The Straits Times, 15 January 1939

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 369 Sunday, January 15, 1939 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 369 Sunday. January 15. 1939 Price 10 Cents
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  • 432 1 BETTER THAN SELETAR Sydney Favoured As Battleship Base Ex-Member Of The General Staff LORD STRABOLGI ON NAVAL STRATEGY "Enemy Would Divert Through Timor" (From Our Own Correspondent) Sydney, Saturday. "CYDNEY would provide a better base for battleships than Singapore," declared Lord Strabolgi, Chief Whip of the Labour Opposition in the
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  • 98 1 yiVIEN LEIGH (above), one of the foremczl British film actresses, has been chosen to play the part of Scarlett O'Hara in the film version of Gone with the Wind," reports Reuter from Hollywood. The other chief parts are Rhett Butler, played by Clark Gable; Ashley
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  • 357 1 SingaporeSarawak Commercial Air Survey THE first commercial aeroplane to fly from Singapore to Sarawak was due to leave the Kallang Airport at seven o'clock this morning. This flight, which is b*»ing made by a V.'earne Brothers' four-engined DHB6 aircraft, Is at the invitation of the Rajah of Sarawak, following the
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  • 118 1 Chungking, Saturday. INDICATIONS point to the likelihood of the outbreak of major fighting in the near future on the Hunan front. Chinese military circles are very reticent, merely saying the situation to the north of Changsha is becoming tense." Extensive Japanese military preparations have been
    Reuter  -  118 words
  • 79 1 (From Oar Own Correspondent) London. Saturday. Rubber Steadier. London ML t I/ltd. Jan. -Mar. Sd. 8 1/I*4. Apr-Jute 1/IM. 3/I*4. July -sept. B'»d. B',d COPKA Str SO.. Rot, £1» Its. M. PEPPER White Muntok. Jan-Mar., Slid. COLO 17 Sa. ML SILVER: Spat 20'jd. t months 21 1 I6d.
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  • 62 1 Montreal, Saturday. |\£SCRIBED as a former Bulgarian detective chief, Stanley Zlateft guilty to Illegal possession of narcotics. It was stated In the course of the trial that a quantity of opium, selxed when Zlatefl was arrested, was believed to be a "sample" sent as
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 25 1 Copenhagen. Saturday. DRINCE WALDEMAR of Denmark. great uncle of King George VI. died this morning, aged 80.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 159 1 The Hague, Saturday. THE provisional finding of the 1 judicial inquiry int- the alleged shooting at the German consulate and Legation buildings in Holland has been announced. It says in the case of the Incident at The Hague, the shot was not fired through a window of
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  • 95 1 Amsterdam, Saturday. 'THE printing presses of the 1 National Socialist newspaper Helnationale Dagbladd, organ of the so-called Nazi movement in Holland, have been confiscated at Leyden as well as Friday's issue of that newspaper. This action was a sequel to the publication some time ago
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 92 1 GOVERNOR TO VISIT SIAM AND INDO-CHINA "THE Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, and Lady Thomas, are to visit Siam and IndoChina, leaving on Jan. 30. They wiU travel by R.A.F. Sunderland flyingboat to Bangkok and wiU stay with the British Minister, Sir Josiah Crosby, .it the Legation until Feb. 4, when
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  • 81 1 London, Saturday. DRITISH overseas trade In 1938 showed an all-round reduction compared with the previous year. According to the Board of Trade imports of merchandise for the year totalled £920.000.000 compared with £1.028.000,000 in 1937 while exports ol United Kingdom goods amounted to £471,000,000 compared with
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  • 74 1 New York, Saturday. THE pilot, co-pllot and three of the ten passengers were killed when an air liner crashed In flames shortly after leaving Miles City airport today. From Rio de Janeiro, Itw reported the Condor air liner Marimba, missing on a flight from
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  • 33 1 A late message states the Selandia. with the King of Slam aboard, will now reach Singapore from Bangkok at ten o'clock tonight. Early story in page 2 column 3.
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  • 68 1 Melbourne, Saturday. OIXTY-TVVO people are known to have perished In Victoria's bush fires. Scores of others are still missing. Forty-one persons perished yesterday. The fires continue to blaze In spite of the desperate efforts of fire-fighters. The Forest Commission reports 14 are dead
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 206 1 JAPANESE MENACE TO EMPIRE Famous General Calls For Firm Stand London, Saturday. DEYOND the loss of trade in tha Far East lies the prospect ot loss of all our possessions in Asia and in the Pacific, including India, and the security of Australia is threatened, but all cards are not
    Reuter  -  206 words
  • 40 1 Tokio, Saturday. CIR Robert Craigie, British Ambassador, has presented to Mr. Arita a new British note requesting a precise and detailed interpretation of Japan's policy in China as recently outlined by Prince Konoye and Mr. Arita.
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  • 30 1 A PASSENGER steamship service linking Italian Somallland with Japan is being started by the Osaka Shostn Company, whose liner Africa Maru will leave Osaka on Jan. 28 for Mogadiscio.— R»utor.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 24 1 X% Diamond Eternity Wedding Riag* I an fashionable. Sat all Diamonds Ml or with f«4»» re* P. H. HENDRY Jcwellen S PORE K. LUMPUR
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    • 13 1 MALAYA CUP RUGBY FINAL Selangor 10 Army 0 Full Report In Page 25
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    • 89 1 OBANOE-AUE VfIITIAWAYS GREAT SALE Bargains in children's UNDERWEAR. rf^ GIRLS KNICKERS ly-^? As illustrated. Elastic at waist and jim *2V i knee. Good quality art silk lock nit I^L x-r^ <^ ls l Colours white, pink, nil and sky. /^N^!/ii Sizes 14 16> 18> \3^wJk T Usual Price cts to
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  • 284 2 "SIAM IS SWITZERLAND OF FAR EAST,"- BANGKOK ADVISER Wants To Remain Good Neighbour To All TO BE STRONG TO KEEP CHERISHED NEUTRALITY *<CIAM is the Switzerland of the Far East; she wants always to remain a good neighbour to everybody," Mr. Frederic Russell Dolbeare, Adviser to th 2 Siamese Ministry
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  • 157 2 SIAM'S 13-year-old King Ananda Mahidol on his way back to Switzerland after spending two months in his homeland on his first visit in six years, will arrive at Singapore by the Danish East Asiatic motor vessel Selandia tomorrow. The highlight of his sti.
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  • 29 2 Raj a Ayoub bin Raja Bot. Magistrate, Klang, has gone on three months' leave and hLs place has been taken by Chs Mcgat Yunus bin Megat Yusop. A.D.0., Klang.
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  • 159 2 Man Who Kept Police Waiting Three Hours APPEAL FAILS IN HIGH COURT A CHINESE who locked himself up in a c! set and kept the police waiting three hours when they came to arrest him appealed in the High Court, yesterday, against a fine of $100 imposed on his conviction
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  • 123 2 OENTENCE was postponed until Jan. 18 in a case In the Singapore Second Police Court, yesterday, \»hen a 25-year-old Malay, A. B. Ganl bin Mohammad Sain, pleaded guilty to a charge of criminal breach of trust of six kris, valued $24, which were entrusted to
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  • 54 2 /"CHARGED with fermenting and distilling liquor without a licence and being in possession of an unregistered still on Jan. 6, a Chinese, Llm Tiak. was fined $70. or in default, one I month's rigorous Imprisonment and $30. or, in default, three weeks' imprisonment by the Singapore
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  • 215 2 Mr. Wong Kirn Hone j npHE death has occurred of Mr. Wong Kirn Hone, one of the Des>t-known Chinese architects in Kuala Lumpur. He was 45. A son of the late Mr. Wong Siew Kuan, who was an electrical engineer, lii. Wong Kirn Hone was
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  • 116 2 ON the suggestion of Mr. O. L. Howe, Crown Counsel, that the police court trial had been rendered a nullity because the accused was charged with an offence which the court had no Jurisdiction to try, the Chief Justice, S.S Sir Percy McElwaine, allowed the
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  • 83 2 AGREEING with Mr. Paul Storr. Crown Counsel, that the sentence passed was "on the heavy side," the Chief Justice, S.S., Sir Percy McElwaine. reduced a sentence of 13 months' rigorous Imprisonment and one year's police supervision to one of six months and a year's supervision on Chan
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  • 84 2 THREE Hokklen women. Tan Cheow, 41, Teo Kung, 52. and Wee Kirn, 35, were each fined $100, or, in default of 'payment, sentenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment, when they were ccnvlcted by Mr. G. S. Rawllngs. I Singapore Third Police Magistrate, yesterday, on a charge
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  • 47 2 THE opening of the first Singapore Assizes tomorrow morning will be preceded by a service at 10.30 a.m. at St. Andrew's Cathedral, to which the public are Invited. The opening will take place at eleven o'clock. There are 12 cases on the calendar.
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  • 48 2 A 17-YEAR-OLD Chinese, Fan Ah Chee, pleaded guilty to a charge of theft in the Singapore Second Police Court yesterday of a necklace and locket worth $26 irom Lay Ah Chay In North Bridge Road on Friday night. Sentence was postponed till Jan. 18.
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  • 468 2 A STORY of how a Chinese detective jumped from a moving: taxi and arrested a Chinese who was alleged to have been found in possession of 12 counterfeit twenty-five guilder notes was described before Mr. K. A. Blacker, in the Singapore Fourth Police
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  • 229 2 INWAUD Wearnes: From tenant, Ipoh. and Koala Lumpur Arrives ever* evening Imperial From Europe Expected this morning. Qantas From Australia Arrives 'his afternoon. X.L.M. From Europe Expected this evening. K.N 1.L.M.: From Netherlands Indie*: Arrives Tuesday atternoon. K. N.1.L.M.: From Saiton: Arrives Wednesday afternoon. OUTWARD
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  • 24 2 Monday Medan (Planclus) Sam. Java. Scuttl-West Sumatra. 8 -East Borneo. Celebes. Moluccas Timor Dilly (Valenlljn) 10.30 a.m. Indo-China (Felix Roussel) noun
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  • 105 2 Monday. January 16. Ships alongside the Wharves or expetleu <o arrive. cnirancr Location Ship Godonn Gate East Wharf Anjhun 22 1 Planclus 20 1 Sheers Wharf Chaion la 1 Main Wharf Selandla 18 2 Cazana 15 2 Aeneas 1 3 2 Klstna 11 2 President van
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 23 2 ENGLISHMAN, aged H, 8 years experience merchant service officer Seeks post on shore in any capacity. Apply Box No. D. Sun s Times.
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    • 89 2 for consistent quality choose s■c s c r e a m c ry BUTTER Warm sunshine and fresh green pasturelands give S.C. S. Creamery Butter, from Australia, its delightfully Other brands creamy flavour and natural golden of Butter colour. Always a favourite with those who put fine equality and ANCHOR
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 441 2 IN SINGAPORE TODAY CINEMA Pamangkat. Sambas and Slngkawang Today (Boelongan) ..4 ALHAMBRA: Denmark (Parcels only) (Selandla) 1 p.m. "I'll Give A Million with Warner Baxter Tuesday 11 a.m., 3.15, 6.15 and 9.1S p.m. <K N.I.L.M.) ..11.30a.m. CAPITOL: U.S.A. (Parcels only) (Pres. van "Marie Antoinette" with Norma Shearer Buren)
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  • 607 3 Ministers Said "To Be Very Satisfied" With Talks CONCRETE AGREEMENT ON ANY SUBJECT NOT EXPECTED Rome, Saturday 1UR. Neville Chamberlain left for London this morning and Signor Mussolini, officials, and a large group of British residents were present at the station to see him off. Mr.
    Reuter  -  607 words
  • 163 3 Possibilities Of The New Highway London. Saturday. I JNDER the heading. The Back Door to China." an article In The Times discusses th 3 potentialities of the new Burma-Yunnan load. The writer says there is little doubt the Japanese are watching developments. Describing the possibilities of
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  • 238 3 "Madrid Attackers Decimated" Salamanca. Saturday. HTHREi; desperate attacks Dy j Republicans on -he Madrid j front are admitted by the Nationalists, who however assert these were heavily repulsed, tha attackers being practically decimated." With the capture of Tortosa. the Nationalists now command threequarters of the province
    Reuter  -  238 words
  • 103 3 The Hague. Saturday. pEN FRANCO has refused a request by the Royal Dutch Air Line for permission to operate an Amsterdam to Übson air route over Spanish Nationalist territory. The reason given Is that It is undesirable to have foreign airlines established over Nationalist
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  • 229 3 New I.S.P. Head On Planters' Salaries (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. CAL ARIES that fluctuate according t the rise and fall in the rub .er price were deprecated by the new chairman, Mr. E. M. Allen, at a meeting of the Incorporated Society of Planters today. I feel
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  • 47 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang. Saturday. ""THE Malayan Governments' delegaticn to New Delhi, to discuss with the Government of I .dla problems connected with Indian emigration to thU country, left today Some members travelled t* the Rajula and others by the Karagola.
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  • 137 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. DRIOR to the departure of their vlcepresident, Mr. Urn Soon Nong, to Hong Kong to attend the overseas Halnanese conference convened by Mr. T. V. Soxig, the Muar Kok Klew Amateur Dramatic Association entertained Mr. Soon Nong to a tsa party. The
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  • 54 3 The Police Band will play today at the Botanic Gardens at 8.30 p.m.: March. National Emblem (E. Bagley); Overture, Oberon (Weber): Selection Cavalcade (Noel Coward): Valse. Valse Trlste (Jean Sibelius); Four Dances from Merrle England, (Edward German); Suite de Ballet, The DeviLs Forge (Depleting the Devil In Many
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  • Article, Illustration
    145 3 Picture was taken at the dinner party sivei^by Mr. V. Pakirisamy, the vice-president of the Singapore Indian Association, at hU seaside residence or Slglap, In honour of Pandit Kunzru on the eve of his departure to Malacca. Seated (left to right): Messrs. S. G. Filial. K. N. N. Iyer, Swami
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  • 79 3 Conversation With Mr. Chamberlian 1/ATICAN circles summarise the v political aspect of Mr. Neville Chamberlain's audience with the Pope yesterday as follows The Pope is greatly concerned about the fate of the Roman Catholic Church In a number of European States and looks to Great
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  • 86 3 TTHE funeral of Mrs. Ame Stanley Leach, who died at the General Hospital on Friday, took place at Bldadarl Cemetery yesterday, following a service at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Yen. Archdeacon Graham White took the services. Wreaths were sent by the husband, daughter and nephew, Mrs. E.
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  • Article, Illustration
    40 3 MISS Kate Wilkinson, daughter of a well-known Harrogate doctor, S. C. Wilkinson, was a member of the Bird of Paradise tableau at the Chelsea Arts Ball at the Albert Hall. Miss Wilkinson is well known in London as a model.
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  • 126 3 From Our Own Correspondent. i BUu Pahat. ALTHOUGH the new building ot Kluang English School Is still unfinished it has been decided tD open the school today (Jan. 15 >. The pup!ls will use the new Malay School until the building is completed. Mr Koe Ewe Teck.
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  • 34 3 Dr. Abdul Gany. of the General Hospita'. Kuala T.umpur. has resumea duty in the District Hospital. Klang. In place of Dr. Fatt Seong Llan, who has b^rn transferred to the General Hospital. Kua!i Lurr.pur.
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  • 116 3 Unrest Among 2,000 Men Allayed (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. I JNREST among the 2,000 workers in the central workshops of -he F.M.S. Railways at Sentul. a Kuala Lumpur suburb, las been allayed by an Interim reply to the men's demands for increased
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  • 51 3 Berlin. Saturday. THE registered unemployed in Greater Germany In December totalled 824.000. About 1.000.000 In the old Reich were thrown out of work during December owing to seasonal Influences, but they are regarded as only temporarily unemployed and therefore not listed, according to the Labour Ministry.—
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 524 3 Breach Of Promise Damages At £1 A Sheet DEFORE damages of £750 for breach of promise were awarded at Preston Sheriff's Court against a Cambridge graduate counsel for the plaintiff said he had copies of letters from the man covering 750 closelytyped sheets. There were
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  • 79 3 Malayan Town Flooded BESUT UNDER 3 FT, OF WATER From Our Own Correspondent Kota Bahru, Saturday. LJEAVY flooding from the Besut River has covered the town of Besut (Kelantan) and surrounding country to a depth of 3ft. to sft. Besut is about 20 miles from Kota Bahru. Arrangements have been
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  • 115 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. ALLEGEDLY implicated in the $5 000 Jewel robbery from Robinson and Co. on Christmas Eve, Panjlk Sharam, was charged before Mr. A. J. GrattanBellew, first magistrate. tDday with being in possession of a wristlet watch and a pair of
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  • 85 3 Chungking. GENERALS Sheng Shih-tsal. Chtf Shao-llang. Chiang Tslng-wei, Kit Chu-tung and Liv Shlh. who are respectively commanders-in-chlef ot Slnklang. Kansu, Shensl, Klangsu, West Hupeh provinces, and Gen* Chlen, commander-in-chlef of th« Chinese forces on the Pelping-Hankow, Railway, have telegraphed to ths Central Government pledging then
    Reuter  -  85 words
  • 37 3 Mr. V. Ratnam, P.W.1., Railways, Port Swettenham, who was to have gone on transfer to Gemas on Jan. 2, has gona to Ceylon on long leave. Mr. A. Arumugam, from Gemas. has taken Mr. Ratnam 's place.
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  • 233 4 Salvation Army To Open New Children's Home TV) be informally opened tomorrow is the Salvation Army's latest Governmentaided institution a Children's Home in Upper Wilkie Road for boys up to five and girls up to 16. With Its establishment, 20 children now temporarily housed at the Women's Industrial Home will
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  • 17 4 Flying Officer N. A. N. Bray has been awarded the D.F.C. for gallantry during the Wazlrlstan operations.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 357 4 The Year's Gayest Romantic Hit! TODAY AT 11 a.m., 3.15, 6.15 9,15 p.m. ALHAKbftA nobody!^ WARNeFbAXTER I tad the seasons gayest xo mantic hit it underway! MILL 4M wl&k i MARJORIE WEAVER «p^ PETER LORRE tiiAHT W JEAN HERSHOLT *****1 l JOHN CARRAOINE LYNN SARI T J.MwardBROMSIRO «m FflO t
      357 words
    • 215 4 Th« sweetheart '^(N| HL •f M A Star it Born". as V girl who can SSW cuddle, kias y~ yip*; and cook! The star of "Yellow Jack" m van author |k jMH who learni s-i WW bout life If W and love from htr! *^m Hero of "3 Com- JBh
      215 words
    • 195 4 MAKE THIS YOUR BIG WEEK-END ENTERTAINMENT! Even "Romeo Juliet" Takings beaten Night after Night! CAPITOL 3 SHOWS DAILY 2.45-6.00 and 9.30 p.m. never before... perhaps never again... a picture to equal MRMASHEARER produce mom poto *2 1 1 HOURS j'uU' To SHOW Mi-lro Cold wyn-M ,rt Finest Production Patrons are
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  • 1 5
    1 words
  • 779 5 Who Will Be The First Lady Of The Screen In 1939? By Sunday Times Hollywood Film Correspondent Vl/HO will be the First Lady of the Screen in 1939? Many actreasess have large and ardent bands of admirers throughout the world, and at least a dozen have c;ualifications for the post,
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  • 146 5 Charity Jewish Show npO swell the finances of the Singapore Jewish Refugee Fund a special charity show will be presented at the Capitol Theatre on Tuesday night. George Arllss's film "The House of Rothschild" will form the main part of the programme. In addition there will be Mr. Werner Baer,
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  • 149 5 "Twentieth century-Fox is ail set to produce "Stanley and Livingstone on a grand scale but it cannot find an actor of about 30 who looks like David Livingstone. Yes Livingstone seeuis to be lost again. Spencer Tracy has been borrowed from Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer to play the starring
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  • 405 5 \yiTH all the carefree abandon of an old time troupe of itinerant musicians, the 29 Wuhan •Songsters, who gave such a memorable performance in the Capitol Theatre recently, are living while in Singapore in an old Chinese temple
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 203 5 ELIZABETH ARDEN'S VELVA CREAM MASQUE is light ns foam, cool as snow smooth it on ■>, our face while you rest then see how it has softened fatigue lines, how clear, fine textured fir smooth your skin I looks what a young, refreshed appearance transforms your features. THE ELIZABETH ARDEN
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  • 1125 6 Outside Influences Cause Deterioration DOLITICAL developments and the fear of an European war have again exercised a braking effect on markets, which Is not off-set by the greater Industrial activity caused through the pursuit of huge armament programmes in most countries. Market operators must therefore feel
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  • 90 6 Singapore, Jan. 14, noon. Buyers Sellers Gambler 7.50 Hamburg Cube $13.50 Java Cub« $12.00 •epper White Muntok $12.75 White $12.25 Black $9.00 ?opra MAxed $3.00 Sun Dried $3.30 'ago Flour No. 1 Lingga $2.20 Fair $2.20 Sarawak $2.17£ 'elotong Palembang $7.50 Banja $8-00 Sarawak $8.00 "apioca Small
    90 words
  • 78 6 Saturday, Jan. 14, Noon. No. IX R.S.S. (Spot loose) 27 27 Vi No. IX R.S.S. f.o.b. In cases January 27* G.F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. In bale* January 27 2714 FAQ. R.S.S. f.o.b. in bales January 26Vft 26H FUTURE QUOTATIONS No. IX R.S.S. on Registered tender January
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  • 70 6 pvURING the week ending Jan. 7, 1939, exports of canned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted tc 49,272 cases, of which: 46.226 (94 per cent.) cases were to the Unites Kingdom. 495 (1 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, 650 (1 per cent.) case* to
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  • 1266 6 Fraser And Co.'s List SATURDAY, JAN. 14 1939: 1 P.M. Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin (4s) U lOVid 4s 4%d Asam Kumbang 38s 9d 37s 9d Austral Malaj (C) 43s 47s norn Ayer HlUm (Ss) 32s Z3s 6d Ayer Weng ($1) .69 .64 Bangrln Tin 30s
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  • 124 6 List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Co. Company Dividend TIN K. Kamuntlng 3d. Pungah 9d. div. 9d. bonus Petaltng 1% final Southern Kinta 2%% tat Takuapa (KL Book* Close Jan. Ti Jan. 20 Jan. 24 Dec. 78 Jan 25 Dat» Feb. 3 Jan. 27 Feb. 6 Jan. 20
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 336 6 v "VTES I And as fresh as a Spring t WBjtk, j Morning 1 I think it is wondcr- "^5, R fiil> no matter where you buy Craven I w flr"~ i A,' they are always perfectly fresh a H^^^k y° u can rc *y on a ?5 > I
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  • 336 7 Former Colony Councillor Retires After 25 Years In Malaya TRIBUTE TO CHINESE MEMORIES of the days when tuan besars used to 1 drive to their offices in gharries and Victorias, were recalled in -n interview with Mr. H. S. Russell, director of Sime, Darby and Co., Ltd. in Singapore, who
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  • 42 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. Saturday. Tengku Musa Eddln tTengku Klana cf Selangon, *he eldest brother of the bultan. is building a house .on his land at the 3rd Ml'.e. Telok " Road. Port Swettenham, at a cost cf $13,000.
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  • 43 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Saturday. Mr. A. L. H. Lanman has resumed duty as Port Traffic Superintendent. Railways. Port Swettenham, In place of I Mr. O. W. Bell, who has left Port Swettenham on leave to England with Mrs. Bell.
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  • 245 7 Malayan Shortage Of Doctors And Dentists Denied A STATEMENT recently made that in the near future Malaya would suffer an acute shortage of doctors and dentists was discounted by Dr. R. B. McGregor, Deputy Director of Medical Services, in an interview with The Sunday Times. Dr. MacGregor declared that it
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  • 139 7 Chinese Student Wins Honour In England Cambridge. A PARTICULARLY brilliant mem- ber of the 1936 group of Chinese Indemnity scholars, Mr. Chang Tsung-sui, of Hangchow In Chekiang, has now obtained the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, at Cambridge. Dr. Chang graduated in 1934 at Tslnghua University, where he spent the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 222 7 SUSTAINS AND STRENGTHENS RESTORES TO HEALTH i IN convalescence, there is no food beverage comparable with Ovaltine for supplying the recuperative elements necessary to ensure the rapid return of health, strength and vitality. Because of Its supreme merit. Moreover, "Ovaltine" has a dell"Ovaltlne" is widely prescribed by cious flavour which
      222 words
    • 782 7 STAMPS I Co~;lu< rsur ut at ts-*irV .t^L^Vj I »"cei' Ln il tv» IM I far^^r^wr^H^E I lU '*P I** >*■• a>*4 r U>aVaflßKi' i-i«. roj a ipk* 1 <*^ ?"<• to cow.kt. rewr a.% M v n^U.' V ii. I HaarltM M. IM. I -ti<i.|ua w M. MKuwraa M
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    • 151 7 HOTELS LONDON CALLS tfZJjb^^. INSISTENTLX 7mv<^lQ£7 and enjoy either 'TOgjr HOTEL RUBEmC Buckingham Palace Road facing Buckingham Palace or HOTEL ffiW REMBRANDT South Kenslngtcn. S.W _^y&]^^^ facing the Victoria and <7-' U-J-^^ Albert Museum Every attention ln pleasing surrounding PERFECT QUIETUDE THESE COMFORTABLE HOTELS WITH ACKNOWLEDGED RENOWNED CATERING have running
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 478 8 On WUR HOmELEfIVE IP 1933 '^f %f* 1 B JOI IMfct r^~£2 'i^^iJ^fTf^ii^C. Streamline trains at aawawiiiaaaf M f'^^M ■^aaaT* 1•} '^^|L Check that /€S| fatal loss i Jref of weight/ VIHL f _xsjt»cw\ c TV. 2* /t may be t/ie advance A TYPICAL V W€ S n °f a
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    • 92 8 (I deßlcunis new drvUUv ORANGE-ADE GREEN SPOT orange-ade Is made from the pure Juice of fresh sun ripened Callfornian oranges. Hen. In Vitamin C" and car.c sugar. No adulterants are used. GREEN SPOT Is delicious and invigorating. Refresh yourself today with Singapore's newest and most Invigorating drink. Prepared l:i sterilised
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 1666 8 Today's Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE EMPIRE STATION NIROM SfrSLrSSL. TRANSMISSION 4. ?K r£ iiV» K: m. IDB 1I.8C m«'« (25.3 m). 11.00 Military band muric.t m GSD C WM 10.1. »C. (29J6 11.10 Light orchestral concert by Reller's la 40 London Log"* Jn Hungarian Band, directed by C. Heller. 7 20
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  • 440 9 "I Told Them To Clear Out" WOMAN'S DEFENCE TO CHARGE OF ATTEMPTED PROCURING FOR PROSTITUTION EVIDENCE of Tang Sui Fan, alias Suet Ying, des- cribed as the wife of a well-to-do Chinese business man, who is claiming trial on a charge of attempting to
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  • 325 9 "THIS morning a number of Singapore Indian boys will other at Rangoon Road School and will form an Indian Boy Scout troop. This will be the first Indian section of the Boy Scout movement to be established in Singapore. Th? idea of iorming
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  • 34 9 DARADES for the 1339 training season of th? Straits Settlements Volunteer Force will begin on Feb. 28. Cadre courses for selected members of units will be held before the training season begins.
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  • Article, Illustration
    66 9 The senior and junior staffs of Brinkmann and Co., at a New Year dinner held at the New Southern HeteL Seated (left to right) Messrs. C. A. Kirmm. H. E. Waelti. J. Zylstra, C. E. HUtermana, W. S wit bin bank. E. Hiltermann, G. O. Ritchie. R. C Boys, and
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  • 71 9 (Fron Our Own Correspondent) Johore tfahru, Saturday, pi. FADING guilty to smuggling 10 00 pounds of rubber valued at SXfcUO. two Chinese, Ken* Ah Kuan and Goh Kirn Chua, were each fined today ,000, or ten months' rigorous imprisonment, by Sheikh Abu Bakar, second magistrate.
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  • 22 9 The Custom and Excise Department's new 18-knot patrol launch, Rosemary 11, which has just been placed in commission.
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  • 129 9 WITH the commissioning of a new 18-knot launch the patrol of the Customs and Excise Department has been considerably strengthened. Built by Thornycroft (Singapore) Ltd., the new launch, Rosemary 11, is 48 feet in length and powered by twin dlesel engines, each developing 145 h.p. The
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  • 60 9 A VERDICT of death by mis- adventure was returned bf the Singapore Coroner, Mr. W. G. Porter, when he concluded the inquiry yesterday into th* death of a middle-aged Chinese, Ng Choh, who, while riding a bicycle down an incline in John Road
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  • 49 9 (From Our Own Correspondent.) AT a public meeting held at Sepang of all the Ceylon Tamils and Singhalese Irving at finning and adjoining rubber estates in Sepang, it was unanimously resolved to form a Ceylones* Association. Mr. P. Satkunam. chief clerk. Teluk Merbau estate, Sepang. presided.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 114 9 /IM i m t 1~% fOURTttN-eH (GOODWOOD) stahMiAa acadsikjoilofi GAu... For those who desire superlative performance combined with" smoothness and dependability, the Austin Fourteen is without equal where medium powered cars are concerned. The aluminium-head engine on the Fourteen has set the fashion for the rest of the Austin range.
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  • 210 10 Brazil "Tiger Man" To Flee From War New York. CASHA SEIMEL, who took a bow, arrows and a spear and retired to the Brazilian jungle for the duration of the World War, isjriewing the international situation anxiously, and said he might be leaving for the jungle soon. He arrived here
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  • 104 10 •T*HAT he had beaten his sister to death and was lucky in not being tried for murder was stated at Ulster Assizes, Londonderry, by Lord Justice Best, who sentenced to five years' penal servitude William Duncan, a farmer, of Creavy, Castlcderg. Co. Tyrone. Duncan had pleaded
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  • 1091 10  - Behind The News Crux Australis By ASPECTS of Archipelago travel of more than 60 years ago, travel which proceeded in six-horse diligences, are found in a browned and rickety volume in the vaguely-labelled "world travel" section at Raffles Library. Published in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons in 1877, *From
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 255 10 contains as much as the bottle 1 gll AND COSTS LESS// 1 J"^iHi m\ V MNDREWS LIVER SALT now t\ present to you their New l^^^*s^>^ Economy Tin, which con- much the large S %k \li bottle$ cause it is cheaper to make, A 1 4 SV pack and transport.
      255 words
    • 414 10 wfA fl i*M if ii k\*A IS^IE^ T UST |^L^ m 'I mSm 4 I 111 snt ■smwoxD iiV ]1 1 1 1 Ikj 11 1 1 H'^s jks r^ w r rU m j lA J M. J A J JkJm ro ooiw ■■MHMBnHMfIHBi ~mmrL mKLr! ...But He Gained
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  • Book of The Week
    • 532 11 Double Crossing America. Roland mid. Robert Hale Ltd. 12s. 64, nett, MR. Roland Wild has given his readers a vivid description ol a trip he made in a motor-car and trailer across the United States ol America to California, up the West
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    • 239 11 A Winter Chronicle. By E. G. Koibenheyer. The Bndley Head. 7s. 6d. WE are told in the "blurb" that Herr Ko.benheyers novel cf the Thirty Vars War. Is a shining mirror to an •bounding but stricken age, and a source of light directed upon
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    • 321 11 These Names Made Words— 32 JPVERY day we use words which commemorate the tamt of some man or woman or place that would otherwise be forgotten. Few people knew how these names came to be common words, and in this special Sunday Times series of short articles the story of
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    • 252 11 THE WORLD 2,500 YEARS HENCE Adventure of Wyndham Smith. By S. Fowler Wright. Jenkins 7s. 6d, •"THIS Is a very imaginative story of the world 2,500 years hence. It has become so highly developed that everything Is done by machinery. The machines even lubricate, re-fuel and repair themselves and each
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    • 72 11 Girl Shark. By Hans Possendorf. Jenkins' Colonial Library. "Girl Shark" is a quite incredible talc of a young girl, brought up in the South Seas, who turns pirate in an attempt to secure evidence whicn will free her father from the Fisrch convict settlement in New
      72 words
    • 155 11 The Murder In Bethnal Square. By Sydney Fowler. Herbert Jenkins. 7b. 64. I*lll3 is not exactly a "thriller," but Is a very cleverly worked out detective story. It opens with the murder of a blackmailer, and there are several suspects. Against two of these the evidence Is so
      155 words
    • 345 11 People Ar* Curious. By James Hanley. The Bodley Head. 7». 6d. MR. HANLEY would appear to have made for himself something of a reputation as a writer and In particular of the Sea. This volume comprises sixteen short stories of sea but mostly of land, whereof the
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 203 11 GREEN CIRCLE LIBRARIES 18-F, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. ALL THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS AT CHEAP RATES. NEW BOOKS EVERY MAIL. SPECIAL RATES. OUTSTATION MEMBERS. CLUB MESSES. HOURS OF BUSINESS:- 8.30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. is the answer^^j^^/ The surest way to keep children weakly and run-down alter measles healthy and robust and
      203 words
    • 219 11 m n i no n K»« SBln^ r I K H I H wsjB The New Dodge has Remote Control Gear Shift, Independent Front Wheel Suspension with coiled springs, High Torque engine power, Straight line power drive, Austenitic pistons, Sensitized Acceleration, Wanderproof Steering, Advanced Body Design, Direct Vision Instruments, Rain
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  • 1129 12  -  The Onlooker By Read of Mr. D. D. Chelliah Capt. Mohd. Noor Sir R. Winstedt Mr. H.V. Ponniah Col. L. C. Chasey Mr. Goh Hock Huat MAKING research studies at the Colonial Secretary's Office, Singapore, of records of the educational policy of the Straits Settlements from 1800
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  • 268 12 STOMACH PAINS RELIEVED IMMEDIATELY How would you like to feel your stomack pains melt away a few moments after taking just one dose of stomach powder i You can have this joyful experience— providing you use the right stomack powder. Let Mr. I\, an actual stomack •uflerer, tell you which
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 120 12 /^*%Jo Young Broker Makes Good $&Jjg^ con 9 ue n s HIEHT STARVATION 3fiy- f TMC DOCTOR WAS I *OU ON YOUR RCCfNT Wj"* 11 T \i<dJll&l K «IGHTI rvt rtlT A I SAIES WE'Ri CCTTING H Tf^'_JJ"T 1~ ft»«C^ B P t>I"IRENT PERSON I TOP PRJCES ALI THf 8111
      120 words
    • 133 12 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY. THE NEW 18 POINT EXAMINATION COVERS EVERT POSSIBLE EYE DEFICIENCY. im3mp/on \jPTICAL G> Qualified tJ-eMgat Specialists 4, ARCADE BLDG. TKONE 3002. E. A. Thompson. Or. of Ocular Science r^K Watch your JWu do<j 02®17 WIV HtterrfcfiM In the days when he's growing and chewing up mats
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  • 624 13 MICROSCOPE WILL MAGNIFY MILLION TIMES Atom Enlarged To One Inch In Diameter New York. A NEW ultra-microscope which magnifies up to a million times ?nd opens up a new world in the same manner as Van Leeuwenhoek's first crude instrument did 200 >, -rs ago, was demonstrated at Richmond, Virginia,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 403 13 HOT HER, DON'T WORRY fCASTOPHENE is RELIABLE SAFE! im chocol«»« Ui«tiv«, pltMtnt i«t, mild md thorough in .etion. Castor oil doo mor* -rm than good becaus* it ii.jurtt delicate mUltinoi. CaslopStn* thoroughly clears th* system of poisonoui wast* matter which can caus* so much ill.hcal.h. Yet with .11 iff thoroughness
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  • 492 14 Mr. W. Leggatt AFTER five successive years as chairman of the Incorporated Society of Planters, Mr. W. Leggatt laid down the reins yesterday. At the annual meeting in Kuala Lumpur glowing tributes to his work were paid willingly by the members who understand and realise the difficulties which the
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  • 2052 14 American Woman's Story Of Her Travels With China's Red Army China Fights Back. By Agnes Smedley. Gollancz. 7s. 6d. IJURING the first few months of the SinoJapanese hostil. ies, Agnes Smedley, the well-known American woman writer of pronounced Leftist sympathies, was with the Chinese Red Army which, on its acceptance
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 263 14 TEL (^tm^j rEL: 43 10 4310 MANUFACTURING DISPENSING OPTICIANS THE OPTICAL HOUSE 65. STAMFORD ROAD. SINGAPORE. TBT OUB TAiLOaUMC We only solicit your trial or jer. MIEN CHONG Spore"! most up-to-date Tailor. 34. Colin.- St. PktM 4816. WORLD'S NEED OF QUALIFIED ENGINEERS •right Pro*p*cti and tig Pay Oppetunltloi ♦o. th«
      263 words
    • 140 14 The NEW WORLD CABARET TEA DANCE. ADMISSION FREE Tues.. Than., as* Sat, f to 1.30 p.m. AFTRE DINNER DANCES ADMISSION M CTS. Every nlfht from S.M pjn. to mldnlfht PIANO TUNING-REPAIRS REMOVALS-HIRE CHARLES. Phone 2902 212, Orchard Rd. S Unbreakable Water proof Wrist Watch ran reed 10 yean Men'i Streamline"
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 312 15 Amendments To Traffic Regulations STRICTER CONTROL OF MOTORISTS, CYCLISTS AND PEDESTRIANS Laws For Jaga Kreta Boys And Street Car Washers WfIDE powers of arrest for offences which are now covered by summonses are being given to the Singapore traffic police. Amendments to the traffic
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  • 57 15 Eighteen month-* afo Emile Piadner. the famous French boxer, was blinded following injuries received during a bout Since then be has been treated by a specialist. Dr. Heln, who in the picture is moving his fingers in front of PUdner's eyes, after removing the bandages. Pladner
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  • 228 15 SOVIET SETS UP PRIVILEGED WORKER CLASS Double Pay: Better Houses And Cars EXTENSION OF THE HERO CULT Moscow IN an endeavour to stimulate 1 industrial output, the Soviet Government has decided to create the new rank and title <-f "Hero of Socialist Labour." Those thus rewarded will rank equally with
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  • 186 15 EX-KAISER'S GIFTS TO POOR Distribution In The Snow Doom. THE ex-Kaiser, who will be 80 in a month's time, distributed parcels of food and clothing to a number of Doom's poorer villagers at Christmas. With his white hair and beard, he made a striking picture as he stood in a
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  • 46 15 THE Natls have cut to £70* a month the money which the ex-Kaiser Is allowed to draw from his fortune In Germany. Formerly £2,800 a month reached him in exile at Doom, Holland. Restriction on currency export is the reason for the cut.
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  • 166 15 HUSBANDS, wives, and motorists made the best laughs in the courts In London last week. Here are some t them: Husband: "Now that her people have moved into this district, I know my wife only as a frequent visitor." Counsel: "What objection did you have to your
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  • 20 15 The new railway from 81va.», an Important Turkish railway terminus, to Enindjan In North-East Anatolia was officially inaugurated.
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  • 17 15 Thousands of tons of rock crashed Into a silver mine In Mexico, kil'lnp several miners.
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  • 70 15 The Grand Duke Vladimir of Russia, heir to the Grand Duke Cyril who recently died, has announced that he has decided to assume the responsibilities as head of the House of Romanoff and "Emperor of all the Russlas." In the picture Grand Duke Vladimir makes the
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  • 225 15 Egyptian Find By British Expert Cairo. AN outstanding Egyptian dis- covery that of the only Intact tomb of the Second Dynasty, 4514-4212 B.C.— has been made by the young British archaeologist. Mr. Walter Emery, 30 feet below the desert at Sakkara. A meal set
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  • 136 15 Glamour Girl Gets Bill For £4,000 FOR HER "COMING OUT 19 PARTY New York. ILIISS Brenda Diana Duff ITI Frazier, 18-year-010 glamour girl de luxe of the season's American debutantes, has just taken a look at a £4,000 bill. The bill was for her coming-out party— the most glittering and
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  • 35 15 M. Bonnet, French Foreign Minister, and Mr. Phllllpe Roy, retiring Canadian Minister to France, signed a new trade agreement between France and Canada dealing principally with trade relations between Canada and Morocco.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 208 15 Radiate the JOY of HEALTIUYOUTH! I "T\ONT feel old and tired out Don't i I be racked by pain and suffering IBe y Young and Vitally Alive— radiate the /^Hjk^WL J° y H 6 1 10 and Youth and so be the 1 i > Sr'x centre of admiration wherever
      208 words
    • 179 15 .^iSBBBBBBBW BBBBBsI S _^^^H BBBBSW BMP 888 BBBBBF^^^ ■BBBBsT BBBBBBBBB>■L -jißßß^BsLsß^i •J^SfliHßtv BBW ~*3lßßßsl MHbßßw_ IB BBm BBaBBBBBV*7~*I?^Z3jPi "*¥^S' BBBf BBB\ iBHBBk- '..Jkßßßa^ 'SSMBBBbI --T-A.-I&- f 3 4 bbbbV m $*m JKHLbbbbbkHf jgn W k. BBm vP^ '<^^K BIBBBr- 4H****^BBBfli HPi*^*' V ..jdBBBB i EBsk Lrtflsßßßßl B^LVPj IbbW K BW
      179 words

  • 210 16 Now He Is Fit To Join Up A rain. Twenty years ago, he left the army, constipated and rneumatic. Then he got fat. To-day, he is fit and nimble a merry, romping granddad, 61 years young. "I came out of the army with rheumatism," he
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  • 1804 16  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By T OOKING through the bottorn of an upturned glass in a dark room, Old Moore Gubbins is able to forecast the following events for 1939 Early in the year Uncle Tom Inskip will say that the rearmament programme is exceeding all expectations. A
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  • 40 16 "The secret of my abundant good health is that every tine I feel the impulse to take exercise come over, me 1 lie down until it passes away." —Bob Hutchins. President of the University of Chicago.
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  • 432 16 By THE FOUR ACES \^E should like to have our readers put themselves in the position of South today playing a contract of six diamonds. Then, since a single glance at the East and West hands will show clearly how to make this contract, cover i them up
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 262 16 AMBITIOUS men obtalii highly-paid appointments In Commerce. Industry, Shipping, Banking, In* curance and the Public Services through postal tuition with The School of Accountancy. Many thousands of The Spool's former students now hold such positions and The School has the finest Examination Record. The School of Accountancy Is the leading
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    • 27 16 LIGjP^AY MATERIALS Rails Wagons Switches Crossings Turntables LOCOMOTIVES STOCKS ALWAYS AVAILABLE Write for full particulars from th* SOLE AGENTS: SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENAN6 IPOH TAIPING. W.P.S. IUA
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  • 687 17 SINGAPORE BATTALION WILL CELEBRATE LADYSMITH DAY Part Played By Manchesters In Town's Defence WHEN Ladysmith Day is celebrated next month, the fine service in the defence of the besieged {own done by the Ist. Battalion, The Manchester Regiment, will be vividly recalled by the relics and curios of this siege
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  • 163 17 AMONG the congregation who listened each Sunday to the sermons of the Rev. M. C. Chapman, vicar of Hailsham, Sussex, was Miss Edith Laura Akers. She always liked to hear him preach »nd was a regular worshipper at the church until a few
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  • 62 17 Berlin. BREMEN, crack 51,600-ton liner of the North German U>yd Line, will be withdrawn from the North Atlantic service between Feb. 11 and Mar. 24, It is announced. She will then cruise to South American ports It Is believed that the boycott of German ships by
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  • 26 17 Cannes aerodrome Is to be enlarged Immediately to enable the large liners of Air France to make a direct trip from Paris to Cannes.
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  • 248 17 Smacked Dancer Gets ¼d. Damages Brussels. Q EORGES, 58 year-old wealthy industrialist, was ordered here to pay one farthing: damages for assaulting Yvonne, 30--year-old mannequin and frontrow chorus dancer. "Yvonne declared that she loved me," Georges told the court, "but it was my cheque book that attracted her. After four
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
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    • 363 17 /Cknce 1865 J I The Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada has been providing protection and future f security to policj holders and beneficiaries by means of variety of practical life insurance plans. To-day Agencies of the Sun Life of Canada encircle the globe 133 Urancli organizations are maintained in
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  • 361 18 The Medical Department of Ceylon, that bland in the Indian Ocean that is so picturesque, that has been recently so cruelly ravaged by malaria. Is doing everything in its power to prevent the return of this scourge; to this "nd it has fitted out a
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  • 2557 18  - What The Stars Foretell R. H. Naylor By THIS WEEK FOR YOU:— BUYING: Thursday 19th; Satur-,, day 21st. SELLING: Tomorrow 16th; Wednesday 18th; Friday 20th. ENTERTAINING: Tomorrow 16th; Thursday 19th; Saturday 21st. SPORT: Tuesday 17th; Friday 20th. AS regards the general fortunes of the week, December and January born will
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  • 480 18 LJERE, grouped according to month of birth (irrespective of year). Is a statement of probabilities to be expected this week JANUARY (Dec. 23-Jan. 20)— This week you will be both happy and busy happy in the first half— busy, very busy, in the second half. Friday
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 93 18 HL Will you Maclean your teeth to-day? ..course I will" MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE If 70a use tolid dentifrice, try the new MACLEANS SOLIO PEHOXIDI OEMTIFRICI Try Seller's Lotus Honey. T»»» wona famous Natuit't cur* lor trouDlaa. la fa, aura. Cum tvin Cataract, etc Obtainable MiryoMrt •< load Chiinliti. Further
      93 words
    • 122 18 APPEARANCE^ th ly J^sr rt/InMPII/ta lifetime Jffl fijf I are so deceiving 1 M J^jtf I So many pens try to look Ilk* j!/r/jm/ /%> SHEAFFER'3 FEATHER- Jut/p// Mfiy 1 TOUCH— but there- '8 only on« A&& jenulns LIFETIME p«n fnw YJ anteed to «erv« you as jß&rfmr I m
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  • 644 19 New Make-Up Needed To Suit The New Style Of Brushed-Up Hair TO date, a great many women haven't come to realise that the current trend toward brushed-up coiffures, with the hair piled high on the head, has made the observance of several new make-up practices a rather important matter. This
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  • 403 19 UOUSEPROUD people, tempted by the smartest new bathroom furnishings, may buy fitments sumptuous enough for a palace. But it is, after all, such small items as conveniently large cupboards with mirror doors, and bath stools which serve as linen baskets, which help to
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 187 19 6115? i "Please make an appointment for me with Mrs. Lynn for a Colour Harmony Lesson in the air-conditioned salon. I really must learn how to harmonise my lipstick and rouge with my new frocks." The also Free Consultations and Advice BATTERY RD. MAYNARD'S CHEMISTS bb ac USE THIS g
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    • 166 19 BtTTE OAVIS STMIN "JEZEBEL" FIRST NATIONAL FILM WINC MAX FACTORS fACt POWDM 'h \i- Accent Your Beauty with this New Make-Up ALL HOLLYWOOD has discovered, as you will discover, that colour is beauty's secret of attraction. To emphasise this attraction, Max Factor, Hollywood's Make-Up Genius, created Colour Harmony Make-Up harmonised
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  • 347 20 FISH-TAIL BOLEROS ARE A NEW FASHION DOLEROS as we know them an pretty and useful and seem to be beyond improvement. But among the new styles, there is at least one new bolero fashion which has much in its favour. It has been seen accompanying a navy cloth frock. A
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  • 358 20 Tired Skin Demands Two- Way Treatment, By Diet And The Dressing Table THE kind of skin which always looks discoloured and yellowish is a very distressing one to its owner, because you simply cannot exude the freshness of youthi unless your skin looks clear and healthy. If you are quite
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  • 44 20 \7ELVET Is always a soft, flattering finishing touch i a frock, and here it is seen used in a new way as flower appliques, and a narrow centre panel. Plain currant-red is the hue of both the velvet and the frock.
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  • 104 20 /^HANGING one's frock, or just pulling a jumper over one's head inevitably upsets a carefully coiffured head. One solution is to wear a fine hair net. But this is inclined to press the hair flat if it is a sweptup style. A more cunning way is
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 456 20 WHICH IS YOUR LUCKY SHADE T aVW^ff^VammmW < *^aammmm«^BT^fTM^^^A m W """S. \^fs-— V 9^te>^ssa>^Bafl v^V Mn----I _B»^ftpaa^^^fl> afe ia* aw 9 OUT OF 10 ff CC-i WOMEN USE THE WRONG [these new maqi^\ SHADE OF FACE POWDER Skin-tone Shades THE wrong shade of powder gives you I* a horrid,
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    • 367 20 Whitens Your Skin Secretly and Quickly No longer need yon admire other* wish thai your ikia mil light and attractive as thrtra> One jar of Stillman's will make you equally charming. Continued applications will surprise you. convince you that thereisonly one beats* bfier. only one whitener that word! alone caa>
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  • 882 21 Would Like Every Man To Read This Article Ursula Bloom, Noted Novelist, Says T LIKE men. I thought I had better say this first of all in case you should jump to the foolish conclusion that I am a manhater. I'm nothing of the sort Most of my friends are
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  • 285 21 By' Rex L'Arneau TODAY the .woman who is almost afraid of the permanent waving machine need have no qualms about getting her hair "Denned"' because the latest method does away with all ttiat tying up that can be so distressing, and consists of stripes of paper dipped in
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 505 21 7tf JAi)£ ?ft££ MANDARIN COATS, EMBROIDERED PYJAMAS, EMBROIDERED EVENING BAGS. 18 Battery Road, phone 7143 Ist Floor. a»w W.^B^iall 1 V^^B fKm "M^ I*l ri -'Vjaajl Woj j' m r*M Haiti fC^sl i r*tßmra^x m v &t^A 7- Lips touched _**^*^^^*m\ with Tangee are r -sX^ t Aj youthful, NEVER
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    • 228 21 "My husband couldn't believe his eyes!" Soys Mrs. McDermott, of St. John's Wood, England. "HE SAYS I LOOK TEN YEARS YOUNGER. THIS IS HOW I DID IT** Photograph of Mrs. McDermott of Photograph of Mrs. McDermott St. John's Wood, London, England, showing the amazing change mad* before using the new
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 405 22 [Valor Veil tjJL. v UJ »!SJk& M you wanf weeks of perfect shaving, use a^^^B jjaqaffc this self stropping razor. Ihe popular f^SR VALET '99 Set consists of a new, improved VALET self-stropping razor, strop, and three IHIH VALEf blades in a smcr l moulded case. nvw POMANSCOLLEGE ESTABLISHED IN
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    • 189 22 "VAS HEUSEN 1 W* Ti«* The World's most economical OCOLL AR The VAN HEUSEN semi-stiff Collar is smarter than a Soft Collar, more comfortable than a stiff one. Made of a unique multi-ply fabric r.f the finest Egyptian Cotton woven on a natural curve, it fits the neck perfectly wither
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  • Page 22 Miscellaneous
    • 492 22 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE EONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS >UR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers tcday $100 for a correct solution of the Croesword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly the $100 will be awarded in respect of the
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  • 2278 23  -  "Nomad" By Crowded Week For Followers Of All Games A CROWDED we«k of sport lies ahead and followers of games should have their fill. The Command individual boxing championships head the list and these will be fought out at Gillman Barracks on Monday, Tuesday and Wednoeday at
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  • 349 23 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. IUORTH Johore meet the RAJ. In their last rugger match of the season next Saturday. The game will be played at Oenuang and should be a close affair, provided North Johore get their best available team out. North
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  • 316 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat. /^•REAT interest is being taken in lawn tennis by several Junior members of the various clubs. In arranging weekly inter-club matches. From the beginning of the New Year three matches have been played between the Malay Teachers, the B.P. Club
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  • 250 23 Muar. DLAYING without several of their regular players, some of whom were playing for the other side, the Muar Chinese did well to hold the St. Andrew's Old Boys to a o—o0 0 draw when the sides met in a friendly hockey match at
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 128 23 Taking the necessary Jim steps JpP I I rat) Th e ma i° in Ac preparation \f \fW of Johnnie Walker are three f First, the distilling the finest J jf j^^^^H Scotch whiskies distilled are chosen vCr W for Johnnie Walker Second, the Ifl maturing years in oak casks
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  • 1036 24 Hope Of Area On Reclaimed Ground On The Seaside MALACCA Europeans of the future will have a centre of social intercourse and recreation second to none in the country if present plans of the Malacca Club materialise. Looking well ahead to the future requirements
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  • 186 24 IN a friendly football game played on the S.HB.J.CJ3. ground, yesterday, a St. Matthew's Young Peoples' Guild team defeated a Post Office side by three goals to nil. Both teams fielded good defences with the Guild side having the better forward line. First goal for
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  • 41 24 San Francisco, Dec. 26. The official autopsy on the body ot Andre Shelaeff, former welterweight champion of the Orient, revealed a kidney hemorrhage and blood clots on the brain. It was announced at the Inquest today.
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  • 272 24 DLENTY of amusement was afforded spectators who watched yesterday's Rugby match on the Singapore padang between two S.C.C. teams captained by G.D.A. Lundou (Colours) who defeated G. F. Jones' team (Whites) by 14 points (a goal and three tries) to five (a try).
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  • 310 24 Hope Of Better Team This Season 14 THE Singapore Cricket Club soccer has been at a low ebb for several seasons past and it is about time that we made efforts to put it back in the position it used to occupy in Singapore," declared
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  • 554 24 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. THE Segamat hockey league will begin In nine days' time. The tournament, which has been in force for three yean;, has lent colour to local hockey and it is unlikely it will be discontinued, despite the fact that such competitions are
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  • 102 24 J. W. RUSSELL WINS JANUARY MEDAL (Frcm Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. J W. RUSSELL with a net score of G9 won the January medal at the Malacca Golf Club. Best returns wer<». J. W. Russell. 77— «=69; P. M. Williams, 81—9=72; D. I Todman. 88—15 W. Martin,
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
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  • 1076 25 Army Beaten On "Dog" Padang 10-0 ONE GOAL IN FIRST HALF AND ONE IN SECOND (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. AFTER their wonderful display no one will grudge Selangor wresting the H.M.S. Malaya Rugby Cup from the Army by 10 points (two goals)
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  • 53 25 East London, Saturday. AT the close of today's play In the cricket game between the touring M C.i team and Border Province the M.C.C. had made 320. (Yardley 126, Wright 61, Jhapmai 4 for 60) and Border Province 222 for 5 (Evans 72 uot out, Dowling
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  • 48 25 The following will play hockey for tne V.M.C.A. tomorrow against 36th Battci y. R.A.. on the Anson Road ground at 5.10 p.m. Edward Wee: V. Xavfcr. R. Lyne; Guan Klat. Ranatunga. Chin Chye; Elklngton, C. Reshty, I. Suratta. Gal stuan, Imm Meng. Reserves: Sing Chlng. Leembruggen.
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  • 38 25 Remaining S.C.R.C. soccer fixtures are: Tuesday Jan. 17, A and D: Thursday Jan. 19. B and C; Tuesday Jan. 24, A and B; Thursday Jan. 26 C and D; Thursday Feb. 2. Winners vs. the Rest
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  • 21 25 The spoon fcr the January L.O.U medal at the Keppel Golf Club was won by Mrs. W. P. Douglas.
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  • 156 25 SIONG BOO BEAT MANCHESTER SECOND STRING OLAYING at Farrer Park yesterc the Slong 800 Athletic beat the Manchesters' second eleven by three goals to two in a friendly soccer game. A slippery turf marred the play and this seemed to affect the soldiers more than the Chinese. Jame3 Goh opened
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  • 133 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. HM.S. Terror beat South Johore by 14 points (one goal and three tries) to nil at Rugby on the Civil Service Club padang here today. Johore played one short and were kept on the defensive in the first half.
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  • 89 25 Fifth Successive Defeat In United States New York, Saturday. /"•LARENCE "Red" Burman, Baltimore heavyweight, outpointed Tommy Farr In a ten-round bout in Madison Square Garden. The crowd loudly booed the decision and cheered Farr. who has now lost five successive fights In the United
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 48 25 Penang. Saturday. IN a fast game Penang beat Perak by one goal to nil in the inter-State hockey match played here this afternoon. There was no scoring in the first half, but ten minutes after the interval Penang scored through Llin Keng Hock.
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  • 229 25 North And South Teams Are Chosen THE teams for the North vs. South Rugby game to be played in Singapore on Jan. 28th were chosen in Kuala Lumpur last night as follows NORTH Harper (Selangor) Hatfleld (Selangor), Close (Penang), Lyle (Penanjr), Hague (Penang) Ewart (Penang). Peslana (Penang; Mcßridc (Selangor), Barnes
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  • 67 25 (From Our Own Correspondent., Muar, Saturday. Mr. E. L. Ashley. Assistant Engineer, Muar P.WD., Is going to Segamat as acting Executive Engineer In place oi the late Mr. J. M. Billing. By his departure Muar will lcae a good cricketer for Ashley was the captain
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  • 1482 25 DESULTS of yesterday's English and Scottish football games hMQ x the league tables up-to-date Aston Villa 3 Blackpool 1 Bolton 2 lieedi 2 Charltcn 1 Li' 3 Chelsea 4 MiJdleshoro 2 Everton i. Arsenal 0 Huddersfleld 3 Portsmouth 0 Manchester U. 3 Grlmsby 1 Frestor. 2 Leicester 1
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  • 68 25 Bairow 20; Hunslet 2. Bat ey 0. Hull 5. Bradford N. vs. Huddersflild postponed. Featherstone vs. rtochda'.e. postponed. •.alifax i 5: Swinton 7. Hull K r.. 11: Dewsbury 0. Leeds 27; York 5. Leigh 5; Vlcnes 8 Liverpool S. 12; Bramley 6. Oldham 10; Kelghley 6. Salford 37:
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  • 103 25 Bath 6: Northampton 0. Bedford 23; Coventry 6. Blrkenhcad 0; Guy's 6. Blackheath 3: Harlequins 12. Bristol 6; The Army 3. Gloucester 8; Leicester 3. O.M.T. 8; Cambridge Univ. 19. Police 9; RAF. 11. Richmond 16; United Services 9 Rosslyn P. 3: London Scot. 8. Bart's 8; Wasps
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  • 250 25 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. RESPITE bad weather conditions and slippery roads 33 competitors took part in the central rally of the Automobile Association of Malaya held here today and established good times. Competitors started from different centres ending In Kuala Lumpur and
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  • 747 26 Points On Which Singapore And Johore Agree BADMINTON enthusiasts throughout the country will await with the keenest of interest the results of the various discussions at the annual general meeting: of the Badminton Association of Malaya which takes place today at the Old
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  • 273 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, Friday. MAKING their debut in hockey the Muar Customs Club had to admit defeat at the hands of the Muar Hospital Sports Club when the sides met in a friendly match on the Hospital padang. The final score of
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  • 63 26 Horace Lindrum. the Australian, nas Informed the Billiards Association and Control Council that he will be able to play in the world Snooker championship in London, starting Jan. 23. Llnarum. who has arranged to tour South Africa and New Zealand, has already announced that
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  • 72 26 Labr-oy's XI defeated the Ipoh Club by six go? Is to nil In "a match played on the padang on Thursday. Vuillumier was responsible for five of the goals while Ah Loke netted the other. The Police team beat the PeraX Chinese Recreation Club by four
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  • 811 26 11/ITH the exception of the Malay players, V* who are exceedingly busy preparing for the remaining tournaments under the auspices of the Selangor Malays Badminton League, most of the local exponent* of the game are hanging their rackets for the much neeciei t«ft. The Selangor season begins early
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  • 50 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. C*OR the first time in the history of Negrt Sembilan badminton, the State will meet Perak in an interState match at Seremban. The match win taki place on Jan. 29 on the King Georjo Filth School court.
    50 words
  • 406 26 VOLLEYBALL TO AID CHINA FUND Muar. DISPLAYINO all round superiority, particularly in the front row, the Gem as Teong Hwa volleyball team had no difficulty it beating the Muar Yap Yu volleyball team when the sides met In a match In aid of the China Relle: Fund. The visitors played
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  • 103 26 In a friendly badminton match of five singles and one doubles played at the Clerical Union Hall the May B.P. beat the N.A.A.F.I. Club Group 2 badminton team by six games to nil. Results (May B.P. first): Singles Teo Heok Kwang beat Sim Keng Song, 15—3. 15—1; Pang
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  • 29 26 The Horllcks B.P. tenth annual general meeting will be held today at Mr. Yeo Guan Swee's residence. 25 Branksome Road, (near Katong Post Office) at 11 am.
    29 words
  • Article, Illustration
    95 26 The Merridale B.P. annual general meeting will be held on Sunday. Jan. IS, at Mr. Tan Sen'! Chor's residence, 22, Saunders Read, at 10.15 a.m. Photograph taken *h..n the Useful B. P. of Singapore mtt a selected Netri Sembilan side at Seremban recently. Seated: Lee Van* Hwang, Raymon-.
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  • 817 26 Negri Singles Badminton Final (By Our Seremban Correspondent) WITH neat drop .shots and better smashes, Llm Ewe Law, Negrl Sembilan badminton champion, retained his singles championship title by dereatta3 Wong Yew Chong In the best of three sets. Ballooning th: shuttle to the base Lne In the second set and
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 273 26 NATURE'S WAY TO REMOVE POUNDS OF FAT! RoU» ol tismhtly lit «t w«»t ""I hip*, double chins, ugiy, bulging UmtM all the* ■re cawed when wiste product* left »tt«t every meal »re not emptied regularly rrora the syitein. But there n a danger in drastic, artificial ilimminK methods, and vudent
      273 words

  • 388 27 Four Horses To Do Well In Malaya ARTFUL SAILOR LIKELY TO PROVE GOOD STAYER MEW horses classified by the S.K. A. in their latest issue of classifications include four performers, who should quickly make their presence felt in Malaya. They are Artful Sailor, Westenra, Heroic
    388 words
  • 543 27 Johore's State Hockey Side Chosen (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. TOHORE hockey team to play against Singapore at Singapore on Jan. 20 was decided yesterday following a trial on the English College ground. T..> team chosen is the same as th t which played against Malacca a week
    543 words
  • 231 27 London. Mr. J Piggot, a well-known amateur boxer from Southern India, has suggested the formation of an Association of Indian boxers now b Britain with a view to securing the permission of the Boxing Board of Control in India to represent India In teams and in
    231 words
  • 133 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat. AT the annual meeting of the Young Men's Association, Batu Pahat, the following were elected office bearers for the ensuing year President, Harun bin Solok; vice-president. Sahiran bin Kromo; hon. secretary. Nanl bin Mohamed Taib; assistant secretary, Othman bin
    133 words
  • 419 27 (From Our Own Correspondent) fuar. POUR goals were shared in a fa. and keenly contested hockey match between the Muar Malays and a team raised by Dr. Evans. Taib bin Haji Andak was undoubtedly the best player on the field. Playing at centre half
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  • 117 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Saturday. The table-tennis team of the Penang Look Kuen Party proved no match for the Taiping Chin Woo Association and lost all the matches played. Results (Taiping players mentioned first): Singles: Yap Ah Fook beat Ng Bee Telk by three sets to
    117 words
  • 92 27 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat. TPHE following were elected office bearers for the year 1839. at a meeting of the Old Boy's Association. Batu Pahat President. Headmaster. Government English School; vice-pre-sident, Syed Esa bin Alwee hon. secretary, Awang bin Mohamed Said; hon. treasurer, Abdul
    92 words
  • 290 27  - Review Of North Perak Sport Trojan By r ft Taiping. 'THE racing season in Perak will be officially opened when the Taiping Turf Club hold their skye meeting on Friday, Jan. 20. The only Turf Club In the country organising skye meetings, the Taiping Club, is notable for its sensational
    290 words
  • 289 27 Young Frisco In Form Boxing Notes YOUNG Frisco is apparently just as good, if not better, than he was two years ago, when he scored three wins out of four fights with the Egyptian, Mohamed Fan my. At Kuala Lumpur on Friday, Frisco proved more than a match for Butch
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 185 27 fc'*f> Wf JLAmL v *'»K 4ke*<: launatiorul TD-40 TricTncTor tad buli«r«dtr en read jot. Im« ruction* I TrftcTracTen jjjftfiK^EfcJ^jfc^j caa to bad ia fivt modcli, two of th*n» powrtd by Di*tel Engiiwi. 1 (eavy-dury performance digging and smashing their way ■K^nanß through tough terrain with bullgrader or giant ripper International
      185 words

  • 391 28 Opium Packing In Singapore Hermetically Sealed Tubes To Defeat Counterfeiters \^ITH the Government policy of gradually eliminating the smoking of opium, the Government chandu packing plant at Pasir Panjang now has only half its machines in use at one time, and is producing only 300,000 two-hoon tubes of chandu a
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 92 28 LUXURY ALOFT -^r It is the luxury which surprises so many passengers in the four-engined Imperial flying-boats. They find themselves taking meals in the comfortable soundproof saloons, enjoying the passing scenery from the promenade deck, smoking or having their afternoon nap, with a steward always at their service. Nights are
      92 words
    • 247 28 J^ ror DEFECTIVE VISION F^~jß> Pleas* consult JSmL new china optical co. L NMjJLfc^ Hl h st Singapore _2^a^S SCL Phone 37M. Stainless steel $78.Gold 18 carat 150.- By Appointment to H.H. THE SULTAN OF BRUNEI H.H. THE RAJAH OF SARAWAK ELLISON S. EZEKIEL JO. OPTICIANS AND WATCHMAKERS ONLY ADDRESS:—
      247 words