The Straits Times, 16 January 1938

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 317 Sunday, January 16, 1938 Price 10 cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya. No. 317 Sunday, January 16, 1938 Price 10 cents
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  • 201 1 Japanese Outburst Over U.S. Naval Visit SINGAPORE SEEN AS "ADVANCE BASE AGAINST JAPAN" America Is Told Of Sinister Britain A WARNING of unfavourable repercussions is voiced by the sensational Tokio newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun which, in common with the entire Japanese press, features the projected visit to
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  • 70 1 Ton- n inJSs!^^^^^ Trees are thedding their leave." and the grass is becoming br ><e« and scorched. The thermometer reading* are rat undid* high but 'he :easdeg3 beating doivn o} the sun 4 rom eari\i morning until well a*/?* vr p.m day afle: day U bring-"-] the
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  • 92 1 AAISS D. M. Dodsworth. who won the title of Miss Singapore at a bathing beauty contest held at Sea View Hotel in 1932. returned to Singapore by the steamer Olenapp yesterday as Mrs. A. Kidd. of Hong Kong. Mrs. Kidd is accompanied by her husband,
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  • 48 1 As a result of a road collision involving a ricksha and a motor-car in Orchard Road near Scotts Road last night four people were injured. One of the injured wa.s a European, the other three Chinese the ricksha puller and his fares, a man and woman
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 90 1 YOUTH IN SOVIET GOVERNMENT Moscow, Saturday. Tin: Supreme Council of the Soviet Union is meeting today to discuss the formation of a new government and other important matters. The Supreme Council consists of a joint sitting of the Council of the Union, containing 569 deputies, and the Council of Nationalities
    Reuter  -  90 words
  • 43 1 ParLs, Saturday. In conversations with M. Leon Blum. M. Bonnet was informed he could not expect Socialist support With the Communists also in opposi- tion the chances of M. Bonnet sue- ceeding in forming a Cabinet are now s'ender— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 131 1 MR Donald Andrews, of Miri OH Fields. Sarawak, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Andrews, of Hampton, London, was married at St. Andrew's Cathedral. Singapore, yesterday to Miss Eveline Barker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Barker, also of Hampton. London. Rev. A. V.
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  • 82 1 I From Our Own (-respondent.) London, Saturtiay Hi *.»t.R: Firmer. London 7 1 13 d 7' rt «l JaiL-.\Ur. 7 1 16 d. Apr-June 7 3l«d. 7«id. Jul>-Sept 7 5 164. 7 COPBA: SU.. SI).. Rot £13 17>. 6d. GAMBIEB: Black. Jan.-rrb., ISi COTTON: 4.95 d GOLD: lta.
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  • 233 1 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WEDDING AT the Chinese Presbyterian Church in Prinsep Street yesterday Miss Susie Gaw, daughter of the late Mr. Gaw Khek Sin and Mrs. Gaw Khek Sin, became the britfe of Mr. Oscar Hing. 01 Gammon Malaya, Singapore, the P.ev. Gibson taking the service. The brid:?, who was given
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  • 320 1 A BOARD the aircraft carrier H.M.3. Eagle, which arrived in Singapore on Friday to take part in the manoeuvres at the end of the month, was a bridegroom-to-be who was married at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday. He was Lieutenant John William Spencer Corbett R.N.. and his bride
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  • 320 1 SWORD DRAMA IN BRITISH EMBASSY IN TOKIO Conflicting Versions Tokio, Saturday I*HE British Embassy at 1.20 p.m. today was the scene of a drama significantly exampling the Japanese attitude towards Great Britain. According to a police report the Japanese author Mako'o Watanabe a Rightist, in formal ceremonial dress called at
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  • 65 1 The Hague, Saturday. A NETHERLANDS destroyer be-! i** longing to the East Indies squadron has held up three Japanese motor fishing-boats which were al- legedly in Netherlands Indian ter- I ritorial waters in the Rhio ArchipHago. The Japanese boats did not carry 1 the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 7 1 RENE ULLMANN lor JEWELLERY Raffles Place. Spore.
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  • 417 2 500 Will Live At Depot Now Taking Shape At K.L. TO BE READY EARLY NEXT YEAR (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 14. ANEW township for policemen is rising four miles from the centre of Kuala Lumpur, in Rifle Range Road. Begun in the
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  • 95 2 Princess Liechtenstein Touring F.M.S. (From Our Own Cot respondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. rrWENTY-SIX-YEAK-ILD, tall Princess Liechicn.ttin, niece of the reigning 80-year-oW prince, has arrived here from Penang with Baron and Baroness de Tuyll, of Vienna, and is staying c fortnight in Selangor irith Mr. M. F. H. Brunton. The Princess
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  • 159 2 Slight Decline In Rice Prices 11TH1LE general prices are being stimulated liy the approach the Chinese New Year, the price «f rice, which took a 20 per cent, jump five month* ago when SinoJapantiie hostilities began, has been showing a slight decline varying from $5 to $8 a koyan, as
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  • 53 2 Rome. M. Ladislao Skrzinski, aged 69, Polish Ambassador to the Holy See. fell back in his car and died from heart failure while motoring back to his embassy after an excursion to Tivoli. His wife was sitting beside him. The Fope telephoned his condolenres
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  • 65 2 The Police band will play on Tuesday at Telok Ayer at 6 p.m. March, National Emblem <E. E. Bagley); Overture, Light Cavalry (Suppe>; Selections, Harry Lauders Songs (Arranged by J. Ord Hume): Valse, Dance In the Twilight (Eric Coates) Oriental Phantasy. In a Chinese Temple Garden <W. Ketelbey);
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 2 -THE SILVER CAR which was taken in procession through the streets .of Singapore last night in connection with the Thaipusam festival. Devotees doing penance will be seen in the streets today.
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  • 99 2 Malacca Clerks May Petition Whitehall (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. F! Is understood that Junior members of the Government services in Malacca are convening a meeting for Tuesday to consider the question of sending a petition to the Secretary of State through the Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, requesting financial
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  • 44 2 Dallas (Texas). VF/'HEN Karl W. Hagedorn was wooing Mrs. L. Brunnett, a comely widow, he hugged her and broke four of her ribs. Recently, a jury decided that Mrs. Brunnett could not collect the £1,000 for which she was suing.
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  • 206 2 Famous Artistes May Come Here SOME well-known figures in the world of music are likely to appear in Singapore if plans made by M. Michael Podoli, the European impresario, are successful. M. Podoli L managing the Don Cossack Russian choir which opens a season In Singapore from Feb. 1, and
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  • 137 2 PEACE PAVILION FOR EMPIRE EXHIBITION •THE proposed Peace Pavilion sX the Empire Exhibition, to be held in Glasgow has again been discussed at a meeting in Glasgow. It was decided to proceed with the scheme in view of the encouraging financial support already received. A sum of £2,300 is already
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  • 270 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. COR his work on the compilation of a "Manual of Rubber Planting" Mr. A. T. Edgar, manager of Suffolk Estate in the Dindings Rubber Estates group, was this morning awarded the highest recognition of the
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  • 70 2 Chandu Under Commander's Bunk COOS after HMS. Defender arrived at the Naval Base on Friday in connection with the combined manoeuvres 600 tahils of illicit chandu was found under the commander's bunk. The discovery was followed by the arrest of a mandore's boy, Chen Ah Meng, who was charged with
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  • 37 2 Following the attack on a Jewish 'bus on the Jaffa-Jerusalem road, police dogs led the way to an Arab village where arms and ammunition were found in three houses, the owners of which were arrested.
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  • 91 2 Planter Killed By Lorry (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. jyiK. D. S. Little, until recently manager of Telok Gong Estate, Banting, and at the time of his death Assistant on Sungei Mangis Estate, Banting, was knocked down and killed by a lorry while walking on the edge of
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  • 67 2 CrVE Chinese appeared before Mr. H. A. Forrer in the Criminal District Court yesterday charged with having been in possession of 1,497 tahils of non-Government chandu, valued at $11,976. All the accused were arrested in a house at Jervols Road in the early hours of
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  • 84 2 BOARD MEETING LASTS THREE MIN LITES (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A special meeting of the Sanitary Board was held this morning to confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Assessment Committee held oa Wednesday Che Ahmad bin Hajl Ibrahim propo.ed that the minutes be taken as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 99 2 **mm H our ~~~~i M/UFD Nowhere will you purchase R t F* Beef of such outstanding Q r t quality with such fine flavour and tenderness f 3 as that which we can offer. J\ JLf fl II r Kept at just the right II 5 temperature which guards ■w
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  • 292 3 CHINESF. WHO MAY REST ONE DAY IN THE WEEK EMPLOYERS HAVE OTHER VIEWS yyilll.K the employees of 50 or more Chinese shops in Penang are enjoying their first holiday today— because of the gesture of employers in allowing future Sundays as
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 3 Mrs. Wentscber at work on an Indian labourer, part of the mb«>cr estate scene in Malaya's stand at in* Empire Exhibition in Glasgow.
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  • 90 3 The nr Ministry has placed a lar*« contract for the new Vickers 'Well.r.elon 1" twin-engined bomber which is the latest type to be built on the patented rrincJpl* of Vickers 'geodetic" construction and is the latest bomber for the R.A.f. The new plane
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  • 106 3 JPINDING a motor-car standing c,t night in a country lane near Wrexhmm, a voice officer investiI and learned that the man ad on./ a nrov'sional ttcenc In WrexhtlM police court the man lias summoned for not having uiih hint a competent <lri;cr. A viag'stre'e c.<t'--?d the vun
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  • 140 3 Dr. Julian Huxley's 1 Exposure p T\R. Julian Huxley, continuing his series of children's lectures at the Royal Institution, dispelled some popular notions concerning the ant. Tl'e ant was shown to be rather stupid, and the little -domestic animals which looked for it in the ant
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  • 193 3 DUCE ANGERED BY SWISS ATTACK Italians Are Not "Cafe" S»^~ Milan. IGNOR M»ssolini himself is believed once a rain to be the a-thor of an angry article m his newsnawr Popolo d'ltalia." In this an unnamed Swiss newspaper, which has ventured to say that Italians are not good soldiers, is
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  • 78 3 Link With Charles I /%NE of London's oldest historic hotels —the Arundel, which faces th.~ Thames from the foot of Arunde Street. Strand— will be closed shortly and will be converted into offices. As Arundel House, town residence 0. the Earls of Arundel. it was
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  • 48 3 The plea of a London wholesi:< coffee merchant that his warehouse in Addis Ababa been sacked proved unavailing in the Appea, Court at Rouen, which gave JuJ,'ment ajalnsf. him in an action for non-dc ivpry brougnt by a French firm of coffee importers
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  • 99 3 POOR Polish MllEfSmni Dimynski. earning 325. Ed a SSWA 1"1- 1" same family in Poland by an uncle. ?uref o C( trSi. g m o aCh' nDrym"Ufl Fifty-five years ago the uncle, named Henry Duszynski. emigrated from I Poland. His family, who wer« livinin Western Poland,
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  • 17 3 All French railways are now under the control of the newly-formed French National Railway Company.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 274 3 More Speed-More Comfort To England Every Wednesday nnd Monday.> air services leave i,«ie». por* far India (8 day»> Kcypt dars> and f ndain ig da»»l Ymi flj In i bit i engined air linei a> far as Ale-:ardria whrrr you Join one ot the nr* Kroptrr flymrboaU for the
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 753 3 IN SINGAPORE TODAY < ga HAJ I Friday, Jiuiuary 21. MMi-ufo. Uay^ ISouth ludia (Explorateur Oiandidien ILHAHBaU: t For nomance." ianajong fapcian iSiberc. 3.16, and 9. ".5 p.m Mandar. January t4 vrnor.: -r<\L> PrLooa <t the Pa\upar" wi.h Mauritius (Hou:mtxii> B tl>nn. 3.15. 6.1S and 9.1 j. Thursday Ft-hiiu»r>
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  • 369 4 By Motor-Car From Paris To Boirbay ATTACK BY HYENAS IN WILDS OF SYRIA In Touch With World By Wireless WEXT month there will arrive in Singapore a South African officer who, with his family, recently made the journey from Paris to Bombay by motor-car. He is
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  • 38 4 More than 800 cyclists cheered 48--year-old Rene Menzies, of Cricklewood, who by cycling an average 175 miles a day for 365 consecutive days throughout 1937 established a new world's record of 62.200 miles.
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  • 115 4 LL. GEORGE'S GOLDEN WEDDING TPHE whole of the Lloyd George family will gather in the Riviera —on Jan. 23 to celebrate the golden wedding of Mr. Lloyd George and Dame Margaret. Major Gwilym Lloyd George, M.P.. has already Joined his father at Cap d'Antibes. Dame Margaret and Miss Megan, who
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  • 86 4 AS could be expected with the big armaments programmes, wolfram has been in great demand, and the price has shown considerable enhancement. During the J ear the average price of the ore has been $180 a plcul, and tt reached $380 at one period. The present quotation
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  • 62 4 The King Will Modernise Sandringham |£ING GEORGE has decided to mo- demise and redecorate Sandringham House on a handsome scale. The King and Queen wish to make their Norfolk home brighter and cosier. Recently two representatives of a London firm of decorators went to Sandringham end had conversations with the
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  • 243 4 pVIDENCE that after playing: golf "morning, noon, and night," a professional suddenly appeared to lose his keen interest in the game, was given at the inquest on Tom Trapp, a«:ed 51. Trapp. who was found gassed at his home in Grcencourt-gardens, Addiscombe.
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 4 Many personalities and notabilities travelled to Marseilles to board the Stratheden, which was making her maiden voyage to Australia. In the picture are Sardar Bahadah Maban Singh (left) shaking hands with a friend prior to his departure from Victoria.
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  • 46 4 Wife's Words Too Strong For 'Caveman' WILLIAM JOHN FIELDING, fifty-tvs>-year-old author of "The Cavtman Within Us," pleaded when his wife sued him for maintenance at Newark, New Jersey, that he was "extremely sensitive" to his wife's "harsh language," which, he said, compelled him to leave her.
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  • 111 4 And Never Knew It I lEUTENANT Thomas Baskervilio (R.N., retired) died on his 100 th birthday last October without knowing that he was a centenarian. This has been revealed by examina- t tlon of his papers and records. He believed himself to be only ninety-seven
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  • 128 4 NEW ORDNANCE CHIEF I lEUT.GEN. C. C. Armitage has been appointed Master General of the Ordnance In India in succession to Gen. Sir Henry E. ap R Pryce, who retires from the post, with effect from April 1, 1938. Lieut-Gen. Armitage is 56. He was promoted
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  • 20 4 Fourteen hundred police were needed to control shrieking New Years Eve crowds massed in Times Square, New York.
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  • 125 4 DOCTOR WHO HAD £50,000 SECRET |\R. WILLLIM STANLEY MANS- FIELD, who in 1860 offered the then Archbishop of Canterbury 'The Secret of the World" at a price of £50,000 has died at Slough, aged 96. His offer was refused, and the doctor declared that the secret would die with him.
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  • 77 4 Chicago. DAUL WHITEMAN, orchestra leader. has found among some old com- positions of the late George Gershwin a "Second Rhapsody in Blue." Apparently it was written ten or twelve years ago. Wlhteman, whose orchestra made the "First RhaDsody" famous, said: "I believe it equa!
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  • 65 4 pHIEF Inspector David Storrier, the Duke of Windsor's shadow," has been promoted to be superintendent. Burly Scot, forty-five years old. a bachelor, "Dave" Storrier. has been the Duke's pnvct«> bodyguard for more than eighteen ycais. He was specially seconded from Scotland Yard Special Branch to be
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  • 113 4 I IBERTY, 1,600 tons, one of the 1- most famous steam yachts in the world, last owner Lady Hous'.on, is to be broken up. She has been purchased as scrap by Messrs. Cashmore, of Sheffield, and will be towed from Cowes to Newport, Monmouthv. shire.
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  • 121 4 Honorary Surgeon To The King THE Air Ministry announces the appointment of Air-Comm Albert Victor John Richardson C.B 0.8.E, to be Director of Royai At Force Medical Services, Air Mm ;;r r on March 1, 1938, in the place of A:r Vice-Marshal Sir Alfred W.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 152 4 Mrs. C. Y. Blackwood Sewetl. P. P. C. OQ veais 1 1 I order to \tfOH EftgS WRIGHTS Coal lar Soap fAtyayhruf VIV«ICi. Ut JtM^i *,i.«fl So-H Ltd. I'll WANTED, experienced and well connected salesman to handle cosmetic, medicine, and provision lines in Singapore and upcountries. Good prospects for -he
      152 words
    • 27 4 A SIDE-SPLITTING COMEDY! Ist RATE ENTERTAINMENT 1 CLAIRETREVOI V g <tfw MICHAEL WHALEN Z£j9 lOAM OAVIt O. 1 D •>g»>.C ooucias town* c ie 4INNII I*llllll 9.15
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    • 26 4 Free Press. "Easily Best Musical we have had .can be warmly rerommenrtcd" Tribune. 3-15 «-15 Her best and gayest film with The '."irious :Uim. of hrrislcr
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  • 259 5 Archaeological Find In Fukien May Supply The Answer PREHISTORIC CULTURAL RELATIONSHIP POTTERY jar unearthed in Wu-ping, south-west Fukien. Orna. in the course of archaeological excavations bears a JMifi similar to that shown on prehistoric Malayan finds *n,J may be the long sought answer to
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  • 71 5 pURTHER gold mining developments in British Guiana are foreshadowed ir. report from tiie Commissioner Landa and lOnea, published m the Bulletin of the Imperial Institute South Kensington. Work carried out In the Quartzstone- I imu area is stated to be ot pn mary economic importance.
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  • 30 5 fc D the rails caused the derailment of a train at Raucoules-Bros-Huate Loire). The guard and wero killed, the engine-driver '-idly Injured, and about 10 were injured.
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  • 299 5 Stadt House Banquet To Prehistorlans (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. CEVERAL members to the third Prehistorian Congress in the Far East in Singapore will have the opportunity of re-living the past when they visit Malacca at the invitation of the Malacca Historical Society. For the
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  • 33 5 By the wish of King Boris the Bularian Government is preparing a ecree fixing March 6 for the general lections in Bulgaria, which has been nder a semi-dictatorship for three ears
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  • 271 5 GOEBBELS TO BE DEPRIVED OF AN OFFICE Hitler's Friend As Press Controller NO MORE SUMMARY EXPULSIONS 3 Berlin. ]>IPORTANT changes in the I control of the German Press are expected to take place this I month. It is understood that Press quesr tions will be taken out of the hands
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  • 121 5 Congress Ministry And Indian Officials Madras. ri TS by the Madras Congress v Ministry in Government servants' salaries are announced in a Madras Government communique which says that the provincial services are to be subjected to a graded reduction ranging from 5 per cent, to 30
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 5 hLE£ Fa th < thro f S little *lrl saved her life, but she at Kings Colle»e Hospital in London, where she is making K oo4 progress.
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  • 75 5 tFrom Our Own Correspondent) Mm, The engagement is announced ot Mr. Tay Lay Soon, second son of the late Mr. Tay Boon Khoo and Mrs. Boon Khoo. and nephew of the wellknown Muar merchant. Towkay Tay Boon Plan, and Miss Tan Kirn Suan. seventh daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
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  • 51 5 WHEN Berryvnod County Mental Hospital, Northants. played the village team from neighbour, ing New Duston at football on the hospital ground there MM trouble among the spectators. Northant3 Football Association considered the matter, it recommended that in future Cup games the linesmen must not be hospital patient
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  • 64 5 Naval authorities are inquiring into the cause of a fire which broke out in the seaplane hangar of the new cruiser Birmingham (9,000 tons* at Portsmouth and was put out by the -crew. The authorities state the fire was got under control In 20 minutes and no
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  • 130 5 Incident In Royal Scot Jj^ WOMAN passenger in the Royal Scot, travelling from London to Glasgow, gave birth to a child a.; the express was travelling at 70 m.p.h When the train was approaching Rugby tlie mother was suddenly uktu. ill. and she was attended by
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 8 5 r **dv *«"e <?7 Or old Mr* I>
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    • 488 5 \on4 SCUltliYof\ UVEkYDMUFEI K|^^ WE ARE LIVING through ttrenuotu day*. Keen competition in business and the KVW necessity of keeping pace with modern developments, keeps oar nerves eternall-r on ■JfN Q» edge Kven our pleasures, recreations and sporting actmtie* arc strenuous wt art VKj ROW ktjed up mentallf and physically,
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  • 1204 6 \l/E live in r oubled days and it ls unfortuna but not surprising that a week that full of promise ajid that recorded substantial improvement in all sections of stocks and commodities up to Thursday, should be unable to maintain this improvement at the close of
    1,204 words
  • 204 6 Jan. 12 13 M. American Can. Con. 82 80 80 American Telephone.aid Teegraph 149 1484 147Vb Atcheson Railroad 40 1 8 39 8 40 Chesapeak 37" 0 37 8 37 >■« Duyont 118 116' 2 118 Firestone 23 7 8 23» 2 24 General Electric 44» 4
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  • 89 6 Saturday. Jan. 15, N<x.n No. 1 K. R. S. S. in cases (FOB) Jan. 23 23 3 k Good F. A. Q. in bales (F. 0.8.) Jan. 22'h 22.. No. 1 K. R. S. S. (Spot loose) A.tardabie 23' 23» 4 January 23 23 3
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  • 52 6 Manila. Jan. 15. Last Sale Prices Previous Today Pesos Pesos I Ant;;mok 0.51 0.51 j Benguet Consolidated 10.00 unq j Consolidated Mines 0.012 0.012 I. XL 0.62 unq !sanMauricio 0.485 0.49 United Paracale 0.46 0.46 The prices are published by courtesy Of Messrs. Levy and Co..
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  • 1290 6 SINGAPORE STOCK AND SHARE PRICES Fraser And Co.'s List 1 1L I F.I 1 JAD i 19) I W* MINING Bayers Setter* Ampat Tin Ms) 4b 4'td 4s 10 id Asam Kumbang (f) 32s 34s c.a. Austral Malay > 50s 55s Ayer Hitam (ss) 25s 26s Ayer Weng ($1) .75
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  • 163 6 List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser v_ Co. SATURDAY. JAN. IV 1 Ml TOU: financial Company Dividend Boots D&u Ex D)v TIN Close To Payable Date Asam Kumbang Is No. bl fen. 21 Jar M Jan. 22 6d bonus year 'o date Ipch Tin Is. Int. Jan. 5
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 366 6 S. E. Levy Co. Shanghai, Hongkong, Manila, Singapore. ■fmcnt Bankers and Brokers :n Securities and Commooitus. Daily Foreign Market Cabin and Quotation Strvice. MEMBERS. NEW I'ORK COTTON EXCHANGE. COMMODITY EXCHANGE. INC. NEW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGE. •JHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE HONGKONG SHARE BROKERS' ASSN.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 88 7 RARE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS STAMPS. I am alwr ys in a position to oiler rare Straits Settlements and States stamps at very reasonable prices. Want Lists will receive my prompt personal attention. SELECTIONS SENT ON APPROVAL TO ANT PART OF THE WORLD. My Speciality:— RARE BRITISH COLONIALS OF ALL PERIODS. T.
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    • 346 7 STAMPS Coronation— siamus COMPLEX*. MT Ml SI AMPS from Gt. Britain, the 45 Crown Colonies, Dominions. Newfoundland and Mandated Territories 528.92 CJNLSID USED $47.14 Blocks of 4. $115 72 Blocks of 4. $214.29. 135 Stamps from the 15 Crown Colonies only. $11.79 UNIjSED. Blocks of 4 547.14. L'SED $20.36. These
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    • 101 7 HOTELS WHEN YOU'RE HpME IN LONDON FRANK S. CASTLE LATE OF RUNNYMEDE HOTEL WILL WELCOME YOl AT BAYSWATER LONDON HOTEL W 2 A Few Minutes From The West End LONDON. ENO. NEW MANSIONS HOTEL 38-39-40 Lancaster Uate. Hyde Park. FIRST-CLASS* HOTEL. Central lor all parts ot London. Central heauiik. Gas
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    • 264 7 HOTELS l *g^± CONDON CALLS /*S)^W LNSISTEN II 1^ and enjoy at either HOTEL RUBENS Buckingnam Palace Road lacing Buckingham Palace or HOTEL &&W REMBRANDT t& S«.uUi Kensington SW Vy^A facing the Victoria ano &'-\ijo^^ Albert Museun. Every attention in oleasing surrounding* perfect oiii runt THESE COMFOKIABL* HOTELS WITH ACKNOWLEDGED
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 881 7 Today 's Wir eless Programmes SINGAPORE t 05 Greenwich time signal ZHL 1 11 mt'u r»»5 m.) 30 Soo B recital by Amy Evans (s«cranol Dv Wit die Ruh (Mv Smeet Repo»e> 11. W Miscellaneous songs, i Ras' loseLlebe Restles. Love (SchuTwo songs by Webster Boorh (tenon. ?«£>• T y*
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    • 468 7 NIROM. ri« IS 16 M«/» lit m PM.N 10.26 mc/s (29.2 at.) m 7.20 Sacred Heart Church, Soerabaya. 7.50 Cathedral. B. via-Centrum. 9.20 Protestant Ch, h, Soerabaya. 10.50 Time signal. 10.53 Variety morning concert. 11.20 Songs by Ir. Otto Aschenbrenner. 11.50 Intermezzo and marches. p m 12.05 Carel van der
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  • 111 8 "Production Well Ahead" Says Sir T. Inskip London. Saturday. "PRODUCTION of air-engines is increasing well ahead of even what we anticipated." said Sir Thomas Inskip. Minister for Co-ordination of Defence, speaking at Havant. Hampshire. "British-made engines have led the whole world and are second
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 124 8 Many Tax Changes Proposed Washington, Saturday. THE House cf Representatives Ways and Means Sub-Committee on i taxation forecasts a substantial simulation of American business if its wide programme for revision of the existing tax structure is enacted. At the same time, the Sub-Commit-tee predicts that tfM programme
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 262 8 Newspaper Magnate's Prediction NINTH ANNIVERSARY OF SIN CHEW JIT POH MALAYAN newspaper magnate Mr. Aw Boon Haw declared in Singapore last night that the peace of mankind was not distant. "Although I am not a politician nor a prophet," he said, v still by the outlook
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  • Article, Illustration
    89 8 •filE engagement is announce uf Mr. 1 Donald Staplcton C'arden. of 'he I*l--i-i stershirr Rrjiment. rider son of Mr. and Mrs. R. \V. t'ardVn. of BurrhKU, near llaywards Heath, and MSv» Gertrude Aunrslry (Anne) West, daughter of the late I i.-ut -Col. R. A. \Vr«t. V.C.. and M*-«. Wwt. of
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  • 87 8 From Our Own Correspondent, Muar, Saturday. A complete still and a deml-John containing two gallons three pints of illicit samsu, were produced as exhibits this morning when two Chinese Ngo Chew Sim and Yeang Vim, were charged before Inche Rauf bin Mohamad Sa'at with distilling liquor
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  • 74 8 The Chines? government is reported to have decided to close Its consulategeneral at Seoul, Korea, and to recall the staff owing to alleged Japanese interference with the consulate, says Reuter. CHINESE ENVOY TO ITALY ARRIVES AT HANKOW General Liv Wen-tao. Chinese Ambassador in
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 91 8 Drastic Orders By Gen. Chiang Shanghai, Saturday. p«EN. HAN FU-CHU, Governor of Shantung, has been taken to Hankow where a courtmartial may find him guilty of dereliction of duty, the penalty being death. The dispatch adds that Gen. Li Tuochuan and Gen. Wan Fu-lin, former subordinates of
    91 words
  • 105 8 Conflicting Claims From Tsining Sector Shanghai. Saturday. TIE p Mttlon at Tsining. strategic city in Shantung wiiere fighting lias been going on fox several days, remains obscure. Vivid Chinese details of the recapture of the city conflict with Japanese reports that the Japanese are not only in possession
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 133 8 Disclosure Of Her Secret Visit To Hong Kong Hong Kong. Saturday. MADAME Chiang Kai-shek's entourage express indignation at the publication of news of her visit to th? j Colony which it was intended to keep secret. They say that Madame Chiang's life has been placed in
    133 words
  • Article, Illustration
    61 8 LIEUT. A. F. ANDERS, executive officer of the Panay. Mink l>> J.ipanese bombs, being: carried aboard the I.S.S. .^ucusta on a stretch* r. Anders was the hero of the Pan.ty taking full charge of the ship when the bombs were dropped. Wounded in the tl'roat. he unable to speak,
    61 words
  • 127 8 DEMAND FOR TIN FROM YUNNAN 1937 Good Year But 1938 Is Uncertain The year 1937 was a sati>factory one for Arms dealing in Yunnancse tin, which was in better demand abroad. The United States < anci European countries sistent buyers for most part o: the year, and prices were at
    127 words
  • 138 8 Renewal. Fund •From Our Own Kuala Lumpur. Jan. H A MEETING of ths Federal C will b neld at Kuala I Jan. tk The General Mannrer. F.M.S R.i;lways. will seek the approval of Coun- cil for the re-allocation zl provision, i voted in the F.M.S. Railway EsJi mates.
    138 words
  • 33 8 Members of the boys' pipe band at Dr. Barnaul's Home at Kintston- on -Thames, chase the cook with a Christmas Pudding, aU anxious fur the first taste.
    33 words
  • 79 8 From Our Own Correspondent. Muar, Saturday, i WANTED in Singapore, Hamld alias La tiff, an ex-pollce constable In the Straits Settlements, was arrested in Muar on a charge of theft on a warrant issued in Singapore. Hamid was this morning produ^ before the second magistrate. Ire Raof bin
    79 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 212 8 Z o Bnttor. more j N I. I I c c o ii o 111 i c a I At bargain price you can buy a Gillette No. a) Set and enjoy the many advantage* of Gillette thaving. Tim popular contains a Gillette razor and one Blue Gillette blade in
      212 words

  • 747 9 Mainly About Malayans By The Onlooker THE close association of 1 Major D. M. NoyesLewis with the modernisation of the Johore Military Forces during the past six years was rewarded last week with his promotion to the rank of LieutenantColonel by the Sultan. ore becoming Military Ad visi-r to His
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  • 88 9 139— MATA-MATA A health to Singh ami Mat Brave mata-matas they. We doff to them respectful hat As they enter the hooligan fray. Alert by night or day. And knowing naught of fear. Their hearts are big (though small their IM y) When duty's vail sounds dear. Irksome
    88 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 742 9 Hy--J A ">RAMAT!CALLr -■''^T^^t^B^, DIFFERENT MOTOR < Alt 4 MM 90^. f or Those Content Only JHHfI V '^m f^ u'ith tne Newest B Wt WP"wf^^^ c lstinctl >' original design araon^ M 0>- -W l^ e new motor cars —»s the way the M• >^* WJ motor show critics
      742 words

  • 276 10 For the first time in Kuala Lumpur a triple wedding took place last week. The ceremony took place at the Hua Keow Association and was performed by Mr. Sze. The parties were (left to right in the picture above): Mr. Tan Song Pek
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  • 188 10 PAIN WAS WEARING HER OUT. She Could Not Straighten Her Back. For six weeks this woman endured the pains of backache. Then she began to take Kruschen. and in three weeks, what a difference there was But lot her tell the story herself About six weeks ago, I started having
    188 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 290 10 A BETTER INVESTMENT THAN EVER Sound-insulating material ensures silence. /^WB "*^B^JJ§jT-** "> jfflr^W^ ijT m Ilk; ■^m^^^^ajß B mX f "^BB6^™ iff flMfe^V^^f^ ,f Ifa#. ri24B HHm wt^B LM f\ Si f rr'w? -:-ga^; :--7 ■r. I f^^Bfl Vl^Bbssb :^V* ssssWv^^Dv^&sssVfl&L -1 J V*. v M^m M W" t ill
      290 words

  • 177 11 Country Matters. Written and! engraved by Clare Leirhton. Gollancx. 10s. 6d. T"HIS is a handsome book, beautifully printed and produced, illustrated by the author's own woodcuts. The essays on country life deal with the simpler and humbler Inhabitants and events The village fair and cricket match the flower
    177 words
  • 218 11 The Mother of t lardine. By Colette. Werner Laurie. 7s. 6d. tribute could be more sincere and touching, and less sentimental than Colette s picture of her mother in relation to the various members of her very individual and difficult family Where, where are the children
    218 words
  • 461 11 Morning Telb the Day. By Barbara Goolden. Grey Children. By James Hanley Methaen. 7s. &d. «ach MISS OOOLDENS kindly humorous tale of family is at the same time wickedly penetrating study of character. The Grinlings are a family of five. Denver,
    461 words
  • 890 11 Bruce Lockhart's Boyhood Days In Scotland Books Of The Week VALUABLE PICTURE OF THE COUNTRY OF 35 YEARS AGO My Scottish Youth. By R. H. Bruce I/orkhart. Putnam 10a. 6d. JHIS writer needs no introduction to Malaya. He is now 51 years of age, has had a varied, exciting and
    890 words
  • 52 11 I ATEST additions to the Penguin "Books series (complete and unabridged works published at 6d per volume) are: On England, by Stanley Baldwin. Seven Famous One-Act Plays. While Rome Burns, by Alexander Woollcott. Billiards and Snooker for Amateur Players, by Horace lindrum. Penguin Parade (a collection of new
    52 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 260 11 DICTIONARIES LATEST EDITIONS "A Dictionary of Modem English I Usage" by H. W. Fbwler 14.5» "Ttse Concise Oxford Dictionary* Third Edit Revised by H. W Fowler <fc H. O. Le Mesurier 1524 Pages. "Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary" (The dictionary that solres the X'words prob'em litest Edit. $4.54 Postaee Extra:
      260 words
    • 138 11 I Did you MACLEAN your teeth to-day? Ah! I see you did If you use a solid dentifrice, try ■EkA M^A V\l '^J^offf^^^^ Sales Represencative: A. T. Cillespie, P.O. Box 217, Singapore THE LANKA STORES, Dealers in Newspapers, books, sports goods, prize cups, wedding presents, etc. 282 P. O. Box
      138 words

  • 1372 12  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By INQUIRIES to decide which is the favourite "Sitting on the Fence" star have had what the organisers of charity call "a ready response," despite the rather meagre prize a pint of nourishing stout with me in any Fleet Street tavern. So far Sally
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  • 378 12 By THE FOUR ACES THE other evening we were watch- 1 incr a certain Bridge-player who for some time past has been complaining of his tough luck. While we are usually sympathetic to such sad stories, nevertheless we happen to know that this player is respon- sible for
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 244 12 NEGLECTED STOMACH PAINS nay end in DANGEROUS OPERATIONS! Many a stomach sufferer has had to submit to the surgeon's knife because be n< fleeted stomach pains pain* that came on after eating. He dismissed those little twinges as nothing more than ordinary indigestion— and paid the price of his neplect.
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  • 93 13 Honours List P. C. QIR John Anderson, Hfty-flve-year-old Scot, who until a few weeks ago was Governor of Bengal and became a Privy Councillor In the New Year Honours List, has been Invited by the Conservative associations of the four Scottish Universities to stand as National Government
    93 words
  • 501 13 KING KONG OF WRESTLERS MAY WRESTLE IN SINGAPORE Forty-eight eggs cooked in relays of six, 2 Ib. bacon with onions, 5 rolls, lib. butter, 3 whole roast chickens with vegetable* and 1 quart of milk beaten up with three eggs and a little brandy. This is what Emile Czayea, Hungarian
    501 words
  • 364 13 PRECEDED by two small boys carrying hujje bouquets of ro^ a wamITZUiT? C U J )I e t he man wearin ff a well-cut blue suit, the VaTsZTo(%l^J nMaCkVelVei^ mi t0 in the f™ ™r y WGre i imediatel y followed by two sturdy-looking men—
    364 words
  • 27 13 The commercial wireless services In Hong Kong previously controlled by the Hong Kong Telegraph Administration have been taken over by Cables and [Wireless Ltd.
    27 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 282 13 4kg/2^nbrealgj wmr w rc *V&^ji&^r llt.<S 130 _H inner Unfunded |^r If Dot t...ti.-4/actory. R.l.nbl. Ilich-Gradc IS-Icwcl Sbocfcproof I.e»er Movement, limrd an.l ».l)u.<ic,l, suitable v .im..t.-. 1 Btarnlafcaa* Chr,,n, Waterproof and Sandproof x arltH "Firth-Stay hnt* Stainlasa Steel back. Un.fT-, t<.| 1% r«tw or iMfttal c0n- .!'.<....(. tL.l.rn li.j, i,..l
      282 words
    • 722 13 EVEN IF YOU ARE 4Bv .NATURALLY THIN 9 RUNDOWN /rfk Gain Perfect Health, J B Renewed energy, A Re- MW "VI«L»» rablatt, rha amazlnf Mlnaral > f Concanfrafa from tha laa, rich In MINEBALJ wjj i BPHb^I and FOOD lODINE. I, building up thou.and, V of narvou.. Hiln, run-down, pramaturaly
      722 words

    11 words
  • 149 14 Totidem Verbis Surplus AT the end of October the General Balance Sheet of the F.M S. showed a surplus of just under $88,000,000, with a further $15,322,000 in the Special Reserve and over $30,000,000 in the Opium Revenue Replacement Reserve Fund. By Dec. 31 the surplus was no douDt well
    149 words
  • 209 14 /"VNE object of Mr. J. G. Hay's present visit to Malaya is to discover, if he can, if the costs of production of rubber are likely to rise further costs now being, in Malaya, the highest in the world." He means, presumably, that they are higher than those
    209 words
  • 179 14 FROM today a large number of Chinese firms in Penang will give their staffs a holiday on Sundays. It may be hoped that this praiseworthy example will be followed throughout Malaya. A weekly day of rest for workers is most desirable, socially and economically. The six days
    179 words
  • 222 14 KAVADI The Devotee The Hindu Festival Of Thaipusam, Singapore Into my flesh the arrow, Into my breast the sword, Number the sweat my pains beget With the years of the ageless Lord Load on my head their prison, Press in each pore the dart, Pin to my cheeks a pierced
    222 words
  • 1743 14 The $500,000 Copra Fraud Case Counsel For The Defence" HTHE Sunday Times continues this week the exclusive series of articles, compiled by Harry Miller, on the cases of Vincent Devercux Knowles, Malaya" s greatest criminal latvycr. WITH the ending of the trade depression in 1931 firms began putting their houses
    1,743 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 245 14 TEL: g^ TEL: 4310 q3)>>2*HS<> 4310 MANUFACTURING DISPENSING OPTICIANS THE OPTICAL HOUSE 65, STAMFORD ROAD, SMGAPORE. MIEN CHONG Singapore's most up to-date Tailor —34. COLEMAN ST. WHY NOT Enjoy Life and Regain YOUTHFUL VITALITY 9 9 ALVO-ECSTASIN is mr reliable and yet harmless bu Uiinc-up preparation of the entire organism.
      245 words
      35 words
    • 28 14 K. P. M. LINE (Incorporated In Holland) On leave? Travel home via South Africa FIRST CLASS FROM £83/-/-FOR DETAILED INFORMATION APPLY TO: X.P.M. LINE 1, FINLAYSON GREEN, SINGAPORE.
      28 words

  • 290 15 Architects Draw Plans For $3,000,000 Building BACKED BY GROUP OF FINANCIERS IN PARIS Facade Designed In Spanish Style DLANS for a magnificent twelve-storeyed hotel to stand on the site of the present Adelphi Hotel in Singapore have already been drawn by a firm of architects in
    290 words
  • 36 15 There has been a serious outbreak of typhoid in th~ province of Seville in Southern Spain. A Gibraltar Government notice warns British suoJects obliged to visit Seville of the ne- cessity of previous inocu'ation
    36 words
  • 209 15 They Were Not Divided Belfast. A CHRISTMASTIDE tragedy of an old couple's love, of a Darby and Joan who had been inseparable since the first day of their youthful romance, was told at an inquest here on 74-year-old George Lemon, of Duncairn Gardens. He had returned home to find his
    209 words
  • 21 15 Shakespeare was played in French in Monte Carlo for the first time when Othello was performed.
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  • 45 15 Censored Athens. A^ international conference met here to discuss swearing. The hi£h aim was to bring about a world ban. Italy, said a Turkish delegate, was the country in which swearing was worst. Discussion immediately became heated and somebody swore Aghast, the conference broke up.
    45 words
  • 19 15 A genera! resumption of immigration from Northern and Central Europe into South America will take place this year.
    19 words
  • 138 15 Grand Guignol In Real Life Budapest. A story reminiscent of grand guignol is reported from Recede, on the Yugoslav-Hun-garian frontier. After twenty years of imprisonment Janos Krobot returned to the village where he had lived with his parents. Anxious not to startle t.^e old peopie by a sudden
    138 words
  • 33 15 In 1937 there were 184 fewer bankruptcies in Great Britain and Ireland than in 1936, according to figures issued by the City trade paper Kemp's Mercantile Gazette.
    33 words
  • 34 15 The German vessel Traunstein, 1,875 tons, which was driven ashore at Melilla, Spanish Morocco, has been refloated, but four others, one of them the British steamer Marklyn, 3,0»0 tons, are still aground.
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  • 36 15 Sir Edward Detinam, Captain-Gen-eral cf Jamaica, has Just concluded a short private visit to the Panama Canal Zone, during which he attended a New Year reception given by MajorGeneral Stone commanding the Canal Department.
    36 words
  • 126 15 His Daughter Must Say "Yes" |F a Carmarthen father wants to re-marry he must ask his daughters permission or disregard a last wish of his late wife. Mrs Sarah Louisa Williams, of Danycapel. Rhyd-ar-gaeau. Carmarthen, who died last May. has left all her property to her husband and h.r daughter.
    126 words
  • 23 15 Herr Konrad Hugentobler of Rheineck. Canton St. Gallen. ..iebrated his 103 rd birthday. He M the oldest Inhabitant of Switzerland.
    23 words
  • 31 15 Mile, de Fontanges. who shot, and wounded the former French Ambassador to Italy, the Comte de Chambrun has been deported from the United States in the liner Champlian.
    31 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 496 15 Lose A Pound A Day This New Easy Way gZ C Ik JABanish ThatU^hJS T£>&\rT'/ Pat. A New Wi^m^t^^ Discovery from Hollu4^^^N wood, Calif. Used by J] Cinema Stars. Makes You Look and Feel yiD Years Younger^ JJoßOf y nnJ yo 1. Kit in. :ts away 1 I .or;! r
      496 words
    • 61 15 NEXT WEEK: THE "PERFECT 1 FORGERY Strong, sturdy limbs, sound I^^^ 2££*®» the ha Ppiness of this famous English Food! 0 6 T Jm Emm^ Gate pre-eminent. M Bl\ That is why Mothers say "There (I I) is nothing quite like it— nothing so good when natural feeding fails." vfl
      61 words

  • 118 16 Europe's Royal Families HTEN of Europe's eleven kings are descended from one British princess. She was Princess Elizabeth, eldest daughter of James I. She married Frederic. Elector Palatine and King of Bohemia, in 1612. when she was sixteen. They had 11 children. The Kings
    118 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 16 Landscapes add much to the artistic appeal of your photo album.
    13 words
  • 478 16 WE may sing of the flowers that bloom in the spring tra-la but a song cannot adequately describe the wonderful colourings that Mother Nature bestows upon the trees and shrubs in the fall. The woods are ablaze witn colour and new colourful fall flowers appear. Lakes, rivers,
    478 words
  • 69 16 Betty Winter, of Brook Street. Alcombe. near Mlnehead. Somerset, formerly employed at a hostel. Is now Teddle Winter. 16-year-old grocer's assistant. She underwent an operation in a London hospital and changed her sex. "She" Is now a good-looking, smartly dressed boy. Teddie has thrown away
    69 words
  • 144 16 Windscreen Was Dirty, Fined £1 pOR having dirty windscreen on his van, Robert William Cummin, of Campsey Road, Dagenhatn, was fined £1 at Southend. It was stated to be the first case of the kind to come before that Court. The summons against Cummin, who did not appear, accused him
    144 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 321 16 /40A ><Sg _A because of its mellow maturity, «^V^^i haS a high medicinal value ffi- %i is ar botter Q ua|lt y than ;V;^^^ £If other Empire brandies, and /^^H Wk£/ J» you snould always keep a I'^^^^^^^^M bottle in the house, against /^btV <&L sickness and emergencies. aJUMI -1(
      321 words
    • 446 16 TOUCH AND GO 1 I n, wltha 9 I WORLD'S FINEST PEN Instant writing, beauty, hand comfort and a Lifo- time* guarantee make SheafFer't the thriftiest and most pleasing pen value ever offered. Only Sheaff er's has ALL Seven of the features desired JL Violated Lifetime* B 1 guarantee 2-Way
      446 words

  • 706 17 Proper Selection Of Foot And Leg Gear I IT may, at first thought, seem very unusual for a i make-up artist apparently to step out of character and essay the role of an authority on what types of shoes and stockings women should wear This abrupt
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  • 441 17 I*HE sun shining brilliantly in through the little lattice window made her blink and shut her eyes again tightly as she turned over in bed. Still only half awake she lay very, very still— thinking. It was her wedding day. She thought of the dainty frock lying
    441 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
      622 words
    • 384 17 How to Cure Your SKIN ERUPTION Why suffer humiliation from the scrutiny PP7PMA of passers-by If your face is marred by a K W ABIVI/% disfiguring eruption, an angry rash, or un- sightly blotches, a course of Cuticura treat- DHOBI 5 ITCH ment will quickly clear you skin. Healing starts
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  • 94 18 A MONG the many novelties deA signed for bridge players are sets of pencils, rubber-tipped, and with the sides decorated with all sorts of lucky signs— black cats, horse shoes, four-leaf clovers, and the various suits In their appropriate colours. Packs of washable playing cards are interesting.
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  • 155 18 WHEN buying new blankets, colour is not nearly so important as knowing the amount of warmth that various types will give. It Is a mistake to judge a blanket by its weight. Ofter the lighter one is better than a heavyweight, so long as the feel is
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  • 112 18 AMONG the many recipes which are popular for suppers, onioas are often one of the ingredients, and. as a rule, this means slicing, chopping or shredding them. Some women try to do this part of the work under water, which is said to rid one's task of the
    112 words
  • 97 18 APRONS are coming back. But not aprons of a kind to compete with the useful overalls which are smock-shaped, and enveloping. an A Pretty voile aprons handembroidered with Hungarian stitchery are bright in colour and round in shape, and mounted on long, sash waist-bands. The Swiss influence is
    97 words
  • 576 18 THOSE women who have expended patience, skill, and time on petit-point work may find themselves with many small pieces on hand, and they might follow the example of the experts who are having them mounted in ways which natter the bright, delicate
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 317 18 I Looked YOUNGER EVERY pSIMORNING \?< V^^ S°Y S Miss Kennedy of Clapham n£y^v^^^^y fc^ It was exciting to wake up and look Bk into my mirror to see the little B lines and wrinkles become fainter K everyday. Bjy BT >>/ B^ IBhsj^k Actual photograph of Mi*» Jean <
      317 words
    • 300 18 J A slim figure always s^ looks youthful. So slim VI softly with Redex Lotion *s _appliedext«rnaJ/y.Re- rbaL-m« proved by physicians. catalogues. No dieting. Unfailingly h,\»UE\S effective and easy to use.ActsmTtolOdays. jf jf j m JtrUS?~*~ $9.50 off V BINCAPOR»>-M«Uc»l H«H L«d. W M M »1 KUALA LDMPV H- »»««r»l
      300 words

  • 1279 19  -  Helen English By Trimmed With Feathers JJURIEL called round to see me recently, radiant with her luck and love. Darling, I'm in love I'm engaged I'm going to be married. Isn't it heavenly. I'm just the luckiest girl in the world." I congratulated her
    1,279 words
  • 285 19 "NINE-TO-SIX FROCKS ARE NOTABLE FOR THEIR TAILORED LINES MANY of the new frocks ITI labelled nine-to-six are notable for their beautifully tailored line, and freedom from fussy details. These very characteristics make them as suitable for early morning as tea time in the afternoon. Smart women find such frocks as
    285 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 321 19 need ynnoxa For a dry skin—and most skins q-oickly become dry in hot climates— nourishment •nd protection are essential. INNOXA TISSUE CREAM and SKIN FOOD, gently massaged into the face and neck on alternate nights, will supply just that •*tra nourishment a dry, sensitive skin needs. INNOXA COMPLEXION MILK is
      321 words
    • 138 19 HERO WORSHIP/ 1 If 'Smoll boys can be heroes to small., oirl. J f o»d th« lov. O J ad tt i,otic= seem* to be V LX w (he species. v A &W But no .moll boy-cr small girl-will try to jS\ •how otf unleM h. f..1, v eU
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 1280 20 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving he puzzle correctly, the $100 will be awarded in respect of the
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  • 933 21 Two Muar Players In learn To Meet Islingtonians (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. HTHE Malacca Amateur Football Association has every reason to feel satisfied that the probable side chosen to represent the State against ihe Islington Corinthians next Thursday is a useful and wellbalanced side. Every
    933 words
  • 369 21 'From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. j^ALACCA meets Negrl Sembilan in IT the int>r-state hockey fixtur? played r.t Seremban next Saturday, and In preparation for this match are holding a trial on Monday before selecting the side to represent th'State. In view of the departure from the
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 215 21 gmm OLD PRICES LARGE lOct* I IN BOTTLES SMALL 4<tt. 65cts^^ Careful ttxp«rim«M S«» d«f.nit»ly proved BI^W^WB that ANDREWS LIVER SALT keeps better in I ir^TfliyjTJ 'he improved tin containers than in bottles. ImMffSTKIIkJI Accordingly the Salt is now beino lold in fefSkVi "t'lm this country in tins, but
      215 words
    • 650 21 EARLY SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION Tl»fi in tkfet s\m,iti>niv vhich when they cocur together >hould arouse on>- attention «uilicirn:lv to warrant thorough rxamination. litre they are: 1. Cough with no signs of cleattn; up. 3. Appreciable loss of flesh. 3. Debility losing strength. Early treatment will save untold suffer. Ing. money
      650 words

  • 631 22 Visit Of Team From Ceylon: Will An Association Be Formed? 'From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. •"THE cricket season is approaching and another month should see tfce hockey stick giving place to the bat ani ball. The arrival of the Ceylonese team, too, is hastening the
    631 words
  • 171 22 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. A START has been made in the St. Francis 1 Association billiards tournament. The only surprise so far is the defeat of Goh Teck Watt by F. M. Theselra in the English championship. The winner was in good form, and with
    171 words
  • 140 22 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat RAIN held up the finals of the Segamat teachers' handicap lawn ten nls tournament for the Cheah'r Challenge Cup early in December and games were postponed to January. With fine weather at the moment the tournament should be concluded shortly. Lim Teck Siang.
    140 words
  • 225 22 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. *T*HERE appears to be a lull In hockey at ttM other districts in Johore bu* Segamat Is having a very busy time at the moment and this week will be no exception. The town field is new available and the new
    225 words
  • 52 22 From Our Own Correspondent.* Malacca. MALACCA is to have more soccer during the season. At a meeting of the Malacca Chinese Football Association held recently it was decided to revive the Chan Kang Swi Shield soccer competition amon? local Chinese in Malacca. The competi(Contlnued in
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  • 208 22 (From Our Own Correspondents Segamai ['THE India Ceylon Association continu- ed in winning vein last week and I scored a good win over the SetjanuU Police on the town padang at hockey. This was their return matc'i ol me season the first having ended in a
    208 words
  • 75 22 tlon was first staged in 1932 when Mr. Choc Soon Lee's team won the shield. It was also decided, subject to the approval of the M. A. F. A., to start a Malacca Chinese tunlor league open to boys of 18 years $t age and under. Tlv; competition will be
    75 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 122 22 IllJ 1 I ll 11 I jHlS '9B^^ t t I*< a^^^S^*^" ClVrl^ I J f^S^S^^TßKC'- mjj I l^^ 3^"*^ f\ •t? Vr ll *^Mf ■:,/i jßjj^m anything up to £45/- dependent J J fi A »f l^m?//^M upon the model selected. This sounds -~s CN\ 00^* '^R^ W really
      122 words

  • 208 23 New Vitality From Tasteless Tablets. When tiring weather conditions or weakening illness have sappeo strength and energy, left you languid, inert and -ninterested in life, it is time for you to recharge your devitalized body with life giving, energising VitamLis. Its quite
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  • 1539 23  -  Nomad" b THE R.A.M.C. were unable to field their regular XV for their match with Alexandra Depot on Thursday, Richardson, their brilliant threequarters vras in reserve for yesterday's Malayn Cup match, whilst Hassell. Bishop and C?ptain Eustace were not available Both sides had new men on view
    1,539 words
  • 872 23 j^ARKING better and being more l clever in attack. 7th Heavy Brl- gade R.A. fully merited thoir 3—l vkj tory over Khalsa Associat: h: a fast j hockey match on Wednesday. There was no holding the Gunners at the start. They played as a team —polished and determined—
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 213 23 HAm OIL Keep* the Braia Cool (now* Luxuriant Hair Ki-moves Dandruff ami atker diseases of the scalp. < l)tli K litfiilly Perfumed BENGAL CHEMICAL CALCUTTA ttMMBAY Agents: NAINA MOHAMED SONS Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Standard radio components and tubes. Transmission parts and tubes. Test Instruments And everything for radio sound.
      213 words
    • 228 23 HIGH SPEED FILLING Two half-lurns only! THIS is quite the sjiipkst way in U,t world of filling a fountain pen. Simply onel two and you are ready to g. on wniing with your pen filled is a flash I And the mechanism of the LEVERLESS bwan is to strong and
      228 words

  • 365 24 Perak Beaten 3-1 In Game At Ipoh TOURISTS COULD HAVE INCREASED SCORE (From Our Own Correspond vnt) Ipoh. Saturday. ITU Islington Corinthians defeated Perak at Ipoh today by 3-1 1 after leading 2-0 at half time. The tourists were the superior side and would have won
    365 words
  • 520 24 WALES BEAT ENGLAND IN INTERNATIONAL RUGBY GAME INO in a terrific wind and before a crowd of nearly iriOOOO people, Wales beat England at Rugby at Cardiff yesterday by 14 p.*int> (one goal, one try. two penalty goals) to eight points (one goal, one try) The teams were:— V G
    520 words
  • 49 24 The Royal Inntskilling Fusiliers beat the Gordon Highlanders at hockey at Selarang yesterday by one goal to nil. In both teams the defences were stronger than the cttack. Many of the Skins' forward movements were frustrated by r layers being offside. Brennan -cored the winning goal.
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  • 101 24 r[E Singapore Cricket Club Rugby seven-a-side tournament begins tomorrow. Draw and dates and times of play: RAF 'A" vs. SV.C. A". Tuesday. 5.50 >.m.: R.E. (Changi- "A" vs 7th Hvy, Bde. R.A. Monday 5.25 p m Skins vs. H.M.S. Teror Tuesday 5.00 p.m.: RE. (P. Brani. "A
    101 words
  • 117 24 RUGBY games played yesterday resulted as follows: Bath 5. Cardiff 10. Blackheath 9. London Scottish 13 Bristol 9. Royal Air Force 5. Coventry 13. Harlequins 5. Gloucester 9. Bedford 8. Headingley 11. Leicester a. Manchester 6. Birkenhead Park •>. Northampton 3. London Wclsn 9. OM T 8. St.
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  • 212 24 Bruce Of Winchester Wins Keen Final The Hon. M. G. Bruce (Wlnche ter» (owe 2>. elder son of Lord Aber dare won the Public Schools Senior Rackets Handicap at Queen's Club. West Kensington, on Jan. 1. when, after a good all-round display, he beat D. G. Yeats
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  • 39 24 Maurice late. Andy Sandham and R. E. 8. Wy ttt were among Capt. T. E w. Brinichftns* teani of 10 cricketers who left London on Nov. 27 for a tour of the Argentine. They are due back In February.
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 24 The baseball team of th» Dollar liner President van Buren whit ii <ost t<» the Singapore Cubs bjr 6—lB in a seven -innings game.
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  • 1431 24 RESULTS of the English and Scottish Leagues with the tables up-to-date are DIVISION 111 (Northern) Atcrington 3 Halifax Chester 1 Tm.wer 0 1 Darlington 2 Port Va> Doncastcr 3 Southpor; 0 Gatcohead 6 Barren 0 Hull 4 Harilcr.oc!:; Lincoln 0 Carli.i'r I New Brighton 1
    1,431 words
  • 62 24 The follow lng have aic -p.ed to play hockey for S.C.C. Ist XI Again* Gordon Hlsblav.ders on Thursd S.C.C: C. I. H. Spragzeit: P. F. Ki>sey, R. A. U. Todd H. G. Shaw. E. W. Reevf, J. P. Wood: C. P. Liston. T. A. D. Hewan. F. K.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 83 24 *Food Facts about CADBURYS MILK CHOCOLATE '11 11 1 l' t s pj flfl B^N B; I -I 1m i^Hlt K^ nB c:^k^^m3lßßßßS^' Into every j-lb. Wock of Cadburys Milk Chocolate go It glasses of fresh, full-cream milk. It is ihe milk, plus the food value ol the chocolate, that
      83 words

  • 810 25 Redoubtable Selangor Side Put Up Terrific Fight SIMPSON'S GENIUS BEHIND THE SCRUM Richardson Brilliant And Gets Two Tries (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. THE Army von the EMS. Malaya Rugby Cup for the first time today, two years after entering the
    810 words
  • 40 25 The four South African lawn tennis players to tour Britain and the continent this year are announced— Mrs "B;bby" Heine Miller. Miss Margaret Morphew. Sl.eila Piercey, and Olive Craze. Mrs. H. J. Fitzgerald will act as manageress to the side.
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  • 206 25 Proposed Hockey And Football Tour A MALAYAN hockey and footrt ball team may visit Ceylon in August. Mr. S. Rajaratnam, of Ipoh, who is now holidaying in Ceylon, told the Times of Ceylon that the visit of the Sansonis to Malaya for two tennis tournaments had
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  • 55 25 <From Our Own Correspondent.* Johore Bahru. Saturday. AT a representative meeting held Mr. Wong Shieu Fong, thf President of the Chinese Chamber ol Commerce in the chair, It was agreea to form an old students association of the Fen Yew Chinese School. A committee was
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 25 Mall, last years National' winner, who finished third
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  • 66 25 More than £10,000.000 was wagered on racing in the Paris area during 1937, an Increase of about £800 000 over the previous year. The figures do not Include bets on trotting races at the Vincennes track or races In the provinces. A little over half the total was wagered on
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  • 334 25 PRIZEGiVING AFTER ANNUAL MATCH From Our Badminton Correspondent I THERE was a fairly large crowd at the Clerical Union Hall yesterI day to watch the third annual Marlied v. Single match for the Tan 800 |Teck trophy. The match ended in a well deserved victory
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  • 24 25 The S.C.C. Vice Versa Rugby match which was to have been played on the Padang yesterday was cancelled owing to the rain.
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  • 273 25 South Johore Beat Sappers 20 Points To 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. COUTH JOHORE scored the biggest victory of their season, today. heating the Royal Engineers by 20 points to three in a fast but somewhat scrappy game. Both sides were not at full strengtn. i South
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  • 28 25 Sydney. Saturday. Don Bradman. scoring 44 against New South Wales today, beat Warren Bardsleys record of 17,461 aggregate number of runs for any Australian.
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  • 134 25 South Rugby Team To Meet North fHE team to represent the S.nith < il." o he u annual Norlh WM South Rutfhy m;.hh to be played at Anson Koad stadium. Singapore on Jan. 29, was sealed >cs(erdav as follows: Spr. Inn (R.fc.). CJ. D. A. Lundon (Singapore). Pte. Richardson (EJUIC).
    134 words
  • 90 25 "pHE (earn to represent the North was chosen yesterday after the H. M.S. Malaya Cup Ru K by final in Kuala Lumpur as follows: D. R. Harper (Selangor) J. E. Slade (Perak). A. J. Hunter (Selangor). F. A. S. Caldwell (Selangor). H. V. Shelton Palmer (Selangor). I. M.
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  • 65 25 DOR the second week-end play in the all Malays Lawn tennis tournament on the V.M.C.A. courts has been postponed owing to rain. Ties arranged for yesterday will bt played tomorrow at 2.30 p.m. Among tie more important of tomorrow's ties is the semi-final of the open men's singles
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  • 45 25 Adelaide, Saturday. Australia beat America at lawn tennis today by four matches to nil. Bromwich beat Budge 6 B, 6—l, 6—3. Budge was not at his best. He is recovering from influenza. He did not play in the first singles.
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  • 62 25 Entries for the Singapore Cricket Club Chinese New *ear lawn tennis tournament close on Jan. 17 H. Nussleln won a recent prof sslonal lawn tennis Tournament In Rome, beating H. Cchjt In tne final 6—2. 6—2. In the semi-nna!s W T. Tilden lest to Cochet
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 25 Photograph taken at the farewell to Mr. A. K. l«a»c and welcome to Mr T«. W HHHHHH
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  • 773 26 Pride Of Place Goes 1 j Tan Chong Tee Junior And Senior Players What Is The Gap Between Them BY OUR BADMINTON CORRESPONDENT. fllE third annual Married v. Single match for the Tan 800 Teck trophy held yesterday, followed by an "At Horne 1 of
    773 words
  • 152 26 i From Our Own Correspondent Malacca rl£ ir.ter-party badminton co petlt.on has reached a very lnt-re.-tlng sU^e The Argonauts, one of 'ho formidable teams in Malacca, aie lf>.diin In the l~aw«\ The ahamro.'!:s ar-> a close K.cond wlin Ihe Canvtao !i«ve played all their n.atclies. hird. The
    152 words
  • Article, Illustration
    10 26 r *he t'an;onts« ll.l*. which recently beat (he Shamrock B.P.
    10 words
  • 129 26 At the recent annual general meeting of the Social Athletic Party, it was decided to cel.'biate the eleventh anniv«-sary wiU> a dinner at the Great World Restaurant or. Saturcay Feb. 5. Members desiring to attend are .liked to send their names to the hon. treasurer. Mr. Lim Cheng
    129 words
  • 61 26 The following players have been se icted to represent the Gentle B.P. against the All "Vlues 8.P.. in a friendly match of .our sln<»(w an-1 thrr-p donbl i ir>da>.- at the Clerical Union hall at 9 a.m. M. Hodrl. Suadi. AhrrM 'iaib, A Banman, A. Rahmln. S. Pardan.
    61 words
  • Article, Illustration
    47 26 Amur.j; the news agencies represented in Sincspore 1* Reuters. Here i» theii oQice staff <ku t,: < U.v Cheont Mong, See Gim Stew. See Glm Hock (chief clerk), F. R. Jones (former manager and now in Bombay), J. r Henry (present manager). See Gim Clman, Peter Tan.
    47 words
  • 370 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. WITH the advent of another year Muar Clubs have been busy electIng office bearers: Kwong Tone Association: President. Lim Cheow Eng; vice-president. Ong Chin Ouan; hon. treasurer, Tan Slew Heng; hon. secretary. Lim Ewe Poh: auditor. Low Mult Tong; Chinese cruTespondent, Lim Soon
    370 words
  • 268 26 The Mayflower Badminton Party c»iebrat«l I its ten h anniverrarv last wtek-end at Peng- gol. Over 40 members and priests TVrre present Sp-iking at the offlcial dinner, the President Mr. Lav Pau Song, welcomed tl:e guesU and thanked all the members for .heir supI tort Ihe hon. secretary
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  • 108 26 The Venus B.P. lost to the Beginners 3.P. by 3 games to 4. Scores tVenuf first). Singles: George Tan beat Patrick Poo Boon Lay lo —1. 15—2: Fa Ikon Lim lost to Salleh 7—15. 13—13 (5—2 15— ft; Eugene Lim Ong Huat lo.;t to Suiiny Teo i Ban
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 26 M. Rajagopal. secretary of th«Indian procession which will take plate at the New World tonight.
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  • 201 26 The M-^rry Union BP. b-at the i. •B.P. by 6 gi»mes to 1. at home court S-oies '.Merry Union first) Singles: Chi n Chin Choon beat Lawrence Koh Cheng Hock 13— 6 15 6: C. B Nalr beat Song Bah C!i -c I 15—11. 15—3; Henry Ooi
    201 words
  • 87 26 THE semi-finals in the Kluang district badminton tournament were decided during the week The most interesting match was that between Chew Cheng Earn and Chow Ah Chap, the former winning 15 10 15—12. In the other semi-final Ng Kirn Hong disposed of Rahman JafTer in three hard fought
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 372 26 I THE HOBBY THAT THRILLS J and EDUCATES Slump Albums und Window Packets of P.Mtage Stamps for collectors. List Free Anyuhae > CAXTON PRESS Ltd. i 6 M.»riirt Stree:. 1 Kaila I um;-ui. Kidney Germs Wreck Health K'i.h-fy." nri» a mar- T ture. itliin tin m arf 'J million tin]
      372 words
    • 40 26 B^-.s'v > Vtß R* •'"'ct Soda ?xm wk Ait m f \V^2aJ aSP**a Soda %fHPTc^^l fj H imt -J"\lB^B "I S aZ dT ■■■■■■■I **i Cr p Fr Soda '!H Inkw *Ptcitrt Dry q: B^k. a *r^t Cup IM I»^^L.\ W
      40 words

  • 229 27  -  Echo By Soccer Teams Get Into Training ISLINGTONIANS PLAY THEIR FIRST GAMES who won the big rugger match yesterday Selangor or the Army. You will have learned that before turning to these notes, in which therefore no prophecy is risked, beyond reiteration of the view that there
    229 words
  • 80 27 poi'R bat-tricks in two consecutive cricket matches is the extraordinary record of a 17-year-old Australian bowler named Whitehead. Playing; for East Malvern. In a Victorian Junior Cricket Association match on Jan. 1. he took 4 wicktls for 5 runs, including the hat-trick. The following day. playing In
    80 words
  • 339 27 there being no goa, in the game. Net too much need be made of thai wholly unexpected lapse. But they beat Penang on Friday by 3—o. Yesterday they were at rpoh and should have managed to dispose o: Pecak without great difficulty. The tourists will, of course, find that the
    339 words
  • 348 27 SEGAMAT INDIA CEYLON ASSN. DOING WELL (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat I*HE India-Ceylon Association look like topping the tables of the Segamat and District hockey lea«u<\ which is to begin soon, by virtue of their excellent performance last week in a hockey match against the Segama: Youngsters whom they beat
    348 words
  • 59 27 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. A very enjoyable social function was held by the Sin Cheong Society at their premises last night. There was a large attendance including Dr. Ho Pao Jin, president of the Society, and Messrs Koh Chui Muah. Lim Kwl, N*i Ong. Sieh Yu
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 27 The Malacca Customs and Excise hockey team which has had a successfal season so far.
    15 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 27 The Land Office soccer team which It takin* part In the Coronafi«t S!fn/Vt y WalkOW aßalnst the Sta'sUcs Soccer XI n?he «ein, E. Klass (C»pt.), Ismail, Bakar, and Yeo Kian Swee.
    31 words
  • 206 27 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat DLAYING a man short throughout the India Ceylon Association did well to register a hard earned win over the Segamat Malays on the town padang at hockey last week by one goal to nil. Play was even througnout and great keenness
    206 words
  • 173 27 POur Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. IN a. very keenly contested game of basket ball on the Chinese School ground on Friday the Foon Yew team beat Yew Yew, of Batu Pahat, by 39 points to 30. Though losing, the visitors gave a creditable display, their short
    173 words
  • 32 27 'Prom Our Own Correspondent.) WJohore Bahru, Saturday A. KIRK won the billiards championship of the Johore Civil Service Club beating p. M Still in the final by 250 to 171.
    32 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 323 27 INSIST ON CHROME rJjP! Tj\ k" the Aroateui photographer, hi it km makes "every picture a bette» picture." jj Surprising "Lauitude" in SELOCHMME corrects results of incorrect exposures. SELOCHROME lengthens the photographic dty. SELOCHROME By ILFORDS f m ?SrSK2I I I A CONVALESCENT IN SINGAPORE /M IPOH CX HENRY, j
      323 words
    • 452 27 The Acid in Your Stomach Would Burn a Hole in the Carpet When you feel indices- m nave proved C thaiL hR tf.» few VJ?** o? 3111^ 1 a lM» fTT ducUon of stomach ■rtuall^burned a *f" BtT W« Inch bole in the c&rpet. If.-u-iddoea'^hattothe carpet, yon can ctvai #ict<*T.':>h
      452 words

  • 470 28 Staff Of 700 Deals With 200,000 Articles Each Day ONE of the busiest postal sorting houses in the Far East is accommodated in Singapore's towering waterfront landmark, Fullerton Building, where Singapore General Post Office •mpioyees handle more than 200,000 postal articles every day. Facts about this
    470 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 56 28 WV T^l BRANDY y^~\~ s~*y y^'tnmzs finest *<S> m 7''*r» to hmiw** -^><> EEEI v Scotch whis*v i=s^_ L ACK&wHiT£ C| «Wn, C ALOBLCNO ?WIU^ f I ><: §5 y Scotc h whisky oA«^ I j[ XJ PI l<^mL ''I »^^7^lll^^r^um\\\\\v\vav»\%vaA%\W«X SOLE AGENTS: THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. (Incorporated tn England)
      56 words
    • 209 28 y^4 IT] i;i\ I \M I TTy,. THE EASTERN AGEHCIIi LTD. GTCRNfI BE I 111 I YOUNG and BEAUTIFUL Get y»«r D.T. UM'S SLIMMING i!mm HERB-TEA INDIGESTION j HERB^TEA \i Ciu»n»nteed hai-m- lest herbs. ouSTT-E^Tant 'm PR'CE $1.50 co~it»«.'^ ill OaUtaUon: portas* OJ ""^S^^ii S extra i !il*r~i'— I Obtainable
      209 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 92 28 She SiinftaH Head Office: Cecil Slr^?t. singaporr Phunr 5471 «5 Inn »nh rxt^nsi. n» f all l»?ra: tmw*. Kaata Lumpur: Office: 2j Jai» Stri"l Phow: MM Ipoh Office: Brewsler Road. Tele: 3;. fraong Office: IS, Blshoo Stc-.-t Pen»Bf. Phooe: MIT. IXMidua Office: 40 tt. fleet str-«- Inndaa. E.C.4. Phone: Central
      92 words