The Straits Times, 21 April 1940

Total Pages: 24
1 26 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 435 Sunday, April 21, 1940 Price 10 Cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 435 Sunday, April 21, 1940 Price 10 Cents
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  • 463 1 Artillery And Tanks Also Transported ALLIED STRENGTH IN SCANDINAVIA BELIEVED 50,000 Control Of North Sea Demonstrated |T was revealed to-day that French forces have been landed in Norway, and it is added the entire British and French forces so far sent to Norway have reached their
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  • 364 1 To Be At War" London, Saturday. GREAT Britain's desire for friendship with Italy was expressed by Mr. Hugh Dalton the Labour M.P. Speaking In the north of England he said: "There Is uncertainty as to Italy's intention and it Is our duty to speak
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  • 28 1 Anti-aircraft spotters who spent] lone periods searching the skies have had their job made more comfortable by the provision of adjustable swivel chairs.
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  • 51 1 Any Old Iron For Hitler's Birthday Present Owing to the great shortage of metal In Germany, a great national effort to collect metal of all kinds is being made on the occasion of Hitler's birthday, which was yesterday. Here are Germans handing over metal ornaments, at a collecting depot in
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  • 310 1 Forms of Attack Analysed London, Saturday. AN answer to the problem of the efficacy of the air arm against naval units is indicated in a balance sheet authoritatively released in London today. Analysing the causes of destruction or damage during the week April 8 to April 16. it is revealec
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  • 193 1 Fuehrer Is Now 51 London. Saturday. HITLER Is 51 years old to-day. He was so busy conferring with his henchmen he could only spare time for two brief appearances on the Chancellery balcony to salute the 2,000 of Berlin's 4,000,000 inhabitants who tad gathered in the square. t Tn« occasion
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  • 81 1 London. Saturday. PICTURES of the battle of Narvik Fjord were published to-day simultaneously in London and in New York. The pictures show the battleship Warspite with attendant destroyers in the fjord and a German destroyer which had been put out of action. Another picture
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  • 171 1 British steamer Mersey, 1,037 tons, reported sunk off south-east coast. Fye- witness stated there was terrific explosion and ship disappeared. Tyne cargo steamer Hawnby, 5,404 tons, sank following explosion off south-east coast. Crew of 39 picked up by naval pinnaces. Rome, Saturday. "The Franco-British system of naval domination
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 209 1 AN outstanding act of courage has resulted in the immediate award of the Military Medal in France to Lance-Corporal Gallacher, of the Lancashire Fusiliers. When Oaliacher's section was U. a post or: the look-out for the enemy Just before dawn, a Fusilier, thinking he
    British Wireless  -  209 words
  • 86 1 French Shoot Down Two Enemy Planes Paris, Saturday. T*HERE were sharp local encounters between French and German reconnaissance parties to the east of Moselle and In the neighbourhood of the river 3Ues, says .ast night's French war communique. There were also artillery actions In the
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 40 1 Brussels, Saturday. A FORMER Belgian airman and his wife have been arrested on charges of obtaining information for a foreign state and recruiting agents for this service to watch troop concentrations on certain frontiers in Belgium.
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  • 196 1 London, Saturday. IT was disclosed in official 1 quarters to-day that Great Britain is prepared to open preliminary discussions on trade questons with Russia. Lord Halifax, the Foreign Secretary, saw M. Maisky, the Soviet Ambassador, and informed him that Great Britain would consider his
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  • 42 1 Paris, Saturday. THE Urst American lri the present war tn revive a French decoration is a volunteer in the American Ambulance Corps. He has been awardec. the Croix de Guerre for rescuing three wounded soldiers from no-man's-land.
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  • 35 1 London, Saturday. THE death has taken place of Admir- al Sir Ernest Gaunt, who commanded the first battle squadron at Jutland. He was born in Melbourne and was 75 years old.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 TAi HEN 6 CO. Tailors J)^ Coleman St., Singapore. Phone: 3375. 3\
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    • 122 1 GENTLEMEN! CHOOSE FOR*" YOUR j SHIRTS and P V J AM AS TOOTAL'S New Stripes From CHOTIRMALL'S 41-43. HIGH ST I 1/UlP' I LA I This progra^ive F.ovi i-ja Dealer InstallUZS' /I L/fly ed a specially designed KELVINATOa I//9KU*** I more than two years go. Thus bringln? 1 Infl) h»Bb.
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  • 457 2 "The Times" Criticizes Rome Press Campaign "ALL RECORDS FOR TRUTH HAVE NOW DISAPPEARED" Vatican Organ Is An Exception THE Times (London) replies vigorously to the Italian Press which has recently adopted an increasingly anti-Allied attitude. The hallucinations of the Italian Press during the last fortnight," declares The
    Reuter  -  457 words
  • 72 2 Oftfl Rumanian trade delegation has arrived in London to brain discussions on Anglo- Rumanian trade. Officially the purpose of the delegation is to adapt the trade and payments agreement concluded between Britain and Rumania last July to the new conditions imposed by the war and by
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  • 424 2 Germans Making Fantastic L Claims To Cover Their Heavy Losses REFERRING to the latest unconfirmed rlnims, authoritative circles i-.i London env .size that the I'ublic will t>3 well advised to remember that since j March lfi the Ctermana K*d aln falsely claimed to either punk or put out of
    Reuter  -  424 words
  • 157 2 Tokio, Saturday. ASKED by a British newspaper correspondent about a hypothetical case regarding the status of the Netherlands Indies following possible involvement of Holland in the European conflict, the spokesman of the Foreign Office replied. "The statement of the Foreign Minister. Mr. Hachlro Arlta, refers not only
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  • 59 2 New York, Saturday. HUNDREDS or people are being driven from their houses by the flooding of the Ohio river which is rising in some places at the rate of five inches an hour. The river was swollen by heavy rain, flooding large low-lying areas between Pittsburgh and
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  • 50 2 The Hague, Saturday. A GERMAN bomber made a forced landing to-day near Maastricht after being fired on by Dutch antiaircraft guns. An inquiry has opened to establish whether the plane was hit by tha Dutch guns or damaged in an a;r nyht outside the Dutch frontier Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 122 2 THE Stockholm Social Demokraten A points out that an immediate German victory in Norway would have affected the Balkans which might have surrendered to German pressure. "The Anglo -Germ an war in Scandinavia/ it adds, "will influence the attitude of the Balkans, Italy and perhaps
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 81 2 Submarine Sinks 4 Nazi Ships On One Trip London, Saturday. TPHK submarine Snapper returned to an east coast port to-day after an eventful trip, having sunk at least four German transports and store-carriers. She landed four German prisoners. They were the captain, mate and two seamen from a tanker who
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  • 102 2 The Polish submarine Osel, which sank th 3 German troopship Rio de Janeiro, was given an enthusiastic welcome when she returned to a British port. In addition to the troopship it Is heliev.d the Osel accounted for a German destroyer and three supply ships. A member
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  • 40 2 London, Saturday. THE casualty list of the R.A.F. Issued to-day contains 129 names, among them 67 officers and men missing or be 'ieved to have been killed in action. Award" given for gallantry Include four distinguished Flying Crosses.
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  • 26 2 A great drive Is in progress to strengthen Swiss air defences, and rvacuation plans are ready for the population of all exposed towns.
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  • 26 2 Hint Carol of Rumania, acro«tj»nicd by from; Prince Michael bu; newly-promoted second-lieutenants in Bucharest, to whom he nr«s their swords.
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  • 60 2 Paris, Saturday. FIGURES published here to-day show that more than 20 warships of all classes have been added to the French Navy since the war began. These include French destroyers of the powerful Cornier chiss, si ><ips and fast anti-submarine ships. More than 500 auxiliary cruisers
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  • 113 2 London, Saturday. TUX Ministry of Supply announces that an explosion occurred this morning in a munitions factory in North London in which five men were killed and a number seriously injured. Steps havj bsen taken to ensure the speedy resumption of production in units
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  • 94 2 NEUTRALS "FOR ALLIES IN THEIR HEARTS" New York, Saturday. LORD Lothian, British Ambassador to the United States, last night told an American audience that all European neutrals in their hearts were on the Allies' side because they knew an Alllc.l victory would make them safe. He warned his audience 'hat
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  • 174 2 New York, Saturday. TWENTY-FIVE persons were kill- cd and 100 others injured when the crack New York Central express named the Lakcshore Limited jumped the rails near Little Falls, in New York State. The locomotive ploughed over the embankment and exploded. The wreckage landed
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  • 119 2 Fresh Bid To Cut China's Links With The World mgkjkg, Batwd&y. THK Japanese forces in .>ur 1 Kwaasjs! may tr t.. laanrh drive westward <;i the coast the border si French Indo-China, according to titl? 'nftirnod quarters htrr. Reinforcements are reported t.i arrived ciurin; tbi past week, and it is
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  • 225 2 JAPAN MAY LIFT THE TIENTSIN BLOCKADE rday. LUTING ol Uh KLuese Horkada of the foreign concessions at Tientsin is only a matter rf time, according to the Yunn Tan. organ of the J« ese military aqthoriUn iier.-. Tnr new that M m view of the rapid pregross in the negotiations
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  • 122 2 Chungking, Saturday. "THE local garrison headquarter. 1 has announced a cash reward of $100,000 for information leading to the arrest of Japanese agents and seizure of theh* wireless sets. This measure has been taken following receipt of reports that Japanese agents are using portable wireless sets
    Reuter  -  122 words
  • 49 2 MR. Cordell Hull, U.S. Secretary of State, whose n:\me has oiten figured In speculation over the possible Democratic presidential nominees has stated in Washington that he was "not a candidate lor anything." Speaking with emphaiis, he told reporters he had no political aspirations. —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 266 2 Yo« caa b* tmlmmi at bom* ju< NatioaaJ ru/>|U[( f\r ail fVIftCC SchooU mini Mtuknta in k* Urge inCttnatioullTtHUlHt) Wr AIL lirCi f*<o aii«4 nW<u .chool. Uunni you* *p~« ttm* you can laarn (hat* profitable Tradaat AUTOS, TRUCKS, TRACTORS mV»i»">^«aW optoHo.: a** Track aad Troctw Sar»ieiM •'< br«aek».i fß^ ipjipi
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  • 424 3 Government Asked To Consider Family Men On Low Pay AN announcement that the Junior Civil Service Association, Singapore, had approached Government further on the question of a cost-of-living allowance for subordinates drawing more than $^5 a month was made by Mr. Lim Seng Kiang, the president, at the
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  • 271 3 KELANTAN'S $20,000 FOR PATRIOTIC FUND UP to the end of March the Kclantan branch of the Malaya Patriotic Fund had remitted to the Central Fund the handsome amount of $20,000. The accounts of the branch for the quarter ended March 31 have Just been issued. The three months began with
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  • 126 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday INCHE Hashim bin Marldan, A.C.P., 0.C.P.D., Johore Bahru, was married to Inche Khadijah, daughter of Inche Mohamed Yunos, of the teaching staff of the Ayer Molek Ma?ay school. The marriage, which was solemnised at the bride's residence at Jalan
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  • 48 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. rNGLISH Schools in Johore closed for their term end vacations this we*k and will reopen In May. The Segamat branch of the Johor* Teachers' Association Is making an educational tour of Singapore Island next week, beginning on Monday.
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  • 52 3 (From Our Own Correspondent > Segamat, Saturday. tI7ITH the aim of fostering better understanding through social activities a Sega mat Fellowship Society has been started and the election of officebearers resulted: President. Dr. (Mrs.) A. B. C. Doray; vice-president. Mr. V. A. Matthew; secretary. Miss Phoa; treasurer, Mr.
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  • 27 3 rpHK feature "In Singapore Today," giving cinema shows, sports, tide tables, sunrise and sunset, and mail departures and arrivals, will be found in pa?e 20.
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  • 99 3 Celebrations For The Prophet's Birthday MORE than 3,000 Mohammedans joined in the festivities held yesterday at the Jalan Besar stadium by the Singapore Mohammedan community, in honour of Hal birthday of the Prophet. Those present, clad' in colourful costumes under a brilliant sun, listened lnt.ntly as prominent members of the
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  • 88 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. SPEAKING to more than a thousand Malays men, women and children last night Inche Omar bin Mohamed Eusof, a senior master of the Ayer Molek Malay School, asked them to pray for the early settlement of the war. The assembly
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  • 21 3 Mr. G. E. N. Oehlers and his bride leaving St. Pauls Church under an archway of hockey sticks.
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  • 355 3 G.E.N. Oehlers Miss D. E. Pye /^•EORGE Edward Noel (Geno) Oehlers, Singapore advocate and solicitor and former State hockey player, was married to Miss Daphne Eleanor Pye at St. Paul's Church, Singapore, yesterday. The bride, who was given away by her mother, is the daughter of Mrs. Pye and the
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  • 180 3 INDIAN Army officers and hus- hands and friends of member* of the Singapore Lotus Club were among; the many who attended the ninth annual dinner of that organization held at Seaview Hotel last nifht. In her address, the president of the* club, Mrs. K. M. R. Menon,
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  • 88 3 At The Cinema THE ALHAMBRA OHARLE3 Laughton's make-up in the title note cf "The Hunchback of Notre Dame, R K.O.s great reconstruction of Victor Hugo's story, which had a midnight premlre at the Alhambra cinema yesterday, Is so grotesque lhat no full-face publicity photograph of him was allowed out of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 340 3 PiHeappUJAMS /jbMw ~T~ Completely cover the Ham with a j thick pastry of flour and water- the flavour everyone likes has Place in a medium oven und made these fine Hams famous in j allow to bake quarter of nn Malaya for over twenty years. hour for every pound weight
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 101 3 Blondie By Chic Young I > >:oioMTii' (iccrsoMADf wßjroor) Jbut,oej&] \Wyss osai» aptbb is. 1-^^H I IGOr WUOAX *O(J fDO AMY SawSBOUSUT. r-S fIT VOASKf MV I GOT MOM 6 I OCOOCD rTJ (r AM STUCK x^>lOU^H "DOW WUILS w>£ 7 TWia*3 f V MYSELF "^"SIAfS BMAJ I WAS *JAS>t
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 196 4 The Magic of MUNI There is something about the roles he plays that stick to your hearts. SEE HIM IN THIS STIRRING DRAMA TO-DAY 11 A.M. Al UAMDDA 3.15, 6.15 «Sc 9.15 M. Jl DUM "~RKO RADIO'S TWO STAR SPECIAL J MIRIAM \^^m Mm* "^^m with WMSKmKBLm louis hayward IN
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  • Entertainment
    • 423 5 IWHEK Basil Rathbone, the film star, was handed a scenario entitled "The Monster," he gave it back to his employers without reading it. A wise man in the studio retitled it "Destiny," and sent the same script back to Rathbone, who read it, liked it.
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    • 232 5 "Natty Thin Affair" OOLLYWOOD is starting a mou- stache boom. Robert Taylor is the latest matinee idol to succumb to the lure, joining Robert Preston, Errol Flynn, Brian Donlevy, and Douglas Fairbanks, Junr., in putting the stamp of approval on the fashion trend. So Max Factor, the make-up exj. r
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    • 66 5 BABY Sandy is now Captain Sandy Henville. The 22-months-old Universal star has Just been made an honorary captain of "M" Battery of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute artillery corps. For years it has been the custom at Virginia Tech for each of the military organizations to
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    • 159 5 This Week's Films ALHAMBRA Now On Escadrille." (Paul Muni, Miriam Hopkins, Louis Hayward). R.KO.-Radio drama. Next Chance: Murder at Monte Carlo." 'Errol Flynn). A Warner Bros, thriller made at the Teddington Studios, England. Following Attraction The Mad Empress." (Lionel Atwill, Conrad Nagel). A Vltagraph drama, released by Warner Bros. CAPITOL
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    • 88 5 TTHOSE bright girls— Priscilla. Rosemary and Lola Lane and Gale Page promise to become the screen's most remarkable family. They started as sisters in "Four Daughters" eighteen months ago. They recently completed the sequel, "Four Wives." in which all the girls marry and have five daughters between them.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 92 5 f 4P 1 AUSTin I LORRY I I BORNEO MOTORS I LIMITED I Pt'i oh PtcmfaMffof I \V.I\S. 68A jM SINCERE DISPENSARY LTD. a |fjp=H^| WHOLESALE RETAIL J^L •'ifi CHEMISTS f jjPPj DRUGGISTS Distributors Kn British Malaya IStf^O^' I -^Sp. T.C.F A T.B.K Preparations. |s?^^-^ ".bSaJ also pioducts of British
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  • 1300 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By THE Sparrow's Wife, her eyes 1 bright with the light of battle and lipstick on her beak for the first time, knocked sharply on the door of The Other Sparrow's Nest. Inside a gay little voice was singing, "Yes siree, yes siree, yes
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  • 254 6 BY THE FOUR ACES •TKD-DAY'S hand was played in a Duplicate game at the Harmonic Club in New York City. Recently we described how Lewis Schambere (holding the North hand) managed to make four hearts when the defence slipped. At another table the final contract was three notrump
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 375 6 ARE YOU SURE OF YOUR ENGLISH? Do y>-u make grammatical mistakes which cause you mental discomfort and embarrassment In company or at the office do you hesitate to speak, because you are unsure of yourself Gain a working knowledge of English: *hlch will allow you to express yourself easily and
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    • 489 6 ilssrasV >\ \jfl sw )si ak sh RsrSsr^r L_sbbbbbbi^^^^^hßß*^«^ "^^^bT TYRE BZBTICI ST.VIIOX. 22, Gcylang Road, Singapore. 7 F 5 Pyorrhea and Trench Mouth Stopped in 24 Hours Bleeding gums, soro mouth, or loos.- t. th mean that you aro a victim of Pjrorrboa <>r Trench Mouth, or some bad
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  • 370 7 Sun Bear And Kidney Pie Is Recommended (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ix>ndon, Apr. 9. MALAYANS whose appetites no longer respond to more conventional dishes may care to accept a recommendation by Mr. L. L. Krightwell, the wellknown animal artist so often to be seen working
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  • 110 7 THIS family *roup photo was taken when Dato Wongr Tick Tons, the Ncgri Sembilan veteran Chinese leader, celebrated his 81st birthday recently. In the group »re his children, grandchildren and other members of his family. Back row (left to right): Wong Nang Ching (son)
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  • 200 7 (Froai Our Own Correspondent) Klang. A STORY of how a Chinese succeeded persuading to part with $80 .saying that he was a magician and by magic spell could return the amount 'swollen to many hundreds." was hsard before Che Suleiman, the Klany Magistrate, when Lee
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  • 142 7 (From Our G*n Correspondent. > Malacca. Saturday. A FULL-TIMS Grade II dresser and a Grade 111 dresser, one of whom is to be a Malay, are to be engaged when the new Municipal Births and Deatrts Registration Office is created for the taking over of all registration of
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  • 37 7 A STRIKE of employees of a pineapple factory in Kulai, Johore, 1& reported following demands made by the workers for higher wages. Pines worth $10,000 have suffered through the .strike, it is stated.
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  • 83 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. VISITORS to Malacca during the week were two members of the congregation of the Little Sisters of the Poor, whose work for the aged poor in Singapore is well-known. They returned home with contributions amounting to $588 and a
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  • 84 7 From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. THE Lower Perak branch of the Malaya Patriotic Fund has made an appeal to the women in the district to do "war work" in the forrr of knitting and sewing. Wool and other knitting articles will be provided by
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  • 63 7 (Prom Our Own CorrespondentPort Swettenham. AT the annual district general meeting of the Selangor Government Servants' Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society, the following were elected office-bearers: K. Nallathamby (district chairman). Linden de Zilva (hen. dlstr'.ct secretary;, Wong Wlntr Dunn, T. Parisamy-Pill*!, V. M. Samy, Hajl Ibrahim, Inche
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  • 72 7 A photograph taken after the first re-l'ni >n dinner of Trincomalsans living in Singapore. Sitting (left to right): S. M. T. Rajah, N. R. Sandrasegaram, C. V. Retnam. P. V. Damodram, E. N. Lingam, Shaik Madar, S. Nadarajah, and S. R. R. Singam. Standing (left to right) S.
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  • 159 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. I THOUGHT the bicycle belonged to a friend of mine. I took the bicycle without the intention of stealIng but I plead guilty to the charge.' said Goh Guan Huat. a 17-year-old schoolboy, when he was charged befor? Inche Haron
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 262 7 J I tm -i 1 1 iiiiliMWiwm 1 j— ->. t S 9r^^ s 4T"li N Hi 1 I Kw^[ The 134 WHEELBASE (AB- OVKR-ENGINE CHASSIS WITH H F"m JL >T^ >V^ STAKE BODY (also available in 101" and 158" wheelbase). w Jl I m *'w*^ A wider use is
      262 words
    • 36 7 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYEGLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY I j The New f^\P^ Deficiency. rTH^MP/ON XJPTICAI C 2 Q;i liiiicl Eyesight Specialists. 4, ARCADE BLDG.. PHONE 300!. R. A. Thompson. Dr. of Ocular Scienrr 35 years 1 European Clinical Experience.
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  • 1813 8 By The Onlooker WITH the retirement of Dr. G. B. Leicester, there is, I believe, now no other member of this well-known Malayan family in the Government service in Singapore. Robert Leicester, the founder of this family, joined the Honourable East India Company's service in Bengal in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 801 8 Good teeth in unhealthy gums are like houses with bad foundations troublesome while there and not there very long. Gibbs "S. R. M Tooth Paste, as well as cleaning the teeth, inoculates the gums •■T 1 1 1 1 r against disease I and so saves good \Ji3(^y\ teeth from
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  • 719 9 Reconstruction Of Incident Justifiable Homicide, Says Coroner's Jury TAY Teng Liang, 21 -year-old Singapore detective, was justified in shooting a Cantonese who waylaid him outside the Supreme Court, St. Andrew's Road, Singapore, just after midnicht on Mar. 27, and who demanding money from
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  • 109 9 Malacca Chinese And Help For The Allies (From Our Own Correspondent.; Malacca, Saturday. '•■THERE are three reasons why we should do our hest to help the Allies." says a statement issued by the Chinese committee of the Malaya Patriotic Fund. "Firs., we Chinese in Malacca have been in Malaya longest.
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  • 100 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. '•T^HE Municipality is not a humanitarian machine," said the President of the Malacca Municipality at the last meeting when he mentioned that a petition had been received asking for compensation for those ricksh.i pullers who would be thrown o"t of mn'oyraent
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 9 Mr. A. Sreedhar, a member of the Indian Youth League, Singapore, from Seletar, will leave for lnd>a this week on a bicycle tour, via Thailand and Burma. Mr. Sreedhar, who comes from Travancore, was formerly employed fa the Naval Base.
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  • Article, Illustration
    91 9 Mr. Aw Cheong Lian, 25-year-old nephew of Mr. Aw Boon Haw, who recently passed a qualifying examination held in Singapore, is shortly to leave Malaya to enter a military training school in South China. Mr. Aw's brother, Mr. Aw Cheong Yeow, is general manager of the Sin Chew Jit
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  • 126 9 Members of the A.R.P. Corps of F Division, Group 11, Post 14, Changi Market, Singapore, on the occasion of their first anniversary in the Corps. Seated (from left to right): Babjan bin A. Kadir (Senior Warden); Joe Fisher (Deputy Divisional Warden, Group £1), and Sidek
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  • 110 9 From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. TPHE new Roman Catholic Church to be built at Oaja Berang, two miles from Malacca, the plans of which were approved by the Municipal Commissioners at their last meeting, will accommodate a congregation of 500. The parish numbers more
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  • 60 9 THE Police Band will play to-day at Botanic Gardens at 8.30 p.m.:— March, Steadfast and True (C. Teike); Overture, Oberon (Weber); Selection, Our Gracie (Famous Songs featured by Grade Fields) Descriptive, The Parade of the Tln-SoldieiS (Leon Jessel): Trombone Solo, Lend Me Your Air (Gounod);
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  • 87 9 $50 FINE FOR CHANGKOL ATTACK (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. DENGANATHAN, a Tamil labourer on Serdang Estate, found that hit changkol attack on a compatriot rost him §50 or in default one month's imprisonment when he was produced in court by Inspector Che Salleh on a charge of voluntarily causing
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  • 32 9 Henry Davies. 39. a British Inqteetot of the i-ands Department of the Trausjordan Government, was round shot dead in a car near Jerusalem, with a revolver by his side.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 136 9 T"~ MHBfci OHM BM ST k£^^Sl fIICXA p^ft A mam ww From one of the oldest English Breweries, mWmW Ask for Barclay's by name at S r^rAVi^C^w\m h m your Club. Restaurant or :^^\V^ A MeiJM. JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD. -^^V x% f?\(r| Jl\ /A^k SPORE COLD STORACE CO.. LTD.
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  • Books Of The Week
    • 405 10 Searchlight on Europe. By John de Courcy. Eyre and Spottiswoode. 7s. 6d. IN this volume, the author tries to describe anew the Diplomatic and political affairs of Europe as well as those in the Near and Middle East during the last four years, and
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    • 202 10 Reviewed By D. G. Os borne-Jones equipment, as shown here, after what one was told of it, makes pitiable reading. He discloses too how, but for England adopting conscription Just a year ago, France might hav e broken away, so worried and nervous was she
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    • 296 10 Recollections And Reflections Life. Laughter, and Brass Hats. By J. B. Booth. Werner Laur<e. 21s. •"pHE author, who Is the last surviving member of the start of the old "Pink TJn," tells many a good story In his latest book of recollections and reflections. After a brief comparison of 1914
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    • 219 10 Studies in the Theory of Money and Capital by Erik Lindahl. (George Allen Unwin Ltd. 10s. 6d.) 'THE Library of Economics, published by George Allen Unwin, has two objects. Besides making available a series of classics of economic thought. it Is to Include several Important new i
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    • Article, Illustration
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    • 347 10 We Band of Brothers. By Seaforth. Everybody Suspect. By David Sharp. Wallace Intervenes. By Alexander Wilson. All from Jenkins' Colonial Library. "OEAFORTH'S" story was written after the Munich crisis and before the declaration of the present war, and In tt he gives his idea— >and, incidentally, the Idea
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    • 397 10 Tight Corners. Tales of Adventure on Land, Sea, and in the Air. George *llen and Unwin. 7s. 6d. THIS is a score of first-hand storie« of adventure, told by the people who experienced them. They come from all over the world and include the story of an
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 879 10 Glands Restored to Youthful Vigour In 24 Hours lp\ Scientist Explains How V|r_ New Discovery Makes ~JMen Feel Years Younger 0r .XL.... An eminent physician, with more than suffering men and by physicians through^ 10 years of experience, after long study out the world. For Instance, Dr. James and scientific
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    • 205 10 Jt .^^^Bfi I t M hP9^^/ B^V I r^fl AISLE AND FAREWELL "So the condemned man ate a hearty knowing me aa you do was that breakfast pure altruism Oddly enough he did —in spite of wtvr knownyou Jo an unselfish last night's stag party. All set now for your
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  • 243 11 To Encourage Study Of Book Languages In Colony AS \xn expe lment to encourage the learning of the vernacular as well as of Krulish, a special class will b? established by the Education Department next year in each settlement, Sngupore, Malacca and Penang, for
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  • 207 11 (From Our Own Correspondent! Ipoh, Saturday. THAT boys who obtained a school certificate should not take it as an open sesame to a career in the Go.- eminent ssrvice but should regard it, as an educational qualification with a view to taking up higher careers which
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  • 35 11 EDUCA TION DEPAR TMENT'S EXPERIMENT NEXT YEAR A view showing a section of the new buildin? for St. Andrew's School at Woodsville, and its quadrangle. Wo ".isvil!?." the Principal's house, which has already been completed
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  • 126 11 /THE new St. Andrew's School at Woodsville, Singapore, which is I expected to be completed in June, is to be officially opened by the Officer Administering the Government, Mr S. W. Jones. It will have an administrative block with a general office, school
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  • 141 11 FURTHER evidence was recorded In the criminal district court yesterday, in a case in which 12 Northern Indians, employed at the Happy World, are charged with rioting. They arj alleged to have attacked a party of Malay soldiers who, it is stated, damaged several stalls
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  • 69 11 rE following office-bearers were elected at the annual general meeting of the Klnta Indian Association, Ipoh: President, S. M. Sharma; vice-presidents, Jawar Singh Dillons, J. A. Thlvy and Sucha Singh; hon. general secretary, A. Devadason; hon. treasurer, P. Mukundan; hon. literary secretary, Kundan Lai Davasar; hon. social
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  • 67 11 IN addition to Bentley's Complete Phrase, Bentley's Second Phrase, A. B. C. Sixth Edition and Peterson's Third Edition, the following telegraphic codes can be used from to-morrow, says a Colony Gazette notification, Acme Commodities and Phrase Code, Lombard Shipping Code. New Standard Three Letter Code and New Standard
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  • 59 11 (From Our Own Correspondent* Malacca, Saturday. OWING to the drought the town water consumption during March increased to an average of 1,300,000 gallons a day, and on Mar. 19 the consumption was 1.452.000 gallons, the highest yet recorded. The water level at Asahan reservoir ias fallen to nine
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  • 61 11 NAVAL SITUATION ANOTHER talk in the series "The Naval Situation" will be given by Lieut-Commander B. M. Douglas, R.N. from the Singapore station on Monday at 7.30 p.m. Tills talk will be of particular interest as Lieut.-Comman-der Douglas will talk about recent events in Scandinavia and the Baltic. Listeners are
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  • 66 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. A CINE-FILM exhibition of the Perak and Penan? hill climbs will be shown to members of the Automobile Association (Perak branch) immediately after the annual meeting of the Association to be held at the Ipoh C!ub on Apr. 24. The
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  • 132 11 HENRY MOORE, a European, appeared before the district Judge, Mr. J. McFall, yesterday on a charge of wilfully Interfering with Lance Sergeant G. Cutter, of the Corps of Military Police, in the execution of his duties, by striking him and abusing him at t'le Happy
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  • 23 11 The longest one-day flight by the R.A.A.F.. trom Sydney to Perth, more than 2.000 miles, has been accomplished by four new Hudson bombers.
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  • 115 11 POUR Arabs appeared in the Singapore fifth court yesterday befove Mr. L. C. Ooh, charged with offences under the Postal Ordinance. They were alleged to have sent under one cover, a number of letters addressed to a number of different persons In Arabia. All accused persons
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  • 72 11 Government had lost considerable revenue because of the offences. Regarding the second and third accused, S. A. Harharah and S. B. M. Harharah, Mr. Durrant stated that they had been given a special letter regarding the offence. That letter had been completely Ignored. The magistrate, in fining
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  • 60 11 L. J. Fernando, former cashier and clerk at the Goodwood Park Hotel, was acquitted and discharged on a charge of criminal breach of trust in the criminal district court yesterday, by Mr. J. McFall. The police offered no evidence against Fernando. He was acquitted last week on
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 39 11 British of course! Unequalled for wash Registered Trad* «u AMB > Marie Label on and Wear. every Handkerchief PYRAMID Trade Mark HANDKERCHIEFS FOR MEN WOMEN U TOOTAL PRODUCT GUARANTEED BY TOOTAL BROADHURST LEE CO., LTD. MANCHESTER 1 ENGLAND. P. 3
      39 words
    • 451 11 1 Best Medicine fbr I I HOT WEATHER I I HEADACHE S^J Victim of Bad Headaches tried many Medicines without Nothing so Success— Now Praises ASPRO' Beneficial or Lasting 392> M BSwt g Me U rtaiam 'ASPRO' for Rheumatic Reliei Province WeUesley. New Haven." Narrabrl. Dear Sirs. sth Sept. 1939.
      451 words

  • The Straits Times
    • 347 12 Opinion Fire CERIOUS consideration should be given to the annual report of the Superintendent of the Singapore Fire Department, Mr. A. Newberry. The report, Issued last week, urges the establishment of small fire stations at strategic points throughout the city—as the extension of automatic traffic lights Is a "matter of
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    • 151 12 T^HE Malaya Patriotic Fund's gift of 105 big portable laboratory sets to the French Red Cross was a happy choice, and met with a warm reception from both French and British authorities. In the words of M. Corbin, the French Ambassador in London, they will undoubtedly
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    • 187 12 I ORD Halifax's recent statement that the war problem of today is one between youth and youth is profoundly true," said Sir Nevlle Henderson (British Ambassador to Germany from 1937 to 1939) on Wednesday. On the one side is German youth—car ible of great achievements, but blinded
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  • 113 12 Italy Lends Nazis 30,000 Labourers Rome, Apr. Z. 'THIRTY thousand Italian ani- cultural labourers are beinc sent to Germany, writes the Daily Telegraph correspondent. Every day until the middle of next month two special trains will take farm hands to their work beyond the Alps. For many years the number
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  • 247 12 WHILE London and the other great cities of Great Britain have suffered an Increase of nearly 50 per cent, in the number of road fatalities since the war began, Madrid is boasting a corresponding reduction. Fince new traffic rules came into force on Feb. 10, the
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  • 130 12 SWEETHEART SOAP JOB IT was announced recently that, starting on April 30, Mrs. Roosevelt, wife of the United States President, will broadcast twice a week under the sponsorship of a soap manufacturer. Although she has frequently appeared In the past as a guest speaker on commercial
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  • 52 12 -COLOURED wire netting will float at v* night on Portobello Pool. Edinburgh, when It is opened for the season at the end of the month. .This, with the camouflaged foundations, will make the pool look like a grass fleld from the air, said a
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  • 366 12 Captured Nazi Vessel "Treasure Ship" How £750,000 Prize Reached London navigated; BY 6d. DICTIONARY HPHK 7,000-ton captured Nazi freighter Uhenfels, which has completed unloading at Millwall Docks, is a veritable treasure ship. Vessel and cargo, brought to London by Capt. H. Flowcdew. of the British Merchant Navy, is worth roughly
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  • 78 12 CHAPLIN WANTS TO SHOW FILM TO HITLER Hollywood. CHARLIE CHAPLIN, famous film comedian and producer, is reported to be seeking a world premiere in Berlin for his forthcoming motion picture travesty on dictators, with a one-man audience consisting of Chancellor Adolph Hitler. Mr. Chaplin, who is now giving the picture
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  • 57 12 Goering's Fair GORING'S industrial fair at Leipzig to push Germar goods has been a failure because of Britain's blockade. Figures, which have become known through an indiscretion, reveal that less than a fifth of foreign buyers attended as compared with last year. Orders amount to only 29,000,000 marks
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  • 170 12 DOBBIE. the Alsatian, l.i. first dog killed in mMm while serving: with the Allied Armies in Franc, follows a distinguished line of cYp hew of the Great War. At one period dogs a day were being given intelligence test.*. One exploit was thai of
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 343 12 mm If you have not tried our tailoring WE SOLICIT YOU FOR A TRIAL ORDER. MIEN CHONG S'porc's viost up-to-date Tailor. I 34, Coleman St. Phone 4816. PHONE 4310 fArubrr Mansion. No. T Orchard Rd. rue JPTICAL HOUSE MANUFACTURING DISPENSING REFRACTING j OPHTHALMIC OPTICIANS k IS RUNNING Jp-^L A HOUSE
      343 words
      193 words
    • 88 12 SGffICHtP CLEAN' —a constant menace ll^to your yxe^Sxk^^f^f J IHsz^/ i < Sn c m* X'. a^^^^Hte. _MM BpB^^MOOT H L Y^^B WITH VIM —no foothold for grease What a contrast! Every scratch on harshscoured pans is a trap for grease and food particles which decay and breed germs dangerous
      88 words

  • 340 13 Speech In Hitler's Voice Claims U.S. TO celebrate All Fools' Day 1 the 8.8.C. in its German programme broadcast a bogus Hitler speech. It was written in language typical of the Fuehrer. The speaker, Herr Martin Miller, well-known Austrian actor, faithfully reproduced all
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  • 158 13 Planned To Become King Of U.S. ASPFCI Ail I.AX plaa to overthrow the United States Government by a march on Washington and then declare himself King tif America is alleged against Wi liam Dudley Pelley, leader of the United st.ttes Silve- Shirt Fascist organization. In evidence before the Martin Dies
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  • 129 13 FISHING in the North Sea, the Grimsby trawler Russell (246 tons) hauled up a German mine, which exploded about 150 feet from the ship. Though damaged, the shir was able to return to port. .Skipper W. Wright saM: "'As we were nauling in the gear, one
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  • 80 13 Amsterdam, Apr. 2. MAXIM Lltvinov, the former Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Is lying gravely 111 In the Kremlin hospital, it is learned on trustworthy authority from Moscow. He is suffering from heart trouble. His wife. Mrs. Ivy Low Litvinov, who about the time of his
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  • 45 13 FE commander of the Hungarian Air Force proposes to give journalists a six weeks' course of flying. The plan has met with enthusiasm In the newspaper world, and each editor will indicate suitable young Journalists on his staff for the instruction.
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  • 54 13 Artist's Street Show MR. Albert Perry, the Tooting artist who claims the record for rejections by the Royal Academy, recently staged the first street exhibition of paintings. He had the novel idea of hiring sandwichmen (and women) who carried, instead of the usual boards, his paintings. His pictures are priced
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  • 175 13 THE Americans claim a speed of 500 m.p.h. for their twin-engined fighter, the Lockheed P. 38. British fighters of of a similar maximum speed cannot be far away. But the question is now arising: How can pilots of such fighters be expected to
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  • 42 13 While the Pope was addressing 800 newly married couples at the Vatican, a white dove flew into the Hall ol Benediction and rested on the canopy above the Pope's Throne until the ceremony had ended
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  • 143 13 George Robey 's "War Chest" £500,000 Charity Effort GEORGE ROBEY. at a luncheon recently, inaugurated his "War Chest," by which he hopes to raise for war charities more than the £500.000 he raised in the last war. Mr A. P Herbert, M.P., whe too* thp chair, said there was "m
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  • 28 13 Reading that beer was good for daffodils, Mr. P. J. Raine, a Gravesend licensee, fed his with some whisky. They have grown two feet high
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  • 25 13 Damage estimated at abiu* °«^ftnn was caused by a fire which destroyed one of the biggest mills in central Italy, near Perugia.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 251 13 Wartime Balance Sheet £169,000,000" TO THE GOOD CIX John Simon, Chancellor of the Exchequer, is €169,000,000 belter off than he expected. On Mar. 30 he published a balance sheet of Great Britain's finances iv. ring the first seven months of war expenditure. EftM are the final figures as they were
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    • 318 13 linilTLJ WKJ» If I WVm It if lactic acid produced by mouth bacteria, working on food particles lodged between the teeth, that attacks the tooth enamel, causes cavities and decay. Phillips' Milk of «vA^*m^^ Magnesia Tooth Paste combats these tooth destroying 1 j V/^BB v i*v acid* because It contains
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  • 424 14 BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT All Sections Quieter Than For Some Time Past Singapore, Saturday. T»HE PAST WEEK has been the quietest experienced in the markets for a long time. Prices, generally, have not weakened but buyers have shown little interest and there has been
    424 words
  • 1320 14 Fraser Co.'s Singapore Share Quotations SATURDAY, APR. 20, 1940: 1 P.M. MINING Buyer* Seller* Ampat Tin (4s) 5s 5s 6d c.d. Austral Amal (ss) 5a M 6s 3d Austral Malay (f) 35s 37s Ayer Hitam 21s 23s Ayer Weng .63 .67 Bangrin Tin Sis 6d 22s 6d Batu Selangor ($1)
    1,320 words
  • 121 14 Singapore, April 20. noon. Buyers Sellers Gambler $7.50 Hamburg Cube $13.00 Java Cube $12 00 Pepper White Muntok J15.00 White $14.50 Black $8.25 Copra Mixed $3.10 Sun Dried $3.50 Sago Flour No I lingia $ $6,124 Pair $6.05 Sarawak $6.10 Jelotong Palembeng $16.50 Banja $16.00 Sarawak $17.00
    121 words
  • 207 14 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Books Company Dividend Close TIN Anipat Tin 12% tax Apr. 39 Batu Selangor 7Va% Apr. 24 Larut 7V4d. No 21 Apr. 22 Rahman Hyd 4% Int. Apr. 25 Renong Tin 74% Int. less tax Taiplng Ccnsld 74% No. 9 May 2 Takuapa 6d. Apr.
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  • 249 14 Singapore, Apr. 20, 1 p.n. WIM.NO Buyers Seller* AmpaU 4/10^4 5/ltfcd Austral Amalff 5/10 6/1 Batu Selangors 1.45 1.50 cd Hong Fatta 1.05 1.08 Jekbui 0.74 0.78 Kampong Lanjuta 22/3 23/K KamuntltK 8/3 8/9 Kundang 14/3 14/9 Kent 2/3 2/6 Klang Rivers 1.90 2.00 cd
    249 words
  • 88 14 Saturday, Apr. noon. Haven Sellers Prices Price* No. IX K.S.S. (Spot loose) 36 36 N« IX R.S.S rob in case* April -May 36 S? Sellers option c. FAQ. B.S.S. t.o.b. In b let April-May SSS 35^ Sellers option A.Q. K.B.S. t.o.b la bale* April-May 35
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  • 187 14 Singapore. Saturday. The followine are the .->:cnange ratci this morning according to the daily circular Issued by the Hongkong and Shanghai Bankinp Corporation: SELLING London T.T 2/4 i/16 Lot. don demand 2/4 1/16 Rate for freight 2/4% Lyons demand 2060 Switzerland demand 208 Hamburg demand New York demand 46
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 980 14 WmwJ^r.Jr^ Mm '^mot.^^ ti- t aAm^w ./)L Yes! Inner Cleanliness should be the jg^g^ ===^^aj?:*: '31 first rule For until the system is purified i^^^n^^^S'!. regularly theic can be no true physical H^^^^^^^afl :!i? i'l fitness. So turn to Andrews Liver Salt for |(HtßHpv4fflffl'j|^!< deep-down Inner Geanlincss. I -fl Immediately
      980 words
    • 147 14 Weak? KunVown? IFEELSO HmS ./ft. "fe tF^J V VI6WR-w) JCOMPOUMO CJ^I y imi AMBITION AT WLL V v»— V\rjr Waterbury's Compound helps to build you up fvNi^il quickly, properly. It stimulates the appetite and so aids nature in building new strength and vitality— jf*^" X^Vo^v helps you to enjoy the
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  • 503 15 Slug-Electrocutor, Porridge-Stirrer, Shrieking-Cooker REDUCED LIVING TO A FINE ART DKIGADIER Geneni! John Bartholomew Wroughton, whose death at the age of 66 was announced on Apr. 3, reduced living to a fine art. When he retired from the Army in 1922 he took a cottage at Bovington Green,
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  • 39 15 I nils of the Royal Air Force took part in the funeral at Ipswich of Prince Alexander Oholensky, famous rugger international, who was killed when his 'plane overturned on landing at an East Coast airfield.
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  • 287 15 "TOMMIES MAY NOT MARRY FRENCH GIRLS" Nazi Propaganda Takes New Tack I'aris, Mar. 30. Sill I. deaf to repeated Allies aliiriiiations of rock-firm solidarity, German propaganda tocl.iy took a new tack, violated the t rritorial limits of Cupid's domain, and declared the British High < immiind has forbidden Tommies l->
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  • 41 15 Zurich. THE Nazis have closed down Warsaw s zoo cne of the best in Europe. Most of the animals have been killod. and the grounds will become -by order— a farm for breeding pigs.
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  • 408 15 Strip Tease At Bottle Party "GIRLS COMPETED IN BRAZENNESS" A STKIP-TEASE competition was alleged at Bow Street police court on Apr. 3 to have been held at El Morocco bottle party, Albnnarlc Street, London, W. The place was stated to have been attended by "the best people." Bernard Davie;>, 40,
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  • 140 15 ANEW and simple method ot prosperting for oil by analysing a quantity of surface soil was described to the 152 nd meeting of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers in New York. The process, devised by Mr. Herbert Hoover, jun., and Mr. Harold
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 15 An inhabitant of Viipuri, now out nf the territory which has been taken over by the Russians, with Mi <fmvenir of the war, an inceniMary bomb.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 694 15 Lose A Pound A Day This New Easy Way fcjwm -//Useless Fat. A Neu! m Jm^Sr^r^ Discovery from Hollijwood, Calif. Used bg J '^Sr I Cinema stars. Makes fry You Look and Feel ,k yiD Years Younger^ IP .'•'tiilß^W iay an<l you theso results: Fat melts away ■i(f':JJU :inJ Kood
      694 words

  • 1698 16  -  R. H. Naylor By THIS WEEK'S GOOD DAYS FOR:— BUYING: (Business Deals): 26th Friday. (Personal shopping): SELLING: 25th Thursday. ENTERTAINMENT: 21st Sunday. SPORT: I hope that you were born In the period between Oct. 7 and Jan. 13. If so, LH« will be a little kinder
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  • Article, Illustration
    408 16 "TAKING reflection pictures, with the aid of 1 a mirror. Is an r.musing camera pastime and you can obtain many novel effects, quite simply. For simplicity, place your subjects quite close to the mirror, as in the picture above. Then simply focus for the distance between camera and
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  • 498 16 I f F.ltE. grouped according to month of birth (irrespective of year), Is a statement of probabilities to be expected this week. JANUARY (Dec. 22— Jan- 21) Just now, you will be in luck as regards family and household affairs; if you have no household but
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 409 16 THIS IS THE PARKER VACUMATIC j THAT IS GUARANTEED FOR LIFE /^J. DROPPED 3,000 FEET from a plane... /^JSShSfS?" ii i_ »tT»i I worK»a with tnc picked up unharmed proof of Parker I bi u Diamond on Hi* Vacuinatic's durability and construction. Arrow Clip ar« f /WfcflfTOA 'I I Guoronf««d
      409 words
    • 369 16 Hearing Restored. Head Noises Banished A__ nwsMjv Dam•• I 4 m hata Catarrh and In a natural way restores «»««y netHIIJ hearing In some of the most obstinate cases. Started in 24 Hours by Praised By Users m Former sufferers naturally are high in Nf*'jLF CitrnVPrV their praises of Spantcx
      369 words
    • 113 16 VIROL RESTORES HEALTH and ENERGY. VIROL Is a health food possessing -^^^T} remarkable nutritive properties. U it S&^^^Sn particularly suitable for Invalids on >^r account of the ease with which lta V-j y^^ I m nourishment Is assimilated by the body. /JFb~%^ S~^-J M VIROL raises the vitality by supplying
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  • 68 17 ANN Sheridan, featured by Warner Bros, in their new film, "Years Without Days," models a beautiful new formal gown of frosty finished kelly Rreen crepe. The cap sleeves are formed by soft folds shirred into a band. They continue down the back and end in a
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  • 96 17 UNIT furniture, and any piecss which serve two purposes are very useful in small homes and flats, not the least interesting item being a table which can be converted from one of ordinary height to a low fireside table. Thus the same table can be used
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  • 86 17 WHETHER you hi»ve in hand a little or a lot of linen, you will, if you want to make it last a long time, use it in rotation. This is dons automatically if you have extra shelves fitted in the linen cupboard, so that ea:h is quite
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  • 1420 17  - Woman Doctor Fights Alone Against Epidemic In Canada Kenneth Wells By Minden, Ont, Feb. 17. HRIVE the temperature down to 30 below zero Pile the roads with three-foot drifts Call up a north wind that freezes the words on your lips Add a measles epidemic of seventy-four cases scattered through
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 359 17 ■^3^\\ Taste the New, improved J Flavor of ROYAL SflflPß^ N more delicious, more tempting than ever! WSP t If y° uve ever tasted Royal Cherry Gelatin \J»Lr^ you'll find it hard to believe that the flavor could Vjjfe i /h improved. But it has! A way has been found
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    • 556 17 YOURS FOR ROMANCE VmjPifiL LIKE THESE Soft but not greasy, alluring but not painted, that's as men like them! Tangce never gives that painted look! It isn't painr. Orange in the stick, it magically changes on your lips to your very own blush-rose. Smooth it on a second time and
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  • 893 18 Film Actresses As Guides To Correct Make-up Max Factor's Advice UOLLY WOOD'S beautiful feminine stars personify glamorous illustration of what is advisable for women in general to DO in their daily make-up groomings, if they would achieve beauty and perfection in appearance. Every time the reflected image of Vivien Leigh,
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  • 380 18  - Cook's Friend, The Onion Has Many Uses Ellen Ainsworthy Besides Flavouring By \^E generally regard the onion merely as a flavouring medium but we should also bear in mind that it is full of healthgiving properties and, moreover, a dish full of this vegetable adds piquancy to tne plainest menu.
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  • 74 18 IT is smart to bespatter an ensemble with gold so long as there is no hint of garishness about it. A new two-piece suit made from grey-and-gold whip-cord Jersey consists of a box-pleated skirt with a plain panel at the back. The Jacket is high waisted. finished
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 443 18 She Was Thankful A >Jct^ Thank heavens for veils, she used c^ IJqIJ to say for she was conscious that 1 V her own skin could not stand up I to close scrutiny. It was dingy, she §t f had to admit it was sallow in a I _JL I
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    • 244 18 THE LEADING HOUSE /*m* Linen Embroidery U Novelties. Now in Commodious Premises 141, River Valley Road, Singapore. A large and varied display of useful ana readily appreciated gifts for all occasions that are sure to please Linen table-cloths, Luncheonsets, Ladies' underwear. Handkerchiefs, Teak and Camphorwood Chests, etc., etc. Your inspection
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  • 405 19 Bright Fresh Touches In The New Spring Clothes London. IN a few weeks' time we shall all be very interested in the new season's clothes all looking very fresh and bright and ready to cheer up ourselves and all the menfolk, too, who are going to have the pleasure of
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  • 230 19 Husbands Wives My husband was reading about the scuttling of a ship and looking very miserable. "Think of all the liquor that sank with it," he said. My wife Is always talking shop hat-shop or dress-shop. Is your husband working? —In work, not working. One can't keep a wife and
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  • 33 19 Two-Way Swagger Style jyiADE on swinging lines, this reversible, hooded coat in cinnamon-brown blanket cloth for wear in Europe is lined with off-white wool, so that it is equally attractive worn either side.
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  • 46 19 OIGH-LIGHTING the white' frock by means of colourful accessories is in high favour and here is 20th Century-Fox actress, Mary Healy, showing the effectiveness of Roman-striped silk, handbag in blue, green, and red, with a sash about her hat in the same striped silk.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 161 19 USE THIS gggHf E soap '"^f| £j Renders S*^ xkftlp'jf coarse red jw skin smooth > <ff?D and *upple A^H ..and avoidyfT^x BLEMISHED LJ^X SKIN V'«— 2 A Because Cuticura is a MEDICINAL >. pores S and TOILET Soap, it does two essential things to your skin. It main- \>.
      161 words
    • 445 19 Hew To Hold THE MAN of YOUR HEART L^^^^B9HNNIHHNBhHR^ Smooth, youthful, natural lips— that's the way he likes JfeM^afi them. But beware of bright J red, painted lips if you want %M to hold the man of your heart. Use Tangee lipstick. It can't I give you that painted look
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 627 20 Ithin,weaklw_ RUNDOWN, rl^W2 I AND AILING, j\mJm MAKE THIS jj|pYy| y Jr "^Njil— .j^''?^ B^ Remarkable Pacific jr <rfii™S Ocean Sea Plant Rj^w^i^ with Natural Mm- V .iidßW P^" m^^iyiilfifl erals 6T Vitarrins, and Food lodine i^__^^. NEWLY DISCOVERED SEA PLANT Builds THIN, Worn-Out, Pale, Nervous People into Strong. Red-Blooded
      627 words
    • 311 20 New Air-Floated lace Powder Amazing Discovery of ftuis Beauty Chemist Face powder ten times finer and lightei than ever before thought possible Only powder that floats on air is collected lot use. This is the amazing MW pnnMOi Paris chemist— cow adopted by Tokalon. A oroui/re o/cKatory (As -^rr— rfirm^r'StX.J
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 2258 20 Wireless Programmes TO-DAY EMPIRE STATION NIROM SINGAPORE OV SSJTr^i— c W3ff& S ZIIL 133 mci <SBsm.j 6.05 p.m. Nsws summary; 6.20 pjn 'New (1980 m.). ZHP 9.69 mc:s (M.«6m.) songs for Old" 6.50 p.m. news bulletin; 720 am o^ eni announcement: 7.50 a.m. UOO ajn. Military band music played by
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  • 1140 21  -  "Doc." By MOST LntaraC In Garrison MOCK wi cr^ircd at Changi this week when thj second of the Army trials wl'l take place. i) of the first two teams will be playing. men include three of the Argyll*' forwards, both wing forwards, Walker on the right and Brodle
    1,140 words
  • 469 21 i*ron Ovn Own < ornspondent.) .Muar, Saturday. DISPLAYING all-rouna superiority, the Muar Chinese football team scored a most creditable victory over the Johore Bahru Prisons Sports Club, league champions of Johore Bahru, in a charity match played at the Muar Club padanu yesterday evening.
    469 words
  • 195 21 From Our Own Correspondent) Johore, Bahru. Saturda;. THIKTY-TIIREE entries senior single; 9. renlor doubles 5, junior singles 11. lunlcdoub'.cs 8 were received for the Johnre Bahru Malays badminton tournament In pr« Kress at the Ayer Molek courts. A player or note Is Ismail bin Hajl Harljan (Dapat)
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  • 368 21 Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. AT Urn unnua* general meeting of the Johore Badminton Association held at the International Library yesterday with Mr. F.M. Still, the president, in the chair, it was agreed to stage the annual State badminton tournament this year at the Government English
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  • 209 21 'From, cur Own Correspondent Muar. PLAYING their first soccer match of the season, the Muar Teachers put up a creditable display when they met the Muar Chinese in a friendly match and lost by I—3. The Teachers showed great keeness ond should Improve with a
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  • 563 21 By Our Badminton Correspondent THE year 1939 has been an extremely successful one for the Singapore Badminton Association, and this reilected in the draft of the annual report which was tabled and approved at the meeting of the management committee held at the Clerical Union Hall
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  • 203 21 From Our Own Correspondent Muar. DISPLAYING all-round superiority, the soccer team of the local Government English School scored an unexpected win over the Batu Pahat Government English School by four goals to one when the sides met in their annual inter-school match. The Muar forwards showed
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 129 21 v (Az) JL JL v VIVI lJ iI 1 J iI I .^P' £$Bf ■><&& x The MORRIS TWENTY-FIVE SALOON provides luxurious accommodation for five adults of more than average stature, with ample leg room, and deep upholstery ensuring the greatest possible riding ease. Both front and rear doors are
      129 words

  • 264 22 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. RAIN interfered with play in the first State soccer match between Selangor and Malacca at the stadium for the Goho Cup today. About ten minutes before the start rain began to fall but cleared in time to enable the game
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  • 202 22 FORT Canning beat the Royal Navy in a cricket match at the Naval Base yesterday by 88 runs. FORT CANNING S. M. Wilton c Greenfell b Hill 13 Sgt. Long c Grenfell b Hill 33 Sqd. Ldr. Marchbanks b Hill 7 Cpl. Beeston lbw.,
    202 words
  • 551 22 P. W. L. D. F. A. Ptt RAF 5 4 0 1 21 9 9 Chinese 6 4 1 1 11 1 9 Loyals 7 4 2 1 1b 14 9 Fortress R.E. 7 3 2 2 11 7 8 Police 7 3 2 2 16 17
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  • 20 22 The Kota Ranker., soccer team meets the Slong 800 A. A. to-day at Farrer Par!t at 5.15 p.m.
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 22 The Negri Sembilan cricket team which drew with Selangor at Kuala Lumpur last week-end.
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  • 207 22 THERE was an exciting ending to the cricket match at Balestier yesterday between the Ceylon Sports Club and the R.E. (Changi), when the club were dismissed five runs short of victory. RE. (CHANGI) Farrant lbw. b Ponniah 6 Green lbw. b. Schubert 1 Nicholson b Schubert
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  • 166 22 T«HE R.A.F. (Seletar) beat the R.A.F (Tengah) by six wickets in a cricket match played at Seletar yesterday. R.A.F. TENGAH) Spencer c Longfield b Paggersal 4 Stevens b Paggersal 3 Wyrill b Shea 3 Beales b Shea 6 Freeman b Powell 4 Hopkins run out 0
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  • 78 22 THE Overseas Chinese Bank and Uniteers soccer team drew— 1-1 in a keen Business Houses League game at the Police deoot yesterday. The Bar.k side led by their only go9l at half t me— scored by Thiam Koon. Uniteers equalizer came through Puteh, in the
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  • 110 22 'From cur Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday. ENTRIES are being called for the annual Johore lawn tennis championship meeting. The qualifying rounds will be playid f.em Thursday, May 9, to Saturday. May 26. and all qualifying matches will oe played in districts. The semiflnalists will then travel to
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  • 197 22 THE S R.C.— lndian Association crickst match on the S.R.C. ground, yesterday ended in a tame draw. INDIAN ASSOCIATION B. S. Varma b Alvls 4 C. Sandosham b Alvis a Choor Singh c Galistan b Alvis 0 Tharam Singh b d'Almelda 18 Baskaran b d'Almelda 38 Abbasbhoy lbw.
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  • 263 22 FLAYING on Hong Lim Green yesterday the S.C.R.C. scored a runaway victory over the S.R.C. in a second team cric!iH fixture. S.R.C. II F. Moreira b Cecil Wong 0 S de Cruz c and b Swee Law V A. Armstrong b Cecil Wong 0 J. Reutens
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  • 69 22 ins ionowing memoers nave ace.pied to pay for S.C.C. vs. RAF. (Malaya* on Sunday Apr. 28. at S.C.C. at 11 a.m.: Q. W. S. Wait?s. R. A. U. Todd. G. K. Stein, J. E. Jeans, J. VV. Ewart, K. H. Cantrell. N. C Brown, W. K. Jagger, Capt.
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  • 47 22 r! following will represent the Jolly Youngsters in a friendly badminton match against the Kampong Olam B.P. at the Traffic Police court at 2 p.m. to-day. R. Ragunathan, R. Govlndasamy, P. Nagappan, V. Narayanasamy. R. Rajagopal. R. Vadlvelu, S. Krishnan, R. Danakodi and Alaudin.
    47 words
  • 384 22 VY E 1ERl)A *'S first round frr.mes in the first round of the Football League C:ij> resulted: NOSTH A New Erlghton 1 Sto!:e 4 V/ 1 Wolverhamp:on 1 Blackpool 4 Southport 0 Barrow 2 Liverpool 0 Manchester U. 0 Manchester c. 1 Rochdale l Bury o Blackburn 5 Bolton
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  • 240 22 AN undefeated 55 by J. H. B. Lickle help3d the S.C.C. to beat the A.P.C. by eight wickets in a cricket match on the Padang yesterday. A.P.C. W. L. Stewart b Leckie 0 V. N. Plllai c Staunton b Foulds 15 R. Laurie lbw. Fould-j l T.
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  • 55 22 (From cur Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. 'THE Johore Cricket Club beat the Segamat Cricket Club by 111 runs to-day. Batting ilrst Johore made 184. Cole scoring 78. Segamat replied with 73. Marshall bowled best for Johore, taking seven wickets for 27 runs. Manlam got
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  • 63 22 Y.M.C.A. SOCCER The following have been selected to p'.ay fcotball for th 2 V.M.C.A in a league match against RAT. (H.Q> on Monday at 5.10 p.m. on the Farrer Park ground: Wee Aik Chan. V. N. PUlay, M. Swyny. V. R. Sabaoathy, G L. Day, G. J. Moxon, S. Orton,
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  • 306 22 Singapore Boxing Programmes /"|Xi:E the home of local boxing, v the New World k soo» to renew its i ltercst in the sport. A n^w open arena is being erected on the sits of the former ring where many memorable battles were staged. Work on the new arena Is expected
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  • 171 22 "THE Police cricket team easily beat the V.M.C.A. side by four wickeU at the Depot yesterday. V.M.C.A. Marsh d Rajah 4 Suratta lbw Rajah 3 Goldsmith b Sullivan S Nathaniels b Sullivan 14 Xav t cr b Sanderson 18 Lawrence lbv. Sullivan 8 Ormondroyd c Boudewyn b
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  • 117 22 This week's Singapore Recreation Club lawn tennis tournament ties are: Monday: Championship Singles, Dr. O. fie Souza vs. Dr. B. Shcarcs; Championship Doubles, C. A. Norrls and N. S. Hogan vs. R. S. Earth and R. H. Barth; Singles Handicap B. Dr. L. da Silva (Scr.) vs.
    117 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 22 E. YONG Selanjor State cricketer. A powerful opening batsman who hits hard and can force the pace v.hen rtcuirM.
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  • 81 22 Ties In the YJ&CJL lawn tennis tournament air: Monday: "A" class slnglrs. Tan Swee Wab vs R. Nathan: "B" class singles, M. Drysdala vs. A. O. B. Pakir. A. Ed*r.- vs. C. Reshty, Lauw Pek TJln vs. Ching Kee Sun; "C" clasa singles. Awad Talib vs. M. Woelz. Tuesday: "C"
    81 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 495 22 ill D iff t- ''Tvpra! A) Pott fre. %1 i \j Rolled Gold Wrl»t W* Z^f^^^6ttt Witch In Rici»no'jl«r I mi^£i I Dui:proof Can. 2tfdH I.»te«t London atyl« <l l r wth clear I black fi:rurM and tec- "■<■!* iimn J Very reliable J''W*»!ltirl r*erer loreQg mutable for any
      495 words

  • 2154 25 ONCE again "Mininr Kongsl" won the principal cup when Rubber Queen scored a brilliant victory in the Governor'! Cup at Bukit Timah yesterday in the final day's racing of the Singapore Turf Club's summer meeting. Cooltipt, also owned by "Mining Kongsi," was
    2,154 words
  • 68 25 (1) SCARLET TIGER ***** (2) DISTINGUISHED ***** (3) YULE CALL ***** Starters: Playboy *****; Beano *****: Sir Victor *****: Viola II *****; Aerial Post *****; Fair King *****; Teddy Boy *****; Jubilee Son *****. Total pool $196,730. First: $70,822; Second: $35,411; Third: $17,705; Starters: $2,213. DOUBLE TOTE*
    68 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 348 25 Drink Ovaltine- and note the Difference E^uMPfll I^^l»3*sHP^*B s i* nowne d- herd of prize- 1 ■falli KJpPt y9ttp^f9r winnina Jersey Cows. Jtt C^X 1 QUALITY i.s the reason for the world-wide success of delicious Ovaltine.' By sheer merit it has become the most if** w~\ fc/ i w B^\*
      348 words

  • 850 26 Bogus Evening Standard r\R. Goebbels believes in the power and prestige of the Evening Standard. So firm is the Doctor's faith in the authority of our newspaper abroad that he has arranged for its free distribution in Holland, Spain and Turkey, writes the editor of that newspaper.
    850 words
  • 364 26 JJt yilorioui eiplotiont have occurred v within the tritiih Mine field guarding our fast com It appears that jom« ol th« mines go efl without any apparent outitd* cause. Though this .doe* net el course, endanger the Safety el the country, the detonations el these •minet, which lek*
    364 words
  • Article, Illustration
    111 26 THE sound of an old brass horn blown 1 from the top of the Town HaU summoned the people of Hungerford. Berks.. to take part In the ancient Hocktidr ceremonies whkh date from the thirteenth century. Two men, known as Tuttimen, tour the town, an I they are entitled
    111 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 62 26 M^ f^L BRANDY SINGLE AND MULTI CYLINDER HORIZONTAL OIL ENGINES can now be supplied on very favourable deliveries. Certain of the larger sizes are available EX-MAKERS STOCK Sizes range from 54 to 280 B. H. P. Low Fuel ard Lubricarng Oil consumption guaranteed. Enquiries invited, FOR SERVIC and RELIABILITY USI
      62 words
    • 41 26 CHAIRS URGENTLY NEEDED (Ofdco Irpi rrcftrrtd) for Billooe Btrnr* iota. Will be eoUwted. Will bouMhoMm It S. t district who (U cpars »dt pl««M writ* (oalf) Mrs. HOOMAN 1 BALLOON BARRAGE FUND ear* et Dcrry an 4 Tomi. Keasiagtoo High Street
      41 words
    • 168 26 EUROPEAN COSTUME MAKER at Phono 7144 31-33 Mign St. Kv.B yjl Guaranteed timekeeper, uwlsn 8 day Jewelled lever movement, rut Jem case. 6 In. dial $15.. 9 16.. 8 superior quality 22.. I never offend through neglecting PERSONAL FRESHNESS use uni BaoTHDts, rorr iunuoht, i ihjtbo, X-L»T 4HO-1U IWCt. AND.
      168 words
  • Page 26 Miscellaneous
    • 36 26 SUBSCRIPTION KATI S i 3 months 5180 (Malaya) 3 $2.30 (Outside Malaya? S M J3.60 (Malaya) $1.M (OuUide Malaya) IS $7-20 (Malaya). 12 n $320 (Outside Malaya). MOTE.— OotstaUon cheques >houl4 lnrlu*# the usual bank discount
      36 words