The Straits Times, 4 August 1940

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 450 Sunday, Aug. 4, 1940 Price 10 Cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya Mo. 450 Sunday, Aug. 4, 1940 Price 10 Cents
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  • 381 1 German Instigation Is Suspected In Washington "DOMINATION OF THE INDIES INDO-CH5NA IS HER AIM" Tokio Believed Ready For Serious Action ON DON'S concern at the new turn in Japanese policy is shared in Washington, though official comment so far has been limited. Informed quarters in
    Reuter  -  381 words
  • 246 1 Tokio, Saturday. THE South Seas regions, such as French Indo-China and the Netherlands Indies, will be included in a Great East Asian sphere of common prosperity as envisaged by the Foreign Minister, Mr. Yosuke Matsuoka in Thursday's statement, the spokesman of the Foreign
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  • 81 1 FREE SEAS FOR INDIA'S TRADE TRANSPORT Simla, Saturday. HOW the Royal Indian Navy is cooperating with the British Navy in keeping the seas free for Indian trade and transport of war material which India is supplying, is illustrated by official shipping figures. During June 738 ships entered and left Indian
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 73 1 Madrid. Saturday. ACCORDING to the Vichy correspondent of the Spanish news agency E.F.E.. Hitler has now been closetted with the chiefs of his armed forces for some days. This correspondent adds that a recent order banning all postal, telegraphic and telephonic communication between occupied
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 76 1 London, Saturday. ME.VBERS of the Norwegian Cabinet in London called at Buckingham Palace to-day to pay respects to Kin? Haakon on. the occasion of his 68th birthday. The Norwegian Prime Minister made a short speech of congratulation and a deputation of women from the Norwegian colony In
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  • 58 1 Australian soldiers, after a day's sightseeing in London, choose for a resting place the space between the paws of one of Trafalgar Square's Nelson's column lions. Th» Dominions and Colonial offices announced yesterday that two new drafts of Australian reinforcements of the second Australian Expeditionary Forces have
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  • 59 1 (Frcri Our Own Correspondent) London, Saturday. REFERRING to The War Fund The Times, in an editorial, says "None of these gifts can have been prompted by any other motive than a whole-hearted desire for a British victory and the spirit of the givers makes the
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  • 50 1 London, Saturday. LORD Beaverbrook, Minister of Aircraft Production, has expressed his gratitude for the gift of £22,500 from Madras for the purchase of four Sptflres. A cheque for this amount was handed to Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding yesterday in the presence of Lord Beaverbrook.
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  • 90 1 Singapore Can Meet Any Attack London, Saturday. THE Times to-day prints an article by its naval correspondent surveying the strong and varied sea and land defences of Singapore. The correspondent concludes, Toe preparations do not indicate that Singapore is In any Immediate danger of attack. "They do Indicate thai If
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  • 308 1 London, Saturday. THE Air Ministry and Ministry of A Home Security announce that there was some enemy air activity last night. Bombs were dropped In NorthEast Scotland, the Midlands, southeast England and tr> Bristol Channel area. No substantial damage is
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  • 97 1 IN a broadcast from Jerusalem Prince AH Khan warns feliowMuslims against the dangers of the present situation for the Muslim world and urges them to help Great Britain with all their energy. Prince All Khan is to Join the British forces at Cairo. Religious freedom, he
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  • 77 1 A MESSAGE from Sydney says the Japanese Consul-General there has declared there is no big question at issue between Australia and Japan. I am pleased at the happy and traditional friendship between Australia and Japan," he said. I hope that relationship will long continue and that
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  • 124 1 Asked about th? reported Britls i protest to be tiled with the Japanese rGovenjmrnt regarding the round-up of Britons on esoionage charges* tii spokesman reaffirmed that tJv Jaoan ese Government would pay no attention to such protests even if they Her actually made, states an
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  • 275 1 Japanese Detained Under Defence Laws In London London, Saturday. IT is confirmed in London this morning that two prominent Japanese subjects in London have been detained under the Defence Regulations. The detention, it is emphasized, is in no way connected with the arrest of British subjects in Japan. The arrested
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 TAI HENG CO, at lo ts Cole-fun St., Singapore. Phone: 3375. 3\
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    • 115 1 CREASE-RESISTING WASHABLE SMART TO WEAR HANAVA (TKOPICAL-SL'ITINGS) IN LATEST DESIGNS AC CHOTIRM ALL'S 41-43. HIGH ST. M SEE THE NEW YOU owe it to yourself, before you invest in a refrigerator to examine carefully the new KELVINATORS. Look at the size Look at the name Look at the price These
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  • 292 2 Steps To Develop Social Political Loyalty To Germany London, Saturday. LJITLER is proposing to take back Alsace and Lorraine from France and to-day there are two reports showing how he is to go about it. An official German news agency report disclosed he has
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  • 224 2 Shanghai, Saturday. CLIMAXING a series of crimes In one of the blackest days of terrorIsm in Shanghai, gunmen kidnapped Mr. Yen Lan-shong. city editor of on? of the leading Chinese newspapers, the Sin Wan Pao, late last night. Mr. Yen was seized by three Chines=
    Reuter  -  224 words
  • 97 2 Toklo, Saturday. "THE Prime Minister, Prince Konoye. yesterday received Mr. .Toshio Shlratori, forme Japanese Ambassador in Italy, to discuss the diplomatic situation. It Is reported that Prince Konoye will give some position to Mr. Shiratori in order that he may vzstet Mr. Yosuke
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 2 The Women's Land army has been working for some months on the Knd throughout the country, and here a girl is seen carrying a load of hay during the hay-making season.
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  • 113 2 London. Saturday. THF l.itfst news of how countries under German domination are suffering from food shortage comes from Norway and Denmark. Norway's supply of eggs is becoming smaller and smaller everj day ana a shortage of fodder Is increasingly felt. The Danish Minister of Commerce has
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  • 276 2 Ascendancy Of R.A.F. Over Nazi Air Force London, Saturday. THE Times says, "If HUler Is really delaying his attack hi the hope that he may be able to procure our destruction (for that Is what peace with him would mean) without a battle, his hope is wholly in vain. "For
    Reuter  -  276 words
  • 175 2 Beaverbrook's Appointment Welcomed London, Saturday. THE appointment of Lord Beaverbrook to the War Cabinet Is warmly welcomed in this morning's British newspapers. Since he became Minister of Aircraft Production. In May. the output ol machines has greatly increased and the newspapers say this is because ol his inexhaustible energy. The
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  • 83 2 New York, Saturcay. ACCORDING to the New York Herald- Tribune, a British mission from India has arrived in the United States to buy warplanes. machine tools ana other materials to enable the Empire to mobilize the tremendous resources of India. One of the mission's
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • 73 2 Auckland, Saturday. MEW Zealand reports surplus of revenue over expenditure of £1.100,009 for the first Quarter of the financial year. The revenue is £1,000,000 up compared with the corresponding period ast year. E::penditure showed a tic cr?ase of £260,000. It was stated that the expend;
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  • 164 2 Heavy Italian Losses In Libya London, Saturday. FIGURES of British and ItaUan losses on the Libyan frontier given in London yesterday are now amplified in a communique issued by the British Army headquarters in Cairo. British casualties are accurately given as 30 killed, wounded and missing but an analysis of
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  • 82 2 London, Saturday. THOUSANDS of posters bearing the famous Tricoleur of France will be displayed in various British towns and cities during the week-end. The message on the poster is written by General de Gaulle and declares that although France has lost a battle she has
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  • 38 2 Seven German planes were shot do on during a raid on eastern En* and recently, when 11 people were killed and 14 injured. Picture- she .s the wreckage of houses hit by bombs.
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  • 42 2 Nazi Gun Empla cement Blown Up A new German gun 'emplacement ovt in the chalk cliffs ot Caiais being bombed by the R.AF. One bomb hes just burst, the ri'sxt fell direct':/ on the target, completely wrecking the emplacement and the ou«s.
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  • 238 2 Ankara, Saturday. CTALIN'S final decisions about Russia's future policy will be influenced largely by the result of Hitler's moves against Great Britain in the next few weeks, according to many political observers here. The speech of M. Molotov, the Soviet Premier, is regarded by
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  • 82 2 New York, Saturday. TWENTY-THREE survivors of the British cargo ship Davlsian, which was sunk on July 10 by the German raider recently engaged by the Alcantara, have arrived at Kingston Jamaica, from Santo Domingo, according to the Canadian Press Association They reached Santo Domingo
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 62 2 Canberra, Saturday. THE Australian Minister of Commerce hinted to-day that because of the closure of European markets restrictions m'.cht have to be imposed on the export trom the Commonwealth of several products Including meat, wool, wine and canned fruits. Negotiations were proceeding with (he object of
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  • 49 2 Rome, Saturday. *I*HE Italian Stefanl news agency states that Von Papen, German Ambassador to Turkey, has arrived at Sofia from B?rlin. where he had conversations with the Bulgarian Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, and the Italian Minister. The aeency aJds he Is leaving to-day for Ankara.
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  • 132 2 London, Saturday. HTHE Pr:s.s expresses astonishment, mingled with amusement, that Hitler thought it worth-while to carry cut a raid on Britain with leaflets containing extracts of his Rel< bstag speech It is suggested that he musi illinformed if he did not know his speech was
    Reuter  -  132 words
  • 109 2 A MAN who hoisted the swas.i«cu Ha? over the Eiffel Tov/er when the Germans entered Paris was a German sergeant who lived in the city until August last year, according to Uie Berlin radio. This sergeant, broadcas'.in^ from Bcrl.n, said it was his greatest ambitior.
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  • 50 2 Hollywood, July 2 BEN Turpin. a famous comedian of the silent films, who appeared in many early Keystone comedies, lias diedi He had small parts in a number of talkng pictures which were made a few years ago. A feature of hit comedy was a proniunced sauint.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 493 3 Birthplace Of Ths British Fighters German Air Base Bombed Deliveries Are Steadily Rising: $2,000,000,000 War Purchases New York, Saturday. THE British Purchasing Com- mission intimates that deliveries of United States planes to Britain are now approximately 300 a month, compared
    British Wireless  -  493 words
  • 27 3 TWash ngton, Saturday. HE Senate military affairs committee decided by six votes to four against a suggest'on to limit conscription to 1.000,000 men.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 91 3 To Submit To French People 's Judgment London, Saturday. /^■EN. de Gaulle, commanding the Army of all free Frenchmen, has issued a statement replying to the sentence of death passed on him by a military court of the Petain regime. It says: "The sentence is that of a court largely
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 62 3 Man Who Took Part In War In Spain IT is learned in London that the Italian General captured by British troops in Libya is General Lastrut-ci, who is the chief engineer of ths 10' b Italian A run in Libya. He has had previous experience as
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  • 22 3 THE Lord Mayor's Red Cross and St. John Ambulance fund for the wounded n^-v stands at £2,502,000.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  22 words
  • 687 3 World Becomes Sceptical Of Nazi Ability To Start Invasion London, Saturday. DRITISH students of Nazi propaganda declare it is never interesting for what it says but only for what it intends. The recent remarkable turnabout is inspired utterances in Germany and their echoes in Italy on the subject of the
    British Wireless  -  687 words
  • 59 3 UNDER the name "Agence L.E.F. (standing for liberte, egal'te. fraternitc), the London office of the Havas agency has formed iiself into a new French news agency. It will disseminate news concerning free Frenchmen in Britain and throughout the v^orld who are nounder the Nazi yoke.
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 56 3 London, Saturday. A WHITE PAPER issued by the Home Secretary, Sir John Anderson, shows that detention orders under the defence regulations were made against 826 persons during June. Of this number 822 were British subjects, of whom 339 were of enemy origin, and 13
    British Wireless  -  56 words
  • 40 3 SUBADAR Major Mohamed Shah. Hongkong Regiment, H.K. and Singapore Royal Artillery, has relinquished his appointment as honorary AJ).C. to Hong Kong's Governor, Subadar Major Sultan Bux, sth Anti-Air-craft Regiment, Royal Artillery, has succeded him.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 338 3 I- 1 i B WBP /c can O"2r a selection oi fe^_. l^Bßi^^^^^^^^ more thran two dozen varietio IHiiHHMNMHHHHUHuHHHH °f fine flavoured a n V H wholesome Cheese. A selection of some of the well known -L n MM MM m makes is given below. We CwLOOSC UOId.F have also
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 367 4 TWO GREAT STARS IN 1940s GREATEST SCREEN THRILL! TO-DAY TO-MORROW— 4 shows daily, 11 a.m., 3.15, 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. <t.v ALHAMBRA v£ JP. PATRONS ARE KINDLY REQUESTED TO BE AWrAV SEATED EARLY AS THE MAIN FEATURE /VkrlSr^'^ COMMENCES at 11.10 a.m., 3.25, 6JW 925 y^ V Id X pjn.
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    • 256 4 Season Extended owing to Tremendous Success! Hundreds are coming to see it again again. CAPITOL c TO-DAY I 3.15 6.15 9.15 SPECTACULAR SCENES! INSPIRING MELODIES! GRAND SINGING! TRULY A SHOW YOU CAN SEE AGAIN ;n AGAIN mmm fcuulicg XVi EDDY t^S ILONA HASSEY TfT^^a nmam^i iBfiGIES.MOKM.ATWIU Mr WL. AWO IT
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  • 132 5 A scene from "For Freedom," a G.F.D. historical British naval film drama which opens at the P.- Won cinema on Monday. On the right is merchant skipper Pat Dove. Carole Lombard and Brian Aherne in a scene from the film of A. J. Cronin's story Vi?il
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  • Entertainment
    • 127 5 ALHAMBRA Now On: "Virginia City. 1 (Errol Fly nil, Miriam Hopkins, Randolph Scott, Humphrey Bogart*. Warner Bros, drama. Next Change: "Vigil in the Night." 'Carole Lombard, Brian Aherne, Ann Shirley*. R.K.0.-Radio drama. CAPITOL Now On Balalaika." Nelson Eddy, Ilona Massey). M.G.M. musical. Next Change: "If I Had
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    • 47 5 JAMES STEWART and Rosalind Russell will have the pr'neipal roles in the S. N. Behrman play. "No Time for Comedy." Miss Russell will do the role created by Katherine Cornell on the stage, and Stewart will have the part played by Laurence Olivier on Broadway.
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    • 244 5 "Falcon's Lair" Again In Use "FALCON'S LAIR," the famous r home of the late Rudolph Valentino, has been reopened and once again is the talk of Hollywood. Juan Romero, Brazilian coffee millionaire and close friend of Valentino, bought the place from the Valentino estate for $50,000. a fraction of its
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    • 162 5 CILM stories in Hollywood at the r moment are waiting on the war. A temptation which all studios are finding difficult to resist is a rush into pictures based on fifth column activities, parachute troops and giant tank and air battles. Such subjects, it is
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    • 95 5 LAN Hunter reported recently at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to go into the cast of Patsy," in which William Thlele is directing Virginia Weldler and Gene Reynolds in Margaret Turnbull's story of childhood. He plays Creighton, newspaper editor who becomes foster father to Virginia, who has the role of an orphan.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 112 5 I^OE WUR U wa shing V It's easy to cut dowu unnecessary > v WsSs?^ stocking ladders by giving your stockings regular Lux care Lux washing preserves the elasticity \.*y*fsjjp*lr of the delicate threads, so that >^^.r sv A when any sudden strain' is put ott -^T^ {mL them they
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    • 297 5 GENUINE MALAYAN PEWTER *r 1 THE IDEAL GIFT Only obtainable from: MAYNARD Co.. LTD., Singapore. Also from Malayan Pewter Co Kuala Lumpur. The Dispensary (1929) Ltd Penang. The George Town Dispensary Ltd. Malacca. Charles Grenler Co., Ltd Ipoh. fc mmTj^. mm TO DAY IT II A II Where 3 15
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  • 345 6 Gallows on the Green. By Violet Gordon. Murder by Degrees. By J. B. Fearnley. Both from Robert Hale. 7s. 6d. each. BOTH excellent, thess two ftories of crime differ widely in plot and treatment. "Gallows on the Green" is a study of the development of a murderess, as
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  • 937 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By Letter To A Stomach My dear Stomach, MANY things have happened since I last wrote to you things which must have tried the most patient and enduring stomach. Therefore, as a matter cf public interest, I would be obliged if you could spare
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  • 397 6 Story Of Battle Of The Plate BOOKS The Battle of the Plate. By Commander A. B. Cahpbell, R.N. Herbert Jenkins. 7s. 6d. THIS book deaLs with incidents In the short career of the German Pocket Battleship "Graf von Spec" and her destruction. It also throws some light In to the
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  • 386 6 Look Out F\OCTOR There's no need to worry about your wife. You'll have a different woman when she gets back from the hospital. Anxious Hubby: And what if she finds out Leave-Passes AN order issued by a certain Army Command in Britain is an example of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 966 6 INVISIBLE IMPORTS Anything to declare, Six I obtained outside territorial waters." 0 I mish there wot. I'd rejkm I* pay No cheroots f and Uumymfd have to confiuate it." Tm sorry we can't help you, Sir. No silk oc rubies r But might I suggest for the future the jj
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    • 84 6 MAKE YOUR OWN MOVIES gjfc^ with a Cin6-"Kodak" t>s simple to make brilliant personal movies of your happy, .^^MBBjB^ interesting experiences as it is to take snapshots Moreover, (S^*_^j3HKa^ it's surprisingly inexpensive with a Cine-"Kodak" Eight— the world's cheapest camera to run. A pocket-size camera, the Movie-making in full colour
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  • 151 7 OVER $19,000 UNCLAIMED May Be Credited To Government (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. UNCLAIMED deposits totalling U 519.0G9.94 have lain unclaimed for more than five years in the Supreme Court, Kuala Lumpur, says Mr. R. C. Redman, the Registrar, in the F.M.S. Government Gazette. If no legal claims
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  • 62 7 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. TTIE volume of business done by tne Seremban Co-operative Htore, an enterprising Negrl Sembllan Cooperative venture, Increased steadily throughout 1939, monthly sales increasing from $4,500 to $5,000 by tne end of December. The membersnlp increased from 280 to 305 and
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  • 62 7 (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Klang. A CEREMONIAL parade of the Victoria Institution Cadet Corps for the presentation of the bass drum given by the Victoria Institution Old Beys' Association tv mark the fortieth anniversary of th? founding of the Cr-det Corps was held on
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  • 93 7 This picture was taken at a farewell dinner at Johore Bahrn to Raja Ahmad, who is leaving for the Dehra Dun Military Academ y, India, for special training-. The hosts were his old school mates of the Mnar Government English School. Seated from left to right
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  • 58 7 DR. Victor Purcell, of the Malayan Civil Service, will broadcast from the Kuala Lumpur station to-night after the 8.20 news. His talk will begin at about 8.45 p.m. and will be rebroadcast by the Singapore station. The subject of the talk wiU be
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  • 110 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Fis learned that the applications of 21 persons to undergo air training at Singapore, which were considered here last Saturday by a committee consisting of four, including two RAT. officers, have been sent to the R.AJ*. at Singapore.
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  • 96 7 (From Our Own Con -ipondent) Seremban, Saturday. I*HAT the dignity of Tunku Laxsamana, Sri Menanti, one of the Petra Yang Ambat (Four Princes of Blood) was filled last year is revealed in the annual report of the British Resident of Negrl Sembllan. The Resident states
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  • 87 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. A FEW welcome showers of rain In the Segamat district have ended the drought. Unless more rain falls, however, there is little hope of obtaining sufficient water for irrigation purposes. Although rubber plantations In tne neighbourhood take a serious
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  • 65 7 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, Saturday. MR. J. J. Sheehan, Assistant Adviser, Muar, has left for South Africa on leave. He is accompanied by Mrs. Sheehan. Mr. Sheehan was the president of the Muar Lawn Tennis Associaiton and vice-president cf the Muar
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  • 50 7 'THE Bata Shoe Company Is one of the few undertakings in Malaya that shut the doors of its offices, godr.wns and factories completely for one week each year. Prom yesterday until Aug. 12 over £00 of its employees will be on holiday with pay.
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  • 42 7 (From Our Own Correspondent* Segamat. /CONVICTED on a charge of theft of a bicycle lamp, Ong Teck Beong was ordered to receive two strokes of the rotan by Inche Rauf bin Mohamed &aat, the Segamat magistrate.
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  • 65 7 (From Our Own Correspondent; Seremban. A high standard of acting was seen when pupils of the Seremban Anglo-Chinese School held their annual concert. 'The King's Warrant," a Robin Hood piay, was well acted and another interesting item was a scene from "Merchant of Venice." Included in the progromme
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  • 59 7 (From Our Own Correspc .dent) Seremban, Saturday. MR. B. P. Nicholas of Kuala Lumpur, managing director of the Oriental Bank of Malaya, Ltd., of Kuala Lumpur, Klang, and Ceylon, and a director of the Bank of Jaffna (Malaya) Ltd., of Seremban, accompanied by Mrs. Nicholas left
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  • 43 7 I^R. Robert de Vos, a retired Belgian diplomat, arrived in Singapore frcm Bangkok with his wife yesterday. He has been to China and Japan, and told reporters he was going on to Batavia. His present occupation, he said, was "just travelling."
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  • 178 7 $5,897,765 FOR THREE EFFORTS *pHE following shows the progress of the Malayan war funds which continue to receive widespread support from all parts of the country THE WAR FUND $3,235,041 F.M.S. WAR FUND 850,000 PATRIOTIC FUND $1,812,724 This makes a total of $5,897,765 subscribed voluntarily. MUAR SCOUTS'
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  • 86 7 A CONCERT in aid oi The War Fund held by the Literary and Dramatic Society of Raffles College last night at the college was a great success, and raised about $500 for the Fund. Entitled "Music and Magic," the concert was a fine mixture of
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  • 233 7 GUNNER WEDS A. W. Galloway 6? Miss I. N. Scott pUNNER Arthur Wesley Galloway, was married yesterday to Miss Ivy Nesta Scott, at the Wesley Church. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Scott, of Singapore, and Morley, Leeds. The bridegroom is the son of
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  • 92 7 THE ALHAMBRA MAXWELL Anderson's Pulitzer prize winning play, "Saturday's Children," has been brought to the screen by Warner Bros., and had a midnight premiere at the Alhambra cinema. It is the story of young love on a budget, of two young people with high hopes and high
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  • 49 7 CAPS At Sea/ another Hal Roach comedy featuring those two priceless comedians, Laurel and Hardy, which had a midnight premiere at the Cathay cinema, is thoroughly enterta ntng. Stan and Oily go to extremes In tliis gay comedy of their adventures at sea and provide many laughs.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 34 7 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day The answer is "Yes" Macleans PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Salts Representative: A. T. Gillespie. P.O. Bo« 217, Singapore If you use a solid dentifrice, try Macleans Solid Peroxide Dentifrice
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    • 17 7 I Watch The Fifth Column STOP PRESS But Talk About Tiger Instead Advt of TIGER IUL' BEER
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    • 569 7 ARE YOU SURE OF YOUR ENGLISH? Do you make grammatical mistakes whirl} cause you mental discomfort and imbarrassment v In company or at ths offic? do you hesitate to speak. Di you are unsaie of yourself' Gain a working knowledge ot English; which will allow yoj to express yourself easily
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  • 1258 8  -  The Onlooker -By AFTER 21 years of coconut planting in the Bagan Datoh district, Lower Perak, Captain Arthur Pritchard, J.P., has retired from the plaiiting industry. He has at one time or another lived in four of the five continents, Europe, Africa. America and Asia— and now
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  • 341 8 FRIENDS of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hunter Wood, of Slliau, F.M.S., will be pleased to hear that a son was born to them at Crowborough Cottage Hospital, Sussex, on June 16. MR. Francis George Nutt, C.8.E., a former director of the Straits Trading Company in Singapore, ls
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 430 8 EVER FEEL jf* f j3L RUN DOWN Sr^g AND DON'T //I *W^P KNOW WHY? /l|/^^ Feel run down, slack, no energy Hav«> orrasional h.-adathes, find yourself sneezing? G*4 twinges of pain in the back and aches in the leg* f A II sifpis of constipation. But you art.- perfectly "regular"
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    • 814 8 I \\t~ I T V Here's *Up f or leaping your trrth I im ■ffcillll j beautifully dean. Buy a tub* oi si ODOL, Toothpaste and clean your Mm 0 M teeth with it twice every day. ODOL /y^Z''^'^ *k' moot nest ftn d most thorough 1 .^M w J
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 388 8 CONTRACT BRIDGE A CERTAIN well-known expert once D 1^1417 ETtlTD APITC made the startling assertion that By 1 ilH. FUUK /\^E,O against some players he would sometimes refrain from bidding what he felt South was In reasonable bounds In to be a sure game In order to acquire a bidding
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  • 242 9 MORE HOUSES FOR GOVERNMENT I SUBORDINATES I Fresh Schemes Now Under Consideration FURTHER schemes for the housing of Government subordinate officers are being considered, states Major R. L. Nunn, Director of Public Works, S.S., in his annual report. As regards the housing of senior officers, he adds, sufficient land has
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  • 112 9 AFTER a man and his daughter by his rirst wife had given evidence in the Divorce Court in London last month Mr. Justice Hern Collins said I think I see what was happening In the house. The Chinese have an ideograph for their
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  • 254 9 Negritos As Gypsies Of Malaya A NEW survey of the Temiar tribe in Ulu Telom has been started by the Fieid Enthnographer of the Museum, Mr. H. B. Noone, states a report issued by the acting British Resident of Perak, Mr. N. F. H. Mather. Last November and December, the
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  • 94 9 FOLLOWING a request l>y Mr Saito. Japanese Consul-General to the Netherlands Indies Vte N.I. Government li n s bnnned the sbovtag of the film "Mikado." The Aim was being shown in the Rex Theatre in E.itavia and Mr. Saito immcdlntPly fibd a protest with Government
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  • 210 9 New Borneo Company Chief (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Saturday. MX. h. H. Simpson, manager of the Thailand interests of the Borneo Co.. Ltd. leaves Bangkok by the Haadyai Express on Monday. Mr. Simpson is going to London on business and after a stay of only a few weeks will
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  • 161 9 Husband Woman Freed Of Charge (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. CINNARAJAH, a Ceylon Tamil, and a woman named Achipillay were acquitted by the first magistrate, Mr. W. J. Thorogood, on a charge of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Pakiam, the bride of three
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  • 169 9 *I*HE first of tba OS.K.£ three new passenger-cargo vessels, the 10.500--ton Hokoku Mcru. arrived in Singapore yesterday on her maiden voyage out East. She leaves to-day. The Hokoku Maru was commissioned only recently and her arrival here will be followed shortly by her sister-ships, the Aikoku
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  • 63 9 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. |7OR overloading his motor-lorr on 1 the Segamat-Buloh Kasap h d, Lee Fatt was sentenced to two wee., s' Imprisonment, with the option of $17 hne, by Inche Rauf bin Mohamed Sa'at, the Segamat magistrate. Court Inspector Ibrahim bin Hltam told the magistrate
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  • 171 9 Teachers To Remain In Malaya NO OVERSEAS HOLIDAYS AS a normal precautionary measure, teachers in Goteminent and grant in aid schools have been instructed by the Department of Education to restrict their travelling during the August holidays within Malaya. It is explained that in the existing circumstances, this precaution is
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  • 57 9 *¥*HE August holidays are being generally observed by Government employees In Singapore, although some war-time departments are to remain open. In Great Britain the August holidays are not being observed. The Colonial Secretariat will be open to-morrow morning as usual. No order has been issued restricting the
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  • 25 9 The Police Band will play on Tuesday at Botanic Gardens at 5.30 p.m. and on Thursday at Katong Park at 5.30 pm.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 333 9 Brylcreem THE PERFECT HAIP DRESSING TO BE IN FACTORY-SEALED BOTTLES .jasja^^ A NEW cap has been devised tor BrylAi now J&mWtok crccm bottles and jars enabling them jC^BflK^m to sealed at the factory. This scaling USec/ eH Bf protects you against substitution. The JH Ws I new type cap is
      333 words

  • 597 10 EDITORIAL, MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE: Cecil Street, Singapore. Opinion A World Supremacy QIPLOMATIC activity in many countries has dominated the news during the past week. Widespread arrests of Britons in Japan were accompanied by the death of Mr. M. J. Cox, Reuter's Tokio correspondent a tragedy that has aroused considerable
    597 words
  • 280 10 Gibraltar Is Ready To Hit Back /GIBRALTAR, the rock fortress which guards the entrance to the Mediterranean, is still the most formidable obstacle to Italian co-operation with Hitler. Despite Mussolini's boasts, before he entered the war, that his Desperata air squadrons would "crack Gibraltar like an egg," the Italians have
    280 words
  • 501 10 IN a matter of seconds this British bomber will be over its objective. The man at the bomb sights is ready for action see the thumb of his right hand there on the press-button control, like the bell-push you have
    501 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      593 words
    • 468 10 ROUNDTRIP TO SOUTH AND EAST AFRICA FROM £126. 17/6 K P M. LINE. (Incorp. in the N.1.) Tel 5451. Asthma Germs Killed in 3 Minutes If you suffer from choking, wheeling, tried everything without success until I toughing, Asthma and Bronchitis If you tried your prescription. It did atop my
      468 words

  • 244 11 "LAUGHED, SNAPPED HIS FINGERS AND DANCED" Newsreel Camera Record New York, June 26. RETAILS of the personal beliaviour of Hitler when he received news of Petain's request for armistice terms have reached hero in messages from Berlin describing a newlyreleased newsreel called:
    244 words
  • 149 11 UNCENSORED FILM IN JAPANESE LUXURY LINER FLLOWING the revelation that the Nitta Maru. the de luxe liner of the NiDpon Yisen Kaisha was violating the Theatre law by showing an uncensored picture, measures to be taken against the company are being considered by -he Japanese Hem?, Foreign. Communicrtion and Finance
    149 words
  • 40 11 Learning Munition Making NINETY girls are under training at the London County Council Beaufoy Institute, Lambeth, learnin; to manufacture munitions as part of the national war effort. The girl in the picture is learning the correct method r* usjng calipers.
    40 words
  • 145 11 WAR FACTORIES TO GO ON AFTER SIRENS SOUND SIR John Anderson, Home Secretary, said in the House of Commons that it was the considered view of the Government that workers ensaijed in war production should be encouraged to continue at work after a public air-raid warning:, until it was clear
    145 words
  • 71 11 American Estimate £450,000,000 New York. r! is estimated here that the amount of French gold believed to have iallen into Germany's hands may exceed £450,000.000. This includes £150,000,000 which Is supposed to have been sent, to Pans from Belgium. Whether the vaults of the Bank of
    71 words
  • 34 11 QUOTING the Belgian newspaper Soir. the German-controlled Brussels wireless stated that In the nr<i which occurred at the famous Louvaln librfj-y 950,000 books, to the value of millions of pounds, were destroyed.
    34 words
  • 17 11 The number of emigrants leaving Hong Kong for the Straits Settlements during June was 3,364.
    17 words
  • 184 11 I JNITED STATES warships and warplanes have be^un a strict watch on the Pacific coast of Central America and adjacent islands, Including Cocos Islands. It Is believed that this Is a precaution against submarines using uninhabited harbours as bases for attacks on shipping. A
    184 words
  • 69 11 Miss Mary Borden (the novelist In private life the wife of Brigadier General E. L. Spears) commanded the Hadfield-Spears ambulance unit with the B.E.F. in France. During the evacuation she was reported missing but a week later she arrived safely In London after an arduous roundabout
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  • 250 11 'If Maginot Line Had Been Longer IF the Maginot line had been continued northward from Longwy to the sea, the Germans might well have been held, declared Mr. Hore-Belisha, the former War Minister, at Devonport. In its complete and elaborately fortified form, the Maginot Line extended only from Basel to
    250 words
  • 42 11 Changchun. A GOLD nugget estimated to be worth 10.000 yuan ha 3 been discovered In the Chiapikou gold mine in Kirin province by the Manchuria Mining Company. The nugget contains 73 per cent, gold and 25 per cent, silver.
    42 words
  • 32 11 For boarding a steamer in Hon:j Kong Harbour without permissioneiarht Chinese girls were fined $20 each or three weeks' imprisonment in the Marine Court before Cmdr. O. F. Hole.
    32 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 195 11 MOW UJftiP Women Suffering Hot Flushes Don. let the "Chance of Life." Hot Flushes. Narva* Heart Palpitation. K.ght Sweats, (ilddlness. Headaches, Kear, Loss < f Energy, Numbness of Hands and »et make you old before your time. A new scientific discovery railed Arcito gives amazing rt- lief In 24 to
      195 words
    • 926 11 Australia so close to :he East, offers a complete change in dim. scenery, and peoples, and ensures modern standards la accommodation, transportation and service, as well as a wide range of a sport and entertainment. Living Is not expensive In Australia, and the favourable exchange further reduces costs. Write for
      926 words

  • 327 12 Improvement Seen In All Sections Singapore, Saturday. WHILE quotations at the end of the week closed below best en balance there was an all-round Improvement over the previous week. This applies to all sections of the market. With the exception of Sterling Tins there was a
    327 words
  • 1332 12 FRIDAY. AUG. 2, 1949: 4 P.M. MINING Bwen SeOert Anipat Tin (ss) 3s 6d 4s Austral Amal (Sa) Bs 3d 5s 9d &d. Austral Malay 35s 37s cd. Ayer Hitam (ss) Ik M Ayer Weng .50 .55 Bargrln Tin 17s 18s Batu Selangor ($1) 1.45
    1,332 words
  • 77 12 Friday, Aug. 2, ooon. Bayera Seller* Price. Prioa No. IX ff.S.S. (Spot looee) 37tt Sl* No. IX R.S.S. f.*-J. in caaea August 37% IS G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. fcb. In bale* August 3«Vi UK FAQ. R.S.S. f.o.b. In bales Anrost SSK UK FUTURE QUOTATIONS No. IX R.S.S.
    77 words
  • 105 12 MALAYAN TIN AND RUBBER JULY EXPORTS RUBBER shipments from Malaya in July totalled 70 360 tons, compared with 60,814 tons for June. Total shipments for the first seven months of the year amounted to 435,027 tons, compared with 293.050 tons for the corresponding period last year, an increase of 142,977
    105 words
  • 120 12 Singapore, Saturday. Buyers Sellers Gambler $775 Hamburg Cube $13.00 Java Cube $12.50 Pepper White Muntok »12.25 White 111.75 Black 6.75 Copra Mixed $2.50 Sun Dried $2.75 Saao Flour No. 1 Llngga t3.90 $3 90 Pair «3J5 Sarawak $3.30 lelotong Palembang $19.50 Banja $18.50 Sarawak $19.50 Tapioca Small
    120 words
  • 189 12 Singapore, Friday. The following are tne xc.ange rates Uitt morning according to the tally circular Issued by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation: SELLING London T.T 2/4 1/15 Lordon demand 2/4 1/16 Lyons demand Switzerland demand 206 'j Hamburg demand New York demand 46 15 16 Montreal demand 51
    189 words
  • 40 12 Tin outputs for the month of July are reported as follows Hours Yardage Plculs Ore Kuala Lumpur Tin Drsdge No. 1 673 98,023 28G Dredge No. 2 637 124,882 667 Nawng Pet Tin 120 Rambun Mines 422
    40 words
  • 267 12 Issued by the Malayan Sharebrokers' Association. Singapore, Aug. 2. 4 p.m. Booki Total fa Company Dlvwenc cioae Date Ex oi» fl"nmlfl yev TOi Payable Date to date Austral Amal Dlv. 10% Austral Malay Dlv. 9d Bonus Is 3d »o% Berjuntal Tin lnt dlv. 6% July 39
    267 words
  • 15 12 Rubber harvests for July are reported as follows lb. Kuala Pahl 33,500
    15 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 632 12 THE RULES OF HEALTH are few and\simple Saw T^ B^ r* irst thing in the morning even before washing innsf^fct:-^" think of Inner Cleanliness. For a clear skin, bright I eyes and that inner sparkle which is the secret of *1q I loveliness, Inner Cleanliness is far more effective than
      632 words
    • 21 12 SATURDAY'S MARKETS Tin, market closed. Rubber, market closed. *L£?fe fi rip n\-Jpf LJ /A h rr J/ t^^^ l(/L TIGER BEERI >
      21 words

  • 2309 13  -  R.H. Naylor By DELOW are Riven R. H. Naylor's birthday forecasts for the days July 14 to July 27 inclusive delay in transit being responsible for their late publication. JULY II A PATCHY but progressive year lies ahead of you. From the very outset be careful
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 312 13 Put Your Best Face Forward with modern custom-designed eyewear that compliments your good points that minimizes your feature faults and makes you look lovlier. Personalised Service by a duly qualified registered practitioner with legal qualifications. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 4 Arcade Bid*. Phone 3002 K. A. Thompson, Dr. of Ocular Science
      312 words
    • 84 13 CANNCM K^y-^jM a^Vlft^^Bi B^h. m v^^*te-*°^^^^*!r'^^9l^Bß^M^^^^AaVflß^Hßlß»B^ft4PXM i M tinM b^bk^BbwV* V^ 4*"j m\ f »*v *sB*i i Hf* voor larder you arc able to enjoy your \jfiSH|^Sfef^H *3f orchards and are canned within an hour vdafeasflS BSi r aY or two of picking. w^bbbw^b^b^^^ CHIVERS^FRUITS CMVMS a SONS. nu.. rw|
      84 words
    • 138 13 HBI .^■sawS !m" 'IWt *tT I ißa^^ a^aaK f y mF "j *^^Bk Zc* ■b^bbA. *t till J I "^bbV tFi s^^^b^A m i I i 1 V JHFm *^taa^^^^^ I W .^T M Sole Distributors: ,W^v|w^ Messrs. Tin Globe Trading Ltd. fff//xi \M F. M.S.— Messrs. Barlow Co.. Ltd
      138 words

  • 847 14 Little Details Of Grooming Which You Must Not Forget Max Factor's Advice UOW much attention do you pay to the little details of glooming Too many women neglect these details, simply because they fail to realize the importance which they play in adding to or detrr cting from the art
    847 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 470 14 BEAUTY IS THE REWARD OF CARE i P SJ^'m 1 i B Says It isn't the number of preparations you use that brings you beauty. A few preparations correctly chosen and used faithfully will bring you quicker and more certain results than any number of creams chosen haphazard and used
      470 words
    • 421 14 v 3a? S^^^wf Lips AVAILABLE AT ALL LEADING DEALERS free Demonstration Make-Up and Colour Harmony Chart by appointment al JOHN LITTLES MAX FACTOR MAKE-UP BOOTH without cost or obligation MAX FACTOR, G-P.O. Box 72«, S'poro. How I Got Ridof Winkles ~and made myself look 10 years younger !T '^^^^^^U^^^^^l Jr
      421 words

  • 378 15 Floral Designs Most Popular THERE are lots of very pretty little cotton dresses for wearing during the morning around the house or garden. Most of them are made of flowered or printed fabrics in all colours and a great many of them are fastened with
    378 words
  • Article, Illustration
    76 15 CHADES of the days of Theda v Bara Hollywood returns to the days of its lusty childhood, gowns Gail Patrick in a leopard skin negligee. But don't be alarmed. The "leopard skin" is actually a very soft velvet, printed in a realistic cat pattern. Negligee is closely fitted,
    76 words
  • 292 15 Some Suggestions For Salads A GOOD salad doesn't mean one with an infinite variety of thinks in it. Few as the ingredients may be, they must hi quite fresh and crisp. Those to be washed must be carefully dried before being added to the salad bowl. They may be gently
    292 words
  • 59 15 IF you are going to do some rather grubby work and cannot wear gloves, first rub a little oiive oil well Into the hands, especially around the nails. Wipe the hands lightly on a tissue to remove any excess. After you have finished working, oil the hands again
    59 words
  • 72 15 /XSBALT blue and coral pink are combined In this smart dinner suit, worn by Billie Burke, RKO Radio player. Pencil slim frock is blue crepe, with fitted rib-length bolero of blue sequins. Saucer hat is pink felt, filled with a frill of pink ostrich tips. Even the band
    72 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 403 15 "Why I use NewVEET to remove hair" Hh?BL w^ x- v^l jAr New Veet ends all unwanted hair in 3 minutes without trouble, mess or bother. "A: New 'Veet' leaves the skin soft and velvety-smooth, without a trace of ugly bristly stubble like th* razor leaves. "At New Vemt is
      403 words
    • 289 15 Jk^^S^S^Sf «A lAm^BhTj B^BX -4«tf Urß^H ii-JM X. "^^B^B^MbM "I B^B^B^B^B^'^^B^Buß^^^^. jflflßß^-k*'' 'J WiiAiC* Wherever you find lovelinc»F. there ulm> you Hb9 bwtDJbSbl w^ t^ lc ard^ e y Lavender. The Lovable I L m/kmEB Fragrance is so gay bo frebh so youthful 1 1 Bfc so perfect an accompaniment
      289 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 676 16 j^au- Your <* thousands of men and J- K^t^aflaaW^X u omen who have iost are "iy 6o wworn^ om Why WOMEN need Why MEN need YEAST-VITE YEAST-VITE A hundred years ago it would n»re Men need YEAST-VITB becauM r>ee-n thought Impossible forwome-n to they need abundant health and the live-
      676 words
    • 260 16 i&* 1 jf*"^r^ THAT'S DANGEROUS BLEEDING GUMS! that's the first sign that your teeth are in danger, the first sign of gum-rot (pyorr.ioca. and gum* bleeding (gingivitis). These are the diseases which so often result in the extraction of perfectly sound, white teeth. But you can guard against this danger
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 997 16 Wireless Programmes TODAY SINGAPORE ZHL 1.33 mes <%Zsm.i ZHP 969 me* .30.96 m.) 11.00 a.m. Military band music played by the Band of H. M. Royal Marines. Plymouth division; 11.15 a.m. Band concert. Relayed from the Sea View Hotel; 12.10 pjn. Interlude of light songs by Alfred Plccaver (tenor) t:
      997 words
    • 310 16 EMPIRE STATION NEWS FROM LONDON 6.50 a.m. on GSB 9.51 mc.s (31.55 m.) GSF 15.14 mc|s (19.82 m. 8.20 a.m. on GSB 9.51 mcis (31.55 tn.) 1.35 p.m. on GSD 11.75 mes <2d §3 m.) GSB 9.51 mcls (31.55 m.) 3.30 P.m. on GSD 11.75 mes (25 63 m.) GSB
      310 words
    • 813 16 NIROM YDC V.65 mew (31.20 0.1; YDA 604 me (49.6 tn); PMN 10.26 utel« (£9.? m.l; VDI 11.86 melt (25.3 m.l: YDC 516 mr (19 88 m.). 5.50 a.m. Records; 6.20 am. News 6.35 a.nv Records; 7.05 a.m. News repeated: 7.20 a.m. Church service; 10.80 a.m. Monastery bells: 11. OS
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  • 781 17 ißy Our Badminton Correspondent) THE men's junior singles and doubles tourna- incnts are progressing quite satisfactorily but the programme will have to be accelerated 11 the whole tournament programme is to be completed well within schedule time, that Is before the end of the yc»r.
    781 words
  • 94 17 Playing last Sunday at the Haw-Pai Gymnasium the N.A.A.P.I. Club beat the Oxygen B.P. by five games to none. Results (N.A.A.PI. first 1: William Tan win over Lim B«ig Cheow 15 5, B—ls,8 15, 15 8; George Tan win over Wee Peng Hong 15—2. 15—3: Sim Chens Chwee
    94 words
  • 1579 17  -  EVERYONE is looking forward with eager artirlpation to the War Charities boxing programme to be held at the Happy World on Aug. 9. I gave the full programme of events several weeks ago. A most enjoyable evening Is promised and the proceeds are tor :>. very special
    1,579 words
  • Article, Illustration
    92 17 Photograph taken after the prize distribution by Mrs. A. B. Dickinson, wife of the Inspector General of Tolic-. S.S.. at Hill Street police station. Standing: Depot Badminton Team, winners of the Inttr-IHvlsional badminton championship of the Police Sports Association. Seated (left to right): P. J. Shannon, Mrs. Shannon. L. A.
    92 words
  • 149 17 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. THE tenth annual Perak badminton championships began this afternoon in the Ipoh Town Hall. Only first round matches > "re played and several interesting games were seen. Making a come-back to badminton Tan Cheng Phor displayed flashes of his past form
    149 words
  • 208 17 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kota Bharu. ■"THE Dato Kaya Patl of Kelantan and the Dato Maha Krunia of Trengganu have each given a cup for friendly annual competition between the Chinese tennis players of Kelantan and Trengganu. This competition has been arranged to be played at Kota
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  • 211 17 'From Our Ov/n Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. •T*HOUGH the final stages have been reached in the district lawn tennis tournament no date has yet been fixed for the playing of the finals In the remaining events. Unless an early date is fixed, there Is little hope of getting through
    211 words
  • 157 17 rIE Mayflower Badminton Party of Singapore defeated the Sans Badminton Party of Kuala Lumpur to-day en the latter's courts by four games to two. The visitors won three doubles and one singles game and their opponents two singles. The best match of tfcs day was the doubles game
    157 words
  • 203 17 iFrcm Our Own Correspondent.? Johore Bahru, Saturday. AN upset was caused in the Johore Bahru badminton championships yesterday when the new combination, Salim bin Ariffln and Esa bin Ahmad ißoliaX, beat Ng Ngoh Tee and Llm See Chang (Companion >, .last year's runners-up and contenders for the
    203 words
  • 257 17 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat, Saturday. PLAYING their last cricket match of the season, the Government English School beat the Casuals by two wickets. CASUALS G. McLeod b Wan Mohamed H, KWilliam c Balasubramaniam b Wan Mohamed 8, Barr Kumaraknlasinghe tun out 15, R. Vijiasingam b
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 478 17 1 Time marches on. Methods of travel change. Also medicines. Now we don't have to take nastytasting oils, inconvenient herbal brews and griping purgatives. Medical science Rives us LAXOBAC the modern chocolate laxative. Laxobac tastes just like chocolate because it is chocolate. Yet a small tablet will cause your bowels
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  • 1649 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang:, Saturday. P THE going was heavy to-day 1 on the first day of the Penang Turf Club's August meeting owing to heavy rain, which fell just before the first race and continued until after the third event. An objection against
    1,649 words
  • 350 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. HOLLOWING are the complete weights for Monday, the second day of the Penang Turf Club's August races (Order of running and scratchings will be known after acceptances close at noon to-morrow): Horses; Class 2— Div. I—7 Furs.: Eelgrass 9.0 Rose Quilt
    350 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 18 KO.l HOB KHUUN: Cap!- in of this season's Singapore Malaya Cup competition football team. A great half back.
    18 words
  • 448 18 GOOD play featured the games between Pahang "A and the Scallywags, and the Pahang B team and the Pirates in the semi-final of the Spooner Cup polo competition at *\ilestler plain yesterday. Both the Pahang teams won their matches comfortably and will meet In
    448 words
  • 144 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat. IN spite of the rain which almost fell continuously for three days several matches were completed in the handicap singles tennis tournament. Results: Lim Slang Choon (—3O) beat R. A. Ward (—l5) 6-4, 6—3; Quek Bens Chew (—3O) beat Haji Rahmat
    144 words
  • 81 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. THE Ncgri Sembilan Chinese Recrea- tion Club, after eliminating the Nfgr: r;?rnbilan Indian Association cleared another hurdh In the Hosi Cup knock-out soccer competition by defeating the Seremban Rangers by tl.ree goals to one. They have thus entered the final and will
    81 words
  • 184 18 PLAYING on their own ground yesterday the V.M.C.A. had an easy cricket win over R.A F. Tengah. R.A.F. TENGAH Porger c Hope b Sabapathy 21 White b Marsh v Freman b Le Mercler 6 Martin c Sabapathy bLe Mercier 0 Nancarrow b Sabapathy 44 Draper
    184 words
  • 418 18 Positions in the divisions of the SAJA League, corrected up to date: FIRST DIVISION P W. L. D. F. A. PN R-A.F 13 13 0 3 63 13 29 RA. (9th Reg.) 23 9 4 7 30 25 25 Fortress R.E 19 10 7 2 43 27 22
    418 words
  • 90 18 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johcre Bahru, Saturday. JOHORE Bahru P.W.D. qualified for the final of the McConechy Cup football competili:n yesterday, beat- 1 ing Muar P W.D. by the only goal scored in the match. This was the replay between the two teems, the first meeting having ended
    90 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 18 AM>A i Selangor budm'nt; n slur. Il.s brilliant play practically won the Foong Seoiiß Cup for Se.'aiißor this season. He also plays good club hockey and football.
    27 words
  • 30 18 The cricket match which was to have Deen played between Rallies College and St. Andrew's School at the College ground yesterday was abandoned as the ground was waterlogged.
    30 words
  • 25 18 Playing soccer at the Depot yesterday Police beat the Malays by three goals to two in the reserve division of -he league.
    25 words
  • 207 18 VICTORIA School beat St. Andrew! Old Boys at cricket yesterday. ST. ANDREW'S OLD BOYS J. Duclos c and b B. Singh 4 A. Armjtrcn3 c Raub b B. S.ngh 5 M. Armstrong b K. Singam 4 K. Pathy run out 16 Van Cuylenburg b Kulaslngam I
    207 words
  • 122 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) SeremDan. THE final positions In the Chans Seng Long Cup inter-club tennis competition which was won by the Negrl Sembilan Chinese Recreation Club for the sixth year in succession are: p w l. pis, N.S. Chinese R.C. "A 30 29 1
    122 words
  • 41 18 Novelty races and team races will b» swum at the Singapore Swimming Club at 11 a.m. en Monday. The women's 50 metres free styla handicap, which was to have been swum yesterday, has L,een postponed till 11 a.m. to-morrcw.
    41 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 619 18 ■aY a\ Xv Gums Bleed, Teeth Loose! Stop Pyorrhea and Trench Mouth in 24 Hours Bleeding gums, soro mouth, or loose teeth Mean that you are a victim of Pyorrhea or Trench Mouth, or some bad disease that •will eventually cause you to lose all your teeth and have to
      619 words
    • 362 18 Hearing Restored, Head Noises Banished— n,__„ I m m bats Catarrh and In a natural way restores mazing nCSUMIS hearing in some of the most obstinate cases. Started in 24 Hours by B hM U nu/ nicrnvrrv their praises of Spantex becaure of th* m^MMKVWrjf wonderful results received. Kor
      362 words

  • 2054 19 Ma I a van Tennis Championships Plays In Four Games, On Winning Side Each Time r T IIIEl lIE youthful Robert Chia and Tan Hack loe nearly s. I the first real surprise of the Malayan lawn tennis tournament on the courts of
    2,054 words
  • 197 19 FUR of the leading welterweights In Malaya have been matched and are to appear at the New World arena next Sunday. A Spanish lightweight, .Clever Paco. is also in the programme And is to make his first appearance in a local ring. The card Is as
    197 words
  • 94 19 'From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Friday. A SOCCER match in aid cf The War Fund and the China Relief Fund vill be played at the Muar Club padang to-day < Sunday) when the Muar Chinese will meet the Klang Chinese. The Muar Chinese team will b a
    94 words
  • 28 19 In a first division league soccer game played at the Naval Base yesterday, the Royal Navy and the Argylls played to a scoreless draw.
    28 words
  • 1019 19 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. THE Colony are faring a deficit of 199 runs win four wickets in hand in the first innings in their annual cricket match against the Malay States which began on the padan; to-day. The Malay States, batting first, scored 251
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  • Article, Illustration
    540 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat. TPHE first annual sports of the Temenggong Ibrahim Girls' School, (English) Batu Pahat, resulted: Green House first with 35 points. Yellow second with 31, Blue third with 24, and Red last with 18. Ungku Zabedah binti Othman, wife of the State Commissioner,
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  • 247 19 From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. POUR matches In the second division league were playid during the week. Both the leaders won their matches, Parit Amal brating Stia Jawi by three goals to two and Parlt Stongkat getting two valuable points from a *ralk over when Sri Bakrl turned
    FT  -  247 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 350 19 FEET feel i blazing The skin-pores ot your feet should be constantly eliminating acid Impurities When your feet feel bluzing hot, when they ache ami swell, it is because those pores have become choked and acid is piling up inside them Then you suffer foot agony. Corns and callouses be;rin
      350 words

  • 166 20 These recruits are being taken in J.D." or judging distance. An object has been pointed out by P. S. M. Baker, Loyal Regiment, (walking down on right), and the men are concentrating on mental measurement. Some of the efforts were surprising surprisingly close or surprisingly
    166 words
  • 78 20 CALLED up for compulsory service, about 200 British Europeans are receiving training at military centres in Singapore. The pictures in this page were taken at two military camps where great keenness has been displayed by the recruits. Training has already lasted 36 hours (two weeks), including
    78 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 74 20 M} R.BRANDY y y <^ friPMUsriNrsT Y^is. More Mileage Y*^v Greater Protection V N Against Skidding Avk X Stronger Cord Body yff^pai^RWl^mSl )vl^% HERE'S »nother great Fircitoo* J*A achievement— a teAMtional new tyre, tha Krutone Champion -everything iv hum t^^" Xx^Bwß^Br^wiKjKslhjß Implied ThU wonderful new tyre t»kc» all tm/ 0)
      74 words
    • 451 20 EXCLUSIVE STOCKS I OF SILKS and COTTONS Phone 'ut ji jj mgn »t. MALAYAN PEWTER Travelling alarm clocks with Swiss 8 day lever movement fitted in solid Malayan Pewter cases. $36.— i BOOKS ON CONCRETE CEMENT. Reynold's REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGNERS' HANDBOOK Raynold'B PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OP REINFORCED CONCRETE DESIGN Adams's ELEMENTS
      451 words