The Straits Times, 18 February 1940

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 426 Sunday, Feb. 18, 1940 Price 10 Cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya Mo. 428 Sunday, Feb. 18, 1940 Price 10 Cents
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  • 104 1 Able Seaman F. J. Broadbent, of the British destroyer Grenville, which sank in the North Sea, recently walked into a house in Orrcll, Liverpool, where his par<"?ils were mourning him as dead. They had read their 30-year-old son's name in the list of missing, presumed dead."
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  • 1111 1 275 British Seamen Battened Below Decks CREWS FROM GRAF SPEE'S VICTIMS Fight In Norwegian Fjord With British Destroyer THE German hell ship Altmark, with 275 British seamen from vessels sunk by the Graf Spec batten ?d below decks, was caught by a British destroyer while creeping
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  • 63 1 Berlin. Saturday. THE prize court at Hamburg has confiscated two of five captured neutral ships and also the cargoes of two of three released ships. A Latvian steamer with a cargo ot timber was released; two Qreek steamera on theL way from Finland to Egypt with timber were
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 24 1 Robert Smilli?, former leader of the Scottish miners and founder of the Miners' Trade Unicn movement in Scotland, died yesterday at the age of
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  • 63 1 his brother, General G. M. Stern, leads the Soviet fighting forces against the Finns, Morris Stern waits on customers in his ino;icst Los Angeles grocery store. However, Morris Stern's sympathies are with I inland. A naturalized American, with family, he said, "I (i m't like
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  • 41 1 Amsterdam. Saturday. THE Norwegian steamer Kvernaas, 1.519 tons, sank in the North Sea following an explosion, believed to have been caused by a torpedo from a U-boat. The crew, including some injured, were rescued by the Netherlands steamer Oranjepolder.
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  • 53 1 Mr. Mulford A. Colebrook, American vice-consul in London, is very busy these days making his mark. Since J.'.n. 1 the passport of every American citizen in London must, to be valid, bear the thumb print of Mr. Colebrook. Citizens also have to furnish two sets of their
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  • 116 1 Gandhi Writes Of Britain And India Delhi, Saturday. MR. Gandhi writes to-day in his weekly paper, Harijan: "The British Indian Empire is built upon four pillars, namely, European interests, the Army, the princes and communal divisions. India does not blame Britain for the past. On the contrary she admires Britain's
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  • 747 1 Finns Bombing Vital Railway To Stem Reds 'Drive Helsinki, Saturday. A great pall of smoke and fire is to-day spread over the Summa iront. Eye-witnesses report that the Finns holding the IMannerheim Line can in places hardly see anything of the Russian troops. They can only hear the cries of
    Reuter  -  747 words
  • 134 1 U.S. EXPORTS TO NEUTRALS GOING TO GERMANY? Washington, Saturday. LARGE increases of U.S. exports to Italy, the Netherlands. Norway, Sweden and Switzerland have given rise to the suspicion that sizeable leaks exist in the British blockade, declares the New York Times. The U.S. Department of Commerce figures for January 1940
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 63 1 London, Satuiday. THE German claim that she is justified in treating as hostile all neutral shipping engaged in trade with the Allies has been declared false by an Italian authority on international law, wno says that Gsrmany's latest claim is incompatible with the accepted principle that
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  • 49 1 Calcutta, Saturday. THE Viceroy of India" has telegraphed hearty congratulations to the Nlzani of Hyderabad on the recent success v: R.A.F. fighter squadron formed with his gift of £100,000. This squadron shot down one of the Heinkel bombers in a raid oft* the British coast.
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  • 35 1 THE United States Under-Secretary for State, Mr. Sumner Welles, is leaving for Rome on the Italian liner Rex. He is travelling with Mr. Myron Taylor, President Roosevelt's personal envoy to the Vatican.
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  • 119 1 French War Buying In America piGLRES issued in Washington show that during January France obtained export licences for arms and ammunition from the United States totalling more than 20,000,000. The purchases included military planes to the value of .€4,500.000, aeroplane engines and parts worth £15.500.000 and ammunition to the value
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  • 61 1 IT is announced In Paris that a commercial agreement between France and Britain will come into effect at the beginning of next month. French and British representatives will discuss how the new agreement is to be carried out. The new understanding will mean a considerable relaxation of
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  • 36 1 London. Satui TZIE Admiralty to-day annou that a'l British ships before i leaving any port in the United Kingdom must provide protection for gonnel exposed to machine-gun flre Trom German aircralt.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 41 1 The Maharajah of Gondal has placed one lakh of rupees £7.500 1 at the disposal of the Admiralty for th 9 benefit of the dependants of tho.^e who lost their lives in the sinking of I H.M.S. Royal Oak.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 909 2 Belief Allies Will "Gather Comrades" LORD CHATFIELD, Minister for Co-ordination of Defence, reviewing the war situation in a speech at Cardiff yesterday referred at the outset to Germany's sea warfare, stating, "If Germany could wreck for a time our trade routes In the Atlantic by ships
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  • 270 2 TWO OBJECTIVES TO KEEP IN MIND IN a broadcast speech at Nottingham yesterday, the Lord Privy Seal, Sir Samuel Hoare, said, "if we do not maintain our fighting forces, we must lose the war; if we do not maintain our export trade, we must also lose the war. These are
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  • 25 2 H. Brainin studying: his next move during the London Boys' Chess championship at the new National Chess Centre in Cavendish Square.
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  • 183 2 Tokio, Saturday. TpHE Japanese Government Is reported to be close!" following the negotiations in iris between the Japanese Ambassador, Mr. Renzo Sawada, and the French Government In connection with the renewal of the Franco-Japanese commercial agreement. This agreement came into effect on March
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  • 76 2 London, Saturday. A ROYAL Air Force machine has been lost over the North Sea. To-day's German communique reports an air battle over the Heligoland Bight between a Messcrschmitt and a Bristol Blenheim which was shot down. It is assumed that the planes referred to is the
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  • 66 2 London, Saturday. THE King has approved of the forma--1 tion of a Cyprus Regiment consisting of a combatant battalion, pioneer companies and pack transport companies. All units will be liable for oversea service and will be so employed. Units of all three categories have been or
    British Wireless  -  66 words
  • 62 2 London. Saturday THE record high level of 177 com- pan>d with 100 in 1914 and 155 •vhen this war began was reached by the cost of living index in Great Britain on Feb. Lj A 2»' 2 per cent, increase In food prices occurred
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 46 2 Copenhagen, Saturday. A SON has been bom to Princess Caroline Mathilde, wife of Prince Kmid. the younger son of King Christian of Denmark. Prince Knud and Princess Caroline have a daughter, Princess Elisabeth, who was born on Sept. 8, 1933.
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  • 181 2 ADDITIONAL TWO CONTINGENTS Wellington, Saturday. NEW Zealand's second contingent is zealously training within the Dominion and the quota for the third will be complete in a day or two, declared Mr. M. J. Savage, the Prime Minister, inaugurating a series of reviews
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 124 2 Shanghai Parley Is Postponed Shanghai, Saturday. THE formation of the long-heralded new pro-Japanese Central Chinese Government is likely to be delayed for another few weeks as a result of the postponement of the meeting of the Central Political Council, which was to have met in Shanghai
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 96 2 F 4 a broadcast from Cairo, Gen. WavelL Commander of the British forces in the Near East, declared that there could be no doubt of the ultimate result of the war. He said that Gemany would make 'ise of the advantage which her central position and long
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  • 57 2 London, Saturday. AS shipping losses of neutral countries mount because of German ruthlessness, the German Government has rejected the protests of Norway and Denmark against the sinking of their ships. Thus Norway and Denmark get the same kind of rebuff as Holland whose protest about the
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  • 43 2 IT was learned from Copenhagen last night that the foreign ministers of Norway, Sweden and Denmark are to meet there in the next few days to discuss the effect of the Nazi campai r r> against neutral shipping.
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  • 72 2 Moscow, Saturday. TRADE between the Soviet and Britain and France has been reduced to practically nothing by the will of those countries, declares the newspaper Izvestia, referring to the Soviet-German trade agreement which has Just been concluded. The journal says this new agreement proves
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 33 2 Los Angeles, Saturday. MR. John Garner, the Vice-President, announces that he win enter the Democratic primary election in California for nomination as candidate for the presidency.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 85 2 Chungking, Saturday. IN an editorial on the projected American credits to China, the Central Daily News, official organ of the Chinese Government, declares: "China thinks it is unnecessary for friendly powers to wage war against Japan. China only hopes that the powers will extend economic
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 56 2 PLANES FROM BRITAIN FOR AUSTRALIA IN Australia yesterday the Minister for Air announced that Great Britain is to provide Australia with between 300 to 400 bombers and 400 reconnaissance planes to be used in the Empire air training scheme. The planes will form part of the 3,000 machines Australia Is
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  • 70 2 London, Saturday. ANOTHER excellent answer to Germany'! wax on British shippine is contained in British trade flfires for last month, which show striking increases. Exports are valued at £900.000 more lhan in December and £1,500.000 more than in January last year. Imports also showed an increase.
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  • 18 2 A Ministry of Foreign Trade has been established in Rumania by a royal decree Issued yesterday, reoorts Reuter.
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  • 222 2 Rescued Men Tell Of Ordeal THE first men to leave Hie Akmark were a batch of West Indians. A survivor from the Doric Star, William Curtis, of South Shields, said he was in Altmark ten weeks and added, "We were confined for a fortnight without being allowed on deck. They
    Reuter  -  222 words
  • 103 2 Men's Three-Lay Ordeal in The Atlantic BRITISH VESSEL SUNK BY ENEMY !.;md<in, Baiordaj A FTEK spending r>fi houi> in an open boat, 15 survivors of the Newcastle cariro vessel Lanirltc ford (4.622 tons), which was sunk by enemy action on Wednesday while homeward bound from America, landed, in Eire la*t
    Reuter  -  103 words
  • 41 2 Sydney, Saturday. The Australian walking champion, A. J. Stubbs, wan the New South Wales mile championship in the world record time of 6 mm. 15 2 5 sec, beating his own previous 6 mm. 18 1 5 sec— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 41 2 London, Saturda\ IMPERIAL Airways announces that the British Atlantic air mall service is expected to be resumed not later than the first week of June. It is unlikely that paying passengers will ho carried Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 26 2 Natives in Transvaal are talcing to serious reading, and some of them walk ten miles over hilly country to borrow boo*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 148 2 INVISIBLE IMPORTS Any dung to declare, Sir n obtained outside territorial w»wn." 0 I with there was. I'd refuse to pay No cheroot* mttd then you'd have to confiscate it." x I'm sorry we can't help you, Sir. No silk or rubiea z 2 But might I suggest for the
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  • 89 3 \l/ITH television in its nose and explosives in its body, this flying torpedo, sketched here, may become a new sky weapon. The pilot in the control plane, which may be as far as 100 miles in rear, sees the scene in tront of the torpedo through
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  • 126 3 Protest Against Scanty Attire London. •♦nPIIE costume consists of so little it would v:u:ish if anyone in the audiciue sneezed." said the leader cf nine show girls who walked out of a rrvue called, Fiff Leaves," in protest against the scanty attire provided for them. Fig
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  • 165 3 "INDIAN LIFE THROUGH INDIAN EYES" HI AM going: to make a film which will show the world Indian life through Indian eyes," declared Mr. ltam M. Bagai, a young Indian who has spent the list six years in Hollywood, when interviewed on his arrival at Singapore yesterday. Mr. Bagai said
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  • 109 3 »T*HE War Office announces that It is J nrt intended to send officers to Km abroad until they have reached the age of 20. This is considered to be In the best Interests both of Individual officers of the men they will
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  • 201 3 Patriotic Fund $1,058,***** THE latest list of contributions to the Malaya Patriotic Fund, acknowledging donations received up to Friday, shows a total of $1,053,078.61. Previously acknowledged was $1,009,600.94, and in the new lLst are the following frorr branches, socictie.-. a;£oJation_;, clubs and collective contributions Singapore Badminton Association $253.C3; C?ylones9 section
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  • 79 3 Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. TAN Koon Kiat, 42-year-old Hokkien, appeared before Mr. J. O. Rappoport in the Malacca police court; tc-day on a charge of criminal breacn of trust in respect of $100 belonging to a Siamese woman entrusted to him in his capacity as a
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  • 56 3 CAST together again, those two great comedians Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy make a welcome return Jn P-.K.O.'s "The Flying Deuces" whirh had a midnight premiere at the Alhambra cinema last night. Their antics are tolerated by lovely Jean Parker and Reginald Gardiner. This film, like all Laurel
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  • 45 3 COLUMBIA'S latest production "Beware Spooks!" featuring Joe E Brown, which had a midnight premiere at the Capitol cinema last night, \a a thrill-packed comedy, which provides laughter from beginning to *»nd Also in the cast is Mary Carlisle. Marc Lawrence and Clarence Kolb.
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  • 78 3 Rome. ACCORDING to a report from Athens published in the Popolo di Roma, the grave of Xenophon, the famous Greek historian and philosophical essayist, has been discovered by a peasant during excavation work at Skilunta near Mount Olympus. Archaeologists, who Inspected the grave regard it as extremely
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  • 158 3 Mrs. Henry Ford Sends Bicycle To Chinese Patriot T3UCHED by the patriotic gesture of To Heng Kiaw, Chinese school-boy of Manila who went without a new bicycle so that he could use the $26 he had saved to buy bread for his suffering countrymen in Shanghai, Mrs. Henry Ford, wife
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  • 72 3 (From Our Own Correspondent! Seremban, Feb. 17. ACCORDING to the half yearly report of the Sungel UJong Club the premier European club of Negri Rembilan, the club has now reciprocal visiting amenities with the Selansor Club, the Singapore Cricket CluL the Fenang Sports Club, the Malacca L
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  • 254 3 Programme of Singapore Volunteer Corps drills up to and for week ending Feb. 25. MONDAY: 1715 hrs., Headquarters, S.R.A. (v). Weapon Training; 1715 hrs.. Headquarters, S.R.A. (V) Officers and NCOs., Cadre Course; 1730 hrs.. Headquarters, SR E (v). Section Training. TUESDAY: 1715 hrs., HQ for Fort Canning. S.
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  • 228 3 Gaol Sentence On Police Inspector (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. FOUND guilty cf bribery and corruption. Inspector Mohamed K.uiily bin Haji Ras?p, Malay officer in charge of the police district at Kua!a Lipis, was sentenced in the Raub Surpreme Court by Mr. Justice Home to two years' rigorous
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  • 47 3 FThe Sunday Times of Feb. 4 It was reported that soldiers from the Malay Regiment were involved in an affray at the Happy World amusement park. Fort Canning military headquarters state that this is incorrect ond that no soldiers from the Malay Regiment were involved.
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  • 20 3 Many French so'diers at the front have dogs as companions, but on Moroccan regiment has a ram as a mascot.
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  • 81 3 CINEMAS ALHAMBRA: 3 Sons with Edward Ellis. 11 a.m., 3.15, 6.15 and 8.15. CAPITOL: Golden Boy with William Holden Barbara Stanwyck. ll a.m.. 3.15. 6.15 and 9.15. CATHAY Shirley Temple In Susannah of the Mountles. 11 a.m., 3.15. 6.15 and 915. PAVILION: Closed for air conditioning. QUEEN'S.
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  • 101 3 Latest posting times for malls are:— MONDAY. FEB. 1* China, Kunming (Surface) 1.00 p.m. Indo China (Surface) 1.00 p.m. Java (Surface) 9.00 a.m. Sumatra, Medan (Surface) 9.00 a.m. 11ESUAY. FEB. 20 Aden (Surface) 10.00 a.m. Ceylon (Surface; 10.00 a.m. China (Air) 9.30 n.m. Egypt (Surface) "0
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 166 3 BSfci i it., I IV LSJLsvS <^kr 3 I < wmm 0 T* t m T fresh I SYDNEY ROCK OYSTERS We now receive these delicious C&^t i Sydney Roclc Oysters twice a j* T^iilAiK week by air. They really are Mlf good— the flavour is fine and k|| 9**
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 63 3 jEu^ay? I i^ifg x < f*i I p. '-I u u T Blondie •> By Chic Youngs I CyM* oorr -oji (tuat would m) wow asoot w./tu*t woulomt l v'ljllL/ lu MJilN||l I TRY MAKING A UKE PLAYIN6 PUTTING THB IBE PRACTICAL T- f^ SOT IT *~N >M P" •*^?T'
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    • 135 3 TIDE TABLES Singapore To-day H. W 4.29 a.m. 7.9 ft; 6.37 p.m. 6.3 ft. L. W. 11.35 a.m. 33 ft; 11. 11 p.m. 5.3 ft. To-morrow H. W. 5. 45 a.m. 7.7 ft.: 8.35 p.m. 66 ft. L. W. 1.15 p.m. 2.9 ft. Port Swettenham To-day H. W. 11.46 a.m.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 324 4 The star of -A MAN TO REMEMBER" in another grand picture TO-DAY (SUNDAY 18th) 4 SHOWS V; 5 3 P 1 65 ALHAMBRA j I He made millioiK!^ ...built a mercantile empire tha» jtl B was the wonder of the world— IrSNfit Wj V et ailed his (ami| V because
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    • 199 4 The 3rd off the CAPITOL'S PARADE of HITS! DIRECT FROM ITS GREAT 4 WEEKS' RUN AT THE REGAL, MARBLE ARCH 4 SHOWS TO-DAY At Malaya's Largest ill Mil* Rii fliq Finest AIR-CONDITIONED 11 A.M.3.15- 6.15-9.15 THEATRE m^^-^l fft £W|\ CLIFFORD ODETS I Memorable Dramatic l^^^ayjl^-^r^^^ Brought to the Screen as
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  • Entertainment
    • 227 5 Actor Who Was Once Paid Million A Day! "It Was German Marb r THICOWING over a job that paid him a million a day was the best financial move Eric Flore ever made. Blore. famed screen comedian, recalls the experience on the set of Columbia's "The Lone Wolf Strikes," in
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    • 130 5 EDGAR Bergen's famous "hospital act" with Charlie McCarthy will be filmed as part of Unlversal's "Charlie McCarthy. Detective" now before the cameras. The act, said to be one of the best ever performed by Bergen and his famous dummy, has been
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    • 46 5 THE following cable has been received by the Capitol cinema from Johnny Weissmuller M Congratulations on Capitol's recordbreaking. Delighted that your patrons enjoying Tarzan Finds A Son so much. Regards." The picture ran nine days and was seen by nearly 40,000 people
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    • Article, Illustration
      57 5 THE next organ recital at the Singapore Victoria Memorial Hall will take place on Friday. Feb. 23. at 5.30 p.m. The soloist will be Mrs. Dorothy MacLeod. Hollywood's newest singing discovery, 10-year-old Gloria Jean, appears in her first film, with C. Aubrey Smith. The film is "The I
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    • 71 5 BECAUSE of a recently conceived passion for Chinese food, Sonja Henle is going to work up a Chinese number in her skating show which she will take on tour this winter. The idea suggested itself to her one evening when she ate her first Chinese
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    • 25 5 With the possibility of David Niven's return to Hollywood from England, plans are underway at the Goldwyn studio for a second "Raffles" picture.
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    • 170 5 ALHAMBRA Now On: "Three Sons." (Edwards Ellis, William Gargan. Kent Taylor. J. Edward Bromberg. Katharine Alexander*. R.K.O. Radio drama. Next Change: "The Flying Deuces." Laurel and Hardy). R.K.O. Radio comedy. CAPITOL Now On: "Golden Boy." (William Holden. Barbara Stanwyck. Adolphe Menjou. Edward Brophy. Sam Levetie. Joseph Calleia).
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    • 113 5 OUTBIDDING several other major studios, Darryl F. Zanuck. 20th Century-Fox production chief, has announced the purchase of "The Great Commandment," the highly praised religious .notion picture which Cathedral Films has just finished. Zanuck also announced the signing to a long-term contract of the film's director, Irving Pichel. "The
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    • 18 5 MISS Fadillah. Columbia's Microphone Queen, Is now giving kronchong and stambuls at the Great World Cabaret.
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    • Article, Illustration
      35 5 In "Three Sons,** an R.K.0. -Radio drama, the principle roles are filled bjr (left to right) Kent Taylor, Edward Ellis, Robert Stanton and Dick 11--,- in Ths film is now showing at the Alhambra cinema.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 927 5 ARE YOURtig^ EYESWEAK?(gS* Our Modern scientifically equipped offices accurately serve all your Eye needs. Examinations corrective treatments, and smartly styled Eyewear. Thompson Certified Frames And Mountings are priced— $3.00—55.00 and $7.00. The cost of the lenses depends on your eyesight needs. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. Qualified Eyesight Specialists. 4. MtCAM BLUG..
      927 words
    • 245 5 mp l a v a n P<WKR Allfe' I IDEAL WEDDING Duty free into Gt. Britain Only lb ainabh from MAYNARD CO.. LTD. and Malayan Pewter Co Kuala Lumpur. The Dispensary U929> Ltd Penang. The George Town Dispensary Ltd. Malacca. Charles Grenier Co Ltd looh BOX JJJJWH^EmPHTT'S TO-DAY OFFICE |k£JHHM&iHIH
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  • 1619 6  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By DETTER SELF and GROSSER SELF took their body down to the seaside last week to ginger It up after Its indisposition. BETTER SELF'S Idea was tc feed the body regularly, cut down its indulgences and exercise It twice a day. But the moment
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  • Books a The Week
    • Article, Illustration
      409 6 The Young Victoria. By Marion W. Flexner. Michael Joseph. Bs. 6d. "PHIS story of Queen Victoria's child- hood is a triumph of charm and erudition. Writing in easy narrative style and imbuing her personalities with life and character. Miss Flexner has nevertheless been at great pains to consult all
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    • 108 6 In the Teeth of the Evidence. B> Dorothy Sayers. Gollinca. 7s. 6iL THE new Dorothy Bayers is a collection of 17 short stories, two of them dealing with Lord Peter W!msey's detective abilities and five of them having the erratic Mr. Montague Egg as the chief
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 875 6 v"^ IH§ Nw Clear Your PyDN'T let unjightly spots, rashes or sores worry v_r!____>^ you. Make your skin clear and healthy by >__^^$^__>_ smearing Zam-Buk on all affected places every /__C"_lfiMN____^*<>~-i night. Th. valuable herbal oils in Zam-Buk are /__£___EEH9_# <*/ absorbed into the t ssues. soothing pam reducing /yP-"-
      875 words
    • 288 6 Illmiil (r^__ 35__P'«*_»^^^'^_^^t_I_\ TIRE SERVICE STATION. .2. Gcylang Road, Singapore <^|^ DIAMOND 1 SPRING 3g£ LATH MATTRESS j||jj K STTEL ANCLE ffijfllffl frame wrrn —43 CATC IRON 3JSS BRACKETS. m" M""^^* M The close stt stec! taUM -re aiun-.iniua plait- and supported each end with aUfl tension spring v.iiirh are
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  • 253 7 Eventually Tracked To P Police Pound BEVVY is a pon>. She belongs to Pamela, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Prosper Liston, of Singapore. She was a present to the family from the late Sultan of l'ahang. For ten years Betty has proved
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  • 76 7 Fro oi ihe 21 Malay sappers from the Royal Engineers, Changi, who were recently charged in the Singapore second court with murder of a Chinese, Lim Ah Phang, at the Happy World amusement park on Feb. 7, had the charge against them withdrawn by the D.P.P. yesterday,
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  • 137 7 From Our Own Correspondent* Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. OPENED yesterday evening by Mr. L. M. Smart, general manager of the F.M.S. Railways was a new Tamil school in Bungsar Road primarily Intended for children of railway workers living in the area, Mr A. W. Frisby,
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  • 27 7 The Pol Wah School Old Pupils' Association will hold a charity snow at the Astoria Hall. Seremban, on Feb. 28, In aid of the China Relief Fund.
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  • 62 7 Firecracker Ban Sought In Philippines A BILL to prohibit the manufacture, sale, and use or explosion of firecrackers has been presented in the Philippines' National Assembly by Assemblyman Benito Soliven of Ilocos Sur. Violators would be subject to a fine of P2OO to Pl,OOO or imprisonment for one to six
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  • 112 7 MEN PAID BY SNATCH-THIEF TO KEEP QUIET Two Chinese Given Prison And Fine ONE da>'s simple imprisonment and a fine of Sl5, or two weeks' rigorous imprisonment in default, was the sentence passed on »"hong Kwai Onn and Wong Kwan, in the Singapore third court yesterday. They were originally charged
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  • 51 7 A PARTY to celebrate the inauguration of their new offices at 124, P.obinson Road, Singapore, was given yesterday by Optorg Co. Malaya > Ltd importers of piecegoods, hardware, metalwork of all kinds, chemicals, fertilizers, wines and liquors and clher goods. The former office was in French Bank Building,
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  • 26 7 The Thailand Council of Ministers is now considering the possibility of changing the year to begin in January and end in December.
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  • 341 7 CHINESE WHO MARRIED GERMAN PLEADS IN ENGLISH COURT •Jilt, and Mrs. Tso Chou-wang stood nervously in Basingstoke police court. Then they smiled at each other. It was probably their first smile in nearly two years for: In IH3B a young Chinese engineer
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  • 148 7 To Build Tomb For Chinese 'Unknown Soldier 9 Chungking. FENG Yu-hsiaug, China's famed Christian general, to-day inaugurated a campaign for public subscriptions for the purpose of erecting a tomb for the Unknown Soldier, which would include iron figures of Wang Ching-wei and his wife, representing them as traitors. At least
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  • 48 7 ADAM bin Haji Ali was yesterday produced in the Sinagpore fifth court charged with intimidating persons in the Singapore Rubber Works to prevent them from returning to work. He was offered bail of $200 in one surety. The case was postponed a week for mention.
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  • 33 7 Raja Hajl Abdullah, the eldest brother of Raja Hajl Othman, Chief) Katl 1. Selangor, who left Klang lor Kabandjhe, Sumatra, on medical advice, has died. His body was taken to, Langhat for burial.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 178 7 The Island Committee Present KILLED THE Q COUNT Q VICTORIA THEATRE February 24 28. March 1 2. BOOKING AT ROBINSONS In aid of the Malaya Patriotic Fund HE'S GOING TO BE A RESPONSIBILITY FOR MANY HIS SON'S FUTURE IS ASSURED WHATEVER YEARS TO COME. He's going to coit hU father
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  • 391 8 By THE FOUR ACES WHEN we first started to play Bridge many years ago, we always listened with awe when some unusually learned person spoke of j end-plays. Nowadays when a Declarer fails to execute a possible end-play, he is considered to have "thrown" the hand. However, to
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  • 1202 8  -  The Onlooker By- ALTHOUGH he has been retired from Malaya for 14 years, Sir George Maxwell who last week wrote to the Straits Times stressing the need for a vigorous Buy British campaign during the war has never lost his keen interest in the affairs of the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 439 8 *\fMfjkLffiAMD Men mih Demand! TRAIN FOR WORK OF NATIONAL IMPORTANCE jfs%»^ll Prepare for increasing opportunities in the vital Radio j« I ftroftl industry. Present conditions create new activities in home II M** a^fcfl industry and increasing demand for trained men. National II pat r^V^S CJJ Schools, a wotld-wide recognized Residential
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    • 199 8 SALE I DAY EVENING GOWNS on FEB. 19th to FEB. 24th at MADAME PAGE'S SALON Top Floor 13, Battery Road. A DEGREE IK ACCOUNTANCY Secretaryship. Cost Accountancy, Snlppm Banking. Insurance or Bookkeeping Is essential for a highly -paid executive posit :<i:i. Examinations can be taken In Malaya and success guaranteed
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  • 500 9 Executive Council Watches Demonstration In Singapore TRANSPORT CHIEF SAYS "I WAS VERY IMPRESSED" THE Executive Council of Johore will consider at a meeting at the Dewan this morning a proposal to introduce mobile traffic police units to operate throughout the State. As a basis for
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  • 85 9 Singapore Landmark Disappears A TREE which for many years has provided shelter from the sun and rain for motor-cars owned by members of the Singapore Recreation Club has been cut down. The tree, which stood at the entrance to the S.R.C., was planted about the same time the club house
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  • 83 9 THREE women, aged 30, 40 and 4a, have been formally charged by the Public Prosecutor at the south district court with walking along the streets without properly covering their breast, reports the Bangkok Chronicle. The outcome of the case Is awaited with keen Interest by
    83 words
  • 107 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday. THE first criminal session of the Muar Assizes for this year will be^in to-morrow (Sunday; at the Muar Supreme Court. Six cases are on tho list. The first cusp is one ol murder and Thavasal is the accused. Mr. S. C. Goho
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  • 53 9 A STATEMENT has been issued by the Bangkok Department of Commerce urging the agricultural population to concentrate their efforts on the cultivation of cotton us an important auxlration of cotton as an important increase in the price of cotton following the outbreak of the
    53 words
  • 40 9 From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. THE death took place at Seremban last week after a short Illness of Mrs. L. St.i Maria, at the age of 67. She leaves five sons, four daughters and 16 grandchildren.
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  • 126 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. A SPELL of continuous rain yesterday put an end to a likely drought in Segamat district. Lack of rain for the last month had caused fears of a drought in the district and the pumping stations for Segamat town were
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  • 45 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Saturday. HAJI Ibrahim T. Y. Ma, Imam Yaacob Matawu and Othman Woo Klen Hsun, of the Chinese Islamic delegation now visiting Malaya, paid a visit to Seremban on Friday and they attended the Mohamedan mosque at Seremban.
    45 words
  • 14 9 Mr. K. Arulampalam, senior antimalarial inspector, Tarn pin, has been transferred to Kuala Pllah.
    14 words
  • 28 9 THE long awaited Hollywood premiere of "Gone With The Wind" brought out many film celebrities. Among those present were Charlie Chaplin and Paulette Goddard.
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  • 49 9 FE Police Band will play to-day at Botanic Gardens at 8.30 p.m.: March, The Voice of the Guns (Alford); Overture. Raymond (Thomas) Selection, The Dancing Years 'Novello); Valse, Over the Waves '^osas); Intermezzo, Tip-Toes (arr: by J Ord. Hume); Selection, Under Your :iat (Ellis).
    49 words
  • 67 9 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. •yHE money collected for the memorial to the Rev. Benjamin Stokes, former chaplain of Negri Sembllan, who died a few years ago at Seremban, has been lodged in the savings bank in Singapore The money, it Is stated, will only be withdrawn
    67 words
  • 31 9 The demand of the assistants In Seremban coffee shops for a 20 per cent, increase in their wages has been met by their employers, states our Seremban correspondent.
    31 words
  • 124 9 GROWS SHORTER AS HE GROWS OLDER Four Feet At 13; li Feet At 20 JUIOMLUANCi Tanusiri, a patient at the Siriraj Hospital, Bang:kok, was four feet tall at the age of 13 but now, at the age of 20, his height is only one and a half feet. According to
    124 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 103 9 rIRIUM THRILLS MILLIONS-, *#mf& iWTiS Uum PfUod—U Tooth Paste is thrilling PP^ millions morning after morning, by the new jfrj dazzling whiteness of their f-eth! Never before has *1B s*"**- Jraf Cre SUC k ra<^ ance Wlt^ to <>th paste so 4& utterly safe Yes, there's never a risk with
      103 words
    • 705 9 LEARN AT HOME FROM SINGAPORE. CAIN MORE SALARY In the comfort of your own Home yoa can learn by correspondence, any one of *hese subjects, all taught by PITMAN'S Singapore, branch of the famous London CoUege. Knowledge means a better post higher salary. Send coupon now for full details of
      705 words

  • 149 10 FREDERICK HUBERT WILLEY was the perfect butler impassive to every private grief. He was butler to Lady Inchcape, of Chinthurst Hill. Wonersh, Surrey, after the death last year of Lord Inchcape, to whom he had been valet. Only last week was the mask dropped. Then,
    149 words
  • 253 10 Rescued By British Destroyers TEN young R.A.F. men, out in the Atlartic on anti-U--boat patrol in a 25-ton fourengined Sunderland flyingboat, were forced down by ice which formed on the Mings. By his skilful handling of the craft the captain managed to land her
    253 words
  • 394 10 Their Street Bristles With Armaments CHANGHAI is no place for gunshy newspapermen. This terrorist-ridden city has a half-dozen counterparts of the old American frontier editor who frequently had to defend his opinions with a six-shooter or a shotgun, reports United Press. A sub-machine gun is
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  • 41 10 VON Papen, the German Ambassador to Turkey, had a fall while skiing near Ankara, bringing down on top of him many skiers who were following. Germany's path is not always a good one to follow," remarked a bystander.
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  • 213 10 BUT NOT QUITE SURE OF DATE Amsterdam. THE Nazis, with typical German thoroughness, are now training officials who are intended to take over the civil administration hi Great Britain after her annexation by Hitter's Reioh. The "leadership school" where this instruction is given is in
    213 words
  • 73 10 Wartime Version Copenhagen. A DANISH fisherman named Olofson, of Tangen, Northern Jutland, reports that while fishing off Skagen something caught in his net and pulled it with tremendous force. As he watched, the periscope and the conning tower of a sobmarine became visible. Part of
    73 words
  • 40 10 Rabbiting in a burrow near a frozen pond at Alton (Hants), a man put in a ferret but into the net over one hole came out not a rabbit, but a moorhen, which had taken warm lodgings."
    40 words
  • 337 10 Opinion Rubber Research A NOTABLE step in the co-ordl* nation of research concerning the growing and preparation ot plantation rubber ts to be taken next week. The heads of the RutH ber Research Institutions of Malaya, Netherlands India and Ceylon are! to meet in Kuala Lumpur to discuss matters of
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
      870 words
    • 146 10 EDITORIAL, MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE Cecil Street, Singapore. Spend your Easter Holiday in Sumatra a change of air amidst beautiful surroundings. Special Excursion to Prapat and Brastagt from March 20th until March 29th. All inclusive rate $180/: K P.M. LINE I N.V. KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART-MAATSCHAPPIJ flncorp. in Holland) Not a hair
      146 words

  • 252 11 Transmitter's Power Greatly Increased NIGHTLY BULLETINS TO BE GIVEN IN DUTCH CINGAPORE will begin broadcasting to the Netherlands Indies on Monday. The 8.M.8.C. station will then inaugurate a daily news bulletin in Dutch which will be broadcast at 8.20 every night— immediately preceding
    252 words
  • 35 11 Capt. J. A. Mackenzie, of the Gloucestershire Regiment, was awarded the Military Cross in a deserted village in front of the Maginot Line for "conspicuous daring and resource while on patrol work.
    35 words
  • 88 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) Port Swettenham. FR several years now the need of a Catholic school for boys at Klang has been found necessary and'; with the efforts made by Rev. Father j Deredec, who is now In Penang. the Catholic public of the Selangor Coast district,
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  • 35 11 THE 8.M.8.C, Singapore, is erecting a second short-wave transmitter which, it is hoped, will be used almost entirely for broadcasting news, talks and entertainirent for Asiatic listeners in their respective languages.
    35 words
  • 136 11 BRIGADIER M. D. GAMBIER-PARRY will broadcast from the 8.M.8.C. at 7.30 p.m. to-morrow on The OneFront War." In two previous talks in this series, Brigadier Gambier-Parry gave an account of the Maginot and Siegfried Lines and the present general situation on the Western Front.
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  • 20 11 Mr. J. W. Hine. of the Locomotive Department, F.M.S. Railways, Port Swettenham, has left Port Swettenham for Europe on leave.
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  • 69 11 (.From Our Own Correspondent) Sesamat, Saturday. A SURPRISE raid by the Segamat police on a Chinese club In Jalan Mentol, Segamat, led to 63 Chinese appearing before Inche Rauf bin Mohamed Sa'at, the Cegamat magistrate, on a charge of gambling. All pleaded guilty and were
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  • 36 11 General Ironside, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, silting at his desk in the War Office, while Mr. Erick Kennington, the well-known sculptor and painter, puts the finishing touches to his portrait.
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  • 232 11 Orders For Restricted Imports NOT ENTIRELY STOPPED AN explanatory note on the communique issued by the Controller of Restricted Imports as to the suspension, for certain commodities, of acceptance of any more applications for permits to place an order (known as A. P. forms), has been issued. There Is no
    232 words
  • 29 11 Mr. V. Sockallngam, chief cleric of the detective office, Seremban, Is going on transfer to the I.G.P's. office. Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Hew Soo Kee will succeed him at Seremban.
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  • 711 11 SURAT PERKHABARAN MELAYU February, 17, 1940. LIMA buah kapal selam Jerman telah depat kita binasakan dalam 7 hari yang lepas lni, bahkan barangkall enam buah. Yang demikian ia-lah jawab yang padan bag! perbuatan Jerman menenggelamkan kapall2 pernlagaan dengan tldak belas kasehan dan timbang nunimbang lagl, tcrmasok kapal2 negeri2 yang ta'
    711 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 268 11 £jB ASEPTIC OINTMENT S^a SKIN-HEALING Wft CRUSADE! fir I J THOUSANDS are Joining the great GERMOLENE f Skin Healing Crusade and finding Skin Health psmiTtyr M< SS3 --many after years and years of suffering! If YOU nVE&3fl|V] are a Skin Sufferer, the victim of a painful Ulcer, fct,^ttydT Poison-d Wound
      268 words
    • 429 11 ro\fcunq for Jftw hi tH m er uears /M W M Her husband thinks she's s wonde*. WfT fl i She would easily pass for a dozen A yean less than she really Is, And what Is more, she fecit H marvellously young, no surplus fat, 9 no shortness of
      429 words

  • 828 12 Industrials In Demand: Other Sections Quiet BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT T^HE features of the past weeks markets were the widespread demand for industrial shares, the rise in the prices of Straits Traders and McAlisters to new high levels, the advance in the London price
    828 words
  • 1293 12 Fraser Co.'s Singapore Share Quotations SATURDAY, FEB. 17. 1940: 1 P.M. MINING Buyers Sellcrt Am pat Tin (4s) 5a 5s 6d Austral Amal (ss) 6s 6s 6d c(L Austral Malay it> 37s 39s c.d. Ayer Hitam 24s 9d 25s 9d Ayer Weng .70 .75 Bangrln Tin 21s 9d 22s 9d
    1,293 words
  • 89 12 Saturday, Feb. 17, noon. Buyers Sellers Prices Prices No. IX B.S.S. (Spot loose) 38^ SS% No. IX B.S.S. f.fcb. In cases Feb. Mar. 39^ <• Sellers option r..F.A.Q. B.S.S. Lab. In bales Feb.-Mar. 37 37H Sellers option FAQ. R.S.S. fob. In bales Feb.-Mar. 36% U%
    89 words
  • 237 12 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Books Company Dividend Close Dat« Singapore, Feb. 17, 1 p.m. Total for Ex Olv. financial year TIM Austral Amal 3d. Austral Malay 9d. and 13 bonus Mar. 4 Berjuntai 6d. Feb. 19 Kamunting 5% Int. lea tax Jan. 29 Mambau 5% tot. Feb. 16
    237 words
  • 108 12 Singapore, Feb. 17. noon Buyert B«Urr» Gambler 7.50 Hamburg Cube $14.00 Java Cube $12 00 Pepper White Muntok $14 2;. White $13.75 Black 8.25 Copra Mixed $3 4i Sim Dried $3.80 Sago flout No I Llngga $6.06 $6.05 Pair $5.75 Sarawak $0.25 Jeiotong Palembang $14.00 flanja $14.00
    108 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 688 12 f THIBSTS-) in""""' iSj&Ljlf''dl """"H, nnilHtt^""""" Wlm PREPARED BY iHll^lllil^B FaAJ,ER t NEAVE LTD. fl|§|ll M Great Health Benefits You Need Every Day Delicious Quaker Oats mtA rich in THIAMIN" and 4 Rg*j other vital food necessities A daily diet of Quaker Oats builds you up, adds strength and stamina,
      688 words
    • 139 12 Uring your shaving I 1 UP TO DATE WITH THE 1, I '(MAX- nlinD PIIIFTTE hXixt.' K^"" M^V^^^l The cttc <on e-piece' razor is tht j^Wk^^Sj^OT last word in razor design the simplest |^\v^s\^jjl shaving method ever devised No loose il^i<^>svvqjr pieces no bits to screw or unscrew. Just F
      139 words

  • 1641 13  -  R.H. Naylor By TO-DAY, FEB. IS For Most Of Vs. A cheery sort c/ Sunday, put wetk-day worries in the background, have a gocd time with your friends; if you are young and in love, get busy. For luck to-day, wear or use: Fawn, 8 Lapis.
    1,641 words
  • 517 13 HERE, grouped according to month of birth 'irrespective of year), is a statement of probabilities to be expected this week. JANUARY A busy week, in t.h'.ch all yonr concentration iciH be needed. Important correspond mcc. or a journey. Good for home affairs: married folk quietly blissful,
    517 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 463 13 "Believe Me This Cream Of Milk Recipe vv/7/ make the average woman of 50 look like 30" Use it where these arrows point then all over your face and neck HERI-isaquick way to make a wrinkled, flabby, gg***fj skin, fresh, firm and young. Mix one ounce of pure cream of
      463 words
    • 983 13 "SKEEZING /£s•£ lOLD k&J 8 TO-DAY, It's Ju«t a sneeze; V^^Vh \M^L --P/^ff but later It's a bad cold in VSv the head or a chill that may turn to 'q^^B WtW pneumonia. So let that sudden A. sneeze be a warning of a cold JK\Wk. coming on: and take
      983 words

  • 796 14 Importance Of Accessories In Make-Up Max Factor's Advice IN the present day art of accentuating feminine beauty with make-up, the selection and care of the various accessories for the application of cosmetics r almost as important as choosing the correct make-up materials. Brushes, combs, powder pufl eyebrow tweezers, manicure instruments—
    796 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 264 14 Keep YoungKeep GayKeep Lovely with the aid of EHxabtth Arden otters you methods to keep your skin fresh and youthful in spite of the difficulties of a tropical climate and without too much trouble. Concentrate on her essential preparations, for their regular use will maintain the natural health, clarity and
      264 words
    • 645 14 u• wI s &EB&&ii£ s^^ I Like Hollywood's famous M Jk screen stars, you, too. wUI iBL T'*i^^ be delighted with the ijl^^^' I -tZ^M J lovely, natural beauty im- Jfl I^^^jW j parted by this life-like U& Rouge, created by MAX jflj SjSfajjf. m j FACTOR Holl>^ood.l| /B^^Nh june
      645 words

  • 371 15  - First Frock Fashions Modern Maids Are Simply Dressed Patricia Chard By TINY girls cannot have too many dainty frocks, whether you buy them or make them yourself. From birth till the age of four or five years, attractive frocks, simple in design (for easy washing) and trimmed with hand work
    371 words
  • 437 15 JMPKOMPTU parties are held in many houses these days and simple buffet refreshments are needed for them. If you want to make a trifle and have no cream, it is a good idea to finish off with whipped egg white. Prepare a custard from egg yolks and
    437 words
  • 107 15 MOTHER used to say, "1 declare. you children remind me of young birds you Just never get filled up." Of course, the answer is that food must do two things for youngsters: Maintain present health and vitality and provide enough extra to "grow on." Ths after-school bit
    107 words
  • 50 15 cup condensed cream of mushroom soup 1 cup chicken, ground V 2 cup ham, ground Combine the cream of mushroom soup, just as it comes from the can, with th? ground ham and chicken. Mix well. Spread filling between slices of buttered bread. Makes 6 sandwich s
    50 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 306 15 New POWDER SHADES FROM PARIS -to go with lATEST FASHIONS £Sufnt I i TJARIS fashioiA*^"'^^*^^7\ K. shows reveal "*q\¥A^^ this season's clothes dctiianc 1 new complexion tones. Blended by a French Beauty Expert those very latest powder shades have been rushed .o Malaya. You can obtain thorn her' only
      306 words
    • 365 15 Th« gradon* beanty the I Yardley Engllflb Lavender h«« I 1 made It Che chosen Perfane «f 1 I smart m •men the world «ver. lf« fre*h, youthful fragrance to aim a ytt gay and eharaaiag. iI^2JV Vardley Fr.giifch u*MMi«r k 7ardl«> Lavender Soap »g Zgi "The Luxury Soap of
      365 words

  • 123 16 Demolished By Order Of Japanese Tsinrtao. THE action of the Japanesesponsored municipal governraent in demolishing: the wellknown waterfront monument to Captain Paul Jaeschke has caused considerable comment in German and other foreign circles here. Captain Jaeschke was the first governor of Tsingtao under German occupation. He died
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  • 49 16 London's 'Haw -Haw' Luncheon MLss Christina Foyle recently gave a luncheon in honour or dishonour of Germany's Lord Haw-Haw. At this event, which took place at Grosvenor House, a number of Britain's broadcasting Haw-Haws were present. In the picture are (left to right): Max Miller and the Western Brothers.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 482 16 rSSI YOU WILL BE ill SURPRISED HOW QUICKLY YOU l^^g PICKUP IF you have been ill in bed for lH several weeks, you will feel jm (tr* t^-^ very weak and depressed, even Bl y^TT* after you begin to recover. Tho 1 S^lZ^j f i best and surest way of
      482 words
    • 229 16 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day! dr^v^^^sA"^^^^ Yes, positively MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Sales Representative A. T. Gillespie. P.O. Box 217. Singapore. If you use a solid dentifrice, cry MACLEANS SOLID PEROXIDE DENTIFRICE TO REMOVE Ik mf Electric $f«v i Depilatories ■aw M^sv w y \:v. i.'i:i.t r iisrovrant rram.
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 734 16 To-day's Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE ZHL 1.33 mc/i (22Sm I ZHP 0.09 mc/i (30.96m. i 11.00 am. Military band music played by the American Legion Band of Hollywood. California; 11.15 a.m. Light orchestral concert. Relayed from the Sea View Hotel; 12.10 p.m. Tlno Rossi (tenort): 12.25 p.m. Light orchestral concert. Relayed
      734 words
    • 112 16 PENANG ZUJ 6.01 mc/» (19.S0 m7.30 a.m. Light music; 7.50 a.m. BBC full news bulletin (relayed'; 8. 10 a.m. (approx. Close down. 12.00 noon Midday concert; 1.00 p.m. Close down. 8.00 p.m. Light classical music; 8.35 p.m. B.B.C. news summary (relayed i; 8.45 p.m. (approx.) Light classical music icontd. >:
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    • 623 16 EMPIRE STATION The following is a summary of the B.B.C. overseas programmes: 6.05 p.m. News summary; 6.20 p.m. "By Royal Consent" a comedy: 6.50 p.m. Full news bulletin; 7.20 p.m. Summary of next week's programmes; 7.35 p.m. Recital of English songs by Elsie Sotherby; 7.50 p.m. "Student Songs" B.B.C. male
      623 words

  • 486 17 Consolation Event Welcome 'By Our Badminton Correspondent) THE entries for the Malayan bad--1 minton championships to be eld in Ipoh next month close on :ar. 1, and local players who in--1 nd to compete would be well advised to forward their entries to the local controlling body without
    486 words
  • 70 17 'From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. the inter-club lawn tennis tournament starts at Seremban LhT-tly for the Chang Seng Long cup, tho Sungei Ujong Club should have a ii.sefui combination this year with the arrival in Seremban of R. MiddletonSmith. Mlddleton-Smith, Brislln and J. L K.
    70 words
  • 56 17 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. THE half yearly report of the Sungei Ujong Club of Seremban shows a working profit of $2,390 during the half year. A credit balance of $1,026 has been transferred to the profit and loss account. Nine new members were elected during
    56 words
  • Article, Illustration
    244 17 The staff of United Engineers held m dinner at Chinese New Tear. Seated (left to right) Wong See Qne. On* Ktv Cuan. Mrs. II Conclsco, Miss. E. Rodrigues, Miss George, H. Bone, Ong Kong Gwi, G. A. Curtis, Mrs. D. Willis, MM ftJawJi ZubrerbhuUr, L J. Smith, Mrs. A. Atkinson,
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  • 927 17  -  "Doc" By THOSE of us who were fortunate enough to see the Command hockey final saw hockey at Its best. The game was played at a scorching pace throughoat, no slacking off at any period of the game. The Mountain Regt. fully deserved their win. Honours of the
    927 words
  • 256 17 -From Our Own Correspondent; Muar. IN an evenly contested hockey match played at the School padang Monteiro's XI beat the Student Teachers by two goals to one. The score was a fair Indication or the run of the play for Monteiro's XI had just slightly the better
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  • 150 17 From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. A SUGGESTION that Negrl Sembilan league and cup soccer games shruld be played only in Seremban and not in the outstations was opposed by the president when it was put forward at the recent annual general meeting of the Negrl Sembilan Football
    150 words
  • 135 17 •From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. CRICKET given a start at Johore Bahru shortly. Johore Cricket Club has held Its annual trcneral meeting. The India* Ceyion Association is arranging to run a side. Other local sides include the Bella Club, the English College and the Teachers. Dr.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 413 17 FOR LOOK FOR THE NAME *a*a->i ON YOUR M^^T* TtTTTtI»: ST ii ia**a-a****a**a»» rv ji£2 V* MI\kHXM USED TOGETHER THEY INSURE BRIGHTER LIGHT-LONGER LIFE 12 Months of severe STOMACH PAIN Sufferer's btttr published by request "I wTite this letter," says Mr. J. S. "so that others will benefit and Dot
      413 words
    • 857 17 Gums Bleed. Teelh Loose! Stop Fyorrkcw, .nd Trench Mov:lU in 24 Hours nicodinp KUPis. :.or.i mouth, 0 mean tli;tr you arc :i ictlm o( Pyorrhea oi Trench Month, «r :«>;ii will cM-iitually you to lose all your teeth and havts to wear falM I your time. Since tht. prcat
      857 words

  • 2157 18 Van Breukelen Has Great Afternoon Saddles Six Winners C ADDLING the winner of the Spring Cup, Mallanuit, and the winners of both the class one, division one races, trainer van lireukelcn had a great afternoon at Bukit Timah yesterday in the iinal day's racing in
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 610 18 ACHES AND PAINS DROVE HIM TO HOSPITAL Now feels years younger I have been lr. hospital three times with gastric trouble and constipation I was always in agony and it was misery to do my work. I felt much better after the first supply of Fynnon Salt now I can
      610 words
    • 589 18 NEW HAIR Grown on BALD HEADS By Using KOTALKO When bftMiMM ihrratens haarfn f _^flgjf >n •'•duo ha r on n| ic!;xi; V tll r kMg :m 1 i.. R. sP m| Had git raw hair Lr i"b!!l? ?N t;ilk ■^jHH and ii-.-.l t '-.mii f..r "MNf niinnt'»t>\ory d iy.
      589 words

  • 150 19 London, Saturday. COOTBAIL runes played to-day 1 resulted.— SOITH "C" Brentford 4 West Ham S Chelsea 5 Southampton 1 jHUlw&n 2 Fulham Tottenham 2 CharKon 0 SOUTH "D" Ctaptoo 0 1 Watford 1 Crystal P. 4 Reading 1 Bouthend 8 Norwich 0 SCOTTISH WESTERN Albion 4 Partlck Clyde 1
    150 words
  • 78 19 Positions in the Inter-team doubles tournament organised by the Taiping and District Badminton Association for the Shcppard Cup trophy are- Lodge "A" Oreadniuight* Ever green Malay Scholar* klatang Lodge "R" Hospital >ylon Assoclatlor. ~>isto»ns P.W.D. Sunlight Muslims Surveys Chinese R.C. I ia 12 9 8 6 6
    78 words
  • 120 19 iFrom Our Own Correspondent) Port Swettenham. AS in the past years another good programme has been completed for the forthcoming cricket season ol the Port Swettenham Recreation Club. The absentees during the coming «eason will be A. J. Carr-Archer and M. B. Holland, who are now stationed
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  • 146 19 MR. CHIN CHEE MEOW, the president Of m the LJan Hwa 8.P.. is to provide the Selangor Badminton Association with n challenge cup for the junior Inter-team doubles tournament, which was specially inaugurated by the local governing body m 1938 to foster the Interest of younger players, among
    146 words
  • 104 19 'From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. RAIN washed out the first cricket practice match of the Segamat Cricket Club to have been played on the Batu Hampar padang. The Ciub have yet to hold their annual general meeting and they will have to hurry if they wish to obtain
    104 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 19 Picture taken on the first anniversary of the Wah Fonjj 8.P., of Ipoh, The president, Wah Feng, is standing third from the left.
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  • 186 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore, Saturday. IN an evenly contested Rugby match played here to-day, the Loyal Regiment beat Johore by five points (a goal) to three points (a try). The difficult ground conditions on account of rain that fell in the afternoon, did not prevent the
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  • 282 19 <From Our Own Correspondent) Port Swettenham. •yHE twenty-eighth annual tennis tournament of the Kampong Kuantan Club held during the Chinese new year holidays on the club courts proved another great success. There was no tournament last year, owing to the declaration of war in September. As
    282 words
  • 70 19 I From Our Own Correspondent 1 Port Swettenham. L. Danker, who has entered the final cf the annual singles badminton tournament of the Port Swettenham Recreation C. .b, n meet Ramachandram, was last year's runner-up and not the champloti, as stated in last week's Sunday Times. The
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 19 1 AIL SINGH: All -India, F.M.S. and Selantor State cricketer. Celebrated his return to Malayan cricket after a long absence by scoring 86 and 80 in last week's curtain raiser Selangor Indians vs. Singapore Indians.
    35 words
  • 180 19 North-South Hockey Abandoned Only Ten Minutes' Play Owing To Heavy Rain (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. •THE annual North vs. South hockey tame here to-day was abandoned after ten mnutes owing to heavy rain. When the game stopped the North had scored one coal, by Jajrmohan Vohra <
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  • 252 19 i From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. SCORING two goals in each half, the Government English School opened their soccer season with a good win over the Segamat Police by four goals to one. Play was not of a high standard but was keen and the boys
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  • 330 19 From Our Own Correspondents Talplng. AT the annual meeting of the Talping and District Football Association held recently the financial position of the Association was more than satisfactory A credit balance of $144.28 has been carried forward to this year. SITIAWAK HOCKEY UEAGUfc THE Sitiawan-Dlndlngs district hockey league
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  • 74 19 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Scremban, Saturday. AT the annual general meeting of the Pagoda Recreation Club of Seremban, held yesterday, the following office bearers were elected:— Patrons, W. C. Markay and G. F. MacDougall; president, Chan Mm Sam: vice president, J. Rattan Singh: hon. secretary, J. Thambirajah; hon.
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 19 J. F. M. ROIALLE: Champion athlete of Perak, and a ruggqt forward who has played for the North and for Selangor and Penk State teams.
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  • 254 19 From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. THE hockey match arranged to be played at Seremban to-morrow between Negri Sembilan A and the Muar Hockey Association of Johore has teen cancelled as Muar are unable to make the Journey to Seremban. The Negri Sembilan hockey season has entfed
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  • 227 19 S. C. C SOCCER. SIX-A-SIDE TtHE Singapore Cricket club slx-a-side soccer competition will begin on Tuesday. The following are the teams in the competition: Team "A F. Hutchlnson (capt.). F. W. Dunhlll, K. Black, A. Morgan, D. Brennan and F. W. Stephens. Team "B": A. Ferguson (capt.), E. A. de
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  • 73 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. AT the annual general meeting of the Negrl Sembilan Football Association, officer- bearers were elected as follows: President, Dr. B. A. Taylor; vice president, Ng Loo Beng: hon. secretary, A. Kunaretnam hon. treasurer, S. Muthucumaru: hon. asst. secretary, Chin See Hin;
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  • 33 19 Mr. Ng Loo Beng, manager of the Seremban branch or the Oversea Chinese Bank, who has been elected ricepresident of the Negri Sembilan Football Association, is a former Singapore Malaya Cup soccer player.
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  • 165 19 PLAYING at Paya Lebar yesterday in the business houses league the AP.C. beat Guthries by three goals to two. A last-minute goal decided the issue In favour of the AP.C. Play was very keen. Both sides displayed good defensive work but the forwards were weak.
    165 words
  • 95 19 (From Onur Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. rE Rahang Youngsters of Seremban beat the King George V School in a cricket match played on the school padang this afternoon by 33 runs. The school, batting first, were all out for 33 runs. Raety Seneviratne was the highest
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  • 133 19 (From Our Own Correspondent > Muar. AT the annual general meeting of the Muar Lawn Tennis Association it was disclosed that two cups have been presented to the Association, Mr. F. K. Wilson the former president of the Association and Mr. C. D. Westwood a keen sports
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  • 40 19 i From Our Own Correspondent* Seremban, Feb. 17. ENTRIES are invited by the Nejri Sembilan Football Association for the six-a-slde soccer competition for the Taylor Shield, and for the Jurior football competition for the Chans Joon Long cup.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 113 19 Pimples Go Cause Killed in 3 Days The rery first application of Nlxoderm basins to clear away pimples like magic. Use Nixoderm toutght and you will soon ■co your akin becoming: soft, smooth and clear. Nixoderm Is a new discovery that kill, germs and parasites on the skin that cause
      113 words
    • 1084 19 LOSS OF WEIGHT STOPPED IN 3 WEEKS! This woman recaptured perfect health If you want to put on flesh, the easiest, quickest, pleasantest way, do as so many people throughout Malaya are doing. Simply take two tiny, tasteless, flesh-forming tablets after each meal and see how quickly you will put
      1,084 words

  • 552 20 Secret Landing Under Guard MOKK than 15,000 tons of British ships, with holds and decks packed with warplanes from America, docked at a west coast port after crossing the Atlantic in convoys, unchallenged by a single Nazi U-boat. The safe arrival of these ships was the
    552 words
  • 284 20 Drifting Mine Misses Pier, But Mined Ship Hits DOKBING up and down, hufTetted hy the wav es, a large German mine drifted towards the pier at an English south-east coast town. Nearer and nearer it came. People were ordered from the pier. Others were told to leave the seafront. From
    284 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 11 20 s A m. 0 M' T*L_BRANDY m 3 w <- ISIt^TH ((nrlslierq
      11 words
    • 285 20 Which is the firm with 3 TAILORS /■r/8 v 7 *>^\W %^v JVn Chromium case, cuarui'teed swlu movement, as illustrated $i\.. Other models fcom $11.- to S2s!Stop watch wiih split MCOBd %<il.ELLISON S. EZEXIEL CO. 3, CAPITOL BUILDING (Sundays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)^" SINGAPORE. THE MALAYA'S FAVOURITE Each needle
      285 words