The Straits Times, 28 August 1938

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 349 Sunday, August 28, 1938 Price 10 Cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 349 Sunday, August 28, 1938 Price 10 Cents.
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  • 414 1 Family's Opposition Trengganu Tungku To Wed English Girl ALLOWANCE IS CUT OFF, SPORTS CAR SOLD "She Will Give Up All To Live With Me" (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Saturday. A LTHOUGH he possesses only £4 and the clothes he is wearing, the Tungku Mahmud of
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  • Article, Illustration
    47 1 Mr. W. b. Bagshaw oj Blythe, Notts, with his dog Glyn. who carried off the champtom <X ip prize at the Hope Valley (Derbyshire) sheep dog trials. The dog be<:ame famous in an English film. Glyi, is going to Hollywood to appear in American films.
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 1 Two thousand scientist* from all over the world attended the 107ih annual assembly of the British Asm at Cambridge. Here is Dr Slopes, famous cuihority on birth control, with he son, Harry i Stones-Roe, at Ca7nbr:dge.
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  • 195 1 N.I. Chinese Red Cross Men Shot By Enemy •r:iKl.i-: menlber:» the Java Chinese lied Cr«ss Ambulance Corps have been wounded while rescuing wounded Chinese soldiers under fire, reports Reuter. The 1 Java Chinese Ambulance Corps irgsnixed by Dr. Kwa Tjoen-sloej v lih the co-operation of leading Netherlands firm* and sympathisers.
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  • 51 1 (front Oar O»n Co: ifspondftiLi London. .uurda\ ■■AIM OIL: Malayan in hulk (nominal) lI.V GOLO: Is. B<L SILVKK: Spot I■' I ltd.; I mills. 19Nd. COTTON: «.77d EXCHANGES: Nm York 1.87 71M Oilier i ommodiilrs and exchanges an- Cliangrd from Friday. V\TIRI>\YS I.WAI. (LOSING QIOT\- >v- u:i IN
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  • 115 1 THE United States Maritime Commission has obtained a controlling; interest in Dollar Steamship Lines, Inc., under an agreement signed last week, states a cablegram received by the Singapore office of the company yesterday. After all terms of the agreement have been complied with and
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  • 52 1 New York, Saturday. MEXICO has only disposed of 3,650,--000 barrels of oil between April 1 and Aug. 10, according to a confidential tabulation quoted by the Herald Tribune. The newspaper claims that the worldwide embargo, organised after the oil properties were expropriated, has proved "very
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 334 1 War Not inevitable Bui Britain Is Watchful \y VK in Europe is not inevitable. That was the keynote oi speeches given in England hist algh| by Sir John Simon, the Chancellor of th Exchequer, and Sir Thomas Inskip, Defence Minister, and V-. Winston Churchill. But all stressed the gravity of
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  • 225 1 THE famous British air raid on the Zeppelin headquarters at Friedrichshafen in October, 1914, in which Air Vice-Marshal J. T. Babington, the new Air Officer Commanding, Royal Air Ftx-ce. Far F i.^t took part, is the subject of he following comment in tec late
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  • 70 1 I EONARD HUTTON. 22-year-old cricketer who made 364 foi England in the fifth Test against Australia recently— the highest score ever made In a test mateh has been given £1,000 by Mr. Arthur Whltelaw, a wealthy Australian, who gav e Don Bradman. the Australian captain, a similar
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 61 1 /"•EORGE EYSTON. driving Ms Thunderbolt car at Bonnevllle salt flats, set a new world's land speed record, averaging 345.49 miles n.n hour, covering a mile in 10.42 sec. says Reuter. His northward run took 1036 sec, an average ox 347.49 m.p.h. and his southward run took 10.48
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  • 47 1 The proprietor of a Chinese shop was injured when he was knocked down by a motorcar near the Junction of Hill Street and New Bridge Road yesterday. He was cut on the scalp, hurt his right leg and was semi-conscious when removed to hospital
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  • 150 1 Hankow. Saturday. "DL'MOURS of peace conversations between the Chinese and th? Japanese are only another Japanese attempt to undermine the friendship between China and friendly Powers, especially Soviet Russia," declared Gen. Chianu Kai-shek. China's determination to continue her war of resistance and her
    Reuter  -  150 words
  • 117 1 SHOT AIRLINER: INDIGNATION MOUNTS Hankow, Saturday. INDIGNATION among Chinese is mounting following publication of reports that every body recovered from the China National Aviation plane which sank after being attacked by Japanese planes over the Canton River delta, was wounded by machine-gun fire. One influential Hong Kong Chinese newspaper characterises
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 97 1 •THE Manchester Guardian, comment- ing on the recent delay In the Japanese advance on Hankow, says that the position of the Japanese Is now somewhat stronger by reason of the inability cf the Chinese to control the Yangtse. "Apparently they are incapable of organising an effective diversion
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 108 1 Chinese Allegation In Yangtse Battle Hankow. Saturday CHINESE lcrcos near "Shlngtse. In the Yaogts* Valley, wer; compelled to 1 withdraw when the Japanese agai used polsTh £as. It Is officially claimed. Severe fighting is raging along the n:w Chinese line to the west. After withdrawing
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  108 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 8 1 I RENE ULLMAMN WATCHES Par. rs Place. Spore.
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    • 63 1 Good rurn:shin7 '•abr. Better Furnilut BexJ Prcr< SUN WAN COM P A N V B.V Victoria St. V|x,rr Britain will stand *By China": this and ether additional China news is in PAGE SEVEN. ALL ODDMENTS and REMNANTS SAMPLE RANGES, DISCONTINUED LINES OFFERED AT HALF USUAL PRICES SALE ENDS WEDNESDAY tIIfIAWAYS
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  • 251 2 No Assisted Passages Back To Malaya DANGERS OF LOSING ANY GRATUITIES DUE (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. I ABOURERS in India are prohibited by the Indian Government from receiving assisted passages in order to rejoin their wives and children in Malaya, it
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  • 244 2 THE only other Asiatic in Malaya, besides Tungku Ahmad Temeng- i gong, of Kelantan,*to hold the high l scout ranking of district commis- j sioner, Mr. Khoo Sim Teong, of Penang, is in Singapore this week. District Commissioner Sim Teong, with 19 other scouters,
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  • 87 2 i From Our Own correspondent i Malacca, Saturday. A LLEGED to have snatched jewellery from a woman's tar. <r ranching away the lobe, two Malay youths Surin bin Hasnim and Ismail bin Kamaludin. were lound guilty of robbery and causing grievous hurt before Mr. Justice Home
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  • 51 2 Some of the 250,000 c.s-s i:f anli-choiira vacdM :x by the LeaftM of Nations Far Eastern Health Bureau at Singapore by the P. and O. liner Cart ha for Hons Konjc yesterday. The vaccine has been prepared by the Institute if Medital Research at Kuala
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  • 134 2 <Fr?m Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Here is an authentic hard luck story from the tin mines. When the present tin slump set in many Chinese mines were unable to pay instalments on newy delivered Diesel engines, which the importing firms dismounted and tock
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  • 111 2 ANEW water-boat for Singapore arrived from Hong Kong last week and another is on her way, It was announced at the annual meeting of W. Hammer and Company, Ltd., water-boat proprietors, Singapore, yesterday. Two other boats were sold and delivered to buyers last week, while a third was
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  • 24 2 The St. Andrew's Old Boys' Association second annual re-union dinner will be held on rounders Day, Sept. 8. Reservations will close on Sept. 4.
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  • 94 2 CINGAPORL High Court interpreters and Judges' secretaries are to wear black coats while engaged during the sitting of the Court. The change has given them added dignity and from the public point of riew is appreciated at it will enable the litigants to distinguish the Court
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  • 52 2 'mis rase is worth $1 901). It is part of the 300 rhests of unprepared Iranian op.urn, which arrived for the Government in the P. and O. liner Carthage yesterday. It was unloaded under an armed guard of six police and two European officers of the
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  • 613 2 SUMMONS CHARGE AGAINST THREE OF HER FAMILY DIFFERENCES between husband and wife over muney matters led to the appearance in the Singapore Sixth Court, before Mr. S. H. Cheah, yesterday, of a Eurasian woman, Miss Freda Jansen and her two brothers, Cyril and Roy
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  • 40 2 Mr. Viggo Holland, son of Mr. and Mr.;. Johann Peterson Holland, of Aarup. Denmark, was married to Miss Inger Minna Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson, also of Denmark. at the Singapore Registry yesterday.
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  • 115 2 Ships Flee From Malaria At Batavia (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia, Satarday. AS a precaution against infection by malaria mosquitoes at Tandjong Priok, port of Batavia, shipping comI panics have decided to have their ships moved away from the wharfs every day when loading and discharging is finished at 5
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  • 183 2 Wong Onn. a Chinese, who for several days stood charged In the Singapore Third Police Court with attempted murder of a compatriot, Wong Chiok, with an axe in a house In Sago Lane, on June 12. was committed for trial at the Assizes, at the conclusion of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 75 2 On sultry days the mere sight I of a large hot Joint will often .j destroy appetite. Cookid Corned Silvtrsidt, COLD COOKED Pressed Beet, Cooked MEATS make a pleasant and satisfying IB $ir ••"••K*' contrast, and will be much ap- (1« Tnnvu* predated. Cut from tender Juicy rrilHl v*u roasts,
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  • 129 3 Chinccc Official On Ths ON his way to ihe Chi.iesj Embassy in Home, whers he is to be Charge d'Aifairr Mr. H m Tao-lin arrived lO j Singapore yesterday in th? lin >r Conte Biancamano. "Although Italy'j attitude favours Japan. Italiins an in -ympathy v/ith China.
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  • 365 3 IHow Singapore Hollanders Will Celebrate Jubilee Of Their Beloved Queen Wilhelmina 'TO CELEBRATE the sSth birthday of Queen Wi'helmina. and the 40th jubilee of her reign, on Sept. 6, ichich falls on Wednesday, Singapore Hollanders this morning wi'l attend a special Dutch thanksgiving service at the Wesleyan Church. The servire
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  • 122 3 IN* an a;?e of crumbiinjj monarchic; and political uncertainty. Queen Wilhelmina's reign ha.* been characterised in Holland by pea:e, prosperity and stability. lh? world locks on the Crown Prince -is Juliana as a fitting heir to th > 'i hi iino Holland, white her censcri. Print-2 Kernhord.
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  • 214 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Saturday. A BILL has been submitted to the Peoples' Council for the lejal Insurance of all workmen against accidents. The new Bill applies particularly to the native labour in th» lactories. In the Civil Code there is already provision in respect
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  • 160 3 'Frc;n Our Own Cori3spcncleiil) Sjr?ii ban. AN intere^ling csrerrcny tcok p'aco at Serembav on Wednesday when thr Yam Tuan, of Negrl Sembilan, presented two local Volunteers with medals. The Volunteers honoured were C. S. M. and I. W. J. Leaney and Spt. A. S. T. Maddams. Chief Sgt.
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  • 131 3 Tried on anoth3r charge and convicted on the reduced charge of voluntarily causing hurt, a Chinese, Glan Ber.g Jln\ appeared for a re-trial before Mr. Justice Pedlow in tiie Singapore High Court yesterday. Representing the appellant. Mr. Hoallm stated that after the charge was reduced by the magistrate
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  • 50 3 IUUNU SANCHIONI th? coloratura soprano who was la Singapore last year with the Gonzales Italian Opera Company, will sing solo items from the Nlrom stations at 8.20 tonight. Singapore tini.v Miss Sanchloni will give I fur:h»r programme through the sa;N stations at 1.10 p.m. on Tuesday.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 574 3 FEEL "LIVERISH" > Take Nature's Own Tonic. liverish, irriUl'M-. di-pro-m MlMW skinned, punpli. lar loo fat. K *"H" > i tired, no energy foi auvthiM:. TbooMBdi <•! mm and wotnen through Xt.ii.ivH In4 likr to-day. Thousands inoir mil ncwi fn-l thai wav again, lor Nature's o«n rliMr, sparkling waters
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 632 3 IN SINGAPORE TODAY cinemas Imperial: To Burma. India May Palestine, Ezypt. Soudan, Great mm \ni.\MKRA: Britain and Ireland: Mails close "Char ie diaii At Monf Or'/" v.iUi •>.,-, i-r»n»v v^ ...:.i —.-a Warner Olai.J and *mji In:,-. 3.16. pnl ODAY a special air mail 6.15. 9.13. 'ccCAPITOL: > Qantas: In
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  • 298 4 GIRL SINGER ALSO WANTED IK) PLAY opposite a Malay Charlie Chan in a new Him to be produced in Singapore by Malayan Films, Ltd., a leading lady is sought. She must be a Malay, or a Malay type, have a sweet soprano voice and
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  • 115 4 New York. AMISS NORMA SHEARER came to town wearing a hat as big as a parasol. It was of black straw and was 30 inches in diameter. On her feet were shoes with 2% inch high heels. Miss Shearer said: "I'm Just a country girl visiting a big
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 314 4 Don't Miss Charlie Chan's Last Best Picture LAST TWO DAYS SUNDAY MONDAY Daily At 3.15—6.15 9.15 p. m. At Malaya s Leading Theatre ALHAMBRA (Direction: SHAW BROS, LTD.) T BTTPHQ -H INIJISLASTPICTUBE WITH Don't lT^-«i KEYE LUKE< mmik w Wk- -^m FIELD, Ik V SYDNEY BUCKMER, it BBHH_k .MHH kay
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    • 68 4 ALHAMBRA TUESDAY 30th AUG. 4 SHOWS DAILY 11 a.m. 3. 15, 6.15, 9. 15 p.m. YOUR STAR OF STARS wrth STARS /i«W ./xtf STARS! nutico/ by farl I4fr TEMPU: If REBECCA OF r SUNNYBROOK FARM RANDOLPH SCOn IM HALEY ClOllt STttAIT WTUIS MOMS HHft «STIR A ssm suMMatvut y wmm
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    • 150 4 Lose Fat Secret Method Discovered By Hollywood Cinema Stars Mow Obtaiaablo at Chemists A safe, secret method of reducing ujcljr fat has been discovered by a California physician In prescribing to the famous Cinema Stars of Hollywood. This discovery, ciilcd Kormode, quickly and safely dissolves ugly fat 5 pounds a
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    • 127 4 WITH A BATTERY Built with A I m1.!,, r Separators thr amazing new invrntion that gives up to 40% quirker nlnrlin; powrr. TTill spin your motor faster. Equip your ear today with a Firestone Extra Power Battery. VICTORIA MEMORIAL HALL ONE RECITAL ONLY SEPTEMBER 4th it 9.39 P.N. TENGKOE SYED
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  • 984 5 DR. PURGE LL'S TALK AT HONG KONG Malayan's Tribute To Resourcefulness Of The Chinese |}R. VICTOR PURCELL, Malayan author of "Chinese Evergreen," spoke from a Hong Kong radio station on the practical usefulness of studying the Chinese and their ways. He pointed out that during
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  • Article, Illustration
    71 5 Mr llussan, sin of Mr. Abduil amed. and Miss Haji Fatimah, daughter of Haji Abdul'ah. were marrifi in in^aporr. Mr. C. Anthony, of the clerical staff d the Engineer-in-Chief, Posts and Telecraphs. Kuala Lumpur, and Miss l.'uirdumary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adaikalasamy i'<llay, of Malacca, after their wedding
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  • 25 5 Mr. K. Kamakrishnan, of the Straits Settlements Police Department, and Miss Palpma Raghavan, of Kuala Lumpur, who were married at Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 285 5 Shop Assistants Who Work 18 Hours Each Day "ALTHOUGH reduction in the working hours of employees in Chinese and Indian shops will not be welcomed by employers in the interest of their business, it would be a highly desirable procedure for the betterment of the hard- worked employees/ remarked a
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  • 135 5 Inhumanity Of Japanese Airmen (To the Editor of The Sunday Times) SlR,_The most heartless and barbarous cruelty shown by the Nipponese airmen in their attack on the Chinese commercial airliner will convince the whole civilised world that something must be done to safeguard the lives of unarmed civilians cf all
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  • 58 5 Singapore's $2,100,000 This Year A SUM of $100,000 (Chinese) was sent yesterday by the Singapore China Relief fund Committee to the Legislative Yuan, Chungking. This brings the total to $400,000 for August, $300,000 having been sent earlier this month. Since the beginning of the year Singapore
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  • 65 5 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia. THE Bank of China may establish branches in the Netherlands Indies. Several representatives of the Bank of China have arrived from Hankow with a view to studying economic conditions In the Netherlands Indies. They will report as
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 292 5 Highßlood Pressure Kills Men Women Twice n- maar »mn»n as msn suffer I from High Jtl.xj.l 4>r.^-iur,\ which is a mys- I tertotM .lis- iv,. that Mart* about the time ol I'h.itic- n{ l.lfn and Is the real cause of muih heart trouble and later on of para- btlo '-tr..k.<
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    • 86 5 AMBITIOUS men obtain highly-paid appointments in Commerce. Industry, Snipping, Banking. Insurance and the Public Services through postal tuition with The School of Accountancy. Many thousands of The School's former students now hold such positions and The School has the finest Examination Record. The School ol Accountancy Is the leading Institution
      86 words
    • 461 5 61, STEVENS ROAD. I renowned residential mansion built on I extensive and elevated grounds. Airy J I upstairs' rooms or private De Luxe I Suite. Consistently good and generous S catering. Krcommended by past and present rrvdents. Several Tennis f Courts. Badminton. Free Garages. M Sycrs' qrs. Economical rates. Inspec-
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  • 293 6 THIS ARTICLE TELLS YOU HOW WOOD IS FASHIONED TO FOOTWEAR f^LOG-MAKING, one of Singapore's most profitable businesses, formerly the monopoly of Teochews, is now being operated as much by Hokkiens and Cantonese as anybody else. While shoemakers cater to the middle
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  • 145 6 New York. A BUXOM soda-pop heiress rk jumped with a £15,000 splash Into the ultra-fashionable social swim of Newport, Rhode Island. Then Lesley Hyde Ripley, heiress to a multi-million-dollar sarsaparilla fortune, made her debut at a super- nee that lived up to the pie- ession traditions
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  • 832 6 Rome. INSPIRING words by a Franciscan friar-psychologist gave the Pope the will to live and to face up to a crisis in the history of the world. The full story of that long fight against illness and the
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  • 200 6 London. TWO-AND-A-HALF million 1 more bottles of medicine and boxes of pills were handed out to panel patients in Britain last year than In the year before. This is shown In a report prepared by the Ministry of Health for presentation to M.P.s when they return
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  • 114 6 London. II4ISS SYLVIA SIDNEY, the film act- ress, was married at Cax -n Hall Register Office to Mr. Luther Adler, the American actor. They had only one witness with them, and the other witness necessary to sign the marriage register was obtained from among the painters
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  • 239 6 New York. A NINETEEN-YEAR-OLD girl who was a £3-a-week tele- phone operator in a Canadian village a few weeks ago will be a millionairess. Daughter of a tugboat skipper, she will inherit most of the fortune of her husband of three weeks, Danny Dodge,
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  • 71 6 Washington. JLMR. GEORGE BOARDMAN, aged eighty-one, has just become a father again for the twenty-sixth time. The baby, an 8 Jb. boy, was born to his twenty-one-years-old wife, Edith Williams Boardman. It was her first child. Mr. Boardman proudly describes the baby as "beautiful just like
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  • 37 6 Manila. THE GERMAN CONSUL Dr. G. A. Sakowsky, has ordered all Reich Nationals to resign from the German Club. A previous ultimatum failed to expel three members who are of GermanJewish descent
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 649 6 appreciate I VTTiS I find them I j£f *-i*t wonder fully! Wl. smooth. Craven cA Bk quality was a real Ifl bIl sur P" se t0 me |1 never realised that a |H| cigarette could be WL~ so satisfying, yet so cool and so V free from every v m
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  • 430 7 No Partner To Cynical DezA With Japan TOKIO OFFER TO SHARE SPOILS "BRITAIN WILL NOT BUY JAPANESE D FRIENDSHIP WITH A CYNICAL DEAL AT CHINA'S EXPENSE." This affirmation (reports Reuter) is made by The Times in a leading article analysing a dispatch from its Tokio
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  • 158 7 Malacca Flower Show Better This Year From Our Own Correspond nt) Malacci. Saturday. pONSIDSRAELS Improvement is s?iown In exhibits it the flower' show held by the Malacca Horticultural Eoci?ty at the City Park ground today. Th,> exhibition, whlc i will be continued tomorrow, was opened by the Re.i'dcnt CoundTor, Malacca
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  • 70 7 KEPT ST OLEN BICYCLE, GAOLED <IVd::i Our Own Correspondent .< VBlmen, Saturday. Sentence of even months' impii- j sonment was passed by th c Malacca District Judge. Mr. B F. Eridge. today j or. a Chinese. Wong Foe k. who was tour.d guilty of dishorestly retaining s*o!rn bicycle on Aug.
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  • 79 7 London, Saturday. 'THE health of Lord Baden--1 Powell, the Chief Scout, is causing fresh anxiety. The Chief Scout, it is stated, was ailing on arrival at Antwerp from Norway, and could not attend a reception organised by local Scouts. He immediately sailed for Liverpool. The headquarters
    Aneta-Havas  -  79 words
  • 124 7 Spanish Government Ship Damaged Gibraltar. Saturday. 'THE Spanish Government destroyer Jose Luis Diez limped Into harbour today badly damaged by shell fire. Jose Luis Dlez, after undergoing repairs at Le Havre during the past eight months, left secretly earlier this week hi an attempt to reach
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 130 7 (Fron Our Own Corespondent.) Muur, Saturday. CIX Indians named Subramanlam, Petiia Kutty, Seerangan, Karuppiah. Vadivelu, and Mctayan. were charged this morning before Mr. Justice J. V. G. MiUs in the Muar Assizes with the murder of Segaran on the nig' tt of May 2 3 at the
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  • 106 7 (From Our Own Correspondent i Malacca. Saturday. ''You should not be made the tool of others, remarked the magistrate in the Malacca Police Court today when he bound over a 20-year-old Hylam, Lim Swee Mai in $100 for six months to keep the peace. The prosecution
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  • 102 7 "We're on our first real honeymoon and just as happy as wh?n ice married 20 years ago," this happy Queensland couple told a Sunday Times reporter on arrival nt Singapore yesterday by the Burns Philp vessel Merkur. They are Major end Mrs. W. L.
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  • 176 7 BRITAIN'S position in the Near East is strong everywhere except Palestine, according to Herr Hans van Berk, a former chief editor of the Nazi Berlin newspaper Angriff, who is in Singapore after a tour of all parts of the Near East. Herr van Berk,
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  • 271 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. JLMR. KENELM CLIFTON JOHNITI SON-HILL, who was married here today to Mrs. Joyce Wynne Jenks, of Hong Kong, Is a wellknown Malayan sportsman and probably record clubman." In addition to being a member of eighteen clubs in various parts of
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  • 78 7 (From Our Own Correspondents Malacca, Saturday. An appeal by Ahmad bin Tek against conviction and se:..ence of 18 months' rigorous imprisonment imposed by the District Judge. Malacca, In respect of cheating a Malay woman was dismissed by Mr. Justice Home in the Appeal Court today. Ahmad was
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  • 55 7 'From Out Own Correspondent Baiavu. Saturday. Kljaji Tjarmoharso of the village of Warak in the Djocja district of Java is said to have reached MO years He is in perfect 1-ealth agile and Jovla.. As a rule he does not go to bed before 1 a.m. and he
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  • 196 7 Girl Guides In Camp At Malacca (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. A PARTY of 135 Girl Guides, includ- ing 21 gulders, are gathered at Tanjong Bruas for their fourth AllMalayan Guides camp. The guides, who have been In camp since Monday, come from the Straits Settlements, Perak, Selangor, Negrl
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  • 225 7 Hankow. Saturday. scTHE Wuhan Songsters," one of China's leading patriotic choirs, will soon leave on a concert tour of Malaysian towns including Singapore, in order to bring the "melodies of China at war" to those people now enjoying peace.. The choir will probably go on to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 654 7 STAMPS Coronat ion— >st am as COMPLETE SET— 2O2 STAMPS from Gt. Britain, the 45 Crown Colonies, Dominions, Newfoundland and Mandated Territories. $28.91 LNI'SED USED $47 14 Blocks of 4. $115.72. Blocks of 4. $214.23. 135 Stamps from the 45 Crown Colonies only. $11.79 UNUSED. Blocks of 4, $47.14 USED
      654 words

  • 1161 8 Rubber Price Advances: Shares Quiet BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT THE feature of the markets during the past week has b?en the continued strength of rubber. Last Sunday a sharp rise was reported locally and early in the week the London market registered a good
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  • 172 8 SINGAPORE PRODUCE PRICES Singapore. Aug. Ni. 12 noon. Biyers Sellers Gambler S 7.25 Hamburg Cube $13.00 j Java Cube $11,001 Pcvper White Munlok $13 00 White $12.50 Black $8.25: Covra Mixed $3.05 i Sun Dri' (l $3.35 I Tavtoca Small Flake $3 60 Fair Flake $3. 50 Medium Pearl $3.90
    172 words
  • 83 8 Saturday, Aug. 27, Noon. No. 1 K. R. S. S. in casts (F. 0.8.) Aug. 27 15/16 28 1/16 Good F. A. Q. In bales (FOB.) Aug. 27 3/ 16 27:. IB No. 1 K. R. S. S. (Spot loose) Awardable 27 v 27*4 September
    83 words
  • 1374 8 Fraser And Co. s List SUIRIMY, Al'G. t". Mil J P..M MIM.NG buyer* Sellcn Ampat Tin Us) '4s 4s 4'^ Asam Kumbaog (fj 28s 6d 30s 6d Austral i\;aiay i£| 44s 48a ned Aycr Hitam <ss> 2os 3d 26s 6d Ayer Weng .66 .71 Bauijrui
    1,374 words
  • 180 8 List Supplied By Messrs Fraser Co. t." A ballad opera .iv Charles Dib SATURDAY. AUG. i 27. !?>:.«: 1 P.M. WV .nanciai Company Dividend Books TIN Close Austral Malay 9d dlv Sept. 2 3d. oonus Kramat Tin 3d. No. 24 Aug 31 Kuala Kampar 20. Aug. 22
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 527 8 In the world of reality their knight is YOU j$ To that wife and family of yours there is jKyL I «t^* *n>- perfrrt Vnifht it is you. j^JT*'' m J *^K. If >ou are not to betray their trust, surely f F, W%&^^S^BM you muM protect them against the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 219 9 HAVE YOU jlf^ NOTICED <^^ Mfn^^± how those who .xßjjslS? Johnnie Walker have a familiar brisk stride in the morning? A social evening need not mean an antisocial morning. gjgj When you're with friends at the club —ask for Johnnie Walker by name. mMs^ When you have friends at your
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1837 9 Today's Wireless Programmes Mn'oArUKfci. din. The book adapted and abridged for 215; A. and M 403). Blessing. broadcasting, from the original of 1774,! (Organist. A. E. Ford.) ZIIL 225 metres (1.33 m«/i) by c Denis Freeman. The music tran- 1 12.20 Close down. ZHP 30.96 metre* '.9.68 me/i) scribed for
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  • 74 10 IJIS "Sunday best" shoes killed Edward Hooley, aged 56, of Northgravcs street, Cheetham, Manchester, who died from septic poisoning which started in his big toe. At the inquest his widow said he complained of pain in the toe, which was inflamed. Later he was taken
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  • 120 10 Sydney. AT A MEETING in the Town Hall vestibule, cocktails were indicted as a great social evil. Canon R. B. S. Hammond spoke en the motion that cocktails and alcoholic drinks should be excluded from social functions. He asked that hostesses exclude "this vice and nation-destroy-ing poison
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  • 320 10 How Magistrates Decided Points Of Law ILIEMORIES of pioneering days in Northern Malaya are still retained by Mr. R. J. Farrer, a veteran British administrator, who is revisiting Singapore. Mr. Fairer, who is a former British Adviser in Kelantan, and a former Singapore
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  • 46 10 New York. Opium worth £150.000 was seized by Federal agents at Brooklyn. It is the largest seizure made in the United States In the last 10 years. The opium was found concealed In an old boat moored at Brooklyn pier.
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  • 239 10 /"\NE of Hollywood's stormiest "love and hisses" romances crashed after keeping the film city in suspense for five years. Lupe Velez divorced Johnny ("Tarzan,") Weissmuller at the third attempt. She described him as a cruel, dishthrowing, furniture-breaking caveman." Johnny preserved a Tarzan-like silence
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 10 A study from the Perth (Scotland) Airport, showing a visiting Cairn Terrier drawing himself up "to his full height" to try to emulate the dignity of the Great Dane, which belongs to one of the airport officials.
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  • Article, Illustration
    82 10 Afr. Derek Skeffington, a 2i-yccr-old dress designer, and Miss Jzan Olga Mendelssohn, aged 27. arrived in the ear.v hours at the tiny cottage of Mr. David Read, at Chineham. Hants, from Grctna Green, after th&r wedding had been stopped by Miss Mendelssohn's father, who turned vp at the
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  • 256 10 Machine All But Spends The Money A NEW machine instaLco :r the head office of the Ban:: of New South Wales at Sydney for sorting, counting, anc testing, coins is the first of Iti kind in the world. j It is the invention of Mr. R. J. Lyttl;, of Sydney,
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  • 28 10 The state of siege— a form of mania! law— which has been in operation In Tunis since the anti-French riots in April, has been lifted.
    28 words
  • 191 10 Names Make Words— 12 £VERY day we use words which commemorate the fame of some man or woman or place that would otherwise be forgotten. Few pcop'e know how these names came to be common words, and in this special Sunday Times series of short articles the story of these
    191 words
  • 118 10 CUPHUISM is a term for an affected, long-winded style of writing or speech that at one time, around the end of the sixteenth century was all the rage in polite society. Lyly, the writer, began It with his two works, Euphues the Anatomy of Wit and Euphues and His
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 365 10 LARGE SIZE (8 oz.) 65$ *-»&Brrfwk (Contains as much as a large bottle.) HANDY SIZE (4 oz.) 35$ 'M^^SS SIMPLE subtraction shows that gPyR wflf^^Tg tW buying Andrews in the Economy r^" Z^7^?*X Tin saves you 45 cents on the large p*'"'" /v^vC^V^J (8 oz.) size and 30 cents on
      365 words

  • Books Of The Week
    • 1632 11 Malaya's Education System Is Criticised And Praised Education in the Colonial r.mpire. By Arthur Mayhew. C.M.G., (IK. (Joint Secretary, Advisory Committee on Education in the Colonies). Longmans. Green Co. 6s. 6d. MR. ARTHUR MAYHEWS "Education in India" is possibly the most valuable modem commentary on, und exposition of, educational conditions
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    • 105 11 The Devils Diamonds. By C. Davison. Herbert Jenkins Colonial Library. UERE we have mystery, thrills. romance and adventure galore. The villain is Indeed a terror, but is finally outwitted by the nice son of a peer author, who was left a fortune and a house in Ireland,
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    • 785 11 SAD STORY OF A SPAIN GONE MAD The Tree of Gernika A Field Study of Modern War. By G. L. Steer. Hodder and Stou-hton. i.v Gd. ■yHE author of this work represented The Times, London, as war correspondent in Spain when General Franco commenced his operations against the Republican Government.
      785 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 282 11 TOUCH AND GO 1 I /7i Whkm 1 WORLD'S FINEST PEN Instant writing, beauty, hand comfort and a Lif«W time* guarantee moke V SHoaffer't the thriftiest and most pleasing pen value ever offered. Onry Sr eafFer'i has ALL Seven of the features desired A today u\ Viiu.oted Lifetime" KM guarantee
      282 words
    • 463 11 m /^r ragged caat, loss of appetite, eczema, j. {v. ijmtij^ swellings between the toes. Bob Martin's Condition Powders are 1 easy to g vc because they are tasteless. Give them regularly and see how your When 8 dOg scratches it is because jog repays you with high spirits and
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  • 82 12 London. ARTISTS tcho submit inn signs, featuring Don Bradman in the Bracers' Exhibition competition, may expect sympathetic considcra~ tion when the judging is done. A tip to that effect was given by the deputy-manager of the exhibition (Mr. H. C. Vickery). He said that inn signs
    82 words
  • 357 12 SINGAPORE AEROPLANE WEDDING RECALLS DAYS OF THE "GAS-BUGGY" Car Replaced Gharry At Church 32 Years Ago EPIC TRIP TO BETING KUSA CINGAPORE last Sunday saw its first aeroplane wedding when Yau Sow Kong married Lee Siew Ngoh half a mile above the airport^ Thirty-two years ago, Wearnes, the firm which
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  • 143 12 INSTEAD of a second flight, to New York, which the Mercury, the upper component of the Mayo Composite pick-a-back 'plane was to have made, a demonstration Empire flight is being planned. Neither the starting date nor the route is yet divulged, but it will either be
    143 words
  • 181 12 BECAUSE he's loath, because ne's loyal, because he'l.' fight to proti :t your home, the Er.glisi fox-trrrier is popular all ever the woild. Americans love him. Tbey live paid as much as £1.500 for a.i En-lih-Dred wire-haired terrier. Frequently £150 is paid f r a
    181 words
  • 198 12 Chingford, Essex. WINIFRED and Dorothy Riley, twins, who married Leonard and Leslie Bryan, also twins, and set up a multiple home in Ainslie Wood-tf*oad, Chingford, have decided that the light in the passage has got to be brighter. Why Because Winnie put her
    198 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 355 12 MAN ROBBED OF HIS YOUTH! Have you given years of your youth to naremltting labour In an enervating climate? Are the years taking their toll of you far too quickly, robbing you of energy aud vital force, draining you of your natural Joy In life? Most men and women think
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  • 1444 13  -  Crux Australis By MO admiral visiting Singapore has so comr' 'ly won all hearts as Vi~"-Admiral Le Bigot, Comn Chief of the French Naval Forces, Far East, who attended a gay round of receptions and parties during his Visit last week. Coming as it did, so soon
    1,444 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 107 13 _^^^B9t^BKfk J HL^ a^^aal lurnlx-rlain'-i Cough Remedy acts ■jiHj amazing speed in curing coughs, colds, bronchial inflammation and eoreness. It is a safe, tested tonic, entirely free from narcotics and all harmful drugs, yet it is extremely rfl<-rtive. It builds up resistance, prevents more vrrious ills. £conom< fed ti»j, .in<l
      107 words
    • 688 13 "mN HEUSEN" Utfd tt .<m Mafk (Si mi- Stiff) The world's most economical 0 COLLAR. Smarter than soft collars, more comfortable thnn stiff ones, they combine the adviintnjjes of both. Ideni for hot weather wear because they fit the neck perfectly without clinging or wrinkling. Made- in one piece without
      688 words

  • 1058 14 A Colonial Learns How To Understand The English "Understanding the English," by James Howard Wellard (Hurst and Blackett, 10s. 6d.). THE British Colonial, or any other alien for that matter, is apt to approach this book as a hybrid between "The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism" and "The Handbook of
    1,058 words
  • 198 14  -  Pickler By TIMES CHANGE Seeing who could make the ugliest facj used to be a popular childish pastime. Nowadays, of course, the little ones have their gas masks. MAKING IT SAFE A house in Surrey which is said to be htunted by a Scotsman, and which has been empty
    198 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 14 MISS VRUNELLA STICK, the leader of the Women's League of Health and Beauty recently gate a lecture at the Northern Regional Keep Fit Centre at Guisachan, Inverness-shire. Kiss Stack's fiance. Lord David Douglas Hamilton to warden of the centre, and th» couple took the opportunity of going for
    69 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 343 14 tVyVtMXj/ j /4"/\ illit\ vi L h fii'iw ujTw' f f w£?fA innloLfcll \\WiS A J /t £//&k\ THP nil 1 1) TIIIMA HUVi Pi-Ji-'i 4-^" K /(j'' J <'A as in each past year, rives the good thinM Bt/-^- ~~f I \r Jj"* I n n otor > n
      343 words
    • 157 14 The<;OOl»XFSS[jggfi§ oftheAlTLEiy^ is in I lUlMfii^ (23|) There art no finer cyder-apple* /Jj^ltA than those grown and used by /H P^ ,^SI Whiteways. A delicious natural y^Lavlv^EfjHH; stimulant, Whitewa)-s Cyder vL^&-mt^Mtth tooes U P tnc digestive system Im^KU^gJlß^Bk an d keeps you slim and fit. Both /■I ■W^T» I T^^
      157 words

  • 1721 15  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By ACCORDING to what I read, there is a poor girl called Ariane Borg who has been waiting for years to become another Greta Garbo. They have groomed her in Hollywood and kept her on ice ready for the day when that great actress
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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    • 422 15 Gland Discovery Restores Youth In 24 Hours tiuffercrs trum iost vi vigour, n»rvousness, weak body, impure blood, falling memory, and who arc old ana worn-out before their time wll b« delighted to learn of a mw gland allcover) by an American Doctor. This new discovery makes It posnibl* to quickly
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 352 15 CONTRACT BRIDGE R.. THF FOUP Afpc minimum, and with more even dlsB> 1 tLLj 1 UUK AA^Cd tribution should probably not even De Mod players are extremely fond °P^ed. Therefore, he should not have made the encouragement rebld of oi two-smt hands, and we agree 1 three diamonds. South could
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  • 219 16 Malay Sappers 1*HAT the Malays of the Colony are being given an opportunity to play a part in the regular defence system of the Peninsula in the same manner as those of the Malay States i should be a source of gratification and pride not only to the community
    219 words
  • 104 16 •THE announcement that tne Federation Government is contemplating the erection of a chain of broadcasting stations is welcome, although long-delayed, news. The success of a vigorous radio policy has been so obvious in the Netherlands Indies that it Is strange no effort has hitherto been made here. Every
    104 words
  • 144 16 •THE compliment paid to Malaya's climate by Capt. Victor Cazalet. widely-travelled British Parlia-j j mentarian, when he said he pie- I ferred the climate /rtih beauty of! IPenang to that, of much-boosted! j Florida, was one which deserves wide publicity. Capt. Cazalet said i I he found the
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  • 1388 16 China Needs Foreign Capital, Technicians, Customers Dr. Kung Talks To Edgar Ansel Mowrer, China Correspondent Of The Sunday Times Hankow. PIIINA needs foreign capital, technicians and customers. The idea that a victorious China won Id deal unfairly with foreigners is one that the latter should get out of their heads
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 282 16 TEL Qci(3lls fEL 43 1 O 43 1 MANUFACTURING DISPENSING op nciANs THE OPTICAL HOUSE 6>. STAMFORD ROAD, SINGAPORE. TRY CUR TAILORING We only solicit your trial order. MIEN CHONG Soorc'* mvii up-to-date Tailor. 34. Coienar St. Phone 4816. FOR ATTEf.TIOI OF HORSE OWNERS AND TRAINERS. Ccitury" Aluminium Racing Platts
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous

  • 329 17 Enumerators Along Peninsula's 7,000 Miles Of Highways Pebbles Dropped In Tins For Different Types Of Vehicle FIGURES COMPUTED EVERY THREE YEARS IN ATTAP SHELTERS ALONG MALAYA'S 7,000 MILES OF ROADS, 1 MEN ARE SITTING DROPPING PEBBLES INTO TINS. They are traffic enumerators, accurately counting the number
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  • 168 17 PYLKY mother in Britain is to be able to have her baby without pain. Plans for bringing a new "twilight sleep" apparatus within the reach of every woman have been completed by the National Birth Hay Trust Fund. And the mothers, will have to pay
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 17 Dogs Too! Even dogs wear gas masks nowadays. Here is a member of a women's A. R. P. unit holding a dog which has on a gas mask.
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  • 43 17 pOMMANDER CYRIL JOSEPH FIRTH, R.N.. died suddenly at Wei-hai-wel of pneumonia recently at the age of 37. He had been in command of H.M.S. Westcot.t and for duty with submarines of the 4th Flotilla. China Station, since April.
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  • 22 17 Rangoon. Two Burmese have been arrested following the murder of Mr. Yeo Hock Gwan, Chief Poltce Prosecutor in Rangoon.
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  • 258 17 Simla. THE concern felt by the Government of India over an increase in anti-recruitment activities in India since the beginning of last year was voiced by Mr. R. M. Maxwell, the Home Member, speaking in support of a Bill to prevent such activities.
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  • 35 17 London. Rembrandt's portrait of his wlfr. Saskia, has been purchased for tne National Gallery from the Duke of Buccleuch. The price has not been disclosed. There are 13 Rembrandts in the gallery.
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  • 34 17 THE Eire High Commissioner in London told the Hard-wick-Society how to pronounce "Eire," Ireland's new name. "If you can think of Sarah," he said, "and then drop the V you have got it."
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  • 146 17 i ""THE Queen Elizabeth, now under construction, will outshine her sister ship, the Queen Mary, in every respect. She is to be launched from John Brown's Clydebank yard on Bept. 27. The launching ceremony will be peiformed by the Queen, who will give her own
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  • 113 17 TASMAN AIR SERVICE IN JANUARY Auckland. FIS UNDERSTOOD that the transTasman air mall and passenger service will begin in January and will cover the triangle of Sydney-Auckland-Wellington. It is fairly certain that, in the earl) stages, Auckland will be the New Zealand base. The service will b 3 operated twice
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  • 400 17 "CEVENTY-ONE years, of age and seventy-one years in China is the proud record of Mr. W. J. Edwards, who celebrated his birthday in Shanghai recently. The eldest son of the late Mr. James Edwards, of what was then the Imperial Maritime Customs, he was the
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 17 The Brighton Police Force ere trying out a new may of educating the pedestrian traffic-light dodgers. A nexo microphone megaphone combined with a portable battery carried over the police officer's shoulder, enables the officer stationed at the busy crossing to direct (with great volume) the pedestrians who igncre the lights.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 182 17 FELL YOUNG AGAIN -And Full of ggft mm jj NEW POWER ?*{*|j"**!: i Yes! You can benefit from K^" C** 86 8 i the wonderful aid of Dr. ./N^LTabletS J Cassell's Tablets. Start S__ y/_— -^-s^ taking this Wonder Tonic f I NOW and see how quickly I f ll
      182 words
    • 104 17 &mmW6 (&AI& f^^^m^ Strong, sturdy limbs, sound /j| EfSmtfki tt\ bones, the happiness ot :m LJ3^^l U abounding health these are Em m*m HB some of the gifts bestowed by H W€k J&Jm m^ W this famous English Food. \^Bw 'raßilw' Something a little better* \B tta^B sometliiriK a little
      104 words

  • 1098 18 Mainly About Malayans By The Onlooker Read Of Mr. M. R. Menon Mr. A. H. Todd Mr. G.W. Redfearn ALL acquainted with the difficulties attached to a settlement of the transport strike which paralysed the city's regular bus services for six weeks have this week been paying tributes to the
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  • 51 18 As Tretchikoff Sees Singapore People 20 Tretchikoff, Sunday Times caricaturist, sends the Singapore Turf Club's Gold Cup meeting away to a good star! with this study of Mr. A. H. Todd (right), secretary of the Straits Racing Association and the Singapore Turf Club, and Mr. G. W. Redfearn, the Official
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  • Page 18 Advertisements

  • 244 19 CEYLON THINKS COLONIAL OFFICE IS UNDEMOCRATIC But Empire Protection Is Great Advantage THE Minister of Agriculture for Ceylon, the Hon. D. S. Senanayake, who, with three members of the Ceylon National Congress, was entertained to luncheon in London, strongly criticised the Colonial Office. He said that they knew of the
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  • 258 19 Making The Most Of Clouds New York. SUMMER is the outdoor season, and one of the season's chief picture charms Is its wonderfully rich blue skies against which cloud masses stand out In magnificent fullness and contrast. Given two pictures of Identical subjects in which the sky appears, It's a
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  • Article, Illustration
    50 19 SCENE K-l FILTER FINAL PRINT Colour filters are traffic cops. A yellow filUr (K-l or K-2) stops part of the bine light, so that In the print, blue shows up as trey. Alters come In several colours, but a yellow K-l or K-S is what you want for general use.
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  • 55 19 Brainiest Men Have Smallest Incomes Halifax, N.S. F>\ want a man with brains, look for him among the poor, says Professor A. B. Mac Donald. of Halifax University. Lecturing here, he declared: "Below the £500 income we find mental alertness, vigour and eagerness; above it, sluggishness and a tendency to
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  • 32 19 Tokio. Three surgeons joined a rabbit's spinal nerves to the nerves of h soldier's arms and legs, thus curing paralysis, which had resulted from bullet wounds received in North China.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 206 19 Ik Boracic Cold Cream When tli* heat is -lilliriL' and the air lull mk of dust a hath with inolia Boracic ■i Cold Cream Bath Soap will refresh and Wk invigorate you. This delightful soap mk will soften your >kin, imparting to it the most eHieacious of sgj^^<B^^_, Ixauty treatment*.
      206 words
    • 351 19 Personality •TOREE times a day the streets of great cities are crowded by the hurrying multitudes which make up the business and Industrial world. The stream moves by. made up of a million and one distinct Individuals with as many ambitions, hopes and fears. But as it rushes on, Intent
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    • 262 19 Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? "A-ha-a-a!!" MACLEANS^ Ktpntntatiy. PEROXIDE Madoou patented T. tillnrii pure white nozzle TOOTH PASTE sTs •queezc to list. If you uk a tolid dentifrice, try Macleans Solid P*roald« Toothpaste /^B^— This new 'Kodak' tfofcfiS s so c evei iM (o*77' Six-20 Kodak Junior— a really
      262 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 181 20 BRITAIN'S PINIST FRUITS M CANNIO BY S^Bw •RITAINS LEADING FRUIT W Vitli a stock of Chivers Cannci fruit* In %V^|J9^tf4skg^^ your larder you are able to enjoy your \&tB%2SE&£3 favourite varieties at any time ot the year. vI^9HMM9Sv Theie fruits are grown l:i C'.'.iver) own orchnrJj and are canned within
      181 words
    • 427 20 PROTECT THEIR DELICATE TEETH AND GUMS Thousands of dentists recommend Kolynos for children T^HE delicate teeth and guma pleasant, refreshing taste. Have Xof growing children need ihe your children use Kolynos morngentle, safe, antiseptic cleans- ing and night ing that Kolynos gives and den- It will protect the gums and
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 565 20 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly the $100 will be awarded in respect of the
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  • 562 21 A Scrapbook Of Beauty Hints Should Be In Household Library Of Every Wise Woman Max Factor's Advice A SCRAPBOOK of Beauty Hints should be a prized volume in every woman's household library. In it should be preserved a clipping or memorandum of every authoritative bit of advice on how the
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  • 607 21 Table Talk DECIPES abound for delicious picnic titbits, fillings for sandwiches being tasty and varied, d there are patties, sausages ai. other savouries to suit all tastes. But drinks are as essential a part of the picnic equipment, and where you are travelling by car,
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  • 335 21 BEAUTY BEGINS NIGHT BEFORE LOOKING lovely on a hot day begins, really, the night before. If you go to bed with skin caked with grease or heavy skin food it is bound to look 'soggy' and relaxed the next day. It is better to clean the face thoroughly and to
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 258 21 yi \^m ELIZABETH ARDEN has U J W devoted special study to the care of the hands. s/lfl HaND -0 TONIK A marvelJ\ ////A lous specific against redness >(L//f and roughness. Always use y it after washing. f NAIL-0-TONIK for softening the cuticles, strengthening J the nails, and preventing I
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    • 130 21 [pyV" Lipstick \M Created l>\ MAX FACTOR 4*"VpV^H A Il'» mj;i.t-i ndi liblff ihe t perfect lip make-up originated i for the screen itars by Max Fac- m-A I tor.Hollywood't make-up gen« iv«. Created in color harmony J M »uade» to accent the appeal of' '^L_JB blondr, Lnindtcj brownetto >
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  • 672 22 Matching Scheme In Suedes By The Sunday Times Woman Correspondent London, Aug. 20. CUMMER evening frocks made of tulle in a finely striped design wear a pretty, bebe look, especially if the gossamer material is threaded with ribbon. A frivolous fashion is the new white
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  • 485 22  - HOARDING "JUNK" IS NOT PROFITABLE VERY OFTEN Charles Harcourt Says Mrs. A FTER a married life of some thirty years, with a fair share of domestic ups and downs, a woman may conclude that she knows pretty well all that can be known about running a home. Yet it is
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  • 92 22 TAKE a tin of loganberry juice. dilute it with half a cup of cold wai*.r. Put one tablespoonful of cornstarch into the top of a double-boiler, add four tablespoonfults (or more) of brown sugar, and a pinch of salt. Add the loganberry Juice gradually to the
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 348 22 Keep\bur Skin Free from )IT^|m Chdfingor MM jlrritation|. pm JLV-Lany women think that discomfort f^l J from chafing and a hot prickly skin ii unavoidable. To-day thousands are disi ■■cling the wonderful comfort to be obtained from using Cuticura Talcum. a^HlnTk^t^^Tw Here is a powder that is like a balm
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    • 304 22 Whitens Your Skin Secretly and Quickly No longer need you admire other* wish that your *kin wa* ai light and attractive a* theu-a. One 'ar of Stillman'a will make you equally charming. Continued application* will Burprtas you. convince you that there i s only one beau* tifier, only one whitencr
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  • 576 23  -  GODFREY WINN SAYS f AM neither engaged nor likely to be. I am not even In a position to Introduce someone with pride in my voice as my particular girl friend. I have many girl friends, naturally, but they are friends, nothing more.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 366 23 C Camphorwood chests lacquered in green, ivory and red. Unusual and Inexpensive. Heslnoi j^^ soothes I and heals v, sick.skins End burning, itching skin or painful eruptions with Resinol. You'll find this soothing ointment a blessing. Resinol is so effective in healing sick <kins that it has been a standard
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    • 458 23 In Only 7 Days -This Amazing Change! Mm Dorothy BramWl, 16, Soathwood Home, Southwood Rd., London, England ba* espmacd ber ■mawment at the Mtoruthint effect of this New Beauty Treatmtat even in one week. L%p^.. m ml I JB I HHkvk- *^^^^^^^^^KaNP^ I «T "a^laS. ~VjH| Hfil^k^^fll L %#f\ll 1*
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 306 23 Horoscope ify Chiras General Outlook: Intellectual urges govern coming aticlsm and driving will-power seven days. Exceptions: Tuesday will these two days break the loand Wednesday. Sentimental fan- gical balance of the week. Next Week For You: Born Mar. 21 Apr. 20: Nervous long years' standing, mark your week. Friendliest aspect,
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  • 617 24 Record Entries For Negri Handicap Tennis Tourney i From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Saturday. A RECORD number of entries have been received for the annual handicap tournament of the Negri Sembilan Lawn Tennis Association which began today on the grass courts of the Sungel Ujong Club at Seremban. Foi the
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 24 INdIK AbCnl Aziz bin Ahmad, of Serem- iii who w*s made s> Justice of the Pr»re for Necri Sembilan on the occasion of the Yam Tuin's birthday.
    27 words
  • 94 24 I From Our Own Correspondent Seremban. •THE cricket match played at Serem- ban between Dr. M Vythillngam's XI and J. H. Wheelers XI ended In a draw. Dr. Vythillngam's XI scored 78. the chief scorer being Chuah Huat S?ng, who knocked up 21. Wheeler's XI replied with 69
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  • 152 24 i From Our Own Correspondent) 'Seremban THE district of Jelebu, which has a long history full of legends and 1 folk lore about the origin of Its people, has encouraged the planting of rice. The Undang, Abdullah bin Pangllma Muda C.8.E., takes n personal Interest in the cultivation
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  • 4 24
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  • 25 24 One of the four Chinese Red Cross ambulances that have been donated by Negri Sembilan Chinese for relief work in China.
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  • 501 24 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. IUEGRI SEMBILAN— MALACCA rugger prospects for the forthcoming season appear to be bright Indeed with the news that the n?weom?rs Include useful backs. The Combined States will hold its first State fixture on Sept. 24 against Selangor and the first
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 24 The Inspector-General of Police F.M.S.. (Mr. C. H. Sansom C.M.G.) presenting Long Service medals to Sgt. Major Mahadi and Det. Sgt. Soong, at Seremban.
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  • 96 24 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. THE death occurred at Seremban of Madam Lian Kirn Neo. mother of Mr. Tan Cheng Gam, Traffic Inspector. F.M.S. Railways. S?remban, after a short illness. She was 71 years of age. Mrs. Thong Ah Chong. wife of Mr. Thong Ah Chong. of
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  • 125 24 Pictures taken when the Sultans of Selangor and Perak made their first inspection of the Malay Regiment at Port Dickson recently. It was virtually the regiment's farewell to Lt.-Col. G.Me I. S. Bruce 0.8. E., M.C., Officer Commanding, who has since left to rejoin his regiment
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  • 26 24 Lieut. H. de B. Williams and Capt. H. M. James M.C. of the F.M.S.V.F., have been transferred from the reserve of officers to the active list.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 114 24 \w '^^i i^*' Neatness— personal appear- hair in place, even stubborn V. ance attractively groomed hair. It adds a delightful natural *t—.\ I a r a^ r p Bpe^ success f° r gloss, yet v not sticky, oily, nor every man— and woman. And greasy. Good for the scalp, too.
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    • 593 24 A WOMAN IN TROUBLES Muddy Complexion Rheumatism Overweight —Too Tired to Work If this woman had taken a different remedy for each of her complaints, sh* would have been kept very busy! la actual fact, she tcok only one mediclwt And within six weeks she saw every on« of her
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  • 451 25 MALACCA WILL FIELD STRONG HOCKEY TEAMS THIS YEAR Practice Games Have Begun (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. U7IIH the close of the cricket seaso.i hockey will soon be in full swing in Malacca. Already practice games arc held. As In previous years the Malacca Club will be fielding
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  • 218 25 'From Our Own Correspondent Malacca, Saturday. IN the inter-mukim soccer final held at Alor Gajah between the Alor Gajah Recreation Club and Kuala Bungel Bahru, the holders, the club gained a hard-earned victory by three goals to nil. The game was played in a continuous
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  • Article, Illustration
    130 25 (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. •T^HE Klang High School scouts and officers. 34 in number, under their group scout master, Mr. S. M. Thiagarajah. of the Government High School, Klang, spent a week in camo at the sea beach at Morib. Several European visitors and the Secretary of
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  • 126 25 (From Our Own Corrrspondent) Serernban, Saturday. THE Coronation of their Majesties King George and Queen Elizabeth has been perpetuated In various forms throughout the districts vi Negri S;mbilan. In Port Dloltson. the Chines? community has erected a olock tow?r j In the heart of the town. This,
    126 words
  • 33 25 .Members of ihp Pal. an? Consolidated Ltd. workshop at Sungei I. nil-ii-.c Paha»K. who pave a performance at the Sungei Lembing Chinese theatre in aid of the China Relief Fund.
    33 words
  • 332 25 Springgit Harriers Hold Their Twent y-First Meet 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. HTHE Springgit Harriers held their 21st meet outside the Batu Berandam police station in Durlan Tunggal Road, Malacca, recently. There waa a bumper turn out. Founded by Mr. and Mrs. T. Kitchlng, well-known residents of Malacca, paper
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  • 94 25 i From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. A SURPRISE was created in the semifinal of the ping pong tournament held by the Alor Gajah Recreation Club when Khoo Seic Poh, the holder, eliminated by Mok Choon Thin after a three-set match, 21— ID, l'O— 2l, 21—11.
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  • 147 25 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. THE High School soccer eleven which went on a tour of the Federal Capital did not meet with much success for of the four games played against the leading schools in Kuala Lumpur and the S.C.R.C. "C" they lost three matches
    147 words
  • 157 25 Barret Sheppard r up (From Our Ov:n Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. 1 The first round ties in the lnter-dis- trict games competition for the Barret i Sheppard Cup will commence next 1 i week-end at Alor Gajah when the Alor li Gajah and Jasin Recreation Club will j compete in a
    157 words
  • 134 25 (From Our Own Correspondent) Klang. •THE principal and start of the Anglo- Chinese School, K'ang, should be congratulated in tha' Mr. Cheah Slew Onn is the first of thoir school to have 'won the Loke Yew Scholarship fcr Malayan students to study at the University at
    134 words
  • 45 25 KLANG CHINESE FOR FRONT News irom Cr.ina saici mat me 24--year-old son of Mr. Chan Jin Hor. a Klang merchant, will leave for thi? war front after undergoing training at the Central Military Academy in Kwangsl. He left Klang for China about four months ago.
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  • 324 25 Klang Schools Unite To Raise Funds For China Relief AID FOR CHINA (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Klang. OYMPATHY for those in distress In China owing to the aggression of Japan not only by the Chinese but also by other races in Malaya Malays. Indians, Ceylonese. Eurasians and Europeans— was evidencec
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 124 25 ALWAYS TIRED? t Beware I You are being poisoned When you feel worn out and tire easily, it is a warning that your system is being poisoned. Waste matter is accumulating forming'dangcrous toxins. The accumulation of these toxins is the 'cause of the most serious illnesses. Eliminate these dangerous toxins,
      124 words

  • 1332 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar, Thursday. T\ESPITE rain on a few days during the week, several ties In the north section of the Johore Lawn Tennis Association championship meeting were olayed on the courts of the Muar Civil Service Club and the semi-final stage has been
    1,332 words
  • 140 26 (From Our Own Correspondent* Seremban. MR. DAVID GRAY, Protector of Chinese. Negrl Sembilan. leaves for England en leave early in September. He will be succeeded by Mr. H. G. Moles of the Proteotorate. Bentong. Mr. Gray has done a great deal of work In Negrl Sembilan
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  • 104 26 (From Our Own Correspondent/) Batu Pahat MENTOL BASIR. the well-known goalkeeper of the Rangers soccer team, and three other friends were involved In a motor collision at the Junction of Ayer Hltam. and all four were hurt. One of the occupants. Samsudln. suffered a fractured Jaw. Mentol.
    104 words
  • 88 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat, Saturday. TWO arrests have been made by the police In connexion with a daring robbery in broad daylight that occurred a mile out of Segamat. on the railway line towards Buloh Kasap. A Chinese, who was cal'.ed by three compatriots to go along
    88 words
  • 101 26 (From Our Own Correspondent' Segamat, Saturday. A move is afoot to get a Central Johore India-Ceylon Association by affiliating all the district associations of this community. At the moment there la no central body for Johore Indians and the step should be welcome. A first step towards this
    101 words
  • Article, Illustration
    331 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. A PRETTY Chinese wedding was solemnised in reform style at the Chong Hua Association recently when Mr. Tan Tlam Poh. third son of Mr. Tan Kirn Toon, was married to Miss Toh Teck Mia. third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Toh Meng Kee.
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  • 134 26 'From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. Saturday. Dato Abdullah bin Esa (State Com missloner. Segamat > is on a short tour cf the east coast of the Peninsula. Inche H ass m bin Abdullah, District Officer, Tangkak, is acting as Stats Commissioner in his absence. After a short holiday
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  • 105 26 ■7rom Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. Dr. W. B. Haines, of Dun lop Plantations, Ltd., Malacca, has left on lons leave. Mr. R. B. Carey, who returned from leave recently, is attached to the Malacca office of Dunlop Plantations, Ltd. Mr. A. H. Hunt, of the Central Police
    105 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 26 Jabber Mohd. S«Ueh. captain of the Govt. Services, with the Soot Cheont Cop which the Services woo on Wednesday at Seja-
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  • 56 26 From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. Costing nearly $25,000, the new pump house for the Segamat waterworks is almost ready. The former house was considered too small for a growing town, as the Sungei Kapl. on which It was placed, was incapable of supplying sufficient water. The new
    56 words
  • 77 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat, Saturday. ABOUT 70 scouts from the Govern- ment School and the Premier and Bandar Schools left Batu Pahat on Friday morning for Malacca where they are camping out for five days. The majority of the scouts left on cycles, the remainder,
    77 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 182 26 drink aerated waters A Hull U'!iiur\ old reputation as the best Aerated Waters in Mnlnva. That is your Safeguard ORANGE JUICE SODA GRAPE FRUIT SODA SPECIAL DRY GINGER ALE ZOM MINERAL WATER FR ASER i NEAVE LTD Rill Your Piles >im I let dftiieoroujt. .-.son lam*, irter*i'l i.r external piiia
      182 words
    • 410 26 Is perhaps t;..- most Important .sins;;? causa of baldness. Neglect has no remedy, but baldness has and that is Xesavardhlnl. Kesavardhlnl supplies the scalp all those vltaminous bodies necessary to preserve hair health and promote hair growth— from chi.dren upwards. Whatever the nature of your hair decay, let Kesavardhlnl prevent
      410 words

  • 1760 27  -  "Nomad By THE draw for the Warren Shield I inter-unit knock-out competition reveals the rather disappointing fact that only six teams have entered with the result that there will only be two first-round matches, two semi-finals and the final. In the first round the Loyals are at
    1,760 words
  • 816 27 fTK HEAVY REGIMENT inter-section league end last week when Left Section H.Q. (Blakan Matl) defeated sth and 7th H.K.S.R.A. by two goals to nil. H.Q. produced the shocks in the early stages after the first half. Their forwards got away quickly and worked a magnificent opening for McCandless.
    816 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 524 27 Kill Kidney Poisons Restore Your Health Tlit-r<» Is nothitiß that can make yoi: feel w-ote: "I suffered tj^l old<r and more rundown than Kidney nnd Inm nervou«j-CB«, HHdd.r trouble caused by Poisons devel- le,: paliw. dixxlneM. BSPfgJ3HS7BSH oped In your body. Ordinary medicines he idaches and hadno RCASTCK^^ rant h.lp
      524 words
    • 293 27 /jjA ./a Ul 1T LI TUP gjgiirK NUTTY FLAVOUR §1 oji^ "^'^ff^^H'^v'^^l S ROTHMANS LTD. s tB Pa Ma Land n t Invite too to sample one ROTHMAN IMMS .v,«uU: Barlow t* Co., Ocean 110,,., «r- »H •Mnpapore-Kuala. Lnmpiu-Ipcn Stomach Sufferers w%* deceived? The wonderful curative properties of Maclean Brand
      293 words

  • 2546 28 Delia Falls, Has To Be Destroyed; Jockey Irvine Unhurt TONROE BEATS JACK DRUCE BY NECK ONE weal ler and a large attendance marked the opening of the Singapore Autumn (Gold Cup) meeting at Bukit Timah yesterday. Th 3 Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, arrived soon after
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  • 89 28 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. TOW scoring ruled at the opening of the two-day cricket match here today between United Services and the F.M.S. Police. United Services declared when nine wickets had fa'len for 107 runs. Longmore (39) and Freeman (25> were th 2
    89 words
  • 38 28 UENRY COTTON, with rounds of n 71, C 7,72., 72. 72, won the Czechoslovakia open golf championship, beating his nearest rival by eleven strokes says Reuter. HU second round was a cours? record.
    Reuter  -  38 words
  • 26 28 (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. The Stonor Shield cricket match between Selangor Indians and T.P.C A. has been postponed until tomorrow.
    26 words
  • 311 28 Good bowling by Cecil Wong, a young Chinese schoolboy, who took four wickets for only one run. and Ong Swee Law. who took six wickets for 27, were mainly responsible for the collapse of the Indian Association at Hong Llm Green yesterday, when the Straits Chinese Recreation
    311 words
  • 177 28 S. D. VICTORY OVER Y.M.C.A. Th? SUIT and Deportments beat V.M.C.A. by 101 runs ar cricUct at th" V.M.C.A. pcOßd .vs erduv. They declared rt 17'! t:r the I iivj wickeis while t!>> YMCA r piled with enly 71 all oat Scores STAFF AM) DEPARTMENTS j Wilton b Swyny Moss
    177 words
  • 207 28 (From Our Correspondent > Kuin"u>. nrHE Sungel Lembin? European; j easily beat the Kuantan Europeans joy 110 runs and 5 wickets In their rpturn cricket match played at Kuanrai:. Scores: SI N(,l 1 LEMBING j R. Q. Baxter retired P. H. Way c Masctield b Jenning* 14
    207 words

  • 871 29 Two Goals Shared At The Stadium SHOWING a tremendous second half improvement the Loyal Regiment shared points to draw one-all with a strong RAF. team In a second round, first division league match at the Stadium yesterday. The Airmen won the first encounter
    871 words
  • 569 29 From Our Own Correspondent. Jfliorc Bahru. Ng Ni'tii Tee and Won* Peng Yee »ill lace one another again In the men's singles final of the Johore badminton championship this rear. In the men's doubles. Wong Peng Yee and Llm See Chanq qualified for the final to met
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  • 124 29 Frum Our Own Correspondent! Malacca. GOALLESS draw after extra time had been called was the result of the first, soccer match for the Centenary Cup competition between the Muslims and the Customs and Excisa Sports Club. The match will be played again at a later date. It was
    124 words
  • 91 29 PLAY in the pairs and singles bowls championships of the S.C.C. will be held as follows: Tomorrow: Pairs, H. Gray and J. E. Jeans vs. J. Philip and A. Buchanan. Tuesday: Singles, semi-final, W. M. Eri wards vs. E. J. Cassels. Wednesday: Pairs. F. H. Bror.ks and H.
    91 words
  • 404 29 'THE high standard seen in the pre- limlnary games of the. men s open singles, championship of the Singapore Badmintcn Association last vcek WU well maintained when further ties were played off at the Clerical Unlor. Hall yesterday. The best game of the day was provided by Leow Rhn
    404 words
  • 58 29 A team of Dutch cricketers, caplalned by Mr. R. G. Ingelse, or The Hague, arrived in London t j play four one-day matches with London Clubs. In their first match they met Merton, for whom Jack Hobbs turned out. Here is Jack Hobbs signing autographs on
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  • 708 29 Following are results of the first round of the 1 A. League and results and league tables in the Scottish league, the third round of which was played yesterday: DIVISION I Arsenal 2 Portsmouth 0 Birmingham 1 Sunderland 2 Blackpool 0 Everton 2 Bolton W. ..2 Charlton
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  • 349 29 I A FTER an uninspiring first half dur- ing which scoring opportunities I were not pressed home by the Innlskilling reserves a re-shuffle of the forwards resulted in them defeating the Malaya Publishing House by two goals to nil at Tanglln last evening. In the second
    349 words
  • 124 29 CLOSE of play scores in Home cricket matches begun yesterday, cabled by Reuter, are:— At Bournemouth. Nottinghamshire 203 (Boyes 5 for 56), Hampshire 98 for 3. At Dover, Yorkshire 328 for 8, vs. Kent. At Blackpool, Lancashire 338 for 7 (Hopwood 120) vs. Warwickshire. At Ashby-de-la Zouch, Derbyshire
    124 words
  • 163 29 TTiE RAJ", easily beat the S.C.C. at cricket at Seletar yesterday. Scores: S.C.C. Jeans b Tfcggesall 5 Sutor b Brech Kenlon c Daniels b Tagg<sall 9 Brown run out 2 Bartram c Jackson b Rowlett 20 Jagger run out 10 Todd Ibw b Rowlett 0 Auchmuty c
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  • 17 29 The S.C.C. will play soccer against Pulau Brani on Wednesday at the S.C.C.
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  • 34 29 The final cf the Volunteer snooker pair will be held at the S.C.C. on Friday between H. H. Markham and D. M Seward and C. O. Fugler and D. M Henderson.
    34 words
  • 275 29 «From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. AN INTERESTING football match was played at the Muar Club I padang when the Young Chlnesj footi ball team, consisting of players still in j their teens, met and defeated th Young Indian foo'ball team by 3 goals to nil In a
    275 words
  • 44 29 The following will represent the Mental Hospital In a friendly soccer match against the Singapore veterans on Tuesday on the S.C.C. ground:— Leow So.m Kcong. Roheng. Peter Dlas, Mahani. En>» Xcv 1.. Ollverio. Hock Seng. Ahmad Hussein. Omar, Leo de jsilva. Ha£him.
    44 words
  • 349 29 POSITIONS given below show that the Chinese have only to get •ne more point to be sure of becoming first division champions of the S.A.F.A. league again. The Sappers are safe bets for second place. In the second division the fight lies between the Gunners, Inniskillings and
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  • 1037 30 Wong Peng Soon And Yap Chin Tee Should Meet In Final BY OUR BADMINTON CORRESPONDENT THE Useful Badminton Party, whose affiliation to the Singapore Badminton Association was only effected a?^ the beginning of the year, gained Its first success In competitive badminton when the
    1,037 words
  • 924 30 SELANGOH, as expected, qualified once again for the final of the Foong Seong Cup competition by a narrow victory over rVra':. Although Perak unquestionably pro- vided the keenest resistant? In the series so lar, Seiangor secured the previlege of meeting Johore on completion of the fourth tie, <lien
    924 words
  • 555 30 (From A Special Correspondent.) rE defeat of A. S. Samuel and Chan Kon L«ong, the Malayan doubles champion*. at the hands ot the Taiplng pair. Low Keat Soo and Teh Gin Soot at Ipoh last Sunday in the seml-flnal of the Foons Scon R Cu^ between selangor and
    555 words
  • Article, Illustration
    886 30 (Prwi.i Our Own Corie-pcndent.> Jchori ri.'liru, iUturda;-. J CHORE scored a eauncllia viCvOry oier i Malacca by four games to on; in their encounter last v.eslc-end at Johors Bahru. Thus Johore q> alifiid to met iji'angor, which, beat Perak 3—2 on the iam? •!..> at Ipoh, li: j the
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  • Page 30 Advertisements
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  • 528 31  -  "ARCHER 22-Year-Old Holder Of Test Score Record BY MAN of the hour in the sporting world is Leonard Hutton, 22-year-old r.older of the world's record for the highest individual scors in o Test match with 364 Hutton first played first-class cricket In 1934. when after
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  • 51 31 ■■Ma BN lnviU-d for the Commercial Cup aiul lnter-school badminton tournaments. The entry f<ts are »5 and $3 per team respectively. The date o-. closing for entries is Sept. 9. Entry forms ere obtainable from the hon. secretary, c o. The Asiatic Petroleum Co. (SS) Ltd. The
    51 words
  • 132 31 TuE Mei.dc Badminton Party held Its first dinner at Pin Kung Hotel. Button l&nc. Peiifing, last Sunday. There ra«; a large gathering of members and guests vho enjoyed themselves thoroughly. After the dinner the following wtre elected office -bearers for the ensuing year: Prsiden*. Mr. Lee Slew
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  • 53 31 ft in Oiu Own Coiiupoi.oeul > Kuaman. E.sTKIES urc now open for the following vi the Kuantan District Badmln- on To lminwnt' Itnl open saiyles, men. •jm n c. rt)it op-n mixed doubles. fei.* i.s $1. per player r.nd Uie nn- Stp: S. The draw Till t-ikc placs
    53 words
  • 40 31 rl air of Ihr tournaments run fc> thr perty during the current \eui Op«n Singles l...mpicnship Tournament: Wlnn. Tie: runne. -up, Ten KoU lttm Tel:. i Iki-.1.1r-. Tournament Winners, Klioo fin; I •> Yew Xc:;;: rminerj-up I i En-:
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  • 146 31 M UMBERS of the Coronation Badminton Party arc requested to note that a cal! of postponement was made by the Eclipse B.P. and the match of 7 singles and 2 doubles will be played tomorrow night starting nr 7 p.m. at the Happy World covered stadium. Place of
    146 words
  • 116 31 npiES in the open singlos championship 1 tournament of th? Joybells Badminton Part;, played last Sunday resulted as follows: Tan Guan Chuan brat A. Rajoo 15 2, 15 2; Cho Chwce Tee beat Goh Kang Seng, 15 1, '.5 3; Goh Tian Chye beat O. Isaac 13—13 :5—
    116 words
  • Article, Illustration
    91 31 Khoo KriK Tio. singles iminipion of the Spartan Badminton Parly foi three years in »oee» i-m, IMJ6, 1417 and 1938. I i I 1.-rt. C B. John and (rank J. Fernanda who lost U K. C. h.rian and A. M :m. 11- 15. 19—19 (o—s), 18—21. in ths qaarter-flaal of
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  • 219 31 WHILE the Chinese first string are almost sure of becoming champions again, their Reserves doing remarkable well in the second l lsion. As the position stands the Gunners are on top with a total of 31 points for the whole series, and the
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  • 82 31 An Inter-team badminton match will be played at the Happy World Covered Stadium on Sept. 3 at 7.30 p.m. between the Merryuu% Badminton Party and the United Athletic I Party, the match consisting of men's sin sirs 1 mixed double, and 2 men's doubles. The price of admission
    82 words
  • 196 31 rrur. Eclipse Badminton Party lost to the I Robinson Sports Club in a badminton match of three singles and two doubles at Villa Dolce. Tanjong Katong Road, last Sunday. The members were entertained to tcu after the match. Resulu (Eclipse firstsSingles: Lee Kirn Seng lost to Tan Chwce
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  • 136 31 A LARGE gathering taw the Daral Nairn Badminton Party defeat the New Badminton Party by 5 games to 2, In a return match of 4 singles and 3 doubles played last Sunday en the New B.P.s court at Gate's Hiil. Following are the results with the Dora!
    136 words
  • 99 31 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. THE Malacca badmint n championships have reached the final stages All the finals except the junior doubles, which were decided today, will be played off tomorrow. In the final of the doubles Yoong Yong Pow and Ooh Heng Chian beat Mah Tlan
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  • 63 31 The following S.C.C. members have accepted to play cricket for Singapore Non-Benders vs. S.R.C. at 11 a.m. today at the B.C.C.:— Dr. H. O. Hopkins, the Hon. Mr. A. B. Jordan. O. Wat son. E. O. Wheatley. T. J Leitsslus. H. R. Baitels, W. W. Dean. L. V.
    63 words
  • Article, Illustration
    60 31 The combined tennis teams of the Segamat Chinese and the Malacca Cantonese Association who met in a friendly match at Segamat last Sunday. Malacca won 3 2. The combined soccer teams of the Segamat Chinese and the Malacca Cantonese Association who played a charity match at Segamat, last Sunday, in
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  • 154 31 i Prom Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. TT is understood that the Malacca Badminton Association is lodging a protest with the standing committee of the Badminton Association ot Malaya with regard to the recent Malacca-Johore match in the semifinal of* the Foons Seor.g Cup contest at Johore Bahru.
    154 words
  • 114 31 (PYom Our Ovn Correspondent.) ISeremban. N a return badminton match the second string of the Merry Oan^ Badminton Party, of Seremban. beat the Kahang Malay Teachers by six games to one. Results:— Ooh Hean Chye beat Hashim 11—15. 15—4. 15—9; Wong Yip Loong beat Abu Bakar 15—0, I—3.
    114 words
  • 76 31 IT the hall-yearly general meeting of tno A Endeavour Badminton Party the following were elected office-bearers for the «m«n« g year:— President. Mr. Ong Kong Owl (re-elected) hon. secretary and treasurer. Mr. Ong Chene Hye i re-elected) hon. asct. aec. and treasurer. Mr. Yeo Tlang Hock (re-elected) hon.
    76 words
  • 67 31 MEMBERS of the Gentle Badmlntcn Party are requested to not« that entries for tiie open singles championship tournament (k.o. system) for the Sarifcan Challenge Cup are open and will close on Tlurs'Jay the Sept 8 The entry fee Is 40 csnts p« competitor. Tticcc v.Lslunsj to participate i;i
    67 words
  • 468 31 i From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. IyiORE than $250 was collected in I charity soccer match in aid of tbe China Relief Fund played at Segamat recently when the Malacca Cantonese Sporting Association met the Segamat Chinese Recreation Club at soccer and tennis. The Association gained a
    468 words
  • 278 31  -  "K. O." BY JOE DIAMOND and Joe Eagle are in Batavla and have already found engagements. Eagle won his first bout without difficulty, but Diamond ccvceded too much weight and lost on points. Arrangements are baing made for more boxers to go to Java from Singapore. It Is
    278 words
  • 61 31 (From Our Own Correspondent). Johore Bahru, Saturday. At a committee meeting of Johore Bahru District Badminton Association It was decided to cancel the inter-departments corepetition due to insufficient entries received, but the closing date for the lnter-club contests was again extended to Sept. 3, by which day the
    61 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 272 31 The Acid in Your Stomach Would Burn te^ -if a Hole J^jr^s in the f V If Carpet A YK^S. '^s^^ drops cf HydroActual ithotooraph Monad) Arldi en :n carvel ounu-rt by Uiick pile rarpet: thj stomach uctd SSto. 'lx-'nct> If ac!4 does that to a carpet, you can imagine
      272 words

  • 256 32 HOW MALAYA'S MOST-USED FOOTWEAR IS SHAPED FROM WOOD BLOCKS pLOGS are popular footwear in Malaya. Rich and poor alike wear them. In wealthy homes they serve their purpose in the bathroom and the kitchen. Maidservants and poorer families unable to afford shoes wear them.
    256 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 298 32 7~ A o Tribute Imperial Airways is proud to re-publish these compliments offered so generously hy an important aviation paper of the United Slates, American Aviation, 15 May 1938, on the IMPEMALjIying-boats tf 'We've been on tli* receiving end of a lot of subtle insinuations that tho British wer» far
      298 words
    • 216 32 Pot DEFECTIVE VISION it^tß^H Please ronsolt jfW^^NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO. Stainless steel from 35.— Gold 56.— CTERNfI fis^s^s^K lJ fa'* S*i Opposite Clifford Pier. "FOR THE RACES" IHM.IAI DISCOUNTS. HELD CI ASSKS FROM SIOUJ PKISM 8« FROM 535.01) REPAIRS ALSO INOERTAKKX. ELLISON S. EZEKIEL CO. Opticians A Watchmakers ONLY ADDRESS:—
      216 words