The Straits Times, 23 July 1939

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 396 Sunday, July 23. 1939 Price 10 Cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 396 Sunday. July 23, 1939 Price 10 Cents
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  • 269 1 Agreement On General Background AMBASSADOR NOW AWAITS FRESH INSTRUCTIONS npHE talks in Tokio between the British Ambassador, Sir Robert Craigie, and the Foreign Minister, Mr. Hachiro Arita, concerning the troubles in Tientsin, are beginning to show progress. Yesterday an extraordinary meeting of the Japanese cabinet endorsed
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  • 25 1 Fifld Marshal L»rfi Milne inspecting the men at the annual parade of the Old Contemptibles on the Horse Guards Parade, London.
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  • 74 1 THREE KILLED IN SHANGHAI AFFRAY Shanghai, Saturday. AN American, "Tug" Wilson, a bar owner, was killed m a shooting affray in the heart or the Settlement between armed Chinese in which the police joined. More than 50 shots were fired and a hand grenade thrown. Casualties included two Chinese killed
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  • 54 1 £17,000 PRIZES FOR PEOPLE'S AEROPLANE TPHE Fronch Air Ministry .s offering £17.000 prizes in a competition to find a cheap, simple, and safe people's aeroplane. The machine is to .be made of French materials, easy to dismantle, maintain, and pilot, with a spsM of 100 miles an hour, and a
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  • 49 1 Amsterdam, Saturday. •T^IIE biggest bank merger in ths history of Dutch banking is announced by tha amalgamation of the Amsterdamsche and Rotterdamache Banks— two of the chrce biggest in Holland. The capital of the new Institution will be 70.000,000 guilders and "open reserve" of 40.000,000 guild
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  • 49 1 !'."r =i Our Cirn to. it-spcnJoat) Lonicn. Saturday!. HOLD: £7 Ba. 6dSIIAKR: Spot. 16~*d. S tnths. 16% d. COTTON: 5.314 EXCHANGE: New York. J.I Amsterdam. t-83",; Shanghai, 4'sd. noc tal. Other conmvodltlc* and exchanges are ■nchan^ed fn»m Friday, Saturdays local do- in- quotations are in pace 18.
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  • 624 1 THE British Government cannot be expected to sacrifice friends and principles in order to extricate Japanese commanders from difficulties into which their own miscalculations have led them." The Times, London, says this in a leading article on the Tokio talks between the British Ambassador
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  • 45 1 THHE do; looked longingly at the tit-bits on the plate, and looked thoughtful when the Siamese kitten hissed a warning The kitten is one of a litter of six, worth nearly £100, reared by Mrs. Fernley Slee at Castleiiayes, Plympton, Devon.
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  • 123 1 Attempt To Move Thetis Fails London, Saturday. AN attempt to move the sunkrn submar^e Thetis snpfessful. Tiro on the salvage ship collapsed as the salvage ship attempted to more towards the shore with the submarine. The Thetis was held Dy eignt nine-inch cables to the salvage vessel. As the tide
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 80 1 DANZIG WOMEN TO TAKE PLACE OF THE MEN Danzig, Saturday. U/111l the harvest to be gathered, Daniig authorities are faced with a serious shortage of. labour and may shortly call in womcr^^fill th« Five 'thousand mea *re nowstanding by for "special police duties" and every available man is being used
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  • 62 1 The Hague, Saturday. \R. COLIJN has accepted the task of forming a cabinet. This means he is confident of success. The new ministry is described as a "business cabinet," but names of the new ministers arc not yet announced. Dr. J. A. N. Patljn is expected to remain
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  • 103 1 Late News "ARRANGEMENT WITH JAPAN" DARON HIRANUMA added he trusted and expecfed the British government to take the necessary steps to bring home the spirit of the new arrangement with Japan, not only to the British authorities in China bu: also to the British nation in general. Referring to anti-British
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  • 116 1 Chungking, Saturday. CULL details of the reported Anglo- Japanese agreement will be published in the Press on Sunday, when It va expected the reaction will be one of considerable disappointment. It Is thought Mr. Quo Tal-chi will be instructed to seek full details of the reported agreement and
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  • 238 1 DLAY at Manchester in th« second cricket test match of this season between England and the West Indies lasted only lony enough for eleven runs to ba scored. On Friday there was cloudburst and on Saturday morning the weather was unsettled and the wicket drying s.'owly. At noon
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  • 103 1 London, Saturady. HPHE view that Japan was beginning to realise she was on a losing venture in China was expressed by Mr. J. T. Ford, firmer treasurer of the Shanghai Municipal Council, on arrival here to take up a financial appointment. He declared "Jfpan
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 5 1 P. H. Hendry Singapore— Penang.
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    • 76 1 YOUR NEW SUIT FROM HANAVA ANTI-CREASE CUT, STYLE FINISH GUARANTEED BY EUROPEAN TAILOR CHOTIRMALLS 41-43. HIGH ST. PARIS BLUE YUAN CHARMING ORIENTAL DESIGNED TEA SERVICES British Made. Pattern Shows Peacock. Flowers. Trees and Border in deep rich cobalt blue on pure white ground. Styled to give a Chinese effect. Very
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  • 117 2 $100,000 Scheme Under Consideration AMUSEMENT PARK BATH WHICH WOULD BE OPEN TO ALL Sea Water To Be Used— "lt's More Hygienic" *THE building of a $100,000 sea-water swimming pool within the Happy World Amusement Park is now under consideration, Mr. George Lee, proprietor of
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  • Article, Illustration
    88 2 Because they fear conclusion ot an Anqlo-Sovict pact gua*v ing Finland's frontiers may give an excuse for Russian intervention in their country, thousands of young Finns are rushing to the Finnish-Russian frontier to assist in fortifications work. Thousands of young people entrained for the frontiers without even ng the military
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  • 318 2 I IrT lor a freshman in Raffles College is no longer the < one it used to be. lii Mr. Chung Shiu Tett, I of Raffles Colic^e •i. at the freshmen dinner Jdphl !fotc! lasl night, in BCC to ragging at the coll "In previous years," lie
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  • 49 2 London, Saturday. p.- iNJE PAUL and Princess Olga o! Yugoslavia today left Buckingham Palace to spend the week-end at Ccppins. the Buckinghamshire holism of the Duke and Duchess of Kent. The:. are expected to return to the Palacthey are guests of the King and Queen, on Monday.
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  • 34 2 London, Saturday. Another R.A.F. 'plane crashed today after bursting Into flames in the air ne:ir Yrovil. The thre« occupants were killed. O.i Friday eight people were killed in thres air crashes.
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  • 33 2 Vienna, Saturday. Vcri Z^-lburc-Zivny. a former general lii th 3 Gendarmerie under Dr. Bchosehnlgg, has been sentenced la tight years hard labour on a charge of ■brutality to Nazi prisoners."
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  • 191 2 Slovakia Will Be A Republic Bratislava, Saturday. THE Slovak Parliament has unanimously adopted a new State constitution on authoritarian lines. Slovakia henceforth will be a republic with a president elected for five years, but only a single party is authorised to appoint candidates for election. The president alone is empowered
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • Article, Illustration
    90 2 Count Raczynsld, the Polish Ambassador arYived at Croyoon after having flown back to London from Warsaw via Copenhagen to avoid German territory. He went straight from the aerodrome to the Polish Catholic Mission Church to attend the christening of his baby daughter, tcho received the name Catherine. The christening had
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  • 91 2 Flying Boat Sets New Record London, Saturday. ANEW record for Imperial Airways flying boats was established by the flying boat Cordelia which arrived at Southampton yesterday, carrying ten passengers and two tons of mail and freight in a Hying time of 28 3 hours from Malakal, a distance of 3,867
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 174 2 (From Our London Stafi) London, July 14. NO fewer than four forthcoming marriages of interest to Malayans have been announced in London this week Mr. Lan Argyll Robertson, The Seaforth Highlanders, is to marry Miss Marjorie Violet Isobel Duncan, daughter of Major Malcolm Duncan and the late Mrs.
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  • 69 2 ISA MIRANDA, beautiful Italian actress, makes her American debut, in "Hotel Imperial," the Paramount film which was screened at a midnight show at the Alhambra Theatre last night. It Is an action-filled story of wartime intrigue in the Balkans, with Isa Miranda as vengeful beauty and Ray Milland
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  • 79 2 COMEiHING of the plcturesqueness of a fair was provided by tha colourful dresses worn by the young women v ho attended the bazaar held at the Geylang Methodist Church yesterday, organised by the Women's Circle. Under new'.y-erccted attap stalls, crowded with young and old, cakes and
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  • 251 2 BANKER'S ESTATE AS REST CENTRE 22,000 At Picnic On Lawns New York. AN army of 22,000 of New York's street cleaners, accompanied by beaming: wives and children, has formally taken possession of the 400-acre estate of the lato Mr. Otto Kahn, the banker, who died in 1934.
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  • 54 2 /TYING his age as 88, a Chinese was taken by ambulance to Tan Tock Seng Hospital last night with lacerations on his left arm and leg. He was said to have been knocked down by a bicycle while walking on the road. He talked
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  • 35 2 The Police Band will play tomorrow at Botanic Gardens at 5.30 p.m.: March, The 92nd in Copenhagen (Pecking); Overture, Zampa (Herold): Selection, The Desert Song (Romberg): Mlnuetto, Boccherinis (Binding*: Selection, The Shamrock (Myddleton)
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  • 26 2 Rome. Saturday. The Navy Is holding manoeuvres In the Mediterranean from July 23 to July 30. They will be observed by v German naval mission.
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 2 A new German 10,000-ton cru'i.r, nair.ed tl, I/-.' launched at Bremen, the ceremony being performed by Harder, widow of Admiral Harder, who commanded the war-time cruiser of the same name. The c miser's designed speed is 32 knots.
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  • 160 2 T*WO alleged anti-Japanese incidents took place in Singapore Chinatown yesterday one outside a lodging house in Nankin Street and the other at a Chinese patent medicine shop in Cross Street. No arrests have been made, it is understood. Outside the lodging house, two Chinese were badly
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  • 57 2 JAPANESE EMPEROR WATCHES FLEET Tokio, Saturday. •T*HE Emperor of Japan inspected exercises of the Combined Fleet at Yokohama. "le went, aboard by launch In the midst of a thunderous Imperial salute. The launch steamed between lines of warships. The Emperor boarded the 32,000-ton battleship Nagato and witnessed eight hours of
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  • 31 2 Swaml Bhaswarananda, of th^ Ramakrishna Mission, will give a lecture on Buddhism, "The Middle Path," at the Singapore Bi'ddhlst Association Hall, 731, Geylang Road, on Wednesday, at 8 p.m.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 2 Mr. J. Mullhalland, Chelsea Pensioner and veteran of many campaigns, doesn't think knitting a womanish pastime. Here he Is sitting in Hyde Park enjoying the sunshine while keeping his needles busily clicking.
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  • 173 2 Save The Chinese Dollar London, Saturday. /COMMENTING on the Chinese dollar problem in its City notes, The Times, London, says: "It is clear enough in retrospect that the ■■tunt of money put at the disposal of the stabilisation fund was inadequate and the authorities have now to choose whether to
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 99 2 Shanghai. Saturday. CTRINGENT precautions are being enforced In all the principal centres of Manchukuo in consequence of recent Soviet air raids on inland according to trustworthy foreign reports. Inhabitants of Mukden have been ordered to screen lights until iurther notice. This followed air raid warning
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 104 2 London, Saturday. CEVERAL London newspapers give currency to rumours that during j hir. visß to London far the InternatlonI al Whaling Conference. Hcrr Won! tat, (German Minister for Economics, was engaged in conversations with British I ministers and others during which a disarmament plan coupled witli a gigantic
    British Wireless  -  104 words
  • 38 2 The Singapore Tamil Epworth League held a successful variety musical entertainment yesterday evening at their premises In Short Street. The entertainment, which consisted of music, song and dances, was well carried by members of the League.
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  • 282 3 MEMBER PROMISES TO GIVE $50,000 Spending Criticised At Present f A PROPOSAL \o erect a $250,000, five-storied building for the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce is under consideration by a special committee of the Chamber, The Sunday Times understands. To replace the
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  • 152 3 THE Singapore Coroner, Mr W. G., yesterday exonerated a Malay taxi driver, Mohamed Jadl bin All, at an inquiry into the death of an aged Chinese cyclist, Chew Chin, who was knocked down by the taxi on Buklt Timah Road on July
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  • 99 3 A PAIR of wooden clogs with false he :1s ii which ehandu had been concealed were exhibits in the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday, When m fi .iamite named Tan Man Tow ■was sentenced to a day's imprisonment and Bned $100, in default four
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  • 72 3 *»THE b st thing i 1 to send you to the Hoi *c of Detention, 1 remarked Mr. J. Fl 'tcher-Cooke, Singapore Third Police ft aglstrate. yesterday, addressing Johi. Leon Arnold, a 36-year-old European, who admitted he had no visible ir.eans of subsistence and no place
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  • 84 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Pcnang. •THE Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce entertained Dr. Ons Huck Chye to a tea party at the Chamber's premises in honour of the recent award to him of the Malayan Certificate of Honour. A large gathering was present including Mr. A.
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 3 Mr. and Mrs. Lim Hock Seng, of Batu Pahat, after their marriage at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
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  • 113 3 HTHE breaking of fire alarms in Kal- lang Road, Sumbawa Road and Crawford Street on Friday night had a sequel in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday when a Tamil named Raja Gopal was charged with wilfully breaking the alarms. Gopal remained silent on being charged
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  • 224 3 THE maximum fine for this offence is $1,000, but as this Is the first prosecution of its kind I shall impose a fine of $15, or in default of payment, two weeks' rigorous Imprisonment." re marked Mr. L. C. Goh in the Singapore i
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  • 122 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang. rE wedding took place here at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church of Mr. B. R. Cambridge, Assistant Engineer, P.W.D., Kuala Kangsar, and Miss Margaret Mcßrlde. nursing sister attached to the Penang General Hospital. The bridegroom Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. R. O.
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  • 91 3 OWING to the nature of the bottom in the vicinity, it has been found impossible to construct the proposed beacon on Kra Spit, in the southern approach to Penang, states a notice to mariners issued yesterday. Position of the beacon was to be approximately latitude
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  • 93 3 CENTENCE of two weeks' rigorous imprisonment was passed by Mr. L. C. Goh in the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday, on a 36-year-old Hainanese, Tang Plan, who was convicted of attempted theft from a car in Liang Seah Street on July 13. Accused admitted one previous
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  • 65 3 HUGH JOSEPH McCOUGH (23), Gunner attached to the Royal Artillery, Blakan Mati, was produced before Mr. C. H. Koh in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday on a rharge of attempted housebreaking into the quarters of Capt. Maisey in Blakan Matl between 11.15 and 11.30 p.m.
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  • 69 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. CIVE hundred young people, drawn from Methodist Sunday schools In Alor Gajah, Jasin, Merlimau, Segamat, Serom. Sungel Bharu, Tampln, Tangkajc and Malacca town, assembled last week for a general rally and united religious service at Blckley Park. Rev. R. A. Blasdell, District
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  • 314 3 D F. PALMER, secretary of the Singapore Cold Storage Company, Ltd., appeared before Mr. L. C. Goh in the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday, on two separate summons charging him with possession of unjust scales on June 30. Defendant, who was represented by Mr.
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  • 136 3 Cheating Of European Alleged ALLEGED to have cheated K. R. A. Stevens, a European, of $15, Goh Ah Kan, a 28-year-old Teochew, claimed trial when he appeared before Mr. J. r'etcherCooke in the Singapore Thiiv Police Court yesterday. He was rem nded in police custody for 48 hours. Court Inspector
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  • 293 3 I.VHAKI) Wearaes From Penan*. Ipota and Kuala Lumpur. Arrives every rvtning. Qantas From Australia: Arrives tnU afternoon. Imperial: From Europe: Due Monday afternoon. X.L.M.: From Netherlands Indies: Arrives Tuesday afternoon. K.L..U: From Europe: Arrives Monday even Int. K.N.I.LM.: From Netherlands Indie*Arrives Monday afternoon. K.N.1.L.M.: From
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  • 68 3 MM Aden (Imperial) 1 >ra East Africa (Imperial) ..2 o.iyv South Africa (Imperial) ..a D.m. Burma (Imperial) 3 *> n Whole Canada (Imperial) ..2 onv Kgyux. Sudan and Palestine (Imperial) ..2 d n» Great Britain and Ireland (Imperial) 3 o.a Europe except O Britain St Ireland (Imperial)
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  • 13 3 Mails rrom China and Japan expected today by Argentina Maru.
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  • 42 3 The Chitral from Honsr. Kong Is not expected to reach Singapore l-e'ore Thursday morninu. instead of the usuul time on Wednesday. Her c*eparture fr>r Europe will not be affected and she Is expected to saU at 9.30 a.m. on Friday.
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  • 96 3 Monday, July 24. The following snips are alongside the Singapore Harbour Board wharves or expected to arrive Main Wharf: Entrance Gate 2; Exit 3: Argentina Maru 18, Gleneam 14. AJax 0, Knisyo Maru 7. Empire Dock: Entrance Gate 2: Exit 3: Klanir 31, Silveryew 32, Darvel 38.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 65 3 an economical treat fall of concentrated go odn ess. Kidneys on toast hare long been a favourite of the breakfast table. Not only do they make a Tery palatable, light, early morning meal but one possessing an abundance of nutritive element*. K!2nc>^ :irc vcrv 'asy to prepare and cheap too.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 3 3 II II \W^W~^&
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    • 153 3 IN SINGAPORE TODAY CINEMAS Today ALHAMBRA: "Road Demon"' with Henry Arthur %n<l Joan Valerie. 11 a.m.. 3.15. 6.15 anJ 9.15 p.m. CAPITOL: "Burn "Em Up O'Connor" with Cecilia Parker Dennis O'Keefe. 3.15. 6.13 and 9.15 p.m. PAVILION: "The Saint Strikes Back" with George Sanders. 3.15. 6.15 it 915. Q€EEN'S GEYLANQ:
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    • 217 3 DELIVERIES Imperial: L«ft Singapore July 14: DrllTtrefl London July 20. KIM,: Left Singapore July 11 and July 111 Delivered London July 17 and July 18. TIDE TABLE SINGAPORE Toaay. H. W. 2.48 a.m. 9.1 ft.: 3.21 p.m. B.9ft. L. W t).02 a.m. 2.6 ft.: 9.34 p.m. 3 ft. Tomorrow H.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 220 4 The Most Thrilling and Exciting racing drama you've ever Seen— You will call it the fastest picture ever after you catch your breath TODAY (SUNDAY) 11 A.M. 3.15, 6.15 9J? _J tK_l QOf**'* ffir j ~__r _^_S_— v tr > _Bw pw^~~^- ~~^^F> *~a jQN|I\L henry arthur joan VaLERIE ti
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    • 331 4 THE STAR Or "THE OUTSIDER" AS THE "SAJNT* IN A GRAND ADVENTURE YARN BY LESLIE CHARTERIS OPENING TODAY 3.15 6.15 9.15 PAVILION ___fk. ___^E_ri_P _^_k_- __^^-_^_C^* y 7Y 4 4-^_H_l _^H_4_Bf _k. SB_^_^_l _Ht > E^__* lß_^_^_^_^_^__-__r V l^_P^_^_i S wi jl S■■ V _^_iiyv><ri^_ffT*Y^_^^*_M_B_B_n^^_^^^_r_» tlb ___i B^ \b Hftd—^y
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    • 243 4 An Exciting Action-packed Murder Mystery TODAY at the CAPITOL 4>'*v\lYf; AT 3.15, 'i THRILLS ROMANCE!^ k Can you solve the "Speedway murders"? I Here's action- packed love story J and a new kind of screen adventure! m WCONNod v\\M Wlth MG M 8 New YouthiuJ Sweethearts Ml l \\\M
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  • Entertainment
    • 587 5 pOUti Singapore lads realized a I >rig-held ambition when they broadcast recently from the Singapore station. Radio listeners who tuned in to Nick\s dance band programme on a recent Sunday night would have heard these lads They were announced as Denis And His Boys."
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    • 155 5 Offers From Hollywood Refused pRIFFITH JONES, the British actor who was a Rood foil to it Taylor in "A Yank at Oxfcrd," has recently declined a number of Hollywood offers. This actor would not mind going to Hollywood !cr one picture, but he says he will not sign a contract
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    • 46 5 *rHc. coveted title role in the film version of Clifford Odets'3 "Golden Boy" goes to 21-year-old unknown William Holden. Director Rouben Mamoulian discovered him accidentally. He has never appeared in a picture before, and has had only brief stage experience.
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    • Article, Illustration
      77 5 Robert Taylor and Myrna Loy co-star for the first time in "Lucky Night." Taylor is a penniless playboy without a care In the world. Myn.a Is a bridge-builder's daughter who Is not impressed by luxury. They meet on a park seat and start off from there. Is
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    • 73 5 noMANCE is rumoured between John Howard and Dorothy Lamour, Hollywood stars. Originally, their romancing was said to be just a publicity stunt, which turned out serious. Dorothy Lamour Is known in Hollywood as The "Sarong Girl." John Howard was once engaged to Kay Griffith. George Sanders,
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    • 30 5 Samuel Goldwyn hps handed Gary Cooper another term contract. Cooper's next Goldwyn picture is to be "The Real Glory," an outdoor yarn about the conquest of the Phllppines.
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    • 133 5 A LTOGETHER 130 performances were given by the Police Band last year, states the annual report of the Inspector-General of Police, Mr. R. H. de S. Onraet, who is now on leave prior to retirement. The performances comprised 84 for the Municipality, 18 at the Police Officers' Mess,
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    • 34 5 t ESTER Cowan, who plans to make a Pickwick Papers film triology with W. C. Fields as Mr. Pickwick, ■a going to England to ask the advtc« or the Dlcksnsian Society.
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    • 300 5 UOLLYWOOD producers are 11 eagerly looking In England for potential screen stars. Several artists of distinction refuse to go to America for film work. Other •performers are waiting for good offers. Do not be surprised if you hear that Red Harrison 13 on his way
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    • 59 5 AT 82, George Bernard Shaw is writing his 50th play which, he says, may turn out to be a film. Its present title is "In Good King Charles's Golden Days." and Charles 11. Isaac Newton and George Fox are among the characters. Ha says. however, that thtre
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 197 5 Seasonal Coughs Colds "McKENZIES COUGH MIXTURE Obtainable a d at all LUNG TONIC" Chemists rr Invaluable for the relief of: 50 Cts. and $1. COUGHS. COLDS. 1 BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA. Prepared only by MAYNARD CO.. LTD. Chemists Singapore. fe M THE WORLD RENOWNED I G&^&Mim NATURAL mineral water W/Si^FMmijfM *> Eottled
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    • 301 5 MONDAY Slat JULY ALHAMBRA isSSSK^ dfIH^V^^AJH Ek^^lJ^S QUICK WAY TO BANISH MUSCULAR ACHES Are you a victim of stiff, strained, sor« muscles If so, you will be dad to learn of Absorbing Jr., the reliable, double-aetinc liniment used for years by trainers of athletes. This cooling antiseptic liniment penetrates straight
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 150 5 This Week's Films CAPITOL Opens Today.— "Burn 'Em Up O'Connor" (Dennis O'Keefe. Cecilia Parker). An M.G.M. motor racing film. Opens Tuesday.— The Warning" Authentic A.R.P. film. Following Attraction. "Hua Mu Lan." Chinese drama. ALHAMBRA Opens Today. Road Demon." (Henry Armetta, Henry Arthur, Joan Valerie, Tom Beck. Bill Robinson). A 20th
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  • 134 6 Colony Seat For E. C. Chariwood 27 YEARS IN SINGAPORE THE appointment of Mr. E. C. Chariwood, of Singapore, a director of Harper, Gilfillan and Co., Ltd., as an Unofficial member of the Legislative Council will be announced officially shortly,^ The Sunday Times understands. Mr. Chariwood
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  • 291 6 GOVERNMENT PENSIONS: NEW F.M.S. BILL (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. GIVING his objects and reasons for the introduction of a Bill, providing for the regulation and granting of pensions and gratuities and other allowances to officers on the Malayan Establishment, into the Federal Council on Aug. 22, the Legal
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  • 60 6 Fertile Inland Plain Sydney. IUfF.MBERS of an expedition which has spent many months in the interior of New Guinea, surveying *n unexplored area between Hagen and the Dutch New Guinea border, report the discovery of a great fertile internal plateau, suitable for European settlement. The
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 6 The new KUng Malay School, which has just been completed. This building will accommodate more 1 than 600 children.
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  • 93 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. Saturday. TTHERE is a heat wave in North Johore and very little rain has alien this month. The drought would have ruined padi crops of the ryats but for the Irrigation schemes pushed forward by Government. The level of
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  • 108 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. |\>|R Horace Edward Clayton, a mln- ing engineer working in the research department of Anglo-Oriental (Malaya), Ltd., Tanjong Tualang, Perak, has made an application for a grant of exclusive privileges in respect of an invention called "Clayton Vorte separator. The F.M.S. Government
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  • 356 6 £»LAIMING to have invented a system of romanising the Chinese language by which learners will be able to master the language in three to six months, Mr. Fu Kwang Tet, a Singapore Chinese dentist, is preparing a book fur beginners and a dictionary. Shortly, the
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  • 344 6 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Friday. I JPHOLDING the appeal of the Public Prosecutor against the acquittal of Loke Kwi Thong by a magistrate who thought that he had not committed an offence by playing a gramophone in public in such a manner
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  • 259 6 Living Cost Lower Last Year I FVING was cheaper in Singapore last year than in the previous 12 months, according to figures now issued by the Department of Statistics. Asiatics benefltted most, prices for their purchases being down by 2.9 per cent. Cost of living for Eurasians fell by 2.5
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  • 45 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. THE Coroner returned a verdict of death by misadventure in the case of a Chinese housebuilder named Tong Phln who fell off a beam in a house in Lorong Pantel on June 28, and died from multiple injuries.
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  • 227 6 Yong Shook Lin For The Federation PUBLIC LIFE IN SELANGOR (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. jyjß. YONG SHOOK LIN has v been appointed an Unofficial member of the Federal Council for a period of three years, with effect from July 19. .in place of Mr. Lai Tet Loke.
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  • 61 6 •From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. •"PENNIS, badminton, darts md clock gorf will be avails:- to members of the public who auprjort the games afternoon being organised by the Church Workers' Association on Tuesday, Aug. 1, at the Residency grounds. A charge of $1 will be made
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  • 66 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. TpWO officers of the Malay Adminis- trative Service have been appointed to new Class I offices, it is notified in the F.M.S. Government Gazrtle. Raja Zainal Azman Shah bin Raja Sir Chulan has been appointed acting Deputy Chairman and Secretary of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 625 6 WORKED ONLY ONE WEEK IN TWO Sciatica Kept Him At Home It is the wife who sends us this information about her husband's troubles. Bhe writes:— "For some time past, my husband has been able to work only one week in two, on account of sciatica. He suffered so much
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    • 93 6 To TRENGGANU by "PAHAH6" for travel the latest addition to the tlett of the I Ho 1 STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. I (every FRIDAY until OCTOBER) MANsrtELP co., ltpT) 5 days §°t JJ <£B> DIAMOND nyigg^ A vuitty Ctetn. TfcMes, Slocto vi Xj II I BjsWilH* iTftiUM* to trtlstlc
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  • 219 7 Stone From Malaya To Help Build English Cathedral GRANITE FROM UBIN: MARBLE FROM IPOH Malacca May Send Laterite CLOCKS of stone from Malaya are being sent to complete the extension of Portsmouth Cathedral, of which the old twelfth century church of St. Thomas a Becket now forms the choir. From
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  • 376 7 500 MORE A.R.P. MEN ON ROLL Getting Ready For Next Black-Out THOI'fJH the next black-out in Singapore is at least two months ahead, A.X.P. authorities have not been idle in rerent weeks. Training work has been continued on a iairly wide sr;lc and preparation and dis- < s-ions held with
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  • 66 7 I WAS depressed because I could not find wcrk,'' said Kock Lav Man, 17-year-old Cantonese youth, when he pleaded guilty yesterday in the Singapore Third Police Court to attempting to commit suicide by drinking poison. He was bound over. V. A. Gabriel, 24-year-old Eurasian, pleaded guilty in the
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  • 43 7 On being informed yesterday that a ship la King's Dock, Keppel Harbour, was on lire, the Singapore Harbour Board Fire Brigade speeded to the scene, but found only a small pool of oil burning in a drain oa the wharf.
    43 words
  • 84 7 Scrounged Towels And Bounced Casualties "gCROUNGING and" of towels used for shading electric lamps in black-outs is causing some concern to the St. Jchn Ambulance Association, according to brigade orders for the Singapore district. The "scrounged" and scorched towels are not -brigadf: or A.R.P. property, the orders add parenthetically.
    84 words
  • 81 7 Signed Photographs New York. A UTOGRAPHED photographs of the King and Queen have been received by Mr. Lewis Valentine, the Police Commissioner, First Commissioner John Seery and Chief Inspector Louis Custom-, as a mark of their Majesties' appreciation of the arrangements made for their
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  • 35 7 The Royal Hawaiian Entertainers, headed by Queenie and David Kaill, left for Java by the X.P.M. steamer Plancius on Friday. After touring Java, they will return to Singapore for further performances here.
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  • 33 7 African chiefs who have arrived in Paris from sections of the French Empire in Africa. They attended the celebrations held in France in connection with Bastille Day, July 14.
    33 words
  • 290 7 CEVEN refugee doctors from Europe have been register* ed as medical practitioners in Malaya in a supplementary Government Gazette issued last week. They all have Italian degrees, as Italian and Japanese degrees are the only foreign qualifications recognised in Great Britain and the colonies.
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  • 33 7 A TARTY of 125 young Jewish children arrived at Liverpool Street station, London, recently, having- travelled from Vienna. In the picture are Herbert (left): and Kurt Goldsehmidt, 10-month-old twins.
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  • 87 7 MR. Jacob Epstein's "Adam," which since its exhibition at the Leicester Galleries. London, has been the subject of a lively controversy, has been sold for about £7.000. It Is understood that the buyer is a wealthy Australian associated with the gold mining Industry. His name
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  • 92 7 Censorship Introduced In Germany Berlin. PURTHER effort on the part of t*iC Nationai-Soclalist State to stamp out "degenerate" dancing is promised in a Joint declaration made by the Presidents of the Chamber of Music and the Chamber of Theatres. New and foreign dances, according to the declaration, must
    92 words
  • 75 7 Fascist Party's Army Rome. TTHE Fascist Militia, the army of th«. party, which is now merged with the Regular Army, totals 721,903 men. it Is officially announced. Of this number 201 men are Slgnor Mussolini's musketeers. The Militia Itself, which in case of a war would
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  • 92 7 Naval Secrets Guard Moscow. IT is understood foreign tourists are no lonrer to be allowed to visit Sebaslopol, the Crimean naval port on the Black Sea. The reason officially given is that the Intourist office there has now been closed. But the real reason Is more
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 926 7 I STAMPS HOTELS f --fct^- -H»fraß p*««« ithxt* J you rt^uirt :w% will nukQ 1 of Ju&'l«* sumps ntint ,m. o J ""A v L2zK+&F£ insistently 4 Ait«it.M }]/t 42/t 4 Monutr.M »/t 10/ii££, i£ lTfcW%"& £w3* nd enJoy eithM 4 krtwoo< io/4 r (Sp»o.iM it/, js/- kr l'r%Lf
      926 words

  • 1128 8 Read 0f.... Hon. Mr. R. Williamson, Mr. W. H. Ingrams, Mr. Oh Lock Heng, Mr. Lim Kok Ann, Mr. Lee Lian Chye. •"TWENTY years in this country— all of them in Singapore have surrounded the Hon. Mr. R. Williamson (caricatured in this page by Tretchikoff) with a
    1,128 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 418 8 of* /'j^t^ yy\ '^z&t S I yT Doctors the world over 'H- I hay« givtn their ttsti- f mony to the remarkatel* y\ efficacy Attpss Soap Don't scratch— \f SUIT iB it won't cure T^ J^fipSp will relieve you from the torment Scratching is of no avail, it Mcrcory, a
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 209 8 CONTRACT BRIDGE AT a recent week-end house party at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Stuyvesant Walnwright, Jr., of New York, some good Bridge was played but one of the hands «eemed to us to illustrate the worst type of defensive bidding. To our mind West committed one of
      209 words
    • 218 8 By THE FOUR ACES would be won. Therefore. In addition to winning a problematical trick in spades. East would have to hold two sure tricks in the other suits. This was extremely unlikely, especially as South, who was VALUES vulnerable, had carried the bidding 01 the all the way to
      218 words

  • 663 9 Arabs Find Peace Better Than War TRIBAL FEUDS ARE SETTLED DEACE has come to the Hadhramaut, the Arabian district from which come most of the Arabs who have settled in Malaysia, with the establishment of a British Protectorate, according to Mr. W. H. Ingrams, British Resident at Mukalla
    663 words
  • 119 9 Children May Spy On Parents Who Drink Bombay. DOMBAY school children arc to be taught song* written in favour of the prohibition of alcohol, and there are to be organised marches through the streets in which the children will sinjr these songs and shout appropriate slogans. All this is being
    119 words
  • 47 9 Berlin. SIX hundred Germans have arrived in Hamburg lrom South American States. They were given an official welcome, in accordance with the policy of encouraging Germans living abroad to return to help remedy the labour shortage created by the four-year (lan %nd military demands.
    47 words
  • 221 9 Story Of How It Got Its Name Ottawa. RICKING Horse Pass in the Rocky Mountains, about whl^ there has been some controversy in The Observer correspondence columns, derives its name from the fact that Sir James Hector, in 1899, was kicked by one of his horses near
    221 words
  • 116 9 "CORRY I can't ask you to tea, lam busy fighting two loars single-handed." This greeting was given to Mrs. W. H. Ingrams, wife of the British Resident Mukalla, l •them Arabia, when she was out ris. ■•p in the Uadhramaut some years ago. She had ridden
    116 words
  • 175 9 Capital Now Flowing To Antipodes WHAT has been described as the new rationalization of Empire industries is rapidly extending from Australia to New Zealand. Partly owing to the import and currency restrictions recently imposed by New Zealand, branch factories are already jeing established there by Australian and even British firms.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 478 9 SAVE YOUR GOOD LOOKS Brylcreem Z^iuard the health and apfy^Bg vJpearance of your hair by (> jGL tne daily use of Brylcrecm. \\[S C^| You>ll nru there's nothing /K^ better for keeping your hair in good order— smart I a^ a y* Start to f jj. L Brylcreem your hair
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  • 99 10 Car Watchers Convicted On Vagrancy Charge JUDGE Natividad Almeda- Lopez, of the Manila municipal court, convicted eight watch-your-car boys on charges of vagrancy. The boys were taken by the police in different sections of the business district. Three of the accused. Gabriel Flores, Policarpio Fiel and Emlliano Benitez, were sentenced
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  • 96 10 MR. Herbert Wilcox, back from Hollywood, where he has been producing Nurse Cavell," is full of optimism over the British film conquest of the United States. "We go in by the front door now," he said *Mr. Chips' has Just about put the finishing touch
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  • 34 10 A further boatload of Czech refugees has left Gdynia for Sweden and Britain, bringing the number of refugees which have passed through that port during the last few months up to 10,u00.
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  • 87 10 Safer Landings New York. •"pHE invention of a "reverse gear" for big alr-liner3, which will enable pilots to stop their machines more quickly in landing, is announced by the Curtiss-Wright Corpor-tlon. The device consists of an electricallyoperated reversible-pitch propeller. When a pilot lands his machine he
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  • 41 10 By order of King Leopold, the Belgian Defence Minister, Gen. Denis, pinned the -.ross of the Knight of the Order of Leopold on Capt. Willie, the German s.irman who was killed at the Brussels air display.
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  • 223 10 Malayan Chinese volunteers waving good-bye as they sailed for the China war front last week Eighth "Troopship Leaves Singapore fgRINGING the total ot Malayan Chinese volunteers for the China war front to more than 2,000, the eighth "troopship" left Singapore last week with a party
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  • 199 10 £10,000 A- Year Barrister Dies 'lyra. Walter Frampton, one of great Britain's most brilliant barristers, who has died at his Beckenham home told friends as he lay ill that he was sure he would feel better if he could get back to court." He could not do that. So he
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  • 21 10 It is officially announced that the Nazi party congress will take place in Nuremberg from Sept. 2 to 11.
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  • 135 10 pAPTAIN Edmund B. Churteris, wealthy 67- year-old War Office official, found siot its his flat at Arlington House, Piooa.-'illy. W (reported in last week's Kundav Tumi)! •as heartbroken becaus a he was retiring from his Job. His wife of two montr.«\ Mrs. Dorothy Chartens Eaid at the
    135 words
  • 735 10 Cards For All T^HIS one-pack patience is quite easy to learn, but it is not one that comes out very often. So it should appeal to those people who like to pit their wits against the cards. T< complete a game successfully is certainly an achievement. Having shuffled
    735 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 866 10 4 REASONS FOR USING V /y wfflk I I New a pure white emiili ified tSJW I/ I w) O Do f not 011 lln n ><^-^^ \V/ll'fy \4O ImCL Pil'owi, etc. r^ V\li ''■>*""^flP/ *1 Do«s not" plaster" or "flake AyyZSljf^i Vlk off" the hair. ///^^S^''3 I* 4 Doei
      866 words

  • Books Of The Week
    • 940 11 Long Journey Through Unknown Arabis Influence Of Alkaff Family In The Hadhramaut Sheba's Daughters. By H. St. J. B. Philby. Methuen. 21s. IIERE is a careful and scholarly work, which sets out to describe a long journey In an unknown part of the -earth where few people have penetrated, at
      940 words
    • 275 11 eylon. By Lord HoWen. George MI ;i and Inwln Ltd. lfts. Gd. net. rl la very difficult to give a classification for this interesting book. It; la neither a travel book in the ordinary sense, nor a cultural study of Ceylon. In i act, it covers all phases of
      275 words
    • 435 11 The Dark Horseman. By Jackson Budd. Michael Joseph. 7s. 64. Slow Poison. By John Rowland. Blind Man's Bluff. By Andrew Wood. Both from Jenkins' Colonial Library. Challenge to the Four. By Mark Cross. Ward Lock 3s. 6d. |Y|R. BUDD reconstructs a lurid period ITI of Thames-side life
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    • 536 11 The Mind Changers. By E. Douglas Hume. Michael Joseph Bs. fid. /CONTRARY to what might be sup posed, this book has nothing whatsoever to do with the Oxford Group Movement, notwithstanding th<> Buchraanite susaestiveness of the title. A great expression in this "Jt is "lifechangers." and as
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 384 11 CXiality ill J|kj|I|IIALITY first that is~the guiding principle in mS '.\i ]m\~*v i l^ manu f* cture °f Ovaltine.' Upon its supreme M| A\ quality and unrivalled nutritive properties millions MB.' iv al °f People fdy t<x health and fitness. ifl bUjT, v ktM I ''SB m•* c w tai
      384 words

  • 277 12 "Black Figure With Two Small Balls Of Fire For Eyes" SINGAPORE CLERK TELLS HIS STORY pRANK Michael Skadianff, 20--year-old clerk employed in a Malacca Street (Singnpoie) firm, claims to have seen a phost three times in his life and his last two experiences occurred <.n
    277 words
  • 67 12 RE-GROUPING (From Oar Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. I ARGE rubber companies In Malaya have completed plans for the re-grouping estates in case of war. The plans, which are secret, provide for bringing under senior managers a number of estate units which would release lunior
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  • 57 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. The Resident of Selangor has appointed Raja Uda bin Raja Muhammad to be Vice-President of the Malay Agricultural Settlement, Kuala Lumpur, in the place of Mr. W. A. Ward, and Mr. John Hands to be honorary secretary of the Settlement, in the
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  • 44 12 Inche Mohamed Bakin bin Abas has been appointed acting Collector of Land Revenue, Kuala Lumpur, and Hajl Abdul Aziz bin Hajl Mohamed Khamis has been appointed Assistant Collector of Land Revenue for the same district. Both are officers of Class I, Malay Administrative Service.
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  • Article, Illustration
    86 12 JACK DEMPSEY, the Manassa Mauler, former heavyweight boxing champion of the world, beams a great big smile from his corner after medicos at the Polyclinic Hospital had given him the decision over 'Kid Peritonitis." The complication set in after the removal of Dempsey's appendix. He is now well
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  • 92 12 •From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. POUR new Malay appointments In r District Offices in the F.M.S. are nnounced in the current issue of the P.M S. Government Gazette. Inche Bahaman bin Samsudin is to officiate as Assistant District Officer, fcatu Gajah, Inche Zainal Abidin b'n Haji
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  • 169 12 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. AAR. G. W. Bryant, Resident Council- lor, presented the Certificate of Honour to Demang Haji Abu bin Ujang, of Jasin, today at the District Show held in the grounds of the Jasin Vernacular School. Making the presentation the Resident Councillor
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  • 60 12 |7OUR false alarms In four hours were received by the Singapore Fire Brigade on Friday night. An Indian was detained by the Beach Koad police in connection vith the fourth alarm. The three other rails came from boxes at Geylang Road, (6.01 p.m.) Victcria Street and
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  • 52 12 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, An agri-horticultural show will be held at the King George V School hall on Saturday, July 29. for Seremban and Coast districts. The Yam Tuan of Negri Sembilan will declare the show open and the Tensku Ampuan will give away the
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  • 190 12 The Corps of Drums of the Malay Regiment (top picture) was first composed of 17 men chosen from the original Experimental Company in February, 1935, and placed under the instruction of Drum Major Pearce, of The Wiltshire Regiment. During 1935-36 the Corps of Drums visited most
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 464 12 THROAT YOUR throat Is the "danger spot" uj M where the germs of infection W > yi.^B enter your system and cause jV Jr^w W j| laryngitis, tonsilitis, quinsy, etc. aT^"^ So, be cure to cure your throat Nfe^ /4^l£b^A '^B^ soreness quickly and thus avoid M^^ v Jrn»^\ O
      464 words

  • 815 13 SINGAPORE'S SAFETY FIRST WEEK FOR 60,000 CHILDREN Big Campaign In The Island's 452 Schools SINGAPORE'S 60,000 school children— 30,000 in the Chinese schools and an equal number in the English, Malay and Indian schools will be given special lessons regarding traffic dangers in a Safety First Week from September 11
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  • 65 13 Indians In Abyssinia Simla. AT the request of the Government of India, the British Ambassador in Rome, Sir Percy Loraine, has made representations to the Italian Government with the aim of securing the removal of restrictions imposed on Indians in Abyssinia. Indians are now denied access
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  • 210 13 Government Spends Less In Gambia /GOVERNMENT expenditure in VJ the British West African colony of Gambia has had to be reduced, states Mr. Malcolm M.tcDonald, Colonial Secretary. Mr. Mac Donald was asked by Mr. Paling, Socialist M.P. lor Wentworth, Yorks V/hat is the leason for the rapid deterioration in the
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  • 64 13 Schoolchildren assisted in a demontration of the "wave" method of crossing the road, in Rosebery venue, London. This method of crossing is an arrangement whereb* he whole party halts in column formation on one side of the road, the traffic is held up at both ends
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  • 70 13 FRENCH MINISTERS' £5,320 Gift £280 Each For Defence Paris. •■pHE members of the French Cabinet have decided to make a personal contribution of approximately £280 sterling each to the National Defence Fund. M Daladier, the Premier and War Minister, referred to this decision when acknowledging In a communique various gifts
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  • 84 13 Nanda Dcvi Climbed TTHE Polish expedition now In tht Himalayas under the leadership of M. Karplnskl has climbed the eastern peak of Nanda Devi. 24,337 ft. The climb took place on July 2, and is stated to have been made very difficult by high winds. Great
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 852 13 Piles Cripple Your Nerves Stop Pain and Itching in 15 I headache \j^t^\ Minutes, Avoid Operation W I with New Discovery |wea* eyesK^j' iy Since the discovery of Chlnarold by an Jf (yv^ American Physician It Is no longer neces- I *>v sary for anyone to suffer from the pain
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  • 367 14 Court Case And Lack Of Confidence Lead To Winding-Up Decision LOSS TO MEMBERS LIKELY TO BE 40°/o (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. UNSUCCESSFUL in their petition to the High Court for damages against the Registrar, and unable to secure new members owing to consequent loss
    367 words
  • 38 14 The competition for the silver arrow in progress when the Royal Company of Archers, King's Bod>eu.\rJ for Scotland, visited Montros?. Anros. This is the eleventh visit to the tow*, the last being In 19.'...
    38 words
  • 146 14 Learning To Fly Is To Be Cheaper MEMBERS of the Royal Singapore Flying Club will be able to learn to fly for about SIM in future. Fees for day flying, including cross-country flying, are to De substantially reduced— from $2 to $9 an hour for dual and Instruction, and from
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  • 20 14 REC EIVED BY QUEEN Queen Wilhelmlna of Holland re- ceived In audience General Evangeline Booth, head of the Salvation Army.
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  • 188 14 LIFE STORY OF CAPITAN YAP KWAN SENG T*HE life story of one of the 1 most outstanding Chinese figures in Malayan history, Capitan Yap Kwan Seng, of Selangor, may soon be published. The biography is being written 'by one of his sons, Mr. Yap Tal Chi, miner, planter and merchant
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  • 146 14 'Frcm Our Own Correspondent.) I Kuala Lumpur. "THE High Commissioner has awarded I the Efficiency Medal to the follow- < in? officers and other ranks of the F.MJS. Volunteer Force: C S.M. Henry Anthony Mervyn Parr; '"medal mod clasp: Acting C.S.M. <cow lieutenant In the Reserve of Officers)
    146 words
  • 80 14 At a meeting of the Tanjong Mallm Union Epworth League the following members were elected as officers for IS39:— Presldant. Mr. Lionel Edm-nds: \ice-presidents. Miss Florence Daniel. Mr. John Abraham. Mr. K. C. Msthew. Miss Olive Edmonds, Mr. Jesudian, Miss Chua Poh Ke:; hon. secretary, Mr. Low Thye
    80 words
  • Article, Illustration
    4 14 .•m. Y. K. MENON
    4 words
  • 110 14 From Our Own Correspondent.) Pert Swettenham. Mr. T. K. Menon and other leading Indians of the Selangor coast d_strict I huve formed the Klang District Indian Union, housed at the Btri mile village, Krmpong Jiwa Road, Klang. Its membership Is opened to ail Indians and there are
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  • 61 14 The Singapore District Erworth League will hold a religious pageant "The Light of the World." uncU r the direction of Miss G. Johnson, a: the Straits Chinese Methodist Church, Kampong Kapor Road, today at 8 p.m. Mis. J. H. Pedlow will sing a cou.:i-cra-tion hymn, and the Straits
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  • 141 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuaia Lumpur, July 21. A PROPOSAL to bring the Federated Malay States into line with Colony laws for the protection of official secrets and the protection of aliens is contained in which the Legal Adviser. Mr. Adrian Clark, will introduce into
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  • 188 14 THE following F.M.3. appointments are gazetted: Dr. H. M. Nertn to be Pathologist Pecane. Mlat W. 3. Key to te a Euri-pean Mistress. Malayan Educational Service. Mr. M. L. Durrant to be an Controller of Posts. Malayan Postal Service. Dato Moda Oranz Kara Kara T««mana. Mohamed Razalli bin
    188 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 115 14 -CHEVkOLET/k 1939 ma I ItsTsm Km I ■■■^^'JB WmV \Mbi 1 _^^^^jBBmC jB \VJ *Wn BBa WvJk A "^^^"^^^^a^T^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Wl^^^^y^KV- 1B j ftk I BS^ (yn/u CnevAo/ef~ ~U>iveJ J>o //tuca JoA Jfo.J!ut&. PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAZES. Fitted for 4th BODYWORK. An even higher standard of excellent successive year as standard equipment bodywork
      115 words

  • 1645 15 Laughs Over The Fence Nathaniel Gubbins Is On Holiday •THERE may be no further point In buying a bound atlas, as Europe Is now definitely a loose-leaf proposition. Dumber Still ((I'VE found the umbrella you missed. Professor, I got it from the lost property office Thank you, thank you. But
    1,645 words
  • 29 15 JJI'CSES of Gu>\ Hospital, London, fishing for bottles of wine and spirits, durinj a garden fcie which was held in the grounds of the hospital.
    29 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 310 15 3uMi£A/ ptoof of £ke wonde/itfu& ouAina fjfrope/tiie& of. ASPRO^ lUD'^^^^ A\vi ilm Thousands 00tt 0*"* >^ i have testified 00^ 00^ to the efficacy of 'ASPRO.' and thousands more have proved by use that ASPRO* definitely soothes away the excruciating I) pains of Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Headaches, etc. it quickly
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  • 289 16 Rubber Prospects SPEAKING to the annual gathering of members of the Incorporated Society of Planters in London last week, Sir John Campbell, chairman of the International Rubber Regulation Committee, said that the prospects for the industry could be viewed with cautious optimism. Sir John is the cne man who
    289 words
  • 236 16 ROAD sense among some sections of the population of the Colony is so appallingly poor that it can only be improved by a long-term educational policy. An important step in such a policy will be the Safety First week to be held in schools in September. Children will
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  • 1952 16 Merchant's House Was Singapore's First Court THE new Supreme Court 1 in Singapore is to be opened on Thursday, Aug. 3. The Sunday Times publishes today the first of two articles based on the old Supreme Court and the legal history of the past century. The next article will deal
    1,952 words
  • 233 16 •T*HE legal history of Malaya really began in Penang which was granted a Charter of Justice in 1807, and the Court of Judicature of Prince of Wales 's Island (as Penang was known) was established. Below is a list of the men who have led the legal profession
    233 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 359 16 TRY OUR TAILOIURC We only solicit your trial order. MIEN CHONG S'pore'i most up-to-date Tailor. 34, Coleßit St. Phone 4816. Wdtcn pM Cuaranteed Syeartjw^ *f Sold in London W^/¥^A Stores for 14.50 I J, FIIB M«'t Stronj Ser- IMF vtcc*M« "Shock- fHKs,! W IV "LavcrWrUt CM th»r«d Doit end Bs\
      359 words
      60 words
    • 41 16 Roundtrip from Singapore to Hongkong/ Shanghai and back via Manila, Saigon and Bangkok per Luxury Liner Boistevain," 1 Ruya or Tegelberg." Roundtrip fare $250 .00 I 320 .0 0 Full information from Pass. Dept., X.P.M. Line. (Incorp. in Holland.) (Phone 1451}
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

  • 424 17 Designed For Betterment Of Community NEW SPIRIT OF UNITY AND DETERMINATION TO SOLVE PROBLEM OF POVERTY Home Welfare And Education Among Main Objects "I OYALTY, unity, charity, kinship" is the motto of the Eurasian Women's Association, a newlyformed Singapore organisation for the betterment of the Eurasian
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  • 134 17 BLOCKADE OF JAPAN ADVOCATED Cutting Off Her World Trade New York. TTIE "New York Daily News" has resumed its advocacy of a joint Anglo-American longdistance blockade to stop Japan by cutting off her trade. The newspaper declares that the American and British navies, acting In concert, could stop Japan and
    134 words
  • 54 17 Blessings By Radio Are Valid To All Vatican City. TllK office of the Sacred Peni- t»ntiary, a tribunal of the Holy See, has decreed that the Urbi et Orbi (City and the World) Blessing pronounced by the Pope on certain feasts is valid for all listeners, no matter bow far
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  • 96 17 Urges Drill Not Dances, For Boys Wellington (N.Z.). BECAUSE folk dancing is being taught to boys at the school, Mr. P. Trousdale, chairman of the Howick High School Committee, near Auckland, has resigned his position. He told the Education Board that he would prefer his son to be taught the
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  • 22 17 A hand-grenade was thrown into the of the Bugomaster of Halmei, Rumania, by men who afterwards escaped across the Hungarian frontier.
    22 words
  • 46 17 THIS picture of the holiday girl on Plymouth Rarbigan having her daily weigh, proves that a dog can be too much of a friend at times, especially when he adds his neight to that problem of how to keep slim."
    46 words
  • 156 17 Washington. £VNE of the greatest private collec- tions of Italian art in the world has been presented to the National Gallery of Art which is now being erected in Washington from funds provided by the late Mr. Andrew Mellon. The collection is that of Mr.
    156 words
  • 42 17 The encasement is announced of Mile. Jacqueline Paravicini, younger daughter of the Swiss Minister in London and Mme. Paravicini, and M. Eric de Schnlthess-Rechberr, eldest son of Colonel and Mme. de Schul-thess-Rechberr, of Schloss An, Lake of Zurich, Switzerland.
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  • 87 17 Japan Travellers May Carry Only £30 JAPAN is tightening the screw of her foreign exchange restrictions. Japanese who go abroad will in future be allowed to carry not more than £30 in cash, unless special permission is obtained. Hitherto travellers have been allowed from £60 to £120 In cash and
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  • 28 17 Mr. Douglas Corrigan, who flew the Atlantic "by mistake," was to be married this month to Miss Elizabeth Marvin, a school-teacher, of San Antonla, Texas.
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  • 108 17 A R.P. volunteers in Great Britain are to have free uniforms dark-blue overalls with a red badge for men and a blue coat with the same badge for women. Announcing this in a written reply to Mr. Herbert Morrison, Sir John Anderson stated that local
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  • 40 17 The Emperor of Annam (centre) and the Empress (left) photag.aphed with President Lebrun (extreme left) and Mme. Lebrun (extreme right) after they had been guests at luncheon of the French President at the Elysee Palace in Paris.
    40 words
  • 276 17 They left each other so often that the front door was never shut. He once told me that if it had no; been for his mother's cooking he woulc never have got married. Surely you, as the experienced driver, were in charge of the car?— The
    276 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 252 17 Dr. Cassell's Tablets, NEWYOUTH^^i and wr^ BEAUTY Vl J (was fttling old. getting haggard and J> F* losing all the joy of life I But /f\ Ur. Cassell's Tablets made mr young and J3l&\. /X^^. i beautiful againasyoucanseeforyourself! »ou, too, should start taking Dr.CasseU's W%B»Sw I S Tablets to-day You
      252 words
    • 91 17 I Ann Lacy-Smith fed on I Cow A Gate and her I Mother. m Careful Mothers Insltt en Cow It Gate. "V m Jt They know It builds for life making I m U, bone and muscle v well v sound, k I m i healthy flesh. •~V y^^M I
      91 words

  • 942 18 Sharp Improvement Led By Wall Street BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT THE improvement in Stock markets, which was commented on last week, developed into something like a minor boom on Tuesday. There was some slight setback on Wednesday and Thursday and on Friday a further
    942 words
  • 196 18 Singapore, July 22, noon. Buyers Sellers Gambler 7.50 Hamburg Cube $13.25 Java Cube $12.00 Pepper White Muntoi: $11.50 White $11.00 Black $7.50 Copra Mixed $3.20 Sun Dried $3.55 Sago Flour No. 1 Llngga $2.60 $2.60 Fair $2.60 $2.60 Sarawak $2.62 ft Jelotong Palembang $7.25 Banja $7.00 Sarawak
    196 words
  • 100 18 rvURINO the week ending July IS. 1939. exports of canned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 33,261 ca^es, of which 24,841 (75 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom; 2,190 (7 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe; 2,833 (8 per cent.) cases to
    100 words
  • 79 18 Saturday, July 22, noon. No. IX R.S.S. (Snot loose) 28% 28Vi No. IX R.S.S. f.o.b. in cases July-Ang. 28% 28% G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. in bales July 18% 25% FAQ. R.S.S. f.o.b. In bales July 28 3/16 28 5/16 FUTURE QUOTATIONS No. IX R.S.S. on Registered
    79 words
  • 1298 18 Fraser And Co. 's List SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1939 1 P.M. ■MM Impat Tin (4s) 3s 6d 4s lustral Atnal. (ss) 4s 6d 5s nustrai Malay (4) 38> 40a Vyer Hitam (ss) 19s 9d 20s 9d \yer Weng ill) .72 .76 3angrin Tin ($1) 18s
    1,298 words
  • 166 18 List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Co. SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1939 1 P.M. Books Company. Dividend Close Date Payable Ex. div. date Financial Year TIN :poh Tin Is. 6d. tampong Lanjut 6d. No. 12 July 28 iinta Kellas 2V 2 D unpah 9d. No. 18 6d bonus July
    166 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 758 18 Remember- 'A* are fresh wherever you ■jfe -d MET tii&tk Jf BBBk. ■'•-SffiwPtfWfc-fti iViVftfcriy VmW coolness '"'^^ou'happen to I H| 'jfc TB l| UAt the Waldorf Astoria .•-y Hotel, New York Cr»Ten 'A' I J cork-tipped ci|ircttei ire il»tyi on t talc. H-rr, ai in nuny other l»n-.oui |^B ■t
      758 words

  • 344 19 Scheme To Defend Cities From Air Attack Paris. FRENCH military authorities are now studying a scheme that may serve to revolutionize the whole system of passive defence against air raids. It is a plan to conjure away the whole of Paris, for instance, in an artificial
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  • 51 19 Crown Prince Baudouin, son of the King of the Belgians, visited the Naval School at Ostend where he watched young cadets at work. He also took the salute at the march past. In the picture Prince Baudouin (in dark sailor suit) is watching cadets manoeuvring
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  • 132 19 Even Down To Cuff-Links Tokio. JAPAN'S search for gold, a vital factor in the war against China, has been extended to every home in the country. A national census for the registration of goia in all forms was ordered. This follows a campaign which has been
    132 words
  • 129 19 "Turkish Bird" Plans Angora. A WOMAN'S air squadron, com- posed of six modern bombers, manned by Turkish girl pilot officers, may visit London during a tour of European capitals in October. The squadron will be commanded by Lt. Sabiha Guektchcn, one of the adopted daughters of
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  • 24 19 A ni :i. siatue oi me uiessea virgin, largest religious statue in the world, has Just been dedicated at Mas-Rilller, Lyons, France.
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  • 58 19 Roger Lawrence (extreme left) photographed with the hu«e porpaise and the eight men who helped him land it at Richmond. Three porpoises had been seen in the Thamt-s and in spite of many attempts to rapture them, all efforts failed until Mr. Lawrence got one
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  • 288 19 Woman Upsets Magna Carta OWNS PART OF THE SEA, VILLAGERS CANNOT FISH 4 WOMAN has upset Magna Carta the Englishman's charter of liberty, sealed by King John more than 700 years ago. Magna Carta says that no one can {prevent any Englishman fishing in tidal waters. It takes away the
    288 words
  • 166 19 /"|N the principle that a domestic animal is entitled to have its first bite, a woman, who alleged she was attacked by a milk-round pony, was denied, In the King's Bench Division, £300 damages which a jury had awarded her. Miss Ethel Aldham. of The Mall.
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  • 30 19 Made frenzied by swarms of gadflies, 500 horses on the Puzta Bugac stud farm, In Hungary, rushed off in a mad 20-mile gallop spreading terror through outlying villages.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 408 19 "A martyr \jm to LUMBAGO 1 m and RHEUMATISM! 11 Mr. N. S. S. foujjht a losing flßht nst the double scourge of Rheumatism and Lumbago until he discovered Fynnon Salt. His letter, *-hich begins. I want to let ycu know of the wonderful benefits I have derived from your
      408 words
    • 339 19 V HUSBANDS^ illtf* A marria ge your wife J gave up her financial independence. The increasing demands of the home and the passing of time make it impossible for her to resume business or professional life. It is your responsibility, not only to provide for the home during life, but
      339 words

  • 2897 20  - What The Stars Foretell R. H. Naylor By This Week's Good Days For: BUYING: Business deals: Tomorrow 24th Thurs. 27th. Personal shopping: Tomorrow 24th— Wed. 26th and Frl. 27th-Sat. 29th. (A thoroughly good shopping week this). SELLING: Wed. 26th— Sat. 29th. ENTERTAINING: Wed. 26th— Sat. 29th. SPORT: Tues. 25th— Fri.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 581 20 NERVOUS EXHAUSTION made her an INVALID FOR YEARS. Too often the sufferers from exhaustion get little or no sympathy. Weighed down by a burden of fatigue, they drag their way through the heat and fever of the day, half-dead with lassitude. Yet there is a way out a diet rich
      581 words
  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 383 20 THIS WEEK FOR YOUII LJERE, grouped according to month of birth (irrespective of year). Is a statement of probabilities to be expected this week. IWIARY (Dec. 23-Jan. 20).Friends will rally round in the first half of the week: in the second half you will be in a bit of a
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  • 611 21 Unmasking Beauty With A Mask Max Factor's Advice UOW do Hollywood's stars maintain their fresh and glamorous appearance in the evening, after a hard day's work at the studios? This question has several answers, but none more practical than for one which traces much of the credit to the preparatory
    611 words
  • 134 21 ii/ITH the crinoline enjoying a new life, the bustle was certain to attempt a come-back. There is a definite bustle tendency about a cleverly- worked plaid woollen housecoat whose shoulders are pleated, and whose pleated collar stands at the back of the neck. At the waist at the
    134 words
  • 53 21 PRACTICAL HOUSEHOLD HINTS fi/lARY has got some annoying grass stains on her new white leather shoes. We have told her that they can be removed with spirit and the shoes are as new again. porous flower-pot impreg- nated by water can well serve as refrigerator and is excellent, for Instance,
    53 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 102 21 I pte*iC*pQA 0 VIC Ahvays twice a day i 6 mununfl with the light feathery, penetrating Anicna Cleansing Cream. r After cleansing, tone with Ardem Skin Tonic, mildly astringent, marvellously invigorating, pat it briskly on the face neck. Wl irHr&^&^i Let no night pass without nourishing, your face with Orange
      102 words
    • 105 21 MAKE-UP cJecreis from the PERSONAL DIARY of Qlnger J# H ,M Slogersl (Inl«it«N Udiclhf fin! Kr— f«t.. r> mil \\\J^ a /^Tw^ ji****^ tave Max Factor give you a cU ti £'K??rJ^^™^ll\m P ersonal make up ar lysis /i^Zufi "^-s*- just as he does for screen B^^^-- hatm ooy en<^
      105 words

  • 746 22 Old Idea Is Reversed, Now Many Jackets To One Skirt —and the sleeves were short. Plain blue accessories were worn with this ensemble. Foundation Of Coolness THE latest notion in women's tailoring is to have many jackets with one skirt, reversing the old idea of two skirts to one jacket.
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  • 486 22  -  Lydia Lidstone By AS one who snatches eagerly at anything adding colour and radiance to my living-room, it has always surprised me that so few who have similar tastes take advantage of the colour-charm afforded by witchballs. They are glass, inverted-bulb forms, often made of Bristol
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 470 22 I Believe Me This Cream Of Milk Recipe will make the average woman of 50 look like 30" Use it where these arrows point then all over your face and neck HERJ-- l^aquick way to make a wrinkled, flabby, sagging sidn, fresh, firm and young. Mix one ounce of pare
      470 words
    • 419 22 SHOP TODAY that is the best way to save money W£ OPEN TILL 1 P. M. GIAN SINGH'S GRAND ANNUAL STOCKTAKING SALE LADIES TRIANGLE AM) »^^^i^^^IZZZIIII^ZI~ SQUARE SCARVES A*" WHITE COTTON SHIRTING 36" z 42 rtfs- /\^>^K~^ f I flßflfttf£^\ WHITE COTTON f\ tk\ BEDSHEETS 80" I \W f jk3|
      419 words

  • 729 23 Care Of The Eyes Helps You To Keep Your Good Looks yHE beauty of the eyes depends primarily on their well-being. It is erroneously believed that the eyes are the first feature to show signs of advancing age. On the contrary, they weather the years remarkably well and in normal
    729 words
  • 150 23 Lace Makes Fashion News Hair And Hats J^IANY of the new cc.Tures are planned not so much to flatter the wearer as to balance the latest millinery. Turbans can be put on hair quite carelessly arranged so long as a lock is curled over the temple and pinned in place,
    150 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 117 23 PlantaMorgarimes At the breakfast which followed the wedding law- V J I /^ySuM n&~""Y 'T l Of the Countess of Pencille-de-Ledding Ev'ry piate was left clean So it's easily seen She used Plants for cooking and spreading! MARGAmNE||j|p for all coGking and frying. A delicacy on Toast! vegetable dignified beauty
      117 words
    • 56 23 THE BEST MALAYAN CHICKEN CURRY. (scientifically canned.) Ss^ B^^^^^^a»\ Noio can be obtained in every wH^r^Pf*" <r?^*^"^"^T^^/ corner of the world. alfc— rnmm,[t&& And you can have it served B^HV J whenever you like. HbhMm| JA i Manufactured and Packed by the Sj ES? Malayan Prsductt Canning Co., Ltd. 88l
      56 words
    • 210 23 LAVENDER^ The gracious beauty of the Yardloy HngllNh Lavender ha* mmle It the diosen Perfume of •mert women the world over. Its fresh, youthful fragrance Is always charming— the complement, too, of complexions made lovely by the exquisite Yardley Beauty Preparations. At the best shops everywhere. Tardlay Lavandar Face Powder
      210 words

  • 332 24 Floating Casino's £15,000 A Week FORMER RUM RUNNER FINDS NEW JOB Los Angeies. THE 53-year-old British collier Killiworth, which once held the speed record between Boston. Massachusetts, and Falmouth. is now a floating easis» ©ff the SMithem Californian coast, attracting some 2.060 castosners a night. She lies three and a
    332 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 690 24 I N« 77 S*« 1 la .iijMiin iS^^: i»ea» m 4 tM% a>aa oj«*^^«^«w^ f a^^m«mfc^_^^^OOaWWfVsi kmsaTamf aaTJS*mUamt ammr- M^^^^»Baw*imamms CAftt. CaWtmmaml •^■Jt pMQsf GliVttel ramMaT. tdmtaM BamW "Vjill >H^' Cd>rttoUadmamltw»Uads Z^gg****^*^ M fS#< w% Set f CxcHipi i9M tt Ailiß^afl CilleUa ramt. tan* Bkm Vj^x Wa Gillette blades m
      690 words
    • 155 24 ■Asa y%M kMi wa4 tjtts svAa- VJ aw nn—rn Ttt it tsstcM. )u J mcM tmsriaimmXM kaaa- SMC utf mt tMJr. r-rr n tb* jX -r"* Xlm t <* UrJrt* oa I SlaclM. hMUkr «a« "*iim- Kr t— Win ta» toofe oc Waßk > ZaT^mtfawJK TO ALL FEVER SUFFERERS Fever
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 745 24 Today's Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE ZBX 225 «trea. ZHP 30.06 metres a.m. 11.00 Military band music. t 11.15 Light orchestral concert Relayed from tbe Sea View HateL p.m. 12.10 Pianoforte solos by Alfred Cartot.t U. 30 Light orchestral concert. Relayed Iran tne Sea View Hotel (contd). 1.00 Miscellaneous progran-me of light
      745 words
    • 151 24 9.38 Dance mnsic. Belayed from tbe Great World. 10.00 Close down. tGremoDbone records. MADRAS WU 0».2« me s (CO.9S as.) p.m. 6.50 giiiaiiiiram Cbf*r Cvoeal). 7.50 M. U Meorudin ClTwiitailßiil vocal). Ottam Thullal (Malayattm*). t.IS CarnaOe orchestra, 8.30 Chembal Vaidyanatha Bbacavatbar (vocal). 10.45 World aflaiia. 11 30 Enrapean sows and
      151 words
    • 584 24 EMPIRE STATION TRANSMISSION S GSO J-58 me s (31 32 m.) GSH LSI at 1 Ul 55 m.) GSI Cll me s <tUI mi a.m. 8.40 Stock exchanee reoort and sdottx news. B. SO -Ste;-Sonr."« With BBC. rerae chorus and Percival Macker** orcnestra. Prodticed and coodncted by Ernest Lonzstafle. 7
      584 words
    • 142 24 NIROH TBA t.04 me a U9.S as.) TDB 955 me > (31.30 m.) TDB UJK me (233 m.) PMX l».?6 me s 129.2 sa.) a.m. 7^50 Cathedral BataaOs. 9.05 Opart tta ansac. 9.50 Morning concert. 10.50 Tn- orcanmt ■<-tfn«M Poort-Sqrdreiß C:lesU Octet. 11.20 Hawaiian entertainers. 11.50 Popular records anaae. p.m.
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  • 299 25 CNAPSHOTS with trick frames are easy to take, and fun to show. You can get pictures apparently made through keyholes or field glasses and many otter novel effects. Obtain an ordinary cardboard box. It should be about twelve inches one way, and eight inches or more the
    299 words
  • 234 25 MOORISH WOMEN WANT MODERN DRESS Authorities Ban The Jelaba Rabat, Morocco. J^OORISH women have been trying T to adopt simpler, cooler dress, but the native authorities in French Morocco have banned all but traditional clothes. The traditional costume of the city woman is the haik, a nuge nu-)tle of thick
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  • 283 25 Confiscated House Being Made A "Fortress" COME 100 masons and carpenters were engaged day and night early this month in converting the recently confiscated Shanghai residence of Mr. Wang Pa-chun, former Minister of Communications and brother-in-law of the present Minister of War in Chungking, into
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  • 46 25 Fiancee Sued For Return Of Bath-Tub New York. JUR. MICHAEL KAY is suing Mrs. Pearl Brown in Chicago for the recovery of more than £500 he claims he spent in ~actical" presents while cow ng her. The presents included a refrigerator, a washing-machine and a bathtub.
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  • 127 25 EARL BALDWIN GOING TO AMERICA CARL BALDWIN has accepted an invitation from the World Congress on Education for Democracy to deliver a speech at a dinner in New York on Wednesday, August 16. Lady Baldwin will go to New York with him. At the annual meeting of the Deptford Fund,
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  • 27 25 Dr. H. S. 8. Fitz Randolph, for six years Press Attache at the German Embassy in London, is to return to Berlin this month.
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  • 21 25 Adml. Rheinhard Koch, deputy chief of the German Naval Staff during the Great War, died at Munich, aged 78.
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  • 147 25 Stephen Leacock's Rescue ROW TO CANOE IST Montreal. DROFESSOR Stephen Leacock, the well-known author and humorist, who is 69, helped to rescue a boy who was drowning after his canoe had capsized during a storm on Lake Couchiching in the Muskoka district of Ontario. Professor Leacock and
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  • 133 25 "That Boy Was Brave" Professor Leacock, speaking to The Daily Telegraph by Trans iNantic wireless telephone, said: "Give all credit to thr boy. He was marvellous. The weather was just impossible. As we got in, and were just congratulating ourselves on getting back I saw
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  • 160 25 Able To Hurl 1001 b. Shell 15 Miles Washington. A NEW field gun of 155 milli- metre calibre, which will hurl a 1001 b. shell 15 miles, has been satisfactorily tested at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The gun weighs about 15 tons and is mounted on a
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  • 143 25 STEEL BARS AND PILL BOXES lities of making this palace the futur* Shanghai residence of Mr. Wang Chingwei was gone Into, although it was soon discarded in view of the proximity of Hollywood Gardens from where an attempt on the statesman could easily be made. The gambling-den operator* then tried
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  • 46 25 MARLENE Dietrich, the German-born film star, who has just become a United States citizen, stated when lodging her application for naturalisation "I am working in America and my interests are here. I feel I should become a citizen of this great country."
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 713 25 STOMACH PAIN Eased at Once After weeks on milk and soda Have you ever had to choose between semi-starvati jn and sickness? How depressing it is, for week after week, to have barely enough nourishment let krep life together. What a toy when this nightmare is suddenly banished, and healthy,
      713 words
    • 367 25 ILL-RUNDOWN-Jr fj NERVOUS-DEPRgffIL MINERALS&VITAMINS J AT LAST YOU TOO CAN HAVE THE MI NERALS AND VI TAMINS WHICH BRING YOU NEW HEALTH, VIGOUR, STRENGTH, CALM NERVES, RICH RED BLOOD. THE latest discovery of medical science— that of feeding Minerals and Vitamins to the seven glands which control the body may,
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  • 491 26 Segamat P.W.D. Beat Muar P.W.D. 3-0 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, July 21. THE Segamat P.W.D. proved too good for the Muar P.W.D. in the northern finals In the McConechy Cup knock-out soccer competition on the Segamat town padang today before a very large crowd.
    491 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 26 A group of the women spectators at the annual athletic sports of the Singapore City High School
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  • 697 26 'From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat. •T'HE feature of the Government English School sports meeting, was the remarkable performances of some of the athletes, several school records being broken. Most outstanding being Nun bin Jaflar's 23.9 seconds in the 220 yards. Class 1, and W. Pere'ra's 24
    697 words
  • 84 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. CIVE further ties were played in the singles lawn tennis championship meeting of the Government English school teachers. All the ties ended in easy wins and there were no surprising results. N. A. Hannay beat A. K. Filial G— l, 6—3; P. C.
    84 words
  • 48 26 •From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. The second round of the North Kedah Football League is now In progress. The present positions are: 'ollce -llnstrels lerrllads LH.S.C. 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 0 0 2 2 5 0 1 1 0 10 5 0
    48 words
  • 608 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. ONLY two league football matches were decided during the week. By beating the Muar Chinese by the odd goal in three, the Johore Military Forces almost made sure of the league championship this year. The Johore Military Forces have now obtained 21
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  • 283 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. 'THE Muar district doubles handicap lawn tennis tournament for tho Kathiravelu Cup has reached the final stage and it is expected that the finals will be played next week. During the week four ties were derided. In the quarter-final in the top
    283 words
  • 209 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. FOR the first time a second division football league will be run this year. This was decided at a committee meeting of the Muar Football Association held at the Muar Club recently. This decision will no doubt be welcomed by
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 26 Keaf Ban, winner ©I individual championship at tho annual athletic sports of the City High School, Singapore.
    17 words
  • 100 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. MADE up of p!ayer3 still in their teens, the Young Chinese scored a creditable I—o1 0 soccer win over the Muar Postals when the sides met in a friendly match played on the Muar Club padang. The winners displayed pleasing combination and had
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  • 109 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. CCORINO a goal in each hair the Hospital Ctafc beat the Oubahaa Stia Club 2 o in a league match played at the Muar Club padang. The Hospital Club had the better of the exchanges throughout the game and thoroughly deserved their victoryAttacking
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  • 69 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Raub. The annual sports of the Kaut> Malay schools were helJ dh the Mahmud School padang. Among Items of Interest was the exhibition of drill by seven schools. Batu Talaii Malar School won. In the Mahmud School cottage industries and produce of tile
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 257 26 THE ACID IN YOUR STOMACH r-N WOULD BURN xj£j A HOLE IN g£ A CARPET tVfl The pains of lndlfestlon are usually caused by acid In the stomach. Expertmenu showed that that kind of acid burned a hole through a thick carpet. To relievo stcmacb pain you must neutralise tho
      257 words
    • 204 26 Rheumatism, Ankles Puffy, Backache, Kidneys Strained! If you're feeling out o-sorts. Get t,*p called Cysttx. Hundreds and hundreds of Nights, or sutler from Dizziness, Nervous- Doctors' records prove this. ness. Backache. Leg Pains. Swollen Ankles. KJ O Benefit No Pay Rheumatism. Burning Passages. Kxcess i., T r'^» Acidity, or Loss
      204 words

  • 2358 27 •17ITH more than half the programme completed there has been a lull in Garrison soccer league games in recent weeks. The Loyals are still on top. having a game and a point in hand over their nearest rivals, the Sappers. The latter have yet to
    2,358 words
  • 529 27 'From Cur Own Correspondent) Segamat. nTHE Police upset all calculations in the Secamat and District soccor league by beating the Government Services, hitherto league leaders, and occupying first place in the table with eighteen points against the Services' glxteen. The Services had teen coring clear eat
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  • 48 27 (From Our Own Correspondent) Klan\'. The annual athletic sports of the High AchuQa, Klaus, will be held on Saturt:nv, July 29. at 4 p.m. The old boys' i vents are 100 yard". 220 yards. 410 arc?s. The Tcnjl'.u Ampuan will give i wftj Lie pi.
    48 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 27 The Postal I'iiion cricket team o; Kuala Lumpur, finalists in the Tfataxat— i Shield competition. They meet the Kuala Lumpur Railway Institute at Sentul today.
    25 words
  • 480 27 nan Our Own Cor respondent) Segamat. THE G:nuaiv; Cricket Club has had the most successful ciick?t season .'n Jchore so far and ten matches have been wen. Three games have been lost and one drav/n. Genuang's bigger t win was over a weak Singapore side whom they
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 232 27 "QUAKER OATS WONDER FOOD" SAYS SINGAPORE MOTHER |^^^2^SZ|Z^B AND IN NUMEROUS I I ii^^pijiti^ I WrS P PouWen 31 OTHER HOMES IN MALAYA f 9f "Mjbabywa, sohtc 1 I'M SO DISCOURAGED ABOUT (f7«J 4 Jrir -js*l le/ uvrr it uTi£» II BABY ALWAYS CROSS AND ri\%J^\ i\iZ /ri /i it
      232 words

  • 904 28 Critics Confounded In Malaya Cup Game rOMPLETELY confounding critics, Singapore beat the Combined Services by one goal to nil before a record crowd at the Stadium yesterday, thus qualifying for the final for the nineteenth successive year in the H.M.S. Malaya Cup football competition.
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  • 165 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Saturday. I^HE annual cricket match between Europeans and the Rest for the de Silva Cup was begun today. The game will be continued tomorrow. THE REST A. J. Williams b D Arcy Irvine 0 Tan Ah Ec b D'Arcy Irvine 1
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  • 61 28 (From Our Own Correspondent Penang, Saturday. THE South China soccer team beat the Penang Malays by three goals to one on Victoria Green today. It was a very poor game, with many Infringements. Scorers for South China were Lav Chung Sang. Loo Tur Vung. and Chan
    61 words
  • 47 28 The following will pla, cricket for the Clarke Rangers against the S.C.R.C. today at the S.C.RC: I. Jabbar. A. Ahmed. A. Omar. M Chelliah. R. Samy, S. Naif. M. Wilson. O. Webb O. Oliveiro, P. Yzelman, Gregory Every. Reserves: H. Oliveiro, B Singh, D. Nalr.
    47 words
  • 184 28 The Y.M.U.A. met wun me ueyion Sports Club second team in a game of cricket played at Balestier yesterday. CEYLON S.C. Dr. Woodhull c Kow Chu b Nathaniel 0 Dr. Balaslngham c Kow Chu b Nathaniel 1 R. Sabapathy run out 1 M. Perelra b Leijssius 15 A.
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  • 234 28 IN a cricket match played on the St. Andrew's School ground yesterday St. Andrew's School beat an Indian Association team by six runs. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL N. Capel c DhamaraJ b Sithamparam 5 J. Anchant b DhamaraJ 27 Guan Hong Ibw Ram Piara 47 i Bin
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  • 169 28 THE S.R.C. are In a strong position 1 against the S.C.C. in their twoday cricket match started yesterday on the S.R.C. ground. S.C.C. were cheaply dismissed for 75, Martens taking six wickets for 40. S.R.C. batted confidently to hit up 138 for the loss of two
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  • 198 28 (From our Own Correspondent i Seremban, Saturday The Negri Sembilan Club drew with the Ceylon Tamils Association at cricket here today. NEGRI SEMBILAN CLUB W. Senevlratne b Rajasingham 8 E. Alexander c Singam b Rajah 0 E. I. Ponniah b Rajah C. Retnam c Pius b Rajah 8
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  • 84 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. THE Inter-schools swimming relay over 200 metres (teams of four, each 50 metres) for the Quarmby Shield was swum today at Tanjong Bungah and resulted: 1, Government trade School; 2. Penang Free School; 3; Government Commercial Day School; 4, Anglo-Chinese High School;
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  • 74 28 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. THE new detachment of the Loyals 1 which arrived at Tanjong Bruas camp on Thursday, met the Malacca Chinese Recreation Club yesterday in a soccer match which the soldiers won by four goals to one. thus maintaining the good
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  • 436 28 Records Go At Selangor Athletics (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. f\NE Malayan record and three Selangor records were lowered today at the Selangor Amateur Athletic meeting. Returning a time of 25.6 seconds, Eu Eng Hock created a new Malayan record for the 220 yards low hurdles, subject to
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  • 384 28 The Rev. A. S Moore-Anderson, old- est competitor to take part in the first annual athletic meeting of the Boys' Brigade, came home a good second in the 100 yards officers handicap race at Monk's Hill school ground yesterday. Scoring 40 points the St. Andrew's School Company
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  • 79 28 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. A SUCCESSFUL motor gymkhana was held this afternoon at Nllai. It was attended by the Yam Tuai: and the British Resident of Negn Sembilan, Mr. G. L. Ham. Motor car polo: 1. Cunyr.Rham -Brown ana Cantrell; 2. Denholm and Drapes. Sack race:
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  • 137 28 Selangor Beat Kedah 3-1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. Saturday. A RECORD crowd saw Selannor beat Kedah by three goals to one in a Malaya Cup soccer match played her© today. Kedah were completely outplayed in every department Soon after the itart. Selangor showed what they wer; worth. They
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  • 446 28 From Our Own Correspondent.; Muar, Saturday. OESULTS of ties In the Johore Stata lawa tennis championship MEN'S OPEN SINGLES:— AII bin Hajl Ahmad b^at PC. Jo-pph 7—5. 6 4; L.A*. Marshall beat N.A. Sands 6—l. 6—3; Nr Bah Chee beut Lvr Ka Ten* B—68 6 6—l: Othman bin
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  • 201 28 FE Anglo-Chinese School yesterday beat the Malays by four wickets In a game of cricket played at Balestier. MALAYS All Anmad Ibw.. Wong 1 Leyman b Thiam Sicw 5 Omar c Thiam Slew b Wong 1 Ismail Jabbar c Hock Chye b Wong 12 H.
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  • 36 28 THORN YCROFT TEAM Thornycroft football team ajauui Slme, Darby team on Tuesday Cnua Tong, Fook Nam, Ah Lam, De Sll/fc, Bertie, T. Sullivan, R. Richards, L. Sullivan. Kirn Wee, Barker. Mohd. Reserves: Peng Sun. Ah Chong.
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  • 1590 29 Spear Of Sarawak Measure Get Records ROYAL HAMPTON HAS WALKOVER (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. A COURSE record for nine furlongs was created by Spear of Sarawak on the last day of the Perak Turf Club's Ipoh mcL'tintf. In the fourth
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  • 232 29 ALTHOUGH Thoy took live wiCK';ts for 29, the S.C.C. passed Raffles College's total of 103 with lour Wickfttl in hand when their match was rrsumed on the Dadpng yesterday. RAFFLES COLLEGE O. Clarke b Jeans 3 Eu Cheow Chye b Hili 37 Shim Kah Foo b Jeans
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  • 230 29 Dl.\G of I'crt Canning, took ntt I lOClh wicket this teason when t.e bowled Llm Swang in the cricket ma>.-h between the S.C.R.C. and Fort Canni.v, which ended In a draw en the Chines" 1 -.d yesterday. FORT CANNING Long c and b Mook Kirn 28
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  • 507 29 T^HE annual sports of the Municipal I Services Club held at the Jalan Ecsar Stadium jwtcrday, Mta a erzzz success. Senior officials and commissioners ot the Singapore municipality were among the large gathering present. They included Mr. W. Bartley, president of the Singapore Municipality and natron of the
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  • 50 29 IN a keen game, "B" team beat "C" team by one goal to nil at polo in the final of the Inniskilllngs Cup at the Singapore Polo Club yesterday Major Phillips scored the goal. -B- Team: Major Phillips, Capt. Murphy, Wynne, Newlngton. "C Team: Capt. Buchan, Sconce, HatCS.
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 29 The start of the thread-the-necdle race at the Medical College sporta yesterday
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  • 409 29 Raffles Inst. Win Two Games nAFFLES Institution won both their i ttrst and second team cricket fixtures against St. Joseph's Institution, yts'erday. In the first team gams Raffles won by 29 runs. Their second team passed their opponents' total of 25 runs without losing a wicket. RAFFLES INSTITUTION 1 S
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  • 84 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. THE Europeans were all out for 118 1 In the cricket match against the Rest which was begun here today and which will be continued tomorrow. Hewan made 35. For the Rest, Appuni took seven wickets for 25 and Dr. MoreUa
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 29 Kc:i Vui \viniiir._: It yards at the .Medical College ••^orts yesterda'-.
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  • 445 29 YONG KON VUI, of the Medical College, broke the only two records of ttl« day, won the Keith championship i cup, and won the cup lor the base i idivldual performance of the ri.iv at the Medical College sports yesterday. His records were the long Jump witli a
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  • 570 30 Chance To Better Standard Of Play By The Sunday Times Badminton Correspondent TTHE men's Junior singles and doubles championship badminton tournaments are progressing as well as could be expected. The quarter-final stages have now been reached In both the events and It Is expected that these
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  • Article, Illustration
    149 30 The Pasir Pa;rang Rovi; lost to the Spartan B.P. I—s. Back, from left Choo Eng Hoe, Lim Sen; Cheow, Ong Say Yeo, and Tan Wee Ten?. Tront, from left On? Kirn Ssnc and Sect Trng Hock. The Spartan B.P. which beat the Pasir Panjang Rovers s—l.5 1. Back, from left
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 30 In the Foo.ig Scons Cup semi-fin:il Johore beat Kelantan by five games to nil at Kota Bahru (Left to right) Johore Wong Peng Yee, Wong Peng Nam, Wong Peng Soon, Syed Ibrahim (secretary-captain) and Ng Ngoh Tee. Kelantan J. P. Matupang (secretary), Tengku Mahmood, Tengku Mohamed, Che Lattif, K. K.
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  • 180 30 Horliclcs B.P. beat the Maybiossom B.P. by flve games to two Sunday at the former's court. Results (Horlicks first) 1 Robert Chia beat Ahmad Mattar 15 11 7 —15, 15—12; John Lee lost to Lee Kirn Seng 12—15, 12—13 (Retired): Koh Beng Swe beat Tan Pen* Hock
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  • 106 30 The Indian Youth Association beat the Gentle B.P. by four Raines to two In the return badminton match on the latter* court. The last game was aoandoned owing to bad light. S. A7adural beat Suadl 9— 16. 15— a. 15—4; P. Balaslngam lost to Hodrlo I*— l
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  • 100 30 Flaylngr in the Victoria Bridge School Hall the Maxfli E.P. beat the Oxygen B.P. by four games to tv/o. Results (Maxfll first.Tav Swee Klat ceat Sim Sock Hee 15 5, 15 1: Lye Ah Lenjr beat Tan Poh Chuan 15 —6. 15—2; Lee Khenn Chiang beat Wee Penc
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  • 135 30 Playing a friendly badminton match at the home court last Sunday, the Spartm B.P. beat the Paslr Panjang Rovers by flve games to one. Results (Spartan first): Tan Kok Ann beat Urn Sent; Cheow IS 12, 10 —15 and 15 6; Lee Kirn Teck beat Cheo Eng Hoe
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  • 104 30 The second team of the May B.P. lost to the Java Road Junior B.P. by flve names to two last Sunday. Results: (May B.P. fust): Tay Fng Guan 'ost to Mohamed Noor 15—11. 6—15, 2—15; Salleh Kassim lost to Abu Bakar 11—15. 15—11. 12—15: Syec Alwi lost to
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  • 832 30 CONGRATULATIONS to Llan Hwa B.P. for annexing the junior interdoubles trophy. No one can sr.y that the trophy has fallen into unworthy hands, for apart from fielding the strongest side, including Chung Yoke Thong, Tong Ah Swee and Keng Choon and a number of fast improving young players,
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  • 338 30 (From Our Own Correspondent; Johore Bahru, Saturday. npHE only open singles badminton match between Wee Hye Teck and Syed Omar bin Salim fixed for yesterday was not played as Wee Hye Teck failed to turn up. Syed Omar v/aa awarded a walk over. A start was made with
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  • 110 30 The Sykes B.P. (Malacca) lost to the Student B.P. by four eames to two. Results (Student first) Chua Chuan Hens beat Teo Teck Leonjr 6 15. 15—9. S o: Tan Jim Seng lost to Sit Chens Guan 9 15. 15 6. 7 15: Lim Jit Ann beat Lim
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  • 748 30 DROBABLY the biggest upset in tht history of badminton in Penang occurred last Sunday when Lim Ew» Chye duplicated his feat of last jrar by beating; Chee Choon Keng. the dashing State player, alter a sensational match to qualify for the linal if the Penang open singles championship.
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 30 The newly formed Java Road Junior B.P. which is prosress.n Standing (left to rifht) Ibrahim, Mohsen, Ahmad, Karim, Nawawl, Haron, Abbas, Hamid, Ismail Tahir. Seated Sulon*, Saparin, Munajat, Mohd. Nor. Aba Bakar, Hassan Moktar. Front: Hamid bin Haji Ahmad, and Abdullah bin All.
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 339 30 au limes akV Jevereabyl 1 WAYS USE AN EVEREADY I :attery and lump vk Your I I tvEREADY flashlight,). i jSED TOGETHER THEY ARE I OUR ASSURANCE OF:- 1 «.eAu~.--i .■.il > BRiGHKR LICHI-LOHCER LIFE j Did you MACLEaN your teeth to-day! Yes, positively MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Sales Representative
      339 words

  • 274 31 Batavia And South China Sides To Play At Stadium WITH the impending arrival of a strong soccer team from Batavia, and the South China soccer team, local enthusiasts may expect to see some class football in the near future at the Stadium in Anson Road.
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  • 145 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. DERAK beat Selangor by thiee matches to two in the central zone of the isakandar Cup tennis competition at t^e Sultau Suleiman Club this xm. The competition for the trophy presented ijy the late Sultan Iskandar Shah, or Perak, is in
    145 words
  • 163 31 •■THE :>a^eaa:i stars Irom the Loyal Regiment will display their wares it three o'clock this afternoon when they tackle the Singapore Red Sox at St. Joseph's ground, Bras Hasan liana Another baseball match will be at the Japanesa Ciub ground on Si. George's Road, starting at 3.30 this afternoon
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  • Article, Illustration
    77 31 Tic Kaaurtag Jagoh Muslim B.P. taken on their tenth anniversary At Nek Blantah. Standing (left to richt) Baron Kaimi, Atan Sodia, Osrnan. 11. Arshad, Jaffar Daud, Salleh Mohd. Omar Adbul RaJaJc. Mohd. Ynsin Akil. Seated Ismail H. Ali, Adbul Jaffar, Che Mohd. Noor, Abdul llamid Maranr J. P. (patron) Abdullah
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  • 210 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. *¥*WO interesting league matches were played during the week. Prisons beat the Education by the wide margin of eight goals to two. Ihe heavy loss of the Education was mainly due to the absence of th|: regular goalkeeper, Wyatt. In the
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 31 The Geylang Malay Boys' and Girls' School taken with their trophies being the winners of the All-Malay Schools drill and games competition this year.
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 31 Players in the Tanjong Maim lawn tennis tournament. Standing (left to riffht) Lay Ann Wen Chong Hong, Mohd. Hashim, Buyong, Che SharifT, Edmond Sr. and Jr., Zainal Abidin, Che Osman (A.D.O and Ahmad Mnrad. Seated (left to right) Mohamed Nor and Mr-hmood.
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  • 253 31 HPHE Tanjong Malim Club has ended its 11th annual lawn tennis tournament. The Sultan o f Perak competed in ti>e events, and presented the trophies. This was the first occasion in the history of th» Club that a reigning Sultan had attended. With almost a record
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  • 330 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. WIJAYASINGAM and Munusimy proved too good for the Johore Bahru batsmen when the Segamat English School met the Johore English College at Segamat for their annual cricket match for the Webb Cup. Segamat won the match by an innings and 26
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  • 333 31 •From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, Friday. /™*OOD progress is being made in the annual Muar District badminton championship meeting. Hassan bin Haji Din, the Muar Malay singles champion, scored a good win over Chua Huck Cheoag, in the quarter final of the open singles. Though beaten in straight
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  • 408 31 ENTRIES FOR BADMINTON CHAMPIONGSHIPS T*HE following are the entries received for the various events in the Singapore badminton championships. Men's Op«n Singles: Devonshire 8.P., John Lee, Yap Chin Tee and S. A. Durai; Marigolii 8. P., Tan Chong Tee, Koh Kcng Slang. Lo* Seah Chuan, Chung Chenj? Heck and Tan
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  • 119 31 Syrd Hussain. Winners of ball sweeps: first round J. D. Hall; second round, Syed Huasain. third round, Syed Hussain; fourth round W. L. Davlsou. Results of the Dlnsmore Tropny at mi :Cedah Golf Club were: Sas Laidln (Winner; 41 34 42 39=191 J. Soott 41 40 46
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  • 271 31 (By Our Johore Correspondent) lOHORE has concluded its Malaya cup programme with a win, a draw and two narrow defeats. It will not be out of place to make a review at this stage. All football enthusiasts in and out of Johore will agree that football in
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  • 103 31 Steward's Cup probables and riders axe: Old Reliance (E. Smith), CaerlopMc (Brary), America (Jones), Ambrose light (Pat Bcasley), (Carslake), Cannvul Bey < Simpson), Neuvy (Smirke), Knight Caprice (Canty), 1 inklatcr (Perrymam, Roulade (Harry Wragg; Davy (Gomezi. Antecedent (Gordon Richards >, Bygone (Marshall),
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  • 51 31 A general meeting of Clerical Union members interested in sports will bo held at the clubhouse. Rangoon Road, on Saturday, July 29, at 4.30 p.m. Agenda: To elect hon. sports secretary: asst. Hon. sports secretary: grounds superintendent: captains 0* football, hockey, ping pong, badminton; four committee members;
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  • 63 31 The Pahang Rangers football team against the Singapore Recreation Club at soccer on the SP.C. ground on Menday, will be selected from:— Hashim bin H. All, A. Rahman bin H. All, Arifnn, Mohd Salleh, Hanth, Ng Kok Tong. Ibrahim bin H. Ali, Puteh Madon, Ahmad Fattah, Kajl Oarhan.
    63 words
  • 250 31 Thin Time For "Prelim" Boxers Boxing Notes ITNLESS the Singapore Boxing Asso- elation steps in there is little prospect of minor boxing programmes being; staged in future. Small fights have been a ftff'P** 1 fai.ure more often than not, so promoters cannot be blamed for not continuing. Consequently, the "prelim"
    250 words
  • 162 31 The Selangor Turf Club will hold their Autumn mcc ing over three days on Sept. 30, Oct. 4 and Oct 7. There will be two runs for horses class two, three and four (one or brth runs provisional) and two rani for c! two. Distances and
    162 words
  • 141 31 TIES IN BAD fVKREE furlh* -„ed yes- terday at Union Hall '.n the men's J ..*or badminton championships. Wee Kirn Wee and Josiaii ip (Uselul) beat Chua Yok Sit ud Michael Leong (A.A.U.) 21—4. 2l v Ng Liang Chuan (J.C.S.A > bett '-t-9 Kirn Seng (Eclipse) 5—15, 15—7. 16
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  • Page 31 Advertisements

  • 251 32 Lock Your Bicycle— This May Happen To You MORE than 100 bicycles are stolen In Singapore every month, many of them because of the careless- ness of their owners. Unlocked bicycles which are left unattended are continually being stolen, but owing to the ease with which they can be disposed
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  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 24 32 BEAR BH|ND cdtuna£<vmn *&BtS MILK *U kzm^mßm^ W^~ 1 Hi tcirlslWrci Sole Importers: EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD., SINGAPORE, K. LUMPUR, PENANG. 4 apß 1
      24 words
    • 357 32 /Ti HOME MOVIE /•.^l i.ate Own .'m:ma al fiomi -^1 v We invite you to caU and *A inspect our widest and comKflnK^fl plete range of cine-camera* at jnfi *D very competitive prices I'lll'all'^ Demonstrations gladly given without obligation. JbSSI lyon photo co# 6} N o rth Bridge Rd., S'por*.
      357 words