The Straits Times, 1 January 1939

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 367 Sunday* January 1, 1939 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 367 Sunday, January 1. 1939 Price 10 Cents
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  • 158 1 "Prosperous New Year For Malayans'* Critical Moments Ahead: Will Be Met Coolly At Home "WE SHALL FOLLOW THEIR EXAMPLE" /^3fe\ TN A SPECIAL New Year message f f^M\\ c Sunday Times readers, the /rs?\Y\ Governor and Hitfh Commissioner, Sir bl (•gSfr.Pl Shenton Thomas, refers to "critical moments"
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  • 99 1 ITALY'S MOST PROLIFIC MOTHER QN Chi. s mas t\o Itaiy ecle v hrated the feast of Mother and Boy." part of the country's ampaijn to increase the number of births of boys. In celebration of this occasion Signor Muv.idini received the woman «.h,i is known as "the most prolific mother
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  • 82 1 Carrying Full Equipment Marseilles, Saturday. a BATTALION of Senegalese sharpshooters formed In Toulon for emergency service in Djibuti have embarked in the liners Sphinx and Chantilly, which sail today. The troops carried full war equipment including small mountain ?uns on mules. They were given a big
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  • 75 1 STAN LAUREL SUES FOR £140,000 Hollywood. OTAN LAUREL, the British film comedian and former screen partner of Oliver Hardy, has filed a suit claiming £140.000 damages against the Hal Roach Studios, alleging breach of contract. Laurel was dismissed by Mr. Hal Roach, the producer, last August, which meant the break-up
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  • 198 1 Kuala Lumpur Dances In The New Year (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. U7ITH bands swinging and ballrooms crowded 2,000 people danced their way into the New Year in Kuala Lumpur. Many more were at private parties. Planters and miners wltnin a radius of 60 miles came into tiie
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  • 133 1 "HAPPY NEW ERA' SAY NEW YORKERS Million Celebrants To Jam Time Square New York, Saturday. WORE THAN 1.000.000 New Year's Eve celebrants are expected to jam Time Square, where shopkeepers have boarded up the lower parts of their windows to guard against breakage. Scores of extra police have been drafted
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  • 63 1 Melbourne, Saturday. "IF 1 1 iulcl tell you the extent of co-operation existing between the United States and Great Britain I could amaze you, but I am not at liberty to tell," declared Dr. Walter Foote, United States Consul in Melbourne, speaking at the University graduates'
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  • 38 1 Amman, Saturday. TEWFIK Pajha Abe Huda, 'remier of Transjordan, who is representing Transjordan at the forthcoming Palestine Conference in London, has left for Syria where he will remain a few days berore proceeding to London.
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  • 65 1 London. Saturday. r pHE suggestion that the Skoda anna- mant works may become a subsidiary of Krupps is made by the City correspondent of the Evening Standard, who believes that the Czech group which purchased the French holding in Skoda was merely acting as
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 27 1 Armando Novello, the 50-year-old circus clown. known as "Toto," who appeared before King George V and Queen Mary in 1931, has died In New York.
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  • 330 1 Fuehrer Hopes To Contribute "FINALLY we have only one desire that it ma Tr be possible in the coming: year to contribute toward general appeasement. May the grace of God accompany the German people in their road of fate." Thus concludes a proclamation by Herr Hitler issued
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  • 40 1 From Her Look It Seems Someone Wants To Break Her Balloon ONE of the thousand rhildren who with three hundred adults went »o the Capitol Theatre, Singapore, yesterday for a special children's New Year party-matinee. Toys and balloons were distributed.
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  • 44 1 Lucl:now. atu day. TOUR arrests have been made following an attack on a Royal Artillery oLiCer. Major J. Barrington. in an hotel last night. Major Barringtoi. taken to hospital with a brotan kgThe reason for the attack is a mystery
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  • 278 1 GERMANY WANTS SUBMARINE PARITY Fear Of New Arms Race London, Saturday. THE Foreign Office, in a communique on Germany's announcement of the decision tit build submarines on a parity with Great Britain, states a meeting between British and German representatives took place on Dec. 30 at the German Ministry of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 162 2 I IKE reels from film crime thrillers are some of the experiences of Sub-Inspector Giam Ah Long who early this year retires from the Singapore police after 30 years' service. One side of his life as a detective has been a mixture
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  • 688 2 AH LONG now 50 years of age, was appointed a detective in 1908. His early life, and that phase of it between 1921 and 1931. was packed with dramatic detail a screen on which thieves, burglars, secret society gunmen and gansters, robbers and murders, flitted
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  • 212 2 ALTHOUGH the new co-ordinated traffic lights in Stratford and Orchard Roads are prcving boon to motorists, other road-users have mixed opinions about them. The lights are adjusted for a speed of 25 miles an hour, and although cyclists have formed the habit of speeding
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  • 179 2 Chettiar Gets Award Against Insurance Co. A SUM of approximately Rs. 3,792 8 0 was awarded to P. V. Letchumanan Chettiar, an exhibitor of Indian cinematograph films, against the Jupiter General Insurance Co., Ltd., in a judgment delivered by Mr. Justice Home in the Singapore High Court yesterday. Letchumanan Chettiar
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  • 62 2 lIOLIDAY tips to vwlor-car owners are: Do not leave your motor-car or unlocked. If your car cannot be locked, do not leave your key in the switch. The reason is that during the Christtnas holidays five owners found their cars missing from their parking places. All cars
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  • 180 2 THE New York girl who won the China Seas Motion Picture Contest, a nation-v/ide American essay competition, entitling the winner to a trip to the Orient ana round the world, r.rrived at Singapore yesterday in the Presidenr Adams. She is Miss Dorothy Shaw,
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  • 240 2 Breach Of Trust Of Over $1,000 PORMERLY employed by a taxi-cib company. an English-speaking Chinese, Ec See Bee. pleaded guilty, before Mr. L. B. Gibson, in the Criminal District Court yesterday, to a charge jof criminal breach of trust involving I $1,016. and was sent
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  • 44 2 A FTKR a visit to the Military Hos- pital, Tannin, on Friday, Capt. J. A. O'Gorman, of the Station Officers' Mess. Alexandra, found his motor-car missing. Following the police warning, the car was found yesterday morning outside Oiliman Barracks.
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  • 38 2 Ufe 6. Lang and family thank all those who attended the funeral of the late Mrs. H' len Mary Long as well as those who sent wreaths U- It grams and letters of condolence In their btrcavemer.t.
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  • 101 2 CINEMA Today ALHA.MBRA: •Valley Of The Giants' wlih Wayne MorrU and Claire Trevor 11 a.m., 3.15, 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. CAPITOL: "That Certain Age" with Deanna Durbin and Melvyn Douglas. 11 a.m., 3 15, 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. PAVILION: "The Rat" with Anton Walbrook and Ruth Chatterton
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  • 35 2 Monday Land tports: Aiibun uuad Stauiuni, 2.30 p.m.; Sea Sports, 9a.m. Hockey: Fort Canning vs SCRC S.C.R.C, CSC. vs. Combined Schools' V.M.C.A. vs. C.TJ., Anson Road Boßby: 5.A.0.8. vs. Royal Navy at Far«f Pwt.
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  • 266 2 1NU AKU Wearnes: Proin Prnim;, IpoJi. and Kuala Lumpur. 4rrivrs every evening. Qantas From Australia j IntfM Mi afternoon. K.L.M. From Europe Hue this rveiiiiij. Imperial: I'roni Europe Left London Dec. 23 Expected today. Left London Dec. 21 and Dee. Ml Arrival umnlnin. K.N.I.L.M.: (rum
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  • 114 2 Monday Mcdan (Plancius) 9 n in. Indo-China (O. O. 9 1; Jj\a Souin-Wesi Sumatra. S.-East Borneo. Celebes. Moluccas Timor Dilly I n u. Tuesday Pamaw:kat. SamUas and Sim.-ic:, 1 Tomohon 1 U.S.A. (Parcels only) iPiv> Adjum) 1.' :i .1 r.i. iK N.I.L.M p ..11.3 Fort ae
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  • 20 2 THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD I f I ...i MINI .< m Gal Ut Whan iccrs Whar Crefeld Bandonu Benklda r.B-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 22 2 HALL.— At the Maternity Hospital, Sepoy Lines. Singapore, on Dec. 28, to Ann, wife of D. G. Hall. FM.S. Customs, a daughter.
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    • 47 2 Our CHILLED BEEF needs no introduction— it has already made a name for itself. It retains all the natural juices Delicious, tender joints equal io the home side beef in flavour, we can n thoroughly recommend it. ?hon«: S37fo i-ines) Advt. nf Singapore Cold St;!;i'j><: Co.. Ltd.
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  • 227 3 Japanese Army Must Withdraw In Totality "FEW TROOPS NEAR INNER MONGOLIA" Hong Kong, Saturday. MR. Wang Ching-wei, ex-premier and vice-president of the Chinese Government party, who is reported to have sent a message to Marshal Chiang Kai Shek advising the prompt exchange of peace talks with
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  • 239 3 Son Of Lord Runciman In Singapore A I TLK >.uri>.nir condition* in M :m. as the guest of one of the Siamese Princes, for a serie> ".< articles for The limes. London, the Hen. Steven Runriman. the histcrian ssn of Lord arrived in Singapore > esterda> Formerly a Cambridge
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  • 58 3 Hcng Kong Sati'iday fKE Chiiieof c vjiupr-oCensive In Kwangiung continues. The forces under G.-n. Tann Lungkruang from .he north are attacking Sheklung and Tungkuen. necessitating the Transport of 10.000 Japanese from Canton to Tungkuen and Taiping. Meanwhile Chinese planes have been bombuiu Cantons suburbs during
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  58 words
  • 212 3 Diplomatic Rupture Scouted In Berlin Washington, Saturday. CTATE DEPARTMENT offlcals reiuse to comment on yesterday's German inspired statement lon Germano-American relations. but well-informed quarters consi- der the statement brings relations nearer to a complete deadlock. In Berlin, however, a suggestion that a breach of Germano-American rela--11 tions was
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 95 3 London, Saturday. pi MOIKS that there is any poli- Ural significance in the fact that Lord Halifax, Foreign Secretary. Mr. Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister, and Mr. Anthony Eden, former Foreign Secretary, all of whom are at p.esent in different parts of YorksLire, were described as
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 133 3 Bombing Of British Vessels London, Saturaay. F 1 Ls learned In unofficial circles In London that Gen. Franco's reply to the British Government In regard to damage to British ships declares that payment of compensation for damage was never Intended and never mentioned. Reuter's correspondent at
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 57 3 "THE death to-k place yesterday of Capt. Jemes Leigh con, at the age of 80. After man) years at sea he retired aid was secretary for six yt«.rs of the Straits Merchant Service Guild. When lie left the Gui d hi.-, place was ta:-
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  • 43 3 GERMAN IA STOPS PUBLIC ATION B 1:1. Saturday. T I newspaper C-ermania. the Roman Catholic Party le-idins urnali in Germany, ceases uncement cf the stoppage has r M a compete suipriv Aa *he Catholic Centr<*| .mciug the most] newspapers i-ndrr th» Kaiser —Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 33 3 A .oidler febo arrived abi. the troopship Dilwara rtcrni./ wlt.< a turkey fur Christmas, was loudly cheered by his pals. The troops left Southampton on Dec. 14 for Egypt.
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  • 28 3 A larg-- number of Eurasian Volun- .md ihi-ir irit-nds welcomed the Npjf Year ar the SVC. drill hall last n.gM where a ?an<"y dres., dance was
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  • 32 3 TON -On Dec 31. IBM. at 11, Keng Cilia l: md. Sui»»porf Jainr» Cc U Leigh- r i^mrj till take pla.-e H a-i Ceaiete- at 430 pjn. t**»r J.r I. IKJ.
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  • 356 3 \T St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday, Mr. Thomas Charles Phil Hatcher, of Nestle Milk Co., Ltd., Singapore, and son of Mr. J. C. Hatcher, of Crowborough, Sussex, and the late Mrs. E. Hatcher, was married to Miss Lily Alice (Joss) Josllng, daughter of Mrs. Wormald, and the late Mr.
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  • 138 3 Franco Claims Fresh Advances Saragossa, Saturday. Fis admitted here that the Republicans counter-attacked strongly in all the southern sectors yesterday, using militiamen drawn from the reserves, but It is claimed Nationalist machine-guns repulsed all attacks. Gen. Franco' 3 headquarters claim that Nationalist troops, advancing today from Granadella,
    Reuter  -  138 words
  • 51 3 (From Our Own Correspcndznt.i Bangkok. Saturday. Following the dismissal of a machinist for insclence. factory hands at the Fraser and Neave branch here struck work yestarday afternoon. The po'.lce were called in and the factory cl;sed while new hands wore engaged. The factory Is now work'.n*
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  • 177 3 Stockbroker Faces Fraud Charge New York, Saturday. WILLIAM BUCKNER. a stockbroker who was arrested at the beginning of the month on his return from Britain, and William Gillesple have been indicted by a Federal grand Jury of conspiring to commit mall fraud in connection with
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 48 3 (From Our Own Correspondent. > Penang. Saturday Miss Elizabeth Mabel Ross. ciaughU-r of Mr. B. E. Ross. Penang solicitor, waa married to Mr. Lest»r William Morgan yesterday evening at St. Andrew's. The bride's family are old Penanu residents from Scotland. The groDm '3 a planter In K'dah
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  • 202 3 DISAPPEAR FROM HOSPITAL MOTHER CHILD FOUND DEAD IN RIVER (From Our Own Correspondent.) MriKea, Saturday. LJOYV a Chinese woman and her new-born Rirl child wcro reported missing frcm thj maternity wari of the General Hospital on Dec. 7 and wero subsequently discovered Im mR in the Ma'.acra river v i
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  • 219 3 SINGAPORE PRAYER MEETINGS THE V/orld Evangelical Alliance, which organizes ths Week of Prayer at the beginning of each jeav has sent to Malaya a letter signed by Archbishops and Bishops of the Church of England and the leaders of the other denominations in England, Scotland, Areland and Wales, which urges
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  • 95 3 New York. Saturday A SUIT brought by William Jameson and Company to be allowed to Import whiskies labelled "Scotch" has been dismissed by the Columbia District Court. The Federal Alcoholic Administration refused the entry of the whisky because British excise authorities declined to certify
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 122 3 The death took place in the Singapore General Hospital yesterday of Mr. Alfred Burton Hogan of London, at tba age of 51. He had been ailing for several months. He leaves his wll 1 1 i daushte and three son.-,. He alsa leaves th c; brothers
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 215 4 WISHWG ALL OUR PATIO^S A HAPPY NEW YEAR Starting The New Year Right by Seeing Warner Bros. ALL-TECHNICOLOUR Spectacular Production! DAILY AT 11 A.M. J|| |ll|inn« 315 6is 915 p.m. K L II H ITI D nil Mightier in its thrifts than any Picture you have ever seen Wai 1
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    • 181 4 ASK r©B THE WATERPROOr WASHABLE "NO OTHER HAT LIKE IT" Agent TNYE CHIANG CO., LTD. 100, NORTH 3RIDGE ROAD. New Year Resolution Resolve to Shop where it is cheapest and convenient. Shop at:— GIAN SINGH'S 4 f Battery Road, Singapore. OteOfclCbpiH 31, Stamford Road, Singapore. For Useful Beautiful Gifts— Peking
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    • 130 4 We u>isA a// oar Patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Start the NEW YEAR with a Show that brings you Joy Gladness! [CAPITOL f— I 111 ■—II II II I Ml 4 HOLIDAY SHOWS TODAY (Sunday) and TOMORROW at 11 A.M.- 3.15 6.15 915 The STAR you loved in
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  • 810 5 The Films Singapore Saw Last Year The Sunday Times Film Correspondent Writes Of L :he >econd year in sue- rr onion crazy comedies have outnumbered other types of films in the 1938 cinema. And while the beat films of the \»>->i 12 months for good filaaft in any case have
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  • 58 5 Ovn Correspondent.) Saturday. THE Klang Sanitary Board has pass* ;,lans lor two modern cinema -one to be built Mr. Ho Ah Ife I Kuala *nd the other by Tungku Mm Edd- o! Selangor. the eldest Sultan cf Selangor. The latter is mam under construction and
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  • 48 5 :.d Till play on Tues.>k Aver at 6 p.m. March. A Bu: 'R Chapi Overture. h of Bagdad (Baieldieu v Selection. Th< Shamrock >W H. Myddie:on»; Uream <Oscar Straussi; I Paul LlncJtet; Poi-Pwmi. Swer: \eait* of Yesteraay March. For King and C I d'. 1 ft!'.
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  • 29 5 unlclpaltty has wlth<ira* jr reedy Jewish chlli ground that the Jewish wealthy to Isaacs. Hrartmatlrr of the C i School. Ba:u Pahat. a] after a car acd-c-i:>char«d
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  • 52 5 AMONG the party cf six U.S. naval officers, from the American Aslr M c Fleet, who arrived at Singapore yesterday in the President Adams, is Lleut.Comdr. G. W. Henderson, who is proceeding to Rangoon to supervise Ihe buying cf teak for the U.
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  • 142 5 'Fr.m our Own Correspondent; Klang, Saturday. AMR S. Navaratnam, Postmaster Klang. who was on seten months holiday in Ceylon, has returned to Klang. and resumed duty. Mr. S. R. Sabapathy. of the staff of the Government High School. Klang. is spending the school holidays at Cameron Highlands. Another
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  • 487 5 Choice Of Year's Best Pictures DRAMA Victoria the Great The Life of Em Mr Zola South Riding The Drum In Old Chicago Crime and Punishment STRAIGHT Four Daughters Vessel of Wrath Boys Town Algiers Adventures of Tom Sawyer Frou Frou COMEDY True Confession Nothing Sacred Double Wedding The Awful Truth
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  • 63 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Saturday. 'THE Superintendent, Mr. R. C. Levins, and the teachers of the Tamil Sunday School, Methodist Episcopal Church, Klang. entertainsd pupils, parents, and friends to a tea party at the Klang Methodist Girls' School Hall. More than 100 children and
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  • 54 5 I H. ROUND, an employee at the Naval Base, who lest Saturday pleaded guilty to a charge of negligent driving and causing hurt to Mr. H. Elphlck on Dec. 22, had his pl?a of guilt retracted In the Singapore Traffic Court, yesterday. Mr. R. L. Eber
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  • 52 5 iKrcrn Our O*n Correspondent. Klang, Saturday. /\N the eve of their transfer from Klang District Hospital to General Hospital. Kuala Lumpur, Dr. Fatt Seong Lian, assistant medical officer, and Mr. Dulip Singh, hospital assistant, w re entertained to a farewell dinner at the Klan<? Railway Restaurant by the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 238 5 m c kenzie's Cough Mixture AND Lung Tonic. Invaluable For The Relief Of:— Coughs Colds Bronchitis Asthma. Obtainable At All Chemists Prepared By Maynard Co., Ltd., Singapore. Wishing Oar Patrons A Happy and Prosperous New Year HAPPY WORLD SPECIALLY ARRANGED FOR THE NEW YEAR FESTIVITIES ALL UNITS MOUNTED ON CHASSIS.
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  • 799 6 Firmer Close To Very Dull Period IN a short week, due to holidays, Hrn stock and commodity markets have behaved very well and if they have been extremely dull at times they have also remained very steady. At the close on Friday the undertone was firmer
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  • 84 6 Friday, Dec. 30, Noon. No. IX R.S.S. (Spot loose) 28 "i MM No. IX R.S.S. r.o.b. In cases December 28% 28-s G.F..VQ. R.S.S. t.o.b. In bales December 28 U 28', F.A.Q. R.S.S. f.o.b. In bales December 27% MM M II lil QUOTATIONS. No. IX R.S.S.
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  • 99 6 INURING the week ending Dec. 24, 1938, exports of canned pineapples from Malayan ports amounted to 21,230 cases, of which 12,066 (57 per cent cases were to the United Kingdom. 412 (2 per cent.) cases to the Continent of Europe, Nil <.— per cent.) cases to
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  • 52 6 London. Dec. 30. 'THE money value of retail trade sales reported for November showed the first decrease recorded for the total trade since September 1933. It amounted to 1.3 per cent, if compared with November 1937 and the decline was general except in Scotland.—
    British Wireless  -  52 words
  • 155 6 Singapore. Dec. »1, 12 loon. Rice Slam West Coaat No 1 silo Slam West Coast No. 2 $144 Siam West Coast No. 3 $141 Slam Broken No 1 SI2U Slam Broken 2 Slid Siam No. 1 $200 Slam No 2 $194 Rangoon S.Q Meedon $14< Rangoon Sugham
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  • 47 6 London. Dec. 30. 'THE total amount applied for In tenders for £35,000.000 Treasury Bills was £74,150,000. The amount allotted in Bills at three months was £31.000.000. The avera~o rate per cent, was 13s. B.BBd. as compared with 225. 0.45 d. a week ago.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  47 words
  • 1321 6 Fraser And Co, V List HKBfc>TtKKS %ND I.OVN*6T, Majnara »na Co, 530.C00 bit Apr. Z0 Oct 31 ..90 00 10 nora SINGAPORE MIMHVU i"o 1901 red IMU 54C0.800 Interest M s 31, Sept. 30 lor l iri 1907 rea 194. 1.600.000 Int 31. Sept.
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  • 118 6 DEC. 30, 1938: It (>'( !.(>( K NOO\ Future Month* quotation* Nj. IX RS3 on registered Tone of Market: Very Steady Quiet. La'est Cable: London Spot Sheet v per lb. New York Spot Sheet U.S. cU>. 16 3.1U per lb. January Jan. /Mar. Apr. /June
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  • 97 6 List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Co. FRIDAY. DEC. 30. 1938: 5 P.M. Company Dividend Books l'otal for Financial TIN Close Date Ex Mfc year Bouthern Kinta 2'/ 2 Int. Sungei Luas 3% Final Sungei Way 2' 2 Takuapa 6d. Dec 28 Dec ?4 Jan 3 Jan 25
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 265 6 I YES! I find them m n wonderfully S^ I smooth. Craven' A' Mk Ry quality was a real t R surprise to me. I jjgKL never realised that a f^Hg 1 cigarette could be SM& R. so satisfying, yet ■j^^K |h SO Coo^ S0 IH f free from every
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  • 283 7 PLANS FOR CANAL TO LINK ATLANTIC MEDITERRANEAN Strategic Project Costing £90,000,000 To Bypass Gibraltar OF UTMOST URGENCY, SAY NAVAL EXPERTS Enlarging Existing Waterway Paris. II is reported that negotiations are on the point of conclusion between the French Government and French, British and Dutch interests for the construction of a
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  • 167 7 Sikh Police Chief Native Officer Retires SI BADAK Sardara Sinjjh. chief naUvr officer of the Sikh contingent of the Straits SetUtiili Police, made his last inspection of tbr suard at Pearl's Hill Barracks yesterday morning. ?l.vs of age, ho goes on ■day alter 37 years' ..ed ir Singarn Fcrozepore to
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  • 49 7 y: Alexander Umn&fcy will give a broadcast reJ.C. ctalions Inn 7 p.m ■»>.m tomorrow night. Be will give a third recital in the Victoria Memorial Hall, ln response to enmerotu request*, or Tuesday night He ill p ay the major works of Schusaann. ft'twln and Lizst.
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 7 Two Frem h troop* from Martinique, one of the French West India Maste. with i t h-h -omfde. photographed In the streets of Singapore vestcrdaT. whea a dra»* Martinique troops passed thro* h f-om Shanf- m~^ c »•■•••< »"fs l^ner Marerhal JoftTre.
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  • 144 7 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, Saturday. •pHE Muar Kck. Klew Amateur Dramatic Association and the Muar Chinese Chin Woo Athletic Association will give a tea party to-r.-.orrow at the premises of the Muar Chinese Chin Woo Athletic Association A concert will follow. Proceeds will go to the China
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  • 29 7 From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat Saturday. Dr Karim, Assistant Dental Surgeon. Batu Pahat, has gone to Penang where he Is spending a 1 month's leave.
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  • 228 7 In Fancy Dress As Hitler INCIDENT ABOARD SHIP NEAR SINGAPORE Costume Changed Following German's Protest Sydney. \X7HEN a British ex-service officer, dressed as Herr Hitler, stepped into the saloon of the Nieuw Holland, on her voyage from Singapore to Sydney, the only German aboard protested by walking out. The Briton
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  • 33 7 r K. R. M. Meyer has returned to Singapore after an absence of nearly thv.-e years. Mr. Meyer. who arrived by the Rajpulana, lias been on a health trip.
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  • 186 7 HUMAN SACRIFICE BY HEAD HUNTERS CACRIFICE of a 30-year-old slave by head-hunters In the wild country of the AssamBurma border, is reported In Calcutta. The slave was bought for £45 and sacrificed to ..ropitiate the gods." This killing is the first of its kind for years, and the Assam authorities
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  • 420 7 SEREMBAN FAREWELL TO DOCTOR TRANSFERRED TO MALACCA (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. I AM particularly interested in 1 the welfare of estate dressers and look forward to a progressive rise in their conditions of servitr said Dr. E. Egan, of Seremban, who had been appointed Senior Medical officer of
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  • 65 7 Madame Skoblinc, the former Russian dancer Plevipskosa, sentenced to 20 years' penal servitude and 10 years' local banishment for knowingly assisting in the disappearance of General Miller, head of the White Russian ex-servicemen's organisation in Paris. General Miller disappeared on Sept. 22, 1937. In
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 266 7 STAMPS 1 1 ..II I <-«.£». AJaf 3 A |l«f w tend r«« o.r l.n o" requeM. B*r*r2 £^^B IIM leu are now otiio!e<» £*MfcflaauHij Now ii ttie l"«e to complete I L inf. and we will fna.c you a I Ipccial p».t« to complete your I jt^BH^BMaflb^^J :heJubilc«iu™ptaftd«ariet.*t. a»^a»aema
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    • 457 7 HOTELS LO.NUON CALLS INSISTENTLY KjJ^C^SSj COME l^y^' and enjoy at either HOTEL RUBENS Buckirisham I'alace Koao racing Buckingham Palace or HOTEL REMBRANDT South Kensington. S.W alw~\-^3l. facing the Victoria nno •^/./-.JBp' Albert Museum Every attention ln pleasing surrounding PERFECT QL'IETUDE THESE COMFORTABLE HOTELS WITH ACKNOWLEDGED RENOWNED CATERING have running hoc
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 8 Photograph of the staff of the i»W.D. on the occasion of the transfer of Mr. P. O'Conncll r.\ tive Engineer, Kuala Pilah and Jelebu, to Ca. leron Highlands. <n the centre are: (Left to ri*ht) Mr. O'Connell, Miss O'Conne' Mrs. O'Connell and Mr. Morrison, Supervisor of the Relief Works, Knala
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 346 8 onyouß HomE lebve in 1939 sec i>icw iyri\ a v> j**"?*^"^^ Wonderful Worlds ft_^^^ *£fs^ y Ihose '"credibfe new L«F ~^~^s***^lF™-Ssi\ Str eamline trains TTeeTVOUNGER (J% I Dr. (assell's Tablets Jtg j 110 years have slipped off my back since I started BMRffiifflvr Jaw I taking Ur. Cassell's Tablete! I
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 538 8 Two Days' Radio Programmes SINGAPORE TODAY ZHL I*s metres. ZHF SO 96 metres. ajn. 11.00 "Music for Everybody." Miscellaneous programme, t pjn. 1.00 Interval. 5.45 Oi gan recital. Relay from the Presbyterian Church. 6.00 Evening service. Relay from the Presbyterian Church. 7.00 Chamber music, t 8.45 News and announcements. Relay
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    • 723 8 EMPIRE STATION TODAY TRANSMISSION 4. OSO 11.75 Me/t (SSU a.) im 12.43 "London Log."* 12.50 Dance music. Hugo RJguold and his Orchestra. 1.00 Big Ben. News, Saturday sport, and announcements. 1.35 Greenwich time signal. TRANSMISSION 5 GSC 9.58 me/a (31 M m.l. OiJB me/» (31 55 m.) GSL «.ll
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    • 565 8 CROSSWORD PUZZLE RESULT Only one competitor succeeded in solving correctly The Sunday Times Crossword Puzzle printed in our Issue of Dec. 18. and he therefore wins tha $100 prize offered. His name and address is F. A. Rodrigues, Top Floor, 278, East Coast Rd., Singapore. We give below the solution
      565 words
    • 260 8 NIROM TODAY IDA lvi mr I i 13.G ULI. PMN 10.36 me ISM m). YDB 11.86 mr s ItU m VDB 563 me (31.2* m a.m. 7.20 Church .sprvirc. 10.23 Om.or;' > p.m. 12.20 t> 12.40 Light music. 1.10 News bulletin. 1.20 Music. 2.20 Close do«II, 4.50 Time signal. Programme
      260 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 360 9 f b C A kl A kz2& Iv/IIH *KwS* ever^ new Assured \/V/llllL (GjiM'fi^) who registers as a 'PerN A /> II sonal Policyholder he 1/ j I I V Great Eastern Life guarantees to I J Vi I Refund at maturity of the policy 1 v L VI or
      360 words

  • 696 10  - Behind The News Crux Australis E a month a group of British, Duuh and American Java "hands** assembles fcric'i Downtown Athletic Club to talk Malay, -lafel, patch up memories of the East and meet In- Uers or bus through th*. Big I iind Javanese -«*s in New York, and as
    696 words
  • 185 10 Si» Edwin Lutye ..rchiioci Dt of t!it who ret ii' I 7f a'.ie; holding .ru NO. no is ursigner ol j uid uny not•.Ki! i.»K is 69 ll< 1913 and •.he sami dent. *orks. He catholic Church at the -Persian Oil Asiociationieet. and tminsNew Delhi
    185 words
  • 452 10 Retiring From Masonic Office THE Duke of Connaught. who for j 38 years in succession has been elected Grand Master of both the United Grand Lodge of England anc Mark Grand Lodge, has felt obliged to ask the brethren to look to a younger man to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 279 10 ii JjL Step by m step DistUling o\^\ f 4 j distilled uith ira- W^Mk each with a special mm M^wW9^r^ quality of its own JV MKT Johnnie Walker by J experts who know *i3*UMllg \/L exactly what they Long years in oak A want. casks peaceful, W unhurried time
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  • 646 11 Carelessness Which Often Leads To Serious Injury ALMOST a- many accidents happen in the home as on the roads, American statistics show, and this is borne out by experience in Malaya. Falls are probably the most important cause of home
    646 words
  • 44 11 Why Is A Woman Like The Sea? CampbeV Mjdc-u wheD I <mtm ..:e I T 00. in common ..d the sea. die and placid. Then xh.y are tlelig. T Mf become 1 ..ere is pretty I snubI ole to DSO 1916: retirtd list aged
    44 words
  • 88 11 not be ft i have and K'uod might have bat* a pc. "V opinions, expj c.-.sea by Mr. Fellow of the :enoiogical Society, in a Hail London. observation of the men of thtMr Om Bi love of >p?d. 'lave a nothing :.eud (•R.K I£> -FOR
    88 words
  • 76 11 GAOL MEANT PEACE 'THOMAS LUCAS, of Boston. Mass., has gone to prison at his own request. He appeared before Judge Frankland W. L. Miles and said: "Your Honour, am under a suspended sentence of six months for larceny. I want you to revoke the suspension and sentence me to serve
    76 words
  • Article, Illustration
    200 11 Mr. C.oh Eng Kiat. and Miss Eng Sie-.v Luang at the Singapore Chines? Consulate. Mr. Yeo Mar Teck, son of the late Mr. Yeo Thye Siong and Mrs. Yeo. and ML* Ang I. in? Chye, daughter tf Mr. and Mrs. Ang Koon Seng, at the HBgapett Chines.? Consulate. Mr. Gch
    200 words
  • 75 11 Killed Four To Buy Ring Warsaw. TO get money to buy a wedding ring for the girl he loved a 22-year-old engineer named Wladyslaw Poskrobko hammered four women to death. Poskrobko fell In love with a young dancer. They decided to marry, bur Poskrobko had no money for a ring.
    75 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 156 11 Cv»\ i V^ K lit SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE m^Mjjjji Supplies obtainable everywhere. i— W.P.S. I Demand th« WMITI DOT. tk« Only UFfTIMKPM Jk /SheafferS Iffi I FEATHERTOUCH ijM I SMOOTH WRITING M^lM Ifl V 8«« why FEATHER- Bsj[£th MIB JW TOUCH/ writet bo 5^ JWjJb giffo^^ imoothly. Platinumin- mßgfW >Kfik""^^^^
      156 words

  • 264 12 Ethel Mannin's Novel Of Man With Inferiority Complex Darkness My Bride. By MM Mannin. Jarrolds. 7s. tid MISS Mannin's books are frequently distinguished by the tiresomeness of their heroines, the portrayal of which, in some cases, almost amounts to genius. In "Darkness My Bride she reverses the usual order and
    264 words
  • 284 12 Review Of Modern Press Th* rreab By Hick bam Steed. Warning from the West Indies. B> H M Macmillan. Blur Angels and Whales. <A FrlMan Special. By Robert Gibbons. Literary Taste. < Pelican Special) B> Arnold Bennett Tht Penguin Fres*. od each. Ij/ICKHAM Steed's review of the modern Press is
    284 words
  • 144 12 Hun>es in Action. By Colin Davy. Mi< hael Joseph. 10s. Gd. MR Colin Davy has a new and excellent idea for a book about horses. It differs from most in having wry little text and a large number o; superb photographs of "horses in action." Nearly all brunches
    144 words
  • Books Of The Week
    • 385 12 MYSTERY, ROMANCE, FUN AND ACTION The Boat Train Mystery. By Charles Barry. The Beloved Autocrat. By E. \V Savi. Hursi and Blaekett. 7s. bd. each The Pocket Hercules. By Edgar Jepson. OESIDES producing an excellent murder-cum-suicide mystery. Mr Charles Barry provides the reader with a highly entertaining account of a
      385 words
    • 399 12 BOOKS BY MOTTRAM AND EDEN PHILLPOTTS>;..; .u!.li\ With a Difference. By R. H. Mottram. Robert Hale. 12s. 6d. Saurus. By Eden Phillpotts. Murray's Imperial Library. THE author of "Autobiography With a DitTerenct builds his reminiscences I round a book of pictures, a Book of Gays as the old cook
      399 words
    • 101 12 Peiping Picnic. By Ann Bridge. The Crescent Moon. By Francis Brett Young. Ethan Frome. By Edith Wharton. Kai Lung's Golden Hours. By Ernest Bramah. tan Train. By Rose Macauley. Grand Babylon Hotel. By Arnold Bennett. Ragged Banners. By Ethel Mannin. Chaos is Come Again. By Claude Uoughton. Black
      101 words
  • 329 12 These Names Make Words 30 fiVERY day we use words which commemorate the lame of some man or woman or place that would otherwise be forgotten. Few people know how these names came to be common words, and in this special Sunday Times series of short articles the story of
    329 words
  • 317 12 Misti.ifuelt and her Confessions. Translated and edited by Hubert Griffith. Hurst and Blaekett. 15s. QUITE the most amusing chapter in these "Confessions" is Hubert Griffith's description of his endeavours to get in touch with the elusive "Mis" to arrange about the English publication
    317 words
  • 83 12 "PUmplomplings." By Julius Berstl. With Siissor-cut Must"" tions. By W. Hofheinz. John Lane. The Bodley Head. ss. AS Compton Mackenzie says in his foreword to this book "the fairy story is becoming a problem for the most Ingenious teller of tales because nowadays the child suspects he is
    83 words
  • 341 12 Interesting And Unusual Double Jeopardy. By Martin M. Goldsmith. Hurst and Blaekett. 7s. tid. 'TROUBLE JEOPARDY" 1 is a curious story based on the law which declares that "no person shall be put in jeopardy twice for the same offence." Peter Thatcher, who tells his own story, is a struggling
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  • 165 12 Be a Gent. little Wniiiun. Cent. By Eile?it fflaaeroft. The Bodlcy Head. lid. THE necessity of being a gent, s truly telt by Miss Eileen Winncroff heroine, arose from the fact that he husband was so nearly a perfect lady Sepn was quite, quite charming. an< be looked
    165 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 135 12 "fU-adin: in a !■>* Months.' Books I and II B> Wm Harris MiwHUii < o Ltd. *niBSE books are attempting to m^ke r-..u...j '..-v r yuiii.j: T.'.t y ■I kHHMMh .:.c Ur^<I key wonil ir purpose. ....In v-< :Ji« »tronj»ti«l disinfectant >oti and cannot stand high dilution. They are rau
      135 words
      32 words

  • 1432 13 'NGLNG to one of the few Chines*- families in Singapore whose forbears were in Malacra during the Dutch regime 300 years ago. Mr Wee Kah Kiat, who is a nem member of the SingaRural Board, does not look his 42 years. Ke was born in Singapore, educated
    1,432 words
  • 212 13 150 Loads Of Office Equipment COMPLETED WITH 15 HOURS TO SPARE WHEN 2,000 officials of the Air Minlstry took over their new offices in the £1,000,000 ultra-modern Berkeley Square House on Dec. 3 theyi iound everything necessary for their work in Its appointed place. Their only
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • 11 14 rDIIORIAL. MANAGERIAL 4MB ADVERTISING OFFICE: Cecil Street. Singapore.
    11 words
  • 163 14 Opinion Happy New Year •TODAY Malayans are nursing sore heads which probably seem worse than those they had last I Sunday. Nevertheless, they will be out again tonight and tomorrow night celebrating the advent of the New Year. And that is as it should be, for there is much to
    163 words
  • 215 14 ANOTHER opportunity of letting the world know something about I Malaya has been lost by the British Government's decision to group British Colonial displays at Uhe New York World Fair in one "prestige" exhibit. Some ill-informed writer once referred to the "steaming jungle of Malay." and unfortunately that
    215 words
  • 1158 14  -  Dr. Lanka Sundaram EVERYTHING is being got L ready by the Government of India for the reception of the Malayan official delegation which is expected to arrive here towards the end of January. Public opinion in the country, which is greatly assiste by the informed
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 195 14 C3IO 4310 KANUFACTURINC DISPENSING OPT ICl^ THE OPTICAL HOUSE O MMA lit OHM TAKLOaUMC- >ur trial ordtr. MIEN CHONG S'po-e't "ion up-to-date Tauor. 34. bINM St. Mmm 4816. WORLD'S NEED OF QUALIFIED ENGINEERS MgW 'iii^m and tf Pay OapartunHiat •jrHwiiMaaaMaal MOW to Ma ttaw ta i" pilf pa«. WtMa TO-DAT
      195 words
    • 148 14 Tiie KEK WORLD CABARET TEA DANCE. ADMISSION FRLL T»r>.. lhur» and Sat.. I to 8.30 p.m. tmi! mwiß i>\vri:s ADMISSION M ITS. Even nifbl from f).30 p.m. ta miduifht PIANO TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS-HIRE CHARLES. Phone 2902. 212, Orchard Rd. Unbreakable £v Wa her proof f^^, Wrisfr WaUh \fctrL -v^" '*-'m
      148 words
      23 words

  • 250 15 Bright Outlook For Industry And Commerce SIGNS OF STRONG TRADE ACTIVITY IN 1939 EVERYWHERE APPARENT Improvement In Prices Of Tin And Rubber Likely: Millions To Be Spent On Building (By The Sunday Times Commercial Co-respondent.) A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR -thousands of people throughout Malaya
    250 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 15 THI i<> ..1 m Lucia. t*'.e- bratinc thr return «f sunlictet. «a» relebraird in Sueden Urn MKHtUi In M<K'l.hohn the ~UM-ia <*K«-n Miso Intrid Lohman vrarinr a crown of lit <an«ltev rude in a gay procevtion thro***! the etreeU.
    39 words
  • Article, Illustration
    73 15 AS treasurer of Guy's Hospital. London, Lord Nullield rt-cnved in* "Kainbow Cot. 1 which .Miss Italia Conli presented to the, It is the proceeds of the "Where the Rainbow Ends" matinee ot Urn w;tr, which was in aid of Guy's. In the picture six-year-old Pamela Mtnfc, the first occupant
    73 words
  • 111 15 \JLf HO «ill be tne next PrrsiUrnt TT «n the Inited States?" is the Imbuh question. Assuming that President Itooseat he will not be ted lor a third term, and ir. l»40. the I < I Pre>ici'ntial possiDemocrmtk moi jt-gins '.he New -Chronicle. v
    111 words
  • 1122 15 THE improvement has already begun. Great Britain's exports increased by more than £4.000.000 in November coal production ha.s had to be speetied-up, not because of seaM>nal winter requirements but to tht demands ol industry unemployment has fallen 300 new factories are being built or
    1,122 words
  • 161 15 Dangers If Empire Disintegrated New York. I OSS of power in world affairs 1-1 by the British Empire would be a serious blow to the Inited Slates, said Mr. Thomas U Lamont, a leading New York banker, in a speech to 2.300 leaders of industry and finance at the New
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  • 106 15 ACCORDING to reports from India several Indian princes have decided to invite the Duke and Duchess of Windsor to visit their States. The invitation is said to have originated with the Maharajah of Jodhpur, who claims personal friendship with the Duke. He visited them
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  • 368 15 'Typhoid Mary Gave Fever To Hundreds Never Had It MARY MALLON, who for nearly 25 years lived ITI exiled on an island in New York's East River because she had spread typhoid to hundreds of people, has died at the age of 70.
    368 words
  • 271 15 Stalin's Dismissal Of Ruthless Chief IT is probable that there will b a change of method in Sovitt police rettTltlefl tiew of the dismissal of the Ogpa chief, Nikolai Yezhoff. th< most ruthless holder of that position since the Civil War. Kis place as head of
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 38 15 f **V \.^l*^^^ P* V ff^^^^l^Er I JQJFtjA >/& .Cj Jr XiNh'* Wr TK« Whit* Hmc ins. Cum»« tU. Edmbur.b Tfe OrigiMl rW» ml White Hotm Whiakr. 1742. WHITE HOUSE "scotehWmsKY torn *o*m phtuiii l*o» quimow lomdoiu W.H. 9
      38 words

  • 1978 16  -  Nathaniel Gubbins ry* many more millions a»e we fot to apeod at Christmas 0 a,Kec T:.- S»-.-ep dant kntne." I said .lie paper*," saio The Sweep "*m. I cant remember am many it m" 'Hot me," I said *Util^ wi«t i a milhoD more or lee
    1,978 words
  • 367 16 m THL FOUR ACES AS&feMa M have a dissuit Slam? Our reason: is this Whereas a noip Slam can usually be prom preference to Slams in not rump, due-tad only when Declarer has ks available, a suit Slam can often be made by either raffing losers in dummy
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 234 16 I sccumTy FOR YOURSELF FOR YOUR FAMILY A SUN LIFE PENSION BOND with ASSURANCE gives you both, safewMT guarding your loved ones during your If earning years and guaranteeing an TaW unfailing income when you reach retiring age. MB Ask your nearest Sun Life representative for the leaflet "HOW TO
      234 words

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 379 17 nut* afl JPH_ I G J!sti e J KJ^ (,ll.l.i: I IK SH W KS THE WORLD Ati<r tv*o f;^•nfrati^^u^. <i illet itr remains the pivate^ name in Shaving. Why Because it ->!■ f-j-fullv utilise* ever} scientific facility lor •Ti^tautly improving the quality and precision ><i it^ ra/.or> and Made*.
      379 words
    • 203 17 'VAN HEUSEN" Ua'« The World's most economical COLLAR BSL 5K The VAN HEUSEN semi-stirf Collar is V SSM smarter than a Soft OUar, more nWv^JH' comfortable than a stiff ore. Made of T^^^/VM^« a unique multi-ply fabric <-f the finest Egyptian Cotton woven on a natural curve, it fits the
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 572 17 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today $100 for a correct solution ot the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly the $100 will be awarded in respect ot the
      572 words

  • 2976 18  -  R. H. Naylor THIS WEEK FOR YOU xeek's good days for: BI'YING: Tomorrow 2nd: Friday 6th. >niis<. Thursday sth; Saturday IMUO AIMING: Today Ist; Thurs. sth; Friday 6th. SPURT: Tomorrow 2nd Thurs. sth; 6th: Saturday 7th (Today is definitely dangerous for sport and aviation). Ring up
    2,976 words
  • 397 18 UKKE, grouped according to month of birth (irrespective of year), is a statement of probabilities to be expected this week JANUARY (Dec. 23-Jan. 20)— Your week starts slowly, with some hindrances and set-backs. The middle of the week nill be better, and toicards the end important
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  • 420 18 LJLKL li tbe news for which thousands of rollers throughout the world have been waiting. Professor A. M. Low, who has never played a game of golf in his life, has invented a putter with which a player cannot miss. Legions of tired business
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 290 18 NATURES CURE FOR ACNES. PAINS, LIVER TROUBLE, etc. :i- .-.T%e i.": xtt s it aaddepraaad. Satura hem!) bM provided the runiedf rt aov t t« hi wsl: >• kt m ojot. i. cuk riWTMtitm. aad opal I, .•■»~o Witt taoa «o you- acbet and pains. Tbe? iti««fcl>l jfgub bv«r. 1...-
      290 words

  • 682 19 The Perfect Guest Has Max Factor 's Advice Make-up And Smoking Hurdles To Surmount TLiAKt:-VP and smoking present the two great obstacles to the woman who desires to be a Perfect Guest in someone else's home. Actually, the offensive points of either of these activities may be summed up with
    682 words
  • 566 19 The Story Of Suits Is All About Those With Capes Fashions In London LONDON. DEC. 2«. THE new story of suits this season is all about those with capes. I am sure you would be envious if you saw the fur fabric cape which accompanies a new grass green suit
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 255 19 tired? \\(^m^2 Then have sn Elizabeth Aiden Tieatment. Kelax in aii-condiuoned luxury while clever fingers do delightful thing* to your face. Emerge an hour later, cool, refreshed, with a new outlook on life in gfi.o*! and yourself in pMtolaj. MAYNARDS SALON 'WoWWWFmWW M^H A— j 'O- >*y when yo"'v« EH^^
      255 words
    • 125 19 N^ **"J Crablt, Paramount :-ML Ji Star mint Max Ft tor' t W*-'^ Fact Powder. fc i m I a»l I ZLfS C 0 Jmx w&'*i) iik, TJ~**i^sZ l/i/HETHER blonde, bruno^^'thlT"' s ette brownette, or redhead, Max ,uyion^^^^ Factor has created a Colour Harmony Make-up for^you in W^"^ > Harmonised
      125 words

  • 693 20 Suits Of Smooth RichColoured Cloths •PHLRE k M doubt that suiu of smooth, rich coloured cloths provide grand opportunities for wearing those new fobwatches, which are so fascinating. You these watches ied to the lapels of the tailored suits, with a miniature gold ball, or a replica of the wheel
    693 words
  • Article, Illustration
    36 20 WHITE ermine is one of the loveliest of this London season's evening furs, and this graceful cape, which swings in folds from a built -out collar, is a garment any -omin would cherish.
    36 words
  • 586 20 LONDON, DEC. 24. I*o wear a day frock whose neck is other than high is exceptional this season. But some well-dressed women like their necks to be low enough for a scarf to be worn tucked into the throatline. Or with such frocks they
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 120 20 A FREE BOND STREET V K*tt f'l*s< tm£ktt fit IU U INNOXA BEAUTY EXPERT AT THE FEDERAL DISPENSARY RAFFLES PLACE ■111 8! IN ATTENDANCE HOC JANUARY 3RD TO 17TH. to ad-ise jou on skin beaitt., r-ake-up., personal beauty problems mad home treatment, and to give you a beautifying treatment is
      120 words
    • 227 20 Small stock oi Pekin Rugs just received. (Green and Beige) 18 Battery Road, Ist Floor. Phone 7143 Just Unpacked A Most Lovely Collection <>f GAGE Fur Felt Hats in White, Black, Navy, Rust, Wine. Green and in itylei which have beea >o profusely illustrated in your London Magazine. Dear Madame,
      227 words

  • 830 21  -  Charles Low DV answering these questions honestly, and marking them in accordance with the instructions you will arrive at the correct answer to a question you must often have asked yourself -Have I a strong will?" 1. When the alarm clock goes off in
    830 words
  • Article, Illustration
    308 21 To test the strength of your will, follow these rules carefully Question 1. If you answer "yes" to (a) score 5 marks, if to (b) score nothing, If to (c) deduct 5 marks. Question 2. If you answer "yes" to (a) score 10 marks, if to (b),
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 107 21 Whitens Your Skin Secretly and Quickly Wo to^g ri yo« iMir r mthmt wit/kt t^l fw ak m mi bttet aad attractive as tfcarfe *ii«H Cm»immAi*f**tin— wmmrynm YOU. CNTISCt VtKl taßt ttkCfVl S OMUy OM MM' set CJ4WM m tut ut ifytaf mw> Mamas w tfar oldest. UraeM aUa fcaktmfyu*
      107 words
    • 25 21 "•'■vSooSShßmF x if f i l J I j > dfc^Bo^^ .m^^ b*by simply because she is able to breastmslk; it is just like breast-milk too,
      25 words

  • 407 22 On Alexandra's Highest Hilltop Overlooking The Sea And Island TO cope with the expansion of Services personnel in Singapore a nc r school has been erected at Alexandra and big extensions will begin shortly at the school at Changi. More than 400 children will in
    407 words
  • 61 22 A CHINESE, Goh HI. was committed for trial at the January Assizes after a preliminary Inquiry in the Singapore Fourth Police Court yesterday into a charge of being in possession of 3.594 counterfeit coins, knowing that they were counterfeit. Another charge of being in possession
    61 words
  • 132 22 *From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. I|R F D Ascoli, managing director of Dunlop Plantations Ltd., left 'yesterday by the P. and O. liner "orfu ior Europe, after a short visit i Malacca. Mr. A. K. de Frampton, Agricultural Officer, Malacca, will be returning from leave next week.
    132 words
  • 227 22 New Safe For Singapore Bank PROOF AGAINST BOMBS AND BURGLARS DKOOF against any burglar Malaya can produce, as well as any bombs likely to be dropped on Singapore, a new strongroom being erected for Netherlands Trading Society for its new building at the corner of Cecil and D'Almeida streets will
    227 words
  • 88 22 iFrom Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. i^OCKNEY humour, a comedy and a thriller will comprise the three one act plays to be presented by Mrs. Parrlsh at the Malacca Club on Jan. 7. The plays are entitled Mr. Hackett's Alibi." Worldly Goods and A Magic
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  • 75 22 (From Our Own Correspondent.' Segamat, Saturday. ■THERE was a large gathering at a dinner given by Mr. F. N. Chatterjee at Kluang on the occasion of the marriage of his fourth son, Mr. D. N. Chatterjee, to Miss Lilly Banerjee, daughter 'of the late Mr. Upendranath Banerjee, Pleader
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  • 99 22 A YOUNG and well-built Shanghai Chinese, Lim Chong Yok, was sentenced to seven months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. L. B. Gibson, in the Criminal District Court yesterday, on being convicted of stealing a gold watch and fountain pen. Chief Court Inspector Lissamer told I the
    99 words
  • 90 22 THAT she was ordered by a Chinese physician to mix a prescription with samsu for a tcnic because she was sick and that a friend told her to wear the samsu around her waist, was the submission made by a middle-aged Teochew woman, Tan Ah
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  • 76 22 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. iy|R. NGIM WEE CHIOW, Malacca Halnanese leader, i.s shortly leaving for Hong Kong, where he will attend the Overseas Hainanesc Conference convened by Mr. T. V. Soong. He will represent one of the five Halnanese Unions of Malaya at
    76 words
  • 40 22 ALLEGED to have broken Into the /I house of his stepmother and stolen $18, a young Chinese, Song Kau Kla, was sentenced to three months' rigorous Imprisonment by the Singapore Fifth Police Magistrate, Mr. L. C. Ooh, yesterday.
    40 words
  • Article, Illustration
    90 22 The committee of the NegTi Sembilan Chinese Homer's charity ball, whose efforts raised more than $15,000 in Chinese currency for the China Relief Fund. Seated (left to rifht): Mrs. Ch: ng Ah Khoon (secretary), Mrs. Tan See Kee, Mrs. Goh Eng Thye (president), Mrs. Pol En? Liat, Mrs. Eu Khay
    90 words
  • 232 22 Took Flesh-forming Tablets If you are troubled by steady loss of weight read t'.iis letter from a man who put on flesh steadily after taking a course of tiny, tasteless, flesh-forming tablets although 12 months In a sanatorium had failed to help him. I
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 92 22 88 Years is a long time One of America's oldest life insurance companies, The United States Life has an 88 year record of faithful, unfailing service to policyholders. This, with its liberal attitude to all applicants, its integrity and complete line of policies, makes it a company especially fitted to
      92 words
    • 61 22 CL de£loi<9us new dnisvk ORA*iGE-AD£ America's newest and most popular beverage. This refreshing Orangeade is made from pure cane sugar and the fresh juice of sun ripened Californian oranges. It is rich in knimttng Tltamtn c. Prepared UMi equipment and pasteurised for your protection. Contains no pfsprvatlvei whatsoever. OBTAINABI AT
      61 words

  • Garrison Sports Notes
    • 400 23  -  Nomad II >ou prowl round the Manrhesters" barracks early on a ii% Boxing morning you may <h sight of furtive figures, clad in running shorts and man) woollen pullovers, trying to work off a 'hang-over" in preparation for the event of the rear
      400 words
    • 175 23 r. ..t the -natch betw;-< a th 34th and th. oOih Furtrtss Compan R.E., resu't d in a win tor the former by five .::ts <a try). game opened with a rush by the 30th but a tea tackle by Parham on .eht .ncuv ight easily >ltur.tion.
      175 words
    • 167 23 IQOy baj Men the service sportsman l«Mu ;it his best and at this time of the year, or.e of the few occasions during which we are "too full for words." there U a real respite In sporting activities in the camps which enables us to take
      167 words
    • 74 23 **■*•> Y ET tn e Airmen must bo well satis- fled with the seas-n's working. S Ldr. Messenger. Cobb. Garrett and Hall all played for the Cjmblned Services in the Malaya Cup while the first pair represented Singapore against the Cochin-China XI which played here at Easter Northpraves and White
      74 words
    • 101 23 /"VNE U i- it with the leeilng that the League One S.A.F.A. Championship ..hould also have gone to Seletar for after a very poor opening, they reached second place in the tabk and should have had Httb difficulty In overhauling tine Chinese. A heavy rainstorm during their matcli with the
      101 words
    • 44 23 rE Services' XI had the distinction of giving the Islington Corinthians their hardest game of their Malayan tour and one still has memories of the gloricus game played by Cole. Croy, Northgraves. Radcliffe and Por.d In holding their doughty opponents to a narrow victory.
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    • 215 23 rE problem team of the year was the Royal Engineers. One always had an unrxsy feeling that anything might happen *hlle they were playing and there were many occasions when they established a sound lead bj beautiful constructive football only to allow their opponents to
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    • 42 23 /"VF the remaining teams in the premier division neither the C don 3 n t the Innisklllings came up v expectations while the Loyais were an obviously tired team that required a rest after having just completel a full season in Shinshai.
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    • 42 23 IN the .second tiiUsion the K.A. 'Blakaul Mati'. luniskiilin^s and H.M.S. Terror made the running but. just when it appeared likely the honours\ would go to the Irishmen, they sue- j numbed to the Chinese reserves In two successive matches.
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    • 26 23 ANOTHER service team, the R.A.M.C.: made the running in the third division, but they were never caught and ran out rasv winners at the first attempt.
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    • 201 23 rpHE surpris? of the cricket season 1 was the success of the Gordons in the intcr-unlt knock-out competiti.n In spit? cf their having disposed of the Innisklllings and the formidable looking Staff and Departments team, there must have been few who would have been wrlling to support them
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    • 36 23 rpHE 30th Fortress Company, RE.. 1 captained by Capt. Simpson, registered a string of easy victories to win the Inter-company competition. This unit also brought oil a double in winning the Garrison inter-company hiock-out hockey competition
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    • 216 23 FIE twelve months under review lias seen tht Army Rugby fifteen enter :he final of this seasDns H.M.S. Maaya Cup competition After losing so many of last seas:n's stalwarts the ix'ssimism which was expressed in some quarters as to the possible out:ome of this year's matches
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    • 86 23 -> THE Selttar Services did not enjoy the best of fortune in this competition. After defeating Johore in their opening fixtures they lest the I remainder cf their State matches very heavily. This may partly be attributed to the unusual number of injuries sustained, players like Dix. Clay and Rendle
      86 words
    • 189 23 ARRIVING m April the Loya'.s quickly enhanced their reputation of being one of the finest boxing Regiments In the Army by defeating the Innisklllings in the final of the interunit novices and the Gordons in the final of the inter-unit competition. The Innisklllings met the Lcyals
      189 words
    • 66 23 npHE R.A F. cleared the board at 1 tennis, winning the all ranks' In-ter-unit championship for the second year in succession by the convincing margin of 60 sets to 6. Cpl Dimmer registered a victory over Sgt. Gould in both the RAF. and Command championships and, again Li partnership
      66 words
    • 87 23 ryxHE Airmen also won all three OarJ rtson aquatic competitions the water-polo league, the water-polo knock-out competition and the aauatlc sports. Their only serious opposition came from the REs who almost .snatched the laurels in the latter event, the final event being the deciding factor, in Riving the Airmen
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    • 106 23 A lew months a^o the R.A.F. made a serious effort to introduce baseball into garrison sport but although there was talk or several units taking up the game the Airmen sesm to have been left t) uphold the banner of the garrison on their own. Keen practice has made
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    • 199 23 AND so. finally, to athletics The Blakan Mati Gunners had a rare o Ac with the Punjab Rsgimsnt at the command meeting and so close were they on points that the final relay race of the day was the deciding factor. Lieut. Prest. running the last h:at. took his
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  • 301 23 'From Our Own Correspondent Muar. Friday. rviSPLAYING ail-rcund superiority j the Muar Chinese hockey team scored a convincing 2 o win over the Muar Police in a return match played at the Muar Hospital padang. The Chinese won the nrst match by I—o.1 0. The
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  • 230 23 *1 Oi.r Own OdOMpOHIMk.I Batu Pahat I 'T'HL Baiu Pahat Tmnls Club easily! the Malay Teachers by ten fames to one when they met on thf Batu Pahat Club courts. The Teachers who arc new to the game are rrrr.nging a series of inter-elu 1
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 127 23 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYEGLASSES. EXCLUSIVELY. THE NEW 18 POINT EXAMINATION COVERS EVERY POSSIBLE EYS DEFICIENCY. (TH^MP/ON I XJPTICALC2 I Qualified Eyesight Specialists 4. ARCADE BLOG. 'PHONE 3002. R. A. Thompson, Dr. ol Ocular fee knee Try Seller's Lotus Honey. TH* worlti famous Natun'i cura tor (r» troubles. Safe. lure. CurM e>tn
      127 words

  • 2039 24 TWO OBJECTIONS RAISED AT THE PENAN G RACES HORSE DEPRIVED OF STAKE MONEY Good Going On The Second Day (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. AN objection was raised in the first race at the second day of the Per.anu Turf Club's New Year meeting by Dodd riding Silver Lace
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  • 235 24 POLICE HOCKEY DRAW WITH GRENIER'S (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A SURPRISING LY good game of hockey for the holiday season was seen on the padang today when the Police Depot drew with Grenier's eleven, both sides scoring two goals. Grenier's team had about six State players, and
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  • 356 24 rmm Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, aturday. CELANGOR'S Rugby men will have to pull up their socks when they meet the Army in th? Malaya Cup final on Jan. 14. In today's final trial they played far below form— though sony thing of the sort might
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  • 118 24 From Our On Correspondent) Tailing, Saturday. Provided ther* are sufficient entries a raer for rinses Class Flvo will be run on the second day at the Talping Skye meeting on J *n. 21 for the Palmer, Cup. This trophy race was the outcome of discussion
    118 words
  • 500 24 Choosing Of Team For The South (From Our Own Correspondent; Seremban, SatmcUy. /"\NLY three more inter-State hockey matches remain to be played and all these matches will b over by February wheh the official hockey season closes with the North vs. South fixture at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 312 24 COME very close finishes were seen in the Singapore Chinese Swimming Club annual championship carnival at the Club yesterday. The Club men's champion was Yeo Teow Nghee who finished with 13 points and Sim Boon Hoon was runner-up with 10. The woman's champion was brilliant ELsie
    312 words
  • 141 24 ONE-SIDED hockey was seen at Balestler yesterday when the Ceylonese beat the Royal Navy by eight goals to nil The Sailors tried hard all the time, but the Ceylones" v.ere superior in all departments and ran away with the game. Pillai opened the scoring ten minutes
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  • 163 24 IWITH the Malaya Command unable to field a team as opposition to a probable Singapore eleven in preparation for the two State hockey matches next week-end, the Singapore Hockey Association has selected two teams for a trial on the S.C.C. ground on Tuesday. The teams are: COLOURS Luke
    163 words
  • 66 24 'From Our Own Corespondent) Malacca, Saturday. Malacca's hockey side to meet Johore on the Malacca Club padang on Friday is: Wee Tiam Hong; D. Hendroir, J. Skadlan; H. Rodrigues. R. P. Leon, V. Carvalho; Blake, R. A. De Vrles, Tay Koon Lim, H. L. Salmon. C.
    66 words

  • 588 25 Singapore Were Leading At Half Time In an exciting fricrcly game,* the Array Rugby team beat Singapore by 21 points (one goal, one penalty goal, one dropped goal and three tries) to nine (one goal and one drcjoed goal) on the Padanjf ye*>terdav. I'ntif
    588 words
  • 193 25 iFrom Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday. IN a fast and keenly contested i'ockey pame played at the school padang yesterday the Johore Bahru Police Depot and th-> Muar Club drew, neither side scoring. The Muar Club were making thelflrst appearance this season and gave good displ.*}.
    193 words
  • 138 25 North-South Rugby Game Restored THE North versus South rugger match has been restored to th» fixture list. A suggestion that the match should not be played this year but should be replaced by a game between the Malayan side which is to tour the China coast and the Rest of
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  • 165 25 JOHORE MALAYS BADMINTON TOURNAMENT (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johora Bahru, Saturday. WITH the exception of the first Johore Malays' badminton tournament no other sports engagement was possible during the week owing to the bad weather. As expected, the tournament was a great success. It has b.-eri decided to make it
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  • 105 25 The V.M.C.A. junior department beat the Chiate Sing A.U. at table tennis by four matches to three. Results Wee Swee Lee beat Chua 800 Lim 21—16, 21—16, 21—17 Kwok Chee Weng b3at Tan Khal O-cr 15—21 22—24, 21—14, 21—15, 25—23 Fung Guan Swee beat Yeo Khlm Kok
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  • 65 25 In a Rugby played at Changi yesterday South Johore defeated the 34th Fortress Company, Royal Engineers, by 17 points < a goal, two tries and two penalty goals) to 3 (a try). Moore scored two tries and Ward one for Johore. Ward's try was converted by
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  • 61 25 Ths following have been selected to represent V.M.C.A. junior department at hockey against R.A.F.. Seletar, on Thursday, at 5 p.m. on the Arson Roaa ground Edward Wee, J. B. Shaw, I. Hope, Guam Xlo 1 Cnin Chye. Fatt Lim, Swee Keng L. Nev,ir.r.n. S. Hope. Yah Sung. Imm
    61 words
  • 1485 25 DESIXTS of yesterday's English and Scottish football games with the league tables up-to-date: ENGLISH LEAGUE Arsenal 1 Huddersficld 0 B'mingham 3 M'chestcr U. 3 Blackpool 1 Wolves 0 Bolton W 5 P'mouth 1 Brentford 2 Everton 0 Derby C 2 Aston Villa 1 Gnmsby T. ..1 Sunderland 3
    1,485 words
  • 177 25 Capetown, Saturday. THERE was no play before lunch in the second Test match between England and So-.'th Africa owing: to heavy rain which had been falling since midnight. The first match which was completed las* week resulted in a draw, in which honours were well shareu
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  • 61 25 QREAT interest is beinp taken in the annual Land and Sea Sports to be held tomorrow. They will be attended by large crowds, including; the Governor. Sir Shenton Thomas, and Lady Thomas, and the General Officer Commanding, Malaya, Major-General W. G. S. Dobbie, and Mrs.
    61 words
  • 95 25 Bedford 15; Rosslyn Park 3. Blackheath 20; United Services 0. Coventry 3: Metropolitan Police 9. Hi! .-lequias 2L- Tichmord 8. Llanelly 24; Gloucester 0. London Scot. 0: London Irish 6. Kosley 3; Wate/.jo 9. Newport 32; O.M.T. 3. Northampton 3; I^icester 5. Old Cranleighans 14: Fettes.-Loretts 3 Plymouth
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  • 68 25 Batley 14 Oldham 9. Bradford N. 5 Salford t. Broughton R 17 Leigh 5. Featherstone R. 10 St. Helens 5 Hudd'.rsfleld '■> i^ewsbury 11. Hull K. R. 10 Hunslet 5. Leeds 7 Widnes 7. L'.'-erpool S. 5: Wigan 3. Rochdale H. 5: Barrow 11. St. Helens R. 8;
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  • 322 25 <From Our Own CmresponuenO Muur. JOHORE wiil pla\ hor DM .nter- State hockey auttcta on i Jan. 6, when she will meet P. 1.-: Malacc... The formation of the state team is mainly due to the efforts of Mr V K. Macnamara, ot Johore Bahni,
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  • 303 25 vFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. IN a very interesting and keenly contested hockey match the Single members of the Muar Hospital Sports Club beat the Married members by two goals to one. The match was played at the hospital padang. Though play never reached a high
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  • 108 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang-. 'THE annual athletic sports of the Malay Boys School. Klang, were held on the school Padang. Ton Haji Mohamed Siddtn. headmaster of the school, said that during the year the school had won the first place In physical training in the district. In the
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  • 541 26 His Fine Showing In The Welsh Championships (From Our Kuala Lumpur Badminton Correspondent.) CVERY badminton enthusiast in Malaya will be glad to learn that Samuel has. in compliance with the requests of his intimate friends, prominent among whom is Mr. J. L. Woods, President
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  • 609 26 MALAYS TOURNAMENT PLI. NUtti in the all-Johcre Malay ba.lminton tournament: Men's Doubles: First round: Mokhtar and Hail Baaein b?»r Atduiian and Mahmood 15—21. 21— 21— L). Second round Silim snd Bahnii beat Syed Omar «nU Luin'oak 21—16. 21—17: Ahmad and 111 kbUl beat Buan'4 and A. Raman Saw. 21— 17.
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  • 153 26 United Chinese Amateurs PJnlted Chinese Amateurs, one he oldest badminton clubs In re, spent two enjoyable days, and Dec. 18, at Mr. Tan Boon seaside bungalow, Somapah Road, in celebration of their fifteenth anniversary. After speeches by Messrs Tan Chwee Hock (honorary secretary) G. Seefo'd. Tan Hin Pung, Yap Ec
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  • Article, Illustration
    75 26 The Changl B.P. which beat Hie Tanglin Barracks B.P. 3— 2. last week. From left:— Chua Kin. Knee. Robert Teow, Shee Hai Chuan, Lim See Lin, Scah Teck Choo, Johnny Wee and V co Saon Hock. Tanzlin Barracks B.P. which lost to the Chan si i.P. 2—3. From left: T»a
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  • 704 26 Singapore Women Slow To Enter Tournaments By Our Badminton Correspondent A MOTHER year full of activi-i ty both for the players and officials of the Singapore Badminton Association has nowj come to an end. Although interest in the various championship tournaments held during the year has been well maintaintd, one
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  • 66 26 (From Our Own Correspondents Batu Pahat. A Batu Pahat pair has succeeded in winning a State badminton title, thr junior doubles title of the Johore Malays badminton tournament being won by Ahmad Amran and Aziz Ha mid Besides this success the State runnersup were two
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  • 374 26 Selangor Badminton Visit From Lower Per ah Team ■INTEREST in badminton during the Christmas holidays was centred around the matches between local Malay parties and Ghanlah BP. from Rungkup, Lower Perak. The visit was made possible through the initiative of Abdul Majld of the Customs Department. Credit of being the
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 26 Representative, of Batu l\ihut in the Juhor? Malay; badminton 'ournament completed last nerV Left to right: (Jhanl Rauf. Mi H«m>d and Ahmad Amran. (who won th* Junior Douh'es title Sheik Ahmad IVni.ku Til, (who with Ahmad Bakar were runners-up in the Senior Doubles) and Ahmad Await*. Ahmad Bakar. runner-up in
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  • 617 26 HIS COMPARISON OF LOCAL AND EUROPEAN STANDARDS OF BADMINTON (From A Special Correspondent) IJAVIXG failed to secure a match with any Ipoh team, a number of Penang badminton players visited Taiping on Sunday to play a scratch team, which included Ong Hock Sim, the well-known
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  • 144 26 THE fifteenth anniversary celebration of the Chinese Friendly Association was held at the club house. 126. AlDert Street, last week-end, in spite of the inclement weather there was a good attendance of members and friends who had a most enjoyable time Witt the Chines? male In full swing
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  • 820 27 The Poacher Another Good Bet REVIEW AND SELECTIONS FOR PENANG RACES ROYAL Hampton should be the best bet of the afternoon tomorrow, the third day of the Penang Turf Club's New Year meeting, when a programne of eight events will be run. The
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  • 386 27 Horses Class, 4 Div. 4 6 furs. Young Ginger 9.00 Pride of Perak.. 8.07 Equetta ..812 Salmon Par 8.06 Constant Light 8.11 Kate Kelly 8.06 Queezfs Course 8.11 Pantol 8.03 July the Seventh 308 Excuse Me 8.01 Horses Class 4 Div. 5—6 furs. All Gold 9.00 Patroleah 8.10
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  • 276 27 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. r!E Muar Cheng Cheng table tennis team, champions of Muar, made a successful tour to Malacca and Seremban during the Christmas holidays. Of the fifteen matches they won thlr- teen and lost two. They beat the Mallacca Seng C'.ieong Society
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  • 74 27 (From Our O's'ti Correspondent.) Mi'acca. POUR goals were shared in a hockey match between the Malacca Club and the Excise Sports Club played on the padang. Both the teams were not at full strength but despite the disadvantage tr the respective sides th? game was
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  • 329 27 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. •THE Muar Cheng basketball team proved too good for the Batu Pahat Eu Eu basketball team when the sides met in a charity match in aid of the China Relief Fund at the Chong Hua School court during the week. The
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  • 82 27 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. f RIGKETER3 in Johore tfarnu will be sorry to learn of the departure of P. Nagasu on transfer to Segamat during the first week ot January. Nagasu has been one of Johore's outstanding bowlers for many seas-no and his
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  • 220 27 SEGAMAT POLICE BEAT BATU PAHAT <From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat. BATU Pahat suffered defeat when the Segamat Police beat their compatriots by four goals to nil in an interesting and fast hockey game, played on the School padang. Playing superior hockey the visitors took the lead early in the
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  • Boxing Notes
    • 366 27 IN any part of the world where there is boxing a draw is a very uncommon result in a championship fight. In Singapore, however, two title battles have ended with the champions retaining the belts because the officials disagreed. Ever since the Singapore Boxing Association was formsd
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    • 185 27 (From Our Own C;rresp. A n Batu Pahat. HpIE Johore Bahru Police Depot i hockey team were too strong for the Old Boys Association, Batu Pahat. and easily beat them by five ccais to nil when they me' at the local school paaang. The
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    • 179 27 From o.r Own Com R.itu Pahat. At the annual meeting of the Joliore Taxi-drivers C!ub. Batu i-: hat. U lev.-ing were elected offlcc-bcarrr- lor ensuing year President, Tuan Hajl Rahmat bin Haji Mchamcd Noor; vicepresident. Hajl Sidek bin Haji Abdul Manan; hon secretary, Inche Abdul JftlU bin
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    • 39 27 Tht- following will repi. S.C.R.C. at hockey against Fort Canning on Monday at Hong Lim Green Huck Wan. Chin Geok, Chim Boi>. Chcc. Kirn Wah. Cecil Wong. Kee Soon, Lim Swan», Evan Wong. Keng E Hona H;n.
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  • Page 27 Advertisements

  • 125 28 Onr» of the jolliest New Year Fv» ptMcs went i till three o'clock thb morning at Fort Canning. Fancy tnm was the rule rather thaa th c::?cption >\r. Khloff and party at the Eurasian Volunteers dance in the S.V.C. DrlU Hall last night. A haDDJ
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 119 28 I 9 A a. VaV Jmt Baa LUXURY ALOFT It is the luxury which surprises so many passengers in the four-engined Imperial flying-boats. They find themselves taking meals in the comfortable soundproof saloons, enjoying the passing scenery from the promenade deck, smoking or having their afternoon nap, with a steward
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