The Straits Times, 5 July 1939

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 84 2 KOH— Mrs Koh Chen;: Kiat nee Madu n lim Keok Neo alias Lim Swee Neo. azf 73. passed away peacefully at 2 a.m. on July 3rd at 24. Loronc 24A. Oeylang. S-u left behind four sons. Koh Soon Yee. Koh Soon Huat, Koh Soon Poll and Koh Soon lir..
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 474 2 HORKINS.— On July 3, »t Bunjsax Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, to I etla nc* Scot SltirvinK i wife of P. C. Hosklns, Bnerald Estate Klane. a son OOH— At the Maternity Hospital. Kandai.3 Kcrbau. Sincapore. on th; 4th July, 19>>9 to Madnm Lim SIonK Neo. wife of Mr Ooh Pen« Lock,
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    • 462 2 AGENTS WANTED A BIG FIRM of world wiae reputation nants to appoint ajenis throußhout Mala... P Hißhest commission, no securltv IHiistrai- l| ed catalOKUe free. Apply ••BRITANNIA.' m Post Box IMI6. Dept. 15. CALCUTTA. P WANTED i WANTED, Second hand pumps and engines. a State make, capacity, head, age condition
      462 words
    • 730 2 FOR SALE "JUTLAND!*" CONCRETE MIXKBS, IRTABLE, ENGINE DBIVEN. "Globe NO 5 5 cv. ft. $570, 9 tu. It. Mixers with or Ithout Elevating Hopper. Hoisting Winch. lease apply Htndhede Co., Ltd. FOR SALE— 2 new complete ball dinner sets Same Pattern) 130; 2 new complete half tea •ts (Same Pattern)
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    • 778 2 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE Messrs. BRINKMANN CO., wish to announce an alteration In prices ot National Cash ReRlsters. All prices quote! will be nett against cash on delivery, and C hire-purchase terms can onlv be granted c provided that Interest Is paid. 1: Our customers will remember that pre- t vlously
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    • 766 2 EDUCATIONAL FRENCH LADY UNIVERSITY PBO»E8SOR. (speaks. English. Portuguese and I Spanish) gives French lessons at pupils' home I Apply Y.W.C.A.. 8 Fort Canning Road. AUCTION NOTICES AUCTION SALE Of xrell-made modern Dut-h polished TEA*C HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of every description. Indian carpets and tors, fancy »!lh i lamp shades, blue cloth
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    • 369 2 BUSINESS CARDS Etc 'massagehall MANICURE AND MASSAGE Mrs HARD and Miss HANA 60. WATERLOO STREET, Telephone 7467. TO BE LEASED OR SOLD FANGKOR HOUSE. PANGEOR ISLAND. mm. r.M s. TO BE LEASED OR SOLD. Situat.-.i OS an unspoilt beach, with perfect sea-baUvnf and best fishing on the coast. Two MMMa,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 631 3 P. 0. BRITESH IN r,: A AND APGAR LSftt. (incorporated m Knglacd) PENINSULAR ANu"orTeN lAL 8N Co MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO BERVICEB OUTWARU fROiT LONDON POR CHINA AND JAPAN Tonnage Due Spore CANTON I».b00 July 14 |O^ Q* '8585 £8 L 8L 8 UhT ANA Wo Aul»i BANOAUJRK 6.0D0 AUf.
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    • 461 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS gg[*g (incorporated In Japan) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FQR CUNARD WHITE STAR v" LTD. short trips to japan viA BOHC.ONG AHU SHAKCHAI. SJ. HUSIMI MARU July 13 HAKOZAKI MARO July 23 SJI- HAKOZAKI MARU July a SJ. SUWA MARU Aug. 7 TERUKUm M.ARU Aug. 18 Ronnd trip tickets for
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    • 519 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Ocean Building. Collyet Uinj Stngapara teL 51 SL Chartered Bank Bolldini Penan* Tel 1361. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. FASI SEBVICES MARSEILLES LONDON N COMINfcM AND GLASGOW (In eon hmetlon with the Gien Unt) Ova 8»il« SARPEDON Mar., L'don. R'dam. O'gow In port Today ACHILLES L'don, R'dam. Hull tt
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    • 203 4 foday Kerteh (Prachatlpok) 2 p.m. Medaa (Both) 3 p.m. Muutok and Palembang (Thedeas) 3 p.m Pootlanak (Khoen Hoca) ..3 pm Kemaman ft Dungun (Parcels only) (Hong Ho) 3.30 p.m. Kematck (Honpr Ho» 4 p.m. Germany (Parcels only) (Sauerland) 4 p.m Tarempa (Scott Harley) 4 pjn Java. Soutn-Wesi
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    • 126 4 Mails from Tapan expected today, July 8, by India Maru Malls from China expected tomorrow, July 6. by Conte B inca-uano. Mails from Europe 1 London mails) expected on July 7. by 81. .Rohna) wUI b- delivered to boxhoMcrs it 9 am. General delivery of letters at
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    • 321 4 IN W A ED Wtarnea mm Penan*, Ipoh aad Koala Lumpur ArrlTea avcry eraaln*. X.L.M.: From Earope: Arrives THIS evening. X.L.M.: From NcthertaiMU Indict: Arrlws Thursday afternoon. Qantn From Aastnlia: Arrrwa Friday afternoon. Imperial From Europe: Arrlvn Thursday afternoon. X.NIL.M: From Saigon: Arrtvoa WedK.N.I.LM.: From
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    • 203 4 New Organization 'THE formation of the American Cargo War Risk Reinsurance ExfhanKe, w;th offices at 99, John Street, New York City, is new announced, according to advices received m London last week. The oreanization will provide war risk reinsurance on cargo written by comoanie;) In
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    • 40 4 The Contr Blancamano Is due here at 3 p.m. tomorrow from Shanghai, Hong Kong and Manila. She will berth at the wharf and is expected to sail at 10 p.m. for Colombo, Bombay, Port Said, Naples and Genoa.
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    • 33 4 The Sphinx from Marseilles, via Port Said, Djibouti. Colombo, Madras an^ Ponjlchcrry is expected to arrive about 11.30 am on Saturday and sail about 5 p.m. tor Saigon, Tourane, Haiphong. Berth: wharves.
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    • 146 4 The following ships are alongside the Singapore Harbour Board Wharves or ex- peeled to arrive:— Ea»t Wharf. Entrance Gale 1: Exit 1-— Foch 22. Main Wharf. Entrance Gate 2; Exit 3:— Bchar. Bulan 18; Slagen 16: Sarpedon 14: Prachatlpok 11; Darrel 9; Kudat 8; Coburg 6 tmpire
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  • 672 4 Statistical Position Getting Stronger "TN spite of the fact that a good many estates are maintain- ing large stocks of rubber, it appears that the statistical position at present is such that if the industry is exempted from political complications m the future, it can
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  • 512 4 Aims Oi The British Government I ORD BICESTER, who presided at the annual meeting of U» City of London Conservative and Unionist Association, said the recent by-elections showed that apathy was more spread than ever. With Uie possibility of an appeal to the country at no
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  • 38 4 EXCHEQUER RETURNS London, July 4. EXCHEQUER rtturns show total ordinary revenue is £144,056.777, compared with £131.886.636 a year a?o. The total expenditure, less self-balanc-ing items, is £281,137,248, compared with £234,948,581 at the corresponding date of 1938.— British Wto
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  • 76 4 COREIGN imj-oiLs of iu.jc» ta iJUt totalled 9,567 tons, compared with 12,697 tons m May. bringing the total imports for the half-year to 83.233 tons, compared with 73/142 tons m the corresponding period of 1938. Of the June Imports, o.GKi the Netherlands Indies; 1,073
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1165 4 liOU STEAD CO., LTD. < Incorporate id tJK.Si nXEFHONE: KteUbl 5433 Pufcur MSI. CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED. I Incorporated in England) FARES~ SINCAPORE/EtROPB First and Cabin claw from £1051? J Tonrlat class from K 75.8.8. AROUND THE WORLD FARES B* CP.R/P. O. First and Cabin Class Tourist Class From *****
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 522 4 TIDE TABLE fclNGArORE Tocay. H. W. 00.12 a.m. 9.5 It.; 1.19 p.m. 8.5 ft. L. W. 6.52 ».m. 1.2 ft.: 6.49 p.m. 4 ft. Tomorrow H. W. 03. a a.m. 9.4 ft.- 1.47 p.m. 8 5 ft. L. W. 7 19 a.m. 1.5 ft.; 7.25 p.m. 3.9 ft Friday H.
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    • 126 4 YESTERDAY'S WEATHER Station* uut max. rain- Bright n)-.i,t lamp, (all s'shlnc mln *F Ir.chcs hr» "P WEST COAST Alor Star 86 0.08 0.6 73 Penan? 88 0.04 3.2 75 Stttawan 90 0.04 l.t 73 Bultlt Jeram 86 Nil 4.0 73 Malacca 86 Nil 2.9 U INLAND. Kuala Llpts 8€ 1.57
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 214 5 PERT US SIN A LEADER AMONG REMEDIES! Will promptly relieve Coughs Bronchial Catarrh and Asthma A Boon m Whooping Cough Delicious m flavour and contains no narcotics. Per $1.50 Bottle Sold everywhere Distributors: GRAFTOH LABORATORIES, LTD. Singapore and Kuala Lumpur and MEDICAL OFFICE, SINGAPORL SbHbbbbHM^bbbbbbbß All Power Binoculars I^s V?
      214 words
    • 219 5 PHILCO SALES SERVICE Singapore's most efficient Technical Radio Servicing Depot. Service by European Expert Moderate charges. Phone 7295 4 Orchard Road, Singapore. ■bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb« Mastm hiM WHEN YOl T ARE FEEDING BABY fs alter MkS birth oi a baby Uiat thu r fh^r needs careful attention most. [er strength has been
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 676 5 SINGAPORE TODAY 7.HI. «5 mtnm. ZHP 30 M metre*. p.m. 1.00 Miscellaneous programme of nrv gramophone records. t 1.30 Mlddav rubber and tin prices. 1 32 Miscellaneous programme of new gramophone records (contdi 2.00 Interval. 5.00 Cantonese dramas. t 5.40 Pelplng selections: "Classified character singing in Pelping plays— II. t
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    • 747 5 EMPIRE STATION TODAY TRANSMISSIONS 2 AND 3 GSM 21.47 mc/l (13.91 m.) GSG 11.71 me/1 i lti.Sfi m.); GSF 15.14 nc/i (19.82 m.): CSJ J1.63 ae.'t (IJSJ in.): CSD 11.15 me/% (*5.J3 m-i p.m. COS Big Ben. Toni's orchestra 6.35 Alan Walker (smcopi-.tid riano mmJc; e.50 "At the Black Dog.
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    • 365 5 KWEIYANG TODAY XPSA 6.97 mc/s (43 m.). p.m. 5.50 National anthem. t»na. 6.00 Reports (In Japanese). fi.10 European music. 6.20 Educational talk to children. 6.40 Chinese music (Monday, Saturday). Foochow and Amoj song- (Tuesday. Friday Chaochow and Cantonese songs (Wednesday. Thursday), group songs (Sunday) 6.50 Talks on war (In Chlr.ese.
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    • 300 5 NIROM TODAY IDA IN tocy (U.t m.,. TDB 9.65 mc/i (3)21 m.). YDB 11.86 mr/l (15.3 to.). PMN 11.26 mc/l (19.2 ca.). p.m. 12.20 Luncheon variety I. 1.10 News and weather reports. 1.22 Luncheon variety II 2.10 News repeated. 2.20 Close down. 4.90 Programme prevue Tea concert. 6.20 Studio orchestra
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    • 583 6 KUBBFR BARTER SCHEME OPERATION OBSCURE MORE INQUIRY FOR INDUSTRIALS By Our Financial Correspondent Singapore, July 5. TTHE London market yesterday seems to have taken some encouragement from the strong rumour that the Anglo-Soviet pact is imminent. Gilt-edged improved sharply and War Loan at W J A showed
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    • 74 6 FOREIGN Imports of tin-ore m June totalled 1,274 tons, compared with 1.593 tons m May, bringing total lmportl for the half-year to 13.549 tons, compared with 14,021 tons m the correspotuUni period of 1938. Ol the June Imports, 617 tons came .tm: 313 tons
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    • Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Stock Brokers
      • 575 6 Issue VaJ. Fraser Co. Lyali it Ev«tt Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers 4/- Ampai Tin 3/6 4/- 3/lVi 4/6/- Austral Amal 4/6 5/3 4/6 5/£1 AusUal Malay 38/- 40/- 38/- 40/5/- Ayer Hltam 20/- 21/- 19/6 21/1 Ayer Weng 0.72 0.76 0.73 0.77 £1 Bangrin Tin 18/3 19/3 18/6 19/6
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      • 456 6 2 2 Alex Brick Ord 1.30 1.40 1.32'/.- 1.40 2 2 do. V/ 2 prefs. 2.15 2.25 2.20 2.25 10 10 Atlas Ice 4.7b 5.2b t> 00 6 50 1 1 B M Broadcasting 0.55 0.60 0.50 100 10 5 B M Trustee 4 75 ?.5» 8 75 7.50
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      • 256 6 v» Maynara lo. Ltd. kju.uuu Int. Apr 30 Oct. 31 90 SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL. m 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 tat Int Mar 31 Sept. 30 101 i%tt 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 106 .'J09 red. 1955 $1,000,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 113'i M
        256 words
      • 360 6 Fraser St Co. Lyall MIenby 1.15 1.25 1.15 \'.or Gajah 0 85 0.95 0.90 \mal Malay 1.40 1.45 1.40 \yer Hitam 0.90 1.00 0.90 *ycr Molck 0.85 0.95 0.85 f^yer Panas l.O? 1^ I.12V-> 109 Bassett 0.50 0.54 i: 50 Batu Lir.tang 1.00 1.10 1.00 Bedford 0.80 OH)
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    • 83 6 Wednesday, July 5, noon. No. IX R.S.S. (Spot loose) 28 1/16 28 3/16 No. IX R.S.S. f.o.b. m rases July 28^ 28^ G FA Q R.S.S. fob Ui bales July 28 JBV6 FA.O, R.S.S. fob In hales July 27' 8 28 FUTURE QUOTATIONS No. IX
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    • 190 6 The following are the exchange rates this morning according to the dally circular Issued by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation SELLING London T.T 2/3 31/32 London demand 2/3 31/32 Lyons demand 2055 Switzerland demand 241 Vi Hamburg demand 135 New York demand 54 9/16 Montreal demand 54
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  • 860 6 Fraser Company's Review Of Past Week IN a weekly report on the share market, issued at the close of business yesterday, Fraser and Co. write "Do you think there Is going to be war?" Millions of people must have asked that question lately and although
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  • 437 6 Sharp Improvement On Better Demand London, July 4. QN the Stock Exchange today, unconv firmed reports cf the favourable progress of the Anglo-Soviet negotiations caused a sharp Improvement m prices owing to renewed demand m the markets where stock was scarce. All groups benefited, particularly gilt-edged, Kaffirs
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  • 81 6 London, July 4. Today's closing mean rates w^re: Paris 176 23 3J Stockholm 19.42 New YorU 4i!B\ Athens 5474 Montreal 4.CJ'i Belgrade 210 Brussels 27.53'; Bucharest 660 Geneva 20.'3 Rio 2-' i Amsterdam B.Bi'« Buenos Aires 21.13 •Ulan tr Montevideo iB'i Berlin l] W'; BombßV 15 2U Madrid
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  • 36 6 London. July 4. IN the commodity markets today, sugar was weak owing to bull liquidation finding no adequate off-take, combined with the absence of a lead from Wall Street, which was closed for Independence Day. -Reuter.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 179 7 "Much Less Ominous Than Anticipated" NEW YORK EXPECTS SHIPMENTS TO BEGIN BY OCTOBER From Our Own Correspondent London. June 28. ALTHOUGH it was known that negotiations were progrossing well, the sudden announcement (on June 24) of the Anglo-American barker agreement amazed London
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  • 2088 7 Provision is made for price detei ruination of both commodities an for their inspection and acceptanc by the rcpreeeatajtivm of the tw rnmenta. i iar as cotton is concerned, thos operations are to begin as soon as pos >:ible after the
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  • 178 7 July 4. mi in Buyers Sellers net 8 7 50 Hamburg Cube S13 25 Java Cube S12M Prppe' White Munuk $11.25 White Sio.73 Copra 30 Sun D 52.45 .;2. 13 F;ui S2.42' Sai iv 13.46 .■iT.O'.i ST M Snv.i.l S4.M P'.ii! S4.00 $5.00 Sma'i Pearl $4.50 Rice
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  • 113 7 MALAYA has reduced her over- exports of rubber, which at the end of 1938 were 11,381 tons, by 4,5*2 tons during the first half nl 1939, if *****101 estimates of June exports at 19,006 tons prove correct. Exports for the half year were :—January 32.2W toM
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  • 86 7 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS ■MB CompMiy Dividend Clo6e TIN Burma Malay 6d. No 10 July 14 I-ondon Tin 4'% loss la\ June 28 Sthn. Kinta 2'i'o flnat less tax July 12 Do. 2','r Int less tax July 12 Takuapu 6d. July 2i Singapore. July 4, 5 p.m. Total
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  • 159 7 London, July 4. j niPLOMATS and their wives and other distinguished figures were present at Broadcasting House early this morning for the Inauguration of the extended service m the Spanish and Portuguese languages for listeners m Latin America. Mr. F. W. Ogilvie, Director-General of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 214 7 TO TESTATORS. Administration of estates by corporation formed and highly qualified to net ns Trustees and Executors is everywhere admitted to offer greater security than is obtainable from personal Trustees. This do«s not mean changing your Bankers, Solicitors or others who have handled your business. If you appoint as your
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    • 266 7 BANK OF CHINA (Incorporated m China ov jutlai Ctiartar). 13. Cecil linn ttnia^pan. Telephones: Maaatrr't OtTUk Asst Rtßnmtcr'i Offlre M« a Exchange Deal MM General Office SIM-t table Addressi "CHUNGKIiO Paid lip Capital Ck. 1 «.»fl».no« Rescrre Funds hi execas af CaY 5.J00.605.P* Total Assets approximate** Oh. fZ.O2f.tM.N*.M Tse-vung Soong.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 332 8 What a Succession of Hits "Flying Down to Rio"— "Gay Divorcee"— "Roberta" "Follow the Fleet"— "Top Hat" and Now— THE BiG ASTAIRE -ROGERS SHOW! 3>l5 6 15 I TODAY -19.15- at the CAPITOL DRAMA as great as their DANCING f who led if* Mb^ KA way to &*WKt P^^^^VKa si
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    • 356 8 NINTH DAY ujjffiff POSITIVELY FINAL J5 *7^ [O^ TODAY AT 3.15 6.15 9.15 v *V\\ PAVILION A^-^M THE LOVELIEST COLOUR flVll^^P f i«Ot0 R 1 FILM EVER MADE 1 f V^ YfCH** UNANIMOUS PRAICE l" N Gl©*^ 011 i FROM THE PRESS V "THE MIKADO' IS A MASTER- S^O V^ffft^
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  • 2828 9  - SOCIAL HYGIENE CAMPAIGN IN SINGAPORE DR. W.M. CHAMBERS By IN order properly to appreci- ate the problem which faced the authorities m Singapore when framing the campaign to combat venereal diseases it will be helpful to consider some of the factors peculiar to that region. It will be readily understood
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 276 9 HEALS l^^^^^^^^w J Without AS soon as you smear Zam-Buk herbal ointment on any tore, injured or diseased skin, pa.n (l^^l^m disappears and healing starts. Zam-Buk expels harmful H"' germs, draws poison out of the tissues and prevents W ~^B festering. It heals quickly and safely and never leaves I
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  • 1350 10 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 23. COMEHOW I have a feeling that you will never see the film which will occupy the greater part of my space this week. When the British Board of Film Censors passed Confessions of a Nazi
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  • 374 10 11/ HEN I am dead my funeral will be followed by herds of oxen sheep, swine, flocks of poultry, and a small travelling menagerie of live fish, all wearing white scarves m honour of the man who perished rather than cat his fellow
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 468 10 Nail Polish REMOVING PADS Pads contain the f a m o v La to^S S^&l Cross GlycerKjP *ted nail polish g^-~ B^^^ remover ao i| acetone) that Is W> circfiATfo yL kind to brittle m j(j^ ak nails nd If Jk bJM hmrsh> dry CU V tides. One pad tkjtt,
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    • 523 10 X-RAYED 14 TIMES for STOMACH TROUBLE Despair fixed its cruel grip firmly ia the life of Mr. G. E. L. Vm worse than the stomach pain he suffered wu tha (earful uncertainty as to what wa« wrong, and whether even (rreater suffering would follow. Happily for him he took the
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  • 652 11 "THETIS DEAD COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED"— CAPTAIN If Rescue Ships Had Arrived On The Scene In A Few Hours London, July 4. LIAD rescue ships been m the vicinity within a few hours, there was no doubt the men would have escaped during the night. This conviction was expressed by
    Reuter  -  652 words
  • 55 11 Berlin, July 3. DIPLOMATISCHE Korrespondeni, official organ of the Foreign Office, replies angrily to the British Labour appeal to the German people. 'The reaction to this stupid as well as wicked attack on German unity will certainly be different from what the wirepullers of raeh a policy
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 164 11 "No Question Of Britain Varying Her Pledge" London, July 4. SIR THOMAS INSKIP, the Dominions Secretary, said m the House of Commons tonight that m the present circumstances there would not be any advantage m making an inquiry, when he was asked about an inquiry
    Reuter  -  164 words
  • 133 11 Pro-China Campaign In Great Britain London, July 2. ET us see that Britain's policy aids not the brutal aggressor, but U'e patient defender," says Mr. J. B. Priestley m an editorial m China News, a special newspaper produced m London m connection with "China Week" which the China Campaign Committee
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 228 11 ACTION OVER SHANGHAI DOCTOR'S DEATH London, July 3. IN the Houje of Commons the Ondet Secretary for Foreign AfTairs, Mr. R A Butler, said that the Foreign Secretary, Lord Halifax, had Just received report of the inquest proceedings on Dr. Bertram Lillle, president of the Letter Institute of Technical Education
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  • 83 11 Tokio. July 4. A CTING under Instructions from the Tokio Government, the Japanese Ambassador m Moscow, Mr. Shigenori Togoh, filed a strong protest with the Soviet acting Foreign Commissar, M. Lozovsky, against Soviet pressure upon Japanese petroleum and coal enterprises In North Saghallen and the
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  • 64 11 London, July 3. THE Under Secretary lor Foreign A Afia'rs, Mr. R. A. Butler, told the House of Commons that further Japanese proposals to the Kulangsu Muni cipal Council were being considered. His latest Information was that In,. quantities of firewood and beans hac' been landed
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 43 11 Dutch Reiterate Neutrality The Hague, July 4. TT IS REVEALED that deI marches rejecting possible guarantees for Holland by Britain and Prance were made on Friday by the Dutch Ministers m London and Paris. The Ministers emphasised the Netherlands' neutrality and Independence. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 174 11 Week-end Crisis A Test By Nazis? London, July 4. THERE will be no war over Danzig, says Vernor Bartlett, M.P.. the News-Chronicle diplomatic correspondent. The writer advances the theory that the alarming rumours of the week-end were purposely encouraged In Nazi circles to test British reactions.
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 172 11 Serving Foreigners, Say Former Followers London, July 3. TPHE following message has been recelved at the Colonial Office from Palestine: "A long printed manifesto, signed by eight former commanders of the Arab rebel bandits now m Damascus, criticises the Mufti and High Committee for having
    British Wireless  -  172 words
  • 76 11 Canton, July 3. "T"HE British Consul-General, Mr. A. P. Blunt has sent a strongly worded protest to the Japanese authorities against the seizure of a launch, the Dohlera, flying the British flag on June 3. The Dohlera left Hong Kon? on June 2 and was
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 43 11 Warsaw, July 3. THE visit of the German cruiser 1 Konigsberg to Danzig m August is not considered m official quarters here to have special significance. German wa.siilps have visits Danzig m past years during the summer.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 41 11 Canton, July 4. TWO American sailors were impr-son- ed by the Japanese authorities on Sunday tor allegedly striking Japanese sentry. They were later released after representations had been made by the United States authorities.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 47 11 A total of 781 recruits Joined the R.A.F. last week compared with 436 In the corresponding week last year, bringing the total entry of pilots, observers, airmen and boys since April 1 to 12,265. compared with 4676 for the corresponding period last year.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  47 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
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    • 365 11 When feet give you unceasing agony, ache and burn, puff-up and make shoe* a torment blame Stale Foot Acid. This crippling condition of the feet begin* m the skin-pores. Your feet have 3,000 pores to every square inch of skin more than any other part of the body. When Jaesc
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  • 1010 12 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1939. AN INCOMPLETE PICTURE We publish elsewhere in thii> issue lengthy extracts from a review of the social hygiene campaign in Singapore contributed to the Journal of the British Social Hygiene Council by Dr. W. M. i Chambers, former Deputy Director of Medical
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  • 71 12 London, July 3. Because of the retirement through ill health of Admiral Sir Roger Backhouse, the Admiralty has announced that Vice-Admiral Sir Francis Tottenham has been promoted Adml- ral from June 28 last. Rear-Admir*l Francis Tower hasj been promoted vice-admiral from June j 28 and placed on
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 93 12 London, July 3. Runaway marriages to Gretna Green have finally become a thing of the past by legislation Just completed abolishing the Gretna Green ceremonies and what are described as similar irrceular marriages. The House of Commons passed the third reading of the Bill tonieht.
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  • 323 12 BOMBER FUEL Christendom's Part In Air Raids WAR SUPPLIES SOLD TO JAPAN To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— The description given by Father F. A. Blanchard of the barbarous bombing of Chungking by Japanese on May 4 fills one with ungovernable Indignation. But it must be remembered wlf.i
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  • 130 12 To the Editor of the Straits Tunes Sir,— l think it absolutely disgraceful that the Municipal Commissioners under any circumstances should buy Japanese. German or Italian goods of any description whatsoever. This I applies especially to goods of Japan and Germany. Whatever the extra cost to
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  • 159 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— My Intention m writing this letter has nothing to do with the complaint by "Disappointed Chinese" but is to enlighten "A Straits-Born Chinese." whose letter commenting on the said complaint appeared In the Straits Times of June 30.
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  • 93 12 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, Sir Lewis Fermor has returned I vO Malaya, and his eagerly awaited report on the tin-mining industry of this country should soon be released for publication m the Malayan press. Let us hope that this report will te tabled
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  • 39 12 CO-OPERATIVE FINANCES. A Eu 1 r.pean business man examines the law relating to the co-operative movement m Malaya, m the light of the Malarca test case. "A WOMAN OF INDIA." Support for this forceful correspondent;
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  • 812 12 Nearly Two Million Trained Men T*HE Polish Army, which also includes the air forces, has a peace-time strength of 375,000, of which 25,000 are officers and 50,000, are non-commissioned officers. On mobilisation nearly 2,000,000 men can be with the colours within a few hours, the remaining 1,600,000
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  • 769 12 NOTES Of The DA Y Harrison Fchoes AN old soldier of the Queen til d! In Kuala Lumpur yesterday. In the person of Mr. P. W. Cleson, and It may Interest Services men and ethers if I recall a talk I once had with this fine old veteran about soldic
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 263 12 The All British Imperial Typewriter A few Reasons why a typist prefers it. 1. The simplicity of keeping It dean owing to Its caally removable type unit, carriage and platen. Its !inocth-nmning carriage. 3. Its light and responsive touch. 4. The useful additional characters found on an Imperial keyboard. 5.
      263 words
    • 71 12 BOOKS OF INTEREST HOW STRONG 18 BRITAIN (Scared* Ton should read thin German book— by Count Pjckler »3.00 EIROPK IN THE FOURTH DIMENSION: by V. Pollakolf S.«» FRAY MARIO: (F.renhn standard book ft the month) by H. D. Irvine 3.<M> PEACE WITH GANGSTERS: bj Georn: Glasgow (A political book) *■'■>■>
      71 words

  • 307 13 Important Talks In London Warsaw POLISH ENVOY CONFERS WITH COLONEL BECK Sir Howard Kennard At British Ministers' Meeting (^OUNT Edward Raczynski, the Polish ambasssaJ dor m London, returned to Warsaw yesterday, and it is understood that he reported immediately to Col. Josef Beck,
    Reuter  -  307 words
  • 382 13 Collaboration In All Spheres Paiis. .lulv I. THE War Minister, Mr. Leslie Ilore-Bclisha, stressed the collaboration, both military and governmental, between Britain and France, when he addressed the annual dinner of the association France (Jrande Brctagne m Paris. Let the whole world know our two countries understand completely
    Reuter  -  382 words
  • 61 13 London, July 4. fT is officially announced from Buckingham Palace that the King and Queen have accepted with greatest pleasure an invitation from King Leopold of the Belgians to pay a state visit to Brussels from Oct. 24 to 27 to return the visit of
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 191 13 MORE ARMS ARRIVE IN DANZIG Nazis Divided On New Financial Measure Danzig, July 5. ARMS continue to arrive m Danzig. It has been discovered that they come from Koenizsberg. A new financial measure was hurned through the Senate yesterday suspending payment of Interest on Danzig's five main foreign loans of
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 145 13 Tokio, July 5. 'T'HE Japan Times says that the British at the forthcoming Anglo-Japanese talks on Tientsin will certainly be asked to deliver to the Peiping regime (Japanese-controlled government of North China) silver specie valued at about $50,000,000 (Chinese currency). This silver, says
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 309 13 MOSCOW MAKES FURTHER COUNTER PROPOSALS TO BRITAIN Moscow, July 5. rOMPETENT circles m Moscow discount foreign reports that Anglo-French-Soviet agreement is practically concluded and the signing of an antiaggression alliance imminent. There is some ground to believe that the negotiations have made progress, but there is
    Reuter  -  309 words
  • 56 13 Riga, July 5. ■T*Hi: ><Tnii-official newspaper Briva Zimn, referring to the Moscow talks writes, "Leave us out of the Anglo-French-Soviet alliance. "Small States cannot pursue a policy of alliances. The only solution for them is neutrality, which each must safeguard with its own strength and
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 152 13 Threat To Leave Maritime Conference Berlin, July 5. A GLOOMY description of the effects of the political situation on German shipping was given by Herr Lindemann, the ch.iirman, at a meeting of the North German Lloyd line yesterday. He threatened that the company would leave
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 44 13 London, July 4. FURTHER progress has been made with the organisation of transport m time of war. A scheme for the control of road passenger services and their rationing with petrol his now been made public by the Minister of Supply, Dr. Leslie Burgin.
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  • 58 13 Berlin, July 4. IMMIGRATION of the German-Speak- ing inhabitants from the Italian South Tyrol is being carried out m accordance with an agreement between the German and Italian Governments Reuter learns. The movement has been going on for some time and probably between 5,000 South Tyroleans
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 479 13 London, July 4. A TRADE Marks Bill to amend the i existing Act and to secure that: the country of origin should be clearly and conspicuously indicated on imported goods, was introduced m the House of Commons as a
    Reuter  -  479 words
  • 231 13 WHY HE WANTS ARMS EMBARGO SECTION OF NEUTRALITY LAW SCRAPPED New York, July 5. DRESIDENT ROOSEVELT at a Press conference yesterday declared he wanted action on the U.S. neutrality legislation during this session of Congress with the object of preventing war.
    Reuter  -  231 words
  • 68 13 Shanghai, July 4. I*HE anti-British campaign m various Japanese-occupied centres has been intensified. A dem6nstratlon was staged at Tsingtao opposite the British Consulate but efforts to put posters denouncing Britain on the walls of the building were frustrated. Elsewhere Li the town anti-British placards are conspicuous, but
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 134 13 Concern In Concession Over Tokio Talk> Tientsin, July 5. AN inspired Japanese statement that the situation is becoming more critical is believed to herald further tightening of the Japanese blockade of th^ British Concession here. Sir Robert Craigie, the British Ambassador m Tokio, yesterday discussed with
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 34 13 I'ientsin, July 4. ■T is confirmed that the man jUWtii by the Japanese at TienUin on July 2 was Edward Theodore Griffiths, second officer of the British steamer Yochow.— Router.
    Reuter  -  34 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 116 13 "SWEAT-RAG" SPORT SHIRTS The "Sweat-Ra& has p-ovcd so popular because it was found to be, m every way, the ideal Sport Shirt. It has an unusual mesh-like surface, and it is porous and entirely absorbs oil perspiration. It lets the body breathe and is therefore the complete health shirt. In
      116 words

  • 298 14 Would End American Aid In Far East And Europe THEME OF ADDRESSES BY EXPERTS IN LONDON London, July 4. THE theme of two addresses m London tonight by authorities on their subjects was that under no circumstances must there be any capitulation by Britain
    298 words
  • 98 14 THE nreneb fishery research vessel de j Lanessan, of the Institute of Oceanosraphy, French Indo-China, arrived at Singapore yesterday m the c:ursa of a cruise of investigation to Netherlands Indies and Malaya. The 2iO-ton trawler, which is fitted] tip .v a iloating laboratory, has on board
    98 words
  • 112 14 I. <ndon, July 1. JLjK. ffinaUa (hurchilVs ap- nointment as First Lord of the Adiu rally is ccr.ain, according to tnc Duilv M.iil which says that p pu'ar pcCHsn has been exerled <n Mr. hamberlaln from outside l'ar iament as well as by the Prime Minist r's immediate
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 208 14 :>or.t KAMLt.K HOI i i p.m. to 9 p.m. t- ilnformal) 9.43 GEYLANG City Light Opera m of Paradise" at 8.30 OKI m v oktD i ta Midnisht. Glob; i hanks for the Memory. Tint Gill On Your Onard. Little World: The only I! Pnr): v iili St7l»
    208 words
  • 144 14 TWO Singapore officers are included m the latest half-yearly naval promotians. They are the Naval Secretary, Paymaster Commander H. S. Howell, promoted from Paymaster Lt.-Commande-. and Commander <E) J. R. Coote, Engineer Officer of the monitor terror, promoted from Lieut-Commander (E). China Station promotions Include the
    144 words
  • 73 14 f)NE Singapore Royal Air Force officer and two who have recently left Singapore figure m the halfyearly promotions Just announced. The three men are Wing Commander 'formerly Squadron Leader) F. E. Watts, who is attached to the staff of the Royal Air Force. Far East, and Group Captain
    73 words
  • 83 14 A MALAY woman, wife of the late Ungku Mohamed, a former Johore State official, reported to the Singapore police this morning the loss of a tin box, containing $5,000 worth of Jewellery, from her kampong house at Geylan? Road. The box had been lying on a
    83 words
  • 221 14 Celebrating The "Double Seventh" BUSINESSES NOT TO CLOSE THE announcement that Chinese shops will not suspend business on he "Double Seventh" on Friday, is conIrmed by Mr. Tan Kah Kee, chairman f the China Relief Fund. The suggestion of closing was made ly a number of Chinese,
    221 words
  • 194 14 "The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle" (Gisger Rosers, Fred Astaire, Edna May Oliver, Walter Brcnnan). R.K.O. Radio. At the CapitoL THIS is a sprightly cavalcade of the modern dance, which, besides giving Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers splendid dancing opportunities, also enables them to
    194 words
  • 230 14 NEARLY 300 helpers took part In a flag day collection m aid of St. Andrew's Mission Hospital this mornInc The money collected will not bs counted until Sunday, but appearances this morning Indicate that the* sum raised should exceed List year's total. Collectors were
    230 words
  • Article, Illustration
    50 14 To commemorate the anniversary of the birth and death of Sir Stamford Raffles, representatives of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association this morning laid a tcreath on his statue m Empress Place. From left are: Mr. C. V. Miles (vice-president). Mr. K. K. O Connor (president) and Mr. B. Lowick (secretary).
    50 words
  • 120 14 THE ''cup was at work again among European houses m Tanglin yesterday. Employing his usual bold methods, this successful daylight thief walked into a house m Chatsworth Road occupied by Mr. W. Q. Lennane, engineer m the Gramophone Co., Ltd He stole a silver coffee
    120 words
  • 44 14 THE funeral of Mr. P. W. Gleeson of Kuala Lumpur, who died m the Federal capital yesterday at the age of 75, took place last night. A full report of the funeral will appear m the Straits Times F.M.S. Edition.
    44 words
  • 94 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, July 4. DEFERRING to the building of three Government English schools for girls m Johore, Mr. W. E. Pepys, Genera! Advicr, Johore, says, m his report: "This step on the part of Johore constitutes a notable advance as there
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  • 176 14 Not Suitable For Malaya APPEAL TO LORD PRIVY SEAL 'THE A.R.P. film The Warning," has been banned by tho censor aa unsuitable for Malayan audiences because it is rather gruesome. An appeal i; pending. The producers m England are stated to be extremely surprised at the
    176 words
  • 115 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 5. FiR the purpose of t.sting A.RP. organisation and instructing the public m the part they wilUbe required t., play so far as lighting restriction* are concerned m th.; event of an air raid, application has been made to th«
    115 words
  • 30 14 Rev. S. M. Thrvathason. M.A.L.T. will give a series of talks on "The Attainment of Personality." under the auspices of th? Tamil Epworth LngMh commencing ot Thursday, at 6.15 p.m.
    30 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 155 14 mil it New Jljcsa TROPICALALL-WAVE *7 The O.E.C. latest addition to Uielr cotnpieuensive range receivers specify designed for overseas use In troplcul pQR qq MAINS countries. Exceptional Sensitivity. Quiet Background. Realistic Reproduction. Large Power Output. Tuning range-13.5 metres to 550 metres m 4 wave-bands. Two Models. B. C. 3971 for
      155 words

  • 820 15 Mrs. Troller's Application For Order Is Refused •♦WOULD MAINTAIN HER IF SHE LEAVES ME ALONE" DEFERENCE to a husband's generous treatment of his wife was made m the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday during a summons case m which Mrs. Annie Emma Troller accused
    820 words
  • 103 15 U/ONG LAI HOCK, a medical student, was yesterday fined S2O In the Singapore Traffic District Court, when he pler.ded guilty to a charge of neg'irent driving, m New Bridge Road on May 23. The prosecution alleged that Wong turned his car In New Bridge Road
    103 words
  • 51 15 'From Our Own Correspondent* Kuala Lumpur, July 4. Major-General W. G. S. Dobbie, G.O.C. Malaya, inspected all Selangor volunteers this evening when they paraded at the rifle range and also at I l-eadquarters. He later met them m the I European mess and non-European 1
    51 words
  • 170 15 BARTER PLAN: STATEMENT IN COMMONS Trade Interests Being Consulted London, July 4. AMR. R. W. SORENSEN, (Lab.. Leylon) In the House of Commons today requested further information concerning the Anglo-American barter agreement, and also whether further arrangements were contemplated with the American or other Governments. Mr. Oliver Stanley (President of
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 233 15 YCTRESS CELEBRATES SINGAPORE IT is one of the nicest birthdays I have ever had and. Incidentally, the first one I have spent outside the United States," said Miss Gloria Stuart, UM Hollywood actress, last night, after a busy day celebrating her 29th birthday. With her
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  • 51 15 'From Our Own Correspondent) London, July 4. THE Colonial Office tonight confirmed the appointment of Mr. W. E. Pepys, M.C.S., as General Adviser, Sarawak. The Sarawak Offices deny that the appointment is connected with the recent resignations. It is not known if the appointment is
    51 words
  • 125 15 'From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 4. A GOODS truck Immediately fronting rt the brake van of a goods train from Kuala Lumpur smashed Into the engine of a stationary goods train 100 yards from the Batu Oajah station this morning. The stationary train was
    125 words
  • 63 15 POUND guilty of stealing watches and r handbags containing other articles, the total value of which amounted to $27.95, from a house m Gilstead Road on June 14, a Tamil. Manicam, was sentenced to two weeks' rigorous imprisonment and fined $30, by the Singapore Third Magistrate yesterday.
    63 words
  • Article, Illustration
    55 15 The Rev. John B. H. Lee, son of the late Mr. Lee Daik Ching and Mrs. Ding Ting Keng, of Singapore, and his bride, formerly Miss Grace Lim Kirn Lan, daughter of the late Mr. Lim Kee Sing and Mrs. Ho En Oi. of Jesselton, North Borneo, after their wedding
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  • 590 15 Hokkien 9 s Alleged Part In Gang Robbery On Estate EVIDENCE wSs recorded by Mr. L. C. Goh m the 1-1 Singapore Fifth Police Court yesterday, m a case m which a 22-year-old Hokkien, Ec Lee, is alleged to have been
    590 words
  • 255 15 Doubts Raised In Murder Case At Assizes "THERE is moro than a reasonable doubt that accused was the man who stabbed the deceased." submitted Mr. A. P. Rajah, counsel for the defence, In the trial of Yong Ah Tee on a murder charge before Mr. Justice Manning In the Singapore
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  • 259 15 End Of Voyage In Lifeboat A FTER being wrecked on the bar at the mouth of the Mlri River. Sarawak, two young yachtsmen, who Intended to sail from Singapore to Australia In a 25-foot lifeboat, are back In Singapore. They are Robin Corrle, aged 18,
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  • 100 15 Thursday, June 29. Colonel G. B. Henderson left Government BOHe. Admiral Sir Ragnax Crlvin, Commodore and M--F. T. B. Drew, Hon Sir Alexander and Lady Small, Brigadier and Mrs. G. S. Low. Commander and Mrs. C. Dix, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. AtkinBerry. CDmmander H. A. Showers, R.A.N.
    100 words
  • 40 15 Mr. T. P Suud.'ram. of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, who is an associate member of the Association of Certified and Corporate Accountants. Lo.idon, has been admitted an assoiiate member of the Corporation ol Certified Secretaries, Lonr;<
    40 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 135 15 Gemo&m W^F ASEPTIC uiNTHFNI HEALED HER %^Z^^/^~~) 1 SCALDED J^fiky ifHIiU hours /Vtv j L/f/rf IF YOU SUFFER With (JLh'MOLEAE m If ABSCESSES SUNBURN the house you have ouick )f]J 1 IJOIL S BAD LEG healing at hand! Read this <^" ar^ r JJ[J S r^hes ense of Mr, 1.E.:-
      135 words
    • 22 15 |^^ii^ NPOH J FINEST EXTRA QUALITY AGENTS PHONE: 5376 (5 Lines). Aivt ol Singaport Cold Storage Co.. Ltd. i^— WPS. MA aw^
      22 words

  • 25 16 U.K. The Sultan of Perak giving aiciy the prizes to successful exhibitors at the Batu Kurau and ijok Agricultural shore.
    25 words
  • 408 16 Outstanding Exhibits To Be Put On Show In London This Year From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 2. TH X first of its kind to be held m Perak, the Arts and Crafts Exhibition confined to all Malay boys' and girls' schools m Perak
    408 words
  • 37 16 AN outstanding Malayalam comedy "Vismrltl" was ably presented to a ■rowded audience at Victoria Theatre ast Saturday night by a group of local falaytiM actors. The cast included Messrs. M. D. Das md Slvasankara Bhagavather.
    37 words
  • 46 16 'From Our Own Correspondent) Talping, July 1. Jan bin Ngah Mohammed, Settlem:nt Officer, Larut, was entertainid to a dinner by his friends at the Ccrcpe Club, Taiptng. last Wednesday tight Che Jan is proc?edtns on transfer to 'aril Bnttr,
    46 words
  • 291 16 took place. The agricultural show was the first of its kind held m this part oi Perak, and it was opened by Mr. J. G. Crawford, District Officer, Larut and Matang. The exhibits were housed In th? ftungei Akar Malay Boys' School, which
    291 words
  • 184 16 A line of $700 each, m default ot payment ten months' rigorous imprisonment, was passed by Mr. C. H Koh m the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday, on two Chinese, Yeo Kirn Eng alias Yu Kirn Hln, and Tay Chin Hln who had pleaded guilty to
    184 words
  • 118 16 CENTENCE of 12 WMk* rigorous im- prlsonment, and six months' police supervision was passed on a Chinese, Chua Lam San. m the Singapore Third Court yesterday by Mr. K. A. Balcker. Chua, who was charged with theft of a chandu pipe valued $4, from
    118 words
  • 61 16 (From Our Own Correspondent) Talping, July 2. MRS. Rex. wife of Mr. Marcus Rex, the British Resident, Perak, opened the Taiping Convent's annual charity fair held at the Convent yesterday. The proceeds of the fair will go to the Orphanage run by the Convent. Each class
    61 words
  • 50 16 The Band of the Straits Settlements Police will perform m public today at Katong Park at 830 p.m. under the direction of Mr. S. Chapman. Bandmaster: March, "Manhatten Beach." Sousa Overture, "Poet and Peasant," Suppe; Selection, "Lilac Time." Schubert; Descriptive, "A Oervisb Chorus," Sebek; Selection. "The Gondoliers," Sullivan.
    50 words
  • 90 16 I*HE sixth session of the Straits Chinese Reading Club, a branch cf the Chinese Christian Association, will begin on Monday, July 10, at 8.15 p.m. m the Institute Hall at 77 Prinsep Street. Those who wish to enrol as members are advised to be present
    90 words
  • 24 16 Mr. Cheah Ghim Leng, organiser of the "boul of rice campaign" at Ip h m aid of the China Relief Fui>d.
    24 words
  • 83 16 Salary Scheme Revision (From Our Own CoßWpondent) Taipinpr, July 2. i IT h under.stor d that a petition was recently sent to the Ins- pector-General of Police, F.M.S., by i the Asiatic Inspectors of the Federated Malay States PoUcc, asking, among other things, for a revision of
    83 words
  • 480 16 R.IR WERNER BAER, who has j several times delighted audiences at the Victoria Memorial Hall with his organ recitals, evidently takes very seriously the task of making the organ concerts, held once monthly at the Hall, under Municipal auspices, a success. Not only does he
    480 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 210 16 Make Life a joyous Melody! jfißSh You can enjoy life with a zest as never before by following nature's way to renewed '^^&'--'y vitality. That way is ths daily use of Ts<ok)i fnVlllWfl fi /^C?/AIVI the B reatest revjtalizer and reju|p/|»j I] I l\Jl \S/Om|?| venator known to medical science.
      210 words
    • 37 16 PROVED 4 InMIIP PERFORMANCE BORNEO MOTORS LTD I^Vi *rA J S'prt, Prang, StrMbai, Malacca, K.L. l M h. DATTCDICC COD C AD Advt. of the Chloride Electrical DAIIBKIEJ TVfl VMH tXJt.JE; STARTING C LIGHTING Oldham Lane, Singapore.
      37 words

  • 205 17 Ten Persons Killed In Dehra Dun Express Smash Calcutta, June 29. TEN persons were killed and 21 injured at 2.30 yesterdoy morning when the engine, three carriages and three goods wagons of the Delhi-Dehra Dun mixed express were derailed near Moradabad. The cause of
    205 words
  • 101 17 Popular Reforms To Be I Introduced Dhenkanal. June 29 AHtMISSION of six months to all prisoners undergoing imprisonn.cnt m State gaols, resuscitation of > old villase panchayais. iettinf un or n Praja Parishad with 26 nominated members and improvement m the orßanization and personnel of the Hißh
    101 words
  • 36 17 Bombay. June 28. THE Executive Committee of the Congress Socialist Party has accepted the resignations cf Mr. Mr. Achvut Patwardhan, Mr. Ram Manohar Lobla and Mr. A<ok Mehta of embenhlu trf the Committee.
    36 words
  • 37 17 CALCUTTA HIGH COURT CHANGES Simla. MS. Justice Bijan Kumar Mookerjee at present Additional Judge of the Calcutta High Court, has been made a permanent Judge on the retirement of 1 Mr. Justice K. Ghos? on July 3.
    37 words
  • 14 17 B. mbay. June 28. Mahalma Gandhi will leave for thi Frontier Province on July_'J:
    14 words
    • 237 17 Supposed Sequel To "New Technique" Bombay, June 28. 'rHERE is every prospect of a meeting between Mahatma i Gandhi and certain prominent 1 Indian Princes. If it materializes, as is confidently I expected m well-informed circles < here, the discussion will extend over a wide
      237 words
    • 240 17 holesalc Convivlion Of Pickctcw Madras. June 28. 'fHIRTY-THREE persons were arrested yesterday following a I ftrlke of press workers m the, Indian Express, Dhinamani and the Andhra Prabha, English. and' Telugu dailies, respectively, located m the same building and v :clor the *amc management. About
      240 words
    • 72 17 BOMBAY EUROPEANS PROHIBITION Bombay, June 28 A DEPUTATION of the European Association waited upon the Premier. Mr. B. G. Kher, m the absence of Dr. Gilder, Excise Minister who is at present m Poona. The deputationLsts urged the necessity for extending the scope of permits In the matter of liquor
      72 words
    • 66 17 Simla, June 30. SIR G. S. Bajpal, Secretary, Department of Education, Health and Lands, who has been 111 for the last few days is proceeding on three months' leave. Mr. G. S. Bozman, Deputy Secretary, who visited Malaya as Secretary to
      66 words
    • 40 17 Bombay. June 28. BABU Rajendra Prasad, the Congress President, has left for Patna. All the Premiers excepting Mr. Rajagopalachariar, Pandit Nehru and ethers members of the Working Committee have left for their respective ot a lions.
      40 words
    • 123 17 Conclusion Of Bombay Meeting Bombay, June 28. 'THE Congress Working Committee 1 met again yesterday evening to review the work done by the AllIndia Congress Committee and to implement some of the resolutions passed by the All-India Congress Committee. The Working Ccmmittes confirmed the appointment by the
      123 words
  • 224 17 Bombay, July 2. COMMENTING on the A.I.C.C.s decision to send Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru to Ceylon, Mahatma Gandhi says m yesterday's Harijan that the A.I.C.C. has done well In choosing its besc man to proceed to Ceylon as the nations ambassador of peace. No
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  • 90 17 Number Of Nominated Seats Reduced Calcutta, June 28. FE Bengal Council passed tcday tha Calcutta Municipal Amendment Bill. The final passage of the bill was not pressed for a division. The only change effected m the Bill by the Upper House is the reduction of the
    90 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 74 17 Your voyage to England is part of your home leave. Travel home via the Cape, the attractive route for the discriminating. First class through passage from £97. Full information *rotn Pass. Dept., X.P.M. Line. ilncorp ii Holland.) (Phone 5451) PROFESSIONAL-LIKE MOVIES ia BLACK WHITE fFULL NATURAL COLOUR Bell Howell "8"
      74 words
    • 410 17 Wont Stop the WaW^BABN Uffr if* \Ai i l M 1 m/\§^ mm Mm MM w Dill IL WW MMmta J iC/iL/ w I FL usnd ntS EUbtSm iI 1?t Torrential Rain StcamVi humid conditions Coldt Hu Fevers Headaches all go together. It is necessary to guard against infection and
      410 words

  • 713 18 Missionary On Objectives Of Chungking Government THE most remarkable feature of the present Chinese spirit of unrelenting resistance is the fact that it is unaccompanied by any desire for vengeance upon the civilian population of Japan, said Mr. Arnold R. Vaught, head
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  • 333 18 Paralysing Enemy s Operations /CHINESE guerillas In the eastern and southern provinces have a lesson to teach their comrades m other war zones. For they have been developing through the unavoidable process of trial and error a set ol new tactics of their own. Today instead of
    333 words
  • 657 18 Casualty Ratio Is Changing CROM a casualty ratio of four to one m favour of the Japanese at the beginning of the war, the ratio of casualties m the Shansi-South Suiyuan War Area has been cut until it now stands one to 13 m China's favour, stated
    657 words
  • 133 18 Ctiengtu iszechuan). THE sum of more than 53.000 was recently given by the American, British and Canadian members of the Faculty or the Associated University m Chengtu for relief of the war refugees. This sum Is m addition to their regular contributions. Most of the
    133 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 95 18 CHEVROLET PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES stand out as one of the trot* important features of this truly great car. They are the safest, smoothes', most dependable brakes ever offered on a motor car. Designed to minimize road Look tot our vstd car utt apptar- hazard and permit faster cruising speeds. tut
      95 words
    • 253 18 9 HE DOES MOT f LIKE MILK! Don'l worry. Mother. Now you I cat add a full ;fui of miik \< VI«T to your child's diet without \S ~^£J A A^-f>-his even knowing it. _S^~^ gW^^a Simply mix four Wvei table- lm spoons of Klim with the sagar, and stir
      253 words

  • Correspondence
    • 291 19 MALARIA Puzzled Patient's Reply ESTATE DRESSER'S COMMENTS To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— l am afraid I did not make myself sufficiently clear on the subject of the treatment of malaria m my ltUer, which you published under the beading "A Puzzled Malaria Patient." My dresser, whose duty
      291 words
    • 139 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— l have read the letter of Mr. j D. K. Seneviratne, headed "Seremban I Poultry Puzzle," and m reply would j advise him s.s follows. In ca?e of poultry diseases occurring, i he should immediately communicate v.ith the Agricultural Officer
      139 words
    • 958 19 European Business Man's View Of The Test Case To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— lt Is obvious from the continued comment on the Malacca test case relating to the Co-operative Societies Ordinance that there is considerable perturbation In the public mind as a result of
      958 words
    • 179 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— Please convey to N. S. Alexander and to your other correspondents en ihe subject of a sinking ship that they are overlooking one very Important point. That is the possibility of air being trapped In the many compartments
      179 words
    • 545 19 MORE ABOUT THE DEPUTATION To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— The letter which appeared m jour paper of July 1, written by "A Woman Of India," will have the approval of all Indians and others who are m a position to
      545 words
    • 105 19 To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir, Reading your reply to my last letter, I must disagree with your defence of the make-up m "The Mikado as being m the Gilbert and Sullivan tradition. You are thinking of the theatrical performance, which is quite a different
      105 words
    • 387 19 Tailings Report Recalled To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir,— l read with considerable Interest the chairman's speech at the annual meeting of Sungel D?sl Mines. Ltd.. as reported m a recent issue of your paper, for It stressed the difficulty of slimes disposal and
      387 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 226 19 Strengthen your Health Defences Pjk There Is deSnitely nothing like "Ovalm.e* 'I "f for building up your Utallty and powers of ~J resistance to Influenza and other Ills. The vAi constituents of "Ovaßlne"— malt plus milk W yye P ;us ?gss and the scientific methods by 'J Bi \y" which
      226 words
    • 125 19 NIGHT and DAY you'll be glad you kept to Johnnie Walker No man was ever the better for mixing his drinks and everyone who keeps to Johnnie Walker for an evening is glad the next morning that he did so. #Wfc There is something essentially clean and refreshing about the
      125 words

  • 727 20 German Air Strategy And How It Can Be Upset By Britain THE opinion that civilian defence, and not active defence, is "the true answer" to the Blitzkrieg, or "lightning blow," of German air strategy is expressed m a bulletin entitled "The Nature of
    727 words
  • 26 20 London. July 3. LORD Mount Temple, Minister for Transport from 1924 to 1»2», died today. The baronetcy was created In 1932. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 44 20 Steel-hHmttcd A.R.P. women wardens telling a mother and her baby where to go for safety during the Chelsea "air raid," m which all traffic was stopped for a quarter of an hour. This was London's fint daylight air raid experiment.
    44 words
  • 429 20 THE G-Man who smashed the Nazi spy ring told the Sunday Chronicle how British i secret agents, attached to the famous M.1.5., unravelled a plot j which led to scores of arre.ts m the British Isles and the U.S.A. He is Mr. Leo
    429 words
  • 117 20 Dominions' Share In Imperial Policy London, July 3. THE Dominions, ii they cared to exercise it, could and did carry responsibility for imperial policy declared Lord Lothian, former Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, m a speech at a Canada Club dinner m London tonight. Aa an example of the
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 41 20 Haifa, July 23. SIX HUNDRED refugees arrived here tod.ay In a motor launch flying the Zionist flag and surrendered to the authorities. The refugees had transferred from a steamer m the open aea yesterday.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 483 20 Propaganda To Convey Idea That Britain Is A Senile Power and Italian propaganda m Portugal, as elsewhere, id seeking assiduously to convey the impression that Britain is a senile Power hardly to be trusted as an ally, according to the Daily Telegraph
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 161 20 -^%y^ f WHEN /^fete^ STRENGTH J SFAGGE y YOU NEED j /^^^v-iv \WATERBURY'S£^^^^^%IIf Do you feel weak, run-down? Do you tire easily? Then you need Waterbury's Compound to build A you up— to help restore normal health and vigour. '■''v \vV^tv Waterbury's Compound contains pure li»er and A& "\v^^^ malt
      161 words
    • 327 20 FORGOTTEN SOMETHING; An MEWMMI it«m m the Family Budget is Life A»nranre. If you omit it, how wiM the other items be met m the e vent of your death? For life Assurance is the only means by which the average family man can make secure the future welfare of
      327 words

  • 657 21 Investment Depreciation Below £70,000 MORE THAN COVERED BY AMOUNT CARRIED FORWARD Siamese Company's Temporary Plant Earning Substantial Revenue THE full accounts of the London Tin Corporation Ltd., the big holding" company, reflect the difficult conditions ruling" m the tin industry during the year ended Apr.
    657 words
  • 173 21 VALUE OF HOLDINGS Decline Of £96, 964 Alter appropriating .€120.000 to wri: down ttM Investments <as above stated the total depreciation is reduced Co under £70.000. The agsrecate of quoted and ur.quotcd investments at £3,4G1.676 show. 1 a decrease of £06.CC4 compared wit I !ast fear. Quoted investments hay been
    173 words
  • 271 21 i Sijrr.cs? Tin Mines f which sol.: £116,040 of tin-ore m 1938 and mad.a working profit of £61,988] is earning a substantial revenue on very low recoverirs from a temporary plant th: tailings are being stacked for retreat ment. A new plant, with which it
    271 words
  • 48 21 Chungking, July 3 THE Ministry of Finance has Issued regulations under which exporters, whether Government or private concerns, must sell to the Bank of China or the Bank of Communications foreign exchange obtained through exports. In return the banks will pay In national currency.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 216 21 Petition Follows The Governor's Tour Nicosia, Cyprus. A PETITION signed by thousands of people from all districts of the island, expressing dissatisfaction at present conditions and demanding a representative form of Government, has been received by the Government. This move Is m the nature of a
    216 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 124 21 <Ml CAMTI* PATENT INNwR SPRING PILLOWS by HILTON BROS. Thvse pillows, of unssualleci excellence, hnvc bSM supplied to the public for tho pact seventeen years. Thair scientific construction ib such, that they arc thoroughly recommended .is the moot comfortable end laoiingly reGiii3nt, r-n bo obtained. ftMfj^ S le Agents:— if
      124 words
    • 113 21 KssSScval -^BBlfl^M^S^^c^ L n^s^ S^^^^^^^l rik^^BH BS^B^^^^ll Bflßfi^r^^^^uwCvAJWßvßjfl (Singapore ltd.) A WODERN pegasus THE STANDARD 10 H.P. £K™r ™™1%-!£k. TODAY, when even the rich must economise, there is a growing demand for <For wautuy P r a K^ a hT vince economy m motoring. Without sacrificing comfort, safety and speed,
      113 words

  • 456 22 Hill Takes 5 For 20 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, July 3. A TEAM taken to Ipoh by Brig. C. A. Cadell and composed of Services" j players, beat the Ipoh Club here dur- Ing the weekend. IPOH CLUB— First Innings J. E. Slade c Simpson
    456 words
  • 292 22 Singapore Beaten In Final Yesterday THREE goals by Nicoll and two by Mitchell gave the R.A. a five-one victory over Singapore m the final of the polo tournament for the K.O.R. Cup at the Singapore Polo Club yesterday. Bate.; scored Singapore's only
    292 words
  • 219 22 Signals Lose Four Goals To Two CHERLICKER, Royal Navy inside- left, was sent off the field In the second division (a) soccer game against the Malaya Signals Co., at Alexandra yesterday. The Navy won by four goals to two In a game played at a cracking
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  • 177 22 'From Our Own correspondent) Talplng, July 3. A Dogra Regimental team defeated a strong Talplng side, the Jolly Lads, In a hockey friendly on the regimental padang today by the odd goal In three. The match was played at a fast pace and both sides had an equal
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  • 119 22 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, July 3. Good tennLs was served up at the Muar Civil Service Club court In the quarter final of the men's open doubles event of the Muar district championship meeting. L. A. Marshall and Lyn Ka Teng beat All bin Hajl Ahmad and
    119 words
  • 487 22 First Win For 16 Years In League Soccer CURPRISING results m competitive soccer are not uncommon, but the biggest upset this season was witnessed at the Stadium yesterday when the S.R.C. beat the Chinese by 2—l2 1 m the first division of the league.
    487 words
  • 75 22 New York. July 4. CLARENCE GILES completed a 288 miles swim m the Yellowstone River, Montana, from Billings to Glendive, breaking the world record of 281 miles made m the Parana River by Pedra Candiottl In 1933. Giles' swim took 77V 2 hours. Prevl ously the North American
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 82 22 Following is the Medical College eleven to play Raffles College In their annual cricket match on the Medical College ground on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Sandosham captain. Ong Swee Law. Kuldip Singh, L. Alvls. Hera Singh, Hu j Wei Ming. Cheam Chong Woo, K. S. Retnam, Neo
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  • 36 22 Soccer DJv. I, S.C.C. Malays, on the Padang Div. 118, Chinese vs. Indian Assn., at the Clerical Inion Moravia vs. Excise Departments, at the Harbour Board ground. Tennis S.C.C. vs. R.A.F. S.C.R.C. tournament.
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  • 267 22 'THRILLING PLAY was seen m th» S.C.R.C. lawn tennis championships yesterday, when John Lim and Tan Huck Toe went a stage further m the men's open doubles event. They defeated Yong Loon Chong and Wee Eng Lock after a three set match 6—4,6 4, 4—B,4
    267 words
  • 91 22 The following will be selected to represent i he Sphinx B P. "B" team against the Jacques B P. "B" team an A friendly badminton match of six ilnglfr and ovr double to be playd at the latter's court on Sunday, at 3.30 p ru. Joseph de S^uza.
    91 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 91 22 jjy RIIIOuR COOT 4|^^3^ ELIMINATES m BW^fS DAMP, STAINED, fmJlra lid MOULDY WALLS r^My V 7 WN— 'J Voter proofs m attractive perI l^fc'v IsuuuW ian n colours brick, concrete |.F^k4^ /jfl r cement plaster structures. BflßjflHMkaifisßßfl I Seals cracks and prevents accumulation of dirt m crevices. Does not rub
      91 words
      21 words

  • 260 23 Surprise Defeat Of Helen Jacobs At Wimbledon THF women's singles provided some good tennis at Wimbledon yesterday and one pleasant surprise for Britain was the victory of Kay Stammers over Helen Jacobs, runner-up last year. The British player was seeded sixth and the American as
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  • 268 23 Segamat Will Have Strong Side (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat, July 4. Six teams have entered for the McConechy Cup knockout soccer competition run by the Johore Public Works Department for their diirerer.t district bodies. The competition is dn.dod into two sections, the ncrth and the south.
    268 words
  • 110 23 f FY >rr. Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat, July 4 Great disappointment was felt In Batu Pahat wiion the cup tie f.xed for July 1 was unavoidably postpruud to July 8. Owing tD .several unior-seen circumstances the local body was unable to meet, to fix the dates
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  • 245 23 West Indies Make Huge Score crick :t matches completed yett-raay resulted. At Binningfcam, Warwick beat Glamorgan Dy an innings and 91. Glamorgan 102 <May?r four for 34) and 225 (Homes nine for 93). Warwick 418 lor seven declared <Croom 14bj. At Nottingham, West Indies beat Notts by
    245 words
  • 140 23 (From Our Own Correspondent! Seremban. July 4. There has been one change m the Negri Sembilan State cricket side to i meet Malacca on Saturday and Sunday at Tampin m the last State match of the reason. E. S. Ersfcine is unable to play
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  • 118 23 i From Our Own Correspondent) Kota Bahrn, July 2. The Chief Police Officer, Kelantan (Tengku Mohamed YurofT) is busuy engaged m making arrangements with jthe Corrun siirner of Police Trengi ganu, Mr. R. K. Ben for a return bocj cer game to ns held here between the
    118 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 23 A hot c-ilack on the S.C.FJI. goal fadital at the Stadium yesterdcp m the first division match m uhich the SJI.C. beat the Chinese by 2—l. —Straitt Times picture.
    29 words
  • 288 23 FORT CANNING MALAY REG. SCORE 142 RUNS CRICKET MATCH. Fort Canning vs. Malay Regiment, played at Port Dlckson resu'ted m a tie. Fort Canning took first knack on a perfect, wicket and found runs hard to get. losing their first seven wickets fur 72 ping Turner, going m number eight,
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  • 114 23 Kehar Sinph Wins For Third Time (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, July 4. Sergeant Kehar Singh won the monthly shoot of the Segamat Rifle Club for the third time m succession He won it m April and May and again beads the tables for June. Lt. Mohamed
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  • 96 23 <From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat, July 4 Entries for the district tennis tournament of Batu Pahat, which is doe to j fetart on July 10, will close an July 8. The programme will not Include any events for women or mixed doubles. There will also be
    96 words
  • 60 23 The lollowing will represent Duncan Roberts' XI In a return friendly soccer* with the Thornycroffs XI at Farrer Park on Thusday at 5.15 p.m. Lee Kirn Teck. Ch. w loi Tee. Tv See Jong. Tarn Tuan Koon, Bong Meng Chong, Choo Keng Tin; Y. 8. Klat, Lee Wing
    60 words
  • 187 23 I*HK ALL- JOHORE P.W.D. athletic sports meeting for 1939 will be held under the auspices of the P.WJ3. Athletic Association Johore Bahru, on Aug. 4, at the English College ground. Johore Bahru. the heats for some of the events to be run on the previous day. Entries
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  • 233 23 Cotton And Lawson Little In Second Place London. July 4. CTEADY rafn was falling when the second round of the British Open golf tournament started. One hundred and thirty players with scores of 156 or better qualified for the competition proper which will
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  • 69 23 'From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping, July 2. Tne Perak Police defeated the Penang Police by three goals to twj m their annual soccer encounter which took place this year at Taiping yesterday. The Perak team were better m attcck, their forwards showing more understanding than
    69 words
  • 188 23 Following are the teams and starting times for the match Royal S'n-a-pore Golf Club women vs. S'nganura Garrison Golf Club women to bs plived at Bukit Ttmah on Friday (RS.GC. players mentioned first) 3.45 Mrs. G. F. Slmcnd '12) vs. Mr?. J. A. Allpn U0). 3.50 Mrs. C.
    188 words
  • 63 23 (From Our Own Correspondent* Batu Pahat, July 4. The Government English School, Batu Pahat, will hold Its annual ath'ctic sports on Juiy 20 (ihursaayi. on the school field. Besides the usual 'everts fcr bnys cf Class I. 11. and Ilf. there will bz events for the
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 146 23 BRITAIN'S BEST MOTOR CYCLE J Mtvtii. oivoj |>rrl< i. .sßktamidill^B for olt miaymcnt. CYCLE CARRIAGE CO., (1926) LTD. Asthma Cause Killed ii 24 Hwrs Vlik :>).* m thr dlnctn rry of an Juocncam 1 v. It dow Is poasililo to set rid of thewr trrrililo fik!l« of chukiiic. r»ii>i>in«r. rnuchliit;
      146 words
    • 26 23 sfiSSfiy A j|^B(BP^^^^ IIfLL .r •"■'X*'- m&a UDQf**" fl^H iK^k a s^L^s^av .^sU^b^b l^L^l^kk. jgjMk L Solm Agents: SIME, DARBY Co., Ltd., Singapore— Johore-Malacca Negri Sembllan.
      26 words

  • 93 24 KING QUEEN AT GUILDHALL AFTER CANADIAN TOUR Left: The King and Queen on their way to the Guildhall, where they were entertained to luncheon after their return from Canada. Above: The scene when the Royal carriage drove down Fleet Street. Their Majesties at the Gu-ldhall, before the start of the
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  • Page 24 Advertisements