The Straits Times, 30 January 1938

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 39 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 319 Sunday, January 30, 1938 Price 10 cents THE SUNDAY TI MES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya. No. 319 Sunday, January 30, 1936 Price 10 cents
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  • 142 1 OFFER TO REDUCE SPANISH CARNAGE Barcelona Wants Ban On Open Town Bombing BUT READY TO WIN WAR AT ANY PRICE 4 N offer to abstain from the bombardment of open cities if the insurgents will do likewise has been made by the Spanish Government, which urges mutual compromise to eliminate
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  • 492 1 TUNGKU MAHKOTA IN BRILLIANT CEREMONY Is tana Investiture ■TOB investiture of lI.H. the Tungku Mahkota of Johore ulth the insignia of the Most Lxcellent Order of Kni?.ht Commander of the British Empire j i honour conferred upon him tk« Coronation of Kin* ijje VI by the Governor and Kith Commissioner.
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  • 127 1 Chungking:, Saturday. /""ONCKRN is felt for the safety of China's priceless art treasures, part of which were exhibited at Uurlington House in London in 193 ii The bulk of the treasures remu.'.i at an undisclosed port on the Yangt.e River awaiting transportation lo Chungking- for
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  • 23 1 Kwangtung Command is send- I Ing an additional four divisions to the norther:-, front, reports Kwang Wan
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  • 79 1 KING ZOG HUNGARIAN COUNTESS Tirana, Saturday. THE engagement is announced of King; Zog of Albania, and Countess Geraldine Apponyi, 22--year-old daughter of the Hungarian statesman Count Apponyi. The Countess is a first-class she. and speaks five languages. Last year she won a beauty competition for aristocrats only. Countess Apponyi is
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  • 54 1 London, Saturday. TUOMINATIONS for 52 seats In the Northern Ireland general election have been received today. Among the ministers returned unopposed are Lord Craigavon. Prime Minister. J. M. Andrews. Finance Minister. J. MilneBarbour. Commerce Minister. J. F. Gordon. Parliamentary Secretary to the Labour and Minister. Sir
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  • 117 1 2,000 JAPANESE ENCIRCLED Gen. Chiang Visits The Fronts Shanghai, Saturday. JAPANESE troops attempted to advance from Mingkwang, on the southern section of the 1 icu t^in I*ullow jvailwav but **ffprm-nf. nP'roTWwig to' Chinese reports. It Is claimed that Chinese forces have completed the encirclement of 2,000 Japanese troops at Tslning
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 57 1 •Jlii. Chen Kung Po, Chinese Ambas- sador Extraordinary to Europe and former Minister of Industry, who arrived in Singapore last week on his way back to China, left for Hong Kong yesterday by Imperial Airways. The reservation was made by wireless from the Srench liner
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 1 KING ZOC.
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  • 49 1 Washington, Saturday. A SUBSTANTIAL Increase in American unemployed during December is shown by a calculation of the National Industrial Conferencs Board, which states that the unsmployed last m>nth were 8.998.G00 compared with 7,709,000 in November. 6.437.000 in October and 7.789.000 in December last year.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  49 words
  • 118 1 KING REFUSED Rome. Saturday. lyiOKi: than fifty people are dead and three hundred injured as a result of an explosion at a munitio.i works at Segni, near Tivoli, this morning. The explosion is described as the worst in Italy since the Great War. The scene
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  • 40 1 DEUTER understands that an announcement will be made within two or three weeks with reference to the possibility of the King's visit to India towards the end of this year or the beginning of 1939.
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  • 70 1 WIX days continuous heavy rain has made life fairly miserable for the Malay Regiment under canvas at Beting Kusa— and lost the Singapore public another opportunity of seeing them on the march. This march was to have taken place this morning when 100 men were
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  • 97 1 (From Oar Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. RUBBER: Ea»y. London Td. ;',d J*n.-Mar. 7K«. 7V4C Apr. -June I%*. 7 S 164 July-Srpt 7 5 l«d. 7 7 16d. PEPPER: White Muntok. Jan. -Feb.. 3 7 164 Lpc. Black, Jan.-Keb.. 2 9 16d PAIM OIL: Malayan, Bulk, r If. nom,
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  • 163 1 UK "E-Admiral Sir Percy Noble. v former Fourth Sea Lord, Li above pictured on arrival from Europe in the P. and O. Liner Comorin yesterday on his way to take over his new appointment as Commander-in-Chief of the China Squadron. He was met on arrival
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  • 47 1 Shanghai. Saturday. •T*HE Japanese fostered City Govern- ment of Greater Shanghai today beheaded Yuan Ll-fan, aged 27. who was employed as a Japanese sp?aking interpreter. Yuan was charged with embezzlement The exeeuticn was the first carried out by the new administration.
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  • 137 1 TRAIL OF DEATH WHEN GALE HITS BRITAIN Planes Blown Into New Speed Records London, Saturday. A TERRIBLE gale which shrieked at 80 miles an hour acroas Great Britain yesterday left a trail of death and devastation in its wake. There were several deaths when houses crashed. Trains were delayed and
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 84 1 CHINA'S WAR-TIME PROGRAMME Totalitarian State Takes Shape pHINAS war-time economic pro- gramme, aimed at prolongs resistance to Japan was annou crrt m Hankow yesterday It Is proposed, either under Si-ate directory or control, to promote those industries which have any Bearing on national defence: adopt modern methods to Improve agriculture
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 426 2 Was Carrying Oil Fuel For Panay In Yangste VESSEL RAKED WITH MACHINE-GUN FIRE Captain P. Mender, whose vessel the oil tanker v Mci Ping, belonging to the Standard Vacuum Oil Company, was sunk by Japanese planes during the attack on the U.S. gunboat Panay,
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  • 298 2 Inquest On Ihree Lassed In Sh ip PRECAUTIONS taken by the Singapore Harbour Board to check dangerous cargoes were described by the traffic superintendent and the superintendent of the Board's fire brigade, giving evidence, yesterday, at the inquest on three Indians gassed on board
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 2 iftcr the wedding of MR. WILLIAM RODGER and MISS LILIAN MAYSE nt the Presbyterian Church. Singapore, on Friday: (left to right) Mrs. R. J. J. Sneddon. Mr. T. Thompson 'best man), the Rev. Stephen Band, the bride and bridegroom, Mrs. H. J. Abbey (the bride's sister) and Capt. H. J.
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  • 194 2 Counterfeit Trade Mark: Appeal Dismissed •"THE appeal of Sakuya Ebata. of Coleman Street, who was convicted by the Criminal District Judge on Dec. 2 last, of importing cotton socks to which a counterfeit trade mark had been applied and was fined $500 with the alternative of three months' rigorous imprisonment,
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  • 31 2 rpHE Singapore China Relief Fund has received $3,405 from the production of Outward Bound at the Victoria Theatre in November by the Singapore Amateur Dramatic Club.
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  • 84 2 WITH the exception of the main town area of Singapore virtually tht whole island has been gazetted a piohlblted area under the Official Secre-s Ordinance for the period of the combined manoeuvres from Feb 2 to F"b 5. The restrictions include a ban on photography and
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  • 22 2 Mr. K. G. Robb, Asst. Superintendent of Surveys, the well-known Johore Rugby football player, is going on lone leave in If arch.
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  • 100 2 MAN UNDER EUROPEAN'S DRESSING TABLE A WAKENED in the early hours of the morning by a noise in his room Mr. Charles F\ Davidson, a European living in Killiney Road, tound a Tamil liding under his dressing table, detained him and handed him over to the police Yesterday. the District
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  • 163 2 OFFENCE AGAINST YOUNG GIRL Seven Years' Sentence Reduced To Two I T. K. KANAGASABAPATHY. who was convicted at the Singapore Assizes held in November, of attempted rape on a young girl and sentenced to seven years' penal servitude had his sentence pltered to one of two years' rigorous imprisonment by
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  • 40 2 A European, W. A. C. Henderson, was fined *30 by the District Judpe, yesterday, for allowing his dog to be out of doors without a muzzle. Henderson pleaded Ruilty and the dog was destroyed.
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  • 24 2 The Misses Dorothy and Ruth Tennen are to take over the women's halrdressing shop at the Singapore Swimming f'nh fr~~n f"-""-'—
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  • 165 2 13-Day Search For Woman Lost In Jungle (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 29. A DAILY search by police patrols and relatives for a young Chinese woman who disappeared into the jungle 15 miles north east I of Kuala Lumpur 13 days ago, has been relaxed for the first
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  • 160 2 Judgment Reserved In Riots Case II DGMENT was reserved until Feb. 10 '-esterday in thr case in which 14 Chinese are charged with riot iin Eighteen men were originally charged, four being acquitted during :he proceedings. Mr. Richard Lim and Mr. T. VV. Ong defended three accused. The men were
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  • 74 2 DISPENSARIES AT ENDAU AND JAMA LUANG (From Our Own Correspondent) Jobore Bahru ENDAU folk, who have to travel 13 miles to Mers ng to obtain medical aid, are to have a dispensary at Endau. Work is proceeding on a $10,000 building which will be ready by ttM middle of the
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  • 59 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday. rE Sultan of Johore made his first visit to the new Road this week. Although completed, the road is not yet open to traffic Constructed at a cost of over $250,000 the new road brings Pahang nearer to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 101 2 The Staff of or bread baked by the Royal Bakery, is the best baked bread you cjin buy anywhere. Made in a modern hygienic bakery, under the watchful eye of a European Master Baker, from the very best ingredients. If you grow tired of one kind of bread, we would
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 251 3 DUTCH ANXIETY OVER TRANSFER TO BATAVIA MARKETS Ruin Seen In Undercut Prices AS a result of the boycott in Singapore of Japanesecaught fish, Japanese fishermen are reported to have inundated Ilatavia markets with their catches and native fishermen are viewing with great
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  • 82 3 Eight Dresses Is Minimum For Girl Ncic York. FfVORY work ng girl needs at least J twenty pairs of silk stockings a year. according to Miss Frieda Mil er. an offlc al of the State Department of Labour. Miss Miller has been making a snrreii of the needs of jcorking
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  • 37 3 Acting Pilot omcer Martin Henry Biomlcy Davles and Leading Aircraft-; man John Hickings Campbell were, killed in an accident at Mansur. near I Khonr.aksar. Aden, to an aircraft cf No 8 Bomber Squadron. Khormaksat.
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  • 46 3 At the annual general meeting of th.? Swiss C ub the committee for the year was elected as tollows: Presidsnt. If*. O. Fuller; vice [resident. Mr C Coral, hon. secretary Mr. P Lienhard: hon treasuter. Mr. H P'runder: hon. shooting s.critary Mr E. Gast.
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  • 42 3 SORRY Herbert Sanders, former own^r of a shoe shop in Peru. New York, has received an anonymous £1 not.', found In the bottom of a pair ot shoes bought from him fourteen years ago. The letter said Sorry I ever kept It"
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  • 318 3 BROADCAST RACE COMMENTARY Club Refused Leave To Appeal TOWER NEAR COURSE IN AUSTRALIA "T*I I Judicial Committee of the 1 Privy Council has refused leave to appeal in case from Australia, involving the riffht to broadcast a commentary on racing from a point overlooking the course. The Victoria Park Racing
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  • 155 3 Mr. Stanley Wootton Wed In Secret jyiß. STANLEY WOOTTGN, famous trainer of racehorses and "builder" of jockeys, was married at Epson recently, so quietly that even the caretaker at his home knew nothing of his intentions until several hours after the ceremony. The bride was Miss Kathleen GMfßths, of Epsom.
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  • 155 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Sereinban, Saturday. TH E wadding took place at the Church of the Visitation Seremban, today of Mr. Gilbert Peter Wooden, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Wooden, of Mengkarak Pahang. and Miss Ellaine Maude Jumetux, daughter of Mrs. Ursula Jumeaux. of Seremban.
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  • 68 3 MARIE ANTOINETTE £5,000 Offer for Last Utter Sht Wrote Prague. WHAT Is claimed to be the last letter written by Marie Antoinette before her execution has been discovered in the library of Count Apponyl's ;astle a- Pystian. The letter, which is unfinished, has already attracted the attention ct collectors, and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 172 3 Jaf^ r 'iQi m More Speed-More Comfort To England Ever; Wednesday an. l Mondar. inxur> air services leave Singapore for India (Z dart) tgypt (6 days) and England (8 dair.) You fl» in a bie en;ined air linn at far as Ale-.andria where von join one ot the new Empire
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 334 3 IN SINGAPORE TODAY CINFMAS Today AI.IAMRRV: Kin; BotelWii Mine?" v>l ii Puul Robeson. 3.15. 8.15. 9.15 p.m. CAPITOI •'Victoria The Omt" with Anna Neaqle. 3.15. 8.1 l and 9..5. PAVILION: For Valour" -.iih Tcm Walls and Kalph Lvnn. fi.15— 9. '5 p.m. BITZ. GEVLANG: Park Aveni;e Log-e with Qtorgc OB
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    • 447 3 Q»ntas: To Australia: Mails closr 10 p.m. on Sunday. Imperial: To Kurnp?: Mail, close 10 p.m. Sunday. MAILS EXPECTED MaiLi from China and Japan e.<pectel on Tueocay b> Toycoka Mam. TIDE TABLE SINGAPORE Today H. VV. 9.46 a.m. tt.J 11.15 p.m. 8.4 ft. i-. «.u«> a. in. j v.,
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  • 58 4 CENTENARIAN OF THE ZOO IS DEAD J? AY twenty-two-year -old London Zoo lioness— feeble, worn, tired of life— has died. She had been in the Zoo since 1921. Compared with the hunwn scale of life she was an advanced centenarian. Her temper in her early years at the Zoo was
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 4 "yfISS /"ranees Gifford, young Hohywood screen actress, who is reported to be marrying James Duin. for long one of the film colony's most popular lachelors.
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  • 161 4 ICE-CREAM CYCLE IS NOT A SHOP I ORD HEWART. the Lord Chief Justice, and two other judges have decided that an ice-cream tricycle and an ice-cream warehouse were not shops— and allowed appeals by the Eldorado Ice-cream Company, Ltd., against convictions under the Shops (Sunday Trading) Act, 1936. The company
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  • 270 4 WO DESIRE TO SHOOT ELEPHANTS' Film Cameras To Be Taken Five Weeks' Trek Through Plain, Bush And Jungle QOING on safari in Africa, shooting with both gun and camera lions, leopards buffaloes and other species of big gamp, with the exception of elephant,
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  • 80 4 Tying His Shoe He Was Frozen |^R. ERNEST TIDSWELL, aged 39, of Taylor Street, Stalybridge, Cheshire, was walking on a lonely part of the Pennine moors when he bent down to tie his shoe-lace, could not, owing to an illness, regain his upright position, and fell. Police searchers found him,
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  • 124 4 CARNEGIE HEIRESS TO MARRY SCOT Romance At CastJe I New York. 'THE formal announcement is 1 expected of the engagement cl Miss Louise Carnegie Miller, granddaughter of the late Andrew Carnegie, the steel millionaire, to Mr. J. F. Gordon Thompson, <i barrister, of Edinburgh. As a result of the marriage,
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  • 25 4 Warner Oland. the Swedish film actor, who is famous for his characterisations of Charlie Chan, the Chinese detective, has disappeared at Hollywood.
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  • 56 4 A BRITISH Airways Lockheed Electra liner under the command of Captain Prowse. and carrying three oassengers and 3601 b. of baggage, flew the 205 miles from London to Ports recently ln lhr. smin., the fastest time for a commercial 'plane. Normal time is one-and-a-half hours.
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  • 59 4 The Police Band will play on Wednesday at Telok Ayer at 6.00 p.m March. Washing Greys <C. O. Grafi.i--la): Overture. Bronze Horse <D. P. E Auber Selection. Lilac Time (Franz Schubert); Waltz. Gold and Silver Franz Lehar); Trombone and Eupho- nium Solo, Excelsior iM. W. Balfe>; Gipsy Caprice.
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  • 310 4 Car Drivers In Britain Welcome Court's White Line Ruling MOTORISTS in Great Britain ITI welcome the "white line" decision by Lord Hewart. the Ix>rd Chief Justice, in a King's Bench Divisional Court. Lord Hewart held that a motorist who drove over a white line indicating the middle of the road
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 581 4 t "CrilTOC A"_ Qrll MqII 2=5?1 -HILLTOP,- 8, Institution Hill available one single room with private entrance very 61, STEVENS RD. »uIUMe for bachelor with private bathrooms. Tennk court Otrage. Telephone 7330. SELECT ENGLISH =================s GUEST HOUSE TWO VACANCIES NEXT MONTH. Small house or flat unfurnished «rntcd Phone i 4
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  • 413 5 Should Chinese Give Up Lunar New Year Abandon All Old Customs, Cry The Reformers (From Our Chinese Correspondent) VHOULD old customs give place to new? As Chinese New Year rolls round again tomorrow and 'old-fashioned Chinese families flre crackers, wear new clothes and give away red packets containing money, reformers
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 5 f ■'^BBBBBHPn^Wninl^^^^*' M i iVedilini: >Ir Lee Kuan Hup. >hi of Mr Mi Mr> Lee Choon M:*n. wjt» married to MLs> Wong Sack KeoK. daughter of Mr. and .Mrs Won* C'hoe Sing. The bride represented Malacca in the Mala- Mmm Olympiad at Singapore last year.
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  • 147 5 WHILE WE LIVE SECURE UNDER BRITISH PROTECTION Plea For Sufferers In China J hr- Sunda 1 .nit's CH ,1 Matajra -.In t:-;ir New Year in the ■•> manner or. I in"/, m Hrn 1* »r iti their home--1 observe ti I M quietly" pport Mr Lim la his appeal for
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  • 19 5 3jdu xi\ Harinxma thoe Slooteu. Dutch Minister to Turkey, has 1 Minister at Brussels.
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  • 61 5 Washington. Germans head the list of Immigrants Into the United States during the tlscal year 1937, according to official figures released In Washington. Actually 12,532 Germans received tortyone per cent, of the Immigration permits allowed for under the quota. Next on the list were
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  • 136 5 SUPPORT FOR APPEAL TO SAVE FOR RELIEF FUND Chinese Chambers Issue Circulars AN appeal to Singapore Chinese, in support of one made recently by Mr. Richard C. H. Lim, has been circularised by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce suggesting that they should save money they intend spending on New
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  • 99 5 (From Our Own Correspondent" Malacca. Saturday. CRACKER firing should be restrained as much as possible," said Mr. Chang Kang Swl, president of the Malacca Chinese Chamber of Commerce, when interviewed today. He said that circulars to this effect had been issued by the Chamber o.'
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  • 125 5 Oftice Bearers Elected For This Year AT the aevenih annual meeting of the Chettiars" iNattuk:ottal> Chamber of Commerce, following were elected to be office-bearers: President, Mr. N. H, St. Magappa Ciiett<Er; vice-president. Mr. Pr. M. P. Pen«kari'ppan Chettlar: secretary. Mr. S. M. A. M. Ar. Alagappa
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  • 32 5 Paris. Saturday. A Barcelona message states that 30 were killed and about 40 wounded in an Insurgent air raid on Revs In the province of Tarragona^— Reuter,
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 24 5 Salamanca reports a plot to assassinate the Spanish (rebel) High Commissioner In Morocco, Colonel Belgbeder, and members of his staff has failed
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  • 59 5 Hha Ko^itu Forbes (Hit. Arthur McGraihi. the well-known writer and traveller, with Sir Herbert Cayzer, one of the party of !0 big-came hunters uhn have just left England for a luxury shooting tour of India which will c<wt i: 15.000 in travelling
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 132 5 t"omen have 1 t women have doa«, I can do, without dieting, purging or >u« exMctat. Four tiroes day take a little Mar.-r.ola, !'ro^ni>tion Tablet, containing in exactly r s the right quantity a v^ J world-famous correc- tive for obesity H which prevents )/\^H turning to useless r,V _l/\
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    • 108 5 DOUBLE SHELL] D E _A PACKARD 9 m CHRYSLER /^\lf|^i STUDEBAKER LANCHESTER TRIPLE *s^mK v^ fiat morris am austin jB CITROEN JHf wEi h i l l m a n JB mf STANDARC I W ACROSHEU THE OIL FOR YOUR ■«T«r D{\ T^k g^i "fTI ROLLS ROYCE U U ijr
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  • 1202 6 BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Small Turnover With Easier Tendency In Prices T^HE three most Important factors influencing markets during the past week were:— the announcement of the reduction in the production quota of rubber for the second quarter to 60 per cent, from 70
    1,202 words
  • 194 6 Jan. id. 27. 28. Amvikun Can. Con 78';. 77 75 3 American Telephone and Telsgraph 144> 2 143 3 4 142', 2 Atcheson Railroad 35^2 34 32 3 4 Chesapeak 35 3 tt% 32'- 8 Dupont 112« 2 111 110 Firestone 21 > 4 20^ 20' 2
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  • 49 6 Last Sale Prices Previous Today Pesos Pesos intamok 0.57 0.58 lenguet Consolidated .9.70 9.70 :onsolidated Mines ..0.011 0.011 XL 0.67 0.68 ian Mauriclo 0 62 0.62 Inlted Paracale 0 49 0 495 The prices are published by courtesy if Messrs. Levy and Co.. of Singapore.
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  • 83 6 Saturday, Jan. 29. Noon. No. 1 X. R. S. S. in cases (F.O.B.) Jan. 23 3 16 23 5 16 Ciood F. A. Q. in bafcs (FOB.) Jan. 22 3 16 22 5 16 No. 1 X. R. S. S. Spot loose) i wardablf 23
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  • 1327 6 SINGAPORE STOCK AND SHARE PRICES Fraser And Co.'s List SSTX RDAY, JAN. 29, 1938. 1 P.M MINING Buyers Sellers Aonpat Tin (4s) 4s Od 5s Asam Kumbang if; 30s 6d 32s 6d Austral Malay it) 50s 55s cd. Ayer HiUm (ss) 25s 26c Ayer Weng ($1) .70 .75 Bangrln Tin
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  • 202 6 List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser <L Co. SATURDAY. JAN. 2ft. 1 P M. Tota] 'or fin.-Lnciai Company Dividend Books' Date Ex Div TIN Close To Fayable Date Austral Malay 9d. Jan. 27 3d. Bonus Burma Malay 6d. Special Feb. 3 Ffro 10 Ft Bonus K Kamunting 3d.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 523 6 S. E. Levy Co. Shanghai, Hongkong. Manila, Singapore. I Bankers and Brokers :n Secuniict and Commodjfu*. Oai/v Fortign Jdarkr.t Cnol'i and Quotation StrrW.e. MEMBERS. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. COMMODITY EXCHANGE. INC. NEW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. 3HANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE HONGKONG SHARE BROKERS' ASSN
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 39 7 BURNHAM-011-SEA. (Somersat). MANOR HOTEL, (Fully Licensed). Ist CUv» golf at Buruha n Berran. mile from hotel) 4 arrei groanfe— TennU lub, (9 courts, adjoining. Ridin-. »SI vegrta.bles frotn own gardens. Terms. Fioai ll| Cuineat weekly. CfiHje Gold-aA. Re*. Proptr.
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    • 114 7 HUNGRY WOLVES HAUNT TOWNS AND VILLAGES Sofia. LJEAVY snowfalls and sharp frosts, the worst cold spell Bulgaria has experienced for some yars, have driven packs of ravenous wolves down from their mountain haunts into the districts round villages and towns all over the country. Much damage has been done to
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    • 380 7 STAMPS RARE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS STAMPS. I am always In a position to offer rare Straits Settlements and States stamps at very reasonable prices Want Lists will receive my prompi personal attention. SELECTIONS SENT ON APPROVAL TO ANY PART OF THE WORLD. My Speciality:— i:\KK BRITISt. COLONIALS OF ALL PERIODS. T.
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    • 178 7 HOTELS LONDON. ENG —^m~—m NEW MANSIONS HOTEL 38-39-40 Lancaster fiate. Hyde Paik. W.Z FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. Central tor all parts of Condon. Central heating. Gas Ares. Hot and cold running water in every bedroom. Direct PO phone? tn all Bedrooms. Only English poultry and meat served. Inclusive terms (four meals daily)
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    • 256 7 HOTELS LONDON CALLS /j|^b3j^ INSIMIMII and at rithrr HOTEL RUBENS Buckingham Palace Roan Urine Buckingham t'aiarr or HOTEL vFW REMBRANDT Js^2 S.i:tn Kensuii-l'. r. 6v\ <^(_\^^^ farmg the Victoria .no Albert Museun, Every attention M oieasir.^ surrounair.^ PERFECT OCILTI'DI THESE (OMFOKIABLi HOTtLS WITH AIKNO\VI.H)(.K!» RENOWNED CAtTBINC nave runujis ao(
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1468 7 Today's Wireless Programmes QI\ir APHDC 7 Ovcr the Farm Oate -2." Tall: by, nrn J A Scott Watson. Professor of Rurml RrRI IN Economy. University of Oxford. 1#1jI% 1*1*1. m ZHL ,4, (US ~> JJj S-^-yUr.. and announce- Jg ffi? >£& Sj W 11.00 Military band music' n^^n^h tim» «!<..»
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  • 398 8 For What Purpose Was The Money Raised? UNEMPLOYMENT AND GENERAL DISTRESS (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. MR. John Hands has tried hard to convince Government that Selangor's destitute need more help. Every month, as honorary secretary and treasurer of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 8 I..\.\\ i.. n.ili> soil of Count and Countess llaugwitz-Revcntlow (Miss Barbara Hut ton. the Woolworth heiress, who recently changed her nationality from American to Danish), on skis at St. Moiitz. where he is spending a holiday with his parents.
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  • 70 8 Mystery Move By Japanese Military Shanghai. Saturday. i 'THE Japanese army spokesman today announced the temporary closure' to foreigners of all areas around Shanghai, except Hungjaoand Chapei.i Cameras are forbidden without special passes. The reason has not been given, but it is bel:ev?d to be possib.y
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  • 94 8 From Our Own Correspondent > Muar, Saturday. AFTER several adjournments. Feb. 8 has been fixed for hearing of the case in which seven Tamil coolies of the Public Works Department are charged with having caused grievous hurt to Mannikam, an overseer of the Public Works Department.
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  • 100 8 From Our Own Correspondent.' Muar. Saturday. "lam a poor man. My wife is going to give birth to a child and I cannot afford to buy liquor from the shop." said Tay Haw in pleading guilty to a charge of having distilled liquor without a
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  • 47 8 The Sher ft Mou'.ay Mohanied. son ol the fcrmer Sultan of Morocco, Modlay Hafld, who abdicated in 1912. has died at the age of 20. Inche M. Yusof, Court Inspector. Muar, is on casual leave and Inspector Tik is acting for him.
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 8 Lady Rosemary Spencrr-Churchill. Lady Sarah Spencer-Churchill Lady Caroline Spencer-Churchill and the Marquis of Blandford. with their mother, the Duchess of Marlbotourh. photographed at the me«t of the He.vthrop Hounds, at their home. Blenheim Place. Woodstock.
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 8 One of the 50 new air-conditioned coaches built by Canadian Pacific Railway.
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  • 68 8 Shanghai, Saturday. TWO terrorist outrages took place this evening. In the first a hand grenade was thrown in the offices of the Sin Wan Pao, leading Chinese daily newspaper, in the central district of the Settlement No damage was done. In the second a hand grenade
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  • 70 8 Marseilles, Saturday ORITISH members of the crew of the tanker Socony. registered in Hong Kong, which arrived at St. Lou's Durhone on Thursday with a cargo of oil. are refusing to sail unless foreigners in the crew are replaced by Britons. The dispute is a
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  • 68 8 •From Cur Own Correspondent! Johore Bahru. Saturday. -THE bridge to be built over the Mersing Rivet to replace the ferry will speed up communications on the Endau Road. At present only cm vehicle a ti.r.e can be conveyed on the ferry at enc time.
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  • 44 8 The Governor. Sir Shenton Thomas, and Lady Thomas and party were at the Capitol Theatre last night to see the film Victoria the Great." At the early evening show the Sultan of Johore and the Tungku Mahkota were present.
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  • 27 8 i Prom Our Own corresponaent) Johore Bahru. Saturday Two deaths from typhoid occurred at Kora Tinggi. The authorities are taking the necessary precau.ions.
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  • 124 8 TRAINING YOUNG NAZIS First Adolf Hitler School Opened Berlin. •yHE foundation-stonp of tlie first 1 Adolf Hitler School has been i..:i at Waldbroel, in the Rhincland, in the presence of Dr. Ley, the head of the Nazi Labour Front, and of Baldur von Schirach. director of the Hitler Youth Organisat
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  • 167 8 U.S. REARMAMENT IS WELCOMED British Reaction To Roosevelt Speech London. 8) QRESIDENT Ho.scveifs ream I plan is in DO way unpopi Britain, Judging ;rom approv; 1 I in the news columns or exprt leading art: "It is a striking reflection v! I palling state of the world that tht pi.--sidenfs
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 34 8 Sheum Cheant Fooks Circ. of the biggest Chineit ere; i have visited Muar. op.. N.ed a inort season on Friday. This circus has bought over the concern of tl. known Harmstons Circus.
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  • 20 8 Inche Hashlm bin Mahbib, dsrk to the Magistrate's Court, is lndisposec and has been admitted to the Gen- eral Hospital
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  • 35 8 Major Don Ramon Cabrera. 45, son of Count de Morella. of London, waj killed wnlle carrying despatches to Gen. Franco, for whom he had been fighting since the outbreak of the war
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  • 19 8 All Johore Government offices will be closed on Monday which has been declared a public holiday, Chinese New Year.
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  • 77 8 i From Our Own Correspondent* Johore Bahru. fHE new Government offices at j Mersing stand on a fine site close to the police station. The building has recently been occupied and in it are housed all the departments except the P.W.D. It was put up at
    77 words
  • 42 8 Dr Mohamed Salleh. who has o^e 1 to Eru'and from Johore (or higher studies t.« expeoteo oack in March. on hisreturn, it is understood, he will be appointed to act as Pathologist BBtt he return from .eave 01 Dr. 8 Luther I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 176 8 Gillette reduces your shaving costs Insist on Giliett€ don't be perMiaded to buy inferior blades on the grounds that they are cheaper. They may be lower in price, but they are not economical in use. The best way to reduce your shaving costs is to buy Blue Gillette blades and
      176 words

  • 907 9  - Mainly About Malayans Onlooker By The CIR Andrew Caldecott's New Year appeal to the people of Ceylon for bridgeGuilders to span the gulf and chasms of sectionalism" received a warm response from leaders of all inanities in the island. Having served most of his life in Malaya, a country every
    907 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 THE HOBBY THAT THRILLS and EDUCATES fHn-ni Albums and Window Packets of I' .-.lane Stamps for collectors. Lift Free Anywhere CAXTON PRESS Ltd. 4 X b MMkM StrcH. Kuala Lumpur. j POLAROID POLAROID (classes are the latest scientific discovery in glare protection. They permit you to actually see 20 to
      110 words
    • 127 9 MALAYAN JINGLES 141.— MANOEUVRES Man the guns fly the 'i>lanes Fix bayonets, P. B. I. Race the ships with the A, S. C, As ever, standing by //'.<»• game we play, a game of \T ar. And a very grim game in truth. For war demands its ghastly price A
      127 words
    • 535 9 Rtf J ,J^ A DRAMATIC A LLV DIFFERENT MOTOR CAR '"^'"^'^lMW^^m, B^ for Those Content Only jhh II >.: Br fe iri7/i the Xenest WK Jj WtKJ^r c distinctly original design among j%S, t\r.^^^ m^K Lv" t i e new motor cars —> s the wav tlic ''*:>>• Hj Hf
      535 words

  • 176 10 Her Friend Reduced Too. I put on w< ;jht rapidly and >1 i She felt ihe Idnt be boihend when her I rccommi ncied Kruschen Bt persuaded her to try it, with Twelve mor.ths ago, I began to rapidly. Mid could y fooJ.
    176 words
  • 361 10 Source Of Food To Wipe Out Foreign Imports To The Editor Of The Sunday Times J\\ AS greatly impressed with the article on Cameron Highlands and the need for a development policy which appeared in The Sunday Times last week. There are one or two
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  • 114 10 WRESTLING BEAR VISITS HOSPITAL Meeting With Master DXV.M, a Siberian wrestling bear, was taken in a taxicab to Middlesex Hospital recently to see his master. Mr. Jimmy Chipperfield, who had undergone an operation. Bruni, who is Gft 4in tall and weighs 4cvt, is appearing at a London music-hall. When Mr.
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  • 106 10 Why Three Suit Fittings? JUDGE DUMAS, giving his decision in a tailoring dispute, told the Westminster County Court: "When I teas a young man I had tico fittings only and the suit teas right. Now I am told that I must have three fittings and then the su't is often
    106 words
  • Article, Illustration
    46 10 "THE plaster cast of the com- memoration medallion of Crown Prince Paul of Greece and his bride, Princess Frcderika of Hanover, daughter of Uw Duke and Duchess of Brunswick", who were married in Athens recently. The medallion is the work of the Greek sculptor, Vasso Phalirea.s.
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  • 282 10 I WAS very much impressed by your article on the future development of Cameron Highlands in last week's issue ot The Sunday Times, and I am glad to note since that date the European Association of Malaya is contemplating putting forward suggestions regarding this
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  • 414 10 GIRLS IN MUD STORM AT PARIS ART SHOW Surrealist Exhibition Paris. CMAKTLY dressed women splashed with mud by a nude actress swathed in chains A woman in a torn nightdress screaming on a luxurious bed These were among the amazing i sights at the opening here of International Surrealist Exhibit!
    414 words
  • 75 10 My Wife— By The Duke Of Kent /111: THE Dukf of Kent paid a his wife at a banquet attended by nearly 1000 people. He said: ••The influence of Greece on me personal'y is quite incalculable, has given me a wife. What is the full extent and nature of the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 102 10 1 liaU^ mmmmmmsmm hs^B^sfl bP^^^Ls^^&Hb)&blblb^bv^^^ ♦♦jay fly' tf^E^W"* V&fy^l&mSr X^wßjl Ifi^Sftfffß^^^ fiw Leave and England! This conjures up visions or old world hostclries, herbaceous borders, wooded lanes and grassy moors. Enjoy your leave to the full by purchasing a CHEVROLET from us and save approximately £100. Call or write for
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  • Books Of The Week
    • 19 11 John Gielgud as Hamlet, a picture taken when he was playing in New York last year.
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    • 362 11 COMPLEX AND STARTLING Analysis By Theatre Critic John Gieleuds Hamlet. By Kosamond Gilder. With notes on costume scenery and stage business by John GieUud. Methuen. ss. ■THIS little book should be in- valuable to the student of Shakespeare, for Miss Gilder is not only a well-known dramatic critic in the
      362 words
    • 133 11 A Shot in the Making By Capt. J. B. Drought. Herbert Jenkins, is. Gd. nTHIS is a most helpful little book "for these who want to be good shots." and is mainly intended for young people. It is replete with valuable hints based on expert knowledge and lons experience,
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    • 298 11 Freya Stark Writes About Baghdad Baghdad Sketches. By rreya Stark. John Murray. 12a. 6d. MISS Stark's beautifully written ITI sketches of life in Baghdad are the product of two visits to the city of the Caliphs. In 1931. Miss Stark lived for some months in the native quarter, and it
      298 words
    • 348 11 Bury Him Deeper By R. J. Walling Death Says Good-Morning By John Oliver Mayo. Both from llodder and Stougbton. 7s. 6d. each. rPHE ingenious Mr. Walling really did not need to "bury him deeper." the corpse was well hidden, and it needed the suspicious mind of his
      348 words
    • 175 11 Revolt on the Pampas. Br Theodore Plivier Michael Joseph, to. 64. T HIS is a powerfully written story of revolt in South America. Mr. Plivier has a great sense of the dramatic, and his sympathies are obviously with the under dog. but he holds a fairly
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 256 11 HOW TO DANCE. KTIQIETTE AT A DANCE (What to do and what not to do> -60 cts. •THF ART OF DANCING" (Learn to dance-the— Carlo. Tango. College Rumba. Kiss Dance. Manhattan Charleston etc. i -50 cts HOW TO DANCE" (Most complete instructions, with illustrations in the art of Dancing ever
      256 words
    • 614 11 A Fast Route HOME K through CANADA'S scenic splendour Canada, important link in the short way home from the Orient. A land nf interest and beauty all along the route of the Continental Limited Canadian National's famous through train from Vancouver to Canada's great inland seaport, Montreal. Air-conditioned trains leave
      614 words

  • 303 12 Tasteless, Flesh-Forming Tablets For Thin People All who are too thin and weigh far too Httie for their peace of mind, know that it only they could take enough Cod Liver Oil. they might begin 10 put on a pound or twe
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  • 1557 12  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By A DUKE walked out of a billiards room during a painful scene between a player and the referee and thus confirmed my rather childish views about dukes and earls and the upper classes generally. We all have our illusions, and one that I
    1,557 words
  • 325 12 BY THE FOUR ACES LJERE is a question submitted verbally to us recently by one Of the best of New York's younger i Bridge-players. It seems that he held: SAKQ 7 6 4 HJ9 8 3 DA K J C The hand was played with a very weak
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 179 13 Reflectors Give Shadowless Illumination Throughout A NEW lighting system has been installed at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore. The old system of lighting spoiled the architectural features of the nave, for it made necessary a network of unsightly iron supports across the nave. With
    179 words
  • 299 13 DOCTRINES OF THE CHURCH IN MODERN WORLD Commission Divided On Miracles GENESIS NO BAR TO EVOLUTION A FTER 15 years of study and dis- cussion the Commission on Christian doctrine appointed by Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 1922, has presented its report. The task of the Commission was to
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  • 28 13 Three m?n and a woman were drowned when a motor-car carrying party engaged in fishing through ice fell through the ice into COft. of water.
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  • 254 13 When Should A Parson Marry? STRONG OPINION AMONG CLERGY AND LAYMEN QHOLLD parsons remain single :nd the vicar's wife disappear from her place in the parochial social order? This is one of the questions to De discussed at next month's Church Assembly. A strong- section of laymen, led t>y Lord
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  • 59 13 The gift handed by a Japanese p.vsoldler to the British Ambassador in Tolclo is now known to be a short sword. 24 In. In length, and not a dagger as originally stated. It was intended far transmission to Mr. Eden While a dagger is a somewhat
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 309 13 Take your choice of these two modern /fjJlftjL Swans !^f VVTHETHER you^H^ VV choose the Visofil (< Big-fill Swan or the Leverless Quick-fill Swan, you can be sure of Laving one of the most modern and reliable pens in the world. Tbe VISOFIL LEV£BLESS Swan Pen O >H Scttionars and
      309 words
    • 805 13 haiw Is your case here? IP YOUR HAIR TROUBLE IS BELOW. KOTALKO HAS PUT IT RIOHT BEFORE AND CAN DO SO AGAIN. Told he wmilrl T LV* M'■* 1 A UIU 11C WUUIU told I ahould n-ver him ain.Ui.r Iwlr I always be bald fiapTr T^ ml •f k >talkn
      805 words

  • The Sunday Times
    • 170 14 Totidem Verbis The Commodities TAR distant seems the happy day when tin and rubber will once pgain enjoy "free" markets; but this is very sure producers, consumers and investors are becoming increasingly irritated by the uncertainties of control of both tin and rubber, with the resultant fluctuation of prices which
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    • 179 14 INHERE seems to have been rather an excess of official enthusiasm about the generally welcome project ito carry all first-class mail by air |in future, without surcharge. It is the too emphatic "all" that is the trouble. Very brief reflection is required to establish that this is very
      179 words
    • 204 14 lIS there or is there not a real demand for the formation of a Eurasian battalion or engineers' i company of the regular forces In j Malaya? We believe that there is, but there can be no certainty unless the public utterances in Singapore and Penang are
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  • 1490 14 Knowles' Last Cases "Counsel For The Defence" 'THE Sunday Times publishes this week the last of the exclusive series of articles, compiled by Harry Miller, on the cases of Vincent Devereux Knotcles, Malaya's greatest criminal lawyer. IT would take many weeks to deal adequately with the tremendous number of cases
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 28 14 K. P. M. LINE (Incorporated in Holland) On leave? Travel home via South Africa FIRST CLASS FROM £83/-/-FOR DETAILED INFORMATION APPLY TO: X.P.M. LINE 1, FINLAYSON GREEN, SINGAPORE.
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  • 657 15 Need Stressed Again By Miners And Planters EXPERTS INVESTIGATE POSSIBILITY OF GRID "Such A System Not Likely For At Least A Decade" (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpm THE revival of industry in Malaya particularly the tin mining industry has brought a renewal of the
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  • 191 15 JN our issue of Sunday Jan. 16. there appeared an a. ticle h»*ded "12-Storey Hotel For Singapore," in which it was stated that plans for a 12-storey hotel to stand on the site of the present Adelphi Hotel had been drawn up by a firm of architects
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  • 132 15 GAOL WITH ITS OWN CABARET Warsaw. A CABARET and night club, which prospered in the Kolomyja Gaol in southern Poland, have been raided after several months' existence. The gaol's noctural activities were revealed only when a prisoner, transferred to another town, complained to his new warden of the lack of
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  • 41 15 Toronto. Charles Conacher, the veteran right winger of the Maple Leafs ice hockey team, has announced his intention of retiring from the game for reasons of health Conacher was twice at the head of the National League scoring averages
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  • 185 15 PURGING THE PURGERS Soviet Wants Abuses To Go Mosccw. COVIET RUSSIAS foremost journalist, M. Koltzov, has published in the Communist Party's official newspaper "Pravda" a remarkable article which was received wiih satisfaction by the deputies in the new Parliament and by citizens throughout the country. It indicated that strong administrative
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  • 80 15 |W|RS. EDITH MAE CUMMINGS (above), a real estate operator, who from an original capital of two dollars built up a fortune of one million dollars, was shot dead at the beginning of this month in a snow-covered field near Detroit, U.S.A. Her death was the climax
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  • 103 15 GERMAN AIR BASES NEAR DENMARK CONSIDERABLE discussion has been caused in Copenhagen by the construction by Germany recently of air bases alon? her Baltic coastline adjoining Denmark, says the Daily Telegraph diplomatic correspondent. Germany appears to be concentrating her military aerodromes and an important part of her 'plane factories in
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  • 70 15 AGED 120, SHE HATES NAGGING 4 WOMAN who claimed to be the oldest in Europe has died at the village of Podlugovi, Bosnia, at the age of 123. She is succeeded in the 'title' by Hanija Mulagic, a Moslem woman, aged 120. Although poverty-stricken Hanija refuses all aid, and has
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  • 29 15 JUIISS BERNICE BUREVITZ, aged seventeen, is recovering from an operation for removal of a teaspoon she swallowed while taking a mouthful of ice-cream at a Chicago party.
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  • 155 15 Royal Bride's Diadem KING FAROUK'S GIFTS Ca o. IjMNG Farouk continues to receive many costly presents on the occasion of his marriage to Mile. Farida Zulficar. The King has himself given to his bride in addition to a three-row diamond necklace a magnificent diamond diadem with a fine emerald centre,
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  • 28 15 Friendship between Germany and Japan was emphasised in speeches exchanged when Mr. Shigcnori Togo, new .Y.panese Ambassador in Berlin, presented his letters of credence to HenHitler.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 139 15 ONE WOMAN TO ANOTHER tells the secret of her regular You take nay advice dear, and try PHOSFERINE. I take it every month. No other tonic *o readily reli'vei any pains and makes good the loss of nervous energy. Remember PHOSFERINE it not a secret remedy. It is the concentrated
      139 words
    • 97 15 m II Cy to ii r s P*^^^^^Sl tejjfc^Sajjjjjisij'iSiJP How quickly they pass those 0r Hk >^| MJ3jSL^_tt3Mj£|Nfl| happy hours of early Motherhood JL H*^uZj^^!^O||fl|l how pleasant their memory V >J JllL J^k I i** v 2£) Atn llll now! And how wise you were ikfli I /^9c^i nl I
      97 words

  • 61 16 Elephants Kneel In Church Rome. 'TWO elephants were made to kneel in the nave of a Rome church when the yearly Roman Catholic rite of "The Blessing of Animals," held on the feast day of St. Anthony, was celebrated. Hundreds of dogs, cats and carrier pigeons, as well as a
    61 words
  • 265 16 Conclusion Of Experts After Nation-wide U.S. Inquiry QUALITIES WANTED IN A HUSBAND Kindness And Consideration Come First Philadelphia. ILfONEY is the chief cause of j trouble in marriage, and mothers-in-law are a much overrated menace. These are some of the conclusions of experts
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  • 138 16 IN ten years' time there will be no such thing as blindness in child life, apart from accident. This is the startling but welcome belief expressed by ophthalmic experts following publication of figures which show that in England and Wales blindness in children l.s
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  • 48 16 The Soviet Government has appointed M. P. I. Smirnoff First Naval Deputy Commissar. and Admiral IsakofT. Commander of. the Baltic Fleet since November. Second Naval Deputy Commissar. M. P. I. Smirnoff was appointed to the new post of Naval Commissar on December 30.
    48 words
  • Article, Illustration
    451 16 A LMOST all of us have had the es- perienc? of calling on fr ends who persist in getting out their collection of snapshots and parading them before the eyes of their defenseless guests Now please bear in mird that I harbour no thoughts of this practice as
    451 words
  • 144 16 *T*HE existence of a custom in the Orkney Islands by which midnight Romeos use ladders and climb into the bedrooms of young women was mentioned in the Court of Session. Edinburgh. Lord Aitchison. the Lord Justice clerk reviewing the evidence in ai; affiliation case, said: "I do
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  • 41 16 DATRICK SLOAN, a butcher, has Den arrested in New York accused by an inspector of wtights and measures of selling him a turkey into whose gullec he had crammed three lead fishing weights totalling 1 !b. 10 oz.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 716 16 YES 1 ALWAYS USE LIFEBUOY TOILET SOAP particular about «r s f£J|| /7. RSO A. 1(. ;ji FRESHNESS p\!.&o/'l^i And personal fresh- %\j tw I ness is so important ~*y that's why so many of j us seek the aid of '"■<// Lifebuoy Toilet Soap. Its rich, soothing lather cleanses
      716 words
    • 66 16 SIX-20 "Kodak" Junior Choice of Anastigmat lenses including fast /4. 5 give needle-sharp pictures. One motion uix.-ninR for speed in action. Extremely slim— take it anywhere. Eye-level and HVWHHHH waist-level vicwfindcrs. Built-in delayed- I r^*l '1 action device for self-photography and new "button" release on camera body on certain models.
      66 words

  • 416 17  -  DORA DAVIDSON BY Delicious With A Little Butter And Much Care In Cooking V^/HKTHER you like spinach or not depends to a certain extent upon the manner in which it has been cooked! The following recipes suggest various methods of preparing and serving this vegetable BUTTERED
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  • 788 17 Max Factor's Advice Proper Selection Is An Art In Itself TLAMOUR is the dramatization of personal appearance and perfumes provide its invisible background. The proper selection of perfumes is actually an art in itself, and it has given me a great deal of pleasure to observe that women
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 317 17 At Vogue's! excited: NEW SHIPMENTJUST UNPACKED. TIIK MOST SENSATIONAL HATS AT THE PARIS OPENING'S. The TALK OF THE TOWN of these intoxicating new CREATIONS of the latest model-hats created by the lanu'ii. desißncrs of Paris! Jean Patou. Reboux and AGNES. See how brilliantly they interpret time and place and occasion
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      469 words

  • 630 18 FOLLOWING Royal lead, diamond stars have made an appearance in fashionable evening coiffures, where curls abound to the exclusion of waves. Sometimes, a semi-circle of sequin stars is fixed across the back of the head»> just above the bunch of curls
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  • 703 18 London, Jan. 24. THERE are certain points 1 which indicate whether a cardigan suit is really of the latest design. For instance, double linkbuttons as fastening, or a cord laced down the front from neck to waist, passing over little studs, just as
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 239 18 Iflil IfllJllS L_Purity Products rWCS?— T m¥ fhere df» no gravy mailing difficult*** HSwtt^rr j when y° u vs Bisto p'° vid ■SsimBEJOILIJP naM >n thickening, seasoning and flavourSwtaMH^f^Si in 9 9°°d 9 r a v y needs and improve* for a hoi day is a jelly J; ri^^^^J W^^*r^r
      239 words
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    • 252 18 I WHY I USE I laL NtW I 1' New Veef ei'ds all unw.inted hair in 3 minutes without trouble, mess or bother. 2' New Veet' leaves the skin soft and smooth without trace of ugly stubble. 3 'New Veet' is just like a toilet cream sweetly scented and pleasant
      252 words

  • 277 19 London, Jan. 21 UOl b« coats of all lengths this season, from little bust-length jackets, to long, i.. coats Mowing in flares at the back. Man-tailored suits in warm 1 eedfi are designed to make wearer look slender, but really thin women should try box-
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  • 1080 19  -  Valerie Harwood By THERE was a time when at the age of forty a woman was expected to wrap a shawl round her shoulders, hide her hair under a cap, and turn her back on pretty clothes, romance and gaiety in fact all the
    1,080 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 40 19 ffl/ 1 mI! 7<U i*l If y AzMWnh? o*/*0 I.^ taMHBMgtaMaH ■VIGOROUS Vjv 'SM J*yfiW.J tarn \\[f\ JrJ R"^L( m m AgetUt >n .\f(tlii,a. Dtttritutors tn Pennng A K- Lumpur, V. R. Vick Co.. Ltd. Joseph Travers Sons Ltd Singapore.
      40 words
    • 320 19 Aw Vx* s^\ clean ctfmmexim For a perfect complexion abso.V cleanliness is the first essential. Soap c not cleanse effectively, and, being alkaline, robs the skin of its natural oils. INNOXA COMPLEXION MILK, use. and morning, cleanses daep down into the pores, removing 'all impurities, keeping the skin fresh and
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 251 20 ffe\ANACIN Vff Relieves 1 PAIN f iW HEADACHES IJv^f NEURALGIA TOOTHACHE RHEUMATISM COLDS FEVER If you suffer from headaches to thousands. Doctors and can't sleep because of the dentists prescribe it. pains of neuralgia, tooth- Try ANACIN and see for ache or rheumatism. If you yourself how quickly it have
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    • 275 20 sweets setve 'j I CHIVERS JELLIES mm, mm c mo6t Popular jellies iSssr.^ f° r ov^ rt century j The rich fruity flavour* »o characteristic of t^L Chivers' Jellies have won for them a world V^r —^7 wide popularity. What could be nicer jT\\ vz/ tnan a cool, clear, jelly
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 616 20 $100 FREE EiNTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly, the $100 will be awarded in respect of the
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  • 425 21 EUROPEANS AND REST PLAY TO A DRAW Sungei Ujong Club To Run A Team <By Our S.remban Correspondent.) i /^RICKET in Negri Sembilan b^san j last Sunday with a match Ml Tampin between the Europeans and the Rest. The game ended In a draw. There were
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  • 212 21 Johore Stage End-Of -Season Rugby Wins (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. AFTER a rather inauspicious start Johore seems to be having a very successful close season in Rugby. Up to the end of last month Johore sides had not met with much j i success but the last three weeks
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  • 265 21 MUAR HOSPITAL j BILLIARDS TOURNAMENT Fre.-n Our Own Corrsspondent) Muar. •T*IIE Muar Hospital Club held a successful four bail (handicap) billiards tournament for members, tnc final of which was played durins the week. Ng Bah Chee with a handicap of -GO won the championship cup presented by the Hospital Club
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  • 249 21 'From Our O".n Correspondent. > Mutr JOHORE lawn tennis enthusiasts i ppcially the Malays, will watel) iwiih interest the Mclaya Malays tennis tournam n nt which is beinsj I held at Kuala Lumpur this w?°kiend. Will Yon bin Mian, five tim-'s Johotv champion, retain the
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  • 74 21 French Also Win Doubles From Invaders Paris. The Internationa' Christmas covered courts tennis tournament which was held here, was won by ths French player Yvon Petra. who defeated his opponent H. Boiilli. also of France, by a score of 3-6 12-10. 7-5. 6-4. Petra and
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  • 100 21 (Fioin Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru At the n nth annual general mcc.- j I ing of the Johore P.W.D. Athlet.: j Assoc.ation hsld during the week in 1 the office of the State Engineer, with Mr F. M. G. McCor.echy in the chair. the following were
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  • 140 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. 'THE return match between the Muar Ma ays and the Muar Eurasans will take place this evening. In the first match the Eurasians won. the score being 5-2. The Malays did not play up to form and it is expected that
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  • Article, Illustration
    52 21 Mr. John Wishart, Chi?f Sanitary Inspector, Ne*ri Sembilan. photographed with other sanitary inspectors prior to his departure on home leave. Mr. Wishart is also Registrar of Motor Vehicles and President of the Neirri- Malacca branch of the Automobile Association of Malaya. He was chieftain oi the Negr', Sembilaii branch, St.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 394 21 QHERLEY'S FOR |^rf^^ttfc&^ ASD Too mucD meat mearn too much heat fcr your dog's blood And especially in a hot climate this causes him torture through continual scratching. ».>.■ V of appetite, moodiness. irritability »nd loss of energy You can remedy the trouble by cutting down his meat supply »nd
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    • 718 21 Kf mar (Q fs. #g§ in w3 *3? ML JSi COMPETITIGH RESULTS. Two conlertants submitted this name, 4 Gold Q'Jtp' 1 rr.d ihe S5O/--prize is divided belwecn them. SUBMITTED BY: K. S. ONG. 532, SERANGOON ROAD. SINGAPORE. H. H. PEREIRA, 33, TESSENSOHN ROAD. SINGAPORE. CONSOLATION PRIZES TO: S. T. AliiKi.
      718 words

  • 1359 22  -  Nomad By I 'THE weather of the last week has I A had the effect of bringing all hockey fixtures to a complete standI still and there will be little or no compensation next week from a sporting point of view if there is brilliant sunshine, for
    1,359 words
  • 1002 22 RESISTANCE in sp?ed and attack especially on the wings, brought the Koyal Artillery. Blakan Mati, a well deserved victory in their hockey encounter against the Royal Artil'ery. Changi, and thus avenged the r fournil defeat earlier in the season. The Changi men were beaten to i the tune
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 745 22 KINGS GATE/-** sffi £L.«^f^l FOR EVERY CORRECT, wMD K jg* SOLUTION OF THIS /2 P/omjk\ fr crossword ty thjL .v \M4h r OnZ&i flour/ %l I] CUT OUT FROM HERE Here is another of fascinating _____________f 7 fT tt U* V? HBTb To fl T5 1 mipctl'loiis o»gant.ed by Rothmans
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  • 1682 23 Good Hockey Form St. Francis Tennis And Billiards Inter-Party Badminton Nears Close— Po ssible Tie For Honours BY OUR MALACCA CORRESPONDENT RESPITE fielding a weak side Malacca did well to share the honours in her away hockey fixture against Negri Sembilan played at Seremban recently. Each side
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  • 206 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. QN a mission to collect funds for Red Cross ambulance work in China Mr. Mok Yin Kwai, commanding officer of the Kwangtungj Chinese Ambulance Brigade, arrived j in Malacca and was met by leading residents of the town at the
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  • 197 23 From Our Gun Comspondt-nt) Malacca. Saturday. AN author and founder of the Wei Ning public school in the French concession at Shanghai, Mr. T H. Chiang, has arrived in Malacca to interest local residents in art and porcelain. He is accompanied by Mr Khof Kay Yeow. president
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 222 23 "Why exposure snaps to risk? Use Selo and ensure success!" '■■A Whatever the make or sue of your comero, use Selo and Sehchrome and you will always be sure of ti'illiant, lively snaps. These fomous British films hu\e extra '.peed and extra latitude. Speed to <oich the fastest movement and
      222 words
    • 190 23 P oss^ uE TO GIVE /I f J^-\ BUYING A LIGHT CAR" 7\ vl>/\\ THEN F( >LLOW THESE FIGURES I y y //\V/ A LIT: »xtr 170.00* told in Jutt ever thttt yuut. ~X ECONOMY: orr 40 m. M ffiRFOHMANCF .w, I \fl Figures speak louder than words In praise
      190 words

  • 886 24 Treize close behind and P-ihibition lying handy. Gilded Youth stained the lead, but Prohibition cu...e up with a terrific burst from the outside during the last furlong, while Lordlogy spurted up to dead heat with Gilded Youth Faithful finished last. The others were bunched. Race
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  • 949 24 Jockey Spencer Has Good Day INVENTORY WINS WELL IN GRIFFIN EVENT (From Our Own Correspondent) I po!i. Jan. 29. dividends featured the Mining day of the Perak Turf Club meeting and punter.-, not their first shock when Kissing Cup won the* i it, <»nl> > fow dollars short of the
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  • 34 24 Mr. G. Flippance conies a cropper as Great Lad falls at the first jump In the Londesborough Handim two miles during the National Hunt racing at Sandown Park.
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  • 70 24 Budge Wins Australian Tennis Singles Adelaide, Saturday. IN the Australian lawn tcnni> championships single i final Donald Budge heat John Bromwich 6 —4, 6 —l. G —l. Bromwich fai*J 1 t» reproduce the form with I iiich he beat Von Cramtn. He was no match for Budge's fluent strokhv; and
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 24 The annual Men vs. Women cricket match in progress at Ballyguuie. Calcutta. The women won the came In the picture Mrs Foottit. one of the opening bats, gets the ball uway on the on side.
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  • 322 24 ftom Our Own Corresp;ndent Kuala Lumpur. Saturday •yHOUGH they ar> Itroilf p both th? Sultan of Pahang. an i the Raja Muda of Pen.;, failed I i survive the first round In th doubles In the third a!l-M lawn tennis championships playol .tp.ia:i
    322 words
  • 255 24 Selangor Beat Negri 3-0 At Hockey I rr*n Oar Own < DEI I h?ut Negri 8 iMn > i.i ir.eiv.» iniprs. 1 i i her.? today. ziari and pl.'i'c J far "o?l I exhibited In tin* n Singapore and Malacca At half time. S Manser L-d by 1— 0 Just
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 208 24 0 TH URSDAY, FEB. 3rd at the NEW-WORLD Hot r.r shah presents. \nother good programme fe\tirtnc. all action botts over 10.3 mm rds. 4m > DIAMOND v, TEDDY THE BLACK PANTHER OF THE RING (WHO HAS NEVER BEEN KO ED H^MwT WH» COMES OI'T FIGHTING I ROM EVERY FIGHT Ol
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  • 703 25 Narrow 8-7 Victory Comes Few Minutes From End Of The Game SLIPPERY FLOODED FIELD HAMPERS HANDLING Simpson's Grand Kick, Follow Up And Try TN a game full of thrills, the South Rugby team gained victory from the North towards the end of the game
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  • 68 25 "pHE following entries have been re- ceived for the cycle races to be j held at Jalan Besar Stadium on Tuesday beginning at 1 p.m. The Rough Riders Kuala Lumpur, the Argus Wheelers. Kuala Lumpur, the Johore t?am. and the follow ng Singapore teams: Chinese Cycling Club first
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  • 385 25 Last Night's Rugby Union Dinner HOW NORTH AND SOUTH SIDES ARE SELECTED THAT no mure suitable alternative dtaaas to the Mai >an rußßer season could be found than the annual North versus South match was stressed by prominent officials of the Malayan Riieby rition dinner held last night at Raffles
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 25 -..i.n. \\.iii i» lt\i\iiir Soeai.iat fur M transfer, will b«- nmsed by the Sesamat FIMIMI lion <if which he was si. i nt secretary.
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  • 30 25 L ndon. Saturday. In the world table tennis championships women's dJUbi.-'s final Miss Dtpetrlnova and Miss Volubcova < Czechoslovakia) beat Miss Berems and Mis; Feremcy Hungary* 25-23. 17-21, 21-18.
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  • 123 25 Singapore XI For Today's Soccer Match With Tourists 'I'O meet the Islington Corinthians at Anton Road Stadium today the S.A.F.A. have selected a strong Singapore XI (Services and Chilians combined), as follows: MILNE (Gordons) ABDUL RAHMAN (Malays), RATCLIFFE (R.A.): YEW LENG (S.C.F.A.), WKS (R.A.F.). HOR KHOON (S.C.F.A.); JAMES GOH
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  • 119 25 Rugby games played yesterday resulted as follows: Bedford 6. Sale 14. Cambridge Univ. 6. O.M.T. 8. Coventry 28, Leicester 9. Gloucester 11, Guy's Hospital 3 Harlequins 4, The Army 5. LJanelly 9. Bath 0. London Irish 3, London Scottish 3. London Walsh 18, Old Leyslans d Newport 16,
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  • 55 25 i From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. DERaK beat Penang by three goals to one in an inter-State hockey match here today, Perak scoring all their goa's in the first half. The State's scoreis were Ferdinands •2) and Vuillumier and Penang'sgoal in the second
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  • 1476 25 ENGLISH LEAGUE DIVISION I Charlt .n 2 Birmingham 0 Chelsea 0 Mlddlesbro' 1 Derby 1 M'chester C. 7 Everton 4 Bolton 1 Grimsby 0 Liverpool 0 Huddersfteld T. 0 Leeds 3 Leicester 0 Blackpool 1 Portsmouth 2 Stoke 0 Preston 1 W. Bromwlch 1 Sunderland
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  • 29 25 The Cruden Bay annual open amateur golf tournament will be played on July 7. 8. and 9. Last year's winner was J. A. S. Glennie, of the promoting club.
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  • 23 25 Playing at Rhyl yesterday in an amateur international soccer game England beat Wales by eight goals to two.
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  • 69 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Saturday. R. L. Grut was the only Malayan entry left in the Siam lawn tennis championship tournament when Just before the semi-finals of the men's singles he was compelled to scratch owing to an attack of dengue. Other foreign
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  • 877 26 Possible Forerunner Of Bigger Event— Annual Meeting Of B.A.M.Foong Seong Cup BY OUR BADMINTON CORRESPONDENT TTKE close of the official badminton season here does not necessarily mean that the frame is brought to a standstill as a good number of the junior clubs are still actively
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 26 A. S. .imucl. onc2 again winner of the Selangor open singles.
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  • 60 26 A triangular inter-State all-Malays badminton tournament will be played at the Victoria School Hall. Singapore, between representatives of Kuala Lumpur. Johore Bahru and Singapore during the Chinese New Year holidays. Jan. 30, 31 and Peb. 1. Th.-re will be two sessions dally beginning at 9 a.m. and 2
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 26 R. M. Husiein. a prominent weightlifter of the Tamils Reform Association.
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  • Article, Illustration
    83 26 IFffTif <'■ •>•!'•. photographed a; a celebration on their winning Ihr Commercial Cup. Standing, left to runt: A. Ituham. Lre Yon* t hyr. Sng Kong Seng, Goh Chee Yam, Tan Koek Ihiam. Sect Teng liye. Koh Eng Boon. Khoo Ten? (h in heng Kiat, Lim Seng Lip. Wee Siang Ghee
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  • 428 26 Eleventh Anniversary 1 Otaforations AN enjoyable time was spent bv th" members and friends of the Slew Sin Sla last week-end when the eleventh anniversary of the Association was c»l"brated. the vnue b°lr.? the h»nnal>w of Mr. Teo Kim Fn?'» Pasir Pts Village. 10', miles. Ta"ipenls Poad.
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  • 25 26 The Friendly Sporting Association will hoY a Chinese New Year rc-unlon dmner at tli Tal Tong Restaurant, New World, on Saturday. Peb. 5.
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  • 34 26 Tlip fourth annual general meetlns of the Indian Recreatlo-i Club, will be hold at 'lip club premises 4jl-10. Pasir Panjang Road. Singapore, today at 2.30 pm. A group photograph will be taken.
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  • 1011 26 INTEREST in badminton during the last 1 week-end was centred around the flnals of the Selangor open tournaments, played at the Victoria Institution Hall. About quarter of an hour before the beginning of the games all the seats were occupied and there were a good proportion of women.
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 26 Chan Kon' I e ong. of Sanr; 8.1.. beaten by A. S. Samuel in the final of the Selangor onen singles.
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  • 51 26 The following will represent the Tamils Reform Association against the Young Men's Indian Assn. of Sentul, Kuala Lumpur, In a friendly badminton match at the Happy World, on Jan. 30 at 9.30 a.m. C. B. Nair, Q. Krlshnan. N Rnja, S. Alram. K. C. Cherlan and T.
    51 words
  • 72 26 Members who wish to take part !n the anniversary which will be held at the Ooi Moi Hotel (old Wai Sun), or Mr. Tan Chir.u Hung's residence. 6*l milestone, Pasir Panjang Road, on Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 12 and 13. are requested to Inform the asst. secretary, Mr.
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 232 26 irs \j TOUCH ANO GO 1 n, witha I WORLD'S FINEST PE:J Instant writing, beauty. hand comfort and a lifoW time* guarantea make W Sheaffer's the thrifties* and most pleasing pen value ever offered. Only Sheaffer's has ALL Seven of the features dssired A Visulated Liforime* B J guarantee 2-Wcy
      232 words

  • 451 27  - SOCCER "PL A YED TO PLAN" 'ECHO" Islington Corinthians Show How It Is Done Plenty Of Craft And Skill BY SINGAPORE soccer enthusiasts have been able to see during the past week how the game can be "played to plan." The Islington Corinthians are a really fine side, with no
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 337 27 Kluang Win Return Encounter From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. DLAYING a man shot throughout, the Segamat India Ceylon Association went down before Kluang at hockey last week on the Kluang padang This was the return fixture between the two sides, the first having ended in a goalless draw. The score
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  • 133 27 CAMBRIDGE CREW Last Year's Stroke Dropped n. J. L. Perntt, stroke of last year's losing Cambridge crew In the Boat Race, who has not been called on to row this term has been told that he will not be wanted for the Light Blues' crew this year. The Boat Race
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  • 53 27 Newark, N.J. Steve Dudas, Edgewater, N. J. heavyweight, knocked out Tiger Roy Williams of Chicago in the third round of a bout originally set for the eighth frame route. Dudas came Into the ring at 196 lb., while Williams at '.hree- fourths of
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  • 257 27 'From Ouf Own Correspondent) Segamat. TTHE Segamat and District soccer season opened last week when the Chinese Recreation Club met the Government English School on the school padang and beat tre scholars to the tune of five goals to two. Play was not one-sided as the
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 27 Boys of the Boys' Brigade Riving; a gymnastic display during their annual inspection on Friday at the Singapore Volunteer drill hall.
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  • 316 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. IJEAVY rain ruined the first hockey outing of the season of the Segamat Europeans when they met the India Ceylon Association on the Segamat town padang last week. Weather conditions were unfavourable for any good hockey but excellent talent was revealed
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  • 279 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. "T*HE annual general meeting of the Segamat and District Football Association was to have been held last week but a postponement has been made and the date of the meeting is not known. It is hoped that last year's failures will not
    279 words
  • 37 27 Izzy Oastanaga. who beat John Henry Lewis on points at Detroit in September, retired in the ninth round of a 15 round contest against the negro in St. Louis. Lewis was conceding two and a half stone.
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 307 27 Waterproo^ji I Wrisr Warch^f^^^^ Guaranteed 10 ycar«^jP« V fl^Jy wk W&r t!9.65 t3 a HH^ ataasj MMsJ alaar f>r 7Rrllabk lliich-r.rsdc !S-|cwel Shockproof l.c\cr Move<ucnt, uitabl* '"■rani '-Waterproof and Sandproof <> aitk Firth-Stay-hritc Stainlr*i Steel back. I'r, r.,i.,| by i n, i*a-«rii. r or tr»>pn:;tl eon- trap or M. -'jl».
      307 words
    • 580 27 The Acid in Your Stomach Would Burn a Hole in the Carpet Whon you f«el indices- tion pains, those •Tir/.KW pains are usually Lf^W.*'^Bf V3B caused by too much T v -.^»iJ^Bf %9 acid in your stomach. foitß/fJk Hf l 9 ful that It wouldTbuni Slfer a hole through a
      580 words

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  • 126 28 Sakai Wife Tends Her Husband THE three pictures surrounding this caption were taken at Jalong, near Sungei Siput, and show a Sakai wife curing her husband's cold in the head. In the picture on the -left the wife sits beside the fire in a village house waiting for water in
    126 words
  • 51 28 The picture below was taken in the jungles of northern Malaya an shows a group of Sakai, both men and women, in their natur I abode. The men are carrying blmplpes, from which they blow tiny darts with extraor mary accuracy, hitting small obje ts at long
    51 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 107 28 tt A 0 m\ Ai M^ l£L- BRANDY y^~~^VK?m% FINEST it* alwaji wise j Co Canvo a liollli> of 1 "MB I* %Vliite" Whisky iv ihp homeJ You never know when it may be wanted for entertaining, an a nightcap to make nare of sound restful sleep, restorative after a
      107 words
    • 294 28 V^Wf) €EAGER'C v tt-t OYSTER Waterproof, Airtight 31 World Records for Accuracy Price*: from 94».- to X45.- jm MmA m g W^f> mg fift 1 16 Colly er Quay BE SLIM,^M^H YOUNG and BEAUTIFUL kiiS^foA SLIMMING W HERB-TEA j "55" HERB-TEA SUM^TBJHEAITH k ttALTY I Gaaranteed h»rtniXJ'.'S^Z. less hrrbs. TVJrSjJS.
      294 words