The Straits Times, 17 April 1939

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 200 1 SINGAPORt 140. CECIL ST i PHONE 6471). Try MIEN CHONG TAILORING We only ask for a trial order. q« Coleman St. Singapore. Phone 4816 1 *F HALLS Distemper- ~gfj lT THE OIL-BOUND (i( i \J ML WATER PAINT I VI *4? 100% BRITISH 3^ THE OIL -BOUND WATER PAINT HALL'S
      200 words
    • 293 1 ClklAl rnTM KUALA LUMPUR 25. >AVA ST. FINAL. tUIIX. ('PHONE 3683 > Distinctive Footwear h Lotus Delta A BOVE jfll else men demand shoes which fit perfectly and are comfortable to tlir last degree. A busy man wants to forjtet his feet as soon as he has given the final
      293 words
    • 21 1 Madame Page. DRESSMAKER and DESIGNER Tailormade' Gowm for all occasion in Stock from $5 $30 13, Battery Road. Singapore. Tel. 6327.
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    • 22 2 MANNING —At the Government UospiUl. lerusnlem, oa Apr. in. Ad.i \gnes, wife ol Mr. Justice banning, of the Supremo Court, Singapore.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 918 2 PROFESSIONAL^ To nnORM Alfß ASIATIC professional and commercial firms: English accountant. fully qualified, and established In local practice, personally conducts all audits at client's offices: Clients are assured ol confidence, expediency and experience. Consultations, advice and continuous supervision: Moderate (Inclusive) lees: Box No. 110, Straits Times. HANDWRITING AND DOCUMENT EXAMINATION
      918 words
    • 620 2 HOUSES. FLATS TO LET TO LET IMMEDIATELY— Modern house In best residential district, three bedrooms with bathrooms and dressing rooms. Furnished. Tennis Court. Apply Tel: *****. TO LET, Furnished House, Tanglin, 3 bedrooms, mod. fan., trnnis. for 6 months from May 15. Rent $200. Stall available. Apply Box No. 162,
      620 words
    • 434 2 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET OFFICES at 1 an.l 4-A. Prince BY. Ann .z Raffles Place. Apply Sob Chew Koe 129 tCUimey Road. GOHOWN, Read Btreet o!T Rlvei Valley Road 4.000 to 8.000 wiare feet United Enzineers Limited LARGE OFFICE to let secon I floor at 08 Robin-son nowl all conveniences,
      434 words
    • 745 2 BUSINESS CARPS ETC. BUSINESS CARDS Etc TEI^AYERGODOWNS MASSAGE HALL VACANT 1st JUNE 1919 Mr,' h^ru ,H°^^n^ S050 Square feet of so. Waterloo street. STORAGE ACCOMMODATION ™ee*°™ 7467. IN GODOWN No. 8/9 institultT soekaboemi PRINCE EDWARD ROAD, SINGAPORE. rinmirta u.^re scnooi met Mm voor Jongens en meiMes Oplelding toola':n,'s— r T-
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 525 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS (Incorporated in Japan) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LTD. TO LONDON Penang, Colombo, Aden. Suez, Port Said Naples, Marseilles, Gibraltar, London, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg. Vessels Tonnage Dv Sail HAKOZAKI MARU 10,400 Apr. 26 27 SUWA MARU 10,700 May 10 11 TERUKUNI MARU 11,900 May 23
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    • 569 3 MANSFIELD CO., LTD. Ocean Building, Collyer Quay, Singapore Ti-I. 5131. Chartered Bank Building, Penang Tel. I "86. BLUE FUNNEL LINE. FAST SERVICES MARSEILLES. LONDON. N. CONTINENT AND GLASGOW (kl conjunction with the Glen Line) Due Sails THESEUS L'don. R'dam ie Hull Apr. 16 Apr. IS AJAX Mars. Casa, L'don, R'dam.
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  • 728 4 IN their weekly review of the Amer- lean Stock market, issued yesterday, S. E. Levy and Co. write: In the European game of strippoker the totalitarian continue In winning vein and another surprise was sprung on an anxious world on Oood Friday when Mussolini
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  • 51 4 New York, Apr. 18. QUICK action by the United States to stop the drilt toward war as urged by the New York Times In an editorial. The United States, the journal declares, will probably be drawn Into the next war more swiftiy than the Great War.—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 20 4 Berlin, Apr. 4. THE total Reich indebtedness increas1 cd during January by Rm.929.000,C00 77.300.000) to Rm.28,110,000,000 < £2,340,300,000).
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  • 23 4 The Johan van Oldenbarnevelt will berth a'ongside the wharves at noon tomorrow, and will sail for Java at 6 p.m.
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  • 451 4 New York, Apr. 16. TPHE following quotations were those ruling when the Stock Exchange closed today New York Previous Clnee Clo;n» Ch»z>nv Mar 15 65 65 15.75 75 up 10 July 1567 68 15.75,76 up .09 September 15 68 68 15 7878 up 08 May todays high
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  • 98 4 QWAN. CULBERTSON AND FRITZ report on Saturday's New York markets Wall Street reacted favourably to President Roosevelt's appeal for a tenyear peace and stocks advanced one to three points. There was considerable demand from shorts who wished to have a clean slate over the week-end in the belief
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  • 61 4 T*HE night after the announcement of the issue of $600,000,000 (Chinese) reconstruction loan on Apr. 13, the National Government announced the flotation of a $600,000,000 (Chinese) commissarlal loan to meet military expenditure Involved In the second period of China's war resistance. The loan is secured
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  • 50 4 Kunming (Yunnan), Apr. 16. TTHE Yunnan Provincial Government has requested the special commissioner of the Chinese Foreign Office In Kunming to communicate with the French Government, declaring that the Japanese planes attacking Mengtsu on Apr. 13 came by way of French IndoChina territory.— Central News.
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  • 21 4 Baltimore, Apr. 16. TTHE Pan-American Airways Yankee Clipper arrived today after Its trans-Atlantic survey flight— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  21 words
    • 147 4 The following ships are alongside '.vSingapore Harbour Board v harves or exp<cted to arrive: Main Wharf, Entranre Gate t: Exit J:— Shirala IS; Kolam 16: Theseus: Husi.m Maru 14: Gneisenau 9: Brncraachan 7 Empire Dark. Entrance liate I] Exit 3: I'irak 31: Adnutus 32, Mentor :i4:
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    • 20 4 Hostile French crowds demonstrated when German freighters arrived at the ports of Nantes and Lorlent, reports Reuter.
      Reuter  -  20 words
    • 288 4 Air Mail Arrivals And Departures INWARD Wearnes From Priunc. Ipoli and Kiwi) Lumpur. Arrives every eveninr. KX.M. From Netherlands indies: Arrive! tomnrrow afternoon KX..M.: from Europe: Arrives tomorrow rvrBiag Qantus: From Australia: \iritn Uim-rr >>» afternoon. Imperial From r.uri.pc: Due and eipei :.>I on Wednesday morning I Mini N><he;lands Indies:
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    • 159 4 SING A PORE MAILS Today u) Torn .loiDcrmi a p m. Ma <Imcer:al) 2 pm [•ooUl Afrlrs ilmDriimJ) a o m. R'nma ilmDenan > pin. Whi I? Canada i!mncrml> 1 n tn. China Hiuhuw ilmperiali I Egypt. Sjdao and IMMM ilirn; I om. fSrcat Br.ia'r md MMM Imoer'ai t rn
      159 words
    • 89 4 I Correspondence for transnn.s.sion 07 air via "Netherlands" must be fuliy prepaid and clearly superscribed "By X.L.M." Mails wiil close from Malacca as follows Today. Slam. Burma. India Iraq, Palestine. Egypt, Mauritius. Europe, Great Britain, [rrlani. N S America. R ft S A/rica. Nigeria and Gold Coast by
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    • 26 4 Mails i'.vm H(/i:.iiici tie. t 'day 17. by Kcitusono. Mails from Europe (London pared mails* expected on Apr 20. by Aenemj delivery uncertain.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 127 4 PUBLIC NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL S«4 DEBENTURE STOCKS 1937 1S3S INTEREST DIE MAT 15, 1)39. Notice Is hereby Riven that the Transfer Registers of the above Stocks will be closeJ from May 2 to 15. 1839. both days inclusive C. H. GOLDIE. Municipal Secretary. TAKUAPA VALLEY TIN DREDGING NO LIABILITY, (Incorporated
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    • 21 4 ANNOUNCEMENT WAIT for a few days t GET Newest Latest 1 Silk Materials from VISHNU SILK STORE 46, North Bridge Road.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 372 4 MALAYAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE Daily Weather Report Station* Yesterday Last night max. rain- bright m»r temp, fall s'shine temp •P Inches hrs "F West Coast. Alor Star 89 Nil 7.3 75 Bayan Lepas (Penang) 87 0.12 5.7 75 Sitiawan 89 0.24 6.4 73 Bukit Jeram 89 008 5.6 73 Malacca 85
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  • 127 5 An Interesting B.B.C. Broadcast London. nCGPLE with queer nicknames told the world how. they got them in a 'nlckname» broadcast" from the BBC's Olasgow studio recently. Queerest name was "Pitoodllty"— owned up to by ex-school teacher Mrs. Margaret Sutherland. A schoolboy used to excuse his
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  • 114 5 piRST stage in the development of a national police radio net In the event of war has been completed by Scotland Yard. The transmitter at West Wickham, Kent, has been in regular daily contact for a month with the radioequipped police forces in Nottingham and
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 525 5 NATURES CURE FOR LIVER TROUBLE A Nuggtti iivci, inactive kidney* and lag* bowels tbny all cause tired feeling," lack of anergy, depression and irritability. Lazy Mv*n and poisoaed systems need a clear, cool draught of Nature's own tonic waters— ivator charged with purifying natural mineraj »alts. drawn (roin the very
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    • 12 5 SotrfkUic I Medicated with throat w m soothing ingredients of Vicks Vapoßub^^^
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    • 188 5 THE RISK OF SEPTIC BsTOU*ftuM AVOlur.D Hull IHIS NEW POTENT GERMICIDE. Particularly useful and safe for cuts, abrasions ai >d skin disorders. Obtainable from Chemists and Stores. 75 cents aid $1.50 per bottle. Sole Distributors: CRAFTON LABOR AT ORIES Ltd.— Singapore Kuala Lu-npur. ■;v; v V &M ;t^^ 19 3
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 1143 5 Broadcasting I S SINGAPORE Lm t| *f TODAY 1^ M ZIIL 225 metres. ijL ZIIP S0.06 metres. 5.00 Malay songs by Miss Tijah— 2t MlJU 5.30 Cantonese dramas. t i{ ,M fi.10 Cantonese children's programme. f JEt 6.30 Cantonese music. t jS^k, I 7.00 Childrens* programme. (English). JH 7.15 Time,
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    • 592 6 RUBBER CONSUMPTION JUMPS IN U.S. SHARE SECTIONS VERY QUIET By Our Financial Correspondent. Singapore, Apr. 17HTHE pace of political affairs 'S quickening and President Roosevelt's message the dictators .s likely to accelenle things still surther. The most, important reactions t:> this message com*- Jrcm the American people
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    • 21 6 President RooaevcH'a menage to Heir Hitter iuui Signor Mussolini was broadcast by the B.B C. in German. Italian and Fmich Reuter.
      Reuter  -  21 words
    • 594 6 Issue Val. Praser Co. Lyall Evatt Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers 4/- Ampat Hn 5/- AustraJ Airial £1 Austral Malay 5/- Ayer Hitain 1 Ayei M-ng £1 Bangrtn Tin 1 Batu Selangor 5/- Berjuntm il Burma Malay £1 Clienderiang 50 Hltam Tin 1 Hong Fatt 5/- Hong Kong Tin 5/-
      594 words
    • 472 6 2 2 Alex Brick Ord 1.30 1.40 1.32V4 140 2 2 do. 7V 2 prefs. 2.30 2.3 Id 2.27 >/ 2 2.S;od 10 10 Atlas Ice 4.75 5.2S &.00 5 50 1 1 B M. Broadcasting 0 50 0.60 0.50 160 10 5 B. M. Trustee 3 75 7
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    • 264 6 6% Maynarc tt Co. Ltd. $30,000 int. Apr. SO Oct. 31 00 SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 5% 1901 reci 1940 $400,000 1st Int. Kar. 31 Sept. 30 100 4fe« 1907 red 1941 $1,600,000 Int. liar. 31 Sept 30 106 4'/iT. 19CP red 1955 $1,000,000 Int. Mar. 31 Sept 30
      264 words
    • 392 6 Fraser Co Lyall Evatt Allenby 1.20 1.30 1 20 1.30 Alor Gajah 0.00 097' 2 )90 1.00 Amal Malay 1.35 1.45 IM 1.45 Ayei Hitara 0.90 1 00 0 90 100 Ayer Molek 0.90 1.00 0.90 1.00 Ayer Panas 1.18 1.21 i 15 1.20 Bassett 0.50 054 0.48
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  • 179 6 Tne fol,owlng arc tne exchange rates thi morning according to the dally circular Issued by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation i SELLING London T.T. 2/3 23/32 London demand 2/3 23/32 Lyons demand 2035 Switzerland demand 240'/ 4 Hamburg demand 134 NeW York demand 54 1/16 Montreal demand
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  • 77 6 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. Monday \\>x 17 noon No. IX R.S.S (Spot loose) 27'n 27' No. IX R.SS. f.ob. in cases. AprU ZV/ 2:3s <.> A.Q R.S.S. f.ob. in bale* April 26»» 27 FAO RSS fob h»l»« April "«S KIT-TURK oi'nT*Tift«is Il TIRE qrOTATIONS No. IX R.SS. on Registered
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  • 614 6 Swan Culbertson's Weekly Market Review IN a weekly report on the New York Stock market, issued this j morning, Swan, Culbertson and Fritz, write: An improvement in sentiment has been evident on Wall Street during the Dast week and by virtue of advances on five out
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  • 115 6 Manila. Apr. 17 THE lollowing wore ji^erday's quotations and this morning's quotations for gold shares on the Manila Stock Exchange. All the shares have a par value of 10 crnt.ivos and the quotations are in pesos jrevious Today asked bid asked bid Uitamok 0.33 0.32's 0
    Reuter  -  115 words
  • 133 6 London, Apr. lo QN the Foreign Exchange market toy day, the revival of unconfh ■ed rumours of impending devalu-r'.m caused heavy offerings of belgas and, in spite of official interv ntion, >c rate weakened to 27. 88 compare.l *:th 27 82 3 i at the close yesterday.—Router.
    British Wireless  -  133 words
  • 70 6 Treasury Bill Discount Rate Highest For Seven Y«ars London. Apr. lfi r\Si the money market this week, v owing to the slow rrturn of Easter currency and some withdrawal >f leans from the market by clearing banks borrowers frequently paid higher rates for accommodation This stringency
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  • 37 6 London. Apr. 15. In the commodity markets today, jute was very firm, influenced by Calcutta advices indicating that rain was needed together with rumours that a further Government order for sandbars was pending.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 29 6 !vv« ntryliuA^ thati eld old frifndi, eld timt), old MMOI, lAi bi*ki And need one s&y rhe ma.gnificen.l Whisky o&lled "Old Rarity GUARANHID 15 YEARS OLD MeALISTER CO., LTB.
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    • 880 7 Trees Of High -Yielding Stock To Be Planted INVESTMENTS SOLD TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY T»HK directon of Changkat St-rdang Ertatfe Ltd. have do- cided to pursue a progressive policy of rehabilitation. Poor areas of rubber are to be replaced with treos of
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    • 209 7 Ri<r quoU-d p«r koyan r>n uK Other 1 oinni...lilies quutrii per p« m excrpt where uthrrui r >latfd Mne.ip.H-r. Apr. |j. ixiuh Buyers Sellers Oambler 7.50 H ;mburv. Cut) $13 00 Java Cube S12.IX) Ptpvet White Muulok $1275 White $12 25 BVek S 8.00 Cmun SJ IS
      209 words
    • 101 7 IXURINf: the w<- k ending Apr 8. 1939. exports oi canned pineapples trom Malayan pacta hmmM to *****5 which 9:!.9>:i( '81) p.T c nt.i cuses mttt t< the United Kingdom. 2.775 r2 p.-r ei-nt. > cases to the Continent 01 Europe. 15.:i8:< iU per MM.) cases
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    • 436 7 CABLE WIRELESS SURPRISE HOLDING CO. AGAIN PAYING 4 PER CENT. SHARP ADVANCE IN THE STOCKS A PLEASANT surprise was sprung on the Stock markets by the dividend announcements of the Cable and Wireless companies. The Holding company is maintaining dividend at 4 per cent, on \ho tS,BM,IOS "f ordinary capital.
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    • 183 7 Dividend Of 4 Per Cent. ""PHE sixth ordinary general mee-ng j of Denni<town Rubber Estates. Ltd T-as held in London on Apr. 4. Mr. J. L Milne, who presided, said I that the net profit for the rear was £6.995 and the balance brought for- ward £3.542.
      183 words
    • 44 7 REICH BU Y S MORE U.K. COAL Berlin. Apr. 4. THE Association of British Coal Im- porters, in Hamburg, stated that ihe quantity of British coal imported'! into Germany in 1938 was about j 3.700.000 tons, against 3.340.000 tons In a the previous war.
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    • 855 7 NEED FOR CONSERVATIVE FINANCE POLICY CHANGES IN LOCAL ORGANISATION DROPOSING the adoption of the report and accounts at the annual meeting of Dunlop Rubber Company Ltd. in London on Apr. 4, Sir George Beharrell, the chairman, commenting on the recent formation of Dunlop Malayan Estate*
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    • 143 7 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS. Books Company Dividend Clow TIN Baui St-langnr 2 lr Apr. 12 Kraawi 3d ..Apr 19 ■lslcuap.1 «d. Apr 24 Ulu Piah 4', Apr 22 MM Borrlli 5'. Conin rilaia 4',. liainil'on jjr Ap r jg Pwi< Pi'rak J".^, A p r if MM A
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 907 7 TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. TENDERS are invited for the supply of Pumps, Electrical Equipment. Pipes, Valves, etc. for Buhit Timah and Katong Subsidiary Sewage Pumping Stations. Tender Form and Specification may be obtained at the Municipal Engineer's Office on payment of a deposit of $50 Tenders close at 4 p.m. on
      907 words
    • 388 7 en PUBLIC NOTICE EASTERN REALTY CO.. LTD. i Incorporate tn tbe S S i NOTICE IS HLi:»3Y GIVtN 1:j. UH Annual Cfeneial M-etuuj ci HiSliarthulders oi this Company will be tie..; at the Board Room 'A tlw Over ra-Chine.e Banking Corporaiioii Limited. China Building, Chulla Street. Singapore C-indly le« tur
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 219 8 Hey, DICK! Aren't You Carrying Things A bit TOO FAR? SHE'S "HARD TO OFT" and harder to hold on to! OLIVIA DE HAVIIXAND dees the kicking, PICK POWELL does the holding iiul y.m will do Die lawrhlnff when you see this Romartic pair in Wurnfr Bros. Laugh Sensation! "HARD TO
      219 words
    • 508 8 Riotously lunny comedy the.flim produces laugh after uproarious laugh says Free Press Sat. PAVILION 6.15 9.15 TONIGHT THORNE SMITH'S Famous Topper is on the Loose Again With His Vanishing Girl-Friend and Her Bag of Tricks! Disappearing Bathing Trunks ...Driverless Taxis. Riderless Birycles. .Invisible Jail Breaks Dissolving Rhumba Dances J HAL
      508 words
    • 172 8 LAST NIGHT OF THIS ENTERTAINING ADVENTURE STORY! Come and Meet FREDRIC MARCH and JOAN BENNETT at BUKIT T.MAH See them filmed 'midst many local scenic ha< kerniinrts! 6.15 TONIGHT at the CAPITOL 9.15 spHHHHBBIHHBMHHM^V^P^VBII i '>>>■'<( Vrtists PE7|V^Bl^Kll^lllifl Produrtion. rv» x who mkkky mocsi i U/ "MirKEYS ftMAIBCM" »Nl> LATEST
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  • 902 9 "Momentous Appeal To Reason, Says Mr. Lloyd George London, Apr. 16. j| "A MAGNIFICENT and momentous appeal to reason" j and "a very 'valuable piece of initiative." These views by Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. C. Attlee, Leader of the Opposition, respectively epitomise the
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  902 words
  • 62 9 Washington. Apr. 16. I*HE Chinese Ambassador. Dr. Hu Shin, called at the State Department today and it is reported that he inquired why China was excluded from the list of nations whose integrity President Roosevelt proposed should be guaranteed. A conciliatory reply h known
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 352 9 Message To The Dictators U.S. President's Attempt To Save Peace Washington, Apr. 16. IN his personal telegram to Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini. President Roosevelt asked specifically whether they were willing to give assurances that their armed forces, would not attack i score of now Independent nations. The message went
    Reuter  -  352 words
  • 335 9 Count Ciano Repeats Pledge To Britain Rome, Apr. 16. pOUNT CIANO, Italian Foreign Minister, addressing the Chamber of Fasci and Corporations yesterday, announced that the Chamber had offered the crown of Albania to King Victor Emmanuel. He declared the personal union brought about in the
    Reuter  -  335 words
  • 71 9 Severe Fighting In Sli.iii-i Hunan Pelping. Apr. 16 j Japanese dispatches mdi*- cate there is no relaxation in the Chinese offensive in North China. They report severe fl?hting in the battle area south ot Shansl and also continued fighting south of Kaifeng Honan. Japanese planes report Chinese
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 61 9 Vatican City. Apr. 1« THE Pope, broadcasting tn Spanish today, praised the 'noble, heroi" Spanish people" and congratulated their leaders on their stand for Chris tian civilisation and the conquest o; Communism and atheLsm. He appealed that Justice might be tempered with mercy In the
    Reuter  -  61 words
  • 69 9 Paris. Apr 16. AT the request of the French Minister of the Interior the International soccer match between France and Germany scheduled to be played In Paris on Apr. 23 will not take place It is believed the Franco-German Rugby match fixed for Apr.
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 38 9 Athens, Apr. If!. Gen. John Metaxas. the Premier, has requested the British minister. Sir Sidney Waterlow. to convey to the British Government the grateful thanks of the Greek government for the pledge given by Britain—Reuter.
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  • 29 9 Haita. Apr. 16. Three shooting outrages occurred in the main street here this morning One Jew was shot dead, two others being seriously wounded and two slightly—Reuter.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 351 9 HOTELS TONIGHT Cocktail Dance 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. DINNER DANCE (infotmal) 9.45 to midnight OI'TSTANniNG CABARET ATTRACTION THE 3 MANHATTANS MOMBM AMI I'AROOY ACROBATIC DANCERS Dinner $.1.00 Non-diners Sl.OO R tit- 1 1* iRrui«TH» Saturday— SPEClAL RACE DINNER umawnmu dance cabaret, extension Directed by Dan Hopkins TO
      351 words
    • 426 9 AGt.MS FOR STRAITS SETTLEMENTS AND ffftfr r.M s. n•i ofo f ooustead &to warn vm LIMITED. %aU (Inc to F M A* wHiit do; f SI m th G nulnt vSffl urETIIIIC BSHEAFFEfCS m/kHoo llrn« Ph* Sincaporr. I vii I.rr T*. I'mang. Baby Restless? Baby should sleep soundly, he neids
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  • 1015 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE MONDAY, APR. 17, 1939. Straits Patriotism There has now been time for reflection on the gift of one million pounds which is to be made by th? Sfaits Settlements for Impcrinl delence, and fortunate indeed are j those singie-minded patriots whose! pni'i' in this decision is
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  • 87 10 Teheran, Apr. 16. With glittering magnificence the Shah of Iran gave a great state welcome to Mohamed Reza Pahlavl 19-year-old heir to the throne, and his bride. Princess Fawzieh, 17-year-old sister of King Farouk of Egypt. As the Crown Prince, his bride, her mother and three
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  • 55 10 Seville, Apr. 16. Travelling unheralded from Burgos along a carefully guarded route, Gen. Franco with several members of his staff arrived here today for the first great victory review, which will take place tomorrow. Fifty thousand troops will take part. Today's celebrations included a special religious
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 281 10 A Share For The Volunteers S.S.V.F. EQUIPMENT To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, Befdre members of the Legislative Council give their approval to the proposal for a gift of £1.000.000 from the Colony for imperial defence. I would suggest that they seek an assurance that
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  • 170 10 Will The Fuehrer Follow Napoleon? To Hie Editor of the Straits Time* Sir.—Your correspondent Admirer i 'i-rtainly has a good deal of courage, or —shall we say?—audacity, to appear as Jlitler's champion, and his letter, to say the least of It. is ludicrous. Surely any decent-minded
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  • 193 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—Can anyone state whether a; car owner or driver has ever been pro-1 secuted in the local police-courts for blocking traffic In the drive-way outside the Capitol Theatre? This Is a long-standing nuisance. A .syce will drive to the
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  • 56 10 ESTATE MEMORIES. A correspondent whose "nursery" was the coolie lines of a Malayan rubber estate writes on the needs of the Tamil estate labourer. MALAYA AND JAPAN. Recollections of the prestige of Japan In this country after her defeat of Russia and thereafter up to the
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  • 797 10 Rudyard Kipling In Flores Strait While off the Island of Flores, east of Java, in the steamer De Weert last February, Mr. R. G. Collingwood read one of Rudyard Kipling's stories the scene of which is laid in those waters, whereupon he wrote a very interesting letter to
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  • 779 10 (hi Sarongs "THE sarong worn by Dorothy Lamrmr in 'Her Jungle Love," 1 one or the most unconsciously comic films ever shown in Malaya. Is now preserved for posterity ir. the Museum of History, Science and Art, Los Angeles A picture of Dorothy solemnly placing the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 265 10 CTGRNA J^ Stainless steel ff J%f Gold watches Opposite Clifford Pier. THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS! PEARS' CYCLOPAEDIA '1939 Edi'ion) 22 Complete Worki ol Reference In one Hand; 11.50. THE CONCISE OXFOrCD DIC'IIONAKY (3rd Ei H. W o. Le MenurlM UM. CHAMBERS'S TWENTIETH CENTURY DICTIONARY The Br'-I; lor a'! Cro>^d FdiPOSTAGE fXTRA.
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  • 597 11 "Sole Purpose Is To In crease Discord' HERR HITLER NOT HURRYING TO REPLY TO PRESIDENT Nazi Press Says Revision Of Versailles Unfinished G HUMAN hostility to President Roosevelt's note is marked by the semi-official Diplomatische Korrespondenz, which declares: "The sole purpose of Mr. Roosevelt's note
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  • 72 11 King U.S. Envoy See Balloon Barrage I <mici Apr. 16. nuiVING from Windsor astle the King and Queen, accompanied by Mr. aid Mrs. Chamberlain, the American Ambassador, Mr. Joseph Kennedy, and Mrs. Kennedy and other gueU visited the balloon barrage drpot at Hook. Surrey. During the inspection and demonstration, which
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 110 11 Roosevelt's News From Berlin Washington. Apr. 16. ■pHE fact that the list of countries mentioned in Mr. Roosevelt's message omits Danzig is considered significant in view of dispatches from Berlin that Herr Hitler is likely to seize Danzig this week. Mr. A. C. Kirk. United States
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 44 11 Rome, Apr. 16. THE acting Prime Minister of Albania, Shetkct Verlacl, symbolically transtared the crown of Albania to King Victor Emmanuel this morning in the throne room of the palace. In the presence of all members of the court
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  • 85 11 Muslims Demonstrate Against Mr. Gandhi Rajkot. Apr. 16. MAHATMA GANDHI, on his return! hiri 1 wai mobbed by a crowd or 500 alter the evening prayers. The demoaxtraton waved black flags and shouted slogans but dispersed alter Mr. Gandhi left by car. The croud consisted of landholders ami Muslims who
    85 words
  • 255 11 NO PLAN FOR APPEASEMENT What Roosevelt Has In Mind REPLY UNLIKELY FOR SOME DAYS Washington, Apr. 17. IT is understood the State Deparf1 ment does not expect an answer to the President's appeal to the German and Italian governments for some days. Well-informed circles state it must not be thought
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  • 191 11 Washington Calm At Berlin Reaction London, Apr. 16. PRESIDENT Roosevelt's challenging action in approaching the dictators has met with nationwide support in America, according to the Dally; Telegraph Washington correspondent. A small group of writers, who have always asserted that negotiations with the dictators are useless, criticise
    Reuter  -  191 words
  • 314 11 London. Apr. 16. A MEASURE of Britain's appreciation of President Roosevelt's Intervention is the very heavy type In which the President's historic message is printed in the newspapers. Hopes aroused last night, however, were tempered later by indications from Berlin of the cooi
    Reuter  -  314 words
  • 129 11 Foreigners Can Join The Army j Paris. Apr. 16. A DECREE is promulgated today providing that, apart from tourists and people residing in France less than two months, all foreigners between the ages of 18 and 40 can be admitted to the French army. All stateless
    Reuter  -  129 words
  • 133 11 Bucharest, Apr. 16. ITINO CAROL held an important Crown Council meeting at the Royal Palace, attended by the Prime Minister, M. Calinescue, and the Foreign Minister, M. Oafencu. It is understood the subjects discussed included firstly M. Oafencu's official visit to Berlin this week which will
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 46 11 Dar es Salaam, Apr. 16. QNE company of the Sixth Batta- lion, King's African Rifles, has been sent to Tanga, seaport near the Kenya frontier. There has been no active unrest there, but there Is a considerable German population in the neighbourhood.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 172 11 Paris, Apr. 16. CATISF ACTOR Y progress has been made in the "peace front" talks with Russia and Turkey, some well-informed qwuters forecasting the early conclusion of arrangements between these two States and the western democracies. It is believed that accord with Turkey
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 192 11 British Precautionary Measures Gibraltar. Apr. 16. IT Is reliably learned that many Spanish troops in the neighbourhood of Gibraltar started to move westward early this morning and 3re now camping round the .slopes of southern Spain. Reports of troops movements near Gibraltar are being closely watched
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 147 11 China Defending Singapore Chungking, Apr. 17. T""HE newspaper Sao Tang; Pao, recognised as the mouthpiece of the Chinese army, says Britain must not mediate for peace in the Far East. Some quarters may MMMmt a policy expedient with a view to drawIng Japan away from the RomeBerlin
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 204 11 Bid To Prevent Tokio Action? Washington, Apr. ltf. THE United States Navy Department order for the fleet to go to the Pacific is interpreted in diplomatic circles M evidence that the information on which President Roosevelt is acting envisages the serious possibility that Home, Berlin,
    Reuter  -  204 words
  • 54 11 Moscow, Apr. 16. 'THE Soviet Prime Minister M Kail- nin. today cabled his congratulations and thanks to President Ror.sevelt on his appeal to the dictators M. Kalinin assured Mr. Roosevelt of the "warmest reception of the Soviet peoples, who are lnt-.rtsted in the preservation tt
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 73 11 mk 'yS' f ft PURE WHOLESOME CHEESE A perfect ending to any meal. We offer you a choice variety of cheese Dutch Edam, Danish Roquefort, Swiss Gruyere, English and Australian Cheddar. CARTON CHEESES Kraft 8 oz. Kraft 4 oz. Kraft 8 x 1 oz. Kraft Gruyere 8 x I oz.
      73 words

  • 545 12 Federal Secretary Looks Back 28 Years INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AT KUALA LUMPUR (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 17. A FTER destril)ins the development of malaria control since he first arrived in Malaya, Mr. C. D. Ahearne, the Federal Secretary, in opening the sixth international
    545 words
  • 212 12 sim; ihmb KAMII> lIOIU U Dani ii.m. to 9 p.m. Uiiiner Dance iln'.>: flu.; 1.4f to MMnighl GAfMtIC'K IIIIAi::t ntVLANG My Man a IlimiiLsunil iVkie. iM -0.15 p.m. r.iti \i noni.u Cal aret: I M i Mttnlshl OI be ih ;i;iv Three Blind Miie Sky Talkie: LiLrllrii Lady. Little
    212 words
  • 117 12 "I Suffered. Says Mr. Ahearne (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 17. "I HAVE a knowledge or malaria, not derived from a study of the natural sciences, not the knowledge you learned men possess, but a knowledge not the less real if still incomplete, acquired from the effects of
    117 words
  • 190 12 Long Illness In Jerusalem *fIRS. ADA AGNES MANNING,' iTI wife of Mr. Richard Joseph Manning, formerly Senior Puisne Judge of the Palestine High Cour: and recently-appointed Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court of the Straits Settlements, died at the Government Hospital at Jerusalem yesterday, at
    190 words
  • 123 12 At The Cinema "Hard to Get (Dick Powell. Olivia de ilavilland, Charles Winninger) Warner Brs. At the Alhambra. 'THIS modern version of a "Taming of-the-shrew" theme contributes nothing to screen art but that does not prevent it being thoroughly delightfu entertainment the very opening
    123 words
  • 46 12 (From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Apr 17. THE next meeting of the FederaJ 1 Council will be held at Kuala Lum pur at 10 a.m. on May 18. There will be no ceremonial opening and uniform will not be worn.
    46 words
  • 32 12 Shanghai, Apr. 16. A local officijl of Central Dally News has received 900 comfort letters from Singapore Chinese primary school ;tudents for front line troops.—Chinese Central News.
    32 words
  • 340 12 A. G. Macdonnell On Way To Java U. S. RACKETS EUROPE TODAY /"VNE of Great Britain's leading authors and journalists, A. O. Macdonnell, passed through Singapore last night on his way to Java. He is best-known for his novei "England Their England." and among his other
    340 words
  • 117 12 Three Days' Stay At Kota Bahru PIR Shenton Thomas, the Governor and Lady Thomas will leave Singapore by the Sea Belle II on Wednesday week for a tour of the East Coast. I'hev will return to Singapore on May il». i The Governor will spend two
    117 words
  • 117 12 From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. Apr. 16. "TELL the man that I am not Herr Hitler nor a member of any Nazi camp. I do not wish to be saluted in that manner. Ask him to raise his hand in the proper manner" Thus said
    117 words
  • 114 12 U'jid and Lady Oiffora, who wure pi.olographea at Singapore re ...ui. on their flight from Australia to England in Qantas and Imperial Airways flying-boats, have several close friends in Malaya. They lunched at the Airport with Mr W. A. C. Haines, c senior Malayan Police
    114 words
  • 538 12 Gneisenau Passenger Who "Drank Very Heavily" AN inquiry into the death of Archibald Wallwork, 37, a Lancashire man, found dead with an automatic pistol in his hand in a locked cabin aboard the North German Lloyd liner, Gneisenau, at the Singapore Harbour Board wharves on Saturday
    538 words
  • 23 12 THE 2nd Battalion. The Loyal Re?i- ment, will beat retreat on the i padang at 6 o'clock this evening.
    23 words
  • 273 12 A SENSATIONAL theft took place at the Allahabad Municipal Museum between Apr. 6 md 7 when the gold casket presented by the Indian community of Singapore to Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru on the occasion of his visit here two years ago was stolen.
    273 words
  • 219 12 Anglo-Portuguese Friendship WAR SERVICE WITH BRITISH "DRFTAiX and Portugal haw btwfl allies for four centuries and our feelings today are very friendly," the Governor of Portuguese Timor. Senhor Alvam Eugenio Neve* d* Fortoun, told a reporter on arrival at Singapore this morning by Urn K.I.M. vend
    219 words
  • 92 12 /INLY a few weeks after ha arrived in Singapore, F.ying-Omcer J. S. Tupholme, of the headquarters start of the Royal Air Force, suffered head injuries when a car he was driving hit a tree in Stevens Road early yesterday morning. The car v believed to have
    92 words
  • 40 12 CATISFACTORY progress is bfiivj made by the eight members of the 7th Heavy Regiment R.A.. Ohar><?t. who are in hospital suffering from injuries received when a garrison sports bus capsized near Mersing, Johoro. last Monday.
    40 words
  • 25 12 Capt. N. M. Hashlm has appointed an unofficial member of tht* Legislative Council for three year-i trom Mar. 9, it Is announced in t!.: Gazette.
    25 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 480 13 Cambridge Students Who Seek Employment CERTIFICATE NO LONGER "OPEN SESAME" TO JOBS 11/ HAT dunce does a boy who has passed his Senior Cambridge examination stand in securing employment? Results of last year's examination show that 1,395 nut of 2,230 in Malaya were successful
    480 words
  • 107 13 TIIKItK was the inevitable lastminute rush before the closing of the Voluntary Service Enrolment Bureau at Raffles Museum at noon on Saturday. Throughout the morning there were callers and telephone inquiries. Although the bureau was open for not very many weeks, the response was
    107 words
  • 204 13 List Of "Don'ts" For Naval Base Residents DisiDENTS of Singapore's Naval *x Base have iust been issued with a new set ol "Don'ts." Naval Establishments (Minor Offences) Rules have been gazetted. It It Hard to imagine the occupant of an Admiralty bungalow "placing a dead animal on or near a
    204 words
  • 44 13 The Ceylon Tamils' Association celebrated the Ceylon national day by holding a variety entertainment at the association hall on Friday evening when there was a large gathering of members, their wives, children and friend^. The function was presided over by Mr. M V. Pillai.
    44 words
  • 269 13 Singapore River Smell Corrodes Bridges COMBINES WITH DEW TO MAKE ACID THE smell from the Singapore River is that of sulphuretted hydrogen. When this combines with dew, it forms sulphuric acid, causing heavy corrosion on the steel bridges across the river This was explained to members of the Engineering Association
    269 words
  • 161 13 Propeller Repairs Have Been Effected I AFTER spending all day yesterday and last night in King's Dock, Keppel Harbour, to change her damaged proptller, the 18,160-ton Norddeutscher Lloyd liner Oneisenau, largest ship to be docked by the Singapore Harbour Board, proceeded alongside the wharf
    161 words
  • 84 13 Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Apr. 14. A PARTY of Muar Malays, headed by Inche Ali bin Haji Ahmad, the tennis player, made a successful week-end ascent of Mount Ophir, highest peak in Johore. The party, consisting of Ali bin Haji Ahmad, Hassan bin Haji Din,
    84 words
  • 30 13 ACQUISITION of six small areas in the Seletar district for defence purposes is announced in the Gazette. The areas vary from one to six acres.
    30 words
  • 88 13 clauses are to be inserted in the Offn ial Secrets Ordinance in Singapore to tighten up the machinery lor the protection <>f the Naval and Air B.«-e> and the fortilications which BBMi the approaches to the inland. The amendments >ti)| cive new pouers to
    88 words
  • 637 13 Services Journal Urges Weeding Out Of "Hooligan" Element fXF particular interest at the moment to Singapore, when an increasing number of escapades by soldiers recently has drawn attention to a small, but conspicuous, unruly element within the Army, is comment in
    637 words
  • 324 13 THE hopes of Jewish refugees who passed through Singapore on their way to the Far East in their thousands were false hopes, declared Mr. Yehuda Nedivl, a Zionist delegate, in a talk on Palestine and the refugee problem at the Adelphi Hotel
    324 words
  • 246 13 Bangkok Makes Official Denial WTI-MIWN WIS RUMOURS Bangkok, Apr. 16. FOLLOWING recent eridenee -it (Ircjit Britain's keen desire to obtain Ihe best possible relations with Siani the Governor <>( the Straits Settlements, sir Shenton Thomas, two months ago visited Bangkok tin Siamese Foreign Minister, I'h\:i Sri Sena,
    246 words
  • 102 13 rE iu' took place at fcr yesterday of Mr. Archibald work. Aiud 37. uf Bolion, Lancashire, vho was ioiind shot, with a his hand, in cabin of the Nun I man Lloyd liner Gneiscnau. TlK' Rev. A. V Wardle. of the Missions to
    102 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 348 14 Australia Haw Nothing To Fear For Years, Says Writer mi (From Our Own Correspondent) Sydney (By Air Mail). TMK menace of Japan as a list-class military Power was an "exploded myth," and Australia should have nothing to fear from Japanese Imperia'ist ambitions for
    348 words
  • 137 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Sydney (By Air Mail). SYDNEY is certain to be selected as the loeaiion of tlie capital .--hip dock, the building of which :s contemplated by the CommonwealUl Government. It will be B \alua£>le adjunct to thp Singapore
    137 words
  • 74 14 •From Our Own Correspondent Batavia. Apr 14 ALIBOOOB Holland has in the pas' bought most of its aircraft in th^ United States. Holland has M ar-rj-ised 10 purchase large orders ol aircraft from the Dutch aeroplane builder. Antnouy Fokker. The DuU-h Government hai ordered Ci
    74 words
  • 38 14 tut pan -Antencan flying-boat Yankee Clipper which has been making trans-Atlantic survey flights, afier her arrival at Southampton from Marseilles. This type is nearly twice a: trig as the Empire flying-boats seen in Singapore.
    38 words
  • 562 14 TRAINING of Malayan divisions of the St. John Ambulance Brigade will proceed steadily, and special attention will be given the portions of the syllabus dealing with the treatment of wounded and injured civilians. Divisional superintendents arc j being told to acquaint their divisions
    562 words
  • 142 14 New GuineaPapua Union Projected (From Our Own Correspondent) Sydney. Apr. 10. ■THE hope Is general in Papua that nothing will be decided about amalgamation with the Mandated Territory of New Guinea until a vote of European residems has been taken. The Administrator ol Papua "Sir Hubert Murray > made that
    142 words
  • 632 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Sydney (By Air Mail). THE plans of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth Governments for the manufacture of aircraft In Australia, in accordance with the recommendations of the British Air Mission, have just been announced by the Government. The
    632 words
  • 138 14 Australian Air Official Here THE man who pioneered the I y.-,-ter-by-air traffic from Australia to Malaya arrived at Singapore by flying-boat yesterday. He is Mr. N. D. Jones, traflic superintendent of Qantas Empire Airways. In August last year Mr. Jones packed the first three dosen Ofaten ut Sydney
    138 words
  • 69 14 From Our Own Cor."esooncfe Johore Bahru. I<> THE-Asst nrotaetot ot CUn Ibrahim bin Ismail, charged bqfnr>» Raja Suleiman in tiie Police Court <vri.iy two Chin:s»' wor.en. Yong Ah Vow and Ng Ah Pen? with liutm on the earnings of prostitution The accused, who weie
    69 words
  • 47 14 'Frim Ojt Own Correspond Johore Bahru. Apr 16 TME body of a thn>'-year-o!d 'm was lound floating in the Mralti ot Johore near the General HospiU> early la-;t n ght. The discovery wa.> madr by a Malay so.d er aWto on stroll
    47 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 105 14 flh HALIBUT LIVER OIL Good Infill! ihroughuut the .war that what you want and HaJiborasge will help von to kwp it. Every bottle of Haliborangi Is a bottle of concentrated— Vitamins A and D from Halibut liver Oil and Vitamin C irjm fresh oranges. 11l no other war can von
      105 words
    • 184 14 apricot BOLSKUMMEL D \J L O Very Dry To Suit A Real Dutch Treat. the English Palate. No wonder the first users of After your lunch, and before this spirited apricot liqueur the afternoon round, sip ihe believed it was an Elixir of 2j' ig a P,V^ h X" *****
      184 words

  • 167 15 Hope For Prisoners In Canada »THE Royal clemency to prisoners is under consideration by the Canadian Minister of Justice. On the) occasion of the Jubilee of King George; V. it was extended to all in gaols and penitentiaries in Canada. The clemency consisted of one month off the
    167 words
  • 199 15 From Clyde To Forth. •rHE construction of a 50,000.000 j >hip canal across Scotland l'rom j the Clyde to th P Firth of Forth is to! be unfit ti< to the Government as an "urgent matter meriting immediate' attention." This was decided by a large
    199 words
  • Correspondence
    • 681 15 A Tamil Labourer's Son On His People's Needs To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—l am a son of a labourer, and parental generosity found ways and means to give me an education. Although educated. I cannot forget memories, sweet and bitter, of
      681 words
    • 88 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.—In support of the views expressed by a correspondent in your paper some days ago regarding the hanging system in the Singapore omnibuses. I wish to point out that the Inconvenience caused by straphanging in a bus travelling at
      88 words
    • 102 15 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,—How often we, come across the word "Malayan" in our daily lift in Malaya! But can any of your readers draw the distinction between the two ternv. "Malayan" and "Malay," so as to avoid confusion? And who are these
      102 words
    • 392 15 BRIGHT PUPILS PENALISED To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir, A student who passes the School Certificate Examination at the age of fifteen or sixteen des?rves credit; but it seems that the educational authorities are not encouraging ihiv Look up the Raffles College Calendar
      392 words
    • 403 15 Thirty Years Ago And Today PAN-ASIAN PRESTIGE To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— When I was a young boy during the dawn of the present century my teacher (a French-Canadian) told one that the Japanese have won the war over the mighty Russians. Oh! How
      403 words
  • 187 15 Stopping Payments In Frozen Marks DRAGUE traders have been instructed by the German authorities to report immediately should their exports to foreign countries be met with higher tariffs or similar disabilities which attach to German goods, but did not attach to those coming from the old
    187 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 130 15 TAKES ON A NEW »Ji'\U^ MEANING IF YOU PURCHASE A /x/ I .^m* II n r I II I II I 91^50 or £192/10/0 is the price at 1 \IL/ fffl &YJ which we can deliver to you in London B I under British Triptyque a Ford V.B HH H
      130 words

  • 710 16 Mahatma Gandhi Emphasises Non-Violence Of The Strong tfombay, Apr. 6. "THOSE who lightly talk of freedom in the States and hope to attain it through civil resistance do not know what they are talking about," writes Mahatma Gandhi in the Harijan in answer to
    710 words
  • 134 16 >lariras. Apr. S. CO! LOWING the decision of the i Privy Council. Messrs. Mammen MappMai. K. V. Verghese. X M. Eapen, and C. P. Mathen, directors of the Travancore National and Quilon Bank, Ltd., were produced before the Chief Presidency Magistrate and directed by him to be
    134 words
  • 369 16 36 BOTTLES OF BEER FOR A MONTH Bombay, Apr. 5. AFTER Aug. 1, when Bombay is expected to go completely "dry." Europeans in the City will each be allowed to buy six units of liquor per manth. This U the tentative decision which the Government of
    369 words
  • 58 16 (a culta is a thriving modern city with a population of nearly 1.504 MMM) people. It is in striking contrast «iih the ornate temples and the lush tropical gardens which are its chief tourist attraction. The above photograph of the city was taken by
    58 words
  • 460 16 Mr. Gandhi Deplores Parsi Protest Against P rohibition New Delhi, Apr. 5. "IT hurts me to think that this race of the greatest philanthropists in the world (Parsis) should ally itself to a campaign against a cause, whose basis is purest philanthropy" declare* Mahatma Gandhi in the course of a
    460 words
  • 122 16 Congress Anfd Other Standards Lucknow, Apr. 3. A RECENT report published in the press attributing to the Punjab Premier. Sir Sikandar Hyac Khan, a statement that the Ministers in the Congress provinces cost their provincial exchequer more than the Punjab Ministers cost their province has
    122 words
  • 33 16 Nagpur. Apr. 10. f\N the advice of Mr. Gandhi the satyagraha in Rajnandangaon and Chhuikhandan States in the Chattlsgarh Division has been suspended. Three prominent workers have been released unconditionally
    33 words
  • 41 16 New Delhi. Apr. 5 T -COL. G V. B GiUan has been appointed Resident at Btroda and Ouzerat States sucreedm« Lt.Col. E. J. D. Colvin who ha>. granted leave from the middle ot the month preparatory to retirement
    41 words
  • 24 16 New Delhi, Apr. 7 MAHATMA GANDHI accompanied by Mrs. Gandhi Ml for Kajfco* tonight. Sardar Patel left for Bombay ear.ien
    24 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 263 16 1^ > mi \.inm 18SP1 (km I *mm JMM All pains, whether due to headaches, toothaches, neuralgia ot rheumatism, are promptly relieved oy ANACIN It also reauccs the tever and discomfort associated with colds. Let this guide you >vhen you ire in search ot .eliet from aches and pains, doctors
      263 words
    • 33 16 Br KEEP IIfrOUCH 1 WITH THE WORLD 1 Us If I mm Fluid Light Receiver Model 656 A- C planned JL on a scientific basis in a cabinet of generous proportions. I S.Moutrie&Co.,Ltd.
      33 words

  • 1569 17 Wolves Win Well Against Charlton (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Apr. 16. /^HELSEA suffered their fifth consecutive loss in the football League yesterday, going 1 down 3 1 to llnddersfield. Payne scored lor Chelsea and Huddersfield equalised before halftime through Mills. In the second spell
    1,569 words
  • 250 17 THE C'.arke Hangers yesterday dei feat?d the Straits Times by six i wickets in a game of cricket on the St. Joseph's ground. Batting first the Straits Times Press could only total 67 runs. Webb was In good form with the ball, taking eight wickets for
    250 words
  • 54 17 The following have been selected to play water-polo for the V.M.C.A. Junior Department against the Manchester Regiment on Tuesday at Fo.-t 'Canning at 4 p.m.: Chan Joo Mia.M>. Chia Kok Leong. Loh Heng Ke?, Chua Kirn Chiang. Wong Fatt Lim. Chan Isuay Bah. Kwlk Sam York. Reserves:
    54 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 35 17 gAttjg BRINKMANN 2£ sjjs jedes Quit cund Jkaokd UNSTAMPED RECEIPTS ISSUED/ ft For our repairs, as they are so cheap. For your next job:— \VV. 5 PHONE 5418 BRIMKMAIMXL GRANGE ROAD. SINGAPORE, and KUALA LUMPUR
      35 words
    • 221 17 mfiEML Mil M*f^L* "Man-Cremc" gives you s' k J\ that distinguished matt RW\A I I complexion; the ideal ;7*^|^ P !^^r powder base. '>^Uf3 w^^^m nourishes your skin tis- pWB io%^^&& i sues: the night cream par A U^^tt^^m^Sf excellence. 'yfirjjy W S|^\ r£r> Sportsmen who like to enjoy c
      221 words

  • 599 18 Good Field To Contest Big Race On Saturday PASTERN Knight has been awarded topweight in a good field for the Anniversary Cup on Saturday, the opening day of the Singapore Turf Club's Summer (Governor's Cup) meeting at Bukit Timah. Royal Hampton is second on the
    599 words
  • 238 18 T AMPIN BEAT SUNGEI UJONG (From Our Own Correspondent; Seremban, Apr. 18. *|*HE Tampln cricket team, visiting Seremban defeated the Sungei Ujong Club by five wickets today. Sungei Ujong batted first and scored 100. Tampin passed the home team's total with 5 wickets in hand before declaring at 137 for
    238 words
  • 194 18 <Trom Our Own Correspondent* Johore Bahru. Apr. 16. After an almost even first half, Belia Club the league champions, played better football at the Istana padang yesterday to beat the Slnga- pore Clerical Union I—L The Club opened the scoring when Ahmad, the right wing,
    194 words
  • 18 18 Bordeaux, Apr. 17 In a rugby league match France beat Wales 16—10.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • Article, Illustration
    26 18 An Excise defender clears the bail from an attacking Moravian player in Saturday's game at the Police depot. The game was drawn S-all. Straits Times picture.
    26 words
  • 968 18 I CEVERAL horses will make their turf during the Singapore Turf ing and following are their past per TOVARICH date Epicae) gr.e.c. by Epinard-Czarlna 4yrs. Ran eight times as two-year-old, won once, second on two occasions. Lincoln, Mar. 16, 1937. second, car. 8.12 <8.-zant> to
    968 words
  • 536 18 Keen Matches At Swimming Club Yesterday CCORING three-one in the first half and four-ofie in •^the second, the Chinese Swimming Club gained a comfortable victory by seven goals to two over the Singapore Swimming Club at water-polo at the S.S.C. pool yesterday. A
    536 words
  • 48 18 TODAY'S soccer matches will foe as below: Soccer: Div. I. Gordons vs. Police at stadium: Div. II "A." R.A.F. (T) vs. R.N. Malaya, at Seletar; J.C'.S.A. vs. .Minesweepers at J.C.S.A.: Friendly V.M V Singapore Eni;li>h School at Y.M.f'.A. BII.I.,: Jacks S.( Joseph Travers at S.H.B.
    48 words
  • 57 18 LO4 Angeles. Apr. 18 Joe Louis is a 12-1 on favourite to beat Jack Roper, of California, in tomorrow's world heavyweight cnampionship fight. Experts expects Louis to win by a knockout in the Mrst two or three rounds Koper, who is 36 years old. is said
    57 words
  • 30 18 Detroit, Apr 17 Jane Dilliard United States, broke the world's women's swimming record for 100 yards breast stroke in 76.6 sec beating Mrs. Rawls Thompson's record of 78.5.—Reuter
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
      52 words
    • 12 18 ru/>i v r V t n v I N t int ur
      12 words

  • 655 19 Ceylonese Prove Lot Too Good For Cricket Club f'EYLON Sports Club proved a long May superior to the Cricket Club in their week end cricket fixture played at Halestier. They won the match by an innings and 42 runs well before time.
    655 words
  • 70 19 Revised ties in the SC.C. Spring lawn tennis tournament are: TOMORROW Mixed Doubles Semi-final :—E. C. Cherrington and Mis. Sewell vs. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 11. Warden. WEDNESDAY Mixed Doubles Final :—P. Clerc and Mrs Cherrington vs. winners of Mr mid Mrs Warden vs. E. C. Cherrington
    70 words
  • 59 19 The following players are requested to play for the Jollilads Sporting i Association in a friendly game of! table-tennis against the Y.M.CA Junior Department today at 7.30 p.m. at their premises. Ong Keng Seong. Koh Piieng Hul, Llm Tian It. Lim Tian Lye. Chan Cher Seng. Reserves: See
    59 words
  • Article, Illustration
    38 19 Moravia's goalkeeper Tuna, collects the ball from almost under the feet of Daud in the Div. 2 B soccer match at the Police Depot, on Saturday between the Excise and Moravia. Match was drawn S-all. Straits Times picture.
    38 words
  • 343 19 Hampden Park, 16. r^KIVING rain and an uncomfortable wind failed to dampen the enthusiasm of 150,000 people here who saw England beat Scotland at soccer yesterday by two goals to one. Scotland won the toss and took advantage ol a strong wind. Scotland
    343 words
  • 169 19 Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Henton won me first mixed foursomes for April played at Bukit Timah yesterday with a net 35'z. Twenty-four cards were taken out and the following returned: Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Henton, 44—fl'i =35Vi. Mrs. G. F. Simond and C. O.
    169 words
  • 74 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Apr. 18 Negrl Sembllan cricketers will learn with pleasure that the impending transfer of the State's bowler. T. K. Sukumaren, to Kuala Lumpur, it Is understood, haa been cancelled. Sukumaren should be available for the Negri Sembilan-Selangor cricket match at the end of
    74 words
  • 215 19 Sanderson Makes 67 "pHE Police beat the Loyals by 42 runs on the first innings in a game of cricket at Gilman Barracks yesterday. Sanderson scored 67 before the Police declared with five wickets down, and Xavier took six wickets for 12. Scores: POLICE Baba c
    215 words
  • 116 19 The Loyals and the Chinese IMWVM shared the points in a scoreless draw at the Stadium on Saturday. Loyals were unlucky. They com-1 I manded the game in both halves but were unable to do any material damage mainly due to the good work ot
    116 words
  • 69 19 Saturday's Rugby Union matches resulted: Cardiff 21; Plymouth A. 0. Coventry 34; Old Blues 7. Devonport Serv. 6; Redruth 8. Harlequins 6; Gloucester 3. Heading'.ey 0; Bedford 13. Leicester 10; Blackheath 23. Llanelly 9; Bristol 6. Neath 20; Bath 3. Northampton 18: Old Alleynians 11 Torquay 12; Richmond
    69 words
  • 68 19 Saturday's Rugby league games resulted Barrow 3; Salford 0. Batley 2; Leeds 21. Bradford 15; Dewsbury 0. Bramley 0; Keighley 13. Broughton 10; Widnes 4. Hudderstleld 0; Castlelord 19. Hull K. R. 19; Featherstone 10 Hunslet 13; Hull 5. Leigh 19; St. Helens R. 4. Liverpool 7: Halifax
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  • 223 19 From Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur. Apr. 14. YESTERDAY was a red-letter day in the history of the Suleiman Golf Club of Kuala Lumpur, for the prowsional Committee went over the course Indicating the positions of the proposed tees and endorsed the lav out of
    223 words
  • 86 19 (From Our Own Correspondent* Seremban, Apr. 18 A pioneer Negrl Sembllan and Malayan sportsman left the country, when Mr. A. R. (Tommy) Thompson left for home on retirement. Before coming out to Malaya. Mr. Thompson played for Northamptonshire against the Australians and figured In first class cricket.
    86 words
  • 343 19 Cricket Club Beat Rengam By 65 Runs IN a low scorin? game of cricket on the padang yesterday the SC C. second team defeated Rengam Sports Club by 65 runs. In a two innings game. The winners scored 76 runs in the first
    343 words
  • 273 19 OT. ANDREWS Old Boys' Ottket team boat the Manrhesters on tbfl School ground yesterday oy 45 ram J. Duclos and Purvis each knocked ii"> a half century, whllo Todd t ok B»e wlrlrets for 49 runs. Scores ST. aMIMMII OR. J. Moss b Todd 13
    273 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 46 19 BRITISH STEEL IS BEST EAGLE GLOBE High speed and Crucible Steels fot Tools. High Speed Drills, Cutters, Saws, Hammers, Etc. Mining Steel and special Alloy Steels. Made in Sheffield. Stocks always held of a variety of high grade steels. "CAPITAL" HIGH SPEED ■ram CAPITAL SOLE AGENTS:
      46 words
    • 7 19 ALWAYS FRESH Tiger Beer malt hops yeast
      7 words

  • 149 20 Thi«. ret'ugre from Franco Spain i> mure fortunate than thousands who liiw i:»ken refuge across the French tir.rder, near Perpignan. He is arriving at Newhaven. on his way to London uith 180 others, including Colonel (as:irt.>. former head of the M;«.lriii Itelence
    149 words
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    • 86 20 llfllik/fff^l few t -m WH^^i I r fgapjßi Jfl| Miifli YHf iwiwifiiii^i^i^BVi^^^ /rLodLcttn j (dwelling 5.. f he Construction of modern reinforced concrete structures »uch as those pictured above calls for the use of "Ferrocrete." It provides concrete witli maximum strength and affords consider. able economies in time and money.
      86 words