The Straits Times, 29 January 1939

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 371 Sunday, January 29, 1939 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 371 Sunday. January 29. 1939 Price 10 Cents
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  • 677 1 World In Suspense As Europe Enters Fateful Week SPECIAL ORDERS FOR LEADERS OF REICH STORM TROOPS Germany And Italy To Make Demands? London, Saturday. SUSPENSE is increasing today as Europe enters what is widely expected to be the most critical week since Munich, when the world hovered
    Reuter  -  677 words
  • 30 1 Berlin. Saturday. A BIG reveille with drum and nfe bar.ds in the streets will open Germany's Day of National Revolution I on Monday at 7 a.m. (G.M.T.). One:
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  • 53 1 :id lard officials are i\; the recent series of bomb i ulr.ur-> in Britain, which are iirlii \-d to have b«rn aimed at rippling the national electricity ■jsto FNctur? shows the Noah's Ark public housr. out&idr Southml pMa station, whk-h had its ■IbAmm Mo-vn nut
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  • 41 1 A Roman Catholic service was held in the circus riag ni ths A ultural Hall for the first time, recently. There was a biessing uf the animals." and the picture shows the priest blessins three bears.
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  • 180 1 China Now Stronger, Says Chiang NEW SUCCESSES ON ALL FRONTS Chungking, Saturday. "I*HERE is no limit to Japan's aggression, but China's resistance grows stronger as the war goes on," declares a message telegraphed by Gen. Chiang Kai-shek to the International Anti-Aggression League which is meeting in Londoa today. Meanwhile. Chinese
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  • 101 1 GREAT BRITAIN DISARMAMENT Londoi:, Saturday. /"MIK \T Britain will miss no opportunity in bringing some measure of agreed general disarmament, but in the meantime a stronger Britain is the I.est guarantee of peace, declared Sir John Simon, chancellor of the Exchequer, speaking at Durham. Britain's greatest opportunity today was as
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  • 106 1 EPIDEMICS IN CHILE'S RUINED CITIES Santiago, Saturday. Ql TKRKAKS of epidemics have added to the general terror in the cities devastated by the earthquake, in which it is now unofficially estimated that 30,000 people were iilrd and 50.090 injured. The military authorities have shot five looters at Concepcion, where fires
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  • 75 1 London. Saturauy THE King and Queeu and other mem- ber> of the Royal Family wore at un A.R.P. demonstration at Bandrlngnaai Uday, when smoxe bjnib.» representing mustard gas wen thrown Their Majesties, accompanien Dv Princess Elizabeth and Princes* Marsiret Rose saw 100 firemen, warpjilce ar.d
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  • 58 1 I Ottawa, Saturday. OEPORTS of Nazi propaganda actl- vines linked with German Government officials in Canada have been made to the Government, Mr. W. L. Mackenzie King, the Prime Minister, told the Canadian House of Commons today. He added that the reports were being investigated
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  • 99 1 Naples. Saturday. Somo 600 Italian soldiers of all lank.s arrived here today in the hos- pltal ship Cradisca. all of them wounded in battle in Spain. They* were welcomed by th» Prince of Pied- mont. Crowds them r\ preat ovation DKINCESS Maria Luisa
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  • 153 1 Changes In British Government NEW DEFENCE MINISTER THK following changes in the British (io\ eminent ar.- announced \<hniral Lord Ernie ChatfkJt. former First Sea Lord, become* Minister fcr the Co-ordination of Defence instead of Sir Thomas Inskip. Sir Thomas Inskip becomes Secretary for the Dominions, replacing Mr. Malcolm MacDonalU who
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  • 112 1 $60,000 Loss At Kuala Kangsar From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Saturday. r\AMAGE estimated at about $60,000 was caused by a nre that completely gutted seven shophouses in Jalan Kangsar. the main throughfare of Kuala Kangsar, this morning. More than 100 people are now homeless. The fire
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  • 63 1 Jerusalem. Saturday. SKIT! .1 troops used the "electric poiircroman," an American invention for detecting hidden metals, when they searched the Muslim village of Jiinzu. near Lydda. The apparatus buzzes wp.e-.i a prrson possessing metallic substance.* approaches, and 12 suspects were detained after the apparatus, which was
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  • 86 1 "I See Red Ruin In India" Gandhi Bmiliay, Saturday. ISIITER attack on Congressmen for "corruption" in connection with the Congress elections is made by Muhatmn (Jandhi in his weekly, Ths Harijan. He says that internal decay has set in the Congress. "Out of the present conditions in the Congress," the
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  • 35 1 Hong Kong, baturclay. JAPANESE planes bombed Kongmoon Kwangtung, yesterday. causing extensive damage !n waterfront streets So far 300 dead have been recovered I from the debris— Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  35 words
  • 81 1 (From Our Own C'orrrxp«nd»r.t.l Lo'idin. S.«<u'<JU» Rubber Quiet. London II liid. ,il Anr.-Jrne 7 11 16 d. 13 16J. July-Sept 7 ,d. V s i. Oct.-l)ec. 7 13 16d. 7 II 16d P.ll M OIL West African. Soft. U] PEPPER Ipg. b!k.. bond., GOLD &>. 8' d. SILVER
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 20 1 BDiamcitd Eternity Wedding Ridgi ■H laihiouablr. Set all Diamond* Or »tj rolaurnl P. H. HENDRY Jeweller* S PORE K LUHPUR
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    • 38 1 MAMB-AM UUHITERIUgyS Tot* J LAST SIX DAYS MONDAY JAN 30th TO SATURDAY FEB 4th All Oddments, Remnants, Sample Ranges, Discontinued Lines, Broken Ranges, Surplus Stocks, and many other Bargains TO BE CLEARED AX HALF PRICE or LESS i
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  • 516 2 Malay Association's Colourful Tribute ALAM SHAH SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDED (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. WATCHERS at the Astana Mahkota this afternoon v a yacht w ith yellow pails gaily fluttering in the breeze wend its way up the hill from the town towards the
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  • 117 2 TWO Chin se, Wong Nam and Kan Kwan. arraigned on a charge of attempted murder by shooting at a Malay police lance-corpora!, Mohamed j bin Majid. in Geylang on the night of j Dec. 7. were yester.-lay given a dis- 1 charge, not amounting
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  • 247 2 THK report that a further 1.000 Jewish rcftq i, n !i: !y ■■< lLrt lay for Shanghai in the Lloyd Triestino liner Conic Hiai' is causing concern to the Singapore Refugee Relief Committee. The arrival of this liner will raise i the number of refugees
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  • 229 2 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. Saturday. CULTAN Alam Shahs first-hand knowledge of Malay affairs and conditions was praised in an address presented at the Coronation garden party this afternoon. "His Highness has seen us In many dillerent spheres— in sawah and kampong. In commercial
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  • 73 2 |u"O Cantonese. Chan Hong and Yap Siew Leon?, were produced before Mr. K. A. Blacker in the Singapore oortll Police Court yesterday, on a i-liarge of r~bbefy. Thai we iv r.llcged to have commit ted armed robbery with a pistol of $100 cash at the
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  • 341 2 ti were given to him ny i a friend whom he helped in business was the defence submitted by Llm Kens Hai. a middle-aged Hokkien. who an Deared before Mr. K. A. Blacker m the Singapore Fourth Police Court yes- i t( relay
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  • 100 2 A CHINESE. Pans Pen;; Teng. yesterday appeared In the Singapore Sixth Police Court charged with the theft of 300 pieces of firewood, valued at $4.50. from r. twakow on Oct 13. It was alleged by the prosecution that the accused borrowed a sampan and boarded the
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  • 91 2 COR stealing a hat worth $1 from a r motor-car In North Bridge Road on Tuesday. Llm Tiong Hoe. a 27-year-old Hokkien, was sentenced to two inths' rigorous Imprisonment to be alowed by six months' police supervision, by Mr. Conrad Oldham. Singa- 3re Second Po ice Magistrate,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 83 2 Ik '.-PJP\ i '*l&wM fro" 1 jk wn •.vl^Vi'™ m j<*&'* ■B^n^aKJfe^iP^% lnW__ L\ *-jaii; |CBB r ■BE L^nHP^ 4nK^aHS9KlV^^Nsr^Bi aJraLn t' ■^r^ I I T f our BACOH makes better Breakfasts because It Is the freshest Bacon ot the best Quality and flavour, purchased from reliable sources of supply.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 2 2 fy f^™"
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    • 359 2 IN SINGAPORE TOiiAiT CIXtM.V Today ALIMMBRA Lancer Spy with Dcljres D:l Rio and George Sanders. 11 a.m., 3.15, Gli and 9.15 u,m, CAPITOL Rich Man. Poor Girl wiJi Robert Young and Ruth Hu*&cy. 3.15, 01j iinci 9.15 p.m. FAVILIO.V There's Always A Woman with Joan Blondell and Melvyn Deu-las. 3.15,
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    • 266 2 SIRF.UK MAILS KXPKRD Mails from Holland, ne. expciod «a Tuesday by J. V. Oldn: \.:i 1 mm rABLB SINGAPORK To«av H. W. 3.37 a.m. 8.5 ft.- 4.27 a.m. 1 ft. L. W. 10. 1 J a.m. 3.4 ft.; 10.05 p m. 4.5 ft. day H. W. 4.34 a.m. 8.3 ft.;
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  • 422 3 CLING TO CRAFT UNTIL RESCUED BY STEAMSHIP Vessel Turns And Lands Them At Malacca (From Our Own Correspondent) .Malacca. Saturday. "THREE Malay fishermen of I'engkalen Rama went out at four o'clock in the morning to the fishing grounds near I'ului dan and in a sudden
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  • 175 3 New York. Saturday. **THK United States is ready to join all nations having a direct interest in the Far East, including China and Japan, in discussion of ;uiy proposal based on reason and justice which may be advanced for modification or elimination of existing treaty
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  • 187 3 TO aoi ior the court.; determination in point of law. the case of L<;e j Hoey who was acquitted in the Singapor.' District Cjurt— on a charge of j of possession of non-Government j cliandu, was brought up before the Chi. Justice. S.S..
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  • 222 3 TORN PICTURE WORTH MILLION DOLLARS Search For Son Of Wealthy Chinese COME Chinese may become a millionaire 't he has part of a photograph torn into two pieces many years ajo by Mr. Chiang: Tze-shih, millionaire shipbuilder who died sometime ago in Hong Kong. Mr. Kiang Fu-chuan. a merchant in
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  • 172 3 London. Saturday. T*HE sTiggesllcn which was recently mooted In Toklo that Mr. NevlUe Chamberlain or Lord Halifax, the Foreign Secretary, should visit Japan Is the theme of a letter to the Dally Telegraph from Adm Sir Howard Kelly, who was Commandcr-ln-Chlaf of the China
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  • 109 3 /MUGHT leaving Gi lman Barracks Mm dining room last August, with a parcel containing 81b. of butter, a Hylam servant. Lee Siang Loh was 1 bound over for six months on a surety ot $50 by Mr. L. C. Goh. Singapore Fifth Po ice Mas
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  • 59 3 iFrjm Our Own Correspondent >. Segamat, Saturday. The weduing took place here of MU.s Lc.-lavathi. eldest daughter of Mr. P. j K Kanaran. of the Segamat power station, and Mrs Kanaran and Mr. A. K. Raman, of Labis Bahru Estate. S.'gainat Th,c br de is a niece of
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  • 66 3 Washington. Saturday. THE Senate has refused President Roosevelt's request for $875,000.COO for minimum expansion of the armed forces, by 47 votes to 46. The Senate, however, voted an appropriation of $725,000,000, which i 5 the same amount already granted by the House of Representatives. Under Mr.
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  • 79 3 (From Our Own Correspondent t Seremban. Saturday. fJOUR hundred people attended a function given today to Mr. B. Ponnlah. FMS. Queen's Scholar, recently returned from England by members of the Ceylonese community )n Negrl Sembllan. Among those present was ths British Resident. Mr. G. L. Ham.
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  • 37 3 iure juit received from the Spanish war frost. sLcv.s m Rtrei t :-.l;s cf Ihe Nationalist Army during th»lr advance on Barcelona, the Republican capital which lias just fallen t* Gen. Franco's armies.
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  • 221 3 Cl'EZ (Tyrone Power. Loretta Young, Annabel la i 20th entui> -1 Premiere last night at the Alhambra. Opening on Tuesday. TPHE story of the construction of the Suez Canal by Ferdinand de Lesseps, played in Hollywood's most romantic style by Tyrone Power, is produced on a
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  • 77 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Port Swettenham. Port Swettenham, which Is about 27 nlles from Kuala Lumpur, will receive electric current direct from the Bungsar Power station In another few wee:™ time. At present electric current is generated at Klang station and transmitted by underground cable
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  • 209 3 Vice-Chancellor Of Oxford's Letter London, Saturday. AN appeal on behalf of China sj universities is made by Mr. George Gordon, Vice-Chancellor oi Oxford, in a letter to The Times. Mr. Gordon says there is a great body of opinion at Oxford hi°hly sensitive to the destruction
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  • 67 3 FIGHT ot the ten largest steel cast- ings ever made in Malaya, to be used in the construction cf five new 18 ft. tin dredges in Perak. will leave; Singaporp in a special train tormr- j row. The nasdngs. which have been made by United
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  • 78 3 fTHE theft oi articles valued at $100 from the home In Oxley Road of a European, G. A. Hunter, was discovered on Friday evening. The articles comprised clothing, a fountain pen. 16 films and a leather bag. Mr. F. J. Treuseln, master at trie English
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  • 221 3 "LANCER SPY" MAY BE WITHDRAWN Film To Which Germany Took Exception TIIEKi: is a pa sii.iii.v tl- "Lancer Spy." the film which is bcin? shown :\i the Alhambra this week, may be withdrawn frcm clreolatlcn in Malaya at the end of p sent run on Mom'ay. Although there La no
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  • 70 3 (From Our Own CoßMpood 9A Segamat, Saturday. A TIMELY discovery by the assistant station master at Genuang. a small village four miles south ot Segamat, averted a railway derailment. H4 found a fish-plate had been removed, One of the rails was out of position. A call for
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  • 88 3 Berlin. Saturday. UR. G. Rublee. chairman of the. Evlan Refugee Committee, and hi* colleagues had a further conversation with the German authorities vestert jday. It is hoped the final meeting will bt held today. Meanwhile the grip on Jewish, property is being tightened. Recently
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  • 61 3 The Police Band will play on Thursday at Telok Ayer at 6 p.m. March, The 92nd in Copenhagen (Hermann Pecking i; Overture. Plymouth Hoe (John Anselli: Selection, Harry Lauders Songs (arr. J. Ord Hume); Waltz. Estudlantina <WaldteufeK; Solo tor Cornet and Euphonium. Love's Old Swe«** Song i Molly
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  • 279 3 Old Dictionary Reveals Farther History Of Old Malacca (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. FURTHER details regarding r the names mentioned in the article appearing in the last issue of The Sunday Times concerning the discovery of an old Dutch-English dictionary in the Stadt House, have now been found in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 289 4 The Most Authentic Spy Story Ever Screened! To-day at 11 A.M. 3.15. 615 and 9.15 P.M: pTME MOST EXTRAORDINARY €XPLOiT H A MAN EVER VENTURED! 'THE STRANGEST LOVE X A WOMAN EVER KNEW! A ALSO BRITISH MOVIETONE NEWS" I Opening Tues. 31 5i N 4 shows *tr>ry 0/ the J^^*'^^t
      289 words
    • 218 4 I "GAY COMEDY— THIS IS GRAND ENTERTAINMENT" Straits Times j "DEFINITELY A PICTURE TO SEE FOR A GOOD LAUGH" Tribune PAVILION 315 6.15 9.15 TODAY YEARS4(M|TOP LAUGH SENSATION! j f j? proving there's never o mRBV^IA C| H dull moment when "^fudhiS harVastor I /^P fi *^^^^^^^^^FßArlCES DRAKE JONMiC COWAN
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    • 120 4 NOTICF Miss Grace Lodge MEDICAL MASSAGE SPECIALIST c.s.m.m.o. he. f.s.a.m.t. lonoon) Is returning from her holiday in Australia resuming practice on Monday, January 30th at Room 59, Raffles Hotel. Cll If si SILK-of jk FINEST CHINESE WORKS OF ART PEKING CARPETS PEWTER EMBROIDERIES LINENS JEWELLERIES NOVELTIES Ote O«d CopiloE 31,
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    • 295 4 A SPLENDID M. G. M. COMEDY HIT Introducing Hollywood's new Star Sensation Ruth Hussey 3 SHOWS TO-DAY C API FOL '^RTTrnTYTTJnrTnTT^Br Girls! Come and learn how u***Mi*l*M**^*l±4Mß L j o L anc j your millionaire £|£H MAM Boss pSSn emu' i IW SIX JJa^ WlilL With Excellent Supporting 9^% 1
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  • EntertainmenT
    • 1073 5 Hollywood Plans For "Super-C olossal" Picture Year AS USUAL, Hollywood is all set for a super-colossal-bump-er" picture year. Optimistic producers are planning the usual quota of million dollar epics (in spite of some recent conspicuous failures). Sensible supervisors are putting their money into serials and small pictures for family consumption.
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    • 128 5 Unlucky William Powell Hollywood. WILLIAM Powell has been operated on for a third time within 10 months, it is revealed. He Is in hospital and progressing satisfactorily. Last March, Powell, who v 46. underwent a major operation for the removal of an intestinal obstruction. Then, in September, he had an
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    • 312 5 How Vivien Leigh Got "Scarlett O' Hara" Role f ONDON'S little Vivien Leigh has signed the contract in Hollywood that makes her Scarlett O'Hara for the £300,000 filming of Gone With the Wind." She has sent fcr her maid and her belongings from London, preparing for a long stay in
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    • 96 5 S\NE of the three French musical v comedy stars, who are to present a cabaret entertainment at the Adelphi Hotel next Thursday, is a former partner of Mistinguett, the famous revue actress. He is Al Kremer from the Casino de Paris, who with Lydle Vlllars. from the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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  • 1384 6 Prices Break But Close Steadier TTHE past week has been the most discouraging one to markets since the crisis last September. Prices for shares in all the Stock Exchanges have tumbled and tin has fallen to the lowest level since Oct 20. last year, and rubber
    1,384 words
  • 76 6 Saturday, Jan. 28, noon. No. IX R.S.S. (Spot loose* 26' s 26 i No. IX R.S.S. f.o.b. In cases January 26% 26. G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. fob. In bales January 26 26>6 F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. In bales January >54 NN FUTURE QUOTATIONS No. IX R.S.S. on Registered
    76 words
  • 1270 6 Fraser And Co. Is L/sf SATURDAY. JAN. 21, 1939 1 P.M Ampat Tin i 4; te 3d 4s Asam Kumbang 26s 27s Austral Malay 40s 45s uoir Ayer Hltam (ss) 21s 22s Ayer Weng ($1) .55 .60 Bangrin Tin 20s 21s Batu Selangor ($1) 1.20
    1,270 words
  • 99 6 List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Co SATURDAY, JAN 2». 1 P M Comnany Dividend TIN K. Kamunting 3d. Kuala Lumpur Tin Is. Petaling 5^ final and 5% int Takuapa Od. Thabawleik 1/6 Books Close Jan. 27 Jan. 24 Jan. 25 Feb. 17 Date Feb. S Feb. 17
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 299 6 No mistaking quality and smoothness I WONDERFULLY fresh aren't they I get much more pleasure from smoking since I i switched to Craven A.' —f— M They do not stain my V .Jfl fingers or stick to my lips. My throat, too, MSSL W appreciates Craven C A' \W jB
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  • 227 7 Singapore Court Grants Decree PAPERS FOR THE KING'S PROCTOR ON QUESTION OF DOMICILE A DECRE nisi, to be made absolute in six months, was granted by the Chief Justice, Straits Settlements, Sir Percy McElwaine, to George Ralph Hopkins, a Singapore dance band leader, against his wife,
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  • 870 7 THE positioner and the respondent, who were both in the musical profession, became acquainted in 1930 or 1931 and at times the respondent helped in thej petitioner's band, said the judge. "The petitioner whose duties usually lasted until midnight found that Mil wife often stayed out i.ll
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  • 248 7 SALARY INCREASE FOR SHANGHAI MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES A SLIDING SCALE provi- sion is responsible for hard times increases for Shanghai Municipal Council employees ranging, roughly, from 15 per cent, to 100 per cent. In an interview, a high financial officer of the Council pointed out to a representative of the North-China
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  • 23 7 The death occurred in London yesterday of Mr. J. S. Haskcll. who was chairman of the Eastern Bank. Ltd.
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  • 426 7 Traded Without Licences After Governor Had Refused Petition I DOUBT whether these fines are adequate as it is highly lihely that the profit of your trading; during the time you were forbidden was far in excess of the punishment I am now going to
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  • 447 7 To the Editor of the Sunday Times. SIR,— The recent change in school hours was recommended, I believe, by one or other of the Traffic Committees. The change was c?rtainly not asked for by parents or guardians (the lads, cf course, have no say in
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  • 48 7 The death took place in Malacca recently of Mr. Francis Shephsrdson, at the age of 22. Mr. Shepherdson was t.v son the j late Mr. J. M. Shepherdson and of Mrs. J. M. Shepherds^. He leaves his mother, six b r cthcrs and seven sister*.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 95 7 A 4 WHITE DOT i AH lhe Genuine I LIFETIME TTTM B« sure you get a genuine LIFE- TlME— buy your 1 ■HH||l pen In a reput- I i 3n9n able itore< u r I HUjßl] antees rome and I m. s*l go, but SHEAF- f iHrBl *"EfS LIFF. k<
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    • 387 7 l| STAMPS II K.ii| C««r|t V. Mil 1-4 w« >lul| bt |H tA4 f««*»»| in price, MCur« thtm »K4« all postallt usio Ari, (v] l*]i.»KC H <»>/-(IOI U/< I'll. T«rt«ni«AWr. |d -i/- (10) >•»»■«« I»U Si Hitefu onrfK.niM i no;. ItM P.ctorul d«i|<i. id (IO( i'/» Hhftatond 191) PKtorall. id
      387 words
    • 167 7 HOTELS j£2^__ LONDON CALLS ■^fc. jj^~| >NSIST(MI\ and onjoj at eilhri ft*& HOTEL RUBENS But luiijjuam falavi I or HOTEL REMBRANDT South Kenslnston. S W facin« the Victoria un. v -upr Albert Museum Every attention in plrasing MVrouaoiaa PERFECT «}l It U in TlltS!: COMFORTABLE 110 I I t n
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  • 104 8 Group taken in 1905 of members of the janiihj oj the late Sultan Suleiman Shah of Selanyor, father o; the present ruler. Sultan Alam Shah, who was crowned on Thursday. The present ruler is seen here as a boy uf seven in a
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  • 226 8 Mainly About Malayans By The Onlooker —Read of Mr. Silva 1 CheMohamdSalleh 1 Raja Ayoub bin Raja Haji Bot Chan Saheb Abdul Ghani MANY young Malayans have ft one to England to read for the Bar and quite a number of them have return ed to make names for
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  • 788 8 there in the way that a Ceylon barrister has clone. Within four years, a talented Ceylonese, Mr. L. M. D. de Silva, a former Solicitor-General ol Ceylon and a man still in his early forties, has built up a lucrative Privy Council and High Court
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  • 68 8 A r,.-o;<p photograph fafcsi at Sight'nr; Cawp alter p. tea party given b'j the Molai Offices and N.C.Os o/ "C" Company. The Malay Regiment, prior to the departure of C.S.M. Mention for England after completing three veors with the regiment. C.S.M. find Mrs
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 623 8 onyouß hoi m in 1939 cr see New York's s^^^sfjA^ Wonderfjl World's fi '&Jja l /l^.^^ those incredible new 1 \fcr jj-'^r^^lfflffl'^ Streamline train* at Strained Muscles •re quickly relieved with reliable Absorbine A y P f^^L tit. As you rub It in you can feel a glowing «C^ _-,s
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  • 346 9 NAVAL EXERCISES BUT NO LARGE-SCALE OPERATIONS WITH ARMY AIR FORCE Visits To Other Malayan Ports TWO of Great Britain's most modern cruisers, Manchester and Liverpool, will be among 25 British naval vessels of the China Fleet and the East Indies Squadron which will visit
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  • 144 9 HI'SBAND: "MY WIFE'S IDEA OK CARRIAGE IS THAT WF SHOI'LD BOTH BE FREE TO DO AS SHK I.IKES Solicitor "lam cross-examin-ing you on behalf of your wife." Husband Couldn't her mother get here today? Husband "If there is a tune on the wireless that my wife
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  • 147 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Jan. 28. lOIIORE has an extensive programme for the development of paddy cultivation this year. Irrigation and drainage works have gone far ahead. A sum of $300,000 was spent last j ir and twice this figure has Yen allocated for the
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  • 129 9 TWO Teochews. Tui Peh and Teo Sit t Pay. who pleaded guilty to a charge of assisting in the management of a chap Jee kee lottery, were fined $60 or. In default, one month's rigorous imprisonment, and S3O or, in default, two weeks' rigorous imprisonment, respectively,
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  • 154 9 Going To London To Marry A SINGAPORE Chinese girl, who met and fell in love with a Chinese in Hong Kong:, will shortly be going: to London to marry him. She is Miss Wu Lai Ching, a Chinese-educated, 24-year-old girl, daughter of a silk merchant Mr. Leong Ah Yu, proprietor
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  • 104 9 'From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. ON the eve of his transfer to Batu Tiga as postmaster. Mr. M. S. Maniam. a senior clerk of the Klang post office, was given a tea party by the president and members of the Postal Club, Klan?. Mr. S. Navaratnam presided
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  • 49 9 /"•UNNER Thomas Robert Steenson, who was arrerted on Dec. 15 on a charge of rape, was discharged by Mr. Conrad Oldham. in the Singapore Second Police Court, yesterday. It was explained to Steenson. who was represented by Mr. E. M. Tampoe Philips, that he was not acquitted.
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  • 45 9 For ihr tint time, the Fascist guard.* m v .'rrt outside the Palazzo Venezia, the Date's office in Rome, have h-fn doing the "Roman Step" during (heir sentry dulies. Here are the guards 'stepping out" vigorously while on sentry duty.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 178 9 It isn't }|L only the first step V)\\^ that counts Other steps equally important for your enjoyment follow the distilling of the many fine whiskies combined in Johnnie Walker years of slow maturing in oak casks and then the blending all the r-hiskics merging their individual qualities producing the famous
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  • 81 10 The Saudi-Arabian Delegation led by the Emir Fcysal, Minister of Foreign Affairs, arrived at Cino U..iluay station recently, and was met by a representative of the King and the Governor of Cairo. The delegation will have discussions in Egypt before leaving for London to attend the Palestine
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  • 216 10 NEW COLONIAL MEDAL FOR POLICEMEN AND FIREMEN A NEW medal known as the Colonial Police Medal, has been struck for police forces and fire brigades in the colonies, and will, in future, be awarded to Singapore police officers and firemen. The new medal is to be awarded for distinguished conduct.
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  • 91 10 TO REPORT ON MUSEUMS IN INDO-CHINA r\S his way to make a report on museums in French Indo-China, M. Alexandre Lefas, Senator for Me et Vilaine. who was a member of the French Chamber of Deputies for 30 years, passed through Singapore The Senator is president of the General Cider
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  • 124 10 £HILDREN whose names are not registered before they are seven years of age remain legally children without a name. Births in Singapore should be notified within 14 days but may be registered within 42 days on payment of a late registration fee. Parents
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  • 100 10 THE death took place in Penang last week of Mr. Lee Leong Kan at the r-sc of 59. He served several local associations In various capacities. He was honorary secretary and afterwards president of the Kien Yang A?sociation. He leaves three sons. Mr. Lee Jin Aun
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  • 165 10 English Girl Who Angered Ceylon Buddhists ANTHEA Hollick. the girl who aroused the anger of Ceylon Buddhists by posing for a photograph sitting in the lap of a statue of Buddha, was married in Colombo this month to the man who took the snapshot. Miss Hollick admitted that a live
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  • 514 10 Indian In "Missing English Bride" Mystery Sails For London MR. NUSLI WHADDIA, twice-married, 62-year- old Parsee cotton millionaire, is on his way to England from India to attend to the situation which has arisen at his country house at Epsom, where Phyllis Britton, his former parlourmaid, is now staying as
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  • 139 10 IT is unlikely that the hours during which Raffles Library is open it closes at G p.m. on week-days will be extended unless there is a general demand from subscribers. The library is open at present, from 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
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  • 43 10 ■From Our Own Correspond Johorc Bahru, Jan. 28 TWENTY girls, including a Malay, have been selected to be trained as ntmM at the Johore General Hosplta 1 A six months' course will begin on Feb. 1.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 344 10 > ■in the Andrews Hl^^ M tin than in bottles -^jfll/tt X/'EARS of patient research aye sy\ proyed that Andrews Llyer Salt fl tamers than in bottles. You wil! $&r vly\ j^jTZlijgl be well advised to buy this better t \\< >\ £^<3mm>* Andrews in tins, but Andrews in V
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  • 1279 11 Enthralling Story Of The Man Who Designed The Zeppelin Count Zeppelin by Dr. Hugo Eckener. translated by Leigh Farnell. Massie Publishing Co. Ltd. Bs. fid. TV RING the first part of the year 1915, the first Zeppelin airship was brought down on English soil, near London, by an intrepid young
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  • Books Of The Week
    • 251 11 Panel Patient. By John Glyder. Tlrers ricnt Alone. By Francis Duncan. Bine Pete. By Luke Allen. All from Jenkins' Colonial Library. •THIS is a mixed selection from Jenkins' Colonial Library. Mr. John Glyder is a writer of stories with strange complications and humorous situations His characters usually
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    • 77 11 "The Story of Potn-Pom, A Little Poodle." By Graham Shepard. John Lane. The Bod ley Head. 3s. 6d. DOM-POM, a little poodle, was sent out to earn his living in a big house where he did the work of a butler. It tells how he met Tinkle,
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    • 219 11 ANNUAL OF LITERATURE FOR 1938 The British Animal of Literature Vol. I 1938. The British Author's Press. Price ss. 'THIS project alms at giving in annual form "the merest outline cf literary production and tendencies net only In England itself, but in all the wide Dominions under the British Flag."
      219 words
    • 301 11 The Armoured Cruiser. By Franr Schauwecker. Massie. 7s. Gd. Bilbao Blockade. By "Brassbounder." Jenkins' Colonial Library. fIERR Schauwecker is a well-known German writer on the Great War and the present book is distinguished by a magnificent description of the Battle of Jutland, as seen, of course,
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  • 306 11 These Names Made Words 34 J?VERY day we use words whic'i co oralc th* lame of some man or MMMH or place that tcoulti otherwiM he toraoiten. Few people knew how these names came to be common t: ore's, and in this special Sunday Times scries of short articles the
    306 words
  • 185 11 "Purser's Mate," by E. I. auric Lou?. Ward Lock Co. 'TOM JONES, the son of a cobbler. has a brilliant brain and, with the money from a scholarship augm ented by funds from an Aunt Emily, whom he has never seen, he finished his college course by
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  • 139 11 M«t« llandpirkeJ Howlers Rr Cecil Hunt. Methuen. 3s. Gd. i |U|R Hunt's original volume of •Haud- picked Howlers" scored such a success that the public not only asked for more, but helped the author bysending Howlers for inclusion in Ms collections. Mr. Blampied adds to tha roadtr's joy
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
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  • 216 12 The TORTURES that lie in wait for STOMACH SUFFERERS Nr^rr ne«le- t indigestion even if it oublts you occasionally with lv or heartburn. For neglects iadige&t.on Kils to worse troubles— t*>.at cut like a knife ;ickn<* after meals gastritis sometimes evn m gastnc or duodenal ulce s. •'r trouble in
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  • 288 12 One Of The Largest Of Its Kind Outside Britain pOOI) progress is being made with the construction of the new Singapore military hospital at Alexandra Road. The main building of the hospital, which will be the most up-to-date and one of the largest military hospitals outside
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  • 366 12 piiOFKSSOR lAMBS KKMi \1 I picked out a pretty darkhaired girl during his lecture M the Royal Institution last week and said to her: Have you am faith in science 44 Yes, Professor. I have. "Then follow me and I will ibow you how to
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  • 68 12 RUBBER CUSHION CELLS nuBBCR cushion mattn pillows are to be supplkr police cells In London. Hitherto police cells haw eonta a bare wooden bench, upon detained persons had to mexu night. In most cases, through the he! the cells officer, occupants have t>. made a little more co their folded
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  • 217 12 DRIVATE C. C. TAMPLIN, of the Ist Battalion Surrey Regiment, last week saw England for the first time for 18 years. He landed from the troopship Somersetshire, having seen service in Egypt, Hong Kong, India and the Sudan. Tamplin was only 15 wl\en he Joined
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  • 30 12 The telephone service between Canada and Newfoundland was opened when Lord Tweedsmuir, the Governor-Gene-ral at Rldeau Hall, talked directly with Sir Humphrey Walwyn. the Governor in St. John's.
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  • 128 12 Nazis To Abolish 'Un-Aryan Gipsies Berlin. IMAZI authorities are now starting to eliminate the gipsies. Under new decrees signed by Police Chief Heinrich Himmler, groups of gipsies are to be split up and "German Aryan," "Jewish and "foreign" gipsies separated. The foreigners will be expelled, the Jews rounded up into
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  • 177 12 Women Demand More "Honours" A PROTEST against the scarcity of women's names in the New Year's Honours List was made at the conference of the National Union of Women Teachers at Eastbourne. I read through the list a very long way oefore I came to the nanv? of one single
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  • 555 12 ■"PHE death is announced o* M. Karel Capek. the well-known Czech writer and dramatist, at the age of 43. Karel Capek was born In a small Bohemian town where his father was a doctor. After studying at the universities of Prague,
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 243 12 /JBlj '^»^m£ IL^laJ^^B \0 SICH SUBSTANCE? ALL RfGHT-WF/LL MAKE ONE!" ,ja /ii^^^B I «w .^>^A»i iIB Jiflßl Be* k^BMS^B^B^H^Br~~ I Like the jungle explorer, the This is one of the reasons why electrical research worker must Westinghouse has remained one constantly deal with the unknown. of the most important names
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    • 34 12 (by Mrs. Dorothy Berry. of Logansport, Indiana) NOVEMBER 12, 1938 10 a.m.— Wedding 10 a.m. He made to (my life 1 p.m. a hell. 1 p.m.— Separated DECEMBER 27, 1938 Applied for a divorce.
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  • 769 13  -  Crux Australis By TWICE within a few months, foreign artists lii. in State-supported dramatic organisations are appearing on Singapore stages. Not so many weeks ago, we had a glance at the slick show now being presented in Italy and Germany by Japan's Takarazuka girls' opera company. And
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  • 116 13 At the London Zoo a Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey is on exhibition for the first time in any too in the world. This particular type of monkey is found in China and parts of Central Asia, and has only been known to science for about 70 years. The
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  • 662 13 "OMEN-PHOBIA" AND MASCOT-ITIS" London Vicar Attacks Superstitions CUFEKSTITION— he calls it "an attempt to pull wires in the invisible world" "omen-phobia" and "mascot -it is" are debunked by a retired London vicar. Declaring that superstition is increasing in Britain by leaps and bounds, the debunker the Rev. G. R. Balleine,
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  • 266 13 Tired to death— sleepless Irritable ageing far too quickly— these are the trials which beset too many men and women who live out their lives in the Tropics. Yet it need not be so Th» system Is only crying out for a tonic, stimulating
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 244 13 OUR J-^ -ll /^^%Mi FOLICY '^\y J*Fm£. PROVIDES A GUARANTEED INCOME \y^^°^/ 5) FOR 20 YEARS CERTAIN, PAYABLE )&fcs/ 9 Jk (1) to you at the maturity of your W*^ -£JJgjsT\ ff) JSP policy and continued for 20 years, \/C "vV/// Uuvl 111 X C^ffiP' whether you survive that period
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  • 740 14 It Has Been SAND PIT RACECOURSE AERODROME Now It Is ONE OF MALAYA'S BEST SPORTS FIELDS Singapore society, the men dressed in top hats and frock coats, and the women in the latest feminine fashions of the day, used to attend the ra.-e meetings at the
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  • 131 14 Jew's Blood For Fascist— By Mistake A MEMBER of the National Union of Fascists is walking about with a pint of Jewish blood in him. At the request of a London hospital Jack Bilbo, the Chelsea author and sculptor, whose blood is of a rare type, agreed to give a
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  • 234 14 Sir Ambrose Fleming's Theory "THK suggestion that Heaven 1 might be in the Fourth Dimension was made by Sir Ambrose Fleming, the 89-year-old scientist, in a paper read on his behalf before the Victoria Institute. Sir Ambrose vigorously defended the Bible and attacked some of the
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  • 183 14 "Press-Gang" For Frauleins Berlin. TJNMARRIED girls in Germany v between the sges of 14 and 25 are told in an official decree that if they have never yet worked and want a job in office or factory they must first do a 14 year of service," either as domestic servants
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  • 47 14 Melbourne. An order to prohibit the sate of Mr. A. P. Herbert's novel "Holy Deadlock," which the Police alleged was obscene, was refused by rhe magistrate here. "Holy Deadlock," which was published in 1934, was an attack on the divorce laws.
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  • 49 14 Th(» -House of Bishops of the Church of Ireland have appointed Canon Albert Edward Hughes, rector of Christ Church. Lecson Park, Dublin, as Bishop-elect of Armagh. With the election of Canon Hughes the House of Bishops is complete and can proceed with the appointment of a Primate.
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  • 303 14 FOUR BRAVE MEN THIS is tin- story of four brave Men, as told in a rorent London d'a/otte. 1 Captain D <;. Si \n. .v rEvans, 7th Queen's Own Hussars, ifter organising the capture of an armed hand which had attacked the Moaz Jew colony in Palestine in October, encounia
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  • 46 14 WILING AWAY THE LONELY HOURS •"THESE i> :i copy of an old edition of Debrett in Bedford Prison which helps to wile away the lonely hours of the prisoners in their cells." From the preface to the 1939 edition of "Debrett's Peerage, Baron taffr, and Companionage."
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  • 69 14 IYJUSSOLINI wants 10,000.000 Its living in foreign countries to return home, and he has created a ncv. ganisation to enable them to do The two main reasons for thi: To make Italy numerically strong and through this to provide more soldi r:.s. and to provide
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  • 261 14 THE first "talking typewriter" in the world, pouring out perfect human speech at a touch of its keys, with only a trace of "electrical accent" was shown to scientists at the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, writes the Daily Mail New York correspondent. Words sharp and clear, angry
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 358 14 fjo wt M A NL \Zj^"^^w^^^Cfc-u~| \j > i B2P'^'^>«i l > clally "vhen I: lived under tropical »,#>J«^HMhL b ,-or.ciitlons. make it vital that health and Vsi^Bß^S^^ rength should be carefully conserved to ■4f9^K^^F guard against bodily weakness, lack of nerve JR/^Kpp^ force and prevalent sickness. MJ^y* Health and
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    • 164 14 Rich, Red Blood Builds Weight If you aro Thin, Umlerwrlpht, Lotting Knency, Tlrrd oil the tlni<>, h.ivo a Pale, Sallow Complexion, nutter from Skin Blemlnhes, Clrclos uii'ler tho Kyen, and lark that mysterious magnetic forco called "It." you are run-down and ne*l tho new discovery of a Hollywood, California, phynlclan.
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  • 1918 15  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By f\LD MOORE GUBBINS'S prov phesies for the New Year, published exclusively in thia column a fortnight ago, were so popular that he has been persuaded to make further forecasts. Using his original method of lookIng through the bottom of an upturned glass in
    1,918 words
  • 417 15 THK Hannonie Club of New York City is one of the finest and social cfabi in the country. W'hilo a great deal of Bridge ia play<d there, most of the players do WK taka it too seriously, and thus the bidding ia liable to be more sporting
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • Opinion Sharebrokers
    • 221 16 IUO-ONE denied the uuniit need of improvement In the nutritional value of the food of 75 per cent, of the population, in this country, and it is still true to say that apart from deficiencies in value a good percentage of the inhabitants is denied a sufficient quantity
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  • Article, Illustration
    1244 16  -  H. G. Wells By THE most interesting and typical sample of an English-speaking community in the present phase of International Affairs is surely this seven million British people who constitute Australia. British they are, not merely by their origin but by their quality and their habits of mind.
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  • 353 16 THE MYSTERY OF THE WARATAH "THE discovery, on the beach near East London, of broken timbers which may have come from the submerged wreck of the Blue Anchor liner Waratah will not solve the thirty-year-old mystery of that ship's disappearance, as has been claimed in several quarters in the I
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 350 16 v j THY OUR TAILORING We only solicit your trial order. MIEN CHONG S'pore'M moat up-to-date Tailor. 34. Colen-an St. Phone 4816. WORLD'S NEED OF QUALIFIED ENGINEERS Bright Prospactt and Kg Pay Oppo4unltlai tor tha Trained Man I NOW li tha lima to gat o ji of the rut and
      350 words
    • 157 16 The KEW WORLD CABARET TODAY TIFFIN DANCC 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. Admixion Free. TONIGHT 9.30 TO MIDNIGHT Admiiaion 50 cti. PIANO TUNING -REPAIRS REMOVALS HIRE E. CHARLES. Phone im 212, Orchard Rd. Wh)£+ Unbreakable Wa her proof K^WrisrWal-ch '/v'£* vnL aranl eed '°y €ars -'^°^"'~'K lien's" Streamline A Service Model
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  • 328 17 Final Work On Specially Designed Plane "MYSTERY MOTOR" ALREADY GIVEN SECRET TRIALS BIDS ON TWO AIR RECORDS— THE "ABSOLUTE" SPEED RECORD AND THE LAND 'PLANE RECORDWILL HE MADE BY BRITAIN IN MARCH. final touches are now being* put on a specially designed Supermarine Spitfire
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  • Article, Illustration
    68 17 Fet the iiiK-. I i .ittended |kc letema ;unu::il i r< nii'iiv or the (lcp:ii tin t 'if llic (The llo'y ir>> irim .r'nt I* the li<i:.v ol i eea i ■■.•rii« >> Jn ouilei i f i i -i riil;l» < aprli nil o 1 Ike n
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  • 230 17 Blow To Theory Of Racial Purity GERMAN PROFESSOR'S CLAIM rcking. PKOI-hSSOR Franz Wcidenr.ich, the German anthropologist, who is Director of Ihe Kocktfclier C'enoioic Laboratory, d<;ilt a severe blow at modern theories of racial purity, when hr revealed new facts about the Liniftus "Peking Man" fossils.
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  • 70 17 'Wed' Another Girl On His Honeymoon T.'IT.TEEK r.onths in the Hie oi Michail McManus. of Dublin:— DECEMBER 1937: Engaged to Miss Mary .Te^ph'.r. F ..iilips. 22-vcar-old brunei.*:. NOVEMBER 17, ISS3: Married Miss Annie OB.ien In :i Dublin Roman Catholic church. NOVEMBEP 21. 1K,:.: "Mftntoi" Miss rv Jos- phinc Phillips. FRIDAY.
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  • 28 17 Marslicl Sal Li. Governor of Libya, has presented Marshal Goering with UN staUic ot the "Venus of Leptis \\.\a i i\ l icd during excavations]
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  • 131 17 I DOG tvho remembered Ml truks saved a house from iettrmetkm ct Totton. near Southampton. Don. a Dvl.nutian had been left in charm of the fiousc by hi:; mistress" Mrs. E. M. Wheeler, teacher in a local school. A coai fell from the fire en to
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  • 123 17 Shoe Spikes Ruin Greens Say Golfers New York. DLCAU&E of the uaiaa:,e done to putting greens by long, sharp spikes now in use on some golf shoes, the United States Golf Association is trying to induce shoe manufacturers to change the size and character of the spikes. The spikes, it
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  • 44 17 Toronto. A TORONTO architect, R.A. Fisher, has designed a novelty for his young wife's new home. On the ceiling of the bedroom right over the bed is a clock which can be illuminated by pushing a button beside the pillow.
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  • 49 17 Ocean Park, (Calif.) Sylvester Kirby, aged 35, who works in the zoo at Ocean Park, California, said that to prove his courage he would stick his arm in the mouth of one of the lions. So he did. And the lion bit Ikg arm off.
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  • 104 17 EX-NEWSBOY BECOMES U.S. JUDGE Washington. AN Austrian-born Jewish professor, who once as a boy sold newspapers In the streets of New York, has been appointed a Judge of the United States Supreme Court by President Roosevelt. He is Professor Felix Fran'-.lurtcr, of Harvard University, aged 56, and he i succeeds
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  • 21 17 A bill to introduce a system of marriage loans in France to Increase the birth rate Is bclnj prepared.
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  • 20 17 Hcrr Bertuleit, deputy leader of the Mcmcl German party, has agreed to form a new directorate In Memcl.
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  • 60 17 Why The Scots Succeed SCOT has drum.ncd Into him lM from the start that if he is going to take up any prO)Cst>ion he must get the recog7iised qualifications. That in one of the chief points that has made for the tucrcss of the Scot in the rest, of the
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  • 74 17 Mexico City. SENORA Juana Luna, who lives In a hovel here, seemes to be justified n her claim that she is the oldest working washervoman in the wcrld. She has worked every day, excepting Sundays, holidays, and days she had to :ake off— a total of not more
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  • 103 17 "DRUNKOMETER" IS ALL HOT AIR Sfort DOLici: ana medical authorities on Long Island tested a "Diunkomctcr" on 100 motorists driving along the main ioaos last niarht between 11 p.m. and 4 un, anJ found that 48 hue] been drinking. of them had clrur-.k sufficient theoretically to hamper complete co-ordination.
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  • 43 17 Arnst rdam. ONE of Rembrandt'a finest works, the "Portrait of Maarten Looten," was sold privately for 102.000 guilders (about 12.000) at the sale of the art collection of Mr. Antoon Menslng. former Amsterdam dealer. It is to be shipped to America.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 204 17 Dr. Cassell's Tablets MEWYOUTH^ 41 BEAUTY YXfJ IKM (ceiing uIJ. getting haggard and Jl koriag all the joy of life I But ypk^Sffy ll's Tablets mac*e me young and fzHßy J\ i tx-au'ifulayainasyoucanseeforyoursflf! Wy Voa. i > ■.<h.>ii!ri>iarttaki:ißDr.Cas3eU"s WflKßk^ H i Tjjble:? today I Vju will be delighted V B
      204 words
    • 90 17 Hnough to make anyone turn nHH| /IL^^HHI a^^^^. Iw ftund Children love Cow "^^^^f^ 'Wtttttt^ fetefekT BteNNrtHDiHizS 3BMANOFD<ETER Gate. Not only for its pleasant, vr^H^HHH^HHlßl^HHHi^^^^^^^^Bte»»— soothing flavour, but for the gSS^" s h feeling of contentment and js,RoUittoaßo«a,si;i;«pore. satisfaction they associate with it— m^t^^mmt^^^^^m^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Kf9K^tMT tmm^'^^ us atmosphere of health and
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  • 2580 18  - What The Stars Foretell R. H. Naylor By THIS WEEK'S GOOD DAYS FOR: BUYING: Mon.. 30th; Tues. 31st. SELLING: Wed. Feb. Ist; Sat. Feb. 4th. ENTERTAINING: Today 29th; Tomorrow 30th; Wed. Feb. Ist. SPORT: Tues. 31st; Wed. Feb. Ist; Fri. Feb. 3rd. INFLUENCES extremely danger- ous, In a general way,
    2,580 words
  • 400 18 But More People In Great Britain Now Pay Sur-Tax A section of the Board of Trade Statistical Abstract for the United Kingdom, now issued, rives particulars of estate duty in Great Britain, and shows that the capital value of the estates dealt with increiised progressively from £296,--432,000 in
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  • 430 18 LI ERE, j.Mupfd according to month of birth (irrespective of year) b a statement of probabilities to h expected this Teek:— JANUARY (Dec. 23-Jan. 20) This week your attention trill be diverted from your own business affairs to the affairs of friends and associates. Influences will
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 773 18 MYSTERY REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM Wr.*t a Hits mystery remedy Hut rheuaoatic surlcrers are so anxious to explain to each othrr in the common oliirct ol ridding the world ol Rheuiiu'.i*n ao«l all its paio aod woe? Boldly they proclaim that there an ■Titenou* curative element* in Fynno« Salt that work
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  • Max Factor's Advice
    • 724 19 Make-Up Can Do Wonders In Preventing, Correcting, Minimising Sagging Face Lines J^AKE-UP, togcinei with its accessory creams and skin lotions, can wor 1j miracles in preventing, correcting, or at least minimizing the appearance of unattractively sagging face lines. Naturally, make-up itself can but serve to conceal or detract jrovi the
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    • 269 19 PINK and blue always remind one of bon-bons. And this has never been more so than in the new slim, short-sleeved frock made in a soft material whose gored skirt of misty blue is topped by a wide, spiked corselet bodice of pink with
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 513 19 That's how you feel after c lo&*y\* *V v^vSiJ'V' A VELVA MASQIT. TREATMENT I l r^*y*"- The Uizabeth Ardcn Expert al Mayimrd's ;;ir-o>nditioncd salon. A delightful way to banish f;ti>>in: lines, and to achieve thnt fresh, sparkling quality known :is "th? F.)iz-al>elh Arden Look." ty*A&+ Stij£*M~ MAYNARD CO.. LTD. Phone
      513 words
    • 103 19 <99BHB^k I m ount Pictures, is one ol Holly wWs j 1 1 he*- I I M.^^SSS»B»«»^a^B^»»^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I FRANCIS DIE Th. POWDER Th« ROUGE Th« LIPSTICK PaiamouMl Stal 8«tln-imooth, It BUndt •tuly tad S>p*i-lad*llbl« I asOlvtni th» b«*uty ol «Iv«i liU-lik* touch ol ««d monlui* proof. It I S four
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  • 698 20 Charming Expression Of The Art Of The Parfumeur THE parfumeur's art was never so charmingly expressed as in the latest way a stand holding five bottles of perfume, each being the essence of a flower the bride associates with her wedding day. Needless to say, the first is orange blossom.
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  • 100 20 /"\NCE upon a lime, chintz was a great innovation for summer clothes. Now, it Is seen in the bedroom for all sorts of useful purposes. A housecoat of chintz of medium weight is made with a fitting back, and slide fastening all down the front. The sleeves are
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  • 102 20 A LEATHER sports belt is a useful accessory. The sports woman does not want to carry her handbag with her, and she finds this belt most useful. Also, out on a long walk, and or other occasions when you want to dispense with a handbag, this belt is
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 20 DESIGNED to suit the mood of the morning is this soft house- coat. It is in a soft apple green. The appliques are a darker shade of the same colour.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 403 20 For YOU and YOU and YOU at CHRISTIE'S SALE There is a chance to select a Gcvmcous Goicn. 1939 Styles of Crinolines. Sharkskin and Suits, Morning and Afternoon Dresses. Slacks, Farmerettes and Play Suits. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. >t RAFFLES HOTEL. ROOM NO. 63 NOW ON Jr» A Twigee
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    • 469 20 Here's Instant Relief for Your Baby's Skin Troubles Often when a baby cries and Cuticura Soap which is absolutely cannot sleep for no apparent neutral and is mild and soothing reason, skin suffering is the cause. to the and, in addition. And can you wonder Imagine possesses the wonderful healing
      469 words

  • 1353 21  -  Sophia Lauterbach By DERHAPS it sounds strange and even unnatural that a happy, healthy girl of twenty-three, deeply in love with her fiance, and with no financial worries, should be a f r a i d really dreadfully and pitifully afr a i d— of
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 161 21 3k. 53av mm 1 ST. I i i S A f frgft VwA m*\ M\X^ m\\\\\\\\\\\^ *V^tM v^Hl-., all Jainty women Are daily dippers JtfEVn TAKE CBAJK I •> in this warm climate by weiring undies more than •by without Kashiug them. ■> on may offeml your friends! HsM simple
      161 words
    • 156 21 Whitens Your Skin Secretly and Quickly Mo longer need you admire others vri»h that mur skin was as light and attractive as their*. One jar of Btillman's will make you equally charming. Continued applications will surprise you, convince you that there it only one beau> iifier, only one whitener that
      156 words
    • 269 21 SALE commence TOMORROW JANUARY 30TH STOCKS MUST BE CLEARED Preparatory to new shipments horn London, Paris New York. ba £a D ry AUK CHATS NOIRS p r= E Proprietress! DOROTHY M. COLE New AIR-FLOATED Face Powder I "V m\ WmWm^' sf* iJI"T l*r x /l lit X\ gaga. f^^M 1
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 358 22 If you want weeks ol perfect shaving, us* this sell-stropping razor. The popular VALET 99 Set consists of a new, improved VALET selfstropping razor, strop, and three VALET blades in a smart moulded case The most econr .nica! shaving system in the world HW THE REASON Innumerable complaints arise from
      358 words
    • 280 22 Illllllllillil^ give /our family and guests this high quality jam. INSIST ON CHIVERS JAMS .CHIVERS a, SONS LTD.. THE ORCHARD FACTORY. HISTON, CAKBR.DGE. ENC. I Try also Chiver*' Jams, Old* English Marmalade, Custard and Canned Fruitt| I Agents: V. R. VICK CO., HONG KONG BANK CHAMBERS. I I SINGAPORE SANDILANDS,
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 614 22 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today *100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly the $100 will be awarded in respect of the
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 121 23 High Blood Pressure Do.igerous to Heart Tlioutandn of mtn and women pu*t 40 ch!in.Ti of trouble ani fmnlj Hi K h HlotkJ »>re»«ure. Jiipch IHo<k| Pr««sar« is a niyMertoua di»eH»e that < :ius< s more d< «th« than caaecr, Urcoly l«..iii.- ppople mlHtakf <h. nyrnp- Indict ion or (ODM
      121 words
    • 408 23 MR I /Uutce 1865 The Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada has been providing protection and future f security to policyholders and benefieiariea by means of a variety of practical life insurance plan*. To-day Agencies of tli* Sun Life of Canada encircle the plobc 133 Branch organizations are maintained in
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 559 23 Today's Wireless Programmes i SINGAPORE /.lIL m metrta. IMV UM metrca. m. 11. CO Band music. t 11.19 Light orrhcsiral concert by Relief* Hungarian band. Relay from the Sea View Hotel. pm 12.10 Songs by Richard Hayward. 12.20 Light orchestral concert (contd.). 1.00 Miscellaneous light music. t 1.30 Interval. 6.0)
      559 words
    • 1452 23 EMPIRE STATION BERLIN NIROM TRANSMISSION 4. pjn w l& /ff £7 dVS Sfc CSD 11.75 Met (85.53 m.). 25 Oerman rolk gong £JJ» 1KM me^ M^*^ ll«0 London Log 123 SUDday C0DCert 12.50 Danre music. 120 News ln German. 7.20 Church sen ice. 1.20 Big Ben. News, Saturday sport, and
      1,452 words

  • 544 24 Can Husbands Be Valued At Ten Shillings A Week? THK value of a husband .was diseussea by a married woman at th» conference of the National I'nion of Women Teachers, which opened at Eastbourne this month. Mrs. A. Le Sueur, of London, was speaking about the
    544 words
  • 134 24 DIAMOND SALES DROP £4,000,000 CALES of uncut diamonds in 1938 slumped to the lowest level in four years. Figures to be published by the I Diamond Corporation, which conI trols the world market, will show a total of less than £5,000,000, compared with £9.300.000 in 1937. The international sltuati:n was
    134 words
  • Article, Illustration
    119 24 A photograph of the officers of the State Commissioner's Office, the Treasury, the Land Office and the P.W.D. office of Batu Pahat, taken on the eve of the departure of Syed Omar h> A. Rahmat (Secretary to th* State Commissioner) who soes on leave prior to retirement after 30 years'
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  • 799 24 An Afternoon In A Singapore Dancing Studio 'THERE are so many new rhythmic tempos in ballroom dancing today, so many gentle glides and wild careering steps that there is a great urge to the people who know only the easy and most common dances to learn the latest. That was
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  • 98 24 £175,000 To Aid Horse Racing And Breeding AS the result of tiie working of totalisators in 1938. the Racecourse Betting Control Beard is making grants amounting to £175,000 for improvements to liorse racing, horse breeding and veterinary science and education as co.npared with £150,000 last year. The
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  • 19 24 Hr. Lars Tillltse, Counsellor to the Danish Legation in London, has been appointed Danish Minister in Toklo.
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  • 296 24 Analysis Of Suffering For The Profession A LONDON surgeon who, after having his legs amputated wrote, for the benefit of his profession, an analysis of his 15 years of ■offering, died at his home on .Ja:t. 6. He was 72-year-old Mr. E. B. Waggett, of
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  • 181 24 YOUTH PLANS £1,000,000 "CITY" A MILLION POUNDS scheme to create a City of Youth in London, which would be the centre point of all Empire youth organisations, is announced. It is the outcome of the Empire Youth Rally held in London at the time of the Coronation. The plan la
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 264 24 Did you Maclean your teeth to-day? "What do you think?" MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE 111 you me a loiid dentifrice, try il* new MMIUM SOLID PtMIIDE OINTirMM Gland Discovery Restores Youth In 24 Hours suii'kTt lr..n lout oi vigour, ncr« vousnesa. weak oody. impure blood. f:nhn^ memory, and who arc
      264 words

  • 231 25 Former American Army Flyer Plans Ocean Cruise Ready To Go To Any Part Of The World HAVINCi nearly completed building his handsome 42--ft. yacht in a yard off Orchard Road, Capt. Krumehaar Herndon, former U.S. Army flyer and commercial pilot, is looking for partners to
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  • 150 25 A Tyre Within A Tyre AN inner tube, which is virt.all\ a tyre within a tyre, and designed to prevent the danger of tyre failure at high speeds, has been introduced in England by Goodyear. The inner tyre is a rubber comj pound treated fabric, and the two circumferential sections
    150 words
  • 88 25 Try Our Nice Warm Gaol I THINK it would be a good idea to go to prison for a month. That will get you out of the cold weather, you will get your food and build yourself up," said Sir William Coxen at Guildhall. London, police court to a man
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  • 173 25 TRANSPARENT NOSES FOR AIRCRAFT A MEANS of enabling the pilots of a sub-stratosphere aeroplane to be seated in a transparent nose, with full view in all forward directions, has been invented by the German Junkers Aircraft Company, writes the Observer air correspo* lent. A cupola, made of two ells of
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  • 62 25 Warsaw. nUSSIA, following Britain's lead— which was recently taken up by Germany will soon set up balloon barrages to protect her larger towns against possible air attacks. The decision was made at a Kremlin conference presided over by Dictator Stalin. It was also agreed to spend
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  • 332 25 New York. A FEW years back, most folks stopped taking pictures at the close of the summer season. Now. however, autumn has become one of the best and busiest snapshot seasons. Better cameras, faster films ..nd the natural charm of fall outdoors, make end-of-summer one long picture-whirl
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  • 507 25 Dorothy Sayers On Power Of The Pen 'THE power of propaganda was discussed by Miss Dorothy Sayers, the writer of detective stories, in an address at the annual conference of Educational Associations at University College, London. The soldier may not agree thai the pen is
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  • 40 25 Colombo. THE Government has announced j for small monthly payments it will supply villagers throughout the country with looms made by local carpen- I ters, so that people can weave tMir own cloth.
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 263 25 m^ k I Kruschen Has Made Me Young Again Mi nearly mad u-ith hcadaihe! and indigestion. Food soured in my stomach. My head spun round like a top. J iould net gel relief until, a fea Keeks ago, 1 started taking Salts. It cleared my head like magic. I
      263 words
    • 247 25 Unbreakable Wa her proof Wri«* Wafch Guaranteed lOyearr Men's Streamline Service Model $13.15 So/</ in London Stores foi Money RtfunOM II nti PtriKtlf SltllkCMr* Fail cannsi Ci.-na* thli W««#«r<ui watm Unbrtaluftle. Wattr»r**t. Unt- |M Duttprtoi. SHockproof. !:.....lo 'innek'rpcT, Mua-U i B if* Uttr Mu'emcnt, UaUnJflalil* Chn.mluro Cam (easily opened >
      247 words

  • 1280 26 Biggest Upset Of The Season In Segamat Hockey (From Our Own Correspondent.) i Segamat. *THE Europeans created the biggest hockey surprise of the season last week when they met the Old Boys' Association, one of the strongest sides in the district, and scored an overwhelming
    1,280 words
  • Article, Illustration
    91 26 Mr H .ii us Chiew Wung and Miss (li.iv Lai Font at the Singaporr Chinese Corsulatr Mr. Sen* Hon Sionf. son of .Mr. .Scow Yick Chai and Mrs Scow. and .Miss Pane Slew Chin, daughter of Mr. Pane Hee Boon and Mri Pant, at the Singapore Chinese Consulate. .Mr
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  • 36 26 The St. Andrews Old Boys' Association annual general meeting is on Saturday. Feb. 4. The programme Is: meeting and tea at 3.45 p.m.; annual rugger match: end of season 'rugger) dinner and dance.
    36 words
  • 65 26 Team "A" will meet team "B" In the finul of th 3 S.C.R.C. soccer tournament o.; T. :eay. Feb. 2. in- .Straits Seltlements Mk« Ragkjf team (right) which defeated an b M.S. Police side by 15 points (a iNP coal, a cvai and two Ml la 5 points
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  • 515 26 From Our Own Correspondent. Segamat, Saturday. THE Segamat district hockey league opened when the Police met the Colts In the first match, on the town padang. and lost by the odd goal 1" three, after being the first to score. Samad played a sound
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  • 446 26 Johore Sports Commentary (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. Saturday. IOHORE hockey must improve a great deal to reach the standard of other States. Weakness ot Johore was revealed wlien the Johore Pollco Depot, the leading side in the state capital, were unable to offer the opposition expected of them
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 152 26 find best% is the answer For any weakness of throat or nutrition and efteaivdv overcomes chest, or any tendency to tubercu- the constitutional debility so freloms for a troublesome cou^h, quently associated with these cases, bronclutis or any chest afiection. the standard approved treatment mot "er should be without a
      152 words
    • 448 26 HERE'S DEVICfc K> SAVE LENS STRAINS AND BREAKAGE. P THIS SOREWLESS CONSTRUCTION Is only obtained from NAN SIN OPTICAL HOUSE Manufacturing Ophthalmic Opticians 325. North Bridge Road, Singapore, PHONE 6363. The Best Manual for learning and to know something about Fint Aid and Air Raid Precautions. FIRST AID TO THE
      448 words

  • 2263 27  -  "Nomad" By U71TH rain falling frequently and heavily daring: what must have been the worst week •f the season, wholesale cancellation of sports fixtures has taken place and, with several teams engaged in the S.CC. •even-a-side tournament and ♦be end-of- the -season slackening off in engagements, many
    2,263 words
  • 172 27 <From Our Own Correspondent.' Muar. A TABLE tennis match has been arranged for Monday when the Cheng Cheng ping pong team, leading side In Muar, will meet the Batu Pahat Chinese Recreation Club, the champions of Batu Pahat. Great interest is being shown in
    172 words
  • 206 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. T^HE soccer season has started here. It is yet too early to gauge the strengths of the various teams in the district but there can be little doubt but that the Government Services should have a good side. The side has
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  • Page 27 Advertisements

  • 1905 28 Meeting Opens With Handsome Dividends LARGE ATTENDANCE IN BRILLIANT SUNSHINE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. LJANOSOME dividends were paid at the first day of the Ipoli Turf Club's meeting today. Char, winning the fourth race, paid $142. In the second
    1,905 words
  • 326 28  - Review Of North Pera k Sport "Trojan" By Taiping, Friday. "THK hockey season is soon drawing to a close, and thoughts are now centred upon soccer and cricket. Already soccer has made its appearance in this town, and several practice matches have been held. The King Edward VII School will
    326 words
  • 77 28 Hollywood. Jan. 10. WAX Ban- was signed up by the movie* as a cowboy crooner today. The former heavyweight boxing champion will be the rough-riding sweettonsiled hero of six western film-, t:> be made by the Arcadia Pictures Inc. It was announced that Baer will
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  • 24 28 Melbourne. Saturday. In the Australian lawn tennis championships final of the women's singles Miss Westcott b?at Miss Hopman. 6-1. 6-2
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  • 183 28 SELANGOR CLUB CRICKET AND SOCCER MEETINGS (Tram Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. 'THE approach of the soccer ana cricket seasons In Selangor was sgn lied by sports meetings in tne Se ar.gor Club this evening. At the soccer meeting, at which Mr. J. L. R:ss presided. Mr. T.
    183 words
  • 340 28 MIDDLEWEIGHT WORLD TITLE AT STAKE New York, Jan. 9. JJILLY Conn, the husky young Pitt3burgh fighter who created a sensation last week by decisively beating: Freddie Apostoli, one of two claimants to the world middleweight championship, is to be pitted against Apostoli in a revenge bout on Feb. 10, Mike
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  • 128 28 C. V. Barna Wins French Singles Championship London, Jan. 2. /> V. Barna (Hungary) the farmer champion of the world, won the men's singles in the French international table tennis championships here, beating his fellow-countryman, L. Bella k. in the final at Paris 21—14, 21—23, 21—7, 21—13. Barna
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  • 30 28 The annual sports meeting of the Singapore Khalsa Association will be held at the club house today at 4.30 p.m. to elect office-bearers for the present y;ar.
    30 words
  • 1489 28 DESULTS of yesterday's English and Scottish football games and tablei v up-to-date are: ENGLISH LEAGIE SCOTTISH Cl T First Round Replay Buckie Thistle 5 Mithsdale S AMATEUR INTERNATIONAL England 5 Wales 1 Aston Villa 1 Arsenal 3 Bolton 4 Leicester 0 Charlton 3 Mlddlesbro .0 Chelsea 0 Manchester
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  • 84 28 Johannesburg. Saturday. THE M.C.C. touring cricket team are meeting the Combined Trans vaal At the close of play today the Combined side had made 304 all out. Goddard took four wlokets for 71 runs j Perks two for 74, Fames two for 80. and Verity one
    84 words
  • 98 28 IJUGBY Union games played yester- day resulted Birkenhead 21 Old Millhillians 0. Cambridge 5 Harlequins 33 Gloucester 3 Bristol 3. London Welsh 5 Penarth 8. Manchester 18 Bradford 10 Moseley 8 Bath 8. Old Paulines 13; United Services 10. Oxford U. 13; London Scottish 9. Plymouth A. 5
    98 words
  • 74 28 DUGBY League games played yester- day resulted Barrow 5; Oldham 5. Batley 4| Warrington 5. Bradford N. 3; Castleford 11. Featherstone R. 4: Leigh 5. Huddersfleld 33; St. Helens 5. Hull K.R. 22; Bramley 8. Leeds 16; Halifax 7. Liverpool 8; Keighley 3. Rochdale H. 7: Dewsbury 3.
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  • 1240 29 PLAY EVEN IN FIRST HALF BUT ONE-SIDED IN SECOND AFTER an evenly contested first half, but a one-sided second half, the South XV defeated the North XV by 15 points (one penalty fcoal and four tries) to
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  • 239 29 i From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar \l/HAT should prove to be one of the best hockey matches seen in Muar this season will be played on Tuesday when a side from Johore Bahru will travel to Muar to meet the Muar Hockey Association. The
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  • 117 29 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. A FTER being inactive for more than i a month, the hockey team of the St. Andrews Old Boys will take the field again and will meet the Muar Customs In a friendly match today on the Hospital Club padang. Teams: St. Andrews
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  • 24 29 A meeting of the S.C.R.C. cricket section will be held on .ednesday at 6.15 p.m. to elect office-bearers for the 1939 season.
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  • 212 29 KELANTAN TO MEET TRENGGANU From A Correspondent) Kota Bharu. COCCER In Kelantan has been revived, especially with the activity of the Kelantan Military Police under the coaching of their Commissioner, Mr. E. C. Tidy. When weather conditions improve there is every possibility that representative soccer and badminton teams will travel
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  • 67 29 SELANGOR BEAT PENANG AT HOCKEY 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Saturday. OELANGOR beat Penang at hockey \*J by two goals to one at the Hutchings School ground today. Row scored the first goal for Selangor in the first minute and Yusoff added the second goal. Half time score was two-nil
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  • 150 29 At the sixth annual general meeting of the Minto Cricket Union held at its premises last Sunday the following were elected officials for the year: Patrons, F. C. Sands (re-elect-ed i. Tuan Haji A. Hamid b. H. Mohamed < re-elected >; president. Tuan Haji Mon'in b. Hj.
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  • 209 29 'From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Panat. AT a meeting of the Chinese Recrea- tlon Club it was decided to hold a basketball and table tennis tournament on Mar. 1 for men and women, the proceeds to go to the China Relief Fund. Entries will close
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  • 228 29 'From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat. j AT a recent meeting of the local I Lawn Tennis Association it was de- j cided to hold an inter-club junior ten- j nls tournament, provided a sufficient number of entries were received. It is almost certain that the Chinese,
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  • 198 29 THE Perak "Tabaf cycling carnival to be held at Kuala Kangsar on Mar. 3 beginning at 8 a.m. has the following events: Class "A" (open): 1. One mile fast cycling race: 2. Two miles fast cycling race; Class "B": 1. One mile fast cycling race (schoolboys); 2.
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  • 293 29 GOALKEEPER SAVES BIG SCORE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, Friday /*«OOD goalkeeping by Mohamed Sidek saved the Customs Sports Ciub from a heavy defeat when they met the Muar Chinese In a return match played at the Hospital padang. In the first match the Muar Chinese won by 2—l and
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  • 129 29 i From Our Own Car respondent Seremban, Saturday. |N a return hockey match. Ne~rt Sembilan and Perak dr. i I Seremban today, each side Kortng four goals Negrl led by three goals to one it halt- time, all three Negri goals being scored by Shoikh Muslioha. Pirak's
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  • 69 29 tFrom Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. MR. and Mrs. W. Martin ami Smith and C. V. Brandon tied with a score of 30 in the Malacca mixed golf foursomes competition yesterday. J. W. Russell won the gold medal competition with a score of 78, minus 7, net 71,
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  • 56 29 Volunteer snooker tics at the S.C.C. are: Monday: C. L. Boumphrey and F V. Read vs. M. S. Robinson and L. 11. Cooper: Tuesday: M. Melville and J. A Gagan vs. H. M. Vennik and D. M. Seward; Wednesday: J. A. Dean and W. Chlvers ts. Major A.
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  • 717 30 Two International Players Beaten In Two Hours "I WENT to Worthing yesterday morning, played my match in the evening and returned to London in the night, hecause it was too cold in the night. My nvjiu showed 52 degrees while in the badminton hall the temperature
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  • 428 30 Orr O*» Correspondent." Jchcre Bahru. a VARIETY show in aid of tlie A cirna R IX Fund was stased at] til Ja'.a.i S'*sget hall und«*r the aus- 0( CM Chin-e Weigh'.-Llftins Party. VUta ivn ■■■>WT boxlns bout; and weight li.t ns. B.ey Quee Bug exhibited feats of
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  • 97 30 <Frem Our Own CorresprnclenO Klang. AT the scond annual general meeting of the Humorist Table Tennis Party the following were elected officebearers fcr 1939: Patron, Mr. Leong Wing Huen; chairman. Mr. Philip Chan: hon. captain, Mr. Tan Hong Leng (re-elected); hon. vievcaptain, Mr. Chang Thian Seng; hon.
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  • 114 30 At the tenth annual general meeting of th? Horllck's B.P. held at Mr. Yeo Guan Swee's residence. 25, Branksome Road, the following were elrcted officebearers for the ensuing year: Patrons. Messrs. Yeo Siew Chuan, Chua Hong j Kay and Lim Chong Swee; president,! Mr. E. Cheng Long; vice-president-,
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  • 628 30 (From Cur Sing-po.e Cadminton Correspondent.) •TTIE fear entertained here a little while ago that interest in badminton is on the wane has now been removed and, if anything, the record crowd at the Covered Stadium last week, when the Singapore Badminton Association organised a charity badminton
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  • 681 30 BintangWins Malays Inter-Singles From Our Kuala Lumpur Badminton Correspondent DINTANG 8.P., as antic patec l an- nexed the inter-team singles trophy of the Selangor Malays b.-.dminton league. That the party is inniuestlon- ably the strongest Malay party in the Btate, where individual games are con- corned, was amply demonstrated by
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  • 191 30 FORT SWETTENHAM TOURNAMENT i From Our Own Correspondents Port s\sv:t nham. A FTER several years the P^rt liwettenham Recreation Club laa revived its badminton acllvl i-> i handicap tournament was ;-r i ;his year lor a sh.'.'.i which wis ur:--i sented by H.M.S. Croquota many 'ago. The present holler of
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  • Page 30 Advertisements

  • 445 31 Singapore Cricket Soccer Prospects Services' Batting Strength Best In Malaya (From Our Own Corresponaent.) Seremban. Saturday. AMR R. H. V. Rintoul. President of the Negri Sembllan Badminton Assrciatlon. ls one of the leading sportsmen in Negri Sembilan. Ho has represented the St;,te !:et and played for the combined Negri-Joh:rt -Malacca
    445 words
  • 500 31 Malacca Sports Comments (From Our Own Coi respondent.) Malacca, Saturday. MALACCA hockey circles are not altogether satisfied with the composition of the side selected for the match against the North In Kuala Lumpur next month, but have found consolation in the fact that Malacca's only representative In the side has
    500 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 31 C. C. Chew, one of the mainsl;i>s of the Muar Chinese hockey team: Chew plays full back. li. Luwrence, captain of the St. Andrew's Old Boys hockey team of Muar. Lawrence is responsible for the good improvement shown in the standard of play in the St. Andrew's School team.
    49 words
  • 189 31 The Merry Union B.P. beat the May B.P. at the Covered Stadium on Wednesday by seven games to nil. Peh Teng Siew beat Teo Heok Kwang 2—15, 15—8, 14—14 (3—0); Richard Tan beat Pang Eng Guuii 4—15, 14—14 (3—o). 13—13 (5—0): C. B. Nah beat Kemat
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  • 79 31 The following will represent the "C" team of the Green Hill 8.P.. in a friendly badminton match with the "C" team of the All Blues B.P. at their court (Makepeace Road) on Saturday, Feb. 4 at 2.30 p.m. Messrs. Charlie Cheah, Cheang Seng Geolc, Richard Lee, William
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  • 89 31 The following have been selected to represent the All Blues B.F. "C" team against the Greenhill B.P. "C" team in a friendly badminton match of four singles and three doubles to be played at the former's court on Saturday, Feb. 4 at 3 p.m.: Max Lange, Francis
    89 words
  • 354 31 Frisco To Meet Sotn Pong In March? Boxing Notes DOXING in Singapore is steadily gaining its oldtime popularity. The huge crowd at the Frisco-Som Pong fight 'vas one of the largest seen for many years. Good match-making is the secret of a promoter's success and so long as the spectators
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  • 251 31 WIN ALTHOUGH ONE MAN SHORT (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat, Saturday. •THE Segamat Chinese opened their soccer season when they met the Segamat English School on the school padang, and, though a maa short, ran out winners by four goals to one. The pame was rather dull. Some of the
    251 words
  • 61 31 Seven cards were taken out for the Keppel Golf Club's January Women's foursomes. Scores returned: Mrs. P. Crawley and Mrs. J. F. Carr 49—12=37; Mrs. E. A. Elder and Mrs. R. E. Earle 47 9V 2 =37'/2 Mrs. W. Gunstone and Mrs. G. E. Kerr 50—12=38; Mrs.
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  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 232 31 The CHARLES SCHOOL of PHYSICAL CULTURE 9, SCOTTS ROAD SINGAPORE NOW OPEN LESSONS Ml BE GIVKN Bl EXPERIENCED TUTORS on t m Boxing Physical Culture VkribUin* >. *t^ Bodj Development Weight Lifting I ;^L Reducing Weight Judo B^ Increasing Weicht Muscle Control «#L/»"«»"*^'" Height Increasing T. S Charles, Physical Culture
      232 words
    • 144 31 Ulcers Cause Sick Stomach, Vomiting Are you hungry an hour or so after m««ls? Dors your itomach pain and burn between mealsT Do you feel »lck at your •tomach and feel like vomiting? Do you •weat easily, have headaches, and teel weak and nervous? These are dancer almnata of Stomach
      144 words
    • 183 31 (Z de£idcni& tiew dsUrvk, ORANGE-ADE GREEN SPOT oranrc-ade ls made from the pure Juice of fresh sun ripene! Califomlan oranges, rlcli In Vitamin C" and cane sugar. No adulterants are used. GREEN SPOT is delicious and invigor; Refresh yourself today with Singapore's i:< and men invigorating drink. lIPI Pre;; ised
      183 words

  • 533 32 Instruments Bought With Scottish Sixpences Autographs Sold By Delegates At Glasgow Jubilee DEKIIAPS one of the most romantic beginnings of any boys' band in the world is that of The Singapore Boys' Brigade Battalion bugle and drums band. It had its beginning in the sixpences collected
    533 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 130 32 l\ V I >^i rs»N6/VPORE--1 EHGUHO .n 1 6^YS__ In under a week you can be back in England— in six and a half days of delightful flying, high above the heat and dusi of the earth below. You travel in one of Imperial Airways magnificent new four-engined air liners,
      130 words
    • 300 32 J^for DEFECTIVE V!S!OH^ V JK Fleas* eonsull .S3JC NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO. V^aVJa&Bk^av H Sh S Sns "'P" r Chemical Diamond watches from $3*.. Genuine lti Collver QaW] By Appointment to H.H. THE SULTAN OF BRUNEI B.H. THE RAJAH or S»R\\v\K Hr 1 :ji r I I ELLISON S. EZEKIEL
      300 words