The Straits Times, 11 August 1940

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 39 1 The Straits Times THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 451 Sunday, Aug. 11, 1940 Price 10 Cents Th e Straits Times The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 451 Sunday, Aug. 11, 1940 Price 10 Cents
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  • 878 1 Vichy Govt. Expected To Accede To Demands "POLITE FORMULA FOR EVENTUAL ANNEXATION" Scheme For Invasion Of Yunnan Province THE Petain Government is expected to yield during the next few days to Japan's demands about French Indo-China, writes the Daily Herald's diplomatic correspondent The chief demand is
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  • 69 1 Chinese Forces Massing Near Indo-China Shanghai, Saturday, f liINESE troops would march into Indo-China in The event of a Japanese invasion of that country, declare reports from Chungking published in the Chinese Press. The newspapers state that during the past two days over five crack divisions of Chinese troops including
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  • 480 1 Chungking, Saturday. •THE Chinese Government views the 1 French Indo-China developments with the gravest concern and has mad"» adequate preparations to back un the French colony with force, declare, the t,m-ia! Central Dally News In an editorial. "If the enemy takes
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  • 34 1 Jairo, Saturday. A COMMUNIQUE Issued by the general headquarters of the British forces states: "In Somaliland the Italian advance is continuing towards our main positions. Other fronts: all quiet." Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 42 1 One branch of the hgyptian Army remains unmechanised without loss of efficiency. It is the famotu Camel Corps, which in previous wars has proved its worth. The picture shows a sergeant major giving the day's instructions to a section.
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  • 22 1 The Kins recently paid a visit to a southern England army depot where he inspected a Srot.ish regiment.
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  • 133 1 London Letter By Cable riE Straits Times has arranged with its London Correspondent to telegraph to Singapore a weekly London Letter of 1,000 words. This cabled London Letter will be of special interest to Malayans at the present time as. owing to the mail delays*, news from England to supplement
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  • 125 1 AMERICA WARNED NOT TO HELP BREAK BLOCKADE London, Saturday. AN article in the New York Herald-Tribune warns Americans against helping the Germans to break the British blockade by sending food to German-occupied t rritories. The newspaper says that tne prospect of famine in Europe represents another horror of war which
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  • 32 1 Washington, Saturday. •THE State Department has disclosed that the United S ates is re-opsn-lng consulates at Dakar, and at St. Pierre, capital of a French island off Newfoundland.— Reu'er.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 129 1 CLARE'S RETURN TRIP OVER ATLANTIC London, Saturday. •THE Overseas Airways' flyingboat, Clare, arrived at a southwest port from America to-day, having made the crossing from Botwoud to Foynes. Ireland, in 12 hours 20 minutes. The Clare carried mall and freight and six passengers, including four American pilots who have" come
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  • 118 1 Shanghai's Defence Sectors REVISION AFTER BRITISH TROOPS' WITHDRAWAL Shanghai, Saturday. pOKhIGN military command- ers in Shanghai are expected to meet within a few days to discuss revision of the defsnee sectors, following the British withdrawal. There is considerable speculation over the future of the British sector. Jananess opinion Is reflected
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 77 1 London, Saturday. PRIVATE motor-car owners are camouflaging their cars as precaution against attacks from the air. The Ministry of Transport has announced that It has no objection, Due It has forbidden the pain ing M private cars so that they look ili:e camouflaged cars used dv
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  • 36 1 London, Saturday. PRESIDENT Roosevelt arrived at the naval dockyards in Portsmouth in New Hampshire this morning to begin a tour of th» cefer.ces on thu east coast of the United States.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 13 1 TAI HEN 6 CO. tailors JW Coleman St., Singapore. I Phoae: 3375. Jf'
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    • 116 1 t We hold a stock of very desirable DRESS MATERIALS CHOTIRMALL'S —41— 43, HIGH ST.— W&y nil iMa MANY DELUXE IL^ZJ^ LOOK AT THE SIZE. No matter what new model you choose, you get more storage space, for the maximum space is made available for your benefit. 2j| LOOK AT
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  • 936 2 Direct Hit Sets Ship In Yobruk Harbour Ablaze AIRCRAFT ON GROUND DESTROYED' Cairo, Saturday. "f\UR bombers attacked shipping in Tobruk harbour yesterday," states a communique issued by the R.A.F. here. A ship alongside the jetty was hit by a salvo of bombs and
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  • 19 2 Strapping Maoris from New Zealand now in England, make a fine picture as they march.
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  • 144 2 London, Saturday. DISCI SSING the prospect of a territorial settlement in the Balkans, (he Manchester Gua'd'an says According to reports, the Bulgarians are being moderate in their demands, and all reports Murrcst that one of the more reasonable frontier changes should take
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  • 92 2 Tokio, Saturday. ACCORDING to the Domei news agency Marshal Chiang Kai-shek's house was partially destroyed during yesterday's Japanese air attacV on Chungking. Reuter. ml a large exchange of populations. "Under pressure, .Rumania might give up some territory on the western fringe of Transylvania, but when
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  • 120 2 Berlin, Saturday. TPHK loss by sinking or damage of 1 almost a million tops of British shipping: in the last three weeks is claimed by the official German news agency. An authoritative statement made In London says How fantastic la the German claim may be judged
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 46 2 Ottawa, Saturday. THE French steamship Saint Malo (5,779 tons), which has been held at an Eastern Canadi&n port since the capitulation of France, has been taken over by the Canadian authorities. She will satl in future under the Canadian flag.— Rcuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 71 2 London, tsaturday. THE Duke of Gloucester nas been appointed chief liaison officer ax the general headquarters of the Home forces, states Reuter. London, Saturday. GIFTS from the Empire (o help to pay for British warplancs are coming in fast -r than ever, it is stat?d
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  • 113 2 U.S. Admiral To Watch Expected Nazi Invasion New York, Saturday. DEAR-ADM. Robert Ghormley. assistant chief of naval operations, is en route to London with two other officers for the purpose of acting as special observers at the American .Embassy, according to the New York Times Washington correspondent. The correspondent adds
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 83 2 London, Saturday. OR. John Cudahy. United States Ambassa--1 dor in Brussels, who was reprimanded by the U.S. State Department for the press interview he gave on Tuesday and was ordered to return to Washington for consultation, left by air for Lisbon to-day. In his interview with
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  • 34 2 Toklo. Auk. > THE Batik of Japan has concluded an agreement with the Central Bank of Manchukuo granting the latter credits totalling IOC.OCO.COO Ten. it Is officially announced. Eastern Neire.
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  • 25 2 London, Saturday. rf Ls authoritatively stated In London that the Aden garrison has been substantially increased since the beginning of the war. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 119 2 Ankara, Saturday. SYRIA has now closed her frontier to British and ether nfe'ttti og military age. Hitherto, despite the F.enrh capitualation, British subjects were able 1j pass through Syria in transit. Now, on orders from the Vichy Governnment. French consulates have been instructed to refuse visas
    Reuter  -  119 words
  • 125 2 London, Saturday. AN R.A.F. pilot who was born In India, educated in England and served with the Southern Rhodesia defence forces before joining the R.A.F. has been awarded the D.F.C. for gallantry in Libya. He is Squadron Leader G. B. Kelly. He carried out recently
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  • 34 2 Moscow. Saturday. The Dnieper-Bug Canal, forming part of the 900-mile waterway link between Danzig In the Baltic and the Black Sea. ls now completed and ojvn to navigation.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 86 2 Chinese Soviet Ambassadors Dr. Quo Tal-chl and M. Mafeky, the Chinese and Russian Ambassadors In London respectively, at a dinner party in London in commemoration of the third year of China's war with Japan. The mi*sU, who comprised sympathisers of China, paid ss. each for the dinner which consisted largely
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  • 23 2 The Duchess of Kent receiving a bouquet on arrival at St. Geirot s Hospital on Alexandra Rose Day.
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  • 288 2 More Empire Gifts To Swell Fund To Buy Bombers Minister for Aircraft Production for their magnificent gift of £32.850. He says "We shall put thr money to good use by adding aircraft of UM most powerful type to our squric.rons The wings with which you are equipping us will carry
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 806 2 RHEUMATISM&BACKACHE now known fo be caused by BAD KIDNEY ACTION Pew medical discoveries clean raw, sore, sick kidneys and bladder and to of recent yr»rs can h.we JtTiJ rcmore acids and poisons from your system a more far-r. aching effect _^&4w safely, quickly and surely, yet contains no upon the
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  • 301 3 Barbed-wire Other Defences Being Erected By The Military Hong Kong, Saturday. CUCCESSIVE Japanese bombings of Chungking have caused the Chinese military authorities to take precautions against Japanese parachutists, a foreign report from Chungking says, according to Eastern News. The authorities have already started establishng barbed-wire
    Reuter  -  301 words
  • 70 3 The Argentinian Government has ordered the expulsion of Karl Arnold, described as a Gestapo chief and one of the most active Nazis In Buenos Aires, reports Reuter. Police in other South American countries aro similarly engaged in rooting out potential fifth colmunists and other Nazi agents,
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  • 125 3 CARRIED IN 1,000 SHIPS New York, Saturday. DESPITE intensified German air and sea attacks on Great Britain's supply lines, Britain still has plenty of ships to transport war purchases from the United States, declared the spokesman of the British purchasing commission here today.
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 81 3 London, Saturday. TPHE Air Ministry announces A second gift of £7,500 for the purchase of fighter aircraft for the R.AJF. has been received from the people of th? Indian province of Sind, and has been gratefully acknowledged by the Air Council." The first gift of
    British Wireless  -  81 words
  • 135 3 London, Saturday. MORE than a score of times since the outbreak of war, high speed launches of the RAJ 1 coastal command have besn sent out to resci'.? German airm;n adrift in the sea after being shot down. Often on these occasions these small boats have had
    British Wireless  -  135 words
  • 49 3 Tokio, Saturday. THE training squadron consisting of the 1 warships Kashlma .nd Katorl, which arrived In Malzuru yesterday, will go on Its ocean cruise to-morrow after accommodating graduates of the Malzuru Engineering school, and graduates of the Toldo Naval Paymaster' School. Eastern News.
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  • 83 3 J?LYING-Officer W. H. Rhodes Moorhouse, son of Captain Rhodes Moorhouse, first airman to receive the Victoria Cross, has been awarded a D.F.C. The father died in the last war of wounds received in the engagement in which he won the Victoria Cross.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 649 3 LEARN SKOKT'J4AKD BY POST A^D BE CERTAIN OF A JOB For 70 years l'itman's have tau?ht bhorthanc succcvtullv. T<*ns of thousands have gained good posts through ite mastery now. In your own home, you can acquire the aoillty to take letters or speeches if you :eek employment as a stenographer
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    • 286 3 ever went into a frying-pan. IJ»I;,.1 There's a good feed— and an. f -I ,I J '1 J 1 1 1 economical one, too— in every Ih'lQiiiiM pound of our tasty S.C.S. Sausag s. fc I They are made in our own spotless fJI I f I|l II kitchens with
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 204 4 SPECIAL RETURN SCREENING of WALT DISNEY'S first great full-length feature in Technicolour. OPENING TO-DAY (Sunday) DAILY AT 11 a.m. 3.15, 6.15 9.15 p.m. ALiHAMBRA 'PHONE 6909 Distributed by LtAdJu m Z\^\J r }O RK O RAD I O liMLia PICTURES j£^l^^** irsl i v 1 1 length All Wondrously ftlifil
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    • 239 4 EXCITING ADVENTURES IN THE TROPICAL JUNGLES See Ravishing LUPITA TOVAR famous Mexican Beauty Winner! CAPITOL OPENING TO-DAY 4 Shows 11 AJM., 3.15, 6.15, 9.15 e^Un, Ever Se cool Retreat" jgS New Universal Present PPI RICHARD ARLEN and ANDY DEVINE TROPIC FURY k with LUPITA TOVAR See THRILLS ADVENTURES in the
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  • 298 5 Pilot Of German Bomber Rescued From The Sea "Had Three Minutes To Live" "•"THOSE fishermen were jolly decent," said the wQunded pilot of a German bomber, as he lay in hospital In a Kent coast town. I could not have lasted more than another three minutes." This
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  • 91 5 UNLESS there is a great increase in the voluntary response to the British Government's request to the general public to help win the war by salvaging scrap, compulsory conscription of waste may be imposed. Some local councils have made great strides in the campaign while others are
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  • 151 5 /GERMAN parachute troops, it appears, arc shod with springheeled boots to break their fall. This new detail of the thoroughness with which they are equipped was revealed when captured men were landed recent'.y at a British port. These men crowed in a ship
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  • 79 5 ITALIANS TAKE SCIENTIST'S MONKEYS London. ITALIANS have taken 120 mon- keys belonging to Dr. Voronoff, discoverer of rejuvenation by gland grafting. He had the monkeys at his laboratory in the south of France. The Italians destroyed the laboratory. The Italians took my monkeys over the Alps," he said at Lisbon
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  • 26 5 Madrid. •"■"•HE Spanish Government has granted a special pension to Emlllana Visitacion Garcia Martin, whose five brothers were killed in the civil war.
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 5 Pilot Officer R. E. Allitt (top) and Pilot Officer E. W. Tacon who each received the Distinguished Service Cross from the King at a recent investiture at Buckingham Palace.
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  • 190 5 R.A.F. TEST U.S. BOMB SIGHT British Preferred TPHE suggestion in reports from New York that the latest type of American bomb sight is of such a quality that extreme care must be exercised to prevent its being copied by any of the belligerent countries is not endorsed by Service opinion
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  • 102 5 Americans Forgetting How To Walk AMERICANS will have to walk on all fours in a few generations if they do not use their feet more than, they are doing at the present time. That is the prediction of Mr. Burnett Roscoe, whose work is connected with accident
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  • 90 5 Bishop Wants Stripes For War Profiteers STRIPED suits for shareholders In American war industries are proposed by Bishop Francis J. McCVnnell, of New York. "We want to know who are the privates and who are the generals in the army of war profiteers," he said. He suggested the following fashion
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  • 36 5 A defence regulation has been gazetted in Palestine prohibiting the use of wireless sets in cafes, restaurants, shops, and other public places or on vehicles, except on the authority of the district commissioners.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 113 5 ■^r W J^B^S m^Km^r *mW w^B^^^T Wincarnis is suitable alike for the robust, the invalid and the convalescent. It /braces the whole r system, imparts health and vigour, and preserves the abundant energy of youth. most efficient restorative. It stimulates the nerves, enriches the blood, and not only restores lost
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    • 783 5 HrVriSl m Kills Dental Decay PL J 1 Germs in 30 Seconds §aad JjeetA! Sound leeth are essential to good health. Help to guard your teeth by brushing them with Euthymol. It is an antiseptic tooth paste which will whiten the teeth and keep the gums and mouth healthy. Enthymol
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  • 1052 6 Boxing The Compass SALLY, the new landgirl. was a late riser. Farmer decided to offer advice. 'You should do as I do," he said. 'When the sun's rays peep into my bedroom window I Jump up at once." "So do I," said Sally, "but my window
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    • 263 6 It Could't Be Murder By Mark GMm The Burnt Bones Mystery. By Max Delman. Private and Confidential. By Paul Trent. All from Ward Lock's Colonial Library. AN unusually good story centres round the strange happenings at the Deverill household in Hampshire. The old baronet dies "by accident," and
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    • 113 6 Penguins Pelicans AMONG the latest additions to the Penguin and Pelican Libraries are the following: Penguins— Mystery and Crime; At the Blue Gates, by Richard Keverne; The Public School Murder, by R. C. Woodthorpe. Fiction: The First Hundred Thousand, by lan Hay; The Silence of Colonel Bramble, by Andre Maurois.
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    • 107 6 No Escape. By K R. Ryan. It might Have Meant Murder. By Leslie Cargill. Both from Jenkins' Colonial Library. MR. Ryan has written an extremely clever psychological novel in which a weak, spineless man is driven to the murder of his jealous Invalid wife. The
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  • 349 6  -  THE FOUR ACES By A WELL-KNOWN principle of successful bidding at Contract Is If your partner has not bid, do not double the opponents with the expectation of finding a trick in his hand. South, Dealer Bo tli sides vulnerable B— A 10 5 4 H— Q J
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 477 6 Examine these models simple, compact, versatile. Packed with new features. KODAK VIGILANT— gj? fe has /4.5 lens, five-speed Kodomatic mm Shutter. Shutter-release on body to minimise camera movement. Two jp^Rlßffy view-finders. Takes pictures 3 j xs2J I ORB I!L[ 'Jl I HUfciflraV World's most popular camera. ?J| V*PA SIX-20 KODAK
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    • 793 6 BUKIT TIMAH 44 Jsckson, old boy, congratulate fit. Perhaps I'm dense, but 1 still don't Kindly slap me on the back." understand. Forgive my bluntntu, Certainly, my dear fellow, but may I but mh rt i tht w ask yon why t Yon haven't got Hangovers Haven't you heard engaged,
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  • 231 7 A MAN who for three years worked in Singapore with the engineering department of Guthrie and Co., has been appointed to the central control board of eight experts to augment the work of the recentlyappointed Director-General of Munitions Supply in Australia. Ho is 42-year-old Mr.
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  • 184 7 At The Cinema lUDGE Hardy and Son," the latest of the popular Hardy family stories, which had a midnight screening as the Capitol last night, Is one of the bes cf tho series. Mickey Rooney Ream scores with hl.s masterly handling cf his role as Andy who 'lnds
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  • 57 7 ANE i killed and 15 others lnv jured in roa<l accidents in Singapore in tho wcpl; ending last Thursday. The total number of deaths from accidents this year is 16 as compared with 40 for the whole of last year, while 287 persons have been tnjured,
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  • 126 7 Pupils of the Methodist Preparatory English School, Singapore, who visited the offices of the Straits Times and Sunday Times yesterday and were shown the many complicated processes which go to the making of a modern newspaper. Front Row From left to rignt, Tan Kah Hen*. Lock
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  • 1198 7 Chinese Chamber Of Commerce 's War Fund Decision Active Campaign Among Community To Begin ACTIVE £teps to organise a War Fund campaign among the Chinese community were decided on at a meeting at the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce yesterday, at which about 150 representatives of more than 100 Chinese
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  • 187 7 MR. Frank Sidney Wicks, civil engineer, Singapore Municipality, was married to Miss Dorothy Nicholson White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Richardson White, of Gjeenlawns, NorthallertCn, Yorkshire, at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday by the Rev- R. K. S. Adams. The bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 67 7 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Saturday. POR the competition to elect "Miss r Thailand" at the Constitution Fete in December entrants will parade in shorts. Another innovation in this contest provides that prize money will not be paid in one lump sum but pro rata monthly because after
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  • 61 7 The following U tb» programme to b« played by the Drums and Pipes of the 2nd Battalion. The Gordon Highlanders, at Uxt Beating of Retreat at the Padang at 8 p.m. to-morrow: Retreat, Far O'er strule; 81o* March. The Rowan free; March. King George V Army; Strathspey.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 79 7 m THE REASON Innumerable complaints arise from impuritiea /^Bp^^^ hi the blood, and so long as the impurities re* main, permanent relief cannot be obtained. Clarke* Blood Mixture, by cleansing the HMO*"! Mood, is invaluable in the treatment of SyH rheumatic complaints, lumbago, painful rf&£jJL joints, neuritis, gUndula** swellings, sore*,
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    • 19 7 The Fifth Column Walls Have Ears STOP PRESS So "Talk About Tiger Instead" Advt. of TIGER X E BEER
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    • 590 7 I i NIVEA THE ALL-PURPOSE CREAM— n A CLEANSING CREAM Hht Crcme It A NIGHT CREAM blended from w Eucente. the near0 A HAND CREAM M possible subitl9 A MASSAGE CREAM tote fir the nitural A POWDER BASE ft FOR ROUGHENED SKIN NiVm keeps the FOB THF Nllfttcpv jk n
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  • 1559 8  -  The Onlooker —By SECOND-Lieut. Philip Douglas Ronald Kindersley, Highland Light Infantry, younger son of the late Mr. R. C. M. Kinderfley and of Mrs. Kindersley, has been awarded the Military Cross for gallantry during the extrication of the B.E.F. from Northern Prance. The official announcement states that
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 761 8 SINCERE DISPENSARY LTD. m "^^l WHOLESALE RETAIL CHEMISTS I■ DRUGGISTS s Distributors tor British Malaya X&jF&tQ T.C.P. T.B.P. Preparations, fc^f^StSa >|J=^— also products of British Alkaloids Ltd. l^fa^lSSffi and Continental Drue Co, of India. SINCERE'S SINCEHE'S COUGH SPECIFIC Head Office: 59. Hill St.— Tel. No. S3BB. LIMONIS large 90 cts.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
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  • 357 9 SINGAPORE WELCOME FOR SERVICES PAY INCREASE Extra 21 Cents Daily After This Month MEN of the Services in Singapore were delighted when they read of an increase of 6d. daily to be made in the pay of warrant officers, non-commissioned officers and men, as announced by the Chancellor of the
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  • 118 9  - Mouth-Organist Gets Contracts In Australia R'Lrn DENIS GILES SEVENTEEN-YEAR-OLD Ralph Denis Giles, the six-foot gingtrhaired mouth-organist who won Singapore's 1938-39 harmonica championship,, has made good with hi, instrument in Australia Giles, who w?nt to Australia three months ago to study dramatic art and music, recently broadcast from Sydney. He has
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  • 53 9 (From Ou Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. The engagement is announced and the marriage will lake place shortly of Mr. Soow Chui Chfang, better known ss Charlie Stow, the Malacca badminton chanson for the past thiee years, and Miss Yoong Wu Kiau. daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Yoong Kee
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  • 46 9 THREE other appointments to the n«wlycreated Strats Settlements Lejal Servii:have been made. They are Mr. Urn Koon Teck. at present acting District Judge in Malacca, Mr. Tan Thoon Lip, Assistant Oificla' Assignee, Singapore, pnd Mr. J. W. D. Ambrose, AMhtaXf Official Assignee. Malar, a.
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  • 84 9 The Police Band wi'.l play on Tuesday at Farrer Park at 5.30 p.m. and en Thursday at Telok Ayor at 6.00 p.m. The Rev. and Mrs. H. H. Peterson, of the Anglo-Chines:: School and the Methodist Girls' School, Klang, are to spend a holiday at Frasers Hill. During
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  • 192 9 Dart-Throwing Is Gaming 50 CENTS FINE INSCRIBED as a "test-case" by the prosecuting officer, Mr. H. P. Armstrong. A.SP. the retrial of the dart-throwing case ended In the Singapore third court yesterday when Leong Ah Kow, at whose amusement park stall the dart game was played, was convicted and fined
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  • 203 9 AM of opinion that my nephew committed sircide because he was very worried over the loss of his business, in Hainan, when the Japanese invaded the island, and thought he would ba unable to obtain employment In Malaya," said a middle-aged Chinese in the
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  • 101 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Aug. 10. FURTHER vacancies for Eurasians to serve with the forces are announced to-day. Eurasians between 19 and 40 and unmarried are required in the ranks of the Penang signal section of the Royal Corps of Signals for the
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  • 148 9 Dutch Ships Run U-Boat Gauntlet pAPTAIN P. Wyker, master of a Dutch ship, is still running the U-boat gauntlet to take foodstuffs from Australia to Great Britain. His ship, the Arendskerk, was torpedoed and sunk early in the war. Now he has a new Dutch cargo ship engaged in the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 148 9 FRIENDLESS AMONG FRIENDS! 1 (grand place.this. 3lßfiLtev FULL OF CHARMING M^m B m WL G I RLS- DECENT s— J WA 9P^ CHAPS TOO. STANDOFFISH MA W L 0T CALL m W them. *tB If 4^( ALL WWT JUST WHAT I > when you mm CANr Do i EVERy J&Wj
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    • 365 9 Probably not ono in ten could Mj^M\ guess her real ago. For, thankt fS' to Bila Beans, her figure Is still Wfr attractively slim her complexion flawless and she's as activa and fc^^^^^^^^a^^^B happy now as when she was a girS. W^"You. too. can look years younger end enjoy perfect
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  • 883 10 Opinion Duty THOUGH the dark threat of ruthless invasion still hangs over Great Britain, its people and, In fact, people throughout the British Empire, are quietly discussing the measures which will be necessary for establishing and maintaining a world of free, happy peoples after the cankerous growths of Naziism and
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  • 494 10 This Fighter Can Hit The Enemy Coming And Going TOR almost a year the names of two British fighters have been on the lips of everyone Hurricanes and Spitfires the powerful single-seaters which have each eight fixed machineguns. Now there is a third name often in the news the Boulton
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 453 10 Itl fill TRY OUR TAILORING We only solicit your trial order. MIEN CHONG S'porc's most up-to-date Tailor. 34, Coleman St. Phone 4816. PHONE 4310 Amber Mansion, No. 7 Orchard Rd. OPTICAL HOUSE MANUFACTURING DISPENSING REFRACTING OPHTHALMIC OPTICIANS TtmRUNDQWN AILING.NERVOUS NPW ■JrW ICo 1 1| IOSB— m How Pacific Oc«an Food
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    • 10 10 EDITORIAL, M.VVU.I Kl \l. AND ADVERTISING OFFICE: Cecil Street, Singapore.
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    • 144 10 Mr. Can t: "If only I could forget my digestion!'* fr i oil 6~\ jf Mf. Can: "If only you would remember your Eno!" Don't suffer from dyspepsia, £NO is A'tt I heartburn, poor appetite or m t^ca n^ similar complaints. Take Eno's regularly. Eno's ensures I Mr, that your
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  • 459 11 Project Adopted By Italians After U.S. Had Turned It Down War Stops New Plans Washington. JUATION-wide publicity recently featured the revived claim, of Salinas, California, citizens that American farmers can grow rubber more cheaply than East Indian plantations can produce it. The California
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  • 57 11 r T > HE Egyptians, in common with the rest of the world, take little notice of assurances from either Hitler or Mussolini, and therefore their forces are well prepared, and the fortifications on the Libyan frontier continue to be strengthened. Here we see men of the
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  • 56 11 Man Names Ghost As Co-respondent Los Angeles. SEEKING a divorce from his wife. Dr. William E. Bo; c, eyespecialist, named a ghost ■> corespondent. The ghost was named Sho-Sha In the deposition. Boyce alleged that his wife was In love with the ghost. They were soul-mates," said Boyce. I've got
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  • 154 11 Chungking, July 24. CHINA'S great pony express system which covered all parts of the great Chinese Empire thousands of years ago is expected to be revived to solve China's transportation problem in the interior, following Japan's blockade of the coastal ports and the
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  • 229 11 IN a grave in France, among the soldiers who spoke of her as "mother," lies Mrs. Herbert Climjison, a brigadier in the Salvation Army and a gallant soldier. She was the first woman to die en service with the B.E.F. She and her husband, who
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  • 84 11 In American Civil War! VI7HEN the latest American census was being taken, a wrinkled former Negro slave told the enumerator that he did not fight in the American Civil War which ended in 1865 because he was too old. The Negro. Charles Parcansas. living in New
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  • 43 11 BOTS of a well-known school in the Midlands are, for a fortnight, helping the local formers as their part in the National war effort. The picture shows a boy chopping firewood for the cook who provides the boys' meals.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 86 11 "-''■~~:r gSM J^m ar? fffiM Kffi-J twsgwamwiNSi 500 c.c. EXIMT Ist: TRIUMPH RIDER: MR. R. W. McCREATH 350 c.c, EVENT Ist: TRIUMPH RIDER: MR. SEET BENG SING oTljVOlaj TRIUMPH RIDER: MR. R. W. McCREATH RECORD 42.4 Sees) vt Singapore's G*p Hill Climb on Sunday, Aug. 4th, Triumphs, by winning mq
      86 words
    • 318 11 BHId c luxe ii large size 1H CORK 3.| TIPPED SBHH Ciqaieties I/Pa CENTS BmH S O i^j l^^^ HEKRY WAUGH co LTn BRING YOUR SHAVING I UP TO DATE WITH THE GILLETTE RAZOK A^^VWai!? laSt W rd m raz r des '2 n tnc simplest Av^\^^^|l shaving method ever
      318 words

  • 297 12 Industrials, Loans And Debentures Active Singapore, Saturday. DURING the past week there has been a steady investment demand for Industrials, and local Loans and Debentures have shown quite a fair advance on the week. Commodity snares have, on the whole, been dull with tin shares, if
    297 words
  • 1400 12 SATURDAYS PRICES Tin. $132*; up 25 cents. Rubber, 36% eta., unchanged. London, Aug. 8. •THE Personal Savirjgs Committee announce that the amount of subscriptions to National War Bonds received during the week ending August 6 was £12,485,285 making a total since June 25, of £144.416,360.
    British Wireless  -  1,400 words
  • 280 12 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association. Boofca Company Dividend Cloa* TIM Austral Amai Dlv. Sd Austral Malay Dlv. 9d Bonus Is 3d Ipoh Tin 33. final less tax Aug. 9 Kramat Tin 6d. No. 30 Aug. 10 Kuala Kampar Bd. No. 10 Sept. 0 Kampong Kamuntlng
    280 words
  • 76 12 Saturday, Au». 10, noon. Bayers SelVrs Prices °ric«« No. IX I'.S.S. (Spot loosei 33*., 37 No. IX R.S.S. f..)J. in cases Auj-si 37 s 37% (i.F.A.Q. R.S.S. lo.h, In bales August 36<; 36*tt F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. in hale* August 35<4 35»4 FTTX'RE QUOTATION* No. IX
    76 words
  • 107 12 Singapore, Aug. 10, noon Buyers Sellers Gambler $7/75 Hamburg Cube $13.00 Java Cube $12 50 Pepper White Muntok $12.25 White $11.75 Black 6.75 Copra Mixed $2.35 Sun Dried $2.60 Saoo Flour No. 1 Lingga $3.90 3.90 Fair $3.15 Sarawak $3.25 Jelotong Palcmbang $19.50 Banja $18.50 Sarawak $19
    107 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 464 12 *Sj\\ y _-ifc WAM JM/n Especially \J mil recommended for CALVANISED IRON ROOFS •STRUCTURAL STEEL J -DREDGES f iSTEEL BRIDGES STEEL TANKS.PIPELINES.Etc. A guaranteed anti-corrosive metal paint with exceptional covering capacity. f 4P 1 I <in I AMSTin I LORR Y I I BORNEO MOTORS I LMIT E D I
      464 words
    • 217 12 THE RULES OF HEALTH EYES! "WtL BrAfc >^ x T'hat morning glass of Andrews S S. f How it sweeps away sleepiness Its I^Q^SfiiSjK^^ Cleanliness which leaves you clear F§^gg=g=g^fl| headed and alert, ready for the day. Drink a glassful of Andrews. You H^^^^^^^^Sl can cc our moutn anc^ tnroat
      217 words

  • 58 13 THESE members of Sadler's Wells ballet company (left to rirnt) June Brae, Mary Honer, Robert Helpman, Margot Fontevn, 1 ederick Ashton and Ninette De Valois (director) are seen arm in arm on a London railway station after their return from France. They are now entertaining the
    58 words
  • 79 13 A PARTY of almost 300 Britens diplomats, consuls, journalists and their wives and families arrived in Glasgow from Italy on board the liner Monarch of Bermuda after a voyage which passengers said resembled in many respects a tour de luxe. The first part of the voyage home was on board
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  • 183 13 "Silly Little Fellow" DIALOGUE at a Liverpool conscientious objectors' court between a 24-year-old unemployed insuranre agent and the chairman: CONCHIE: If I saw a parachutist land in a field near my home, I would offer him a cup of tea. CHAIRMAN The parachutist would not be coming for afternoon tea,
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  • 131 13 ITALY now has a Lord HawHaw," who broadcasts from Rome, fervently praising Italy and Mussolini and belittling Great Britain. He is Lieut-Colonel Cyril Rocke. D.5.0., Legion of Honour, Croix de Guerre. The War Office has withdrawn his army pension, because he served with a foreign country without
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  • 130 13 Cubmaster Tried To Save German A cubmaster serving with the L.D.V. saw a large German bomber crash into the sea close to the foreshore during a recent air raid on the south-east coast of England. He ran to obtain military assistance. He returned to th 2 beach in time to
    130 words
  • 76 13 New Biscuit For Emergency London. •THE Food Ministry has produced an emergency biscuit, to be distributed among people who may be cut oil tn evacuated areas. It Is the same size as the army ration biscuit but Is slightly sweetened, and has high nutritive value. Stocks of the biscuits will
    76 words
  • 110 13 r rilK man who invented the Arst gas-mask in the last war has arrived in Great Britain. He is Colonel G. C. Nasmith, 62-year-old Canadian. He was on auty In April, 1915, In the WleltJe salient, near St. Jullen, when the Germans released a cloud of chlorine
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  • 541 13 WAR ON SIDE OF NAZIS IS NOT POPULAR lar party of homeward-bound Italians from Britain. "Kindness aboard the Conte Rosso was en a lavish scale," they said. "It was almost embarrassing. If we had been allies instead of enemies we
    541 words
  • 106 13 DEICIISVIKAR Engelke, head of the Church in Germany, has written a Nazified version of the New Testament. It dresses Jesus in a coat of mail, and describes him as the "first Aryan." A special "Gospel of the Reich," written by a Dr. Wiedmann, of Bremen, takes the place
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  • 82 13 THE FIRST ARYAN" Hitler pagan crgan, as ".he first Bolshevist manifesto," h?.s been ccmple ely falsified. THE BEATITUDES, TOO lis matchless precepts hav3 been paganized end its pacifism militarized. "Blessed a-e the meek, for they sha.l inherit the ear h" has become "Bless A are 'he food r»mtadrs of the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 482 13 SMART LADY! Smartly dressed— she has the right clothes for all occasions. And the rljht fUsses ■Ireamllned spectacles for daytime, an oxford for more formal moments, and sun-flasses found to her prescription. She's smart She knows that c»od vision fives her poise, adds to her charm. She know* that glasses
      482 words
    • 202 13 mm r «t >. fc^ ut MS 1 111 f Klfll'lK^^ a V~Jlr BtflUTlfltfl Sole .Agents: Messrs. The Globe Trading Lid. MjWI simper.. m/Ami F.M.S.— Messrs. Bariow Co., Ltd 11 11 N* (mc: In F.M.S.) yty HRIUM FOR SPARKLING TEETH-, >«H M^ S+& <*■ t&Qi jOty to clean your teeth
      202 words

  • 816 14 Glasses To Fit Your Face Max Factor's Advice WOMEN owe a double por- tion of thanks to the dark glasses which are so widely worn for outdoor appearances to-day. First, these dark len3es have admirably served the purpose for which they were designed shielding the eyes fix n both sun
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 274 14 Before every gala occasion have an Elizabeth Arden Treatment and a special party makeup that will ensure your complexion looking delightfully cool and lovely at the end of the longest evening. MAYNARD'S Battery Road. fk HEAT.' ({V ATUB \S/ RELIEF $^JUj!S\ for PRICKLY HEAT. This irritating and [•^-~s*j"jJ"— Vn unpleasant
      274 words
    • 410 14 Mother! Here* the Friend you often need finest healer of minor or ■U*^^mH <hodd Ido I serious skin troubles. Use it wKgb #jM without 1 t 0 a ii a y soreness and draw ■BLj^ ou j. i n fi amma tion. Apply it Sold by all Chemitt* and Store*
      410 words

  • 581 15 Hat For A New Suit And Other Things UOR your new suit, the best purchase is the hat which also looks smart with a silk dress. The sophisticated type of woman may find what she needs in bright lacquer red straw, finely woven with a shiny surface and trimmed with
    581 words
  • 229 15 WE always try to prolong the life of our carpets as much as possible. Often the drab effect of a carpet is due to soiling, and here it is quite possible to clean it yourself with the help of a carpet-shampoo. There are tfo be had some shampoos that
    229 words
  • 107 15 The Carpet Much Can Be Dont With Dye When they are thin, the long edges may be turned under, pressed in place on the wrong side with a damp cloth between the iron and the carpet, and then finished with webbing sewn in place with a curved needle and thread.
    107 words
  • 83 15 IF you are about to clean the white paint in your heme, you will find a friend in the onion. You boll an onion in a little water until It is pulpy, then drain off the water, and dip in a clean cloth to rub over the soil
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 186 15 Which Is Your LUCKY SHADE of Face Powder P^y# shades HI PARIS 9 our of I'J women /^S5i use rhe wrong shade V\>o|g of face powder S^ The wrong siade of powder H^H gives you a horrid, hard^^j^ made-up »ook makes you appear ye. its older. The Y?S only way
      186 words
    • 27 15 One Checked: One Plain A i aramel-and-cream checked jacket suits skirts of almost any colour, but it is most attractive with a skirt of plain, dark brown.
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    • 191 15 ELEANOR POWELL METRO GOLDWYN MAYFR STAR -2 jHfc &3k MAX FACTOR HOLLYWOOD AT ALL LEADING DEALERS Free Demonstration Make-Up and Colour Harmony Chart by appointment at JOHN LITTLES MAX FACTOR MAKE-UP BOOTH without cost or obligation MAX FACTOR, OPO. Box 726. S*pore. and enjoy if vC^^Hi II o Cf w
      191 words
    • 100 15 Lose Fat Secret Method Discovered By Hollywood Cinema Stars Now Obtainable at Chemists A safe, secret method of reducing ugly fat has been discovered by a California, physician In prescribing to the famous Cinema Stars of Hollywood. This discovery, called Formod*. quickly arid safely dissolves ugly fat 6 pounds a
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1015 16 Here is a sure way to CURE A LISTLESS DOG If your dog is listless, it proves that impure brimming over with vigorous blood has lowered his vitality. To cleanse and health and high spiritl> refresh his blood, give him Bob Martin's «simpi«war-oii«po«(dsrada» Condition Powders. In a very short time
      1,015 words
    • 350 16 $100 CROSSWORD THE Sunday jioies oflers to-day $100 for a correct solution ot the Crossword Puzzle prlntea below. Should no reader succeed In solving the puzzle correctly the $100 wIU be awarded in respect ol the entry containing the smallest number of errors. In the event ot a tie, the
      350 words
    • 338 16 IIU its lie** c Ti-^BJigSs'^wJ Time marches on. /K.-i^ Methods of travel f c^ an 8 e Also medicines. Now we don't have to tak* »JJO nasty-tasting oils, inconvenient herbal brews and griping purgatives. Medical science gives us LAXOBAC— th« modern chocolate laxative. Laxobac tastes just like chocolate because it
      338 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 656 16 Wireless Programmes TODAY SINGAPORE ZHL US mes i«sm.) ZHP 9.69 mes 30.96 m 11.00 a.m. Military band music played by the Grand Massed Brass Bandst; 11.15 a.m. Band concert. Relayed from the Sea View Hotel; 12.10 p.m. Militza Korjus (soprano) t; 12.25 p.m. Band concert (contd.). Relayed from the Sea
      656 words
    • 883 16 EMPIRE STATION Transmission 2 (6.00 p.m.-9.03 p.m. Malayia time) will be radiated on he following wavelenirths: GSH— I3.97 m; CSI-19.66 m; G5J— 13.7.5 m GSG 16.86 m; GST— I3.92 m; and on GSP 19.60 m until 7.20 p.m. -nd on GSV 16.84 m from 7.35 p.m. Transmission 3 (9.20 p.m.
      883 words
    • 228 16 NIROM VOn a.65 mc» (31.20 m.) If DA 6.04 me. (49.6 ok.); PMN 10.26 melt (£9.t m.l; 7DI 11.86 mes (25.3 m.) YDC 5.16 me (19.80 m.l. 5.50 a.m. Records; 0.20 a.m. News: 6.35 a.m. Records (contd.); 6.50 a.m. Records; 7.05 pjn. News repeated: 7.20 a.m. Morning music: 7.50 a.m.
      228 words

  • 1635 17  -  "Doc." By TiiK RAP. <KaJnag) were well beaten by 1 the Manchesters In a cricket fixture, scoring only 70 in reply to the Tads total of 220 for 5 declared. Isherwood 26. Pickles 46. Bethrll 56. S. Wllkes 39 and F. Wilkes 34 not out. made light
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  • 101 17 Yt.Mt relay's ties in the Singapore Badminton Association junior tournament resulted Heng Swee Tec (United Family) beat Sim Cheng Chwee (A.A.U.) IS— ll, 15—7; R. Ragurathan and T. Paul < Novice) beat Seyed Salim and Adam Bin Jatlar (Devonshire) 21—19, 18-21. 20—20 (3-2): Tan Chwee Hock
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  • 108 17 THE United Family B.P. beat the Amateur Athletic Union by four games to two Resulrs (United Family first):— benjamin Heng lost to William Tan B—ls. 15—5, 11— li Hew, Eiak Kwee lost to Teo Heok Kwone IS 8, I—s.1 5. o—s;0 5; Heng Swee Tee beat Sin
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  • 39 17 The Graduates vs. Students lawn tennis tournament Is belnr: continued this afternoon at the Medical College courts. The concluding singles n.atches arc being played, and after the mat.hrs Mrs. Chen Su Lan will pre■cnt the prizrs.
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  • 616 17 By Our Badminton Correspondent A VERY interesting stage has now been n reached in the Singapore men's junior singles and doubles tournaments, and from onwards the remaining games should i produce badminton of a hi-ih order. If expectations here are to be fulfilled,
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 17 Group photograph of the S.C.R.C., Singapore, and S.C.R.C, Kuala Lumpur, cricket teams, taken at Kuala Lumpur after the game last Sunday.
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  • 306 17 'From Our Own Correspondent) Johorc Bahru, Saturday. D EATING a more experienced player, Lambak bin Jamil, in a match of three strenuous sets, Sheikh Ahmad entered the open singles final in the Johore Bahru Badminton championships yesterday. Another game that provided a close fight was the doubles
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  • 32 17 .THE Mayfalr B.P.s eighth anniversary will be hold on Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 17 and 18 at M~. Mm Hock Seng's bungalow. 7H milestone. Eart Crust Road, Singapore.
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  • 652 17 'From Our Own Correspond. Batu Pahac. AT the fifteenth annual sports of the Government English School, Batu I Pahat, Chulan Houso won the housr championship with 86 points, Bongsu House was second with 80 points, Alauddin was third with 67 and Radin Badang was next with 66.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 83 17 fir* ALL STEEL FLUSH FITTING SLIDING ROOF ON DELUXE DEEP FULL WINDING WINDOWS MODELS. GIVE WIDE FIELD OF VISION. NEW STYLE ALLIGATOR TYPE yS ff9 «T^ m 7 J kk^ B^^^J^^^ Bß^ B^^^^ B^ B^ Bß^ r^ p^ k^ r^ r^ a^B|^^f^^^^^|^H^.V^^p\/9 a^afc ■Bflk^^TßUe^^ ■Ka^B B^B^^BSa^a^B^aV^eM^ aie^afc^fci TORSION-BAR ANTI-ROLL PRESSED
      83 words
    • 233 17 WBBmmmmmmmammmmmM n i n jgf4'Z?a^vk^ ENDED BY YEAST-VITE Why conunuo 10 tieaguoised by l>rnble Headaches. Niggling Nerve Pains Black Dcpro?p on. and Heavy-Limbed Lassitude?- Why go on denying yourself the Gift of Sound Digestion. Steady Nerves and UnOa^'ln? Fneryy when you can experience immediate benefit from 7mst-ytt< nin-^ PICK-ME-UP T
      233 words

  • 103 18 TAIPING PROFESSIONAL MEETING 1910 TO BE HELD AT TAIPING aACE COURSE SATURDAY, 17TH. AUGUST 1940 SATURDAY, 24TH. AUGUST 191 i Subscriptions for VlsitingTtembers shall be:— MEN $3 LADIES $1 for the Meeting or any aay thereof. VISITING MEMBERS must be introduced by Members and MUST APPPLY NOT
    103 words
  • 1752 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. CHAMROCK, ridden by Ardagh, to-day provided the biggest upset of the Penang Turf Ciub's August meeting, to pay a win dividend of $163. There was a large attendance to-day, the final day, and the totes and sweeps
    1,752 words
  • 531 18 Last Polo Game At Balestier KEEN fames— heightened b.. a few spills marked the final day yesterday of the Singapore polo season, and incidentally, the last occasion on which the ground at Balrstier will thunder to the hoofs of straining horses. When the next season opens about March, the Singapore
    531 words
  • 58 18 The first double tote paid $140 on each of 20 tickets on the winning combination, and the second paid $89 on each of 33 winning tickets. The Big Sweep The draw on the big sweep, value $91,146. resulted as follows FIRST ***** SECOND ***** THIRD ***** Starters *****.
    58 words
  • 155 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Saturday 'THE Johore Military Forces had to fight hard tn beat the Police by two goals to one in a league lootball game at the Istana padang to-day. This victory has placed the military team in second place in the league.
    155 words
  • 58 18 The following have otw. selected to •MeW so-C"- f or *V- V.MC.V vs. Jllilads Party on Monday at 5.10 p.m. on the Aim) i a..: Chun, V. N. Pillay. G. Gill, V. R. Sabapathy. F Mutchinson, Chan Joo Kirn, S. Orton, K. Goldsmith, T. Morrison, J. Povah. Tan
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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    • 154 18 Danger signal for your teeth Your teeth may be strong and Start using Gibbs S.R. right white— but if your toothbrush is away use it twice daily I stained with blood the chances Gibbs S.R. contains Sodium are you'll soon lose those nice Ricinoleate, which dentists use teeth. This stain
      154 words

  • 198 19 Goho Cup SELANGOR WIN OVER MALACCA 'From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. PLAYING eight new players in the side, Selangor beat Malacca by four goals to one at the Stadium today in a soccer match for the Goho Cup. Thf game was fough; cut at a fast paca throughout.
    198 words
  • 431 19 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. IN one of the best soccer games seen I in Muar this s?ason the Klang i Chinese beat the Muar Chinese by j two goals to ens in a match in aid of the China Relief Fund and the War
    431 words
  • Article, Illustration
    30 19 Group photograph of the Klang Chinese and the Muar Chinese soccer teams who met at Muar'in a charity match In aid 01 Th« War Fund and th« China Relief Fund.
    30 words
  • 302 19 MALAYS TAKE FULL POINTS Chinese Beaten In Scrappy Soccer AFTER sharing points In the first round, the Malays beat the Chinese by four goals to one at the stadium yesterday in the first division of the league. Both teams played disappointing soccer, particularly the Chinese, who were weak in all
    302 words
  • 418 19 Positions In the Oivisions of the S.A.F.A. ijtague, corrected up to date: FIRST DIVISION P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. I'-A-F 17 13 0 4 65 15 30 a.A. (9th Reg.) M 9 4 7 3J 25 25 Portress R.E. 20 10 7 3 45 29 23
    418 words
  • 214 19 PLAYING forceful cricket the Singapore Recreation Club beat the H.Q Force Emu team by 89 runs on the padang yesterday. SJLC. R. H. Bain b R. Singh 0 P. D' Almeida b Bennett 9 L. Outschoom c Hanson b Jones 49 P. F. de
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 19 R. THOY Singapore and Colony cricketer. A first class bowler and hard-hitting batsman. Scored 55 in second innings in last week's annual Colony vs. Malay States match.
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  • 194 19 Big Scores By Fort Canning V.M.C.A. INHERE was some high scoring in a game of cricket on the V.M.C.A ground yesterday when the Y.M.C-A. and Fort Canning drew. YJK.C.A, V. N. Pillay retired 55 K. Goldsmith b Oldham 4 S. Hope Ibw Oldham 1 Kwik Sam York c Oldham b
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  • 298 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. •T^HE best match in the second division league soccer competition during the week was that between Parit Amai and Parit Stongkat, the leaders in the league.- By forcing a draw Parit Amal further enhanced their chances for league honours. Other matches played during
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  • 91 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. YOUNG Johnson, Negro boxer, made a re-appearance in Kuala Lumpur last night when he beat Nal Boon Mah on points in a ten three-rr nute round contest. Johnson was to have met Nal Som Chit who was, however. Indisposed and
    91 words
  • 236 19 i From C..r Own Correspondent > Alor Star. AFTER having been the wooden spoonists of the Northern section for the past ten years, Kedah have now achieved their ambition of entering the Malaya Cup soccer final. The following will represent Kedah. Kok Hin: Goalkeeper. Has played for
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  • 111 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. TPHE annual Muar lawn tennis championship meeting ended last week when the prizes were distributed by Mrs. Sheehan at the Muar Civil Service Club Court. The following were the prizewinners Men's Open Singles Champion, Yon bin Mian; runner-up, All bin Hajl Ahmad.
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 19 B. J. DIOXVSII'S Negri Sembiian and Malay States cricketer who had a good match against the Colony last week-end. His fielding was brilliant, he took several wickets and scored some runs.
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  • 275 19 *From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. *I*HE road which curcuits the beautiful Taiping Lakes will be the venue for a road cycling carnival in aid of the War Fund on Sept. 1. The carnival is open to all cyclists in Malaya and will consist of a 50-mile
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  • 230 19 Combined Colleges Beat S.C.C. PASSING the S.C.C. total with five wickets in hand, the Combined Colleges went on to score 111 for seven wickets when play ended in a cricket match which began on Friday eveninir with an hour's piny and enderl yesterday. S.C.C. Capt. B. K. Castor c Th:<y
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  • 130 19 LOCAL followers of boxing should have their fill at the New World arena to-night. Of a card of four bouts two are between welterweights who have shone in recent lights. Chief interest Is centred on the Joe Diamond-Battling Sima scrap. Matched for the first time. Joe and Sima
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 299 19 I An Announcement THE fact that Britain is at war makes it necessary for the Proprietors of Ovaltine to adapt themselves to certain conditions. Sometimes we are compelled to do things which are somewhat Inconvenient, nevertheless, in the general interests, we must do our utmost to accept the difficulties that
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  • 45 20 So that relatives could attend in force, the first open air investiture took place recently in the quadrangle of Buckingham Palace, when the King conferred decorations on those who had distinguished themselves fighting on sea, land and in the air.
    45 words
  • 67 20 Located "somewhere in Yunnan" the Chinese have an arsenal turning out machine-guns for Gen. Lung Yun's troops. Gen. Lung Yun, Governor of Tunnan Province, addressing his troops through a microphone. Some of Gen. Long: Tun's best troops on the march towards the border of Indo-China. The Chinese
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 69 20 Lc^\ Iris? E sensational! NEW TYRE,,^Ii M MM W^^BBSt Tt restore CHAMPION Amazing New Non -Skid Tread New Type Stronger Cord Body Longer Mileage Greater Safety A.NOTHER Firestone triumph— the new Firestone Champion! A revolutionary new tyre with astounding performance records for. long mileage, non-ikid protection and high speed safety
      69 words
    • 424 20 LATEST PLAIN I PRINTED FABRICS AT Phono /I 44 Jijj Mign :<t v M M Staybrite stainless steel. A waterproof, unbreakable \A*y g/ass, adjttetable icristlet *?-*■'•> i r J FOR THE HOUSEWIFE'S ATTENTION SHELF PAPER— White Coloured; GREASEPROOF PAPER— In roll* sheet* SERVIETTES— White assorted designs; DOYLE YS— White Coloured;
      424 words