The Straits Times, 3 July 1938

Total Pages: 32
1 32 The Straits Times
  • 40 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION I No. 341 Sunday, July 3, 1938 Price 10 Ce.ils THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya No. 341 v Sunday. July 3, 1938 Price 10 Cents
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  • 691 1 Employers Had "No Alternative" But To Agree Labour Laws Are Urgently Needed WAGES RISE FROM 60 TO 80 CENTS A DAY (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. IT is absolutely hopeless to try to argue with x 4,000 men we had no alternative but
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  • Article, Illustration
    73 1 The wedding of Mr IV. n. Mansfield, of Hong Kong, sou cf the late W. R. Mansfield and Mn. Mansfield, of Crowbo-ough, to MU» Barbara Grigg, daughter of Major R. S. Grigg, and Mn. Grigg, of Princess Court, London. The groom, who is a Hong Kong busi7iess man went to
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 1 Third day of the Second Test, at Lord's Brown, Australia's hero of the match gets one past Hammond in the slips during his innings of 206 not out last Monday. Ames is the wicket-keeper.
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  • 125 1 Swatow, Saturday. pIFTEEN planes appeared over Swar tow today. Nine of them bombed the railway station area but iheie were few casualties owing to evacuation. In yesterday's raid pamphlets were also dropped stating: "Chinese and Japanese are friends. It is necessary to unite to flgbt the Communist
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  • 161 1 IN an endeavour to prevent any pos- slbllity of a strike developing from the dispute between the S ngapore Traction Company. Limited, and I's s'.aft. Government Int2rpreters are being supplied through the Chinese Secretariat for a meeting of the m-n to be held shortly. The men's letter
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  • 184 1 More Police, Sakais, Malays Join Dunsford Murder Search (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Sunday morning. I£ELANTAN police, with addi- tional Sakai and Ma'ay trackers, have joined in the :carch for the Chinese ganj alleged to have murdered the Tersang gold miner, Mr. F. G. W. Ounsf jrd, a week
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  • 275 1 $15 A Month Houses For Clerks? MEMBERS of the Clerical m Union at their eighteenth anniversary dinner last night were told of a scheme to form a building society so that they might have decent houses to live in at a monthly rental of $15. Making the announcement the Hon.
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  • 56 1 (Trom Our Own Correspondent.) Ssremban. Saturday T*HE prelimlary inquiry the MM of Joseph, an estate clerk ol Kuala Pilah, who was charged with the murder of his five-year-old child. Ivy. concluded tcday. Accused reserved his d^rence, and was committed to stand his trial
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  • 81 1 MEXICO IS HARD UP Mexico City, Saturday. IT is reliably understood that the Government proposes to Institute a twelve per cent, tax on all exports; also to establish a double exchange rate— five pesos to the dollar for exports and four to the dollar for Imports, for the purpose of
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 92 1 London, rVO combined exercises will be held this month, the Admiralty announces. The combined operations exercises will be carried out in the Channel between July 5 and July 10 with the object of practising surprise landing in hostile territory." The second combined exercise will be
    British Wireless  -  92 words
  • 71 1 Shanghai, Saturday. A SWEDISH lighthouse-keeper, named Nelssan and his Chinese staiT at Turnabour Island, off Foochow, arc reported to have been kidnapped presumably by Chinese bandits. The lighthouse is not functioning at present. The Customs and Marine Department at Shanghai has informed shipping that the lighthouse io
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 49 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. COPRA: Sts. S D. Btdam. £11 ss. PEPPER: Lamponj blk. fwd, 2 9 16d. GOLD: £7 0s 9d. SI'VEK: Spot 13d.: 2raths. ls\d. \CHANGEB: ArartenUn 8.95%. O.her commodities and exchanges onchanted from Friday. SATURDAY'S LOCAL CLOSING QI'OTATIONS ARE IN PAGE 8.
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 1 "LET'S HAVE A LOOK!": Competitors lean forward to get a better look at Nigel Edward Williams' Challenge Cup which he wou as the best baby In Kingsbury, at a baby show held in aid of Wembley Hospital.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 8 1 RENE ULLMANN for WEDDING PRESENTS Raffle* Plat*. Spore.
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    • 133 1 Good Furnithin* Fabric Better Furniture Best Prices SUN WA» COMPANY 8.1, Victoria SU Spore. "TRU-STANCE WALK-ON-AIR GOLF SHOES A new thought on foot comfort. The model we have in stock is that worn by A. H. Padgham the winner of the open Golf Championship in June 1936. Constant Jars and
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  • 457 2 Five First Places In Easter Exams. QUEEN'S SCHOLARS PROMINENT (From A Special Correspondent.) JJALWAN students at Cambridge University took five first p*aces in the Easter examinations, according to results just received. Benedict Ponniah, of St. John's College, a former punil of St. John's Institution,
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  • 70 2 A WHITE-TAILED GNU calf has been born at Whipsnade Zoo. Extinct except for the few in captivity, the white-tailed gnu is a fierce animal which looks like a giant goat. It has not yet been possible to determine the sex of the calf, which, according to its
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  • 187 2 CHEATED MAN WHO WANTED A.A.M. JOB Ceylonese Sent To Gaol QENTENCE of 14 weeks' rigorou"' |J imprisonment was passed on a 30-year-old, English-speaking Ceylonese Henry Edward Forsythe. when he was convicted by the Cri-j minal District Judge, Mr. H. A. Forrer, yesterday, on a charge of cheat- j ing a
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  • 49 2 CAI.AMAUA will be the new Admini- strative headquarters of New Guinea, announced the Minister for Territories 'Mr. W. M. Hughes) in the A'^trnlian Housn of Representatives. This decision has been made as the results of the 1937 earthquakes at Rabaul which caused ereat damage.
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  • 50 2 Baghdad. A Chinese Moslem mission, d of four important personalities irom the Far East, is concluding a stay here during which they conferred with several officials and others in efforts to stir up the sympathy of the Arab-s'vakine world for China in the name of millions of Chinese Moslems
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  • 28 2 naa Brand, aged forty-five, a yacMsmon living i.\ North Road. ParkI near Poole. was drowned when a dinghy upset in Poole Harbour. Tuo companions were rescued.
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  • 214 2 INHERE were several counsel in the Singapore Fifth Court yesterday when summonses pertaining to charges of cheating were mentioned against S. Fung, a Singapore lawyer, Y. F. Wong, Kow Kirn Lin and Lee Geok Eng, of the Happy World. In *jcb faoc it
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  • 89 2 PNG YING, a Chiiu labourer, was yesterday fined $5 in the Singapore Second Police Court before Mr. J. C. H. Oldham. when he was convicted on a charge of trespass in the Western Depot of the Naval Base, on July 2. Accused claimed trial saying
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  • Article, Illustration
    36 2 A group photograph of the Cold Storage Creameries staff taken at the farewell dinner held at the Happy World Restaurant last week in honour of Mr. P. T. Hutchings (central figure) before he left for home.
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  • 354 2 THE appeal of Mrs. Aga Mundell against the conviction and sentence imposed on her for negligent driving was dimissed by Mr. Justice Home in the Singapore High Court yesterday. His Lordship announced his decision following a visit to the scene of the incident at
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  • 365 2 Charity Shows During Special Week HOSPITAL Week began yesterday and this year St. Andrew's Mission Hospital is seeking to raise $10,000 through various charity shows and a flag day. •yHE "Rumah Sakit Ketchil,"i which is today such a landmark :in Chinatown, and has become
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  • 161 2 Four Shops Gutted Near Malacca STREAM SUPPLIES BRIGADE (rrum Our Own I'orrv >:>ondent Malacca, Saturday. I7OUR shop houses in Ma>jid Tanah, about 18 miles from Malacca, were completely gutted following a fire which broke out early (his m >rninjr. 'Untimely arrival of the Malacca Fire Brigade, hcwev.'r. prevented the fire
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  • 120 2 The Hague. jIN the Lowe r Chamber Dr. i Hendrik Colijn. the Premier was pressed by one of the leaders of the Communist Party, Dr. W. VVijnkoop, :to define the Government's attitude I towards the conflict in the Far East, especially in view of the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 94 2 4h it's tnC mmmmm JJJ^ M Nowhere will you purchas c mm I Beef of such outstanding F f J* J quality with such fine I flavour and tenderness /5 as that »hich we can offer. rJ\ JLf r» Kept at just the right Jj. «II S temperature which guards
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 203 3 NEW LOUNGE IN USE TOMORROW Official "At Home" On July 22 Veteran nPHE reconstruction of the Singapore Cricket Club is almost complete, and the new lounge for men and women members will be open for use tomorrow. The new lounge, which takes the
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  • 151 3 Georgetown (British Guiana) HOW a Briton was held captive in a Venezuelan labour camp for eight menths. because he had been blown ashore in Venczue.n without a passport, was told here. The victim was 60-year-old Alexander >Tison. born in Fa. kirk. Scotland. Last October
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  • Article, Illustration
    71 3 I Meal H-rprr. C.ilflllan Co. Ltd., Port Dickson photographed before the departure of the manager, Mr. T. D. Macniir to Europe on retirement From left, seated, Mr Q. H. Pinto. C apt. Crowe. Messrs T. D. Ma en air, C. 11. Fell, C. K." Sykes md Hinder Singh; standing. Messrs
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  • 197 3 BLIND GIRL NOW SEES PERFECTLY Bath. •TWENTY THREE YEAH 1 OLD Gladys Alloway, a Bath shop assistant, who was completely blind two years ago, can now see perfectly through one eye as the result of an evegraftins operation carried out by Mr. T. H. S. Tizzard, honorary surgeon at Bath
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  • 191 3 (From Our Own Correspondents Segamat. The annual general report of the Segamat India-Coylcn Association shows a membership of 100 and a successful financial year. It was presented at the second annual general meetir.R of the? association recently. "The Association did well In spnrt and won the Wills' Challenge
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 435 3 England now 5\ days across the air all the way by Empire Flying-Boat The bit 4-engined Empire flying-boats now leave Singapore for England twice a week. They are the last word in air-going luxury. You have a smoking room on board, a promenade deck, not and cold meala served while
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 478 3 IN SINGAPORE TODAY Palestine Eg>pt. Soudan. Great Toli» Rritain and Ireland: Mails rlose U W m.-^B.-j. cc a* c»- Li.V tOm rrOW N SPCc:al all> TIDE TABLE an rtM- «r«h Ctok Gable and Myn>a a c NNtfM ToAjt t, m H w 1 52 am 9.7 ft 2.52 p.m. 8.7
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  • 230 4 Hollywood Beauties Are 'All Synthetic' IJAVE British women much to learn about their make-up and looks generally The latest authority to pronounce judgment on the problem is Britishborn Em Westmore, make-up adviser in American films for over 20 years, now in England. "Englishwomen Just do not appreciate what natural advantages
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  • 85 4 Japan 's Film "Famine Is Over Toklo. JAPAN'S ardent film-goers, yearning for the sight of the latest American "flickers. 1 have hailed the Government's decision to permit conditionally the importation of 200 of Hollywood's latest films. The permission, which ends a ninemonth "famine," was granted on the condition that the
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  • 24 4 Newmarket stable lads' dispute over wages and conditions was settled at a conferencs at Transport Hcus*?. London. Lord Derby was chairman.
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  • 398 4 •yHE world's picture-goers will pay two and a half million pounds to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs before Walt Disney's masterpiece made in 11 languages. Including Hindustani—has finished its run. Disncy'o share will nearly a million. That is the estimate of Mr.
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  • Article, Illustration
    66 4 203 Tangier Temple's Knights of the Mystic Shrine arrived in Los Angeles recently to participate in a convention, and to knight a new member irto their ranks, Harold Lloyd, the famous film star. W. H. Karnett, acting "Tangier Temple Potentate," it here seen wielding the silver scimitar as Joe
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  • 114 4 JESSIE MAY LEAVE THE SCREEN JESSIE MATTHEWS may leave the films for the stage. She and her husband. Sonnie Hals, are to put en a muslcnl show in the West Enri soon. And afier that? "Well, I might go back to the screen," Jessie said. But I'll never, never go
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 230 4 Victoria Theatre POSITIVELY LAST PERFORMANCE TONIGHT AT 9.20 P.M. THE DON COSSACK CHOIR AND RUSSIAN DANCERS M)OQ*C AT THE THEATRE -n 10 am. to 1 p.m. f-cn 5 pm. onwards. riOKI PRICES $3, and $2. I Gala Premiere CAPITOL NEXT WEEK M %77irrrnTP B^M| fcift J* ten* tfie lot*. CARY
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    • 321 4 EAT WHAT YOU PLEASE WiUitit Paißfil Afier-effects How glonous to be able to wt-to with it will to your tavonnt'! delicacits, mal after meal, tit after day with no fear of after-eflects I To m.:nv stomach sufferrrs. such n impossible dream. I earn i:i.ike it eotoe true I the writetl
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  • 1039 5 ALLEGATION BY AN ENGLISH SCIENTIST Trinidad Romance Sequel (From Our Own Correspondent) London, June 25. ETTERS criticising and defending the wedding of a British scientist and his Chinese assistant were read in the King's Bonch Division yesterday in a case in which the
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  • 109 5 700 Guests At Kajang Wedding THS wedding took place at Kajang Sunday of Mr Low Nan rut second son of Trtwkay Low Ti m Tl Kok of Kajang. daughter KU»k> Wechye of 700 guests. Kuala Lumpur, ■*.«> rf<-rmod by by i-cr wa.s Miss .>• Y. CluU p n in-
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  • 83 5 Work On New Transmission Lines Begun pondent) ;.K Saturday. t decision of the Elec>ni. FM.S. to supply electric Klang and Port Swettenham |Ml P'-wer StaKu.ila I.umpur. at the end of the ir work on construction of m from Kuala Lumpur nd Port Swett>-ii[]j:n hix ber.t is
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 5 7.£ i. WWI<U Mr> Teoll Ch n ehamn. the rldctt son of Mr. and Mr*. Yeoh Cheow t nong to MUs Khoo Kirn Hema. second daughter of Mr. Khoo Soo Jin and the late Mr». Khoo Soo Jla. took place at the Selanfor Chinese AMembly Hall, Loala Lumpur
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  • Article, Illustration
    89 5 <;i<>'V pin 10-iuph taken at the wedding at Kuala Lumpur of Mr. H. E. TalaUa son of Mr. and M-x. H. S. Talalla of Koala Lumpur, to Mi« Maude Irene Wales, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Wales of Teluk An son, last Saturday, at which there was a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 93 5 HOSPITAL In aid oi ST. ANDREW'S MISSION HOSPITAL 2 9 July 1 M)KI( THK I)ISTIN«LISHED PATRONAGE OF 1938. HI. SIR SHENTON THOMAS, G.C.M.G., 0.8. E. MONDAY JULY 4th. M ATINII AT THE CAPITOL THEATRE AT 6.15 P. M. "Theodora Goes wild wi;h Irene Dunne Melvyn Douglas an.l sup[>ort:ng programme of
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    • 402 5 MIRACULOUS SPRIN6 WATER THAT ENDS ACHES PAINS Mystery Remedy In many ot the loveliest parts o< tka earth, often huMrn among the lulls th.-r» push to the surface miraculous sprm<% laden with curative mineral salts whica are Nature's gift to suffering hum.inity. ThsM medicinal salts are the natural cur* I
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  • 612 6 Can You Use One I*HE National Collection of Typewriters at South Kensington is one of London's lesserknown excitements. The collection, housed in a gallery of the Science Museum, has now found an enthusiastic chronicler in Mr. O. Tilghman Richards. His book on the evolution of
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  • 1111 6 Majority Of Malaya's Polo Ponies Come From Australia stand quiet under all such handling, especially as regards their heads, mouths and ribs, which forms a preparation for the sensation of the bit, the saddle, the legs of their riders and the Jostling of other ponies when in company. Their food
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  • 89 6 Fifty-one Moroccan Spahis, members of the crack native cava'ry regiments of the French possession in North Africa, are in London rehearsing for the International Horse Show, to compete in which the French Government granted them special permission. The Spahis are stationed at Algiers and Tunis and are
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  • 249 6 FJARRYL ZANUCK, ace Hollywood producer, haying arranged to spend £5,000,000 in making 52 films in the next twelve months, has arrived in Ixmdon. Darryl Zanuck still sticks to his theory that the most saleable sentiment in the world is British sentiment. Among the films
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  • 110 6 "Some Day My Prince Will Come" THE ABOVE HAS ARRIVED New York. TATIANA CONUS. daughter of a White Russian princess, sold perfume behind a counter in a Fifth Avenue store, singing bits of Snow White occasionally, even If she did not whistle as she worked. A dark and handsome stranger
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 659 6 No mistaking quality and smoothness bbbbbbbbPP 3aaaß^- "^iiß i BBSSSSSBBaBBKE^jSaB I BIL./-- ;Jrf» 81 ii jw ML si It mm m P* MF\ IsfSsflLW i "Wv fresh aren'r they? /Kfimß^EL' I get much more pleasure .^Bs^ *B from smoking since I UpP switched to Craven A.' ■f They do J
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  • 530 7 Alienation Policy Of Government Strongly Criticised NEED TO COMPETE WITH NEIGHBOURS (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday "TAKING the long view the future of mining in this country lies with low grade ground and if such ground is to be economic, the Government must
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  • 145 7 UNA Must win the war.** declared Dr. Yu Pin. Roman Cat hoik Bishop of Nanking, speaking i* \l—dari at a reception in his honour at the CWrrk «f S»- Peter and 9t Paul. Singapore, hy ■wapim ami J«lUr» Cfcttesc Catholics yesterday •rVcr fats arrival. H;s
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  • 286 7 Plea For Aid To Combat Epidemics In China London. Saturday. ■■LPVL destruction of the ft, by whichever party it has been perpetrated, is a Japanese invasion," The Tim-s. Nor ii .his the oaljr exarrp'.e of the reversal of the c progress in ''hina as the remit of the .1 I
    Reuter  -  286 words
  • 76 7 JAPAN BLUNDERED IN CHINA S.ianghai. Saturday. JJOREIGN observers reviewing the past year's hostilities contend! that Japan has so far utterly failed. If Japan had adhersd to her original plan of stopping the campaign north of the Huangho ard consolidating her position in North China, it is held Japan would probably
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  • 60 7 GRAFIC SHORTHAND 'TERS ASSN. AN ipp ul .s made by Mr. AlbuCiueique. the hon secretary of the! mre Gro?g Shorthand Writers Association, for a larcr membership, in the report tc be submitted at the annual pen^ml meeting .next I r sxood successes in I -iber of Commerce d.irinc the past
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  • 533 7 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. UNS will boom across the padiflelds and kampongs on Monday as the new Undang of Rembau. a Negri Sembilan major territorial chief, is installed in office at Kampong Kotah with elaborate and ancient Malay ceremonial. In an exclusive interview with
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  • 154 7 1171 rH one of Australia's most famous flyers. Capt. G. U. ("Scotty") Allen on the "bridge." Challenger, first Empire flying-boat to enter the regular servioe to Australia, arrived at Batavia yesterday from Singapore, and continued the flight to Sourabaya according to schedule. She will r?ach Sydney
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  • 52 7 The Singapore District Epworth League held an At Home at the Wesley Hall yesterday evening, when the cabinet officers of the eight different d'stricts in Singapore met to discuss the work of the League, and also lnduls^ in games. Musicrl items were IWld¥»1 by members, w".»j also stased
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 765 7 STAMPS Coronat ton^^t am ns COMPLETE MCI— «M STAMrs from Gt. Britain, the 45 Crown Colonies. Dominions. Newfoundland and Mandated Territories. 528.92 UNUSED USED $47.14 Blocks of 4. SI 15.72. Blocks of 4, $214.29 135 Stamps from the 45 Crowa Colonies only. $11.79 UNUSED Blocks of 4. $47.14 USED $20.36.
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  • 1297 8 Commodity And Share Values Spurt 'THE rapid Improvement in all markets, reported last week, continued almost without interruption during tho past week and share values, and commodity prices in all centres show substantial appreciation. The rise in New York has been spectacular, the Dow Jones average
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  • 89 8 Saturday, July 2, Noon. No. 1 X.R.S.S. in cases. (FOB.) July 24H 24% Good F. A. Q. in bales (F. 0.8.) July 23 "i 24 No. 1 K. R. S. S. (Spot loose) Awardable M 24 >4 July 24>/ 2 24% July-September 21', 24% October-December
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  • 1320 8 fraser And Co.'s List Suloh (SO cts.) .40 .50 Bungel Batran 1.50 1.60 Sungei Ramal ($1) 1.10 1.20 Sungel Tukanc Csl) 1.07' i 1.15 Tambalak ($1; .50 .55 Tapah ($1) 1.90 2.00 T. Anson ($1) 1.45 1.55 Tcmerloh ($1) .50 .55 Trafalgar ($2l .80 .85
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  • 179 8 List Supplied By Messrs Fraser Co. SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1938 1 P.M. Financial Company Dividend Books Date Ex. Dt*. Fear TIN Close Pavab Date to data Kamunting Tin 8% less tax, June 2« July 28 July 4 8% Kuala Lumpur Tin Is. No 34 Aug. 19 ™>°
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 974 9 r^V- i\^ v^\ w A'st/W&K Till? nil) II T|||\! HKST Mss^ss^ss^sMsss^^r^7 -< 'ii 'v/ZZ/a It is only fitting that Chrysler, this eaf HE-^Tt/^v 7 .y l Ji' /pv)'ifff.£f''£''\ as in each past year, gives the good things a:^"i*ir'".V->*-''jV* r '<■ 11 Ji''"'' p p in motoring first... With a host
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 1706 9 Today's Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE Two Etudes: (1) In A flat. Op. 25, No. 1 rJIROM <2) In G flat (Black Keys), Op. 10, No. 5: llllWSlfl n.m. 1M m> SSL 1 F Ba^r- N^, 52 pSS «C .5.,5 Me/. „U «■> WTSa^SS MT J^bS?' Close Cown *«< rt ChUrch f^'
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  • 93 10 THE VOICE OFF INTO the austere deliberation* of a court-martial at Brompton Barracks, Chatham, broke a Voice (off). A harsh and dominating Voice. A Voice that breathed— above the murmur of witnesses about Mac West and other film stars, of green cheese, of elephants. "What on earth is happening?" demanded
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  • 26 10 Although the outlook in Europe is brighter now, Czechoslovakia has not relaxed her watchfulness. Here are Czechoslovak troops manning field guns during recent manoeuvres.
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  • 653 10 Rambutans, Durians Mangosteens HOW PLANTATIONS ARE LEASED OUT T*HE Malayan fruit season is in full swing. In Penang, thousands of rambutans, durians and mangosteens are being transported in buses from the country to town for sale. It is going to be a record season
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  • 201 10 Names Make Words 4 fiVERY dap we use words which commemorate the fame of some man or woman who u-ould otherwise be forgotten. Feic people ktiow how these names came to be common icords, and in this special Sunday Times series of short articles the story of these names that
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  • 74 10 MRS Malaprop, whose name is used to describe a particular kind of mistake in the use of words, was the literary creation of Sheridan, the dramatist. She appeared in the play The Rivals as aunt and guardian of the heroine and heiress. Lydia Languish. A Malapropism is defined as
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  • 105 10 DOES NOT DRINK, WINS 1782 VODKA 4 BOTTLE of 1782 vodka— prize for the largest donation to a Roman Catholic fete at Harrowden HaY, near Wellingborough~ has been won by Mr. F. G. Dromgoole, a Wellingborough solicitor, who does not drink. The 156-year-cld bottle was given tn the fete committee
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  • 122 10 WHEN the boys of the Army "Come to the cookhouse door" they will soon find they are eating food comparable with the delicacies of Mayfair. For Sir Isidore Salmon, the new catering adviser to the Army, has Just written to West End hotel managers asking for chefs to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 330 10 PINNED TO BED BY LUMBAGO. Scarcely Moved For Weeks Acting on his principle of "when you know a good thing tell your friends about it." a man who has had Tery bad lumoa&o writes as follows: I had suffered from lumbago in my back, and for weeks could scarcely move
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  • 932 11 Romance, Adventure, Humour In Story Of Early New England Haven's End. By John P. Marnnand. Kobcrt Hale. 7s. 6d. WHEN M talk glibly of "our Amer- lean cousins" we do not refer to those Americans who hail from the fever stricken Romagna, from the ghefos of Hamburg or from the
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  • 612 11 Bow Street 'Vorld. By Albert Llrck. liubert Hale Ltd. 12s. 6d. I remlnlsecneea are generally Intrriatlnt. educative and not humour. ED this volume we have the collectM remlnlsceneea of Mr. Albert Lieck. until recently chief clerk of B?w street Court. Mr. Lieck has, as
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  • 334 11 This Clay Suburb. By Hebe Elsna. Jarrolds 7s. 6d. •yHIS is a novel with a weird theme. Myra Beresford had been very ill and had passed into a trance and was given up as dead. Her brother-in-law, an excellent fellow and a slum doctor, loved her.
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  • 376 11 In Letters Of Red. Edited by E. Allen Osborne. Michael Joseph. 6s. •T*HIS book Is a pot-pourri of contributions by various well-known young writers whose political persuasions are socialist and communist, and collected under the editorship of Mr. E. Allen Osborne. Vmongst the contributors are
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  • 275 11 A Case Dead and Buried. By Charles Barry. Hurst and Blackett. 7s. 6d. Inspector Maigret Investigates. By Georges Sitnenon. Poison. By Lee Thayer. Hurst and Blackett. 3s. 6d. each. There is a lot of first class mystery about "A Caae Dead and Buried," but
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 101 11 NOTICE of REMOVAL Our Head Office is NOW at 46, HIGH STREET, (NEXT DOOR TO B.H.T. DWIATRAM&CO.. SILK STORE) M. MOHAMED DULFAKIR&CO. ■a E5bS BLa-^w B m i^VSUMaI l 49 .afl 1 111 LssaW w 1 1\ aY L^aW'^^H Chamberlain's Cough Remedy •oolites irritation, eases inflamed ar.-a*, breaks up congestion
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    • 841 11 I RUNDOWN f&Sr\ I AND AILING, MAKE ft V; VTHIS SIMPLE TESTVI^A/ New Discoveries in Nutrition Show How MINERALS and FOOD lODINE Build Worn Out, Pale, Sickly People into uSI I* Strong, Red-Blooded Men and Women &J jg^ Pacific Ocean FOOD lODINE and MINERALS ia WA •VIKELP' Tablata MUST Giva
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  • 1157 12  - French Have Given Saigon The Gay Atmosphere Of Paris "Waitaki" By THE French have a way of taking the atmosphere of gay Paris with them when they colonise and transplanting it with a smile even in darkest Africa. They have certainly done this with Saigon, only 36 hours away from
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 90 12 use Brylcreem regu- f^^Xjf&Bm 1 r^Q\ Urly. For Brylcreem v__ V is more than a firstclass dressing. It's a splendid hair tonic as well. Besides contro'ling the hair without gumming it, Brylcreem invigorates the scalp. Saves time, too. One application keeps the hair well-groomed for the whole day. Get a
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  • 1425 13 Behind The News With Crux Australis TWO small German boys painstakingly gripped man-size pens rvnd wrote their names In the v.orial scroll that was cemented into the wall of the new German Club last Sunday. In the mind of the only nonGerman attending the ceremony arose the thought whetner the
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 160 13 Do you feel as If all /our strength has been sapped out of you f The best and quickest way to re- ar store lost energy and youth is to taka Jw\\ Phosferine Tonic Wine. After the /flQ^\ very first glass you will feel this wonderful rejuvenating wine doing ~~jm\
      160 words
    • 133 13 yp\^ *<i w%£& (tow JftK^^v Jims PIVR 3 n K r y/*"*S l s a on S wn c now s ncc r E no first compounded his Fruit* Salt /a\L/'«^n \sfl. f /A^\ Great events have come and gone.. Five monarchs have reigned at Buckingham /-7ji'\"^i M in Palace
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  • 398 14 Empire And Dutch Services To Australia WITH the departure from Singapore yesterday of Challenger, the first Empire flying-boat to enter the through service from London to Sydney, and the departure from Batavia this afternoon of the first Dutch plane to fly the Australian route in
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  • 271 14 /~VN the longest air route in the world flown by one type of aircraft, passengers who board Empire flying-boats at Southampton are now able to fly beyond Singapore as far as Sydney in spacious comfort, following the extension of the airboat route to Australia. Soon
    271 words
  • 67 14 Dutch Flew To Australia In 1931 'THE Dutch made a commercial flight to Australia as early as 1931. In May of that year, an experimental air mail flight from Batavia to Melbourne was carried out. Leaving Batavia on May 12, the plane, a Fokker, arrived in Sydney on May 17
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  • 274 14 Connecting with Royal Dutch Airlines Amsterdam-Batavia planes at Batavia, the Lockheed Super Electras placed on the Australia service by the Royal Netherlands Indies Airways (K.N.1.L.M.) make the Batavia-Sydney run in two and a half-days and the return journey in a little under
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  • 80 14 Airboats Will Go To New Zealand An agreement for the joint control by the Australian, New Zealand, and British Governments of the extension of the Empire flying-boat service from Sydney to New Zealand is now in sight. Negotiations between the three Governments indicate that a full service between Auckland and
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 108 14 by FLYING BOAT Commencing from July 2nd the big 4-Engined Empire Flying Boats will commence a 3i days service connecting Singapore and Sydney. DEPARTURE: Wed. Sat. Morning ARRIVAL: Mon. Fri. afternoon. Night Stops: SOERABAYA, DARWIN, TOWNSVILLE, SYDNEY Qantas Empire Airways Ltd. FARES are— Australian Currency. Singapore to Sydney £70— Brisbane
      108 words

  • Article, Illustration
    931 15  -  Pickler By Nathaniel Gubbins Is Still On Holiday FIDGET Tiie mathematician who was always squaring his shoulders. Conversation Piece "We saved our lives by cutting up our boots and eating them." "Bp quiet. You might give the landlady an idea." ENTERPRISING BLOW An American film star on a visit
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 91 15 sffißftfe "TsHJ^BHoftsSS^SySwitf^,- v v.^B^sffißltfilfefe i^sttsifeteL V i i a m and now Australia in 2* days. The combined Services of K.N.I.L.M. (Royal Netherlands Indict* Airways) and K. L. M. (Royal Dutch Airlines) are the last word in speed and comfort in transportation. Luxurious, silent airliners provide cool and comfortable travel
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 226 15 CONTRACT BRIDGE BY THE FOUR ACES A FTER winning the Pair Championship of the United States Bridge Association with Oswald Jacoby, Lester Bachner's first comment was that he had held so many good hands in the tournament he was rather afraid he would be unlucky at Rubber Bridge for some
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    • 254 15 plementary spade suit even though it is quite weak. (3) Jacoby now sets diamonds as the sul; in which to play the hand. (4) Since diamonds have been agreed upon as the final suit, Mr. Bachner's heart bid is now controlshowing. (5) Mr. Jacoby's reasoning In arriving at this seven-bid
      254 words

  • ®fo ©mas
    • 136 16 Aerial Expansion THIS is an important week-end In Malayan aviation history. Thej Imperial-Qantas flying-boat Challenger left Singapore yesterday, the first through plane in regular service between Southampton and Sydney. Flying virtually half-way: round the world. Challenger thus I begins a service which will shortly expand into the greatest cheap
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    • 224 16 PIE Government buildings in Empress Place, Singapore, are un-, dergoing periodical maintenance work to make them at least safe for occupation. Perhaps something might be done to make them creditable, or even comfortable, but expense in that direction hardly seems j justified if any long-term policy for! the
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    • 184 16 PR so long have the Dutch been held up to Malayans as p model of efficiency, in everything from tin dredging to flying, that it was beginning to seem almost impossible that the Netherlands Indies could learn anything from us. But twice in a week Malayans have
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  • 1668 16  -  Edgar Ansel Mowrer By Dr. Sun Vat-sen And Chinese Nationalism MEW China begins at Canton, the "city of rams", the city of revolutions, the birthplace of Sun Vat-sen and Chinese nationalism, the chief window of China on the great wide world. "The rams" are largely forgotten, with
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 221 16 Tel TEL: 43 1 O t^ 43 1 MANUFACTURING DISPENSING OPTICIANS THE OPTICAL HO"SE 65, STAMFORD ROAD. SINGAPORE. r Rfi V i IB TRY OUR lAILORIMC We only solicit your trial order. MIEN CHONG Spores most up-to-date Tailor. 34, Coleman St. Phone 4816. WORLD'S NEED OF QUALIFIED ENGINEERS Vlght Proipacti
      221 words
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    • 28 16 K. P. M. LINE On leave? Travel home via South Africa First Class from £97/-/-FOR DETAILED INFORMATION APPLY TO: X.P.M. Line 1, FINLAYSON GREEN, SINGAPORE. (Incorporated M Holland.)
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  • 671 17 They Are Unsuited For Active Tropical Service, Doctors Say No Safeguard Against Japanese River Fever LEG PROTECTION IS NEEDED IN THE JUNGLE WILL THE BRITISH ARMY HAVE TO ABANDON THE USE OF SHORTS IN r HE TROPICS? Japanese river fever (tropical typhus) is becoming more
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  • Article, Illustration
    81 17 FAST NEW AIR SERVICE BETWEEN LONDON AND BRUSSELS Sabena has opened their fast new air service between London and Brussels. The machine is a Savoia-Marchetti 5.83 type, and is the commercial counterpart of the 5.79, flown by the winners in the Istres-Damascus-Paris air race in August 1937. With its three
    81 words
  • Article, Illustration
    55 17 Sculptor chooses "loveliest girl", Mr. Barney Scale, the sculptor, who searched for many months to find the perfect man and woman for his family group at the G'asgow Exhibition, selected "Lyons' Loveliest Girl" at their annual sports carnival at Sudbury. Miss Georgina Hcllen, the winner, is seen being congratulated by
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  • 141 17 BIG AIR TASKS FACING REITH A DOMESTIC upheaval in Imperial Airways, with extensive staff changes and reorganisation, is to follow Sir John Reith's appointment to the £10,000-a-year chairmanship. Informal discussions will take place ti'ore he leaves the b.B r The first job the ex-8.8.C. Direc-tor-General is to tackle is a
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  • 156 17 MIRACLES OF MODERN SURGERY London. nOCTOR ALEXIS CARREL, French scientist, for some years has been growing human tissues apart from the body, but has been hampered by lack of a germ-proof pump, which would prevent contamination of the tissues. The artificial heart of the aviator, Colonel Lindbergh, has solved the
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  • 330 17 Five-Storey Chinese Pagoda As Present To Sydney A live-storey Chinese pagoda, with a gilded, shining sphere, and bronze bells tinkling in the breeze, will adorn Sydney's harbour-side if the Consul-general for China (Dr. C. J. Pao) can realise his plan for cultural co-operation between the oldest and the youngest of
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  • 123 17 •T7IK dominant note in new recruiting posters in England Is the interesting character of the modern soldier's life and work. The modern Army gives young men interesting work with mechanised training," is a slogan. Another, with illustrations of the Army-on-wheels, is Join the Royal Artillery,
    123 words
  • 101 17 Los Angeles. •T"HE Japanese recently bought thirty American-made Seversky P-35 pursuit aeroplanes, each powered by a one thousand horse power Wright Cyclone engine ar.d armed with one .50 calibre and one .30 calibre fixed machine-gun, also with provision for bombs. These machines have a speed of
    101 words
  • 28 17 Police charged with batons when crowds threatened Fascists who tried to hold a meeting In Club-row, Stioreditch, E. Five men were arrested, and many injured.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 259 17 I feel YOUNGER ff| Dr. Cassell's Tablets J^J i 10 years have slipped off my back since 1 started fg| MIV^T £tk I taking Dr. Cassell^s Tablets! I was getting old. 1 12»li «§S i worn out, racked by pain and Nervy— but now I H£s&ss'!M^k fW& i feel like
      259 words
    • 100 17 Q MjCdfuJl BitfkAaq \m il J ffiH 1 z WtdßHr VH fi V %MH*a«^B^ JWBm v V C- hcse are the famous English Quadruplets, Ernest, Michael, Paul and Ann Miles now i years old. Once their baby lives hung by a slender thread but look at them nowl What a
      100 words

  • 938 18 By The Onlooker THE development of intricate problems connected with the international control of tin and rubber during the past six or seven years has made the the post of Malayan Agent in London anything but the sinecure that it was once considered to be. Malayans, particularly
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 468 18 r? tlnßa IbV 7 B 7 V J^BB^sV VBV it Ia ■i Heal that itching rash with Resinol One of the many thousands who have used this comforting healing ointment writes "Resinol Ointment i» so soothing ir stopped my itching skin at once. I got the first night's sleep I
      468 words

  • 279 19 THE jubilee of Kodak is being celebrated this year. It was on September 4, 1888. that George Eastman patented his "No. 1 Kodak." In his own words of that day, for where the practice of the art was formerly confined to those who could give it study
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  • 370 19 Fitness Campaign Girl Engaged To Lord Hamilton LJKKK is the true story, told for the first time, of Britain's most talked-of romance of the year the engagement of Mi.-s Prunella Stack, leader of the National Fitness campaign, to Lord David Douglas- Ham i' tn.
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  • 75 19 WOMEN are not popular in their professions because they are too Aggressive, Miss Hannah Cross, first woman to become a member of the General Bar Council, told a British Commonwealth League conference in London. She added: "This aggressiveness is shown by the feminist who finds slights
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  • 57 19 Hollywood. Sandra Martin pleaded guilty to three counts of forgery and theft from the film star, Sim one Simon. The amount involved is more than £10,000. The accused said: "After much consideration I have decided to plead guilty. It will be the quickest way to dispose of
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  • 239 19 Snapshot Guild rls surprising how little light Is needed to make a picture if the light is placed close to the subject. For instance, look at the snapshot akove. The only light Is the weak little electric candle lamp, held about a foot from
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 259 19 CLEAR THAT COLD WITH VAPEX Breathe the Vapex vapour from youi handkerchief by day and from the end of your pillow b> night. It kills the germs, relieves stuffiness, prevents the spread of infection. Obtainable from Chemists and Stores. GARAGE TO LET at No. 2, Belilios Road. Fcr Motor Lorrie*,
      259 words
    • 325 19 J alka-seltzer!< GIVES YOU TWO-FOLD RELIEF Jgjj MB^k '"PHL amazing way Allca-Sclcer rc£Cfl sSimw u 'c\-cs the pain and discomfort of I^^^^^ jSw I fK Headaches, Sour Stomach, Distress KSJBSfIKSfIfi^L after Meals Colds, and Muscular HS^HHBhV Aches and Pains seems almost too Ijß //T-^JI good to be true. W r
      325 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 325 20 lllllliHliMl^^ aw I t 1-^*MBU^s4bUbQP^^^a^^tfHsßßßßßßßW^^^K M 'v\ S <niflaaniS^^n<^»^^Bßßßßl 'kSWVMraVA m -^"v I Mf bbbKsbs^^HA f#l i'Vuß^k^B staVL^44^SSSSSM R I M sDC^sbSHbbsHbK BM lAaaaC v*^Ka^^2 Bs^^aS BsSk BbV^bß) If i L^aa^BSSSSsl V^i ■f!»' vi You can uste the true flavour V^^-____-^^^nJH| Eur of fresh fruit at Itr best In this
      325 words
    • 383 20 W^^^<€ \§P THAT'S how your mouth 4v\ feels after nsing Kolynos. The surging, invijjorating Kolynos foam penetrates every pit i s^s* fi ssure M d Quickly removes the dull, dingy stains. It destroys and washes away the dangerous germs that cause tooth decay. Try Kolynoj and see how clean and
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 602 20 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSLVSTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers toda> $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly the $100 will be awarded i« respect of the
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  • 516 21 Make-up For Sports Should Be Protective But Not Bizarre Max Factor's Advice UO one enjoys outdoor sports, summer and winter, any more than the film stars in Hollywood. The climate allows Hollywoodians to enjoy a vacation whenever studio duties permit. Every celebrity has his or her favourite fresh air ppstime.
    516 words
  • 562 21 THE fashion jewellery of the 1 moment is very decorative indeed. Whether it Is real or synthetic it is always of good and often lov.vlv design and sometimes has bee > created by exquisite workmanshi. Do not despair, therefore, if your purse is not
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  • 60 21 TAKE one stewing pear for each person, 1 pint of raspberry Jelly, one gill of cream. Stew the pears gently and keep them whole. When jelly is cool enough pour over the pears. Whip the cream, and when the jelly is set, place this over the top
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 410 21 If you want to look fresh and youngPUT A SPOONFUL OF MOUSSE OF CREAM in your FACE seelheW'' W' BESUITS/\/n ten bccomes^H fitt? dry, i>nn hod lr and wrinkled because y° ur^BgSF^ face powder ab •orbs its naturaiW* N moisture andl|>. m J k^ oils. A new bcauty\ trick enables
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    • 298 21 An Invitation t^^h^ To Meet v»V^^^^ Representative f^fMV-r£#\ ELIZABETH v/ In k^'S\ /%fJWtt tC\\)^ July 6th to August sth itflV yd* Treatments /^^■Sfl: yw Complimentary Consultations tf MAYNARD'S f I Make your m appointments Nov? W to avoid disappointment.' YARDLEY LAVENDER wherever lies the path of beauty Women of Fashion
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  • 93 22 TAKE one tin of peaches, V 2 pint of cream, 1 oz. of ratafias, castor sugar, vanilla, cochineal and a little marsala. First lift the half peaches out of the syrup, put them, hollow side up, on a glass dish, put the ratafias on each half peach (first
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  • 549 22 Necklaces Of Real Flowers Are Novel THE latest way of using flowers by night is by way of a Hawaiian necklace. On frocks with tight bodices and wide hemlines the flowering necklet is especially charming. It would not be nearly so appropriate worn with a frock of sheath-like dimensions. Carnations
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  • 30 22 A fuH-Hkirted frock of white organdie, with a pMMfIMT tulle veil, very much shorter than the traditional length, is Peres' suggestion for the summer bride of 1938.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 279 22 SHOP CONVENIENTLY I WE OPEN TILL 1 P.M. SHOP ECONOMICALLY i GIAN SINGH'S j Grand Annual^=STOCKTAKING j£s%teg* s.a. l c Mmg^ A Few Striking Bargains fl 13 lIAIK BRUSHES WITH AND WITHOUT r I I-I.AIS DYED BRITISH HAIRCOBDS. i Gaarsnleed Fast Colours. J^^H K\t 33 cts a yard. H HHjsjl
      279 words
    • 427 22 USETHIS g^yT SOAP Wgm&M jf^ jlpWP* 4 <f f and loftant Cuticura is a MEDICINAL and >w TOILET soap, combining in one hi;,' tablet the unique soothing, healing and antiseptic medica- GiVej N^^_^ nunts of Cuticura Ointment, th skin mT j with the mildest and most I °4 n ,°sM*
      427 words

  • 941 23 Clothes Can Be An Exciting Adventure /^■LOTHES can be so many things, a business, a pastime, an anxiety or a joke. They can express confidence or dismay, put the last touch to success, or turn failure into a rout. And new clothes are the very essence of adventure, for they
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 292 23 fl Mm r*« »».W /.l. i. pA.f,,, f ,p4 ,i mr Atf/t „,l .11,, <y,ly Top. I .U.y, f twM j i.l' r.r r I,»*<lm,d ,1,,, W^ tn C.f/ r To, k.. bn» |MM M*. I m ,l.d lo k. n Intd <mJj T<. f ,nd ,I*ll rMmmind il wktrtvtr
      292 words
    • 439 23 Doctor's Amazing Discovery Brings Back Youth To Faded Wrinkled Skins .•A Vienna medical journal announces sole rights to the Professor's discovery the latest triumph oi science which will have been acquired at enormous expense •tartle the world Not or.! y has the cause by Tokalon. His extract ot living skin
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 373 23 Horoscope By Chiras G°nei*a.l OlltlOOl-tS Six P^ets. sitting together, on the .ich mans side of the table. Decisions or las: week are carried (Uranus in the bull, flanked on into action. Exchange may feel one side by Saturn, the Sun and "bullljh. So may you Mercury; on the other by
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  • 478 24 'By Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. I7ROM surveyor to major territorial chief of Negri Sembllan— that Is the romantic rise of Lela Maharajah Hajl Ipap bin Abdullah, who will bo installed with elaborate Malay ceremonial on Monday as the Undang of Rembau. Hajl Ipap, who is
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  • 971 24 (From Our Own Correspondent) Scremban. /"\NE of the most impressive luncra::; in the district was that of the Rev. Benjamin Stokss L.TH., AngUcac Chaplain of Negri Sembilan, who died at the Seremban General Hospital. Archdeacon Graham White officiated. i assisted by tho Rev. J. G. Hall,
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 24 Members of the Segri Sembilan Japanese Association photographed on the occasion of the visit of th» Japanese Consul-General from Singapore.
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 24 A group photograph taken on the occasion of the departure of Mr. E. R, Batts (centre), of Seremban, on transfer to Karmen Estate, Pahang.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 274 24 <***'■. ZtirirSZ^-^ 1 "I°** f the con truction of the 1938 expect n motorcar, have been comV»i;»ed in a harmonious CHLVKOLtT to be able to produce a car, which in every- manner. thing would satisfactorily meet the requirements of the Beauty and distinction, combined with easy steering, enormodcrn car owner.
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  • 50 25 Referee Bombardier Sandys (R.A.) and the Nepri Sembilan and Malacca sot °r teams which met in the Malaya Cup match played at Malacca recently. The result was a draw, each side scoring once. There was no score in the second half of the game.
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  • 1279 25 Tournament Was Big Success (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Friday. A HIGH standard of play was witnessed in the finals of the Malacca lawn tennis championships played yesterday at the Malacca Club courts under ideal weather conditions. The biggest surprise was created in the women's open singles
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  • 473 25 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. MORE than 100 people attended the the annual dance he d by tn? Tampin Club a. the club premises recently. The occasion was also taKen tu mark the recent Introduction of electr Hght and fittings In the bui'.dlng and the general renovation
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  • 139 25 i From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. TNDER the auspices of the Geogra- phical Society ot the Anglo Chinese School, Malacca, Mr. H. L. Salmon will .jive a public lecture on "Three years with the Eskimo" at 8 p.m. on Tuesday at the Suydam Girls School Hall. The
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  • 63 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. Under the auspices of the Negrl Sembilan Teachers' Association, a tennis tournament 'singles and doubles) open to all English school teachers in Malaya will be held at Seremban on August 13. 14 and 15. Two challenge cups have been presented by the
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 128 25 LACTOL The Finest Food For Puppies 6 Dogs Too much meat means too much heat for your dog's blood, causes him acute discomfort through continual scratching, lack of appetite, moodincss, irri- tabiliry and loss of energy. You can y the trouble by cutting down his meat antKLtTSk Ib 4 PAG
      128 words
    • 575 25 |[L/^*\ HEALTHY mff VIGOROUS YOUTH j3B|' afSafc &mZ FS FITI Yo^ thful fuU of viulit y «>d H i X?^ 'ft vigour I Hew By taking Beecham's s9S s e y tone regulate and purify your H r^t system «nd give you that inner heahh j which makes life worth
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  • 304 26 Young Men Still Lead (Fr jni Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat, Friday. *¥»HREE games in the second round of the Batu Pahat League have been played off so far. The Chinese have advan?ed to third place by beatIng the Young Men 4—2 in a
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  • 150 26 <From Our Own Correspondent) B.ini Pahat. Owing to the tennis tournament of the Hollanclsche Club, tiie friendly ■,'ames of tennis, arranged agralnst the Chinese Recreation Club, Batu Pahat, has been postponed. The games, which were to be played on July 9 and 10, will be played most
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  • 74 26 The Srtamat Ili-h Srhool has formed a sroul troop, the fourth Se*amat troop (above) Tkli i- Ik* lirM that routing has l^«n introduced .n this srhonl. The troop eonl .f two patrol, with a tot.- 1 strength of 12. Sroutln- In the dixtrirt has rreatly icnrP'.d
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  • 258 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. IN the finals of the doubles handicap tennis tournament run by the Muar Hospital Club Mrs. Y. Marshall and Bakri beat Majid and Ross by I—6,1 6, 6—2, 6—2. In the first set the winners did nat settle down and Mrs.
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  • 324 26 (From Our Own Corespondent.) Muar. Friday. T"HE Town Board and the Johors Military Forces each secured two wins in th* Muar F.A. league durln? the week. The Town Board received a walk over from the Public Works Department and then beat the Land Office by the
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  • 134 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat •HTHE Police, closest rivals of the Young Men. won their matatt against the Malay Teachers, 5— 2, in the second round ol the Batu Pahat Football Association League. The game was not as one-sided as the score suggests, for the Teachers put
    134 words
  • Article, Illustration
    65 26 A pli lot iipn MM on the occasion of the departure of the Hon. Major 11. S. Paterson Tom miss.oner of Lands and Mines, Johore Bahrn. on transfer to Kedah as acting British Adviser Slttinj from left. Inche' Sallhon. Mr. W. G. Urquhart. Inche- Aba Bakar, Wan Idrls, Honble Major
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 314 26 They Ride Drive like Big Cars! .^n^n^n^nfeW nn.^^-^ n^n^n^n^n^n^ jC&^ S^ A /^^^^^^K^C HBfc' >t ■'"J%vS I 3 w^R^^^B^r I 2eVV M ryfcJ< c ii- 1 fff f f \jL --*i 11 Ifi .:-->^: IM i«*^ .mLmJL -T 1* ii i /^^i^^^ n..j... •+••>%*—+ 1 1 1 ri i i
      314 words

  • 2110 27  -  "Nomad" By NEXT Thursday. Friday and Saturday will find service athletes again in action when the Singapore A.A.A. meeting U due to be held on the Padang. It Is understood that Fusr. Heron will. afu>r all. defend his title at the mile and will also be a
    2,110 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 27 The Admiralty Recreation Club's cricket team which lost to the Indian Association by 53 runs la»i week-end.
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 111 27 effects of tropical heat and over- Lf^^^ra^^^^^ pMy->~^ work. BRASTAGI offers natures l'nKii^Bfidi^fc^ll K^BarT^^s own remedy Complete relax- VSBfi^fiSw'i ■M ation— cool invigorating air and I^^BrTP^T^^B all the sport and diversion one ,*jf scenery. Golf. Tennis. Mountain- Ss^^^^wk F**^rT J l^"^M eering. Riding. Swimming. ir^{ J*l\ v Billiards and Orchestra
      111 words
    • 317 27 Rich, Red Blood Builds Weight If you are Thin, Underweight, Losing Energy, Tired all the tlrr.e. have a Pale, Sallow Complexion, suffer from Skin Blemishes, Circles under tho Kyen, and lack that 'nysterious magnetic force called "it" you ore run-down and mc.l the new discovery of a Hollywood, California, physician.
      317 words
      23 words

  • 1656 28 FAVOURITES OBLIGE: SMALL DIVIDENDS (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. CINE weather favoured the first day of the Perak Turf Club's summer meeting today and the going was good. There was a large attendance, and the totes and cash sweeps were
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 28 The Indian Association cricket team which brat the Admiralty Recreation Club by S3 runs last week-end.
    16 words
  • 1056 28 "TTiE fear was voiced two years ago that the Services might monopolise athletics in Singapore. The results of the Singapore A.A.A. sports meetings have proved otherwise. Only four titles were credited to military teams In 1936 and five In 1937. After studyIng the entries for
    1,056 words
  • 321 28 MISS M. NORTH-HUNT, sister of Mr. 1U H. North-Hunt distributed the prizes at the Singapore Urban Cooperative Union sports at the Victoria School ground yesterday. M. K. Sundram (Naval Base), with 18 points, got the individual championship. He set up an ew record of 10 sec. In the
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  • 37 28 •"THE cricket match between the C.S C. and St. Joseph's Institution to have been played yesterday, was cancelled. THe schoolboys had just beci inoculated as an anti-typhn'ri precaution and were unable to play.
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  • 456 28 THE Chinese are going great guns in Divisions I and II of the league. From the start the Seniors were ahead, but it was only after yesterday's game against the Excise Club that the Reserves went on top. There are no important changes Jn Div. 11l and
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  • 69 28 (From Our Own Correspondent) Peaang, Saturday. Penang made a very fine start in the inter-State cricket match with Kedah, scoring 337 lor nine b?fore declaring at the tea interval. Principal scorers were Eu Cheow Teik. 78; Wesoerhout. 77: Lim Khye Su. 49; Lim Ch-ng Poh, 48. At
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  • 189 28 •"■"•HE Indian Association beat the St. Andrew's School at cricket by 42 runs yesterday. The visitors scored 93 and the schoolboys were only able to reply with 51. Scores lA. T Singh b P. Singh 20 W. Singh b Sullivan 26 Choor Singh c Shan b Sullivan 1
    189 words
  • 48 28 IN the annual soccer match bstween the Medical College and Raffles College played on the latter's ground yesterday. Raffles College won by five goals to nil. Toh Boon Huah scored fcur of the Raffles goals, while the oth?r was scored by Ong Swee Keng.
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  • 22 28 Playing at Gillman Barracks yesterday In Div. II of the S.AF.A. league the Terror beat the Loyals 4^ 1.
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  • 35 28 In the Municipal Services C\u* doubles lawn tennis handicap final played on the Fairer Park Courts, yesterday. A. Perelra and Pang Choon Jin beat O. S. Tan and G. Ros#, 5—7. 7—5, 6—o.
    35 words
  • 559 28 DLAYINO with a cut fin^r o:i tola right hand, Yndl. -hampk-n Singapore singles lawn tonnis player. *lubeaten by 6—3. 6-2, in the YMC.A. singles championship flna:. played on the V.M.C.A. courts yesterday. After a disappointing beglnn.ns, I Kamis displayed a fine exhibition or tennis, placing extremely
    559 words

  • 664 29 Two Goal Lead Gained In First Half <From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. r^ISPLAYING all-round superiority Singapore gained a clear victory over Malacca in the Malaya Cup soccer p!ayed here today under Ideal weather conditions. The score was 3— nil. Both teams were
    664 words
  • 433 29 MRS. V ILLS MOODY is women's tennis singles champion at Wimbledon for the eighth time— a record —says Rciiter. She yesterday beat Helen Jacobs 6-4. 6—o. The m:«;< intl-cllmax Jacobs had a strained Achilles tendon In her aiAlc but, a bandage, kept going in
    Reuter  -  433 words
  • 213 29 T Australians made 222 in I ..ngs in the match against Yorkshire begun at Sheffield yesterday. cables Router. Yorkshire had made 74 for three at close of play. Yorkshire put the Australians in on a damp wicket. Hassett made SI and Bradman 59. McCabe <13», Fingleton
    213 words
  • 130 29 •yHE a.p.c. a eomlortaUf rtc- tory over the Inniskillings a f cr»c'.;et en their gr.-Mr.d mi Paya Lsba;- jrMtar- ay. ne-itinj them by seven wicketJ. j i-:g was highest scorer with 38. i contributed 34. cam in cvi 3 Cari.cle b Pcnnin(,wn 4: 4 Klt c Penninpton
    130 words
  • 210 29 CCC teearzd a firs, inn'n.^j w.n over ♦:>.*• RAF. <i:-.iclciu;.rtrrsi eleven n:. I I F! Lt. Lee- c McMillan b Hygat: 0 L A. C Davijs b 9 fcgffSl 17 L. A. C Jih .-.w b Bmta 15 L. A. C. Pasj b Ja-?ccT 7 Cpl Ackrll]
    210 words
  • 84 29 NINETEEN aeroplanes started from Hatneld, Hertfordshire, yesterday in the King's Cup air race over thousand miles In twenty iaps of a fiftymile triagular circuit says Reuter. The best-handicapped plane receivjed a start of over three hours from Viscauntcjs Wakefield's Percival Mew I Gull, piloted by Captain Pcrcival. who
    84 words
  • Article, Illustration
    36 29 Tlic Penang team in tht iug-ot- war at the police sports yesterday. Results are in Page Twentyeight. Trophies distributed by Mrs. Small, wife of the Colonial Secretary, Mr. A. S. Small, at the police sports yesterday.
    36 words
  • 260 29 London, Saturday. CONDITIONS were not so good as yesterday at the Henley Regatta today. A breeze was blowing across the course. Resuits Stewards' Clip final Leander < holders) casliy beat Trinity College, Oxford in 7 mm. 33 sec. The Oxonians steered erratically and finally hit the] booms. Wy
    260 words
  • 54 29 The team to represent "Lad Footers" Eleven rgain-t Zlon Had Rangers at rocc-fr today at Fairer Park at 5.15 p.m. will be chosen frcm Cheng Scan. Ah Bah. Ah Win-. Kit Tcck John. ClM'i Hen. S for:: iCnt), Yu°n Cheng Sim Win-. Chin Ch?cn, Ah Ltk. Ah
    54 words
  • 196 29 I MALACCA opened with a score of 79 in the cwo-day cricket match with the United Services at Tanglln yesterday. The Services had compiled 93 when time was called and play will be continued today. C. G. Rodrigues, not out, contributed the highest total of 35 for
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  • 185 29 S.C.C have a first Innings lead over the S.R.C. in their two-day match en the S.R.C. wicket. Sc:res:— S.R.C— FIRST INNINGS P. Bain b McNelll 12 D. D'Cotta, b Growdcr 9 L. Alvis b McNelll 4 T. Chopard c McNamara b Growder 2 R. Thoy c McNamara b
    185 words
  • 149 29 (From Our Own Corespondent Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. T AM SIEW WENG equalled the local school record for the 220 yards flat race when he covered the distance in 23 4/5 sec. at the Victoria Institution spor.s here today. R. Colomb and Chin Thiam Tsiew tied for the
    149 words
  • 125 29 (From Our Own Correspondent Johore Bahru, Saturday. AFTER the trouncing received at the hands of the Combined. Services In the Malaya Cup competition, drastic changes are beins made in the Johore soccer team. In a trial match between Colours and Whites ployed at the Police Depot today all
    125 words
  • 401 29 •"PHE annual athletic sports of the Mercantile Institution were held at the Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday under favourable weather conditions. The gathering was large and all tho items cf the programme were very contested. The individual chr.mpion In Class I was Abu Baicai with 20 points. In Class II
    401 words
  • 205 29 The R.A.F. beat Canning at cricket by 75 runs at Seletar yesterday. They declared at 160 for nine wickets to which Fort Canning replied with 85 all out. Scores R.A.K. Smil.:i n Mcß-'fOln b Marshall 27 Thompson b Marshall 18 Hall c MrßeaUl b Dodgson 28 Ueut. Oliver
    205 words
  • 85 29 (From Our Own Correspondent Seremban, Saturday. THE Negri Sembilan police sports were held In fine weather today before a large attendance. The individual champlonshio for Malays was wen by Ibrahim, while the individual championship for Indians was won by Sher MoViamed. Seremban district won the district championship shield.
    85 words
  • 232 29 BY beating the Excise Sports Clud 3-nll at Anson Read yesterday the Chinese Reserves moved to the top cf the table In Div. II of the league. Much superior In the first half, the Chinese were two up at the Interval In th? s?ccnd half
    232 words
  • 302 29 •T*HE Si. Andrew's O'.J Boys bc:u the S.C.n.C. by 19 rara a* Konj L.m (ireen jt? day. Evan Won? batted brightly to contribute 53 to hio s'de's j t:tal of 137 runs, while for the v'sitors. I Fartlc-' was unbeaten jvith 35 with M. Koi
    302 words

  • 700 30 Singles Will Begin Next Week-end BY OUR BADMINTON CORRESPONDENT A START will be mane next week-end i witli the women's junior singles and veterans' singles charr.pionsldp tournaments. Eight entries have been received for caci even. The result cf the draw, which t:«jk place at the> Clerical
    700 words
  • Article, Illustration
    147 30 The Green IliU Badminton Party which beat the Coronation B.P. 7—o last week-end. From left, back, Ec Poh Boon. Tan Mian* K>w, Wee Sin Onn, Lun Kian Soo, Richard Lee and Low Cheng Koon; front, R. Frols Chung Cheng Hock, Yeo Hong Chuan, and Tay Eoo Liang. The Coronation RP.
    147 words
  • 540 30 (From A Special Correspondent. 'THE final of the Junior inter-team competi- tion to be played today at the Penang Free School will bring the 1938 junior tournament to a close. The finalists are the Llmstcad B.P. and the Young Ansonlans 8.P., and it Is generally expected that
    540 words
  • Article, Illustration
    40 30 A i-hotosraph cf merobr 1 of the Greenland Badminton Pmrt?. KUng. in hnnour or Mr. s. N'kdoson (sealed in the centre) a popular ji t jnan, anj president of the Greenland party, en the eve of his transfer to Kajanf.
    40 words
  • 947 30 OTHE senior giils section of the Selangor 1 annual inter-schools tournaments attracted only two entries the poorest on record, that ot the holders, Bukit Blntang Oirls i School, and Pu>at Girls School. This will be the first time the Methodists and St. Mary's are non-starters. In all probability the
    947 words
  • Page 30 Advertisements
    • 430 30 HOW SANATORIUM PATIENT PUT ON POUNDS of FLESH! ■A I|| J^ftlllW INCREASE >n YOUR WEIGHT 1 J THIS EASY WAY Vsss Jjjß^H of huumv Not only this sanatorium patient, but hundreds ot men, women and children m TASTE(.Etr t I have put on weight, by taking these any, < IHCBfAt
      430 words
    • 199 30 POLAROID POLAROID Glasses are the i latest scientific discovery in glare protection. They permit you to actually see 20 to 30 feet below the surface of the water. FOR THE FIRST TIME perfect eye com» fort for driving, cruising, fishing, tennis or any outdoor sport. See our demonstration of this
      199 words

  • 913 31  -  "FULL-BACK" BY But Gunners Only A Point Behind tMATEUB VHILETIC I MON \\< •B" stnple.N league system and the '>pon Uonblts kno-k-out system tour-nan-.t ;ii^ of the AriuiUui Athletic Union vdl! defintfa -aav. All entries must be »rnt together v»uh the entry fee to the
    913 words
  • Article, Illustration
    39 31 Yon* IVnr Nam (left) champion, and <*han Seak Ptauan, runner -ap. In the Municipal Services Club annual Üble tennis iMirnament. A. I. Pereira (left) champion, and E. Ijb Merrier, runner-up. In the Municipal Services Club't annual ringles term.' tournament.
    39 words
  • 799 31  -  "ARCHER" BY NEXT month, with Its Netherlands Indies—Malaya match and the Malayan championships in Singapore. I should be a pleasant one for followers of tennis and an outstanding one for the game in general in Singapore and Malaya. Influx of players for these two events, with
    799 words
  • 372 31 BY "K. O." ?N response to many requests I am pub', shing the half-yearly ratine; >• boxers who are at present In Malaya. Only three in each division are chosen and the names are given in ord^r Importance. It is an interesting list and one wit!. which
    372 words
  • Page 31 Advertisements
    • 448 31 Standard radio components and tubes. Transmission parts and tubes. Test Instruments And everything lor radio sound. CONSULT US ON YOUR RAOIG SOUND PROBLEMS. For particulars, please apply tt WOPV3-WIDE RAOIG CO. S.X6APORE. 170 FREE PRIZES POPULAR FILM STAR COMPETITION ot\ PRFF CONDITIONS A.U BICYCLES I JL W~~\ x^x HOW W
      448 words
    • 514 31 The Acid in Your Stomach Would Burn tej jf a Hole.,^^*/-^ in the (IVf/// Carpet K Y\^\ £s9bHE^B QIII.MISTS pniirrd BHHfIIBH chloric Acid (same M Actual photonraph ol stomach Acid) on •on If acid dies that to a carpet, you can Imairim. what it does to your stomai li Excess
      514 words

  • 280 32 HUGE EMPIRE FLYING-BOATS AND NEW DUTCH PLANES BEGIN NEW SERVICES CINGAPORE gains new iraport ance this week-end as a vital link in the world's air routes with the extension of the Empire flying-boat service beyond Singapore to Australia and the new service of Royal Dutch
    280 words
  • Page 32 Advertisements
    • 143 32 A W* 0 C %L BRANDY Holiboronge does everything for you thot plain Halibut liver Oil con do— ood more besides. It contains Halibut Liver Oil blended with delicious orange juice which mokes it an even more effective vitomin tonic The Halibut Liver Oil containing Vitomins A and 0 builds
      143 words
      180 words