The Straits Times, 22 January 1939

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 370 Sunday, January 22, 1939 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 370 Sunday, January 22. 1939 Price 10 Cents
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  • 262 1 Arrangements Reported lo Be Nearly Complete SUPPORT FOR HER CURRENCY No Denial From The Government ARRANGEMENTS are nearly complete for the granting of a £3,000,000 sterling loan by the British Government for the purpose of supporting the Chinese currency and stabilising its exchange, according to
    Reuter  -  262 words
  • 52 1 .i::rice Jenks. Bart., who was I ..1 Mayor of London in 1931-33, and his bride. Miss Constance Edith Currie. of Becken ham, Kent. after ihcir wedding at West Wickham Parish Church. The bride first mci Sir Maurke when she nursed his late wife three
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  • 92 1 Berlin. Saturday. rvH Goebbels has signalised his reU i urn to politic* alter hh Christmas Illness wtth a strongly woroed article against the United States, which is the more remarkable as violent attacks against America had died down late:y. The article, which U nubllshed in
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  • 85 1 I From Our Own Correspondent. > London, Saturday. Rub' rr Stcsdy. London 111 164. S 1 164. Jan-Mar. T li ltd. Bd. Xp -Jin. 84. H',d Jult-Sept. 8 1 164. I 3 164. I'l i'Hl Lpf. b!k.. bond., II 164. GOLD i! J, J .d. LIIVEK: Spot 21
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  • 123 1 Kwangtung Ready For New Attack IN anticipation of imminent Japane c attempts to land in the South, particularly at Pakhoi, China's last remaining unoccupied port in the western part of Kwangtung, the Chinese authorities have ordered inhabitants of Pakhoi, Limchow and Yamchow to evacuate for the interior. During the past
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  • 196 1 UH. CHAK7.IE CHIA CHENG GUAN, I m nof Mr. Chia Yee Soh, managing director of Unitrd Motor Works, and Mrs. Chia Y;e Soh, lelt Singapore fey aeroplane yesterday morning, was mar- ried i:\ Pcnar.s a few hours later ar.'i arrived back in Singapore in
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  • 164 1 FRENCH VIEW OF SCHACHTS REMOVAL Paiis, Saturday. 'THE French press sees he departure of Dr. Schacht as a big game in which Germany's financial future Is hazarded for the sake of rearmament. Inflation is expected to be the first result of the change of pilots cf the Reichsbank. Le Petit
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  • 96 1 ENHANCED MILITARY PREPAREDNESS Berlin, Satu lay. AN important new decree by Herr Hitler greatly enhances Germany's .nilitary preparedness. All men after cut.i?ietion of military service will be*ed into defence detachments incorporated in the National Socialist storm troop.. The object Is to ensure that the men preserve their spiritual and
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  • 29 1 Berlin, Saturday. (•APT. WIEDEMANN. whom Hen Hitler has sent on many "mystery" missions in the past, has been appointed Consul-General at San Francisco.
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  • 43 1 1 M. Hunt. Strait* Settlements Film Censor, who sees 2S.CM fett of fllta telly in a small projection roam. In this picture he H seen examining a film for cutting. Turn to the bark pace and see Mm at work.
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  • 343 1 EUROPE ALARMED BY GERMANY'S NEW FINANCIAL POLICY Berlin, Saturday. AN! of the first steps after the replacement of Dr. H. Schacht by Dr. W. Funk as president of the Reichsbank appears to be a move to strengthen Germany's trade and industry. It is understood it is the Government's intention to
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  • 305 1 "They Must Be Exterminated" Tokio, Saturday THE Japanese Premier, Huron Kiichiro Hiranuma, speaking at (he opening of the Diet this morning, said that the situation lh.-.t confronted Japan was graver than ever and .stressed that Ihe Diet would deHberats measures dealing with "the initial stage of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 9 Diamond Eternity Weddinj Rings mr« fashlouabfe. Set ill DUmnndi or with ttlmmtei Gems. P. H. HENDRY Jewellers S PORE K LUMPUR
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    • 60 1 T>R!.\K WMTEAWAYS GREATSALE for the Home SILKENTEX SHEETS.., The sheets are ideal for use in the tropics. Made from finest quality Egyptian yam, they lave a cool, soft texture which is very soothing. Plain hemmed. Spotlessly while. SIZE 70" X 1OO" SALE QC Usually 3.25 each PRICE <fa»*#W SIZE 90"
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  • 186 2 Representations Are Being Considered "DISCUSSIONS AMICABLE" --GENERAL MANAGER (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. IN spite of an attempt by a certain section to stage a strike of 2,000 workers in the F.MJS. Railways Central Workshops at Sentul, the Kuala Lumpur
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  • 93 2 A CHESTED by detectives on Thursday, Tan Ah Kai. 22-year-old Hokkien, appeared before Mr. Conrad Oldham, in the Singapore Second Court yesterday on a charge of attempting to extort $100,000 from Tan Hong, the wife of a wealthy Chinese merchant and landowner, living; in Beach
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  • 151 2 Coronation Ceremonies At Klang rE Governor and High Commissioner. Sir Shenton Thomas, will leave Singapore by the night mail tomorrow for Kuala Lumpur to attend the coronation of the Sultan of Selangor. His Excellency will be accompanied by Lady Thomas, the private secretary. Mr
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  • 119 2 ARMED with knives, a gang of three Chinese is believed to have been concerned in street robberies in Singapore on three successive nights. They have held up rickshas in dimly-lit streets, and at the pcint of their knives, forced one passenger to deliver money and
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  • 141 2 FILM CO. DIRECTOR'S SHARES CASE Richard Wong Acquitted APPEARING before Mr. Conrad Oldham, in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday, on a summons charging him with misappropriating $15,000 worth of shares belonging to Sakuya Ebata, Richard Wong, an English-speaking Chinese, was acquitted. Mr. G. L. Howe, Crown Counsel, stated that
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  • 160 2 Indian Sent To Gaol For; Seven Months JAFFAR Ahmad bin Haji Mohamed a 22-year-old Indian. yesterday pleaded, guilty in the Singapore Dis- j trict Court, to a charge of robbery of $1.20 frcm an ice-seller on Jan. 6 in Connaught Drive. He was convicted and
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  • 110 2 I From Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. ALTHOUGH the F.M.S. Gazette pub- lishes a Bill designed tv rename the "Auxiliary Service" of Volunteers as "The Volunteer Reserve." in order to "avoid posslb'e confusion with the 'Corps of Auxiliaries' which is in the process of
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  • 74 2 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. pHANCES of foreign stowaways en- tering the F.M.S. may become very slendor it a Bill gazetted today becomes law in these States. Masters of ships arriving and sailing I may have to fi'l in more forms giving particulars
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  • 64 2 "FREE LANCE CAR PARK ATTENDANT !|NESCRIBING an 18-year-old under- sized Malay, Amat bin Hassan, as "a free lance car park attendant." <jaga kreta). the Singapore Second Magistrate, Mr. Conrad Oldham, fined the youth $20 for committing mischlrt by being in a motor-car without the driver's permission. Amat was originally charged
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  • 194 2 INSPECTOR ON USE OF CRIMINAL FORCE CHARGE A EUROPEAN Police Inspector, j Francis Goodship, and another man, M. S. Hamid, appeared in the Singapore Third Police Court yesterday in answer to charges preferred against them by a Ceylonese, C. G. Rodrigo. and Rarim Bee. his wife. Goodship was charged with
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  • 65 2 NRAMIAH. aged 25. and describing himself as a canvasser, appeared before Mr. K. V Blacker in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday on a charge of voluntarily causing grievous hurt to Yoe he by means of a stick in Buffalo Rnad on Friday night. After the charge was
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  • 296 2 LJOLDING that he was carrying a most effective weapon of offence at the time of his arrest, the Chief Justice, S.S., Sir Percy McElwaine, dismissed the appeal of a young Chinese, Chan Ah Kau, in the Singapore High Court yesterday. Ah Kau, who
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  • 29 2 King Farouk of Egypt, wearing a plus four and cap. photographed when he attended a duck shoot recently in the marshes at Mansourieh.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 48 2 I 1:i loving memory of the late Mr. F. S. J I r;ajaratnam o f Allen and Git dhUl i I who dled on 22nd y/t^W of January 1938. Eternal rest, Grant unto htm Oh Lord Let perpetual light shine upon him May he rest in peace. Amen.
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    • 37 2 IMPROVE YOUR SUNDAY CURRY WITH THE ADDITION OF /fl||K^ ...DAWSEN'S (w3flHf MANGOE c 11/ r r t J O It L L 1 CHUTNEY PHONE: 537S (5 Lines). Adit, c/ Singapore Cold Slcracc Co.. Lti. WPS. 105
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 7 2 .-.c^- s? 1 1 <& s^ |g^\ *~^»afe
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    • 760 2 IN SINGAPO RE TODAY CINEMA China and Shanghai (Suisang) 2 pm. Today Hong Kong (Suisang) ..2 p.m. ALIIAMBRA: Japan (Sui-ang> S p.m. Marry The Girl* with Hugh Herbert. Philippine Islands (Rhcirland) 7 p.m. Mary Boland, etc. H a.m., 3.15. 6 15 and Tuesday CAPITOL-" 1 Indo-China (K.N.I L M) ..1130am.
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  • 954 3 Dutch Dictionary Maker's Caustic Comment On The English (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. THE Malacca Historical Society has at last received permis--1 sion from Government to make use of the old Court House room in the Stadt House as a museum and archives
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  • 259 3 Women Of India Are Regaining Their High Position ALTHOUGH history told us that women in India occupied a very high position in th« ancient days, they had only started regaining that position within the last two or three decades after a long period of iltmltaH— said Miss Flora Knu-ht. the
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  • 189 3 ■i Our Cv/n Correspondent.' J tun Bahru. Se.'urday. AS b'Cju."l to an accident en Nov. 1 at th r«ar of the Istana Gardens wlion Malacca mail car ran efT the r'-.ui ciurin? heavy ruin „nd shot Into the Joli'-re Straits. Wong Thlen Soong. i
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  • 64 3 *pilE Muslim poetess. Nawab Sardar B>";uin Akhtar. of Hyderabad, at a mass meeting held at the Jalan Besar Stadium last r.ight. urged Muslims to establish a Musarfarkhana (Rest House' lor Indian travellers "vho arnv in Singapore from India before loavln? for other parts of the country to se°k employment.
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  • 27 3 (Tnm Cur Own Correspondent.! Malacca. Saturday. M.i va Poppy Day 1938 collection 1 5J.444 which is about $80 in the pr.-vious year.
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 3 I'.Y I: n Trlansle Pionee rs he'd their y;arlv VVSatag r.-!ly at tit V.V.T.A. ho:,:?!, To.t Cannlnj. v^trrday II :rp is a ph.!o;r.ipl. Pioerr* wlij were present.
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  • 94 3 Mrs. Kay Petrie Hurt Lyons, Saturday. RAKS. KAY PETRIE was injured and her companion. Major R. C Empson, another well-known British motorist, was killed when their car wai in collision with a motor lorry at Amberleu, near Villefranchc. They were following competitors in the Monte
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 66 3 TokJo Saturday. 'rHE French Government is reported 1 to have ssk^d the Foreign Office through the French Emb:ii>sy here to ban the scrconirg of a German film "Verwht Spuren," produced by the German Tobis Company. The French request was made en the ground that
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  • 56 3 Mexico Cl.y. /^•IRL Siamese twins, believed to be the first in Mexico, have been born to H'f wife of a former Mexican s>ldier at OmcujA'c. The mother has 12 other children, and her husband. Inetadbtg ch;ldier. I by ot'.ier marriages, nas nad 60 ebO-
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  • 78 3, Saturday. THE reconstruction of the Belg'j'i Cabinet has been carried out. The Cabinet is sail led by M. Paul Spaak (Socialist* who. however, has relln- Quishcd his post as Foreign Minister which he had held with the premiership, to M. Paul Emile Janson (Liberal), a
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 58 3 PRIVATES Jack Brierley and William Barry, aged 19 and 21, respectively, appeared before Mr. L B. Gibson, in t. Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday on a charge of robbery or a taxi belonging to a Chinese. Tha case was postponed until Jan. 25. Accus.d claimed
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  • 61 3 ICW ENO LEONG, a middle-aged HokLien, appeared before Mr. K. A. Blacker in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday, on a charge of criminal breach of trust In respect cf a camera, the property cf Hce Kuan, of Nankin Street. Low claimed tiial. The
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  • 40 3 ADM. SUETSUGU. AS CABINET COUNSELLOR Tokio. Saturday. 'THREE Cabinet Counsellors have been appointed by the Government. They are Admiral Nobumasa Suetsugu. former Home Minister. Mr. Selhln Ikeda. former Finance Minister, and Mr. Toshio Shlmada. leader ol the Se'yukal.— Eastern News.
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  • 44 3 HI threw th 3 knife en the table and It struck him,' said a Chines?. Chee Ah Kow. In the Singapore Criminal District Court yesterday, on beinj charged with voluntarily causing liuri to a compatriot. Wong Chye. The cas? was p33tpcnsd until Feh. 2
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  • 63 3 M. Davis, aged 25, of the Gcrdcns 1 Barracks, appeared before Mr. K. A. Blacker In the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday on a charge cf houscbreaking. and theft of two bottles nf whiskey frcm the Solar Cafe. The cas3 was postpon:d to
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  • 185 3 Singapore Wedding BUGGE- GARCIA INSTEAD of the customary Dncui bouquet, a muff of flowers, pinKtipped white carnations edged with blue hydrangeas, was carried Dy Miss Margaret (Peggy) Doris Garcia, daughter of Mr. ?.nd Mrs. W. J. Garcia, of Singapore, tor net wedding, at noon at St. Andrew's yesterday, to Mr.
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  • 43 3 IN continuation of the voyage from Hong Kong to New York, the Ningpo junk Pang Jin. with Its crew of four Europeans, will sail from Singapore today. The junk had minor repairs done in Singapore, following its battering in heavy monsoons.
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  • 101 3 Home. Saturday. QIGNOIt (iayda, writing in (iinri nale d'ltalia, reveals that Italy and Germany are competing for the Yugoslav market. Commenting on Italy's trade relations* v/ith Yugoslavia, Signor iGayda writes, "Italy finds that lv>r first competitor is Germany, and that other countries count less.
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  • 96 3 ajjiDNiGHT cinema mat n IT gaining in popularity In ;oore. A. J. Craoin'j m Citadel." cuocrb!y trr.ns. r crred screen by II«.tro-Go dwjn-Mayer in a film made in Ensland. its iiryt Singapore showing at the 1" Theatre at midnight last night Another midnight matinee
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  • 92 3 BUTTER STOLEN AT GILLMAN MESS "I THOUGHT they did not want the butter My Intention w.s to tak.f lltto my friends In the riUace. I was en my way with tic bu'tr when I was stopped by th e o/Bcer." Thus declarv-d Lea Slang Lock. a 35-year-old Hainan-^se boy. -rho
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  • 69 3 I IM KIM LOI. alias Lim Liang En*. a 15-year-old Kair.ancs? girl, yesterday appeared before Mr. K. A. Blacker in the Singapore FourUi Police Court on a charge of cheating. Lim was alleged to have cheated Lim Ong Teng of $150 cash and Jewellery valued at
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  • 13 3 M. Knud Oldendow. aged 44, ha* been appointed Governor of Greenland.
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  • 388 3 Eurgos, Saturday. "THE Calulnnian offensive has reached a culminating point, said Gen. Franco at a meeting of his council, according to a communique. The Generalissimo gave his Government a detailed account of the advance so far and emphasised that these magnificent victories on Catalan
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  • 122 3 Paris, Batiu AS Gen. Franco advances on B lona increasing anxiety is exhibited in the French press. Wri'ii. L'Epoque M. Keiillis says, "P. !who calmly face the present d. ments and events in the Spani-sli theatre leave us stupefied. I regard a Franc j victory
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 131 4 The CRAZY GANG IN THEIR FUNNIEST LAUGH HIT! OPENS TODAY AT 11 A.M., 3.15, 6.15 9.15 P.M. ALHAMBRA WARNER PROS. COMEDY WOW! f 7 10X1 f^\ jilL iSsS^ /4 m k You'll v«» cuckoo l&iyy>^P v^JJ M PVPr cuannv... L \^A WJ» R *§*P* N r ever wSW/ >*C e
      131 words
    • 281 4 —7 "Good cowdy" Ra^stt6 i ssass?s£ 6ood co ed STnAtTS TiMtS of -Three Lo»es Ba« Nancy- TRIBINE STRAIT 3 TJMES; PAVILION 3.15 6.15 9.15 TODAY JANET GAYNOR rJE?PB^ ROBERT M. SOMERY FRANCHOT TONE OK^ IN THE M.-G.-M COMtUV HIT "^JLS "THREE LOVES .L-fJ^Hp^' HAS NANCY" LATEST PARAMOI XT NE.VSREEL **«S
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    • 179 4 THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS PICTURE THRILLS SINGAPORE AGAIN! 4 SHOWS TODAY CAPITOL 11 A. M. 3.15 -6.15 9.15 BRAND NEW PRINT. as now being presented again in the world's greatest cities! +xfl& ><:: =-^!H c p rehistoric t c^^ ape descends on ifr& VJV &%^I)^JhI our modern world! +fi* jt'
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  • 1 5
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  • 370 5 Most Popular Film Stars Are l By— 1 Sunday Times Film Correspondent Britain George Formby America. Shirley Temple THE most popular film stai in the world is Shirley Temple. This is the result of the annual canvass of the 20,000 cinemas of Britain and the United States, conducted by the
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  • 177 5 DOOKING acts for floor shows at Singapore hotels and cabaret* is a difficult problem with which local entertainment managers are continually faced. So few acts are tempted to tour this part of the world that sometimes it Is months between the time one departs and '.he next
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  • 344 5 Pepys Said "Sweetest Of All Stringed Instruments" VIOLA player for 17 years In the famous Boston Symphony Orchestra, a German-born American musician Paul Shirley, who intends to give recitals on his viola d'Amore in Singapore on his return from Java, passed through last
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  • 93 5 Circus Artists Wanted U7 ANTED, circus artists," stated an advertisement in the Straits Times last week. It was not Inserted by Isako's Circus, which is at present enjoying a good season in Singapore, they have sufficient performers. It came from Bombay from the manager of a well-known circus which tours
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  • 114 5 French Stars Are Here •pHREE stars of the French stage will present a cabaret act at the Adelphl Hotel on Feb. 2. They are Lydie Viiiars, Paul Armand and Al Kremer. Their performance will be for one night only after a special dinner. Mile. Villars comes from the Comedie des
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 BRIDGE PLAYERS! IMPROVE YOUR GAME by the Latest Novelty device... ELY CULBERTSON'S "AUTOBRIDGE PLAYING BOARD" Texlolite Stream-lived Model The Cleverest and Mobt Reliable Teacher of the game ever conceived. CALL IN FOrt A DEMONSTRATION "NAOMI" I°> Battery Road. Room 1-B. 2nd Floor Phone 7555.
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    • 227 5 Genuine Malayan Pewter MALAYA'S MOST ARTISTIC PRODUCT Each one of the 200 designs is useful attractive. Just the ideal things for wedding gifts whether for here or at home. DUTY— FREE into GT. BRITAIN MAYNARD&Co. f LTD.. Singapore. Also From Malayan Pewter Co. Kuala Lumpur. The Dispensary (1929) Ltd. I
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  • 1238 6 Politics Still Exerting Depressing Influence I*HE political situation, particularly In Europe, has continued to exert a depressing Influence on world markets during the past week. Developments In Germany, where Dr. Schacht has been "dismissed" from the position of president of the Reichsbank, have not contributed to
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  • 64 6 Singapore. Jan. 20, noon. Buyers Sellers Gambler $7.50 Hamburg Cube $13.50 Java Cube $12.00 Pepper White Muntok $13.00 White $12.50 Black 9.25 Copra Mixed $2.95 Sun Dried $3.25 Sago Flour No. 1 Llngga $2 35 Fair $2.27V 2 Sarawak $2.22 l 2 Jelotong Palembang $7.50 Banja $8.00
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  • 62 6 fVESCRIBED by the chairman, Mr. H. v C. Atkln-Berry. as being In a sound financial position, Glenealy Plantations, Ltd., passed payment of a dividend of five per cent, absorbing $30,000, at the annual general meeting in Singapore yesterday. The profit carried forward to next year is $76,333 33. Mr.
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  • 79 6 Saturday, Jan. 21. Noon. No. IX R.S.S. (Spot loose) 27M 27*» No. IX R.B.S. f.o.b. In cases January M% 2V» G.FJLQ. R.S.B. f.o.b. In bales January 27% 274 F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. In bales January 2G9/1S 26 1 1 1 FUTURE QUOTATIONS No. IX R.S.S. on
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  • 1285 6 Fraser And Co. 's List Tambalak ($1) .32 .31 Tapah ($1) 1.6S 11% T. Anson ($1) 1. 11 1 .2S Temcrloli ((1) .33 .39 Trafalgar (12) .75 M Ulu Benut i5O cts.) .27 .31 Ulu Pandan ($1) 1.40 1.5$ United Malacca 1.45 I.M Utin Simpan
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  • 95 6 List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Co. SATURDAY. JAN. 21, 1939: 1 P.M. Company Dividend TIN K. Kamunting 3d. Pungah 9d. diT. 9d. bonus Petaling. 9% final Takuapa M. Boons Close Jan. 27 Jan. 20 Jan. 24 Jan 25 Djir Feb. 3 Jan. 27 Feb. Jan. 31 tix.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 282 6 :^SS^ tlflP^ T^HE difference in smooth- I ,^^>\ 1 ness amazed me. Quite l.a.^AHl frankly I was a bit sceptical r%%%\W^^ when Marian suggested I I Wl^^ switched to Craven 'A' cork- I bpped. But I've got to^^Lpi^^ admit she was right -""-"rlffv*^Craven 'A are really fl aj Hi^^i» remarkably
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  • 251 7 REPLY TO PARENTS' COMPLAINT OF HIGH COSTS '*THE Education Department does its utmost to keep the cost of schoolbooks as low as possible," Mr. M. R. Holgate, acting Inspector of Schools, told The Sunday Times, discussing statements by parents
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  • 177 7 Sultan Of Selangor's Coronation 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. Saturday. AS a result or the approaches coronation of the Sultan of Selansor. all available accommodation in i il hotels, public lodging houses, and the rest house have been fully booked ii advanet ut enhanced rates,
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  • 138 7 STRAITS TIMES TO ISSUE SUPPLEMENT THt Straits Times will publish next Wednesday an eightpage supplement to comn.emorate the Coronation of the Sultan of Selangor at Klanr on Thursday. A full description of the Malay ceremonial at the lustraMon and coronation, together with other articles of interest at this time, will
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  • 48 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.! Batu Pahat. Dr. Karim bin Nawa Din, assistant dental surgeon, Batu Pahat, who has Just returned from leave is going on transfer to Pontian Kechil to take charge of the new clinic there. Dr. Teo Lum Chal. from Muar, takes his place.
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  • 61 7 /"VWING to lack of support, the maas wedding which was to have taken place at the Great Wo.-J-i today has been cancelled. It was t~?.» third mass; arranged in Singapore, the flrot two having proved extremely succesoiui. Couples paid $10 each to the Great World management
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  • 97 7 From Our Own Correspondent.! Port owettenham. At a cost of $5,600 the Dural Akhyer Club, Port Swettenham, one of the leading Malay clubs in the Selangor coast district, is erecting new premises opposite the town office of Mr. A. Van Tooren. The grant of the land
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  • 52 7 The Police Band wil play on Tuesday at Telok Ayer at 600 p.m. March. The Uhlan's Call (R. EUenberg); overture, Martha (Flotow); Selection. Patience (Arthur Sullivan); Valsu, Beautiful Spring (Paul Llncke); Air De Ballet and Palacca (L. Von Beethoven); Intermezzo, Cavalleria Rusticar.a (Mascagnii; March. Great Little Army <
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  • Article, Illustration
    89 7 pOUNT Alain de Solages. a 30-year- old French sportsman, who after bagging more than 2.500 brace of grouse in a month's shooting in Scotland, passed through Singapore last week with an armoury of big game guns for a hunting expedition in Indo-China. "But for the fact that my
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  • 234 7 THE problem of buying new hooks for their children is solved for parents by St. Andrew's School probably the only school in Malaya which dispenses with the necessity of students buying their own books. For a dollar a month, the school supplies the student with every
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  • 153 7 BUILDINGS FOR PORT SWETTENHAM (From Our Own Correspondent.) Port Swettenham. MODERN buildings are gradually springing up at Port Swettenham. The best designed building, which will be completed In less than two I months, is the one for the Customs land Excise department. It will be single storeyed and will accommodate
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  • 43 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Saturday. The Regal Theatre at Klang is now confined to the screening of British and American pictures, and the Empire Tulkies to the screening of Indian and Chinese pictures. The Regal Theatre has been completely renovated.
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  • 118 7 IUO 36 (TORPEDO BOMBER) I SQUADRON, accompanied by the Air Officer Commanding. Royal Air Force. Far East. Air Vice Marshal J T. Ba'ci:vucu. rraciied Rangoon oni Friday after a flight from Seletar. On Monday the planes will fly to Akyab. returning to Rangoon on Wednesday,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 239 7 j> ,i^NDl6£STlo!lV^fl>f sj^ MEM A^O^^jp^/| WOMBt need ~s^%iS need YEAST VITEJ VITE How do you feel? Rtully Wy^fS\-^Jr/ I Take two Taaat-Vtta Tab well or only half well ?Do WL "iicS^vl leU now and i ust how you get thumping Head- X? ['SOUUDI >o teeJ on ]r ew aches or
      239 words
    • 926 7 STAMPS rT^S*, S IWt asalßßl M tlx patuHt :m ••"< i«" "<»■»«■ aUasatsW-*' "*^^aiia^BHJ I( P'tWt HCIfl (lat*vi wwH i iiilgwr nccki Uk. NOW A tM t.rr* tO compklC 1 I before prrt«t i|*in rite. Ut ut f B tag. |A«1 we w>U ma kt yoo l I *~J^ f*ax*ll
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    • 253 7 HOTELS 1 LONDON CALLS INSISTENTLY yfeT^^^ and enjoy at either HOTEL RUBENS fiS& Buckingham Palace Road facing Buckingham Palace or HOTEL J*& REMBRANDT jffcF J^P South Kenslnß'on. S.W. v 'Us^b^ facing the Victoria and Albert Museum Ever? attention In pleasing surrounding PERFECT QL'IETUDE THESE COMFORTABLE HOTELS WITH ACKNOWLEDGED RENOWNED CATERING
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 446 8 JSBL ECONOMY TIN J SSmm n a^^^^k J J i ANDREWS now uffer you ifarir world j famous Liver Salt in tins. m These New Economy Tins contain as much as the bottl' s, but trill cost you |3 L '^L less, because they are cheaper to make, K M
      446 words
    • 44 8 REFRESH YOURSELF WITH ORANGE-ADE Yllis smooth, palate appealing non carbonated drink is madr from fresh orange juio pure cane sugar. x i-.i can obtain ;ir.«l enjoy GREEN-SPOT in all the leading Hotels and Cafes. Home delivery >."'i iilso be arranged Im*-. CECIUCQ PHONE 2620
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 575 8 Today's Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE ZIIL tti metres. ZHP JO 96 metres. a.m. 11.00 Military band music. 11.10 Lieht orchestral concert by Heller's Hungarian band. Relay from the Sea View Hotel p.m. 12.10 Pianoforte solos by Eileen Joyce, t 12.20 LUiht orchestral concert (contd.). 1.00 Miscellaneous light music, t 1.30 Interval.
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    • 380 8 EMPIRE STATION TRANSMISSION 4. GSD 11.75 Me 1 (25.53 m.). a.m. 12.40 "London Log."* 12.50 Sea Shanties.* 1.20 Bi-» Ben. New*, Saturday sport, «nd announcements. 6.20 Close down. TRANSMISSION 5 GSC 9 58 mr/i (31.J? m.1. «i«U Ml ate/* (31 5S m.) GSL 4.11 LC/l (l> 1« DO a.m. 6.40
      380 words
    • 340 8 NIROM TDA 6 01 me i (49.6 m.1. YDB Mi me s ISIJt m YDB 11.86 me s (25.3 m r>I.\ 10.26 mo i Ml m.). a.m. 7.20 Ufl 9.^5 Church ic: 9.05 Recorded music. M.M Ok .Mahler's seccn 11.40 AtialLcrt Luttrr. 11.50 Avalon Boys. p.m. 12.20 Ndtri band. Sourabaya.
      340 words

  • 1139 9  - Behind The News Crux Australis By IT is typical of some aspects of Singapore life that it has taken the presence in this city of a talented political refugee to arouse any clair.)ur for the appointment of a municipal organist. Wh Out the clamour is shortr whethi r citizens' associations
    1,139 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 331 9 Asthma Agony Curbed in 10 Minutes Fince th<> t an und enables >ou to aleep. but also build.-. AmM-tr.ui phyMrlan It ij no l^nctr jrfn- up tho nynt.-m to ward off future attacks !?h V .,^*^'SS--i U h r f xTV hok mr< Kor lnstan Mr J writes: "I was
      331 words
    • 294 9 TRUCKS "VANS Kgf DESIGN Semi-forward control allows for larger body space and better handling. Jr f POWER The famous 6-cylinder ifjfjmtiwi^r\L rs^ Engine designed for "slow-revving" itfr f fM Vii ant re<^ uce^ running costs. J/l' WEIGHT DISTRIBUTION means r '< "j *l easier operation, and less work m m
      294 words

  • 190 10 WORKING HARD AT 71 After 40 Years Of Perfect Health There is no need to be a back number" at three-score-and-ten. since she was 31. this 71-year-old woman has taken Kruschen Salts. During those 40 years, she has been In perfect health. She still is. I feel I must write
    190 words
  • 39 10 Mr. Fletcher Cooke has resumed duty as Assistant District Officer and Collector of Land Revenue, Klang, In place of Che Magat Yunus bin Megat Yusop, who has been appointed to act as a magistrate in Klang.
    39 words
  • 36 10 Dr. S. H. Swift, Medical Officer Coast Klang, has left for England on leave." Dr. O. J. Boyd, Health Officer, Coast, Klang, is acting for Dr. Swift In addition to his own duties.
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  • 303 10 Joining As Fast As Possible To Train Them Laburnum Converted Now To Depot Ship ILIA LAYS are joining th? Singapore division of the Straits Settlements Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve as fast as it is possible to train thrm. Those seeking enrolment are Malays of the
    303 words
  • 101 10 I 'SED by the late Sultan of Sclangor, after she was built at Hong Kong in 1899 /or the F.M. S. Goverr.ment, the 196-ton steam yacht Mjran, sold in 1907, now plies regularly in local waters as a coastal vessel. Once she carried Malay sultans,
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  • 30 10 Mr. S. M. Maruthu, director and manager of the Klang branch of OrienUl Bank of Malaya, Ltd.. has resigned and now carries on business as a banker on his own.
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  • 215 10 "Army Is Best Life In This Crazy World" A M JTCllTtwJ Hritish Army Cofonel. who join<d tin fifilh Foot, now Ihc Koval Berkshire Reyiment. in 1n7<>, :>»kI spent '.i* years in the Indian Army. MiMCd hinwll li> thai tin>r to Si'.h paBeweii, Tanil cm I in
    215 words
  • 97 10 Finn Our Ov..i Corn Klang The following arc oH'ice bean I 1939 of the Khrn^ Chien H I Hailam society): President Mi Joo Dong; vice-pivsideni. Mr Teck Hec: lion, secretary. Mr Tan Jir Mow: 'lion, treasurer. Mr. Lcong Tow Kim; committee. Messrs. Wong 'Thong. Ong Chew Eng. Yam
    97 words
  • 223 10 False Certificates For Vaccination And Cholera Injections A NEW racket has been ex- posed in Shanghai and Honii Kong the issue of false CtltiflcatM for smallpox vaccination or cholera injections by unscrupulous medical practitioners. Although inquiries oy The Sunday Times reveal no evidence of tbe prevalence of
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  • 98 10 "From Oiu Own Correspondent > Batu Pahat. Batu Pahat Chinese Chamber of Commerce office bearer*: President, Teo Lay Seng, vice-president. Lim Ew, Leong: hon. secretary. Tan Chee Hop; hon. treasurer. Lee Boon Lip: auditors. Ang Teow Kang and Tan Tiong Hua: correspondent. Yap Leong
    98 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 124 10 v-k V* s t -7;^ <^^ /jM- I 111 HgS lEflß* f r^"- L" *v 3 Mgjk* D^H 1^ i^^gS^T*" +f',^K% *"^jA"sw? '^^^fi^"j33gl^ic^^*ig^giiiß6?^^^^T^^s^^Ss^- w "***'sxß^fc jSc *^*4ft> i >^*- mm 'HI W^gWlggß THE JAGUAR" IS NOW AVAILABLE IN 3i LITRE, 21 LITRE JIK)KNYCRQr| U UTRE MODELS. WITH ENHANCED APPEARANCE, STILL
      124 words
    • 91 10 ifiM ATHLETE'S FOOT Al known as "Hongkong Foot" or "Foot wW V^^/JilH ltch is conta 9* ous> Caused by tiny germs PI FJ A "'/^M that lurk in damp places, they get under the Ajjj m^« V \-~j2 Ri et itch> burn or cra<ks a pp<*' gfWj \\~Z/A 1^ tween
      91 words

  • Books Of The Week
    • 432 11 Policies Of Hitler And Mussolini A New Alliance by Emil LudwURobert Hale Ltd. 3s. 6d. nett. IN this book one is griven an extremely interesting study in the boat historical tradition of the personalities of Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini and of the measures Herr Ludwtf reckons advisable to take
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    • 242 11 TALE OF A DRUG ADDICT Shot Full. The Autobiography of a Drug Addict By Francis Chester. Methuen. 10s. 6d. ACCORDING to his own description. Mr. Francis Chester was a young man with a weak will, his only strength lying in a fixed determination to do no honest work. As he
      242 words
    • 158 11 This Hungry Heart. By Diane Ridley Ward Lock's Colonial Library. HERE we have a good little kindergarten teacher with a younger sister I who. besides being a /cry modern young woman, is extremely l«eautiful. Not only has the latter heaps of admirers, but she is jealous of
      158 words
    • 204 11 SECRET SERVICE STORY The Enemy Within. Bj Ru Vickers. Jenkins 7s. 6d. TPHIS is a secret service story, which deals with a foreign dictator, who has r tablished creches of arms and explosives In England In the vicinity of the major aerodromes and armament factories, with the idea that small
      204 words
    • 275 11 MURDER AND MYSTERY The City of Cobras. By James Francis Dwyer. The Gobblecock Mystery. By Lois A. Leigh. As the Twig Is Bent. By Frances Mocatta. The Body in the Bungalow. By James Corbett. Wallace at Bay. By Alexander Wilson. All from Jenkins' Colonial Library. THE latest collection of "blood"
      275 words
    • 470 11 MIDDLE CLASS SOCIETY IN SOUTH INDIA The Dark Room. By R. K. Narayan. Macmillan and Co., Ltd. (Overseas Library). 6s. jyiß. R. K. NARAYAN is one of the promising English prose writers in India today. In his narratives one never misses the racial characteristics of a society or people which
      470 words
    • 68 11 "Niki Takes A Holiday." By Rene Worley and Roberts Johnson. Michael Joseph Ltd. •T*HIS is the story of a circus horse who runs away to the country for a short spell of pleasure with the farmhorses. It is well told and admirably illustrated for
      68 words
    • 301 11 These Names Made Words— 33 fiVERY day we use words which commemorate the fame of some man or woman or place that would otherwise be forgotten. Few people know how these names came to be common words, and in this special Sunday Times series of short articles the story of
      301 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 249 11 V -S^l W^Tj Si SSS&i a*. W\ A. jBJHPE*. Bk WAW fag t fj V O •"BBi BSSSsAm AsfI j\ mif Q V aB^B^A SsvMl revealed Stomach Ulcers But thh sufferer 7- •scoped operation h^u c «"e Almost v diflicult to bear v the tattd arfLjT*"* *°nuch! b^-iS* Via iaelf
      249 words
    • 900 11 mfMl W SH IV Am. \d bsssssssssssssssssssssssssslH J M flfl a H 1 K A a»4«ssssWairs»ssr IB BtßMa^ai assm v m /£r^ ragged coat, loss of appetite, eczema, V.^. A kmtifC swellings between the toes. T^M Bob Martin's Condition Powders are easy to give because they are tasteless. unnatural foods
      900 words

  • 432 12 LJI-KK. j.-uupfd according to 11 month of birth (irrcspet tire of year) is a statement of probabilities to be expected this veek JANUARY (Dec. 23- Jan. 2s)— Make it snappy— you'll have plenty to do! Good news, a good turn from a neighbour or relative, maybe
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  • 2045 12  -  R. H. Naylor By TFHIS week's good days for: BUYING: Tuesday. Wednesday. SELLING: Tomorrow, Friday, Saturday. ENTERTAINING: Wednesday, Friday. SPORT: Wednesday, Thursday. T*HOSE born late in February, in March and April, arc the people who will have the best of the week's good things and escape
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 238 12 |||JJilßte^|B OUR j -^p\ POT TTY 1 1 I /■Xv^ V PROVIDES A GUARANTEED INCOME jH 'Vq^X f FOR 20 YEARS CERTAIN. PAYABLE j rf^ I \\vrV\ V^V t0 you at the rnalurlty oi y° ur ;J^ 1/ ™JI I il W ,'y r\ policy and continued for 20 years,
      238 words

  • 1166 13  -  The Onlooker By— —Read of Mr. J. E. Jeans Mr. Edwin Tongue Mr. A. M. Dellaert THERE are two interesting sidelights in connection with the appointment of Mr. J. E. Jeans as Chief Air Raid Warden, Singapore. Firstly, it brings him into association again with Mr. Edwin
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 534 14 "Long Live The Sultan WITH traditional Malay ritual tinged with a little Western pomp. His Highness Sultan Hisamuddin Sir Alam Shah of S» largor will be crowned on Thursday. Thus final approval to Ills selection by his people to be their leader and head of the Islamic faith In
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  • 1169 14 Sultan Of Selangor To Be Crowned This Week Splendour Of Ancient Malay Ceremonial AN Thursday, Sultan Hisamuddin Sir Alam Shah, of Selangor, third son of the late Sultan Suleiman, will be crowned ruler of a state of half a million people. The coronation will take place at the Astana Mahkota,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 326 14 Tel Qlrtim^ TEL 4310 4310 MANUFACTURING DISPENSING OPTICIANS THE OPTICAL HOUSE •5. STMfFORD ROAD. SINGAPORE. ji TRY OOM TAU.OBIMO We only nolicit your trial order. MIEN CHONG Swnei mo*t up-to-date TaOor. 34. Colenin St. PhtM 4816. A SURE LIVING WITH BIG PROFITS is siaranteed by sellinc HOSIERY. DRAPERY. UNDERWEAR. and
      326 words
    • 140 14 Tiie NEW WORLD CABARET TODAY TIFFIN DANCE 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. Admit* ion I re«. TONIGHT 9.30 TO MIDNIGHT Admittion 50 cU. PIANO TUNING -REPAIRS REMOVALSHIRE E. CHARLES. Phone 2902. 212, Orchard Rd. Wfe2* Unbreakable ~g^ Wa her proof l^^^s. Wrist-Walch 10 yean lUfi^^H3|i| M«n'» Streamline" \£&i&WM Servic* Model \*^fi
      140 words
    • 150 14 m best to build up Health and is the answer The soothing, tonic and restor- the East, where it is largely used, ative qualities of Angier's Emulsion not only for building up after make it invaluable for healing the fevers, but also for lung troubles, diseased tissues and building up
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 443 15 Trials To Be Held When Wardens Are Trained HOUSE TO HOUSE DISTRIBUTION OF PAMPHLETS Exhibition To Be Held In An Amusement Park A.R.P. schemes for Singapore, Penang and Malacca are ready to be put into action. Very soon, with the training of severa 1 hundred
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  • 126 15 NEW YORK TRAFFIC LIGHTS CHANGE New York. %MPH \ii,. Clty'l tr.::;ic hgh-s. w.iich li^ve hitherto cca-itd to i ate betweep the ho-.;r.j of tr.reei and Kfflen a.m. vili in ;rture A'url: for th? full 24 hIMKS. The order fcllov.s a ciics of eaily ircmins :.ceident\ culminating in a particularly serious
    126 words
  • Article, Illustration
    28 15 pUNCESS >laria if Savoy. 24-year-oW daughter of tin Xi 1 01* Italy, who marrhs Pfteec l.iuis d<* Bourbon-Parma in the royr! palace cf the Qiiirinal la Rome today.
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  • 18 15 Florence one of the arllest film was fjund dead In :er home at Hollywocni.
    18 words
  • 83 15 GENERAL PRAISES GALLANT CORPORAL LIEUT -GE.NFRAL G. C. WILLIAMS. Commandlng-ln-Chief the Eastern j Command, announces In Army Orders at Chatham <Kent> his appreciation of \cn act of gallantry by Corporal R. iSims. Training Battalion Royal Engineers. Chatham, in diving into sixty feet c! water to rescue a drown.n;j boy. Thi
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  • 50 15 Rome. §lx newly ordained English priests were received and blessed by the Pope, who said: "England is very dear to us and Is continually In our Pastoral thoughts. We send it and all Its people my greetings at this time, and my blessing."
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  • 125 15 MAVAL officers and others who wish to acquire them as souvenirs are notified in current Fleet Orders that 25 inscribed ships' bells are for sale. They arc made of bronze, and are rung for firs and collision stations, when the ship Is at anchor in a fog and
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  • 46 15 Padua. The civic tower of Padua, which is 942 years old, is to be cut down to half its height. Some time ago it began to lean, like the Tower of Pisa, and it Is now nearly Bft. out of perpendicular.
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  • 72 15 Folk dancers from many European countries assembed in London at the beginning of the month for the annual international folk dancing festival, which was held at the Albert Kail. In the top picture are two Lithuanian dancers In the costume In which they do the "Hat
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  • 24 15 The Railway Engineer Troops of the German Army, which were dissolved as a result of the Treaty of Versaill2s, have been relntroducea.
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  • 21 15 A 35-year-old Austrian pricct. Albert Schoenhart. has been sentenced to six months' imprisonment at Vienna for abusing the Fuehrer.
    21 words
  • 169 15 "Mein Kampf" In Full New J A LEGAL battle over Hcrr n Hitler's "Mein Rainpf— "My Struggle"— is expertt-d te follow the publication litre in February of an ■■nif ml(< edition which has m authorised by !]><■ author. The American publish!] Slackpole and Sons, has
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  • 117 15 I^HEN Mr. Robert Holla: chairman of the Southern Railway, went down to bn his home at Bryanston Square, one morning he found this telegram ."We hope all your pipes are but Frozen season ticket-holders of the London Stock Exchange." Feelingly, Mr. Holland-Martin dispatched a reply: "To the frozen
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 167 15 3&^___km s j^^~^ \)r E___vHr^ 1 s« v^ j&f^ TV TAVBE you find \oursclf failing j\ JLVX to up to things as you Wff £f would like t0 perhaps as i»W \^i_k 'fe once you did. It is not an ut.ommon L9Hb_J^^Bßgfrj~ M experience. Your nerves are starved. t .^s^
      167 words
    • 68 15 a A 0 —^*l O aW aßraU^^^ mix N i .^^L^^Jtf I JB^L^^^P Jiff yS^ Jbl and more Babies on V WB>-* OW atC an(^ more f wPj_2_» and more Smiles! Jolly W^\^^^ W*^-^ J*> 1/ twinkling smiles of to^&li^A Health and Happiness \W? w^Zr jj fat happy chuckles of
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  • 446 16 By THE FOUR ACES \lf HEN we first started to play Bridge (longer ago than we care to reckon), we found out very quickly that one of the best bids in the game was the business double. We observed that the majority of players made very unsound overcalls
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  • 1889 16  -  Nathaniel Gubbins A PPY New Year," said The Sweep. "The same to you," I said. 'More work for the little old typewriter," said The Sweep. "More work for the little old brush," I said. "It seems a funny thing to wish a man a appy New
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  • 394 16 New York. OWINGING Into the New Year, why not pause for a moment to total up your picture-score, before you dive Into the fun of 1939 picture-taking Take your recent prints, figure out your batting average, determine your most frequent mistakes and you will be better able
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 716 16 MIRACULOUS SPRING WATER THAT ENDS ACHES PAINS Mystery Remedy In many ot the loveliest parts ot tbe earth, often hidden among the hills, there gush to the surface miraculous spring*. laden with curative mineral salts which are Nature's gift to tufirhng humanity. These medicinal salts are the natural cure for
      716 words
    • 187 16 00§krA WEEK AGO man $f NOW THRIVINC ON THE vL WINE OF LIFE /A^M^fgKt \3 A the >tTcn ß t > anJ hijht k"** r fluffs' mS W^LJ S onc out k' m> d aerte d by his Hf/''^fl wtlm confidence, he was left prey to gloomy /fIV/ r^H
      187 words

  • 130 17 DRIAN GROVER tells his own story below, in his own words. The world has thrilled to the romance of this 37-year-old London engineer who, separated for five years from his 34-year-old wife Ileana, threw up his employment,
    130 words
  • 852 17 1 OI'LD not Sive any longer wilhout my wife. I decided 1o fly to the U.S.S.R. to ask the authorities to let us live together in London or Moscow. The night Itself seems to have I d more excitement than I thought. It did
    852 words
  • 112 17 Berlin. I INDEX the healing, "A bad Joke," the London correspondent of the Hamburger Fremdenblatt solcmr'iy rebuke:; the London University undergraduates who staged a "rag" to satirise Italy's antlKvcnch demand The students carried banners calling fr.r the return of America to Britain. The Englishman loses
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  • 739 17 Ileana Gets Five Kisses From Her Mo th er-In-Law By Hilde Marchant, of the Dally Express, who flew to Warsaw to meet the Grovers and travelled with them to London. CHOWING the paper passport given to her at the British Embassy in Moscow, Ileana Grover walked through Harwich Customs shed
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 125 17 QUAKER OATS PRAISED BY BUSINESS MAN RICH IN THE NERVE-NOURISHING 1 IrtJ/fcff *Jfcx\ rY^^ VITAMIN B. THAT IT SOOTHES J mMf*^ I VD^ ANOTHER BIG ORDER JUMPY NERVES. <^i I I>l^B^^DL CHARLOTTE J Quaker Oats abounds in Vitamin B— off sickness; replenishes the vigour and Jlß^P?^^ ■arure's tonic vitamin that
      125 words
    • 400 17 Pity the poor dog that has what's ..give him what's t KflH^lsssssssssf Oik Just what we have ourselves won't do for dogs. DOGS NEED SPRATT'S and here's the reason why a dog has a small tummy Food must not be long inside it therefore digestion is both swift and powerful.
      400 words

  • 259 18 lead this Schoolmaster's Story How anxious fathers and mothers get hen they see their little ones losing *eight. Those thin, pathetic little arms and lcps, those ribs sticking up through the flesh, those hollow little cheeks, .do mean that some far more traeic
    259 words
  • 3030 18  -  P. Jerome Willis, By Effect Of Hunger And Air Raids On Life Of The Average Citizen YOU leave the slumbering peace of Cerbere, with its crescent of houses dotted on the mountainside down to the blue waters of the Mediterranean, dive into the tunnel and emerge into a
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 65 18 HERE'S A DEVICE TO SAVE LENS STRAINS AND BREAKAGE. THIS SCREW LESS CONSTRUCTION is only obtained from NAN SIN OPTICAL HOUSE Manufacturing Ophthalmic Opticians 325. North Bridge Road, Singapore. PHONE 6363. safe Jitink aerated maters A Half Uniur\ old reputation as the best Aerated Waters in Malaya. That is your
      65 words

  • 3 19
    3 words
  • 652 19 PROM Miss Virginia Dempster of Columbus, Ohio, comes the following letter: 'Dear Mr. Factor: My hair is becoming streaked, and is losing its luslrj. Also, I seem to liave more dandruff than I ever did before. What might be the cam of this, and
    652 words
  • 331 19 Blue Is A Good Colour For Girls IT seems an unalterable rule that blue is a good colour for frocks for girls of six-teen-seventeen years. A new young, and very delightful frock made of blue has an inch hem of dark red they call this colour rawhide red. The long
    331 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 163 19 HOME VIA THE CAPE mv BOISSEVAIN" m.v. RUYS mv TEGELBERG" FIRST CLASS FROM £97 X.P.M. LINE NY KONINKLIJKE PAKETVAART -MAATSCHAPPIJ (Incorporated In Holland) 7 C«n be achieved alicr a COLOUR HARMONY LESSON MRS LYNN, ,he ELIZABETH ARDEN F.XPF.RT. l\ will TEACH you what foundation tr JJ to use for your
      163 words
    • 253 19 STAR OF METRO-GOLDWYVMAYERV SHOPWORN ANCKL." REM WtKS... "Hollywood's Make -Up will accent &3h9 K. h E R t s «>omeihing different ibout the tit "L I »f make-up aeated for che stars of motion pictures by Max T»sßWp^j L i >0~ jtr^BH Ftaor, Hollywood's make-up genius.The secret is color f
      253 words

  • 514 20 Piece Suit Makes Its Appearance From Our Woman Correspondent London, Jan. 16. 11/E have had two-piec* suits, three-piece suits and now a short, cape with a spring suit creates a two-and-a-half-piece suit because no one could call the brief cape a whole "piece." Such
    514 words
  • 352 20 LJERE are some recipes for using chestnuts: DREPARE some chestnuts and put in a saucepan with freshly shredded celery. Cover with light stock and simmer until the nuts are tender. Then sieve and thin the puree with previously bailed milk. Reheat. Season with pepper and salt,
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 269 20 ATTENTION THIS IS YOUR WAY TO SAVE MONEY DO NOT THROW YOUR STOCKINGS AWAY.... WE REPAIR THEM INVISIBLY RETURN TO YOU AS NEW. CHARGES MODERATE. THE MANILA SHOP Room 77. Raffles Hotel. Whitens Your Skin Secretly and Quickly Mo lonuft nwd you admin ether* wish thai y->ur >km was ligh"
      269 words
    • 439 20 j^El^^^B^/ f& Wmfll I WhatniakesTansee so different, you'll ask? l^i^Bft\ I 1 1'O*^'^£j^H c ian B es color from orange in the stick to a i J^;^^n?m J J^O >' ouU >* u blush rose on your lips. And its I A^| y-"*HttGW*'2 fl-**^ 'j cream base keeps lips soft
      439 words

  • 1604 21 It's Senseless To Be Envious Says Godfrey Winn THE other day, in an extremely clever book of gossip about people and places, I found a little anecdote that seems to me to contain a moral for every one of us. This book came out quite recently published by Heinemann and
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 368 21 Makeup LOOKING YOUNGER tomorrow morning NEW CELL FOOD NOURISHES SKIN '2gf*jX> WHILE YOU SLEEP U*^^*sp* C#J Astounding Discovery /jf^j% 7 A smooth unwrinkled ski* at f>^^ I 60. Women ol 50 who look almost //^H VVm »s young as their "laughters. /{J^^Ub^bW^ yV"*"' These seeming miracles are to- y^ <
      368 words
    • 150 21 v be turn rngpj r.k. D. T. LIM^S cSz. SLIMMING HERB TEA. AbsolutelT harmlen. S^ O. T. LIM COMPANY. 1 353. North Bridge Road. >iiu'apore. NOTICE Miss Grace Lodge MEDICAL MASSAGE SPEC'ALIST C S.M.M.G. M C. F.B.A.M.T. LONDON* is ri-liiriiiiii: from li«r Imlitlav in Arsirulia X rotiPiiii^' |»r:!ilirc on M<)ii(ln\,
      150 words

  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 427 22 IHE Gillette No. 25 Set, containing a Gillette razor an£ l one Blue Gillette blade ■^S^tJff^U^^O^^^^" in a neat moulded case, is an amazing bargain. Both razor and blade are specially made SfaAy^' II economic*! shaves. Foot Itch Cause Killed in 4 Days Pain and Itching sS* Stopped in J^.^|
      427 words
    • 191 22 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? v v 1 Course I did MACLEANS^ PEROXIDE A. T Gillnsi* Madeant patented ■SST TOOTH PASTE ckaa from 6nt •queeze to last. If you use a aolid dentifrice, try Macleans Solid Peroxide Toothpaste fWELBECK PLATE 1 l^^B) 1 l fltfjr S^a^Du i homes of
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 544 22 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers tcday $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly the $100 will be awarded in respect of the
      544 words

  • 2878 23  -  "Nomad" By MUCH to the disappointment of hundreds of enthusiastic onlookers the finals of the Malaya Command individual boxing championships had to be postponed from Thursday, to Friday owing to the heavy rain. Further storms put paid to any attempt at completing the competition on Friday and
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 395 23 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY. THE NEW 18 POINT EXAMINATION COVERS EVERY POSSIBLE £YE DEFiriKNf V (Thcsmp/on Nqptical c? Qualified E;rsi(t)t Specialists 4, ARCABE BLD6. PHONE 3002. R. A. Thompson. Dr ef Orular S< irnce Highßlood Pressure Kills Men Women Twlo«> m jMtn wmaim mm<r from Hicli nioo<! I cb
      395 words

  • 1798 24 GOOD GOING ON LAST DA Y OF TAIPING SKYE MEETING Phar Par Pays Win Dividend Of $88 LARGER ATTENDANCE HEAVIER BETTING (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Saturday. THE going was good on the second and last day of the Taiping Turf Club's January skye meeting, which was favoured by brilliant
    1,798 words
  • 128 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat. DATU Pahat loses yet another popu- '.ar and well-known sportsman in Annuar bin Abdul Malek, chief clerk of the P.W.D.. who goes on transfer to Johcre Bahru shortly. A keen tennis player he has served on the committee of the local
    128 words
  • 43 24 The remaining two games in the S.C.R.C. soccer tournament will be played: Tuesday, Team, A (6) vs. Team B (7); Friday, Team C (4) vs Team D (3). The figures in brackets are the number ol points held by the team.
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  • 28 24 From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. The Rugby match between South J chore and the Royal Navy, to have been played hers today, was cancelled.
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  • 394 24 A LARGE crowd which included the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, watched a Straits Settlements police Rugby team defeat an F.M.S. police side by 15 points (a drop goal, a goal and two tries) to i points (a goal) in their annual fixture played at
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  • 72 24 The following have been selected to play hockey for the V.M.C.A. junior department on Tuesday at 5 p.m. against the Manchester Regt. at the Anson Road ground: Wee Aik Chan, I. Hope, J. B. Shaw, Tan Ouan Klat, Go n Chin Chye (Capt.), Ong Swee Kheng, B. M.
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  • 91 24 I*HE South hockey team »o 1 play the North at Kuala Lumpur on Feb. 18 was chosen last night as follows B. Manuel (X.S.) R. H. Barth fS.), Lieut. I. L. E. MacMillan (S.) Lieut. D. E. Morris (N.S.), Sgt. H. Cronin (S.), P. K. Baskaran
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  • 89 24 EUROPEAN HOCKEY TRIAL TEAMS The following have been selected to play in the European trial hockey match on Monday at S.C.C. Whites: Sgt. Carey; L. A. C. Watson, Lt. I. L. E. Macmillan; Lt. M. L. Williams, Sgt. Cronln. Capt. J. R. Kellett; Capt. R. G. J. Klngsmill. F. K.
    89 words
  • 108 24 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat, Saturday. AFTER leading at the Interval. North Johore finally lost their Rugby match against the Royal Air Force, played at Genuang today. The score was 14 points (a goal, three tries) to 8 points (a goal and a try) The home
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  • 86 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. •THE F.M.S. Police Depot beat the Johore Police Depot by two goals to nil at hockey here today. Ibrahim, the centre-forward, opened the scoring in the first half and Dollah, right wing, scored the second gual towards ti.a end of
    86 words
  • 389 24 CINGAPORE managed to han* on to a 3—2 lead in thel» hockey match yesterday against Negri Sembilan, before a crowd on the S.C.C. padnng which, though small, showed its appreciation of the fast pace of the game. The match was Important from cne aspect it
    389 words
  • 231 24 SELANGOR'S SIX GOALS AGAINST MALACCA (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. CEJ ANGOR trounced Malacca by six goals to nil in today's inter-State hockey match played here. Opening strongly Selangor made rings round the Malacca defence but were unable to open accounts until about midway when Row opened the score
    231 words
  • 71 24 The soccer team to represent tne Banka Sports Club against the Tamil Brotherhood Party today at Fairer Park will be selected from: Pak Tong. Chin Lye: Chit Lim, Soon San. Steph n Ding; Chwee Chua, Lim Swans. Ah Bah. Thlan Teck, Seng Quee. Jonn Then: Boon Kwang,
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 42 24 MALAYAN "RACEFORM" for EPOH i« MOW ON SALE at your newsagent Includes tirm from last September. Take Our Yaw Subscript ioi Mow: YOU CAN ORDER NEXT 5 ISSUES FOR $4 or the NEXT 10 FOR $8. Write note. Box 724, G.P.0., SMGA7C3E.
      42 words

  • 516 23 Win By Two Goals To Two Tries THERE was a surprise on the S.C.C. padang yesterday when the Rest of Singapore Rugby team beat the South team by ten points (two goafe) to six (two trie). In fairness to the South side it
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  • 496 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. a SELANGOR women's hoc- key .earn surprised eveu their most optimistic supporters by beating the Singapore women's team by one goal to nil on the padang here today. It was a great game and for a women's hockey match
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  • 318 23 (By Our Badminton Correspondent) r T > HE charity badminton match organ- ised by the Singapore Badminton Association last night at the Covered Stadium attracted one of the biggest cTowds ever seen at a badminton match. A fine display of the finer points of the
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  • 526 23 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. WKIGHTS for the first day of the TT Perak Turf Club's meeting next Saturday and for four races on the second day on Wednesday, Feb. 1. were issued today— They are:— II. s. Class 2, Div. 1. Iff furlongs straiclit. Russian
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  • 63 23 Bedford 11: Gloucester 6. Brislol 0; Llanelly 0. Richmond 8; Cambridge 14. Edinburgh Aca. 19 Bradford 6 Leicester 14: Nuneaton 3. Liverpool 3 Moseley 11. Man?hester 27; Eirlienhead 3. Northampton 11: R.A.F. 0. Plymouth 11 Newport 6. Old Leyslans 10 Guys Hosp. 3. Exeter 14 Bridgwater A. 0.
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  • 306 23 Test Match IN the tnird test match being played against South Africa at Durban England ended the day in an extremely strong position. England declared at 469 for four and then skittled out South Africa for 103. South Africa followed or. end at the close of
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  • 228 23 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. DRIOR to their matches In the forth- coming Segamat and District hockey league, the Colts, a new team composed mainly of Chinese and Malay players who are not able to get separate sides of their own. are having a
    228 words
  • 318 23 FOURTH ROUND Notts County 0 Walsall 0 Portsmouth 2 West Bromwich 0 Sheffield W. 1 Chester 1 Middlesbrough 0 Sunderland 2 Liverpool 5 Stcclcport 1 W'hampton 5 Leicester 1 Everton 8 Dcncaster 0 Blackburn 4 Southend 2 Birmingham 6 Chelmslord 0 Iflhial 2 Grimsby 2 Leeds 2
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  • 137 23 <From Our Own Correspondent j Kuala Lumpur. Saturday OHARGEMAN Starkle garlanded the general manager of the FM.S. Railways, Mr. L. M Smart, and Mrs Smart at the opening of the Central Railway Workshops sports club pavilion this afternoon. Mr. Smart was given a silver key to open
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  • 70 23 Bramiey 22 St. Helens R. 0. Broughtcn R. 12 Hull K. R. i. Castleford 9 Wldnes 2. Dewsbury 14 Rochdale H. 3. HuddersQeld -2 Feathcrstone R. 3. Hull 16 Leeds 7. Hunslet 4 Wakefleld T. 4. Keighley 17 Batley 2. Oldham 35 Leigh 2. St. Helens 5 Salford
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  • 510 23 ENGLAND'S 3-0 RUGBY WIN OVER WALES IN duil :\nd;. v a heavy pitch at Twkkeiih on Saturday England beat W in an international Rugby match before 65.030 peoplo !>> three points (one try) to n:!. The teams were: ENGLAND: Freakes (Oxford I niversity Guest (Liverpool University), Heatun (Waterloo) Hancock
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  • 59 23 Sestriere, Dec. 22. CAMBRIDGE, with a score Cf 31 points, beat Oxford, whose score totalled 1.150 points, in their annual Inter- Varsity skiing contest held here yesterday. P. Waddell. of Cambridge, won the downhill event in two minutes and 48 seconds. D. H. Garrow. of Oxford, won tht
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  • 235 26 Still Winning His Games Against The Country's Best CHANCE OF BIG TITLE GETS BRIGHTER Di:r;:i:i N( has already been made to the chances of Samuel in the All-England badminton championship. It has b:?n stated that let there t? no mistake about Ralph Nichols, the present All-England
    235 words
  • Article, Illustration
    197 26 I -i 1 Tan Gwsk Coh, <lau7li'cr of Hr. :nd < tan Vf?. at the Teh 1 I.: I-'--"' u'. Sl:iv Mr. If Clioon Kai and Miss Chan Tip Kliuai at In; Lin? Young Mm District (Juild. ■■ffcMMb Mr. l.fc Choon Kai was Hong Kong table -trnnis champion in
    197 words
  • 111 26 Manila. Dec. 24. JOS2 LUIS SALSAMENDI. the "baby" of the Shanghai Auditorium hal i alai team and one of the leading players of the Basque sport, today married Pilar Miranda, a dark-eyed 22-year-old Spanish girl. Salsamendl. who is 21 years of age. and the
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  • 82 26 AT the second annual general meeting of the Merrytime B.P. held at the residence of Mr. Gan Port Yew the following were unanimously elected office-bearers for 1939: Patron, Mr. Norman Lim; president. Mr M. |M. Alkidree (re-elected* vlee-presi-j dent. Mr. Lim Peng Long: hon. Secretary, Mr. B. C.
    82 words
  • 654 26 Singapore Ready For Malayan Tourney By The Sunday TfaMM Badminton Correspondent Till: third annual Malayan badminton championship tournaments will be held in Penang during the Easter holidays, and two new events will be included, namely, the veterans' singles and doubles. This was one of the many decisions made at the
    654 words
  • 151 26 From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Fahat. fcJIAKING a nne recovery after being down 1-8. the basket ball team ot the- local Chinese Recreation Club, eventually beat the Eu Eu team of Batu Pahat when they met in a charity I basket ba'.l i ;amp, the sc
    151 words
  • 196 26 AT the annual general meeting of 1 the Merrldal? B P. held last Sunday at Mr. Tan Sen? Chori re-. During the elecilcn of office bearers fOC the current year. Mr. Yeo Yen Chuan stressed the decline cf the j women's section and with the pro- posal of
    196 words
  • Article, Illustration
    165 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Saturday. THE annual general meeting of the Humorist table tennis party of Klang will be held today at the Ban Lam Kongsl. 107, Rcmbau Street, Klang. at 1 p.m. The Humorist team recently made a tour to Kuala Lumpur. They lost to the
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 26 Tay Swee Kiat, honorary sc; relary cf tli? Maxfli B.P.
    10 words
  • 588 26 AS far as Selangor Is concerned the decisions made at the annual g.neral meeting cf the Badminton Association of Malaya more than pletied tvery local enthusiast, fjr two cf their outstanding proposals, standardisation of th<« number of aces in the double to 15. and lncluslcn cf veteran's events
    588 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 279 26 The Acid in Your Stomach /^p^ Would n^l Burn yjv I a Hole in the (TVr/ Carpet I\Y\^\ Scomat'h And. i carpet ourn-rt by tlilck pUe carpet I s ttairc.^ KH >)U1I J hu:o If arid v >es t.hal tOAoafMt wiuit it docs to your itomacti E» oi stomarh ,xjd
      279 words

  • 494 27 FRISCO AND MORTELL LOSE THEIR CROWNS Som Pong And Abayan The New Holders •T*IIE biggest news in the snorting world last week was the sensational defeat vi Vnrn" Frisco at the hands of Som Pong on Friday night. It was a totally unexpected victory
    494 words
  • 78 27 The following are ties in the Volunteer snooker at S.C.C. this week: Tuesday: J. A. Dean and W. Chivers vs. H. R. Wilson and Capt. J. Tazelaar. Wednesday: A. P. Hunter and Vaughan Jones vs. H. M. Venr.ik and D. M. Seward. Thursday: Major A. Nevlll ar.d S./Ldr.
    78 words
  • 249 27 iFro;n Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat. 'THE Chines? Recreation Club Junior tennis team won their third consecutive victory when they beat the Hospital Club by eight games to or.c when they m;t last week on the Hospital Couits. Results (Chinese first.): lim Siang Choon beat A.
    249 words
  • 294 27 'Frcm Our O*m Correspondent.) Muar. "THE nowly-formed hockey team of the Muar Customs Sports Club will meet the Muar Police for the first time this s?as:n in a friendly match. Both teams arc well matched and a close game is anticipated. The match has been fixed for
    294 words
  • 226 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. HifALACCA'S hockey supporters were quite satisfied with their side's display against Singapore in the inter-State match played on the Malacca Club padang last Sunday. Wee Tiam Hong kept goal reliably and was not to be blamed in any way for
    226 words
  • 368 27 The SC.C. annual cricket meeting will be held after the semifinals of the seven-a-sidc rugby tournament at 6 p.m. on Monday and not at> p.m. The NonBenders' meeting will follow the Cricket Club meeting. have read press comments of Blake's recent good displays, and they kept a
    368 words
  • 277 27 A Britbh plnnUlion of more than ordmai y Importance has recently been t lie sjbject oi an article in luxe American periodical devoted to b While cotton is the chief crop, the Delta and Pine Land Company ll In the once h »vily Umbered Delta region of the sippi
    277 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 172 27 .\sk for the RAIN. LEIGH WATERPROOF WASHABLE NO OTHER HAT LIKE IT Kftni THYE CHI WO A CO., LTD.. IM. North Biiice R<nd- PERAK TURF CLUB MMARY 1 ISKI'ARV MEETING 1939 S»turdav, January 28, 1939 Wednewiay. Febraary 1. 1939 Saturday. February 4, 1939 SuU~ riptlons for Visiting Members shall be:
      172 words
    • 173 27 SHERLETS I6i PAGE DOG j (lir-Tf J Pink Worms cause more ill-health ana v in dogs than most people realise Ihe usual symptoms are bad'.. appetite, staring coat, dtarba occasional votniting, but a dog maybe infested without showing th.-^- rifO*. I'hs rnlyw.iytohe tOROf keeping >\u: is to dose him
      173 words

  • 350 28 He Sees 22,000 Feet Of Film Each Day Cuts Chiefly Gunplay And Horror Scenes IN a siwall projection room in a building in Maxwell Road one Singapore man sees 22,000 feet of film every day. He is the Straits Settlements Film Censor, Capt. T. M.
    350 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 98 28 "^hSjSim UIHGAPORE--1 ENGLAND n 1 &DAYS__ In undtr a week you can be back in England— :n six and a half days of delightful flying, high above the heat and dust of the earth below. You travel in one of Imperial Airways magnificent new four-cngined air liners, the Imperial flying-boats.
      98 words
    • 147 28 J^for DEFECTIVE VISIO!* P*i JE Please coruuli fSSL NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO. Stainless steel $78.Gold 18 carat 150.By Appointment to H.H. THE SULTAN OF BRUNEI H.H. THE RAJAH OF SARAWAK His 1 rjl ELLISON S. EZEKIEL it OPTICIANS ASD WATCHMAKERS ONLY ADDRESS:— 3, CAPITOL BUILDING, Slncaporc 1939 Westinghouse SYMPHONIC-VOICE RADIOS
      147 words