The Straits Times, 16 June 1940

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 443 Sunday, June 16, 1940 Price 10 Cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya Ko. 443 Sunday. June 16. 1940 Price 10 Cents
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  • 846 1 Allied Generals Plan New Strategy GERMANY HURLING 2,000,000 MEN INTO THE BATTLE LAST night, the commander of the British forces in France conferred with high French generals concerning the next step to be taken. The situation in the fighting zone is authoritatively described as fluid. Strategic
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  • 255 1 Bigger Red Garrison In Lithuania IT has been disclosed by the Moscow radio that Lithuania has accepted a Soviet ultimatum by which Russia will have the right to occupy Lithuanian territory "with sufficient forces." The demand, it was stated, was accepted yesterday morning, an hour before the ultimatum was due
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  • 89 1 London, Saturday. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT today received the British and French Ambassadors in Washington at their request. The purposes of their visit was not disclosed. It was stated on the French radio this afternoon that it was not yet known whether President Roosevelt's reply to the appeal
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  • 105 1 THE Australian Director-General of Information, Sir Keith Murdoch. announced yesterday that the munitions department Is planning to employ 150,000 people in the production of raw materials and the manufacture of munitions. Australia', he said. Is contemplating a munition expenditure of £50.000.000. "We cannot expect munitions from
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  • 49 1 I*HE 50 members of the crew of the Italian steamer, Tinavo, who were landed from a naval vessel at Durban yesterday, are the first prisoners to arrive there since the outbreak of war. They have been taken to a military camp to await internment.
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  • 473 1 Further British Blows At Italy's African Colonies fdo Uom >• being wasted in A^ showing Italy that in declaring war .she has exposed hers 'if to dangers greater than any she has faced before. British forces in the Near East have struck another blow at Italy's North African colonies. FORTS
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  • 63 1 London, Saturday. AUTHORITATIVE circles in London describe as completely untrue and without foundation the rumour that the French were contemplating a separate peace last night. This rumour, it is stated, apparently appeared in an American newspaper under a London date line. No such story had been
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  • 42 1 Japan To Watch German Interests In Singapore JAPAN is to represent German interests in Singapore and lion? Kong, and Italian interests in Canada, Hone Kong, South Africa, Kenya and Ceylon. The United States Government has undertaken to represent Australian interests in Italy.
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  • 124 1 CHILDREN MAY BE SENT OUT OF ENGLAND •pHE New York Herald Tribune 1 yesterday appealed to the American Government to invite refugee children, especially from Great Britain, to come to the United States. The suggestion that children shoulc be s?nt from Great Britain to the Dominions continues to claim a
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  • 83 1 THE Admiralty announced yesterday that the British 4,200--ton light cruiser Calypso (Captain H. A Rowley) has been sunk in the Mediterranean by an Italian submarine. It Is feared that one officer and 38 ratings are missing. The Calypso was built 23 years ago. It was also
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 11 1 TAI HENG CO. Tailors JW Coleman St., Singapore. Pheoe: 3375. Jjjf
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    • 138 1 CHOTIRMALL'S EXTENSION SALE YOUR GREAT OPPORTUNITY PAY LESS and GET BEST----41-43, HIGH STREET. PHONE; 7957. SINGAPORE'S y^^f7 LEADIIfgCAFE_ a specially designed rTYi I^. GERATION PLANT, are I \//./,AT\ contributing to the success of is*-Lf' I Singapore's smartest Rendezvous. X^rAiinr^X Leading Hotels, Clubs and RestaurI IMbI/1., a ants in Malaya are
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  • 434 2 HEAVY PRICE PAID BY NAZIS FOR PARIS Hospitals In Reich Filled With Wounded Men DETERMINATION OF ALLIES UNSHAKEN Loss Of French Capital Is Not Minimised rpHE British Press does not attempt to minimize the loss of Paris, but the general view is that the war is not by any means
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  • 35 2 Although repeatedly bombed and machine -gunned by German airmen during their nightmare journey from Belgium to Paris, these brave refugee nuns stopped many times on the icay to succour wounded refugees.
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  • 91 2 r<> incidents reveal the automatic way in which the Germans obey orders. While the French held Rethe 1 a German policeman suddenly arrived alone on a motor-bicycle, armed with white baton, gloves and a guide. He said that he had come to direct the traffic there. In the
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  • 29 2 "THE Primes Minister, Mr. Winston ChurchiM. wiU make a statement on the general war position when the H-n:.^ ot Commons meets on Tuesday.
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  • 61 2 Ankara, Saturday. AN official communique states that explanations on the general situation and policy of the Turkish Government by the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister were unanimously approved at the meeting of the People's Party yesterday. It is added that all the deputies present demonstrated
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 50 2 pREAT Britain's fighting man-power will be greatly strengthened by the registration for military service yesterday of men of 28. It is estimated about 280.000 men have signed. These men ara the first class to t>e called under the second Royal proclamation. Men of 29 will register next Saturday.
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  • 27 2 A CHICAGO woman askinr for divorce told the judge ."Every time I speak my husband hits me." Her name is Mrs. Silence Golden Robinson.
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  • 219 2 London, Saturday. THE News Chronicle states, "All thoughts are with the French. Their beloved capital is ringing to the sound of ironshod Nazi boots, but the loss of Paris is not catastrophic. "The French Capital was vulnerably placed in the north-east corner
    Reuter  -  219 words
  • 92 2 He Blew Up Bridge And Himself IT happened while British troops were withdrawing from Boulogne. British soldiers had pushed a lorry, laden with explosives, beneath a bridge in crder to blow it up. bat they could not find any fuses. A captain in the Royal Engineers arrived. He ordered all
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  • 109 2 Nazis Suspicious As The Soviet Forces Mass On German Border •THE Russian and German forces are eyeing one another with increasing suspicion along the Polish frontier fortifications which are now being built with all speed, according to travellers arriving in Rumania from Poland. The Russians are bringing up new army
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  • 24 2 A fame of draughts in progress between nurses* and some of the B.K.F. casualties at a hospital near London.
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  • 23 2 Under th* grim, grey afternoon light, a fin; of French anli-U. It guns proceed to the front.
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  • 816 2 THREE days ago, Hitler gave an interview to the American journalist, Karl von Wiegand, at a chateau in France and made a number cf characteristic revealing remarks. Hitler is repoiv-.d to have stated that his policy was "America for the Americans and Europe for
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  • 96 2 SIR Neville Bland, formerly British Minister at the Hague, broadcast a warning recently against Germany's Fifth Columnists. "I hate to say this." he said, "and would not if I did not find it my duty to say It but be careful now, at fnia moment, how you
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  • 71 2 SECOND LIEUT. Hugo Hesketh Hughes, aged 38. son of Mrs. and the late Mr. H. Hughes, of Dyserth. Flintshire, who has been killed in action, was one of the finest polo players in the world. In his first game as No. 1 for England
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  • 87 2 AUSTRALIAN and New Zealand pledges of full support to France have now been followed by similar pledges lrom other Domini< Mr. McKenzie King, tn e Prime Mm ster, cabled to M. Rcynaud the French Premier, on behalf of the Canadian Government that all tne material and
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  • 57 2 Tours. Saturday. TTHE French Minister of the Interior has decided to take measures to suspend the circulation of civilians at certain places a? the Commander-in-Chief of the French armies has Informed the Government that an exodus of population from Invaded areas is liable to
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 738 2 Glands Restored to Youthful Vigour Scientist Explains How \A^ New Discovery Makes l£~V Men Feel Years Younger o^SKrLi. An eminent phyvlclan, with more than suffering men and by physicians through--30 years of experience, after long study out the world. For Instance. Dr. James and scientific experiments, has announced Kastelll. widely-known
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  • 350 3 Governor-General And New War Taxation GOOD RICE CROPS AND TRADE PROSPECTS Batavia, Saturday. THE Netherlands Indies is continuing to strengthen her defences, the Governor- General, Jonkheer A. W. L. Tjarda van Starkenborgh Stachouwer, told the People's Council to-day. It was the first meeting of
    Reuter  -  350 words
  • 256 3 The War Fund Now Totals $2,203,865 TIIK War Fund yesterday totalled $2,203,865— in just over a fortnight. On being informed by the S'raits Times London correspondent that The War Fund, including the Singapore and Penang Municipalities' contributions, is now equivalent to at least £250,000, Lord Beaverbrook Minister for Aircraft Production,
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  • 51 3 Through their chief. Towegale, the Bena tribe of the Ulanga District have offered the Tanganyika Government a war-gift of rice, intended for feeding the men of the King's African Rifles. The 14 chiefs of the Dodoma Native Council have offered a war gift of 94 head of
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  • 136 3 Toklo, Saturday. ASKED whether Adm. K. Nomura, former Foreign Minister, would visit the Netherlands Indies as reported, the Foreign Office spokesman said he understood that some private organization was arranglrg his visit to the Dutch possessions and the Philippines, but nothing definite had been
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  • 39 3 ACTION, Sir Oswald Mosley's Fascist weekly publication, has ceased publication. A message sent to subscribers states that this is due to the fact that most of its contributors are in prison.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 89 3 London, Saturday. A COMMUNIQUE issued by the Dutch Legation in France and quoted by the French radio states that although Italy has not declared war on Holland, the Italian Government has requested the withdrawal of the Dutch Minister to Rome as the Netherlands
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 17 3 A French officer questions a German prisoner at a detention camp in France.
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  • 177 3 Reich's Larder Shows Signs Of Exhaustion BUT PETROL SUPPLY UP London, Saturday. fJERMANY'S larder in the south-east is already beginning to v show signs of exhaustion, reports Reuter's correspondent from "somewhere on the Polish frontier." The Rumanian cereal harvest situation this year is estimated to be serious as a result
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 32 3 A nurse lighting a cigarette for Sergt. Johnston who, with other wounded troops of the 8.E.F., was attacked by German bombers when crossing the Channel from Flanders.
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  • 154 3 London. Saturday. LORD LLOYD, the Secretary ot State for Colonies, in a speech emphasized that despite the war "the interruption of social services should be kept down to a minimum." He aded. "I fear now that Italy has joined our enemies,
    British Wireless  -  154 words
  • 42 3 Washington. Saturday. HPHE House of Representatives to-day unanimously passed a resolution 1 authorizing the postponement of Finland's semi-annual war debt payment, due to-day, of $159,000. The resolution has already been massed unanimously by the Senate.— Router.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 55 3 MB. O. G C. WILSON and MISS K. NORWELL.—The engagement la announced between George Gordon Crichton Wilson, eldest son of Mrs. M. J. G. Wilson and the late Mr. John Wilson of Hoylake, England, and Kathleen 1)01 well, yor g°r daughter of Mr. Robert N. rvrwell and the late Mrs.
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    • 192 3 m vAo» 1 v/~*\3 /va *-il Vow i /^fr^^"^ -r\'jn&^^j?'i I Writ I*. PHONE 5376 FIVE LINES C.S. 17SA Advt. of Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd., 1 a :F-1 :<3ff?T«IHJI •"I" 1 "itfckproof J^3rS -J^yi/hi I mil^^r>rmß r ll «>i»rni»liß!.lec<hromiuaiC«ie. Clear (//^jGrOo!" //fli tml m»ny t.ard knorkjand still keep \//t>
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 66 3 CBlpndie By Chic Young:* gee that \»as AV^rTTorfAv) I IL "^-=£1 F"' pe^i- wow-^\ -r uow\ I uoc^iPAtjoooMe) SOOO SU»>e»- <Q' XOEAS MOOiiMGI-'KEADTTLE) ABOUT) ,/TO96DiTS 1 TUINU |_L US l ~i*» >^ *f~\ S T"^*~b NAP-TDP6BX VOJ r_*i GO"««3 > I AFTTg rwELVE Vs ocxvvjcoo S.WV-H A-" V^*y i m>
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 233 4 TODAY 11 am. Al HAMRRA i .°,.15, 6.15 9.15 p.m. M-L-TIMmDI%M -ALL SEEM2D LOtT WHEN TBI SOUTH SEA HURRICANE HIT OUR HOVtEJN THE TREE TOP- M s^^^vfl BJS^^ Bum vka oulfiins ochw I B^ b^M w.*e4 •«<! i»r4i>o« i r"li i\\ I h> |Q mC I^rl^. iMnil/i hum- B I
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    • 298 4 LAST FEW SCREENINGS! IT WONT HE SHOWN AGAIN UNTIL 1911. SPECIAL MORNING SHOW TO-DAY AT 11 For the convenience of patrons desiring a light lunch, a 30 MINUTES' INTERVAL will be given from 1 p.m.— 1.30 p.m. 3rd GREAT WEEK! Unprecedented in Malaya's Entertainment History! 20th DAY! CAPITOL Jlfcj TO-DAY
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  • Entertainment
    • 260 5 Montgomery Amid Bombs On Paris ROBERT Montgomery, 36-year-old screen actor, lias dropped film he v,ent to Er.glanrt to make, and has joined the American Field Service as an ambulance driver. Reasons he gives: "My cousin served in the same organization in the last war before America came in." Montgomery, who
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    • Article, Illustration
      25 5 Joan Fontaine, Laurence Olivier and C Aubrey Smith in a tense scene from the David O. Sehtnick production, "Rebecca," coming soon to the Cathay cinema.
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    • 65 5 CECIL B. De Mille was the first nlm celebrity to be grounded by a studio. Few know it, but the pioneer Paramount producer-director, now preparing "North West Mounted Police ior the cameras, organized an aviation company during the last war, was a pilot himself, and was ordered
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    • Article, Illustration
      31 5 A scene from Double Crime in the Maginot Line," an English version of a French film produced last year. The film comes to the Alhambra cinema after the Swiss Family Robinson."
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    • 103 5 808 Hope has a sore head and neck as a result of being walloped on the head with a chair by Jack Woody, supporting player. For one of the fight scenes in Paramount's Road to Singapore," in which Bing Crosby and Hope batt'e a score
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    • 125 5 is 20th Century Productions' Gestapo," rearing close of production at the Gaumont British Studios at Shspherds Bush. An adventurous story of espionage and persecution Jn Europe. It takes In Its stride spectacle and history, romance, drama and comedy. It has been produced with strict attention to accuracy. Carol Reed,
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    • 80 5 /"VLD Vienna, before anschluss with Germany, will be the locale for Spring Parade," Deanna Durbln'a next production, scheduled to go before the cameras in a few weeks. Directing the picture will be Henry Koster, who knows Vienna as a Oothantite know 3 his Great White Way. Koster once
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    • Article, Illustration
      31 5 Fred Mac Murray. Jean Arthur and Melvyn Douglas in one of the hilarious i scenes in Too Many Husbands," a Columbia comedy to be shown this week at the Capitol cinema.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1019 5 WHO'S THE "LIFE AND SOUL OF THE PARTY?" Which are you— Mr. Cheery or Dismal Desmond." You can go through life like a wet blanket, of cuurse, but it won't help you much. And think what you're missinp— all tho fun and sparkle of si hoalthy. vigorous, full existence The
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    • 313 5 ma l n v a n P<UUT<R JflA _^^^j JL J^J «s^ ajL t*" Tp4 m Britain More and more parce's are being sent home and are arriving saiely why not send your friends one of these useful gifts which arr much appreciated as they have a practical use in
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 116 5 This Week's Films ALHAMBRA Now On: "Swiss Family Robinson." (Thomas Mitchell, Edna Best. Freddie Bartholomew. Terry Kilburn. Tim Holt. Baby Bobby Quillan). R.K.O. Radio drama. Next Change: "Double Crime on the Maginot Line." (Brefni O'Rorke. Jean Moncrieff, William Devlin). An Excelsior Film production drama. CAPITOL Now On: "Gone With The
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  • 1453 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By •'YLTEJJL," said The Sweep, "what about joinin this ere local defence army?" "What about it?" I said. "It wouldnt 'urt you to put that there little old typewriter away for an hour or two and pick up a rifle," said The Sweep. "It
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 506 6 at P^B^s I ft I ~j*%aS Tl ffs SIX AND EIGHTPENCE Meredith, 1 want to make my w 11. Lord Henry, but in alt my long ixMy fox-head scarf-pin to my Uncle perienc* I have seldom known a hmngPhilip, unless he remarries. My col- over prove fatal. Are you not
      506 words
    • 304 6 \bllß TWO VITAL NEEDS NOW Nerve Reserves and Restorative Sleep! I'bere are two outstanding aivamagca ot 'Ovaltlne' 15 a complete food wiik-M, oy *Ovaltine' which are of vital Importance to Itself, will sustain strength and sUmlna over you now:— prolonged penods. It can be eaten dry If desired. But be
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 370 6 BRIDGE NOTES By THE FOUR ACES VJi'ALE generally we don't think much of Tf "one-two-six" bidding. It should be explained that South was playing with North for the first time and they had no well denned Slam procedure. Otherwise South might have tried to get to a Grand Slam. After
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  • 145 7 Association Seeks More Information TTHE Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association is to ask the Government whether the reports submitted by the Labour Department and the Secretariat for Chinese Affairs on the question of working; hours of Asiatic shop assistants has yet been considered. If so.
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  • 132 7 At The Theatre^ «<TO.VY Draws a Horse," is a first rate A comedy and the Island Committee presented it in first rate style at the Victoria Theatre last night. The cast is splendidly balanced and all attain a high standard, but special mention should be made
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  • 108 7 At The Cinema ALL the action and drama that one would associate with or expect in a picture starring those two Hollywood favourites, Errol Flynn and O livia de Havllland are fully reproduced in Warner Brothers spectacular production The Charge of the Light Brigade," which had a midnight
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  • 53 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok, Saturday. THE new Government Thai Maritime Navigation Co.. Ltd., to trade between Cuba and Thailand outward by way of Singapore and Cape Town and homeward by way of the Pacific and China ports, is advertising for qualified captains, officars, wireless
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  • 38 7 "The Value of Weather Forecasting in Wartime" is the subject of a talk which Mr. H. B. F. Moorhead, Director of the Malayan Meteorological Service, will broadcast from the Singapore station nt 7.45 p.m. on Monday.
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 488 7 L/C. H. F. Logan Miss Diana Janz LANCE- corporal Herbert Frederick Logan, attached to the transport section, Gordon Highlanders, was married to Miss Diana Margaret Jansz. at the St Andrew's Cathedral yesterday. The bridegroom wore Highland dress. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H D. Jansz, of
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  • 223 7 fJIR- Aw Chow, eldest son of Mr. 11 and Mrs. Aw Boon Haw, of Singapore, and manager of the Union Times Press Limited, was married to MLss Tan Kah Joo, youngest daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Tan Leng Tian, of Singapore,
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  • 291 7 New Building For Lady Treacher Girls School i From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, Saturday. THE Lady Treacher Girls' School, Taiping, will in the near future, shift to a new building. In the past the students attended school in small buildings, but when the new school is completed it will have
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  • 103 7 Youths Arrested At Chinese School (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. AS a sequel to the arrest of several Chinese youths who were alleged to have incited scholars of the Chung Ling High School to strike, five Chinese, whose ages range from 16 to 18 years, appeared before the Penang
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  • 85 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. MORE than one thousand pineapple factory workers and pineapple squatters, both men and women, besieged the office of Mr. F. L. Williams. Protector of Chinese, to-day. These people have been out of work for some time, as three
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  • 70 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. IN order to give as wide publicity as possible to the War Fund and to endorse their support of the scheme a meeting of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce was held on Friday with Mr. Chan Kang Swl
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  • 30 7 Mr. Lai Tung Fatt, of the magistrate's court, Kuala Selangor. is expected to arrive in Seremban in August to relieve Mr. Tan Tuaxi Boon at the Negrl Sembilan Chinese Protectorate.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 310 7 VIROL RESTORES HEALTH and ENERGY. VIROL is a health' food possessing y^^ 00^ jr^ remarkable nutritive properties It is y^/^ JfJ ff particularly suitable for invalids on S~\^S% Af I m account of the ease with which its m Xr m nourishment is assimilated by the body. /JL. s~~>*J M
      310 words

  • 1347 8 -By The Onloolier THE gift by Mr. Eu Tong 1 Sen of $50,000 to The War Fund the largest individual donation yet recalls his munificence towards the Allied cause during the last war and his generosity towards many war charities. Not only did Mr. Eu give the
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  • 527 8 w The birth of a son to Mrs. Helen Tlte, wife of Mr. A. J. Tite of Ipoh, on May 28, has been announced in The Times. Dr. B. A. M. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Brown, obtained an emergency commission in the R.A.M.C.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 390 8 *k\jjlii±3iAl| I -Pai If Look after Inner Cleanliness H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^™ pith Andrews and you wiU thicken en,oy real fitnet. every day %^J^ of your life. L Only Andrews the delidoos Each sparkling glass of Andrews Inner acanlincss Health Drinkcleanses the entire system. First, can do all this for you. Take it
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    • 722 8 /^IFYoiTARr^ Oil Ithin,weaklw /RUNDOWNj/ %1 AND AILING, r^Jt I MAKE THIS i^l Remarkable Pacific SF Ocean Sea Plant— /> !r^ i gJt ''i*lTr'°iMlMaiT uith Natural Mm- 7 BPP^ V ■^^tflM trals c? Vitamins, dt/uf and Food lodine. .j .^jU NEWLY DISCOVERED SEA PLANT Builds THIN. Worn-Out, Pale, Nervous People into
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  • 264 9 Some Of Best Equipped Maternity Wards In World Nearly Ready SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR TRAINING STUDENTS WITHIN the next few weeks, part of the $275,000 extension to the Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hospital will be occupied, and the remaining portion is to be occupied as soon as possible. The
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  • 174 9 Cost Of Living Allowances For This Month COST of living allowances of Government employees have been reduced by five cents for each category this month. The lollowing are the rates: Labourers and artisans not on the establishment, whether on daily or morunly piy. and all other dally paid employees not
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  • 162 9 VARIETY SHOW AT SEREMBAN (From Our Own Correspondents Seremban, Saturday. SPLENDID acting was the feature of the grand variety entertainment the Seremban Amateur Players presented at the Ring George Fifth School hall here in aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund. The programme included Noel Coward's comedy sketch "Customs House, Dover"
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  • 109 9 LOCAL successes in the speech training examination of the Trinity, College of Music, London, are: Junior division: Miss Amy Laycoclc < merit). Preparatory division: Miss Koh Kirn Bit (pass). Higher local division (practical); Merits: William Edward Meyer, teacher, Victoria School; Ng Foon Koo, teacher. Ceylang English
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  • 64 9 CAUGHT by a detective picking the pocket of a cinema hall patron whil? purchasing a ticket, Liong Cheonp. a 37-year-old Cantonese, pleaded guilty when charged with theft in the Singapore second police court yesterday. Th? ofTence was alleged to have been committed in the Jubilee
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  • 33 9 THE Ramakilshna Mission will cele- braie at 4.30 p.m. to-day 'Thiruvalluvar day", in honour of the wellknown Tamil poet and sage. Thlruvalluvar is best known as the author of Thiru Rural."
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  • 36 9 Mr. Lav Chalk Chong, interpreter. Supreme Court. Siremban, is going on transfer to the Supreme Court, Ipoh. in August and his place will be taken by Mr. Chung Ron Seong. of the Supreme Court. Ruala Lumpur.
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  • 69 9 BEGINNING to-night, the Hindustani news bulletin broadcast dally by the BBC. will be relayed by the Singapore short wave station for the benefit of Indian listeners in Malaya. The bulletin will last 15 minutes beginning at 9.35 p.m. (local time). This will be followed by recorded
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  • 58 9 BAIL of $2,000 each was offered to two Rhehs, Yong Rwan Hoi, 25, and Scow Chwee Soon. 20, when they claimed trial in the Singapore second police court yesterday when charged with being members of an unlawful society, the Malayan Communist Party. The case
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  • 50 9 'THE N.Y.R. liner Hakusan Maru 1 which left the United Rlngdom with passengers for Malaya and the Far East early this month and *as In the Mediterranean region when Italy entered the war, is safe. She will arrive In Singapore by way of the Cape of Good Hope.
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  • 337 9 TTWO cases concerning offences against the Food Control Regulations came up in the fifth court yesterday. In thp first case the proprietor of Chop Yong Bong Huat of 52, Robinson Read was charged with selling sugar by retail at a price exceeding 7 1
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  • 130 9 THE Rajah of Sarawak, Sir Charles Vyner Brooke, has 1 cancelled his holiday trip to Britain and left Singapore yesterday for Sarawak. Sir Charles, had been staying at the Cameron Highlands for some weeks. Mr. B. J. C. Spurway, private secretary to the
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  • 26 9 Mr. Tan Tuan Boon, clerk and Interpreter, Chinese Protectorate, Negrl Sembllan, is expected to go on transfer to the magistrate's court, Kuala Lumpur, early In August.
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  • 99 9 OHARGED with committing criminal breach of trust of $93 and forging an indenture, Tan Seng Chye, a 27--year-old lawyer's clerk, claimed trial in the Singapore third police court yesterday. Tan was alleged to have br<»n employed by Mr. Chong Thutt Pi. when he committed the alleged offent
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 537 9 1^ it^W^fLKSOREr T^lte''^^\^A!zlJr Zamßuk Never XeS^<; II Leaves Ugly Scars A BSCESSES, ulcers and bad legs may be caused |jfc r r^^^^^^^ by a simple knock or scratch or by excessive BB H^"? ""^Siftft standing. But in every case terribls throbbing 1 1/ SJSrT^^ pains bring agony to the sufferer.
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  • 700 10 Opinion Spirit Which Will Fight And Win CVENTS move swiftly in these fateful days. In the past week the French army, fighting valiantly every inch of the way, has been slowly forced south 'ards by the overwhelming military machine of the Hun. Hitler has been joined by his fellow gangster,
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  • 1236 10 The Italians As Fighters By One Who Fought With Them fAPORp]TTO has been described as the biggest military defeat in history. Six German divisions and six Austrian, with 300 batteries only, defeated 600,000 Italians. It was not only a defeat, it was a rout and 600,000 Italians ran in complete
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 402 10 Choose the tailor icho has given complete satisfaction to his clients for over 20 jears. Choose i in L^ri' MIEN CHONG 34 Coleman St. Phone 4816 PHONE 4310 f Amber Mansion, No. 7 Orchard Bd. THE OPTICAL HOUSE MANUFACTURING DISPENSING REFRACTING OPHTHALMIC OPTICIANS DO YOU FIND IT HARD TO GET
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    • 138 10 Mf» Can t: "How I envy your hearty appetite* Mf« Can: "What you should envy is my morning Fno!" A htarty appetite is th« pr«- £NO la J'tt 1 rogakiv* of healthy people. L, #c o|f *«'«nt Take Eno's regularly. Eno's c*e ensures thai your system is I SS? U
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 724 11 Two Continuous Training Periods In July And Alienist yNITS of the Straits Settlements Volunteer Force are to be called up for continuous training next month, under the Local Forces (Training) Ordinance, which was passed through all stnires at last week's merting of the Legislative Council. An
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  • 268 11 UNDER a proclamation issued yesterday by the Officer Administering the Government of Ihe Straits Settlements, all British subjects over 18 years of a?e and under 41 in the Colony are now liable for service in the Local Forces of the Colony. The proclamation is made under
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  • 48 11 One for breakfast and one for lunch an R.A.F. sergeant pilot is seen being congratulated by his squadron friends on alighting from his Hurricane after he had brought down his second plane, a Heinkel at midday. His first he brought down at 7 a.m.
    48 words
  • 149 11 New Plane Is Poured Into Mould New York. AFTER he had watched tests of a i:eu plastic plane made of material which had been poured, pressed and baked, Colonel S'romme, .of the I'nited States Army Air Corps planning division, tairt publicly: "We see demonstrated the possibility that aeroplanes soon may
    149 words
  • 33 11 Stockholm. •"PHE largest cemetery in Norway has Just been laid out. it Is announced. The cemetery covers 240 acres. It is filled exclusively with German soldiers killed during the invasion.
    33 words
  • 65 11 BY a majority vote on the facts. Gen. Bodet, French Army Medical Corps, has been sentenced to six months' imprisonment for abandoning his post in the face of the enemy near Sedan. The trial was conducted by a court martial of seven Generals, with Gen.
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  • 38 11 COLONEL Lindbergh's honorary membership of the Lafayette Escadrille, composed of American pilots who fought for France in the last war, has been cancelled. The action has been taken as a protest against his recent isolationist speeches.
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  • 329 11 Noise Terror In War GERMAN DEVICES IN their fight against the Allies the Germans are employing the terror tactks which they used so successfully during the Spanish Civil War, particularly against the Basques. Their technique is to create a deafening din by ingenious devices fastened on to power-diving aircraft, and
    329 words
  • 216 11 ADVENTURES of a fighter pilot who' escaped execution by a German firing party, and of another R.A.F. officer who was punned as he came down by parachute are r» -crihed in an Air Ministry bulletin. The fighter pilot landed h's damaged plane in German-held
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  • 37 11 The Earl of Derby unveiled In Liverpool Cathedral a tablet to the memory of Dr. A. J. M. Melly, leader of a British Red Cross unit, who was shot during the Abyssinian War.
    37 words
  • 35 11 Civil Servants are now working a minimum of 48 hours a week, and it has been agreed that departments should try to work up to 54 hours "duxin* the present crisis."
    35 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 156 11 PHILLIPS' TOOTH PASTE Gives complete mouth and gum protection ■iiMsste^ JlHlififtft C is aCt C aci^ P ro<^ uce d by mouth bacteria working on f ood panicles between the teeth laf| that attacks the tooth enamel— causes cavities V i and decay. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tooth B Paste
      156 words
    • 872 11 THE TWO GREATEST WRITING INVENTIONS OF THIS ERA... Parker Quink and the guaranteed for life parke r vacumat i e The supreme Pcnker Vacumatic inspired the supreme ink —called Quink the new kind a ./caj oi ink that actually cleans a pen as it a £2 writes. Eliminates 69 ',h
      872 words

  • 107 12 Singapore, June 15, coon. Buyers Sellers Gambler $.7.78 Hamburg Cube u $13.00 Java Cube $12.50 Pepper White Muntok $1350 White $12.50 Black $7.00 Copra Mixed $2.90 Sun Dried $3.30 Sago Flour No. 1 $6.45 $6.45 Llngga $6.10 Pair $6.00 Sarawak $5.95 Jtloiong Palembang $16.50 Banja $16.00 Sarawak
    107 words
  • 1307 12 Fraser Co.'s Singapore Share Quotations SATURDAY. JUNE 15, 1949: 1 P.M. MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin (4s) 3s 6d 3s 10 d Austral Amal. (ss) 4s 9d 5s 3s Austral Malay 45s 37s Aycr Hitam (ss) 18s 9d 20s 6d C.d. Ayer Weng .50 .60 Bangrin
    1,307 words
  • 247 12 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Books Company Dividend Clom TIM Iyer Bltam Tin 7tt% Int. lea tax Surma Malay 6d No. 23 June 24 Utam Tin 10% June IS long Fatt 7% lnt June 13 dxls Hyd. 2tt% Int. lesa tax relapang is. No 14 June 19 fohan 5%
    247 words
  • 680 12 THE feature of the markets this week has been the steady rise in commodity prices. The Singapore tin price is $6 :l s higher than a week ago while rubber, in spite of a difficult market, is up l 2 cent. The local price of
    680 words
  • 84 12 Saturday, June 15. noon. Buyer* Seller* Price* Prices No. U B.S.S. (Spot loose i 38., 3:*. No IX 8.5.& t.0.0. in cases July 38 38* 4 G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. fab In br.les July S7«i 3« t A.Q. KS.B fob in oairs Jnry 3Ti 37% FUTURE QUOTATION*
    84 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 553 12 AUSTIII I LO RR V I I BORNEO MOTORS I LIMITED W.P.S. 68A BUILD PERFECT HEALTH with these 5 VITAL ESSENTIALS THIAMIN* and 4 other important health necessities abundant in delicious QUAKER OATS Quaker Oats abounds in health-giving, strength-building essentials imparted to it by Nature herself. It is a whole
      553 words
    • 11 12 Pont 6° Vv jgy!rfr-^Li m tOw» l i[ FRASER NEAVE LIMITED
      11 words

  • 1814 13  -  R. H. Naylor By THIS WEEK'S GOOD DAYS FOR:— Buying: (Business deals): Postpone important business until next week. (Personal shopping) Don't shop this week: Selling: Thursday, June 20th. Entertainment: Sunday, June 16th. Sport: Monday, June 17th. IF your birthday faU> between Oct. 27 and Jan. 29.
    1,814 words
  • 509 13 LJERE. grouped according to month of birth (irrespective of year), is a statement of probabilities to be expected this week. JANUARY (Dec. .2— Jan. 21)— The wife husband, closest associate plays the star role in your affairs this week. They receive important news, go on journeys
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  • 190 13 Books Sex Problems and Dangers in War-time. By George Ryley Scott. Werner Laurie. 3s. 6d. TpHIS little book is full of sensible and practical advice for men and women. As Dr. Ryley Scott so truly says in his short preface, it is the unsophisticated and uninitiated who
    190 words
  • 184 13 You Can't Run Away. By Jane Lane. Methuen. Bs. 6d. LITERARY London In the early Eighteenth Century is the background for Miss Jane Lane's latrst novel. Her hero becomes chief pamphleteer for the Jacobite cause at the end of Queen Anne's reign, ana under the first George until the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 414 13 BETTER VISION BETTER GOLF Good eyesight does not necessarily make you a rood golfer, but just try to be a good golfer without good eyesight Keeping your eye on the ball means keeping your eye on the ball and not on a ball which is a few inches from where
      414 words
    • 605 13 (fcg||P^ MADE up WJ^f Soft but not greasy— Alluring but not painted Men thrill to the tempting softness of Invite romance, let Tangee keep your Tangee lips. They hate harsh, greasy, lips soft, natural, youthful looking, painted lips! For radiant natural color in cheeks Tangee is the lipstick that can't
      605 words

  • 796 14 Don t Be Too 'Original Max Factor's Advice THERE are definite limits and restraints which should be placed upon "originality "—particularly when it comes to the accentuation of personal beauty with make-up. LipsticHng IN the creation of a lipstick pattern, for instance, there are many chances for the display of
    796 words
  • 78 14 ONE of the smartest trimmings for to-day— and to-morrow is what we used to know as Swiss embroidery. It Is eyelet or satin-stitch embroidery worked on firm white cambric, and has a cut-out, buttonholed edge. It is used for trimming day dresses, and outlining the front to
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  • 73 14 A SELF-WRINGING mop is the kind of device which becomes indispensable. Once you have learnt how to malnpulate it, you find it not only obviates wetting the hands, but you not have to bend every time the mop Is wrung. An apron made from hesslan tit'ed with pockets
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 551 14 \<^f\Jj\/y^?l grand occasions l^n? Elizabeth Arden's FIRMO LIFT For Lovely Contours You^ve enjoyed many Elizabeth Arden treatments. You-ve been amazed by the results they produced-in how short a space of time! Here's a new treatment in which Elizabeth Arden breaks her own brilliant record Firmo-Lift which refreshes firms— slrengthens facial
      551 words
    • 421 14 SAFETY FIRST! Igß^^V Don't let that k?J_ 'Harmless' wri*- Scratch become B Septic s*/y^jo§, become septic. Never negi y^y/^f^4o^^k lect it Apply Cuticura ky? k Ointment at once. It is the w- ll C N i\ finest possible safeguard V Mr" N^xV\A against festering and blood- Li \^r poisoning the
      421 words

  • 70 15 FASHION hits the bull's eye when Mary Howard wields the bow and arrow dressed in the latest in playsuits. Fashioned of citron yellow linen with stripes in warm wine shade, the shorts are topped by a tiny blouse with puffed sleeves that expose the midriff. Over
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  • 71 15 SHEETS are apt to get torn at the corners, and they often need reinforcing before their next trip to the laundry. You do It by cutting a short length of tape, folding It in two and mitring the corner carefully, pressing and stitching it in place. Then
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  • 77 15 A FOLDING chair for baby Is a great boon —especially when you are travelling or staying away from home. A type much favoured is made of fabric which can easily be wiped over. It folds quite flatly, and may be opened out, complete with tray, all
    77 words
  • 496 15 By Sunday Times London Woman Correspondent THE latest turban is a knitted affair, of coarse wool. It is draped and knotted at the top to make quite a high twist. The turban is easy to copy because the knitting is very coarse and
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 15 In Pink Blue DUTH HUSSEY takes an afternoon stroll and the young Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer actress wears a three-piece crepe suit in pink and blue. P-essmaker style, the dress is topped by a hip -length box coat. A polk bonnet hat in blue and white kid shoes complete the ensemble.
    48 words
  • 456 15 COMETIMES I wonder that two- some cooks don't rise up and demand at least an occasional recipe that is geared for two instead of six portions. Halving the quantities called for in the usual recipe often presents a puzzle to a beginner like my y ung friend
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  • 93 15 MEW hats need bright eyes beneath them so don't neglect to give your eyes their due share of treatment. Keep their muscles in working order by shutting the eyes very tightly and then opening them a dozen times night and morning Then roll your eyes arouncfto the right
    93 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 230 15 fit <^lb^^B jig i^^BfrsJ^r^l &r mm 4Kr*w it Will you Maclean your teeth to-day? "...course I will" MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE If you use io!id dentifrice, try the new ■MUMS Ml'B KROXIOf DENTIFRICE don't have to uke nasty-tasting oils, Inconvenient herbal brews and gripln" purgatives. Medical science fives us LAXOBAC—
      230 words
    • 509 15 Howlgotridof MIDDLE-AGED' SKIN although I'm M over 50/ ALL my iriends want to know hat 1 have done to make myself look so young. I have just celebrated my 60th birthday. My face was lined my complexion dull and tallow 1 looked very middle-aßed Then I read about ■women who
      509 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 487 16 Any soreness, bleeding op sponginess of the gums means that they are unhealthy. You are urged to use Gibbs "S.R.* without delay. Most Dentists now prescribe Gibbs "S.R-* both for the treatment and prelIILUXU vention of bad gums. jm jf Jk came across patient, to whom I had '&lfj J
      487 words
    • 291 16 jSg^Btf 'Ppetite needs J^^^»3r reviving, a little «iL7 hp Sauce wiU a^^kS' WOrk wondcrl /JS&)CwI CjaKV Jl the tll 8 e «"on BA and charms the I US! WOW 1 BE FREE FROM SCURF YOUR HAIR WILL GROW ••atjrfcak mv *>n Mk &L IBM si dwUrut writ* Ml*. D. MalhlcioD.
      291 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 1255 16 Wireless Programmes f TO-DAY SINGAPORE /.lIL 1.33 mes (225 m.) ZHP 9.69 mes i30.96bb.1 11 a.m. Military band music played by the Grand Massed Brass Bandst; 11.15 am. Band concert. Relayed from the Sea View Hotel; 12.10 p.m. Interlude of songs by Webster Booth (tenort); 12.25 p.m. Band concert. Relayed
      1,255 words
    • 753 16 NIROM IDU mes (31.20 m.i; VIM bOl me U9.b m.); I'JIN 10.26 mes (kfcf m.i; YlH* 11.86 mes (25.3 ml- VDC SIC m (19.80 m.|. 7.20 a.m. Opening announcement; 7.21 a.m. Church service; 10.50 a.m. Time signal. The Monastery Bells; 11.05 a.m. Nirom trio; 11.30 a.m. Cinema organ; 11.50
      753 words

  • 1668 17  -  Doc. By CERVICES' boxers were in fine form when the local amateur championships were held. Witii each meeting the standard of boxing becomes higher, and to be an SABA champion these days Is no mean fe»t. The A.B.A. in England now recognizes local champions, which means that
    1,668 words
  • 190 17 'From Our Own ''orre.^pendent) Segamat, Saturday. THE Segamat Cr cket Club beat the Johoro Lahis Club in ft low-sroring name. SF.GAMAT McLeod b Despard 5, S. J. D'Costa b Oespard 0, Dr. Woodhull lbw. Barker ;.4. P. NageM b Despard 0. Vijiasingam b raiinfy 12, \V. O'Costa run
    190 words
  • 130 17 n Our Own Corn pi Qd Jahore Ito!)ni. Sa'jirdny VX-rr: Qnalt fag U ibiu Malays bart- mintoo c-^mplombipa JfU be playea on Jv.r.c 21 and :'2. T.« finttlLs l^ Junior Dn:ii->'. I rial! and <*-r 'D'- ialvs. Mahmood AH eat', \.hv Opr-i IX>ub: 1 (Deoat Singles: S!vi
    130 words
  • 124 17 :-i Our Own Correspondent j Mnar. POOH progress is beinj made in the first division league soccer due to several postponements. Another distressing feature is the employment of dirty tactics by some of the players. It is hoped that the committee of the Muar Football Association will take
    FT  -  124 words
  • 52 17 (Prom Our Own Correspondent* Seremban At the general meeting of the Coronation B.P. the folio win? office- bearers were electee: Patron. Khong See Beng; president, Chew roh Sent;; hon. secretary. Chen Kon Kwee; hon. treasurer. Ec Cheng Pee; hon auditor. Choc Wai Leorm: captain. Tbo Llan Khor; Ti:c-captaln.
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  • 225 17 'From Our Own Correspondent) Port Swettenham. THE Selangor Sinhalese Association were narrowly defeated at cricket by the Port Swettenham Recreation Club by five runs, chiefly due to the splendid bowling of T. Ponnudurai who took five valuable wickets for six runs. P.S.R.C. Sharilf b
    225 words
  • 149 17 I'r~m Our Own Correspondent) Muar. •yi-IRES matches W3re played In the second division lea^r.3 soccer durin? the week which also saw a surresult wiien Belia Park met with first defeat at the hands or ISunßei Terap. Sunsei Terap played nno foot ill, their defence being outstanding and
    149 words
  • 126 17 "Prom Our Own Correspondent) Segamut, Saturday. rJREE more matches wore decided in the Segamat tuid District soccer league this week. The Old Boys' Association improved their position considerably lor league honours by scoring their third successive victory. They lead in the tables with six points for three matches.
    126 words
  • 169 17 The following will represent the Sphln\ B.P. In a friendly badminton match against the United A. P. to-day on the Play fair B.P court, 37, Jalan Rajah, beginning at 2 30 p m P. Neubronner, M. A. Lange, Cyril We«. L. J. de Souza. C. P. Lange. Joseph
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  • 630 17 'Fr;m Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. THE Seremban Anglo-Chinese School h3ld a successful sports meeting en the school padang. The prizes were given away by the Tengku Ampuan. The results were: 100 Yards Flat "A" Dtv: 1. C. Setnupathy. 2. N. Suppiah. 10* Yards Flat "B" Dir:
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  • 1054 17 i By Our Badminton 'ft (respondent) THE official opening of the local badminton season, scheduled for Saturday next, w being looked forward to with an unusual amount of Interest both by competitors and followers of the game alike. This is not to
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  • 309 17 From Our Own Correspondent > Johore Bahru, Saturday. THEi Johore Bahru di.-.trict bad.ninton championships will begin on July 5 at tha P.W.D. workshops at Jalan Kcbun Tea. Entries for mixed doubles have been extended for a week, only one pair having entered so far. The
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 326 17 ail the fun. w *f|gl Hr (THINKS) > /JACK DEAR I/* WJMMiiil M'lL F'lllfr^ If JACK WILL BE SO DISAPPOINTED ijSk n "fT* WHAT, AGAIN \/ZZk ■I WHEN I T£LL HIM THAT I DON'T \JI*3L J?*L Ikt.r DARLING IT IS I FVEN YOUR TROUBLE |[J1 IV FEEL LIKE fiOIM/l ta
      326 words

  • 954 18 Mistake Gives Army Malaya Cup Game Against Malacca IN a Malaya Cup match which was almost devoid of thrills and the fine points of soccer, the Army beat Malacca by one goal to nil at the An m Road stadium yesterday. A raki-soaked turf was responsible for the poor standard
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  • 132 18 (From Our Ow;i Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. IN a luk3 warm fight last night at Bukit Bintang Battling Sima, Philipino Chinese. 9 st. 9" 2 lb., beat Johnny Ware, American Negro, 10 st. 3 lb., on points. There was plcntly of clinchin' and in-flghting and
    132 words
  • 286 18 Kedah Beat Perak In Cup Match (From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, Saturday. MAKING a grand rally In the second half, Kedah defeated Perak by three goals to one In the Malaya Cup fixture played here to-day. Exchanges were very even in the first half both sides doing excellent work with
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  • 123 18 TIES in the Singapore lawn tennis, championships for thLs week, all tc be played on the Singapore Cricket Club courts are: MONDAY Men's singles (semi-final): Yadl vs Yong Loon Chong. Men's doubles (semi-final): E. C. Cherrington and W. J. M. Warden vs. Roy Smith and S. Abed.
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  • 66 18 The following have been selected to play soccer in a league match for the V.M.CC. against the Maravla Sports Club on Monday at 5.10 p.m. on the Anson Road ground Wee Alk Chan. V. N Pillay. M. Swyny, J. G. Moxon, G. L Day, V. R. Sabapathy,.S. Orton,
    66 words
  • 93 18 Last Four In Golf Championship TTHE following are t^e results of matches in the Singapore Island Golf championship played on the Keppel Golf Club course yrst« rday: M. M. Paterson walkover, J. H. Beeton (absent sick). H. B. Sym beat J. F. liber 1 up. Dr. E. Laidlaw Thomson beat
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  • 187 18 Penang Draw With Selangor In Malaya Cup (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. PENANG sprang a big surprise by holding Selangor to a four-ail draw in the Malaya Cup match here to-day The ground was sticky owing to rain, but the game was interesting throughout. Exchanges were fairly even, with
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  • 597 18 Y. M. C. A. Schools Sports THE wet weather yesterday marred the athletic sports of the V.M.C.A. schools, of Singapore, but keen running was seen after the hour's delay owing to rain. Champion athlete of the afternoon was Lee Seng Onn who was a point ahead of Lee Kirn Swee.
    597 words
  • 451 18 Weights For Selangor Races (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. THE following are weights for th* first day oi the Selansor Turf Clubs summer meeting beginning on June 22: Horses, Class 2, Oiv. 1. 5 fin Booklaw 9.00 Harlequin BuT Lord Yomnoddy 8.13 Dadibhoy 8 0« Sir VdT 8.10
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  • 277 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A BRILLIANT 94 by Lall Singh who did not give the slightest semblance of a chance in his long innings waJ the feature of the cricket match between Selangor and Perak on th» padang to-day. for Lall Singh,
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  • 129 18 TTHE following is trie result of tha 1 womer's match between the Sepoy Lines Golf Club and Keppel Goll CJub played at Keppel on Friday (Sepoy Lilies first): Mrs. J. English <16> vs. Mrs. E. A. Elder (16) 4; Miss M. Pryde (36> 1 vs. Mrs. J. W.
    129 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 514 18 Pyorrhea and Trench Mouth Stopped in 24 Hours S Bleeding gums, sore mouth, or loose teeth mean that you are a victim of Pyorrh>>a or Trench Mouth, or some bad disease that will eventually cause you to lose all your teeth and have to wear false teeth before your time.
      514 words

  • 1037 19 PENANG'S FOONG SEONG CUP TEAM 'AS anticipated in this column a fortnight ago, the Foong Seong cup final will be played at the Ipoh Town Hall. The Penar.-i team has been chosen as follows: Ooi Telk Hock, Chee Choon Keng. Tung Ghlm Huat. Chee Choon Wah and Tan Kin Hong.
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  • 219 19 BOXING starts again at the New World next Friday with a promotion by Run Run Shaw. The bill features some of the newcomers to Singapore, and Includes the re-appear-ance after a long spell of Little Abayan, flyweight and bantamweight champion of Singapore, and comeback by Young Gauder,
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  • 384 19 TAKING into consideration their splendU display In the matches against Negri Sombilan at Seremban, and against Johore at Kuala Lumpur, the tournament committee has selected the same play cir, a.S. Samuel (captain), Alimat, LJm Tcng Kong and Khons Chew Tuck, to represent the State In ths final
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 19 MA DON, MAT NOOR and TAIB Three famous Malay footballers. They have represented Singapore many times and are brilliant products of local football.
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  • 229 19 St. Francis Sports In Malacca Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. AT the annual athletic sports of St. Francis Institution D. Kruseman was champion athlete In A Division. Augustus House and Claude House tied for champion house with 81 points each. Two records were broken, W. Rodrigues easily clearing 5 ft.
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  • 227 19 <From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. WONG THIAM TECK and Goh Teik Chow won the doubles championship in the Johore Lawn Tennis tournament yesterday. Their opponents, H.S.V. Ramalya and P. C. Joseph, after providing stiff opposition in the first set, conceded a walkover soon after the
    227 words
  • 95 19 i From Our Own Correspondent. Seremban. RAIN spoilt the cricket match between ths Segamat C.C. and the Negrl Sembllan Club which ended In a draw. The N.S. Club batted first and scored 143. Five batsmen reachen double figures B. J. Dionysius 38, F. de Sllva
    95 words
  • 239 19 RED SOX MEET LOYALS AT BASEBALL TO-DAY THE Singapore Red Sox baseball ninj will be seen in action for the first time since the lecal baseball series started when they meet the strong Loyals baseball contingent at St. Joseph's ground at three o'clock this afternoon. Paul James, the managing player
    239 words
  • 100 19 TTO-DAY, at Anson Road stadium the Eastern Athletic Association footbailers from Hong Kong meet the Roy a! Air Force in their last game in Singapore. The tourists have already p'.aycd four matches in Singapore, winning twice, losing once and sharing rr.e honours once. The visitors have
    100 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 127 19 Football RUGBY LEAGUE YORKSHIRE CUP SEMI-FINALS Featherstone 15 Dcwsbury 11 Hull K. R 5 Waketteld 6 WsIMSZT m O^SWSWtS^S^S^S^SWSISWSWSWS^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^S^StS^SMS^S^MM^S^S^S^SMMtBI^O^^S^OttWS^S^S^ J^. DOORS OPEN 7.30 P.M. COMMENCES 9 P.M. o 6r "™»j»s f E The NEW WORLD ARENA M rJH 0+ Double Main tvent-, of 10-3 mm. R4s. Sore Action Fight*. K
      127 words
    • 804 19 Leara Shorthand, Book -Keeping, Commercial Correspondence etc IN YOUR OWN HOME BoKe your problem of personal progress by selecting a specialised course of trainIng at home. rtU: is the mettud that can Help you to secure a well paid post. Thousands of Pitman's trained men and women nave attained success
      804 words

  • 71 20 Former American Liner Bombed By Germans Off Belgian Coast The dramatic picture on the left shows the burning Ville de Bruges, formerly the American liner President Harding. Survivors are rowing away from the ship after it had been bombed by German aircraft off Ostende. In the picture above passengers are
    71 words
  • 56 20 Mr. Joseph Kennedy, American Ambassador. laying a wreath on Lincoln's s'atue, after a memorial service in St. Margaret's, Westminster, for America's dead in the last war. Stepping out into the strong sunshine, Mrs. Churchill accompanies the Prime Minister, Mr. Winston Churchill, from the Admiralty to his
    56 words
  • 18 20 Policemen holding up traffic on an arterial road near London to examine identity cards.
    18 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 64 20 XS^k' EMPIRtS flMf ST t*£Z*mm.-Zl *-»••—^Sm» 4w JZ^^Jlr JJi 1 #^sbbb^h4 W sbbbbbbbbl JSHbbbbbbbbbbbbbb^HbbbbßbbbbbbV vlsbbVbbV MeiK I *^N^sH dBBBBBBBBBBai it. jt 1 f I "3 |»fc s»Jbbbbbl W^ jiJmW\ bsHbbKa. g^ c* S*t»Ti S '"*3^. t "**?<' JC bbW. B^^^^^^Wi r bbbbbb^bbbbbbb^^sbbbbbbbbbbbbHlsbbbbbbbbbb^bbßibbV^bb^^ I D ~tf''' If II w fm,^^S ■^^M^^BBM^^^^^^^T^^Bb!
      64 words
    • 501 20 LATEST PLAIN PRINTED FABRICS AT Phone 7144 3i-J«J rlign St. MALAYAN PEWTER Travelling alarm clocks with Swiss 8 day lever movement fitted In solid Malayan Pewter cases $36.NEW BOOS SHOP WE SPECIALISE IN TECHNICAL m BOOKS THE FOLLOWING ARE A FiiW 3F MANf OF THEM;— Cross and Cross's PRACTICAL NOTES
      501 words