The Straits Times, 14 April 1940

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 434 Sunday, April 14, 1940 Price 10 Cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 434 Sunday, April 14, 1940 Price 10 Cents
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  • 798 1 Ammunition Store At Bergen Blown Up Nazis Mentify Themselves To British Airmen WARSHIPS, CONVOYS AND AERODROMES ATTACKED "Series Of Hard Fought Actions" Air Ministry THR Royal Air Force is playing an increasingly im- portant part in the operations along the thousandmile coast of Norway. The
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  • 33 1 Reuter is authoritatively informed that the British envoys from the Balkans, following regular conferences throughout the week, will hold a final meeting on Monday, then return almost immediately to their posts.
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  • 33 1 Flushing, Saturday. The Netherlands motor-ship Velocitas, 197 tons, struck a mine and sank off the British coast. Three members of the crew have been landed, three are feared lost.— Reuter.
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  • 24 1 Moscow radio announced that about £250.000 will be spent this year on new borings and improvements in the oilfields in Russian-occupied Poland.
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  • 21 1 King George of Greece conferred the Grand Cross of the Order of George on M. Chlchmanoff. retirine Bulgarian Minister In Athens.
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  • 89 1 SOUTH AMERICAN FRIENDS OF FRANCE BRITAIN Montevideo, Saturday. A RESOLUTION proclaiming "close solidarity and fervent admiration" for the Allies Is published here to-day by professors of universitieo in Uruguay. Th? resolution, afier *tr.tlng that th; hlghes; values in culture are threatened with death by the outburst of violence, adds, "W3
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  • 59 1 Stockholm, Saturday. A KAUNAS telegram to the newspaper Aftonbladet says the German Ambassador in Moscow has asked Molotov to allow Germany to use Murmansk for war units, and the Murmansk-Leningrad railway. The correspondent says Russia is believed to be refusing these requests saying she
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 87 1 pOLLOWING the German invasion threats, war preparations in Sweden are being intensified. The Swedish Government, reports Reuter, has decided to enforce black-outs in many parts of tne south coast, opposite Germany and Denmark, and in the west of the country near the German-occupied region
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  • 64 1 IN Holland, an official statement was issued yesterday afternoon saying that Holland would maintain her independence and neutrality come what may. Precautions are st 11 being taken throughout the country and in the afternoon, Amsterdam had a test of all its air raid precautions services. On Friday
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  • 521 1 30 Transports Reported Sank, 5,000 Men Drowned QERMAN losses ln the Korwegian adventure, which are known to have "crippled lac Nazi navy," have been far heavier than previously reported. And the outcome is still in doubt. Besides the loss of numerous German warships, which the Norwegians officially claim include the
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  • 77 1 Pnompenh, Saturday. THE King of Cambodia has signed an ordinance cTTatin? a chamber of popular representation replacing the present Native Consultative Committee. The new constitution is based on thos;? of Annam and Tonkin, and the franchisa will embrace a large electoral body and the chamber will be*
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  • 28 1 Ghsn:, Saturday. DAMAGE estimated at £1,250,000 was caused by a fire which destroyed three warehouses containing 20,000 bales of cottcn, Jute and flax.
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  • 263 1 London, Saturday. IV/IRS. Harrirnan, the United States Minister to Norway, described yesterday how she tscaped from Oslo as the German invaders advanced, and after travelling for three days by motorcar, sleeping in woods and farmhouses, she succeeded in making her way into Sweden. "After
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  • 51 1 New Delhi, Saturday. FIFTY miles of cable for non-magnetic girdles are being nrodn^d v.""*' 'v in India under the supervision of ths Indian Navy, and they ara Deui3 ntt^d to ships in Indian ports. Ports adjacent to India are also receiving these girdles from India.—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 TAI KENG CO. Tailors !|L Coleman St., j Singapore. Phooe; 3375. J|'
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    • 154 1 C CARPETS f U AND I MATTINGS N CHARMING DESIGNS I c BEAt'TIFVL COLOURS A E VI3IT If CHOTIRMALL'S 41-43, HIGH ST. II I SINGAPORE'S y^S LEADISIgCAFE_ 1 r\ 1 Exquisite feeds. Ran Old 1/1 ftrr" r 1 Vintage Wines, kept at proper temperatures by a specially designed KELVINATOR REFRI•j^7"
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  • 877 2 Invasion Of Norway And Denmark Bitterly Condemned POLICY NOT LIKELY TO ALTER Washington, Saturday. ***** ILK bitterly condemning: the German invasion of Norway and Denmark, the United States is not likely to take any action or alter her foreign policy as a result of
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  • 68 2 I nder the ever vigilant eyes of armed guards, men classified as enemy aliens are shown at work chopping wood around the internment camp at Kananaskis in Canada. This camp, high in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies west of the Calgary, is one of
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  • 166 2 GERMANS TALK OF AIR LINK WITH AMERICA New York, Salur».a>. f HAIUiED by Hitler with the task of improving commercial relations between the United States and Germany, Dr. (lerhardt Wcstrick has established his headquarters in New York City, according to the New Yor.s HeraldTribune, which adds that he is conferring
    Reuter  -  166 words
  • 110 2 ON the western fro.ii, the Germans made their first attack in the sector east of Mulhouse and in the vicinity o! Strasbourg. This was an attempted raid on an island in the Rhine occupied by French troop*. A force of about 120 crossed the river in small boats
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  • 67 2 Stockholm. Saturday. A DISPATCH from Stremstad says that a naval petrol vessel, presumably Norwegian, has been found drifting without a crew off the island of Faerder, at the entrance to Oslo Fjord. The vessel was badly damaged by shell-fire, and it is believed
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 82 2 BF.kLIN is to become a vast underground fortress, writes the Amsterdam correspondent of the Daily Herald. Orders have been given for the construction of corridors, below street level, to link all private houses. Thus, in the event of air attack, the Inhabitants will be able to
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  • 50 2 London, Saturday. IT la learned in London that German detachments in Norway are receiving reinforcements from the German army of occupation in Denmark by troop-carrying aircraft. M. Colban, the Norwegian Minister in London, saw Lord Halifax, the Foreign Secretary, yesterday to discuss the matter.— Reuter.
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  • 36 2 TWO more German trawlers have been captured in the Norwegian coast and they were brought into a north east Scottish port early yesterday. A third trawler was brought into the same port on Friday.
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  • 227 2 What Japanese Mean By "Epoch-Making" Shanghai, Saturday. 'THE Japanese authorities announce that the Pearl River will be partially re-opened to general trading as far as Canton on Apr. 20, but subject to restrictions required by the present military situation." Questioned regarding the practical effect of the
    Reuter  -  227 words
  • 61 2 Istanbul, Saturday. THE Turkish Government has d3Cided to speed up work on the two railway lines linking Turkey with Iran and Iraq which has been under construction since 1937. For this purpose, the Turkish Ministry of Public Works h? been allotted the sum of £10,00u,000.
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  • 62 2 Stockholm, Saturday. IN an Interview published in the Svenska Dagbladet King Haakon 01 Norway Is quoted as saying he would not leave Norwegian territory despite the danger. The newspaper states the King appears exceedingly calm despite great tatigue He said he had not taken olt his boots since
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  • 33 2 London, Saturday. THE Admiralty announces the casualties in the loss of the destroyer Gurkha were five officers missing believed killed, one rating killed, nine missing believed killed, and three wounded.— Reuter.
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  • 64 2 New York. Saturday. rE Anglo-French purchasing board has been advised that certain types of planes have been released. A Washington dispatch states that Mr. Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury, has notified the Anglo-French representatives that the Allies would have to defray the cost of
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  • 36 2 This picture of a scene behind the lines in France shows a lariat xpert dressed in the approved wild west manner giving a demonstration to a crowd of R.A.F. men.
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  • 227 2 A New Japanese Problem For Shanghai Shanghai, Saturday. COMMENTING on the result of the Shanghai Municipal elections, in which the status quo was maintained, the Japanese Embassy spokesman declared at his press conference that hp would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the nine successlul candidates (five British, two
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  • 83 2 Ottawa, iriitu: MR. MacKENZIE KING. Prime Minister of Canada, has left tor a holiday m the UnKed States. He is expected to b 3 away a fortnight, during which he may call on President Roosevelt. It is likely that they will discuss t/ie position of
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  • 87 2 Paris, Saturday. MREYNAUD, French Prime Minister, has telegraphed to Gen. Weygand, commander- in-chief of the French forces in the Middle East on his return to Beirut, Syria, expressing the French Government's confidence in him and his army. Meanwhile it is officially announced in London that
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  • 108 2 Nazi Traffic In Mails Is Now Ended ACCORDING to information from the Ministry of Economic Warfare, the German traffic in .nails which has been increasing Nazi holdings of foreign exchange is being brought to an end by Allied naval control. There Is considerable evidence that Germany has
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 66 2 Tokio, Saturday. r[E Chugai Shogyo, a leading commercial newspaper, fears that the European hostilities may extend to the Balkans. After drawing attention to attitude of Italy and the Soviet Union in the event of extension of the conflict to the Balkans, the Chugai
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 154 2 Good morning, sunshine You'll %ct one now if you don't M Go to blazes clear out \P«u*e.) What did Now, now temper That's >°" about lime i utce not like mummy's little blue- M Y dear fellow the patheyed boy." ology of the common hangover is interesting. The blood alcohol
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    • 22 2 I Blondie <. By Chic Young B Xo*G*ioao voo n /^S til W.-* \r" r T^saes >jo use 1^ r* y— I I
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  • 508 3 30 Years Principa Of A Malacca School (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. "T-HE nonya of forty years ago could neither read nor write and the language she spoke was Malay," recalled Miss Ada Pugh. for 30 years Principal of the Methodist Girls' Boarding School
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  • 71 3 THE Hospitals Board haa appointed the following committees to visit the hospitals in Singapore and Prnang during 1940: Dr. L. M. Thompson, R. Williamson, Dr. (Mrs.) D. M. Roberts, C. Jackson and Mrs. V. Home. Kandang Kerbau Maternity Hospital: Mrs. J. T. N. Handy, Mrs. Tay Lan
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  • 37 3 AT a public meeting held by the Klang District Indian Union recently a resolution was passed expressing sorrow at the death of Janab Yakub Hussan, ex-Minister to the Government of Madras.
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  • 14 3 Brazil is willing to admit more than 100,000 Finnish refugees as immigrants.
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  • 24 3 One person was killed and 12 were injured when a slight earthquake wrecked four houses at Dunes. Tarn-et-Garonne Department France. m
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  • 30 3 A picture, bearing the signature of Goya and believed to be an original, was found during repairs to the Church of Notre Dame de Pllar. at Saragossa.
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  • 16 3 The Indian Jute Mills Association decided to reduce the weekly working hours from 60 to 54.
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  • 128 3 A MOXG the units marching past at the bir police parade at the police depot on Friday at which tlie Governor, Sir Shentnn Thomas, took the salute, was the Volunteer Police Reserve. Members of this unit, who were hosts at a dance at the Adrlplii
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  • 101 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. /OFFERING bribes to Government officials Is a serious ofTence," remarked Inche Rauf bin Mohamed Sa'at, the Segamat magistrate, when he sentenced Leong Sam to three days' imprisonment, with the option of $4 fine, for offering a dollar note to a
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  • 59 3 THE National Day celebrations organized by the Sinhalese Association of Singapore took place at their club Athletic sports were held and national games playa. There was a '"Kavi" and "Spada" competition. Mr. P. E. Pcrrru, president of the Association, Mr. George de Si va, Mr.
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  • 76 3 From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. AMONG the guests present at the At Home given by the Ove-seas Chinese Ban!; on the occasion of the opening of a new branch at Klang wore the Sultan of Selangor, the District Officer, Mr. J. S. W. Reid, and the Chines?
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  • 104 3 At The Cinema THE ALHAMBRA A THRILLING mystery is solved In "Murder at the Broadcast Station' a Mandarin talkie which had a midnight premier? at the Alhambra last night. H. Y. Choi, the famous Chinese actor, takes the part of Charlie Charm this film which will appeal to many. THE
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  • 18 3 Mr. R. Cumaravelu, of the Seremban Sanitary Board, is going on transfer to; the Fsderal Secretariat, Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 521 3 THE Singapore Volunteer Corps programme of drills up to and for week ending *pr. 21 Is.— Monday 15/4:— 1715 hrs., Headquarter?, S.R.A. (v), Gunnery Instruction; i7J9 hrs., Headquarters, S.R.E. (v), Engineer TrainIng; 1715 hrs.. Headquarters. S.F.C.R.E. (v) (Malay Sections), D.E.L. Training; 1730 hrs.. Headquarters. S.F. Sig.
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  • 105 3 From Our Ow> Carreqrocent Milacca, Saturday. IF the princioles and c. n.iais nf conduct could be reduced to verinab.j and self-evident axioms aj in arithmetic, the conduct of life would easily become less com plex and the bickerings among fellowbeings or even nations would
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  • 91 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. SITTING as Segamat Coroner, Inche Rauf bin Mohamed Sa'at returned a verdict of death by misadventure on an unknown Chinese who was killed by the down night mail train of Feb 23. Marathamuthu. fireman of the engine, .stated that
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  • 77 3 THE Police Band will play on Tuesday at Farm Park at 5.30 p.m.: March The Middy (AKord) Overture, My Old Stable Jacket (Bllton) Selection, Rose De Franca (Romberg) Vase, Dreamy Devon (Evans) Interme^o, Rendezvous (Aletter) Selection, Community Land No. 1 (Stoddonj. And or Thursday at Telck Ayer at
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  • 56 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. INCHE Rauf bin Mohamed Sa'at, the Scsamat magistrate, fined Bhoh Bunnag, a Thai, $25 for negligent driving. Th? police stated that the man hit guid3 post at the Bth mile, SegamatLabls road. Bhoh Bunnag was ordered to pay another $3, being
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  • 19 3 Mr. S. Kandlah. of the Sanitary Board, Batang Padang. is going on transfer to the District Office, Port Dlckson.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 189 3 /"fJIr I* l^^^^^^^ I mWm No waste because there'! l nothing to throw away a meal in a minuta g because they are ready •fn* of*nu ftUMirnl to serve See our JVr tCUHUrHILUI selection of delicatessen iJ.- at your nearest branch. UHU CClSlltj liver sausage. M PINEAPPLE HAM. OfUDdfCCL HACAIs
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 557 3 In Singapore To-day CINEMAS AIM AMUR A: 4 Wives. 11 a.m., 3. 15, 6.15 and 9.13. CAPITOL: Ninotchka with Greta Oarbo. 3.15, 6.15 and 915. CATHAY: Sherlock Holmes with Basil Rathbonc. 11 a.m.. 3.15, 6. 15 and 915. PAVILION: Closed for air conditioning. QUEEN'S. GETLANC: Wuthering Heights. 7 and 9
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 313 4 "The DAUGHTERS in Another Winner. It is First Kate Entertainment." —STRAITS TIMES. BOOK NOW FOR THIS GRAND SHOW ALHAMBRA Phone 6909 I TO-DAY 4 SHOWS 11 A. M. 3.15, 6.15, 9.15 P. M. VS> L>» VourWves' it%if^o^mk js lIMPE RAINS jg% [rbcj Four Daugh ten' I jT^f^ WllllllJHfiHUfluLlMß TkISCILLA LANE
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    • 215 4 SEASON EXTENDED! Everybody's talking about this Saucy, witty, Frenchy new M.G.M. Comedy with the New LAUGHING GARBO! PADITAI 3 SHOWS DAILY wMr II UL 3.15 6.15—9.15 GRETA GARBO DDnmiPTinu jddß J^B rnUBUI/TIOM '*w\^ "NINOTCHRA" a>i>/i MELVYN DOUGLAS Garbo laughing at love! Garbo learning that life starts at midnight! Garbo calling
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  • Entertainment
    • 160 5 EXCELLENT entertainment is promised at to-night's presentation of "Merrie England" by the Singapore Musical Society at 9.15 p.m. in the Victoria Memorial Hall. With the prospect of a large audience and 140 performers giving of their best in music which everybody likes, the concert will be one
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    • 121 5 WALLACE Beery and Leo Carrillo. who scored an outstanding hit togethpr as Pancho Villa and his trusted lieutenant in "Viva Villa," will te^m again in "Twenty Mule Team," saga of the borax pioneers in Death Valley, U.S.A., which J. Walter Ruben will produce for Metro-Gold-wyn-Mayer. With
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    • 91 5 INNOVATIONS calling for a drama- tic use of colour in "Irene" has been revealed by Producer-director Herbert Wilcox, who plans several Technlcolour sequences in RKO Radio's forthcoming comedy with music. The "Alice Blue Gown" number with Anna Neagle will be filmed in Technlcolour, but with only
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    • 186 5 This Week's Films iiHiwim Now O«: "Four Wives." (PrUcilU L*ne, Rosemary Lane. Lola Lane. Gale Page, Claude Rains, Jeffrey Lynn, John Garfleld. Bddie Albert). Warner Bros, comedy. Next Change: "Kid Nightingale. (John Payne. Jane Wyman, Walter Catlett, Ed Brophy). Warner Bros, musical -comedy. CAPITOL Now On: "Nlnotchlca." (Greta Oarbo. Melvyn
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    • 152 5 11/ HEN Frank McHugh first heard Hollywood's call one night about ten years ago, he thought It over before he took the westbound train. "I knew I was just a comic. I knew from history books that certain kings, dictators and such had turned out to
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    • 282 5 To Record Chinese Classical Dances JWIISS Tal Al-lien, the famous young Chinese dancer who recently passed through Singapore on her way to China, has crowded Into her nine years of dancing in England a great deal of valuable experience, and assisted at numerous concerts in aid of Chinese charities organized
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    • 126 5 WALLACE Beery recently entertained Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's Arouse And Beware company with an hour's organ recital during lunch hour. Everyone was admiring the miniature organ of American Civil War ▼in.tage which held place of honour in the farm-house parlour. "Too bad none of us can play," said Dolores
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    • 87 5 r\AVm Niven is now a subaltern in U the Rifle Brigade. He was gazetted after many setbacks. He came from America to Europe In November, in the hope of Joining the R_A.F. but was unable to do so on account of his age he is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 312 5 THIN, RUNDOWN AILING, NERVOUS MENtWOMEN^I Make tbisSKy Amazing m|h New JHB|b I Udl How Pacific Ocean Food lodine and Minerals In VIKELP" Give You Youthful Energy, Strong Nerves, Radiant Health. Rej jvenates the Body Where all Else Falls, Without Use of Drugs VIKELP," the amazing mineral con- made from an
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    • 282 5 mo l o v fl n P<UUT<R [a I y^i/// ID EAL WEDDING M V^HKmK You will want to give s&L Look for this mark. Duty free into Gt. Britain MAYNARD CO., LTD. and Malayan Pewter Co Kuala Lumpur* The Dispensary (1929) Ltd Penang. The George Town Dispensary Ltd..... Malacca.
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  • 1803 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By ••117HAT are you doing lor Easter?" asked The Sparrow's Wife. "What are you?" asked The Sparrow. "I'm asking you," said his wife. "And I'm asking you," said The Sparrow. Shall we fly down to the sea "What for?" asked The Sparrow. It might
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  • Books Of The Week
    • 373 6 Death on Paper. By John Bude. Robert Hale. Bs. 3d. Death on a Postcard. By Judson P. Philips. Hurst and Blackett. Bs. 3d. Mr. Moto Takes a Hand. By John P. Marquand. Robert Hale. 7s. 6d. JOHN Bude has the gift of making his mystery stories both
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    • 87 6 Mahatnia Gandhi and Ahimsa. By h R. Menon. The Greater India Publishing House. 415, Race Course Road. Singapore. 30 cents. T^HIS is the first number of a series of proposed essays on Mahatma Gandhi, the great Indian leader. A? the author himself says in a note "tliose
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    • 245 6 Dark Understudy. By Edwin Greenwood. Robert Hale. Bs. 3d. Death Requests the Pleasure. ByMaurice Dekobra. Werner Laurie. 7s. 6d. DARK UNDERSTUDY" is a very fine analysis o.' mental derangement. A lonely, embittered man, door-keeper to a block of flats, sets out to celebrate his own birthday and, drifting
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 454 6 i. ji Isv 1 (li Om TYRE SERVICE STATION. 22, Geylang Road, Singapore. —^—^—> f 4 sWHHBsHBBBiHHBIi 2 M 12 mmmmmm WHY IT'S CALLED THE ONE BOTTLE MEDICINE GABINET Thousands oil Absorbine Jr. the "One-Bottl« Medicine Cabinet" because it has the combined properties of an effective liniment and powerful antiseptic.
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    • 159 6 No other fabric give* such splendid wJK^I RF wear. And how gay and clear m Hr j Tobralco colours are They will stay Wk J0 1 fresh and lovely despite frequent 4p A washings and the strongest sunshine will not harm them. Tobralco makes jp up beautifully, and the charming
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  • 181 7 Heartburn Yields To New Treat-Mat ThLs woman's account of her sufferings would be harrowing— but for its happy ending. This is what she writes: "I suffered from heartburn and acidity for years. Night after night I lay awake, 'water' running from mv mouth, burning pains
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  • 448 7 Charge Concerning Declaration THE trial was begun in the Singa- pore Criminal District Court yesterday of the European captain, Chinese surgeon and Chinese chinchew of the Norwegian vessel Hai Lee, who are alleged to have made and signed a declaration purporting to be a true declaration
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  • 37 7 The Malay Section of the Malaya Patriotic Fund, Temerloh, collected $1,028 with a show staaed at th* Mentakab Theatre Hall. The plays staged were "Hang Tuah" and "Hassan the Extravagant Young Man."
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  • 92 7 Washington. HPHE super-luxury plane belonging to Harold Vanderbilt, Millionaire American sportsman, is reported to have been bought for Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. The plane, a Lockheed 14. is being dismantled at Miami, and will soon be shipped across the Pacific. It is a duplicate of the plane
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  • 108 7 AT the first annual general meeting of the Indian Association, Kajang, the following office-bearers were elected: Chairman, K. S. Rengasamy Iyer; vice-chairman, A. A. Cariappah; hon. secretary, S. Arumugam; hon. treasurer. J. S. Zahariah; committee, K. J. Mendez, M. Alagerisamy Mandoor, V. Slnnappa Mandocr, Poomali Kuppusamy, T. Kannan,
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  • 125 7 No Jobs For Educated Immigrants (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. THE flfUi annual general meeting of the Estate Asiatic Staffs' Association of Negrl Sembilan will be held at the Negri Sembilan Indian Association premises on Apr. 21. The Association's annual report refers to the question of unemployment in the
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  • 39 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. INVITATIONS have been issued for the marriage of Inche Hashim bin Maridan, A.C.P.. 0.C.P.D., Johore Bahru. to Inche Khadljah blnti Mohamed Yunos at Johore Ba. n on Thursday, Apr. 18.
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  • 26 7 Inche Baharuddin bin Jadl. of the District Office, Kuala Pilah, is going on transfer to the Seremban Supreme Court In place of Inrhe Hussein bin Idris.
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  • 170 7 liy D. Jeremiah was convicted by TT Mr. H. Watson in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday of theft of $1.74, a money bag, and eight letters, the property of Banta Singh, of 76, Telok Ayer Street. He was sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment,
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  • 73 7 Manila. PHILIPPINE Government authorities have denied knowledge of a reported plan to settle 10,000 "white" Russians from Shanghai in Mindanao Island. Mindanao has also figured in plans for the settlement of Jewish refugees from Europe, while a scheme to send Japanese colonists there
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  • 71 7 The Department of Information announces there Is misapprehension about the changes in postal rates. For example, though the rate for postcards within Malayan countries has been increased from 2 cents to 4 cents, the rate for printed papers remains unchanged at 2 cents for every two ounces or
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  • 49 7 nRIGADIER M. D. GamDier-Parry will continue his series of talks about the war at 7.30 p.m. on Monday. In previous talks he has described the part which the Britisn Expeditionary Force is taking in operations on the Western Front. To-morrow he will explain how it got there
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  • Article, Illustration
    74 7 Inche Abdul Kadir bin Atvang and his grandson, Abdullah bin Abdul Rashid, both of whom flew to Penang from Kel an tan by Wearne's plane. Abdul Kadir is 70 years of age and had never flown before. He had not been too well and thought that the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 269 7 EYE EXAMINATIONS, EYEGLASSES, EXCLUSIVELY I The New JLjTift 18 Point ff^i Deficiency. (THOMP/ON HJPTICAt C° Qualified E.v;si-ht Specialists. 4, ARCADE BLDG., PHONE 3002. i R. A. Thompson, Ur. of Ocular Science 35 years' European Clinical Experience. yM_J fS AnL TljivSi _^_w C _B___^___s_^ I Jjr" IBlLfl^^ This i« an example
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    • 222 7 Arthritis (ause Fought in 30 Minutes By dissolving and removing iho bete noisons nnc! acida th:it can sere. i^ss and swelling of Arthritis nndj Hheurnn >v rbe amazing n< Rumend la baiting hi tlth and happiness] to thousands of or.:' Mmc lutfercrs In ."0 minutes after t!.o first v- s»
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  • 1854 8  -  1 The Onlooker. —By TAPT. William Brown, until his retirement in 1927 a well-known and deservedly popular Penang pilot, is receiving many bouquets from London reviewers of his newly published reminiscences, "Home is the Sailor," concerning which I wrote to you by the last air mail. Writing
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 397 8 Any soreness, bleeding or -gponginess of the gums means that they are unhealthy. You are urged to use Gibbs "S.R/* without delay. Most Dentists now prescribe Gibbs "S.R.* both for the treatment and pre-TuXIIXU-J vention of bad gums. jgjf I ami aczoss patient, to whom I bad *1/w»-£a recommended Gibbs
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    • 633 8 Hot Flushes and Change of Life Overcome for Women New Discovery Brings 24- N Heches Hour Relief From Nervousness, Giddiness, Heart Palpi- Hoi Flushesh -<Skin Blemishes tation, Fear, Loss of Energy, dk Night Sweats, Numbness of Giddiness I I ear Hands and Feet, Etc. aW R P{ p ta> On
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 380 8 CONTRACT BRIDGE r -DAY'S hand was played by Lewis I> v THE FOUR ACES Schamberg in a Duplicate game at luli 1V/UA the Harmonie Club in New York, and then led his remaining club. Careful analysis by Mr. Schamberg while he had little hope that West showed that in order
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  • 113 9 Saved Life In Sirdhana Disaster THE Bronze IVledal and Certificate of the Royal Humane Society has been awarded to Sub-Lieut. J. C. W. Kemp, Straits Settlements R.N.V.R., in reiotjnition of his rescue work on the occasion of the sinking of the s.s. Sirdhana. outside ogapore.
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  • 71 9 Some of the officers and men of the "B" Division of the St. Jonn Ambulance Brigade. Standing (from left to right) Cpl. H. Aroozoo. Ambulance Officer Nah Koon Yong, Div. Surgeon Dr. Weerekoon, Div. Supdt. Khoo Teng Eng and Cpl. Ahmad Ariff. Sitting (from left to right)
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  • 226 9 (From Our Own Correspondent* Muar, Saturday. "THERE have been 14 cases of people A being arrested for being in possession of non-Government chandu since th beginning of this year and I believe that people are trying to mak* a business of this illicit trafficking," said Mr.
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  • 71 9 A VERDICT of death by misadventure was returned by the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. Macyuarrie yesterday at an Inquest into the death of a Chinese twakow coolie, S'ng Ker, who was drowned in the Rochore River cm Apr. 4. II was revealed that the Chinese accidentally fell
    71 words
  • 30 9 Mr. Walter G Howse, managing director of Mansergh and Tayler. Seremban. and a member of the Negrl Sembilan State Council, will be leaving for South Africa shortly on a holiday.
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  • 37 9 BROADCASTS in the Thai language are, it is understood, shortly to commence from a Malayan radio station. The Singapore station is already broadcasting: in several languages, including Dutch and Arabic, which were recently added.
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  • 106 9 Chinese Girl Flyer To Make 25,000 Miles Tour Washington. LEE Ya-ching, attractive young Chinese girl flyer, is soon to leave the United States on a 25.000 miles air tour of South America and the West Indies to raise funds for the relief of war refugees in China. She has already
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  • 69 9 fFrom Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. AT the annual general meeting of the Negri Sembllan Government Servants' Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society of Seremban, new officebearers were elected as follows: President, R. Middleton-Stilth: vice-presi-dent, S. Thambyrajah; chairman, S. Pcnnampalam: hon. secretary, S. Appadurai; hon. treasurer, Chan Ping Kec; committee;
    69 words
  • 13 9 Inche Yahaya, 0.C.P.D.. Mantln, has left his station on two weeks' casual leave.
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  • 165 9 Youth Who Put Caustic Soda In Cooking Pot (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. OENTENCE of 14 days' rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr. J. O. Rappoport in the Police Court on Friday on Kwan Swi Lan, a 17--year-old Cantonese apprenticetailor, who was convicted on a charge of attempting to
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  • 112 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. AT the recent annual general meeting of the Negri Sembllan centre of the St. John Ambulance Association it was unanimously agreed to start a brigade in Negrl Sembllan. Mr. O. E. Fernandez of King George Fifth School. Seremban, was appointed
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  • 70 9 (From Our Ov. Correspondent; Muar. PLEADING guilty to charge of selling a lattery ticket at a coffee shop in Jalan Abdullah, Lee Swee Siong was fined $25 with the alternative of two weeks' rigorous imprisonment. He was fined $10 or a week's prison on a
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  • 74 9 'From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Friday. AT the annual general meeting of the Muar Indo-Ceylonese Association the following were elected office bearers: President, A. N. Mitra; vice-president, S. Ponnampalam; hon. secretary, A. B. James; hon. asst. secretary, K. Subramaniam; hon. literary secretary, T. S. Plllay; hon. sports secretary,
    74 words
  • 54 9 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. A VERDICT of suicide was returned by Mr. J. O. Rappoport, the Malacca Coroner, on Ken Thuan Whye, a 48-year-old Hokklen, who was found dead on the ground 30 feet below the ward In which he was a patient
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  • 39 9 MORE than $1,000 Is to be spent in renewing the celling of the Singapore Victoria Memorial Hall. Accoustlc sheets will be used. Work begins tomorrow. The last time the Memorial Hall cellIng was renewed was In 1929.
    39 words
  • 18 9 Mr A. A. Fredericks, of the District Office, Port Dlckson. Is being transferred to the Seremban Sanitary Board.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 293 9 7/ $ffisffl ALL over theworljmL you, toffam 6e Jucceiiful! >lfedß National will prepare you for a top-pay posi- y^^^^^S^^H We tion for success ana independence in life. jwO"^B3"> You can easily mastor a Trade under this training plan which has been tested by 35 2(fft fß^^A j A]tj^rß years of
      293 words
    • 564 9 fill \S 1 1 i I 'Tit 1/ 4 I t val tine,- uhcn j Just think what 4 Ovaltine gives you. It is, in It- deU^£.'J^ ake <*/»§fc self, a scientifically comp!ete and perfect food. It much mn palata ble and I provides, in the most easily digestible form,
      564 words

  • 795 10 A Saga Of The Seas COR the past week a great naval 1 battle has raged off the coast of Norway. Once again Great Britain has thrown the full weight of her navy Into the frustration ot aggression!; once again she has upheld her title of Mistress of the
    795 words
  • 239 10 Found In Empty Cottage In No-Man's-Land first Territorial prize of the war is a German gramophone. That is what a patrol of a battalion of the Northamptonshire Regiment—the first Territorial unit to have been In direct contact with the enemy brought back with them one night
    239 words
  • Article, Illustration
    104 10 SIX British aircra/t, in two separate battles with 21 enemy aircraft over the Western front recently, brought down three Messerschraltts. They may have brought down four others, bat this is not yet verified. The R.A.F. lost only one aircraft, and the pilot, Flybif-Officer Edgar Kain (above), a New ZeaUnder
    104 words
  • 232 10 Nazi Press's £32,582,000 Dream "DAMAGE DON£TO SCAPA FLOW" Sylt Bill— £94 TTIJE damage done by the Nazi bombers to Scapa Flow during last month's raid is about £32,582,000, and that done by the British Air Force at Sylt is a mere £94— the Berlin Zwoelf uhr Blatt claims. This footnote
    232 words
  • 55 10 Berlin. GERMAN boys and girls under 18 years of age must get on* the streets after dark under a new decree made by Himmler, chief of the Gestapo. The decree prohibits youths under eighteen smoking In public, drinking brandy and frequenting cinemas
    55 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 485 10 The NEW WORLD CABARET P*tf TODAY TIFFIN DANCE }*&> 1.30 to 430 pun. Admission Fr—. TONIGHT 9.30 TO MIDNIGHT i H".' lV Admission 50 cts. O|P' P I ANO m\ TUNING -REPAIRS ■JU REMOVALS HIRE E. CHARLES. |v Phone 2902 212, Orchard Rd. AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY PROVIOES I (ROUBLE FREE
      485 words
    • 504 10 ROUNDTRIP TO SOUTH AND EAST AFRICA FROM £126. 17/6 K. P. M LINE. (Incorp. in Holland) Tel. 5451. Heart Trouble Dangers Due to High Blood Pressure A A I "Srj>. HEADACHE Cause Many __|Jgs Dangerous Symptoms r^y&i t^L^p4i^mSr^ HEART Check These Symptoms JzßSMß^m^ With Tour Condition [I^™! Before It Is
      504 words
  • Page 10 Miscellaneous

  • 937 11 $240,000 Balestier Building PROVISION FOR 250 STUDENTS SINGAPORE'S new $210,000 Government Trade School, which is to be built at Balestier Road, will provide accommodation for 250 students double the accommodation available in the present building and will be equipped with extra machinery costing $53,000, which will
    937 words
  • 122 11 ONK vi the pair of huge marble Korean dogs which was buried in the grounds of the former Kawasaki estate In Nunobiki in the great floods of a year before last was unearthed recently, says the Japan Chronicle. The dog stands more than eight feet hlyh weighs
    122 words
  • 26 11 Beirut. The Aly Khun. 29-year-old heir of the Aga Khan, is serving as a second lieutenant with French Foreign Legion. «n Syria.
    26 words
  • 226 11 Thou Shalt Not— TEN NAZI RULES FOR SHOPPING Berlin, Saturday. LJITLER'S leader of German women. Frau Gerirud Scholtz-Klink, has issued ten commandments for war-time shopping. Their general tenor is keep your shirt— or blouse on." Seven are directed particularly at the German housewife, two at the shopkeeper, and one at
    226 words
  • 40 11 A elf t of a map of the world was handed to the Emperor of Japan on behalf of the Pope by the Papal Legate when he was received in audience at the Imperial Palace at Tokio,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 209 11 THESE SIGNS SAY -ALKALIZE"! sV ■Jg Upttt Stomach r Uiul«nce I Indlgtstlon Biliousnetf JB' JL m^ Hmrtburn Comtteation. W% n JWKH jhiws TOO MUCH ACID In your ttomacti, the appetite tap ttM digestion U poor and tht whole lyKem suffer*. You find that you have no energy mun force yourMlt
      209 words
    • 261 11 Single and Multi Cylinder Horizontal Oil Engines can now be supplied on very favourable deliveries. Certain of the larger sizes are available EX MAKERS STOCK Sizes range from 5i to 280 B.H.P. Low Fuel Lubricating Oil Consumption Guaranteed* Enquiries invited. Sole Agents:— 2 APB 34 dßflSUMftKuMdf QTBFN P TW I
      261 words

  • 1299 12 Fraser Co.'s Singapore Share Quotations SATURDAY, APR 13 1!'4«: 1 P.M. MINING Bajren Seller* Ampat Tin <4s) 4s 7%d 4s 10'4d Austral Amal. (5s) 5s 9 d 6s 3d Austral Malay (I) 35s 37s Ayer Hit am (£> 21s 22s Ayer Weng 63 .67 Bangrin Tin (J) 20s 9d 21s
    1,299 words
  • 99 12 Saturday, Apr. 13, noon. Bayers Seller* Price* Price* No IX R.S S. (Spot loose) ii% 35% No DC R.S.S fab. in cue* April-May S« 36-, Sellers option r A tj. R.S .v fob. in bclea April May 34 11 16 34 13 16 Sellers option
    99 words
  • 377 12 Markets Preoccupied By War News BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Singapore, Saturday. A LL markets have been unusually dull this week, due, primarily, to the influence of the war news. It must be emphasized, however, that the news has not weakened the market but merely
    377 words
  • 191 12 Singapore. Saturday. The following are the exchange rato. this morning according to the daily circular issued by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation: SELLING London T.T 2 4 1/I6 Loi.don demand 2/4 1'16 Rate for freight 2/4»4 Lyons demand 2C60 Switzerland demand 208 'i Hamburg demand New York demand
    191 words
  • 120 12 ■famm. April 13. noon Buyers Seller* Gambici 7.50 Hamburg Cube S13.00 Java Cube $1200 Peppit Whir.- Muntolc S15.00 White $14.50 8.75 Copra Mixed $3.20 Sun Dried S3.60 Srr:, FlOUT in I gfi $6.00 Fair $3.95 Sarawak $6.00 Jelntang Palembans $16.00 Banja $15.50 S.irawok $16 50 7 ppioca
    120 words
  • 220 12 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Books Company Dividend Close Date Singapore, Apr. 13, I pjn. Total rot Ex Dlv. financial year TIN Payable Data to date Batu Selangor 7ft% Apr. 24 Chenderiang 5% Int. less tax Klang Riven 15% No. 47 Apr. 18 Kramat Tin 9d. No. 29 Apr.
    220 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 307 12 ■Ha ''^^■^■^^1 l^kT Lime Juice Cordial, Ikjtfdtifltt^l Grape Fruit Cordial- 9kkvP9 i^Lm*"**^ Lemon Barley Water lj? THf^P *I^P^ Passion Fruit Cordial.' W&*'&&W*vHk s^S^Sr^// T^ e low COBt of the ne w Ttin lette blade made possible by the use of jl' thinner* steel now brings Gillette 7 shaving within the
      307 words
      30 words

  • 1770 13  -  R. H. Naylor By TODAY. APRIL 14. For most of us: Try to make this a nt kind of Sunday: see different people, .ary the usual Sabbath programme. You should be able to make it interesting. For luck to-day wear or use: Blue, 4. emerald. BIRTHDAY
    1,770 words
  • Article, Illustration
    341 13 New York. AUTUMN, with Its bright hues, pleasant weather, and feeling A seasonal change, ls one of the most delightful times of the year to be outdoors And It ls a time rich in picture material— a perfect season to load up your camera, climb in the car
    341 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 606 13 WOMEN AMAZED f^HR POWDER h lw SHADES .v: _^_p Sc^ mn\ li^otour machine in Paris if JS^flH JV/l#/a9#a7t9 known. This powder is water* UUUDLC* Proof. Stays on all day, i iSafl Lm smfmrnmrni m*Mm**mm yen n w >nd and rain. i i A V BY COMPLEXION sh '«-y nose. Dance
      606 words
    • 338 13 now did* she get Attractive If It's hard to believe that a short M^T while ago she was putting or> W^^~* iS^M weight— quits rapidly, too, until |p, the was revised to take Bile Beam. Now her figure's as lovely and slim as ever it was, and she takes food
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 249 13 THIS WEEK FOR YOU HERE, grouped according: to ships, not so bad for business cither— if you month of birth (irrespec- havc t mc for it. A little mystery concerntive of year) Is a statement in 0 a letter or relative In later half of week. of probabilities to be
      249 words

  • 42 14 PROTECTING the complexion from too much sunshine icill event 1 ally diminish the apparency of a mild degree of freckling, such as that possessed by Katharine Hepburn, according to Hollywood's beauty advisor to the film stars, Max Factor. Jr
    42 words
  • 958 14 A Questionnaire On Some Beauty Problems THE space of this week's Hollywood Beauty Secret Column will be devoted to answering those questions, selected from the hundreds contained in my regular mail, which I think may prove of interest and value to an appreciable number of my readers. First comes the
    958 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 217 14 OPEN YOUR /fVW^ f V ]m TO BEAUTY \^_^W r r Open your eyes open them wide to the possibility of growing yet more beautiful. And— since we talk of eyes —why not begin with the eyes themselves? Are they as clear and sparkling as Nature intended? Do they look
      217 words
    • 469 14 JRs i KeaU- 1 Jw A'^ roosv t>^* > it lovelier, toore y Shad** f° r ur iRCt For your color harmony make-up chart mail this coupon! t rtmm mm* m, CoauOnfe* Anlnlt m 4 Cater Htmmr rm.^.Q SIV 8 L^T I 'n"Srt p I T" N* An Stcmj Hmm-Vf."
      469 words

  • 391 15 Making The Most Of Your Linen Store QOMETIMES it becomes more than usually necessary to make use of every bit of halfworn linen and to get as much extra wear out of it as is possible. Here perhaps our grandmothers, who regarded thrift as a virtue, even when
    391 words
  • 86 15 MOST of the new housecoats are practical and pretty. One very becoming design combines a durable, warm texture with gay, military finishing touches. It is made from petunia wool, dull of surface, but soft enough to drape easily. Its gleaming, finishing touches include epaulettes edged with gilt fringe,
    86 words
  • 81 15 ROSEMARY Lane, Warner Bros, star, models a smart ffreen taffeta /orni?l showing fitted bodice with soft folds at the front and lone pointed front. The flared skirt sweeps oat at the back giving a slight bustle feeling. For less formal wear, it may be worn with
    81 words
  • 73 15 A PRETTY basket made in glass, with chrome handle curving over the top, and chrome bindings to keep the sloping sides and base together, has been designed for fruit. But it is so practically elegant and novel, it might well be us?d for many other things.
    73 words
  • 95 15 A COOKER which Is meant to stand on the kitchen table, and which is recommended for quick breakfasts is useful in small flats, and any place where large meals are not likely to be wanted. It is well made, and finished with the usual mottled grey enamel. It
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  • 81 15 MENDING being so important a part of a mother's daily tasks, it is well to try out anything which eases the Job. A loom darner is a time-saver which can be used for all sorts of darning. Socks, stockings, and even table linen can be darned this way.
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  • 506 15 By Sunday Times London Woman Correspondent London. VS times of strain and worry, when we become more tired and weary than usual, the skin is apt to develop a crop of small blemishes which are difficult to combat. It becomes, therefore, more essential
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 294 15 A THE LEADING HOUSE /Vjt* Linen Embroidery \J U Novelties? Now in Commodious Premises 241, River Valley Road, Singapore. A large and varied display of useful and readily appreciated gifts for all occasions that are sure to please linen table-cloths, Luncheonnets, Ladies' underwear, Handkerchiefs, Teak and Camphorwood Chests, etc., etc.
      294 words
    • 416 15 How I Hade This AMAZING CHANGE f i IP 1 w I ?B Miss Orouet made this amazing change in her appearance in 7 days. Read below her personal letter in which she explains exactly how she did it and how any woman can do the same. ••I can hardly
      416 words

  • 458 16 Of Chinese Art r\R. Thomas Bodkin, Barber Professor of Fine Arts and Director of the Barber Institute of the University of Birmingham, opened an exhibition of Chinese art at the Temple Newsam Mansion, Leeds, last month. More than 200 specimens of Chinese pottery, paintings, and bronzes are
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
      380 words
    • 445 16 JSBF Careless W about PERSONAL FRESHNESS —not likely use Ltna NOTmnts, pobt sunlight, iimitsd, l-ÜBT 455,5-1 13 BNULAMO Gums Bleed, Teeth Loose! Stop Pyorrhea and Trench Mouth in 24 Hours Bleeding {rums, sore mouth, or loosa teeth mean that you are a victim of Pyorrhea or Trench Mouth, or some
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 786 16 To-day's Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE ZHL 1.33 me s (225 m.) ZIIP 9.69 mes (38.96 m.) 11.00 ajn. Military band musict; 11.15 a.m. Concert by Reller's Band. Relayed from the Sea View Hotel; 12.10 p.m. Song recital by Richard Tauber tenorf; 12.25 p.m. Concert by Reller's Band (cont'd.). Relayed from ths
      786 words
    • 196 16 NIROM YDB 865 nci (31.20 m.) YDA 6.M me (49.6 m.); PMN 10.26 mes (29.2 m.) YDB 1146 mcls (25.3 m.) TDC 15.16 mr[s (19.80 m.). 7.30 a.m. Opening announcement; 7.22 a.m. Church service; 8.35 a.m. Popular concert; 9.40 ajn. Organ recital; 10.50 a.m. Robert Gaden and his orcfrestra; 11.20
      196 words
    • 636 16 EMPIRE STATION The following is a summary of the BJ3.C. overseas programmes for the week: 6.05 pjn. News summary; 6.20 p.m. light orchestral concert; 650 p.m. Full news bulletin; 7.20 pm. Summary of week's programme; 7.35 p.m. "The Story of the Valley 11 835 p.m. News summary: «.5O pm. "Dispatch
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  • 562 17 Questions For Annual Meeting Of Singapore Badminton Association 'By Our Badminton Correspondent) THE annual general meeting of the Singapore Badminton Association, which I understand v-ili be held on Saturday. May 11, presents an ideal opportunity to all affiliated clubs to ventilate their views to the fullest extent, and those clu'os
    562 words
  • 178 17 F'INL play by Roberts, who led the R.A.M.C. attack against the Publishers, enabled his team to win by six >,'ual.s to two at the stadium yesterday division (a) league llxture. R berts netted three goals in the first twenty minutes of play, scoring another in the
    178 words
  • 479 17 1' O. L. A. t Ri yal Navy i i: R..'. 'Ot.h Reg.) RA. (A.A Hcti) C B 5 5 B 5 li C 4 5 h 2 B c 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1
    479 words
  • 65 17 'THE i I. been el <i. t > Dccer f r the V.m.c.a. Junior .-.Mu-nt Mr, 1- 7th Heavy Battery R 3. < n Tv c. iy Apr. 16 at 5.10 p.m. cm the An ii I{:ad ground: P. K Satyapal. Low Huck Yang, O. Moxon. Vijiaiatnam,
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  • 54 17 THE folk* [(present the Gcyl ing Corlnthianj in a friendly r fixture- xrlth the R A F. <Kallang» on Sunday at the G.'ylang Stadium: Jabuar. c. B Humphries Dollah Hin. Hoi Sen? Hock Guan. Jafar Mahmood Ismail Raw] Yew Tim and Teck Seng. Reienres: Chin P ih Vcc
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  • 129 17 n Our Own Correspondent; Batu Pahat. IN 'he ilrst round of the Junior interclub lawn tennis tournament, the Government English School Teachers beat the Hospital Club, winning three games out of the four played. The other match was postponed owing to the rain which has been falling
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  • 109 17 our Own Correspondent > •Johorc Bahru, Saturday. WAN jfnhaiimi bin Ibrahim was re-elected president at the annual general meeting of the Jrhore Bahru Malays Badminton Association. Syed Hashiin bin Abdullah and Inche Annuar bin Haji Malek were made vice-pre-sidents. Inche Hashim was made hon. secretary and treasurer.
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  • 89 17 From Our Own Correspondent) Port Swettenham. IN an exciting soccer game the Kuala 1 Rovers secend team just managed to beat the Customs by the odd goal in three. Although tiie Customs front men were methodical, Kam Thong saved many gocd .shorts from Osman and Kanial. The
    89 words
  • 62 17 From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. I"*HE Negri Sembilan-Malaccn. brand; of the Automobile Association of Malaya will hold a half mile standing start speed trial open to members of the A. AM. only on Sunday, May 12. at 9 a.m. The course will be on th? Scremban-Tampln
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  • 52 17 The war-time foil championship for swordiwomen was held at Graves', Kensington, last month. A trophy called the Felix Cup, in memory of those great maitres d'arms, Felix Bertrand and Felix Grave, has been presented by Miss G. Neligan (Bcrtrand's). H6re are Mrs. Adams <Lansdowne) and Miss Anderson (Bertrands)
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  • 209 17 •From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. VG. MABIN and E. J. Cooper won the open doubles In the Segamat and district annual lawn tennis tournament, beating Yeo Oon Keon? and T. S. Tan. Oon Keong and Tan were hot favourites for the title. Thf final
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  • 159 17 <From Our Own Correspondent.! Muar. •THE annual general meeting of the Muar Football Association was held at th e Muar Club with Mr. J. J. Sheehan in the chair. The following were elected office bearers for the current year:— President, Dato Abdul Kadir bin Daud; vice-president,
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  • 84 17 From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. THE annual report of the Negri Sembilan Indian Association of Seremban states that Mr. A. B. Paul has offered a trophy for football to be named Bardhan Memorial Trophy and to be contested yearly among the Indian Association teams of
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  • 165 17 The following have been selected to play for the V.M.C.A. Junior Department "A" team against Gordon Highlanders at Water-polo on Thursday at Fort Canning at 4 p.m.: Chia Soo Hiang. B. Fones, Fong Kirn Choon, Chua Kirn Chiang, Henry Yeo, Chan Suay Bah, Lim Cheng Slong. Reserves: William
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  • 955 17 Garrison Sports By Doc." THE weather was not too kind last week for sporting activities, many cricket and tennis matches being completely washed out. In several units, in between showers, javein shots and discus throwing have been seen in preparation for the various units' athletic sports. The Loyals hope to
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  • 178 17 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat, Saturday. GIVING a better all-round display, the Muar Government English School werp unlucky to suffer defeat at the hands of Segamat Government English School by the odd goal In five Five minutes' play saw Mohamed, Muar inside-right, put a well-placed
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  • 182 17 •From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. IN a keenly contested soccer match the Muar Customs scored a most creditable win over the Muar Chinese by three goals to nil. On the run of the play the Chinese did not deserve to lose for they had Just as
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  • 163 17 'From Our Own C: rrcsponder.t Malacca. A GOLF match England vs. The Rest, will be playc at the Malacca Golf Club on Sunday, Apr. 21. The teams are: England: B. F. Bridge. A. F. Baughan. C. V. Brandon, L. F. Day, A. W. Goode, Capt. W. H. Jackson,
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  • 49 17 PENANGS representatives for the Singapore amateur swimming championships are: Mi?s Lim SeoK Khim (100 m breast strike) Lim Teong Hai (50 and 100 m free style). Gen Chong Keat »200 and 400 m free style). Kee Soon Bee HOOm backstroke and 200 m breast stroke >.
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  • 61 17 'From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. THE first major inter-club match of the Muar soccer season will be played on Friday. Apr. 19, when the Johore Bahru Prisons soccer team, 1938 league champions of Johore Bahru and league champions and cup holders in 1939, will meet the Muar
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  • 61 17 'From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. A LARGE crowd Is expected at the Trade School ground to-day (Sunday) to see the football match between the Johore Prisons and the Saudarata team of Singapore In aid of the Malay Sailors fR.N.V.R.) fund. The Singapore team is
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  • 129 17 From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. The Cameron B.P. of Seremban, beat the Tampin Recreation Club In a badminton match played at Seremban last Saturday. Results: (Cameron B.P. first) were; Lee Moh Hon beat Khlam 15—7, 15—8; Lee Piang Soon beat Ahmad 15 7, 4—15, 15 13; Lee Fong
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 370 17 BOOK KEEPING CAR BE LEARNEIf AT HOME A knowledge of E Nc-Keeplng is both an asset to every commercial man, and step along the path of promotion for every junior. Equipped with the knowledge that qualifies you to prepare or examine accounts with speed and accuracy, the conduct of a
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 975 18 I WIFE'S DELIGHT AT HUSriAND'S LOSS 30 Founds Of Fat Here Is something all wives of fat men will be glad to know. It is the experience of a woman whose husband recently weighed 16 st. 6 lbs. She writes I really feel I must write and tell you that,
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    • 433 18 S. R. C. Meet Ceylonese THE Singapore Recreation Club made a fairly good start in their two day cricket match against the Ceylonese which began on the padang yesterday. S.R.C. R. Bain b Retnam 6 G Clarke c and b Retnam 2'i L. Outschoon run out 7 E. Le Mercier
      433 words
    • 554 18 \T. LI/ p M. DANKER Selangor State cricketer. An all-round sportsman who also plays good hockey and rugger and is a champion athlete. Selangor's 221 At Malacca (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. SELANGOR won the toss in a cricket game aga nst a Selangor team today and batted first.
      554 words
    • 706 18 Selangor Score 218 Against Negri (From Our Own Correspcndent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. SELANGORS first state match at Kuala Lumpur began this morning when Negri-Sembilan, winning the toss, decided to gamble on the soft wicket by putting up Selangor, who started well, F. Yong and Denison Smith gathering 97 for the
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    • 518 18 V-N 0/ YAP POW TOO: Selangor State lawn tennis representative. Tennis captain of the Selangor Chinese Recreation Club. With his partner he won the S.C.R.C. open invitation doubles championship in 19.19 and 1940. Segamat's Good Win Over Muar (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. THANKS largely to an eighth-wicket partnership
      518 words
    • 811 18 Fort Canning Beat S.C.C* THE Slngapon Cricket Club w. r» 1 beaten by Fort Cannlnf In a keen cricket match on th£ padang yesterday. SINGAPORE CRICKET CM B J. B. H. Leckie c Long b Hancock 4 W. H. McNeill b Hancock H. F. Whiting b Hancock 25 G. K.
      811 words

  • 2420 19 THE Singapore record for seven furlongs was twice broken yesterday afternoon at Bukit Timah in the third days racing in the Singapore Turf Club Summer (Governors Cup) meeting. Lord Bug was the first to lower the record, returning 1 mm. 25.2/5 sees, which is
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  • 136 19 Wales Beat England At Soccer But Lose Rugby Wembley, Saturday. WARTIME restrictions kept the crowd to half the ground's capacity when England met Wales at soccer. Both sides missed perfect chances and concerted play was lacking. Alter 20 minutes England were attacking strongly, then Wales rallied and h stinging shot
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  • 135 19 Gloucester, Saturday. THE English and Welsh Rugby teams stood silent for a minute before today's game in memory of Prince A'exander Obolensky, (killed in an KAX*. air accident) who was replaced In the English team by guest. England attacked strongly and Wales retaliated. Wooller was nearly
    135 words
  • 380 19 Preliminary round results in the nanlme F.A. Cup competition are: SOUTH A Southend 1 Queen's Park 0 Brighton 1 Clapton 2 Northampton l Watford 1 SOUTH B Bristol R 2 Aldershot 0 Cardiff 1 Reading 1 Bournemouth 5 Bristol C 1 Port Vale 2 Wakall 2 1 Swindon 1
    380 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 565 19 ■f Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours 9r Glands Fortified iS^/jJ by Neiv Discovery iLJIySr _Do you feel old before your time? Are you tired, run- I s^s^lßßmV '"Men""* down, worn out, and unable to keep up with the speed I lsm\ and pleasures of modern life? Do you Mjff.-r
      565 words
    • 376 19 ALL DAY? The skin-pores of your P l^^^^^^ feet should bo ionstantly eliminating acid impuii: When your feet sting ail day, when they ache and swell, it is because those pores have become choked, and acid is piling up inside them. Then you Buffer foot agony. Corns and callouses besrin
      376 words

  • 119 20 The pictures in this page were taken in Europe during day's training exercise With a battalion of the Loyal Regiment. Another battalion of the Loyals Is stationed in Malaya. The picture above on the left shows men with their Bren guns. On the right are
    119 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 65 20 ylgU y^t BRANDY \^> ye <^-*^ e twin sfwf st BSs^BsS it "f^mm ff%kJBs3P^bZ^ußWß WJt JI ■^*^z^WsswH^SW^ss^Bibw rvV ■m -Mm «J Wblb^SW m BM^*^ mE^Hkt J jZt B W^rLSlVw' t i I 'flex i|^ wM WW I mj& f} M* Wf^^ BST BM 'wvl w f. I K C I
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    • 453 20 RECEIVED NEW PRINTS IN LATEST DESIGNS Phone 7144 3i-33 Hign St. Genuine jk^ Diamond Watches _^jf ffis% From 90- Ziave a go<x/ selection at pre-war prices. After 2 Years' Baldness _B A TVeu; Growth BB "For two yearw I Hfe. OF «roi haJd a/I r«r «h» (op /my htad. I
      453 words