The Straits Times, 6 July 1939

Total Pages: 28
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 146 1 MIEN CHONG TAILORING We only ask for a trial order. Coleman St. Singapore. Phone 4816 SINGAPORE, 140. CECIL ST. ('PHONE 5471) BALL BEARING CHAINBLOCKS A WALE BALL-BEARING CHAIN W Q I BLOCKS possess the highest M mechanical efficiency heretofore *w obtained in any chain block hoisting /t^% A equipment. Tliey
      146 words
    • 353 1 FINAL EDTN. KUALA LUMPUR. 2S, JAVA ST CPHONE 3683). N E T S §m '4^^wßßS£3 T 'wf\ 1 k^^BAvK^ -**e3ok Comprising Dyed Shades f 1 1 1 f* aMIiJSR packed in at the most ?M381"3 HV coloured reasonable Vantona Blamheets are the perfect bed linen. Their fleecy »oft surface Iscaresslnj
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    • 16 1 Madame Page 13. Battery Bidt. Singapore's Leading Dressmaker. Haw Collection. Day 4 Ereniag Gowm ia STOCK
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    • 49 2 UONG AH FOOK. father of Lioni Sak Sen formerly of Pemanckat, Dutch Borneo, pasned away on 4th Jt'V at his Slncapcic re i'Jence, 69 Clemenreau Avenue. Funerel will take place at the Lool Chew Cemi--| terv 6S m:ie«. Cfcan»i Roid. on 9th July Sunday morning at 10 A.M.
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    • 49 2 MR YEO SOY BAH and tanll? beg t; thank all those who to klnUv attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Yco Sny Bah. lice Hannah Tan. i;ent WTeath^. te'eitrarrj and letters of condolence, and the d:cton>, sisters and nurses of the General HospilV who rendered valuable assistance.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 469 2 CROWDER.— At the Maternity Hospital. Singapore, on July 5, to Iva, wife of A. C. Growdtv, a son (stillborn). The engagement is announced between George Gruham Eugene, eldest son of the Hon'ble Mr. G. Wiseman, of Malacca, and the late Mrs. Wiseman, and Rosamund (Bobby), daughter of the lats Mr.
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    • 664 2 SITUATIONS WANTED nntonuM leaving colony, hisaiv recommend* baby Amah excellent laundress nwdlewoman. Also Ketchil Hylam, very wiling and hardworking. Phone 7544. STRAITS BOBN CHINESE Salesman Wltß many jears experience. Good and e.-.ttn-srre business eaonections. O-^n for immediate engagement. Excellent rcferen es. Box 681. Straits Times. WANTED by young English ciri.
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    • 890 2 HOUSE. FLATS TO LET^ COMPOUND HOUSE near sea (2 bednoms with bath). Rent $42. Avail, v.7. or later. Whole household must be taken over at reasonable price. Apply Box No. 710. Straits Times. TO LET. 32A Meyer Road 4 nod-room". 2 Bath-rooms. Sitting and Dtoing rooms Oarage. Entry 1.6.29 Apply
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    • 587 2 AUCTION NOTICES AUCTION SALE Of well-made modern Doti-h pu.'bhed TRA1 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of erwn *e»crtotion. Indian carpets and rocs, fancy oil* tamo shade*. blu» cloth lined enamefin! rattan chicks <new> crockery. glass ai.d brasswares, weB-crown orchid flowtrtt psaats etc. (The Pnpertj of Mr. C. De Oramf of The SJniapcre Rubber
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    • 496 2 BUSINESS CARDS ETC. MODERN OFFICE ACCOMMODATION. area 2.800 sq. ft. 1st floor. overlooking Battery Road. Lift and Fans. Apply No. 546 Straits Times. INSTITUUT SOEKABOEM1 Europeescne Lagere School met lnternaat voor Jongens en melstes Opleidinn toelatlngs— examens voortR^zet onderwljs door bevoegde leerkrachten Klnderen de Mulo bezoekende kunnen cveneens KDlaaUd worden
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    • 164 2 BARCA/HS Ring for Demonstration No Obligatioa, Phone 5088. 193/ JtUSTIk 10/4. No. 2630. This car looks and runs like new. Has only done a small mileage— new tyn-s. 37 miles per gallon. Price_sl2so. 1934 VAUXHALL 14 SALOON No. 2683. ft has Just been very attractively ducoed and fitted with new
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 564 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS <Incorrx>rated in Japau i GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LTD. TOJ-ONDON Penang, Colombo, Aden. Suet, Port Said Naples. Marseilles. Gibraltar. London, Antwerp. Rotterdam and Hamburg. Vessel* Tonnage Dv Sail t YASUKUNI MARU 11,900 July 12 12 KASIMA MARU 5..900 Aug. 3 3 HAKONE MARU 10,400 Aug.
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    • 107 3 Incorporated I™ Qomany 111 1 The undermenUoned are Uu eomp«ny» m tended Oxtuna: OUTWARD FOR MANILA. HONO KONG. SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN. Due S'uort oNEISENAO omits North China In port 5 AUGSBURQ JuU REGENSBURG omits Manila July 19 HOMEWARD FOR HOLLAND. HAMBURG AND BREMEN I NECKAR also calls Genoa.
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    • 616 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Ocean Building. Collyei Quay Singapore Tel 5131. Chartered Bank BulMtnt Penant Td IMC BLUE FUNNEL LINE. FASI SERVICES MARSEILLES LO.MION N CONTINENT ANU GLASGOW (In conjunction with the Glen IJnt) Dim Bails ACHILLES I/don. R'dam. Hull Ham. July 9 July 11 DEUCALION Mars. L'don. R'dam. Ham. G'gow
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    • 91 3 ISTHMIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. (Incorporated to USA) BOSTON. MM VOUK A BALTIMOR3 VU -ll' Due Kails STEEL SCIENTIST In port July T STEEL ENGINEER July 13 Aug. S KLAVENESS LINE. (Incorporated tn r<orwa7> LOS ANGtLtS, SAN rKANCISCO, PORTLAND StATTLt A MOW t Limited out excellent passengrt Accommodation Available Fare US 5235
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    • 312 4 tatm China Holhow (Cremer) ..2 p.m. Lurope ana U. Britain (X.L.M.) 3 DJn Hong Koog (Cremer) ..2 p.m Iran (X.L.M. I Jon Meaan (X.L.M.) lorn Aden (Karoai ..3 p.m. East Africa (India Mara) ..3 pm. Burma CKaroa) ..3 pm Canada except Western Canada (Karoa) ..3 pan. EgypL,
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    • 105 4 FHE following passengers for Europe left yesterday In Lalandia or will cave from Fenang tomorrow: Mr. H. de Savomln Lohman, Mrs. H. de 3avornln Lohman, Miss Thora de Savomln Lohman, Master J. H. A. Carpentl r Alt Ing, Miss N. P. Csrpenthler Altlng, Master H. J. -arpentlcr
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    • 323 4 INWARD Wearnes Pram Penang. Ipon an 4 Koala Lumpur Arrives every evening. X.L.M.: From Europe: Arrives Saturday evening. KX.AL: From Netherlands Indies: Arrive* THIS afternoon. Qantat From Australia: Arrives Friday afternoon. Imperial From Europe: Arrives THIS afternoon. K.N.IL.M.: From Saigon: Arrives Wetfoesdan. K.M.I. M.: From
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    • 63 4 Malls from China expected today, Ju)y 6, Uv Conte B^mcamano. Mails from Europe (London Mails) eA pected tomorrow, July 7. by 8.1. (Rohna) will be delivered to boxhclders at 9 am delivery of letters at 9 a.m. Malls from Holland etc. expected on July by Poelau
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    • 147 4 The following ship* are alongside the Singapore Harbour Board Wharves or e.xpecied to arrive:— East Vthxrf. Entrance Gate 1: Exit 1:— Tilaita, Foch 22. Main Whan, Entrance Gate t; Exit J:— Behar 18; SUsen 1€; Ipoh 14; Kepong 13; Conte Blancamano 11; Kudat 8; Cnaron 6. Empire
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    • 434 4 rIE following passengers from Australia are in Nieuw Holland v.hich Is due from Australia m July 13. Miss A. P. Aarons. Mr. A.E. A!th:rst. Mrs. A. S. Akhurst. Mr. D. Alk.lil\ Mrs. D. Allebc. Mrs. H. Bavlis. Mrs. A. Grant Bell. Mrs. K. C. Borrctt. Mrs. H.
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    • 1192 4 DIVIDEND OF 80 PER CENT. •T'HE thirty-first annual general meeting of Kramat Pulal, Ltd., was held In London last week. The chairman said: The export quota of tin ore In the F'.M.S. averaged 37.375 per cent, of assessment as compared with 77.57 per cent, for the previous year.
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    • 507 4 PRJCFS TEND TO FIRM DEMAND MODERATE POLITICS INFLUENCE BUYERS IN a weekly report on the London 1 market, dated June 23, M3lcolm Bowley and Son. wr.te Political developments in tac *~r East and In Europe have conduced to iceep markets generally in a state of .suspended animation,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 755 4 BOUSTEAD €t CO., LTD. (Inrorprralea lr FMSI TELEPHONE: tieubt MSI Passace HU Br^^r^ THE EMPRESS WAY F tn Hf^^jmr V I To North America Europe. MsJt M FortnlEhtly sai^ngs to Victoria w Hrilallil^-^^J nd Vancouver. Direct or via WJBt Hffil < lli"^^^jSjn Honolulu ..shlp"s-*ide rail con. mm JB^UfU^ rectlons at
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 423 4 YESTERDArS WEATHER Station* tjUt mar run- brt£ht -lj^tii temp tail t'shlne mln *F Inches bn. *F WEST COAST. Alor Star 86 0.75 0.5 73 Pcnane 83 0.85 0.6 74 Sitiawan 90 0.24 3 1 73 Buklt Jeram 87 0.04 3.4 71 Malacca 37 Nil 7 5 7C INLANII Kuala Lipis
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 124 5 KALMINE SAFE— EASY TO TAKE. The sure cure for licatlncho, iKinaljiia, rhcuinat'isin, colds, inflllfnfl :md niijiraino. On sale everywhere in tins of 1, 6 and 12 cachets. Diitrli GRAFTON LABORATORIES Ltd. Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. AMERICAN H. M. V. RADIOS Modfl 111 S IK X.C A. Tub« 7 Bands, with
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    • 218 5 THE MODERN ANTISEPtTc B^^to^i^Jj This highly efficient killer i Zwtt*^^^ of germs is non-poisonous HrV tnd non-staining. Keep it liS?3ji« handy. Use it in time yBBN RECKIIT SONS flMjMflß? (Phunuceutical Dtpt.) 99w^H| W? L Hull London, Eng. I BM| w|J Harper, Gilt Ulan O Co. IB Bwfl L A Ltd.,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 388 5 Broadcasting SINGAPORE TODAY Zllt WS mttom ZHF 3(06 metim p.m. 5. OP Hindustani music. t 5.30 Hokklen— Amov music. t 6.00 Hokkien orrhcitral Interlude. t 6.05 Teochew selections from: "Hue Kwans Choat See" Sun? by the chorus oT th» Lao Yee Lai Choon theatrical troupe 1 7.00 Children's programme. (English).
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    • 763 5 EMPIRE STATION TODAY TRANSMISSIONS 2 AND 3 GSB 11.47 nc/i (13.97 m.); G8O 17.71 rac/t (16.8C m.); GSF 15.14 me/l (19.12 ol)i GSJ J.1.63 me/I (13.93 m.): GSD 11.73 «</• (25.53 m.1 p.m. 6. OS Bis Ben. "Holiday Express."* WiUi B.B.C Theatre orchestra. 7.00 'Burfo-d."' Programme from the Colswolds. 7.35
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    • 706 5 NIROM TODAY IDA »0l nc/t m.). YDB 9«S at/i ■>.>. YOB 11.86 mc/t KS.S rMN 10.28 mc/t it$.t m.). p.m. 12. SO Barnaba* von Geczy and his orchestra. 1.10 News and announcements. 1.23 Luncheon variety II. S. 10 News repeated. 2.20 Close down. 4.50 Programme prevue; tea concert 5. 50.
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    • 522 6 ALL SECTIONS REMAIN VERY DULL RUBBER STEADY BUT QUIET By Our Financial Correspondent Singapore, July 6. CONDITIONS, unfortunately, show little change this morning. The best that can be said is that there have been no developments to make the position any more serious. Rubber continues a steady
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    • 71 6 OI.VENIF. from traffic received by the Singapore Traction Co.. Ltd. in June was 5200.000. according to a statement issued by the Singapore manager of the company yesterday. This is practically the same amount as retched in June last year. Traffic receipts for the nine months of
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    • 579 6 All shares quoted above are fully paid. L5.uu vai. riajfi at v^u Lynn 04 cvtii Buyers Sellers buyers Seller: 4/- Ampai. Tin 3/6 4/- 3/7>,2 4/5/- Austral Amal 4/6 5/3 4/6 5/£1 Austial Malay 38/- 40/- 38/- 40/5/- Ayer Hitam 20/- 21/- 19/6 21/1 Aycr Weng 0.72 0.76 0.73
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    • 472 6 2 2 Alex Brick Orel 1.30 1.40 1.3?',j 140 2 2 do !V 2 r 'o prefs. 2.15 2.25 2.20 2.23 10 10 Atlas Ice 4 7b 5.25 s oo 5 SO 1 1 B M. Broadcast itii.' 0 55 0.60 J.5J 1 60 10 5 B M Trustee
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    • 268 6 61-.6 1 Maynard Co. Ltd. $30,000 Int. Apr 30 Oct. 31 90 100 norn SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL y.o 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 Int. Int Mar. 31 Sept. 30 101 102 norn 4 !i 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept 30 106 108 norn 4V. 1909 red.
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    • 361 6 (Shares are $1 unless otherwise stated) Fraser Co Lyall Evatt Allenby 1.15 1.25 1.15 1.25 A!or Gajah 0.85 0.95 C.90 0 97 Amal Malay 1.40 1.45 1.40 1.50 Aycr Hitam 090 1.00 C.90 100 Ayer Molek 0.85 0.95 0.85 0.95 Ayer Panas J .07 > i 1.12> 2
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  • 92 6 Thursday, July 6, noon. No. IX R.S.S. (Spot loose) 28' i 28', No. IX R.S.S. f.o.b. In rases July 28 5/16 28 7 15 G.t.A.Q. R S.S. lor, in balrs July ..28 28' i F.A.Q. RS.S. fob In bales July 27's 28 FUTURE QUOTATIONS No.
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  • 187 6 The following are the exchange rates this morning according to the daily circular issued by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation SELLING London T.T 2/3 31/32 London demand 2/3 31/32 Lyons demand 2055 Switzerland demand 241^ Hamburg demand 135 New York demand 54 9/1 C Montreal demand 54
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  • 277 6 New York, July 5. •TTHE following quotations were those ruling when the Stack Exchang? <"ioccd today. nOW-JONES AVERAGES Monday's Today's Close Clore Change 30 Industrials 131.93 133 63 up .73 20 Rails 26.17 2G.67 up JS Utilities 23.18 23.50 up .32 40 Bonds 83.50 88.64 up .11
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  • 76 6 THE Tea Controller, Department of Agricuture, will receive applications for icen:es to plant tea in Malaya from now up to March 19 10. Applications must be made on forms obtainable from the Controller and must be lodged before Sent. G. This announcement is the result of
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  • 87 6 London, July 5. Today's closing mean rates were:— I Paris 176 23 32 Stockholm 19.42 I New York 4.68 Athens 547'i I Montreal 4.69-'* Belcrade 210 Brussels 27.54 Bucharest 660 Geneva 20.76'j Rio 2'i Amsterdam 8.81 13/16 Buencs Airco. 20.20 .Ulan Montevideo UH 3erlin ll.CSfe Bombav 1 5
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  • 69 6 Manila, July 6. QUOTATIONS, In pesos, for 10 centavo gold shares on the Manila Stock Exchange this morning; comparpd with yesterday's as follows: Previous Today's Asked Bid Asked Bid Antamok. 0.18 0.19 Old Coco Grove 0.31 0.27 0.30' 0.27 Masbate 0.11 o.lo'i 0.11 0.10 Mine Operations 0.14
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 388 6 Small Price Changes Gilt-Edged Rally London, July 5. The following are today s ciosing middle quotations. Shares are of £1 denomination unless otherwise stated. The quotations lor American stock* are In American currency. Ccn. Loan 5'o 1944-64 ir>3\ Fu:idln;,' Loan 4% 1930-5C IMS -j-'i War Lean 3V;.
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  • 153 6 LEWIS AND PEATS WEEKLY REPORT IN a weekly report on the rubber market, issued this morning, Lewis am! Peat 'Singapore) Ltd. write: Acain only minor fluctuations have been recorded during the week, the tone of the market varying with the complexion of the latest political news. The
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  • 18 6 In the commodity markets today. jute was steadier on publication in Calcutta of the forecast of the Reuter.
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 640 7 Bolivia's Attitude To Control Scheme Uncertain (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, June 23. TPKE past week ha.s been outstanding inasmuch as the price of cash standard tin has at last attained the £230 level so ardently desired by the buffer pool authorities. This
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    • 188 7 >ui?jp-..-e. July 5. noon. Buyers Sellers Gambler 7.50 Hamburs Cub- 513.25 Java Cub:- 512.00 Pepper Whit Mun ok Sll 25 White $10.75 Black $7.25 Copra 53.30 Drl i $3J6 !':nur N.i 1 Unzga 52.40 5?45 52.42>3 52.42' 2 \M SC.IS 57.2S 57.00 Ik 57.00 S!u;..!l Flake $4.50
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    • 117 7 RiMriotion To 1939 Crop New York, June 26. IT is understood that Firm Administration officials have tentatively 1 decided to limit subsidy payments for cotton exports to foreign shipments of the new crop, leaving unaffected loan stocks amounting to 11.500,000 bales The subsidy is to
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    • 111 7 •"THE following statistics relating to tin-ore production refer to June: Hours Yardage Mrali ore. Dredge 1 closed Diedfce 2 608 124.135 .:.ii'jn Tin 6-ttihem Malayan Axpat Ttn <">08 165.000 Kmta 1.756 595.000 Kair.untin:; 1 1:1 1.534 445.000 T,.r.2l:ali Harbour Tin 1.928 461.000 ..inese Tin 1.157 147.000 K.'mponc
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    • 49 7 Amsterdam, June 26. CUMATRA tea erports in. May, ac- cording to the Netherlands Indies Tea Growers' Association, amounted to 1270.000 kilograms, against 1,288,000 in KM last year. For the first five I months of the year the respective Dgom were 6,101,000 kilograms and Vt"J3,OOO kilograms.
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    • 47 7 Wellington (N.Z.). June 26. VIEW Zealand had a favourable trade balance of over £8,600.000 N.Z. currency for the five months' period ended May. Exports totalled £31,637,000, as compared with £31.393,000. and Imports ffi2 .989,000 (£23,526,000). The excess of exports amounted to £8,648,000 (£7.867,000).
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    • 27 7 pANADAS for3ign trade In May totalled in value $167,840,4*2 (£33.568.080). againsj, $98,415,101 G 19.683,020) in April. Exports increased from $55,811,550 (£11.162.3,10) to $93,983,716 18.79T743).
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    • 18 7 The output of tin-ore by Talam Mines Ltd. in the second quarter of this yetr was 678 piculs.
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    • 88 7 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Singapore, July 5, 5 p.m. Boob Total for Company Dividend Close Dot' Ex. Div. financial year TIN Payable Date to date Burma Malay 6d. No. 19 July 14 July 20 July 15 JVi% London Tin 4% leas tax June 28 July 14 July 3
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    • 758 7 Share For All Countries THE drawing up of plans for adjustments that would give all countries an opportunity to share in the resources of the world on a basis agreed upon as being fair to all was suggested by Mr. Thomas J. Watson (America), president of
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    • 279 7 27 PER CENT. LOSS IN I FIRST FOUR MONTHS FRANCE AND ITALY TAKE LESS A FEATURE of International coal markets this year has been the sharp decline In German exports. British shipments on the other hand show little change over the similar period of last year
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    • 161 7 Only 220 Tons Sold Yesterday r[E Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1,44 1st. auction yesterday when there were Catalogued 664,652 lb. (396.72 tons) Offered 636,327 lb. < 284.08 tons' Sold 494.650 lb. (220.82 tolls) London 3 16d. New York Closed PRICES REALISED Ribbed Smoked
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    • 175 7 *T"HE Liverpool correspondents of Wil- Ham Jacks it Co. (Malaya) Ltd. In their ret. >rt dated Jane 22 comment as follows: PALM Oi Values are down by about 7s 6d per ton since our last report. Near-at-hand oil Is neglected. Prices are so attractive that we are finding
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 465 7 SAVINGS &4>you to A dollar sand is aa eitra datta* earned. A Savings Aecaamt h the best tadarcnitat ta save* Ta hare a Sariaga Acrwtat aas) ta see thai actaaat giww lisas tiaw to time sUhtt eaatentrai aanan. A Saviags Ansaat aaay be apeaed wHh thai Bank with aay aeaaaM
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    • 391 7 BANK OF CHINA (Incorporated In China ov 3c*clai Cliaiter) IS, Cecil SUvet Sinfapor: Telephones: Manager's Office >.iii M Sub-Manager's Office tM3 a Exchange Oepl Sill General Office $188 CaMe Address: 'CHUNGKt'O." Paid Up Capital Ch 40 0M DM M Beserve funds la execss o» Ch I 5.700 ow Total Assets
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 378 8 THE NEW CHAN THRILL YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR with The New CHARLIE CHAN acclaimed by every previewers as "worthy of a great tradition"! today Al HAMRRA 3.15, 6.15 t. 9.15 P.M. fll.nfimPHH of M- 1 li i*4S "It was a happy tScuQht.jndeed, to nominohs Sidney •<*> Toler to carry on
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    • 123 8 "The Picture is a CAVALCADE OF THE DANCE and is something which must certainly he seen" H. L. HOPKIN in the "Malaya Tribune." THE BIGGEST OF ALL THE ASTAIRE— ROGERS MUSICAL SHOWS! Sensationally Different from Any Of Their Former Successes DAILY 3.15 £jr* cjvprroji^ HB FRED ASTAIRE r W\ and
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  • 854 9 Grim Story Of How Four Men Died In Second Escape Attempt London July 5. THE grim story of how four men died while attempting to escape from the sunken submarine Thetis was told by leading Stoker Arnold at the resumption of the Thetis inquiry.
    Reuter  -  854 words
  • 49 9 London, July 5. I ABOUR today retained the Caer- philly seat in the by-election caused by the death of Mr. Morgan Jones. E. Edwards secured a victory over Mr Ronald Bell (Conservative). Labour's majority was 10,498, compared I with 17,108 at the last election.— 1 Renter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 105 9 Undeclared War In Mongolia Tokio. Jaly 5. WHILE rival forces are feverishly entrenching themselves near i Xomonhan on Lake Bruinor, Japanj ese and Soviet planes fought a i series of spectacular air battles above the Manchukuo-Outer Mongolian border, according to Japanese press reports. It is alleged
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 192 9 Only Tientsin Issues To Be Dealt With Tokio, July 5. CIR Robert Craigie. the British Ambassador, who saw Mr. Arita, the Japanese Foreign Minister, yesterday, declared in an interview today that it was definitely understood the Angloj Japanese negotiations would relate to local issues connected with present j
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 72 9 Tientsin. July 5 REUTER is authorized by the British Consul-General, Mr. E. G. Jamieson, to say that the widely circulated Japanese report that he recently has been In possession of advance plans of Chinese guerillas is a preposterous lie. The French authorities have decided j
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 81 9 ANGLO-SPANISH TRADE NEGOTIATIONS London. July 5. THE Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Mr. R. A. Butler, replied In the affirmative In the House ot Commons today when aslced whether he were satisfied that the Spanish Government was sufficiently stable to justify the initiation of trade talks. Asked whether he would see
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 34 9 Londou, July 5. Mr. R. L. Scott, chairman of the i famous Clyde firm bearing his name, which la reputed to be the oldest shipbuilding company in the world, died today —Renter.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • 82 9 London, July 5. ASKED in the Commons whether It was still the policy of the British Government to support the exchange value of the Chinese dollar, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir John Simon, said he saw no reason to depart from the view that
    British Wireless  -  82 words
  • 437 9 Soviet Balk At New Guarantee London, July 5. WHILE various small States are vigorously objecting to being drawn into any antiAxLs grouping against their will, the French public Lst Pertlnax, in I'Oeuvrc, blames both Mr. Chamberlain and M. Stalin for the Soviet pact delay. In Landon,
    Reuter  -  437 words
  • 158 9 London, July 4. THE War Office has announced that Dame Helen Gwynne-Vaugham has been appointed Director of the Auxiliary Territorial Service, Army branch, with the rank of Chist Controller. Formation of the Auxiliary Territorial Service was announced in September last. A corps of women was
    British Wireless  -  158 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 491 9 Avoid Eyestrain Our srirntific tTTisi How ran* drl.nltelr the rendition of your rrrt or uhrthrr you need ts change the glassM »1:!rh yoa arc weariaf. Astonishin;l\ lo* rhiricrs for sjl»ojt». Everbright Optical Co. 19, CHULIA STREET, SPORE. C U. CHOWC Dr. ot Optosneiry. Rheumatism and Backache Gone in Week
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  • 1094 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. JULY 6. 1939. Sarawak Today Much gossip and speculation, and a certain amount of misleading publicity, have been aroused lately by the resignation of five of the most senior members of the Sarawak Civil Service, following shortly upon the appointment of Mr. A. W. D.
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  • 64 10 London, July 4. Mr. Geoffrey Shakespeare, Under Naval Secretary, emphasised In the Commons that the possibility of accelerating progress in all classes of naval construction was constantly under consideration. Ships were being built rapidly as was permitted by the labour and plant available and by
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 612 10 Woman Passenger's Observations THE PUBLIC BLAMED To the' Editor of the Straits Times Sir, Like your correspondent, Mr. A. T. Fernandez, I also am a regular passenger by the S.T.C. vehicles, using the trams and buses on an average of tour times daily. As men,
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  • 142 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— l think many people in Singapore who were visited by Flag Day helpers today would have been pleased if every helper had carried on her tray a placard explaining in Chinese, Jawl, Tamil and Gurmukhl scripts what St.
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  • 853 10 The Japanese Girl Revolts These who have seen the sentimental Victorian conception of the Japanese girl, as represented in "The Mikado" film, may be interested in a sketch of the Japanese girl as she really is today. The following is reproduced from the Toronto Star Weekly. AT
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  • 807 10 NOTES Of The DAY American Toad LJAVE you ever heard of the Giant American Toad? And do you think it ought to be allowed to enter Malay i? And would you like to keep one In your bungalow? If these questions Interest you, please turn to the letter by Mr.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 443 10 We are so sure you will be impressed with the unusual value and quality of NAN SIN glass* s and with expert eye examinations to cure your headache and eye strainings. Try Nan Sin service before you go elsewhere. NAN SIN OPTICAL HOUSE Manufacturing Ophthalmic Optician* 325, North Bridge Road,
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    • 29 10 LETTERS IN PAGE 15 Bl FO MARINl'S. Mr. S. M Sharma calls attention to a method cf controlling Insect pests whlcb has been remarkably sucjcssrul In other tropical countries.
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  • 347 11 Discussion At Cabinet Meeting In London BALTIC STATES PROBLEM IS NOW SETTLED Russia Unwilling To Extend Guarantee To Holland? TkETAILS of the present position regarding the Anglo-Soviet conversations in Moscow are revealed in a Reuter message received from London today. The Moscow talks were discussed
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  • 63 11 Home, July 5. C«>MI Italian legionaries from Spain are being recruited by the Japanese to assist them in their war in China, according to reliable sources in Rome. A number already have sailed from Naples, it is stated. Apparently the men ha\e accepted the enticement
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 304 11 On Food Reserves London, July 5. |W|K. W. S. Morrison, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, in a statement in the House of Commons on plans for food supply In reception areas in the event of evacuation, said emergency supplies,; of canned meat, canned milk, biscuits
    Reuter  -  304 words
  • 45 11 Washington, July 5. TiiK Senate today approved the Monetary Bill by 43 votes against 39. and the Bill has been sent to the White llcu'.so tor signature. Tin- Bill provides for a price for domestic silver at 71.1 cents.- Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 130 11 MR. CHAMBERLAIN MOSCOW TALKS Questions In Commons London, July 5. KMR. CHAMBERLAIN, asked in the Commons tonight to make a iurther statement regarding the progress of the Soviet negotiations, said that Lord Halifax had received the Soviets reply yesterday and this was now being considered, in consultation with the French
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 126 11 Minister Reports On Balanced Budget Paris, July S. OTRIKING figures illustrating France's financial and industrial revival in the past few months were given by M. Paul Reynaud, the Finance Minister, at the Anglo-American press luncheon. He said the Inflow of gold in June was more than double
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 18 11 The Japanese Government's proposal to establish a legation In Iraq has been approved by the Privy Council.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 143 11 Berlin, July 6. AN impressive welcome was given M. G. Kiosseivanoff, Bulgarian Premier and Foreign Minister, who with a large party of officials arrived here yesterday on a three-day state visit, in the course of which he will see Herr Hitler, Herr
    Reuter  -  143 words
  • 346 11 POLISH LABOUR BATTALIONS BUILD FORTS ALONG THE FRONTIER Danzig, July <». THE situation in Danzig seems improved for the moment, but can only be described as an armed truce, each side saying, in effect, "We are strong and we ca»t wait." Meanwhile, there
    Reuter  -  346 words
  • 210 11 London. July 5. j Mr. Chamberlain was asked In the House of Commons tonight, whether, In view of the Illegal importation of munitions and armed men Into Danzig he would take steps while there was time to Impress upon the German Government the determination
    Reuter  -  210 words
  • 62 11 Rome, July 6. £OUST CIANO. the Foreign Minister, will leave on Saturday in a warship on a protracted visit to Spain. He will arrive at Barcelona on Monday, and after touring a number of towns he will arrive in Madrid on July 18 for
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 470 11 London, July 5. IN the House of Commons tonight. Mr. R. A. Butler, Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, said he had nothing to add to his answer on Monday when asked for an assurance that the four Chinese suspects at Tientsin would not be
    470 words
  • 557 11 President Roosevelt As "War Monger No. 1" NAZI AGENCY SAYS HE HAS OUSTED CHAMBERLAIN DRESIDENT ROOSEVELT has suddenly again ousted Mr. Chamberlain as War Monger No.. 1 since the President's utterances on the neutrality bill, says the semiofficial German news agency, Deutsche Dienst, which professes to regard American neutrality with
    Reuter  -  557 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 102 11 C.S. 81 A .^a^a\ LOD n E 0 U C A T C IS^Mal B f^am.^ Si i jjaj a^afap^ J GALANTINE OF VEAL HAM make delicious cool pineapple ham treats liver sausage PRESSED TONGUE Light appetising meals easily and TONGUE SAUSAGE quickly prepared, economical too PORK BRAWN because there
      102 words

  • 437 12 Comment On Prospecting In Mines Department Report ONLY 4,509 ACRES SELECTED FOR WORKING LAST YEAR THE difficulty of discovering new tin areas in Malaya with a view to increasing the country's proved tin resources, is referred to in the annual report of the Mines
    437 words
  • 59 12 fVHE body of a 21 year-old Norwegian seaman. Jan Neralf Hansen, who j was found hanging on the deck of the Norwegian oil tanker Aramis, on the j voyage to Pulau Bukom, was brought ashore at Singapore last night. He was buried at Bidadari Cemetery this
    59 words
  • 219 12 UNGAFOM in I I IIS HOTEL 3: Andrew s Huspiu>l Ball <fc SpTlnl Cabaret. Extension to 2 a.m. «.\Ki:itK I in i ikk, OBTUUra The Orient City Light Opera Present 'Haji Sa'.lchs Jsva Night" at 8 30 p.m. <KI \l HIIKLI) Cabaret 9 p.m. to Midnight. Globe Theatre: Young
    219 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 12 Mr. it. J. Watson who, cables our London correspondent. Kill preside at the I.S.P. luncheon in London tomorrow
    18 words
  • 181 12 Mr. W. E. Pepys And Sarawak London, July 5. THE Rajuh oi Sarawak today auth- orised the Sarawak Government i Agent in London to issue an unquali- fled denial of statements that the' appointment of a General Adviser. Mr. \V. E. Pepys, indicates any change In
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 115 12 Mr. W. Dunbar Fraser MEWS has been received of the death after a brief illness of Mr. W. Dunbar Fraser at his home in Jersey. Channel Isles. Mr. Fraser was a Director of Kepon^ 'Malay) Rubber Estates. Ltd.. having Joined the board on his retirement lrom
    115 words
  • 102 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 6. JXESPITE whole-day negotiations between employers and employees, the foundry workmen who downed tools, failed to arrive at a settlement. Last night a decision was reached whereby workers will today vote at the Chinese Protectorate whether to resume work or
    102 words
  • 43 12 WR. C. J. Oow. assistant, Harrisons, Barker and Co., Ltd., Kuala Lumpur, arrived in Singapore from Kuala Lumpur by train this morning. 111. Adrian Clark, legal adviser and public prosecutor, S.US, arrived In Singapore this morning by train from Kuala Lumpur.
    43 words
  • 244 12 Malaya Remembers "Double Seventh" pHINESE throughout Malaya will join with their fellow countrymen in China and elsewhere in commemorating tomorrow the Double Seventh," the second anniversary of the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war. There will be no mass meetings in Singapore, but special efforts are being made
    244 words
  • 157 12 pHTHISIS was again the chief cause of death In Singapore last week, accounting for 26 of the 220 death*. a?cording to the weekly health statement of the Singapore Municipality. Other causes were pneumonia, from which 19 people died, enteritis, which accounted for 17, convulsions, 12.
    157 words
  • 96 12 A 60-YEAR-OLD Hainanese, Wong Slang Joon, was produced before Mr. L. C. Goh in the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday, on a charge of house trespass by entering the garage of the Assistant Superintendent of Customs at Woodlands on July 4. A second charge of possession
    96 words
  • 70 12 DLEADING guilty to theft of three I* motof-cars, a young Chinese, Ng Cliong Hal, alias Tong Hal, was sentenced to nine months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Conrad Oldham in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday. Accused admitted two previous convictions. The oars were
    70 words
  • 67 12 UO CHAI KOON, a 36-year-old Hok1' klen, appeared before Mr. L. C. Ooh, in the Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday, on a charge of stealIng a duck, valued at $2, belonging to Ahmad bin Razak, In a house at the 5' 3 mile-stone, Holland Road, on July
    67 words
  • 52 12 A niece of Mrs. Wu Llen-teh, Miss Helen Chin, was married to Mr. Douglas Clement Yews of Malim Nawar on Tuesday afternoon at the marriage registry, Ipoh. Mr. P. F. Y. Radcllfle, Registrar, officiated and among those present were Dr. and Mrs. Wu Lienteh and Mr.
    52 words
  • Article, Illustration
    66 12 British and French Far Eastern fisheries experts confer in the laboratory of the visiting French fishery research trawler de Lanessan. Dr. Chevy, Director of the Institute of Oceanography. Indo-China and it. Le Poulain, Inspector of Economic Seroices (extreme left) pointing out specimens to Mr. D. W. Le Mare and Mr.
    66 words
  • 95 12 A FORCE of six constables and three European police offic- ers, carrying batons, was tent to Collyer Quay at the iiffin hour yesterday, when a (iispute arose between employees of the Malayan Engineering Co., Ltd., of Winchester House, and the management. Some fifty employees gathered
    95 words
  • 123 12 <From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 5. CEEING two Indians holding each other by the hair and "ducking and grunting" in Java Street, one o! Kuala Lumpur's principal thoroughlares, Mr. K. R. Blackwell, Official Assignee, while on his way to office, stopped his car
    123 words
  • 58 12 ON a charge of theft of a bottle of whisky, valued at $4, and a tin at cigarettes from a house in Grange Road on July 4, a 31-year-old Hainanese, Ylng Kok Kee, pleaded guilty before Mr. L. C. Goh In the Singapore Fifth Police
    58 words
  • 128 12 INDICATING how close the interior of China has been brought to Malaya by aviation, letters are now being received by air mail In Singapore from Chungking, China's wartime capital, In si.x days. These; letters have been sent by C.N.A.C. planes to Hong Kong and on
    128 words
  • 69 12 rIE spate of bicycle thefts in business and housing districts In Singapore continues. Seven bicycles were stolen In the last 24 hours, as against a monthly average of 120 machines. On Saturday no less than ten machines were stolen, and last Sunday brought seven more
    69 words
  • 282 12 More Talks This Month QUESTION OF AID FOR SINGAPORE FOLLOWING the recent Anglo-French defence discussions In Singapore, an important conference on India's part in the defence of the Far East will be held in Simla this month A Renter message states that tha Governor of Burma,
    282 words
  • 46 12 Madeleine Carroll, Fred Mac Murray and Shirley Ross are the leading players in "Cafe Society." the Paramount film whfck will have Its first Singapore showing at the Happy Theatre on Saturday. It U the story of a millionairess who marries a newspaper reporter.
    46 words
  • 55 12 London, July The Government proposes Xo^k arrange for a loan of C 100,000 uoofl to assist in rearmament of mtn^M bers of the non-aggression frori^^ according to political correspondents. It is stated Poland, Rumania. Turkey and Greece have all asked for assistance and a favourable decision was taken
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 104 12 The new -9o#e»« product, TONIC Bayers TONIC, imparts m lBOcc /Ji renewed strength ard v.- wl JL Ll ,«.:JfelV,K-.-^ MM rality to all those whose Z^hlili^ii^ \W constitution has been on- |Ll Jp dermined by the tropico! M^M climate. Why don't you give Bayers TO NIC, a trial? Reliable and
      104 words

  • 444 13 Money Missing After Killing In Tailor's Shop CASE OPENS AT SINGAPORE ASSIZES TilK siory of what was known three months ago in Singapore m the "Pagoda Street mystery" was told before Mr. Justice Manning in the Singapore Assizes yesterday when the trial opined
    444 words
  • 126 13 PLEADING guilty to a charge of theft and admitting eight previous convictions, two of which were committed in Colombo, a Tamil, Mohamed Moshim bin Shariff, was sentenced to 15 months' rigorous Imprisonment, to be followed by a year's police supervision, by Mr. J. McFall, in
    126 words
  • 272 13 Local Officials' Inspection THE French fishery research trawler, De Lanessan, from the Institute of. Oceanography, Indo-China, which is now In Singapore, is well equipped with laboratories for biological and oceanocraphical research at cea. Dr. Chevy, Director of the Institute and M. Lc Poulaiii, Inspector of Economic
    272 words
  • 386 13 ALLEGED TRESPASS BY HAINANESE pHARGED WITH wilful trespass In the compound of the residence of Mr. John Laycock at Tanah Merah Besar, in Changi, on June 9, a middle-aged Hainanese, Wong Ah Sai, appeared before Mr. C. H. Koh !in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday.
    386 words
  • 92 13 London, July 5. REPORTING the Sultan of Trengganu's gift of $50,000 and the Sultan of Brunei's gift of $100,000 towards the cost of Imperial defence, the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr.. Malcolm Mac Donald, said In the House of Commons tonight that these gifts
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 368 13 Her Husband Tells Radio Audience A MAN who has written scripts for the Marx Brothers and the Ritz Brothers and believe it or not for Shirley Temple, handed out wisecracks on the radio last night with all the slickness one expects of
    368 words
  • 228 13 A LLEGED TO HAVE STOLEN $45 In I cash from a mess in Geylang, Gordon Edema appeared before Mr. Conrad Oldham in trie Sinsapore second police court yesterday. The rase was adjourned until Julj 10. following evidence of the complainant and two other witnesses for the
    228 words
  • 44 13 A review of results af the Cambridge Local examinations for IS3B, sent by the Cambridge Syndicate examiners, shojv that cut of the nine Grade On-? parses of the Schr,cl Certificate GlrL for th° state of Perak. ccven were In the Anglr-Chinese Girls' C.hool, Ipoh
    44 words
  • 340 13 Special Jury's Verdict MURDER CHARGE ACQUITTAL piFTCEN minutes after retiring, th« sd?c a! Jury r>ti!rn?d a unan rmus vrrdi~t of not guilty of the charge of murrier cs:r.:n.;t Icni A!i Tcr, ii t!^e Singapore A«toM JtlUnHj Mr. Jujtice IC*iat*a? dlsch.-.: Tee. Thus endrd the four atv!
    340 words
  • 77 13 /"CLAIMING trial en a charge of criminal breach of tract of $32.95, on board the 5 s. Kedah, on June 29, a 41-year-old Hokkien Chinese, Lim "Han* Swce, was allowed bail of $500 In the Singapore third police CDurt yesterday. Th> case was postponed
    77 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 168 13 HgA^flE We risk Trfcitf^^ m It removes dandruff— VSjS If prevents filling hair^— >\ y I it 00'- retard* premature greying V^_i_>' promotes growth— DANDRUFF CURE m IJr j I II you suffer from coughs, /wß^ttfll /mHMI lunjj weakening colds or sudden I^B^ Ir sure to take Peps.
      168 words
    • 30 13 famous inSon^and Story, handed down in R^manc^ and Traditions from mBX trie dim years of lon^a^o like fe^SSl GRANT'S SCOTCH WHISKY' it embodies all thai' is hest m Scottish, Spirit
      30 words

  • 302 14 BREACH OF TRUST KJL. Man Gels A Month's Imprisonment (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, July 5. DLKADING guilty to a chartre ot trust of $4,000, Lim Hee Jim a former director of Station Hotels Ltd. was convicted and sentenced today by Mr. R. C. Redman, First
    302 words
  • 966 14 Vital Need For Battle Fleet Tc Be Based At Singapore EAKL BEATTY ON GOVERNMENTS PLEDGI TO THE COMMONWEALTH AS most people are thinking of the situation in the Fa East it may be an appropriate moment to direct atten tion to the
    966 words
  • 141 14 rarto, July 5. INDU-CHINA will possess an army ot IM.OOO men, well officered and equipped, one month after mobilization, with important reserves of war material, states a report by the Minister of Colonies. M. Georges Mandel, to President Lebrun. It is understood the Government
    141 words
  • 49 14 In honour of the birthday of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a parade was held at Batavia on Jume 29. The parade concluded with a charge by cavalry. The picture shows a high military officer taking the salute at the parade.
    49 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 14 li.ii^ Gtatti Roberts. y»an est dr.! of the Bishop of Shtgapr.r.-, wore a nurse's frock ■when if i 1 'i for St. Andrew's Mission ll.' '11l yesterday. Straits Times picture.
    31 words
  • 413 14 ROTARY TALK ON SERICULTURE THE adoption of modern methods of reeling cocoons struck what was nearly a deathblow to sericulture in China, said Mr. A. M. Carman, speaking on "Sericulture in China" at the Singapore Rotary Club, yesterday. The mistake lay, he
    413 words
  • 74 14 llOVf many eggs does the female moth lay"! Speaking at the SjngaponRotary Clwb on "Sericulture in China." Mr. A. M. Caiman laid that when he tried to check up. his old house-boy, "icho is the original of my John Willie." said. "My think so must b'long two.
    74 words
  • 79 14 CAUSING HU RT CHARGE PURTHER hearin into a charge j causing grievous hurt to a JavanefH woman by a negligent act at BuknQ Tlmah Road on June 9. preferred against a Chinese, Tan Chin Hoe. in the Singapore Traffic Court yesterday, 'was postponed a week. j Accused is alleged to
    79 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      224 words
    • 81 14 YoyrsS-This Key 1 urTlfiT JF^ml Wr <~^^fl ll ■—^-J!*^arfi.jia**i^M I Jk ntfXi^l 1..TO ..TO THE GREATEST I FUEL INJECTION I KNOWLEDGE IN I HE WORLD. I Youb at Bo&ch the facilities ol ilr taifetf research laboratories specialising in Fuel Injection. Youb at Bosch the largest, mott comprehensive Injection engineering experience.
      81 words

  • Correspondence
    • 384 15 VOLUNTEERING OR A VIEW? Malay Companies' Headquarters To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— On? has read with a certain amount or Interest and gratincatlon that has recently, appeared In your columns about tvro of the large buildings in Singapore which are now
      384 words
    • 185 15 Reading The Stars In Malaya To the Editor of the Straits Times j Sir.— l shall be thankful if any of rour read;rs will explain me the actual movements of the planet Saturn dur- Ing 1939-42 and the period It takes) normally to pass 30 degrees or a
      185 words
    • 165 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— lt was very nice indeed of Mr. T. H. Stone to champion the cause ot the poor animals at the "animal den" j at Kampong Java Road. He said that the public had constantly complained of the lack of
      165 words
    • 892 15 INSECT PESTS GOBBLED UP To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Although the utility of. the Giant American Toad (Bufo marinus) as a perfect natural control of a host of major insect pests in tropical conditions has been engaging the attention of capable and
      892 words
    • 378 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, Much criticism has been heard of traffic conditions In the various towns of Malaya, but I wonder how these critics would feel or what they would say If they were to make a trip to Kelantan. There
      378 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 83 15 Aym^^ULmMAlLms§fX^^^?^^ifi P^JJfW^HfFWfIIHWJHBjW^B ■>i^lfl* Room J 8 per daj B4MHJiIfMiMaHMaJLi^VA^B Doable Room 1 person $10 per da; Bw^^^Mk^M^MMUbwJß Double Room 2 ptrsons $15 per da; flungilow without meals fit per da< BunraJow with mrali for ii['] I HHyl^F P cnona S-O pei I-'-"' Redactions given for visit* ■w^^i ni'eediiiK two weeks.
      83 words
    • 160 15 that we have earned an enviable reputation for shirts day shirts evening shirts sports shirts.. .tennis shirts... DISCERNING MEN NOW COME TO US FIRSTS \J£ wk y jt I m 1^ DAY SHIRTS. EVENING SHIRTS. Smart well finished and fashioned The finest quality longcloth bodies day shirts with detached collars.
      160 words

  • 332 16 Bangalore. A MANIFESTO embodying the programme of the party has been issued by the Mysore Praja Parishad. a new political party formed in the state. The manifesto says that the devices of satyagraha,'' civil disobedience and the like have been Justified in British India
    332 words
  • 44 16 Patna. A LMOST every fishplate of the E.I.R. main tracks in Bihar will be examined every night under the new scheme. The police will patrol with a view to preventing sabotage and tampering with rails and consequent accidents.
    44 words
    • Article, Illustration
      8 16 Indian fashions seen at the Wimbledon courts recently.
      8 words
    • 324 16 Congress Representation To Opposition Leaders London. THE Amending Bill to the Government of India Act has 1 been on the House of Commons order paper for some time, but still there is no indication when it will come up for consideration. There are indications
      324 words
    • 114 16 Employers' Opinion On New Measures Madras, June 29. < A JOINT conference of the Madras Chamber and the Southern India i Chamber of Commerce was held to j consider the iOovemment's jproposals 1 regarding labour legislation as em- bodied in an official memorandum clr- j culated to
      114 words
    • 66 16 New Delhi. A MEETING of all provincial minls- ters of Local Self-Government, Public Health, Education and Public! Works T.ill be held in Bombay on Aug. 3, and subsequent days. The meeting ij convened by Sir J Ghulam Hidayatullah, President of j the Indian Union of Local Authority
      66 words
    • 72 16 Colombo, June 30. 1 THE Times of Ceylon understands that daily-paid non-Ceylone3e In Government service who have no permanent home outside the Island will not be repatriated to India. Such persons will be treated as special cases and their se: vices will be retained by the
      72 words
    • 77 16 Bombay. THE Working Committee of the AllIndia Students 1 Federation will meet in Bombay shortly to decide the next venue of the All-India Students' Conference, to consider sanding a delegation of students from India to attend the International Students Conlerence to be held In Paris from Aug.
      77 words
    • 48 16 CUSTOMS REVENUE PROHIBITION Simla, June 29. "THE effect of the prohibition policy pursued in the Provinces is reflected in the fall in the total customs revenue from spirits and liquors to Rs. 2,731,000 in April and May 1939, compared to Rs. 3.597.000 for the same period in 1937.
      48 words
    • 183 16 Madras Premier's Plea To Students Trichlnopoly. 'I HOPE that those who study in tries 3 1 new halls and use the library will rise to the full stature to which we are entitled by our history and by our equipment which nature has provided us
      183 words
    • 69 16 Hyderabad (Deccam, July 1. UR. DEVADAS GANDHI, son or Mahatma Gandhi, has arrived here on a two days' visit. He Is staying at the State guest house. It is understood that he has been deputed to study the conditions here \is-a-- is the State Congress
      69 words
    • 48 16 London, June 24. Sreemathi Kamal a Dcvi Chattopadhyaya and her son arrived in London this afternoon. She was received at the Victoria Station by Miss Agatha Harrison, Mrs. Bannerjl, Secretary, Allahabad District Congress Committee, Mr. V. K. Krishna Menon and several Indian students.
      48 words
    • 98 16 Temple-Entry In Madura Madura. CPi:.\KIN(i at i meeting in ron- nection with temple entry for Harijans, Dr. T. S. S. Rajan, who is in charge of the Religious Endow nients Board, said that he had asked the Executive Officer of the Sri .Minakshi temple to consult the Sthaniks (hereditary priests)
      98 words
    • 178 16 League's Opposition Not Shared Simla IT is understood that the Kher 1 Sub-Committee of the Central Advisory Board of Education, which concluded its session recently, gave careful consideration to the resolutions of the Muslim Educational Conference held recently. The Sub-Committee, it is understood, has been gratllied
      178 words
    • 109 16 Resolutions Of Salem Conference Salem, June 27 A CONFERENCE to consider the problems of Indians overseas conveiwd by the Salem Chamber of Commerce under the presidency of Sir T Vijayaraghavacharlar. concluded after passing anumoer of resolutions affect Ing the Interests of Indians overseas The ccnference protested against
      109 words
    • 49 16 ALL-IN DI A STATICS PEOPLES CONFERENCE Bombay, June 27. TIHE new constitution for the All- India States Peoples Conference wa; finally approved today by tht* Standing Committee of the Conference at a meeting which, presided over by Pandit Nehru, reviewed at length ttv conditions prevailing in the various States.
      49 words
    • 47 16 Simla, June 29. CRESH diilerences are believed (v have arisen between the Raja of Sikar and the Jaipur Ruler following the recent ann3uncement by the Jaipur Durbar re-deflning 'the status of Sikar and other four feudatories 'n their relation to Jaipur.
      47 words
    • 38 16 Cu'.tack, June :»ii THE Government cf Orissa is undi r- stood It be considering the introduction cf prohibition of opium on Die lines of the scheme now in loroe !n the Balasore 'Ils'ivt.
      38 words
    • 25 16 Bangalore. June 30. It is understood that the Viceroy liai approved the appointment of Dr. J c. Ghosh as Director of the Indian Science Institute.
      25 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 56 16 J I v^^^^ Hai*^Lx>'^.!_^stf£fi One Jao^i oh. ACHING CORNS relieves pain in three •ccond*! Apply Gets-It tw* •r three times anil th« corn will peel right off. Millions, all over th« world, use this faithfel Crirnd of corn-sufferer*--GETS-IT THE MOST TALKED-OF SAFETY FEATURE IN rff*^ TYRE HISTORYounuop nu3a;n co.. (s
      56 words
    • 107 16 STEADILY GROWING POPULARITY! The last few years In the history of the UNITED INDIA have witnessed spectacular succession of one brilliant achievement after another. Speaking, particularly, of fresh business, new Policies assuring for Rs. 15.40t.0te were Issued during 1938, as against Rs. 12,30 0,000 during 1937, and Rs. MM, OOO
      107 words

  • 42 17 An experimental evacuali.n of SiaOdlihiioren m a rurprise feata.-e olt the first bis dayllrht air raid precauiions t;st In Che!:«a rscently, 5,0*9 children in Chelsea's 21 schools being evacuated. They were marched or driven to the nearest underground station.
    42 words
  • 457 17 COLLECTIVE farming has been introduced for the first time in ;he history of Chinese agriculture. Thousands of Chinese driven by the Japanese from their homes along the coasts are establishing colonies in free China based on this new method of farming. .themselves as a group.
    457 words
  • 487 17 Red Cross Supplies From Sympathisers fHE flow of medical and relief supplies Into the interior is continuing in satisfactory quantities in spite of transportation difficulties arising out of traffic congestion, according to Dr. C. Y. Wu, technical expert of the National Health Administration stationed in
    487 words
  • 28 17 London, July 4. T*HE Secretary for Air, Sir Kinsley Wood, was received In audierxy: bj the King at Buckingham Palace today -British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  28 words
  • 637 17 War Measure Having Far-Reaching Effect On Hinterland Towns A LTOGETHER 77 of China's 108 institutions of higher learning universities, colleges and technical schools have literally been uprooted and carried hundreds and in some cases thousands of miles away before being re-estab-lifhed, it was
    637 words
  • 237 17 How Much More Money Has Lord Nuf field? A GIFT by Viscount Nuffleld ot £1.500,000. to be devoted to "improving the facilities for recreation and enjoyment of the Militia, Territorials and other forces" was announced recently. By this great new gift Lord Nuffleld, the most astonishing giver of wealth in
    237 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 388 17 2h w^l^^^B B^b^^ 1 40 HOSPITAL lEd/ Those who arc losing weight steadily, is this H^i'out Liver Oil tlu: on: smgU day by day, live in the shadow of a tiny drop equals in Vitamin A content a nameless dread. They know, although ahull spoonful of Cod Liver Oil. And
      388 words
    • 332 17 for HEALTH APPETITE ECONOMY First ot all Marmite makes food more appetising because of its debcious savoury flavour. Then, having tempted you to eat and enjoy your dinner, Mannite actually increases the nutritive and protective vahie of the food. That is why it is so important to add a Little
      332 words

  • 472 18 S.C.C. PLAY HARD BUT LACK COMBINATION PLAYING on the padang yesterday in the first division of the league the Malays were only just able to beat tfu- S.C.C. A goal scored by Mat Noor just before the interval proved the winner. It was
    472 words
  • 373 18 THE Indian Association surprised the Chinese in the second division (b) match on the Clerical Union ground yesterday by sharing eight goals with them. The draw does not alter league positions, but it consolidates the Chinese at the top with 21 points, while the Indians remain
    373 words
  • 31 18 Cfiemr.gton let the Malays score the only goal against the S.C.C, yesterday on the padang, but that was enough to give them the victory, Straits Times picture.
    31 words
  • 347 18 THE Royii Singapore Golf Club's Women's July bogey competition on the Stapleford system played at Bukit Timah resulted in a win for Mrs. R. Wakeford in A division with a score of 18';, in a win fcr Mrs. D. J. Mackie In B division with a
    347 words
  • 285 18 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. July 5. MALACCA, represented by the newlyformed Malacca Chinese Recreation Club, gained a creditable victory over the Selangor C.R.C., the holders in their match in the Lai Tet Loke Cup triangular in the-State lawn tennis tournament for Chinese teams in Malacca,
    285 words
  • 83 18 Entries are invited for the following badminton championship events: Men's open singles and doubles championships, women's Junior singles and doubles, women's open singles and doubles, mixed doubles, veterans' singles. Entry fees for the men's events are $2 per competitor for the singles and $3 per pair for
    83 words
  • 70 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, July 5. Outstanding difficulties baring been overcome, the Malacca Football Association will keep its engagement with Singapore in their Malaya Cup match at Anson Road Stadium on Saturday. Following is the side to represent Malacca: Ix> Wah Sang; Chegu Hassan, Lim
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  • 134 18 TIES IN THE JVNIOR Singapore bad- minton championships for the week-end are as follows: SATUKDAY AT 2.15 P.M. Sinflts: C. B Nair (U.A.P.t vs. Te« Heok Kwang 'U.A.P.); Teo Thuar.g Klat (Jacques) vs. Tan Kirn Swee (U.C.A.); Yeo Hor.g Chuan (A.A.U.) vs. Chla Chin Soon (Eclipse). Doubles: Scow
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  • 227 18 A TWO-goal-all draw was the result of the second division (b> league soccer natch on the S.HB. ground yesterday between the Customs and Moravia. The Customs began the game well I leading I—o at half-time, but faded away as the match wore on. In the closing
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  • 191 18 INTERESTING tennis was seen In the men's open doubles of the S.C.RC. tennis tourney, yesterday, when Chua Choon Leong and Cheong Chee Lim played an unfinished tie against Wong Thian Teck and P. T. Wong. Each pair won a set each, the final set being
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  • 88 18 Dy two matches io one the S.C.C. defeated the RAF. in a lawn tennis fixture played on the padang yesterday. All the ties were decided in straight sets. Scores: (S.C.C. players mentioned first). Capt. R. R. G. Hoare and D. E. L.
    88 words
  • 324 18 IN a first team match against Victoria School the St. Andrew"s 1st XI v.-eie beaten by nine wickets. ST. ANDREWS Anchant b J. H. C. Trail 0 ;Capel c and b J. M. Trail 31 Guan Hong b J. H. C. Trail I Bin Chye
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 91 18 HEADQUARTERS FOR M E C H I A NICAL COOLING MO S T people nowadays consider the telephone NECESSARY. We can envisage the time when AIR-CONDITIONING for both home and office will be regarded similarly. Naturally we have studied our own COMFORT and the whole top floor of our office
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    • 107 18 mi/ l/^^^ VjbL \_jH ws^\ m if mv/o^Kk. ft^^~j mY4£*\ H I lOn THE 8 H.P. SALOON Although in a long ani iu nU rflQfl Sll brilliant Mttory the -j MQ 6»* OW name, of Renault has *pater HMO, "»6 •••meitW 1 come to itand for ffMHHBB fOW-»«« 11 ..-r«ilM
      107 words

  • 234 19 Riggs And Cooke Come Through Safely London, July 5. THERE will be an all-American final in the men's singles at Wimbledon this year, with Riggs and Cooke as the contestants. In today's semi-finals Cooke defeated Henkel 6—3,6 3, 4— 6—l, 6—4, and Riggs beat Puncec, 6—2,
    234 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 19 Kino Gusiaf of Sucden, Sl-ycar-old tennis playing vionarch, photoiirrph"d i'-i action nhen he inaugurated the new tennis grounds outside Stockholm last month.
    22 words
  • 141 19 Man From Audience Walked On Stage Sydney (N.S.W.). June 16. WHILE Katrin Rosselle, an Austrian actress, was acting in "I married an Angel" at the Sydney Theatre 1 Royal, a middle-aged mart walked from the stalls during the performance. < through the pass door and on to the rtage. He
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  • 33 19 Soccer Div. lIA, R.A. (8.M.) vs. R.A.F. (T), at Blakan Mati Div. 118, J.C.S.A. vs. Changl Civilians, at the J.C.S.A, Tennis S.C.R.C. tournament. Table Tennis exhibition at the Happy World.
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  • 253 19 Cambridge On Top At Henley Centenary London, July 5. "THE Royal Regatta at Henley this year celebrated its centenary with the largest foreign entry In the history of the event. The weather today was cloudy, and bright at Intervals. A strong wind blew down the course, making coxing difficult and
    Reuter  -  253 words
  • 190 19 London, June 25. I\ID YOU SEE the solemn announce- ment from Madrid that the Spanish National Council of Sport, of which General Franco has Just been elected president, has refused to sanction a soccer match in September between I Spain and England? It sounded like a rebuff.
    190 words
  • 305 19 Old Boys Beat School By 20 Runs From Our Own Correspondent) Talplng, July 2. In a one-innings cricket match played on the school ground today the Old Edwardlans defeated the King Edwara VII School by 20 runs, scoring 124 runs against 104 runs. The scores are OLD rntVARUIANS
    305 words
  • 110 19 The Garrison Golf Club's monthly mixed fourromes competition for June played at Tanglin over 12 holes resulted la a win for Capt. and Mrs. C. Ryan. The following were the best returns: Capt. and Mrs. C. Ryan 61—12 2/3^48 1/3 Capt C. L. Archdale and Mrs..
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 19 Cherrtngton just gets his hand to the ball during the S.C.C. vs. Malays first division game on the padang yesterday. A dull game ended in a win for the Malays, I—o— Straits Time* picture.
    34 words
  • 396 19 (From Our Own Correspondent.) FT?^.! 8 T the draW for <he <**» te tourna^em^te conducted by the Lower Porak lawn tennis tournament committee:— ME.-VS SINGLES C. R. Laßrooy vs. Chin San Hoi; byes R. L. Grut vs. Tan Kheng Hong. K. C. Fung vs.
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  • 150 19 Four Rounds Of 70 In Open Golf London, July 5. I OCKE, Burton, Busson and Faulkner lead the field alter the first round of the British Open golf championship proper. They each returned rounds of 70. A further round will be played tomorrow, after which the
    150 words
  • 27 19 Londun, July 8. The West Indies have lost s"vc n wickets for 187 against Yorkshire. Grant made 72 and Headlcy 61.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 40 19 Kedah Golf Club men's June medal bogey resulted R. D. Gross (Winner) 1 down Wan Ibrahim 3 J. Scott 4 m W. L. Davison 6 Ball sweep winners Ist. Round. R. D. Gross. 2nd Round, Wan Ibrahim.
    40 words
  • 58 19 The following 1 wiU r< present the End*»vour B.P. In a friemJy brdminion match with thn ''chicles Ocpt. Sport.- Club on Sunday at 9 30 a.m. at the lattcfs court. Singles: Chrong Korfc Long Wc<- Gliitn Tee. IJm Yfw Hock and W t Yrn I Doubles: On* Kong
    58 words
  • Article, Illustration
    18 19 A Gainer and a Singapore y < a m Tuesdays polo match Jor the K.OJL Cup.— Straits Timer, f
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  • Page 19 Advertisements

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    • 132 1 AIX llo\\ii niolii.-. arc very popular at the moment in hou -chold schemes, and they certainly add freshness and iriiety without interfering with any exbtiag in the room. We find (lowers decorating all sorts of thin Thvy are seen on ashtrays, table china and ten Mia, table ma'.;,
      132 words
    • 1499 1 you Guard Against Dictatorship In Politics, But What About The Home? Are You Training Little GooseSteppers There? rONSIDER the case of John Smith, hundred per cent. American with a vivid hatred of all dictatorship. He insists that rights and liberties of individuals must
      1,499 words
    • 85 1 DO you want to learn GhOMM looking? A ilin will start at the Y.W.r.A. soon, to be held each Saturday from 9.39 a.m. to 11.38 a.m. The toursc will include ten lessons with instructions in two courses at each lesson, and will be under the expert tuition of
      85 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
      • 50 1 j i^y^y^ AYLM E R S m| natural flavour j~ *^^5^ y always ensures ('y^\ repeat orders. V<?M^^^r On| y the best l^- loaa^^ vegetables yj j L^V picked the I S J fslm same day are I^b^b^^^^^o^^ good en°u s h '^^"^^K^'^^^g^^ H^_«t for Aylmer. A LJ I \^a
        50 words
      • 95 1 Beautiful Lingerio just received. Completely new detitfnt .18 Battery Road, 43 Ist floor s§^ The vonthfkil freohn^sM and duial v lM*aulv of the Yard lev KagllHh Lavender have made it the %I'orldN favourite Pert ume. It adds Jnst that 111 tie extra tliarra lo every nn-nolon V^V Vtrdley Entlith Lavender
        95 words
    • 728 2  - ENGLISH, YET Temperamentally AN INDIAN Alyse Allynghame by THE Hon. Ferelith Kenworthy, only daughter of Lord and Lady Strabolgi, who received a cheque for £100 from her father on her twenty-first birthday because she had refrained from smoking, drinking and gambling up to then, has received commendation from a rather
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    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 427 2 "wonderful selection of chinese hand embroidered 5 GFR I E HOSTESS COATS IN LATEST CHARMING STYLES AT: CHGT I R MALL'S —41 43, HIGH STREET I MIR SETTIIT At"hOME j Ij^jm\\j v 1 his Is tedious work to J r ;ome ladies. KBP Pc.m.-J J AOk AHV lov;iv even wiliioutj
        427 words
      • 157 2 MODE ELITE IS GETTING ROUGH with its s'.raws this season, shaping them in o gay new patterns, elf artlessly pretty as a farm garden. Op-n reason on Rustic Straws, Rough Sisals. Leghorn MODE ELITE. RCONEV HOUSE— Ist Floor Battery Rd. VISIT:— GORDONS SHOE SALE JWWiI AT LEAST ONCE 39, 5
        157 words
    • 649 3 Helpful Hints For The Tropical Woman Patient UOW to be ill in comfort sounds like a contradiction in terms, especially in Singapore. The climate alone robs you of the consolation, often felt at home, of lying in bed on a cold winter's day, while
      649 words
    • 380 3 THE new lace scarves are both decorative and becoming. They are, in fact, all of a piece with the general popularity of feminine, frilly fashions. These scarves often come in two-colour effects, one coloured lace being lined with another shade. Thus we see yellow lined with
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    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 242 3 MAISON MARTIN The Leading HAIRDRESSERS far LADIES and GENTLEMEN. 17-lt Orchard Road, Ambei M.imloo*. SINGAPORE. Phone 3454. I'KdIISSHK DE L'ACADEMIE DES COIFFEURS de FRANCE. The Secret of Beautiful and Individual llalrdres&lng ls still craftsmanship and artist nalr. Let us create a new hair stye which will give rou personality as
        242 words
      • 374 3 {t YOU SURE KNOW ipr HOW TO TEMPT W My APPETITE/ THERE'S a bright, wholesome good- Condtnied Jt&/. VT§J| ness to Campbell's Tomato Soup that vi'ue'.^ray j3£±£*lfrJMl quickens the appetite. It looks good; is fet T JJ'" good and it s a joy to the taste. Luscious fltvortd f*fv£T™tf vine-
        374 words
    • 1073 4  -  Diana Dane by— Film Frocks Coiffures TF you happened to possess in the heirloom chest a really nice frock and a really pretty hat which someone belonging to the family wore round about 1911, you could bring out the frock, shorten it a little, perhaps,
      1,073 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 237 4 Beautiful Grandmothers Try this simple easy way to look fresh and young Bar a^H Has Ttow »M CREAM of niiik and olive oil, both preJigested and pasteurized are blended with other valuable secret ingredients in the renowned formula used for twenty years iii making Creme Tokalon non-greasy,' colour. It
        237 words
      • 364 4 USE THIS fl ||j|]f soap jf I -J *A WS; I coam r«rf y''' I k n «»nooth I -jM tuppU fl| £ma avoid •dim aiviii t h« skin >i RIFMICIIFH fa thorough fib <* fwottant the fym Because Cuticura is a MEDICINAL pore* >X and TOILET Soap, it does
        364 words
    • 172 5 rsi'AL. The coat decorated wan. :h feathers at the shoulder to match the hat. f'RCLES: Full length striped gonn worn by a mtttng racegoer. t€FT: Original. Straw hat trimmed with woollen flowcrt and flower handbag to match. TILTED. Two racegoers favour the smart
      172 words
    • Page 5 Advertisements
      • 94 5 Many and many a mother in the tropics looks back with thankfulness to the day when someone said. "Haye you tried giving /^^^^^l^^^m^^^^^^. nim Lactogen"? Baby took it and liked it iN/dfMBgBS^S oq< t^ ngs began to come right. The weigh* feg^^*lKl22s^S^^~ ing machine told good news: there was P^^»EDlnaUst«*^|^
        94 words
    • 885 6  -  June Gordon by- IT seems to me cruel to tell women fairy stories of miraculous cures for superfluous hair. There are many ways and means of dealing with this problem, but I have not the heart to promise women, who write to me for
      885 words
    • Article, Illustration
      266 6 IT you make one or two deep bel'.s to wear with a plain dress, you will feel as though you had ttco or three differirt frocks You know the kind of belt? A deep stiffened and boned in front. Clasped over one of the simple, full-skirted dresses of
      266 words
    • Page 6 Advertisements
      • 117 6 you vo liner Lnouii brrnrc f *v~> r ■fKfjßjsssjKVh on I MM Miid of Uaut> giving actiaa uu'w MM experienced befon- in i reams! Two New-Type Creams Wtlhtim aoid neutializiug Milk of Mtcnefia fur your skin, in a form wliirh bold* it mi long rnough to be really re. 1
        117 words
    • Article, Illustration
      980 7 Yvonne Writes About Gypsy Touch In Frocking I Bustle otarts I Bond St. War AR is raging in the fashion shops, with the Bond Street and Crosvenor Square salons fighting a losing battle. It is over the "bustle," Victorian mode which the ultramoderns arc trying to bring back
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    • Page 7 Advertisements
      • 153 7 TO BE SURE OF YOUR POPULARITY KEEP YOUR UNDERARM DRY Your friends won't tell you and you probably won't detect perspiration odour on yourself. There's only one way to be sure Keep the underarm dry! Odorono docs more than merely deodorize perspiration It gently checks underarm perspiration a practice used
        153 words
      • 504 7 /LOVELY// L0VELY WEIHAIWEI EMBROIDERY Co. \^tS I'll t'ctir M J»' HIGH STl'.lil. Vt Bb hmgbleri jm si\f;uovi fi&j^LHHBBH^I licw Wpntrnt Just \rr v i. T <"' ■P'\'uß V> '^sfeL' >>*n Si!U I ail;<l< I :■<''■: runs. f£ Kimonos. I'ajatrjv. l!an«!ki'<!iirfs H fc^"' IK, flag fengee Si! > I,inrn Tah> Clrl'i.
        504 words
    • 772 8 Special To The Straits Times M B. I i !i virim rrrat!r m rondi.lon and prior from day to day. Ltrvi iptiona. Approximate PrldM Notes. kpples (green) 4/7 eta. each Crisp. Good. Vupius (red) 3 H each According to size. 3anaiias (green) 01 each Plentiful 3ananas (red)
      772 words
    • 303 8 INTERESTING salads are not always those which contain lots of expensive ingredients and an elaborate dressing, but rather just two or three different saladings which are not usually found in each other's company. And it is really essential that the ingredients should be properly prevarcd before
      303 words
    • 60 8 LJAVE you ever tried prawns served with, horseradish mayonnaise? Select about 1 kati of prawns, cle»n thoroughly, steam and allow to cooL Line a glass bowl with shredded lettuce and then add the prawns. Mix 3 tablespoonfuls of mayonnaise with 1 tablespoonful of horseradish J and
      60 words
    • 246 8 A SPLENDID variety of Cameron Highlands produce is being displayed at present including leeks, parsnips, beans, cabbages, carrots, spinach, lettuce, peas-in-pods, tree tomatoes and rhubarb. The parsnips and leeks are large and exceptionally good, and the price of rhubarb has dropped five cents a lb. since
      246 words
    • 81 8 WHEN you are preparing lettuce for salads, the leaves will 'oe beautifully crisp if. cfter washing and dividing the lettuce you leave it to soak for half an hour in a little very cold water to which the juice of half a lemon has been added. Tomatoes
      81 words
    • Page 8 Advertisements
      • 417 8 C. K. TANG 231, River Valley Road, Phone 2181 SINGAPORE. Wr havr hraps of lovely and attractive <Jlftj for all ocr alons that sr» «mrr in plraw Alvayi availablr. Al»^>s on dUplaj. Bedsprrads Baby's Drrou, HandUrrchirfs, ll.uid-b.ics, r>rr<i.sln(-table-scU. I.unrh-seU, Ladles' Linrerle, Prjtmas, Scarves, Tea-sets, Table-, cloth*. Jade-lrera. Jewellery, Teak and
        417 words
      • 109 8 ■H ffiftW I WfmHUm SHERWIN-WILLIAMS E N A M E L O I D" Fast drying dries in 4-6 hours :itvl b perfectly hard next day. Foi FURNITURE Let us help you with WOODWORK and advice r.nd literature— the INTERIORS. Attrac- scrsicc is free and rkdktive range of colours. given.
        109 words