The Straits Times, 31 August 1940

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 138 1 MIEH CHONG /or SMART TAILORING Just KnfiVfd ">u" I. r •Rt h •< U I N Mill 1.1 In silk and \\o«i Urn \mhik \n sll AKKSKIN In VMriou* colours. 3t i'olrman St.. S'poie. ni hi.; In childhood Ws*% v^D* M&W V she is shielded by ]j f B j
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    • 168 1 HAVE YOU MADE YOUR WILL? No prudent man neglects this du'v to himself his hard-earned estate and his delenceless heirs. If you have not, you ought to do so at once in fairness to your family. If you have, have you selected your Trustees with full wisdom Friends are often
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    • 118 1 SEE BUT DON'T BE SEEN 1 'a-r-p LAMP SHADES FOR THE BLACK-OUT BUY YOUR SHADES DURING SEPTEMBER early 2nd 3rd 4th PRICE E A RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE 340 '^9 «^v -<■, zsk^bm* fl you can tell by the flavour it's LAMB of exceptional quality It fa the very finest Lamb
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    • 48 2 HOLMEEKO:—On list ugust. 1940. at No. 214, Joo Chiat Place Singapore, GENEROS ANGELIC lIOLMBERG. 69 years. The funeral cortege will leave her residence at 9.00 v m. on Sunday, Ist September. 1940, for the Church of St. Joseph and thence to Bidadarl Cemetery for ntorment. Deeply regretted.
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    • 45 2 The family of the late Mr, Tan Thong wfahra most sincerely to thank those friends and relative! who so kindly sent wreaths, scrolls, litters and telecranis nf condolence, also I those who lent their motor cars, paid nigh? j visits and attended the fin.
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    • 41 2 I lien r«*e of th» soul of the late Martin Peieirn will be sun? .it the Church of St. Joseph at 6.30 a.m. ■n Tuesday, the 3rd September. 1940. Th<? I attendance and prayers of relatives and' frie;. rtmnmttd.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 572 2 tlHraiP SnfflTlKl SMALL APS? Minimum charge $1 f»r adv* m( exreedlst 4 Itoe* More than foot line* 25 cents per line (Six words) Box No. 25 cents extra. DOMESTIC OCCVRRfcV I I BIRTHS, MARRIAGES. DEATHS. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS P.P.C. CARDS are charged $3 rarh per Insertion per Inch Over I inch.
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    • 858 2 FOR SALE FOR SALE. Large sturdy pony, up to any ".-eight and safe with traffic and cattle. Surefooted dc accustomed to long treks over rough ground. Trained to Polo. Saddlery avalltfblQ. Owner proceeding on leave. Price $150. Box No. 609. Straits Tim»ts. FOR RALE r»: 111 UK I K ALSATIAN
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    • 688 2 LOST Would person who found a wallet in taxi 533 on Friday about 2.45 p.m. near the Capitol Theatre return wallet to Straits Times office? Good reward. BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET TO LET Spacious Godown— 67 Robertson Quay. Area 8.600 sq. ft. Two entrances. Available Ist t>pt. 1943. Rent $225
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    • 751 2 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE. Goods ordered on credit for use of 22nd. Heavy Battery, Royal Artillery should only be supplied on production of a written ordc> signed by Major J. F. Elliot. R.A. or Captain R.C. Eld. R.A. r.nd the Officer Commanding will not be resprnsible for payment of bills for
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    • 630 2 AUCTION NOT|CES_ AUCTION SALE Of freehold and leasehold Singapore properties. At the saleroci.l of Messrs. Clieong Koon Seng ds Co.. Ltd.. No. 10 Chulia Street on Wednesday, Jth Sept 1911. at 2.M P.M. Lot 1. Valuable freehold land and house No. 44 Mandalay Rout., Singapore, areas 4.915 sq. ft. and
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    • 198 2 BUSINESS CARDS ETC. JOIN THE GREEN CIRCLE LENDING LIBRARY Ist FLOOR 18-F BATTERY RD. P.O. BOX 34, SINGAPORE. Moderate terms: Sperial rates UuUUtioa Member* Claim and MeMr*. Open Daily: X.3» A.M. to S P.M. Saturdiyi: 8.3* A.M. to 1 P.M. MASSAGE HALL MANICURE AND MASSAGE Mrs. HARU and Miss HANA.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 382 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. Incorporated in England) PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL S N. Co. \SSENGER AND CARGO SERVICE The best possible services ara being maintained by the P OS N. Coy from the Straits to their usual ports of call in China. India. Ceylon and the
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    • 504 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. BLUE FUNNEL LINE Frequent Sailings to United Kingdom. Dates are net guaranteed all cargo bookings subject to Conference War clauses. WESTERN AUSTRALIA THE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE ATTHE CHEAPEST FARE Regular Services to Fremantle [Perth] via Java by first class passenger ships. Single fare $192 (A Frequent connection
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    • 820 3 *^Q5Q Ca S I±±f9 UNIVERSAL RADIO HOUSE, 205, Orchard Road. Phone 4967. TO'DAY When You Need Mende Service or SINGAPORE (Mende Servicing Specialists). ZHL UJ met '.2am.i ZHP 6H me ?i. it-m 1 12.45 p.m. Band -concert. Relayed from Jt\e Adelphl Hotel; 1.30 p.m. Warning to THE MALAYAN BAGGAGE SERVICE.
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  • 451 4 Balance Sheets Show War Prosperity (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 26. HOW great la the prosperity that war has brought to the tln-mlnlng Industry Is being proved over and over again by mining company results and dividends announced in London. Two of the most striking
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  • 350 4 ■jondon, Aug. 30. QN the stocl: Exchange Gilt-edged and Kaffirs were the brightest spots of th^ day on renewed purchases while certain Industrials moved to nigner levels. Cement shares, however, were dull on the reduction of the interim dividends of Associated Cement otherwise markets were cuiet but
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  • 1315 4 UHII..1. AIG. 30. 194«: i T.M. MIMMO I'.umt- Seller* Ampai lin ,4s> 3s 6d 4s Austral AmaJ (5s) jild ud c.d. Austral Malay <£ 35s 37s c.d Ayer Hltam (Ss) lte 2% Ayer Weng ($1) .65 .60 Bangrln Tin 17s IBs Batu Sclangor ($1) 1.38
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  • 228 4 MAIL ARRIVALS AND DISPATCH ES Mails close af the G irrai Po« as follows: MAIL ARRIVALS Mails from Ore:.* Britain, South ami Fait. Africa talr) gcniral delivery 8.15 a.m. today. Mails from Australia and Java (r> eral delivery 3.30 p.m. to-day. 10-DAY Aden mir/acj <fc air 4 p.m. Africa air
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 277 4 JUST ANOTHER BROKEN ROMANCE until her dentist %j told her why! A&WlMLLfimßiEjSs^ WHAT AM I GOING TO DO, /WMreJlflll rtKlul MOTHER? HERE'S A LETTER 71 Jii'^W'^^V^g^^l TROM GEORGE BREAKING OUR l4\«%^r*^~ N^J«aSS^ ENGAGEMENT! J f, t unwur VJANE. YOU CRITI- f TESTS SHOW THAT 9 OUT OF 10 > n£c
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    • 387 4 ?M?k!C_ NOTICE AUSTRAL AMAIXSAMATED TIN, LIMITED. (Incorporated In the Federated Mnlay Statrg) NOTICE is hereby gl\en tnat a Dividend the 4th of Threepence (3d.) per share has been declared due and payable to registered shareholders at the offices of the Company, Taiplng and Sydney, on Friday, the 27'.h day of
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    • 250 4 List Of Current Dividends Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association. Singapore, Aug. 30. iv..l< I'otai tern Oompany DlvidcnC Close u*te Xx on. nnanclai Teal TVS Payable Date to date Austral Amal 3d.. 10%' Austral Malay 3d. Ss 1.3 bonus Sept. 2 Sept. 13 Sept 3 20%' Hong Patt 7% Int.
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  • 333 5 AROUND THE MARKETS Industrial Scrip Still Short: Good Outlook For New Loan (ll\ Our Financial Correspondent) Singapore, Aug. 31. The price of rubber in London yesfcerday wxs down a quarter at 12 3 16d. In New York the price rose threetha t:i 19 H rents. The Spot I tin was
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  • 97 5 KrldaT. \w%. "0. noon. Bayer* Sellcn Prices »ric» Xo. t.\ tf.S.S. 'Spot liMk.o 37 > s 37-i No. IX R.S.S- (J.J. In cases AiiK Sept. tSrllrrV Option) 38N 38' I \.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. in bales Aur-Sept. (Sellers' Option) 36! 36\ K.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. In bales
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  • 425 5 London, Aug. 31. IT was in a spirit akin to spectators at a sporting event that most Londoners watched yesterday's raids. Notwithstanding authoritative statements that the R A.F. will eschew mere spectacular reprisals and wil! concentrate steadily on military targets, the average Londoner
    Reuter  -  425 words
  • 166 5 COMMODITIES EXCHANGES •From Ou' Own Correspondent) London. Aug. 30. fOMMOUITY and Exchange markets closed as follows wltb previous Quotations Id parenthesis:— KIBRKR: Dull Spot 12 3 16d 12 5 X.d U2'-»<1 Sept 12 3/16 d 12 5/16 d (12^4d 12 .di Oct-Dec 12 3/16 d 12 5/16 d fl2
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  • 182 5 jlr.gapore. Friday. The following are the exchange rates this morning according to the tally circular Issued by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation:— SELLING London T.T. 2/4 1/18 Lor.don demand a/4 1/16 Lyons demand Switzerland demand 206 Hamburg demand New York demand 46 1516 Montreal demand SI 11/16 Batavia
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  • 126 5 Drive Progress Moscow, Aug. 30. TPHE most striking recent development In Soviet Russia has been a drive to increase the efficiency of the Red Army. The effects of this drive are already noticeable as the progress has been striking. The men look smart and alert and are
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  • 62 5 Wellington. Aug. tl. BEFORE adjoining for a month, the New Zealand House of Representatives passed a resolution unanimously reaffirming New Zealand's loyalty to the cause for which the British Commonwealth has taken up arms. The resolution expresses admiration for me Indomitable courage of the
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 29 5 Cut Denlson Ross, the well-known Oriental scholar, who has been ill with acute dysentery in the American hosoital ft? Istanbul since Sunday. Is reported to be somewhat better.— ReuUr.
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  • 522 5 London, Aug. 31. THE Duke of Kent, who Is serving as a group 1 captain in the R.A.F.. has Just visited a Royal Air F^>rce station and examined two tyies of American alrrrnft now belnc delivered In quantity to the R.A.F., state? the Air Ministry
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  • 134 5 New York. Aug. 30 JTALY'S position regarding air defence 13 discussed In the St. Louis Olobs and Democrat, which writes. "Mussolini mast give more attention to his air defences. His dream of a great South African empire cannot materialise If the audacious British
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  • 39 5 Toklo. Aug. 31 UR ICHIZO KOBAYASHI. the sperlbl Japanese envoy to the Netherlands Indie* and Minister of Commerce left Toklo yesterday with a suite of 17 for Moji on route to Batavia. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 51 5 Canton. Aug. 31. THE Anglo-Japanese dispute over the holding up of the British-owned steamer Fatsham at Canton has been settled and the steamer h expected to leave for Hong Kong next week. She was held up a month ago. following a di*put« over pilotage due*.—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 1303 5 Helping to win a Technician's War. THE Annual General Meetinp of thr General Electric Company Limited was held 111 London, recently. The Kt. Hon. Lord Hlwt of Wit ton (chairman and managing director) presided and said: In the repot t we have pointed out the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 653 5 FEDERATED MALAY STATES GOVERNMENT THREE PER CENT. WAR LOAN, 1952 1959 ISSUE OF $20,000,000 rtonds tv hmr, uuihori>ed by Federated Malay States War Loan Enartment No. 16 of 1949. J:J PATABU M I'\R NOT EARLIER THAN THE Ist <>l TOBER, 19J2. AND NOT LATER THAN THE 30th SEPTEMBEK. 1959. INTEREST
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    • 378 5 r^— THE yijij REMEDY ?s~= COUGHS MNHunan |J gS«a AND I i v- n t- O 1 y^^^v TROUBLES STOP THAT COUGH!!! 'A GRAFTON PRODUCT* OBTAINABLE AT ALL DISPENSARIES AND STORES. Nothing cures CONSTIPATION UkE CASTCPHENE Who, jrog cSr» CASTOPHrN'I you imrodtKT inro your tjmrm •nuUdotnofCaKOf Ol iikl^h-tk aromatic Higmhrnn
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 76 5 TIDE TABLES SINGAPORE ro-dav H. W. 9.45 a.m 8 ft.; 9.10 p.m. 9 ft. L. W. 3.09 a.m. 2.3 ft.; 3.12 p.m. 4.C Ct. Tomorrow H. W. 10.25 a.m. 8.5 ft.; 9.58 p.m. 9.6 ft. L. W. 3.54 a.m. 1.7 ft.; 3.55 p.m. 4 ft. Monday. Sept. 2 H. W.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 223 6 BOOK NOW FOR THE HAPPIEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR TO-DAY TO-MORROW 4 SHOWS M Vr™ u K ALHAMBRA Seats booked by phone must be taken up before 9.15 p.m. each night RBY miLLHRD Roland YOUNG Alor MARSHAL > 4^^ l^J^^^^m Mor WBSOH Eilli. BURKE J^ J| Bro*dwsy sf«j« F RKO
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    • 471 6 3 SHOWS TO-DAY 3.15—6.15—9.15 m? *^hI I t^htidslwdiebt young sffaS win a gay and human comedy! v t SSm^^^lmmV^Snr^ im S^S m iKßKm\ Shhhhhh* hhBVI S *wS H. ir< m\ 0- HHHHHHIB»^P*WBMw^^ BBHB |HM^Li^H^^^ B flV Im m m\^mmm\ PCti^y m m* tf m\ \l m mMttmm JS A mmm
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    • 259 6 A SIDE-SPLITTING, SNAPPY MUSICAL SHOW TO-DAT. a am. AT THE CAPITOL Owing to the Return Engagement of the CHANG Company there will be no 6.15 or 9.15 shows To-day ?\v New Universal's Snappiest /fi\ v\// Happiest Musical Comedy *4k GIRLS! KjjJSfej MOORE'OKEEFE Song DazzliHTDancet! .^l^^^'''* tPP HITS Supported by the
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  • 397 7 ill WILL follow the? withersoever *;hou gocst" so we will read in the second lesson at Matins to-morrow. It meant something: as our Lord pointed out: "The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of
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  • 1127 7 CHL'KCH Ot ENGLAND ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL.— Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. 6.50 a.m. Holy Communion; 7.30 a.m. Matins; 8 a.m. Choral Eucharist; 10.15 a.m. Children"s service: 5.30 p.m. Evensong and sermon. Seafarers 1 service. Preacher: The Lord Bishop. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, Upper Serangoon Sunday. 8 a.m.
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  • 44 7 London. Aug. 30. IT IS officially stated that casualties in the submarine Orpheus, the lots of which was announced on Aug. 19, total five officers. 49 ratings and one Chinese steward missing, anJ presumed to have been killed. Reuter.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 231 7 HOTELS_ TO-DAY Tiffin Time Orchestral Concert SPECIAL RACE DINNER DANCE (formal) from 8 p.m. Dinner $3.00. Non-diners $1.00. EXTENSION TO 1 A.M. -BOOK YOUR TABLE RIJSTTAFEL RAFFLES ORCHESTRA Servrd to-day from IMI to 2.30 p.m. Directed by Dan Hopkins SEA VIEW H O IT E L TO-NIGHT BUY A BOMBER
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  • 1177 8 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, AUG. 31, 1940. (363rd Day Of The War.) Free Frenchmen Many reputations have already been broken in war, but few; have been made. The only new figure on the international scene who is assured of lasting fame is General de Gaulle, the leader of
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  • 4021 8 BRITAIN IS CHEERFULLY CONFIDENT OF VICTORY Our London Letter British Sergeant Who Missed Hitler This London Letter was received by airmail and describes the Home scene as it was just over a month ago. The Straits Times hopes to continue to publish the weekly air mail London Letter as well
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 325 8 For Your Musical Requirements. Robinson piano CO. (S.S.) LTD. Pianos tunedrepaired-by EXPERT EUROPEANS COLUMBIA RECORDS, MARCONI-RADIOS. or selangor RSI Eng*f«nMirf RUgi OUmeadi V Hubitt. imarcldi. S«pphlr»i. All I Bft pktod qtM'itv. JB \singl» lien* »i»g« in all 1 ntm ««Hinq i» >«i %r*'-' n*n i'or«i only. I I F.iitr ««d
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    • 65 8 Vf^MCCOUNT BOOKS 'Pr»\ Jin varying sizes with PRACTICAL RULINGS FOR ft/ ALL PURPOSES ALWAYS AVAILABLE FROM STOCKS BASRAI BROS. ACCOUNT BOOK SPECIALISTS. 5, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. PHONE 6497. Don > Neglect Your Vision 1 Ifavr your ryes uli ntllioclly rxaminrd aiH dffwt' p'opcrly corrected by a qualified i>< riallM, C.
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  • 804 9 Ten Raiders Shot Down In London MASS FORMATIONS' BIDS TO REACH THE CAPITAL 1,000 Enemy Aircraft Destroyed In Month SEVEN HUNDRED (ierman planes participated in yesterday's daylight raids on Britain, Reuter learns. More than 200 planes were counted in a mass formation
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  • 257 9 Day Attack On Enemy Ships London, Aug. 31. D A.F. bombers on Thursday carried out daylight attacks on enemy-occupied aerodromes in Holland and on enemy convoys and shipping along the Dutch coast, states an Air Ministry communique. The communique adds, on Thursday night our aircraft bombed the
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  • 236 9 Fresh R. A.F. Blow Against Italy Cairo, Aug. 31. A HIGHLY successful attack was i made yesterday by aircraft of i the South African Air Force against I a large concentration of motor I transport at Mogadhishu, Italian Somaliland, according to an announcement from the R.A.F. headquarters.
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  • 45 9 Thin pk-ltire has been enlarrtd from cinematic records of ment comhals taken by the camera -mis fitted to the Hurricanes and Spitfires. It shows the devastating effect of machine-gun fire from our lighter aircraft during A combat with a Heinkel.
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  • 808 9 Soviet Pressure Suspected To Be Part Of "Larger Plan" London, Aug. 31. ALTHOUGH both the German and Italian Governments declared it was not their intention either to arbitrate or impose a settlement between Hungary and Rumania, they have, in the outcome, done both,
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  • 188 9 Moscow, Aug. 31. HTIIE Russian idea of the Anglo- German air battles appears In the 1 mouthpiece of the Soviet army, the Red Star, which says that reports of great German successes cannot be accepted as the British air force is offering
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  • 161 9 Charge Of Bid To Get U.S. Into The War Washington. Aug. 30. LORD Lothian, the British Ambus sador, has told Sir Georite Palsh, British economist, that in the Interests of better Anglo-American relations It would be better for him to leave the United States as
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  • 478 9 "Victory Will Be Ours And Freedom Will Prevail" BRITAIN ENTERS SECOND YEAR OF WAR WITH GREAT FAITH, SAYS GREENWOOD London. Aim. 31. UITLER has challenged a nation that is without fear and a people who cannot be intimidated. We enter upon the second year of war with justifiable faith that
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  • 47 9 H\clr PSffe (New York), Auk. .10. PRESIDENT Roosevelt, speaking at his press i-iinfrreiirc t<»-d. slated that very excellent pr«eress was being mtde in the conversations wi.h Bri'ain regarding ttir arqui ition of naval and air bases by the I'nit-d S'.atrs.— Rru'.er.
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  • 90 9 Survivors From Torpedoed Ships Berlin, Auk. 11. The 19 survivors from the torpedoed I British steamer the Ilvington Court <5187 tons* were landed from one of the ship's life-boats, states a Lisbon despatch to the German official news agency. The Ilvlngton Court, adds the nvss age, sank within five minutes.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 83 9 v v^Hb B P J *m J I nfl ill ff w Bkx i' "X SllliteiOß LUND CLERRING I ®^»BlONTßpß?iffi| [frM 1 Though i.iuipie in u.s.\ th: W/-%I'K l|(|\iilfiJ "Trcwhrlla- Monkey Grubber w.ll L jljll/jX Ww I \mn tackle the hardest Job-by hand, j] '.Hi Alii jjg\ N '/L ff
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  • 471 10 Contribution Of $10,000 From The Aw Brothers FURTHER GIFTS FROM PRISON STAFFS IN SINGAPORE THK War Fund to-day totals $3,561,208 an increase of $11,631 on the figure announced yesterday. Messrs. Aw Boon Haw and Aw Boon Par, who have given very large sums to a
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  • 213 10 New Powers For Vehicles Registrar To save ;in accused in a minor raffle offence waste of time, the Registrar of Vehicles will soon have the judicial powen ot a police magistrate to try cases of dual >s, namely charges under both tlu> traffic regulations and the Municipal
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  • 136 10 Ul! v. Lansing Culling Jnr. American cv. -r, arrived In tentay together with 1 Nicholas Feld. an American vicc:.d. and Mr. Harold B. Minn:-. American Consul and second secretary >:nerican Legation at Teheran. Mr. Collins whoso horrif t wn Ls Princf* lias been transferred
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  • 62 10 v :ian clerk, M. Tampoe. who said that he had received $385 and had signed for atxmt $1 200. went through his second public examination brfore Mr. Justice Pcdlow in th« Hlih Court yesterday. Tampoe attributed his insolvency to his 'reouent ill: L. Tan. Assistant Official
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  • 40 10 CHINESE MINISTER TO T uRKEY HERE TJH Clian« Peng-Chun. Chinese Minister was amon? visitors to Singapore yesterdaj I)r Chanjf, who declined to speak on his trip, is on his way to Ankara with his wife children. China in thp morning.
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  • 114 10 si\fi xrou; I: W I II noil i Special Race Einner ie, Dance mal 8 p.m. to l a.m. CAKKK It lIIIMKt <.*»I-AJSU Indian Stace Dancers Garlb-Ki-Lttl. A Hindustani Talkie p.m. GKfcAl HOKID 7.30 to 9 9 p.m. to Hunrhback of Fivr Came Back. HAPP* WC«KI l> of the
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  • 373 10 Solemn Observance In Singapore REAFFIRMATION OF LOYALTY LJOLLANDERS in Singapore and other parts of the British and Netherlands empires are observing the 60th birthday of Queen Welhelmina to-day. The observance of the Dutch Queen's birthday this year will have a deeper significance. With the mother country under
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  • 77 10 AN his way to Bombay to see the CzechoSlovak Consul about Czecho-Slovak nationals in the Far East, Mr. Oldrich Mojzisek, Far Eastern representative of the Czecho-Slovak Ministry of Finance in London, arrived in Singapore from Hong Kong yesterday Mr. Mojzlsek, who is stationed at
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  • 76 10 A SUGGESTION that the round-about constructed by the Commissioners at the Junction of Grange Road and Paterson Hill could be Improved was made by Mr. E. J. Bennett at yesterday's meeting of the Municipal Commissioners. Mr. L. Rayman, the president, assured Mr. Bennett that his suggestion would
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  • 24 10 The visiting American journalists last night visited the Capitol Theatre, where they say Chang's show and were later Introduced to members of Chang's company.
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  • 626 10 i ALWAYS have to bring home to wives, in cases of this sort," said Mr. Conrad Oldham, the second magistrate yesterday, "the fact that if they decide to live apart from their husbands, they cannot expect to go on living in the same
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  • 142 10 TWO American women who are on their way to the Near East to continue their Jobs as secretaries to the Y.W.C.A. in Syria an-i Istanbul arrived In Singapore yesterday to visit the local association. They are Misses Doris C. Boss and Elizabeth
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  • 64 10 SEVERAL hunci;eds were present at the dance organized by the War Charities Dcnce committee at the Victoria Memorial Hall last night. There were competition dances in the course of the night and attractive prizes were awarded to the winners. Hostesses were provided for men who
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  • 73 10 yfTTRIBUTINQ his insolvency to the failure of his twakow business, a 69-year-old Chinese, LJm Boon Teck, who applied for a discharge from bankruptcy, was successful yesterday in the High Court when Mr. Justice Manning granted a discharge subject to a suspension of four months. The appellant's liabilities
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  • 24 10 Second Lieut. T. Watson, Adjutant. Ist. Battalion, Straits Settlements Volunteer Force, is to be acting captain while employed as adjutant, states a Oawtt* notification.
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  • 515 10 O. A.G. APPEALS FOR MORE BLOOD DONORS Mr. Jones Among Those Who Registered Yesterday AN appeal to the people of Singapore to volunteer in large numbers and to volunteer quickly as blood donors for the emergency blood transfusion service was made by Mr. S. W. Jones, the Officer Administering the
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  • 325 10 20-Page Statement Handed In To-day ACCUSED DENIES ALL ALLEGATIONS JJENIAL of all tho allegations made against him was made by Capt. R. C. Loveday, R.E., in a 20-page statement which he handed in when his trial by court martial on charges of conspiring to defraud the War
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  • 66 10 IN obedience to the call of the King to offer special prayers on Sunday, Sept. 8, tiir Singapore (Nattukkottai) Chettiars are maklnj arrangements, for special "pooja" ana "abbishekam" (prayers) from early In the morning until midnight. The Tank Road Subramfiniam Temple premises will be illuminated and
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  • 52 10 THE first combined practice of the Singapore Chinese Inter-Church Choir Concert will be held to-day at 7.30 pjn. at the Victoria Memorial Hall. Mr. Tay Llan Teclc will conduct the Choir. The entire proceeds will be divided equally between the Malaya Patriotic Fund and the China
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  • 31 10 The Economy Store of Aurora Ltd., will tie removed, from Sept. 1, to the upstairs portion of their department store situated at the junction of High Street and North Bridge Road.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 68 10 TO BE CORRECTLY ATTIRED FOR THE EVENING to attend a social function §or gathering WEAR YOUR FULL DRESS SUIT m B3v \Jm which must be WELL TAILORED and made so as f-\ j TO GIVE YOU A 1 I SMART APPEARANCE If you are in need of one to fit
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  • 126 11 THE Government Gazette announces a number of new ec -remissions in thv\ Mrnlts Settlements Volunteer Air j Force. o include: Major R. L. Nunn, DS.O., as Croup Captain: n. w. Chattaway, a.f.c, as dron Leader: and Mr. E. Burn, as Pilot Officers.
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  • 733 11 AMERICANS AT NAVAL BASE R.A.F. STATION Impressed By Preparedness Of Island's Defences AN indication of the formidable array of British fighting power concentrated in the Far East was given yesterday to the visiting American-and Australian journalists when they toured the Naval Base and a Royal Air Force station, and visited
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  • 67 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoli, Aug. 30. FOUR Chinese, three women and a boy, were burned to death when they were trapped on the top floor in a fire which broke out in a shophciisc in Brewster Road shortly after 10.30 p.m. to-night. The Ipoh
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  • 196 11 BANKRUPTCY OF LAWYER Paid Up $20,000 By Work For Creditors A 60- YEAR-OLD Singapore advocate and solicitor. Kow Soon Kirn, with a practice extending over 25 years, told Mr. Justice Manning in the High Court yesterday that he had been in debt ever since he j started Kow Soon Kirn,
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  • 160 11 QINGAPORE Municipal Commissioners d are to reconsider a decision they made in committee regarding parking arrangements outside the Catnay Cinema. On the motion of Mr. C. Reuben, reference back was made of the decision recommending that the police be requested to give notice to the
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  • 105 11 |T Is announced by the Food Controller, Malaya, that with effect from Aug. 30. 1940 the export of sugar from Singapore !wIU no longer be subject to export quotas. lit is intended, however, to Introduce at an i early date a minimum stocks scheme
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  • 35 11 MUNICIPALITY'S 1,000 FOR WELFARE SOCIETY rIE Commissioners at their meeting yesterday confirmed a committee derision 'u< donate $4,000 to the Singapore Child i Welfare Society this year, subject to a like I contribution by Government.
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  • 59 11 ON behalf of the Commissioners, Mr. L. Rayman, the president, welcomed Mr. R. M. Meyer on his appointment to the Board In place of the late Shaik Yahya Aflfl. Mr. Meyer took his seat on the Commission for the first time yesterday. He was ako appointed to fill
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  • 32 11 Mr. Justice H. Mackney, puisne Judge of Rangoon, and resident In Burma for the last 30 years, arrived In Singapore yesterday with his wife and family en route to Australia on holiday.
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  • 692 11 "WHAT is the Naval Base?" asked j Mr. Conrad Oldham, the Singapore second magistrate, in court yesterday, and replying to his own question said: "The Naval Base i is an area, within the jurisdiction of this court, to which persons who have
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  • 122 11 DATA is being collected by the special committee appointed by Government to investigate the supply and marketing of fresh vegetables, fruit, poultry and eggs to the Singapore and Johore markets. A questionnaire is being prepared for circulation among certain Government Departments and the
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  • 143 11 I EADERS and prominent members of Singapore's Muslim community will meet next week to propose and confirm two important resolutions relating to the Muslim attitude in the war. These resolutions will concern the re-affirmation of local Muslim? devotion and loyalty to the British Government, and the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 124 11 FRIENDS AND WINE SHOULD BE OLD" (Old Spanish Proverb) but I prefer BEER Hafcmcfcr Trudmg Co., Ltd., Agtnt* YrHtß^s NormST^ PHILLIPS*, I LIKE MA&^^r-T MiLK of MAGNESIA inrrS gunk) TOOTH PASTE L^^sST—^ CONTAINS OVER 75% GENUINE Jr** l PHILLIPS MILK 0F MAGN[SIA i\G >4 ...the most effective neutrolizer of j\m^
      124 words
    • 35 11 NO FINER VVH/SKV GOES S3 INTO ANY BOTTLE Don't be Vague SOLE AGEXTS: Cf^ JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD. rtiPPE in EnGLfltip <9BF Tfißprrn W IUUriLLU T H R T. JOrin Plflvftt COUI T5 y sor&
      35 words

  • 548 12 Aerodromes, Oil Factory Power Station Also Bombed By R.A.F. London, Aug. 30. QVER 15 tons of high explosive and incendiary bombs were dropped on a large Junkers factory at Dessau by the R.A.F. on Wednesday night. The attack lasted half an hour
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  548 words
  • 67 12 Dublin, Aug. 30. iIT is oaicially announced that the German Foreign Office has informed the Irish Charge d'Affaires in Berlin that investigations concerning the bombing of the Irish-registered vessel Kerryhead on Aug. 1 have shewn that the aircraft involved was German. The Foreign
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 77 12 London, Aug. 30. AN interesting claim Is made in to-day's Italian war communique. It Is that "enemy fighters which were In the air when Italian bombing formations arrived to bomb Malta refused to engage in battle with the Italian fighters and tried to escape." The
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 64 12 Clermont-Ferrand, Aug. 29. YOUNG Frenchmen of the 1940 class called up in June are to spend six months In labour camps exerclUng such trades as bricklaying and woodcutting and living the life o! I>casants. They are to be accommodated, says the I Havas agency,
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 39 12 Rome, Aug. 30. TEN were killed and many injured in the explosion in a power station six miles from Bologna, Italy. Several buildings caught fire and the injured were promptly evacuated— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 38 12 Melbourne, Aug. 29. MAJOR-Oen. Vernon Sturdee will be appointed Chief of the Army General Staff in succession to Gen. Sir Cyril Brudenell White, who was killed In an air crash on Aug. 12.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 30 12 London, Aug. 30. rE Grand Duchess of Luxemburg was received by the King at Buckingham Palace to-day and afterwards lunched with their Majesties. Queen Mary was also present.— British Wireless
    British Wireless  -  30 words
  • 110 12 Bombay, Aug. 30. THE Japanese liner Pushiral Maru, J which was yesterd?.y reported to have been unable to sail because the British navicert system prevented her taking on water, has been permitted to con- tinue her voyage, according to the Japanese consul here. She will
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 253 12 New Way 0f Life In Britain Frustrating Nazis' War On Nerves London, Aug. 30. I*HE Manchester Guardian says to- day that the long nightly alarms are aimed at civilian nerves as murli as at industrial production. "The Nazis," the newspaper adds, "have specialized in attempts to undermine a people's spirit
    Reuter  -  253 words
  • 92 12 Invincibility Of Berlin A Myth New York. Aug. 30 •THK It I", raid on Berlin, says the Berlin correspondent of Hi- New York Times, has shattered the myth cumulated through all strata of the population since the beginning of the war that Berlin is so well protected by antiaircraft batteries
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 79 12 London, Aug. 30. MALTA had an air raid to-day lasting about an hour, but no military casualties or damage was caused. Some damage was done to civilian property and a few bombs fell in a refuge area and a number of houses received direct
    Reuter  -  79 words
  • 176 12 Tokio Adviser Wauls Reorientation Tokio, Aug. 30. IN a Press interview Mr. Toshlo Shirutori, former Ambassador to Italy and now adviser to the Foreign Minister, Mr. Yosu'xe Mutsuoka. said that th? reorientation of Japan's diplomatic policy in the current international situation would mean the reorientation of her
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  • 332 13 Preparation For Attack Any Time London, Aug. 30. "WHILE there it no evidence that Mussolini intends to make war on Greece," says The Times, "there is much in reports that he is putting himself in a state of preparedness to do so at any moment. "More and
    British Wireless  -  332 words
  • 67 13 A WAR Reserve policeman in south- west London recently saw ?n arm ■Ucking out from a pik> of debris tan an alleyway, following an air raid. Digging out the bedy. he found it mi his 13-yer.r-old c cn. The policeman 5-aid that the
    67 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 180 13 I) is Jf»e smart man 1 SS,S who always gets th^\ jb^ best job. That is why so many successful men use Anzora. It is the smartest hair dressing you can buy. For a clean, neat, healthy head of hair WUW|| always use Anzora. t It keeps the heed J
      180 words
    • 233 13 (bring your shaving I I UP TO DATE WITH THE 1 GILLETTE R iUil nsXvyiwBffl C I!c:tc OQ opicce razor is tha if^vwra^ 3&t W rd razOf desi S n the simplest fi^ vsM»vi snav i n g method ever devised !No loose f&**&y\Kwif pieces no bits to screw or
      233 words

  • 1616 14 Levy Of Small Cess On Estates For Growing Vegetables GOVERNMENT CONTRIBUTION OF EQUAL SUM TO FUND From Our Planting Correspondent Planting Topics TS there any way in which Government could encourage the growing of foodstuffs on estates without having to apply any form of compulsion This,
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  • 161 14 IJITLER'S plan to Invade Norway was made in 1936 when he sent his War Minister, Marshal von Blomberg since dismissed, on a spying mission to Narvik, says the Swedish writer, Per Nystrom. in an article in the Gotesborg Morgontidningen. Nystrom thus denes the German
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  • 116 14 THE Berlin newspaper Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung is annoyed about the report In British and American newspapers that Hitler's schoolmaste: called him a "dummkopf" (fathead) "This is a rather puerile joke, hardly in keeping with the times in which we are living," the Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung
    116 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 192 14 THE UNIQUE ALUMINIUM PAINT PIGMENT FOUR REASONS WHY "ALPASTE" SHOULD BE SPECIFIED..: 10' -20% LARGER COVERING POWER. One gallon will cover 800-960 sq. ft. when brushed and 1,000-1,200 sq. ft. when sprayed. HIGHER OPACITY. A coat of "Alpaste" is more uniform nnd has greater opacity. GREATER REFLECTIVITY. "Alpaste" reflects over
      192 words
    • 209 14 CORRECT Kk VISION. Have your eyes examined at rcsuiui Bm^mMß. All eye examinations are under the personnl supervision of Mr. E M EZEKIEL OD. (Pii: t i O d rr\& B ?£l[zeltiel Son} It MO I. ilb i Qualified Ophthalmic Opticians The only Singapore address:— 9. Raffle* I lace, RENAULT
      209 words

  • 71 15 To-day SOCCBK: reserve division, Chinese vs. Manchesters, stadium; second flivision (a), R.A.O.C vs. Pulilishcrs, Alexandra Road. Cricket: S.CC. vs. R.A.K. Malaya, S.CC. (two-day match): Malayan Police vs. Army, Depot (two -day match); 5.A.08, vs. S.C.R.C.. S.C.U.C. Races: Singapore Autumn Gold Cup meeting, Jir«;t day, Bukit Timah. To-morro\.
    71 words
  • 324 15 PE H.MJS. Malaya Cup rugb] petition has been abandoned for the duration of the war. This was announced at the annual rugby meeting of the S.C.C., which was held las f night when Mr. O. W. Gilnvjur, presiding, said that Rugby in Singapore Koing to
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  • 214 15 PRESIDING annual meeting of the- Singapore Recr Club, which was held at th < Cub yert^rdiv, Mr. A. J. Br ura said That, <n spiti of the unsettled times. r.;> year had been very satisfactory. Thanks were dui 1 to the untiring efforts cf the
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  • 235 15 Br I F.N by Young Frisco and ll ashy Sclia^lian in his pre\iuijs lights in Singapore-, Mohamed Fahmy is to have an opportunity of returning to the limelight whrr he fares the Puerto Rican. Atilo Sabatino, at the Happy World covered stadium to-nipht. While Sabatino
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  • 1297 15 First Day Of Singapore Turf Club's Autumn Meeting BELOW is given the full cards of events at Bukit Timah to-day, the first day of the Singapore Turf Club's Autumn (Gold Cup) race meeting. The double tote will be on races six and eigh', and
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  • 173 15 C ELECTIONS for to-day's Singapore raves are STRAITS TIMES Race 5. Depot, S mny. Race 1. Teddy Boy, Queen's Star J^« s^*^^^"'^"°' Rare 2 Pockets Yuunr Gyro Rare 1. Sevfr Set, Ireed'im. Rate 3 E^uTre Sir Rare 8 Myslc Mu lc Sir VictOr nace j. esquire,
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  • 634 15 Manchesters 3; R.A.F. 1. AS if to prove "the bigger they come, the harder they fall," the Manchesters created a third consecutive surprise in the S.A.F.A. first division league at Tanglin yesterday when they lowered the colours of the R.A.F. by beating them by
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  • 247 15 Gordons Beat Chinese 3 l Gordons 3; Chinese 1. FULL points were taken by the Gordon Highlanders in their first division. S.A.F.A. league match against the Chinese at the stadium yesterday. The Gordons won threeone. Play commenced in rather unimpressive fashion, and for U.o first ten minutes the attack pasted
    247 words
  • 519 15 King's Gambit And Mediation Best MEDIATION and King's Gambit were the 1 lost impressive this morning: when final short spurts on the second track were given some of the horses runninr at Ruklt Timah this afternoon. The track, though much improved, is still rather on the soft
    519 words
  • 49 15 •TOE following will represent r ;v> I Indian Youth League in a friendly badminton match against Thornycrofts at the Clerical Union Hall at 7 p.m. on Sunday: Ramnath, P. Nagapan. R. Rajagopal, Subramaniam, C. R. Krishnan K Sathaoan, Arumugum. G. Murugiah, P. T. Paul and V. Narayanasamy.
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  • 777 16 Determined Nazi Attempts To Reach London Foiled London, Aug. 30. CORTY-TWO German raiders were shot down in more riogfightfl over Britain to-day. At least six were shot down in the course of what was apparently a determined mpt to pierce London's defences which was
    Reuter  -  777 words
  • 75 16 I Raiders Guided By Men In London London, Aug. 30. FIFTH columnists are believed to have been active in signalling to enemy planes during the recent night raids on Britain. Thcj are suspected of having caused a number of fires as guides to Nazi pil >ts The pc-li re, observing,
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 134 16 Cairo, Aug. 30. Tivo American missionaries were killed and two other Americans wounded when two Italian aircraft dropped 30 bombs and then machine-gunned an isolated station of a Sudan interior mission at Doro, an Upper Nile province, on Aug. 23, according to a
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 370 16 London, Aug. 30. THE strategic importance of the decision of the French Congo, or French Equatorial Africa, to continue the fight rests mainly in the creation of Allied communications right across Africa between Nigeria and the Sudan. There is now a belt of Allied
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  370 words
  • 54 16 A cheque for £2.500 has been paid over to the Red Cross agricultural fund as a result of the first sales of iron, and steel scrap collected by the village dump scheme. Voluntary organizers have assembled 8,000 dumps of scrap-iron and steel all over the country in the past two
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  • 145 16 Elizabeth (S. W. Africa), Aug. 30. •T*HE exciting events that culmin- ated in the French Congo's decision to join Gen. de Gaulle's forces was related over the Leopoldville radio for the first time to-day. A group of French officers presented themselves at the Governor-General's residence at
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 113 16 Cargo Boat MachineGunned By Nazis London, Aug. 30. EIGHTEEN members of the crew of a cargo steamer which had been attacked by a German bomber reached a Scottish west coast port last night. They had been picked up by an Irish steamer after bailing water out cf their lifeboat for
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 118 16 London, Aug. 30. THE Secretary of State for the Colonies, Lord Lloyd, has on behalf of His Majesty's Government gratefully acknowledged the splendid response to the Northern Rhodesia "speed planes fund" from which a further contribution of £18,000 was recently made. He has also expressed
    British Wireless  -  118 words
  • 247 16 London, Aug. 30. rE failure of Nazi efforts to interrupt shipments from Britain and the efficiency of the tightened British blockade are effectively stalemating attempts by German firms to secure business in South America by guaranteeing delivery of goods of German
    British Wireless  -  247 words
  • 546 16 Strong Spirit Of Resistance Is Noted In Ceded Region London, Aug. 30. AGREEMENT in the Hungarian-Rumanian dispute was signed in Vienna to-day, according to the official German news agency, which adds that the agreement "finally fixes the new frontier between Hungary and Rumania." It has
    Reuter  -  546 words
  • 290 16 "Hostile Acts On The Frontier" Bucharest, Aug. 30. IT is unofficially but reliably re--1 ported here that the German and Italian Ministers in Moscow will visit M. Molotov, Soviet Premier and Foreign Commissar, to-day and hand over a formal declaration that Rumania lies in the German,
    Reuter  -  290 words
  • 110 16 London, Auk. 30. FE Daily Telegraph, in an editorial to-day, says that in less than a year the Dominions have created armies and air forces of their own for the defence of the Empire. Further developments of united Imperial action will come from
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 86 16 FIELD-MARSHAL Goerlng. chief of the Nazi Air Force, has added yet another uniform to his famous collection. He appeared recently in Berlin in a uniform of silvery grey, which he designed himself. Goering wears at least a dozen flamboyant uniforms, and carries a hilted sword
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