The Straits Times, 25 August 1940

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES .THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA piNAL EDITION No. 453 Sunday, Aug. 25, 1940 Price 10 Cents
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  • 748 1 13 Enemy Planes Down: One British MAIN TARGETS ARE COAST TOWNS AND LONDON A FTER a week of hit-and-run bombing of the British Isles the German Air Force resumed its large-scale raids yesterday and continued the shelling of Channel ports from the French coast. The latest
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  • 67 1 London, Saturday. ITALIAN troops in Albania are stated to have advanced towards the Greek frontier. The official Italian news agency has continued its campaign of calumny against Greece. There was a third meeting of the Greek Cabinet and a conference between the King and the Premier.
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  • 65 1 A LIST of 40 officers and airmen previously missing and now sar« is given in the latest Air Ministry casualty list which contains 292 namesAltogether 20 officers and airmen aie listed killed in action; 44 previously missing are now stated killed ac'.lon: 98 are missing; eleven wounded or
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • Article, Illustration
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  • 60 1 Batavia, Saturday. SEVERAL prominent Japanese and American business men are arriving here towards the end of August to discuss the production and delivery of oil with the Netherlands Indies Government. Among those expected Is the managing director of the Mitsui Bussan Kaisha
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  • 73 1 London. Saturday. TPHE Dutch vessel Hermes, which left Lisbon on Wednesday for England, returned to the river Tague after being attacked by a U-boat when 300 miles out. says a Lisbon report. She had aboard one wounded sailor. The ship was carrying no cargo. There are
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  • 32 1 London. MAX Goldfarb, Russian furniture and clothing dealer, was fined £750 for having failed to offer to sell to the 'Treasury 10.764 dollars (£2691 sterling) on deposit in a New York bank.
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  • 112 1 New York, Saturday. T*HE Washington correspondent ot 1 the New York Times .says in connection with the leasing of Atlantic bases to the United State* that one proposal, which is before the President and which has some backing in Congress is
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  • 66 1 Capetown. Saturday. IN the Union House of Assembly today Gen. Hertzog gave notice of a motion which he will put to the House on Aug. 27 deploring the war policy of the government and the manner In which it Is being carried out.
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  • 423 1 Rumania And Hungary Sharpening Defences Bucharest, Saturday. DU MANIA'S talks concerning Transylvania with Hungary at Turnu-Severin were suddenly broken off In day without ary result being achieved. The Hungarian delegates left the conference voom and went to their ship anchored on the Danube. A member of the
    Reuter  -  423 words
  • 220 1 London, Saturday. COLONEL de Larminet, Chief of General Staff of the French army in the Near East, has now arrived in London and joined Gen. de Gaulle's staff, it is learned authoritatively. Col. de Larminet has reported to Gen. de Gaulle on the situation
    Reuter  -  220 words
  • 97 1 London, Saturday. *T*HE Nizam of Hyderabad's sqna- dron has destroyed over 24 Junkers, and Messerschmitts during the past few days, it is now disclosed. On Aug. 18, which nroved fh>»ir *^ost successful day, 11 of the squadron's Spitfires caught 30 Junkers civebombers and ten escorting
    British Wireless  -  97 words
  • 140 1 $(G.) 1,000,000 Gift For Aircraft London, Saturday. ANOTHER raagniilcent gift for aircraft is announced by Lord Beaverbrook. Mr. J. W. McConnell. proprietor of the Montreal Daily Star, has given $(G.)l,000,000. The gift was made after consultation with the Canadian Governm?nt. It will be used for the purchase of aircraft made
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  • 66 1 Istanbul, Saturday. TPHE Turkish authorities have arrested a leading Nazi named Kalis, owner of the largest German bookshop In the city, and a Fascist named Grigoretti, owner of the chief Italian bookshop In Istanbul. They are charged with selling and distributing Nazi newspapers,
    Reuter  -  66 words
  • 42 1 Washington, Saturday. THE Secretary of Commerce. Mr. Harry L Hopkins has resigned fr m the Cabinet on account of ill-health President has accepted the resignation and announced he would offer the post to Mr. Jesse H. Jones.— Reuter.
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    • 13 1 TAIHEH6 CO. j Jailors JL Coif -i an St., Singapore. Phone: 3375. Jf-
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    • 113 1 EXPERT BU T NOT EXPENSIVE LADIES DPESSMAKERS IN TOWN TRY ONCE CHOTIRMALL'S M SEE THE NEW LOW priced HELVINATOR Y ou owe ft to yourself, before you invest In a refrigerator to examine carefully the new KELVINATORS. Look at the size Look at the name Look at the price These
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  • 715 2 Enemy's Hit And Run Raids Of The Past Week FIRST ROUND IS WON BY BRITISH DEFENCES THE Battle of Britain is the theme of editorials in the London newspapers, which agree that the first phase of the battle has ended in an undoubted victory for British
    Reuter  -  715 words
  • 137 2 Shanghai, Saturday r«HKERING throngs lined the route along Bubbling Well and Nanking roads, main thoroughfares of the International Settlement, as 600 members of the East Surrey Re;;iment, headed by the regimental band of the U.S Marines, marched into Hongkew (Jap-anese-occupied sector of the International
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 78 2 Bucharest, Saturday. •■pHE Rumanian Minister of Propa- ganda was one of the passengers in the Bucharest-Vienna plane which crashed near Arad. Other passengers in the plane, which was taking guests to the Leipzig Fair, Inducted several well-known Rumanian Journalists and the director oi ihe Rumanian
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 80 2 Cape Town, Saturday. A SPECIAL session of. the Union Parliament was opened this mornIng by the Governor General. Bir Patrick Duncan, who in an address said that Italy's action and the general course of the war had considerably Increased the danger to South Africa
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  • 68 2 London, Saturday. TTHE Knight of the Garter banner of King Emmanuel of Italy in St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, wai removed privately to-day. The banner was taken down by chapel officials and placed in store with these of the exKaiser and other German knights v^ho
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 59 2 T Nassau, Saturday. Hfc Duke and Duchess of Windsoi were welcomed by 15,000 citizens at a reception here to-day. In reply to a speech of welcome the Duke promised to visit the outer islands of his governorship. Referring to the fast-changing world conditions, he said
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 2 Mr. 4. Duckham, oj Sevenoaks, has given over his home to ten children, sons of airmen killed in action, for the duration of the war. The boys, aged two to seven, are seen here having a meal in the open air.
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  • 196 2 Ankara, Saturday. BOTH in Turkey and throughout the Arab world of the Near East there has been a markedly increased note of encouragement and confidence as a result of the war developments, especially the British air victories, which the official newspaper I Ins declares
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  • 38 2 jondor.. Saturday. CUBSTANTIAL reductions »hlch are being made in the rates quoted by war risks insurance offices for the Mediterranean trade reflect a more favourable experience than had been provided foi In previous quotations.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  38 words
  • 54 2 OOUVENIR hunters who flocked to a field in England where a bomb had fallen did more damage than did the bomb. This was the complaint of a farmer at a meeting of a north-eastern branch of the Farmers' Union. He said a crop of wheat
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  • 55 2 Id Stamp Sold For £12,400 New York. Aug. 8. 'THE worlds most valuable stamp, a on© penny, British Guiana, 1856. was sold to-day to an unidentified collector for a sum believed to be about £12,400. The stamp was s;ld by Mrs. Costa fccala. whose late husband, Arthur Hind, bought n
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  • 77 2 Washington, Saturday. PRESIDENT Roosevelt has told a Press conference that he would bs strongly opposed to the postponement of the Conscription Bill. The Bill ought to be passed within a fortnight, he said, so that the re-orga-nization of the American army could get under
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  • 52 2 Auckland. Saturday. •THERE Is still no news of the New Zealand steamship Turakina (8,000 tons) which wirelessed from the Tasman Sea that she was being fired on by a raider. A German high command communique claims that German sea force* sunic the Turak!na In
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  • 51 2 London. Saturday. T^HE Italians to-day admitted that ore of tVioir submarines was bombed and sun': two days ago b 7 an R.A.F. nlane in the harbour of Bomba in Llbva. An Italian cnmrmmKjtM says most of the cr:w wore snv?dl Elthin.,S.E.. has 140 women air-raid
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  • 55 2 The statue of Jean Bart, famous patriot of Dunkirk, gives (he appearance of once again defending his country. The statue is situated in the it- utro of Dunkirk, surrounded by the ruins of buildings bombed by the Hermans in their unsuccessful attempt to prevent the historic
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  • 135 2 l'ork. PG. WODEHOIJSE. who was caught in France by the N-/.i invasion, is cuite safe at his villa in Le Touquet, according to Dr. Hans Thomsen, the German charge d'affaires at Washington. Dr. Thomsen i:ave this informal on in reply to Senator Warren BarbMir, of New
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  • 36 2 JACK Hulbert, nlm and stage comedian and dancer, has become a special constable. In one of h!s earliest films Hubert played the part of a detective's son in "Jack's the Boy."
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  • 52 2 NORWAY'S FOOD "SECURE A Berlin, Saturday. N official German news agency dispatch from Oslo quotes the Norwegian Minister of Supply as reporting that the present state of essential food supplies in Norway may be cons'dered completely secure and satisfactory." Reuter. The Belgian pavilion at the New York World's Fair is
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  • 167 2 GENERAL ON TASK ON INVADING BRITAIN London. Aug. 3. MAJOK-GENERAL Sir Charles (iwynn, military commentator, in a review of the war to-day. said only a fraction of the German army could hope to react' Britain. The Germans would meet In Britain vastly superior numbers and armament." he said Germany's main
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  • 47 2 L mdon. WE can turn old love-leUers into cartridge wads, meatbones Into explosives, tin cans into tanks, and garden tools into guns and we'll do it, said the Minister for Supply, Mr. Morrison, speaking at the launching of the new Save Waste Campaign.
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  • 11 2 Mr. F. F. Mathers has been appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Nova Scotia,
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  • 379 2 New York, Aug. 7. QOLO N E L Lindbergh is "Spokesman No. 1 for America's Fifth Column," declares Ralph Ingersoll, editor of the New York newspaper P.M. "Who is behind him?" Ingc-rsoll I asks. P.M. devotes the entire front page to
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  • 351 2 Hollywood. Aug. 7. piVE prominent identities in the film world have been summoned to appear before an inquiry into Fifth Column activities. They are Lionel Stander. comedian; Herbert Biberman, director: Gale Sondergaard. actress; Samuel Ornitz, writer; and Clifford Odets. playwright. This action follows charges by
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    • 56 2 He Modern I t v 4a>i it*S j H^^^j. Theyoungmanoftodiytafcetßeechtai'a WrsQ^*^^ PlUi w kttp youn8 t0 k< *p his p** l Mffiy vV h «'th, md aU-round fitnesi. Beecham'i -S'^SbJ) r :i Ut the purca> mott elective H^ Uxauve the worl J has ever known Make MB fct^^EMKSf them y
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  • 132 3 Influx Of Germans To Panama Zone Panama, Saturday. INVESTIGATION into possible Fifth Column activity in the Republic of Panama, which would be like a dagger aimed j at the jugular vein of the! United States national defence system the Panama
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 198 3 A Chungking Saturday. LARGE fire was started when Japanese a/'reraft in three waves ra dud Chungking at noon yesterday. The bombs fell on the south bank of thp Yangtze River opposite the city. Two places were subjected to bombing, one being located
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 92 3 London, Aug 23. THE Arab Press, discussing the Indian Congress Working Committee's latest resolution passed at Wardha. points out that the British Government's refuscl to accept th? extreme Hindu demands is due to its d?.-i-e to Nkfetmrd Mie rights rf minrritle^. rf *horn 90.000.000 Muslims
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  • 151 3 Chungking, Saturday. IN an interview granted to the Chinese Press yesterday, Gen. Chen Cheng Comma nder-in-Chief of the Chinese forces on the Yangtze River front, declared that Chinese troops would shortly launch a counter-offensive. He added that the success of Chinese resistance would probably
    Reuter  -  151 words
  • 44 3 'THE tail of a horse shot in the Crimean War has been sent anonymously to the Lord Mayers Red Crors and St. John Fund. The donor wrote: I have had it many a year, and think someone mny li!:e to buy It."
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  • 124 3 London, Saturday. THE Burma war donations fund, which includes gifts from all communities in Burma, amounted at the middle of August to £125,000. At the request of the subscribers the fund wih be devoted specially to the prov'.siun and upkeep of a squadron of ligntcr
    British Wireless  -  124 words
  • 354 3 More Money Now In Circulation London, Saturday. THE London and Cambridge economic services quarterly report on current economic conditions in the United Kingdom cover the first three months after the installation of Mr. Winston Churchill's all party government form?d to prosecute the war with greater
    British Wireless  -  354 words
  • 95 3 The Royal Army Chaplain's Department Reception Centre and Depot, only school for padres ir Britain, has been opened. It houses IS curates and ministers who have exchanged their stipends, sometimes in the region of £400 a year, for what may
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  • 391 3  -  By Nazi Air Raids London, Saturday. IT is believed in informed quarters that a further statement amplifying that given by the Home Secr»:ary on Thursday will shortly be made by Sir John Anderson, and that it wiU deal with special arrangements for air raid warnings in industrial
    British Wireless  -  391 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 311 3 HI Hr ■iiiiuHim»Mj^J^iiiiiin.iyMiuiiuuiiiiiuiniuiiniinii»iiii»iJ^W \*d£*j&i Australia produces B-.scutts =A^sv t fi^Si&S'ZM Breakfast Cerealt i£S««r I >SSS<3^ everything that you Butter ifflffF i Cheese tS^z 4 need ior your cream r* s^/ "J Dried Fruitt shopping list. A rtall" uoney >r*^ f#V 5 Fruits in Syruf JntM WB^A fine choice of good
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

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    • 183 4 j Warner Bros, present in SHERIDAN XX (Screen's "Oomph" GW) JAMES CAGNEY PAT O'BRIEN TOKRID ZONE' with ANDY DEVINE HELEN VINSON HEAR ANN SING "MI CABALLERO" Oomphasized by her Rhumba Rhythm MIDNIGHT PREMIERE I GENERAL SCREENING SAT. AUG. 24 I NEXT WEEK The happiest show you Will See This Year!
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    • 212 4 The Latest, 'Judge Hardy Son' which opened at the Capitol yesterday, is the grandest and funniest of the Hardy family that has yet been seen S. Free Press (Aug. 23, 1940) COME AND SEE YOURSELVES ON THE SCREEN! TO-DAY at the CAPITOL 11 a. m. 3.15 6.15 9.15 THE BEST
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  • 374 5 Woman On Cycle Cross-bar Escaped From Germans London, July 9. fin a bicycle built for one, two Britons a man riding and a woman perched on the cross-bar escaped from Paris to Spain before the Nazis arrived. Last night, after arriving safely at a Scottish port with 200 other refugees
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  • 79 5 HITLER WAS "A FATHEAD" TO HIS SCHOOL MASTER A schoolboy Adolf Hitler was rated a« a "d«mmkopf" (fathead). This Is revealed in one of his school reports, smuggled out of Germany, and published in American papers. At 15 Hitler was one of the worst pupils of the school of the
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  • 70 5 Born In Iron Lung-"Both WeU" New York, July 30. MRS. Virginia Matthews. 23, of Los Angeles, who is suffering from infantile paralysis, gave birth to a boy in an iron lung at Los Angeles county hospital. Records show only two other cas?s of childbirth In an iron lnng. In both
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  • 51 5 Ottawa. Aug. 10. rwas officially announced to-day that Canada's vulnerable eastern seaboard defences would be imm'KliateU/ strengthened. Major-Geneial S. H. P. FJkins has been appointed officer in command of the area which includes New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, the approaches to the St. Lawrence and
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  • 66 5 Lihuaag, Aug. -9. A CAMPAIGN has been started in Anhwei to eliminate graft and corruption. Two commodity inspectors, Yang Yin and Yoeh Yun-shan, in the district of Wuwu. have been executed on charges of corruption, and an order for the arrest of Mao Chea-yimg, Director of
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  • 200 5 A PERSISTENT story that a herd of "dwarf horses" was roaming the <!:>;>i of an almost inaccessible valley in the depths of the Grand Canyon •f the Cetorade River way confirmed recently in Phoenix, Arizona, by Leg Clayton, a veteran cattleman. He said that he
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  • 53 5 '•pLEASE refrain from discussing the war situation" says a notice at one of the restaurants at the New York World's Fair. Barmen who refuse to serve drinks to amateur strategists are supported by the management. Arguments about the war got so heated that they threatened a breach
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  • 96 5 France Starts A Drive For Modesty London, Aug. 3. FRKNCII police have banned sun bathing and the wearing of two-piece bathing suits which are declared immodest for women, states a correspondent of the Daily Mail on the Franco-Spanish frontier. All undress shows, he adds, such as the Folies Bergere and
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  • 172 5 MAN WHO REGAINED SIGHT FINDS IT A HANDICAP *T*HREE ysars ago Roy Kendrlck, of Sydney, recovered his sight after 10 years of blindness, but he finds It easier to shave without a mirror and to play the piano with his eyes closed. Since he has been able to see again,
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  • 162 5 'Plane Girl Swallows Key For Air Mail New York, Aug. S. A PRETTY aeroplane hostess swallowed the key of the bag and mail compartment of an American Airlines sleeper-plane last night. She did thif to keep the key from a man who attacked her. The stewardess, Rosemary Griffith, 24, was
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  • 112 5 •THE secret of Germany* deferred action bomb was first given away when one of them fell on Warsaw in the early days of the war. It did not explode and the agent of an Allied Power was able to examine It. The mechanism of these
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  • 339 5 Louden, J«ly 11. WITHOUT asking why there should be a sudden, urgent demand for aluminium hundreds of thousands of men and women yesterday answered the call all over Great Britain, writes the News-Chronicle. Yesterday kitchens, cupboards and bathrooms throughout the country were searched and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 147 5 It you suffer from coughs, k I^St^Sm /SHBBBM lung weakening colds or sudden y VJw'Vj chills, be »«re to take Peps. These q Hb"^» antiseptic, breatbeable tablets are s£fc^-^ 7 /Sj^^^B pleasant to take yet powerful HBHSj[jj^^\ enough to keep trouble ofL your 1»\, irllL \iTk M"^. igg» chest and
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    • 381 5 P<UUJ<R There is something ajpong the large range ot kblaran Pewierware suitable as a Gift Tor every occasion. Furthermore your own designs can be executed by skilled workmen. Visit our showroom or write for an Illustrated Catalogue. Genuine Malayan Pewter it only obtainable from MAYNARD CO., LTD., Singapore. and Malayan
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  • 548 6 Newspapermen On 20,000 Mile Trip COMING HERE AFTER TOUR OF AUSTRALIA ELEVEN leading journalists from the United States will visit Singapore this week after a tour of Australia where they were the guests of the Commonwealth Government. Arrangements are being made for the party to
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  • 76 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. TPHE air mails from Singapore to London are taking an average of about 30 days, although one air mail sent by the Pacific and Atlantic clippers reached Great Britain only 18 days after leaving Malaya. The air mail
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  • 167 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. YAP Kee Lens. a regular 'bad hat' was sentenced at Klang to four months' rigorous imprisonment to be followed by six months' police supervision on a charge of extortion. Mr. I. D. Mac Donald, 0.C.P.U., Klang, said accused stopped a
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  • 30 6 The death has taken place in the Seremban General Hospital of Mrs. N Xavier, wife of Mr. N. Xavier, of the Infant Welfare Centre, Seremban, at the age of 34.
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  • 280 6 EXEMPTION TO BE PROVIDED ALIENS living in Malaya, who have in the past been exempt from the application of the existing Registration of A liens Ordinance are likely to be similarly exempt under the new Registration of Aliens Bill 1940 which will be introduced
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  • 223 6 A FURTHER donation of $10,000 to The War Fund was proposed at the meeting of W. Hammer and Co., Ltd., yesterday by the chairman, Mr. M. N. Wardell, who was re-elected a director of the company. The proposal was unanimously approved. Several Singapore
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  • 78 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. KUnithan was fined $15 or two weeks' rigorous Imprisonment by the Kluang magistrate on a charge of sending an insulting letter to Mr. A. J. Thorne, of Fogden, Brisbane Co. Mr. H. N. McLeod, who appeared for the complainant, said
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  • 102 6 Volunteers Regulars In Combined Exercise .[A/ exercise in which both Regular and Volunteer troop* will take part will be held in Singapore to-morrow and Tuesday in the area* of Siglap, Geylang, Katong, Tanjong Rhu, Raffles Reclamation and Telok Ayer Basin, it is announced. The exercise, which will begin to-morrow evening
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  • 265 6 IMPORTANT changes to rules relating to driving 1 licences in the Straits Settlements have been gazetted. They provide for provisional licences for learner-drivers who will have to attach the distinguishing letter "L" (for Learner) on their vehicle, while driving tests will in future cost
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  • 130 6 LIVED IN OPEN BEGGED FOOD (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. FRANCIS Reincastle, a 50-year-old Eurasian, was committed to the house of detention when he appeared in the police court and pleaded guilty to a charge of vagrancy. Reincastle said that for 15 years he had been employed as an enginedriver.
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  • 90 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. A PRETTY young woman, Keong Ah Mol, was produced before Inche Haron bin Ahmad and charged with attempting to commit suicide by taking opium in her house at Jalan Bakri In claiming trial she said that she had heartache
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  • 43 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. NG Suan, a Chinese of Sungei Way, was at Klang charged with *he theft of tin-ore, the property of the Magnetic Tin-Ore Dredging Company. He was convicted and fined $30 or one month's rigorous imprisonment.
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  • 60 6 'From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. MR. Tan Thong, the father of Mr. Tan Seng Tun, a well-known businessman and a director of the Sin Teck Hong Oil Mills, Klang, has died in Kuala Lumpur at the age of 61. Two sons and three daughters
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  • 152 6 iFrom Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. AN open verdict of death due to septicaenri from burns and a rider that the death of the child was due to negligence on the part of the parents for not reporting to tbe medical authorities were returned by tho
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  • 78 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. /"MBLED news has been received in Malaya of the death in India of Mrs. Josephine P. A. Nathan, wife of P. A. Nathan, of the District Engineer's Office, F.M.S. Railways, Buklt MertaJam. Mrs. Nathan is the sister-in-law of Mr.
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  • 56 6 •From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Saturday. TO-DAY Is the 44th birthday of His Highness the Yang dl Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan (Tuanku Sir Abdul Rahman). The customary birthday parade at Seremban and garden party at Sri Menanti have been cancelled this year. The occasion, however, is
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  • 66 6 A VARIETY entertainment by the Combined A Services will be presented at the Victoria Theatre on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 13 and 14. In aid of the British Red Cross. The entertainment will be given by serving members of the Royal Navy,
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  • 40 6 Mi. Adam N. Hajl Mohammed Ibrahim, who was recently made a Justice or the Peace for Singapore, was entertained at a tea party by the Koothanallur Muslim community yesterday at the South Indian Muslim League in Chulia Street.
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  • 215 6 New Police Building In Penang TO BE READY NEXT YEAR (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. /"\NE of the most imposing buildings in I'cnnng w ill be the new police headquarters and barracks, now being constructed in I'cnnng road. The building will cost $1,500,000 and will be ready for occupation
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  • 154 6  -  MR. R. S. NAYUDU r\EWAN Bahadur R. Subbayya Nayudu, Agent of the Government of India in Malaya from 1928 to 1931, has been appointed Dewan (prime minister) of Cooch Behar. one of the Eastern Agency Slates, situated In Bengal. Mr. Nayudu who recently retired from
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  • 75 6 i From Our O" m Correspond' nt) Seremban. VOW Moon Lee. a Chinese, was charged at Seremban with stealing a roll of cloth from a shop In Birch Road. Accused was arrested while walking in town with tre cloth. A Chinese salesman Identified it as btlon. ing
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  • 275 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. T*HE complete willingness of estate owners to shoulder their share of the burdens of war was expressed by Mr. Khoo 800 Gong, president of the Malayan Estate Owners' Association, at the annual meeting to-day. Mr. 800
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 294 6 <*»v liiiitriifll K \*o ""NTViiUi ii 4& If-, \JMsMmmu WBk Oks. /3^H No more razors or smelly pastes I never dared appear in bathing suit or evening dress. I was so ashamed of the ugly hair under my arms and on my arms and legs. I had tried everything r
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  • 1591 7  -  By Nathaniel Gubbins IN our war against garden pests we find we are gradually losing ground. And although we do not wish to sound like a deieatist, ye feel that despite our superior armaments the tenacity, fighting spirit and indomitable will to win displayed by the
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    • 356 7 Three Tales Of The Wild West Blood on the Bange. By Ell Colter. Holster Law. By Coly Gmnnlson. Thunder over White Horse, By James L. RibeL Ward Lock. 3s. 6d. each. I THINK Mr. Ell Colter is a newcomer to the ranks of Western novel writers and he sure hasn't
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    • 181 7 Plenty Of Laughs Here Eggs, Beans and Crumpets. By P. G. Wodehoose. Green Lipstick. By George C. Foster. Both from Jenkins' Colonial Library. PQ. WODEHOO3E needs no introduction and it suffices to say that the Eggs, Beans and Crumpets of the celebrated Drones Club still meet before luncheon and discuss
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    • 146 7 Best Stories. By Theodora Benson. Faber and Faber. 7s. Gd. THEODORA Benson's collection or what she considers her best stories is excellent. It covers a wide range of subjects and several stories are of special Interest to people living In the East, for the scenes are set In
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 255 7 (You too can have Husky) f New Strength, Calm Nerves and New Found Energy.. < V Make tiffs lest/) i^PI Mfcfrr sh£ Ek I i it ii Thousands of Thin, Weak, Ailing, Nervous Men 4 Women, Once Discouraged, Say "VIKELP" Tablets Brought These Results* Where All Else Failed! ■ic 1.
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    • 20 7 The Fifth Column When in Doubt, Say Now't STOP PRESS "Talk About Tirer instead* Advt: of TIGER V^ E BEER
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    • 349 7 LEARN AT HOME SECURE A CAREER GAIN MORE SALARY In tne comfort of your own Home ywi can learn by correspondence, any one of these subjects, all taught by PITMAN 3 Singapore, branch of the famous London College. Knowledge means a better post, highr salary and financial protection all tunes.
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  • 1794 8 The Present War Between Good And Evil Parallels Malays' Age-Old Shadow Play THERE is an old game which is ever repeated as a play on the Malay village stage as well as in real life. It is a fiehl for supremacy between the good and the evil powers on earth.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 485 8 POLAROID SUN GLASSES JUST ARRIVED No increase in price B>^ 6 Complete GUARANTEED GENUINE. Beware of Imitations THOMPSON OPTICAL GO. 4 Arcade Bldg. b ACIDITY-#" i *M piTIfINDKiESTION >vJ*- ii«y»o«^B is to remove t h o -^w c au st of the trouble excess stomach acid Re -r.t me Jiral
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  • 1689 9 By The Onlooke. MORE changes have been made in traffic regulations in Kuala Lumpur during the three and a half year tenure of office of Mr. G. R. Livett, Officer-in-charge of Traffic, Kuala Lumpur, than during the tenure of any of his predecessors. Mr. Livett is now
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    • 119 9 Dr. Cook's Death Recalls North Pole Hoax New RocheUe (N.Y.) Aug. 5. Dr. Cook, returning from Greenland in •f*HE death has occurred of Dr. Fred- a Danish ship, claimed that he had eiick Albert Cook, perpetrator of reached the Pole on April 21. 1008. The the famous hoax that he
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    • 127 9 LIFE ASSURANCE IN WARTIME DEATH IS NOT THE ONLY RISKI In addition to the usual Death cover, Great Eastern Life Assurance policies fully protect Civilians against TOTAL AND PERMANENT DISABILITY arising either directly or indirectly from WAR. THE FACTS This free benefit is included in every Whole Life* Endowment and
      127 words

  • 1025 10 Running The Gauntlet In The Escape From Flanders Here Is An Extract From A Letter Written In England And Just Received In Malaya HTHE day before we heard that 1 E. was safely back from Dunkirk was the most terrible 1 have ever spent I'm sure nothing ever could be
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  • 599 10 "Nederland Zal Herrijzen QNE of the major tragedies of the v war that most nearly affected Malaya was the invasion of peaceful Holland. Bound to the Netherland Indies in the closest links of commerce and friendship, Malaya is also the home of many Dutch nationals, so that the wanton cruelty
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  • 357 10 Shakespeare The War IT was strange that, In re- reading Shakespeare's "King John" in an endeavour to lose myself for a while in the past, I should have been constantly reminded of the present from which I had hoped to escape, writes James Beveridge in the Sydney Morning Herald. Many
    357 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 338 10 You Always Feel Best uhcn you look bctU Bkfl i Ey* Joirt Received— 1 Suit Lengths UN SHIELL'S ■t t! 4 > n silk and W<M>| Also AMERICAN HwSLJ™-! SHARKSKIN JK I In various Colours You trill loot your best in clothes tailored by MIEN CHONG The h'.gh class Tailor
      338 words
      158 words
    • 137 10 Mr. Can't: forgot my papers and had to go back!" 3TAVW llOlf Mr* Cans "It's forgetting your Eno that makes you so slack!" A If you awake liverish and *"*O diffm heavy-eyed, it is a sure sign e Cdu$ e that your system is out of m £Hq order. Take
      137 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 718 11 GRAPHIC STORIES OF RAIDS AND FIGHTS Battles With Italians London. Aug. 5. A DRAMATIC description of M an R.A.F. raid on Italian basrs is given by Alan Moorehead, Melbourne journalist, who is Daily Express correspondent on the Sudan front. Moorehead writes:
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  • 21 11 Women members of the staff of the British Embassy in Rome photographed on their arrival in England.
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  • 231 11 O.A.G. Thanks Air Raid Wardens TRIBUTE TO THEIR PUBLIC SPIRIT A IR raid wardens in Singapore were yesterday publicly thanked by the Officer Administering the Government, Mr. S. W. Jones, for their public spiritedness in undertaking the work they were doing. Mr. Jones was attending a special display staged by
    231 words
  • 113 11 THE ALHAMBRA •'IRENE," the R.K.0.-Radlo musical fllm which had a midnight premiere at the Alhambra cinema last night provides some very good entertainment. A strong cast, headed by Anna Neagle, Ray Milland. Alan Marshal and Roland Young, Is featured In a sparkling story of an Irish salesgirl
    113 words
  • 80 11 DEMARKINQ that work would be found for him if he wanted it, Mr. J. G. Rappoport. Singapore third magistrate, yesterday sent O. Simonsen, a 29-year-old Dane, to the bouse of detention. Simonsen was charged with being a vagrant without any visible means of
    80 words
  • 58 11 ALLEGED to have attempted to take out of the Colony 1,600 yen in notes on Thursday without the permission of the Financial Secretary. Yoshfc Fukuyama. a 36--ytar-old Japanese salesman, appeared in the Singapore third police court yesterday. The charge was explained to him. Police bail of $250 was
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  • 36 11 HUNTER. —Kenneth wylle (William Jacks Co. (Malaya) Ltd.), dearly beloved husband of Rita, at the General Hospital, Singapore, on Saturday, August 24. 1940. Funeral at 5 pjn. at Bldadarl cemetery, on Sunday, August 25, 1940.
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  • 31 11 In Loving Memory of My brother Dr. Joseph Raslab Jacob Died 25th August, 1937 of a Car Accident. "Safe in the Arms of Jesus Safe on His gentle breaat."
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 91 11 engine s Board of Trade figures show that of all the oil engines imported into Malaya in 1939— RUSTONS accounted for 49°/o —an increase of more than 6°/o over 1938. Proof indeed that RUSTONS ar JSr tJle en J^ ne most preferred by engineers in Malaya. C:v Place orders now
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    • 30 11 Local News In Pages 6, 11, 17 Vincent.— To Joy (nee Prlend) wife of H. L. Vincent, at Sepoy lines maternity hospital on August 24, 1940, a son, Christopher John.
      30 words
    • 284 11 Relief from the HflHC7s~^^Bl9 torment of IJs^Z^fcA/t iff jfl^rr FvM /-^fr" I IWAt) I I'^CcF The burning torment of prickly heat is often unbearable. Don't put up with miserable days and nights. Use Asepso, the antiseptic toilet soap. Its gentle, soothing lather brings instant relief. Asepso contains 3% Biniodide of
      284 words

  • 573 12 Interest Stimulated In Rubber Shares BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Singapore, Saturday. ONE of the features of the week was the ready absorption by investors, over a wide field, of Hongkong Banks. The demand was further encouraged by the reduction in the price of the
    573 words
  • 1303 12 SATURDAY, AUG. U, 1940: 1 P.M. MINING Buyers Seller* Ampat Tin (is) 3s 6d 4s Austral Amal (ss) fo id ib yd c.d. Austral Malay 35s 37s c.d. Ayer Hltam (ss) 19s a'Js Ayer Went; ($1) .55 .60 Bangrln Tin <£) 17s 18s Batu Selangor
    1,303 words
  • 83 12 Saturday. Aug. 24. n»on. Bvyen B*Om Prlc« "riM* No. IX tf.S.S. (Spot loose) 37 i J7*i No. IX R.S.S. f.J-J- In caxes Aur-Sept. (Sellers' Option) 38 38 G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. in bales Aut-Sept. (Sellers* Option) 36' 3694 F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. In bales An(.-SepL (Sellers' Option)
    83 words
  • 261 12 Bootd Conjotui? Dlrtdend Clow ru Vitstral Amal 3d.. Mistral Malay 3d. 13 bonus Sept. 3 poh Tin 3s. final less tax Aug. 6 <ramat Tin 6d. No. 30 Aug. It Cuala Kampar 6d No. 19 Sept 9 Cundang Is. No. 8 Aug. 26 laub 4d. int
    261 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 84 12 B E A OR D LORRIES I BORNEO I MOTORS I LIMITED I k^ _^r SINCERE DISPENSARY LTD. a jjfg^j) WHOLESALE A RETAIL Jf||k i|| CHEMISTS ■tin DRUGGISTS IP 'i Distributors Jar British Malaya nKSa^yjk ilmi products of British Alkaloids Lul j^*«SStjja Mid •ntireaUl Drqg C; of India. SIM tKfc
      84 words
    • 86 12 HAMMER AND CO. A PROFIT of $1«4,961.11 for the year was announced at the 17th annual meeting of W. Hammer and Co., Ltd.. in Singapore yesterday. This amount with the balance brought forward from the last financial year, gives a total of $233,544.51 at the credit of profit and loss
      86 words
    • 198 12 YESTERDAY'S PRICES Rubber, 37« i cts., up ct. Tin, $137 H, unchanged. \^r '^r* ■•*t''»* if M •Lj <i iii't -i*-**iV JSi. k^kßnL lil^V^mll 'Mj'fMW i' i n h'c II ism M>\ I nflfi^£E9'NAE h Wi Lr /*U W W Jll Look after Loner Cleanliness ■^■■W*? Aad T7' yo w«
      198 words

  • 1373 13  -  5v R. H. Naylor TO-DAY AUG. 25. For most of us: An excellent Sunday for fecreation and pleasure— cither sacred or profane. But it will bring surprises to the world and you. BIRTHDAY FORECAST DEI ore you Is a year which will prove 0 quite unlike
    1,373 words
  • 531 13 IJKRF, ,r..uped according to mont'i of birth (irrespective of year), is a statement of probabilities to be expected thM week. JANIABY (Dec. 21— Jan. 20)— Physically, you won't be feeling :co bright this week: better get plenty c/ exercise and change. But you will find other
    531 words
  • 382 13 By THE FOUR ACES A NATURAL squeeze occurs at the conclusion of a hand when one of the defenders, who holds the vital cards in two suits, Just naturally can't keep both of them guarded. In to-day's hand South, by simply playing out his cards, caught West in
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 170 13 ■f^^T fJ f n T9r^l tit Htr^^VJV^B /»J^ w w ml If rJil Ll' UP THE SPOUT Your mm and college. Sir? imporunce *omc outstanding Digby, Sir, St. Marks." academic •chievemcni no doubt." I wmc ted your recent exploit Y*t, Sir." Mr. Digbv -It had a certain element H'm -my
      170 words
    • 213 13 -'^■^HHs^^x WTW fz^rn^\ Wincarnis Is an invaluable restorMi.A{ s *!^—^^kM^/^ ative during convalescence after Mlllstn!f^^^^3l(f malaria and other fevers, whilst it H^^jr^^^^:^ 8 vkca is unsurpassed as a general tonic. Ilk.^iWr^B^P^x C is stron S'y recommended by Ifff^miJ^p the Medical Faculty throughout j the world as being both nutritious /I
      213 words
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  • 820 14 Adapting Make-up To The Occasion Max Factor's Advice ADAPTABILITY is too often overlooked as an essential to perfection in the make-up art. There are times and places for which original make-up practices and materials may have to be changed in order correctly to meet new condition^ and requirements. The make-up
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 340 14 BEAUTY Beauty is no mere happy accident of nature It Is the reward of intelligent care. Discover for yourself what a course of Elizabeth Arden Salon Treatments will accomplish, banishing those defects that perhaps you thought were inevitable. Dull colouring, coarse texture, sagging contours, premature lines, can all be corrected
      340 words
    • 452 14 [fLATTZfUHGI* <£Z Like Hollywood's famous flft i screen stars, you, too, will d ***L*m 1^"" be delighted with the I*** j lovely, natural beauty im- Lfl Hfe*. **lfcV V parted by this life-like |j Rouge, created by MAX M& bss^lb»a! FACTOR Hollywood.^! jww.f V jmBSKM. JUNE IANO 1 j UAOINO
      452 words

  • 53 15 IT is an excellent plan to collect 1 all odds and ends of hard cheese and grate them up, keeping the grated cheese In an air-proof glass Jar. It can be used in various ways, for a cheese sauce to Improve plain dishes, for flavouring puddings, and for
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  • 50 15 'THE next time you are trying to remove the odour of fish from plates or cutlery rub a little vinegar over them when you are washing them up. The stale odour of onions which Is so objectionable upon plates will disappear if you rub a cut lemon over them.
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  • 416 15 Hats, Flowers And Novel Materials For The New Dresses By Sunday Times London Woman Correspondent London. CTRAW hats may be sea- sonable, but felts and woollens are also very popular just now, because straws are not available in large quantities. Sj supple felts in pastel colours to harmonise with flannel
    416 words
  • 314 15  - Embroidery Can Be So Soothing By Vera Radcliffe |U|ANY women find em--1" broidery a soothing occupation in these trying days. It provides a much needed change from more exacting duties. You may have no time or Inclination for intricate work which needs much concentration. Something easy, attractive, and above all
    314 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 436 15 Try this new BEAUTY RECIPE look at the photos of this yirl before and after using it Hs) jmW^^t T can hardly K. believe my eyes^^^—^L*A^W. wnen I look into a am)r minor," writes J. M. "My^^siß^^^ •kin is fresher, clearer, lovelier than ever before in my hie. My newly-found
      436 words
    • 428 15 Cool In Cotton Crepe wjERE you see an attractive variation of the spotted theme— navy spots on a striped whlte-and-navy cotton crepe In style as simple and youthful as the pattern. FdR,NATIONMMFENCE Stroncj Nferves and Restorative Sleep IN these days of aonormal nerve-strain the two vital u^^^ mmmUmmum^m m^^m^m essentials
      428 words
    • 174 15 Your jjtHS Friend m*^ I^IB FFh ss^;^)-J DOT Pure and delicately medicated; CLI/ s !»C^B Cuti'.i Ir a Talcum cooj'j and comCCT y I Mm AMD io:t h y **nder ckm an<j' ILvJI Ism I mwFjt- HPiu keeps it aweet an-. 1 holesoT*. AND I^*^. M] mD Shaken on the
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 429 16 No party is complete without him now !l A> W£ "^Sr you NOTHING" M fraW "LA'A/S BE ONiy NO ONE^^B.^^^ y miserable! seems to ZifPlfl BsV WHAT'S THE WANT ME JJ M^--*M MATTER MOUNO-NOT^^JfcfZs: GO ANO J I f AR£ YOU > HAVE A BATH W SUGGESTING THAT WILL Wr
      429 words
    • 198 16 viifflß batteries IRr'CS^Sta eniure economy and satisfaction 6 M'K 2 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day! aW aW K Yes, positively MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Seles Representative A. T. Gillespie, P.O. Box 217. Sing»po-e. If you use s solid dentifrice, try HACLEAW SOLI* PtBOXIDE KNTIFMCI STOP 'L^ JIfIPAINS use reliable
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1015 16 Wireless Programmes TODAY SINGAPORE ZHL 143 mes 1225m. 1 ZHP 9.59 mes 3».9t;m.' 11.00 a.m. Military band music played by the American Legion Band of Hollywood California; 11.15 ajn. Band concert. Relayed from the Sea View Hotel: 12.10 p.m. Interlude of songs sung by Webster Booth (tenor;; 12.25 p.m. Band
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    • 366 16 EMPIRE STATION 6.00 pjn. "A Farmer's Diary": talk by k. O. Street; 6.20 p.m. Programme summary: 6.35 pjn. French bulletin; 6.50 p m. News and topical talks: 7.20 pjn. Dutch bulletin: 7.35 pjn. Olga Haley, contralto; T. 50 p.m. "Go to If feature programme on Britain's export drive 8.20 p.m.
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    • 764 16 PENAMO ZHJ 6.8» me* MB 30a* 9.45 ajn. Opening record; 6.50 a.m. 8.8.C. full news bulletin (relayed); 7.10 a.m. Close down. 12.00 noon Midday concert; 1.00 p.m. Close down. 8.00 p.m. Light classical music; 8.20 o.m 8.8.C. full news bulletin (relayed); B.M p.m. Topical talk (relayed); 9.05 pjn. Close down.
      764 words

  • 131 17 Malacca Volunteers Coming To Singapore (Fron. Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. TV ..a Uattn.. Straits Settlents Volunteer Force, paraded at full strength on the Reclamation this morning lor battalion drill. •ig the past fortnight tactical s, in which all the units of the battalion took part, were carried through These
    131 words
  • 96 17 rE tLeath took place in the Singapore General Hospital yesterday of Mr. K .W. Hunter, of William Jacks and C< 'Malaya) Ltd. Hunter, who came to Singapore from Kuala Lumpur a few months ago. had been operated upon for internal trouble. Hunter
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  • 69 17 TKIHTEEN persons were injured in Slnga- pore road accidents lart week as ccrr.pared wlKi 19 the previous week. fhls brings the total number of people Injured to date, this year, to 319. The total last year was 743. There was one road death
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  • 43 17 PERMISSION to work the Sultan's Rice Mil: at Quron has been trranted to Chop Leon? Hin Lee rioe mill. This rice mill is one of i the biggest in Malaya with a rapacity of 403 i baps per day.
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  • 34 17 The K»dah branch of the Malaya Patriotic Fund reports an additional collection of $1,573 during the past month bringing the total to date to 449.231. The Wool Fund has Increased from $701 to $1,211.
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  • 282 17 I_|OW a small quarrel over a pig between her and a neighbour, ended in her husband being stabbed, and in his almost instantaneous death, was related by a young Chinese woman, Ng Cheng Thiang, in the Singapore fifth court yesterday. She was the
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  • 83 17 CQUATTERS who occupy land as tenants at will ■as monthly tenants in consideration of a rent and erect houses of a semipermanent type on it, will have the benefits or the Rent Restriction law by amendments in an ordinance to be introduced at the Legislative
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  • 42 17 A Eurasian motor-cyclist and two Chinese girls were injured in an accident in Beach Road yesterday when the .motor- cyclist was In collision with th? two girls. All three were taken to hospital minor Injuries.
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  • 291 17 T^LCRiI was unusually lar^: rr at the Clerical Union Hall ysir day to watch the opening flxburej v the women's Junior singles badmint' i tournament. The standard of play s?en, however, was far below the av:.r age Junior standard, but all the four players were so well
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  • 230 17 THE eighth anniversary of the May lair &<i.; nunton Party was held at the seaside bungaluw of Mr. Lim Hock Seng last weekend. Speeches were made by the president Mr. Tan Soo Llew. during the dinner on Saturday night, and the hon. secretary. Mr. Lim Yew Hock, Miss
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  • 56 17 MAKEPEACE B. P. The following will represent the Makepeace B.P. In a friendly return badminton match against the St. Joseph's Church Brigade on Tuesday at the covered stadium beginning at 7.15 p.m.: Leo de Souza, Joseph de Souza, C. P, Lange. George Theselra, E. Reutens. V. Dana, Martin Rozarlo, C.
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  • 76 17 iV rom Our Ovn Correspondent) oeremban, Auk. 22. THE first round of the Kuala Pilah District Football League is nov over with the Sri Menantl team leadJng. Five teams are taking part In this competition for a trophy presented by Mr. W. A. Gordon Hall, a former
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  • 649 17 •By Our Badminton Correspondent) T*HE acceleration of the Singapore badminton tournaments Is quite understandable In view of the fact that the organizes have now only a matter of four months in which to carry out the full programme within the official period. It is learned
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  • 376 17 Firm Our Own corre.-p iiacnii Jahare Ba'uu. Saturcay \ju Kgoh Tee (Companion) yesterau; 1 regained the title, which he lost last year to Wong Peng Boon, koatlnc Bhelkc Ahmad (Prlaons) In straight Kits to the jpet> singles final of the Johorc Bthru badminton championship?!. Ngoh Tee, who
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  • 225 17 11 3d fc.l aiv gish, lure is a mil life -<tory w message for you: "I was always tired ana lLstus v in I saw your Pynnon Salt advertisad 1 t;ave it a trial and have been in the nink
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 195 17 I4 POLAROID" GLASSES Entirely Differ- ncc|CU Inspection and en t to previous Rtfl' X^XXYVGQ "M twill H Demonstration flat-tvne-lensc* without EXCLUSIVELY AT ENGLISH ITfflWB EYESIGHT MJMMJfiI THE ARCADE SPECIALIST. M tf^M WM TEL. 4OOB. KoBIPJII PHILLIPS' TGBTH PASTE \^L JHHiiB MOUTH ACIDS Gives complete mvuth 2nd gum protection _f It
      195 words
    • 82 17 PHOTOGRAPHS COPIES OF THE LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHS APPEARING IN THIS ISSUE Can be obtained from THE MANAGER SUNDAY TIMES When Ordrrin; Pfeae« Knlc^e Remrfianc* G REXS I- im-ii-im- biiii i M1 an W.P.S. 2 OJIST THAT! Like all great inventions, tbc Gillette system of shaving is simplicity itself. Pat Blue Gillette
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  • 488 18 This Year's Race Should See Best Field In Its History PIE Singapore Gold Cup race meeting has once again attracted, with few exceptions, the best horses in Malaya. The big race, run over 10 furlongs on the lnst day. should see the best Meld in the hV.ory
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  • 185 18 POSTPONED from Friday last owing: to the Australian lightweight Ron Dennis being indisposed, the Happy World boxinf pro^rpnime is to take place on Saturday. Atillo Sabatino and Mohamed Fahmy, principals in the main event of 12 rounds, are eager to get to grips, both being trained to
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  • 142 18 Combined Colleges May Meet Nepri Sembilan Club (From Our Own Correspondent) 1_ S?rernb m. F the Nesrrl Sembilan Club vs. Combined Colleges match t^k-s place at Seremban at the end of the ir;onth it should produce some good cricket. Negri Ssmbllan rrirketers are keen on the match and it is
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  • 425 18 Singapore Race Weights THE fallowing are the weight* for Saturday, Aug. 31, the first day of the Singapore Turf Cub's Autumn (Gold Cup) meeting at Bukit Timah 11 OH SI S— I ASS I— Dlt. I—6 furs.— Bay Dragon 9.05 Tonro" 8.U7 Royal Hampton 9.04 Lord Bug 8.06 Bridge Law
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  • 1976 18 By "Doc." I*HERE were two games played last week in the final knockout of the Small Units soccer league. Of the six qualifying teams, 'X Coy Loyals and 7 (H) Bty. R.A. have byes in the first round, H.Q. Manchesters met 35 Coy. R.E., while the R.A.M.C.
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  • 264 18 First round ties In the S ngapor-i Junior Civil Service Association billiards tournament are: Scot 5. A. J. David 'scr.) vs. Ali Yunos (—25) B Handicap: Sept. 6F. H. Bodestyne <scr.) vs. Chan Weng Kye (—100) B Handicap; Sept. 9 Lee Keng Chin <_20> vs. Tay Lee
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  • 62 18 The following have been selected to represent the V.M.C.A. in a league soccer match against the Customs on Monday at 5.10 p.m. on the Anson Road ground. T. Morrison, M. Swyny, V. N. Pillay. F Hutchinson, G. L. Day, G. Gill. S. Orton, K. Goldsmith, Tan Mole Seng,
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  • 80 18 In a friendly gama ol table tennis, the Nes,,anglo Sprris Club defeated the Borneo Co. Sports Club by four games to two. Results (Nestanglo firs.): Oah Teck Thucn lost to Khor Tian Hock 2—3; Kee Yew Leng lest to Charlie Kang I—3; S.ephen Ding beat Sim Kang
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  • 18 18 The Gas Department A.P. s^cer team drew I—l with the Singapore Airport on the latter'! ground last Friday.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 72 18 I DUin fl 1940 1 I CHEVROLET Because It has improved springi ng and a roomy body providing maximum comfort. It has vacuum power gear shift which gives ease of control. Chevrolet's proved 29H.P.engine gives ample power with maximum economy. It has a genuine Fisher body and p perfected hydraulic
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  • 1305 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Saturday. "THERE were some food divi- dends to-day, the final day of the Perak Turf Club's twoday professional meeting. Kace 1 Ponies, Class 2, Div. 3, about 6 fun. Mrs. S.E. Sherida's EAST LYNNE 8.13 (231) Mayo (2) 1
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  • 52 19 The women's bogey competition of the Garrls-n Golf Club resulted In a tie between Mrs. J- F. Elliot and Mrs. H. W. R. Williams with a score of one down Mrs. Elliot was declared winner on the best score over the first 6 holes, her score being
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  • 16 19 The Malayan Police are playing the Army at cricket at the depot next Saturday and Sunday.
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  • 258 19 A GREAT bowling psrfcrmance by C. Bchubert, who took seven wickets for 7 runs, enabled the Ceylon flports Club to skittle out the Khalsa Association for a mere 38, In a cricket match played at Balestier yesterday. The C.S.C. then went in and scored 152 for
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  • 193 19 THE cricket match between the Combined Schools an 6.C.C. team which was played on the padang yesterday ended In a draw. S.C.C. G. W. S. Waltes c Anchant b Thiam Siew 31 Capt. B. K. Castor c Koon Poh b Yogarajaff 33 J. E. Slade
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  • 305 19 'I>OINTS wer.? shared at the Anson Road stadium yesterday when the Gunners (9th Hevy. Regt.) and the Chinese met in the first division of the league, each side scoring twice. The result was against the run o; play, the Chinese, in spite of fielding several reserves,
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  • 419 19 Positions In the first divisions of ttv? S.AF.A. League, correcteo up to date. P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts I.A-F 19 14 1 4 70 19 32 t.A. i9th Reg 22 9 I 8 39 32 26 irgylls 17 10 3 4 23 19 24 lalr.ys 18
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  • 211 19 Fa cricket match played at the Depot yesterday, the V.M.C.A. beat the Police by 87 runs. T.M.C.A. Wilton b Sullivan 21 Pillay b Sullivan 19 Xavier c Sanderson b Gurdlal Singh 41 Marsh b Sullivan 10 Sabapathy b Sullivan 54 Chrysoscom c Sanderson b Sullivan
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  • 183 19 IN the first cricket match between two teams of women to be played In Singapore, the Y.W.C.A. beat the Girls" Sports Club by six wickets at the G.S.C ground yesterday. T.W.CJI. E. Frugtnelt b E. Barker 5 B. Ferguson hit wkt. b Pennefather 19 S. Armstrong not out
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  • 92 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. T*HE second team of the Selangor Malays became "B division champions of the Selangor Football Association League to-day by beating the Police Depot B team by the only goal of the match. The game was thrilling with the
    92 words
  • 432 19 1 From Our Own Correspondent > Muar. ONLY a few matches remain to be played in the second division soccer league competition which is expected to be completed early in September. Parlt Amal and Parit Stongkat are having a neck and neck race for league honours. Parit
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  • 140 19 fFrom Our Own Correspondent.* Scremban, Saturday. MR. A. R. Singam, the honcrary secretary of the Selangor Football Association, who has been elected honorary secretary of the Football Association of Malaya, provisionally. Is the first non-European to hold this appointment. Singam was the first Tamil to represent Selangor
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 371 19 ONE OF THE FAM I W/Qirh who deserves r^) Jol' this regular T^J^ %0^ care i&4jjL^ The companionship of your dog means much P^^ e^dfor h h^ D F^d to you. Are you making sure that he is as impurities filter into hit healthy and happy as he might be?
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  • 18 20 The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 453 Sunday, Aug. 25, 1940 Price 10 Cents
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  • 441 20 THE Singapore Royal Artillery (Volunteer) consider themselves among the luckiest of the Volunteer units under continuous training which ends this week. Luckiest because they inhabit up-to-date barracks which had never been used before they occupied them. And these barracks, known as v Dunkirk Lines,"
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 114 20 tH pL BR4NDY E SENSATIONAL 1 NEW TYRE iww^sWM^J&ifcsiss^-^^Tk. fc «i^Mfc V "^to^^IsBBBBBBBBBBBW CHAMPION X Amazing New Non-Skid Tread New Type Stronger Cord Body Longer Mileage Greater Safety A.NOTHEH Firestone triumph— the new Firestone Champion! A revolutionary new tyre with astounding performance record* for long mileage, non-skid protection and high
      114 words
    • 365 20 WHY GO ELSEWHERE WHEN YOU CAN HAVE EVERYTHING AT Phone 7144 31-33 High St. (mf^jf Accurate tjjfjf Reliable Modern gs^f^s^SJHsSSIBBBBHBSSBBfIHHHHItfUsHsIB BOOKS IN DEMAND M. Mitchell's GONE WITH THE WIND L. Bromlle'd's THE RAINS CAME Gilbert Frankau's SELF PORTRAIT Hugh Walpole's THE HERRIES CHRONICLE THE FRENCH YELLOW BOOK being Diplomatic Documents
      365 words