The Straits Times, 16 July 1939

Total Pages: 32
1 1 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 395 Sunday, July 16, 1939 Price 10 Cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 395 Sunday, July 16. 1939 Price 10 Cents
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  • 220 1 Price Of Settlement Of Tientsin Trouble CO-OPERATION IN BUILDING '■•NEWORDER IN ASIA" T^IK Anglo-Japanese t^lks on the proJ blems arising from the Japanese blockade of the British Concession in Tientsin opened yesterday morning when the British Ambassador in Tokio, Sir Robert Craigie, spent three hours with
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 1 Two ?ncmbers of the women's sccaon of the Royal Air Force, Auxiliary Territorial Service, formed for duty with the Royal Air Force in time of tear, photographed in thrr neta uniforms.
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  • 198 1 Japanese "Mystery" Warship London, Saturday. KTfcWS has been received in London of the launch of a mystery warship named Shokaku at Yokosuka Dockyard, which, owing to Japan's policy of secrecy in naval construction, it is impossible to identify. "It is clear," say 3 the Daily Telegraph naval correspond! nt. from
    Reuter  -  198 words
  • 39 1 (From Our O-..n Ccncspondcnt) London. Saturday. COID: £7 fc BMfL SILVER: fpot. iii-ad.. 3 raths. 16?&<L IOTTON: MM. EXCHANGE: Amsterdam. 8. Other commodities and exchanges are rnchar.jred from Friday. Saturday's local quo* itions art In page 18.
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  • 96 1 Paris, Saturday. Tilt investigation of Nazi propaganda activities will be pursued without respect to persons, according to an official communique issued this afternoon. The communique says persons under arrest have admitted having received large sums from agents of foreign powers and "anyone acting thus
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  • 86 1 London, Saturday. IT is announced the Secretary for Air, Sir Kingsley Wood, accompanied by senior officers of the R.A.F., will pay a visit of inspection to reserve units of the R.A.F. in Northern Ireland on July 28 and 29. Sir Kingsley will be the
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  • 46 1 Paris, Saturday. Count Ciano, Italian Foreign Minister, had a narrow escape when he landed at Barajas aerodrome near Madrid today, according to a despatch received here. The aeroplane swerved on landing and nearly capsized. One wheel was ripped off. No one was hurt.
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  • 320 1 ADMIRAL Sir Roger Back- house, who would probably have commanded the AngloFrench naval forces 1. time or trouble, but who resigned as First Sea Lord last May owing to continued ill-health following a severe attack of influenza, died In London yesterday. He was
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  • 37 1 Queen Mary releasing her balloon in the balloon derby to^x'n she attended a garden party at St. James's Palace and received purses in aid of the National Council for Maternity and Child Welfare.
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  • 146 1 First 34,000 Report For Duty NO OLD-TIME SERGEANT-MAJOR ATMOSPHERE London, Saturday. "THE first 34,000 of Great Bri--1 tain's 200,000 militiamen reported in camps and barracks today. Officers and j Kp-commissioned officers met and. 'Leted the men of the new army i^more than 100 lailway stations. J Many militiamen had travelled
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  • 56 1 Blockade Tightens Campaign Against Britain Increases Toklo, Saturday. jMR. GORO UCHIDA, Japanese iV Consul-General in Amoy, yesterday handed notes to American, British, French, Netherlands and Norwegian Consuls In Kulangsu regarding the Japanese Navy's blockade of Chuanchow, Tungshan and Chaon, Chinese ports on the south-western coast of Fukien Province. The Japanese
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  • 279 1 Chungking, Saturday. JAPAN'S menacing attitude to France is very clear and the danger has been augmented by Japanese machinations in Siam and Burma, warned Dr. Wung Wen-hao, Minister to Economics and concurrently Director of the Association for Cultural Relations between China and France, in a
    Reuter  -  279 words
  • 245 1 COUNTY CRICKET Oval: Notts 480 for 5 (Keaton 263 not out, Hearne 88) vs. Middlesex. Chesterfield: Derby 61 for 2; vs. Yorkshire. Rain. Colchester: Surrey 285 (Whittaker 66, Brown 51, Nichols 5 for 79); Essex 131 for 2 (Eastman 98 not out). Southampton: Glamorgan 153 ."or 8; vs.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 7 1 tußt fUbmst P. H. Hendrv Singapore Penang.
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    • 69 1 MAKE YOUR HANAVA SUIT BY EUROPEAN EXPERT TAILOR CHOTIRMALLS 41-43. HIGH ST. SMART LOUNGE HAT and now let us offer you J^'^'frY an inexpensive hat that look- well and always smart. L A hat that is correct -^■aMl^\ in a nice grey shade. M^K^f/W^^v^/oh^mm^< fortable and easy l|j||fs§ ?f| Sizes
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  • 608 2 NEW FILM CENSORSHIP POLICY Appeal_Committee To Define Its Attitude SHOULD GERMANS' FEELINGS BE CONSIDERED "Nazi Spy" Decision Will Be Precedent MALAYAN film censorship policy in regard to films which might "wojnd the susceptibilities" of Germans will be defined this week, The Sunday Times understands reliably. Problems relating to the political
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 2 a« (->* a bridge built by Army engineers during the manoeuvres at Fuerstenwalde, Prussia.
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  • 111 2 Razor, Poison, Rope THREE WOMEN GO TO HOSPITAL rWSBM 3 p.m. and 5.33 p.m. j the ambulance esHsd ta attend to three < women who were allc*- < tempted suicide. Shortly after 3 p.m. a woman WS taken to the General Hospital :om tlyoat wounds, said to have be uflicted
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  • 52 2 TKiI Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas. left Singapore by the mail tram last night for Ipoh. He was accompan!ed by Lady Thomas and the aide-li.-camp, Captain R. A. Gwyn. They wIU be Joined later by the private secretary, Mr. L. H. N. Davis. The party will return to Singapore
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  • 85 2 The Band and Drums of the 2nd Batta Jlcr.. The Loyal Reclmeut will play at the Beating of Retreat on the Pa-'ang on Monti... ftt e.Z) p.m.: Drums. Retreat: Band •nd Drums, Quick March, Sylvia <Vlach> Drums, RiMnßs and Q M.. Dirah's Delight (Tiipin 1 Band and
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  • 42 2 M. Henri Farnian, the first man to fly from one town to another, was pry *ent at the unveiling of a monument at Mourmelon-le-Grand, in North Prance, from where he took off for Rheims, 17V 2 miles away, in 1903.
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  • Article, Illustration
    85 2 H' 1 Hamburg- Amerika liner at. 'Louis arrived at Antwerp, Belgium, icith 7CO Jewish refugees abrard. The liner had taken thevi to Cuba r>ut they were not alloyed to lard t'icrc a^d had to return to Europe. Weerg of spending uccks J the liner, and never knowing vhcre their
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  • 81 2 SOUTH AFRICAN AIR FORCE INCREASE 12 Squadrons Formed Cape Town. THE "1,000 pilots scheme" of Mr. Oswald Pirow, Minister of Defence, has progrcrsrd so well that the Defence Department has established 12 fighter and bomber squadrons s'.ationed at the principal South African towns. Cape Town now has two squadrons Instead
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  • 126 2 HONG KONG POSTAL INCOME SETS NEW RECORD A PROFIT of nearly $2,000,000 an all time record was obtained by the Hong Kong General Pest office during: the past year, according to its annual report. There was a large increase in all the mails handled, and the balance of revenue over
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  • 31 2 Berlin, Saturday. UERR HITLER'S speech at Munich on Sunday, when he opens the threeday Festival of German Art will not be political, it is stated.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 25 2 London, Saturday Miss Gracie Fields nas returned home to recuperate after six weeks spent in Chelsea Hospital for Women
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  • 34 2 Madrid, Saturday. It Is announced an Italian naval mission will visit Spain to make a detailed study of the naval section of the war exhibition in San Sebastian.
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  • 37 2 London, Saturday. £20,090 was collected for naval charities during Navy Week last year. As already announced, Navy W2ek will not be held this year owing to preparations for combined exercises In August and September.
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  • 36 2 M. Bcnos. former president of Czechoslovakia, is arriving 4 n Enslar.d on Tuesday from the United wnere he has been since February. Reuter understands Bcnes will remain in England for some time.
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  • 70 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. FOLLOWING the Chief Police Officer's representations that the only fire cng ne in Malacca, a 25-year-old model kept in use by constant "doctoring," could not be expected to cope with all the work which an air :ald might entail,
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  • 43 2 Mr. A. K. Gopalan, member of the All-India Congress Committee, v ill speak on The Present Day Kerala in the Seletar Drama Hall, Selctar, today at 4.30 p.m. Mr. K. P. Keshiva Mcnon will preside. Alt Malayalees are invited.
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 2 CffMm Ptimat BmAmGh of Belgium photographed as l\- watched the procession pass him during the annual ceremony of the blessing of the sea at Ostcnd, Belgium.
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  • 69 2 London, Saturday. PLIGHT hundred and fifty thousand steel shelters have now b:en delhered to householders. It is stated also t iat 1.000 000 steel helmets for A.R.P. personnel have now been delivered and nearly another 1 ,000.00" will be coniDleted before the end of
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  • 22 2 A German Fock?-Wulf plane of the Condor type flew 5000 miles from Berlin to Natal, Brazi', in 31hr 51mln.
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  • 15 2 It Is understood the British transplant !c air mail service will open on Aug. 8.
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  • 19 2 Bratislava, Saturday. It is announced that Prance nas decided to recognise Slovakia d? facto.
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  • 17 2 The fund for relatives and dependants of men lost in the submarine Thetis has now reached £121,657.
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  • 167 2 Berlin, Saturday. DOLITICAL quarters are in- dignant at the circulation in Germany of letters allegedly sent to many Germans by Commander Stephen Kin^-Hall, the well-known British publicist, explaining the European situation and the British attitude. Despite the sender's emphatic denial that the letters are officially
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 117 2 KEDAH CLERKS APPEAL TO GOVERNMENT (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. THREE hundred members of the Kedah clerical service have submitted a petition to Government asking that their existing salary scheme be revised. They also ask that the number of special grade and first grade clerks be fixed respectively at
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  • 97 2 COR stealing an empty drum worth 20 cents from the compound of the Excise office. Maxwell Read, en Friday, Ns Tong, a 42-year-cld Cantones2, was sentenced to one month's rigorous imprisonment, to be followed by six months' police supevlsion by Mr J. Fletcher-Cooke, Singapore
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  • 34 2 Providence (Kentucky). Saturday. fHIRTY coalminers are trapped 185 feet below the surface two and a half miles from a mire-shaft entrance, owing to an exp'.osion. Rescue parties are working desperately.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 26 2 Mr. Chee Kok Peng has been elected by the Chinese Town Hall Committee as their nominee on the Chinese Advisory Board, Penanj, for the current year.
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  • 229 2 St. Andrew 's Cathedral Wedding [LfIISS Gertrude Lucy Margaret Homer, oniy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Homer, of Kingston. Jamaica, became the bride of Mr. Louis James Jackson, engineer of the Asiatic Petroleum Co., (S.S.) Ltd., stationed at Pulau Bukom, at the St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, yesterday. The
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  • 44 2 The Police Band will play on Monday at Katong Park at 6 p.m. March, Juarez (Schettino); Overture, Bronze Horcj (Auben Selection. The Chocolatfl Soldier (Stream); Cornet Solo, A Night in Switzerland (Hume>: Seection, The Great Waltz (Strauss); Va!se Gold and Silver (Lehar).
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 2 'THE engagement is announced x of Miss Wendy Toye, 22-year-o'd choreographer and dancer to Mr. Edwyn Selwyn Sharp aged 29. a friend who has known her since she was a baby. When Mr. Sharp was seven he gave newly' born Wendy Toye a pair of whit* buckskin shoes as
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  • 460 3 FARM SCHOOL FOR BOYS SUGGESTED Association's Work To Aid Poverty-Stricken (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. CONCERN was expressed by speakers at the annual general meeting of the Eurasian Association of Malacca at the continued delay in action by the authorities for the
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 3 l>r M. A. i.:.:,r.'J, wv.o insut.led as President of the Klang and Coast Districts Rotary Club.
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  • 226 3 Collision Was Inevitable Says Judge AN action for danages, which was brought by the five children of a Chinese who was alleged to have been killed by the negligence of a Singapore motorist, was dismissed by Sir Percy McEhvaine, Chief Justice, S.S., in a judgment in the Singapore High Court
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  • 243 3 TPHE firing of a pistol in a cotfeeshop off Jalan Besar had a sequel in the Singapore Criminal District Court, yesterday, before Mr. J. McFall. In the clock was a Cantonese, Wong Yin Nam, and a young woman of the same nationality, Wong Ah Kam.
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  • 564 3 Indian Volunteers "CRINGING FOR A CHANCE TO DO SERVICE" (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. THE Indian Association and the United Indian As- sociation in Penang have been approached for views on the proposed appointment of a deputation to wait on the Governor, to
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  • 187 3 PENANG CHINESE LEADER ON A.R.P. MEASURES (Prom Our Own Correspcndcnt) Penang, Saturday. |li|R. Khoo Sian Ewe, 0.8. E., member of the Legislative Council and recognized leader of the Chinese community In Penang, expressing his views on A.R.P. to a Sunday Times representative said Events In Europe and the Far East
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 1005 3 IN SINGAPORE TODAY ..».m... C S Air Mail Arrivals "Oklahoma Kid* with James Cagncr. A v cMftAT- 915pm And Departui'es "Out West with the Hardys" with Lewis Stone to Mickey Rooney. 3.15. 6.15. INWABU and 9.19 p.m. IVearnes From fenan-. Ipob and Koala PAVILION: Lumpui. Arrive* erftj evening. ■Spring; Madnesa"
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 536 4 Positively Last 4 Shows (Sunday) 11 A.M. 315. 6.15 9.15 P.M. ALHANBRA ITB A CAGKEY YOU'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. ..THAT YOU'LL WANT TO SEE AGAfll! f| JAmES HBjv^Jf .^a fe fm A^ffcJETV J i F^^ Ba 1 1 1 1 1 I 4 II p fl JSJ Bv/ \Jm KUMPHRtY
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    • 268 4 If Teacher Only Knew Whit The Girls Are St u riyin*! GTRIC Q. |A ANNE I i WxMtJl I SHIRIEYVIIi N^GREY Jbeuamy p^| i so itAunrui staw of tomorrow |PAVILION| Site Straits ©imf s WEDNESDAY. JULY 6, 1939 I I A.R.P. FILM IS BANNED k^ M Nc 4 Suitable For
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  • Entertainment
    • 251 5 No Grass-Skirted Maidens On Waikiki Beach Up-To-Date Flappers, Say Hawaiians Now In Singapore «Y OU can>t find maidens in grass skirts lounging on the beach at Waikiki now," Queenie and David Kaili, leaders of the Koyal Hawaiians now playing in Singapore, told a Sunday Times reporter last week. "You would
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    • 162 5 ALHAMBRA Now On.— "The Oklahoma Kid" (James Cagney, Humphrey Bogart, Rosemary Lane. Donald Crisp). A Warner Bros, adventure romance. Opens Monday. The Three Musketeers (Don Ameche, the Rltz Brothers. Gloria Stuart, Binnie Barnes. Pauline Moore. Joseph Schi Id kraut). A 20th Century-Fox musical comedy. Following Attraction. "Road
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    • Article, Illustration
      26 5 Henry Amiei.a and Joan Valeric in a scene from v Road Demon," a 20th Century -For sports adventure film to be shown at the Alhambra soon.
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    • 33 5 Maureen O'Sullivan has given birth to a baby son. The boy has been christened Michael Damlen Farrov/. Miss O'Sulllvan is tha wife of Mr. r oba Farrow, the flim director.
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    • Article, Illustration
      23 5 Kaavata G'Suiiivau and Lew Ayres are teamed in Spring Madness," the college romance which is to open a season at the Pavilion today.
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    • 25 5 Hollywood. fJIARY ASTOR and her film acto* husband, Manuel del Camp, have disclosed that Mary is expecting ta become mother In the summer
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    • 59 5 rr»HE Vienna Jewish cultural autho- ritiea have been notified that Mr. Charles Chaplin, the film star, has promised that the profits of his new film, "The Dictator." which are made on the continent cf Europe v/11l be presented by him to create a fund for the
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    • Article, Illustration
      22 5 Joan Crawford heads a notable cast in "Ice Follies of 1939,'* the spectacular production to be shown at the Capitol this week.
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    • 73 5 A piER visiting Java and Ball, Mr. Arthur Sheekman, newspaperman and film writer, and his wife, Miss Gloria Stuart, the screen actress, will return to Singapore tomorrow and will co T -inue their world tcur by the American President Lines vessel President Garfleld on Tuesday. "Trip Three Musketeers,"
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    • 21 5 TERRY Kllbourne. Metro-Goldwyn--1 Mayer, British child star, has taken his mother and father (formerly a London bus driver) back to Hollywood
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    • 312 5 Nicola Magician, Here Soon •TTKE Great Nicola, the magician, who is expected to come to Malaya shortly, is having very successful seasons in New Zealand and Australia, where he has been performing an illusion he calls the Indian rope trick. The Great Nicola has visited India irany times and has
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 606 5 WATCH YOUR THROAT LINE High lights are on throats this year hair up fashions, dramatic necklines and necklaces; all focus attention on the throat. USE ELIZABETH ARDENS Adona Cream —to! smooth and fill out ihin neck and shoulders. Serial Astringent to give firmness. Anti-Brown Masque for snowy whiteness. Po".:\icr Foundations
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  • 367 6 It is ft well-known fact that most Illustrious men do not receive the praise and honour due to them until after their demise Many historical anecdotes confirm these facts. After art fwe refer here more particular^ to Rembrandt. Van Gogh and many others >. tt is above all
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  • 618 6 Regular Flights At Short Notice, Survey Reveals I RESERVE ROUTE TO EAST AND AUSTRALIA IN TIME OF TROUBLE CAPTAIN P. G. Taylor, who recently made a survey of the Indian Ocean air route from Port Hedland (West Australia) to Mombasa (Kenya), and who is now
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 6 Incho Mohomcd Arm', a popular amateur actor of the Darul Akhyar Club, Port Swettenham. He takes a leading part in all Malay shows stared by the Club.
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  • 186 6 (.From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. A GROUP of Malacca men and women teachds, of whom seventeen arc Government nominated candidates, will attend the vacation course for trained teachers of Government and aided schools in Malaya at Raffles College from Aug. 24 to Sept. 1 next.
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  • 60 6 TAKING a serious vitw of the cus", Mr. Conrr.d Oldham. Singapore Second Police Court magistrate, sentenced a Cantonese, Ho Sens Ho, to three weeks' rigorous imprisonment and ordered eight strokes of the rotan for stealing an ear-ring hum a woman in Victoria Street. The man admitted committing
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  • 45 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. CHE Mohamed Hashim, who was, appointed Dato Muda Orang Kaya Kaya Stia BlJaya di-Raja during the Sultan cf Perak's installation, has been appointed a major chief of Perak State, being the youngest to hold such office.
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  • Article, Illustration
    82 6 The staff of Nestle and Anfflo-Svviss Trcduct? Ltd. taken at a farewell to Mr. H. C. Shrubsole, who is re irlnj. First row, from left: Mr. S. S. I r nlil n. Miss N. CalLathan, Mr. E. Viney, Miss P. Were, Mr. B. de F. Garland, Miss P. Usher, Mr.
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  • 55 6 THE first of the Singapore Tractian Company's new 32-seater diescl-englned buses, which is neaiinj completion in the company's workshops. The new buses have a cen'ral door to facilitate rapid loading and unloading, a new type of cushion, and safety glass. The new buses will be
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  • 61 6 QUARREL OVER HAIR-CUT LEADS TO STABBING, IS ALLEGATION ALLEGED to have stabbed a compatriot in the stomach with a knife following a quarrel over a hair-cut, Mohamed Salleh, a 26-year-old Indian, 'appeared yesterday before Mr. J. Fletcher-Cooke in the Singapore Third Police Court. A charge of attempted murder was explained
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  • 115 6 IN connection with the Malayan AgrlHorticuitural Association's exhibition at Kuala Lumpur, the Straits Steamship Co., are quoting cheap return tickets to Port Swettenham from Singapore and Penang. The return fare frcm both ports will be $18 Ist class and $7.50 2nd class by sailings between Aug.
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  • 79 6 tFroin Cur Own Correspondent.) Malacca. THERE will be a black-out of the Municipal area and the Muklm of Pringgit from 10.30 to midnight on Monday, July 24, when gas contamination and bomb damage will be indicated by the firing of Chinese crackers, supplemented by verbal warning
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  • 52 6 <Frora Our Own Qorrespondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. A VERDICT of death by misadventure was returned by the Coroner, Raja Sulaiman, on Lance Corporal James Parker, of the Royal Engineers, who died at Plenthong on June lft, when the motor van he was driving overturned. Parker was
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  • 42 6 From Our Own Corr:sr:oridenO Batu Gajah. The death has occurred at the age of 54 of Madam Cheah Lo, an old and respected resident of Batu Gajah. She was the mother of Mr. Khoo Leang Cheng, assistant station master.
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  • 106 6 THREE VEHICLES INSPECTORS ARE CHARGED 'From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. pOLLOWING a charge of extortion of $5 from a Chinese lorry owner named Gan Wah Boon, preferred by Chief Detective Inspector Uphill yesterday against a vehicles Inspector named K. D. Bock, two more vehicles inspectors, named L. M. Nunls
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  • 88 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. THE Central Police Station in Carnar- von Street has been the scene of regular riot drills during the past week. Four sections are taking part in these drills which are designed to cope with any emergency. Two sections are
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  • 27 6 Mr. A. C. Simmons, general manager of the Straits Times Press Ltd., returned from leave bo Europe by the P. and O. liner Canton.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 267 6 A SHOWS jl WHEN TO REFILL fyj-i and holds 2J times as "YL much ink as an !K^4 ordinary self-filling pen I An| No 'running dry' at awkS^^l ward moments because ~W% you can see exactly how 7v>J much ink remains simply JB&r by holding the pen up to IJfV
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    • 712 6 A PRIVATE IKCOME OF £360 A Y EAR, FOR LIFE. Think of it A care-free life from age 55. An income of £360 a year absolutely secure for the remainder of your days even if you live to be a centenarian. An income not dependent upon business or other investments
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  • 707 7 When Tribesman Tried To Peel Off His Skin INDIAxSS LIKED HIS WAR DANCE (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. ADVENTURES in the "Green Hell" of the Gran Chaco country encounters with wild tribesmen and dangerous animah were described by
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 7 TJ'c wedding of Mr. Ong: Tons Kiat, fifth son of Mr. and Mrs. One Tui r'.icr.g, of Johore, and Miss Lfoi Ah Bee, of Singapore, took place at Hock Guan, 58, Jalan Tarom, Johore.
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 7 .Miss Grade de Souza, winner of the crooning championship held at the Happy World cabaret, Singapore.
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  • 219 7 Britain 's Eastern Air Power (From a Special Correspondent) Karachi (By Air Mail) /CONSIDERABLE increase in Great Britain's air strength in the Ea«t is expected to follow the visit to England of Air Marshal Sir Philip Bennet Joubert de la Ferte, Air Officer Commanding Air Forces in India, who is
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  • 336 7 Singapore Roads To Be Wider And Smoother CTEADY progress is being made with improvements to roads in the Singapore Municipal area. Work will soon begin on the Outer Ring Road between Payer Lebar Road and Upper Serangoon Road, and by the end of this year the earthworks and drains should
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  • 25 7 The Johore Volunteers will go Into camp at Telok Paku, near Changl, on Tuesday and will remain ln camp until the following Sunday.
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  • 477 7 TRAVELLING from Kuala Kangsar to Ipoh a few weeks ago, I was instrumental in giving a lift to a hitch-hiker, a type of tourist rarely found in Malaya. He was a young Englishman, with a heavy pack on his back, thick boots on his feet, and a stick
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 708 7 Arthritis Discovery Ends Cause of Rheumalism r S(iali(a,Lumbago Stops Pain in *o^r- 30 Minutes &£2£cj£0 i thanks t" the rorcnt discovery of an t^fl^^ jl/ amazing moiii. mc call d Rumend, It is no Sr t'-jMßtli^^ I m i.>Mi;i-r >r you to sufi'er from tho W JS^r^^^ j>ain and <
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    • 503 7 STAMPS f Kmf Gftorft V. mis. »«d »i th*n fc« J*rr K ,V« £Hi >** to 7M owr lac on fMwtit. 1 Mmcrr ber ihett i«t* vi mow o6tol*w I •*****8 j irtd rising in prkt. SKwrt th*m «M* >• *i«»na**<M*l4.Owr Stocks tut. b*fwe pfKft igun fiic let vi I
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    • 84 7 HOTELS LONDON CALLS /*^J*^W INSISTENTLY jj^W""^^ COMt and enjoy at either 4«il*^s HOTEL RUBENS J 7*XF Buckingham Palace Road Stacing Buckingham Pa.ace or HOTEL REMBRANDT South Kensington. B.W. facing tne Victoria autf Albert Museum Every attention in pleasing burrouncMnt PEKFLO QUIETUDE TIILSK COMFORTABLE lIOTLLS WITH ACKNOWLEDGED RENOWNED CATERING have riinnlnn
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  • 1319 8 —Read 0f....R.K.S. Adams W. Nieuwenliuys G. P. Lammert Mrs. L. Bliacher i— By I The Onlooker Airline Man "Grand Old Man^ Reported "Dead" DRIEST, pedagogue and pugilist, the Rev. Reginald Keith Sorby Adams, principal of St. Andrew's School, Singapore, saw a dream come true last week. He
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 425 8 I I -icM Gastritis and Indigestion caused untold agony Many stomach sufferers know the heartbreaking struggle to get through the day's work while racked with pain perhaps dreading all the time that the trouble may lead to an operation. Constant worry drags down your vitality, and makes recovery all the
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  • 688 9 Achieves An International Reputation (From Our Own Correspondent) L«>mlnn, July 7. FROM mustering Tamil coolies at 5 a.m. to posing London's loveliest photographic models for the latest women's fashions from Paris might seem a far cry to the average Malayan rubber planter. Hut one man has accomplished
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  • 472 9 Found Shot INQUEST VERDiCT FIND that Ladmila Cherry was murdered on the night of June IS by some person not subject to the jurisdiction of this Court. Death was doe to a pistol shot wound in the brain." This was the verdict given by Mr. C.
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  • 30 9 Rodin's famous statue of Balzac was unveiled in Paris by M. Zay, French Minister of Education, 41 y«"ars after its completion and 22 years after the sculptor's death.
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  • 26 9 The evacuation of French troops from Hat ay, formerly the Sanjak of Alexandria, whioh became Turkish territory under the recent FrancoTurkish agreement, has begun.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 653 9 Gums Bleed, Teeth Loose! Slop Pyorrhea and Trench Mouth in 24 Hours Bleeding gums, sore mouth, or loogp teeth loe:in tiiat >uu are a victim of Pyorrhea or Trom h Mouth, or some bad di." that will eventually cause you to lose all your teeth and liavo to wear
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 10 The Duchess of Atholl leads the praise on a piano during the first Church Parade of the Scottish Horse to be held at Blajr Castle, Scotland. The parade took the form of a drum-head service on the castle lawn. The Scottish horse was raised by the Duke of Atholl 39
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  • 506 10 Malayan Doctors' Part In Country's Development M IF it is Government's determination to further the policy of employing as far as possible local born persons in the higher ranks of Government service, a Malayan university will be the only adequate means of equipping local born persons for such high posts,"
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  • 192 10 Kandang Kerbau To Be World's Best For Teaching Midwifery 400 BEDS FOR CHILDREN AT GENERAL k SCHEME for extending the Singapore General Hospital has been approved by Government, announced Dr. G. V. Allen, principal of the College, at the King Edward VII Medical College graduation ceremony yesterday.
    192 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 10 The Duke of Spoleto and Princess Irene of Greece who were married recently at Florence.
    17 words
  • 361 10 Principal Explains Medical College Policy IT is the policy of the College to maintain a high standard of training and examinations," said Dr. G. V. Allen, principal of the King Edward VII College 'of Medicine, at the graduation ceremony yesterday. "There is no doubt in my mind about the soundness
    361 words
  • 297 10 Graduates Get Their Diplomas PRESENTING diplomas to mcdi- cal, dental and pharmacy students of the King Edward VII College of Medicine at the convocation yesterday, Sir Percy McElwaine, Chief Justice, S.S., strucfc a humorous note when he said May it never be said by any one of you that on
    297 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 351 11 Journeys to England in Victoria's early days. By T. Fontane, 1844— )8.>9. Massk Bt»d. •T*HE author of this work was an outstanding figure in the European literary world In the latter half of the last century A German, he paid three visits to
    351 words
  • 114 11 The Young Pretender. By C. R. Allen. Massie. 7s. (id. 'THE Young Pretender is by a New Zealand author who has *pparenUj made his name by a series of child studies. The present book is a kind of cross between Little Lord Fauntlen>y" and Dv Maurier's "Trilby.'' King
    114 words
  • Books Of The Week
    • Article, Illustration
      8 11 Viscount Dundee, from an engraving in the Bodleian.
      8 words
    • 276 11 One Pair of Hands. By Monica Dickens. Michael Joseph. 10s. 6d. jyiONICA DICKENS Is a great-grand-daughter of Charles Dickens, and after being presented at Court and being bored by the social round for a few years, she decided she must get a Job. As she had no
      276 words
    • 575 11 l-attermeie's Case. By Charles Bar.-y. Hurst and Biarkett. 7s. fid. Great Circle Track. By R. I. l>carden Jeukir.s' Colonial Library. A Cir! in Iks *py Racket. By W. J. BlatkJcdse. Wernrr Laurie. 7s. 6d. MR. Charles Barry nas found a new formula for bis latest detective
      575 words
    • 395 11 "Bloody Clavers" And "Bonnie Dundee" John Graham of Claverhouse. By Alistair and Henrietta Tayler. Duckworth. 12s. 6d. TTHE Joint authors of "John Graham of Claverhouse" have written a most painstaking and scholarly study of the life of the man who rvas known In his own country and his own time
      395 words
    • 262 11 Five Phases of Love. By Elizabeth Sloan Chesser. M.D. Jenkins* Colonial Library. The Technique of Sex. By Anthony Havil, B.A. The Wales Publishing Company, 4s. DR. Sloan Chesser's "Five Phases" deals with the various aspects of sex life from sixteen to sixty, and also contains much sound
      262 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 310 11 liAST time the journey took weeks. But times have changed for the quicker by Imperial flyingboat. So comfortable, too— nice being able to smoke being able to stroll about if you get tired of sitting—not that you do in these chairs. Good meals, too, and wonderful service ■7^A7?~-r£& ftooMnfi Md
      310 words

  • 145 12 Suicide In Troopship I lEUT. Vere Kingsley Butt, aged 25, ot the Dorsetshire Regt., found hanged in a cabin in the troopship, Lancashire, in Southampton Docks, had been worried about orders from the War Office, It was stated at the Inquest at Southampton. A verdict of
    145 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 12 Kasui of the Congo, bred by Miss Tudor Williams a t the Congo B as en ji kenne l s in Hampshire.
    22 words
  • 40 12 Miss Kitty Masters, it music-hall artist who won lame as a calist with Henry Hall's band, has givt.. birth to a son ln a Burnley nursing home. In private life Miss Masters Is Mrs. Ray Baker.
    40 words
  • 122 12 Cousins To Marry rfO engagements are announced of cousins who are members of the Wills tobacco family. They are: The Hon. Frederick Anthony Hamilton Wills, Lovat Scouts, eldest son and heir of Lord and Lady Dulverton, who Is to marry Miss Judith Betty Melville, eldest daughter of
    122 words
  • 67 12 DEANNA Durbin, the young film actress and singer, has accepted an invitation to give a concert in London next autumn, it is stated in Hollywood. The invitation was offered by a representative of the Marchioness of Cambridge, on behalf of the London Hospital. It Is hoped that Miss
    67 words
  • 1058 12 Was A Favourite Of The Pharoahs CINGAPORE residents have often complained of the night-time din made by barking: dogs. Recently it was suggested the solution was the introduction of dogs who did not bark. Here is the story of the Basenji, the dog who
    1,058 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 12 A pair of xoooden shoes, about the size of skis, and a kite-like sail, for tcalking on the water, demonstrated by Arlene Lloyd at Toms River, New Jersey. The sail and sheet can be manoeuvred for direction and speed.
    40 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 680 12 feu Not a hair out of place A W //thanks to ANZORA WtL^ > Th« ntw Improved Amor* keeps th« hair »mart 227?*\ A throughout th« day— lv popularity Increase* WfV¥ V/S I] daily b«c«ust:— (\"V V I* now pur# whlte «»nuliWled Kk jj^J ~%?stf. I cream. SW^rW&'j^^ *2. Does
      680 words

  • 553 13 Sally Gilmour's Early Days In Singapore Sat Spellbound Watching Pavlova Now A Ballet Star Herself A GIRL who at the age of sc- von sat spellbound in Singapore's Victoria Thealre watching Vavlova dance is now herself one of the most talented ballet dancers to have appeared on a London stage.
    553 words
  • Article, Illustration
    65 13 A Charity Gala evening of music and ballet was held at the Albert Hall in aid of the Radium Institute and the Mount Vernon Hospital for Cancer, by which it was hoped to raise £5,000. Markova danced In a ballet in which there were 300 other p-rfof-mcrs. Other attractions included
    65 words
  • 227 13 PELTED WITH EGGS AND POTATOES Vienna. U/ITH the return here of Cardinal Innitzer, Archbishop of Vienna, it became known that he had been assulted by Nazis during a visit to that part of the diocese lying north-west of Vienna At Koenigsbrunn he was pelted with rotten eggs
    227 words
  • 83 13 "A RMS" of the famous Venus de Mho statue have been sold to several American tourists by an "antiquary" in Athens at £2,000 each. The swindle was discovered when one of the tourists was held by G^ek Customs officials. The American described a white marble
    83 words
  • 13 13 Hungarian football referees must prove their "Aryan" descent and "national integrity."
    13 words
  • 68 13 I lELT.-COLONEL P. H. Han- sen, D.5.0., M.C., officer commanding the 2nd Batt. Lincolnshire Regiment, after inspecting the Grammar School O.T.C. at Dorchester, said: Nobody wants war, and I am one of those who think there won't be a war for another 80 years, but
    68 words
  • 75 13 Montreal. I*HE French Schneider Co. of Creusot is negotiating with Montreal Industries, Ltd., a French-Canadian firm, for the establishment of an armament plant at Quebec for the manufacture of arms and equipment for France. It is understood that Skoda Interests are large'y represented. If the
    75 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 176 13 "Snapshots are sure shots gdflfc* withmYnew'Kodak'" Rp^4^)fFW Six-20 Kodak Junior— «rcrcmely comV petcnt but not complicated— one of y^^^^m JJ the world's most popular folding c^^SE fegp-r. cameras. With modern-type shuttcrmS^Hß K^^- re easc the body °f camera for rJnm 2WWj/' steady, eye-level snapping— choke of s^Bs^^JwTf anastigmat lenses including
      176 words

  • 60 14 'THE Lord Chamberlain's office an- nounces in the "London Gazette" that the King's birthday next year will be celebrated in London and at all stations, home and abroad, on Thursday. June 13. Customs and Excise staffs and officers and servants of dock companies in England and
    60 words
  • 218 14 Forerunner Of Similar Branches In Other Suburbs COOKING, CHILDREN FIRST AID SOCIAL ACTIVITIES IfATONG women and girls rw have now a Y.W.C.A. all their own. Formed recently, this new branch of the Singapore Y.W.C.A. is the first to be established and may be the forerunner of
    218 words
  • 181 14 German Protest At Scots Jokes Berlin. A PLEA for the cessation of jokes about Scotsmen is made in the German periodical, "New Literature," by Herr Vesper, a well-known German publicist, on {he ground that they represent a Jewish affront to a Germanic race. "Our newspapers," protests Herr Vesper. are once
    181 words
  • 32 14 RIVIERA BRITONS TO BUY WARPLANE Nice. TTHE British colony on the Riviera is collecting to buy a warplano for the French Government to show its appreciation of the hospitality given to them.
    32 words
  • 80 14 Mrs. Edith June (left), aged 47, and mother of twelve children, has' just exchanged husbands and homes vrtth Mrs. Mildred Davis, aged 27, mother of four girls. They both live at Columblaville, Michigan. Mrs. Davis has gone over to keep house in the one-room farmhouse of Clarence
    80 words
  • 56 14 fJpHERE is nothing more efficient on earth than an efficient wo~ man and nothing more formidable." So said Mr. J. F. Roxburgh, headmaster of Stowe. speaking at Overstone Public School for Girls, Northampton. A friend, headmaster of a mixed school, had written to him: "Girls are more sensible
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  • 159 14 Freedom Of The Press Is Your Affair TTHE freedom of the Press is not a question for journalists only, but for everybody said Mr. J. A. Spender, to the Empire Press Union in London. A free Press can only be destroyed as part of a general raid on liberty," he
    159 words
  • 37 14 France is to impose a penalty of from six months to five years' imprisonment, and a fine of from £62 to £620 on persons found guilty of distributing anti-French propaganda tracts of foreign origin.
    37 words
  • Article, Illustration
    129 14 Dame Helen Gwynne-Vaughan has been appointed Director of the Auxiliary Territorial Service, Army Branch, with the rank of Chief Controller. The Director will be responsible directly to the Director-General of the Territorial Army. During the war, Dame Gwynne-Vaughan was Chief Controller of Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps, British Armies in
    129 words
  • 745 14 Cards For All pOKER patience is an excellent game in its way, but many people prefer this newer variation of it. In the parent game the player had to gamble on what cards would follow those he had already exposed, but in this game he knows when
    745 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 949 14 Lose A Pound A Day This New Easy Way f O^r That UqlqN %?'fAm*?'S U?e»"s Fat. A New |k fMifsri' Discoverijfrom Holli|wood, Calif. Used bq J Cinema Stars. Makes You Look and Feel w -A vl D MPS Younqer^ W v .'-'i'iUßt f day and y° u F ct these
      949 words

  • 1433 15 Sitting On The Fence By Nathaniel Gubbiris rVERY time danger threatens th* country the cry of degeneracy goes up. If we don't tell ourselves we are degenerates there are plenty of foreigners willing to oblige. Although I am not quite rid enough to remember Waterloo. 1 darn say there were
    1,433 words
  • 63 15 The day that baby first had mumps, The week the twins were bad, The time when George came out in lumps. And little Win went mad. The month when baby Jim had fits, And Mabel caught alight. And Albert blew himself to bits With sticks dynamite Only
    63 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 418 15 iTT tII s2& ir yr~% TTTT Ull till U jp***^ ™(iy g^f is in regular use in the JQ %s. Wforlds Leading Hospitals JP I '|*HE following letter, one 01 many thousands which the proprietors or Ovaltine' have received paying tribute to thp wonderful health-giving properties of this popular t
      418 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 457 15 CONTRACT BRIDGE 1™ ls a woman OI our ac By THE FOUR ACES qm'.ntancc xfho s?ems to have the Idea that Contract bidding consists East South entirely of n scries ef constructive bids 2S Pass 2NT 3C eventually leading to a game or slam 3D Pass 4S Pas? contract when
      457 words

  • 590 16 Opinion Malaya Pays OHAREHOLDERS in Malayan tin- mining companies may well ponder over the remarks made by a prominent Malayan mining engineer, Mr. M. A. Francis, chairman of Ulu Klang Tin Ltd. when addressing shareholders at the annual meeting in Kuala Lumpur last week. He suggested that the Government and
    590 words
  • Article, Illustration
    1593 16 Can Powers Call "Halt" To Japan Without Recourse To Fighting? WITH Anglo-Japanese tension in the Far East showing no abatement, Singapore remains the focus of world attention. As her war against China progresses. Japan threatens to blockade one port after another. She endeavours more and more to
    1,593 words
  • 327 16 Never has the Importance of effective speech and writing been more widely recognised than today. Language-power spells success. If you can express yourself gracefully, persuasively and forcefully you have an immense advantage in your business or professional work as well as in social life. Have
    327 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 346 16 tUH OUR TAILORING We only solicit your trial order. MIEN CHONG S'vore't most uv-to-datt Tailor. 34. Colercan St. Phon» 4816. Wifo£%* Unbreakable Wa her proof Bpl|k Wrisr Watch W2^g^^|Goaranreed lOyeari I[W>^*|*^W,^ Men's "Streamline \B£^tx/yM Service Model TSSSj s 1 3. 1 5 \JP Sold ja London Stores for tnt IV^Hb
      346 words
      72 words

  • 524 17 Esplanade To Be Widened And Lengthened NEW LAND FROM RIVER MUD AND ISLAND CORAL Road From Stamford Canal To Rochore HPHICK black mud from the Singapore River »j being used to beautify Singapore's already famous seafront. The latest scheme, approved and already put into operation,
    524 words
  • 45 17 X/lOLIWISTS of the High View Central School band from Wallingtan having a rehearsal on the steps of All Souls, Langham Place, for the wnth annual School Orchestra Festival held at the Queen's Hall, London. Schools in all parts of the country were represented.
    45 words
  • 169 17 A TECHNICAL organizer for Malayan trade schools, as recommended in the Cheeseman report on vocational edu-i-ation. has been appointed. He ia Mr. It. Henderson, Superintendent of Trade Schools. Lancashire, an<! lie will arrive in Malaya toward the end of September. It is of vital
    169 words
  • 63 17 OLANS est mated to cost £1,929.000 for remoaoHing the northern approach to the new Waterloo Bridge will be considered by the London County Council. 7"he new bridge will be open for traffic in June 1940. The ■enema involves the demolition of buildi.iKo and the construction
    63 words
  • 274 17 LAUGHS FROM THE COURTS My wife and I get on well enough together until she read a book about women's rights. always did my duty to my wife. I never let anyone else bully her. My trouble was that I was far too easy going. My wife was master in
    274 words
  • 19 17 Five persons were slightly injured by an explosion in a dust cart in a Paris suburb.
    19 words
  • 34 17 rtAREDEVIL TONY driving through a great stack of barrels at top speed during the Ford Motor Company gymkhana at Brooklands, which included motor racing, stunt driving and open competitions for private owners.
    34 words
  • 81 17 Making The Worms Cross-Eyed flew York. DIOLOGISTS are excited by experiments, now made public, by Professors Jennings Child and Goldschmidt, Ox Johns Hopkins, Chicago, and Stanford Universities. Thess experiments show that tiny flat worms can be made to change their physical characteristics to meet different conditions of life. When the
    81 words
  • 91 17 Berlin. QEN. Daluece, chief of the German uniformed police, has issued an order that motorists in Germany may not in future smoke while driving:. The number of accidents in Germany, it is stated, is so high that every effort must be made to improve the
    91 words
  • 126 17 T"HE 71-year -old Emir of Katsina, Alhaji Muhammadu Dikko, ruler of 1,000,000 people in Northern Nigeria, has arrived in London, having flown there for an eye operation and to visit "the dogs." The Emir left his wives at home. But he brought his sons tall,
    Daily Mail  -  126 words
  • 22 17 Herr Hitler attended the state funeral of Gen. Wilhelm Knochenhauor, former commander of the 10th Army Corps. Rt Hamburg.
    22 words
  • 292 17 Singapore Men Get Naval Promotion J7OR the first time in the history of the British Navy a man who joined as an artificer has become an engineer-captain. Two recently-appointed commanders entered the Service as Muejacket boys. The former artificer, well known in Singapore, is Kngi-neer-Captain S. O. Frew, who has
    292 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 168 17 Gemohe, ■Or ASEPTIC OINTMFN7 HEALED HER I SCALDED rrnwu hours U/)A/i vo^uffer With GERMOLENE in I/ >- ABSCESSES SUNBURN the house you have quick .L l™li^ A^ LE «,r» j i Tit ITCH ECZEMA hcalin.U at hand! Kcad this tfniwiaiim 1 1 i n ml PILES RASHES case of Mrs.
      168 words
    • 88 17 Js L/our BabyHL, ip*- I \A//\ T m mBSB w m m^ I A I^^\/ M 1 if *^^^pa/c a/e should be. It is his birthright. (I But it is up to you his mother to ensure his happiness by giving «?/ri!?Hj l* im tf natural feeding fails, the food
      88 words

  • 197 18 Singapore, July 15, noon. Buyers Sell t Gambler 7.50 Hamburg Cube $13 25 Java Cube $12.00 Pepper White Muntok $11.50 White $1100 Black $7.25 Copra Mixed $3.25 Sun Dried $3.60 Sago Flour No 1 Llngga $2.51 $2.51 Fair $2.50 $2.50 Sarawak $2.50 Jelotong Palembang $7.25 Banja $7.00
    197 words
  • 75 18 Manila, Saturday. {"QUOTATIONS, In pesos, for 10 centavo gold shares on the Manila Stock Exchange this morning compared with yesterday's were Previous Today's Asked Bid Asked Bid Antamok ....o.l* 0.18% 0.19 0.18 Coco Grove 0.22 ft 0.22 0.23 ft 0.«2 Masbate 0.10 0.09% 0.10 0.09% Mine Operations
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 100 18 DURING the week ending July 8. 1939, exports of canned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 105.552 cases, of which: 81,783 (78 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom, 3,396 (3 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 18,009 (17 per cent.) cases to
    100 words
  • 703 18 THE WEEK'S MARKET ACTIVITIES Small Improvement In All Centres BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT liniTLE markets have continued very dull It is possible to report some improvement last week. Slightly more activity has been experienced in London, New York and locally, and prices generally are fractionally higher on the
    703 words
  • 1302 18 Fraser And Co. f s List SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1939 1 P.M.; Buyer* Sallcn Ampat Tin (4s) 8s 6(1 is Austral Amal. (5s) 4s 6d 5s Austral Malay 38s 40s Ayer Hi tarn (5s) 19s 9d 20s 9d Aycr Weng ifi) .72 .78 Bangrln Tin
    1,302 words
  • 81 18 Saturday, July 15, noon. No. IX R.S.S. (Spot loose) 28 5/16 28 7/16 No. IX R.S.S. f.o.b. in cases July 18 i 28% G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. in bales July 284 28% F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. in bales July 28H ZSH FUTURE QUOTATIONS No. IX R.S.S. on
    81 words
  • 148 18 Imports Rise But Exports Fall London, Saturday. HTHE return of British overseas trade in June shows imports at £82.174.--759, compared with £78.541.325 in May and £76,540,222 in June, 1938. Exports in June were £39,895,256 against £42,273.350 In May and £36,--983,525 In June last year. Re-exports
    British Wireless  -  148 words
  • 145 18 List Supplied Hy Messrs. Fraser Co. SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1959 1 P.M. Boots Jompany. Dividend Close Date Payable Ex. dlf. date Financial Year TIN lurma Malay 6d. No. 19 July 14 'ungah 9d. No. 18 6d bonus Tuly 21 tantau 2\' 2 7c July 21 Southern Kinta
    145 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 778 18 I quality is really I outstanding [5/*zßrß In -Cellophane' wrapped f^^ PACKETS of 10 and In W Gratld Hotel, Oslo If you were M Patent TRU-VAC tint of SO I staying at this famous Hotel in the HH Capital of Norway, you would of course I OKJnOM MAfJF H be
      778 words

  • 237 19 Take Tasteless Vitamin Tablets. Men and women who are iosing weight, who live under the shadow of a nameless dread, can take fresh courage. During the last two years. a wonderful new flesh-forming, weight-increasing tonic has come to this
    237 words
  • 562 19 TTHE King's old horne 145, Piccadilly has thrown open its doors to the public to reveal a collection of treasures valued at a million pounds in cash and untold gold in national emotion and prestige. The Exhibition of Royal and Historic Treasures, which will run until
    562 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 19 Young Prince Simeon, son of King Boris and Queen Johanna, and heir to the Bulgarian throne, photographed with his sister, Princess Maria Luisa, on the occasion of his second birthday last week.
    33 words
  • 230 19 Luise Rainer Appeals For China's Suffering A PASSIONATE plea for the suffering people of China for the peasants and workers portrayed in her famous film, '"The Good Earth" was made by Miss Luise Rainer, the film star, at a luncheon at the Overseas Club in London organized by the China
    230 words
  • 32 19 The scheme for the conversion of the National Bank of Egypt into a Govern-ment-controlled central bank was unanimously approved at a meeting of the shareholders, at which 122,000 were represented.
    32 words
  • 253 19 GIRL GUERILLA FIGHTER FINDS ROMANCE Chungking. MOT content with the glory and adventure she enjoys as China's most famous woman guerilla leader, Miss "Golden Flower" Tsai recently won a romantic battle and now has a new husband, Dr. Wu. The Queen of the Green Foresters," who operate in the Taiho
    253 words
  • 18 19 One hundred and sixty people were drowned by floods in the Sevlievo district in Northern Bulgaria.
    18 words
  • 56 19 BRITISH OPINION FAVOURS EUTHANASIA London. A recent large-scale survey of a ret"ipresentative cross-section of British opinion on the subject of permitting painless death for incurables reveals that 62 per cent, of the population is in favour of some form of euthanasia. The largest vote against Riving a life or death
    56 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 244 19 tJJ J•*t* Jk x*"' r 1^ k\A jl TJ^^» wn hiii win vni it Fimu; THIS PICTURE While mother will never to make them better, has been frame this picture, she will never the business of Westinghouse forget the happiness that it for more than fifty years. During brought. Thanks
      244 words
    • 231 19 PUPPIES \w\ Wu*"* DOC H SHERLEY'S 0 IBCIDI £T 1 221Kh im Klm 011 f^^s^ T °o "a'"* "*<" means too '??2S£ 0 n rf a a J Mot r?LS S ca e u§S'S £&it£uS£ &u°n n <f the!? .rSisA 1 ESSi^W^h. Y h ou "V coats superb. Puppies take
      231 words

  • 2711 20  - What The Stars Foretell R.H. Naylor By This week's good days for BUYING: Business deals:— Tues. 18th— Wed. 19th. Personal shopping: -Thurs. 20th— Fri. 21st. SELLING:— Mon. 17th (not real estate), Thurs. 20th. and Fri. 21st. ENTERTAINING: —Today Tues. 18th— Thurs. 20th. SPORT:— Fri. 21st (beware athletic and road mishaps
    2,711 words
  • 428 20 LJERE, grouped according to month of birth (Irrespective of year), is a statement o( probabilities to be expected this week. JANUARY (Dec. 23-Jan. 10).A oreat to-do about monetary affairs, the concerned party being your marriage partner or business colleague, but both the marriage partner and the
    428 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 350 20 'IT A mm iVu^B 1 I ■I IB' M 1/ <^^ B^v \3tM sit l/^i Kruschen Has Made Me Young Again "At 40, put on vieight alarmingly, going from 8 jr. to 12 jr. vias bulging everywhere neck, bust, tcaist, hps and I puffed like an engine tchen I went
      350 words
    • 172 20 yke antid£fitic that dm 1 I mote- and doed tt fatteA 1 I <^» MILTON STOPS I f^ 1 SORE THROATS J I Most germs enter the body by the H ,^o^H^^^Sv raout h- sore throat is Nature's a^JjX warning that infection of some sort S A beginning. Act at
      172 words

  • 696 21 Two Rules For Glamour Max Factor's Advice MATURALLY enough, most of us would rather not regard feminine beauty and charm in the same unglamorous light that we do a problem in mathematics. We simply can't imagine doing full descriptive justice to the appealing beauty of an Ann Sothern or a
    696 words
  • 112 21 ANY holiday attire which can be added to, and subtracted from, is a good piece of work and deserves all the praise it may get. One outfit which undresses into three complete attires is wellnigh perfection. There are cream flannel trousers with navy piping, and a navy
    112 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 315 21 Roundtrip from Singapore to Hongkong/ Shanghai and back via Manila, Saigon and Bangkok per Luxury Liner Boissevain, 1 Ruys or Tegelberg." Roundtrip fare $25 0 .00 320 .00 Full information from Pass. Dept.. X.P.M. Line: ilncorp. in Holland.) (Phone 5451) mala v a n P<UUT<R IS THE VJII I ***MllB3L
      315 words
    • 89 21 Beautiful Lingerie Just Received. Completely New Designs iB u' l «Z.^ Phone 7143 w] vei con- t oestrat* on fac« coaBwtlcs aad let halr-be»utr fc /i#/M L Uka Mcond place. Take homa today to your wlf» thla remarkaul« now shampoo tool?, nrjnltex. Ton •111 see how the r nicy sparU«
      89 words
    • 278 21 Exclusive GOWNS Salons at MADAME PAGE 13, Battery Rd. Singapore. MAJESTIC HOTEL Kuala Lumpur. CURRY MIXTURE. Canned in liquid form. A boon to Restaurants and to every Housewife. 1 All you have to do is to add what ■fca^^^s^tfVsl^l or fl avour an< l f or convenient c Lar^jrf^Mii^Hn&m Also
      278 words
    • 161 21 HPiramoiint sur J»J Y^ L'k* Mary Carlisle, and all famous Hollywood stars, you, too, will find Max Factor's to be the perfect Make-up for ycur type ...because it consists of harmonized shades of Powder, Rouge, and Lipstick created especially to enhance your own natural complexion colorings. ASK YOUR DEALER TODAY!
      161 words

  • 736 22 I By— Sunday Times London Woman Correspondent D LOUSES may match skirts, but not the materials. That, nowadays, is considered good taste. This harmony relates only to colour, of course. Materials differ. Short-sleeved lace wool blouses are soft and cosy, but not over-clinging and
    736 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 278 22 Keep\bur Skin Free from i Chafin^or, Oil jlrritationj w lVXany women think that discomfort VJIS& JV from chafing and a hot prickly skin it Wmmm/ unavoidable. To-day thousands are di.v covcriiig the wonderful comfort to be JMMPPfItIMh obtained from using Cuticura Talcum. Here is a powder that is like a
      278 words
    • 366 22 HER SKIN WILL BE LOVELY ALWAYS BUT ONLY WITH INNOXA b^bK> -^^B^B^afc*: aaWV^ aHaVa^ V F^ C Nothing will destroy the fine young texture of her skin... she will keep it for ever if she cherishes herbeautywith r*■ FACE POWDER $1.85 MOUSSE DAY CREAM $1.10 SKIN FOOD $2.50 INNOXASALON3BOLD3ONDSTW 1
      366 words

  • 26 23 pOR those days when a thin, but well-tailored frock Is wanted, this navy frocii with Its large and widely spaced spots is ideal.
    26 words
  • 822 23 Happy Feet Essential To Comfort And Beauty A NYTHING wrong with the feet makes life a misery. Headaches, face lines, tiredness, and a general feeling of irritability can often be traced to unhappy feet. And the heat of summer always makes our feet more uncomfortable than at any other time
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 253 23 Vlanta Margarimes A railway director, 'tis said, r Once carried two crates on his head; To a lady's inquiry: 1 What makes you so wry V ssssssssssV Ta^BA <^V £^3F*% Cc I He said: "I eat Planta on bread!' PLANTAtH MARGARINE iJjgP for* a!! cooking and Prying. A delicacy on
      253 words
    • 347 23 In only 7 days JSJBS Hisi Dorothy Bramhali, Southwood R<L, London, England, hat expressed her amaze* ment at the astonishing effect of this New Beauty Treatment even in one vreel» I issH K TN one short week I Thousands I X of delighted women have I Iw made themselves look
      347 words

  • 446 24 Found Dead In Adjacent Flats Did Not Know Each Other \7INE STREET detectives were called to a luxury flat at Arlington House, near the Ritz Hotel, Piccadilly, to investigate the death of Captain Edmund B. Charteris, aged 67, a private secretary at the War Office,
    446 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 566 24 CANNIO BY E| IK BMk. CANKERS MSttJ ElßM^flJ Sfi^. \SA^_^Ofe. r^V/l DAMSONS ETC. With a «t«ick of Chivers Canned fruitt in V^jßF^jQj tgSfc" «our la'drT you are able to ;njoy yi>ur \^M§h^S ~Jr^ favourite varieties at any dene of the year. VI These fruiu are grown in C.iiv*r» own VJJ
      566 words
    • 39 24 To help Prevent COLDS J and Bad Breath., jg IpepsodentJ I ANTISEPTIC I In Germ-Killing bottle Pepsodent Antiseptic equals EmwfcntfHiMwitkZprts ■ator, sM kits fjnw to mc- IwMll&HlBrl •*...Lasb3ftwsas!iag! IMB MAKES YOUR MONF/ 60 J 3 TIMES AS FAR! m
      39 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 953 24 Today's Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE X 5-SSTK^ p^™* o< zhf»«-«« 5J 8 50 Lalos Kiss and his orchestra.t 11.00 Military band music. t 930 j^ music. Relayed from the Great 11.10 Licht orchestral concert. Relayed from "world Cabaret the Sea View Hotel. 10.CO Close down. lj'To MilUc«nt Phillips—The Gt"l Soprano.t tOramonhone
      953 words
    • 547 24 EMPIRE STATION TRANSMISSIONS 2 AND J «SH 41.47 mc/s 03.9? m.); GSG 11.11 <!«•«« «»•>: GSF 15.14 mc/s (19.82 m.|: «SJ 21.63 «c/i (13.93 m.): GSD 11.75 me/i <*3.53 m.l P-m. 605 Btn Shooting: The King's J^^JL Bis ev 6 -20 Orchestral hour." BBC. Welsh Orchestra. 7.20 "Storm on Everest.-
      547 words
    • 133 24 NIROM YOA 6.01 me/* (49.6 m.1. YOB 0.65 mc/s (31.20 m.). iUB 11. KB inc/l (25.3 m.). PMN 10.26 nic/s C.9.2 a.). a.m. 7.20 Opening announcement 7.21 Light recorded music. 10.50 Popular morning tunes. p.m. 12.05 Two sonatas. 12.35 Julius Tauster and his band 1.10 Ancta news. 1.20 Mr.tinee concert.
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  • 209 25 WHO'S THE LIFE AND SOUL OF THE PARTY Which are you— Mr. Cheery or Dismal Desmond? You can go through life like a wet blanket, of course, but It won't help you much. And think what you're missing— all the fun and sparkle of a healthy, vigorous, full existence The
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  • 274 25 TPHE best way to get clear, sharp action pictures is to use a camera with fast shutter action— and, of course, a correspondingly fast lens. However, many of us don't have fast cameras. So, to take pictures of real action, showing fast-moving objects without blur, we must
    274 words
  • 712 25 "Nothing Can Hide From It" CIL\ ER-haired Charles Smith, cf Electricity House, East Mnlesey, claims to have invented an aerial torpedo which, once fired into the air, can: Travel to any height with the speed of sound; Change its course in any
    712 words
  • 99 25 Injured Man Gets £150, Experts £450 IMEMBFRS asked at Glamor- pan County Council meeting recently why a claim for injury, which was settled for £150. cost the council £600. These were nmong the items given in reply: Barrister's fee £53 Second barrister's fee £52 Doctor's fee £45 Second doctor's fee
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  • 113 25 SIR ROBERT VANSITT ART'S FILM LYRICS QIR Robert Vansittart, Diplomatic Adviser to the British Government, is writing dialogue for Alexander Korda's film, "The Thief of Bagdad," now in course of production at Denham, Buckinghamshire. He was once attached to the Persian Legation, and learned to speak the language. "We are
    113 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 25 Stage and screen actresses and models wore the very latest in bathing: and beach wear when the annual Water Festival was held '.t the Moiitor Swimming Pool in Paris. Here Is one of the charming guests at the festival in a striking costume.
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 125 25 wF I never offend through neglecting PERSONAL FRESHNESS use jo LtVM BIOTHER*, PORT SUNLIGHT, t.JMJTCD, X-L.BT 456 3-' IS INCLAND. PATENT INNER SPRING-PILLOWS BY HILTON BROS. The scientific construction of these pillows is such, that they have beer: awarded the Certificate of the Institute or Hygiene and are therefore thoroughly
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  • 981 26 Yon Bin Mian May Get Open Singles For Seventh Time (From Cur Own Correspondent) Muar. COME good tennis Is promised In Muar during the next two weekends when the ties in the annual Johore State championship meeting will be played on the courts of the Muar Civil
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  • 171 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. TPHE second eleven of the Muar Chinese scored another soccer victory when they beat St. Andrew's School by four goals to two in a friendly match played at the Muar Club padang. The schoolboys played a good allround game but they were up
    171 words
  • 105 26 i (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. A START was made In the singles championship competition of the Muar Government English School Teachers and during the week four ties were played. The best match of the week was between ChelliSh John and P. L. Samy which the former won
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  • 73 26 Joe Louis, world heavyweight boxin? champion, kept his title when he beat Tony Galento on a technical knock-out in the fourth round of their scheduled 15-round fight at the Yankee Stadium, New York. In the picture on the right Galento hits the canvas just before the referee
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  • 406 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. pOUR league matches were decided last week and there were no surprising results. The Customs held the Hospital Club to a goalless draw and the same result was registered in the Police vs. P.W.D. match. Johore Military Forces secured another two valuable
    406 words
  • 173 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Pilah. *|*HE Tuanku Muhammad Club surprised their supporters scoring four goals without replj agat*;st "D" Coy., M.V.1., in their football league encounter. The Volunteers' backs failed to stem the attack by the Club iorwavdi and Tuanku Sulong created a sensation by scoring
    173 words
  • Article, Illustration
    57 26 The Selangor Coast Club football team which beat the Stonor Club. Bantir". by two coals to nil at Ban tin*. Standing (left to right): Fam Choo Choon, C. Mnniandy, Manaf, Yap Chai Thuan, A. Kamanathan, Lea Sim Benr, C. Gunaratnam. Front row: Hajl Dollah, Low Thuan 800, Goh Han Hoon,
    57 words
  • 463 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. j •THE Unitert Services from Slnsapor* I will be visitors to Genuang today for a full-day match. The match was first fixed for March and was to hay» been a two-day affair but the Service* were unable to make the trip. Genuang have
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  • 169 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. IN the quarter finals of the Kathlravelu Cup tennis doubles handicap tournament. Lyn Ka Teng and F. Brand (scr.) did well to beat Yon bin Mian and Law Chin Tang (owe 15.3) in a hard fought match which went to three sets. Playing
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 502 26 PERAK TURF CLUB. JLLY MI ITING 1939 SATURDAY. 15TH JULY. 198» \VKI)NK.SI>\Y. 19T1I JULY, 1939 SATURDAY. 22ND JULY, 1939 Subscriptions for Voting Members shall be:MEN *5 LADIES $2 for tlie Meeting o<- any dcy thereof. VISITING MEMBERS must be Introduced by Members and MIST APPLY TO THE SECRETAR/'S OFFICE. CKENO
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  • 2524 27  -  Nomad By *THE uncertainties of league soccer were never more clearly Illustrated than in the meeing of the Ist A. A. Regiment, R.A., and Headquarters Company, Gordons, in a Changi area small units league game. The Dons have made all the running In this area and had
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 47 27 \when you feel like a beer you need it VV^ All P^' H I «H« V' \li ill? '?Sb^K» m K 1| M 3J|-? '&^j& \wSrMrw \m 1 N IS bP^ 1 »<' W n^^^>_ w^^^MH^flßsfl es£j?« jjiir Tiger Beer malt hops yeast distributed by &aser Neavt ZM
      47 words

  • 1676 28 Bombus Equals Course Record (From Our Own Correspondent) I poh, Saturday. WINNING the main race of the afternoon, Bombus equalled the course record of 1 mm. 6 sec. for the 5 >/ 2 furlongs straight here today, the opening day of the Perak Turf
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 28 H. F. CLANCY: Ml- Malayan. State and Colony hockey player. Has also represented Perak and Ponang at rugger. Long-jump Malayan champion 1932-33. Nowadays devotes much time to coaching athletes.
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  • 223 28 •TPHE Malays beat St. Andrew 's School at cricket yesterday. MALAYS Ibrahim Isa b J. Ross 11 Ali Yunos b Wee Bin Chye 6 Hussen Shah c Ross b Quan Hong 5 Ismail Jabbar not out 110 Leyman b A. Hill 4 Mahmood c Lim Koon
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  • 79 28 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. MALACCA Volunteers beat the Loyals In a rifle shooting match at Bukit Sebukor by 469 points to 448. Scores: Malacca: Capt. Tan Cheng Chye 76, C. S. M. Beadnell 75, Beng Eng Lim 78, Hassan 78, Pte. Cameron 83, Ong
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  • 64 28 *T*O celebrate their success in the Business Houses soccer league, the Wearnes Sports Club held a social evening yesterday at their club premises in Orchard Road. Wearnes finished runners-up in the league. Throughout the evening music was played by the Wearnes' Musical Lads under the direction of little
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 28 D. W. McCROW: Selangor foot, bailer, State goalkeeper since 1937.
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  • 82 28 Malayans In King's Prize (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Saturday. CHOOTINO at Blsley yesterday in the King's Prize two Malayans qualified for the final stage. They are Major R. L. Nunn, Director of Public Works and Director of Civil Aviation in the Straits, and J. B. Best, of the Singapore
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  • 143 28 HERA SINGH HITS 87 FOR UNDERGRADS HERA SINGH, hitting 87 runs, and Kuldip Singh, hitting 75 runs, were the two high scorers for the Undergraduates in their annual cricket match with the Graduates of the King Edward VII College of Medicine, on the college ground yesterdiy. The match will be
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  • Article, Illustration
    331 28 TTHE Mercantile Institution held their tenth annual athletic sports meeting at the Jalan Besar stadium yesterday. Lam Kah Poh was the champion athlete In Class 1, while Anthony Conceicao annexed the championship in Class 11. Results: 75 yds. Class IV: 18. Siak Chang, 2 Y. Choon Hal. 10n
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  • 229 28 A FORCEFUL innings by Lieut. I Whltemg who scored 64, includ- Ing nine fours and a six. greatly help- ed to put the Combined Services In a good position in their two-day cricket 1 fixture against the S.R.C. played on the padans yesterday Play will be
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  • 50 28 (From Our Own Correspondent! Kuala Lumpur, Saturdoy. TPHE Indo-Ceylonese of felangor held a successful first athletic rhimpionshlp meeting on the T.P.C.A. padang this afternoon. The champion was Nadhan Singh. The prizes were distributed by Mrs. K. K. Benjamin, wife of the chairman of the organising committee.
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  • 66 28 Ties in the Singapore Junior badminton championships played yesterday resulted' Peh Teng Siew (Devonshire) beat C. B. Nair (U.A.P.) 15—10, 15—11. Tay Yong Kian (Mayflower) beat Cheong Hock Leng (Eclipse) 15—2, 15—6. Cyril Wee (Devonshire* beat Pay Bong Soo (Marigold) 15 5, 15 7. Tan Cheng Hoe and
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  • 26 28 In a second division (a) soccer fixture played at the Mental Hospital yesterday, the Mental Hospital beat the Marines by three goals to one.
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  • 28 28 In a second division (b) league soccer fixture played at the Police Depot yesterday, the Naval Police beat the J.C.S.A. by five goals to three.
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  • 340 28 FEW OLD FACES MISSING P*KW old faces will be missing r from the Malay States cricket team again this year hut among them will be one of the most prominent cricketers In Malaya for many years in B. S. Gill. Gill has not had one of
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  • 424 28 (Ifcom Oar Own Correspondent* Muar, Saturday. A TEAM fielded by N. A. Hannay of Muar again proved too ttrong lor a Segamat team led by his brother, C. A. Hannay. in a whole day cricket match played at the Muar Hospital Club padang yesterday. C. A.
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  • 59 28 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. Mrs. C. C. Best won the Malacca women's monthly medal golf em tion with a score of 45—14-31 (is seven best cards returned were •>. C C. Best 45—14 31: Miss GiLs 47— 14=33; Mrs. Baughan 50—13=37. Mr*. Egan 43^-6-37: Mrs.
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  • 599 29 Beaten By Negri Two Goals To One IUEGRI SEMBILAN boat Singapore by two goals to one in a friendly inter-State match played before a large crowd at the StadiuTn yesterday. The result was a surprise, for although Singapore have been i:layin«r unimpressively in the Malaya
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  • 461 29 THE Royal Air Force are in the mcst favourable position In the first division of the Singapore soccer leaguss. the two points gained from the Sappers on Tuesday proving very useful. Except for the opening match against the Police, who won en their own ground, the Airmen have been
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  • 49 29 'jiUE RoyrJ Air Force beat ttM A.P.C by nve wickets In a criciiet match at Faya Lebar yesterday afttrncon. Th 3 A.P.C. mads 75. The R.A.F. jassed that total with five wickets in hand, but the game was continued and the R.A.F. reached 160 for nine.
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  • 111 29 OH Kum Soon, the holder, and Chua Kirn Hearn qualified to meet In i th? final of the men's table tennis singles championship when they defeated their opponents In the seml- final round on Saturday night. Class table tennis was displayed and the winners were in fine fettle.
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  • 45 29 <From Our Own C jrrespondont Batu Pahat. The Yap Yee team of Batu Pahat were slightly better than the Wee Wee team from Muar and defeated them by the small margin of six points, the total score being 27—21 po'nt*.
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  • 272 29 TTHE S.C.R.C. beat the Combined Schools by three wickets at cricket on Hon? L!m Green yesterday. COMBINED SCHOOLS J. run cut 0 V. Retnam c Kee Pow b Keng Hock 4 R Thamotharam c Keng Hock b Keng Siew 0 J. Galistan
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  • 219 29 NIXON HAS TOP SCORE AGAINST NON-BENDERS (ftaU Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A TWO-DAY cricket match between the Selangor Non-Benders and The Rest began on the padang today. The Rest, batting first, made 201. the highest scorer being R. Nixon 174). At close of play, Selangor NonBenders had scored
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  • 261 29 N. S. Club Defeat Malay Regiment (From Our Own Correspondent) Ser^mban. Saturday. NEGRI Sembllan Ciub beat the Malay Regiment by seven wickets at cricket today. The Reuiraent scored 69 runs and the Club passed this total for the loss of three wlcke's. Scores. MALAY REGIMENT Lt. D. E. D. Morris
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  • 274 29 Runner Beats 10 Seconds In 100 Yards (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A TIME of 9 4/5 sec. for the 100 yds. was accepted as a record at the F.M.S. Police sports here today. The runner was Ismail, of the Depot, who Is expected to do big things
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  • 425 29 TWO records were broken at Raffles College seventh annual athletic meeting held on the College padang yesterday afternoon. W. E. W. Barker, in throwing the cricket ball 93 yd. and 5 !n. exceeded Eu Cheow Chye"s record of 89 yd. 2 ft. established last year, while
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  • 231 29 CT. ANTHONYS "A" cricket team beat St. Andrew's second team by 52 runs. ST. ANTHONY'S D. Miller b McCully 28 Chan Koon Poh b B. Parada 1 Tham Koon Poh c Velge b B. Parada 53 Peter Almonte b Som Quee 6 M. de Souza b
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  • 199 29 GOVERNOR SEES YACHT CLUB'S REGATTA •T*HE .Royal Singapore Yacht Club* 20th annual At Home and regatta was favoured by fine weather, yesterday. There were four races, and sea conditions ware favourable, a steady breeze holding throughout. Among those present was »he Governor. Sir Shentcn Thomas and Lady Thomas. Lady Small,
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  • 210 29 |N a cricket match played on the padang yesterday the S.C.C. beat Fort Canning. S.C.C. E. G. Staunton run out 21 J. E. Jeans c b Dovvling 7 T. V. N. Anderson b Dowling 11 Dr. J. A. P. Cameron b Turner 5 G.
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  • 256 29 AN S.C.U. eleven b^at the Ceylon Sports Club second eleven on the first Innings at Balestier Pain yesterday. CEYLON SPOUTS CLUB P. Ratnasabapathy c Waites b Giles 5 Nathaniels c levers b Waites 0 Thuralslngham b Waites 0 J. N. Fernando
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  • 556 30 Higher Standard, But Pot-Hunting Must Be Eliminated By The Sunday Times •THE rules and regulations governing the open championship tournaments hald in the various States throughout the country Bfttanllf differ to some extent, but one of tho pr.ints which might be ronsldPix-rt and agreed upon among
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  • 248 30 Sarawak Chinese Volley-Bail And Basket Ball The Sarawak Chinese vclley-ball and basket ball tournament in aid of the China Relief Fund took place at Kuching. Team.? represented many districts, Mirl, Slbu, KuciiItig, Sadong, Slmmanggang, Sarekei. Bau. Kanowlt and Saratok. Cups were presenteo by Messrs. Tan Sum Guan, Wee Kheng Chiang,
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  • 247 30 (From Our Own Correspondent) Talping. A START will be made in the annual Klnta commercial badminton league when the first round is played next Thursday, July 20, on the Novices' courts. The other rounds will be played on Saturday and Sunday at the Ipoh Town Hall. The following
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 30 Tbe champions, Platoon IS, D Coy. Klangr, and the ranners-up, Platoon 20, E. y., Canting, in the Klang and Coast Districts inter-platoon football league. The former defeated the latter by two joals to nil in an exciting rame.
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  • 108 30 The N.A.A.P.I. Club beat the United Athletic Party (Lads') at badminton on Wednesday by four games to thice Results:— (N. A. A. F.I. first): William Tan beat Raymond ProU 20 14. 15 12; Woe Hong Loo lost to Teo Heok Kwang 13 18 11—15: George Tan beat Pang
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  • 62 30 There will be a friendly badminton match of four singles and three doubles between the Hor licks B. P. and the May blossom B.P. today at the former's court at 3.00 p.m. Th; Horllcks team will be selected from: Robert Chia, John Lee, Ong Kwee Yang, Wee Chen,';
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  • 25 30 The Amateur Sporting Association's annual badminton tournament will begin In tbe first week of August. The closing date for entries Is July 25.
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  • 755 30 C\Ol Teik Hock, last year's Junior singles champion, qualified for the* Penang open singles champions up final, passing the quarter-final and •semi-final rounds easily last week-end. Tan Teik Llm, who had beaten Lim Teow Seng, Just managed to get on* point each in his two sets against Teik
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  • 118 30 A friendly badminton match played at the home court last Sunday between the B team of the Sphinx B.P. and the B tmni 0/ the Jacques 8.P.. resulted In a !ory for the latter by five games to two. Result* (Jacques first): Jan* Ah Wan beat Clarenc* Tan
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  • Article, Illustration
    69 30 m «*«uMl i-.'O i on tlic MMUAM ul .M:ui.o.:tl :saoi last hunjay v.l UM Perhimponon Stia Club's premises, Java Road, Singapore. Seated left to right Haji Ambok Chening b. H. A. Hamid (vice-president) Mohd. Said b. H. Ismail, Haji Ambok Sooloh b. H. Omar, J.P. (patron) A. Sujak b. Abdul
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  • Article, Illustration
    82 30 Tlte Jacques is.r. li Inn irhkli heat the Sphnix B.P. "B team 5—2 Back from left: Tan Boon San, Tan Kwanc Men*, Loh Ser Kiang and Pang Ah Wan. Front from left: Teo Thuang Kang, and Eugene Tan. The Sphinx B.P. <# B" team whicii lost to the Jacques B.P.
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  • 867 30 IN the Junior inter- doubles badminton tournament Lian Hwa have 34 points, while Lok Wah, Boon San and Sunset are r.ext in order. Llan Hwa's chance of annexing the championship was made possible 'nrough splendid play In the all-Im-portant fixture against Lok Wah. The well earned 3—2 win
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 233 30 LIGHT INSIST UPON FLASHLIGHTS BATTERIES Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day! Goodness nose I did MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Sales Representative A. T. Gillespie, P.O. Box 217, Singapore. If you use a solid dentifrice, try MACLfMU SOLID PEROXIDE DENTIFRICE a MODERN BALLROOM DANCING taught by scientiiic methods, export Teacher and
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  • 1042 31 What Records May Be Expected To Fall This Year By A Special Correspondent IV G. A. Lowe, the famous international athlete and a former honorary secretary of the Amateur Athletic Association, commenting on the Malayan athletic records in 1933, was moved to observe that there
    1,042 words
  • 400 31 Johore Volunteer Sports (From Our Own Correspondent) Baiu Pahat. POUR Platoons took part in the fourth annual athletic sports of the Batu Pahat Johore Volunteer Forces. Platoon Four was first with 23 points. Platoon Three second with 21 points and Platoons Two and One, third and last with 17 and
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 31 Ibrahim, son of the Malacca Cluo groundsman, who, playing for Malacca last week-end took eight wickets for 47, including a hat trick. It was his first cricket game. Before he had only howled at the Malacca Club nets.
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 31 Chcu Ton Senff (left) and Tsen Chow Choy, Negri State lawn tennis doubles champions. Karim M. Dia (left) who beat Radin M. Chick in the final of the Malay teachers tennis tournament, Batu Pahat. Radin M. Chick was the champion last year.
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  • 100 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. •T*HE Selangor Coast Club. Klang, travelled to Banting to play tennis tball against the SLonar Cluo Results of the tennis games are (Sslangor Coast Club first): Chan Yue Hon and Lira Bong Thye beat Che Aziz and Che Moh Samah 6 o. 6
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  • 106 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat. 'T'KE Wee Wee basket ball team from If tt*r lost to the Old Students when they met during the week, by the narrow margin of seven points, the «cere being 35 to 28 points. Play was fast and the visitors led
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  • 80 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Talplng. IN the annual competition for the Sheppard Shield tennis tournament nine teams entered and the draw re-| suited: First round, July 16: C.R.C. Taiping "B vs. Ellerton Club. Second rnund: C.P.C. Taiping "A" vs. Kempe Club "A." Sitiawan Recreation Club YSi winners of
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  • 101 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. DEFORE a large crowd, the Relaneoi- Coast Club beat the Stonor Club in a friendly soccer game played on the Telok Datok padang by two goals to nil. The Coast club opened the scoring through Haji Dollah. Tan Hoi Piang increased the
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  • Article, Illustration
    75 31 Lieut. A. 8. Willweber of the E (Eurasian) Coy., 3rd Battalion, S.S.V.F. who was runner-up for the 1938 Malayan Rifle Championship was champion at the Penanc Bisley Rifle Championships held last month. Lieut. Willweber was runner-up In the revolver championship. In 1936 he was the runner-up in the Malayan revolver
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  • 56 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. The annual athletic sports or the Jubilee School, Klang, will be on the school ground on Saturday, July 22. The old boys' events are 100 yards, 880 yards, and bicycle race. Mrs. J. S. W. Reid, tn~ wife of the District Officer,
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  • 333 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star. AS the result of the drawn Malaya Cup Soccar match between Perak and Selangor, Kedah entertains high hopes of giving Eelangor a good game during I their coming encounter which takes place on July 22. A high standard of football was
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 31 'Lan Kin. Chye, of Gemas, who equalled L. Chung's pole vault record of 9 ft. 9 in. at the recent Negri State athletic meeting
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  • 139 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat. IN the first round of the Batu Pahat soccer cup tie Bagan "A" knocked out Lubok B. by the odd goal in seven, after a very close and even game. Taking the lead early in the game Bagan attacked continually but
    139 words
  • 82 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. "TTJE Kuala Kangsar Sporting Union beat Clifford School at cricket by 60 nuu. Bright batting by the Union batsmen wns a feature of the game. The chier scorers were Hart (23), Mac Michael (34), Din (22) and Luke (21). Han was the
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  • 337 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. IN the Saw Ah Choy Cup knock-out soccer competition the Sanicals "A." last year's holders of the cup, will have to go all out to regain the trophy as they will be strongly opposed by the Young Muslims and the Eurasians. In the
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  • 63 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. FIVE records were broken dunnn vhe St. George s School sports. San- tokh Singh was victor ludorum, secut- I ing three firsts, hurdles, high Jump and j pole vault. In the high Jump he beat I his own record by 1" 2
    63 words
  • 289 31 Boxing Notes WITH boxing at a standstill due to the covered stadium being used for another purpose, there Is littl? tn write about. Many local boxers are al* ready In- Java and more are due to leave shortly. There Is a boom In boxing In BatavJa.
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  • 210 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat. •THE Upper School of the Govern- ment English School, Batu Pahat, beat the Lower School, by 14 runs when they met recently in a ona innings cricket match. UPi'ER SCHOOL Ibrahim Musa b Peng Choon 25; Ahmad Amran c
    210 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 162 31 P After Sport rvni?R I j 1 m* H Kfe' ffl H 4jf t ;.'.> BBS Whheways Cyder is nature's ow v jfl Ih f ctimulant and a cooling, refreshing Bf f when y° u>re bot I* JL£i^Bafj| n\ your digestion, keeps you slim and fit— i tf£ft helps to
      162 words

  • 367 1 Cramped Conditions Are Difficult CT. Andrew's School, Singapore, will soon be moving; to its fine new building at Woodsville, Serangoon, where the foundation stone was laid by the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, last week. At present the school b housed in a number of old buildings
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 49 1 BEAR BRAMD MILK All m M^^^^^^^KrTjflEiJiM^ ■v > "i^m^w o jt "i\ VH^^^uSj TrJJ *^L. i l>l 1 JU v v^JLw mflk m W* «((l^ v"'r Bk 20^1 sflMOnflfi^fl *tf&^ wSk\ bo.c inipOiters: EAST ASIATIC CO. LTJ>., >X^ PT» T n jnoir j<_ LU'"PT T r> P'i'MAVG. 4 APB S
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