The Straits Times, 9 June 1940

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 41 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA F j NA l EDITION No. 442 Sunday, June 9, 1940 Price 10 Cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 442 Sunday. June 9, 1940 Price 10 Cents
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  • 659 1 Weygand Line Still Holding Nazi Onslaught ANOTHER 400 TANKS SAID TO HAVE BEEN DESTROYED AT the dawn of the fifth day of "The Battle for France" the French spokesman said the opposing forces were still battling with each other with everincreasing violence on a line from the
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  • 90 1 Rome. Saturday. THE nerves of the nation remain on edge with the question "Will there be war?" still unanswered. The tramo of marching columns and roar of aeroplane engines maintain an atmosphere of anx etv while the Jingolst press continues to tell an unwilling public that
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 93 1 London. Saturday MEMBERS of the Indian Animal Transport companies who took part in operations In Flanders were inspected to-day by Mr. L. S. Amery. Secretary of State for India, who congratulated the men on their safe return and fine work. "I learn that nobody cculd
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 53 1 London. Saturday. TH.: Minis' ry cf Information states there 13 no foundation for the report the Duke of Windsor has resigned his military appointment. The Du!:e is visiting French troops en the Italian border and will shortly return to the headquarters of the mission to vhich he
    Reuter  -  53 words
  • 42 1 (.uveston, (Tcxas>. RIR. Julius Jockusch, who has been German consul here for the past 17 Tears, has resigned his post with the comment: "1 feel my nosltion as consul of Co: many i.s inconsistent with loyal American citizenship."
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 1 FIELD Marsha] Hermann Goering, as the London Daily Express pictured him when it was announced at the end of last month that King Victor Emmanuel had conferred on him Italy's highest decoration, th? Supreme Order of the Annunciation, to mark the first anniversary of the signing of the
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  • 24 1 6ir Samuel Hoare, Great Britain's cjvoy on a special mission to Span. :ucd his credentials on Saturday a. Franco i:\ the Royal Palace of
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  • 71 1 Two Swiss Planes, One German Dow n In Fights Berne, Saturday. DURING further air fights over Switzerland to-day two Swiss planes and one German were brought dewn. One Swiss plane was forced to decend near Porrentruy, i^s crew injured by Bullets. Th* jiecontf" crashed near Bienne with the pilot seriously
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 145 1 GERMAN "HOVER" 'PLANE Can Fly At 31 m.p.h. AN R.A.F. Blenheim bomber ieturnfrom a raid recently sighted a German army co-operation 'plane, which was an unfamiliar type. Attributing normal speed to the enemy machine, he lived and opened fire, but found he had overshot the German, which descended until It
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  • 37 1 London. Saturday. IT Is officially announced the British armed merchant cruiser Carlnthia has been torpedoed and sunk by a Üboat. Two officers and two ratings were killed, the remainder saved.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 19 1 The Canadian shipbuilding programme is well ahead of schedule. At 15 shipyards work continues day and night.
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  • 27 1 Aerodromes and military pclnta ln Cyprus, and also Famagusta Harbour, have been declared prohibited areas. Members of the public have been asked to enrol as special constables.
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  • 33 1 THE French Admiralty announced on Saturday afternoon that squadrons of French naval aircraft bombed factories in the suburbs of Berlin on Friday night. A 'l the planes returned to their bases.
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  • 191 1 THE Air Ministry has announced the award of Victoria Crosses to Flying Officer Donald Edward Garland and Sergeant Thoma* Gray, the pilot and observer respectively leading an aircraft formation of five which gallantly attacked and destroyed a bridge over the Albert Canal which was allowing
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  • 61 1 STEPS are far in advance to bring Belgium and the Netherlands into dose financial partnership with the Al.irs. A tripartite agreement was s'gned on Saturday between Great Britain, France and Belgium the effect of which is to link the Belgian franc with the pound sterling and French
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  • 47 1 DeliJ. Saturday. IN his newspaper Harijan. Mr. Gandhi prases the morale of the men anr women of Great Britain and France He urges Indians to show similar forftude. "We may hear of reverses to Britain but we will not hear of demoralisation."
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  • 61 1 London. Saturday. •T*HE official Conservative candidate in the North Newcastle bye-election was defeated by the local Conservative Sir Cuthbert Headlam received 7.380 votes and Second-Lieut. Howard Grat-tan-doyle 2.982. Lieut. Orattan-doyle Is the son of the retiring Conservative, Sir Nicholas Grattan-doyle. Sir Cuthbert Headlam is a
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 32 1 It Is announced ln Rome the weekly air mall service between Italy and South America will now function only once monthly. The departure dates ot planes will not be made public— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 246 1 R.A.F. Continue Damaging Attacks On Enemy London, Saturday. NEWS of the work of the R.A.F. is given in j»n Air Ministry communique. II says i hat throughout and last night the effort of the R.A.F. was again mainly directed to supporting Allied armies in France. Mar.y reconnaissances were carried out.
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  • 69 1 •yilE Duke of Kent, with the Kind's special permission, has joined the R.A.F. with the rank r.f group captain. The Duke, who was formally in the Admiralty Intelligence, numbered ruling his titles that of Air Vice Marshal, but he asked the King's sanction to be
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  • 37 1 Buenos Aires, Saturday. 'THE Chamber, by 123 votes to 8, has approved a Bill to prevent activities which might undermine the neutrality of the Argentine. The measure Is directed against fifth columnists Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 189 1 NO CASUALTIES LITTLE DAMAGE London. Saturday. FOR the third night in succession German places flew ovrr Great Britain last night and wurnm:* \v. re sounded in several counties. No casualties were reported and Utttt damage was done. One raider flew low over a south-ease coast town
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  • 68 1 London. Ga,uraay. Tim War Office acnooneea in cy. cu?nce of tli? Increasing importance of home dsfen^ General Sir Kobert Gordon Finlayion a;d Llei General Sir R:nald Ad a. a ar to os General OS.v fj.aa c!in?-i:i-Chief cf the r -iern Coirrm-nds respectively. Major -General H. c. D.
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  • 26 1 THE Trinidad Los Native Council has decided to con ribute .£300.000 to the Brit'sh war lund. It has already made contributions amounting to £200,000.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 11 1 TAI HENG 00. Tailors JW Colem.n St.. Singapore. Pnone: 3375. *W
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    • 136 1 500 DRESS -LEKCTHS TO CLEAR BELOW COST... I CHOTIRMALL'S EXTENSION S_A_L_E m l/} 1/ /il ~fl lor a brealc ln a P laa3am evaning'! I /OfV(/(l entertainment or when the thirsty I\(JU I traveller steps up to the world-famous J***7JA ij/jIOI Singapore Airport Bar immediately you W*y-\A!I/j/lt*"l I are g^eted
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  • 267 2 2,000 Of 8,000 Machines Have Been Delivered New York, Saturday. ALLIED orders for fast fighter and bomber aeroplanes are approaching £250,000,000. The Herald-Tribune reports the Curtiss machines which are on the way to the Allied fronts arc more modern in design than the German "Stuk? Mechanics are
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  • 51 2 ihs scene of a bombed township in France is duplicated in hundreds of villages and towns in Northern Fra nee which were ruthlessly bombed at the beginning of the Blitzkrieg on the Western Front. In foreground is an AWed tank rattling through the streets after the
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  • 99 2 Anglo-Chinese Talks Near Agreement Chungking, Saturday. BOTH British and Chinese authorities here decline to make any statement on the Tokio report that a basis for an Anglo-Japanese understanding to settle the Tientsin silver issue has apparently been reached. While no official comment is available, it is reliably learned that the
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 57 2 COMPULSORY SERVICE HINT IN EIRE Dublin, Saturday. •THE Defence Minister, Mr. Oscar Traynor, gave a warrinrr in the Senate yesterday of the possible introduction of compulsory service. If there is no better response to the call for national service, we may have to consider national registration, and may have to
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 162 2 London, Saturday. THE new schedule of reserved occupations raises the reserved age from 25 to 30 for administrative and executive grades of the 8.8.C., marketing and development boards, temporary civil servants, railway clerks, teachers, building trades and glass makers. The occupations at present reserved at 25,
    Reuter  -  162 words
  • 25 2 Ottawa. Saturday. WORK is being started in Canada to-day on the construction of 300 tanks ordered for Britain.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 156 2 Mackenzie King Warns Of Spread Of The Conflict Ottawa, Saturday. MR. W. L. MACKENZIE KING, Prime Minister of Canada. In a broadcast to the nation, declared, We are the bridge between the Old and New Worlds." He pledged every resource of Canad i to winning the war. I speak the
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  • 94 2 Tokio, Saturday. ASKED whether the Japanese Government would lodge a protest with the United States regarding the proposed embargoes on machinery, machine-tools and other war supplies, the Foreign Office spokesman replied We may approach the Washington Government on receipt of full information of the matter,"
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  • 17 2 One of the B.E.F.* bif runs which are pounding the German lines in
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  • 89 2 Sofia. Saturday. A COMMUNIQUE issued by the British legation states that although Sir Stafford Crlpps, the new British Ambassador to Russia who arrived hera en route to Moscow, has no mission In Son he has taken the opportunity of .siting the Bulgarian prime
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 37 2 Melbourne, Saturday. IU[AJOR-Gen. Sturdee has been appointed commander of the Bth Australian Division, and Major-Gener-al Wynter has been appointed General Officer Commanding, Administration of Australian Headquarters Abroad. Both fought throughout the last war
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  • 87 2 AUSTRALIA A BIG SOURCE OF MUNITIONS London. Satiiru. > MUmHOMI factories in Australia are being enlarged for making bombs, depth-charges and mines. The Government arms factory will make Bren guns, while others will produce anti-aircraft guns, armoured cars and machine-guns. A dock will be built in Sydney at a cost
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  • 146 2 London. Saturday THERE Is some evidence both from British and French sources that some of the enemy dive-bomber pilots are beginning to lose their nerve. No reflection is cast upon the divebomber pilots. Indeed it is conceded that they are very brave men but t^is
    British Wireless  -  146 words
  • 49 2 JAPAN— THAILAND AIR SERVICE TO BEGIN Tokio. Saturday. THE Ministry of Communications 1 announces that a regular weekly air service will be inaugurated between Jaoan and Thailand on Monday. The service will be maintained between Tokio, Talhoku, Canton and Bangkok, with the Canton-Bangkok section negotiated over the sea.—Eastern News.
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  • 40 2 Moscow, Saturday. MMERKYS. Prime Minister of Lithuania, was received by M. Molotov, Soviet Premier, to-day. M. Merkys Is visiting Moscow on Molotov's invitation to discuss the recent alleged kidnapping of Soviet soldiers in Lithuania.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 18 2 French crowds kneeling ou side the Chnrth of St. Etiennc-du-Moiu they pray for victory.
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  • 156 2 World's Fair Exhit:t New York. A "GREAT Britain at war" exhibit, designed to show Americans just what modern war means t> a people of a nation involved, ir.ay be staged at the British Pavilion of the New York World's Fair, said Mr. Cecil M. Pickthall, the
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  • 34 2 NEW ZEALAND is sending still more frozen meat to Britain, and plans i are being made to speed up the loading of ships at New Zealand ports -Reutrr.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 152 2 Buchaiesl, Sa urd.i'. TRAVELLERS from Russia ar- riving in Kishniev, on the Rcssarahian frontier, report a general withdrawal of troops frcm the C:ui .asian frontier towards '.he Ukraine to reinforce the troops in Galicia Poland This appears to bo in conformity with better understanding b.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 785 2 RHEUMATISM&BMKACKE now known to be caused by BAD KIDNEY ACTION Few medical discoveries /?> clean raw, tore, sick kidneys and bladder and to of recent yean can have (y i remove acids and poisons lrom your system a more (ar-reachlng effect safely, quickly and surely, yet contains no upon the
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    • 694 2 Hot Flushes and Change of Life Overcome for Women New Discovery Brings 24- N >-A<Head.ches Hour Relief From Nervousness, Giddiness, Heart Palpi- Hot Flushes^ g^Skin Blemishes tation, Fear, Loss of Energy, Night Sweats, Numbness of Giddinesstfl I Heart Hands and Feet, Etc. Mm Vm 9 o Women Fee/ 10 Years
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  • 244 3 Allies Have Benefited From Long Warning London, Saturday. DISCUSSING the choice before Italy, The Times writes, When Italy was about to enter the war against Germany in 1914, Signor Mussolini proudly proclaimed that she was intervening in the name of international right.
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  • 25 3 Mr. A. B. Baxter, M.P., has been appointed controller of factory coordination at works engaged on t'no manufacture of aircraft, aero engines and components.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 328 3 Shanghai, Saturday. A UNIQUE situation is likely to arise in Shanghai and North China in the event of Italy's entry into the war on the side of Germany as armed forces of the belligerents will continue their garrison duties side by side. This probable
    Reuter  -  328 words
  • 73 3 One house was badly damaged and slight damage teas done to other buildings when a German bomber crashed in east Sufjolk on Friday niaht revorts Reuter. Two of the crew were killed and one injured, but there' was no civilian casualty. Bombs have been dropped
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  • 98 3 GERMANS ARE ESSENTIALLY A NEUROTIC RACE London, Saturday. MR. Harold Nicolson, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Information, speaking at Edinburgh referred to the German national charact r There was a tradition, he said, i it th- Germans ware not merely a hlgi-y efficient race but also a stubborn and
    British Wireless  -  98 words
  • 179 3 U.S. Public Feeling In Favour Of Joining War London, Saturday. "A NUMBER of competent judges believe that public feeling in the United States has moved far more rapidly in favour of positive intervention than Congress has yet perceived." Thus says the Daily Telegraph, commenting on the change in American sentiment.
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 34 3 London, Saturday. IT is learned from authoritative quarters in London that the British Ambassador to Belgium, Sir Irncelot Ol Dhant, is alive and well in B'rlin.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  34 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 822 3 |Attei* 2 Years' Baldness J& Hk This Thick pfflP**^*''^. New Growth "For two \tart I W iioj bold oil of«r lII* 1f..: 4 lop of mv htnd. 1 fried /xXßpMfclfc, Ilitftrrnt proi>rrutiom, MBMi but l.i*v did no good. I remain tl bald until I uirtl Kotaiko. N'ct' hnir t>'*' cam*
      822 words
    • 313 3 "PEN ANG, S.S. TRADE >2^jpK^Jv MARK Ijff^Sf^ REGISTERED try these delicious RITZ Sauces Tomato Chilly Sauce Black (Worcestershire) SailCC Obtainable from all Provision Merchants Sole Distributors for Malaya Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. BUY BRITISH EMPIRE PRODUCE PHONE 5376 FIVE LINES 170 A Advt. of SinpaDore Cold Storage Co.. Ltd..
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 47 3 Co.,- o» Bi. C0..~w j .-rXj ri --Lv I I Blondie *> By Chic Young^j COM 6 SEE) ITTS SO' WIVJDOWS J C^S EVEN SOT H (PEOPLE^I f TVESWEU_i-OuSE /-^^^X ANO DOOOS AMD r BEALPEOPLE H*^-.^J\ 'A WAOEAL^ y (MOUSE >J (EWOVTUiIsKi JUSTLY) JL\ >-. UVNG IMSIOf '.*A^~^ W
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 515 4 The Greatest Screen Event Since "ZOLA" •STZSXk. AlHAMBRA The Greatest Performance Robinson has ever given ll'Jiff^jIjtfTiTTiniSTirp RUTH GORDON OTTO KRUGER DONALD CRISP £jr£, Directs by WILLIAM DIETERLE A WARNER BROS.-First National Picture ALSO LATEST "PATHE GAZETTE" FINAL SCREENING TO-DAY at It a. m. Af IIA1I1ID A 1 .j AliflAraolm/m IjjiL
      515 words
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    • 431 4 2nd GREAT WEEK! C A P I T 0 L 13th DAY! 4.15 DAILY 1) p.m. The World's Greatest Picture r»*timi#q s*< Triumphant Season— 'GONE WITH gl| nt WINU j|^ j^3 w 'th k^j felN^ (LARK GABLE— VIVIEN LEIGH i^«| LESLIE HOWARD and CAST of I I ENTIRELY IN TECHNICoTouJR
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  • 309 5 Peter The Python A New Star In Film Firmament ANEW star .n the motion picture firmament appeared the ether day as Peter the Python made his slithering and impressive screen debut. Peter is 22 feet of reticulated pyi-hon from the jungles of Sumatra. He weighs 175 pounds on an empty
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  • 40 5 EDWARD Dmytryk, who directed Emergency Squad," featuring William Henry. Louise Campbell, Robert Paige, Richard Denning and Anthony Quinn at Paramount, is one of Hollywood's youngest directors, having started at the studio as an office boy 10 years ago.
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  • 241 5 Show In Aid Of The War Fund QUT Of The Hat '—lnto Th» War Fund intent very well be the motto of the Malayan Magic Circle for their show at the. Victoria Theatre on July 5 and 6 which will be the first performance by amateurs in Singapore to swell
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  • Article, Illustration
    108 5 TiVERTON Invader, the thoroughbred Arkwrlght pointer dog which plays the canine lead in Paramount's "The Biscuit Eater." came all the way from London, England, to portray the role. Paramount searched for a perfect pointer dog for nearly four months. Mis; Rosamund Osweil, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. T.
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  • 147 5 This Week's Films ALHAMBRA Now On Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet." <Edward G. Robinson, Ruth Gordon, Otta Kruger, Donald Crisp), Warn?r Bros, drama. Next Change Swiss Family Robinson." (Thomas Mitchell, Edna Best, Froddie Bartholomew, Terry Kilburn. Jim Holt). R.K.0.-Radlo drama. CAPITOL Now On: "Gone With The Wind." (Clark Gable. Vivien Leigh,
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  • 46 5 'riiE Light That Failed," which William A. Wellman made for Paramount, hasn't a native-born American in its top six roles. Ronald Colman. Ida Lupino, Muriel Angelus and Ernest Cossarfc all were born in England, Walter Huston In Canada, and Dudley Diggcs in Ireland.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 321 5 What are you doing on Saturday? COME AND SEE THE OPENING NIGHT OF "TONY DRAWS A HORSE" BRILLIANT COMEDY SUCCESS OF THE LONDON STAGE. VICTORIA THEATRE JUNE 15, 21, 22, ZS. 29 In aid of MALAYA PATRIOTIC FUND 7/ '^PS^r! ALL OVER Tm^ORHmL you tovoMtfe SutceUftd! ,^J| National w!ll prepare
      321 words
    • 111 5 Arthritis Agony Curbed In 30 Minutes The amazing new discovery Rumend banishes the pains ot Arthritis. Rheumatism Lumba.Ro. Neuritis and Sciatica like magic. In 3fr minutes after the first dose. pnltia disappear, and in a few days thU niarvelous medicine dissolves and removes the body poisons and Uric Acid that
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    • 288 5 L; Germs in 30 Seconds UQaadSteatwce (fad OeetA! Sound teeth are essential to gooa health. Brush your toeth with Euthymol and you help to guard your health, for Euthymol keeps clean your mouth, teeth, and gums. It is n antiseptic tooth paste that dentists have been recommending for over forty
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  • 1630 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By IN our poor but earneat effort to dig for victory we have had no encouragement whatever from our gardener. Gardeners, we have always found, are not the gentle, generous-mind-ed, sweet-tempered men they should be. Constant association with beauty seems to do nothing for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 498 6 At mil iBUT 7l STOUT FELLER Where are you going with that whacking big black cheroot. Not axe after last night Vm going to do a little deforesta- do f' like h f "S EJ tion, Bertie. There s a tree outside a^ ter last ht I detec a ccr
      498 words
    • 212 6 "What marvellous stuff! what is it?" m tfr v V V "It looks so delicioutly cool and so >O- W. o fresh. How do you manage to keep X Jm i^ sheer material »o free from S& la taf»«M/^ *p v. "I don't. It resists creasing of itselt. »^*^^m L*^
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 339 6 BRIDGE NOTES VyHEN your partner doubles the opponents for business, you have two excuses for taking It out: (1) you expect that In spite of his double the contract will be made; (2) ycj believe you can score more points by playing the hand than by setting the opponents. South,
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  • 315 7 Alleged Attempt To Assault Constable MOB WHiCH THREW COAL AND STONES AT POLICE T ET this be a warning to you not to get mixed up in any k more disturbances where crowds try to assault the poiice,*' declared Mr. Conrad Old ham,
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  • 141 7 Union Helps Boy To Study Medicine AS a part of its policy of helping Malay boys to continue or further their education, the Singapore Malay Unic- is to pay all the expenses at the King Edward VII College of Medicine of Haji Abdul Majid bin Haji Abu Bakar, who comes
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  • 124 7 Air-conditioned Barn For 120 Singapore Cows ANEW air-conditioned barn, built on the American plan, to house 120 cows is now in use at the Singapore Dairy Farm, off Bukit Timah Road. Although it has be.Mi found that air-condltkm'ng does rot increase the d:\ilv production of milk from cows, it dor>.s
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  • 97 7 'I-rom Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. IaESIDENTS of Seremban have an excellent evening's entertainment In store when the Seremban Amateur Players present j variety entertainment at the Kinp George Fifth School hall on Thursday, June 13, in aid of the Ma'aya Patriotic Fund. The Seremban Amateur Players have
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  • 28 7 Owing to the black-out on June 27. the Services' Dance arranged for that night at the Victoria Memorial Hall Will nsw take »lace on June 25.
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  • 41 7 Mr. Tan Meng San, of Seremban, has received news that his brother. Mr. Tan Hai San. an undergraduate of Hon? Kon«[ University, has passed his final med ca! examination. Mr. Hai Ban is an old boy of St. Pauls Institution, Sorembaa.
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  • 67 7 (From Our Own Correspondent! Muar. Saturday. ADMITTING the theft of an iron rod worth $1 Chua Kuay was fined $10 with the alternative of 10 days' rigorous imprisonment by Inche Haron bin Ahmad. It was stated by the prosecution that the accused
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  • 25 7 The death has taken place at Seremban of Mr. W. Kraal, a retired pensioner of the Negri Sembilan Government. He was 65 years of age.
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  • 40 7 Sub-Lieut J. C. W. Kemp, of the Straits Settlements Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, who was presented with the bronze medal of the Royal Humane Society for saving life after the loss of the Sirdhana in a Singapore minefield.
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  • 51 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. CHINESE disguised as electricians went to the house occupied by Mr. L. Brent, headmaster of the Trade School, th's morning and stole a purse containing 111, the property of an amah. There have been many such like robberies in Penan?
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  • 119 7 "THAT he had run into the room 1 on hearing the cries of a four-year-old child, and that on entering he had seen the girl clasping the knees of her mother who was hanging by a length of cloth from a beam, was part
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 7 Weddings F. O. AND MRS. P. G. DAVIS MR. AND MRS. F. G. STIFF
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  • 173 7 F. O. Patrick Davis Miss Evelyn Lindsay FLYING Officer Patrick Glaney Davis, R.A.F., was married to Miss Evelyn Margaret Dore'en Lindsay, at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday. The bridegroom is the son of the lat? Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Davis, of London and the bride is the daughter of Mr. and
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  • 27 7 The Khay Wah Old Boys of Seremban staged a charity show at the Astoria Hall, Seremban, In aid of the China Relief Fund. Nearly $3,800 was collected.
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  • 38 7 Cpl. Abdullah, of the Seremban Pol'cfc, has been transferred to the Police Depot at Kuala Lumpur and has been promoted to the rank of Inspector in the Police Department. Mr. Abdullah played soccer for Negri Sembilan as full-back.
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  • 239 7 Mr. F. G. Stiff Miss A. I. Hancock MR. Francis George Stiff, of the staff of the Straits Trading Co., Ltd., Pulau Brani Smelting Works, was married to Miss Annie Isabel Hancock, at at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd yesterday. The bride is th? daughter of Mr. and Mn.
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  • 234 7 Labourer Drew His Pension For 24 Years MALAYA'S only labourer drawing a life pension, Sng Kirn Hai, aged 98, drew his last pension a week ago. Three days ago Sng died at his house in Geylang Road— having drawn nearly $6,000 in pensions from his former employers, FrasT and Neave,
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  • 78 7 CHARGED with attempting to cheat Mr. P. H. Elkins, Senior Customs Officer, by deceiving him into the belief that there was an informer in a case and attempting to induce Mr Elkins to deliver a reward Ong Lai Chang, 31-year-old Hokkien, Leman bin Hassan, 32-year-old
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  • 28 7 Mr. and Mrs. W. F. O. Stephens, of Port Swettenham Estate, Klang, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with an "At Home" yesterday at the Masonic Hall, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 31 7 Prakas Kannabhiran, of the High School, Malacca, has secured one of the two scholarships offered by the Annamalai University to Indian students in Malaya and is going to India this month
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 64 7 aMvuX the AUSTiniO The 10 H. P. 4-cylinder engine provides more than enough power for the large and roomy body. Powerful Girling Brakes give maximum safety under the m?st severe conditions. Long, wide leaf springs give the best possible riding comfort to all passengers. The Austin "10" is noted for
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    • 381 7 LITTLE BOY'S WEIGHT WENT UP LIKE MAGIC! Read this Schoolmaster's Story How anxious fathers and mothtrs set when they see their little o weight. Those thin, pathetic little arms and legs, those ribs sticking up through the flesh, those hollow little chreks do they mean that some far mofe tragic
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  • 1276 8 Bombed A Cruiser PILOT-Officer William Arthur Coote Mulloy, who has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, has an interesting connection with Malaya. He is h grandson by the first marriage of the late Col. W. H. Mulloy. RE., who at one time was stationed in Singapore, where
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  • 146 8 THEN years ago he joined the staff of the Roya. Singapore Flying Clvb which was then a seaplane club with its hangar and clubhous 0 at Tanlong Pagar— as an apprentice mechanic. His ability and keenness was soon recognized by M r Harvey, who lent him
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 371 8 GIVE YOUR CHILDREN THIS VITAL NERVENOURISHING FOOD Vv THIAMIN* I HI AM IN (Vitamin B t is a food element that nourishes the nerves, promotes energy, aids digestion. Vital to perfect health, it must he resupplied to the system daily. Growing children especially need >* the great benefits found in
      371 words
    • 526 8 #DR. VV. C. ROY'S ROYAPILLA for MENTAL DISEASES Free Particulars from SOLE AGENTS i MS. SINGAPORE TRADERS, gloce house 254-A, TANJONG PAGAX ROAD,— SINGAPORE. FAMOUS FOR SEVENTY~YEARS f*jflwEmmw9m*^ l^^fi /T^JBvjß 2K&»jR \S^^^ Jm t i m *m 3LVI S A C A B C I cf ''T*mm^^SxC*vxy7&^^^^£Wim^rm^&£ I m J
      526 words

  • 135 9 Crown Not To Appeal MONEY TO BE RETURNED THE case in which Haxoor Singh Narulla was acquitted on a charge of importing 360,990 Japanese yen in currency notes into the Colony, without a licence from the Colonial Secretary, had a sequel in the third court yesterday.
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  • 262 9 pKOUCHED uncomfortably on a branch and hidden under a green hide with his camera exposed through one of its many holes, a Singapore doctor recently spent many days trying to photograph the oil spring of Singapore's biggest bird of prey the whitebellied
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  • 49 9 Jesselton Vernacular School garden was awarded the shield shewn in the picture during 1940 for being the best kept school garden on the coastal belt of the West Coast of North Borneo. The Inspector of Schools, Mr. Ingle, is seen with the staff and boys.
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  • 354 9 THE Legislative Council meeting to-morrow will be one of 1 the most important since the outbreak of war. Apart from the two new Bills the Compulsory Service (Local Forces) Ordinance, and the Local Forces (Training) Ordinance several councillors, it is understood, will urge Government
    354 words
  • 28 9 Mr. Rowland Lyne, general secretary and physical director of the Singapore V.M.C.A., will speak from the Singapore wireless station at 7.45 p.m. to-day.
    28 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 494 9 \F* SAU C E^ creates that i§|f healthy, hungry&pj feeling z^yj|x You'll enjoy meals raore MFJ ffoihitor^l when you have a litttle IttMzH hpiT^M H.P. Sauce with your WS§&\ Ili^f meat, fish and cheese //s^Sf rrftlfi}] dishes. This rich, //;^M /i***jjf fruiry sauce givej a JpNiv fjUi^J delicious tang to
      494 words
    • 86 9 BROADCAST TALK ON TOTALITARIANISM DR. T. H. Silcock, Professor of Economics at Raffles College, will broadcast a talk on "What is Totalitarianism?" from the Singapore station on Monday at 7.45 p.m. Dr. Silcock will explain what is meant by the word totalitarianism, and what the Nazi totalitarianisM the Allies are
      86 words
    • 153 9 British of course! Always Carry A Registered Trad* Mark Label on Pyramid. Ml Handkerchief PYRAMID Tradf Mark HANDKERCHIEFS FOR MEN WOMEN A TOOTAL PRODUCT GUARANTEED BY TOOTAL BROADHURST LEE CO.. LTD. MANCHESTER 1 ENGLAND: P. 4 LIFE ASSURANCE IN WARTIME j i The Great Eastern Life continues to live up
      153 words

  • 813 10 Opinion OUR ALLY I AST week the world resounded 1-4 with praise for the gallant B.E.F. that had fought Its way so tenaciously through a seemingly inescapable "ring of steel." To-day it is the armies of France which, earning a glory that will echo through the ages to come, are
    813 words
  • 458 10 AMAZING STORIES OF THEIR WORK A DANGER almost as great as the mechanised advance of the German Army has faced the Allied troops in France—espionage behind the lines. Here are some amazing stories of the work of Nazi spies A cure was conducting a service In
    458 words
  • 83 10 U.S. FIRM'S PACT WITH GERMANS Fined £10,000 New York. FINES totalling £10.000 have been Imposed on the Bausch and Lomo Optical Company and three of Its offl clals. They were accused of violating the anti-trust laws by making a secre* agreement with the German firm, Carl Zeiss. to divide the
    83 words
  • 156 10 YARD CHIEF KILLED BY NAZI PLANE SUPERINTENDENT Clarence E. Campion, formerly chief of Scotland-yard's "Rogues' Gallery" (the Criminal Record Office), has been killed in France. He was hit by a machine-gun bullet from a Nazi plane in a raid over a French coastal town. Tall, curly-headed. Superintendent Campion was 48,
    156 words
  • 72 10 WHILE the Italian Press was forcing home to readers the axiom that the Mediterranean is "our sea," the Rome Admiralty announced that the first of Italy's 35,000-ton battle-ships, the Vittorio Veneto, is now in commission. One of her sister ships, the Littorlo. will be
    72 words
  • 282 10 Dill Names His Right Hand Man CIR JOHN MIX has efcMM M Ml right-hand man a general trained in «>|>en warfare, i-xj-eiii'ivj in the use of tanks and mobile columns. He is Lieut-General R. H. Balnlng, who, the War Office announces, lias been appointed Viee-Cliief of th? Imperial G. ncral
    282 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 644 10 THE NEW WORLD CABARET Let Mien Chong look after your TO DAY TIFFIN DANCE Clothes. j 30 |o 430 pjn> Admission Fr«e. You are assured of full confi- TO NIGHT 9.30 TO MIDNIGHT dence in the correctness of the Admission 50 cts. cut, the quality of the materials M M
      644 words
    • 16 10 SINGAPORE NEW ZEALAND AUSTRALIA SINGAPORE From £116/5/K P. M. LINE. One rp. in Holland) Tel 5451.
      16 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 428 11 R. A. F.s Dauntless Band Headed By "Cobber" Kain WHY NAZI LOSSES ARE FIVE TO ONE IT i< reported that raving eommisMons are being allowed to some of Great Britain's ace pilots who have a bajf «:f twenty or more enomy machines. Instead of working in
    428 words
  • 35 11 camermen have been allocated to ships in the British Fleet. The picture shows Mr. Turner, of Gaumont British, filming: (with a long-focus lens) •lnrintr an enemy air attack on a naval
    35 words
  • 44 11 LEGISLATION requiring the registration and finger-printing of all aliens in the United States has been approved by the Senate judiciary subcommittee in Washington. The legislation was described as a move to protect America from fifth columns or similar groups."
    44 words
  • 71 11 I^EARLY 500 boys of King's School. Canterbury, probably the oldest public school in England, are being evacuated to St. Austell, Cornwall. Two large hotels have been taken, and it is understood that King's School wi]l Join forces with another public school. Canterbury Cathedral Choir School has
    71 words
  • 182 11 gURPRISE element of the Nazi drive for the Channel ports have been the Zundapp MotorCycle Corps. If given the chance thc.^e heavily armed units race many miles ahead of the main body of advancing troops and attempt to ravage the open countryside, seizing strategic points such
    Haworth; Daily Mail  -  182 words
  • 203 11 Attacked 3 Times In 24 Hours Paris, May, 21. •"pHE narrow escape of Gen. Wey- {and, Commander-in-chief of the Allied armies, when he visited the northern armies yesterday was publicly announced to-day. Flying from Paris in an army bomber escorted by chaser 'planes, he flew over the
    203 words
  • 43 11 MR. EDEN, War Secretary, replying in the House of Commons to Mr. LJpson (Ind.. Cheltenham), said the Army was experimenting in the training of patrol dogs. He knew the Germans had something like 100,000 of these degs.
    43 words
  • 85 11 DEPORTATION FOR PROFITEERS New Decree In Turkey Ankara. ACCORDING to a Turkish Govern- ment decree Just published In the official gazette, landlords who unduly increase rents are liable to arrest, heavy fines and deportation for periods up to two years In remote '.natolian centres if the tenants' denunciation is proved.
    85 words
  • 64 11 "TWO of the bride's great-grand- children were among the guests at the wedding at Croydon of Mr. Frank Young and Mrs. Maria Lancey. both aged 80, of Northcote Road. Selhurst. Mr. Young had been married twice before. Six of the eight children of his firs' marriage are
    64 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 514 11 Heart Trouble Dangers Due to High Blood Pressure A /^£^S?F^HEADACHe Jwvyffi pooiisutp Dangerous Symptoms r Fli^mMi rmmm HEART Check These Symptoms J^Mm^ N p t^f Htss iih Your Condition j^j^IKCTjSaVVIJ Before It Is Too Late ll'iß^sW^' GE^' 0N The ilvpg ot thousands, yes, millions of men and lAil 1 15
      514 words
    • 14 11 ITS ILLEGAL! ...BUT SO v V UPROARIOUSI V <§£>& J\ 7tt///t/wsf MiiifmuJi A COIVMIIA MCTUM
      14 words
    • 135 11 WRPEBO HIILER) with pour) MF tf cue sttra^ Mr. Can't: "What I suffer from is lack of energy!" Mr. Can* "What you suffer from is lack of Eno!" £No 1 Energy for work and play it <'i'f r f# r# I known only to those in perfect c *Ut* fitness.
      135 words

  • 617 12 Tin Reaches Highest Level For Long Period BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Singapore, Saturday. TOMMODITY prices reached particularly high level early this week and, after a slight relapse, regained their losses. To-day's tin price of $139 is the highest for a long time past. With
    617 words
  • 1310 12 Fraser Co.'s Singapore Share Quo tations Great E. Life <$1C; 59.00 63.00 Great E. Life ($3 pd.) 17.50 18 50 W Hammer Co ($10) 36.25 36.75 Henry Wsugh Co. ($10) 8.75 9.25 c.d. Unrigkonp n.f <r.angnai Bank (H.K. $125) 710.00 725.00 Investment rrust 10s 6d lls 6d M. Electric Ord.
    1,310 words
  • 110 12 Sui&apurt:, june o, uuuu. Buyers Sellen Gambler $.775 Hamburg Cuba $13.00 Java Cube $12.50 'epper White Muntok $14.00 White $13.50 Black 7.75 7opra Mixed $3.00 Sun Dried $3.40 iapo Flour No. 1 y6.50 $6.50 Lingga $6.10 $«.10 Fair $5.95 $5.95 Sarawak $5.85 'elotong Palembang $16.50 Banja $16.00
    110 words
  • 49 12 London, Sunday. 'THE Australian war loan for £20,000,000 the subscription lists for which were to have Temalned open for another week, has been over-sub-scribed. The lists therefore have been closed. This achievement follows the complete subscription of a loan of £18,000,000 last March.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  49 words
  • 175 12 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Book! Company Dividend Close TIN Burma Malay 6d No. 23 June 24 Hong Fatt 7% Int. June 13 Johan 5% int. ..June 12 Katu 6d No. 27 6d Bonus June 14 K.L. Tin Is No 27 Mai. Tin 10% Int. 24% bonus Raub 4d.
    175 words
  • 190 12 Singapore. Saturday. The following are the jxcnange rate& this morning according to the tlaily circular issued by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation:— SELLING London T.T 2/4 i/16 Loi.don demand 2/4 1/16 Lyons demand 2060 Switzerland demand 208 Vi Hamburg demand New York demand 46 15/16 Montreal demand 51
    190 words
  • 94 12 Saturday, lune 8, noon. Uuyert Seller* Pr'.ce* P.-Ire* No. IX B.S.S. (Spot loose) 37*. 38 No IX R.S S toh in eases Jane- July, Seller's option ttfi 38', (i.K A.Q. R.S S t ab in to -le» June- July, Seller's option 37 >■* 37% t
    94 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 355 12 i ft*/ fLf **i I M _"k',W*.* U M EJ* rz *i2~ tfjm j-^X^^ K< Ha v Ml Of course that rule comes first. For fi loner Cleanliness is the very beginning fit W'-Sb of health! And to make absolutely certain f?l;s^ that deep-down Inner Cleanliness is your I* V
      355 words
    • 629 12 Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours w^ Glands Fortified k by New Discovery JMAzr. Do you feel old before rour time? Are you tired, run- BWV Mtn down, worn out. ard unable to keep up with the speed and pleasures or modern life? Do you suffer from loss of I
      629 words

  • Books Of The Week
    • 413 13 Luke's Circus. By Ruth ManninrSanders. Collins Bs. (id. CIRCUSES are like horseback riding; they are both flourishing with renewed vigour after a period of neglect, nd both have become favourite subjects for artists and writers. In "Luke's Circus." Miss Manning-Sander.' te&a the life story of a scion of
      413 words
    • 406 13 "Sea Warfare To-day." By Sir Herbert Kussell. K.B.E. John Lane, The Bodley Head, 3s. 6d. FE author began this little book before the war and finished it a.ter the "Graf Spec" had met her end. War ha* obviously affected Its whole range am* nurpose, and much In
      406 words
  • 2261 13  -  R. H. Naylor By THIS WEEK'S GOOD DAYS FOE: BUYING: Business deals: To-mon-ow 10 Sat. IS. Personal shopping: Wed. 12— Thurs. 13 SELLING Tues. 11. ENTERTAINING: To-morrow 10— Wed. 12 Thurs. 13. SPORT: To-mcrrow 10— Wed. 12. YOU should this week have a rather better deal
    2,261 words
  • 418 13 Hb.HE, grouped according to month of birth (irrespective of year), is a statement of probabilities to be expected this week. JANUARY (Dec. 21— Jan. 20) Very busy week, three main things on your mind: money: a journey: a relative. Money prospects not too good, travel plans
    418 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 548 13 BETTER VISION BETTER MOVIES You ardent movie fans wouldn't think of walking out on a good picture only two-thirds over. Vet many of you may be missing a third of every movie you see, simply l>< cause your eyesight is poor. Maybe Ann Sheridan's beauty and lit phurn's charm and
      548 words
    • 583 13 LEARN SHORTHAND BY POST AND BE CERTAIN OF A JOB For 70 years Pn man's navr taugiit shorthand surcesMiilly. Tens of thousands have gained good posts through it* mastery now. In your own home, you can acquire the ability to take 1< tter^ or speeches if you seek employment as
      583 words

  • 776 14 Make-up For The Oval Type Of Face Max Factor's Advice MOT every oval face is a beautiful face. Nor is every face wh'^h is not an oval one necessc nly unattractive. However, if you possess an ovalshape countenance, you do have what is artistically considered to be the most basically
    776 words
  • 85 14 DREAKFAST china which Is fresh v and gay is worth seeking. It has a tonic effect on mood and appetite first thing in the morning; even oa those who maintain they do not notice such things. There are new sets which match chintz, with the same colourings in
    85 words
  • 113 14 IF you find, these days, you must tackle odd jobs about the house, you will find that a properly organized tool-box is a great saver of temper and time. Most men are content with an old case into which tools, nails, screws. wire, hooks and oddments lie in
    113 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 260 14 yrzwf The sniuir woman to-day, knows the delicate charm of carrying one scent throughout all her toilet preparations. For her, Elizabeth Arden has prepared her Blue Grass Sequence," based on the exquisite fragrance of her famous Blue Grass Perfume, inspired by the famous Kentucky Blue Grass Country. r V *BLUE
      260 words
    • 340 14 I <ds[ Like Hollywood s famous screen stars, you, too, will QB^ j be delighted with the < f 1 lovely, natural beauty im- I Jjjß ~pb j parted by this life-like L^B A ilouge, created by MAX JS g^^ q m june iang JWHl^^B 'ihi Max Factor B AVAIIAMJ
      340 words

  • 553 15 Wedding Gowns, Posies, Scarves And Other Things By Sunday Times London Woman Correspondent IN the hands of expert dress designers, delicately coloured woollens are being transformed into very desirable wedding gowns. These gowns are beautiful on the great occasion, and attractive for parties afterwards. A wedding frock designed in primrose
    553 words
  • 91 15 r\OTS get out of line In the new spring prints and take on a gay new pattern such as this print worn by Deanna Durbln, Universal's singing star. The print is of navy foulard silk with white bubble dot. New style notes are seen in
    91 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 428 15 C. K. TANG 241, River Valley Road, Phone 2181, SINGAPORE. CLOSED ON SUNDAYS We beg to announce that our shop will be closed on Sumi All Customers are assured of more convenience for their shopping on week-days. A new shipment of Chinese embroidered slippers, Linen goods and Camphorwood chests. Just
      428 words
    • 198 15 How I Got Rid Of SUPERFLUOUS TRAINED JE razor only made the W^/^J^^ |g#*f§| hair grow faster and Wtifff coarsei. Then a^P"**«Vi^his friend told me about m \«j aV 1 the New VEET. It 1 Htti_2Sy removed every trace ot hair in three minutes. Left my skin soft and smooth
      198 words
    • 394 15 m^fA** y^E) Wherever you find loveUness there also you I i ujm^ will find the Yardley Lavender. The Lovable SirpP^B Fragrance is so gay so frc&h so youthful— j J Bit iri*% P cr f eet n accompaniment to the cared-for I H^P^l I Make its happy acquaintance and discover,
      394 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 704 16 SEALED against substitution Brylcreem THE PERFECT HAIR DRESSING NOW IN MEIAI-CAPPED BOTTLES /^^^^aa^aai^N. \\7^^ y° u u y Brylcreem look W&>^ t >^j^^v v the stopper. Refuse to /■■^^^t^^ b^9lbV\ acee P l an y bottle on which the if &Jl Hbib^VN meta ca P s broken. By so doing
      704 words
    • 281 16 taataaCa«a'La*&JP ""P^ /ML -J^V" ENDED BY YEAST -VITE There Is a smiline; face In overy bottle of YEAST -VITE— a quick tonic pick-me-up In every tablet YOU can enjoy YEAST- VITE relief from those ailments that spoil existence If you are depressed, Bleoplosa, nervy "—you can revel In the aon3e
      281 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 987 16 Wireless Programmes TO-DAY SINGAPORE ZHL 1.33 met <225m.) ZHP 9.69 mes 30.96m.) 11.00 a.m. Military band music played by the Regimental Band of H. M. Orenaditi Guardst; 11.15 a.m. Concert by Reller's Band. Relayed from the Sea View Hotel; 12.10 p.m Interlude of songs Essie Ackland (contralto it; 12.25 p.m.
      987 words
    • 378 16 EMPIRE STATION The following Is a summary of the B.BC. overseas programmes: G.05 p.m. Concert by BBC. orchestra; 025 p.m. Summary of next week's programme; 6.50 p.m. Pull news bulletin; 7.20 p.m. ews In Dutch: 7.35 p.m. "Sentimental Journey Thro" France" adaption frcm Iawrenoo Sterne's novel; 8.35 p.m. News summary;
      378 words
    • 779 16 NIROM TOD 9.65 melt (31.20 mi; VOA 6 0S mr M9.6 m.); PMN 1026 we s (it.* iu). V i)l 11.8b me i (253 ml: VDC 516 w (1980 m.) 7.20 a.rn. Opening announccmrnt; 7.50 am. Church service; 9.05 a.m. Records: 9.50 a.m. Classical concert; 10.45 pm. New Mayfalr orchestra;
      779 words

  • 559 17 it ninton Correspondent) pare Badminton Association has on many occasions >inco Hi inception in respond io any appeal j a worthy cause by organls- ateh and donating cr, of su;-h matches to the i i cerned. i exhibitions was that he!d at tho 1 Hall
    559 words
  • 1835 17 Garrison Sports Notes By "Doc." ALIIiOUGH billed as a Combined Buffccj team to play the Chinese soccer toans/. It was actually an Army side that turned out. and not the strongest Army eleven at that. The side were beaten by far better footballers. There were many gaps In the Army
    1,835 words
  • 155 17 pi.-AYING on the homo court last Sundu? th 3 Makepeace B.F. beat, the St Joseph's Church Brigade by five names to two. Results (Makepeace first c P. beat Raymond Frois 15 8. 15 10; Cyril Wee beat T:nny Rodrigues 15 1, 13—2; W. Dana bear W. Rodrigues
    155 words
  • 74 17 A friendly badminton match will be playei to-day at 350 East Coast Road between th? Mayfair B t?am and the -ingnpore Amateur Sporting Union at 3 p.m. Mayfair team: Lim Yew Hock, Chan Yew Chong, Tan Soo Liew. Tan Meng Ong, Teo Soo Wah, Tun Eng Kiat. Teoh
    74 words
  • Article, Illustration
    67 17 The liUMi B.r.'s tab!: tennis te.uu: Front row (left to right) Miss F. K. C hong. See l'cv- V. an (hon. secretary). Chow Shi Lin i p resident Koh Tian Hock (hon. treasure! and Miss L. F. Yuen. Back row (left to right) (him Kirn Hr.irn, Lim MM Xghec, Lim
    67 words
  • 58 17 "From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. RESULTS In the annual sports of the Government English Preparatory School. Muar: Teachers Race: 1. P. Danker; 2. Yusof bin Tajudin. Parents Race: Inche Mohamad Noor bin Mohamad Shah. Old Boys Obstacle Race: Inche Mohamad bin Haji Omar Inter-School Relay: winners. Government
    58 words
  • 183 17 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday. THREE matches in the second division league were played during the week Thers were no surprising results. Parit Amal, the unb?a;e.i tea«» were held to a draw by Parit Stougkat, neither side scoring. In ttH second match Sri Bakrl were fulW
    183 words
  • 54 17 AT the annual g?neral mectlns or tne A Cameron B.P. of Seremban, rew efflrr bearers were elected as follows: Presiaen-. Kat Fye Hln; vice-president, I*e Cheng Hoe, hon. Secretary, Lee Plang Soon; hon. Ires rurer, Chang Hoi Pin, auditor; Kirn Lye Chuan, sports captain. Lee Moh Hon committee
    54 words
  • 189 17 •"PHE second game of the baseball league will get under way to-day at Jalan Besar stadium "<vhen the high-stepping Americans taka on the R.A.F. nine. The game Is called for 4 o'clock. SUverstein and Sousotte, who suffered injuries in last week's tussle with the
    189 words
  • 52 17 The following will play for the V.M.C.A. Junior Department against Singapore English School on Wednesday on the Bras Basah Road ground at 5.00 p.m.: Lim NJit Siong. Kch Chid Weng, Vow Wah Sung, Teo Seng Chew, Fong Kirn Choon, B. Fones, Low Kok Kong, Wong Vow Chuan, Loi
    52 words
  • 299 17 (From Our Own Correspondent > Johore Bahru, Saturd iv. THERE are only a few matches more for the completion of the first round of th? Johore Bahru football league. With two oi their best men, Johnson and Sheikh Ahmad being not available, the Prisons, the past year's
    299 words
  • 79 17 Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Saturday. ON a ground flooded In several places owing to heavy rain, the League soccer match between the Customs and the Medical Sports Club was played to-day, resulting In the Customs winning seven-nil. After setting up a close fight in
    79 words
  • 77 17 T*HE following are the latest positions in the Muar first division soccer league: lovt. Offices !ustoms S.C. 4uar Pullce 'ountain F. T. rubahan Stia C. ohore Mil. F. 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 2
    77 words
  • 205 17 rVO boxing programme! are to b© held this month, one at the Happy World and the other at the New World. On Friday next C. S. See is to stage his first major card at the covered stadium. Two of B?tre Bell's latest importations. Jo? Valesco and
    205 words
  • 75 17 'From Our Own Correspondent* Johore Bahru, Saturday. SOCCER followers will have the opportunity of seeing a good game at the Police Depot ground on Sunday evening when* the Straits Chinese Football Association will be opposed to a team representing the Johore Football Assocation. The Johore
    75 words
  • 92 17 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. GOOD tennis was seen at the Hospital Club court when two exhibition matches were p'.ayed before the distribution of prizes won in the various -vents run by the Muar Hospital Sports Club. In the first exhibition inntili Yon bin Mian and N. A.
    92 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 273 17 j A Size and Type for Every Use! I I his is a picture of a very popular truck, the International pickup. General utility trucks of this type are available in three whcelhase lengths: 1 1 5, 125, and 130 inches. International Harvester offers trucks in a wide I range
      273 words

  • 1776 18 Trainer Ollie Davies 9 First Success (From Our Own Correspondent.) I /.oh, Saturday. T"HK Malayan course record for six furlongs was broken at Ipoh to-day by Mediation, which won the eighth race. Mediation, which was making its debut en the Malayan turf, covered the
    1,776 words
  • 73 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. MALACCA will be at full strength for the H.M.S. Malaya Cud soccer game against the Army In Sinagpore on Saturday June 15. The following have been selected Low Ah Sang D. Hendroff. Tarn Chee Lim: Wee Tiam Tye,
    73 words
  • 62 18 The following will play soccer for the V.M.C. in a League match vs. J.C.S.A. on the Anson Road Ground on Monday at 5.10 p.m Wee Aik Chan. M Swyny. V. N. Pillay, J. G. Moxon. G. L. Day, V. R. Sabapathy, S. Orton, R. Lawrence. T. Morrison, K.
    62 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 18 LEE VAT CHONG Plays for Selangor State football and hockey teams. Is also an excellent badminton player.
    17 words
  • 240 18 AN S.C.C. second team were much too good for an S.R.C. second team in a game of, cricket played on the padang yesterday. S.R.C. J. Galistan c Ewart b Jeans 0 N. Aerla b Joans 0 P D' Almeida b Bleakley 30 Dr. L. S. da
    240 words
  • 239 18 •T'HE Police had little difficulty in beating the Medical Cclleg? in a cricket match played at the Depot yesterday. POLICE Keen Tat b Alvis 11 Boudewyn c K. S. Ratnam b Alyis 11 Kim Swee b Hera Singh 14 Sanderson c Swee Law b Ong
    239 words
  • 180 18 Europeans Meet Rest In K.L. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. IN spite of a late start— 4.os p.m. instead of 2.15 because of rain tnr Rest collected 187 runs for the loss ot '"'nly five wickets in a 1 ttle over two Imurs in their annual cHcket encounI
    180 words
  • 175 18 BATTING first on a f;ood wicket, the S.R.C. were in a strong position at the close of the Trst day of their two-day cricket match with the Ceylonese at Balestier ytsterday. When stumps we/c rawn the Recs. were seven wickets devn .or 182; five of
    175 words
  • 196 18 •pHE Etceteras beat the Army by four wickets in a game of cricket played on the padang yesterday. ARMY 2nd Lieut. Tanner b Todd 14 2nd Lieut. Isherwood c Todd b Jagger 34 Lieut. Whiteing c Grieve b Todd 5 Capt. Castor b Jagger 0 Major
    196 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 152 18 louh doc[s heallth (•ptnM en yoa. Km* him in ti»-t»« c*n<itMM ■taayi by rttuUr donnj vitk "Btnken't." Hw •rifinal conditionir tor doji ol all bre*6i »nd all aiot. Eutntial in all cam MANGE, WORMS, ECZEMA, tte. Full patUculart frtton requtiU i j zr+]f ivnr ry ijL*'_ li^ it SIjLUK iiHI
      152 words
    • 11 18 s~)pnngtimc y s The Best Time FOR Tw M/wy J/a* fan/ft
      11 words
    • 450 18 APPOINTftiEHTS WITH 8061 SALARIES as Accountants, Secretaries. Cost tants. Works and Office Managers, Chl^f Clerks. Bank and Insurance Officers, Cuhien and Bookkeepers are the .nrmal attainments of those who qualify with 'J"he School ot Accountancy. Examinations can be taken In Malaya and success guaranteed by pos'.al training. The School ot
      450 words

  • 800 19 PLAYING in the southern section of the Malaya Cup competition at Anson Road stadium yesterday, the Royal Air Force beat Negri Sembilan by three goals to nil. On the run of play the Airmen were *.>rth a bigger score, and lt was chiefly the
    800 words
  • 233 19 AN R.A.F. (H.Q.) eleven beat a Medical College side by 71 runs at cricket at the College gnrmd yesterday. MEDICAL COLLEGE Kuldlp Singh b Brown 0 Sandosham c Rae b James 52 R. Ebert c White b Rowling H Seng Guan c Garden
    233 words
  • 202 19 HEADQUARTERS Emu suffered their first real collapse this season xehen they were easily beaten by the Indian Association at Baleslier yesterday. INDIAN ASSOCIATION Abbasbhoy c and b Iyappa 51 P. K. Baskaran b Bsnnett 6 B. S. Varma lbw. Bennett 0 D. K. Samy b
    202 words
  • 188 19 •pHE Straits Chinese R.C. met the Malay Football Assn. at cricket on Hong Lim Green yesterday. S.C.R.C. Evan Wong b Shah 11 Kc*e Pow b Shah 10 Cheow Chye b Ismail 7 Boon Unn not out 31 Keng Siew b Shah 11 K. T Ooi b Mahmood
    188 words
  • 117 19 GRAND soccer is expected at the Anson Road stadium to-day when the Eastern Athletic Association team from Hong Kong meet All-Singapore in their last match in Singapore. After a clean-cut victory over the Army, the visitors were held to a draw of two- all by
    117 words
  • 86 19 CUP FINA West Ham 1 Blackburn K. 0 LEAGUE GAMES SOUTH D Bournemouth 2 Aldershot 1 Brighton 3 Clapton 0 Southend 2 Watford 2 MIDLAND Birmingham 8 Walsall 1 Leicester 2 Northampton 0 EAST MIDLAND Orlmsby 4 Notts. Forest 3 NORTH WESTERN Oldham 4 Blackpool 2 SOUTH WESTERN New-port
    86 words
  • 234 19 TTHE Victoria School beat 6w. Anthony's School at cricket by 56 runs at Farrer Park yesterday. VICTORIA SCHOOL A. Ahmad c A. de Souza b J. de Souza 3 J. Traill c Thlam Kwee b J. de Souza 11 S. Kulasingam Souza 15 Teo
    234 words
  • 215 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Beremban. TTHE Ncgrl Sembllan Club beat the Ceylon Tamils Association in an Inter-club cricket match. NEGRI SEMBILAN CLUB V. S. Thamboe c Alexander b Rajah 2. W. Seneviratne b Sivagnanam 5, B. J. Dionysius b Sivagnanam 0, Lee Moh Hon b
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  • 174 19 THOMPSON LEADS IN SINGAPORE GOLF T"HE qualifying round of the Singa- pore golf championships began at the Keppel Golf Club yesterday with play in the first 18 holes. Play for the second 18 holes will take place to-day, and the draw for match play will take place at the Club
    174 words
  • 183 19 Wariensville, Ohio, Saturday. IN the American open golf championship Sam Snead with a record first round of 67 and a second of 74 tied at the end of the second round with Lawson Little, who had a 72 and a 69 and Horton Smith also with 69 and
    183 words
  • 62 19 "From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. APART from the Malaya Cup socc?r fixture between Perak and Kedah which will be played here next Saturday, soccer enthusiasts all over the State will have an opportunity of seeing the Hong Kong Eastern Athletic Association football team in action. They will
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  • 418 19 ST. Andrew's School won both their first and second team cricket matches against the St. Joseph's Institution yesterday. In the first team match they won by 84 runs and In the other by 89 runs. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL I Fung Guan Chye c Rozario
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
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    • 202 19 In 15 minutes ijUT*" restore your When you're off your food thcrc'i no better tonic than Phosferine no better standby in an emergency when you feel you need something to build you up. You can feel the tonic effect of Phosferine in 15 minutes, and each succeeding dose does you
      202 words

  • 82 20 NORMALLY a great African chief would not appear in public more than three times a year and would never meet a neighbouring chief in conference, but the British Government has persuaded them to meet amicably in conference to discuss both in private and in public the welfare
    82 words
  • 52 20 Seen smiling here is Prince Bernhard of Holland, at a guarded post on the N >rth Sea Front in France. He Is accompanied oy an Army officer. Princw Dernhard, before going to France, accompanied his wife, Princess Juliana, and their children to London from Holland in a
    52 words
  • 31 20 These pilots, each one from a different part of the Empire, have bombed and machine-gunned the enemy without respite ever since the Nazi invasion ot France.
    31 words
  • 45 20 Bull's-Ey e For A Briti sh Gunner One more victim of R.A.F. lighters la France. A. Junkers 88 latest type of German bomber— bronrht down during the recent air fighting. One bullet went straight through the bomb-aimer's window M can be seen in the picture.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 76 20 r a ml o Vov N *More Mileage V^C Greater Protection V\ n Against Skidding V^V Stronger Cord Body jn- L^V^KhI^KV HERE'S another great Firettooe achievement a sensational new tyre, the 9j^m i B^SwSvSnKQ^. Firestone Champion everything its name Afl^*"~—^>9Q fZmMwBjKjSjKBjK implies! This wonderful new tyre takes all V^V^^ J//^k
      76 words
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