The Straits Times, 9 July 1939

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 394 Sunday, July 9, 1939 Price 10 Cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 394 Sunday. July 9, 1939 Price 10 Cents
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  • 784 1 Only Real Safeguard Against Invasion EARL BEATTY ON BRITAIN'S FAR EAST DEFENCES Air Power Considered Of Limited Value (From Our London Staff) London, July 2. CING APORE must become the base for a strong Battle Squadron. Such a squadron would form the only real safeguard against the
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 1 A smart little figure in his viildary uniform is little King Faisal II of Iraq, who became the youngest monarch in the icorld on the tragic death of his father last April in a mztor car smash. The little boy is seen on the steps of the loyal
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  • 108 1 French View Of Talks On Tientsin Paris, Saturday. TRENCH diplomatic circles, which are closely watching J the Far East position, consider 1 the An^lo-Japanese talks in Tokio on Tientsin are likely to be extremely difficult. According to reports reaching Paris, the Japanese intsnd lo enlarge the scops of the talks
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 35 1 Prague, Saturday. The Protectorate Government has decreed the compulsory registration of all foreign currencies, precious metals, bonds and rrt.Lt balances held by Czechs abroad. These are to be sold to the Government.
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  • 69 1 Franco-Turkish, declaration o; mutual assistance and a FrancoTurkish treaty whereby the Hatay, foimerly the Sanjak of Alexandreita, tci'.l pass under Turkish sovereignty, have been signed simultaneously in Paris and Ankara. The declaration of mutual assistance was signed at thf Quai d'Orsay by M Bonnzi, the French Foreign Minister
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  • 41 1 Gifuials cf the Fascist party carrying: the coffin containing: the body of Count Ciano, President of the Italian Chamber, and father of the Italian Foreign Minister. Sifjnor Mussolini and the dead man's son are following- the coffin.
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  • 400 1 WIMBLEDON Men's doubles final: Cooke and Riggs (U.S.) beat Hare and Wildo (G. 8.) 6—3, 3—6, 6—3, 9—7. Britons led 3 2, s—l5 1 final set, saved five match points at 7 5. Women's doubles: Mrs. Fabyan and Miss !W«rble (U.S.) beat Miss Jacob* IL'.S.) a_n4 %iivv Yorkc
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  • 109 1 Bira Escapes With Cuts When Car Somersaults DRINCE Birabongse had a lucky escape from serious injury today when his E.RJI. car overturned at high speed while he was practising for the French automobile grand prix meeting. Bira was unable to straighten up in time on a turn. He was flung
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  • 180 1 Hailar, Saturday. THE Manchukuo fighting, which takes place along: a ten-mile front on the borders of Manchukuo and Outer Mongolia, is on a scale reminiscent of the struggle for Changkufeng last summer. Aeroplanes, tanks and heavy artillery are taking part in a desperate struggle for
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  • 95 1 Madrid, Saturday. T"HE trial of Julian Besteiro, septu--1 agenarian Socialist leader, on charges arising out of the part he played in the civil war. opened toacv with the Public Frosecutor demanding the death penalty. The trial, which Is taking place dcfore a military tribunal,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 5 1 P. H. Henory Singapore— Penang.
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    • 59 1 MADE BY EUROPEAN Experienced Cutter AT:CHQTIrtMALL'S 41-43, HIGH ST. Hevete NJust Unpacked %r'^flf Beautiful Collection LEMONADE SETS LIQUEUR AND LAGER SETS WITCH BOWLS and FLOWER VASES. Fine Clear Crystal Glass with a g.aat variety of new designs in shapes and I colours. Continental make. 4JSE&,. A yfL>~~. prices 4.50 to
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  • 240 2 Allegations Against The Higher Committee MANIFESTO ISSUED BY LOYAL "HOLY WARRIORS" Murderers Robbers Are Living In Luxury London, Saturday. A CCUS ATIONS of "notorious, hideous doings" and corruption are levd'ed against the Arab Higher Committee and the Arab rebel faction centred round the Mufti in
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  • 180 2 ANTI-JAPAN SANCTIONS URGED Madame Chiang's Appeal To U.S. Chungking, Saturday. AN appeal to the Powers to fulfil" treaty oblisations and enforce economic sanctions against Japan and give China material assistance was made by Madame Chian? Kai-sh:k in a broadcast to the United States at the request of the American committee
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  • 98 2 London, July 7. •THE historic Mount of Olives in Jerusalem is menaced by bsln? built on owing to the great expansion of new Jerusalem the city wh c>.« has arisen outsid i the walls of the old city. Colonial Office, in a statement believes Christians
    Reuter  -  98 words
  • 78 2 Paris. July 7. TUt. JEAN TANNERY, prominent figure in French finance and Gavernor of the Banque de France in 1935, died today. M. Tannery's appointment was regarded as a first step in the reform or the Bank's administrative fabric by bringing it more under Government
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 43 2 Washington, Saturday. Mr. Roosevelt has approved plans for an expedition to the Antarctic in October by Rear-Admiral Richard Byrd with the avowed purpose of claiming fc* America 'and already exp'.ored by Byrd. Congress has already appropriated $340,000 fur expedition.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 27 2 A Berlin message says an area near the Polish frontier, 50 miles south-east of Breslau, has been declared a prohibited /one tor foreign Army Officers.
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 2 WiKtd. the Air Minister, when he visited the Royal All Force g cation at Hamble, where he inspected mrmbcrs of the Royal A..- Force Volunteer Reserve who are in training.
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  • 58 2 Tokio, Saturday. I ABOUR conscription Is to be Intro- duced into Japan on July 15 if sufficient v^rkers for the country's wartime needs are not obtained through the Government employment offices, according to a decree issued today. Ne-"£papers report ths building trade will
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • Article, Illustration
    34 2 Mr. K. A. Blacker (top), Singapore Third Police Magistrate, and his successor, Mr. J. Fletcher-Cooke, formerly Assistant District Judge, Klang. Mr. Blacker leaves for Batu Pahat today where he will be Assistant Lc?al Adviser.
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  • 47 2 Berlin, July 7. |N order that Herr Hilter shall "not b 2 disturbed by the noise of aeroplanes." Bsrchtessaden and its immediate surroundings have been ofTic'ally decreed a prohibited zone for aircraft. The ban covers an area of 45 square miles.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 44 2 fAPANESE-SPONSORED anti-British mass meetings were held in the Japanese-occupied areas at Tientsin yesterday while in the evening a mass meeting of Japanese residents passed a resolution urging the Japanese Government to take a firm stand In regard to the local situation. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 167 2 No Soviet Trade Unions In Federation Zurich, July 7. A British Motion to invite Soviet trade unions to join the International Federat on of Trade Unions was rejected at the Federation's conference by 46 votes to 37. The Trades Union Congress has up to the present opposed the admission of
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  • 113 2 London. Saturday. A REFERENCE to the British leaning ■A- towards understatement was mad:: by Mr. Chamberlain speaking at the opening of the new Birmingham airport. "I believe," said the Prims Minister, "our air force is hi many respects the finest In the world
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  • 73 2 Amsterdam, Saturday. HERR Hitler has honoured a Jew, Doctor H. M. Hirschfeld, of the Trade and Industry Department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, by conferring on him the order of th 2 German Eagle, according to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, which states the order was
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  • 41 2 Canton, Saturday. A RELIABLE eye-witness today told Router ha had seen at least 10 iorryloads o! Japanese dead eomlni from a westerly direction. This apparently confirms earlier reports of Slno-Japancsa clashes In an area northwestward from Canton.
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  • 210 2 GERMANY CALLS 400,000 MEN TO THE COLOURS Berlin, Saturday. TT is estimated 400,000 men will bs affected by the calling to the colours of a large number of classes cf the German army, which Is announced in posters appearing on hoardings In Berlin today. The men are those who have
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  • 61 2 Shanghai, Saturday. TTHE Chief of Stafl of Aamlral Oikawa, Commander-in-Cr.fef of the Japanese Fleet based on Central China, called on Rear-Admiral Holt, who is in charge of British warsoips on the Yangtss, and expressed regre' for the H.M.S. Falcon incident at Chungking, when a bomb
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  • 70 2 Washington, D.C., July 8. IT is authoritatively reported that Ad- ministration leaders nave agreed to eliminate the proposed sum of $500,000,--000, for foreign loans from Presldrnt rtoosevelt's spending programme, Instead the Export and Import Bank may be permitted a capital increase of $100,--000,000 with
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  • 97 2 London, Saturday. «|F war breaks out over the apparent cause of Danzig, it will be because the German Government realises Danzig is the key to Polish Independence and a bastion agaliiot their domination of Europe." This declaration was made by Ear! de la Warr, President of the Board
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  • 44 2 Dr. Lim Boon Keng, patron of the English section of the Singapore Buddhist Association, will give a lecture en "Human Life," on Wednesday at the Association premises 731, Geylang Road, at 8 p.m. All interested are cordially Invited to attend.
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  • 44 2 London, July 7. *I*HE Admiralty has announced tha: Paymaster Rear-Admiral Sir Arthur P. Strickland, who has been Paymaster Director-General of th? Navy since 1936, has been placed on the retired list at his own request as from July 10.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  44 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 2 The Duke and Duchess of Kent left Hendon aerodrome to travel by air to Florence, where they attended the wedding of Princess Irene of Greece, cousin of the Duchess, to the Duke of Spoleto, brother of the Italian Viceroy in Abyssinia. Here is the Duchess of Rent being greeted by
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  • 88 2 TRIE foundation stone of the new St. Andrew's School, at Woodsville Estate, Sera:igoon, will be laid by the Governor, Sir Shenion Thomas, at 5.30 p.m. tomorrow. The ceremony will be in the presence of the Bishop of Singapore, the Rt. Rev. B. C. Roberts.
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  • 77 2 A RE-UNION dinner without speeches, with pahlts, dancing and cabaret, was staged by the Singapore branch of the Ex-Services A~soclatlon of Malaya at the Sea Yew I-Irr.el last night, when about 200 attended. The chairman, Mr. M. N. V. entertained Sir Alexander and Lady Small; ths
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  • 51 2 A ROMANCE between an American millionairess and a newspaperman, is the pint of "Cafe Society," Paramount's gay film comedy which was screened for the first time in Singapore at the HaDpy Theatre last n'.ght. Madeleine Carroll and Fred MacMurray are cast in the lead ".ith Shirley Ross close
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  • 40 2 ST. ANDREW'S. O.B.A. T*HE St. Andrew's Old Boys Associa- tlon held an at home at the school yesterday in honour of Mr. Lim Chong Pang's appointment as a Justic3 of the Peace. Mr. Lim is a vice-president of the Association.
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  • Article, Illustration
    118 2 Mr. Gilbert Rodrijues and Miss Eugene Montciro, who wsre married at St. Joseph's Church, Singapore, yesterday. Mr. William George Tadjell, s.>n of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Tadsell. and Mrs. Dorothy Minnie Gibbs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. James, who were at the Singapore Registry yeslcrday. \\inesses
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  • 44 2 A' charity night With extension untli 2 h.m. was held at ths Happy Wore", cabaret last nisht In aid cf the St. Andrew's Mission Hospital fund. Organised by Miss Rachel Sum, vaudeville Items were presented by the Russian artistes, Lorelta md Louse.
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  • 34 2 Moscow, Saturday. Tht Brifsh and French ambassadors, accompanied fey Mr. William Strani?, resumed the Anslo-Sovlet pact negotia'lons with M. Molotov late this afternoon. Fresh instructions from I London had been received yesterday.
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  • 265 3 DAMAGE TO RESPECT OF COMMUNITY "Persistent Policy Of Discrimination" (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. IM EMBERS of the Indian Association of Malacca consider the move of certain of their compatriots in Singapore who propose appointing a deputation to wait on the Governor to
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 3 lhlMlta against the life of Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, British Ambassador to China, have resulted in the Shanghai Municipal Police taking extraordinary precautions. These two pictures show police and detectives on duty outside the Ambassador's home.
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  • 247 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. KHEK KUAN. 19-year-oid Hour Kong University undergraduate, spending the summer recess with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nglm Wne Chiow, of Heeren Street, Malacca, told a Sunday iiin33 representative taat the proximity to hostilities in China dlv not
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  • 88 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Presenting "A Night of Mystery," the Eelangor branch of the Malayan Magic Circle, which opened this year made a successful debut at the Town Hall last night. The proceeds went to the Community Service Fvnd of the Rotary
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  • 104 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. July 7. •ipwo Malays. Abdullah and Osman. were convicted by Mr. i S. H. Cunnyngham Brown, the Seremban Magistrate, of voluntarily causing hurt to a police constable on the SerembanLabu Road. The constable said he was walking with another police constable when
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  • 53 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Balu Pahat. The teachers of the Government English School, Ba'u Pahat, will be entertained by the Muar Branch of the Johore Teachers' Association on July 14 at Muar. On July 28, the Segamat branch of the Johore Teachers' Association will be guests of the
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  • 87 3 Alleged Assault On P.C. At Game Of Football J.-/NG KENG SENG, an 18-year-old Hokkien, appeared before Mr. C. H. Koh in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday, on a charge of assaulting or using criminal force to a public servant at the football ground in Cantonment Road with intent to
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  • 141 3 "IT is a pity you did not think of all this before you took part in this housebreaklng," said Mr. Justice Pedlow in the Singapore High Court yesterday in reply to a plea by Ong Joo Gek that his family would suffer if
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  • 40 3 On the occasion of the French National Day, a reception will be held at the Singapore French ConsulateGenera!. "Atbara," 5, Gallop Road, on July 14, from noon to 1 o'clock. No cards of invitation will be forwarded.
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  • 149 3 "I ADMIT I am not a man of good character, but I deny having taken anything." said Majid bin Darus, anpealing before Mr. Justice Pedlow in the Singapore High Court against a sentence of two months' rigorous imprisonment and six months' poitee supervision on
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  • 83 3 OENTENCE of two months' rigorous imprisonment and one year's police supervision was passed on a Sinhalese goldsmith, Monis Alehendra, by Mr. K. A. Blacker, Singapore Third Magistrate, yesterday. Alehendra was convicted of committing criminal breach of trust of gold, diamonds, and cash worth $63, belonging to
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  • 57 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. The death has taken place at Bandar, Kuala Langat, of Datov Ibrahim bin Mohamed, Dato Bengawah Muda of Bandar, at the age of 48 after a short 'llncss. Dato Ibrahim, one of the oldest Datos in the State of Selangor, was made
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  • 45 3 Encouraging support has been revived by the Singapore Swimming Club for Its physical exercise classes for women. Classes will begin tomorrow morning, ~nd will be held twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays. Mrs. M. Bandnan will be the Instructor.
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  • 36 3 Mrs. Caunce wishes to express to all her deep gratitude for the lasting comfort of their expressions of sympathy and offers of help, and regrets that Just now she is unable to answer them personally.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 59 3 DELIVERY SERVICE f VANS LEAVE OCR Orchard Road Depc I v\#^.^\..^^ 6 a.m., 9.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. I XWIN. IT "n WEEK DAYS V u\ Jv ftn 9 30 m on SCNDATS y/ Keppel Harbour Depc at 6 a-m. and 9.30 a.m. dally, includini SUNDAYS. PHONE: 5376 (5 Lines).
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 991 3 IN SINGAPORE TODAY CINEMAS Egypt. Sudan and Palestine roday (Imperial) i am. ALHAMBRA: Ureat Britain acd Ireland "Charlie Chan In Honolulu" with Sldne? Imperial 1 1o a Toler. 11 a.m.. 3.15. 6.15 <St 9.15 n m Europe except Q Britain Virelacd CAPITOL: amperUu) iPn "The Story of Vernon and Irene
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 242 4 r imin^—^mimimh |M||^ |M||||>|<M| ■■■inm—r Tbr'M and Laugh with Chan Anevr! as you meet tho actor selected from hundreds to carry on the great CHAN Tradition ALHAWIBR/T VBT 11 a.n 3.15, 615 9.15 p.n 20th Century-Fox present NH CHARLIE W HONOLULU" tt*^M with V^\ PHYLLIS BROOKS, SEN YUN6, g EDDIE
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    • 288 4 I PAVILION 3.15 6.15 9.15 TODAY By order Film Concors Board of Appeal. Adults only. Children under 15 I^WBl^ no^ admitted. HORROR IN HER EYES Zm* TERROR IN HER HEART! ROBERT MONTGOMERY j tOlm- I ROSALIND RUSSELL K a^^h^ IN ILGM 1 THRILLING ADAPTATION *\f|&L **'2mHFbB F EMLYN WILLIAMS MACABRE
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    • 201 4 SEASON EXTENDEDJ LAST 2 DAYS The Screen's Greatest Dance Team in The True Story of the Couple that Taught the whole World to Dance! F PAPiTni vp\ BBr^JRI bbV^BI bbV^sT\^Hlbt and l/jflB)l r\4 W I ATI H 3b»- a^H RKO-Radio Pictures' BEST ROGERS ASTAIRE Musical Hit OPENING TUESDAY NIGHT 6.15
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  • Entertainment
    • 181 5 PAVILION Now On.—" Night Must Fall (Robert Montgomery, Rosalind Russell). An M.G.M. drama. Next Chance.—' 1 The Outsider (Mary Maguire, George Sanders). British drama. Following; Attraction.—" Spring Madness" (Maureen O'Sullivan, Lew Ayres'. An M G.M. romantic drama. CAPITOL i on.— "The Story of Vernon Irene Castle" (Fred
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    • 58 5 MR. Werner Baer will give his tiuiu orsan recital at the Victoria Memorial Hall tonight, beginning at 9.15 o'clock. He will present a varied programme to provide for all tastes. Items to be given by the soloist. Mrs. Tda Battishlll. will include Kahn's lovely version of Aye
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    • Article, Illustration
      73 5 TPHE booking Is open at Robinson and Co. for "On The Spot," Edgar Wallace's thrilling gangster play, which the Repertory Players ar.? presenting at the Victoria Theatr\ Singapore, on Saturday, Friday, Bstrrday, Aug. 5. 11 and "2 There h :umt hilarious comedy in "Start Cheering," the Columbia
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    • 557 5 JJOLLYWCOD actors often com- plain that film editors have destroyed their finest scenes. The suggestion is made that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences should give an award for the best performance scraped up from the cutting room floor. For one
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    • 97 5 MAX Malini, the noted magician, who Is rc-vislting Singapore on a farewell tour, will give performances at the Adelphl Hotel roof garden next Thursday and Friday at 9.15 p.m. He will also appear at Tanglin Club on Wednesday night. Malini has given private performances before King
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    • 97 5 ALFRED Hitchcock, the English director who has gone to Hollywood to work for producer David Selznick, is to have a famous English star In his first American film. The film will bo "Rebecca," and the star Ronald Colman. "Rebecca," the successful novel of Daphne dv Mauricr,
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    • 172 5 Owen Moore Dies At Hollywood /"VWEN Moore, known to early-day cinema-goers as "Piccadilly Jim," md the former husband of Mary Fickford, was found dead in an upstairs bedroom of his Beverly Hills' home by his wife when she returned from the studio where she Is employed. The police said he
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 335 5 BROOKS BRmsHMADE RUPTURE C2l3p APPLIANCE "CUSHIONS OF AIR ON BANDS OF EASE 1 Gentle, yet adequate From our large stock support given by auto- of Brooks appliances matic air cushions. Invisible there is one which will through clothing. meet your case. The booklet "The Mechanical Treatment of Rupture" sent to
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  • 228 6 Machines Will Be In Sight From Start To Finish "FLYING ANTICS" BY TWO 'PLANES AN inter-club handicap air race, which will be in sight of spectators from start to finish, will be a thrilling event at the Royal Singapore Flying Club's air rally
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  • 128 6 EDUCATION SCHEME FOR POLICEMEN'S SONS CROPPED THE plan for educating selected sons of Colony policemen as police officers has been dropped, The Sunday Times understands. It had been intended to select sons of the rank and file for higher education before entering the service. The scheme was to provide a
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 6 f fO mark the end of the scholastic year, the Pope rece'ved in solemn audience over 5,000 seminarists at the Vatican. Here is the Pope blessing the students during the audience.
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  • 57 6 'From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. pOR having helped four passengers on the steamer Rohna to evade tie quarantine regulations a Tamil, Nadison. in t».e Police Court was fined $50, in default 25 days' rigorous imprisonment. Accused was said to have interfered with the guards and provided
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  • 103 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. J7OR planting rubber trees on their estates in excess of permits, two owners, a Tamil and a Chinese, appeared before Incbe Rauf tun Mohamed Sa'at, the Segamat magistrate. The Tamil, charged with replanting 21 trees in excess on his estate at Buloh Kasap,
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  • 41 6 The Police Band will play tomorrow at Telok Ayer at 6 p.m. March, The Kings Guard (Keith); Overture, Merry Wives of Windsor (Nicolai); Selection, Lighting Switch (Alford); One Step, Flame of Desire (Benoit); Selection The Pirates of Penzance (Sullivan).
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  • 167 6 Ceylon Garrison May Get Reduction AFTER agitation in Ceylon for a reduction in the present air mail fees, special concessions may be shortly granted to members of the garrison there. The air mail fees for troops sending letters to Europe are higher in Ceylon than
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  • 85 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. Saturday. The detachment from the Loyal Regiment will use the swimming pool while In camp at Tan long Bruas, but the public will net be deprived of its use. It Is not a public pool, but is vested in the Officer
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  • 251 6 jy|K. Norman C. Lee, a partner in a New York brokerage firm, hones to be the first passenger in commercial airliners to fly round the world in westerly direction. He left San Francisco in a Pan-American Airways plane on June 21 with £500 worth of
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  • 52 6 Expressions In Mirth At Punch Judy Slow in nivlh at the Punch an 1 Judy jl'ott at the 13ih annual Children's Garden Parly organised hy 'tie Royal Free Hospital Scottish Women's Hospitals .'Memorial Association, hold In London in aid of the Duchess of York's Maternity t lini of the Royal
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 6 Mr. Guilio Attias, the grill room steward at Raffles Hotel, icith his remarkable collection of 600 miniature bottles of liquor from different parts of the world. The bottles represent nearly every brand of alcoholic drink. The collection has taken 20 years to assemble.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 238 6 "NO SUCH SUBSTANCE? ALL RIGHT-WELL MAKE ONE!" J K*—J v 1 like the jungle explorer, the This is one of the reasons why electrical research worker must Westinghouse has remained one constantly deal with the unknown. of the most important names in Through the long history of electricity. And the
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  • 132 7 NUMBER PLATES ON MOTOR VEHICLES No Wear Or Tear Is Claim QREAT Britain and America have begun to use rubber number plates on motor cars. British traffic authorities have recently legalised rubber plates, proof against exposure to rain and sun. There is no objection to
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 7 Impress of Annam on holiday i:i France: Empress with ht-r three bc.ny children at the Chateau Thorec in Cannes, where she is spending a holiday with the Emperor. She passed through Singapore a f^w weeks ago.
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  • 194 7 CERGEANT JAMES ALFRED SHEARMAN, ased 33, of the Royal Engineers, stationed at Dover, broke down and sob-b.-d in Chatham Matrimonial Court during the hearing of an application by his wife for a separation order on the ground of persistent cruelty. Mrs. Shearman's case
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  • 37 7 Adelaide. Mrs. J. McWhirther will accompany her evangelist husband, the Rev. James McWhirther, when he leaves Alice Springs, Central Australia, by came! train for a hitherto unexplored part of the central dewrt.
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  • 233 7 Jealous Indian f s 'Bomb Plot' HIS LOVE FOR ENGLISH GIRL AN Indian's jealousy over an English woman led to a bomb plot against his rival and his appearance at the Old Bailey, London. The man, Hari Bhajan Dass, 27 independent, pleaded guilty to endeavouring to persuade two men to
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  • 31 7 /^ONVICTED of negligent driving along Buklt Tlmah Road on the afternoon of Apr. 27, a European. Dennis Humphriss, was yesterday fined $25 in the Singapore Traffic District Court.
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  • 229 7 (Fr« m Our Own Correspondent.) Sydney, (By Air Mail.) AGROUND survey of Horsburgh Island, one of the Cocos Group, has revealed a landing ground which, with a small amount of work, would be a splendid natural aerodrome. One of the purposes of the
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  • 136 7 Mr. Swee Boon Teck and Miss Tham Vat, at t Singapore Chinese Consulate. Mr. Lv Sen? Kit and Miss Tan Kirn Tee, at the Singapore Chinese Consulate. Mr. Chew Hock Thiam and Miss Tan Lee Khoo. at the Singapore Chinese Consulate. Mr. Tan Kok Mun and Miss Yeo
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  • 70 7 HPHE Anglo-Chinese School. Klang. entertained friends and parents at the annual concert in the school hall. There v.-ere nine items, prepared as part of the school curriculum by Miss E. Youngdahl, the principal. One of the most Interesting items was the "Folk Music of Many Nations"
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  • 58 7 TTHE house-warming party at "Nestle House," new building occupied by the Nestle and AngloSwiss Milk Products, Ltd., who had been In Cecil Street for 21 years, was attended by a large number of business men and Government officials yesterday. Offices occupy the entire upper storey, while the
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  • 30 7 An Alsatian spy, -Charles Joseph Wintz. 35. causht last April while operating on the Maglnot Line, has been sentenced by court-martial at Nancy to 20 years' penal servitude.
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  • 107 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. OLANT for compulsory pasteurisation of all milk sold by Malacca vendors is contemplated, in connection with the erection of a new Municipal clcetrlcpowcr station for Malacca. This was disclosed at a committee meeting of the Municipal Commissioners in a memorandum
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  • 77 7 f\NE day's simple Imprisonment, v and a fine of $1,000, in default of payment a further sentence of nine months' rigorous imprisonment, was imposed on a Goanese, Alex de Costa, in the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday by Mr. J. McFall. He admitted possessing 40
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  • 76 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. TWO weddings took place here this morning. At the Church of St. Francis, Riverside, Miss Frances Paglar, of the teaching staff of the French Convent, was j married to Mr. Johannes Thomas Gomes, of the town planning department, Kuala Lumpur. At St.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 795 7 I Cexr '«<« re- I*l it f>-dir't I tumpi fou vm misiifi|. vi 4 -in r t V r»" U. M. U. > M. I.e. JHi.,,,,,,: M. IM. U. M. «,vi,-ii M. M. 1 7d. \il. Morocco 4a. $4. Ilkinil M '<!- < Niura I/M. 8.-M i U. U. i
      795 words
    • 111 7 _^^ja^ LONUO.N CALLS INSISTtNTLV fs& HOTEL RUBENS Buckingham Palace Roao factii': Buckingham Palac* _^jBISIf3 or HOTEL REMBRANDT £f?JL 8c th Kenslncton. S W *i£(, Jfi& facing the Victoria ant Albert Museum Ever) attention in Dleaslng surrounding PERFECT QMETUDfe. THfcSK COMFOKTABLE HOTELS WITH ACKNOWLEDGED RENOWNED CATERING have running hoc and cold
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  • 1127 8  -  The Onlooker By A UGUSTO Martelli, the Italian sculptor who modelled the figures for the new Singapore Supreme Court In the studio of Cay. R. Nolll used a Malay woman and a Chinese workman as models. Slgnor Martelli Is now finishing In his studio at Tanjong Rhu
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 719 8 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? w* Ah! I see you did MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE Sales Representative: A. T. Gillespie, P.O. Box 217, Singapore If you use a solid dentifrice, try Kacleans Solid Peroxide Dentifrice tr^ THE W')i{| I) KENOWNED li NATURAL MINERAL WATER ELjffi Be M&M L_> Bottled
      719 words
    • 108 8 llgj PAR PAINTS MADE IN MALAYA FOR MALAYA Maniiiuctured In Malaya's O JLY complete paint factory. Production Is now in full nring and individual lequireemploylng the most modfrn paint machinery under the menU can be met as to special colours, qualities, etc. within supervision of a trained Euro Kan Technical
      108 words

  • 630 9 Great Triumph In Her First Creative Part (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 29. CAME, almost overnight, has come to Sally Gilmour, 17--year-old ballet-dancing daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. C. B. (iHmour, of Singapore. In her first creative part (as the girl who
    630 words
  • 65 9 THE refloated wreck of the former Danish East Asiatic Company s vessel Tongking, which is being towed to Japan by the 5,370-ton X.X.X. line freighter Holland Maru, passed through Singapore yeotcrday. The 6,640-ton freighter Tongklng was burnt out while on her way to
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  • 124 9 (From Oui- Own Correspondent* Seremban. RESULTS of the examinations in first aid at the Negri Sembilan centre of the 3t. John Ambulance Association arc Class ins'ructed by Dr. thong Ah Kh Mm Edwird Evaristo Especkerman, Lee Peck Law, Puteh bin Hajl Mohamed Tahlr. Vythilingaru Thambiah, S.
    124 words
  • 120 9 Ron Our Own Correspondent) Port Swettenham. THE annual general Meeting Bl the Peracketufca Dagang Setia Club, Port Sweitrrham, elected ofike bearers for 1939-10-0 as follows Inche Hussain bin Kamai (president), Inche Tshak bir. Inrahim, Inche Yusof bin Mohd. Yu.-of (hon. secretary), Incnt Abdullah bin Kechut (hon. asst. secretary).
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  • 86 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. A mass meeting of Klang Malays Attended by nearly 200 was held to consider ways and means of furthering the objects of the Derma Alain Shah Education Fund, recently inaugurated by the Sultan. Haji Abdul Ham'd, Dato Kaya, Klang, pres'ded. Speeches were also
    86 words
  • 33 9 The Toang People's Circle will hold deration*] service of worship on Tuesday, July 11, at 6 p.m. at the Geylang Methodise Church. Mr. Peow Chen? .loon will be the speaker
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  • 187 9 J.P.s' Betting Decision A PUBLIC house is not a public place under the Street Betting Act, it was decided by the Kingston, Surrey, magistrates. John Thomas Richards, 39, a male nurse, of Hook Road, Surbiton pleaded not guilty to loitering for the purpose of betting
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  • 150 9 THREE GAOLED FOR A MUFTI'S DEATH Paris. QHEIK el Okbi, former chief of the riemas, regarded as a prophet among the Arabs of Algeria, and Abbas Turqui, a local merchant, were acquitted in the Algiers Criminal Court of the charge of complicity in the murder in August, 1936, of the
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  • 33 9 Gunnery training ships of the French Navy, hitherto based on Mediterranean ports, will in future form a homogeneous squadron based on Atlantic parts under tho command of Kear-Adml. Moreau
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1130 9 Pimples, Eczema, Foot Itch and Skin Troubles Ended in 3 Days Hospital Discovery Ends Itch H| y^P* in 10 Minutes— Starts Healing B??p3^Cl'- i in 24 Hours Thanks to a physician's hospital discovery, it is no longer necessary I °iii 1<l Hsf' 1 'ffITS^ 1 W3& to suffer from Pimples,
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  • 48 10 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. A Malay wedding took place Kampong Kuantan, Klang, when Raja Alfah binti Raja Hajl Abdullah, daughter of Raja Haji Abdullah, a member of the Selangor State Council, was married to Raja Ismail bin Raja Yusuf, of the Malay Regiment, Fort Dickson.
    48 words
  • 1502 10 Health Inspector Claims He Was Framed With Ang Pow MAGISTRATE ON EMBELLISHED EVIDENCE Fine Of $90 In Segamat Court A CLAIM that he had been "framed" by accepting an "Ang: Pow" at Chinese New Year was made by S. Thurairajah, senior health inspector for the SegamaV Town Board, when he
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 10 After spending many weeks wandering the seas trying to find a country to admit them, a number of Jewish refugees have been admitted into England. This woman and her baby were photographed on Waterloo Station.
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 10 At a heapltal fde in Enslaad ieccntl;-, this IU1I? j,irl represented Lady Godiva.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 388 10 P'^J I GIVE YOU THIS IZ W\\ FM POWERFUL RADIO I'^l SET FREE WITH U YOUR TRAINING! |uA^\ JH\CnßSv9U!^^^) in«nK lions fur doing pnctical experiments iV viral r-*>JbaK?!ur?'fe\ "I Train You at Home in Spare L Time for a Good Radio Position" I ...NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY L. WRITE FOR
      388 words

  • Books Of The Week
    • 269 11 Trials And Humours Of A Taxi Driver Cab Sir By Herbert Hodge. l>!i( hael Joseph. Bs. 6d. pAB SIR? is by the author of "It's Draughty in Front" and tells more about the trials and humours of a taxidriver's life. Mr. Hodge divides his book into three parts of several
      269 words
    • 135 11 Clubs are Trumps. By Frances ■Matte. Jenkins Colonial Library. rrilE trials and humcurs of running a women's club are amusingly told by Miss M^catta in "Club 3 are Tramps." The Atrium in Mayfair is run by. and for the benefit of, the R?nton-Tcdd family, but in spite of
      135 words
    • 314 11 RECORD OF EARLY CANADIAN HISTORY The Vanishing Frontier. By Phillip H. Godsell. Robert Hale. 12s. 6d. WITH the discovery of gold in the Arctic and the advent of aeroplanes, a new era has dawned on the far North of the American continent, an era in which, according to Mr. Godsell,
      314 words
    • 589 11 The Verge of Scotland. By WiLiani T. Palmer. F.KGS, M.8.0.U. H.ile 10/6. ITINERARIES have formed and can form a very attractive and interesting portion of literature. Books of this kind make excellent reading, whether for ho'days or for train Journeys, and in our own literature, writer* so
      589 words
    • 124 11 The Three Short Men. By Francis Vivian. "Miss X." By Sefton Kyle. Both Jenkins' Colonial Library. trcve from two contln- ents, an author interested in falconry, several my^erious and unexplained murders, "three short men" and a tale of twenty-year-old revenge makp Mr. Vivian's story so co/nplicated tnat the
      124 words
    • 569 11 Robust Tale Of The South Seas Once Aboard the Whaler. By Ben Ames Williams. Robert Hale. Bs. Pckin Glass. By George Lancing. Stanley Paul. 7s. 6d. Mystery at Hidden Harbour. By v'ortland Fitzsimmons. The Bodley Head. 7s. 6d. |U|R. Ames WIL rns' tale of the tough days of the sailing
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 650 11 PROTECT YOUR BEWARE OF ILL -HEALTHHEALTH WITH GERMS IN DUST WHAT LIFEBUOY SOAP AND DIRT DOCTORS SAY Dust settles everywhere. The T- only way to keep it out of your doctor wll teU 3™ whv dust rhat hand opening the door— home would be to seal every door >nd dirt
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  • 530 12 Now 111, Husband Does The Cooking 4 PEER'S daughter who came to Singapore last September for a visit of several months has just been married secretly at an Edinburgh register office. She is Lady Daphne Hay, third daughter of the Marquis of Tweeddale,
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  • 88 12 £20 Fine For A.R.P Impostors ANYONE found guilty of the unauthorised use of A.U.P. badges and uniforms will, In future, be fined. This is the effect of a clause the House of Lords has added to the Civil Defence Bill. Lord Munster, for the Government, moved that the maximum penalty
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  • 684 12 WE got into his car— the Old Resident's car our destination a part of the business sector of Kuala Lumpur. He turned to his Malay syce and instructed him, "Pergi Lampu Lima." .Kuala Lumpur is not such an enormcus town thr.t any place named so quaintly would not
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 47 12 GjPAUWAY Rails Wagons Switches Crossings Turntables LOCOMOTIVES STOCKS ALWAYS AVAILABLE Write for full particulars from the SOLE AGENTS: SINGAPORE— KUALA LUMPUR— PEN ANG~ IPOH— TAIPING. W P.S. 124 A wv e 1 .Product of a non -combine J#fH distillerq-^^yOLENFIDDKH- wm GRANTS I |ryl IS A GUARANTEED I
      47 words

  • 875 13 Cards For All •THIS patience should appeal to a wide circle ol people. One ordinary whist pack is required Deal out s'.x groups of six cards each. Each group should bs arranged in the shape of a fan so that the identity of each card in the
    875 words
  • 1021 13 School Days In Malaya 25 Years Ago By Orang Sebrang OECENTLY a sixth form boy, living in a Singapore suburb, gave up his schooling because he found it hard to reach school on time every morning. Indulgent parents let him have his way. A quarter of a century ago Government
    1,021 words
  • 107 13 Fixed Tariff Instead Paris. f HAKGES made by porters, the cause of frequent complaints by foreign travellers arriving at railway stations In Paris, are henceforth to be* applied In accordance with a fixed tariff. Tips wi.l bs abolished. n agreement with the State Rail- ways,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 213 13 AS soon as you smear Zam-Buk herbal ointment //>«< on any sore. in|ureo or diseased skin, pain disappears and healing starts. Zam-Buk expels harmful -^0 germs, draws poison out of the tissues and prevents S^7^B festering. It heals quickly and safely and never leaves ?8 u^ly scars. Use Zam-Buk for
      213 words

  • 38 14 Residents at Le Touquet, including many Britons, were cut off from telephonic communication with parts of France by a storm which broke wires, uprooted poles and devasted iarge tracts of land between Montreuil-sur-Mer and Le Touquet.
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  • 232 14 Air Conditioning Gets Mixed Reception OALF the wards at the General Hospital, Singapore, are now air-conditioned. In addition, air-conditioning has been installed in the operating theatres and X-ray block. In the operating theatres air-condi-tioning has been an unqualified success. Operating in the tropics Is a not and
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  • 168 14 Mental Patients Get New Ward CONSIDERABLE improvements to mental hospital accommodation are being made in Singapore. A new two-room ward for temporary first-class mental patients will be opened at the General Hospital within the next week or two. The new ward will be used for patients suffering from minor mental
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  • 103 14 "Traffic" Lights For Doctors f^OCTORS in the Singapore General Hospital can be summoned from any part of the building by a system of call lights, just installed. In all corridors and wards panels of red, yellow, green and white lights have been installed. Each doctor is allotted a colour combination,
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  • 112 14 £36,000 Fire Started By Soldier CANNOT help wondering what they would have done to you in some countries/ said Mr. Justice Oliver to a soldier at Nottinghamshire Assizes. He sentenced Ronald George Wilson Hayter, aged 20. of the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, to Borstal for a term not exceeding three
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  • 102 14 9,000 Miles To Find Husband Had Died A CHINESE bride, who travelled 9,000 miles to meet her husband for the -first time, reached Liverpool to find that he had died two days before. The woman, Mrs. Wong Chin, aged 23, of Hong Kong, is being cared for by Chinese families
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  • 68 14 Niemoelier's Own Church Retires Him CASTOR Martin Nierr.oeller, who has been held in a German concentration camp for fifteen months without a charge against him, has now been dismissed by his own church. It is understood that a handpicked Brandenburg Evangelical Church Consistory has placed the famous preacher on the
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  • 87 14 BARONET PAYS 35/- FOR OWN COFFIN SIR Hlckman Bacon, aged 84, premier baronet of England, of Thonock Hall, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, has bought a 355. coffin, in readiness for his death. It was made by the local carpenter, who contracts for coffins for public institution inmates. It is kept in a
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  • 25 14 Two Instructors at the Danish Air Force School. Lt. Harboe and Lt. Hansen, both 28, were killed in a crash at Copenhagen airport.
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  • 63 14 The t'o.'dstream Guards band, now at the New Yark World FaJr, meet the celebrated Rockett:s of the Rado City Music Hal 1 at the p'aygraund roof on top of the huge theatre In Rc\ feller, Nfw York. The Rockettcs, whose precision dnncing has won them the
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 143 14 CHEVROLET/* 1939 PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES. Fitted for BODYWORK. An even higher standard of excellent 4th successive year as standard equipment. bodywork incorporated in 1939 models. CONVENTIONAL SPRINGING. Exclusive Chevrolet *On De Luxe models Onl y conventional springing prevents side-sway rolling on VACUUM -OF ZRATED REMOTE -CONTROL corners excessive tyre wear.
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  • 1611 15  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By |7OR once m their tives Grosser r Self and Better Self are in agreement. On the question: "Where shull we go for our holidays" which begin next we:k. we have at least deemed on the places wiilch will not have the privilege of
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 302 15 r 4'mk I 111 V 7 J Sally Gray, Star of British Pincbrook Produc- s~* \f% 1 /X/^t if tion -The Lambeth Walk", /J I i M/^ M \S \^y British Film Star {U...UU....... Sally Gray writes: "Film work is hard work and I find there is A nothing better
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 642 15 CONTRACT BRIDGE WHILE, the East and West bidding fsy THE FOUR ACES cannot be commended at all, they certainly came out wsll on this freak other hand, he might have expected hand, whereas the almost b'ameless that his partner would rescue him North p!ayer was fixed thoroughly. and so the
      642 words

  • 224 16 Opinion Cash Security JQECENT advertisements for applicants for junior clerical jobs have contained a proviso that the successful candidate should furnish cash security. No-one disputes the right of employers to demand from employees whose duties entail handling the employer's funds, such security as seems necessary to guard against possible losses
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  • 319 16 Services Civilians (\SE of the most practical solutions of the problem created by the division of Singapore's European population into Services and civilians is that put forward by Toe H. The proposal is to establish a hostel for civilians with a club near by at which members of the garrison
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  • 1090 16  -  David England Political Chess Board Of The Far East By KM. MOLOTOFF'S scathing re- ferences to Japan in his speech "Japanese threats against Outer Mongolia are funny and nonsensical. There is a limit to all this nonsense; it is time for the Japanese to cease all provocation.
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  • 743 16  -  Alan Duncan By \MHILE the Japanese militarists are openly and actively engaged in disputing British rights in the Far East, more subtle blows are being aimed at Great Britain's industrial power. One of these secret Japanese coups aroused a storm of controversy both in Britain and in
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 531 16 ft TRY OCR TAILORING We only solicit your trial order. MIEN CHONG S'yore't most up-to-date Tailor. 34. Coleicac St. Phcce 4816. Pyorrhea and Trench Mouth Stopped in 24 Hours ai* i- a.' niccdinc gums, sore mouth, or loose teeth i»ean th*t you are a victim of I'yorrhea or Trcr.i h
      531 words
      59 words
    • 42 16 Roundtrip from Singapore to Hongkong/ Shanghai and back via Manila, Saigon and Bangkok per Luxury Liner Boissevain," Ruy* or Tegelberg." Roundtrip fare S 250 .00 S 320 00 Full information from Pass. Dept., K P. M. Line. ilncorp. in Holland.) (Phone 5451)
      42 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

  • 61 17 i .-.wv-wUMcal Henry M. Wi.son (ri^ht): ch;ii; ng hands with an Xc !<- oiT.ccr to whom he was introduced by General Sir Gordon Finlayscn (centre), when he arrived at the station in Cairo. General Wilson is the new Commander-in -Chief of the British troops in
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  • 665 17 TOC H PLANS SINGAPORE MEETING PLACE FOR SERVICES AND CIVILIANS Finding Friends For Newcomers To The City A MEETING-PLACE for men of the Ser- vices and civilians is planned by Toe H, Singapore.* Toe H plans to establish what as known as a Mark, which, it is hoped, will solve
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  • 321 17 CHANGE-OF-AIR AND CONVALESCENT CAMP FOR ARMY NAVY R.A.F. 100 Acres Of Land Bought At The j Highlands MORE than 100 acres of land have been bought from the Pahang Government at Brinchang, Cameron Highlands, for the site upon which it is proposed to establish a big convalescent and change-of -air
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  • 197 17 There was some dispute between me! and my neighbour as to who owned this dog. Since I received the summons j for not having a licence, he has with- i drawn his claim. 7 got no licence for this dog because it is a Pekingese. I've
    197 words
  • 173 17 AMBULANCE'S TARDY RESPONSE TO CALL WHEN FLYING BOAT CRASHED LJOW a Calcutta Corporation ambulance summoned by the authorities at Wllllnzdon Reach after the crash of the Imperial Airways flying boat Centurion arrived at the base two and a i half hours after receiving the call was j described by Mr.
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  • 12 17 Sentences of Imprisonment have been passed on 39 Hungarian Nazis.
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  • 210 17 Birds Destroy* Locusts Sofia. I*HE authorities this year, In co- operation with the Hunters' Union, started a campaign for exterminating pests amongst bird life throughout the country. The raven was on the condemned list, and from all centres the Press published the result of the numbers
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  • 25 17 Members of the Prague Football Cl Slavla, were greeted with an ovation Belgrade when they played a mai against the Belgrade Sports Club.
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  • 72 17 An Irishman teaches a pupil of the Margaret Morris Movement, how to do an Irish reel when the Celtic Movement Association held their Midsummer FesUval of Youth in the grounds of the West Whig, Maud Allan's hous- in the Outer Circle, Regent's Park. Irish and Scottish dancing
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 187 17 It's worry that DESTROYS/ f-^ H you ar« always worrying, you are not iji ijflfh well. Your nerves are out of condition. To Tjr3l P ut plainly, you are losing your 'nerve.' What a common fallacy it it that worrying is just a habit— or a matter of temperament. ■ff^3
      187 words
    • 78 17 2*a* i IpOeli/ Jnnocence i and typical of a child reared on Cow Gate Milk /f m Food— virile and Intelligent— strongly framed IS and firmly fleshed. Growth Is natural and steady and children's teeth come quickly and easily. That is because the food is made In England's West Country
      78 words

  • 791 18 Only Isolated Deals Negotiated BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT I OCAL markets have passed through the dullest period on record for many years. Buyers and sellers alike have evinced no Interest whatever in the market and only a few Isolated deals have been put through
    791 words
  • 85 18 Saturday, July 8. noon. No. IX R.S.S. (Spot loose) 28", No. IX R.S.S. f.o.b. in cases July 28' i 28** G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. in bales July 28 28H F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. In bales July 27 13/16 27 15/16 FUTURE QUOTATIONS No. IX R.S.S. on Registered
    85 words
  • 67 18 Manila, Saturday. QUOTATIONS, in pesos, for 10 cent avo gold shares on the Manila Stock Exchange this morning compared with yesterday's were Previous Today's Asked BM Asked Bid Antamok 0.19 0.184 0.18 Coco Orore ..0.30 0.27H 0.28 0.26 Masbate O.lOVa 0.10 0.10 V& 0.10 Mine Operations 0.14
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 391 18 Serious Effects Of Buffer Pool's Price-Raising Scheme From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. STRONG criticism of the price-fixing methods introduced into the tin-mining industry by the buffer pool and its effects on Malaya was voiced by Mr. M. A. Francis, chairman, when
    391 words
  • 1298 18 Fraser And Co. *s List SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1939: 1 P.M. MLNINQ Buyers Seller* Ampat Tin (4s) 3s 6d 4a Austral Amal. (ss) 4s 6d 5s Austral Malay (I) 33s 40a Ayer Hltam (ss) 20s 21s Ayer \Ven3 (II) .72 .76 Bangrin Tin <$l) 18s
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  • 17 18 List Supplied Hy Messrs. Fraser Co. SATURDAY, JULY S, 1939: 1 PJW. Total for
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 621 18 hear to jeat o«t y,, PhMeHfr M A w^^ ye ars ncW I Wit is ma ™,J K w^£?slM H about it, C»vc And i> A arc M I Cruising on the 'Arandora Star* notice I i^MkH|^^7 1 how nuny passengers are Craven 'A' smokers. 9|vit JLI K^ritfS I I
      621 words

  • 203 19 Floating Dock Leaves Portsmouth On Way To Alexandria PORTSMOUTH had a Big Mystery on June 24. Traffic in and out of the harbour had to be stopped while a huge floating dock was coaxed into Spithead by eight tugs. Everybody saw It. Everybody I
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  • 92 19 New York. k COLLECTION of 100 souvenirs from the New York Worlds Fair Is now on its way to London as a gift for Prlnoe&> Elizabeth and Princess Margaret. The collection was assembled by Mrs. Whalen, wife of the World's Fair chief. as a result
    92 words
  • 88 19 Paris. J7OREIGN spies are believed to be responsible for a burglary at the Paris home of the Inspector- General of French Naval Artillery, M. Chantereau. They are understood to have obtained charts, plans of naval guns, and other defence documents. At the same time an alleged
    88 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 19 "I.i fhillips on Katinka keeps cool benrath a sunshade as she walked her pony round at the Richmond Royal Horse Show.
    23 words
  • 206 19 Daughter, Cut From £100,000 Will, Wins fllE £100,000 will of an 86--year-old woman which save everything: to Protestant charities and disinherited her only daughter—" who dances, plays cards, and goes to the races was declared invalid in Dublin High Court. The woman was Mrs. Georgina Duckett, of Raglan-road, Dublin. The
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  • 29 19 Four young French canoaists arrested by the German authorities when they landed In a fortified bone oppos t? Chalampe, near Mulhouse, are being kept in custody.
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  • 30 19 Limitation of Jewish students to 6 per cent, of the total is to be applied In Hungary, not only to the universities but also to State secondary schools.
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  • 118 19 FIFTY CZECH DOCTORS FOR BRITAIN FIiTY Czech doctors are to be permitted to study in Great Britain with a view to practising there. Tne minimum period of study before they may he placed on the British Medical Register is three years, and until they are on the register they cannot
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  • 83 19 LAVENDER IN CIGARETTES— TO SAVE MONEY Berlin. GERMANS, it is announced, will soon be smoking pipe tobacco and cigarettes mixed with cherry leaves, clover, salted rose leaves, dried nettles, mint, lavender and thyme, coltsfoot, woodruff and buckthorn. The addition of these will help eke out tobacco supplies and thus cut
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  • 381 19 Improved Facilities At Maxwell (Or Taiping) Hill Station MAXWELL'S Hill, the oldest hill station in Malaya, is r.-ally named Taiping Hill, according to a correspondent of The Sunday Times. Referring to a recent article on the station in The Sunday Times, the correspondent writes: Maxwell's is the name of one
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  • 155 19 A LLEGING her husband's misconduct A. with her mother, Mrs. Mary Gladys Smith, of Great West Road. Hounslow. Middlesex, was granted a Ctcree nisi in the Divorce Court. The p?ti'ion was not defended. Mrs. Smith was married to Mr. William Henry Smith at Brentford register office
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  • 31 19 Signor Mussolini, piloting his own plane, pa.d sui prise visit to Fiume. wnich he had no. visited since 1925 on the occasion of its cession to Italy.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 117 19 /^o^'v^V) Young Broker Makes Good glgg byccn^r; n3 NIGHT STARVATION I^' THE DOCTOR WAS I YOU ON YOUR RECfNT J ANK Y <rt$ tl **i t^* B/H J i/vAOrtP 1 I J& 9^L Rlr HT lv "I* A B SAUS. WE'RE GETTING I *OU, MR.r T" C M JaL £tt**"*^
      117 words

  • 2666 20  - What The Stars Foretell R.H. Navlor By This week's good days for: BUYING: Business deals:— Wed. 12th— Sat. 15th. Personal shopping:— Tues. 11th— Thurs. 13th and Sat. 15th. SELLING: Thurs. l*th— Frl. 14th. ENTERTAINING: Tues. 11th— Wed. 12— Thurs. 13th and Sat. 15th. SPORT: Thurs. 33th APRIL, May and June
    2,666 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 288 20 I'onnds of Fat without any risk la your health i Slimming WUMMM mv it can oe oan- it'd risky on the Health, ctut Mlmminß the i'.EUUSa way i* sat»\ad s.mple. too. You sl.m while you *at MM niiile you play. 'gracefulness ol yautb returns the "tx ra 1 tiesh
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    • 262 20 -^CsBBBBB&^^> iLC^LIV It J "Whafs your recipe for beauty, Jane Seymour?" To read these beauty articles," said a woman who came to my Salon, you'd really think we'd nothing to do but look after our faces. What I want to know Is how to keep my skin nice with the
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  • Article, Illustration
    517 21 Max Factor's Advice Most Susceptible To Flaws Of All Facial Features Hints For Its Care And Beauty rVF all the facial features, the nose provides the "danger zone" which is most susceptible to obvious flawings in appearance largely because it is the foremost and first seen of these
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  • 509 21  - Recapturing Suppleness James Hemming By VUOULD you like to get really supple? If you have lost that deliciously silky ease of movement that you used to enjoy, you can recapture it. Stiffness mainly results from two causes failure to more each joint to full capacity in all directions sufficiently frequently,
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 197 21 Air Elizabeth Ardents The incomparable Sunpruf Cream will keep your skin soft, fresh, and delicate. Not only Is It a perfect powder foundation, but is a sure guard against unattractive sunburn. Applied In smaller quantities it allows your skin to acquire an exquisite nectarine glow. If your skin is not
      197 words
    • 276 21 W^\. ANOTHER GLAMOR-^ EL-,.—-. EXCLUSIVELY l^ fc^™J| VVTHY is it that so many famous Hollywood screen B .'tars use and endorse Max Factor's Color Har- i 1 mony Make-up exclusively? The answer is simply I V this It is the finest Make-up modern science can m tn create. Originated in
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  • 602 22 For The Household And For The Wardrobe THOUGH sponge bags are eminently practical accessories, there is no reason why you should be content with something ungainly. At least, not now that a useful, bright, prooftJ satin bag is made on the lines of pochette in a dumpy shape, with so
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  • 480 22 "Straight As Ramrod" Key To Success Against Adiposis I write on posture, says Ida Jean Kain, noted American diet expert, I find myself sitting up as straight as my Great-aunt Abigail. She was such a stickler for correct carriage that, away ahead of her time,
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 231 22 ...WITHOUT A SANfTAWfIBteL TOWEL Jgjj? It's tuch a woaderful relief I No more bulky pads and belt* No otort chafing and irritation Freedom and orint'or* tvtry day! Tampax it worn internally. An adaptation of the medical tampon, Tampax protect, you without your even being aware of iv pretence. Discomfort and
      231 words
    • 163 22 (gzdf JF¥fTfj (IT^S^Tr MB I 111 4 L%\i«t\a (Jn ''I *il f!*NkK' iHNI fe*iH jRn 'I \y :jjtX;l (Yn *llWt:'Js An Isobel ensemble, with a draped bodice and a short full skirt. Such a frock would be vaMSHnnnr'^flHßjAWfSßSßßnipffM 2*j^B^B '^l^^^J I CnnilnWt^SPj w J rlFri ""^^^mfiß [TiVl'^iU I^h Jllfet'^^Br^Tr^Tfl^^5 i
      163 words

  • 799 23 Fashions In Black And News Of The New Swim Suits CMART women who have set the fashion for wearing black in hot weather seem to find demure styles best. At least, the other day, a dress made from black taffetas with a dirndle waistline, and buttoned bodice, was worn with
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  • 110 23 SOME of the newest dressinggowns are so lovely, they deserve to be promoted to the status of negligees. A new selection has been made from velvet, silk, and gleaming satin, all skilfully quilted. The satin designs are very simple, being made on long, straight met with rever collars,
    110 words
  • 117 23 COOL CRINOLINES AS for crinolines, a new variation of it is .seen in the crinoline frock. You meet it, this season, In many materials, including a soft handkerchief linen which looks as cool as it feels at summer dances. I saw the other day, a white linen crinoline frock .inted
    117 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 84 23 PLutta Mahjn-iunes 4^^ d faty old Coiirml ruuntdSfxmaJi ozclawud: "ihoJ, bu Gaisi\9ilso(M}i Staif kht and be \fd, On Plaitta oil bitad, 3han eat tht but cuhhy in Pomtali!" margarineSP hi all cockiiw and \humql Q delicacy <m%akr r Puhe vegetable APB 8 "annual sale Now On! Here's opportunity to buy
      84 words
    • 432 23 "My husband couldn't believe his eyes!" Soys Mrs. McDermott, of St. John's Wood, England 1 "HE SAYS 1 LOOK TEN YEARS YOUNCER.THIS IS HOW I DID IT" I 1 Photograph of Mrs. McDermott of Photograph of Mrs. McDermott St. John's Wood, London, England, showing the amazing change made before using
      432 words

  • 481 24 Vain Infatuation For Beautiful Italian TTHIRTY-seven hitherto unpublished letters written by Napoleon I after his divorce from Josephine have been received by the prosaic, businesslike shop of Maggs Brothers, the famous booksellers in Conduit Street, London. The letters have just changed hands at the Drouot
    481 words
  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 841 24 BJIJST THAT! Like aU great inventions, the Gillette system of shaving is simplicity itself. Put a Blue Gillette blade into a Gillette razor and you can't go wrong. You will get a clean, velvety shave that no other system, however complicated or costly, can equaL The fiiNMixli^MEjß| of the APPLE
      841 words
    • 75 24 I Breath bad ..sweetie mad Poor lad and sad Tip from Dad: M UsePEPSODENT,Iad" She can be had 1... everyone glad! IN pow*--1 BOTTLE PEPSODEMT ANTISEPTIC EQUALS J BOTTLES Of ORDINARY f'NOS^^ r mmm dllula i wift4 4 Kffl IM BSJDJ VICS i. MrU wittr, stfli USs /t^"^^^^^. pms
      75 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 1432 24 Today's Wireless Programmes Sl !?f^ E 'ISSS»« S EMPIRE? STATION NIROM ZHp'sVM l^K?i 7.00 Children's programme. (English). TRANSMISSIONS 2 AND 3 fDA tt.ol me/i 149.« m.,. am. 7 fe weather > new "O announce- Gsu yDB oii me/a liK2ft "•S3«- ?:sw^js!-.-; s^-ssS: as BE ss :a s ffi a p.m.
      1,432 words

  • 326 25 •TOICK pictures made with the aid of glass or mirrors are easy— and these devices permit many unusual effects. Place an object on a table with glass top shoot from underneath the table —and the object seems to be floating In air. for the glass, of course,
    326 words
  • 263 25 pON JURORS of nearly four centuries are represented in a Hocus Pocus exhibition opened at the Bodleian Library. Oxford. The shelves of the library have been searched for the earliest examples of conjurors' works. One book exhibited is dated 1584. It Is Reginald Scot's
    263 words
  • 138 25 When Is A Second Offence A First? A MOTORIST with a previous conviction asked at Highgate Police Court to be treated as a first offender. He was— and this is why The motorist, summoned for speedIng, had been convicted a few days ago in another court for a similar offence.
    138 words
  • 83 25 GETS NULLITY DECREE AFTER 28 YEAR S- A DECREE nisi of nullity wa. 'ranted in the Divorce Court, London, to Mr. James Consiantine Butcher, a bank manager, living at Accrington, Lancashire, who was married in 1911 to Etty Winifred Butcher, nee Willing. The case lor Mr. Butcher was that his
    83 words
  • 241 25 Lord Dawson Tells Why Fewer Babies r\l KING a debate in the House of Lords on fears of a declining: birthrate, Viscount Dawson of Perm, the King's Physician, discussed why women today do not have large families. He said that the immediate cause of the diminution In the birthrate was
    241 words
  • 163 25 IMPERIAL Airways has moved into its new London headquarters. Airways House, in Juckingham Palace Road. This building includes under one roof coaching stations, taxi ranks and a private railway station for the exclusive use of passevgers on Imperial Airways sendees to and from the Empire. In the
    163 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 442 25 The Acid in Your Stomach Would Burn a Hole in the Carpet When you fc.-l indigestion pains, those pains £k are usually caused by too \^S~ "X much acid in your A •tomach. Do you know, 1 that acid is so powerful tj Z lUat it would burn a hole
      442 words
    • 776 25 HAUT DS AEDAin 1/wH I Pu Mi nMIU OLMf S4 REASONS FOR USING f I I Now a pure white emulsified GW J M. cream. in! 0 Does not soil linen, hati, s^~"^ JdMh jrf >Mr Plows, etc. /y^ \V\ V«il Dow not' 1 plaster" or "fiake !lA*p»~S~li 1 \%L~^W/
      776 words

  • 2694 26  -  Nomad By HTHE Garrison small units area leagues are now reaching the final stages and in the Singapore Area Headquarters, Manchesters and "C Company, whom they only beat on goal average, enter the final. The 31st Heavy Battery, R.A. with a point and a game in hand
    2,694 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 373 26 Give me a dog Honest brown eyes, Qlad to be with you Trusting and wise. Qreat'hearted fellow A bit of a scamp, Sprightly companion To take on a tramp, Qamc for a romp. Walks dose at heel, Hides all his bones, Enjoys every meal, Qive me a dog Full of
      373 words
    • 340 26 rW fC Rosy cheeks, sparkling _^lf**i9 l| S*L. Peyes. a clear smooth -**v ET D C ET T skin... all these come JV I b V 9 from perfect inner clean- m H_ m__ llness. Enjoy a Cajto- O V .Sl\ p A H Phene chocolate Caxa- W^ ))S< fc
      340 words

  • 510 27 How It Could Be Improved 'MALAYAN cricket should be m very much better than it Is. Cm cricket generally is apathetic and is reflected in a low standard of play in State match* s. And no apparent efforts arc being made to improve the position." Such
    510 words
  • Article, Illustration
    59 27 The Port Swettenham Shing Yew hasket ball team gave .1 fine performance when they beat the Kajang Kok Se Club team by 70 14. Standing (left to right) How Ah Pong, Teh fluion Hoe, Hong Kirn Swee, Lee Peng Hong. Sitting (left to right): Sow Chin Kee, Ng Pai Thin,
    59 words
  • 222 27 (Ffcoin Our Own Correspondent) K±ang. Ihe old boys Of the Ansio-Chincsc Bcnool. Klan?, beat the present boys Icet. A.f.S. OLD BOYS Peter Samuel si. Jamaludin b Lee Seng Teng 2. S. Sithamparam b Lee j Seng Tens 0, Lir.i Cheng Hee b Richard j
    222 words
  • 103 27 (Frcm Our Own Correspondent) Muar. MAKING their debut in the soccer field this season, a team of teachers drawn from the English schools in Muar met the Hospital Club in a friendly match played at tho Hospital Club padang. Dv to a misunderstanding, the Eosoital Club fielded their
    103 words
  • 283 27 iFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. HTHE Muar district lawn tennis championship ended last week. In the semi-final of the men's open iiii^lef. Yon bin Mian beat P.C. Joseph In straight sets. Yon bin Mian was easily the better player but P. C. Joseph gave him a good fight,
    283 words
  • 75 27 (From Our Q»n Correspondent) Muar. FIFTEEN entries have been recsived for the annual lawn tennis singles championship tournament of tne Government English School teachers k. A. Hannay (bye); A. K. Plllal vs. C. C. Tan; S. Arumugam vs. W. 8. Morgan; P. L. Samy vs. Chelllah John; P.
    75 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 515 27 I WP, Jfl B| *H» I^^^ I BIGGEST RAH6E ir%nrk I EVER OFFERED Jfc£ H&U> 1939 H 7 WHEELBASES EBB CBfiffi ft ft SIZES AXLE RATS H^H &JB -fc BLjj 'I WIDE SELECii^^ pflß OB WB^Om BODY TYPES I NF^ HYDRAULIC TDIIPIf E I "wb THULHS ana m head list
      515 words

  • 307 28 Weights For The First Day (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipota, Saturday. U/EIGHTS for the first day of the Perak July race meeting, opening next Saturday, were issued today as follows Horses, Class 1. IMv. 1, 54 fur., straight. Eastern Night 9.07 Barford 8.02 Royal
    307 words
  • 355 28 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat, Saturday. l^R. Woodhull took four wickets with successive balls when playing c rickt for the Johore Bahru India Ceylon Association against the Segamat India Ceylon Association on the Segamat school padang. JOHORE BAHRU It. A 1 irst Inns. Kandasamy c Ponnampala.n
    355 words
  • 204 28 R Italian beat AngloChinese School in a cricket match played on the former's ground yesterday KAFFLES INSTITUTION S. Nuir c Cheng Slang b Thlan Siew 13 W. Ponnampalam c Teck Phun b Thian Slew B Thamotheran st Cheng Siang b Doralsamy 13 R. Samy b Thian
    204 words
  • 208 28 St. Andrew's School second team beat Victoria School at cricket yesterVICTORIA Shari Raub c Mitchell b Parada 0 Gopal Das c Som Quec bB. Hope 33 Yahya lbw., b B. Hope 5 Sharin* Madon b B. Hope 0 Rathakrishna lbw.. b B. Hope 0 Bach Chu b
    208 words
  • 85 28 London, Saturday. A TITLE that has lain vacant for 16 years— the Bri'-ish Empire cruiserweight crown will be at stake in Monday's world title fight at the White City betv/een Len Harvey and Jock McAvoy The British title, of which Harvey is the holder, will also
    85 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 28 E. M. MACDONALI): Diving champion of Selangor Golf Club (swimming section). Has represented England in diving events at the Olympic Games. A keen athlete.
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 28 Mabmai Arofe bin Haji Ibrahim, who has been elected hon. secretary to the Muar Football Association in place of Mohamad Noah bin Omar, who has pone to Mersinj on transfer.
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  • 281 28 (From Oui* Own Correspondent) Segamat. TOE Johore English College will be vlsltc is to Segamat next Friday and Saturday for their annual cricket match MPtfpst the Segamat English School for the Webb Cup. The Segamat School has a tea.n considered the strongest among schools in Johore and they
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 28 V. VIJEIANDRAM Sclangur State football and hockey player. Plays cricket for his club and is also a good athlete.
    19 words
  • 190 28 St. Andrew's School cricket team beat the Manchester's second team by 35 runs yesterday. ST. ANDREW'S N. Capel c Freer b Purvis 5 J. Anchant run out 7 Guan Hong b Purvis 0 Chee Heng c Woods b Freer 7 A. Neubronncr st. Gardner b
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  • 25 28 The athletic sports of the Mercantile Institution will be held on Saturday, July 15. at 2.30 p.m. at the Jalan B?s?r Stadium.
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  • 348 28 'From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. THREE league soccer matches were decided last week and with the Johore Military Forces winning their league tie and the Chinese losing to the Government Offices, the Johorn Military Forces now head the league table with the Chinese a close second. The
    348 words
  • 222 28 'From Our Own Correspondent. > Muar. "THE football competition for the McConnechy Cup for the Public Works Department in the various districts will begin on July 14. This year six teams have entered for the competition which is divided into two sections, North Johore and South Johore. Kluang,
    222 words
  • 72 28 TIES played yesterday In the Singa--1 pore junior badminton championships resulted: Slncles.— Tarn Kirn Ewee (U C_A) beat Teo Thuang Kiat (Jacques) 15— 10. 2—15. 15—11: Yeo Hong Chuan <A.A.U.> beat Chia Chin Soon (Eclipse) 15—8. 15—8: C. B. Nalr (U.AP.) beat Teo Heok Kwang (U.A.P.) 10—15 15—
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  • 216 28 European Is Negri A. A. Champion (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. JAMES ANDERSON, a European new- comer to Negri Sembilan, annexed the individual championship at the Negri Sembilan amateur athletic meeting, obtaining first place In two events —the mile and the half mile. No record was broken today but
    216 words
  • 216 28 CURATTA, playins for the V.M.C.A. I against the S.C.R.C. at cricket on the Chinese ground yesterday, wa? injured by a ball jumping from a bumpy pitch, which hit him en th cheek. IMJCJL Wilton c Mook Kirn b Keng Slew 2 Suratta b Kc-ng Slew 2
    216 words
  • 62 28 The following will represent the Singapore Cricket Club at tennis against the Straits Chinese Recreation Club on Wednesday at S.C.C.:— W. J. M. Warden and P. Clerc; R. F. Smith and Capt. R. R. G. Hoare; W. 11. Droogleever and F. V Read, A. D. Anderson and T.
    62 words
  • 193 28 A.P.C. S.C.C. DRAW TTIML" was the de idlnf factor in tns cricket match between t'i? A.PC. and an S.C.C. cloven which W9 at Paya Lebar yesterday. S.( < F. V. Read low., n Cni.i 8 A. H. Murray c and b Chin K. C. Johnson-Hill b Garside U J. A.
    193 words
  • 55 28 At the dXU) annual sports of the C."v High School to be be held on July 21 at tb9 Jalan Besar stadium, thers will b~ tot old boys of the ««hi P. C. Joseph and "Ici i j i. winners of the mixed doubles in
    55 words
  • 313 28 Never Played In Cricket Match In His Life Before, But GETS 8 WICKETS FOR 47 AND A HAT TRICK (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Saturday. TTHERE was amazing cricket at Tampin today when Negri Sembilan met Malacca. Included in the Malacca team wos Ibrahim who Had never before in his
    313 words

  • 1325 29 Malacca Beaten By Five Goals To One SINGAPORE teat Malucca by five d::y in ti'.e M '.ay.i C'u;j soccer coi one of 4 he dull Ft Cup gimes ever 1 WiihH liv? n inutcs Sln^anore minutes p.ffer th^ interval, befoi Siagspcre went aVv.d n
    1,325 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 29 The race tot European boys at the Police rrorU ycsler.lay. Winner was reter Dyas, second, Pat Dra3.
    17 words
  • 277 29 S.C.C. AND C.S.C. LOW SCORING CCORES in yesterday's play In the two- day match between the Singapore Cricket Club and the Ceylon Sports Club on ths padang: S.C.C— lst Inns. A. Fester Ibw. R. V. 8. Eundrum 3 Capt. E. Dynes not cut 4G J. P. M. Hope bK. Muthucumaru
    277 words
  • 90 29 p. J. BRYAN has stated he will be available for the Colony vs. Malay States cricket match to be' played in Singapore over the August Ernk Hol;c!ay weekend. Bryan when available automatically r.elccij lilmscii, and will ,c-y j strengthen the Colony* batting. There is n psM'blttty
    90 words
  • 265 29 Y-2E police inter-conti;igent athletic championships were held yesterday oa the Police Depot ground. Singapore with a total of 35 points won the unit cnampionship. Md. Taha was individual champion with 11 points whle Harnam Singh was the Sikh individual champion. At the conclusion of the meeting, the prizes
    265 words
  • 259 29 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. I*HE Chinese fought back gallantly after a bad start in the Stonor Shield cricket fixture against the V.M.C.A. today and are 37 runs short of the'.r opponents' total with three wickets in hand. The match which will be decided on
    259 words
  • 188 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. IN an Inter-state tennis tournament between Selangor and Malacca begun ths afternoon. Selansor led m points, winning three singles out of four and :i:: out of seven doubles matches. The tournament will end tomorrow. Results were: S'nTles A:— P. Suppiah
    188 words
  • Article, Illustration
    7 29 he r.nftlr. < I The Medical College team
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  • 699 29 SEVEN RECORDS BROKEN AT Y.M.C.A. SPORTS MISS C. I. LE MERCIER and MLss M. I R. Pereira figured prominently in the women's events at the V.M.C.A. school sports at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Outstanding performers among the boys included Goey Teck Chiang and Han Meng Fong. Seven records were broken.
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  • 23 29 United Lads Athletic Party meet the HAAT.I. Club badminton team on Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Clerical Union HaU.
    AP  -  23 words
  • 359 29 Thoy Gets His 100 Wickets RTHOY, Raffles College captain gol his 100 wickets i v.s s. .< a when he took six Medical Colleg* wickets for 4o runs in the first Innings of their annual three-day cricket match yeiterday. Rallies winning the tcrs. scored 192 runs all out in thstr
    359 words
  • 123 29 (Fr-rr. Our Ovm Correspondent) loon. Saturday. THE Pe-.UK-Sclanjor Malaya Jap soccer match this afternoon ended la a draw, the sides sharing four gca;.'-. Perak set up a terrific pace in me first 15 minutes and harra:scd t::e Sclangor goal. Eventually a movement ,on left wing resulted
    123 words
  • 130 29 (From Our Cwn Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. 'THE Sultan of Selangor distributed the prizes at the conclusion of t.'ie Mpthcd'st Boys' School spcrts Inis afternoon. The A champion was Yoncr Tumt V//fc with 9 points and the runner-up Chan Chiew with eight points, "he B
    130 words
  • 66 29 The following will repres nt tho V.M C.A. junior department at erfcktft against the Minesweepers on Thursd iv, on the Prince Edward Road ground at 2 p.m. On? Sw?e Keng <rantain> S. Hope, Urn Keng Wah, G. J. Mox 3. Shirazie, R. G. Clark, Au Keng C.vjl, Fung
    66 words

  • 674 30 Help In Raising The Standard Of Play *¥*HE promotion of more friendly inter- club badminton games should be given every encouragement. They not only result in an improvement in the standard of play of the club members but also foster friendly relationship among the clubs and
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  • Article, Illustration
    84 30 Photograph taken at a tea party at the Airport Hotel given by the Mayblossom B.P. in honour of Dr. S. Taha Mattar. Standing (left to ruht):— S. Agil Mattar Wan Hamzah, Abdul Razak, Tan Pen; Hock, Wong Ah Soo, S. Omar Ma ttar. S. Salim Basa'amah, S. Hamid Mattar. Seated:
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  • 69 30 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Pilah. Th« Ulu Muar Club (junior section) badminton party annual tournament results: Singles. M. Tharmalingam beat Robert Stcner; S. Selvarajah beat G. GDvindaraju; Vilvaretnam Francis beat Durairajoo; S. Selvarajah beat Vilvaretnam Francis and M. Thirmalingam beat S. Selvarajah. Doubles: G. Govindaraju and
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  • 16 30 Entries are invited for Useful B.P.s novice aid junior singles championship tournament (league syst(m).
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  • 85 30 Kandan; Kerbau team lost to Beach Road I—4.1 4. Back from left: Ismail, Ahmad, Suliman and Kassim. Front: Bakari and Tay Thye Hock. Beach Road team beat Kandang Kerbau 4 l. Back from left: Bidin, Abdu! Aziz, Mohamed and Ahmad. Front: Md. Dora and A. Rajah. Tanjonj Pa
    85 words
  • 581 30 TPHE race for major honours in the junior inter-doubles badminton tournament is Deing keenly contested by Llan Hwa and Lok Wan with Sunset trailing closely, while Boon San and Sans are not far behind. Obtaining 26 and 24 points out of a possible 30,1 ian Hwa and Lok
    581 words
  • 328 30 (From Our Own Correspondent) Talplng. *|*HE Sitiawan-Dindings badminton league has so far attracted six teams. The league is being organized and run by the district badminton association and the teams entered are the Sitiawan Recreation Club, Simpang Ampat English School, the Police, the Ayer Tawar Badminton Party and
    328 words
  • 520 30 CCORING his most notable victory up to date. Ooi Teik Hock, Penang'j third singles string, is now well In the running for the Penang open singles title. He disposed of the champion. Tan Kin Hong, last wesk in straight sets very convincingly in the second round. Kin Hong
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  • 121 30 The Rasa Chinese B.P. beat the Rawang Chinese B.P by five games to one. During the game $100 was collected for the China belief Fund. Results (Rasa first): Chia L'hons? Chlat and Yap Yok Kong beat Cheat Tat Jin and Chew Leong Huat 15—12, 15 8; Croh Hock
    121 words
  • 49 30 The following will represent the N.A.A.F.I. Club against the United A. P. at badminton on Wednesday at the covered stadium at 7.30 p.m.: William Tan, Andrew Lim, Sim Kenff Song, Lee Tee Sim. Robert Tan. Wee Hon? Loo, George Tan, Oan Poh Yew and A. N. Other.
    49 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 443 30 FOR Cakff^ SATISFACTION LOOK FOR THE NAME ON YOUR v\- vv qfisl s^r*^^^H ISEO TOGI BRIGHTER UGHT-LONGER LIFE louh dog's I*M ftstnei on you. Kms kirn in tls-tos eonditixi ■Iwayi by rtpilar datinf with "Btnbow'i," .h« original contitiontr (or doji el ail krMdi sl< ai tt. CuMbsl in ad cam
      443 words
      11 words

  • 1040 31 Selangor Athletes Are In Training Mr. T. H. Kent, the Prin- dpal of the Kuala Lumpur Technical School, a training centre foe Sciangor athletes has been established on the school playing fields. The ground is laid out twice weekly for the various events and experienced C'-LChcs are In attendance to
    1,040 words
  • 231 31 i From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat. HANNAY'S cricket team of Muar beat the Batu Pahat Casuals. HANNAY'S XI R. Van Schocnbeck b A Thural 2. L. Marshall 0 A. Thural 13. B. Van Schoonbeck c Kanadrtsamy b Nalhan 2, R. Gopal b Selvadurai 15, K.
    231 words
  • 132 31 (From Our Own Cerr?s"ordor.ii Kuala Pilah. IN the seventh minute of p'.ay the Helena ordered a penalty kick against the Office in their league soccer wth the Chinese on the main padany h>st evening. Geok Tarn took the spot kick and failed badly. Throughout the game, which
    132 words
  • Article, Illustration
    131 31 A dinner was he.d at the Tal Tong Restaurant on the retirement of Mr. Ec Teow Lens;, chief cashier of Eiethelm and Co., and Hooglandt and Co. Front (l?ft to ri;ht): Messrs. Khoo Eng Teck, A. WetMl A. Wernli, Mrs. H. Schweizer, Mr. Ec Teow Leng, (Retirfa* Cashier), Mr. H.
    131 words
  • 187 31 Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. GOOD entries have been received for j the various events In the annual Muar District Badminton Association champlonsh'p meeting. George Ch?n, last year's cprn singles champion, is again favcured to win the major title this year. George Chen and Chua Huck Checng, last year's
    187 words
  • 97 31 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. EXCELLENT goalkeeping by McCrowe. last year's Selangor goal keeper resulted in a one-one drawn game of soccer between the Klang Club and the Selangor Coast Club. In the first half both sides missed many chances. After half-time Tan Hooi Pang, receiving a short
    97 words
  • 89 31 The followine will represent the Sph'iix B.P. B" team aga.nst the Jacques B.P. "B" team at the latr-r'h court today at 3.30 p.m. loseph de Souza. M. A. Lange, Clarenc? Tan, K. C. Chtilon, R. R* Tuna than. Leo de <~ouza. V. E Math w, Walter, Dana. Thomas
    89 words
  • 406 31 MOHAMED Fahmy, who wUI be well remembered by 1 tuayan flght followers, made a big it In America recently. After a succession of defeats In En 'and, Fahmy went to New York and made a successful debut In Madison Square Garden where he beat an ItalianAmerican middle-weight In
    406 words
  • 64 31 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat The Government English School here will hold its athletic sports on July 20 Thursday), on the school padang There will be 31 items on the programme, including a relay for the Malay schools of Batu Pahat. another relay or
    64 words
  • 87 31 The secfr-c team of the Mayfalr B.P. beai the Henry W.iugh S.C. "B" division tqr five games to nil. Results iMay^air utK l Urn On* Huat beat Anthony Tan 4—15. )"< 3. 15 3; Char. 800 Guan beat 81m Teck lin 15— 4. 15—7; Tf boo Wan beat
    87 words
  • 61 31 The following will represent the Spartan B.P. against the Paslr Panjang Rovers B.P. at the former's court. 416. River Valley Road, on Sunday. July 16. at 2.30 p.m.; Khoo En/ xee. Tan Kok Ann. Lee Kirn Teck, Yap Vevy Keng. Cheonn Soon Tuan, Kum Kirn Lenß. Con Oon
    61 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 587 31 Rheumatism and Backache Gone in 1 Week Flush Kidney* With Cystex and You'll Fee! Fin* C''St~x Lill lOf tor— 4 i le to faulty i action in double quick time. so. If you from Rheumatism. Sciatica, Neuritis, Lum. bago. Backache, Nervousness, Leg Paint, Dizziness, Circles under Eyes, frequent Headaches and
      587 words

  • 61 32 Cvea bitter medicines an swallowed without hesitation as the people of rural Singapore bet -n to mßn that Western Bmttuw ki eisaeis— ftlalays ai>d Chines* at Bedok waiting for medicine at t'e new travelling dispenrary. which was put on the road last week. In the backfr jund is
    61 words
  • 342 32 Anew travelling dispensary was put into service in Singapore by the Government Health Office last week. It makes a weekly tour of the island, distributing free medicines at remote kampongs, which otherwise would be without the benefits of modern medical service. There Is
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  • Page 32 Advertisements