The Straits Times, 8 September 1940

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA p|NAL EDITION No. 455 Sunday, Sept. 8, 1940 Price 10 Cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 455 Sunday* Sept. 8, 1940 Price 10 Cents
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  • 886 1 Few Planes Through To Drop Bombs FIVE-STOREY BLOCK OF FLATS GETS A DIRECT HIT London, Saturday. 1 AST night enemy aircraft again made scattered raids over this country," states a joint communique by the Ministries of Air ?nd Home Security. It adds, The main attacks
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  • 45 1 SUNDERLAND aircraft, manned by members of the Royal Australian Air Force, daily operat on convoy and offensive patrols, c. h of 1,000 miles or more. This Su. derland flying boat is rather out of its element among the trees undergoing overhaul.
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  • 257 1 Cairo, Saturday. AN R.A.F. communique states that South African Air Force aircraft raided Berbera, in enemy-occup ed Somaliland, on Wednesday. Bombs were dropped on a wireless station and barracks. Hargeisa was also bombed and four Caoronis on the ground were damaged. R.A.F. bombers on Thursday
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  • 198 1 Syria To Be Weakened For Attack By Italy Cairo, Saturday. A REPRESENTATIVE of the German armistice commission in France is sb j-tly being sent to Syria to reinforce the Italian armistice commission, whose members have been in Beirut since August 28, It Is learned authoritatively here. Ostensibly the object of
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 76 1 Malta, Saturday. LARGE crowds gave a tumultuous wel- come to Important units of the Royal' Navy which arrived here shortly before Mr. Churchill's announcement In London on Th'irsday of the reinforcement of the British fleet In the eastern Mediterranean. The population gathered on the bastions
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 85 1 New York. Saturday. TPHE National Advisory Defence Cora- mission will shortly recommeni that President Roosevelt place a complete embargo on the export of steel scrap, according to a Nerv York Times report from Washington. The commission has decided that all steel scrap Is necessary
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 114 1 DESCRIBING German air attacks on England, the German official news agency says that well informed quarters have announced that these unceasing attacks on England's supply centres have resulted in a considerable reduction in the imports of essential goods." The German agency adds the information
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  • 431 1 Foreign Tributes To Calmness Of British Under Stress Of Air Raids London, Saturday. THE London correspondent of the Swiss newspaper Basler Nachrichten, in an article cabl- d to bis newspaper, says that the people of London have already thoroughly adapted themselves to day and night attacks. He writes I had
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  • 406 1 Chungking Ready For Invasion Of Yunnan Chungking:, Saturday. INFORMATION reaching Chinese military circles in Chungking indicates that the Japanese are planning to march troops across the border of Kwangsi into IndoChina via two points, reports Reuter. The Chinese are making necessary military preparations
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  • 76 1 Available For Other American Republics London, Saturday. I*HE naval and air bases which the United States has leased from Great Britain are to be made avatlab c for all the other A-icrican republics. This was announced in Washington this afi^rncon by Mr. Cordeil Hull Secretary of State, who
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  • 35 1 Montreal, Saturday. ANOTHER small party of children s?nt to Canada by th^ Children's Overseas Reception Board, has arrived and is reported well. The company cons'sted entirely oi children from Lancashire. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 13 1 TAI HENG CO. Tailors sp* Coleman St., flj Singapore. Phon*. 3375. j [jj-
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    • 193 1 LWEMS Crease-resisting WASHABLE buy during our Bargains. 70 cts. a yard. CHOTITfiMLL'S 1/ILVINATOR m m 26 Years of Success in .J|. Refrigeration Sli^^L That simple statement ib j "lifll!-^ Mji'S perhaps the .nost important i^ 'j/U*"'* h slngi. 1 fact iboul r""ll 3 KELVINATOR refrigerating I-. I 9^l n c
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  • 383 2 Failure Of Luftwaffe To Pave Way For Invasion R.A.F. RAIDS ON REICH ALSO CAUSE CONCERN Swedes Now Confident Allies Will Win 'PHE German leaders are anxious about the pre- sent developments in the war, according to reports brought to Cairo by a British traveller from the
    Reuter  -  383 words
  • 235 2 London, Saturday. -WITH a view to strengthening the government's action," Marshal Petain has reshuffled his cabinet and limited it to eight members, says a Vichy report. Gen. Weygand leaves the Ministry of National Defence and has been given the task of assuring the
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  • 23 2 M. Paul Morand, the Vichy Government's representative in London, photographed outside the French Embassy at Albert Gate, Knightsbridge.
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  • 51 2 Ottawa, Saturday. A British liner has arrived at a Canadian east port with additional British sailors for the United States destroyers transferred to Britain. Some of the destroyers have thready been on two-hour "exercises" from the harbour to acquaint the British sailors with them.
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 181 2 London, Saturday. GERMAN-CONTROLLED wireless stations have repeatedly announced that British planes have bo bed places in Holland which do not constitute military targets and consequently the civilian population has been harmed. Reuter learns from a Dutch source In London that careful
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  • 199 2 Shangnai, Saturday. IN an edit- rial cr. Hitler's Berlin 1 speech, the S no- American China Press declares It was like a ferocious Slad'aor who has met his com.. "After an easy triumph. Hitler shoo": his fist at his opponent and made threats o! nightly
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  • 144 2 New York, Saturday. CONCILIATION treaties between the United States and Australia. Canada and New Zealand for the advancement rt peace were signed to-day in the office of Mr. Cordcll Hull, U.S. Secretary of State. An Associated Press dispatch from Washington describes the signing of the
    Reuter  -  144 words
  • 168 2 London, Saturday. •yilK master of the Dutch motor vessel which f ought an epic engagement with Nazi bombers was rewarded by Queen Wilhelmina with an Order known as tbe MUitarie Wlllemsordre, which in the Netherlands is equivalent to the Victoria Cross. Other members of the
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  • 112 2 London, Saturday. SHIPPING claims involving millions of pounds sterling are said to depend upon a test action just decided In the High Court relating to British cargoes In German ships at the outbreak of war. Three ships were concerned. Including the Minden which left
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 40 2 Jersey militiamen, evacuated from the Channel Islands, are in training to do their bit to defend Britain's shores if called upon. Picture shows a Lewis gun team leaving their observation post to attack during an exercise
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  • 743 2 Gen. Antonescu Forms Temporary Government Bucharest, Saturday. THE latest information indicates that ex-King Carol, who abdicated in favour of his son yesterday, is on his way to Switzerland. There has been no disturbance in Bucharest since yesterday morning when two sentries posted before the
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  • 37 2 c:lub.<. a women's organisation, lias oresened tour ambtilanres' (o the Brltisi Government 'Of service in the Held Th was on behalf of ciubs in Great Britain Northern Ireland. Austraiia. New Zealani, and Canada.
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  • 132 2 London, Saturday. THE wife of Lance-Corporal Harry Nlcholls. V.C., Grenadier Guards. has raceived a telegram saying he is safe and a prisoner of war. Nicholls [a picture of whom appeared in last week's Sunday Times] was awarded the Victoria Cross for gallantry on May 22
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  • 67 2 Honolulu, Saturday COL. Frank Knox, Un ted States Navy Secretary, who is Joining trie UU fleet manoeuvres, arrived here to-day rrom San Francisco Col. Knox in an interview said it was his belief that big sh ns had saved Britr "i, and that her
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 37 2 Athens. Saturcay. GREECE'S grain crop Is estimated to be 30 per cent, below last year's. Gpnerally there has been a fal 1 in crops wi!h tho exception of cottcn, which is up to average.—Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 58 2 London, Aug. 18. COUR high-speed mystery 1 bombers, one with a fishlike back, were demonstrated at Tushino airport, Moscow, during Russia's annual air show. Two hundred trainer planes flew in formation at 350 miles an hour, and an 'air-train" of 27 gliders discharged a swarm of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 321 2 "V>^^X The Home /^rVrL 'Doctor J*P F &SoRES Healing— Soothing "THERE'S aUays danger of blood-poison when i«g«^^^B>P^^S' d cut or iore is left to get well on its own. tto*Tm^!2f~^y^\ So. heal up your injuries quickly and safely with lHl|Js^'"CiTwS Zam-Buk Ointment. Tne valuable herbal oils in ~-*M 'sr%s<Jt\ Zam-Buk
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  • 38 3 London, Saturday. pOMMENTING on the transfer of U.S. destroyers to Brita'n, the American Shanghai Evening Post says the action is taken for Anglo-American defence. It is a demonstration of democratic solidarity, creating a democratic 'axis'." Reutcr.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 478 3 Efficiency "Big Seven" ForTheArmy TWERE is to be a big clean-up A at the War Office. A committee of seven "Big Business" men and high Army officials, it is announced, will conduct it. It will be the job of these men to
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  • 22 3 Miss Jean Batten, the worldfamous New Zealand airwoman, is a member of the Ambulance Corp* in England.
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  • 188 3 London, Saturday. I ORD Beaverbrook, the Minister for Aircraft Production, announces that he has received a total of £4,081,103 from all sources for the purchase of aircraft. Of this sum £3,420,018 has been received from abroad. Lord Beaverbrook has sent an acknowledgment of the
    British Wireless  -  188 words
  • 34 3 'THE Bow Street magistrate A ruled recently that if a burglar switches on a light in a room where black-out precautions are not provided, the house-holder must be held responsible.
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  • 49 3 AFTER nearly three months' suspen- sion, horse-racing will be resumed In England on Sept. 14, when the Substitute St. Leger Stakes will be run at Newmarket. In the original schedule of race dates, the St. Leger was sst down for Sept. 8 at Doncaster, Yorkshire.
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  • 216 3 Demand Sack For "Silent Minnie" Men London, Aug. 2. *"T*HE authorities believe that any decayed diplomat .brought up in the tell the public nothing chool is a better judge of news information than mere journalists." Two leading London Journalists, R. J. Cruickshank, managing editor of the Star, and A. J.
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  • 180 3 ADOLF HITLER was in Paris recently for the first time in his life. He visited the city not as a conqueror that will doubtless come later but as a tourist. His first call was to Napoleon's tomb in the Invalides. Sandbars were removed so that the
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  • 43 3 Kobe, Saturday. IfOBE was rocked yesterday by the explos'on of an oil tank. Soreadinn flames caused repeated explosions, while a pall of smoke clouded the city. The damage and number of casualties is at present unknown. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 256 3 I TOE ATM C |J T 9 B UN LT BARLOW A CO., LTD. THE GLOBE TRADING j f W j CO., LTD. Singapore. I it. I |,i iwifc*ii>j= ENDED BY YEAST-VITE —Why continuo to be agonised by Terrible Headaches. Niggling Nerve Paina. Black Depression, and Heavy-Limbed Lassitude?- Why go
      256 words
    • 264 3 "how about f C^ f "a two pound Rabbit IJ\ S/? Rabbit is stew for \J I** \S y enough for dinner \Vy^ C four persons /~v A n |V\. J\\ y» "we've lots "a Rabbit XV /I o/good makes o CJ favoured delicious and JJ I v'y? Rabbits economics/
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 222 4 SEASON EXTENDED OWING TO SUCCESS! 4 SHOWS TO-DAY 11 A.M. 3,15 6.15- 9.15 Born to danc* and jK i 1^ 1111^"""^"™^^^^""' romance torn her AT TUP CAPITOL I ln the M L r %lrfl<&^ J l all che .nighty M-G»M musicals! lEm i^pdffliiil/f Mmeiodyß m^LoF 1940 /m U+&W MURPHY Frank
      222 words

  • 262 5 London, Aug. 24. AMONG the flashes of humour relieving the grim reality of the air raids is the story of an elderly woman in Sunderland, which is frequently bombed. She was found changing into her best dress when the siren sounded. Asked why
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  • 950 5  -  Nathaniel Gubbins 5v ANE of the secret longings of our innermost heart has been satisfied since we Joined the L.D.V.S. As a imall boy dreams of driving a railway engine 30 have we dreamed of stopping motor-cars. The policeman in us ha.s always longed to hold
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 610 5 Gtimo&m ASEPTIC OINTMeNT HEALED HER INJURED WRIST Read P^ <jM this Amazing Tribute JX>W "I am writing to exprest mr thanka for Five m»olhs sgo I badlf hurt my wrist In th« maitclc Tieatmfnt failtd to do me any g»od. l^ntKiidar I sent fora im of Gwioltf and attec five
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    • 281 5 f or moLflvnn PRIZES P<WT<R There is something; among the large Jft%|Al range of Malayan Pewtenvare suitable :^*'^jjn as a Gift for every occasion. Furthermore your own designs can be extcut- ■SBb^'^ ed by skilled workmen. Visit our show- room or write for an Illustrated ""^L J Catalogue. Genuine Malayan
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  • 1432 6  -  The Onlooker By IWIR. J. K. R. Leonard, of Ruthm ken Estate, Port Dickson, who spoke to*Seremban Rotarians recently on "Snakes," is a man of varied interests. Mr. Leonard is a proprietary planter and interests himself in flowers, fruit and snakes. Visitors to his estate have often
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  • 402 6  -  THE FOUR ACIiS By "THIS is one time second hand low proved fatal," writes Lewis Brant. of Franklinville, New York. South, Dealer North-South vulnerable SA Q J H J 10 4 D K J 7 4 CJ 7 5 5832.S K 10 9 7 H K 6 2
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 614 6 ach AnACK 7± 00 gaag?. -r: WEAKENSYOURLUNGS! %f^ .tSfvs Every time you cough you weaken delay, the sooner too tak« your lungs. Coughing is Nature's warn- Jp-WsT VENOSLightningCOUGHCI'RB ing that there is danger inside your the quicker it breathing passages. Every minute you will itop. _|l I A ,h delay
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  • 73 7 FOR service with xhe Royal Air Force, this £3,500 motorboat is being presented to Government by Mrs. Tan Soo Bin in memory of her husband, the late Mr. Tan Soo Bin. The motorboat is the "DingwaU 11 ichich was built some ytars ago by Thornycrofts. The
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  • 117 7 Netherlands Ban Lifted A BAN by the Netherlands (Government on Hollanders and Netherlands subject* joining the Volunteer forces in Malaya has been lifted, it is understood. Upon the outbreak of war, Hollanders who were Volunteers were called upon by their Government to resign as Holland
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  • 121 7 Brazil Maru Not To Call At Singapore THE 13,000-ton de luxe O.S.K. liner Brazil Maru which is well-known in Singapore, will take a new route to South America via the Panama Canal, instead at circumnavigating Africa when she leaves Kobe on Sept. 13. She will thus omit Singapore as a
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  • 111 7 Washington, Aug. 22. AUTHORITATIVE circles here to-day said the Manila-Java air line is m matter which is still under active consideration although there is little prospect of a favourable decision in the near future. The State Department has reiterated that there is nothing new the
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  • 92 7 SHOZO Kukubu. 50-year old Japanese dentist who was deported from Rang en. has arrived in Kobe. Kokubu was arrested on Aug. 2 by British military police under the command of a major who enters his home and searched it. Detained in the central prison Tor a
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  • 138 7 FOl'R Javanese cavalrymen are in Sydney as members of a mission buying horses for Netherlands Indies cavalry regiments. They belong to a crack Dutch regiment stationed at Bandoeng, near Sourabaya. Their uniforms, of sea-green drill hieh peaked cans with a cockade in Queen Wilhelmina's colours, and silver
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  • 129 7 ~^EWS has been received in Singa- pore of Mr. L. R. Dames, one time manager in Singapore of Malayan Tobacco Distributors, Ltd., who was in Belgium when the Germans invaded the country, and was thought to have been cut off from escape. Mr. Dames
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  • 107 7 IIfORRIED about the tragic happenings to T her family In China. Lee Tee, a 23--year-old Halnanese woman ended her life by taking caustic soda. Mr. W. Q. Porter, the Singaoore coroner, rame to this conclusion yesterday when he held an inquiry into the death of
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  • 86 7 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Penan?, Satuiocv. ABOUT IDO labourers and litters employed in two rubber factories in Penang hive sent their employers a petition asking for an Increase of ten per cent in their wages aid better working hours. The employers have been given
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  • 569 7 INDIAN COMMISSION AGENT'S OFFENCE PLEADING guilty in a case which was described as the first of Its kind, Nomanbhoy Abdeali, an Indian commission agent, was fined $30, or one month's imprisonment, in the Singapore criminal district court yesterday for sending out of
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  • 89 7 FIREWOOD CHARCOAL PRICES MAXIMUM prices for firewood and charcoal have been fixed hy the Food Controller for some long time past in Sinp.iporf* and Penar.g. Prices have unfortunately risen very considerably since the outbreak of '.var owir^g to a variety of causes says an official communique. The greater t>art of
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  • 32 7 The half-yearly general meeting of members of the Singapore Mercantile Co-opertlve Thrift and Loan Society, Ltd., will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 24, at the Co-operative Societies Department, Pullerton Building.
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  • 410 7 THROUGHOUT the BritL h Fm- pire to-day, "from the rising to the setting of the sun," special prayers of intercession are being said. A few weeks ago King George signified that it was his desire that the Sunday immediately after the first anniversary
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 472 7 THROUGH A rULILi B X) tf v fl* k»*"*}£i iSil The Great Eastern Life War Hill ept^S^iSr" 1\ Loan Policy is designed to tPavP0 %fA^ f PsS\ k e *P thcs<* who cannot MIS •tt.ui^^JSr^ afford to buy T or Loan ■ill jllgjjß Bonds outright no matter k° w s^
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  • 295 8 "Freedom Not Helped By Fighting" DECLARATION TO PERAK TRIBUNAL (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. THE cause of humanity, truth and freedom is not advanced by war. I refuse to glorify war. Humanity should live and not die for truth and decency," declared Mr. W. H. Watkins, of Tongkah Harbour
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  • 56 8 (From Our Own Corre&. Kuala Lumpur, l turday. A GOLD medal in appreciation of his services as organizer In Kuala Lumpur was presented to Mr. K. C George by the Bombay Life Assurance Co., Ltd. of Kuala Lumpur at a tea party to-day. Th 2 presentation was
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  • 1597 8 SINGAPORE RICE PURCHASERS MUST REGISTER SOON Details Of Scheme As Precautionary Measure 36 KATTIES A MONTH FOR EVERY MAN ALLOWED CINGAPORE rice consumers must after Sept. 16 next register with rice dealers. Registration will be free and each person will be given a red card on which will be recorded
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  • 162 8 rO of the best badminton players Malaya has produced. Mr. A. 3. Samuel and Mis.* Cecilia Elizabeth Chan, are to be married In Kuala Lumpu r on Wednesday. The marriage will be the culmination of a baannnton romance, which smarted at the 1940
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  • 132 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. AT the conclusion of an inquiry into the death of Ho Ah Sang, a 45-year-old Hainanese, who died as a result of a fall aboard a ship in Malacca waters on July 24, Mr. F. M. Smith, the Coroner, returned a
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  • 58 8 THE Singapore Station will to-mor-row at 8.05 p.m. broadcast a recital of Dutch national songs by the Singapore Dutch Choir. This choir was organized on the spur of the moment to sin? patriotic songs at a musical evening in aid of a well-known fund, and
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  • 69 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sercmban, Saturday. THE fourth annual general meeting of the Negri Sembilan Co-operative Stores, Ltd., will be held at Sercmban on Monday, Sept. 23, at 5 p.m. The committee's annual report states that the gross profit, was $5,981.04 while the nett profit was $2,824.88. Among
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  • 21 8 Mr. W. A. C. Haines Is expected to arrive In Sercmban shortly to assume duties as Chief Police Officer, Negrl Seremban.
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  • 132 8 THE CAPITOL «IJICK Carter, Master Detective," which had a midnight premiere at the Capitol cinema, is an pxcellent adventuie story, packed with thrills. Some scenes in the film are part cularly interesting, those scenes shot in aeroplane factories in the United States. How he foils sensational attempts
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  • 28 8 Mr. K. Vatthmnga Thavcr, the father of Mr. O. V. Thaver, president of the Negri Sembilan Indian Association, recently underwent a successful eye operation at the Seremban Hospital.
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  • 86 8 UR. LIM HIAN KEE, nephew of Mr and Mrs. Lim Kirn Tian. of Singapore, wai married to Miss Oay Beng Chin, alias Miss Oay Poh Chin, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oay Hock Seng, of Singapore, at the Kew Leong Tong, Cantonment Road, yesterday. The bride, who
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 220 8 J?U4f I an I AUSTin LORRY I BORNEO MOTORS I LIMITED 9fd oh Pimitwe4itiba! I W.P.S. 68A European residents In Eastern countries are. in lncrea-sin;, numbers, tending their children to Australia's splendid boarding jof^r^. schools. The advantages are obvious— invigorating ■V J climate, exceptionally favourable exchange, the British environment, the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 377 9 c_^4w exnre^ion (Pffßii ll\ii fir 1 IH linii IP 1 H\lil (if* fir 1 x of CONFIDENCE i —^Twt^s^^ m^^h^fj^k'**^ ...This is a facsimile of W^tMl (J y^^" jf the Cheque drawn by the '■vl^ (Jz OOQOOP'^r^ iiiiB y, e'e.g/ _J[ PRUDENTIAL ASSURANCE M'%^ ~Z% a 0^ 10 COMPANY LTD.,
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  • 1332 10 The Sunday Times Opinion EDITORIAL, MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE: Cecil Street, Singapore. Valedictory ■THIS article is in the nature of a valedictory message, for, by the time it appears in print the writer will have left Singapore to be training for active service overseas. It Is seldom that the personality
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  • 82 10 London. July 23. J MONO the asionUhing "pictures of life in Great Britain" given to the Germans by their oxon radio stations, one of the best was on July 10 when an alleged extract from Geneva newspapers teas relayed reporting from London that there had been a revolt
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  • 179 10 0 ye who fight for freedom's cause In age or youth or prime, Ye heirs of right, of honest laws. Ye almoners of time Ye sons of men of sturdy pride, Ye fathers of the race, Ye nations who in trust abide Where God has given place Lift
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  • 347 10 What Those Numbers Mean Y°U often read that a Heinkel 111 or a Messerschmitt 109 or 110 were shot down in the Battle of Britain. The average person knows vaguely that these numbers refer to types, cjad asks Does this mean that there are 110 different kinds of Messerschmitts The
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 615 10 Choose the tailor who has given complete satisfaction to his clients for over 20 years. Choose vl 3 We baTC wWe IMI ranee of rait lenrtht. Wain ShieU'a In Silk Ec 19 and Wool also juln mi Kit s SHARKSKIN in Various Colours. MIEN CHONG 34 Coleman St II Phone
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    • 121 10 Mr. Can't: "What I suffer from is lack of energy!" Mr* Can: "What you suffer from is lack of Enp! M mZNf% T Energy lor work and pl«y it k known only to kho«« in perfect c fitness. Take Eno't regularly. £NO f Eno's ensures that your system ltt v
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  • 269 11 INDIA is not only beenmint; a fllal arsenal of Empire, but, now that the war has moved to the Mediterranean, it is creating a great army to be flung into whatever sector is in need of troops. India is becoming a vast arsenal for supplying
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  • 53 11 French Brandy As Plane Fuel THE Germans In occupied France are reported to have seized huge stocks o.f brandy and cognac for conversion Into aircraft fuel. Rumours persist that the Germans have ordered many French vineyards to be destroyed. DOLMETSCH, £611 Arnold Dolmetsch, famous for his revival of old musical
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  • 37 11 MISS JOYCE PHILLIPS, here watching the march-past, presented new colours to the 174 th. Squadron Air Defence i det Corps, at Bellevue, Manchester, in memory or her late fiance, the famous Cobber Kain.
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  • 187 11 POUNDS CAN'T BUY INDIES PETROL Canberra, Aug. 22. TTHK Treasurer (Mr. Spender), declared to-day that although the Netherland Indies was now part of the sterling group, payment for its petrol imported into Australia had still to be made largely in non-sterling currency. "Mm reason for this is that the requirements
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  • 34 11 Steamer Sinks In Typhoon Manila, Aug. 22. THE Japanese steamer Nanyo Maru (3605 tons) sank in the recent typhoon around Manila, but no IKes were lost. The vessel was on a voyage to Formosa.
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  • 57 11 Mrs. Julia Ransome, widow, who has been arrested and charged with the murder of three women. The murdered women were found dead in a lonely cottage near Matfirld. Kent. The women were Mrs. Dorothy Saunders Fisher, aged 48; her daughter, Freda Ann Fisher, aged 20, and
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  • 231 11 Doctors Rebuked For Drug "Pot-Shots" FJOCTORS who make "pot- shot-in-the-dark" use of the powerful sulphanilamide div.?s are criticized in the Medical Journal, reports the Sydney Sunday Telegraph. Sulphanilamide has revolutionized treatment of pneumonia, meningitis, venereal disease, scarlet fever, septicaemia, and many other bacterial conditions In the past three years. "Honorary
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  • 112 11 Goering's New Uniform London, Aug. 22. MARSHAL Goering's new uniform outdoes in magnificent-* anything he has previously worn. It Includes a cloud-grey cape lavlsh'v trimmed In gold braid. His cap is decorated with an Air Force gold flying-eagle on the peak, a gold chin-strap, and gold laurel wreath. His baton,
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  • 72 11 As a token of thanks, men of His Majesty's forces who are slaying in a northern town in England are to five a concert at the local thea're to the householders with whom they are billeted. The officers of the regiment held an audition of the army
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 146 11 Danger signal for your teeth Your teeth may be strong and Start using Gibbs S.R. right white but if your toothbrush is away use it twice daily stained with blood the chances Gibbs S.R. contains Sodium are you'll soon lose those nice Ricinolcatc, which dentists use teeth. This stain is
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    • 95 11 m THE REASON Innumerable complaints arise from impurities /*%>|^^ in the blood, and so long as the impurities retfS/g main, permanent relief cannot be obtained. §L Clarke* Blood Mixture, by cleansing the Jg£Jgp£ blood, is InvaluabU in the treatment of ;*£s rheumatic complaints, lumbago, painful £g joints, neuritis, glandular swellings,
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    • 217 11 ANTI-GLARE "POLAROID" GLASSES Entirely Differ- nCOIPU Ins P ection «<* ent to previous HtW C XXTVBU 'UtolUll Demonstration flat -type-lenses without EXCLUSIVELY AT <UK ENGLISH flß^Rfffll: 14 EYESIGHT IffvflfffPfl THE ARCADE SPECIALIST. IiHWMEKJ TEL. 4088. i;x w:\ni ed &m^ AT 25f US IT S A SHAM£ 7 BUT SHE M
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  • 491 12 Industrials In Demanc With Scrip Shortage BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Singapore. Saturday. THE predominating feature of the markets during the past week has been the new War Loan issue. It is probable that at least $35,000,000 has been invested in the S.S. and F.M.S.
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  • 58 12 The Singapore Trac'iDn Company's returns for August show the tocal traffic to have been $239,000 an increase of $27,000 over the figures for the same mon.h last year. The aggregate for the eleven months of the financial year concluded show the traffic to have been $2 562.000, an increase of
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  • 9 12 Tin. 5132%. unchanged Rubber: 3794 cts., unchanged
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  • 121 12 Singapore, Sept. 7, noon. Buyers Sellers Gambler S 7.75 Hamburg Cube 513.00 Java Cube $1250 Pepper White Munlok $12.00 Whlta $11.50 Black 6.50 CoDra Mixed 52.09 Sun Dried $2.30 Saoo Flour No 1 Unßga $3 25 Fair $2.08',j Sarawak $2.90 Jelotono Palembang $19.50 Banja $18.50 Sarawak $1950
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  • 1440 12 SATURDAY. SEPT. 7. 1549: 12.30 P.M. MIXING Buyers Sellers Ampac Tin (4s> 3s 6d 4s Austral Amal <ss) 5i <d tid cd Austral Malay (It 33s Gd 35s 6d x.d. Ayei Hltam (ss) I -to 3'» Ayer Weng ($1) .go .65 Bangrin Tin <£) 1&*
    1,440 words
  • 276 12 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association. Company Dividend Glow TIM Austral Amal 3d Sept. 14 Austral Malay 3d. Sc 1(3 bonus Sept S Burma Malay la. No. 24 Sept. 33 Hong Pitt 7% Int. Sept. 11 Johan 10% Int. Sept. 12 Katu 6d. No. 24. cd.
    276 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 287 12 \f s Yes f intyr n"fln lin<>< should be the gj^g===^^fl(-.-i 1 first rule Fir until the system is purified ifliWjfg^ffK^ regularly there can be no true physical i t fiinws. So run to Andrews liver Salt for lIIIbbBBSbH'^ deep-down Inaei aeanliness. i kIA \llil3iifll' Immediately jou drink your bubbling
      287 words
    • 10 12 sfl ir»\i3 Crap* Fruit Cordial B^** Passion h Fruit Cordial
      10 words

  • 2003 13  -  R. H. Naylor By TO-DAY, SEPT. 8 Wot most of us: The stars to-day radiate iii,luenccs u-hich Kill give most of us a tense of security and optimism. Entertain, pay d:ty calls, do the things you ought to do. BIRTHDAY FORECAST THE twelve-month which follows your
    2,003 words
    • 212 13 Wreckers Must Breathe. By i Hammond Innes. Collins. 7s. 6d. There Is No Ogpu. By Andrew 1 .ikins' Colonial Library. -Xt, CKERS UuFt Breathe" Is an •itln* tale of a secret enemy ■übirarine base, hidden away In a gigantic artificial cave of! the coast of Cornwall. Two
      212 words
    • 118 13 Tattered Ensign. By Frank Whistle. Hurst and Blackett. Bs. 6d. MR. Stafford has written an excellent story of the British coasting trade, distinguished by good characterization and a pleasing sense of humour. His portrait of Joe Rudd. the handsome young captain of the "Sennen Cove" Is masterly. Joe
      118 words
  • 482 13 LJKRE, grouped according to month of birth (irrespective of year), is a statement of probabilities to be expected this week. JANUARY (Dec. 21— Jan. 2«) Something for vhich you have been planning fcr some time, apparently something of a business nature, comes to a head towards
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 358 13 O We in Malaya are living in security and com- Interest 3% per annum, paid half yearly. fort while the people of Britain bear the brunt of The Bonds are free of any Income Tax that may the Nazi attacks. The Fortress of Britain is not be levied. only the
      358 words
    • 162 13 INDIGESTION AND STOMACH PAINS Stopped in 5 minutest Relief— quick relief— is your one ovvTwhelmlng necessity when suffering the pains of indigestion. That is why leading medical authorities specialists. doctors, hospitals— recommend and specify •Llsurated' Magnesia, for even the most obstinate cases of dyspepsia, acid stomach and gastritis. They know
      162 words

  • 841 14 Make Your Hair Beautiful And Keep It So Max Factor's Advice UOLLYWOOD'S beautiful heads of hair are seldom the result of chance growth. The stellar ladies of the film capital cultivate and condition the growth of their hair just as carefully and intelligently as they conduct the dramatizing of their
    841 words
  • 38 14 PL AY SUITS are popular In Singapore for wear after a swim. Here to Anne Shirley. RKO flint actress, In a trim white pique affair, trimmed with the narrowest bands ef red and white finfham.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 471 14 1U Ztatotofth ntudk Long afternoons at the Races and garden parties there are many formal occasions in the social life of Malaya where feminine elegance suffers a long climatic ordeal. Start with an Elizabeth Arden powder foundation, and the exquisite bloom of your make-up will remain perfect. MAYNARD'S Battery Rd.
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  • 388 15 Jauntiness In The New Hats By- 1 Sunday Times London Woman Correspondent DATS are seldom exaggerated this season either as to size or shape. But they always have a certain air of jauntiness which is most refreshing. Perhaps it is the tilt at which a hat is worn, or it
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  • 37 15 For A Business Girl BUSY business girls will want a duplicate or Loretta Young's beige grey business dress, designed with a flared skirt and butUmed front opening. A large square linen collar has cutout embroidered flying fish.
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  • 220 15 (From Our Woman Correspendent) London, July 28. PERHAPS Mary Pickford is right and "glamour girls" have been banished for duration cr longer. There was no sign of them this week at one of the lew dress shows we have had since war broke out. Nor were there any dinner
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 539 15 Septic Germs Lurk Everywhere The bast Scratch will let them in! To leave healing to chance is to them. No germ can get into a invite trouble. Practice SAFETY cut once Cuticura is applied. No FIRST by keeping a tin of gemi can live in contact with Cuticura Ointment handy
      539 words
    • 388 15 L WBa^a^a^a^F wt i J (('/W( I>n't this a charming photograph? Demond's mother has sent |i/Vf*V It to the proprietors of 'Ovaltine' with a letter which says: "Everyone admires his beautiful little teeth; he cut them all FV without any discomfort what as a result of Ovaltine Delicious, crunchy 'Ovaltlne
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 322 16 If uou want the best I C? ever tnc bi»k, »»<» S.SJM^6. I. n (You too can have Husky) New Strength.Calm Nerves < and New Found Energy..! Mate tiiis Test!) Thousands of Thin, Weak, Ailing, Nervous Men Women, Once Discouraged, Say "VIKELP' Tablets Brought These Results* Where All Else Failed!
      322 words
    • 245 16 POLAROID SUN GLASSES No iicrease in price a^P^*—^) 6 Complete v^ GUARANTEED GENUINE, Beware of Imitations THOMPSON OPTICAL €9. 4 Arcade Bldg. **M aO a^a*» M 1 1 M a^aV^ib 1 a^ alaM 9 t r^iE^3i alaV 4H BRjXS^^anWpJ nTvFa THE ALL-PURPOSE CREAM v A CLEANSING CREAM Nlvet Creme U
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1095 16 Wireless Programmes TODAY SINGAPORE ZHL UJ men <S2Ssn.i ZHP S69 melt tSO.Mm.1 10.30 am. Public service of Intercession from St. Andrew's Cathedral. Address by the Bishop of Singapore; 11.15 am. Military band music by the Blckerahaw Colliery Bandt; 11.45 .vm. Band concert. Relayed from the Sea View Hotel; 12.10 noon
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    • 299 16 PENANO ZHJ S.i8 m«» <»9 3«m. 6.45 a.m. Opening record: 6.50 a.m. B.B.C. full news bulletin (relayed); 7.10 a.m. Close down. 12.00 noon Midday concert; 1.00 p.m. Close down. 8.00 p.m. Light classical music; 8.20 p.m B.B.C. full news bulletin (relayed): 8.50 p.m. Topical talk (relayed); 9.05 p.m. close down.
      299 words
    • 768 16 HIROM IOD ».65 mc|a (3IJEI ffll; TDA 6 01 me. (49.6 at.); PMN 10.26 lAcIa <£9.t m.» fDI 118b fflOi (25.3 ml: FDC 516 m<(19.8* m.). 5.50 a.m. Records: 8.20 a.m News report; 6.30 a.m. Records (contd.); 7.0S a.m. News; 7.20 a.m. Churcli service: 8.35 a.m. Monastery bells: 8 50
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  • 229 17 Inquiry May Extend To Malaya And Dutch Indies Tokio, Aug. 28. MOBILIZING eminent seho- lavs and scientists, the Imperial Academy of Japan ha decided to carry out extensive researches into various races in East Asia, in concert with the current new Asiatic
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  • 149 17 (FfOSI Our Own Correspondent) S:remban, Saturday. D. 11. Stalker, 23-year-old European planter, was to-day convicted on two motoring charges by the Seremban magistrate, Mr. J. A. A. Faith, and sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment on the first charge and fined $100, in
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  • 124 17 MEMBER", of t^e Tamil Church Workers' Association gathered at the premises of the C.E.Z.MJS. school ut Government Hiil to b d farewell to Mrs. B. C. Roberts, wile of the Bishop of Singapore, who is their president. TUe annual sale of the Association was also
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  • 277 17 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. SUBSCRIPTIONS received by the Malacca branch of the Malaya i Patriotic Fund for August amounted to I $2,203.06. The list: L. St. G. Petter, $5; G. Wiseman, $50: Q. Y. StringfeUow, $25; B. U HI Shepherd. $13; IE. F.
    277 words
  • 90 17 Lieut.-Colonel Lord, of the Salvation Army, who is at present ill in hospital, must remain there tor some weeks, and in tho meantime Major Chas. Davidson, the geneial secretary, is carrying on the administration of the work of the Salvation Army in Malaya in the colonel's
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  • 342 17 DEATH SENT ENCE ON DOUBLE MURDER CHARGE (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Friday. THOUGH it was a half-day 1 yesterday in Joh ore, the Muar Supreme Court sat till 7.30 p.m. so that the case in which a Hakka Chinese named Choong For was charged before Mr. Justice L. V.
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  • 135 17 THE preliminary response by sub- scribers for the Cesar FiancK subscription concert to be held in the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday, Sept 27, has been excellent. The concert will have many features of Interest, chief among which will be the Symphonic Variations which will be
    135 words
  • 1129 17 By Our B '.dinlnton Curr««t»o:ident DEXJUIAR followers of the local badminton tournaments now In progress have no doubt oc?asionally heard remarks, which arc not at all complimentary, passed by some of the spectators In regard to the manner In which some of the
    1,129 words
  • Article, Illustration
    53 17 The Married team of the Sphinx B.P. which will offer stiff opposition to the Singles team this year in the Party's annual married vs. singles badminton encounter. (Left to right) A. R. de Souza Joseph de Souza, K. C. Chtrian, P. A. Lang e, T. da Costa. Absent, Lee Kia
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 301 17 OWNING IMPROVES 'Ttf f^^^J^ Ml/R FIGURE-- \&3 ,W^ J VELVA-SHEEN JANTZEN! j? hi I had Jantten't V'ELVA-SHEEH M WfWt -V in hit de luxe trunk*. Not Wi jy 1 satiny but there's a quirt eQjl gleam to them. Latter BSBSbBs yarn in the knit proridet ttco- mi tcay stretch. Rugged
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  • 2221 18 Splendid Run By Kai Tere Provides Only Upset A BRIGHT sun shone on a most successful third day's racing at Bukit Timah yesterday. The day proved entirely good for punters. The going, while slightly yielding, was good, and there was a large crowd
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  • 1587 18  -  "Doc." By pREAT Interest Is being shown In the v Garrison In the Singapore Amateur Football Association challenge- cuo comi petition, the first mo ten of which Is due to be played on Sept. IG. The Chinese are the holdsrs. but It seems doubtful that they will
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 138 18 Cthe 1940 "O" 1 au sti n 6 li MAC II Sfc*%<^ O A 900 C.C. 4-Cylinder Engine which develops Bug 27 B.HP. for power. Three Crankshaft Main Bearings for Smoothness: Hij t Four Forward Speeds with syncromesh engagement B|j for second, third and toj> for easy handling, Bi| A
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  • 270 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. nTHE Negrl Stmbilan Club defeated A the Seremban Hillrangers by 48 runs In a cricket match at Seremban. The scores were: NKGRI SEMBILAN CLUB W Seneviratne b Dionyslus 40 F. De Silva c Stiven b Balachandran 19 J. D. JFVundraJ
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  • 444 19 Muar Chinese Surprise Negri C.R.C. (From Our Own Correrpondent.) Muar. PLAYING cne of their best csmes of the saason the Muar Chinese scored a moot cieditrble win over *he NeKrt Sembilai Chinese Recreation Club whom th?y bea; by the edd coal In five when the sides me: in a soccei
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 19 Soccer teams of the Nesrl Sembil-n Chfam Rc:realion C-ub and the "VTurr Chinese Football Team. The tides met In a match in aid toe Wax Fund and the China Belief Fund. Moar won 3—2.
    34 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 19 EL CHEOW T^iK: V,. I .1 Penan-; and Colony cricketer and one of the foremost Chines: playe-s in Malaya. An attractive, fastscoring batsman.
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  • 252 19 rME intervened in the cricket match between the S.C.C. and the Royal Navy on the padang yesterday. The game ended in a draw when ths Navy had lost nine wickets for 93 runs^ 56 runs behind their opponents' total. sec j.
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  • 247 19 PLAYING at Hong Lim Green yesterday. Marsh's XI beat the Straits Chinese Recreation Club by 206 runs. S.C.R.C. Lam Hock Chye c Powell Bray 0 Swee Llm Swang b Bray 5 Eu Ch?ow Chye b Bray 25 Eu Cheow Teik c Shea b
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  • 749 19 'From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. BEATING Sri Budu by ths record score of 14 goals to nil the Parit St:ngkat football team won the second division league championship durin? th? week. There is only one match to be played in the second division league and the result of
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  • 84 19 HOCKEY practice will be held at tru Ceylon Tamils' Association ground at Balestler on Tuesday, Sept. 10, at 5.15 p.m. for the following- Mrs. E. Frugtnelt, Mrs. E. O. Wheatley, Mrs. M. S'.ngh, Mrs. Koh. Mrs. Short, the Misses M. Clarke, A. Valberg, P. Eber, J. Ross, A.
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  • 77 19 (From Our Ovn Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. RAIN prevented play in two important cricket matches in Kuala Lumpur to-day. The Stonor Shield semi-final between the V.M C.A. end the Indians had to b? abandoned before a ball was bowled. Jind no n!oy was possible
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  • 276 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. TTHE cricket match between the Combined Colleges of Singapore and the Negri Sembllan Club end:d in a win for the Colleges by 107 runs. The N. S. Club batted yesterday and scored 32 for 6. Their innings closed to-day
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 19 H. ABUUL RAHMAN: Full- back of the Singapore cup-winning football team, 1940, and captain of the Malay Football Association. Formerly he was champion athlete at school and at the Singapore Malay Club and represented the Singapore Asiatic rugger team for a number of years.
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  • 78 19 The following have bean selected to pay hockey for the V.MC.A. Juni:r Department first team against the Ist A.A. Regiment HK.S., R.A. on Tuesday on the Prince Edward Road ground at 5.10 p.m.: Wee Hong Leong, Low Hock Yang, Cheong Thiam Siew, Lav Hosk Chye. Goh Chin Chye.
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  • 54 19 The September women's spoon at Keppel G.C. resulted: "A" DivisionMrs S. R. Burs call 44—91/2=341/ 2; Miss D. Hirst 46—91/2=361/?; Mrs. E. A. Ford 49—12=37; Mrs. W. P. Dougbs 49—10-39; Mrs. F. Stan 50—11=39 •B" Division: Mrs. R. W. McCreaih 51—14=37; M ss A. M. Sim 53—15=38
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  • 462 19 BIG SURPRISE IN BADMINTON JUNIOR SINGLES "pHE biggest surprise of the season was provided by Chan Khek :ng, of the United Chinese Amateurs when he disnesed of Benjamin Heng, of United Family, in the quarter final o! the men's junior singles tournament a? the Clerical Union Hall yesterday. It
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  • 49 19 New York, Saturday. AT Madison Square Garden last night Bi!ly Conn, the world cruiserweight champion, knocked out Bob Pastor, New York heavyweight, in the thirteenth round of a 15-round fight. The winner may now meet Joe Louis for the world heavyweight title. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 120 19 Ties for Monday in the YJM.C.A. lawn tennis handicap tournament: Men's "A" class singles: Tan Swee Wah (—3) vs. Lauw Pek Tjin (+'S>. Dr. C. Haridas (—l5) vs. Dr Chla Teck Yam (—15.3); W. Hickey Jr. (—15.3; vs. J. Manasseh (—30); William Tseng (—15.3) vs. See Gim Hock
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  • 87 19 The following have been selected to play for the V.M.C.A. In a league soccer match against the J.C.S.A. on Wednesday at 5.10 p.m. on the padang. T. Morrison. V. H. Pillay. Low Huck Yang, Y. Hutchlnson, G. L. Day, G. GUI, o. Ortcn, K. Goldsmith, Tan Mok Seng,
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 578 19 I U ,rj h oca miMiM—i n— MI mi FREE LANCE JOURNALISM Enables You to Make Money with Your Pen In Singapore you can now learn from a course written by famous editors, how tp make Free Lanco Journalism pay. Many pupils find ready acceptance for their articles right from
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  • 246 20 German Methods To Delude Listeners Are Exposed •I ORD Haw-Haw," notorious English born commentator on German radio, has several understudies. This was stated in a 8.8.C. talk by Mt. Warren Irving, an American who worked for eight months in Berlin as a radio commentator, reports the
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  • 184 20 PRESSURE IS PUT ON FOREIGN RADIO MEN criticise the speech of some Important official, they resorted to a favourite Nazi dodge that was to leave all quotations from the speech intact, but delete all criticisms. "They would then withhold the script until a few minutes before we went on the
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  • 75 20 Counting The Chickens London. TPHE Colonial Information Section at the Leipzig Fair contains alluring pictures and exhibits from former German colonies, states the German frontier corrcsp >ndent of The Times. Experts will advise young m?n and women how to prepare for pioneer jobs in the great colonial empire "which Germany
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  • 150 20 MR. Fazl-ul-lluq, the Premier, has Informed the Bengal Assembly that the Provincial Government, has decided to remove the Holwcll monument commemorating the tragedy of the Black Hole of Calcutta in 1756. Spokesmen of the British community have recently indicated their desire that the monument,
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  • 121 20 Shanghai, Aug. 26. *T*HE Japanese Consular Police are still holding a pretty 20--year-old Japanese taxi dancer named Miss Bayashi, of the Far Eastern Ball Room in Wing On department store building, on the charge that she is a spy for certain third powers. Known to many
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  • 58 20 Northport (Long Is.), Aug. 19. FT the presence of 100.0 CO specta'ors, the desp'sed outsider, Hotsy-Totsv 111 won the famous Gold Cup speedboat race. Sidney Allen, owner-driver, paid only £250 for Hotsy-Totsv. Onpos'ng beats were valued up to £12,500 each. The fact that it was
    58 words
  • 76 20 nrmS little wooden church at a Royal Air Force station In Norfolk was built in six days under the guidance of the R.A.F. padre, a New Zealander. It was dedicated by the Bishop of Ely. The picture shows the congregation leaving the
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  • 74 20 Melbourne, Aug. 7. GIRLS are taking the place of 29 men of the Mentone Lifesaving Club's surf teams who have enlisted for wax service. Only 11 eligible men are left, and of these several are employed in munitions work. All the girls in the club's team have
    74 words
  • 137 20 Message From General de Gaulle THE leader of the French forces 1 in England, General de Gaulle, has cabled to Le Courier Australien," the French newspaper in Sydney: Accept my congratulations to ttv Frenchmen who met in Sydney on August 9 on their own patriotic initiative. I
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  • 81 20 London, July 22. SALVATION Army equipment valued at £40.000 was lost, and 17 canteen centres were destroyed by bombs, during the retreat of the Allied Armies in Flanders, it is announced in Montreal. Losses in France will not make expansion of Salvation Army activities in
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  • 60 20 New York, Aug. 10. AMERICAN soldiers prefer soda fountain drinks io beer. This is revealed in a survey taken during the first large scale-army manoeuvres, held at Ogdensburg (New York S ate). Beer shops were left almost emnty while soda fountains were crammed. One old-time
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  • 83 20 Vy E.MBLEY Stadium, for so long the scene of great sporting events, b T now the centre of great physical activity for a different and more urgent purpose. Physical training has begun and lasts one and a half hours. There are three sessions a week, and
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 70 20 a 4 m o CSV pIBRANDY E sensational! NEW TYRE jgfl Tf ftston& CHAMPION Amazing New Non-Skid Tread New Type Stronger Cord Body Longer Mileage Greater Safety Another FircMone triumph— the new Firestone Champion! A revolutionary new tyre with astounding performance record* for.lonti mileage, non-ikid protection and high tpeed *afity
      70 words
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