf 1 AS N CE AS 2 "^■^Eiß W") LUCKY eafl 1 H J^^^GIRL.JEAK^^NM j DID YOU HEAR THAT. BETTY? j Jk /DO LOOK QUITE NICE- I jß\ iaW BUT NO ONE EVER I■
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 391 6 CONTRACT BRIDGE rtE following hand," writes A. Cyril n., Tur PO1 TK AfP^ Daldy, of St. Loui,, "produced an m£/ ruuR AV^LO interesting end situation, a sort of was taken by my Jack. I finessed the hybrid combination cf a squeeze and j ac^ o j diamonds and East after
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  • 428 7 WILL BE PUBLISHED FIRST Perak Opposes Principle NO sitting of the joint S.S. and F.M.S. committee on income tax bills to be introduced in the Legislative and Federal Councils has been arranged yet, the Sunday Times understands. It has also not been decided yet
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  • 203 7 EX-SYCE GUILTY OF STEALING TYRE Fui: .steaiui a motor-car tyre from his employer, Ratilam, ai 24-year-old former syce employed by Lim Pong Hpn, one of Malaya's! leading racing motorists, was sentenced to on^ day's simple imprisonment and fined $30, or two weeks' rigorous imprisonment in the
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  • Article, Illustration
    1 7 BUSOHLINI/
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  • 258 7 from Our O*vn '.'orresp-;ndent > Muar, Saturday. ALLEGED to have Intimidated Yap Chooii Kin. a kcpala (headman) of a smoking house in Sungel Matl, so that he should get hi* Mnolilng coolies to strike, three Chines' rubber factory workers were to-day produce! before Mr. 8. A. Baker,
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  • 62 7 A 'THAI HALF-HOUR" will be a nightly feature of the Penan? broadcasting programmes from Monday, Sept. 23. The Penan? station will stay on th^ air each day an extra half-hour, from 9 to P. 30 p.m.. except Sundays to broadcast' a special Thai programme which will
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  • 63 7 PR leaping i.t a jtrin«sr cycling along Changi Road on the afternoon of Aug. 28. and striking at him with a hammer, which caught him a blow on th« arm, a 34-year-old Teoch?w was fined $40 or 40 days' rigorous imprisonment in the Singapore second
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  • 80 7 Th." Police Band will play on Tuesday at Farrer Park at 5.30 pjn.: March, Father Rhine (LJncke); Overture, The Secret Marriage (D. Clmarcsa*; Selection, The Mousme (Mon»*kton>; Vals?. Lustige Binder (Vollsted) Fcx-trot. Flretty (Horatio Nlcholls); Selection. Chu Chin Chow (Morton) and on Thusday at Telok Ayer at
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  • 235 7 <From Our Own Correspondent) Kuaia Lumpur, Saturday. LAI SAN WING and Mak Chenu. two young Chinese, were produced before Mr. W. J. Thorogood, the first magistrate, yesterday and charged being members of unlawful societies. San Wing was alleged to have been a member of the All-Trades
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 7 Sketch of the new India Ceylon Association building at Sefamat Work has begun and the building: should be ready for occupation next March. When completed it will be the first I.C. Association in Johore with a building of its own.
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  • 185 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. COR the defence of Johore, it is essential that we all must be fully trained and fit. The only way to get more efficiency Is to have this camp where intensive training can be done," said Tungku Mahkota,
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  • 29 7 BOOKING is proceeding apace for the two repeat performances of the Combined Services variety show "Footlights Parade" which are taking place cm Thursday and Saturday, Sept. 26 and 28.
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  • Article, Illustration
    124 7 V.ilay newspaper correspondents in Job or r State heW a "Majlis" at the Gubahan Stia Club, Mu.-ir. There present wer e: From Muar: Indie Kassan bin Ahmad; Inche K.irbin bin Haji Ahmad, Inche Abdnllah bin Sidefc. Inche Lone bin Idris, Inche Hassan bin Ahmad, Inche Kadi. bin Gewang, Inche Ahmad
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  • 102 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipob, Saturday. 'THE patriotic gesture of a young Ipoh Chinese hawker, who so far has contributed from his own pocket about $1,600 to the China Distress Fund, has won the admiration of the Chinese National Government. Seng, who is a familiar figure
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  • 99 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday. THROUGH the energetic efforts of 1 Inche Ahmad bin Haji Tahlr, Assistant Commissioner of Police, Muar, and Tuan Sheikh Abu Dakar bin Yahya, First Magistrate, Muar, The War Fund benefited to the extent of over $200. This was the
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  • 186 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. NEARLY two months ago a Malay named Arshad bin Norsan, said to be 107 years old, was found dead by a woman neighbour In a well near his house at 15,2 mile, Sungel Plong. He was a recluse,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 307 7 TRAVEL MADE HIM CONSTIPATED Salesman Says Kruschen Keeps Him "On His Toes" 1 am a commercial traveller." writes a correspondent, and due to endless travelling by train, I found that I became constipated. Kruschen is the only thing that will keep ma regular. I take a small dose on rising.
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    • 108 7 BOOK KEEPING CAN BE LEARNED AT HOVE A knowledge of Book-Uccping k Dota au assec to every commercial man, and a step along the path or promotion for every Junior. Equipped with the knowledge that qualifies you 10 prepar* or examine accounts with speed and accuracy, the conduct of a
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  • 2127 8 -By The Onlooker THE appointment of Dr. H. A. Tempany as Chief Agricultural Adviser to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, will be warmly welcomed in Malayan agricultural circles, where the services rendered by Dr. Tempany to this country are warmly appreciated. It was Dr. Tempav's
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 315 8 Gmohi U ASEPTIC OINTMENT The World's GREATEST HEALER G«rmo/*n« soothes it the first touch, ccm- menccs almost instantly v iJrL Ato K row new skin, unitea h tr| e broken tissue, dex>* M featsthedangerofgerm* /'cotn v*<^ infection I Its cooling without *tc*«J ouch on g ffEffiF"~'~^yi flatned spot is wondermmm
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  • 397 9 "Swings" His Needles To Radio Music All Work Sent To Patriotic Fund TWO months ago in Singapore, a Chinese woman and a man were playing badminton on the lawn when it suddenly began to rain. The woman said, "Let's stop and go inside," and
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  • 79 9 ALLEGED to have wilfully tresp.ijsed at Tanglin Barracks and to have bsen found in possession of seven packets of cigarettes which could reasonably have been suspected of being stolen or fraudulently obtained, Llm Sim Bock, a 17-year-old Hokkien, claimed trial when charged in the Singapore
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  • 25 9 A Chinese boy bicyclist was taken to hospital in an unconscious condition yesterday following a collision beiween his cycle and a motor-lorry at Circular Road.
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  • 66 9 These Things Make A Love Potion •THE ingredients of a "love potion" which has been analysed by the Institute for Medical Research, are revealed by Dr. A. Neave Kinjsbury, director of tie Institute, in his annual report for 1939. The love potion was found to be a mixture of chopped
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  • 162 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat. VHE annual conference of the Johore Teachers' Association will be held on Friday, Sept. 27. at Batu Pahat. It is expected that more than 140 members from all parts of the State will be present. It is understood that Mr. H.
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  • 24 9 An Indian Municipal labourer was taken to hospital yesterday after being stoned by Malays at the Junction of Meyer Road and Crescent Road, Katong.
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  • 287 9 ALL-COMMUNITIES FAIR OPENS IN MALACCA (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. «THIS fair is the result of the combined effort and wholehearted and harmonious co-opera-tion of members of the various communities making up our cosmopolitan population," said Mr. Xan Cheng Lock, chairman of < c organizing committee, at the open
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  • 153 9 i At The Cinema 1 RAMON Novarro. returns to the screen in The Sheik Steps Out," a fast moving romantic production which haa a midnight showing at the Alhambra cinema. His co-star this time is beautiful Lola Lane, of the three famous Lane sisters, who gives her usual
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  • 51 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday. PLEADING guilty to a charge of theft of a cycle lamp valued at $1, Si»!'m, a 16-year-old Malay, was to-day fined $14. wHh the alternative of 14 d:\ys' rigorous imprisonment, by Inche Haron bin Ahmad, the Muar
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  • 36 9 A Tamil mass meeting will be held at 3 p.m., to-day (Sunday) at the Happy World stadium, to celebrate the 62nd birthday of E. V. Ramasamy Periyar, under the chairmanship of Mr. 8. B. Adit an
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  • 27 9 A Chinese at work on the roof of a building in Sumbawa Road, yesterday, fell 20 feet to the ground, He was semi-conscious when taken to hospital.
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  • 71 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. A CABLE has been received by Mr. H. H. Ewens, Electrical Engineer, Kiang, saying that his eldest son, Russell Ewens, has completed his studies at Plymouth College, and has been accepted as a pilot in the Royal
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  • 54 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. A GENERAL meeting of the Malacca Planters* Association will be held at the Malacca Club next Sunday at 10.30 am. to consider the general position in regard to estate labour and its remuneration and to discuss the possibility of the growing
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  • 221 9 SETTLEMENT PROMISED (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. THE interim injunction granted against A.E.P. Kershaw, 1 former Chief Inspector of Mines, F.M.S., who was sentenced on Tuesday to two and a half years' simple imprisonment for accepting illegal gratifications, was cancelled to-day in
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  • 99 9 Singapore Japanese Released A FTER seven weeks detention by the Singapore police, Mr. slshiro Kobayashi, the manager of Eastern News, a Japanese news agency in Singapore, was released yesterday morning. Mr. Kobayashi was detained on Aug. 4. Seen yesterday soon after he arrived home, Mr. Kobayashi told a Sunday Times
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  • 57 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. Mr. W. J. Thorogood, First Magistrate, Kuala Lumpur, will be returning to Malacca in the course of the week to take up his former appointment as District Judge and Registrar. Mr. Llm Koon Teck, who has been District Judge and Registrar,
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  • 33 9 Injured in a collision between his motor-cycle and a motor-car in Selegie Road yesterday afternoon, a Eurasian was taken to the General Hospital with Injuries to his fingers and his left leg. I
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 186 9 %Z*J**£**M to remove the ~^~^^r cause of the trouble excess stomach acid Recent medical research and X-ray experiments proved that Bisu rated Magnesia contains the quickest-acting and most effective antacid and stomach correctives known to medical science. 'BintraUd' ttagtutia costs littlt from any jtj/fff^. good chemist or drug itorts; always
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  • 805 10 The Sunday Times Opinion War Economy EDITORIAL, MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE: Cecil Street, Singapore. III7E hear a great deal about economy these days. Everyone is urged to avoid all unnecessary expenditure and to save and lend every dollar and cent to the Government for the prosecution of the war. "Spend
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  • 563 10 A Voice From Eire Says The British Lion Is Now More Terrible Than In All History A FRIEND who served gallant- ly in the South African War and the last Great War. and is bullying all the authorities to let him serve in this one, has sent me a letter.
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  • 120 10 Tokio, Aug. 27. I*HE proposal of the Livestock Bureau of the Agricultural and Forestry Ministry to round up and slaughter stray dogs for the purpose of using their hides for shoes and leather, and their carcasses for fertilizer and animal fodder, has shocked the Tokio
    120 words
  • 69 10 An Anglo-Polish agreement was signed in August by the Premiers and Foreign Ministers of Great Britain and Poland. Here, going out into the garden at 10, Downing Street, after the signing of the agreement are Mr. Churchill and Gen. Sikorski (Polish Premier). Behind are M. Zaleski (Polish Foreign
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  • 122 10 London. Aug. 2(J. "THE Ear! of Guildford's son and daughter weie killed when they trod on a land mine on the southeast coast. They were Lord North. 38. h"ir to the earldom, and Lady Cynthia Williams, 31. Lady North was critically injured. The party
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 138 10 Mr. Can't: "Ah me, Can another sleepless night, I fear!" i^^^y^^jii 1 1 |> iii Mr» Can: "Well, take some Eao then well both sleep!" f~If you were a Mr. Can, insom- L < l er «nt nia would never trouble you. I ec^use: Tak» Eno's regularly. Eno'» £NO I
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  • 85 11 American Aid For Bombed Areas *T*WELYE mobile canteens to be used to rush hot food to bombed areas in Great Britain have been ordered by the American Ked Cross. Each canteen will comprise eight vehicles, and the total cost will be 65.000 dollars (£20.312). They will be purchased in England
    85 words
  • 107 11 New York, Aug. 25. PMOH ESS paintings, manuscripts, and books were destroyed when fire gutted the Californian Palace at the San Fran- is. i) International Exhibition. Ten firemen were injured. First editions by Mark. Twain and Robert Louis Stevenson were among the works destroyed. The
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  • 70 11 Manchester Plans To Become Fashion Centre London, Aug. 23. MANCHESTER hopes to replace Paris as thft world fashion centre for cottcn and rayon fabrics The dtj is to have a style and colour design centre costing £10,000 a year. Queen Elizabeth's dress designer. Norman Hartnell. arid other famous English fashion
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  • 48 11 Submarine Got Worst Of Duel Lisbon. Sept. 4. AN Italian submarine attacked the British vessel Avoccta (3442 tons) 200 miles from the Poriuguese coast on August 29. The Avoceta gave battle, and the first shell destroyed the periscope of the submarine, which submerged after the Avoceta's second shot.
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  • 47 11 To All Frenchmen: France has lost a battle But France has not lost the war So reads General de Gaul le's poster, seen being perused by a French soldier and sailor in London. These posters are on many hoardings all over Great Britain.
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  • 38 11 A number of purachutes were found last month throughout the British Isles, dropped from enemy aeroplanes in the hope of causing alarm. The picture shows officers in the Scottish Command examining one of the parachutes.
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  • 81 11 MR. Joseph Strong Frazer, late head of Frazer and Company (Cardiff), ships' store merchants, has remembered his staff in his will. All from office boys to managers —who have been with the firm for five years are to receive a year's pay. There are also
    81 words
  • 135 11 HITLER has taken to P«rlin Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting. Mona Lisa, at the 2 000-year-old Greek soulr'.ure. Winced Victory. The Mona Lira is described as the rmst haun' .ig portrait in the world and is priceless. Leonardo da Vinci spent four years continuously painting it,
    135 words
  • 146 11 London, Saturday. TTNDEIt a regulation made by the German authorities in Brussels. Belgians are forbidden to listen to British and other foreign radio broadcasts even when alone. Anyone caught infringing this regu lation will be liable to have his receiving set confiscated and may even
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  • 102 11 CRED Griffiths, last of the original Griffiths Brothers, who ran Pogo, famous comic "horse" of the musichall, has died at Herne Bay, He was 84. In 1927 he yielded up the front legs to his son, and the hind legs were taken over by Harry
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  • 63 11 New itork, Aug. 27. A L CAPONE, gangster and beer-baron of the "prohibition era, has been ordered to pay A. 83, 087 unpaid taxes for the years 1924 to 1929. Judgment for this amount was obtained in a Federal Court yesterday. Capone is
    63 words
  • 49 11 Maeterlinck Penniless UTHEN Maurice Maeterlinck, the Bel- glan poet and author of The Blue Bird," arrived in New York from Europe with Mme. Maeterlinck, his meagre luggage included a pair of blue birds. M. Maeterlinck, who is 77, said he was penniless and had lost all the Belgian possessions.
    49 words
  • 64 11 A WINNER of nearly every important wheat-growing rrize in the world is now a sappor in the Royal Canadian Engineers. He is Herman Trelle, of Wembley, Alberta, several times crowned Wheat and Oats KJng of the Chicago International Show. In 1933 the directors of the Chicago
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  • 330 11 Girl Aged 12 Has Baby Son JJAPHNE Kenny, 12-year-old Lismore girl, gave birth to a baby boy at St. Margaret's Hospital, Darlinghurst, reports the Sydney Daily Telegraph. The girl's father, John Francis Keith Kenny, 35, was sentenced to 2 2 years' hard labour at Lismore Quarter Sessions on May 2,
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  • 27 11 Mr. J. P. Bicknell, a Toronto mining magnate, has accepted an invitation from Lord Beaverbrook to Join the staff of the Ministry of Aircraft Production.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 160 11 rIRIUM FOR SPARKLING TEETHB^ f &&l foy to clean your teeth with Pepsodent containing P^W^P|||^l IRIUM. The minute it touches your teeth you have a delightful BL and lasting sensation of its invigorating, refreshing foam. And Hfe what a wholesome tingle of freshness it leaves behind it! But JkWi I
      160 words
    • 201 11 ANTI-GLARE "POLAROID" GLASSES Entirely Differ- 1 fiCCIPU Ins P cction and ent to previous FicW XXTVSCI 'UtolUPl Demonstration flat -type-lenses without EXCLUSIVELY AT ENGLISH fIH!JW9 EYESIGHT jlMiipil THE ARCADE SPECIALIST. I^J^m J-' 4"a». y relieves irritation and enables skin f *^+r t° heal quickly. C *-A "V I D cases
      201 words

  • 685 12 All Sections Quiet But Very Steady BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Singapore, Saturday. I*HE local share markets have con- tinued quiet but very steady throughout the past week. Most interest was centred on the tin share section and several counters here record sharp improvements. Hong
    685 words
  • 1317 12 SATURDAY, SEPT. 81, 1940: 1 P.M. mining Bu>rr» Seller* Ampat Tin (4s) 3s 3s 6d Austral Amal (5s) 5s 3d 5s 9d Austral Malay <£) 33s 6d 35s 6J Ayer Hit am (5s) 19s 20s Ayer Weng ($1) 1.05 1.10 Bangrln Tin <£) 1&>
    1,317 words
  • 63 12 Singapore, Sept. 21. noon. Buyers Sellers Gambler 7.75 Hamburg Cuba 513.00 Java Cube $1250 Fewer White Muntok $11.75 White $11.25 Black $6.25 Coord Mixed $2.25 Sun Dried $2.50 Saoo Flour No l Lingga $3,574 $3,574 Fair $2.70 Sarawak $2.65 Jelotono Palrmbang $19.00 Banta $18.00 San wak $19.00
    63 words
  • 86 12 Saturday, Sept. 21, noon, Buyen SeUen Prietm "Mcc» No. IX tf.S.S. (Spot loose) 37X 3756 No IX R.S.S r.*j. In caxca SepL-Oct idlers option 374 37% O.F.A.t). R.S.S t.o.b. In bale* Sept-Oct. sellers option 36 36)4 F..VO k.S.s t.o.b. id bale* Sept. Oct. Ullers option
    86 words
  • 304 12 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association. Books Companj Dividend Close TIM Austral Amai 3d Sept. 14 Burma Malay Is. No. 24 Sept 23 Mambeu Tin 13%% final Sept. 37 Puteh 12%% int. Sept. 23 Rawang Tinflelds 6cL Sept. 18 Renong Consol 6d. To. 31 Sept. 17
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 287 12 THE RULES OF HEALTH unless the bloodstream is purified of all poisons 21 R which collect through modern conditions of living |^|^gKr^^| you cannot expect to look or feel w.IL Andrews I^^H^^Bfl Liver Salt purifies the blood. i 1 Andrews gives you through and through Inner I /m. I Oanliness.
      287 words
    • 23 12 1 W'.^- a ft\\ Lime Juice Cordial, i^titij Grape Fruit Cordla^ Orange Squash' Ept W WHmJ PHASER 4 I "fAVE LTD. I m\
      23 words

  • 2117 13  -  R. H. Naylor By TO-DAY, SEPT. 22 For most of us: Bright, invigorating Hi' fluences prevail; get out of doors if you can. Indoors, arrange family re-unions. For luck to-day wear or use: Cream, primrose, 1, yellow diamond. BIRTHDAY FORECAST THE stars— or rather the luminaries—
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 329 13 The Mm POLAROID Glasses Are Here j 6 Complete Replacements made free of charge if fading or discolouration occurs. Beware of Imitations THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4 Arcade Bldg. Steady Those SHAKY NERVES End Those SLEEPLESS NIGHTS Get Back VIGOUR VITALITY Life in the tropics places a great strain on many
      329 words
    • 295 13 The Ten thai never GROWS OlD! M mjtgT'— f Mm Swan Pens bought 10, 20 and more E/f m years ago are writing as well to-day M/r M as when they were bought JJfT^f "P VERY Swan h full of spcdaJ fearuir? which help to make it the world's best
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 500 13 THIS WEEK FOR YOU HER E. grouped according to romantic, you might take financial chance* Qet away icith them. Travel, tcrne, month of birth (irrespec- arrange details. tlve of year), b a statement JVhY (Jnne 22 _j uly 23 of probabilities to be expected Mid-week is the best time,
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  • 878 14 Groom Yourself For A New Role Max Factor's Advice HOLLYWOOD has on more than one occasion changed its mind about the type of roles which it deemed most suitable for its motion picture stars and players. For a long time Greta Garbo enacted practically nothing but tragic or semi-tragic roles.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 14 QVFR this white, red-spotted swim suit, goes a slender frock of the same material. It Is a pretty short-sleeved, princess style, and of the new brief, dress length.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 316 14 wsm^ the woman Jy£Sh who leads -^fl The Elizabeth Arden Salon W client is usually the woman W who leads wherever she goes. i\ i 1 She comes to Miss Arden bem I cause of her perfect underA^ I standing of the needs of modern J\ v %1 woman. SHE
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    • 438 14 WHY I USE THE NEW POUDRE TOMLON iji-J. It w air-floated so marvellously fine and light. It stays on for hours because of th« Mousse of Cream it contains. Knda all fear of shiny nose. I find its exquisite real flower perfum* so fresh and fragrant. Its fascinating shades are
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  • 343 15 Newest Lingerie Has A Tailored Appearance By Sunday Times London Woman Correspondent THE smartest lingerie of the moment has a tailored appearance, with no frills and furbelows to hinder the washing process. We have no time, just now, to waste at the ironing board. That does not mean, however, that
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  • 68 15 r\RESSING becomingly on little money means ringing the changes with a variety cf dress accessories. So, with light frocks try the effect of a shore necklace made from daisies. The flowers are never large and as heavy looking as a Hawaiian garland. Instead, they an; neatly made
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  • 51 15 OEPLICAS of anything vu can pick up on the beach have been adopted as trimmings for town clothes. Clips in the shape of Jeily fish are for your hair. Chunky coral bracelets have beachcomber associations. And there are snail shells to fasten sand coloured cardigans, frocks, blouses and
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  • 67 15 DASTEL blouses are taking the place of white blouses this season, because they remain fresh, several days after being washed and ironed. With black and navy blue pinafore frocks, pink cotton, shortsleeved, Peter Pan collared blouses look very dainty. Every shade of yellow muslin goes extraordinarily well with
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  • 40 15 WALLETS for holding identity card, driving license oi season ticket, purse and compact are made of the same fabric as one's suit. Some women have their initials fixed in one corner, while others prefer a regimental badge.
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  • 751 15 Exercises For A Young Baby To Give Him Vigour And Beauty WOW that the nicest baby in the world is six months' old it is time to begin to give him definite exercises if you want to ensure him growing into a strong vigorous and beautiful child. Since he was
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  • 72 15 FANCIFUL nightdresses are not nearly so popular these nights as are well-cut pyjamas. Materials which are adopted for them include fine delaines which are prettily coloured and very cosy to wear, fine delaines which are prettily with bubble spots in bright colours on a pale ground
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  • 42 15 MATTING is not by an means the rather dull affairs it used to be. It is now obtainable in all sorts of lovely colourings and patterns and makes an excellent floor covering if you want a hard-wearing, inexpensive one.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 417 15 I will say! "THIS BIOCEL SKIN FOOD IS MARVELLOUS? selected your.g anin.als. It goes down deep into th? skin ■nd supplies it with the very nourishment It needs to make it firm, f rcoh and young, it was discovered by a great University Professor. Tt is now combined mitlj Creme
      417 words
    • 487 15 USE THIS **glifjCj£ i f^AP .#tf'i f»« i «>f t I ll iH^ 3fP” lftnd'tfi 'it) 'Cuticura is a MEDICINAL and\ TOILET soap, combining in one N^ bis tablet the unique soothing, healing and antiseptic medica- f Ovw N^^^^ ments of Cuticura Ointment, th V* kin Jr with the mildest
      487 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 380 16 (You too can have Husky) New Strength, Calm Nerves < J and New Found Energy.. l US A I bß^^ 1 W ft bP^^^^^^H BBSV4fc ft «B*'^ K BBfr Thousands of Thin, Weak, Ailing, Nervous Men v Women, Once Discouraged, Say VIKELP" Tablets Brought These Results* Where All Else Failed!
      380 words
    • 329 16 Ba*fc EVEREADr v tenTf^ BATTERIES K*~2S£sSp-- ensure economy 1 is simp I if. I fine with C SAUCE > nth, meat, WSj^^i curries, chec3;, H.P. te^j^ Sauce is simply deli- C^J^ri cious. Blended from gßjoft%^ choice fruit and //Q^^kS^^^\ spices, it is an enioy- K^^J WT. y^\ able aid
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1065 16 Wireless Programmes TODAY SINGAPORE ZHL 4.33 met t22Sm.| ZHP A.B» met 3U.9Km-> 643 am. Muslcf: 6.50 ajn. News. Relayed from London; 7.05 ajn. News In French. Relay <d from London; 7.20 a.m. Close down. 11.00 ajn. Military band music played by the Grand Massed Brass Bands?; 11.15 p.m Concert by
      1,065 words
    • 356 16 PENANG ZtlJ 6.08 me* (19 30m. 6.45 a.m. Opening record: 6.50 a.m. 8.8.C. full news bulletin (relayed) 7.10 a.m. Close down. 12.00 Noon Mid-day concert; 1.00 p.m. Close down. 8.00 p.m. Light classical music; 8.20 p.m. 8.8.C. full news fulletln (relayed); 8.50 p.m. Topical talk (relayed) 9.05 p.m. Close down.
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    • 863 16 NHKOM TUB 9.65 me;* (31.2* m.); TDA »0J mc< uy.b m.); PMN 10.26 uicls (£9.4 m.) kOI 11.8 b mcl« (23.3 VDC 316 mr 119 80 m.». 5.50 a.m. Time signal. Records: 620 a.m. News report; 6.35 ajn. Records (contd.): 6.50 a.m. Time signal. Records (contd.); 7.05 ajn. News
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  • 1008 17 Singapore Schoolboys Inter-Team Tournament Entries Withdrawn < By Our Badminton Correspondent) rTE eftcrts of the local governing body to further the Interests of the game of fcadmiriton among local schoolboys have been qu;te successful for the past few years, and the lntrr-team championship tournament rswlally held for them has all
    1,008 words
  • 332 17 iFvoni Our Own Consspcncieai; Johore Bahru, Saturday. A F .'nTURE of the matches played in the 1 Johore State badminton championships at the Aycr Molek Malay School courts yesterday was the Improvement shown by thr Malay competitors. Of the nine matches completed, the Malays won four. The
    332 words
  • 125 17 In r. badminton game at the Clerical Union j Hall the Prosperous B.P. lost to the N.A.A.F.I (RAF. Group; B.P. by three matches to four. Results (Prosperous first) Omar Bin Othiian beat Ong Bong Soo 15—4, 15—3 Tan Boon Ttong lost to Sim King Seng a —15. 2—15;
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 17 The Anstujnm Arabic Gambol Party, of Sbtgmpere: Slandinr, (left to right) X Haven Bacshir. S. Amir ben Slgir. 8. lUJab. 8. Omar Bagshir. S. Mohamad Abdat. S. Hussein Harharah, S. Ahmed Tamiml, Mohamcd bin Abdalrazak. Salch bin Mdahrhani, Said Abdat. S. A. Hadl Mhabshi. Seated (left to right): Moharoed Noor
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  • 261 17 PILAYXMQ at Hie Happy Wcrld Covered Stadium last Suncay. the All Blum B.P. lost to the Excise .Merits' Club by four frames to two. Results (All Blues plave-? first): Leo de Souza lout to Peh Teng Sier--4—15, 6—15; V. Dana ost to Chan Chim Bock 13—15. 19—15:
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  • 1282 17  -  "Doc." By •TTIE R.A.F. are to U. congnratulated A on winning the S.A.F.A. League, Division 1 by quite a comfortable margin; it looked at one time as if they had gone 'stale' at a critical moment, but after a temporary lapse they came back strongly and are
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  • 99 17 In a return friendly badminton match, the Excise Sports Club lost to the United Family Lads by four games to nil. Results (United Family first): Heng Benjamin beat Chan Chim Bock 15—S, 5—2; Heng Siak Kwee beat Peh Teng Siew 15—8.1111;5—11; Heng Swee Tee lost to
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 675 17 Here is sure way to CURE A LISTLESS DOG If your dog is listless, it proves that impure Maasai mm fMtk yi^orouk blood has lowered his vitality. To cleanse and healtb pUits refresh his blood, give him Bob Martin's *•«*••••<•» Condid^n Powders. In a very short time he'll c poim
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  • 259 18 (Fvom Our Own Correspondent) Batu pahat. AN interesting football match was sc^n here last week when the Segamat Police beat the Muar Police 2—l and qualified for the final of the Inter- circle football competition. The two teams had met twice previously, both games having ended
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 18 JIIVY (left) and R. A. PARTHAN. Both of Ipoh. Men's doubles lawn tennis champions of All-Malayan Indians. J. A. Thivy also holds the singles title.
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  • 252 18 C.S.C. 3; Khalsa Assn. 1 T*HE Ceylon Sports Club were easily the better team in a hockey match against the Khalsa Association on thfic ground yesterday. They scored three goals; Wey would have scored six If their finishing had not been erratic. Outstanding in the C.S.C. team
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  • 513 18 AFAR better cla^s of rugger for the b?ginnin? of any season was seen on the padang yesterday, when the S.C.C. held two trial games. There were many newcomers, among the most notable being Capt. P. Pender-Cudiip, and T. J. Buddie, a New Zealander who has played
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  • 202 18 TODAY'S match at the Anson Road stadium between Singapore and Selangor brings together two of the best civilian teams Malaya has haa for a number of years. Ever since the inception of the Malaya Cup competition 20 years ago, there has been very keen rivalry between the teams
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  • 92 18 The Sentul Young Men's Indian Association badminton doubles championship tournament resulted:—Narayanan and Raman beat Chacko and Anthony 15—10. 12—15. 15—1;. Ponniah and Govindarajalu bent Kuppu and Sathlappan 13—15, 15—0, 15—10, Manl and Govindasamy (senior) beat Do3s and Govindasamy (Junior) 15—4. SI—IS. 15—10: Sewell and Singh beat Krlshnan Gnanapragasam
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 18
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  • 886 18 Selangor And Combined Services Draw Selangor 3 Combined Services 3 A LAST-MINUTE goal saved ths Combined Services from defeat in the game against Selangor at the Anson Road stadium yesterday. The Services opened the scoring and scored again after Selangor had equalised. Fifteen minutes after the interval Selangor levelled the
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  • 332 18 STONOR SHIELD Y.M.C.A.Beat Indians To Enter Final (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. DEATING the Selangor Indians to- day by 40 runs, the V.M CA. aualifled to meet the S.C.RC. in *h<» final of the Stonor Slii?ld cricket com petition" The match began last Saturday, when the V.M.C.A. batting
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  • 219 18 (By Our Ptrak Badminton Correspondent). ARRANGEMENTS are being made for Selangor to play Perak at Ipoh In an Inter-State badminton fixture. The match will be played for The War Fund. WIN FOR FOONG SEONG B.P. THE Foong Seong B.P. of Ipoh engaged th* Kampar
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  • 96 18 SEPTEMBER EXTRA MEETING 1940. THURSDAY. 26TH SEPT. IS*4O SATURDAY, 28TH SEPT. 1940 Subscriptions for Visiting Members shall be:— MEN $5 LADIES W for the Meeting or wiy day thereof. VISITING MEMBERS must be Introduced ay Members and MUST AFPLY NOT LATER THAN 5 P.M. ON THE DAY
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 83 18 AUSTiniO The 10 H. P. 4-cylinder engine provides more than enough power for the large and roomy body. Powerful Girling Brakes give maximum safety under the most severe conditions. Long, wide lea* springs give the best possible riding comfort to all passengers. The Austin "10" is noted for its economy,
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 19 The Tamiliar.s Physical Culture Association "B cricket team of Ku '.la Lumpur, winners of the Navaratnam Shield, 1940.
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  • 386 19 (From Our Own Correspondent; Batu Pah&t. »THE second cycle race meeting In aid of The War Fund was held last week at Ba:u Pahat. Four teams, the Island Ramt-iers, the Chinese Combined, the Loyals Cycling Club and the Royal Enfleld team represented Singapore. The Island Ramblers were the
    386 words
  • Article, Illustration
    87 19 The Sin ?a pore Island Ramblers cycle team, the most successful in the' cycle race meeting held at Batu Pahat. This team secured first, seconl mid third places in the 30 miles road race, 5 milej track race and first in the relay race. They are (left to iisht) R.
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  • 379 19 ARRANGEMENTS are complete for a return contest between Atilio Sabatino and Young Frisco to be staged at the Happy World stadium next Friday. The match fills a popular demand, for followers of boxing have been wanting to see the two middlew eights rematched ever since Frisco
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  • 427 19 MUAR HORNETS' FIRST DEFEAT IN TWO YEARS (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday. PLAYING their first game of the season the Muar Hornets hockey team were surprisingly beaten by the Government English School by three goals to one In a friendly match played at the school padang. All the more
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  • 118 19 WITH two wins safely tricked under the belt by virtue of his outstanding performance in the recent AU-Star games, Johnnie George will attempt to make it three straight to-day for his own team (Loyals) in a regular league game against the American Association at Jalan Besar stadium. Outstanding
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  • 57 19 Khoo Ah Tong (smaller) and Qi-ek Bing Tang, two of the most successful competitors in the junior tennis competition of Batu Pahat. Both are finalists in the singles, and In the doubles final their opponents are Edin Haitian and Mentol Basir. They are also in
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  • 395 19 I*HE seventh S.C.R.C. open invitation lawn tennis tournament opened yesterday when 13 ties were played. Results were Junior singles: A.Q.B. Pakir beat H.L. Wee, 6—o, 6—l. Men's handicap singles: Y. P. Tan (scr.) beat Cheong Eng Han (plus IS), 6—2, 6—2; P. Tan (plus 15/ beat T.W. Ong
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  • 519 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. THOUGH only four matches remain to be played in the first division league competition and only one match in the second division, it will not be till after the Hart Raya that both competitions will be brought to a close. This is due to the
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 395 19 Malayan Rugby Union RUGBY FOOTBALL Book NOW and ensure a good Seat for the 1940-41 Season. 18 FIRST CLASS GAMES IN SINGAPORE. Season Tickets (iwMtag tax) $11.00 entitling the holder to a reserved seat for games on the Padang, Anson Road or Jalan Besar Stadium. Applications for Season Tickets to
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  • 382 20 DISTRUST BETWEEN HITLER STALIN Fortification Of All Strategic Points From The Balkans To The Baltic New York, Sept. 12. pEAK of growing Nazi power still influences Stalin in h.s nnves from the Balkans to Urn Kaltic. and German prec.tutons indicate that Hitler equally distrusts Stalin. German precautions against a thrust
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  • 33 20 London, Aug. 27. Hannah Gooderson. who was personal maid to Queen Victoria, died today at the age of 90. She was 50 y2?rs in the Royal service.
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  • 38 20 Gunners Soccer Between Raids Soccer whiles away the time as they wait to take another sock at Hitler's bombers for these men of an anti-aircraft post in England. The other picture shows them in action during a raid.
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  • 340 20 Evacuation Plan Criticized London, Sept. 8. IJNDER the heading Blunder Over Hong Kong" the Economist has published a report from its Hong Kong correspondent in which he says that the shock given to the economic- basis of Hong Kong by the loss of 4,000 European consumers
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  • 70 20 A GENERAL inspecting Home Guards asked an elderly man in the ranks his civilian occupation. The man replied M Nothing in particular, I've knocked around a good deal." The General moved on and commented to t h officer accompanying him: "That's a pleasantspoken man."
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  • 20 20 A special court at Posen, Germany, sentenced nine Poles to death for deeds committed during the Polish campaign last September."
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  • 102 20 With A German M.C. •T^HE Folies Bergere is to reopen soon in Paris, but under the latest regulations it must have a German niaster of ceremonies. Entertainment for Parisians is being provided at present by German band concerts. Shops and factories are slowly reopening, but officials
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  • 147 20 London, Sept. 19. A COURT-MARTIAL has severely reprimanded Major A. H. Wintle, of the Ist Royal Dragoon Guards, for having assaulted AirCommodore John Boyle. Several questions were recently asked in the House of Commons regarding Major Wlntle's detention in the Tower, where h? had two rooms and
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  • 124 20 DOLICE Constable Reginald Draper, is seen here being taken to Winchester Hospital, after he had been wounded during the 18 hour siege of an Alresford farm, Hampshire. The farm was defended by C6-year-old Raymond Warden, a bachelor farmer. Warden had been served with an
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 63 20 s**y y^^ tnmis riHCSt A SENSATIONAL NEW TYRE^T TtrestotK CHAMPION Amazing New Non-Skid Tread New Type Stronger Cord Body Longer Mileage Greater Safety ANOTHER Firestone triumph— the new Firestone Champion! A revolutionary new tyre with Mtoundinf performance record* for long mileage, non-»kld protection and high speed safety a marvel of
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