The Straits Times, 25 September 1938

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 353 Sunday, September 25, 1938 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES he Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 353 Sunday. September 25, 1938 Price 10 Cents
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  • 184 1 (I'rom Our Own Correspondent). Kuala I.un;i.:r, Saturday. /^KI'DE bombs were nvide by miners who attempted sabotage on the Japanese iron mines at Sri Medan, near Ratu Pahat. Johore. last year, it is revealed in the report of the acting-Chief Inspector of Mines, F.M.S., Mr. A.
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  • 52 1 pHINESE students studying in German military -colleges hi'.ve- -hren expelled, witn the exception of the son of Gen. Chiang Kai-shek, said Mr. Chou Chia Pin. a military official of the Chinese Government, who arrived in Singapore yesterday by the MM. liner Jean Labcrde, en his way back
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 1 v.'ton P.iitl. oivrrvrr aUarhrd tn the British l.i-«:ition in Prague. »hn n.-rrc-.ily rs;apcJ twin* shoj vntn hr risKed the Sudeten Unrn vi Eft* *n Srpt. 14 Armoured ran were ftrinr in Ui« street* and 'a Vfth officer fin 1 pointbl<ink at him and mk-it'
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  • 118 1 TilX Czechoslovakia crisis ha set all 1 Europe on tenterhook*. From centres in Eurcr" Is newc ytsterriay: HAGI'E: The Oovenunent la taking further precautloi.ary measures and has s f opped all military leave. OSLO: The Ministry of defence has announr.-vi thrL naval recruits who were to be
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  • 37 1 X?w Votk, Saturday. THE death-roll in the hurricane which swept the New England RalH this weel' has now risen to nearly COO. while 60,000 reople are reported homeless. Damage is estimated a' '-40.000.--000. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  37 words
  • 58 1 Prague, Sept. 23. IT Is learned in official quarters her? that Ceneral Faucher, Chief of the i French military mission to Czcchslo- vakia bas sent his resignation to the j French Government. At the same time ho announced that he hsu put himself j at
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 56 1 (From Our Own C'orrespondm:. London, Saturdat. SAGO FLOI/K: Fwd. Bs. 10' d. GOLD: £7 ss. SILVKR: Spot 19 7/lGd. 2 months 19 3 COTTOX: 4.81 d. I BXHAMOBS: Paris 178 9 16; Nrn York 4.78',; Amsterdam 8.92... Other commodities _nd rithin;n un- changed from Kridiv. SATURDAY'S LOCAL CLOSING
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  • 147 1 Hong Kong, Saturday. THE Japanese major offensive! along both banks of the Yangtse, River toward Hankow has been halted. One Japanese warship was rank and three others damaged when Chinese batteries engaged' some 20 warships attempting to. proceed up-river from Wuyueh. The remainder retired. The gravity continues
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  • 197 1 London, Saturday. lUERVOUSNESS surrounding th' political situation resulted in feverish activity in foreign exchanges. Dealers called the rush for dollars "tremendous," transaction* of million of dollars being lairly frequent. The authorities intervened ju\ a very heavy scale to prevent an even stronger
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  • 252 1 r jrHl> is what the London newspapers have to say about Mr. Chamberlain and his efforts for peace in the Czechoslovakia problem: THE TIMES: It Is generally believed the difficulty be We en Herr Hitler and Mr. Chamberlain arose from the German proposal
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 7 1 RENE ULLMANN JEWELLERY Kaflles Plate. S pore.
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    • 75 1 Good rurmshing rabno Belter Furnitor. Besl Prices SUN WAH COMPANY 83. Victoria St, Spore. -HorrocksesPASTEL SHADED BLANKETS ,v\ L\ NEW STOCKS 1^ -M fy attractive to look at, soft to rX tne touc h and absolutely I reliable in wear. With the \v# iJ f V famous name of "Horrockces''
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  • 369 2 Big Mimic War Today LANDING PARTY TO BE STOPPED (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. MALACCA Volunteers will cnjjajje in extcnsi\e manoeuvres tomorrow, when the General Officer Commanding, Malaya, Maj.-Gen. W. G. S. I)o'>b:c. will hold his annual inspection. A state of "war" will exisi tomorrow,
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  • 261 2 Detective And J .P. In Civil Suit a Our Own Corrcspci:; M.'area, Saturday. A CIVIL su.t n v.-'nicli Mr. \V. Martin, Chlel De* «tlve Insp2ctor, Malacca claimed $437 CO from Dr. B. H. Ong J.P.. :is damages resulting from a collision between ihj p!alntUTi and defenr.m'h the sieged neg'.iK< ..i
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  • 47 2 On.- Ct:i Csrezpondentj Pcnang, Sa'.urdr.y JtKi waa delivered by Mr. L. B\ District Judge, on a Chines' youth. N>: Wah Chor." r& \v;ti» ri:tln? v.l Achesn Sireet Pcnang, on July 5. Accused was I ;nt to thj Sln-wnsr' Reform?.* thm
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  • 165 2 Fish Story Jfr'lllLE a group of Malays uere fishing for Corahs ("ikan parang"/ of} the shore of Penggerang. Johore, en Thursday a stcrm sprang up and the icavcs were running high. Suddenly a Bugis of Pulu Tekong Kechil had his koch half sicampcd by c huge
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  • 103 2 RICKSHA MEN CATCH THIEF, "SHOULD GET REWARD •ywo i. h-.-pullers who efcMSd and raught a man who snatched jev.elIcrj' from an English-spcakins Chinese girl should be rewarded, said Mr. G. S. Rawiinrs. T/.ird Magistrate, in»courl yesterday. A young Chinese, Song Ah Kow, admitted stealing a gold chain and locket from
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  • 51 2 >Fro:n Our O\.n Correspondent) Pcnang, Saturday. A verdict ol suicide was returned by Mr. A. W. Bellamy, Pcnang Coroner, at an inquiry held today into the death of a Chinese. Sco See Hock, wlio Jumped from a window at the General Hospital,, en Aus.
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 2 t i....; ::a'.ay bovr, exur.iiing a model house, Imilt by kamponj Malays and exhibited at the Tanglin Tinggi Malay School. The model is completely furnished.
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 2 Wa'icr Joachim, a fine Continental viol nceliisi. who recently arrived from Czechoslovakia t > work in Malaya. i» playing vith his brother Otto at the Victor's Memorial 11..!] loni-ht.
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  • 139 2 Malays Show Handicrafts At School I^AMPONG handicrafts ana the work of the boys of the Tanglin Tinggi Malay School, Clemenceau Avenue, Singapore, are being displayed at an exhibition which opened at the school yesterday morn*"-. The exhibition shows Malay proficiency in such widely-differing subjects as needlework, basketry, gardening, modeling, cooking
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  • 195 2 i Prom Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. MX. S. SATYAMU::TI Deputy Leader of the Opposition In the Central Indian LrgslitiVc Assembly and -veil-known Congres^-an. has accepted the Invitation of the Central Indian As.-oclat on o; Ma!<'ya, a l.ewly-iorn'ed local body -.vith political
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  • 88 2 HEARING POSTPONED SIDNEY DODD6, a European Police inspector, again appeared in the .Singapore Fifth Poice Court yesterday, before Mr. L. C. Goh, in answer [to a charge cf wrongful restraint of !two men, Ibrahim bin Esa and Pon- nlah. The case, which was to have been heard yesterday
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  • 96 2 P (> stealing a loaf of bread worth four cents, a middle-aged Hokkien. Ong Peon, was fined $53. or in default senlenced to two months' rigorous imprisonment, in the Singapore Third Polire Court, yesterday. Ong I*oon admitted two previous ranvictions. one in 1918 ar>'l the other
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  • 82 2 'From Our Own Ccrrespondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturaay. A petrol leak is believed to have caused a fire in a saloon car owned by a Chinese merchant, Mr. Llm Kirn Chua, and parked in Klyne Ttrect, in j tlie Kuala Lumpur business centre at 9.30 this
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  • 171 2 THE need for a revision of premiums on motor policies was referred to by the chairman, Mr. Our Soo;i Tee, when addressing shareholders at the annual meeting of the Eastern Tnited Assurance Co., Ltd., in Singapore yesterday. 'While income in respect of the accident
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  • 114 2 Dollah bin T.imin. a Malay, yesterday pleaded guilty in the Sinsapyra Second Police Court, to charges of s! motcr car. driving U without a llcrnc; and us ng it without a s.curlty In rc> pcC. of third-party risks. He was sentenced to six weeks' rigorous
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 2 Ottj Jjacliim. one of Singapore's best violinists, who is playing chamber music tonight in the Victoria Memorial Hall concert With his violinceUist brother, Walter, and the Viennese tenor Ernst Schon, who recently arrived In Malaya. The concert, which Includes a trio, sonatas for violin and piano and tenor and organ
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 51 2 Our CHILLED BEEF needs no introduction— it has already made a name for itsrlf. It retains all the natural juices Delicious, tender joints equal to the home side beef in flavour, we can thoroughly recommend itGSM gIfGG/iGH PHONE 5376 (4 Lines) AdvL of SinAaptv Cold Storage Co.. Ltd. i^— WJ>.S
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  • 353 3 Largest, Liner On Tuesday 'THE Queen will make a 30-second broadcast throujh Daventry on Tuesday. In those 30 seconds she will cay: "I name thii ship Queen Elizaln The Queen will be Lunching the world's largest liner. Britain's 85.000-ton Queen El'zabeth. th-' greatest ship ever
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  • 72 3 Los Angeles. SALARY ct £100,000 a year, plus M p^r c.uit. cf the profits made 'oy ths films he directs. Is received by Frank Capra one of ll j'.ly wood's leadIng directors. Tiles; are the terms of his contract with Columbia Studios. They were
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  • 198 3 MALAYAN Jews will tomorrow and on Tuesday observe one of the most important of Jewish festivals. Rosh Ilashar.ah, the New Year. Ths New Year's day, tomorrow, w'.ll mark for the Jewish peop'.s the 5699 th anniversary of the creation of the wor'.d. Tomorrr.v and the following
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  • 79 3 Ma;cow. A WOMAN whose name was given as '"Xenia K." was sentenced to death for military espionage at a court martial in Moscow. It was alleged that Xenla. the wife I of a former White Guard officer, fled ■to Harbin in 1922 and was later
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 3 'am) tiat. Victoria (left), a medium-sized car, is dwarfed aiongaiue its 25-year old ancestor, which was the fashionable car of 1903. The old Fiat will be seen at today's A.A.M. speed trial. Sunday Times Picture.
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  • 99 3 CLEAN your teeth by electricity '.he electric too'.h brush has arrived. The electric toothbrush, which it is claimed is 103 per cent, more efficient, does not look unlike an electric rr.zor. From the handle there extends a short stem supporting; a circular row of soft
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  • 60 3 The piopaganda committee of the Singapore Yeh-Yue Amateur Dramatic Society at a tea-party held at the G.H. Cafe yestsrday. announced that they wera organising a dramatic performance. The Coming cf Dawn, to be held at the Victoria Theatre on Oot 22, 23 and 24. Part of the
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  • 278 3 THE strangest sight at today's Singapore motor speed trials will be a 1903 Fiat landaulet, entered as a novelty by the Fiat agency. The old car was Imported to Java from Holland in 1904. A few days ago It travelled from Bando?ng to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 488 3 A When the heat is stifling and the air full ■k (lolil dream Hath Soap will refresh ami Hk will soften your skin, imparting to it '',*jsz~- ti A jjf Soap is the jfl K choice of Jfi :".!.iranlcc of the gruuiaa moua soap. *-V»» 343,'1-30-:S TWOLIA CO., ITO., 10NDOM,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 533 3 IN SINGAPORE TODAY I lHMil 6 rents. Onward connection by Today surface transport. MHtWIli K.NI.L..M To Netherlands ban. 11 a.m.. Indies Mails close noon Wednes--1.18. 6.1S and 9.15. d The 1...-"-" Of P. Danl?!le DarrUu-:. a.m., 1 mv I' Aid v IS aid 9 .15 p.m. llDfc I ABLE PAVILION:
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  • 311 4 TO STUDY Malay and East Indies types, a prominent English portrait painter. Miss Amy J. Drucker, is in Singapore. Although she 's spent most of her life living ameng, and painting, lowly people in Europe, Palestine, India, i China, Mexico and the Gran, Mirs Drucker
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 249 4 1 OPENING TODAY ;jA M&i 11a.m. 3.15, 6.15 9.15 p.m. At The Air-Conditioned Bfe> When Jane joins up xt*v^sL^/ with the Ventriloquizing j Harlmans, don't be Sl k! klAisssssssfn surprised if you find IVUssssssstft JH yourself saying it's the I^mJH funniest picture ever! A 100- ENTERTAINMENT Wum|o^/ FOR THE ENTIRE
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    • 481 4 INTERNATIONAL WRESTLING TOURNAMENT GALA GRAND OPENING TONIGHT AT 9.15 P.M. HAPPY WORLD STADIUM MAIN EVENT WONG BOCK CHEUNG Champion of China vs. ARTY COUNSEL Champion of Australia (West) C-Rounds of 10 Minutes Best of 3 Falls One Man MLst Win 2 Times SEMI -FINAL EVENT TONY LAMARO Champion of Italy
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    • 254 4 OPENING TODAY 3.15 G. 15 5,15 PAVILION THE DAIUNG STORY 0? FAFTHLESS WIVES HE LAUGHED AT MEM PAn Nf MT| KAUIAII I WI iII BY JEALOUSY mK^^ *ell for until his own wife made ■^k^ ft; OTH F. R him play the same part M m ]P ij Hssssssss(4sssssssssss^skJ *iMibssW
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  • 1075 5  -  EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER -By- Our Special China Correspondent IN HIS 14th LAST ARTICLE Two Alternatives For Japans Halt Or Face Collapse VWEICHOW and Kwangtung are rough country, pro- ducins: good soldiers and offering fine opportunities for resisting the Japanese. But from the Chinese viewpoint, they are sparsely
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 5 V ..ud Mi MO r ;i i. rtluiiis at i;.po.c. r;.";e took race at the hji< 1 »i i.:s Visitation Sereniban of M". P--1!■ d( m o-.d Miss Eosa d'Cruifl pi-r<? rl Mr. and 71^. A J. 6 C rui of SIlUu. iii.;»". A rercptioo was held at :..;r.j Woli
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  • 23 5 mal H-ii.el. 8 r;r: Car.ning t-a? limited vacancies fci travel--1 r, s:ri E and Women. ;;jdmlntcn and Deck ;43
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  • 32 5 i her Uin ;..;i R'>ad. I "3, a^'-d 50 Ek J..T. ar.-l a Chan Y.;X\ Lian C';.:n of Vt'- Kee <~ C pnd Ch': ua. Pih Cboon. toy, S^pt. 27, :.ot to
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  • 123 5 Frenchman 's High Tribute To Chinese "THE end of the Sino-Japanese conflict is far distant. No matter what happens, including the fall of Hankow, the Chinese arc steadfastly determined to continue resisting, not only on the fiont but in the Japanese occupied areas, where the guerillas are getting stronger and
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  • Article, Illustration
    202 5 side.; and ha; Just rrturncil bOtn several w.^oks on tlta Chinee Iron' lines, on tiM snilh Ttttstn bank. lie found tlv< morale m tlu< ChfeMM troop.i wry high. "Today the Obi MM nrniy 1 1 Ivoomlnß much inniv ornani.;< I wli'i greater unity between the d, visions." \w
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 121 5 TO I.F.T— Oct. Ikt W-i: -designed. ■^.-.ttally built two stor»y h'/U.-.'-. Taniflln. Fully furnished Inc. cutlery, rrockery, Jin»;n. Cootier, Oeynen. Ja.ifc. i Ugf bedrooms, rive batL.-oof.u. battw. Enormtu- tilnins room, Ti'i sltt. -rooms, fipa'louj balcony. ■'I from road. Garden and walk. Itor.t 1220 p.m. Box No. 7GB, Sunday Times. Ml
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    • 536 5 m Vi W^' J^jLlJ^&as^sajAi'XlslJ Bk\ t<£ KA rt -/Sa^Saf $o.yu «m0 sC SOLD IN LONDON STORES *&fl^B^ i^^'!i Q -^Sa^SaHaia^^a^Saß&Sn Sa^^ Smart E»^ _^kJ BaWsr^f^^^^ Medium Toe /^nP^Sis^B sß^r IRTY Sizes and IBJUBP^"* DAYS> Half Sizes WmSS&ZZi^^' XI 1 5 to H trial Fears' new "SNUG-FIT Footwear for Men «ive»
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  • 783 6 Ceremonies And Festivals Of The Eighth Moon Began Yesterday Colourful Chinese Legends BESIDES the ISth night of the Ist D Moon, the ISth of the Bth Moon is a romantic night for Chinese women. The Bth Moon began yesterday, and tcith it, the round of ceremonies and festivals around which
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  • 231 6 TUP: first of a group of similar quarters to be built for officers attached to the Singapore Airport at the Swimming Club end of the aerodrome, a residence for the airport manager a modern two ftorejr bungalow will be occupied at the
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  • 248 6 Strain Of Great Air Liners Problem Of Airport Runways pEARS are expressed in Great Britain and the United States that even the most modern concreted airport runways for the take-off of air liners will prove unequal to the heavy loads at great speed Imposed upon them. The new aerodrome at
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  • 116 6 Rotterdam. A DOCTOR who can bring his patient by air, himself actir.t as pilot, is Dr. Pouchet, of the munlcip: hospital at Rheims. He has Just proved his ability in this respect by bringing from Rheims to Rotterdam a young Dutch woman who »rol j her leg
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  • 124 6 THE total number of candidates for 1 the Sandhurst and Woolwich entrance examination held In June last. 444, was the largest since the war. In addition to the 83 successful candidates for Woolwich, and 160 for Sandhurst. 132 boys qualified for whom there were no vacancies. j
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  • 181 6 Drama Of Leaps From Bomber A CHELMSFORD Jury complimented Flight-Lieut. D. W. H. Gardner on the coolness he displayed when the bomber he was piloting crashed at Inmatestone, Essex. The inques.t was on Corporal W. H. Wheeler, of 88 (Bomber) Squadron. Boscombe Down, who was killed after jumping from the
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  • 291 6 New York. WILLIAM POWELL, really the "Thin Man' now from the ravages of fifteen months' illness, came out of the anaesthetic after a major operation in Hollywood toj see at his bedside a mnss of larkspur and gladioli from his screen-wife Myrna
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  • 146 6 Brisbane. yHE newly built 80-tana motor "and Lelsha is aptly known as the"lcnell-c-st mailboat in the world." The vessel leaves Burketown. North Queensland, with mail and supplies for the crocodile hunters and isolated settlements round the south-west of Gulf of Carpentaria, once a month. The
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  • 145 6 Bombay. A CROWD of Moslems picketed Bombay's oldest theatre, where the film, The Drum." is being shown. They object to it because of the aspersions which, they allege, are cast In it on the frontier Pathans. Propaganda has also been worked up for some days
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  • 31 6 Oslo. A whale measuring seventy feet, and with a head six feet long, has been shot off the coast of Spitsbergen, barrels of oil were taken from the trunk.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 617 6 fNo mistaking I quality and smoothness WONDERFULLY p Afresh aren't they? i^H^^^ isf I get much more pleasure from smoking since I f"* switched to Craven A.' r& mmm mm^r /jij They do not stain my ||jf JB fingers or stick to my I lips. My throat, too, IgS 1^
      617 words

  • 159 7 Mr. James Robertson 's Fatal Illness m GUTHRIE DIRECTOR WAS 31 YEARS IN COLONY jyiH. JAMES ROBERTSON, general manager and director of Guthrie and Company, Ltd., and one of the most prominent public figures in the Colony, died in the General Hospital. Singapore, shortly before six
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  • 219 7 Wedding At Malacca Lewis- Valberg (From Our Own Correspondent). Malacca, Saturday. A PRETTY wedding was solem- :.ed it the Church of St. Francis Xavier, Malacca today, when Mr. Power Royston Lewis, the State crie'eter, was married to Miss Martha Ann Valberg, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Valber?.
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  • 61 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. The marria; of Mr. Ec Yew Ghi, fourth son of Mr. Ec Kcng Guan and the 'ate M.j E c Kong Guan to Miss Sect Teck Chou. eldest daughter of Mrs. Sect Deng Sian the late Mr. Sect Beng
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  • 102 7 A REMARKABLY clever in- terprotation of an ancient Japanese classic dance in full authentic costume was the highlight of Zarina's second recital at the Victoria Theatre last night. Zar'na, to the delight of tr.3 large number of Japanese in the audience, portrayed the curious mincing gait, gesture and
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  • 61 7 (Teem Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. THROUGH the generosity of Mrs. Tan Chay Van and her son Mr. Tan Hoon Siang. «he Singapore lawyer, the orphans of St. Francis Institution will shortly have a site for a seaside bungalow at Pantet Kundor, about ten miles from
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  • 31 7 .'From On. Own Carrcsp;nd nti Bangko!:. Saturday. Alter many months of eoirplete im- munity from all kinds of notifiable dis- ease In Slam an outbreak of smallpox Jij^^urrcdh^lortheri^lam^^^^^
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  • 370 7 THAT the Chinese Salesmen's Association was probably the only club in British Malaya without any gaming on its premises, was the boast of the secretary of the Singapore Chinese Salesmen's Association, Mr. Low S. Joo, at the second annual general meeting of members at the
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  • 92 7 "From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia. IN connccticn with the ordinance for tIM temporary restrict! jn. of the ex- j p:rt of quinine. Jay.i producers have informed the N.I. Government that! they ar.» willing to place large qutities of quinine at th? disposal of
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  • 27 7 The wedding of Mr. Chan Kok Hon?. of the Oversea-Chinese Bank, and Miss Koh Leng Slew took place at the Chinese Consulate yesterday.
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  • 270 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. MKW planting on reserve jungle land took up the whole morning today when the annual conference of the Incorporated Society of Planters resumed. There was a larger attendance of planters than on the previous day. Members of
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  • 171 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. "'THIS society has grown 1 from small beginnings to this planters' society of today," said- the Resident Councillor, Penang, Mr A. M. Goodman, proposing the toast of the organisation at an official dinner of the society tonight, following today's conference
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  • 84 7 OINGING with a rich, pure tone and beautiful phrasing. William Dennis Harper, the 16 year-eld Engjsn boy who sang In the Westminster Abbey Coronation Choir, reminded many listeners who heard him broadcast over 8.M.8C. stations last night of the incomparable boy soprano Ernest Lough! In Slngap~r\
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  • 65 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. THE first batch, pf. 17 pa" -cc Indian bulls ordered by the Negri Sem-' bilan Government in connection with the State scheme Tor the Improvement of livestock arrived at Port Swettenham today. The bulls will be lent to estates
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  • 120 7 $2,7O3 BREACH OF TRUST ALLEGED (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Saturday. UAJI ABDLL AZIZ bin HAJI DIN, a n well-known Member of the Malay community was this morning produced before Inche Haron bin Ahmad, the Muar magistrate, and charjed with having comm'tteev. criminal breach of ti\^t in respect of a
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  • 53 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Saturday. POUR Japanese fishing boats w?re r seized near Banka by the Dutch warship Soemba, reports the Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad. The boats with their crews, totalling 44 Japanese, were escorted by the warship to Muntok where they have been handed over
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  • 54 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. A CROWD of 200 unemployed Chinese tappers called at the Chinese Protectorate In Seremban seeking relief work today. Road relief work has given to 100 or them, while 50 were given work at the new hospital site and the 50 others
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  • 93 7 (From Our Orm Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. "F\EATH as the result of a collision" '"'was the verdict returned by Mr. G E. Turner, sitting as core er In the Malacca policy court today, at the en* en an inquiry into the death of a 55-year-old Chinese. Llm Tens
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  • 38 7 Members of the Chinese "ricndly Association who have not received the revised rules of the association are requested to communi cate with the hon secretary. Mr. Chia Kirn Watt, co Dcpt. of Statistics, Fullertcn B :id-
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 399 7 STAMPS Coronation-^sUiinps COMPLETE SET— 2O2 STAMPS from Gt. Britain, the 45 Crown Colonies. Dominions, Newfoundland and Mandated Territories. $38.9? UNUSED USED Sl7 11 Blocks of 4. SI 15.72. Blocks of 4, 5214.29 135 Stamps from the 45 Crown Colonies only. $11.7!) UNUSED. Blocks of 4, 547.14 USED $20.36. These sets
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    • 220 7 HOTELS LONDON CALLS /<j£LJ!Sgg-->. INSISTENTLI COME and enjoy at either WS* HOTEL RUBENS Buckingham Palace Road facing Buckingham Palace _gl£m or HOTEL «?CW REMBRANDT fcJJ South Kensington. S.W facing the Victoria and T -^i49gr Albert Museum Every attention in pleasing surrounding PERFECT Ql IETCDE THESE COMI-'ORTABLE IIOTLLS WITH .ACKNOWLEDGED RENOWNED
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  • 211 8 Singapore. Srpt. 24, 11 noon. Buyers aeiiers Gambler 7.25 Hamburg Cube $13.00 Java Cube SHOO Pepper White Miintok $12.50 White $12.00 Black 8 50 Ccpra. Mixed $2.90 Sun Dried $3.20 Tapioca. Small Flake $3 60 Fair Flake $3.50 1 Medium Pearl $3.90 Small Pearl $3.70 Jelotong. Palembang
    211 words
  • 76 8 Saturday. Sept. H, Noon. No. 1 K. R. S. S. in cases (F. 0.8.) Sept. 9f% 26 Good K. A. Q. in bales (X.0.8.) Sept. 25 25', No. 1 K. R. S. S (Spot loose) Awardable 25,, lift Ortobtr la-i, li Nov.-Dcc Ib MM .lan.-Mar.
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  • 1105 8 Inactive Period Under Political Influence BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT THE most anxious week since the end of July 1914 has closed, and, unfortunately the war clouds seem at their blackest. If hostilities do not break out with'n the next day or two, it will
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  • 1315 8 Fraser And Co, s List SATURDAY, SEPT. 24, 1938: 1 P.M. MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin (4s) 3s 9d 4s 3d Asam Kuir.'iang 28s 30s nom Austral Malay 43s 47s nom Ayer Hltam (5s) 23s 24s 6d Ayer Weng ($1) .60 .65 Bangrin Tin 21s
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  • 182 8 FRASER COMPANY LIST OF CURRENT DIVIDENDS Rooks Conipanj Divided Close TIN Burma Malay 6d No 18 Sept. 22 Hltam Tin .Vi Int. Oct. 3 Pcngkalin Sd. l?ss tax TiJifields l'/id. No 12 Sept. 19 RcnooK Tin lO^o final less tax Sunns! Luas 2'!!% Int Sept. 24 RL'BBER. Brunei United
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 955 8 o&§fik A WEEK AGO ti VQjrA^B she was nearly dropping V'l *^\t*&i from exhaustion NOW THRIVING ON THE WINE OF LIFE At night insomnia kept her tossing andtuis(ingiutnrturedsle«plessne4«; by day nigh tension nerves strained .^afiafct a^a^at and racked her bod~ spent energy mS^\ made every little task a burden. j^^K"
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 275 9 NIGHT and DAY you'll be glad you kept to Johnnie Walker No man was ever the better for mixing his drinks and everyone who keeps to Johnnie Walker for an evening is glad the next morning that he did so. Tkffe is something essentially clean and refreshing about the taste
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1904 9 Today's Wireless Programmes JS G i!™ EMPIRE STATION. ROML ZHF 30.96 m efr ..9.63 TRANSMISSIONS 2 AND 3. m ••«> »»1 Me/. HU 11.00 Military band music. Gramophone Re- GSH 21 47 mc/t (13.97 m.l; GSO 17.7' e!2O Opening announcement. cords me/* (16.86 a.); GSF 1314 mcs (1942 m.l; News
      1,904 words

  • 253 10 TWO MORE TRAFFIC ROUNDABOUTS FOR SINGAPORE "Circuses" Will Remove Danger At Two Busy Intersections PLANS FOR TWO PARTS OF IRWELL BANK ROAD QREATER safety at two dangerous Singapore corners will be provided by the provision of roundabouts similar to that at Newton Circus. They are planned at two adjoining intersections
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  • 182 10 IJICCOUGHING on the average three times a minute, a man was recently admitted to Sydney Hosi •.1 in a serious condition. Then doctors injected a drug into the nerves around the diaphragm and there is now every hope that the man will
    182 words
  • Article, Illustration
    33 10 The Ilaharajah cf Pa'.anpur's favourite hobby is photography, and he is here seen taking pictures from hi 3 motor launch off the beach at Cannes, where he is spending a holiday.
    33 words
  • 220 10 London Motor Show Trends London. 4 FEATURE of Britain's annual motor show, opening on Oct. 13, at which several million pounds worth of cars will be shown, is an all steel body which eliminates the necessity of a chassis. English and American new models are not
    220 words
  • 314 10 A PLEA for the preservation of A the freedom of the British Press was made by Mr. H. A. Taylor, of London, in his presidential address to the Institute of Journalists' Conference at Keswick. "The freedom of the Piess," Mr. Taylor said, was won
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  • 146 10 'THE French authorities announce that work will begin next month on lengthening of what they claim to be the longest direct motor track in the world that from Algiers via Kano across the Sahara to Fort Lamy, south of Lake Chad. This road, now 2,770 miles
    146 words
  • 105 10 "Touch Of A Vanished Hand Cardiff. FORAGING amonfc a book-seller's bargains here Oswald James. 64--year-old commercial traveller, of Exmouth, made a dramatic find. Picking up a book, h-. turned to the fly-leaf and read: "To you, dear, with love from Ada." "Over 40 years ago. when I became engaged," he
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 345 10 "VAN HEUSEN" leg d T>«to M>>» COUNTRY SHIRT. OVery distinctive sports wear, this semi-stiff "Van Heusen" collar attached. The latter represents an entirely new feature in shirt manufacture and imparts to this exceptionally well tailored shirt an outstanding degree of comfort, distinction, and smartness. In white, or a wide range
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  • Books Of The Week
    • 586 11 Great Catholics And What They Have Done For The Faith Great Catholics. Edited by Father Claude Williamson. Nicholson and Watson. 10s. fid. TTHIS book comprises essays on great Catholics, stressing u.elr peculiar contribution of good to the Faith's history and cause and in this wise deals with saints and martyrs.
      586 words
    • 110 11 "RANSOM RACKET' Ransoiii Racket. By Lee Thaycr. Hurst and Blackett. 7s. 6d. WHEN Jack;; was kidnapped, his mother was forbidden by her husband to call in the police, lest negotiations for his ransom should thereby fail. So she approached that famous detective Mr. Peter Clanry, who soon started to work
      110 words
    • 112 11 Sea Dust. By E. Laurie Long. Ward Lock. CEA DUST is Just the yarn for those who like their hero to be a real he-man, who is always fighting and never gets the worst of it. James Longford Is a Varsity man unjustly sentenced for sedition and transported
      112 words
    • 453 11 Three Die At Midnight. By Peter Mr-itim. Hurst and Blackett. First Cheap Edition 3s. 6d. THREE DIE AT MIDNIGHT is so full of thrills and sustained Interest that it is difficult to put it down. The plot is iast moving, while the characters are convincing. This
      453 words
    • 221 11 Arm the By Ron Landau. Nicholson Watson. 3s. 6d. THIS is an earnest and Christian-like j plea for peace which is both instruc- i tive and provocative. The questions discussed are age-long and have never been satisfactorily solved: they Include: such propositions as:
      221 words
    • 97 11 Found Adventure." By Rex Ilardinge. Herbert Jenkins. RATHER reminiscent of Edgar Wallace's "Sanders of the River" stories. Rex Hardinge's "FoundAdventure" Is a good yarn compounded in suitable proportions of atmosphere, adventure and laughter. The hero is a retired grocer from Mallow who went to Africa to fulfil
      97 words
    • 295 11 IT IS THE "THIRD EYE" WHICH GIVES THE YOGI HIS POWER The Finding of The Third Eye. By Vera Stanley Alder. Rider Oft, 7s. (id. rE Third Eye referred to In the title of this book Is not a physical eye i but is seemingly a spiritual cne. and is
      295 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 296 11 NATURES CURE FOR LIVER TROUBLE i Mve kidneys and I i?T i tired filing," lack A irritability. Lazy muu' Vcu •tors in I nnd mtains •n and ipnngi of th« p I 1 i:.roush y.''ir It jut the heal ,t important, .n lake .1 glassful every :>j take. l-rom
      296 words
    • 411 11 I "gged coat, loss of appetite, eczema, A l--M^j£ swellings between the toes. art ls Condition Powders are easy to give because they are tasteless. WJ«n a is be unnatural foods have loaded h,s blood glossy coat. See how his tail wags "Thank stream impurities which cannot You
      411 words

  • 192 12 MORE MALAYANS WEAR SUN-GLASSES NOW DARK sun-glasses are becoming more and more popular in Singapore. Overseas they are becoming a fashionable fad, but in Singapore more people are readsing the dangers of harsh tropical lighting on the eyes. Women, too, are realising that the glare can spoil their looks by
    192 words
  • Article, Illustration
    35 12 During Egyptian army exercises being carried oat in the Sues Desert recently. Alsatian dogs were used for the first time to transport carrier pireons to the scene of operations, where they were released with messages.
    35 words
  • 90 12 SHORTS GIRLS MUST BUY SKIRTS Amsterdam. DOLICE of Ginneken, small Dutch town near the Belgian frontier, stopped thirty-five girls who were walking or cycling through the streets in shorts today. Those who had coats with them were made to put them on In the street. Those who had not were
    90 words
  • 94 12 Wounded Aug. 3, 1914— Bullet Now Taken From Leg "TWENTY-YEAR-OLD Louis Herman, Hungarian, received one of the first wounds, if not the first wound, in the great war when he was shot in the leg by a Russian soldlc on August 3, 1914, during the first skirmish on the East
    94 words
  • 41 12 The British Racing Drivers' Club Committee has awarded special gold stars to Capt. George Eyston in recognition of his land speed record of 345.49 m.p.h., and to R. J. B. Seaman, who recently won the German Grand Prix.
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  • 19 12 One of the keepers of the Versailles zoo has been gored to death by a buffalo.
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  • 54 12 PIGHTEEN- YEAR-OLD Civil Air Guardsman Douglas Cunningham, of Brook Green, Hammersmith, W., made a solo flight after ten hours' instruction. The training was spread over five days at Southend. Cunningham, who is an architect's pupil, is the first of Southend's Civil Air Guard to
    54 words
  • 286 12 Names Make Words— 16 JPVERY day we use words which commemorate the lame of some man or woman cr place that would otherwise be forgotten. Feio peop'c kneto how these names came to be common words, and in this special Sunday Times series of short articles the story of these
    286 words
  • 253 12 CTORIES that Mr. Beauclerk Upington, K.C., used uncashed cheques as book-marks were told for so long in Cape Town that few people believed it. Now that he has died, book after book containing uncashed cheques has come to light at his ome Apart
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  • Article, Illustration
    73 12 The new German airship L.Z. 133 «M launched by Dr. Hugo Etkcncr, (torn Friedrirhshafen and made a successful right-hour trial flight. She is driven by four Daimler-Benz engines cf over 700 h.p. each and carried in four gondola*. She is 803 ft. In length and has a cruising
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  • 30 12 A seven-page letter, written by Florence Nightingale from Derby in 1879 to a nurs? at Guy's Hospital was sold in London for one guinea.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 398 12 i^RS^GOOD AS NEW AFTEIT) J FIVE YEARS— thanks to HP SUNLIGHT SOAP'S. sa/f washing/ I KS Cheap harsh *oaps make the I Z_-«^T^\\' j^| K hands rough and harsh. I Sunlight it very thorough, hv* ■v it U safe for hands kee^ _r^WJ^W T\ them §oh and smooth always. >^nJ^^
      398 words
    • 85 12 MODERN, TESTED! Modern Science Gives Us The Ideal Remedy For Pain DOCTORS and dentists prescribe ANACIN today because they know that it relieves pain quickly and safely— the modem remedy for modern people For headache toothache, neuralgic pains, ANACIN works almost instantly Efficiently reduces fever and discomfort due to colds
      85 words

  • 1474 13  -  Crux Australis By WHEN the Siamese Consulate in i pore raised doubts about th.' accuracy of Chinese and Japanese newsagency reports of an anti-Chinese drive in Bangkok, a reader wrote to the Straits'.s saying the reports must be true because he had heard them bt-ina; read
    1,474 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 542 13 Kidney Poisons Often Cause headache lJ|^ CIRCLES \~£f<*? E Dangerous \^^U^i ClllMM AlMt* [NERVOUSNESS)) symptoms N^^f||fe^_^ DIZZINESS." Doctors Prescription I Fights the Poisons [dry skin ]a t :\y^r~^ which May Cause Get- (a£^P* f&HSfifirT^ ting up Nights, Loss of physical f% disturbed Energy, Excess Acidity, [weaknksj^^,^ di^stion Bladder Weakness, etc.
      542 words
    • 277 13 Golden sun -ripened bbbbbbbbbbbMMbWvbbbbbbbbbbbbbW^b^^b^bbbbbbbbbbl BBBBBBBttBBB^B^BtJbasBBMa&jS^^^OBdOMOeA' bbbE ssfl V^iijfciisfti^^ "1 X&^^^^^l LteW^is*** BBBbMT 'ssViWIBW&^W^BBBBBKiKa^b'^^BsBBIH '< l *<■-- y. r*'* I i^>?' V '^^^dBBBBBSBBB?^B?*<B5^^BI»BBB^Mr^^WfBBBBBBBEWlfcL '^BbP^BSM*—' BBBbI > BBBBBbP^C- 1 BBBk. BE M» > I *A, V .""V BBBBBsP^O^^y^ i 'sßß^eßsi jl i \^|^*> -L*i •'^dHs£V S > .^fe^kJ3k y^g^^^^^jjglhA3? itf^ -'l^bsbbbß^P^^V^^bsblbbbbbbbbbbbbbblbb^bbbbb! s^B^flßr^^Bssl
      277 words

  • 252 14 BURGLAR "DON'TS" FOR HOUSEHOLDERS Singapore Thieves Even Take Sewing-Machines AIiOUT two burglaries occur in Sin>>:.p<»re cvit> da>. Each month about fiO cases of breaking and entering are reported, about -20 by night and the rest by day. Some of these would not occur if householders took more care, for many
    252 words
  • 59 14 "There is nothing that the British Navy cannot do," was the maxim impressed on naval radets in the old days. Stoker J. S. Balmer, of the K. N. Barracks, Devonport, certainly lives i>y to that estimable motto and is here seen demonstrating his ability tc drink
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  • 64 14 CLASPING toys end tiny har.dbass, a baby of 18 months and her five-year-old sister stepped litim an air lfncr at Croydon after travelling rxlone from Switzerland. "Micky, the elder, has done the journey ten times alone," said their father. Mr. Robert Rudd,
    64 words
  • 340 14 Barnehurst (Kent). POX the past four years Mr. H. Percy Wilkins. a Welsh engineer, living at Barnehurst, Kent, has been working on one of the most comprehensive maps in existence. It is a map of the moon. It is half finished.
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  • 117 14 Death Stops Liner Twice In Hour rICE within an hour the 24.000-ton U.S. liner Manhattan was stopped for the burial of a captain's steward The first sea burial was that of Herman Vos, who had been transferred from the British steamer Jersey City of which he was captains steward. While
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  • 114 14 WORDSWORTH BIRTHPLACE REPRIEVED WOrtDISWORTH'S birthplace has been saved from demolition to provide a bus station site. The proapact Instead is that the stately Georgian mansion in Cockermouth's main thoroughfare will be taken over by the National Trust. Cumberland Motor Services, Ltd., and the Wordsworth Nat'onal Memorial Committee signed a contract
    114 words
  • Article, Illustration
    87 14 A jrcat Carillon of 44 bi-lls has just been completed at Messrs. Gillett Johnston's bell foundry at Croydon, and will be shipped for installation in the 400 ft. Tower of the Sun of the Golden Gate International Exhibition (1939) on Treasure Island, San Francisco. The total weight of
    87 words
  • 139 14 yiV'O bMMMI uhich have already crossed the Atlantic three times in search of a home reached Plymouth in the French liner He fe I'rancc itith their fate still unccrtul.i. They ucre brought to Eng'and first by Greta Nissen the film star, but as lovebirds (budjerigars) belong
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 374 14 -r-- tJ-t— rJ— J \~< 'JtJ f iflllil LjLEtli UllEll] yr lllMiliull illniiN MI.M HC-^r-jf^/ as in each past year, gives the good things **^L"Lfj iii "1 motoring first... With a host of new f£. ~~7~J j-r^yj^??^?^^^*t»^>.> niotor i n g luxuries and engineering ?"llM^H^— a^^^^^^^^^^^S^^Jaf aHKI- improvements, it is
      374 words
    • 222 14 YeastVite /»J-^CO record quick /^wCJlaW^^l FLOPPED-OUT 1 ionic seems] FULL OF ENERGY ]u<t can't carry on I Too tired tO infuse Simply hubbling over with to work. Nervet feel »'J to VTCW t „-r; 1 health I Pains gone thank* to pieces. Stomach Mill upset from NEW Lll*b YtasfViitl No"
      222 words

  • 1332 15  -  Nathaniel Gubbins I Greta Garbo is going to live on carrot juice." said The Sweep. "Cor stone me blimey I wander what UM ladies are going to git up to r.oxt." '7 wonder," I said. "One day they're living on orange lake, then they're living on
    1,332 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 105 15 PolaroiD POLAROID Glasses are the latest sek-ntinc discovery in g'are protection. They permit you to actually B 0 to 30 feet below the surface of the water. FOR THE FIRST TlMK— perfect eye comfort for driving; cruising, fishing, tennis or an.' outdoor sport. See our demonstration of this remarkable new
      105 words
    • 234 15 THE NEW ECONOMY TINA contains as much as the bottle I P|j AltU LUSI3 Ltii// /rPIiU-n^l NDREWS LIVER SALT now P reser| t to you their New m m Economy Tin, which conv^"*~" fli<llr %TtK much the large ''ijijf^^^Jpj^ This tin will cost you less beW 'PNP "PPiIiPiSi rZW* J
      234 words
  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 415 15 CONTRACT BRIDGE By The Four Aces n.° Uld remove dummy's re-entry and A M tne nan d would be made then only If N interesting six-heart contract one of th e opponents held the doublewas played by Harold S. Vander- ton Jack ot spades. bilt. Actually, six spades could not
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  • 335 16 Opinion Borneo Bride I ABUAN has had its first Euro- pean wedding for 20 years. Even Singapore newspapers seized upon the fact, but what will some of the London papers make of it From here one can imagine the headlines "Outpost Guardian [Takes White Bride In Wild-man L;:nd." Although an
    335 words
  • 171 16 THAT proper and constitutional organisation of workers in Malaya might mean fewer strikes, and not more, as is often supposed, is the realistic view put forward by! an authority on labour problems in The Sunday Times today. He points out that If the workers had authoritative spokesmen, who
    171 words
  • 1314 16 A Cynic Looks At Singapore And Finds: AS IT USED TO BE— -AND AS IT IS NOW "The Public Has Itself To Blame" %/ENDORS of rostrums noise abroad any alleged successes of their quackery, for all the world to know; but they carefully avoid any mention of the millions of
    1,314 words
  • 486 16 TTHE lonely island of St. Gildas, off the Brittany coast, L the centre of a new venture in heart manufacture. Dr. Alexis Carrol, Nobel prize winner aiid famous scientist, has spent endless hours on this small island, probing the "secrets of human hearts and attempting to
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 297 16 43 10 4310 MANUFACTURING DISPENSING OPTICIANS THE OPTICAL HCUSE SI AMFORD ROAD. SINGAPORE. TRY OUR TAILORING We only solicit your trial order. MIEN CHONG S'pore'i motl up-to-date Tailor. 34. Colemsn St. Phone 4816. FOR ATTENTION OF HORSE OWNERS AKD TRAINERS. 'N\w Century' Aluminium Racing Plates and Nail* available now Also
      297 words
      63 words
    • 36 16 X.P.M. LINE B offer special holiday excursions in A OCTOBER and DECEMBER Roundtrip passage and all inclusive Balitour from JKLmmmJM $250/- w for 18 days. Full particulars from N. V. KONINKUJKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ (Incorporate*! in HollandJ
      36 words
  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

    271 words
  • 32 17 Micky Rudd. aged S, of London, and her 18 month old sister Barbara travelled alone from Switzerland to London by plane recently. They are rapid'y becoming "veteran" air travellers.
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  • 205 17 CEX di termination was discussed at the Summer School of the British Social Hygiene Council, held at Horn- YorkcMre. Mr. T H. Hawkins, Professor of Biology, said there were various theories advanced as to what precisely deterariiMd sex. Some held that all a \vcman had to
    205 words
  • 52 17 FFFORTS of doctors and nurses in a Grimsby hospital to rear a 2 lb. baby girl have failed. She died. The tiny infant, christened Dorothy, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wheatlcy, of Clcethorpes. For three days she had been kept alive in an
    52 words
  • Article, Illustration
    41 17 Sabu the Elephant Bey has left England for America. Before leaving he went on a shopping expedition to buy the necessary clothes and equipment. Here is Mr. Gordon Selfridge itfshing Sabu "bon voyage" after meeting him at Selfridge's.
    41 words
  • 68 17 "JT i 3 disgusting to see a girl of 15 with her face made up like that. Take her home now and see that she washes her face and bring her back later. The West London magistrate, Mr. Paul Bennett, said this to the father of a girl accused
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  • 277 17 AIRLINER FAULT REMEDIED A FORTNIGHT after Albatross, the airliner that was designed to regain for Britain a lead in world civil aviation, broke its back on the ground after an overload test flight, a De llavilland's official announced that the original programme would go forward. There would be no delivery
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  • 88 17 GENERAL SIR EDMUND IRONSIDE, G.O.C. Eastern Comnv id, who Is regarded In some military circles as the fittest officer to command the British Army in the field, Is making final airangemcnts to leave England next month to be Military Governor of Gibraltar. General Ironside is fifty-eight, and
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  • 329 17 A NEW DEVELOPMENT in rubber cultivation will be made possible by the introduction of regular air surveys in Malaya. Photographs taken vertically from the air will show the relative density and colour difference of the vegetation under survey and it will thus
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 189 17 Radiate the JOY of HEALTH 4 YOUTH! "T\ON'T feel old and tired out Don't I be racked by pain and suffering IBe Young and Vitally Alive-radiate the f"^£tisk Joy s of Health and Youth and so be the •> '>4ir- t. centre of admiration wherever you go igr J\ Start
      189 words
    • 47 17 'Cfi^fe F\ Health and Happiness \fiP WBf^ ft "*^^^A. fat happy chuckles of ConfQraMtf^^^J^ ak.^ W y Over a million babies have PfS^^^^^^r^SSfl jjr^***^ I Baby too join this joyful and iT^fc k ***J WANT HIM TO BE ONI*^"1 (c) 2171 Agents: JACKSON COMPANY LTD, SINGAPORE. lATBI
      47 words

  • 1037 18 Mainly About As Tretchikoff Sees Malayans Singapore People-24 Read 0f Dr. J. S. Webster Sir R. Winstedt Commander A. C. Bucknell Mr- Lethchumanan Chettiar ONE of the most versatile men in the Malayan Medical Service, Dr. John Sutton Webster, who has been so neatly "x-rayed" by Tretchikoff this week, is
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 321 18 WIFE WHO WAS CROSS AM) TOUCHY. Put Herself Right With Kruschen M I am 39 years of age." a woman writes. "Yet some days I have been feeling and looking 100 years old. I would get fits of exhaustion for no good raason at all. I was not fit to
      321 words
    • 77 18 W^^^M^^m, To uc h wood! it +j£dSF&S Manufacturers Life Insurance Company t '^fofc. V^^JJSH^lLi**^ '^?^S- > lection ;igain>i economic dangers, like a ~~Z'»W?^M^^-'T^fa. hear witness to the enviable position laal^l^^ai which the Manufacturers holds among the laCfffk srcat lte I |lslirance Companies of th« I H C I *^bi .^B^^aL^Bi^aM^flßH
      77 words

  • 288 19 MORE TREES FOR SINGAPORE STREETS Beautification Plan Of The Municipality CINGAPORE'S highways, avenues and parks, soon will be beautified by the planting of additional flowering trees under the Municipality's beaut ification plan. Stately jungle trees, rising ultimately to a height of nearly 80 feet, imported from the Netherlands Indies, and
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 19 England's most expensive telev sion set priced at £231-0-0. The size of the screen is 22 by 29 inches.
    21 words
  • 49 19 WHEN there is accommodation in v. troopship. Miss Rose Nicholson, of Chaplin Street. Lincoln, will sail to India to marry Lance-Corporal Frank Dixon, whom she has never seen. The romance began when her brother suggested that she should write to Dlxon, who was his friend.
    49 words
  • 252 19 Camera Guild New York. Hfhen you go to the circus or carnival, by all means go early and take your camera along. There is endless variety ol new. Interesting snapshot material and you'll actually see more, and enjoy yourself more. If there's p camera in
    252 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 277 19 m ammamarV^T*''''; iMm M at '"i ;j3fl m are undoubtedly made from Costlier *1 Tobacco IP^^ r \^^^^T _^^m»- >^aMammßV^ai r ■v-|g ijf a# y KINGS GATE |g^|^|VIRGINIA $Blu/ them in the Suertite fJtn APD ...BUT HE GAINED 25t.2 Ibs.QUICKLY g» ON "VIKELP'S" P2 MINERALS V 6 VITAMINS FOOD lODINE
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      441 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 221 20 For coot, W "^r^^7'Mf\^PH[ '"'"'<\ sparkling B ljMm I]L- »tl r sweets B > %i scfve S' 1 'i CHIVERS iSSiSS 5 The most popular jellies for over half a century _pL L f\ Tho rich fruity flavours so characteristic of ~^A\ 7 i v'^l^LJM Chivers' Jellies have won for
      221 words
    • 268 20 < Vv That's how your mouth v\ eels after usin Kolynoo. The surging, invigorating Kolynoa foam penetrates every pit V C^hS and fissure and quickly removes the dull, dingy stains. It destroys and washes away the dangerous germs that cause tooth decay. Try K01y.103 and see how clean and refreshed
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 600 20 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE I MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly the $100 will be awarded in respect of
      600 words

  • 597 21 Beauty Hints Which Most Women Ask For THE LATE MAX FACTOR'S ADVICE Wrinkles; Freckles; Glamour; Make-Up fHE wonderings and worryings of women about glamour and their personal appearance are very much alike the world over. There is not a country from which I do not receive letters, asking my advice
    597 words
  • 126 21 Ingredients: J!b. Dab I quantity trying batter, 1 tablsspoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon vi:.cgar or strained lemon juice, 1 tablespoon chopped pars!. and pepper, 1 tablespoon minced onion. Hying fat. lemon, paisley. Method: Cut the washed fillets into neat pieces, and arrange on flat dish. Mix
    126 words
  • 640 21 Table Talk THE busy knitter misses much If she doesn't know about the new wools, including the crinkled kinds which give a marl effect. Other new wools, which have the effect of a fancy tweed when knitted up, are in true °ather colours. In
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 268 21 "P XT T T T XT P vJ JZj IN \J 1 xN i-j f_t I Solution of the Gift Problem Especially so when one remembers that all the designs, which j^ nearly number 200, are all duty free into Great Britain, Call or write for our illustrated Catalogues. Malayan
      268 words
    • 77 21 that fasc''n«rt es> of tcreen origin©* ma Ve-uP' n V IS^?< f actor, HoU^ deri Rou ge and up^ wO man. g% for a nev* o dyentwre fl^| A «f^^ £11 1 OOIOHES COSIEUO lAttVMOtt %g^ m W M J USING MAX FACTO* LIPSTICK k_" XT' iSSmmk HHI Wmmf X^jjfrk
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  • 610 22 Gloves Europe Is Wearing FASHIONS FOR THE AUTUMN Seventh Edward Style By Sunday Times Woman Correspondent London, Sept. 19. QLOVES to wear with suits and smart long coats are uniformly simple in colour and in style. But with afternoon frocks and silky suits, wrist -length gloves made from soft palely-coloured
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 368 22 Before You W I^ !=^S! LOOKWf^A /If -^wv^ A Nft THE" wmyj/HOMBN IM jTI before and offer using CREME TOKALON R ur MAKE THIS $k SIMPLE TEST ■mm**- "SEE YOURSELF FSy !a look younger EVERY MORNING.' rro-NIGUT Apply Crem* Tokalou. Obtainable at all Chemists and Siores. Rose Colour. It contains
      368 words
    • 279 22 j|ffiraw3re?!hi bites -DS&mifciil and stings lUwiM^ilu: Scrubbi gives INSTANT relief. 9^^^^^^V?ili ust t i e p art with und||ute <' I i J Scrubb's— its cooling effect stops Ti\ 73 ,uJ»i O eT /ll'ffl the irriution *n<* neutralising fi Y^\ N YOUR VV iliaf effect 1 alnlt P°' ton binishes
      279 words

  • 932 23 Says Ursula Bloom WHAT is beauty? Why, that is an idiotic question, you say. But is it? Beauty, itself counts for so little that I personally do not believe it is worth having. I suppose people would call me gocd-looking. I can say quite
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 382 23 Whitens Your Skin Secretly and Quickly No longer need you admire other* with that Kur ikin w»t light and attractive at theira. te jar of Siillman'i will make you equally cburmiog. Continued applicf tioni will lvi pn» you, con vim you that thersitouly one beau* tifier, only oar whitener that
      382 words
    • 295 23 (I *i*^ 1 v H Ibur finest \)wv g antiseptic N^bw^ ■VdllClJllaiU Craalfflailfpores c/eartfl| BLEMISHED SKIN \*S£>^r BeingaMEDICINALa«iTOILET vrib endow you with a new peachSoap, Cuticura serves a twofold pur- bloom loveliness, radiant with pose. It keeps your skin gloriously health. clear and rosy in spite of frequent It you
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 262 23 Horoscope...^ Chiras General OutlOOk: suits prevailing next week, WedHarmonlous construction, plastic re- nesday and Thursday excepted. Daily Aspects: Sunday, Sept. 25: Pleasant harmeny. Wednesday Sept 28: Paradise lost. lf Thursday. Sept. 29: Revenge. Monday, Sept. 26: Profound action, pri^y, Sept 30 Preliminary steps. Tuesday, Sept. 27: Eden. Saturday, Oct. 1:
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  • 225 24 CO-OPERATIVE OFFICER ON ATTITUDE OF SOCIETIES (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. AT the weekly meeting of the Klang Rotary Club Mr. T. Sivaplrakasam, Co-operative Officer, of Kuala Lumpur, gave a talk on Economic Conditions of Wage-earners in Malaya." Mr. Slvapirakasam said that during his ten
    225 words
  • 60 24 These two photographs were taken when the Singapore Chettiar football team visited Ne«ri Sembilan and played Negri and Selangor teams. Above are the Negri team with the Singapore XI. Negri won 3 l. Below are the Singapore and the Selangor
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  • 99 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. RAMAYAH, a lorry driver, and Veeran. a lorry cleaner, of Klang. were honoured by the Government of Selangor. by presentation of letters of appreciation, and a reward of $25/--each, for their gallantry in rescuing a Tamil woman, Palaniammah. from drowning in the
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  • 129 24 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. pRIENDSKIP is not merely an ab- stract theory of philosophy but something which can be applied practically in our every day life." said Mr. K. T. Joseph, one of the first batch of I graduates from Raffles College in a Mat on
    129 words
  • 78 24 'From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. THE following are results of competl- tions at the Seremban Golf Club:— Mixed Foursomes: Mrs. Cowglll and and Dr. F. V. Jacques. Woman's medal: Mrs. Greetham. Men's Medal (July); H. R. Carey. Men's Medal (August): Capt. G. T. Dcnaro. Men's Pairs: H.
    78 words
  • 96 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.* Seremban, Saturday. T^HE Negri Sembilan All Blues will hold rugger practices in future on Wednesdays together with the State XV and en Mondays. Mondays are allotted for i>^Klnners and nonEuropean players who wish to learn the handling code of football in asked
    96 words
  • 46 24 "From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. •TOURNAMENTS i n Russian pool and billiards are being held by the Pilah club o! Negri Sembilan for cups presented by the Yam Tuan of Negri Sembilan. The events billiards handicap singles and Russian pool handicap doubles.
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  • 37 24 (From Our Own Correspondent Secamat. Saturday. A NEW English school has beer. opened at Labis, twenty miles south cf Segamat Hitherto, parenthad be?n obliged to send their children to Segamat for elementary English education.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 535 24 Saved from Second STOMACH OPERATION 1 hu letter quoted here may save you ■T first stomach operation Certainly it points a moral for every stomach sufferer. Three yean ago Mr. A. E. U. became st bad with stomach trouble that an operation was performed. But last May he became as
      535 words
    • 301 24 SL/*BHEjLy^B vWi&?%5saS*>im& fVIB %Joi These are the reasons why we decided on m m*^ The Ford Ten |1 InH J Jj^^. Th ere are four in cu; family and we do a lot of motoring. j I M 9h 13 9 e neec ec a car b*3 enough to take
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  • 494 25 Sinomites And Muslims Play One-All Draw (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. LJONOURS were evenly shared in the final of the soccer competition for the Centenary Cup between the Sinomites and the Muslims, resulting in a goalless draw after extra time had been played. There will be
    494 words
  • 215 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. *T<HE Klang Club gave a farewell dinner, followed by a cocktail dance, at the club in honour of Commr. A. C. Bucknell, R.D., R.N.R., on the eve of his retirement from the country. After dinner. Dr. Ansley Young spoke in appreciation of the
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  • 182 25 (From Our Own Correspondent) Mal?cca. Saturday. Mr. D. Hilary, Chief Police Officer, Malacca, has left on long leave. Mr. E. W. Mumford from Seremban will, it Is understood, succeed h m. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Cox, well-known residents of Malacca, have left on long leave. i Mr.
    182 words
  • 91 25 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Saturday. ■pHE railway authorities will reduce the fares of second and third classes in the passenger train services between Port Swettenham and Kuala Lumpur as from Oct. 1, but no reduction will be made in the first class fares. The second class
    91 words
  • 74 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Saturday. WITH the Idea of assisting owners of vehicles In the preparation of their applications to the Transport Board for licences for road service vehicles, Mr. Fred Hilton, a well-known Seremban resident, who Is secretary of the Negri-Malacca branch, of the Automobile Associaflofi
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  • 191 25 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. OEVERAL years president of the Meng Seng Association Mr. Ong Teck Ngee celebrated his 61st birthday a few days ago and received the warm congratulations of his many friends and members of the association. Mr. Teck Ngee came to this country
    191 words
  • 46 25 Mrs. 11. 1.. Cox, general secretary of the Malacca Y.W.C.A., who left by the on leave. Before her departure she was eqicrtained to a tea party by Mrs. G. \v Bryant, wife of the Resident Councillor, Malacca, and president of the Malacca Y.W.C.A.
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  • 218 25 'From Our Own Correspondent) Klang, Saturday. AT the last meeting of the Klang Sanitary Board Mr. J. R. Neave, the chairman, referred to the proposal to establish rural boards, and read to the members an excerpt from the minutes of the Village Committee, Kuala Lumpur, stating that
    218 words
  • 85 25 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. lERE is a cork hat romance. An enterprising Seremban Chinese. Ban Ngel Siang, set out in 1932 to manufacture them. His Intention was to produce durable cork hats that could be sold at very low prices. Today Ban Ngel Slang is
    85 words
  • 111 25 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Klang, Saturday. pHE AHMAD BIN HAJI MAHMOOD. magistrate, and president of the Selangor Coast Club, Klang, Is under order to proceed on transfer shortly to Kuala Kangsar as Assistant District Officer. Mr. A. Razak Khan, of the tutorial staff of the Government High School,
    111 words
  • 93 25 AboMl sii;:> was collected by tbe China Relief Fund committee of Port Swettcnham. when they organised a basket-ball match between (he Kuala Lumpur Yek Kee basket-ball team and the Port Swettenham (hone Yon basket-ball team. The latter won by 38 points to 13. The picture
    93 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 302 25 Stomach Ulcers Cause Hunger Pains I Ma horary an hour or to after an<uila? Do** your stomach pain and burn t><*i«-<>cn mfai«? Do you fed nick at your an<l (*>el like vomiting? T>o you ■vsat e.-.Mly, hi.vo haadaebaa, and feel v. k an<l nin'cus? Tlu-i-o are dancer cigr:.l^ nf Stomach
      302 words
    • 410 25 NERVOUS EXHAUSTION made her an INVALID FOR YEARS. Too often the sufferers from exhaustion get little or no sympathy. Weighed down by a burden of fatigue, they drag their way through the heat and fever of the day. halfdead with lassitude. Yet there is a way out —a diet rich
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  • 85 26 "C" Company, winner of the Ham Cup soccer competition on the knock-out system among Malay Regiment teams: From left, sitting:. L/Cpl. Zainal, Sgt. Noordin, Sgt. Mohd. Sidek (capt.) Capt G. T. Denaro (O.C. "C" Company) Sgt. Ngah, L Sgt. Ahmad Kabu, acting Cpl. Kassim. Standing, L/Cpl. Mohd
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  • 706 26 Customs Unlucky In Soccer Final (From Our Own Correspondent). Johore Bahru, Saturday. 'THE biggest crowd of the season was present to witness the Soccer season concluded last evening, when the Hull Cup final, postponed from last Sunday, was played. The Prisons S.C. emerged champions by
    706 words
  • 62 26 Yeo Oon Keonc and aS. V. Ramaiva (rifht) who beat \V. H. Brocket! and Tallb bin Awang 6 o, 10 8 in the final of the Johore tennis doubles championship at Mu»r. Johore mixed double* tennis final at Muar: From left, P. C. Joseph and Mrs Meldrum
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  • 335 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. THE tenth annual meeting of the Teachers' Association of Malaga will take place next Wednesday at the High School Assembly Hall. The report to be presented at the meeting stat3s: "There were 89 members on July 1. 1937 and during the year
    335 words
  • 251 26 ALMOST with n a decade the Metlu>dlst Girls' School Klang has outgrown her "frontiers" and to keep pace with progressive development further structural expansion has become necessary. Started as an uncertain venture in 1924 with only an enrolment of 16, it amply justified Its existence within
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  • 64 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. IN commemoration of the Mukden incident a day of humiliation for China, Chinese school girls and boys in Muar sold "Blood Flowers" to the people of Muar. The sale from these flowers realised about $10,000. Amahs going to market, clerks going to
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  • 63 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. Mr. C. K. N. Menon, of Buloh Kasap Estate, has returned after an enjoyable holiday spent in India. Mr. Menon is the secretary of the Segamat Hockey League Committee. Inche Mohamed bin Kllng, Postmaster. Segamat, has left the district on medical leave. Inche
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 598 26 SUNGLASSES with SAFE AND COMFORTABLE VISION New Designs in Optical Quality frames available with correctly ground Genuine English Chance's Crookes B or B 2 Dark Glasses. Nan Sin Optical House S5 325. North Bridge Road, I $5 'Phone 6363. Singapore! TO BE SURE USE flP^t^aMMHH|^^^|\!<SH The Malayan Premier Needles BOX
      598 words
    • 101 26 1938 INDIANAPOLIS 500 MILE RACE AMERICA'S PREMIER EVENT WAS WON ON FIRESTONE GUM-DIPPED TYRES MOST MILES PER DOLLAR. BREATHE VAPEX VAPOUR (.AVOID COLDS A drop on your handkerchief by day and on your pillow by night kills the germs, relieves stuffiness, prevents the spread of infection. 21 years world -wide
      101 words

  • 2293 27 Garrison Sports Notes.. By "Nomad" Rutiby AT Scletar the early practice games on the rugger field have shown that the prospects for the XV this year are decidedly good. A preliminary trial for the R.A.F. »nd R.N. XV has been held and most of last seanson's buc'es were on view
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  • 520 27 Kmgby A -THOUGH there appears to be no outstanding new Rugby talent at; Blakan Matl among the newcomers. there are quite a number of players who j ■honld develop into useful members of. the island team. About half of la.t year's team 19--ma:ns. Bdr. Darling will be hard
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  • Page 27 Advertisements

  • 1564 28 Moderate Crowd For Opening Day (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A MODERATE crowd saw keen finishes at the first day of the Selangor Turf Club's Autumn Meeting at Kuala Lumpur today. The jroinß was good, and the weather was fine, although a
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  • 62 28 OAFFLES INSTITUTION second team beat St. Andrew's School 2 o at hockey yesterday on the latter's ground. St. Andrews had slightly the better of an even first half, but their work in the circle was poor. Both Raffles goals came in the second half, when they played better.
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  • 470 28 Y. M. C. A. Swimming PACING little competition this year, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. van Daalselaar retained their aquatic titles at the V.M.C.A. annual swimming championship carnival at Fort Canning pool yesterday. Van Daatselaar swam easily to win the men's 120 yards championship of Singapore by three lengths, equalling
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  • 316 28 PLAYING at the Happy World covered stadium the Eclipse B.P. defeated the Coronation B.P. in a friendly badminton match of seven singles and two doubles by 5 games to 3. the last game being abandoned due to Insufficient time. Results (Eclipse first) SINGLES Lee Kirn Seng beat Tay
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  • 23 28 In a baseball game played at Farrer Park yesierday an American Association team beat the RAF. by nine runs to six.
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  • 134 28 A START was made with the interteam badminton tournament for commercial houses when Fraser Neave's team defeated Guthrle's Sports Club by five games to nil at the Clerical Union Hall yesterday. Very little opposition was offered by the losers in the singles games, but they gave a grand display
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  • 293 28 TIME robbed the St. Joseph's Institu- tion Present Boys of almost certain victory over the Past Boys in their annual cricket fixture for the Juniors' Shield, yesterday. The result was a draw. The shield, on the three times played for previously, has been wen by the past boys.
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  • 135 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat. •"PHE annual table tennis competition of the Chen Slew and Al Choon Old Students Association, Batu Pahat, havi> been completed. Wong Aun Phul easily became champion, winning all the 19 games he played, with Tarn Tuck Fuan a close second with 18
    135 words
  • 404 28 Hong Kong Swimmers Are Due Tomorrow TO swim in Singapore shortly, the Hong Kon? Aquatic Stars a CMnese team of two women and seven men— are due here from Batavla by the X.P.M. boat Planclus tomorrow. Arrangements for them to swim against local teams are beinK made by Mr. G.
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  • 516 28 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, Saturday. OOME good play In the doubles v>as sccu at O the Bunga Tanjong court during the week when eight further ties In the Muar District Badminton Association annual iourna,ment were played. 1 The best match cf the week was tlia* between Khoo
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  • 48 28 RUGGER PLAYERS— 3 A CROMARTY. uho is rugger secretary of the S.C.C. He first payed for the club in the 1935-36 season, and has teen a regular player since. Started as scrum half, then became a forward, and this season is again in the pack.— Sunday Times picture.
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  • 89 28 The first round of the Singapo™ Golf Club championships was played at Bukit Timah yesterday, and resulted as follows:— A. V Cramsio best C. W. Watson 4 and 3. M. C. Bain beat V.'. Eldrcd 4 and 3. E. L. Thompson beat R. Craik at the twenty-secend
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  • 336 28 IN a game of rugger play:d on th* S.It.C. padang yes erday the oiul» second team defeated ths St. Andrew's school by six points (two tries > to three points (a penalty goal* The schoolboys put up a endlta'jta disp'ay. their taclclir.; being
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  • 116 28 (Frcm Our Own Correspondent Penan;?, Satudav AS expected Tan Kin Hong and L m Ewe Chye entered the final of the Penang open badminton singles championship when they beat t *eir resvtive opponents In semi-final mat -he*. Ewe Chye, hiwever, was given a big fright by Tan Jin
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  • 511 29 4-Nil Hockey Win At Changi •T^HE Hong Kong Command hockey! players met with their first defeat] at Changi yesterday when they met the Combined Services. Definitely superior in attack, the home team scored four times without I Plummer. the Services centre forward, seldom missed my
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  • 330 29 Selangor Beat Negri-Malacca At Rugger Own Correspom. Eeremban, Saturday. Ppacka nulli.if i the splendid wards both in and .m p.nd thus Ne^ri-Malacea lost I by 14 points (a goal uni three tries > U 3 pclnti I a penalty today. er oa tour oerasions r.nil held their 1 v in
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  • 38 29 I Our Cwa C^rr.cpondent > Mucr. Tihat Football Association ru.ilifi d for the final of the Syed Cim Competition \\h;n they b^at the S~-;amat. Foriball Associati-jn by lour c~als to two on the Muar Club 1
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  • 95 29 'Fr TO Orr Oxn Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. 0. illir.;j soccer garr.ej seta this season, the Penanj Footbj.'l Association Cup mat eh tjc!ay bctvrii the Old Xavoiia*-.*' association md the Penang Recreation Club at re v.ltrd in a 2-all dru.v. .nverians opened the srorin'j I l: Cheng and
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  • 254 29 ■From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpar, Saturday. QELANGOR walked over Ncgrl-Scmb:-l > lan-Malacca in the secondary Rugby match played at Kuala Lumpur toc'ay. scorin;; 24 points (three goals, one penalty, two tries > to three <one penalty) The visitors were passive, even In rciistanc?, and the game would
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  • 26 29 Londo.i. Sept 24. Seven of the Australian crlc-etrrs left for Australia this m-mir^. Th? I remainder will plcl: up the boat at Tculon -Reuter.
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 724 29 DROVING convincingly that there i is some fine talent and new blood j among the newcomers to Singapore rugger this year, the Newcomers XV defeated the Rest XV by eight points tone goal and a tryi to three (one try) at the S.C.C. yesterday. In quite a
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  • 1495 29 DESULTS of yesterday's Home L cajruc games and tables up to date arc: ENGLIf-H LEAGUE DIVISION I Arsenal 0 Astcn Villa 0, Birmingham .1 Preston 3 Blackpool 3 Grlmsby 1 Brentford 2 Sunderland ...3 Derby County 5 Stoke ......0 Hudersfleld ....3 Everton 0 Leicester 0 Lolton 0 Ll/erpo^l
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  • 79 29 (From Our Own Ccneipandent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. TIIE Sultan of Perak will be present at th e final of the inter-state allMalays tennis tournament for the Iskandar Cup tomorrow at the Royal Johore International Club, Johore Bahru. The Regent of Johore will give I a tea Party at
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  • 53 29 (From Our Own Ccrrespca^cnt.) Maiacc.-.. Saturday. ri a U\ n t-nili match run on the American system the Junior Civil Service Association c.c uric a -el Ly the Klebung Party by 76 1 u.nii io 61. Four pain represented each rtdc and the fames rere keenly contested
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  • 96 29 DUGBY matches .layed in Biitain yesterday resulted Bedford 26; Richmond 6. Birkenhead Park 12: Sale 8. Bristol 0; Gloucester 6. Coventry 23; Nuncaton C. Devonport Services 11: Bath 3. Loictotcr 2; Waterloo 18. London Scottish 11: O.M.T. 8. Manchester 24; Headingley 0. Northampton 11; United Services 4 Plymouth
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 29 J. B. Pttie.-. \,:.t c^ve a:i L-.-.... ..e display at rrrun-hall for the RmMI in the S.C.C. ru««r trial jestrrda>.
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  • 100 29 Kuta Radja Malay School 2: (ieylang Malay School 1. THE Kota Radja Malay School dc- feated the Geylnng Malay School by two {reals to one in the Ma'ay Schools soccer final for the Daens Makkrh Shield piavtd on the Victoria School ground yesterday. I At the end of
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  • 589 29  -  "ARCHER" BY A WELL-FILLED house at the K.\ppy I** World Stadium last night w.-.s treated to an average display of showmanship and a pitiful exhibition of wrestling. The tournament thus begun t is styled the wrestling chnmplcnship of the Orient. There wore few empty seats whea i
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  • 39 29 I The semi-flnal of the garrison ir.t. r- unit boxing comnetit: >n. 2nd The L,oyal I Regiment vs. Ist Battalion, The Royal jlnniskllllng Fusiliers, will take p'.ace I at 9 p.m. on Thursday at Gillman Bar- rackr.
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  • 409 30 Tan Chong Tee And Wong Peng Soon To Meet In Semi-Final BY OUR BADMINTON CORRESPONDENT THE long awaited mach between the Malayan champlor., Tan Chong Tee. of the Marigold Badminton Party, and runner-up. Wong Pens Soon, of the Mayflower Badminton Party. In the semi-final c f
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 30 i r i..' Cm ..\:i Party ill the charily Dent o;;.ar.i ,-d by th > FHali < hina Krd Cro.-.* :nd Dirtmt I .md Csmmitte?. «i*l« thtlr p-r--1 J.'.\e Bocn. They v.i thr t .i"Oi' -^hip r hirltl by bra'.im tli Ba idmiaicn Party, but jpar's Kelah i h imoicn:.
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  • 248 30 (Trcni Our Cv.:i Corre-;:cndent.) Johore Bahru. Saturday. Er. 1 invited for the open badminton champion?hi.i to be held r.t E-itu Pahat durin-; the Deep )iu:i:ia's next rnontti fro.n TbunCay Oct 2} to Batuidey, Oct. 22. These champlon^bipa are organised by t';p Ba-ii Pahat District B.A. and are <
    248 words
  • 315 30 I Li::'; tt Uu Bafaf Wodd ftadi.i.i Uie' Badminton Party def.°aU-i th« Coro- nation Badminton Party in i friendly badmlntTi mntrli of reven ttatdm prd 2 double' by 'i ouan to 3. thf lan --i;v:le being aban- tasutfident I. ht. Re nit Cvrliprp plj-rr? incntlcned first): Ite
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  • 113 30 A.S.A. TO URNEY fjrsi'l.TS i i Uu Amateur Sporilns Aisocia- i. i until!? 1 badminton s.nI !■> band! i tournamsnt are: Sim Tliiam D Hoe (C 7 1 15—4. 15—8- Tan Kirn Ycnj (0 3) beat Sim Tarn Hwr>- (0 3> 15—3. 15— P; Chan Yew Chon< <n 3> bi-at
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  • 214 30 (From Our Own Correspond -i:'. i Kuantan. RESULTS In the cp.iiJig round doubles an succeeding round in singles of the I third annual open badm'n.c.t championships of Kuatuan District are: i Doubles: Ha:nid Bin Bitlin Kam HeniHin (X..M.L.PP.) beat P. S. T. Chidambaram iChettiar and Benjamin (Rising
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  • 132 30 CPTom Our Own Ccrreipondont.) CONGRATULATIONS to the badminton team of th? Malay Women's Training College for winning the 'r.ter-girl.? school Dsdminton competition played at ths Suydara Girls' School courts recently. This Is the third cf the series, the previous wlnmrs being the Suydara Girls School and the French
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  • 49 30 Tho halX-yeurly general meeting of the Coronation Badminton Party will be held at I Mr. Yeo Yen Chuan's residence, 342. Geylang Road en Sunday Oct. 2 at 2 p.m. sharp. MemI bers falling to attend the meeting will be dealt with v.nder the attendances and fines rules.
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  • 30 30 Bahari and Sallm (right). Lambak and S.ilim Al«ee, irinnrn and runrers-up IW> in-. ilv in thr open double* of the Miljvs badminton tuui innirnt at Johore Bahru.
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  • 963 30 (From Our Own Corrcipoi. ..uitj. Kua'.a Lumpur. When the Malacca Johore Fcong Seong Cup re-play ta::cs place. Mr. J. L. Woods, picsident of the Malayan body, will tr&\el duun to Johore Bahru to witness the gaiiK.s. The winner will meo" Selangor in the final. Whether the troplv will
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  • 233 30 (Fr,om Our Own Corre^pcndcn".). Malacca. rpHE ninth annual meeting of the Argonaut. 1 Badmuuon Party v. ill take place- today ac the premises cf Mr. Tan Kirn Sun in Iranqueiah Road. "The men's Junior fin^lc.i tournament was Introduced for the rirst in order to encourage the less
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  • 130 30 (From Our Own Correspondent). Port Swcttcnham. AFTER a lapse of several yean. Inter-club badminton matches are again coining into picture here. An Inter -club match was played between the Port Swettenham Recreation Club Badminton Party and the Port Swettenham Customs Badminton Party. Owing to weather conditions the matches
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  • 918 30 (From Our Special. Correspondent). Penang. LIM EWE CHYE, last year's singles semlfinallst, again entered the semt-nnals of the open singles championship when he unexpectedly beat Chee Choon Kcng, who had been regarded as likely finalist, last week. Ewe Chye lived up to his reputation lor being the
    918 words
  • Article, Illustration
    44 30 Mokh.ur b. Kemst (left) and A. Kahman Bujang, v. inner and runn:.--up nepeeJivclv in the SI -.lavs junior ■i::.';:'s bad- 1..1K Aiuliun-rd l> Ibru.i: 11 II ..I rIdent and (he Adam h. Melwwei, hon. secretary, rr-pcrt!vrly cf the Ms! y Badminton Assoria'ion. Jolioir Eabrn.
    44 words
  • 223 30 (From Cur Own C3::ojponJcn;>. Joiio.e Ba.i. >:. Baturtfiy. THE rep.ay maL^h ul tvs focii] 5n.113 c-p between Johcic and Malacca, previously airanged to be played at Malacca yeaterdai m posiponcu. 1 undenlaod the Huumiiituu As.ociation of Ma.aya has cug itsied to Johc-v :thut next Sunday v. ill
    223 words
  • 159 30 IN a cha:ity badmin'cr.i Match In ad of thi. C'niivi Relief Fund to ba played at th.Happy World sta:Hum next Saturday, at 7.33 p.m., the following will reorient the Ama'eur Athletic Union against the Companion Badminton Party of Johore Ba'.iru. Plavcrs and supported must be at the Happy
    159 words
  • 37 30 (Fro..i Our Own Correspondent). rS final of the Malays tntcr-party badminton tournament between the Gentle B. P. and the Bintanjr Selat B.P. will be held today at the Victoria School hall at 2.30 p.m sharp.
    37 words
  • 174 30 n"HE Merrytime Badminton Party and th? United Athletic Party successfully pre- :.ted a charity badminton match In aid of the China Relief Fund, at the Happy World •tadlum. The Relief Fund benefited by 5458 In Straits currency. The Merrytime i P. won by six games to one. Scores.
    174 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 38 30 I Sd q 5 the t'' dtink aerated waters A Hnlf Century oIJ reputation as the best Aerated Waters in Malaya. That is your Safeguard. ORANGE JUICE SOD* GRAPE FRUIT SODA SPECIAL DRY GINGER ALE ZOM MINERAL WATER
      38 words

  • 377 31  -  "ARCHER" Players Will Turn Out For Both Teams BY A SOLUTION has bern found to a •-uation which arose this season result of the renewed enthusiasm .shown by the S.R.C. for rugger, and which threatened to become quite a knotty problem. When the S.R.C.
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  • 19 31 Wrestling has been introduced in Singapore. Here is a topical slant on the sport,
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  • 397 31  -  "FUL-BACK" BY •yHE final maich of the qualifying round in the Singapore Cup comj petition was seen at Anson Road on Friday, when the Police, wooden spoonlsts in the first division of the i league, snatched a somewhat unexpect ed victory from the
    397 words
  • 202 31 Dharmaraj To Fight Marquez BY "KO." A GOOD effort to revive boxing In Singapore is being madj by promoter George Lee, managing director of the Happy World, who has arranged an attractive card for Friday. David Dharmaraj, feather and lightweight champion of Penang, Is to be given a chance against
    202 words
  • 294 31 'From Our Own CoffP Tit gent) Batu Pahat. THE Bandar Pensgaram Malay School. Batu Pahat, held Its first annual sports me:ting before a large crowd of i parents and friends. There were 30 Items on ths programme fcr boys of all ages, as well as pupils of
    294 words
  • 51 31 The r.rntle Badminton Party whirh tint Uie Rc>nard BT. 5 0, la the sMi-Oral af the Mai.ijs latcr-Partr T«araamait al Utc Me tor. iiehssl HjJi tort weefc-enA. Ptmb left, bark, Ilodri, Ba*4i, Ahmad Tsifa, A. *?hm.-UL Atu< mad A. tUhtm. Fr«U, Nik I»il«l1l«. A. lUdcr iMtt tad
    51 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
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    • 485 31 The Acid in Your stomacn^sT-v Would Burn te-^ 1 a Hole in the ik\f/[/ Carpet A jJAf\ QHK MISTS noured i RBHHH^HHKi rhlonc Ac.d (same aa Actual yHotoorava ul Siomach Arid) on *o jnnvl iivrnnf f>i/ iWck p.le carpet. Oia Mm 3 acid "'urnwi iix-i-ch If acid u>eB tnat 10
      485 words

  • 298 32 Transformation Of Ponggol Area In Past 1 0 Years Animals Of Many Types IT costs $35 a day to main* tain the Singapore Zoo, at Prnv-fgol. Ten years ago, before work was begun on He site of the zoo, it was a mv ly area, overgrown
    298 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 112 32 w >^mM LUXURY ALOFT -^r It is the luxury which surprises so many passengers in the four-engined Imperial flying-boats. They find themselves taking meals in the comfortable soundproof saloons, enjoying the passing scenery from the promenade deck, smoking or having their afternoon nap, with a steward always at their service.
      112 words
    • 250 32 For DEFECTIVE VISION ■'lease consult CHINA OPTICAL CO. jfe^ ni:h St.. Slnjapo/e. 8 day time, 10" dial from $16 t > V.i. 8 day strike. 10" 12" dial from $19. Electric clock, 10" dial running continuously 4-6 months with 20 cts. dry flashlight battery $24.50. Duty free in Johore F.
      250 words
  • Page 32 Miscellaneous
    • 93 32 Head Office: Cec'l Street. Sincapoir Phone :Kl (S It es> Hi extcnslont to a I Drpar. lirn.v Kuala Lumpur: Office: S" Java Street Phorr: 3683 Ipoh Office: Brewster Road Tele: 3; Penani Office: 12 Rlsliop Strert. [*.~rari Phone: 1477. London Office: 40 43 Fleet street. 1 nudon E.C.4. Phone: Central
      93 words