The Straits Times, 16 January 1939

Total Pages: 20
1 1 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 229 1 140. CECIL ST. CPHONE 54T1). MIEN CHONG for SMART TAILORING M« Coiaman S: SmgaPO'B i',).i!c- MM MARINE FROM oil 6 to 20 BHP ENGINES These robust and wonderfully reliable Marine Units ar« fcT^W tprcially built for gruelling 'itjffi&fc tcrvice and will provide cheap W on J efficient propulsion for Jt^^^St
      229 words
    • 121 1 KUALA LUMPUR 25. JAVA ST. ('PHONE 3«83>, I < Madame Page, Late 92. Piccadilly. London. on. s NEW DEPT. Gowns Designed Created in Ker work room*;, $s $so V 13. BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE. 111 1 this Now Milltfteryl V /'"V""" crt lt ats ie^ 8 ye v II M Ji\
      121 words

    • 91 2 tlr. Tan Teck Chuan and family thank all relatives and friends for their kind attendance at the funeral of his father Mr. Tan Kirn Swcc, the eldest son of the late Mr. Tan Chay Van. also those who sent wreaths, lei :;ims and letters of condolence. Mrs. IJm Chen;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 498 2 CROVE-WHITE.—On January 16. «t the General Hospital. Spore to Joy, wife of Lieutenant-Commander D. Grove-White. Royal Navy, a daughter. The engagement Is announced of Dorothy Frances Clark, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles William Clark of Sydenham, England, and Brian Bernard Atherton, elder surviving son of the late Rev.
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    • 389 2 SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED EUROPEAN COUPLE, knowledge of languages seeks position, also management hotel, club etc. Reply Box No. 524, Straits Times. WITH SZ.OOO. well travelled Indian Muslim. 28, with London Chamber of Commerce. Qualifications in Banking Currency. Economics, Book-keeping. Accounts business experience In England. India Burma. Desires suitable post or
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    • 749 2 FOR HIRE RKKRIOKKATOg- Nr« or OsaC Phonf Km BOARD RESIDENCE EAST ANGLIA 8. Oxley BIS*. Tele. 4390 THE MANSION, Private Hotel. Oxlr* Rise. Tele *****. Rooms available. BOOMS FLATLETS at "Lloyd House," 2. Lloyd Rd New low ratei. Bd. optl. Ph 3460. CORNER HOUSE 1 large furnished room vacant. Mrs.
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    • 402 2 PUBLIC NOTICES HONGKONG UNIVERSITY MATRICULATION EXAMINATION The above examination will be held at th: Education Office, Sulaiman Building, Kua!i Lumpur on June 12 and following days. Entry forms may be obtained from thi Inspector of Schools. Selangor and should bt returned to him with ths entry fee— 82.' Hongkong Currency—
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    • 395 2 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that MOHAMED AGA RESHTY of No. 5, St. Thomas' Walk. Singapore is applying to the Governor for naturalization and that any person who i knows any reason why naturalization should not be granted should send a written and signed statement of the facts
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 390 3 &o. British india AND APCAR LINE. AiILJ /UvnlV liililj. ■■noratcd In England.. lat a^~c^ent.\l s.n. Co vnger and cahoo services CI*.«D froX7T^don for chtna AND JAPAN Tonnage Due Spore WANPIPA ***** JarTj? S.u,.,di«™ 17 000 Feb 10 SS CANTON 13.50') WSOMALI 6.800 Mar. j itSSS Mar 24 IMS 7 BANGALORE
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    • 411 3 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS. i^KflMii^d IMWIUMHHH ilncorDorated in lanani i| GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LTD ro _t°Ay°_N Penanj Colombo. Aden. Suei Perl SaW Naple.. Marseille* Gibr.lUr. London Antwerp. Rotterdam and llamburt .«haSSa« MAP.u r .ToX A"S HARUNA MARU ....10.400 Feb. 3 4 j KATORI MARU 9.800 Feb. 15 13
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    • 677 3 '^v jv iirxFT j v^^ r^ l^^ ,mm mm Am^a w k^M k m IVT i, lUd I]■ Bf —"JF 1 I _^^^Bkl OU jm //rl^Ag#flWVWfSH|^^\l A B U Iwß mm AM > HOLIDAY CRUISES TO: BANGKOK SAIGON Bj Luxurious On. CUss Motorshlpi Displacement Tons From Penang P. S ham
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    • 655 3 MANQEiFi n m 9Tn mHHarILLU <X y^ a; 5-lU. flncorooratea ir Strulf. St-ttiemen's-. r,r, Ocean Building. Collyer Quay. Singapore .el 5101. Chartered Bank Building. Penang Tel. 1366. BI ITC* I7ITKIMI?Y IMf« DLUL fUflfl El It LIH ft FAST WEEKLY SERV.CE LONDON NORTH CONT.NENT (in conjunction with the Glen Line) AND
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  • 126 4 i^indon, Jan. 13. THERE Is no substance in the allegations that Germany is aiming at and securing monopolist control over the S:uth African wool sales, declared a spokesman of Sjuth Alrica House to Reuter tonight, after publication of reports that concern was felt by British, Continental
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 33 4 Oituwa. Jan. 15. A it tlie flotation Of a nt+ Government loan not exceeding U.S. $75,000,000 lias been placed on the order paper by the let of Fiiiann ReuU 1
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  • 131 4 Berlin, Jan. 14. 1LIR. Rublee, director of the Evian I IT1 Refuges Committee, and his col- leagues had a second meeting with Dr. Schacht who explained the German i Government'.* views and objections raised in Dr. Schacht's original plan. Mr. Rublee is now studying the
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • 37 4 Havana, Jan. 15. Twenty-eight arrests were made alter dixtortpacej last night In which Leftist crowds threw rotten eggs and fruit at German sailors sitting in cafes. The police made several baton charges.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
    • 296 4 Stations Yesterday Last Dlgtit max. rain- bright mln temp, fall s'shine temp *r Inches hr» *F West Coast. Alor Star 85 mi 4.7 74 Bayan Lepas (Penang) 85 Nil 7.3 75 Sitiawan 89 0.02 6.5 74 Bukit Jeram 88 0.08 8.0 73 Malacca 87 0.01 11.3 74
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    • 67 4 DADIO-TELEPHONE service between Canada and Newfoundland was inaugurated last week. This service also permits radio-telephonic conversation between Newfoundland and Great Britain via Montreal. Radio-telephone stations in Newfoundland and Canada are owned and operated by Canadian Marconi Company. In 1938 the chairman of Cable and Wireless Ltd.
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    • 52 4 r«OUNT de Sails, British diplomat for the past 50 years, has died. Educated at Eton, he entered the Foreign office In 1887 and has served In most of the i Capitals of Europe. He was Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary tn Pope Puts In 1922
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    • 243 4 Air Mail Arrivals And Departures INWARD torpor. Arrives every evening. QmUa: From Australia: Arrives tomorrow afternoon. X.L.M.: From Netherlands Indies: Arrives tomorrow afternoon. X.L.M.: From Ed-ope: Expected tomorrow evening Imperial: From Europe: Expected Wednes**y morain fkjj.ix.M-: From Netherlands Indtea: Arrives Tuesday afternoon. K.N.LLJH.: From SaUon: Arrives Wednesday afternoon. outwabd airfort
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    • 149 4 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE CLOSE TMb, Tooa Pontianak (Raub) 2 p.m. PamanKkat. Sambas and Singtawang (Boelongan) 4 pjn Denmark (Parcels only) (Selandla) 7 pjn. Tomorrow Japan (Hawaii Maru) 9 a.m. U.S-A. (Parcels only) (Pres. van Buren) ir,3o a.m. Indo-China (K.N.1.L.M.) ..11.30a.m. Aden .imperial! 2 p.m East Afrl <» (Imperial) 3 pjn
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    • 94 4 I Correspondence for transmission by; air via "Netherlands" must be fully prepald and ci early superscribed "By X.L.M." Mails will close from Malacca as follows- TodaySlam, 3urma, India. Iraq, Palestine, Egypt, Mauritius. Europe, Great Britain, Ireland, N. S. America, E. S. Africa. Nigeria and Gold Coast by air
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    • 28 4 Mails from South America, South and East Africa expected today, Jan. 16, by Hawaii Maru. Mails from Japan expected tomorrow, Jan. 17, by Hakodate Maru.
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    • 50 4 Mexico City, Jan. 13. I CATISFACTORY operation of Mexico's petroleum industry since the pro- perties were expropriated Is Indicated by statistics published today. They show that* during August crude oil and < by-products exported totalled 1,300,000 barrels, which is 32 per cent, above j July.— Reuter.
      Reuter  -  50 words
    • 55 4 Barcelona Jan 14 D£CREE citizen oi" botn^sS 'betwS^the ses of 17 and 55 in any conidered :.3sary. Tne general mcbilisation measures re expected to produce at least 350 00 men for the various fronts. About h _i« *hi, ...n,,,,. _m ___K»»,7_ k "Umber ,Wlll, Wl11 Probably be supUetJ by Catalonia
      Reuter  -  55 words
  • 342 4 New York, Jan. 14. THE following quotations were those ruling when the StocK Exchange 13 Celanese Corp. of America 21 22% Chesapeake and Ohio 34 7 s 36'i Chryslei 74% 76H Columbia Gas and Elec. 'A" *lanese Corp Chesapeake ai ■hryslei olumbia Gas pfd 79 79 /-V,ncnllrt!it<vf
    Reuter  -  342 words
  • 222 4 OW. CULBERTSON AND FRITZ 1 pert on yesterday's New York markets:— The stock market advanced easily today. Short-covering was a factor and the rally was aided by a denial of yesterday's rumours of troop movements In Europe. An additional favourable factor was the action of the House of
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  • 206 4 STRONG ATTITUDE TAKEN BY VICE-PRESIDENT COMPANY'S RIGHTS TO BE DEFENDED Paris, Jan. 14. A STIR has been caus:d in France by the pointed referenc2 to Italy's Suez Canal claims made by M. Edgar Bonnet, vice-president of the Suez Canal Company at a meeting of the Board of
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  • 215 4 Preparatory Committee Appointed London, Jan. 14. THE recommendation to convene an International conference for the purpose of framing an effective wheat control scheme is the principal recommendation of reports adopted at the final session of the meetings of the wheat advisory committee. The Wheat
    Reuter  -  215 words
  • 83 4 London, Jan. 14. 'THE refusal of General Franco to al- low British Airways planes to ny over Spain has upset arrangements for the opening of the London-Lisbon section of th; new British-South American service. An alternative route is now being considered to cover the London-Lis-bon
    Reuter  -  83 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 514 4 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in P.M.S.) LLOYDS AGENTStBOOKING AUfc.VIS I- .M.S. RAILWAYS AND SI AM STATES RAILWAYS TELEPHONE: Frftlxbt .1433 Passage 5421 CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England) FARES SINGAPORE/EUROPE First and Cabin class from £106.7.9 Second Class from £74-14-3 AROUND THE WORLD FARES BY C.P.R. Interchange with P
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    • 159 4 McAUSTER CO., LTD. (Incorporated la Straits Betritn)enla> GRESHAM BOUSE. BATTERY ROAD. SINGAPORE. fllOMi 5173. ELLERMAN BUCKNALL ISTHMIAN STEAMSHIP STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. COMPANY. (Incorporated In England) (Incorporated u> U.6.a> BOSTON NEW YORK A BALTIMORE FOR HAVRE, LONDON, n scez canai Cue da;;.' ROTTERDAM HAMBURG. steel scientist Jan. 19 jan 2« Via
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 256 4 TIDE TABLE SINGAPORE Today H. W 8.48 a.m. 0.4 ft. 8.53 p.m. 7.5 ft. Ij. W. 00.54 a.m. 5.3 tt.: 2.17 p.m. 2.6 ft. Tuesday H. W. 7.56 a.m. 8.5 ft.; 9.55 p.m. 7.9 ft. L. W. 2.20 a.m. 5.4 ft.; 3.19 p.m. 2 ft. Wednesday H. W. 8.55 a.m.
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  • Correspondence
    • 924 5 Danger Of Being Swamped LESSONS IN INDIA To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— It is a happy sign of the times e< that our Eurasian womenfolk are at w last taking an interest in our com- a munal affairs, and thanks are due to ti
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    • 390 5 For Planters But Not Clerks PROVIDENT FUNDS REFUSED To the Editor of the Straits Times Sir.— l must express thanks for your editorial of Dec. 31 on the welfare an working conditions of estate subordin ates, and I trust you will give publlcl to a few observations of
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    • 318 5 City Of London View Of I.R.R.C. Members To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir.— In view of the letter signed i "Producer— Johore" in your issue of i today, I wauld draw your attention to i a letter appearing in Truth of Dec. 14 which strikes me
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 221 5 tt* C. G. GERMICIDE WINS GERM -KILLING TEST 6—l Actually a il* Ume* stronger antiseptic than Carbolic Acid, yet U not pouwnous and has a pleasant, rerreshinc smelL It will not irritate the tUn, even the most delicate membrane, and does not Injure or stain Mnen. It Is deodorising, too.
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    • 76 5 1939 MORRIS 10 I X OPINION may be debatable— facts never. But it is the facts which comparison X reveals that bear out our opinion, that the Morris "Ten" is the finest value in the "Ten" market. The "Ten" with the combination of O.H.V. engine, 4 speed synch romesh gears,
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 262 5 Broadcasting SINGAPORE TODAY ZHL MS metre*. ZHP 30.36 metre* p.m. 5.00 Malay vocals, t 5.30 Cantonese dramas, t 6.10 Cantonecc children's programme. 6.30 Cantonese selections, t 7.00 Song and pianoforte recital by Owen Pedlow (contralto) (accompanied by Alice Eber) and Lindsay Qranvllle (pianoforte). 7.30 Time, weather, news and announcements. 7.45
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    • 306 5 EMPIRE STATION TODAY TRANSMISSIONS 2 AND 3. GSH M47 tut/% (IS.91 mil GSQ 17.1* me't U6.86 m.); QSF nc'i (1D.81 m.) G8J 21.63 me/a (13.93 m.)j GSO 11.75 rao/i ;*5.S3 m.) p.m. 6.05 Big Ben. New Hippodrome Orchestra. 6.40 Music Hall* 7.50 "The Royal Air Force"— 2.* Tali by
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    • 238 5 NIROM TODAY. TUA 6.01 me'i m.,. YI)B ».O5 mc'i (JIM m.». YDB 11.86 roe's <«.» a.). riMLN 10.21 me (20.S m.). pjn. 4. DO Programme preview. 4.54 Gaumont British and Paramount. 5.50 For the children. 6.30 Sophie Tucker and the Revellers. 6.50 News reports. 7.10 Music. 7.40 "Things in which
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    • 637 6 RUBBER JUMPS ON NEW YORK ADVICES SHARES STEADY BUT QUIET By Our Financial Correspondent Singapore, Jan. 16. PRIVATE advices from New York on Friday referred to riisquietir>e reports on the European situation having resulted in extreme caution and a set-back on ihe New York Stock Exchange. Denial
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    • 613 6 Issued by Fraser and Co. and Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Stock Brokers y Singapore, Saturday, Jan. 14, 1 p.m. issue voL r raser u to. Lyan jsvati Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin 3/10y a 4/4y 2 3/9 4/3 II Asani Kuir.t>an(j m 26/9 27/9 26/- 28/£1 Austral
      613 words
    • 419 6 2 2 Alex Brick Ord. 1.30 1.40 1.32' 2 140 2 2 do n V2 c Prels. 2.3a 2.45cd 2.37" 2 45cd 10 10 Atlas Ice 5.50 6.50 5.50 6.00 1 1 B. M Broadcasting 0 50 0.60 0.50 1 60 10 B M Trustee 3.75 7.50 5.75 7.50
      419 words
    • 258 6 87c Ma>rara Si Co. Ltd $30,000 Int. Apr. 30 Oct. 31 90 100 nom SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 5% 1WJ1 red 1940 $400,000 Int. Mar 31 Sept. 30 102' i 103' nom 4V? f 3907 red 1947 Sl.600,000 Int Mar 31 Sept. 30 108V.* 110 nom tVi% 19CS red.
      258 words
    • 359 6 Allenby Alor Gajab Amal Mala; Ayer Hltam Ayer Molek Ayer Panas Bassett Batu Lintang Bedford Benta BorellJ Brogas Brunei Un Bukit KaUl Buklt K. B Buldt Kepong B'.ikit Tlmah (110) Shangkat Serdaug Connemara G'.enealy Planta r ,loa» Hamilton Eaytor tadraglrt Jeram Kuantan '50 eta Jlmah Kamasan Kedah Kempas
      359 words
  • 85 6 Monday, Jan. 16, Noon. No. IX R.S.S. (Spot loose) 27 3 r, 27!i No. IX R.S.S. f.o.b. in cases January 27 11/16 27% G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. in bales January 273 8 271 i F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. in bales January 26k 26-;.. I I Tl RE
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  • 177 6 The following are the exchange rates this morning according to the daily circular issued by the Hong Kong and Shanghai Corporation SELLING London T.T 2/3 13/16 London demand 2/3 13/16 Lyons demand 2050 Switzerland demand 239 Hamburg demand 133 3 /i New York demand 54 1/16 Montreal demand 54
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  • 636 6 Swan, Culbertson's Weekly Review IN a weekly report on the New York Stock market, issued yesterday, Swan, Culbertson and Fritz, write: The reactionary 'enrVncies evident during the first week's trading of 1939 continued during the period under review and by Friday the New York stock market
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  • 56 6 HPHE following rubber crops were har- vested by the respective companies in December Lt> Ayer Kuning Rubber 76.000 Badek Rubber Estate 20,000 Rubber Estate 45,400 Chersonese Estates 71,000 Dennistown Rubber Estates 31,800 Highlands Lowlands Para 139.000 Klabang Rubber Co. 108.000 Krian Rubber Plantations 59,9(j5 Sungei Krian Rubber
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  • 93 6 London. Jan. X The following were today's closing mean rates:— Par's 177 516 Athens.. ..547U New York 4.67 7:6 Rio 3 i/i 6 Montreal 4.71=;, stu^g oB,laJ Brussels 27.84V1 Belgrade 20" Geneva 20.59' i Bucharest 660 Amsterdam 8.80',» Buenos Airts 20 40H Milan 88 ***** Montevideo 18
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  • 42 6 IN the last quarter of 1938 the output of tin concentrates from Sione Tin totalled 19!-i tons. The mine cost waa £2.540 and the estimated mine profit on 33 tons concentrates sold during the Quarter was £250.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 845 7 Defence Expenditure Up By J £82,100,000 J GOOD N.D.C. YIELD, BUT CUSTOMS RECEIPTS DISAPPOINTING THE stinking growth in Great Britain's defence ex- j penditure is emphasised in the Exchequer returns for the first nine months of the financial year. To Dec 31
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    • 56 7 The revenue figures are not so satisfactory as might have been hoped. The only two bright features are the steady Increase in the inflow of Income-tax and the unexpectedly good yield of miscellaneous receipts. It is true that Income-tax has as yet produced only £9,700,000 of
      56 words
    • 171 7 200 Planes Being Produced Monthly Paris, Jan. 14. OE VIEWING his first year as .Air Minister, M. Guy la Chambre, old the Press that a plan had been Irawn up by the higher Air Council and would be wholly realised. The output, of planes was now
      Reuter  -  171 words
    • 68 7 THE following crops of rubber were harvested by the respective estates in December:— Lb. Perak River Valley 28.770 Juru Estates 20.000 Kuala Reman 76,600 Lok Kawi Rubber 38.000 Bruseh Rubber 36.400 Brunei 28,842 Bukit Timah 9,856 Changkat 24,263 Haytor 10.861 Indragiri 96.948 Lunas 33,600 Nyalas 30.000 Tapah
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    • 73 7 Exports Fall £4,000,000 In December London. Jan. 14. THE Board of Trade returns of overseas trade for December show impsrts were valued at £77,122.071 compared with £78.*****6 for November and £94.261.252 for December. 1937. Exports were valued at £39.098.555 compared with £42.923.223 in November and
      British Wireless  -  73 words
    • 36 7 THE following statistics relating to tinore production refer to December: ram i Pahang Consolidated Ipoh Tin (A. Etami Ipoh Tin (Lahati Sungei Kinta 552 197 397 .1.327 157.800 325 41.300 244 70,100 195
      36 words
    • 218 7 The table below shows at a glance how the various items have so far fared, and compares them with the actual revenue and expenditure for 1937-38, and estimates for the current 1 I Full 193" 1938 1937-38 Inland Revenue— Nine months to Dec.
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    • 216 7 CONSUMPTION LIKELY TO EXCEED EXPORTS London, Jan. 14. |T Was decided at a meeting of the 1 International Suger Council, c which concluded today, -that there £J would be no change in the existing quotas for the year ending Aug. 31 next. The Council came to the
      Reuter  -  216 words
    • 118 7 Expansion In Production Of A-A Guns London, Jan. 14. THE Secretary for War. Mr. Hore- Belisha. spent two hours today at a Royal Ordnance factory at Notting- i ham which is owned and managed by Woolwich arssnal and where many of j the modern 3-7-Inch
      British Wireless  -  118 words
    • 92 7 Treasury Bill Rate Declines London, Jan. 14. ON the money market this week easy conditions prevailed and operators repaid without difficulty the sums borrowed to carry over commitments in 1938 to 1939. The collections of tax revenue enabled the government to reduce its I offerings of
      Reuter  -  92 words
    • 69 7 DURING the week ending Jan. 7, 1939, exports of canned pine-apples from Malayan ports amounted to 49,272 cases, of which: 46.226 (94 per cent.) cases were to the United Kingdom 495 (1 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 650 (1 per cent) cases to
      69 words
    • 137 7 Singapore, Jan. 14, noon. Buyers Sellers Gambler 7.50 Hamburg Cube $13.50 Java Cube $1200 Pepper White Muntok $12.75 White $1225 Black 9.00 Copra Mixed $3.00 Sun Dried $3.30 Sago Flour No. 1 Llngga $2.20 Fair $2.20 Sarawak $2.17" 2 Jelotong Palembang $7.50 Banja $8.00 Sarawak $8.00 Tapioca
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    • 132 7 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Company Dividend I 1 IN K Kuinunting 3d Pungah yd. div. 9d. bonus Petaling 5% final Southern Kinta Mk% Int. less tax Takuapa 6d. HUBBEK Olenealy 5% GENERAL. Alex. Brick Pref 7*4% C.T.S. Pref l%% tat. Hammer 75 cts. Int. Hongkong Bk. £3 Books
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 539 7 TENDERS SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. TENDERS are Invited for the supply of Cast Iron Pipes and Specials for the Gas Department. Copies of Specification and Drawing can be obtained at the Tender Room. Tenders close at 4 p.m. on March 8, 1939. C. H. GOLDIE Municipal Secretary. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Tenders are Invited
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    • 354 7 BANK OF CHINA (Incorporated In China by Special Charter). 12. Cecil Street, Singapore. Telephones: Manager'! Office Wl a Ant Manager's Office 6448 Exchange Dept sill a General Office Cable Address: THUNGKLO. Paid Dp Capital Ch. I 40.000.000 Ot Reserve Funds in excess of Ch J 5.2 M.000 Of Total Assets
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 191 8 POSITIVELY LAST DAY OF THE YEAR'S GAYEST ROMANTIC HIT TODAY ONLY AT 3-15, 6-15 9-15 P.M. ALHAMBRA MOVIE- %f A fl***" rff A soys T0NE WARNER BAXTER NEWS' "V and the season's gayesc romantic hit is under way 1 Reviewing M Wk> MARJORIE WEAVER PETER LORRE in tup m JEAN
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    • 240 8 II 1 ALL Records Shattered j WEEK-END AUDIENCES HELD SPELL BOUND Don't MISS these Last few Screenings! I /%^Mb, CAPITOL K^^-fT^a TONIGHT i j *H Kill Spectacle and Magnif 1ctnce anything previously attempted. ■▼■JUKI B TO I NETTIE 3 Years to Produce! 2* HOURS TO SHOW! You've roared at the
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  • 716 9 Rome Press Comment On AngloItalian Conversations i I THE atmosphere between Ital; nature as would maintain I Mediterranean and the Peace o Italian press. In the Rome talks, it is stated, progress and accepted her Imperial other power shall acquire a privile< Red Sea.
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  • 67 9 Melbourne, Jan. 15. HUGE areas of once fertile land in Victoria have been turned into smoking deserts by bush fires. Dozens of townships have been destroyed and flre-flghters are faced with the hopeless certainty that the fires will continue indeflnitelr, as there is no
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  • 28 9 Lisbon, Jan. 16. TTHE German liner Orinocco when leaving harbour collided with the Dutch cruiser Tromp and seriously damaged the naval vessel. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  28 words
  • 72 9 Chungking, Jan. 15. "£HINA cannot and will not talk peace with Japan." declared Madame Chiang Kai-shek today. "I have visited many fronts but have never overheard a whisper indicating any desire for peace negotiations though the Chinese soldiers and civilians at the fronts are
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • 250 9 SWEEPING GAINS BY GEN. FRANCO 'Gunfire Never Exceeded In European War* Lerida, Jan. 15. |T is calculated tonight, exactly four weeks since the freezing night when Gen. Franco thrust Ida forces across the Lower Segr*. that the Nationalists now command over a third of Catalonia and the greater part of
    Reuter  -  250 words
  • 69 9 Paris, Jan. 15. "AT least 100.000 Germans described In their own country as non-Aryans have crossed the French frontier durng the last few months," declared M. Bonnet. French Foreign Minister, speaking at the first meeting of the French Committee to aid refugees. France is giving
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 48 9 Washington, Jan. 13. THE Senate Judiciary sub-committee approved President Roosevelt's nonination of Dr. Felix Frankfurter, fewlsh professor at the Havard Law school, as a Supreme Court judge. The ncmlnation now goes to the full ludleiary committee, then to the SenUe where it is likely to meet opposiion.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 136 9 LORD WINTERTOPrS CONFIDENCE London, Jan. 10. '•pREAT BRIT AN and the Empire as a whole is becoming stronger every day. I hope we have no potential enemies, but if there should be any such it would be deplorable if they should fall into the same error as
    British Wireless  -  136 words
  • 191 9 U. S. Assistant Defence Secretary's Warning Washington, Jan. 15. r pHERE is the most serious possl- billty of a conflagration sweeping the world," said Mr. Louis Johnson, assistant Secretary of War, in a nation-wide broadcast in support of President Roosevelt's defence programme. "Munich merely dramatised and
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  • 92 9 iither London, Jan. 15 FASCIST demonstration arose in ;he West End in protest against tre and cinema collections for Baldwin's Refugee Fund, ere were cries such as "Britain for JritLsh." and r. number of struggles, ting in two being injured and being arrested. The injured ln;d
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  • 76 9 London. Jan. 15. AN eight-day csnsus of the Soviet Union, involving a population of 200.0C0.000. will begin on Tuesday. I There will be 500,000 census-takers who will obtain the answers to 15 questions indicative of the changes since Revolution. The census is also intern ed
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  • 47 9 New York. Jan. 13. T"HE diaries of Donald Coetej (alias Muscia. an ex-convict V head of McKesson Robbins Drug Corporation, who recently committed suicide, reveal, according to Federal investigators, that he paid a total $150,000 to blackmailers who knew his criminal oast Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 184 9 London, Jan. 15. i ■THE passage In the Rome communi- que, that it had been decided to proceed at the earliest to the conclusion of spclal conventions as set forth in the April Agreement, has reference to undertakings entered into to open negotiations with a view to
    British Wireless  -  184 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 391 9 NATURE'S WAY TO REMOVE POUNDS OF FAT! Rnll* nt taagntly tat ai and hip*, double chin*. Ugly, bulging limbs .ill the»% an- earned when «.,-.t.- prodocti Ml aftet every mnl an- not emptied regularly from the lyttem. Hut there is a danger in drastic, arlili. slimming method;, and
      391 words

  • 1049 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JAN. 16. 1939. Indian Citizens The Indian in Malaya has founi an eloquent and influential spokesman during the last few days in Dr. H. N. Kunzru. As a member of the standing emigration committeco! the Central Indian Legislature Dr. Kunzru has always taken a special
    1,049 words
  • 43 10 EURASIAN FUTURE. More comments on the problems confronting the community in Malaya. ON ESTATES. A plea for private provident funds, as distinct from a central fund, for Asiatics. "OLD GENTLEMEN." A City of London view of the International Rubber Committee.
    43 words
  • 31 10 Mr. K. S. Patton. the United States Consul-General in Singapore, and MrsPatten have left on a visit to India and will not be back until the end of March
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  • 36 10 Dr. Abdul Gany, of the General Haspilal, Kuala Lumpur, has resumed duty in the District Hospital, Klang, in place of Dr. Fatt Seong Lian, who has been transferred to the General Hospital, Kua'.a Lumpur.
    36 words
  • 37 10 Mr. A. L. H. Lanman has resumed duty as Port Traffic Superintendent, Railways. Port Swelt;nham, in place or Mr. G. W. Bell, who has left Port Swettenham on leav° to England with Mrs. Boll.
    37 words
  • 267 10 Appeal By A Flat Dweller AWAKENED AT HALF PAST FOUR To the Editor of the Straits Timej. Sir,— It is very good news that the hooting menace is soon to receive a check, and we may hope that this reform will bring peace into the business area of
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  • 232 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— I see that the Chief Police Officer is going to make new rules about the hooting of cars. But did he ever stop t3 think that nine times out of ten Chinese people walk the streets with their eyes
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  • 166 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir. Your sub-leader of Dec. 31 on 'Traffic Signs" prompts me to let Singapore knsw what Java has done. The Java Royal Motor Club lias S3t up 56,000 signs all over the Island elucidating the permanent state of the roads.
    166 words
  • 134 10 To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— The writer of the letter en th? question of Chinese Preferred in your issue of today is, if I may be permitted to say so, under a misunderstanding. When advertisements appear stating Chinese Preferred ",it Is not because European employers
    134 words
  • 767 10 A Lightning Thrust By Germany Threatening language against Holland was used by the official journal of the German Foreign Office last week, but this small country is by to means unprepared to defend herself, as was shotcn by Rene Maccoll in a recent article in The Spectator.
    767 words
  • 717 10 NOTES Of The DA Y Sin Chew Jit Poh IJAVE you ever been Inside a Chinese newspaper office? I was a guest yesterday at the reception given to mark the tenth anniversary of the Sin Chew Jit Poh, whose offices are in Robinson Road, and found it a mout interesting
    717 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 128 10 ■M)l3jl SUinlesj steel $78.Gold 18 carat 150.SOMETHING NEW FOR PIPE LOVERS. »ILYER DART and RISEAGLE PIPES $1.00 a piece The finest pipe ever oflered at the price. i; 11. Kivr CO., LTD., fi/g, Robinson Rd. Sales Dcpt. ML G5(6. PrlDtinn Drpt. Tel. fisos. BOOKS Mi-rliauiral Year Book 1939 90 CU.
      128 words
    • 40 10 NATIONAL INSURANCE Company, Limited. (Incorporated In India in 1906) Assets exceed $21,000,000/79, Java Street, Kuala Lumpur K.L. Tel H0.4035 P.O. Box Ko. 1 82. Singapore Organising Office 24 Nune's Building, Malacca St. I JOHN DUKE Manufacturing Optician. 21, BATTERY ROAD.
      40 words

  • 484 11 No Modification Of Nine Power Pact FRANCE AND UNITED STATES SUPPORT ATTITUDE Retaliatory Action Not To Be Taken Yet A BRITISH Note protesting against Japan's policy in China, worded in firmer language than any used by the British Government since the beginning of
    484 words
  • 141 11 Chinese And The Customs Revenue Chungking, Jan. 16. •TilK Chiii. >e Government an- nounced today that it has decided not to niak? a further advance for the s.rvice of loans secured on th^ maritime eu.stonis. but will ■i i aside -urns proportionats to the revenue
    141 words
  • 94 11 Incidents Not Yet Closed, Say Germans The Ha^'ue, Saturday. T:-:e pi- i;...:r.ury reculti of the judii/ial inquiry imo the alleged shootthe German consulate and building! in Holland have irtcd to the German Legation. Thr> German Usation expressed confidence In the Dutch Investigations, the final results of
    94 words
  • 113 11 Queen Leaves Before Vessel Reached Water Flushing. Jan. 14. 4 HITCH occurred In tha launching A by Qu?en W.lh? m na of "QusDn Emma the Queen pressed a button th ship morsd a lew yards and then stop;; ci Feverish efforts wew made by
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • 53 11 BTlin, Jan. 15. nREACHING at an intercession ser- e on the occasion of Dr. Uer's (orty-aeventb birthday, an unnamed pastor said Dr. Nlemoeliinpe had now been broken by! lcn.'.in. ss. 'Dr. Nlcmoeller i3 broken alter the justice which a German rourt care had failed to b;
    53 words
  • 237 11 There Is only one serious criticism to be made on the British Note, says the Manchester Guardian, It Is long overdue. j Otherwise, remembering our civil servants' little practice In plain speak- ing for the past eight or nine years, It is altogether admirable, i
    237 words
  • 258 11 More Troops May Go To Franco Rome, Jan. 16. rvirLOMATICA Informazione, Fas- cist official newspaper, describing the Rome talks, says that Signor Mussolini reiterated to Mr. Chamberlain that Italy will withdraw all Italians from Spain when the other side has acted similarly and when belligerent rights arc
    Reuter  -  258 words
  • 43 11 Milan, Jan, 16. WHEN Lord Halifax, the Foreign Secretary, arrived here today, after the Rome talks, en route for Geneva he told reporters that 112 hoped to be able to pay another visit to Italy before long.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 93 11 London, Jan. 15. MR. CHAMBERLAIN arrived back IB London this afternoon and was cheered by a crowd of several thousands outside Victoria Station, and as hedrove via Whitehall to Downing 8treet. There were some Isolated cries of Hands off Spain during minor disturbances
    Reuter  -  93 words
  • 75 11 New York, Jan. 16. C'/R Monlrose Stuart Graham, of Long Island, one of the fere American holders of a British title, has died at the age of 63. He teat a retired coal dealer and succeeded to a 17th Century baronetcy in 1917. In
    Reuter  -  75 words
  • 88 11 THE Mediterranean squadron of the French fleet and part of the Atlantic squadron will hold joint exercises oft Casablanca this month. General Gamelin, chief of the French Army, and ViceAdmiral Darlan will leave for North Africa on Jan. 19 to make a tour of inspection
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  • 99 11 Inventory Of Property In Austria Berlin, Jan. 15 AN inventory is to be taken of Catholic property in Austria This news has been received with much apprehension in Catholic circles in Germany as it is recalled that measures against Jewish property originally began in precisely the same way.
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 99 11 Lord Halifax M. Bonnet Meet In Geneva Geneva, Jan. 16. I ORD Halifax, the British Foreign MinUter, and M. Bonnet, the French Foreign Minister, aye an opportunity today of discuss^g the Anglo-Italian talks. Both are attending the 104 th session of the League Counc' 1
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • 59 11 New York, Jan. 15. INTENSE cold in America has so far resulted In 31 deaths. Meanwhile 32.000 emergency workers are clearing the streets in New York after a 9-lnch snowfall, which disrupted traffic. In Montana four persons were killed when a p.issenger plane apparently
    Reuter  -  59 words
  • 32 11 Rome, Jan. 16. PRINCESS Mafalda of Kess?, daughter of the King of Italy, who i 3 suffering from inflammation of the lungs and pleurisy, has improved slightly.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 33 11 London, Jan. 15. The Duchess of Norfolk has been I admitted to Nottingham General Hos- pital suffering from slight concussion, I following an accident while out with !the Belvoir Hunt.—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 317 11 London, Jan. 15. THE recent talks between Herr Hitler and Col. Beck, Polish Foreign Minister, are of considerable importance as showing the frame of mind in which the Fuehrer is laying his plans for 1939, writes the Times diplomatic correspondent. I Herr Hitler is stated to
    Reuter  -  317 words
  • 344 11 Uncompromising Speech By Premier "To Remain Vigilant" Paris, Jan. 15. "THE French Government does not want to risk anything but it will yield nothing," declared M. Daladier, Premier and War Minister, sneaking at an important meeting of the Radical Party's executive. The meeting passed
    Reuter  -  344 words
  • 105 11 Rome, Jan. 15. U7E return to England strengthened in our convictions regarding Anglo-Ita-lian friendship and in our hope for the maintenance of peace." Thus states a telegram from Mr. Neville Chamberlain to Signor Mussolini, expressing warm thanks for the welcome he had received in Italy. II Duce, in
    105 words
  • 65 11 Hamburg, Jan. )"> THE American consul and »lee c n ul were present today at the trial of«:i:i American sailor names Roth, fr.mi tlie liner Manhattan, who was tentenci 6 > six months' Imprlsonmt at for "prepai Ing high treason." The Judge declared that the sentence
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 160 11 Coleman LAMPS and LANTERNS fOF PERFECT SERVICE. 16i* K. COLEMAN TABU LAMP. I V JV« ""^3 Fitted with a parchment shade. I The base is finished in a silver- 1 1| ,?Vi<. 9 I stone gasoline resisting lacquer Jt^'^^*' whi:h mat'hes beautifully with 'QUICK-LITE* 1 LANTERN. the shads. Inner. Pyrex
      160 words

  • 172 12 American View Of Far East PROSPECT OF U.S.BRITISH STAND "JAPAN is suffering under terrific economic stress and it is very doubtful if she will be in a position now to subjugate China," said Mr. Kennett B. Dawson, a Californian Assemblyman, who is in Singapore after a
    172 words
  • 163 12 Oslo. a. 15. NORWAY today officially annexed new i territory In the Antarctic. A state- nient issued by the Cabinet st .es the j .:i'!H lias decided to place under I Norwegian sovereignty that part of the i coast cf the Antarctic continent stretching from the
    163 words
  • 87 12 \§R. W. J. M. Warden and Mr. J. H. Kortright, two Singapore bridge players, were leading by the small margin of, 400 points at the conclusion of 14 nbbers played in their 25-rubber match against Mr. and Mrs. Schlesinger, two members of the Austrian bridge
    87 words
  • 182 12 Most Expensive Term Of Year THOUSANDS of Singapore boys and girls this morning had to rise earlier than most of them had done for the last six weeks because school began its first session of the year today after the long vacation. Many children will look
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  • 21 12 THE U.S. naval tanker Trinity, which 1 has been visiting Singapore after refuelling, sailed for Manila last night.
    21 words
  • 148 12 I^JOST of the Indian boys who at- t( tided the first meeting of the Indian Boy Scout troop, which was al Ranpjon Road School i. morning, were Scouts who I eviously r ceived Scouting ll'.r ■iy G. Piiiay, f .vyer, Uii is the Urn
    148 words
  • 551 12 Not To Land Owing To Smallpox Case On Ship PATIENT AN AMERICAN WOMAN ON TOUR OF WORLD CIAM'S 13-year-old King Ananda Mahidol will not land at Singapore because a serious case of smallpox occurred on the Danish motor ship Selandia on which His
    551 words
  • 199 12 Inquiry Into Johore Estate Murder (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Jan. 15. A RECOMMENDATION that three Chinese— Chai Chong. Chal Tee and Lam Weus, a taxi driver— be banished from the State of Johore was made by Sheikh Abu Bakar, the Second Magistrate, at the end
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  • 190 12 Judges Inspect The Guard JUDGES AT CATHEDRAL IN WIGS AND ROBES Ceremonial Opening Of First Assizes Of Year TN wigs and scarlet judicial robes, Singapore's High Court 1 judges, Sir Percy McElwaine, Chief Justice, S.S., Mr. Justice Home and Mr. Justice Pedlow, attended a service at St. Andrew's Cathedral this
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  • 125 12 'From Our Own Correspondent) Jchore Bahru. Jan 15. IN the Senai River a hawker discover- j ed a newly-born cMld. When brought i out of water it was found to be dead. Raja Suleiman held an inquiry in' the Coroner's Court today. Inspector Yusof.
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  • 74 12 St. Louis, Jan. 15. DRESENT aviation facilities are inadequate to carry out President Roosevelt's air training programme, declared Mr. C. F. Homer, president of the National Aeronautical Association, today. If the United States vere to achieve its goal of 20,000 pilots annually, there must
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 222 12 Court Sequel To Shop Incident (From Our Own Correspondent! Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 16. I EONG POH, who was charged a fortnight ago with promoting illfeeling between shopkeepers who sold j Japanese goods and those who did not, iwas fined $25 or six weeks' imprisonment on Saturday by
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  • 19 12 THE Earl of Lindsay—Lord Lindsay of the Byres—representative peer for Scotland since 1917, died today.
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  • 411 12 IJOPE for renewed activity in Singapore's musical life was revived last night by the first appearance of such an accomplished musician as the former organist of the Berlin Synagogue. Werner Baer, at a recital at the Victoria Memorial A large audience, including Lady Small,
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  • 183 12 Slips Of Earth On Main Line ALL SHOULD BE CLEAR TODAY (From Our Own Correspondent. 1 Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 15. O AILWAY gangs cleared the main 1V line at several points between Singapore and Penang today following slips of earth in the cuttings particularly in Johore and
    183 words
  • 81 12 IN two motor accidents in Singapore yesterday morning, three cars overturned. The passengers were net seriously injured. The first accident was on the East Coast R:>ad when a car carrying two Japanese skidded and turned over Both occupants were thrown out and received bruises. Sims
    81 words
  • 109 12 A VISIT to. the Aire Base was paid this morning by Mr. H V C. Thorby, Australians Minister for Works and Civil Aviation, who is at Singapore to study defence works to assist the Commonwealth in carrying out its huge armament programme. Mr. Thcrby and his
    109 words
  • 53 12 Montevideo, Jan. 16. j THREE hundred Jewish refugees arrived here with 7'a s for Paraguay only to find that the Paraguayan Government had suddenly stopped the admission of all refugees. The Uruguayan Cabinet is meeting today to consider the situation. Most of the refugees have
    53 words
  • 80 12 EE.—Mrs. Ec Beng Hian nee Chan Sai Ene, age 52, passed away on Saturday. January 14, at 235 c. Balestier Road. Singapore, leaving behind her husband. 4 sons, Ec Thian Kee, Thian Chin, Tiiian Slang and Thlan Han, 2 daughters, Ea Chee Hua and Cheow Hua. 2
    80 words
  • 188 12 MMUMW iUH.t- HOTEL Dinner Dance (Informal) 6.30 to 8.30 p.m. 9.30 to Midnight. GARKICK J'llt.VlKt CIU.AM, Easy Victim, Hindustani Talkie at 6.15 9.15 p.m. GEEAT WORLD Cabaret: 9 p.m. to Midnight. Globe Theatre: Gold Diggers la Paris. Sky Talkie: The Flying Hostess. HAPPX WOKLIi Acrobatic and Magic Show. Happy
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  • 549 13 Retired M. C. S. Officer Pleads For Money For Rural Areas ESSENTIAL TO PRESERVE MALAY IN OWN COUNTRY, SAYS MR. WAYNES (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 7. A PLEA that a greater share of the Malay States' re- venues should be allotted
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  • 107 13 (From Our Own Correspondent) Joh'ore Bahru, Jan. 15. IVrniT to look for a friend," said Ahmad bin Haji Anuar, a Javanese, in the police court today, when rhargrd with possession of a dangerous weapon and trespass into the compound of the bungalow of the
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  • 153 13 Australian Air Terminal Makes Good Progress MR. THORBY ON ROSE BAY WORK WORK is progressing on the south em terminal of the EnglandAustralia air route at Rose Bay, Sydney, Mr. H. V. C. Thorby, Australia's Minister for Works and Civil Aviation, told a Straits Times reporter. The slipway and control
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  • 54 13 I A new radiotelephone service has Just been afforded by the lnter-connec-jtlon of the new Newfoundland link ijand the existing London-Montreal I link. Before the addition of this new oversea service, telephone subscribers !ln Great Britain were already able to speak to about 95 per cent, of telephone subscribers in
    British Wireless  -  54 words
  • 137 13 Sarawak Gives Airliner Big Welcome SURVEY FLIGHT FROM KALLANG VTESTERDAY was another red- letter day in Singapore aviation history. Sarawak also claimed it as a day of considerable significance. The first commercial plane to cross the 450-mile expanso of sea between the two countries left Singapore shortly after seven o'clock
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  • 126 13 'From Our Own c indent) Ipoh. Jan. 14. ntLL-KNOWN E1.... ._u resident in Ipoh yesterday mads a gener,ous gesture while shopping at a store. |in Belfleld Street, when he handed to thr manager of the store a cheque for over $50. asking him to donate
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  • 84 13 A TERSE announcement. Issued by Field-Marshal Goering in his capacity as Air Minister and Com-mander-in-Chief of the Air Force, has aroused speculation in Berlin. It states The supreme commander of the armed forces has reserved to himself the right to permit (members of the services
    84 words
  • 50 13 Sydney, Jan. 12. SERIOUS weakness has been discovered in the famous Burrinjuck Dam, one of greatest in Australia. Fol- lowing expert examination the New South Wales Government has decided jthat remedial work should be under- taken immediately at a cost of j £1,850.000 sterling.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  50 words
  • 48 13 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Jan. 14. with the attempted rape of a seven-year-old Chinese girl at I<eong Laikam Estate, Pontian R>ad, Wong Tam, aged 25, was committed for trial at the Assizes by Sheikh Aou Bakar, the second Magistrate, today.
    48 words
  • 18 13 Admiral Sir Edward Evans ("Evans of the Broke") relinquished his post as Commander-in-Chief, The Nore, last week.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  18 words
  • 80 13 Two forms of locomotion rchich play their part in the development of Malaya. The departing British India vessel Karagola makes a background for one of the three big diesel tractors to be used in the laying of a second pipe line from Gunong Pulai, Johore,
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  • 320 13 Germany And Italy Will Regret Attitude, Says French Politician THAT Germany and Italy would regret their action in not lining up with the other European Powers in the Far East in a common front against Japan is the opinion of a former member
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  • 35 13 Mr. D. Storch. manager of Siorcti 1 Bros.. Ipoh, and president of he Perak j Boxing Association, has left for Kuala Lumpur, where he will stay for s x weeks prior to proceeding on leave.
    35 words
  • 390 13 CITTING for several months, the Singapore Traffic Advisory Committee has evolved a new set of traffic regulations for Singapore. There are 12 completely new rules in the Traffic Regulations, which are to come before the Legis- 1 lative Council in March, for confirmation. Wide
    390 words
  • 52 13 A TWO-TON conttete piL fell on the head of an Indian labourer (luring work at the doc 1 yard section of the Naval 3asc yesterday morning. He «as killed instan' y. Forty-foot pies wtre being ••tacked when one slipped from its position and crashed on t
    52 words
  • 126 13 'From Our Own Correspondenti Kuala Kangsar, Jan. 14. FLOOD waters of the Perak River have considerably receded after the river had reached its peak of 21 feet above its normal level late last night. The river is expected to resume its normal course by midnight.
    126 words
  • 183 13 AGRICULTURAL SHOW FOR CITY IN MARCH Poultry Pigeon Sections TT is hoped to hold the fourth annual Singapore Agricultural Show at the New World this year and provisional dates, Mar. 11 and 12, have been fixed. The management of the New World Amusement Park has consented to provide the committee
    183 words
  • 97 13 ON the occasion of Its tenth anniversary, Sin Chew Jit Poh, Ltd.. publishers of one of Singapore's five Chinese newspapers, entertained a gathering to an at home" at 11 mises in Robinson Road y< morning. Mr. Aw Been Kaw, chairman board of directors welcomed the among
    97 words
  • 124 13 F'rt m Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur. Jan U. AT the conclusion of the prose -v- tion's case at the preliminary inquiry before Mr. A. J. Qnttan-Bellew, the First Magistrate, held into alles<itions of ch"afin>* r.nd forgery against Yap Swee Peng, a former
    124 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 155 13 Qcmo&m WillMakeltWeii co^uers J l hat dangerous Cvt that open Wound thai ULCc|lS T sUnfco Sure— that frightful Ulcer— that burned and j nuft n I ITpU raldid Skin: treat It with Germoleve UIIUDI II Un instantly! Ccrinolrne Is the World's Wonder i n irn I ointment! It performs Skin-Healing
      155 words
    • 20 13 .^VN' -IA/fo, Their small extra cost is an investment in perfection Stste (xpress 555 CIGARETTES ARDATH TOBACCO CO.. LTD.. LONDON.
      20 words

  • 889 14 CLOSE CO-OPERATION OF I.S.P. EMPLOYERS URGED Improvement In Conditions Maintained, Says Chairman EVERY YOUNG PLANTER SHOULD GIVE SERIOUS STUDY TO PROFESSION (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 1 TMK Incorporated Society of Planters should place in the forefront of its policy the necessity for co-operation, in the widest sense
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  • 494 14 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 14. A '"VERY satisfactory position" i was revealed by Mr. F. W. Castle, baling with the financial position of the Incorporated Society of Plants rs, at today's annual meetinp. Speaking as chairman of the finance committee, Mr. Castle,
    494 words
  • 583 14 Mr.W. Leggatt Explains Steps Taken During Past Year (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 14. THE position in regard to membership of the Incorporated Society of Planters was described as sound by Mr. W. Leggatt, in the course of his report, at today's
    583 words
  • 44 14 Malayan Planters Leaders Mr. W. Leggatt (left) who on Saturday retired from the chairmanship of the Incorporated Society of Planters after several years of office has been succeeded in the chair by Mr. E. M. Allen (right) leho has been vice-chairman of the society.
    44 words
  • 604 14 Support For Stand That They Should Not Fluctuate (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 14. DLANTERS could not give of their best unless they felt that their financial position was on a secure basis, said Mr. E. M. Allen, the new
    604 words
  • 41 14 Mr. W. Mcßride of the Borneo Co.. Ltd.. Kuala Lumpur, leaves for home >n the Selandla on Wednesday. During Mr. Mcßride's six months absence on leave Mr. R. L. Moir, of Singapore, will be in charge of the Kuala Lum?ur branch.
    41 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 139 14 NOT SO WELL! a iuppy little chap when he's well, but just now all he wants Is to riesile quietly in mummy's arms. It is difficult to understand sometimes how thr ihilciren. in spite of all our lovins care, get their little ailments Few children escape them so it is
      139 words
    • 123 14 Reinforcement for J\ oK i\ a M m With a proper combination of "Expamet" M U m Expanded Steel and Concrete, light a \Jr «Jr m t i m s a^' n IS obtainable of great m strength !hd fire-resistant efficiency; it Ml iJL jm effects a considerable reduction in
      123 words

  • 171 15 Villages Looking Deserted In Rampur State Cuttack, Jan. 9. WITH the spread of the report of the murder of Major Baztilgette, it is stated that panic prevailed among the people of Ranpur and the surrounding villages. They left their homes and the villages are
    171 words
  • 146 15 A GRATEFUL HUSBAND IN LAHORE MmAbly Hospital Donation For Curing Wife Lahore. Involution o! the treatment his received in a local hospital a trateful husband has offered to give the hospital three rupees '4s. 6d.) a month out of his month salary ol R< SO < £4-12> as long as
    146 words
  • 31 15 Madras. Jan. 9. I*H.RTESN were injured followinf disturbances at a meeting In conn with the annirersary of a library in Virudhunagar. Anti-Hindi controversy led to i confusion.
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  • 60 15 New Delhi, Jan. 8. THE Conference of the Presidents of th e Legislatures c! India met here today with Sir Mar.eckji Dadabiioy in the chair. It wai attended by Presidents and Deputy Presidents of the legislative Councils in fiv e provinces. All excep* the President and Deputy President
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  • 163 15 Feature Of Tripuri Elections Jubbulpore, (By Mail). ANEW feature of the Congress session this year will be the introduction of items of cultural and artistic interests, which, it is hoped, will be a welcome relief from the usual political discussions. Mr Beshar- Rajendra Sinha is ln- viting
    163 words
  • 89 15 State Orders Amnesty To Prisoners Hyderabad. Jan. 10. A COMMUNIQUE says that in view cf the unconditional suspension cf the movement fcr sending indivld- i ual batches to the State from outsid? its borders for the purpose of offering satyagraha in sympathy with the body styling
    89 words
  • 41 15 I-adras. Jan. 9. > T r L-E Ct-tral Advisory .Joard of Health aftn an interval of eighteen months met lor the second t me at the Secretariat. Sir Jagdish Prasad presiding. Mr: Rajagopalachariar. Premier of Madras was present.
    41 words
    • 51 15 The Nizam of Hyderabad (left) who has donated one lakh oi rupees (Rs 100 000) to the Benares Hindu University, and the Maharajah of Bikaner (right), pro-Chancellor of the latter, on whom has been conferred the honorary degree of LL. D. by the Osmar.ia University of
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    • 115 15 Mr. Nehru's Rejoinder To Mr. Jinnah Allahabad, Jan. 8. REPLYING to Mr. Jinnah's statement in which he had asJced with reference to Pandit Nehru's plea for the institution of an impartial inquiry into the League charges against Congress Governments what sanctions or power there might be
      115 words
    • 140 15 Bombay. RECENT earthejuake tremors at Quetta, scene of earthquake disa^:'r three jears ago. have left the 'reconstructed bol'.slags there entirely I unaffected, said Mr. C. W. Lemmon. .Consulting Architect to the Government of India, during a visit here reIcently. I First part cf reconstruction was carried
      140 words
    • 98 15 An Urgent Strategic Necessity New De.hi. Jan. 9DAILWAY link between India and Burma, it is believed in informed circles, has bc?ome a more urgent strategic need than ever before consequent upon the recent Far-East-ern developments, particularly SinoBurma land connection in which, according .to the latest report from Burma,
      98 words
    • 91 15 Calcutta. WITH the return to India of Her Excellency the Marchioness of Linlithgow fresh impetus has been given to the appeal for the King-Em-peror's Anti-Tuberculosis Fund, the i campaign for which has been actively pursued throughout the country during her absence. A final drive for funds
      91 words
    • 51 15 Bombay. Jan. 10. "TPHE urgent need to enhance either the import duty on exported films or Increase the assessment value was I emphasised to Sir Mohamed Zafrullah Khan, Commerce Member, Government ;of India, by r. deputation of the i Indias film industry led by Sir j Rahimtulla
      51 words
  • 241 15 Cochin And Travancore Rulers Pledge Support To Viceroy Trivandrum, Jan. 11. PROPOSING the toast of Their Excellencies Lord and Lady Linlithgow at a State banquet, the Maharajah of Travancore said that it must be realised that the present period was of crucial importance in the
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  • 94 15 Premier Bux Accused Of Defiant Conduct I Karachi. Jan. 10 IN the Sind Assembly today Mr. G. M. Syed moved his no-confldence motion In the Allah Bux Ministry. The debate on the motion had not concluded when the House adjourned till tomorrow. Moving the motion,
    94 words
  • 53 15 Calcutta, Jan. 9. I*HL conference of Ministers ol I Agriculture of rjengal, Bihar I Orlssa and Assam was heid at the Secretariat this morning presided ever bj Mr. Shamsuddln Ahmed. Proceedings were opened by thi Chief Minister of Bengal. Mr. Baxdoloi, the Chief Minister o: Assam, was among
    53 words
  • 124 15 Working Committee's Momentous Session Bardoli, Jan. 12. AFTER a. lapse of eighteen yean the Congress Working Committee met here" yesterday afternoon at Satyagraha Ashram. Mr. Bose. the President, presiding. Mahatma Gandhi was present. The Committee me i here last in 1921 after the Chauri Chaura happenings,
    124 words
  • 146 15 Industrial Areas To Come Under Jurisdiction Bombay. •yHE Associated Press understand"; that the Government of Bombay la contemplating the introduction of prohibition in industrial areas such as Bombay City and Sholapur. The Ministers of Bombay have been discussing recently with Sardar v?llabhbhai Patel, Chairman of the
    146 words
  • 856 15 AN important change in its! constitution so a.< to Demit the discussion of political questions was made by the All-India Women's Conference before it o ncluded its thirteenth session at New Delhi recently. 1 roposal for a change from licy
    856 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 86 15 -^W VUC&6 /sd£ CABINET INSULATION unseen but very important! The H.M.V." cabinet is built to HOLD IN the cold. A thick blanket of insulation completely sealed in. surrounds the food compartment on all sides preventing the escape of cold and the entry of heat. The door itself has a live
      86 words

  • 1310 16 KONOYE'S TERMS ANALYSED "Trap To Enslave Our Nation GENERALISSIMO Chiang Kai-shek said: Comrades, our armed resistance has now entered a new phase. With the realisation of national danger shared alike by those at the front and in the rear, and with every citizen striving
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  • 763 16 organ. It is the supreme organ for putting into execution policies which will exterminate China. We should realise in what light the Japanese regard us. What is Japan aftor? What is the flnal object of Japan regarding the China Incident? When we talk about prolonged armed resistance,
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  • 574 16 NEW CALL TO THE MASSES "Debt Repaying Movement" Chungking. RESPONSIBLE to the movement sponsored in Shanghai at the end of December for Chinese people to repay out of their own pockets the recently concluded American and British credit loans to China, the Chungking War Aid Association has issued an appeal
    574 words
  • 101 16 Shanghai. rE search for the "Reincarnation" of the late Dalai Lama, which has been proceeding uninterruptedly since the Lama's death on Dec. 17, 1933, to find a successor for the spiritual leadership, has now been narrowed down to two candidates, according to Chinese reports. The
    Reuter  -  101 words
  • 85 16 CUT OFF HIS FINGERS— TO SPITE CREDITOR 4 NO VET- method v or getcing rid o oviT-p-cssing creditors wrs adopts 1 here the other cay by a youru Chlnete, Liv Pin-wei, who chopped oIT two fingers from his left ho.!-! m ummc of one of his creditors. I.v fainted immediately
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 142 16 RHEUMATISM^^^PI^"™ i LUMBAGO V/ >~~i KIftNEYBLAftftER \M ffi 1 TROUBLES EX s^.,4i|frml CURED WITH -»-.iW "UROLYSAN" Hmi *m the prtisonous uric "f"* .icij which is the cause of loss ft *V I cf appetite, disinclination to i J/ t l '(oS"^ I"**1 I work, mental and physical !.«*>«».• <m -Itpression,
      142 words
    • 395 16 Drink more Gold Loaf Tea. You enjoy lh* fine taste and aroma only to be found this Tea of choice blend and rare quality. ASTHMA 6nd the HIMROD f.r...»u. f-.rn.uli \t tl.c one rh«t live, them blc.«J relief. Rcljtc. bronchial tubek r "I rellevet dlficulr li.-rirlilng trj INFWinW I >h>t
      395 words

  • 1597 17 Soccer Results And League Tables Up-To-Date r;E defeat of Derby by Sunderland was the surprise of the first divliiion of the English soccer league on Saturday and Derby are now back within striking distance from Everton, who were fortunate to beat Arsenal two-nil. Both
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  • 282 17 London, Jan. 14. 1 Bath 6; Northampton 0 I Bedford 23; Coventry 6. Birkenhcad 0; Guys 6. Blarkhcath 3; Harlequins 12. Bristol 6; The Army 3. Gloucester 8; Leicester 3 O.M.T. 8; Cambridge Univ. 19. IV lice 9: R.A.P. 11 Richmond 16; United Services 9. Rcislyn P. 3;
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 17 Simpson, Army captain, comes rouid a scrum during play in Saturday's Cup final at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 598 17 STRONG BRITISH NOTE TO JAPANESE GOVERNMENT Full Text Of Ambassador's Warning On China Policy Tokio, Jan. 15. SIR ROBERT CRAIGIE, British Ambassador, in a note to TMr. Hachiro Arita, Japanese Foreign Minister, couched I in strong terms refers to the grave anxiety felt regarding Japanese policy in China and clearly
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  • 392 17 THE old Reichstag building gutted 1 by fire in 1933. will be rebuilt, according to an announcement in the Prc s today. The great hall, with its blackened walls, will be considerably enlarged. Accommodation will be provided for new deputies representing Austria and the Sudeten regions. A
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  • 384 17 KWANGSI STRATEGIST ON CHINA'S ARMS RESOURCES Enough Supplies To Last For Two Years Longer Hong Kong:, Jan. 15. TN an interview with foreign correspondents at Kweilin, capital of Kwangsi yesterday, General Pei Chunjj-hsi, the famous Kwangsi strategist, said that China has enough ammunition to resist the Japanese for two more
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 163 17 SYDNEY ONLY DAYS FROM SINGAPORE BALI nly one day SUPERFAST AND LUXURIOUS AIRLINERS LEAVE SINGAPORE EVERY MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY FOR PASSAGE PHONE 7856 OR APPLY TO ANY BOOKING AGENCY IN SINGAPORE (om'pass M;| i|n«inaß'i.H!Pt*il,'lJia<.|inS is more than PERFECT PHOTOGRAPHS— without experience— without technical Knowledge. Because the simplified Compass System eliminates
      163 words

  • 213 18 MALA YAN JOCKEY RETURNS FROM CALCUTTA Sir Theobald Has Not Been Successful (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 15! Malayan Jockey, G. Woods, retu rned today from a holiday in Calcutta and left for Singapore by plane. Interviewed by the Straits Times, he said that the ex-Malayan jockey, Freddie Northmore,
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  • 217 18 Chinese Beat Hospital Club 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat. Jan. 14. THE Junior Tennis Team of the Batu Pahat Chinese Pvecreatlon Ciub se- i cured another win yesterday, when they beat ;he Hospital Club by eight; matches to one in an Inter-club tennis fixture, played on
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  • 18 18 The Kepp?l Coif Clubs spoon for the January L.G.U. medal was won by P. Daug'.as.
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  • 250 18 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 15. IN spite of bad weather conditions and slippery roads 33 competitors took part in the central rally of the Automobile Association of Malaya and established good times. Competitors started from different centres ending in Kuala Lumpur and
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  • 84 18 Capetown, Jan. 15. Francesco Cortese. Italy, driving a Maserati. won the Grosvencr motoring grand prlx in the time of 2 hrs. 38 min j 41. G sac. at an average speed of 76.8! m.p.h. Peter Altken. son of Lord B«.averbroo!c, was second driving an Er?
    Reuter  -  84 words
  • 67 18 'Frcm Our Own Correspondent, t Malacca, Jan. 15. J. W. Russell with a net score of 09 won the January medal at the Malacca Golt Club. Best returns were: J. W. Russell, 77—8=69: P. M. Williams, 01—9=72; D. I Todman, 88—15 -73: w. Martin, 87—14=73: A. Bawfctun. 36
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 18 The S2la::r/or backs break aioay durlnj play in Saturday's Cup final at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 463 18 Both Teams Play Brilliant Football (From Our Own Correspondent London, Jan. 15. |7 VERTON beat Arsenal two-nil b efore a crowd of 45,000 but luck deserted the losers throughout the game. Both teams played brilliant football but Everton got the goals. Lawton and
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  • 85 18 New York, Jan. 14. i Clarence Red Burman, Baltimore! heavyweight, outpointed Tommy 1 Farr in a ten-round bout in Madison i Square Garden. The crowd loudly booed the decision nnd cheered Farr. who has now lost! live successive fights in the United i States. When Promoter Mike
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 63 18 Johore hockey team to play Singapore on Friday is Jamalludin (J. Bahru); M. A. H. I. Vyatt (J. Bahru >, Satar bin Ha]i Abu 3akar (Muar); Alakakone (J. Bahru), r, H. Higglns (Kluangt Capt, B. van j Jchoonbeck (J. Bahru); C. Carvalhoi Muar), N.
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  • 69 18 THE Scottish rugger team to play Wales at Cardiff on Feb. 4 is Robers (Watsonians), J. B. Crai« (Heriot's School). Macßae (St. Andrew's University), Forrest (Cambridge University), Renwick (Edinburgh University). Shaw (Glasgow High School), Dorward (Gala), G. H. Gallic (Edinburgh Academicals), R. XV. Sampson (London
    Reuter  -  69 words
  • 78 18 (From Our Own Correspondent' Ku?Ja Lumpur, Jan. 15. The following Malayan Rugby Union officials for 1939-40 were elected la3t night: President, Brlggs (Johore); vicepresidents. Dr. E. F. Laurie (Penang); L. D. Whitfleld <Perak>, A. F. Taylor (Selangorr, J. E. Theophilus (Negrl Sembilan), M. H. Van der Gucht (Johore),
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  • 245 18 Two-Nil Win In State Hockey Match QINGAPORE played good hockey to beat Malacca 2-nll on the latter's ground yesterday, in an Inter-State match. Malacca was expected to fully extend If not beat the visitors, but Singapore was too good. In the early stages the
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  • 118 18 Championships To Be Held In Penang (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Jan. 15. It was decided at the annual general meeting of the Badminton Association of Malaya held this morning to hold this year's Malayan championships in Penang. The draw for the Fcong Seong Cup resulted:—Northern Section: Perak
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  • 189 18 In a friendly football game played en the S.H3.J.C.S. ground, Saturday, a St. Matthew's Young Peoples' Guild team defeated a Posl Office side by three goals to nil. Both teams fielded good defencas with the Guild side having the better forward line. First goal
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  • 133 18 Playing at Farrer Park on Saturday the Slong Bdo Athletic beat the Manchester' second eleven by three goals to two in a friendly soccer game. A slippery turf marred the play and this seemed to affect the soldiers more than the Chinese. James Goh opened accounts
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  • 52 18 The following have accepted to play tor S.C.C. vs. R.E. Malays tomorrow at S.C.C: F. J L. Mayger: C. E. Brooke. E. C. Barnes; J. L. Purnell. D. H. Tudor, H. A. Schamper; M. W. Cole, P. H. Harrison, Lt. H. N. W. Corrle, G. H. Cement and
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 10 18 SOLE AGENTS mi, DARBY CO., LTD. i W.P.S. U2B -~~>_p_
      10 words
    • 88 18 lur 19^9. HUDSON presents two con- A <L /'< I.^l pletely nrw cars the r.e* MB HUDSON SIX and the luvu- I 111 lious new HIUSOX Country club I A W Series. Both bring you the new Auto- sj<r /^t^22©^^B I'oise Control— a new mechanical prin- /^%%%>S iple. discovered by
      88 words

  • 907 19 Selangor Played Grand Rugby To Win Malaya Cup (By A Special Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 14. rOR the second time in three years, Selangor beat Army in the final of the Malaya Cup rugger competition here today. The ground was soft but not
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  • 105 19 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. IS. rAMS for the North vs. South Rugby game to be played in Singapore on Jan. 28 were chosen last night &s follows: NORTH: Harper (Selangor); Hatfield (Selangor), Close (Penang), Lyle (Penang), Hague (Penang): Ewart (Penang), Pestana (Penang); Mcßride
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  • 104 19 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Jan. 15. A NUMBER of rotarians and others were present when the Penang Rotary Boys' Club held their annual athletic sports at the club premises at Ayer Itam. An innovation this year was the inclusion of kampong boys and Chinese
    104 words
  • 452 19 THE Malayan Rugby Union dinne r was held at the Selangor Club on 1 Saturday night following the 11. M.S. Malaya Cup final, which ended in a gr?at victory for Selangor over the Army. Jr. E. S. Lawrie, president of the M.R.U., referred to
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  • 66 19 'From Our Own Correspondent) I Johore Bahru, Jan. 15. The Amicable Athletic Association of Singapore were beaten 2—l2—1 by the Johore Prisons football eleven, the Johore Cup champions, in a friendly 1 soccer matoh on the Istana Padang today. Chin Aun opened the scoring for
    66 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 19 K^iio-.i Army forward attempts to tofc< tiu ball ihrongh the scrum during Saturday* Cup final at Kuala Lumpur, which was toon 10-0 by Selang-
    24 words
  • 177 19 The first bi-monthly mixed foursomes competition for January was played at Bukit Timah on Sunday afternoon and resulted in a win lor Mrs. L. G. Hartmann and Capt. J. A. H. Mitchell with a net score of 34%. Forty-three cards were taVen out and the following returned:
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  • 48 19 TODAY Rugby: S C C. seven-a-slde. Hockey: G.S.C. vs. Europeans, G.S.C.; European trial, S.C.C.; S.R.C. vs. R.E. 2nd, S.R.C; V.M.C.A. vs. 35th Battery R.A.. Anson Road- P.O. vs. R.A.M.C, Tanglta; S.C.R.C. vs. Loyals, Alexandra. Boxinr: Loyals Individual championship prcfmlnaries. Goll: Singapore Golf Club L.O.U. Medal.
    48 words
  • 411 19 Sports Chatter Few Surprises In North And South Selections TTHE North vs. South sides chosen on Saturday after the Cup final at Kuala Lumpur contain very few surprises. In the South, Dixs selection might come in for some crit icism but the little R.N. and R.A.F. full back has apparently
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  • 137 19 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Jan. 15. 1 1 M.S. Terror beat South Johore by 14 points (one goal and three tries) to nil at Rugby on the Civil Service Club padang here today. Johore played one short and were kept on the defensive in
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  • Page 19 Advertisements

  • 90 1 (Above) Concentration— B. Hoenling?r, of Paris, studying a move during the Chess Congress at Hastings. Players from many parts of Europe took part. (Right) Vice- Admiral A. B. Cunningham leaving the plane at Croydon after a visit to Berlin for talks regarding
    90 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 183 1 ■m fill a MB> V A^. BOWRANITE ■I MB^^j tijTiJßffH 5 »ll forms a Perfect protective coating on all iron i jTm II and steel surfaces, which "seals" them against k «H| nTP p^^Bl^^l' IP I! the action ol rust and corrosion. TL |l'n'^?>§ 91^^ 1| This protective compound Is
      183 words