The Straits Times, 12 February 1939

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 373 Sunday, February 12. 1939 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 373 Sunday. February 12, 1939 Price 10 Cents
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  • 655 1 Island As Potential Japanese Air And Naval Base NEW DEVELOPMENTS BEING CLOSELY WATCHED Fall Of Chief City Denied By Chinese COLLOWING the Japanese invasion of Hainan on Fri- day, foreign naval circles in the Far East are closely watching developments on the island, reports Reuter. Hainan is
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  • 49 1 Mr. rhrulie g«l— 82-year-old farmer, and hii 81-y?ar-old wife, rliDt.'rraprretl in front of their I :tta«^ in th» Mendip Hills, Somer- >••. V. here th-y had been snowed «ip for 7? hour.v They had to dig a tanrcl through the snow to r?t oat.
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  • 83 1 Manchester's Biggest Blaze For 20 Years London, Saturday. "Til.: biggest and most fierce outbreak of flre seen in in:;nchester in the last twenty years today destroyed th* interior of Kendal Milne's stores in the centre of the City. All flve floors were blazing at one
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  • 50 1 Moscow, Saturday. THE Soviet-PolL« l i trade negotiations have yielded a comprehensive commercial pact, which is now ready lor signing. The trade turnover betw\ii the two countries, which was practically negligible in 1038, will be inereas-d under the agreement from £2C0.000 sterllns to £6.000,000.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 65 1 ilrom Our Own orrrspondtn!) London, Saturday. Steady. London 7 11 ltd. 1 13. IU. Ap. -Juno :*id. .d. July-Sept. 7 13 16d. 7 15 led. Oct.-Dec 84. GOLD £7 Si. 54. SILVEB: Spot i*%*. I months It II ltd. COTTON 5.»7d. E.XI JIANGKS New York 4.58 S
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  • 48 1 Parts, Saturday. TTHK government has Instruct ed the French Ambassador in Tokio to ask the Japanese Government for explanations regarding the occupation of Hainan Island, and also about the extent of the duration of occupation. It is believed the British Government will follow suit.
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  • 98 1 Ho.-in <;. Popa, a student at the I'nlvcrsity in Bukharet, baa started a new craze in Rumania with his snail racing parties. In his flat he has erected a "racecourse" with a starting po3t, rails made from domi noes, end miniature hurdles. The
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  • 87 1 At Least Four Dead In Volcano Of Flame London, Saturday. AT least four people were killed, including the pilot, when an R.A.F. machine crashed at op speed during dense fog into a block of four flats at Brighton. The petrol tank exploded as tuc machine
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  • 44 1 The Hague. Saturday. Vice Admiral Van Du!m. accompanied by several military experts, has left here for the United States to investigate on behalf of the Government defence measures for the Dutch island of Curacao in the West Indies. —Router.
    Reuter  -  44 words
  • 78 1 Paris. Saturday. AfTER three days 1 deliberations. the Senate commissions for the Army. Navy and Air Force today issued a communique affirming absolute confidence In the French armed forces. The Ministers concerned furnished all the information requested, and the commissions noted with satisfaction the efforts
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 79 1 Haifa. Saturday. AFTER a five-day trial seven Arabs have been sentenced to death by a military court on cl~arg3s of carrying flre.irms and resisting the British forces. An eighth prisoner was given life imprisonment In vlow of his age. Th 2 defence p'eadei mitigation In
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  • 106 1 President's Wife Lauds Loyalists Washington, Saturday. CO.Mi: stir has been caused by the defence of the Iltpublican Government of Spa:n written by President Roosevelt's wife in her daily n;wspaper column. Revealing she had Just accepted i from the Spanish Ambassador the I gift of several Goya prints, Mrs. Roosevelt rejects
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 80 1 Johannesburg. Saturday. CERIOUS floods In the Transvaal and Natal have extended northwards to Southern Rhodesia and many districts of Mashonaland are isolated So far it is impossible to estimate accurately the death roll, which is at least eighteen, or the damage. Natives In the
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  • 104 1 Chungking. Saturday OCAL American residents. Including' i** Mr. George A. Fitch, chairman ol the former Nanking safety zone, today sent a cable to President Frani:- lin D. Koosevelt. Mr. Cordell Hull, the U.S. State Secretary. ana Senators Key. Pittman. Robert and j Reynolds, protesting against Japanese
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  • 93 1 NEW DELHI TALKS ARE FINISHED India Makes New Demands (From Our Own Correspondent.) New Delhi, Saturday. THE discussions between tha Government of India and the delegation from Malaya ccnierninsr Indian labourers in Malaya have concluded. In an oflicial statement it is c'eclared thDt the outcome of tne discussions will bo
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  • 35 1 Pc:- A PARTY of Australian miiilary engineers has anv/Ld her? by air to select si*es fcr defence establishments. Artillery rxprrt-. are expected n:-;t wee!: t> plan the dlapcilwcn ol t?.vt?rie:;. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 35 1 pOLTCK opened lire and ct:>: an unruly process! I Burmese. Eleven people were killed and 19 Injured., The den had deiled an ord^r prohibiUr. t.i an to assemble —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 43 1 Purge Of Viennese Nazi Leaders Vienna. Saturday. CIX out of ten Viennese Nazi leaders have been replaced. according to an announcement by the Nazi Austrian Commissioner. Herr Buerckel. It is stated the purge is a result of Herr Buerckel's fight against corruption Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 25 1 w\ Diamond Eternity II Wedding Rings I ar« I M all Diamonds WM *r with coloured P. H. HENDRY Jeweller* S PORE K. LUMPUR
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    • 60 1 VISIT CHOTIRMALL'S For SILK ESQUIRE VALOUR MOrSELINES 41-43. HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE. Mon Savon L made of milk, lavender and lanolin has a delicate fragrant /^""^jV odour makes your skin supple and L-^ smooth. Made in France. PRICE JT^' Wk PER BOX r^\/§ Obtainable only from Wiillff A¥AY§ i Kuala Lumpur
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  • 451 2 Charges Against L. H. Round JUDGE RESERVES DECISION JUDGMENT was reserved at the conclusion of a case yesterday, in which a European, Leslie Henry Round, was charged in the Singapore Traffic District Ourt with causing grievous hurt to another European, Mr. Harry Elphick, by driving his
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  • 88 2 Chinese Arrested On Murder Charge irYom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. AFTER nearly a weeks investigations, the polict have made an arrest in connection with the fatal stabbing of I Soan Singh, a Sikh watchman, at Port Swctt. :.:xm. AC: arrested here and was produced before Che Meptat Yunus
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  • 104 2 GUN FOUND IN MILK TIN Chinese Charged (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A LLEGLDLY discovered wrapped in j papir and buried in an old milk i tin, a revolver was exhibited In court j today, v.-iip.". Lam BML. a middle-aged Chinese was charged with possession of a weapon
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  • 78 2 THREE Ciinese. Koh Ah Liat. Teo See Chuan. and Tham Yew Chong. were committed for trial at the next i Assizes, at the end of a preliminary Inquiry into a charge of attempted murder by shooting, held by Mr. K. A. Blacker in the Singapore Fourth
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  • 99 2 A FINE of $250 each or in djrault of payment, sentence of three months' rigorous imprisonment. w?s imposed on j two Malay fishermen. Leman bin Tebu and Awang bin Tohat, who admitted imnortinß 20 piculs cf rubber into the 1 Colony without a certificate of
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  • 136 2 A FTER a two days' hearing, the pre- liminary inquiry into the Pulau Tekong shooting tragedy, in which a Chinese estate mandore. Lee Kirn Pong, lost his life, was concluded yesterday before Mr. Conrad Oldham, in the Singapore Second Police Court. A middle-aged Chinese named Yeo Kirn
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  • 120 2 THE protrr.t of the Singapore Rateps; 3' Association against provisions In the Traffic Regulations, 1933, particularly the proposal to grant powers of arr?st to all members of the Police Force in respect of traffic breaches and the ban on hooting in certain areas r.«
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  • 236 2 CENSUS MADE IN STAMFORD ROAD r w*liE work of 30 policemen station- ed at the six principal junctions along Stamford Road, Singapore, throughout last wsek taking a census of motor traffic, will give motorists a better chance to icet through the system of traffic lights. The lights at Junctions with
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  • 170 2 •'THERE has been a splendid response to our appeal," declared Brigad.Vr H. A. Lord to The Sunday Times yesterday, referring to the special appeal to youth made fcv the Salvation Army in conjunction "ith me churches of Singapore. Under the auspif es of the
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  • 443 2 LIAVE you marked next Tuesday in 11 your diary? Have you waited and longed for the coming of that day. realising that it is the festival of St. Valentine, that it may bring the fulfilment of a secret love you nave been cherishing? No.
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  • 30 2 ,The engagement is announced of Mr. Chla Wai Yin, the youngest son of Mr and Mrs. Chla Peng Kuan, to Miss Wong Chcon Hoe of Singapore. Outstatlon papers please copy.
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  • 53 2 -inside |kt RtttMi M «r\ arrive. n Location Ship E?.it Wharf I! An::'.'. Plan. 18 ..n io Sarpcdcn 1 1 P.i--1 1 G '.a BunK Enii.irr r>o<k Toba Maru 3u 3L BUvereedar 3! lU «3 Wt -i aya K3 itl 58 New Sec. 10 I^ahure 50
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 82 2 H UNSURPASSED IN hlil QUALITY. VARIETY 'Vw/M* l\ll AND FLAVOUR. m/<y 'fS ■|ll Fish goodness is more W I ra&Vif important than fish cheapness. jr. ,^v I *1 Fish goodness and cheapness J Sf& |w||||j combined is most important lKj|.V ijgL HKsy recommend you to try any or SmL i|§
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 316 2 IN SINGAPORE TOD AST CINEMA Today ALHAMBRA Eciovcd Brat with Borita Granvlll?. 11 a.m., 3.15, 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. CAPITOL "Tarzan and His Mate. 11 a.rr., 3.15. 1.18 and 9.15 p.m. PAVILION "Blond Cheat" with Joan Fontaine ani Derrick de Marney. 3.15, 6.15 ani 9.15 p.m ROXY "Boys Town" with
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    • 290 2 SURFACE MAILS EXPECTED Molls from Holland, etc. expected on Monday by Kcta Inten. TIDE TABLE SINGAPORE Today H. W. 3.45 a.m. 8.5 it.; 5.10 p.m. 7 ft. L. W. 10.31 am. 2.7 ft.; 10.17 p.m. 4.8 It. Monday H. W. 4.39 a.m. 8.1 U.: 6.53 p.m. 6.6 ft. L. \V.
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  • 283 3 British Tributes To His Holiness The Pope "WISE IN WISDOM AND SCIENCE OF HIS GENERATION" London, Saturday. THE morning newspapers devote many columns to the life of His Holiness Pope Pius XI, and describing how hi successor will be chosen. Editorials eulogise the Hoiy Father
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  • 128 3 EUROPEAN WOMAN IS VICTIM OF TYPHOID A EUROPEAN woman, Mrs. L. Reeves, of Chancery Hiil Read, is a typhoid patient In the General Hospital. Mrs. Reeves was due to go on leave on Friday. She intended Roing to Australia and the United States on her way to England. Cmm of
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  • 369 3 REPUBLICANS' CONDITIONS FOR PEACE Strong Italian Press Views Madrid, Saturday. DR. N<»grin, the Republican Prime Minister, announcing that the Government's headquarters have been established in Madrid, declares that th.Republicans intend to fight until Th? tracaJ&M of Ccn. Francos d -t Iga troops Th? safety cf life and liberty is a-
    Reuter  -  369 words
  • 288 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. INTO the Central Railway Workshops strike picture today stepped Mr John Hands, who. approached yesteroa> by the men's representatives, agreed to take their grievances to tlw Government. Negotiations, however, broke down, and the men refused to go
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  • 37 3 >w..g i.-o.m I'l c Ntai car ariv.n* over the Assouan Dam w'-ere be inauftira ed the scheme for heifhtenkig the dnm. Tlie Kins new to this part of the Nile from Cairo.
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  • 106 3 r\URING next week special requiem masses will be held at Singapore Roman Catholic churches. The timetable for the services is: Monday. Church of St. Peter and St. Paul. 6.30 a.m. Tuesday. St. Joseph's Church, Portuguese Mission, 6.30 a.m. Wednesday, Church of Our Lady
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  • 288 3 What Happened When Chamberlain And Halifax Visited Vatican A LAST memory of the Pope is rc- called In a touching story by Th3 Times diplomatic correspondent concerning the recent visit of Mr. Neville Chamberlain and Lord Halifax tr, Rome. The Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary visited the Vatican and
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  • 168 3 Changing, Saturday, i PXPRESSING heartfelt sympathy the death of Pope Pius XI and j thanks for his beneficent influence in rallying the Catholics t# champion the cause of humanity and peace, the Chinese Union' of the League of I Nations today sent a message of con-
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  • 105 3 Coincidence Of Hainan 6? Minorca Seizures Paris. Saturday. WITH one accord, the French press raises its voice against the occupation of Hainan Island by the Japanese. Some papers suggest that France In conjunction with Great Britain will send a strong r atest to Tokio. Insisting that
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 39 3 Chatham (Mass). Saturday. THE American freighter Llshtburn.' sent out an S.O.S. stating she had run ajround on Block Island, oil Rhode Island, in a dens? log. The crew of ths Lightburne, which is breaking un. was later rescued.— R°uter.
    Reuter  -  39 words
  • 69 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday |MR. JUSTICE POYSER. the new Chief Justice. F.M.S.. had the number plate of his car stolen yesterday. When his private KCMtaif mr-t the Penang train yes'ciday to take delivery of Mr. Justice Poyser's car he left the official number
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  • 78 3 Five thousand Chinese listened ti j the Wuhan Songsters In ths Covered i Stadium last night. Among thai audience were Mr. Kao Ling Pal. Chinese Consul-General. Mrs. Kao Ling Pai and Mr. Tan Kan Kee President of the China Relief Fund, to which the proceeds will be donated.
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  • 343 3 Bidadari Ceremony For Squall Victim WITH full Air Force honours, Aircraftman Frederick William Evans, of Bournemouth, Hampshire, a member of No. 230 (General Reconnaissance) Squadron, was burled at Bidadari yesterday afternoon. Aircraftman Evans lost his life on Wednesday when a canoe capsized in a squall in Johore Strait
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  • 162 3 CREDITS FOR RUMANIAN INDUSTRY LIKELY Bucharest, Saturday. ORD SEMPILL. who has been in Rumania for some days on behalf of a group of leading British industrialists and flnanc?rs, has l?ft for London. His mission contemplates lons-term Anglo-Rumanian trade arrangements!, under which Britain will receive timber and
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  162 words
  • 122 3 Another Fire At The Naval Base SECOND BLAZE WITHIN A FEW WEEKS P*IRE which broke out in the attap roof of the sailors' canteen near the football fl?ld at the r<aval Base just before 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon caused excitement among spectators who had gathered to watch a soccer match
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  • 59 3 lht new trocnshlji Ettrick, left Southampton recently with details of irosz: of th; "nd Kins'* Shropshire Light Infantry, for the West Indies. They worj accompanied by their wives and children. The new troopship has a r.psrir 1 rurrcrj f.->r th? kiddies, >«nd thfjr hay» taken
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  • 186 4 Malayan Chain Being Extended To Borneo CTI'DY of the weather by Ihe Malayan Meteorological Service will be assisted by the establishment of weather repnriin^' stations at J:^ -el tun (British North Borneo), and at Kuching. Miri and Bintulu, (Sarawak), by the Governments of these
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  • 659 4 Man Who Planned £50,000 Contest Loseb Libel Suit lUDGMENT with cost, for The Daily Mail was given in the King's Bench Division in the libel action arising out of a criticism of The Great Thoroughbred Contest in December 1933. Henry Weyman, of St. Agnes Place, Kennington, S.E., complained that the
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  • 66 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. At the annual general meeting of t^e Klang Union Epworth League held at the Methodist Clrls School, the [allowing office-bearers were elected: Presider.t, Mr. Scckallngam; vice-presld-en's, Messrs. Chan Peng Hong, Teh Boon Klat, Miss Kathleen Lazarus. Mr Ng Teong Ghc?; secretary. Mr. C.
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  • 46 4 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. MRS. Muttlah, wife of Mr. J. V. Muttiah, J.P., died In Lumut Hospital last night. She leaves her nusband. three sons, three daughter* and several grand children. Mr. Muttiah Is a prominent resident of Kuala Kangsar.
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  • 45 4 The Police Band play on Wednesday at Telok Ayer at 6 p.m Marcn, Victoria (Van Blon); Overture, Morning, Noon, and Night in Vienna <Suppe> Selection. The Mikado (Sullivan i; Patrol. The Wee Macgregor (Ar/...3>; Valse, 1 J =te (Sibelius); Selection. Lilac Time (Schubert).
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 219 4 A TREAT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! Here's Drama that strikes close to every home a picture that answers questions parents dare not ask! Opening Today with 4 Shows ALHAMBRA UfiiS ii jjj One girl guei Mraight. s' J^f Another goei ttraigbt to ruin. Why dort it happen? That CM be
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    • 128 4 ALHAMBRA NEXT CHANGE i^lt's i Stampede of SinginV^ a Rodeo of Romance and R a Merciful of H.uls! B "ROMANCE ai^ RHYTHM" .<<..«. ri., i.,i mm «< Nat n feaxf." tr lU^/1 h« <«4 L»... PiMrf Jr. A World-famous Jungle Adventure Epic Comes Back! TODAY jt_the CAPITOL [^piNJNG^irith 4 SHOWsI7,TJ
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  • Entertainment
    • 744 5 pASTING directors in the major studios are wearing worried looks these days—and with good reason. The task of finding types for key spots in current films is getting more difficult day by day. Strange characterisations are in great demand. Privately, the
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    • 124 5 Gone With The Wind Cast Takes Shape SLOWLY but surely, the cast ol "Gone With The Wind" Is taking what would seem to be a permanent shape. Rhett Butler, of course, will be played by Clark Oable, and Scarlett O'Hara is now Vivien Leigh (unless prevented by current troubles with
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    • 85 5 Annabella Likes Hollywood ANNABELLA, last seen In Suez," is determined to make good with American audiences (she is already a big favourite in Europe). Sl.e adores Hollywood "It is the best place in the world to live in." She has two homes in France— both closed now. She prefers Hollywood's
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    • 52 5 FXON Ameche's younger brother, U Jim, took a screen test at Twen-tieth-Century-Fox, passed it and then refused to contract because he wants to try radio work first. The brothers' voices are so similar that they cannot be recognised apart on the air. and tha same result occurs In
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    • Article, Illustration
      90 5 COR the first time in cinema hls- tory, two actors come out on the screen after the ending of their picture for a curtain call, as it were. This happens at the finale of "Young Dr. Kildare," when Lionel Barrymore and Lew Ayres step out of character to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 511 5 m c kenzie's Cough Mixture AND Lung Tonic. Invaluable For The Relief Of:— COUGHS COLDS Bronchitis Asthma. Obtainable At All Chemists Prepared Only By Maynard Co., Ltd., Singapore. i Improve Your Game with Ely Culbertson's "AUTOBRIDGE PLAYING BOARD" The Easy Way! For GOOD players: A PERFECT game of contract; For
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  • 956 6 Steadier Conditions With Improved Undertone A FTER many weeks in which the Stock markets have fluctuated widely on nervousness caused by political developments. It is pleasant this week to be able to report relatively steady conditions. With the exception of a rather sharp fall in the
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  • 193 6 Sineapore, Feb. 11, noon. Rice Slam West Coast No. 1 $143 Slam West Coast No. 2 $139 Slam West Coast No. 3 $137 Slam Broken No. 1 $120 Slam Broken No. 2 $118 Slam No. 1 $215 Slam No. 2 $200 Rangoon S Q. Meedon $140 Rangoon
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  • 86 6 Saturday, Feb. 11, noon. No. IX R.S.S. (Spot loose) 26 "4 No. IX R.S.S. f.o.b. In cases February Z6% 26% G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. in bales February 26 1 i 26W F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. in bales February 25 3 i 25?6 FUTURE QUOTATIONS No. IX R.S.S.
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  • 108 6 Manila, Saturday. THE following were yesterday's quotations and this morning's quotations for sold shares on the Manila Stock Exchange. All the shares have a par value of 10 centavos, and the quotations are in prsos. vesieruay run ay asked bid asked bid Antamok 0.4S 0.44 v
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  • 1271 6 Fraser And Co. 's List S ATI RI) AY, FEB. 11, 1939 1 P.M. Buyer* Sellers Ampat Tin <4s) 3s 3d 4s Asam Kumbang ios 27s Austral Malay 40s 45s cd. Ayer Hitam (55.) 21s 9d 22s 9s Ayer Wcng ($1) .55 .60 Bangrin lln
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  • 110 6 List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Co. SATURDAY, FEB. 11, 1 P.M. IUUU .Ul Company Dividend Books Financial TIN Close Date Ex. Olt. year .ustrai Malay 9d. No. 48 3d. bonus Feb. 24 Mar. 3 Feb. 25 5%; luala Lumpur Tin la. Feb. 17 Feb. 17 Ml &ub
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 641 6 "I 'X I YES! I find them wonderfully Jgi |^l I smooth. Craven 'A' Wtm quality was a real am A surprise to me. I M never realised that a v. T cigarette could be ?P, so satisfying, yet ijkJftt**- <so co °l so M^\ jjt free from every \jrap.
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  • 575 7 Area Of Field To Be Increased And Terminal Building And Hangar Erected v?rom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. DEFORE the year is ended, Kuala Lumpur will possess an airfield and private flying Club clubhouse commensurate with the growing importance of the Federal Capital as an airport
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  • 207 7 Two Girls Circling Globe In Junk Shanghai, Feb. 2. •¥*WO Russian girls, who were formerly cocktail bar hostesses, Luba Schennikoff, aged 23, and Olga Alksne, aged 22, are accompanying a crew of eight men on a rcund-the-world Chinese junk trip aboard the Adventure, which left for Manila yesterday. The junk
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  • 73 7 It Turns Everything Sweet A LITTLE red berry found on shrubs in tropical Africa is baffling scientists. It has the gift of turning sweet anything which is sour. Even the most add lemon will taste like a well-sweetened fruit punch if you put one of these berries into your mouth
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  • 157 7 THE biggest ship built in the Empire outside the British Isles, the 10.000-ton twin-screw motor vessel Breconshire, of the Glen and Shire Line, was launched early this month from the yards of the Taikoo Dockyard and Engineering Company, Ltd., at Hong Kong. The Breconshire
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  • 157 7 POLICE CARS WITH LOUDSPEAKERS Traffic Directions While Moving In Singapore Streets CAST saloon cars with loudspeakers may soon arrive for the Singapore traffic police. Policemen peering through the sunshine roofs or standing beside the j cars with hand microphones will be able to direct traffic and crowds. Will the lady
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  • 193 7 LAUGHS FROM THE COURTS Husband I wish my wife's tongue was like a clock it would stop sometimes. Wife: My husband offered to send me ail a week, and he kept it until the time came for the first payment. Witness: I have never s«en the man quarrel with his
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  • 70 7 ANOTHER boom defence vessel for Hong Kong, H.M.S. Barlight, arrived at Singapore yesterday from, England, and anchored in the OuteT- Roads. HM.S. Barlight, which Is a 625-ton vessel, is the third new boom defence ship to arrive at Singapore within the past few weeks. Another of
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  • 120 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Port Swettenham. More than one hundred children of the labouring class are today deprived of admission in Tamil schools at Port Swettenham, owing to Jack of accommodation in the two existing schools. It was originally intended to construct a permanent building for
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  • 78 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Saturday. The wedding took place at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes of Mr. Patrick Llm and Miss Doris Agnes Rodrigues. both of Klang. The bride was attended by Mrs. Elsie N. Nunls, of Malacca, and Mr. W. P. O. Stephens, of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 81 7 PRUDENTIAL BONUS! The company has oleasure in announcing that for the year 1938 Reversionary Bonus is declared as follows: <Jt^*s PER $1,000 SUM ASSURED 9^*3 WHOLE LIFE ASSURANCE. Cj^/% PER $1000 SUM ASSURED S'fcV ENDOWMENT ASSURANCES. The abo c is further evidence of the Continued Prosperity of the "PRUDENTIAL" Remember—
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    • 960 7 STAMPS tj^r^ I »t*mn» you ar« mrta.flg. and I *Q^ TiTTHMgaKy. *>« will r.akt row a ipec a) U M. U. J Aden *t Id )Hw.Ml Id IOX. Ani,|vl id M 3 MoAlMrrat I] M J l«m« Jt IM. Morocco M Sd. 1 tafcanot Id It 4 Nauru I /ad
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  • 239 8 RAILWAY FOLLOWING ROAD LINKING BURMA CHINA Expected To Be Completed In Three Years CONSTRUCTION of a Yun-nan-Burma railway and a big programme of road construction in the south-western pi mine s of China are well advanced, according to Mr. Hsieh Fun-cheng, who has arrived at Singapore on his way to
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  • 85 8 MISSING MAN FOUND STABBED TO DEATH i From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. THE body of a 22-ycar-cld Chinese, who was reported missing the previous day, was found yesterday by the police lying near the railway line betweet Blimbing and Durian Tunggal. There were several stab wounds on the body.
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  • 37 8 The death has occurred of Mr. A. M. Theseira. of the Waterworks Department. Kuala Lumpur, aged 53. Mr. Tluseira had been with the department at Scremban and Kuala Lumpur for more than 17 years.
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  • 67 8 WHEN the case in which Raja Khalid bin Kaja Mahmood. aged 19. who was charged with criminal breach of trust in respect of a bicycle, belonging to the Straits Settlements Government, was called before Mr. K. A. Blacker in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday, Mr.
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  • 149 8 New Zealand Air Link Awaiting Government Move TJIE company will be ready in May but when Government will bz ready we don't know," declared Mr. W. Hudson Fysn, managing director oi Tmpire Airways, in Singapore yesterday when asked by a Sunday Times reporter when the
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  • 23 8 Amelia Earhart, the American airwoman, who disappeared on a world flight in the summer of 1937, has been declared legally dead.
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  • 71 8 THIS picture of the Fascist guards outside the Palauo Veneiia, the Duce's office in Rome, doing the "Roman Step" was published in The Sunday Times of Jan. 29, 1930. In the picture below, which arrived by the last air mail, the scene has changed. The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 322 8 OTK-Lj A 1 Nowat an amazingly nmrr lowpnce WLJf jjLJF L| m-\ The tremendous reduction \J^q ml S in the price of Sunlight Soap brings it within the reach of everybody No more need to buy BTTI 35 IW\ V T m W "^T harsh "^erior soaps that UP Jh
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  • 407 9  - Mainly About Malayans Onlooker ByThe A MAN who has done as much as anybody to build up Malaya's system of telegraph and telephone communications has just left the country on retirement. He is Mr. V. H. Winson, Director of Telegraphs and Engineer-in-Chief, Posts and Telegraphs Department, S.S. and F.M.S., for
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  • 621 9 Read of Mr. V. H. Winson Mr. P. A. McKerron C. S. M. Strutt Mr. V.K. Chinniah Haji Mohd. Tahir He has greatly enjoyed living in Malaya. It is certainly a most attractive country in which to work," he says, "provided one keeps one's heakh, as I have been fortunate
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 268 9 On YOUR HOfllE LERVE in 1939 Wonderful World's \f ,S? ff |i-.-^-». th °se incredible new Vt —^L^f^^lf^^ "5 Sfreamiine trains at WITH f M MPER |fi^ J^BA depressed, a natural stimulant will ji W^m4]U^\ lhc finest c >' der a PP'es it is refreshII \^Bm\, In^' an^ i"'-^''^ 113
      268 words
    • 145 9 n J|y» The X All over Scotland fine whiskies /Y\ afe di st>lled the finest of all \jU selected for Johnnie Walker /m VL eacn chosen by experts for (m I^,^ Jm lts s P ecla l characteristics. The jjfe^ Second Step Years pass in oak casks the mK^ whiskies
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  • 62 10 MR. R. D. DOWNEY (left) a New Zealander, who is now stationed at Singapore with the engineering staff of Qantas Empire Airways, is here photographed with the successful Flying Flea he built in New Zealand. Mr. Downey's plane was the only Flying Flea
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  • 123 10 A LCOHOLICS must be regard- ed as sufferers from spinelessncss." states Dr. J. Bostock, in the Medical Journal of Australia. Such people have 'requently strong feelings of infer, rity, for which alcohol becomes a panacea." Dr. Bostock suggests that the alcoholic patient should be:— Given
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  • 32 10 The Berlin "S. A. Mann," organ of the Nazi Stormtroopers, demands that a Peop'c-'s Pram should be manufactured, suggesting that the cost should not be more than 2Cs. or 30s.
    32 words
  • 175 10 DOTANY and biology lessons were recommended at a London conference as the best guidance for a girl taking up "the great job of her life marriage and family rearing." Mrs. Ogden, of Burnley, Lanes, president of the National Association of Insurance Committees, who
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  • 560 10 OFFICER WHO SOLD HIS COUNTRY FOR A GIRL Spy's Amazing Love Story POOR BOY WHO ROSE TO WARSHIP CAPTAIN CONDEMNE D TO DEATH Toulon (France). J-JIS passion for blue-eyed, lovely Jeanne Morel caused Marc Aubert, youthful commander of a warship, to sell his country for £380. While he lay in
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  • 106 10 Colombo. JLJtR Reginald de Vismes Godiray, superintendent of the Ken'.lworth group of estates at Ginigathene, wr.s murdered on Jan. 31 by an estate clerk, who plunged a knife into his back. As Mr. Godfray fell to the floor the clerk ran into the veranda and shot
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  • 102 10 !^R. Vincent Hart, enginocr-ir.--l¥l charge of the Caurery-Mettui dam in India, the largest in the British Empire, has died in Cork, aged 57. A native o: Cork, Mr. HI the Indian Public Works Department at Madras for 30 years, and In tlon of his work
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  • 52 10 Once a former Sultan of Pcrak's ymcht, the 180-lon Esineralda. MM in 1890 at Hong Kortf for the F.M.S. Government, i; now a toasial trader coming regularly to Singapore. With the late Sultan of Selaneor's steam yacht Mrran. she Ij one of the Uae Aik Steamship
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 710 10 FOR MORE THAN The Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada ha« been providing protection and future •eeuritjr to policyholdcr* and beneficiaries by mean* of a variety of practical life inaurance plan*. To-day Agencie* of the Sun Life of Canada encircle the globe 133 Branch organization* are maintained in 39 countries
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  • 947 11 Fine Descriptions Of The Dances And Dramas Of Bali Book Of The Week Dance and Drama in Bali. By Walter Spies and Beryl de Ztetc Faker and Faber. Ms. AF the two authors of this book, Walter Spies is a musician and painter who has livod for 15 years in
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 45 11 The Best Manual for learning and to know something about First Aid and Air Raid Precaution*. FIRST AID TO TNE INJURES Published l>y St. John* Ambulance Awociation Price $1.20 each. Stocked by all branches of PETER CHONG CO., Kiluc .itiimal Hooksellers, etc >— WPS 9 »—i^»—
      45 words
    • 95 11 APPOINTMENTS with good salaries as Accountants. Setretar- les. Cost Accountants, Works and Office Managers. Chief Clerks, Bank and Insurance Oflicers. Cashiers and Book-keepers, are the j normal attainments of those who quality with The School of Accountancy. Examinations can be taken In Malaya and success guaranteed by postal training. The
      95 words
    • 647 11 GREEN CIRCLE LIBRARIES 18-F, BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE. ALL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS AT CHEAP RATES. NEW BOOKS EVERY MAIL. SPECIAL RATES. OUTSTATION MEMBERS. CLUB MESSES. HOURS OF BUSINESS:- 8.30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. i ■vrmL THE modern treatment of a hall does away with all non-essentials. But it must retain those
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  • 185 12 New Malayan Pilot Who Fought In The Gran Chaco War TINGER-HAIRED, bearded Mr. I. A. Richardson, who last month joined Malaya's rapidly growing circle of airmen as pilot for Wearne's Air Services, is a flier whose career has taken him from the Arctic down
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  • 619 12 Regular Air Passenger In The Frozen Yukon Was A Chinese Trapper CO he came to take up flying. After training with the United Air Lines in the States, he became one of its commercial pilots and made night Mights over the Rockies between Seattle and Salt Lake City. It meant
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  • 340 12 Canterbury, Jan. 28. •"THE need for a sound Christian education to overcome the present reign of suspicion, mistrust and fear was urged by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Lang, at a special service in Canterbury Cathedral today. The service was to inaugurate a campaign to
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  • 59 12 42 GIRLS STILL LOVE HIM Bucharvu JOHN COSSTANTINESCV year-old bookkeeper, of 1' near Bucharest, has been aand accused of 42 breach mise cases. The 42 girls involved all I the neighbourhood, aiul th* say they still uant to marr So the authorities have pr to ask John to make his
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  • 321 12 Gretna Bride Betrayed Spy Plot WITH the death in a Hambur<4 hospital of a Gamut pirl who bc-.-amc a ('■retnn Green bride, it is now poonibl to reveal how mff BMItW with daagtrow nuiiflcatloni was unmarked to the Brili>l; and American st-irt services The story goes back to Ma;. year,
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  • 58 12 PRESIDENT Roosevelt has <■• 7,000,000 letters since he became President in 1933. His mall averages about 4,000 dally. President Hoover used to receive about 400 every day, Mrs. Roosevelt's mall Is also on a huge scale. She employs several secretaries to help her handle it, and devotes
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 348 12 CXiality M i IIWiu LIALITY, first that is the guiding principle in JJ V tflvsf&V i tn manu acture of J Ovaltine.' Upon its jupr erne H Slffli A *211 3^ quality and unrivalled nutritive properties millions I^D( W j Nf °f people rely for. health 'and fitness.' I eK
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  • 1052 13  - Behind The News Crux Australis By CIR Henri Deterding, who died last week, was predeceased by his own biographer. Thirty days before the Oil King died at St. Moritz, 29-year-old Glyn Roberts died in Welwyn Garden City Cottage Hospital. The author of "The Most Powerful Man in the World," an
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  • 48 13 \^i n(. Gustav and other members of the Swedish Royal Family attended the Ball of the Order of Innocence in Stockholm. This is the last of the society balls of the season and was held by the Grand Hotel. Here King Gustav is receiving debutantes.
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  • 116 13 LONDON-PARIS IN 41 MINUTES A VICKERS Supermarine Spit- fire fighter aircraft, of the type used K y the R.A.F., has flown from Le Bourget to Croydon in 41 minutes. Piloted by Flying Officer J. K. Quill, a Vickers test pilot, it covered the 205 miles at an average speed of
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  • 81 13 Oslo. NORWEGIAN firms dealing with Germany have received a questionnaire from German trade interests demanding particulars of the racial origin of employers and employees as Xar back as their great-grandparents. The trade review "Farmand" says that the questionnaire also demands particular? of the private economic
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  • 120 13 VING GEORGE of Greece, now in London, where he does most of his shopping, has ordered twenty swords to be made for him. Except that they will bear his coat of arms and monogram, they will be exact replicas of the British naval, infantry, cavalry,
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  • 77 13 DR IGADIER-General Vere Lorraine Nuttall Pearson died at Hove suddenly on Jan. 17, at the age of 58. Son of the late Lleut.-Col. John Pearson, of Hove, he was born on Dec. 3. 1880. and educated at Weymouth College. After obtaining his commission in the Middlesex
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 285 13 VITAL FORCE H. JB^^^^Vf 4 UNLESS you are a rare exception in these busy times there is not a function of your mind or body but will be the better for PHOSFERINE it is neither more nor less than a combination of recognized nerve-foods prepared for instant assimilation by, the
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  • 370 14 Commissioners Say 50 Proposed Bungalows Are Terrace Houses A PLAN to build 50 houses on vacant ground in East Coast Road, opposite Still Road, will have to wait until the Singapore Municipal Commissioners have decided a technical point. If they decide against the builders, the
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  • 333 14 A SCOTSWOMAN who married a Hindu of the Brahman caste, provided the Edinburgh courts with a problem stated to be without precedent. The First Division of the Court of Session in Edinburgh decided that they had no Jurisdiction to grant a decree of divorce in
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  • 68 14 A DANCE band on the way to Yeovil, Somerset, found their way barred by an elm tree, blown doum by the blizzard. To cut their way through they used the musical saw which a member of the band plays vith a
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  • 65 14 Budapest. DR. Halasz, chief doctor at the Erzsebet Hospital, is stated to have excellent results with a diet of pears for high blood pressure. The patients of sixty, and over, are put to bed for a few weeks, and on two consecutive days a week
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 170 14 ttde£icimi& new d/vLrvk ORANG£-ADE GREEN SPOi' orange-ade is made from cane sugar and the pure Juice of fresh sun-ripened oranges, rich in Vttamlr C." GREEN SPOT is refreshing and invigorating. fin'-.apore's newest ana invigorating drink is Mi obtainable at all first dMi Cu:cs and Hotels. Prepared In sterilised rquipment *nd
      170 words
    • 230 14 contains as much as the bottle I citify ANn mere i ccc /iLlll 'i *[i>\ «^--^r yJr^iHil\V MNDREWS LIVER SALT now "Ij im'" j^* > m\ P r esent to you their New m Economy Tin, which con>w^\, tains much as the large s %k via bottles .iljUiy JjW This
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  • 1408 15 Sitting On The Fence By Nathaniel Gubbins To the reader who wrote to the Editor asking: "What is Nathaniel Gubbins ZiJfce"? T AM about 5 ft. 10 ins. tall, weigh 13 st., and don't look a day older than ninety at six o'clock in the morning. Although I can't remember
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  • 552 15 HERE is a patience, usually called Red and Black, which will appeal to those readers who cannot be bothered to learn the rules of the more intricate patiences. Moreover, it is a good game to teach the children, as for them it serves as an easy introduction
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  • 330 15 WE nearly always enjoy watching a Declarer who has overbid a hand tremendously make it by means of fine play plus a little help from the defence. The reason we say "nearly always" is that we do not enjoy it when we happen to be one of the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 404 15 m is best for A V i is the answer^m^*^ Those who have the care of the Angier's is unequalled for bronaged and feeble can confidently rely chitis, and for coughs and chronic on Angier's Emulsion to afford catarrhal affections generally, adequate protection against all whether "of lungs, stomach, or
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  • Opinion
    • 232 16 •yHE longer time taken for the transmission of mails from London to Singapore by Imperial Airways flying-boat, compared to that taken for mails sent by the Royal Dutch Airways, was the subject of a question in the House of Commons on Thursday. The reply given was that
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    • 202 16 IMPROVEMENTS to the Kuala i Lumpur aerodrome, described elsewhere in The Sunday Times, show that Malaya, after sinking a small fortune in the Singapore Airport, is pursuing a forward policy in internal aviation and is not merely concentrating effort on i those airports used by overseas I planes.
      202 words
  • 1354 16  -  H.G. WELLS |M^PB Canberra. THE Scientific Association which assembled at Canberra experienced a record heat wa"e and drought and learnt nuch more than it ever expected to do about bush fires. The younger m:n of scienco went off fire-fighting. The fires came down before a
    1,354 words
  • 234 16 To The Editor of The Sunday Times I HAVE enjoyed reading The Sunday Times ever since it started. In the issue of Jan. 29' I was irticularly Interested In the story of the ship Waratah's mysterious disappearance 30 years ago. This took me right back to
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 365 16 M— t«Y OUK TAILORING We only solicit your trial order. MIEN CHONG S'oore"i most up-to-date Tailor 34. Colersn St. Phut 4816. WORLD'S NEED OF QUALIFIED ENGINEERS •right Prospect! and Kg Pay Oppo-KmlHei •or the Trained Han I NOW It th. lime to gat out ol the fut and qualify for
      365 words
    • 138 16 I The NEW WORLD CABARET TODAY TIFFIN DANCE 11.30 to 430 p.m. Admission Free. TONIGHT 9.30 TO MIDNIGHT Admission SO eta. PIANO TUNING-REPAIRS REMOVALS HIRE E. CHARLES. Phone 2902 212, Orchard Rd. S Unbreakable Waterproof Wrist Watch lOycari Men's Streaml me Service Motftl $13.15 Sold in London Stores for Moea*
      138 words
    • 34 16 Roundtrip from Singapore to Hongkong/Shanghai and back via Manila, Saigon and Bangkok per Luxury Liner Boissevain," Ruys cr Tegelberg." Roundtrip fare 250 .00 320 .00 Full particulars from Pan. Dept., X.P.M. Line. (Phone 5451)
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

  • 519 17 Important Part Played In Scientific Investigation Of Crime WITH probably the best equipped laboratories in the Colonial East, the Government Analyst's Department in its spacious new $115,000 building at Outram Road, Singapore, has now excellent facilities for carrying out its increasingly important part in the scientific
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  • 316 17 PLAN FOR FLORIDA CANAL REVIVED Roosevelt's New Deal Schemes HARNESSING TIDES IN MAINE Washington. DKESIDfcNT Roosevelt has asked Coiiferi-ss to revive the two most criticised and ambitious of his New l>eal pubiic works projects. These ;i: e plans to: Cut (he Florida peninsula by a *r:i-lcv(! c.mal, joining the Mlan'.ic
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  • 39 17 A PROPOSAL that the Nobel Prize for 1938 be given to Hcrr Hitler has been sent to the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament by Senator Brandt, member of the Social Democrat Party.
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  • 104 17 Sweep Winner TTIE man who twice drew the wln- ning number In the Calcutta Sweep, but sold one of the tickets berore he knew of his luck, has died in London. He was seventy-seven-year-old Mr David Dunn Bryson, a director of four London companies and
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  • 34 17 TUIhETEEN-YEAR-OLD Mrs. Rita Usatick got a divorce in Chicago because her husband, Peter, deserted her a)ter four months because she was "too skinny." "He told me he liked plumper girls,"
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  • 92 17 WR. Gerald Dodson, Re:order of the City of London, speaking at a London Press Club said: "It is only when the peoples and the nations can become one that Governments and dictators cannot do as they like, for It will be
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  • 273 17 RUSSIAN DRIVE TO ELIMINATE LOAFERS Dismissal If 20 Minutes Late .Mo-., uh. CONTINUING their big drivr against loafing, the Soviet authorities arc publishiiu iafly lists of workers dismissed, inainlv for unpunctuality. Tliis ha leu to a run on rJarm clacUs and a rebuke to the only factory makin? thtn for
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 134 17 rr~™~jrj™™™~~~~— ~JJ^ 111 "KEY" BRANDY HAD6E PRIZE DISTRIBUTION Prizes will b< awardtd it tbt GREAT WORLD on 19th FEB. 1939 NEW WORLD oi 20th FED. 1939 HAPPY WORLD 21st FED. 1939 All you have to do to compete for these prizes is to wear prominently a "KEY" Brandy Bad&e and
      134 words
    • 72 17 Enough u> make anyone turn nH[ jst V Wg *[J 9 SOOthing flavour, but for thC A»«nufor.M:.Uy«:South:mndßrituhKonhßon»»»--feeling of contentment and l^S^^ satisfaction they associate with it its atmosphere of health and Hff9»F^B^^^^W^r^^^^^^vy¥jK^^^VT#sr happiness. These lovely babies, Jn^r %&A twin daughters of a South Devon Kir? I^^^ dental surgeon know something
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  • 511 18 THE story of numbers is in many respects the story of man's fight to conquer his environment. The more complex and intricate civilisation grows the more do numbers enter man's life. When we rise in the morning we usually glance at a watch to see the
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  • 1139 18 of mixtures of scales. Take for instance £23.135.11% d. There are no fewer than four scales here The quaternary scale, four farthings to the penny; the duodecimal scale, twelve pence to the shilling; tbe vigesimal scale, twenty shillings to the pound; and finally the decimal scale.
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  • Article, Illustration
    302 18 ONAPSHOTS at night are fun, and a delightful way to spend long winter evenings. Nowadays, with inexpensive light inj equipment especially designed for the amateur, night snapshots are easy with any camera. You can arrange Interesting and artistic table-top pictures, using toy automobiles, doll houses and miniature furniture,
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 822 18 1 m Put pounds of flesh on scraggy bones, increase weight, fill out hollow cheeks. BE VITAL ALIVE MAGNETIC THRILLING Thousands of men and women owe their beautiful figures and thrilling vitality to Clotabs. By putting on firm healthy flesh, by enriching the impoverished bloodstream Clotabs have changed them from
      822 words
    • 214 18 /^?!f£^« This new 'Kodak' *%I fti:iM& is so clever jpjl Six-20 Kodak Junior— a really *W* r *2 V first-dass camera at a surpris/jNv 1 3m i°B'y low P™*- Features v!^»§ii^s!l A f\% include direct-vision eye-level ■^\^sW 1 viewfinder, choice of anastig- 11/ N mat lenses (/7.7,/6.3, or /4.5), and
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  • 2893 20  - What The Stars Foretell R.H. Naylor By THIS WEEKS GOOD DAYS FOR: BUYING:— Business deals: Tomorrow 13th; Thursday 16th. Personal shopping: Wed. loth; Thursday 16th. SELLING: Wed. 15th; Prl. 17th ENTERTAINING: Wed. 15th; Thurs :«n. SPORT: Today 12th (except shooting) Friday 17th. I UCKY for you if you were born
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  • 546 20 LJKRE, voupeU according to month of birth (irrespective ol year) is a statement of probabilities to be expect rf tlii* seek JANUARY (Dec. 23- Jan. JO) Should be a particularly pleasant week for the January born, particularly those born in the first week of the month.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 352 20 fiMj£* Unbreakable WST Waherproof ggi|k Wrist Watch i /r^g^VOuaranl-ecd 10 years yri^^Sm M«n't"Str«a\mli««" 1 Ser.rt Model 'VbC? i 13.15 MB HT Sc.'rf in London Store* fot H A Hwmt utitm* it«tf»» IRRSRR) IscMf IMIiRaOTi. A FU anM Dsim* nils WaaaVNl Watcfc. UnarilHam. Wat*****, tut- wt D.U»r»««, t»l«a»ril«. IU-n.Ua Tuuakacpar. Kuu-alatiMtio
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  • 756 21 The Glamour Allure Of Beautiful Eyes Can Be Yours With This Formula Max Factor's Advice JJEDY LAMARR'S beautiful eyes have aroused the envy and the admiration of the whole world of femininity. Not since the days when Clara Bow's lovely orbs first flashed their expressiveness from the picture screens has
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  • 380 21  -  Muriel Rapson By THE needlework sampler has interested women of many generations, and has called forth much artistry and ingenuity in the planning and execution of it. And just as we admire the samplers of many years ago, and rejoice in the delicacy
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 140 21 A SURE TIP W^kS for the Races y r \^J To look your best J l^sssssssssM 11/ pay a visit to the Vs*? \V I When Irs- Lynn, the Kxpert from the London Salons, will help you to achieve that fresh, sparkling ltK>k and suggest an "outdoor" make-up which will
      140 words
    • 193 21 f Colour, Harmony ESSENTIAL TO j NATURAL BEAU I X H %XMt I f lb«* >W YOUR Colour Harmony In^TXcIKC" LJ p What could be more thrillins than to be beautiful attractive and admired. The secret of this pleasure, as shared by Myrna Loy and 96% of the famous tilm
      193 words

  • 615 22 Your Hair Now Suits Your Millinery Not Your UITHERTO, you may have thought of having your hair done to suit your type. But this plan will not always suit the new millinery. And millinery is the deciding factor this season. You will be rightly coiffured if you arrange your hair
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  • 475 22 These Things Are Now In Fashion In Europe MINK is a choice trimming for a young-looking black coat. It need not be used lavishly, but just as a neat, soft finish. You see a pretty touch of mink on a boucle coat with concealed centre fastening from the throat to
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 387 22 ANNUAL STOCKTAKING SALE NOW IN PROGRESS MODEL GOWNS SPORTSWEAR WOOLLENS TWEEDS, LE 6ANT CORSETS it BARGAIN PRICES. Phone 4974. MAYNARDS BLDS. 11, Battery Road. GO PLACES with GAGE HATS SSJ2&&&&!* We've just received them, and every mgg^^L^^ftN kind you might think of is there: 1 \3! BPE/ 1 s^ e
      387 words
    • 284 22 J Tangee changes on your lips to bring out natural beauty In the stick, Tangee is orance. Appff it once or twice over your lips. Like magic, the color changes to a blush rose— blends instantly to just theshad* most becoming to your complexion. No need to fear that painted
      284 words

  • 1725 23 How Many Times Have You Been Kissed? THERE is a form of sex blackmail which is growing more common every day in ordinary social life. Let me give you an example of what I mean. Boy meets Girl. Boy invites Girl out to dance or to the cinema. After the
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 198 23 HKUtfi A DEVICE TO i.\> I LENS STRAINS AND HREAKAGE. JHIS SCRF.WLESS CONSTRLCTIO> Is only obtained from NAN SIN OPTICAL HOUSE Manufacturing Ophthalmic Opticians 325. Njrtfl Bridge Road. Singapore, PHONE 6363 RE SLIM pi^ t«k« D. T. LIM'S VW-1 SLIMMING HERB TEA. Absolutely harmless. 0. T. LIM COMPANY, W> r
      198 words
    • 300 23 t% t 1/ Mss J- HART Before You f» -J Z LOOKW H mm% WOMEN WM 4Zm k e fo re ar| d after using y^HMk. £&l CREME TOKALON 1 MAKE THIS m. K^9 SIMPLE TEST P-MH^, -see yourself i^oHpTm ""K YOUNGER Us-aas-L_;V^i EVERY MORNING! TO-NIGHT: Apply Crfcme Tokalou, ObUinablo
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 384 24 I Valet I Hrn. W SCT. This ttt it Bscfcad In richly colour^ mooldrita caM. Contalna Mlf- T ill Kropomt Vjj- raxor. «ro, I. kl»ta<l O- lif I centa. ..<■ ehr M Val« tA**m In A.'M^W ■*v m pi and ilMadL Ad. aalafe ~^lX^^^^ itrappinf Vilw ruor. thrta Valal bljd««
      384 words
    • 289 24 B^F JaP™*" *jMJ For cool, f h^ JiAl sparkling m sweets serve SML^^J i YTt l -1.. 1 ■1 JL*L_^^W^BBrjSM CHIVERS JELLIES The most popular jellies 2£lSl£ for over half a century „r,td this .vir. I J y The rich fruity flavours so characteristic of C^v Chivers' Jellies have won
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 537 24 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers tcday 5100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly the $100 will be awarded in respect of the
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
      98 words
    • 197 25 GET SLIM ON WATER! Nature's Own Remedy. Are you burdened with too m» flesh Do exercise and dieting alike fail to make any impression on loose spore rj 4 flesh, those extra chins and corpulent waistline r Then try Nature's i clear, cool, still water, chargrd with N.itura) Salts of
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  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 571 25 Today's Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE TODAY CHL ttt metre*. EBP MM netraa. *jn. 11.00 Band music, t 11 10 Light orchestral concert. Relay from the Sea View Hotel. IJITo Songs by Webster Booth (tenor), t 13.20 Light orchestral concert (contd.). 1.00 Miscellaneous light music, t 1.10 Interval. 1.45 Organ recital. Relay
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    • 362 25 10 30 Religious service 11.30 Sunday news, weekly newsletter, sport summary, and announcements. 11.35 Greenwich time signal. .'1.50 Sandy Macpherson. 12.20 Close down. TOMORROW TRANSMISSION 4. GSD 11.15 Me/s MM SB.) ajn. 12.40 Charlie Kunx at the piano. 12 SO Austral trio. 1 .20 Big Ben. Sunday news, weekJy newsletter,
      362 words
    • 107 25 NttOH TODAY VDA «•< OC > IB.). V1»B »C» roc m t« m I. VDB II.BC me iVJ ml. PMN l»3« 0.. i?9.Z rs). p.m. 2.10 News. 2.20 Close down. 4.50 Programme preview. 4.54 Popular recorded music. 6.03 Bible stories for chl'dren. 6.19 B:iulre Celesta Octctt. 6.3) Ne<*ro artifts. 6.50
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    • 102 25 7.45 Opening announcement. 7.50 Radio-drama. 5.05 News commentary. 8.35 Close down. 8.40 Special broadcast for the Netherlands East Indies on behalf of th« Liberal PrcUstant Radio Society iV.P.R.O.). Religious talk. 8.55 Special broadcast for th? Netherlands East Indies by the Roman Catholic Broadcasting Association (K.R.0.). TOMORROW pjn. 1.00 Announcement. 8.05
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    • 80 25 TOMORROW pjn. 6.53 For the countryside. 7.50 Indian music and songs. 9.55 A talk (Bengali). 10.10 News and announcements 'Bengali). 10.35 News and announcements I English). 1 1 00 English music. 11.20 A talk (English). 11.35 Dance music (English). 12.20 Close down. Gramophone records. ROME TODAY •-BO 11-81 Me/i SM
      80 words

  • 140 26 Gym, Massage And Vapour Baths A NEW physical culture centre with all the amenities desired by the person who wants to improve in fitness or reduce In weight has been opened in Singavo''. Business men with little time, or women who dislike vijorous exercise, can now
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  • 193 26  - REVIEW OF NORTH PERAK SPORT "Trojan" By Taiping. nrHE Malays made their r*ebut at football on Tuesday, when they trounced the King Edward VII School to the tune of s—l. The Malays have,a strong side this season, although they have lost the services of their skipper, Alladad Khan, and one
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  • 186 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. QCORINO a goal in each half the junior football team of the Government English School beat the St. Andrew's School by two goals to nil In the first round of the junior interschool football competition. The competition is open to schools
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  • 44 26 The Geylang Malay Youngsters Party st>ccer team to rreet the Raffles Institution team on Wednesday at the latters ground is: Kassim Amat Duke. M. YusofT. Dol. Amat Biden, Syed Mohd. (capt Salleh Slmin. Ismail ilasol, Abdul Aziz, Hashlm, Isnin. Ja'afar All. Baharom.
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  • 338 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. MEETING the Johore Police Depot for the second time this season the Segamat Old Boys' Association hockey eleven repeated their success of the first encounter, beating the Depot by one goal to nil. The first match resulted in
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  • 147 26 The following are the first round ties in the S.C.R.C. billiards doubles tournament: John Llm and C. K. Pang (—7O) vs. L. H. Teo and Freddie Tan (—20); N& Cheng Koon and Chua Choon Seng (—80) vs. K. T. Gan and Low Huck Leng (—40); Cheong Chee Tong
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 463 26 1 1 We Take the Squirm Out <^s^ of Shorts y^^^^»o The ARROW people who make these shorts have a technique all their own. .^J^nV 1. They eliminate the rZfc>ft r PTr./ centre seam that //i^i--yv always get you in the 2. They make shorts j' jm roomier! >. iV
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    • 325 26 ml J I Did you Maclean your teeth to-day? *.m. C WSJ® Ah! I see you did MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE If you we a solid dentifrice, try the new MACLEANS SOLID PEROXIDE Df NTIFP.IOI Hearing Restored Stop Head Noises Deafness and Ht>ad Xoisos need not be drendfvl any Inner
      325 words

  • 362 27 QUININE AND MODERN METHODS EMPLOYED IN FIGHTING MALARIA. The conquest of the air. which hu lately been developed to m remn rkabJe extent has accustomed us to the use of aeroplanes for the strangest kinds of merchandise. Nevertheless, the fact that thousands of fish are Join in aeroplane; is not
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  • 2651 27  -  "Nomad" By THE R.A.F. lost three of their most distinguished sportsmen in Sqd. Ldr. Messenger, (pi. Passingham and L.A.C. Appleton when the Rajputana left for Europe on Friday. Sqd. -Ldr. Messenger, who has captained the R.A.F., Combined Services and Singapore soccer teams for the last two seasons
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 55 27 Jitink aerateu waters a Hull fjmmmrj old reputation as the lust Aerated Waters in Malaya. That is your Safeguard ORANGE JUICE SODA GRAPE FRUIT SODA SPECIAL DRY GINGER ALE Z0 M MINERAL WATER PHOTOGRAPHS COPIES OF THE LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHS APPEARING THIS ISSU: can be obtained from THE MANAGER SUNDAY TIMES
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    • 57 27 TRUCKS DESIGN Semi-forward control allows for larger body space and '^^^S&aJKn* I POWER The famous 6-cylinder jfn*m^ti ml^^L. Engine designed for "slow-revving* if*' f WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION means m easier operation, and less work on m driving mechanism gear assembly. f YOU SEE THEM EVERYWHERE IV•. THERE ARE 8 CHASSIS TltOM
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  • 275 28 Remarkably Fast Play For So Late In Season (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A REMARKABLY fast game of hockey for so late in the season was seen on the padang this evening when Grenier's Eleven beat the Selangor Club by four goals
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  • 237 28 WHITES AND COLOURS DRAW AT STADIUM IN preparation for the forth coming league football competition, the Singapore Cricket Club held the first of a series of trial matches at the Stadium yesterday, Colours meeting Whites. The result was a draw, each side fco'ing once in the second half. As was
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  • 89 28 SPORT OF KINGS GROWS FAST IN CALIFORNIA Ingelwood. Calif., Jan. 18. OOUTHERN California, made a bold bid for the East's prestige in summer horse racing today when officials of Hollywood Park announced v total of U. 5.5600.000 in purses will be t distributed to owners in a 43-day meeting starting
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  • 41 28 Miami. Jan. 21. Carlisia won the US$5,OOO added Hlaleah Stakes today. Early Morn was second and Cherry Jam third. The horses ran over a course of six furlongs. Carlisia paid odds of 13—5 in straight retting.
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  • 158 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. ALTHOUGH the verdict was awarded against him, most critics thought Kid Arenas (8) did enough in the last four rounds to give him a clear points decision over Little Abayan (7.12) in ♦Inmain fight of the boxing
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  • 367 28 MAKO FEELS HE CAN WIN AT WIMBLEDON Palm Springs, Cal.. Jan. 17. I JNDER the blazing sun of this desert retreat a blond boy who at 23 is almost an old man in his chosen sport was laying the framework for a last and deadly serious— attempt to win the
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  • 1440 28 DESULTS of yesterday's English and Scottish football games and tables up-to-date are: X rusmii Portsmouth Wolves Sundcrland Chelsea Huddersfleld Sheffield U. Birmingham 2 4 1 1 3 0 2 West Ham 0 Liverpool 1 Blackburn 1 Sheffield W. 1 Walsall 0 Grimsby 0 Everton 2 F.A. C'l-P (Fifth
    1,440 words
  • 108 28 Rugby Union games played on Saturday resulted: Bedford 3; Bath 0. Birkenhead 21; Halifax 3. Bridgend 16; London Welsh 0. Cardiff 13: Gloucester 5. Coventry 7; St. Mary's Hos. 13. Leicester 9: Newport 23. Llanelly 8; Northampton 3. Manchester 11: Liverpool 6. Oxford Univ. 8; Bristol 10. P'mouth
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  • 76 28 nUGBY League games played on Saturday resulted Bramley 5; Huddersfield 5. Broughton R. 13: York 21. Castleford 27: Batley 9. Dewsbury 2; St. Helens R. 6. Halifax 22: Hull K. R. 2. Hull 14: Wakefleld T. 0. Hunslet 23: Bradford N. 8. Kelghley 6: Featherstone R 8. Leigh
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  • 74 28 New York, Saturday. AT Madison Square Garden, in s 15-round non-title middle-weight boxing bout, Billy Conn (Pittsburg) outpointed Fred. Apostoll, who is rated world champion by the New York State Athletic Commission. Conn's victory was decisive. He displayed a most effective left Jab and speed. The
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 87 28 A FRIENDLY soccer match will be played today between the Chinese Sports Association and the St. Matthews Young People's Guide at Farrer Park at 5 p.m. The following 1 will represent C.S.A.: Patrick Yee, Soo Tuan, Sun Leng, Ah Kai. Tian Seng, Fook Loy. Kock Kuen, Wing Fong.
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  • 464 28 London, Saturday. CIXTY thousand people watchued Ireland beat England t Rugby on the Twickenham ground this afternoon by five points (one goal) to nil. Specia? police were on guard following the recent bomb outrages which have been the work of Irish hotheads. People carrying
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  • 31 28 New York. Jan. 18. The American yawl Baruna will compete In English waters in the lorthcoming season, together with Mr. Vanderbilfs new 12-metre yacht.
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  • 595 28 The Week's Sport In Muar •THOSE who are of the opinion that 1 table tennis is a dull and slow Rame would have changed this opinion if they had been present at the Kok Kiew Amateur Dramatic Association hall last week to see the table tennis match between the Batu
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  • 198 28 New York, Jan. 18. I THE New York Yankees, world basej ball champions, must remain Intact under trust during the lives of the grand-nieces of Col. Jacob Ruppert, multi-millionaire brewer and owner of the baseball club who died on Friday, according to the will
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  • 536 29 Snap Goal In First Fifteen Minutes Brings Victory A SNAP goal by Plummer in the first fifteen minutes of the -,'ame was sufficient to give the Royal Engineers victory ovtr the R.A.F. in the final of the Garrison inter-unit hockey knock-out competition at Tannin
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 29 Simpson, Malaya', .crum «.H. away with the ball during th.^e H 6 ainst the Hon, Kon B Cricket Club. which was drawn 19 19.
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  • 171 29 Two Boats Capsize TTWO boats capsized and seve--1 ral retired in the Royal Singapore Yacht Club biannual sailing regatta held yesterday. A strong wind and a choppy sea made sailing conditions unpleasant. Results of yesterday's races wire International six-metre class sLundon Cup): 1. Tarbet (L. R. Blake
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  • 90 29 PENANG INDIANS BEAT PERAK INDIANS 4-0 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. DEFEATING the Perak Indians by four goals to nil the Penang Indians became the Northern section finalists In the All-Malaya InduCeylonese soccer com petition. The game was not as one-sided as the score would suggest but the Perak
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  • 67 29 Coral Gables. Fla.. Jan 22. WAYNE SABIN defeated Gone Mako In the final of the Mlami-Blltmore tennis singles championship today. G_4, 6—3, 6—l. It was Sabin's third consecutive victory In the winter tennlj circuit He already has stored away the cups he won for taking
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  • 436 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. Saturday. A HOCKEY team from the Muar Hockey Association travelled to Kluang and met the Kluang district team In a friendly match, which resulted In Kluang winning by the odd goal In three. The Muar side was weak and
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  • 90 29 AT a cricket meeting of the St. Andrew's Old Boys' Association, held at the school yesterday the following were re-eiected officers for the y:ar Chairman, G. Vaz captain, J. Moss vice-captain, P. Hill secretary, H. D. Lewis: treasurer, M. Kohloff. Practices will be held on
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  • 436 29 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. i •T*HE annual general meeting of th i Taiping and District Association i Football League was held at the Kempj Club with Mr. J. L. H. Davis in the i chair. It was resolved to run only one 1 division in the
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  • 42 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. AT a meeting of the cricket section or the Malacca Club last night W. H I Jackson was elected captain, O. L. Ste I yens vlce-captaln and O. L. R. Hills convener.
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  • 479 29 (From Our Own Correspondent.) S;gamat. BETTER effort will have to be made if the Sesamat district hockey league is to be brought to a close th s month. Postponements are becoming common and may delay the competition until early March. Two league matches were played last week.
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  • 41 29 Oakland. Jan. 16. Dick Metz won the Oakland open golf championship today, defeating E. J. Harrison by one stroke over an 18--hole battle. Metz turned In a card of 69, one under par, while his foe registered 70.
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  • 179 29 Malayan Rugby Team Loses To Hong Kong Hon.^ Kong, Satorday. THE All-Malaya touring Ragfey t°ar!i played last match of their vis i and It to All-Hong K«'--18 pcints to 11. Of the three «amcs phyed the Malayan team has won one, drawn one :>nd lost -me. Malaya drew with the
    Reuter  -  179 words
  • 207 29 Ceylon S. C, Fancy Dress Hockey r\KESSEi) as an Indian Prin- cess, Mr. A. Ponnamba!a:n won the first prize at the third annual fancy dress hoc'.-.ry gala held by the Ceylon Sports f.'lab In Ba'.estier Road yesterday. K. Kanclasamy, v. colours, won tlic socc .id Indian Prince, and A. N.
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  • 118 29 (From Our Own Con nt.) Ipjli, Saturday NORTHERN MALAYA amateur fplf championship meeting open to members of recognised k U >:lubs in j Penang. Province Wcllesley. Kcda>., I Perak pnd Sonngor will be he'd on the Ipoh golf course on Feb. 19. 20 and 21 The
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  • 590 30 Success Of Samuel Revives Project Of Visit To Europe By The Sunday Times Badminton Correspondent. THE opinion previously expressed in these columns that the high standard of badminton prevailing in Malaya is comparable to the best in other parts of the w< -Id is now confirmed
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 30 rVlin Chan Pene. hen. seeretarr of the Humorist table tennis party of Ktanf. l-ira Chwee Ho", lion, rerretary of the Spartan B.P.
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  • Article, Illustration
    153 30 ■■■■■Jiijiwwi-niiii mi in us* 11. f The A!l B:ucs E.P. "C" team whlh beat the Green Hill BP. "C" teim, 2—o Back fri-m le'« S. Conceicao, A. It. I»e Souz 1. A. Rodrlguese, V. A. Matthews. F. ll< -i, 11 and C. M. Chcrlan. Front from left M., Claience
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  • 943 30 AT the recent committee meeting of the Selangor Badminton Association it war, decided to hold the annual general meeting on Mar. 19 at the Pudu Girls' School. Referring to the subject of a badminton hail, the president said there was no possibility of securing a site at the
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  • 85 30 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. 'THE badminton team of the Govern--1 ment English School beat the Novices Party from Johore Bahru. the schoolboys winning all five matches. Results (School first): Singles: N. Stanley beat Satari 7—15, 15—7. 15—6; Haji Hassan beat Sapuan 15_10. 15— Doubles:
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  • 140 30 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Port Swettenham. A VERY satisfactory year with plenty of sports activities and a better financial balance are recorded In the annual report of the Port Swettenham Recreation Club whose annual general meeting Is on Feb. 16. The club carries forward. a balance
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  • 155 30 I TNDER the patronage of Mr. Heng Mul Keng. Mr. Heng Mul Thiam, and Madam Heng Mul Sim, with the presidentship of Mr. Heng Mul Cheng. and the vice-presidentship of Mr. Yap Kirn Swee and Mr. Heng Wllgle, a badminton party has been formed in Singapore under
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  • 23 30 A committee meeting of the Roxy Theatre B.P. will be held on Tuesday, at 11.30 a.m., at Mr. Robert Yap's residence.
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  • 134 30 •■po celebrate their third anniversary. a dinner was held b., the Spartan Br.dmlnton Party at the Great World Restaurant. The President, Mr. Neo Soon Hln. gave away the prizes to: Singles champion, Khoo Eng Tee: singles runner-up. Tan Kok Ann: singles consolation prize, Lee Ki.n Teck; doubles champions,
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  • 48 30 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Saturday It i> understood that Syed Ibrahim bin Hussein, the honorary S3cretary of the Johore Bahru district badminton association, who has carried on the work since the formation of the association in 1935, will net stand icr re-election this year.
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 155 30 As!i for the RAIN-LEIGH WATERPROOF WASHABLE NO OTHER HAT LIKE IT I \:ent THYE CHIANG CO LTD., 101. North BiUkc Boad. Piles Curbed in 10 Minutes Don't let itrhlnff. bleedlnff. internal or fir'itrucllnic I'llrs nap your vitality, ruin your norj^eii, and drive you craiy wlin pc 'n. Chlnarora the reoent
      155 words
    • 173 30 f* THE CHARLES SCHOOL 'I of Physical Culture jpL 9, Scott s Road, Phone No. 4440 \V ARE YOU KEALLV FIT Be honest and look ~"^JB^^^ yourself squarely in the eye and think whej^^^f ther you are fit or dissipating your vital Forces. f[ If you feel tired after the
      173 words

  • 150 31 Effect Of Formation Of Association SWIMMING Is a sport which has been treated casually in the past in Singapore. The formation of a.i Association last week should do much to bring it to a higher level. Championships on a large scale should now be possible. Aquatic
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  • 311 31 Inter-Club Soccer In Segamat (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sfgamat. IN the first inter-dub soccer match of the c?ason, the Indo-Ceylonese did remarkably well to beat tluSfgamat Chinese Recreation Club, on? of the best teams in the district at full strength, by the odd goal in five Play was very keen
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  • 135 31 Trengganu Police Beat Kelantan Comrades (From A Correspondent.) Kota Bahru. THE Kelantan Military Police soccer team which visited Trengganu recently was beaten by the Trengganu State Police team by two goals to one at Kuala Trengganu. The Kelantan Police have been called "The Kelantan Warriors" for their play in the
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  • 80 31 <From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. 'THE seventh annual general meeting of the Junior Civil Service Association, Malacca, will be held in the Association premises at Banda Hllir Road on Wednesday at 4.30 p.m. In their report for last year, the committee of management states the membership is
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  • Article, Illustration
    107 31 Fhotojrrzph taken at the tenth annual tearral nrrting of the Miri-oU 8.1.. Bark from left Tan Choaf Tee («ommiUee>, Pane Ten; Kiam (rommJUee). Sim Horn Sertf (vice-president). Lee Jauy Scan (hon. auditor) anj Xr Ch:a Henp. Middle frora left: Lee Boon Seng;, Tan Siafc Phiiing ihco. treasurer), Tay Bone Soo
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  • 462 31 Segamat And Genuang Cricket (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. •T*HE Oenuang Cricket Club will play their first cricket match In three weeks' time when the Tampln Recreation Club visits Genuang. The Segamat Cricket Club held their annual general meeting last week at the Indian Ceylon Association premises with Mr. A.
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  • 378 31 Frisco Sails For Rangoon Boxing Notes ARTHUR Snares, the Bangalore middleweight, who intended to tour Malaya, is not coming now owing to the departure of Young Frisco for Rangoon. After Frisco was dethroned by Som Pong, preliminary arrangements were made for a return battle, but the matter fell through because
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  • 28 31 The Mayfalr B.P. annual tournament will be held in the flrct week of March. The draw will take place today at 5.15 p.m at the court.
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  • Article, Illustration
    82 31 The Principal and staff of the Anglo-Chinese School, Klangr, taken on the occasion of the visit of Mr. B. Ponniah to the school, of which Inis an old boy. Seated, left to right: Mr. V. K. Arumugam, Rev. Abel Eklond (Principal) Miss Youndhall. Messrs. B. Ponniah, Koh Liang Sih, Ooi
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
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    • 425 31 F. M. S. R. CHINESE NEW YEAR 1939 CHEAP RETURN TICKETS AT TARIFF BOOK SINGLE FARE FOR DOUBLE JOURNEY OUTWARD 16th to 21st February, 1939 inclusive RETURN 17th to 22nd February, 1939 inclusive FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS mourn STATION MASTER. Glands Made Young -Vigour Renewed Without Operation It you fee. old
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  • Article, Illustration
    2 32
    2 words
  • 166 32 Shops Which Sell Anything From A Stud To A Lampshade, From Tinned Goods To Cosmetics CINGAPORE'S Change Alley, the place of bargains, usually has a crowd* men and women lured v,here by the fact that prices are seldom fixed. The prospect of bargaining and cutting an Alley
    166 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 121 32 «*»-ew~" BL r^y UINGAPORE--1 EH6LANO .n DAYS In under a week you can be back in England— in six and a half days of delightful flying, high above the heat and dust of the rarth below. You travel in one of Imperial Airways magnificent new four-engiiied air liners, the Imperial
      121 words
    • 171 32 Jt^Jor DEFECTIVE VISION |^H Kk Tfeaaa consult f&jL NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO. wSills^t* 1a nieh stl S!nr port CLOCKS In beautifully walnut case* strike, height 31" frcm $18.--4/4 Westmnister chime 36.Opposite Clifford Pier. "FOR THE RACES SPECIAL DISCOINTS. IELD GLASSES FROM $10.04 PRISM g« FROM 135.00 REPAIRS ALSO UNDERTAKEN. ELLISON
      171 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 86 32 Head O(Hre: Cecil Street. Slncuporr Phone MM (i lines) wltt exUnstona to all Department* Koala Lumpur: Office: 25 lara Street Phone: 5683 lpob Office: Brewster Koad Tele: 31 Peaanf Office: 12 Bishop Street. Penanf Phone- M" London Ufllre: 4* 43 fleet Street London tt.4Phone: Central SKOK -:<b«t Tele: "I eadmalaix
      86 words