The Straits Times, 9 January 1938

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 316 Sunday, January 9, 1938 Price 10 cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya, No. 316 Sunday, January 9, 1938 Price 10 cer.ts
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  • 302 1 Exhaustive Review Of Far East Situation DOWNING STREET CONFERENCE TOMORROW War-Weary Japan As Useless Ally To Germany I r is understood that a complete and exhaustive review of the increasingly grave situation in the Far East niil be among the first tasks of Mr. Chamberlain, British Prime
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  • 204 1 THE Chinese Communist party has convoked its seventh national congress to discuss ways and means of > strengthening and enlarging co-opera-tion between the Communists and the Kuomintang in war. Tin- agenda includes the mobilisation of the labour class for active participation in war and tin- mappin<
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  • 114 1 CUP CROWD OVERFLOWS KUALA LUMPUR 50 TO SLEEP IN F. M.S. COACHES (From our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. 'TUI Federal capital will overflow with the crowd during H.M.S >lalaya (up Rugby Anal next Saturd Since hotel accommodation is already fully bookfd the F.M.S Uailways have come to the rescue
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  • 267 1 Shanghai, Saturday. JAPANESE troops trained machine funs on French police and Russian volunteers who became involved in an incident in Shanghai when Japanese soldiers struggled with a Russian volunteer who had threatened one of them with a revolver. The Russian volunteer had prevented a
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  • 389 1 MONGOLIAN ARMY'S MOVE MAY SA VE SOUTH CHINA THE lon z- he raided Japanese 1 invasion of South China, home of the bulk of Malayan Chinese and now regarded as the chief obstacle to almost complete Japanese victory, may yet a*ain be thwarted. With the virtual collapse of Chinese resistance
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  • 72 1 Paris. Saturday. AN official decree has been issued tightening the law for the manufacture and sale of arms. Henceforward even the smallest part of a pistol bullet is subject to a licence. The decree is apparently due to the recent discovery of the Cagoulard arms caches
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  • 151 1 Bullets To Pierce Tanks NEW RIFLES FOR BRITISH ARMY DIFLES that fire buUets through the armour plate of tanks, explode inside and kill the crews are to be issued to the British Army early this year. While one group of experts has been working to improve the bulletresistance of armour
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  • 49 1 CLBXEK: Ui> i Liwif m.. tisiu PALM OIL: Mai.. bul>. COTTON: 9M. GOLD: IS 19s. 9'jd. SILVER: pet 19 11 16± I mIS K\( MANGES: P»ris. H7 N> T««i. 5.00' Am*t«r<Um. 8.9S 1 IM O'h-r commodities an* excha <c «unci.nv ed from KrMiay. SATURDAY'S LOCAL (LO>l\(. QH>r«.-
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  • 39 1 British marines who hav e been guarding the British- American Tobacco Co's factory at Tsingtao have w»:hdrawn in consequence of an easing of the situation. J*orel<»n employees of the company have taken over duties from the marines
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 414 2 Important Finds May^ Be Revealed At Singapore Congress PREHISTORIANS TO STUDY PERAK SKULLS TIIK story of the finding: of new links in the pedigree of man in Java, in September last year, will most probably be one of the features of the Third onj
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  • 173 2 Tennis Fall Ends In Woman's Death CI'STXIMM. injuries in a fall whilst, pl.i\iMK trnnis at Pulau Brain i thrc* wrrks ago. Mrs. Olive» H.ilr i?B> gradually developed fever and died in the General Hospital on T the SMM of death being acute toxaemia from inflammation of the ncht che*t
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  • 103 2 Malacca Home For Decrepits (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. TPHAT Malacca will soon have a home for decrepits is revealed by a donation of $10,000 towards the project made to the Government by Mr. Ec Kong (Juan, S.l'., who recently returned from England with his family after attending the
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  • 415 2 Methodists' Big 1937 Programme THE sum of $125,000 has been subscribed by the public in North Malaya for Methodist Mission schools during the past year, it was announced at the Methodist annual conference. Several projects started in 1936 have recently been completed. The new Anglo
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  • 220 2 Tourists Find It Hard To Tell That Japan Is At War —SELANGOR DOCTOR (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. "FOR the average tourist the Sino-Japanese War 1 does not exist," said Dr. R. Calderwood, Selangor's Inland Districts Health Officer, who has just returned from a trip to China and
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 2 Among the hostesses at the charity ball at the Chinese Aessembly Hall, Kuala Lumpur, last moiiu.. in aid of the China Relief Fund were the following: Miss Lacy An*. Miss S. K. Ho, Mrs. Chin Kirn Choon, Mrs. Nr Chi Wan and Mrs. C. S. Lee.
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  • 312 2 $140,000 ABATTOIR FOR MALACCA THIS YEAR (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. CUBJECT to the approval of the Government, Malac- ca will by the end of this year have a new abattoir costing $140,000 and run on similar lines to the Seremban abattoir, one of the most modern in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 72 2 J§ FINEST r Cx ..d FRESHEST SELECTIOM x OBTAINABLE ANYWHERE Woodcock Qiail for occasions which call for Harts. Rabbits something unusual Poultry or liekliift Game is the order of the day. Let us show you our fine selection CoiCktM, Fowls and give you hints and suggestions Turkeys, 6eese on how
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  • 408 3 IS IT NECESSARY ON MINOR CHARGE? Colony May Follow New F.M.S. Law U7IIEN The Sunday Times asked: "Is it or is it not necessary in Malaya for an accused person to make personal appearance in the police court to answer a minor charge? Can
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  • 185 3 i UNST the clear sky of a i iqapore evening one of the stph.- which *eu have not stopped to uppsarana m huge /lortj m) birds appa r cnVy enjoyj >r"iafion flight, clearly ■\t against the clouds as glide and turn and
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  • 80 3 CHURCH'S LOSS OF £200,000 In »he ofllciai summary of the Church ji Engiand events for 193T 1 m published the Ecclesiastical Com:nssioners Mate that as a result ot tr.c Tithe Art and xhc Coai Royalties Bill, they will be faced with an a"tmat -d of nearly £200.000 a vetr
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  • 29 3 King Leopold of the Belgians and the Queen Mother Elisabeth are spending a holiday at the residence of the Duchess Karl Theodore, the Queen's mother, in Bavaria.
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  • 153 3 WORLD-WIDE ORDERS FOR CHINESE CRACKERS VL'ITII their business well maintained in 1937, most dealers in Chinese firecrackers report that they did about the same amount of business as in 1936. The demand for firecrackers from Anurica. South Africa and other counabroad was satisfactory. Accord- ing to Hong Kong's leading manulac-
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  • 185 3 Hollywood Story Of Divorce For Chaplin UO I. IV WOOD, city of secret weddings and surprise divorces, has produced a report announcing a divorce between Charles Chaplin and Paulette Goddard. The report Is all the more surprising in that Charles and Paulette never admitted they were married in spite of
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  • 16 3 Suddenly at General Hospital yesterday James Valentine Lowry aged 50. Funeral at 5 p.m. today.
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  • 298 3 HONG KONG STERN WITH "BLACK-OUT" BREAKERS |_JONG Kong's black-outs are now a regular feature of life in that city and are followed by a stream of people through the courts charged with not observing the black-out rules. Fines vary from a few dollars upwards. In a recent case at the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 339 3 America Imperial Airways A spontaneous tribute from 'Aviation', the leading aeronautical newspaper in the United States of America In »L ot Its honourable nis'.ory Imperia Airwayk had never t'ven anyone cause to suspect ti capable ot breaking out in a perfect rampage of progress Vet that's hist what it seem*
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 635 3 IN SINGAPORE TODAY i in»>i\< Imperial: Front Europe Arrives this evenivij, Ing \'!«\miik\ R »und with X.L.M Prom Netherlands Indies: Arriyes aaaarr BtgllMki Rocbclle Hudson. 3 15 this evening. Qanta.v From Australia: Arrives this *lh' »lth Bobby af.ernoon. ,r.J 9.15. X.L.M.: Prom Europe: Arrives this eve:;M Btkle W.»e Red" vith
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  • 150 4 Tut On !l»^. In M Days. Ktioi ihn Halibut I-ver Oil In f i nins that make flesh H appetiW. bui a up the power to rratst dig we and put good, soltd flesh on men and vomen who ar underht. But many people's stomach? rebel asainst
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  • 77 4 UNDRESSED IN STREET, NUDIST WAS A DOCTOR Rabat Morocco CROWDS In the streets 01 Rabat were surprised to see a man step from a car. deliberately remove his garments one by one. and then, clad only In spectacles and slippers, walk towards the market place. He Identified himself to the
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  • 335 4 WORKING MODELS OF PINEAPPLE FACTORY AND TIN MINE Mannequins To Show Local Cloths THE industrial life of Malaya, its arts and crafts, its planting, mining and agricultural activities, and its commerce, will form a $130,000 display over an area of 5,500 square feet at
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  • 355 4 QUINS MAY STAR AT GLASGOW Negotiations With Ontario Government WILL the Dionne Quins be the star turn in Scotland's £10,000,000 Empire exhibition when it opens its doors at Belllahouston Park, Glasgow, in May this year? That is the question the organisers of the exhibition are asking each other. They have
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  • 237 4 "Always Behave Politely To The Public" TRAVELLING on Singapore Traction Company's trolley and omnilnisrs will soon be a real nItMMM if 1,200 drivers, conductors, inspectors, pointswien and others, sf-rvioinjf more than 200 vehicles i which cover the city from end to 'end, carry
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  • 36 4 QHIEF Inspector Prithvi Chand, honorary Assistant Superintendent of S3. Police, holder of the King's Police Medal and archenemy of "Reds" and seditionists. Read about him in Mainly About Malayans in page 9.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 112 4 vcats I nr O*P^ 207* I Me* 1 9 !T o e 1 I <u> SIGBT-TKSTINO rMMM. i ••nsali NEW CHINA OPTICAL CO. 71. Hiffb Slr**t, KINGArOKE. ni— »t— J REMEMBER THE DATE:WEDS. Jan 12th. Warner Bros Inspiring production of MARK TWAINS famous Adventure Story 11 i*vt. iti ik* huh
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    • 417 4 THf MURDER OF THE MAN the stars of WHO NEVER EXISTED!" j "WAiKiKi wedding" In a new Paramount Musical Comedy Do you remember 9fet. how you screamed ot |ULmJ,|m3JJL MARTHA RAVE? ISPWimI r capitol fcyUM™ W TODAY 3.15 6.15 9.15 U m^ o» aovibU^^Hß JL. DoubU Fun I ''^E/SvCl I
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  • 273 5 FORTNIGHT'S STAY ENDS TOMORROW New Aircraft Arrives To Replace Crippled Machine THE Royal Air Force squadron of flying-boats, notr in Singapore, is due to continue its long-distance flight to Australia at seven o'clock tomorrow morn•i her flying-boat from No. 204 (General Reconnaissance > Squadron
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  • 69 5 SOMEWHERE w one of the RAJ. stations in England, a small Welsh corgi named Cymru, is anxiously waiting for the return of its master. Service regulations have parted them for five months. "Master" is Wing Commander Kenneth 3uchanan Lloyd, AJ.C, who is making final preparations in
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  • 120 5 New Village For Pasir Panjang Road SURVEYING operations are now in progress for the new village which is to appear on the seaward side of the Pasir Panjang Road, near the junction with Buona Vista Road. Formerly there were about 40 or 50 huts, occupied mostly by Malay fishermen, on
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 5 Mr. J. faldtr. secretary to the British Resident of N?gri SeniMlan, who has gone on home leave.
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  • 509 5 GREAT SIKH FESTIVAL (From Our Own Correspondent. > Segamat. Saturday. SIKHS all over Malaya and the world today celebrate the birthday of t- eir tenth Guru— Goblnd Singh. I There are enly two festivals that mat- ter to tnis community und this is one.
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  • 140 5 Panay Film Not For Singapore TTHE sensational newsreei of 1 the sinking of the U.S. gunboat Panay in the Yangtse is not likely to be shown In Malaya. The censor, it is thought, would not pass It, although It was passed lor exhibition in Hong Kong and in India. A
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  • 130 5 U/HILE sportsmen in other parts of the world look upon deer stalking as a costly sport involving the paying of heavy hunting fees, in New Zealand the alarming increase in deer is a menace to forests in the high country. A campaign for
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 5 r up taken at the wedding of Mr. I. S. Hylic Ottlcer-in-Charce of Dftertives. S'-lancnr. and MUs Irn c Rogers at St. Mark's Church, I r-mhan. rft to right art: Mr. R. C. R. Humphry (best man), Mrs. Wylie (briJrgr-xmTs mother), bridr-room and brid- ana Mr. DR. L. P. Mathevon.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 113 5 jTELEFUNKENI RADK) 4bphV super BATxERt i T. 787 BK. FIB' t9 m II m 1 j FOR WORLO WIOE RECEPTION. I ron rutL particulars apky. I SEOV KUAN COMPANY, j 45. »ho<»> Ghaut. SiM*por«. I Seo*ki an Trading CoMr any <>Nhtunn Uo«d, Siiij(apurv. \lhsml ol jlm* nmd <un« It the
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    • 309 5 OLD PRICES Sra> lawE 80c 4^J KWppS»Wv'?Jfris^| IfeAsk for ANDREWS in V the ECONOMY TINS fcrfc^Jfi^^^^Bi containing the SAME KjanfeB j IWTriT^ QUANTITY as the K :'-?l itigTEWI former bottles at a |t^V^|jj 1 W&fdk? lOWER PRICE. Hitherto you Hava bought you' Andrews Livr Salt in bottles From now on
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  • 1075 6 BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Promising Opening Of New Year IF 1937 closed with conditions in stock and commodity markets looking rather gloomy it is safe to *ay that the first week of 1938 has passed with a very great improvement in sentiment and outlook.
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  • 183 6 Wall Street Cable Jan. 5. 6 7. American Can. Con. 75 79 79 Vi American Telephone and Telegraph 148% 149V 2 147V 4 Atcheson Railroad 36 38% 37 Chesapeak 33> 2 34% 34Vi Dupont ***** 116V2 114y 2 Firestone 19/2 20 20% General Electric 41% 43% 42% General Motors 31%
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  • 58 6 Manila, Jan. 8. Last Sale Prices Previous Today Pesos Pesos An t amok 0 50 unq. Benguet Consolidated .9.70 9.70 Consolidated Mines 0.011 0012 I.X.L 0.58 unq. San Mauricio 0.465 0.47 United Paracale 0.445 0.445 The prices are published by courtesy of Messrs. Levy and Co.,
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  • 83 6 Saturday, Jan. 8, Noon. No. 1 K. R. S. S. in rases (F. 0.8.) Jan. 2213/16 23 Good F. A. Q. in bales < F. 0.8.) Jan. 22 22 »i No. 1 K. R. S. S. (Spot loose) Awardable 2-- ISM January 22 V 22
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  • 1279 6 SINGAPORE STOCK AND SHARE PRICES Fraser And Co.'s List Relay FRIDAY, JAN. 8. 1938. 1 PM. MINING Buyers Sellers Ampat Tin (4s; 4s 6d 5s Asam Kumbang i 33s 34.5 c.a.. a. Austral Malay 50« 55s Ayer Hitam (ss) 25s 27s Ayer Weng ($1) .75 80 Bangrln Tin If) 33s
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 318 6 S. E. Levy Co. Bh*i*hal. Hongkong. Manila. Singapore. timtnt Bankers and Brokers in Securities and Commoditut. foreign Market Cabin and Quotation Strtice. MEMBERS. WEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE COMMODITY EXCHANGE, INC. NEW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGE ICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE HONGKONG SHARE BROKERS' ASSN
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    • 145 6 Current Company Dividends List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Co. FRIDAY, JAN. 8. 1 P.M Total lor financial Company Dividend Books Det< Ex Div /ear TIN Close To Payabl* Dau to date Asam Kumbang is No. 61 Jan. 21 Jan 28 Jan SI 6d bonus Ipoh Tin is. Int. Jan. 5
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 806 7 STAMPS Coronation Stamps tr EMPIRE JT LOMPLSTI shl .ii. si vi., from Gt. Britain, the 45 Crown Colonies. Dominions. Newfoundland and Mandated Territories. $28.92 L'NUSII) DMB SI7.M Blocks of 4. SI 15.7 T Blocks ol 4. S-.MI 135 Stamps from the 45 Crown Colonies only. 511.79 tMiSEU. Blocks of 4.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1609 7 Today's Wireless Programmes jlllVlAr UKL (RafTi. Maria M Id que PADIC /lILI.-u mc s J m) Och. Two in i No. 3 in A (L m Jzr™ f, lwal I udamt 6. 3 j Concert relay. Butterfly. iPuccinK. Orcru-ua: EpiioJc 7.35 News in Fmuh Market prices, rates al in Paris
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  • 266 8 Burier Says Shot Was Fired At Chinese Running Towards Them COURT TOLD OF KAMPONG ARGUMENT Defence Says Gun W,nt Off In Scuffle A NOTIIKR version of the fatal shoot- ing of a young: Chinese, Tey Swee Hair, alleged to have been done by
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  • 101 8 THE King has approved the appointment of the Reverend FrederlcK Arthur Cockin, vicar of St. Mary the: Virgin, Oxford, since 1933, to the can- j cn-y of St. Paul's Cathedral, vacant by the death of Canon Dick Shcppard. The Rev. F. A. Cockin, who Is 49 held
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  • 54 8 (From Our Own Correspond 2nt.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. Francis Hugh O'Reilly, of the law firm of Braddell Brothers, was today admitted to practice in Johore as an advocate and solicitor before Mr. Justice Mills. Mr. F. O. Vaux represented the petition..!, and Mr. C. G. Toh appeared
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  • 242 8 £9,000 For Widow Was Hidden In Wooden Leg New York. UER late husband's artificial leg: has just brought a woman about £17,600 after after a four years' court struggle. The man, who died under the assumed named of "Goldberg" in Vienna in 1929, was supposed to have died penniless, and
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  • 36 8 MEvV .tWA jntnunt.- •> the Pena.ig Mun'c'rai Cc-ir.rr.r ion include Messrs. C. C. Stewart. D. A. Mackay, H. Sams urlin om H. Juivrs and Cheah Inn Kc:iij Mr. A. \7 Fay. M C.5.. reappointed.
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  • Article, Illustration
    46 8 A JOB that required delicate handling was the removal from the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, of this skeleton of a member of the gaiell: family. The bones were found and assembled by natural history experts and are now being taken to the new Fouad Museum of animals.
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  • 45 8 The scene in Cairo during Ihe fun-ra! procession of Prince Seif K.i Din. the "Mad P.-inc«*," who died recently in Istanbul. He isapeil some years ago from an English mental home where K stayed folio* ing a shooting affray in Cairo.
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  • 402 8 CENTENARIES OF 1938 Gambetta And Talleyrand QUEEN VICTORIA'S CORONATION THE list of Centenaries for the current year looks somewhat scanty— at least in the major grades of celebrity, says The Observer. The martyrdom of "Good King Wenceslas" graces the end of September, and two notable kings in George 111, and
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  • 60 8 IPOH's new cinema, which is being built by Mr Lav Ek Ohing, is to be leased by Mr. Ong Ec Lim, the Selangorc!n>:ps proprietor When :r,f cinema v cir.i jeted w)rk w'Jl o^ pun on a cab& r 1 and gril! The -■•/ried park wil be
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  • 31 8 Mr. J. R. Taylor, of the Johore Education Department, has returned from leave and will resume duties as headmaster of the Muar Government English School which re-opens today.
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  • 154 8 Rebels Hold On Until Blown Up Barrel MM, Saturday r\VNAMHr: charges under the remaining insurgent stronirlmlcK at Teruel a seminar\ and the Rank of Spain practically ended the inMirnent resistance within the city of Teruel. while nntide the rift) ihe Republicans claim the recapture of half
    Reuter  -  154 words
  • 78 8 CANTON'S NEW LINK WITH HONG KONG Hoivj llui.i' Satup j DERSISTENT Japanese air at!. the Kowloon-Canton Railway civsigned to sever communications Between Canton and the Colony nullified when a new link in the lorm of a motor road was opened today The British consul at Canton tool the opportunity to
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  • 134 8 GAOL FOR MAN WHO FAILED TO REPORT Dangerous Housebreaker," S Inspector rE man is a dangerous breaker who uses drugs to sopefy his victims," declared Court Inspector T. E. Wray. pri>r to Mr. F. V. Duckworth, Second Singapore MagiMra'i sentencing a 32-year-old Malay. Omar bin Chik, to one month's rigorous
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  • 64 8 The Police Band will play on Tuesday at Wa-erloo Street at 7 p.m.: Grand March, The Crown of Chivalry Percy E. F. Letcher); Overture, Merry Wives of Windsor 'Nicolai); Selection, The Cat and the Fiddle < Jerome Kernr, Walse, Invitation to the Waise (Weber); Trombone Solo, Slidln' Easy
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 329 8 A man is as /?WM young as his v i How old is US*' ,^KQ J not eat a hearty meal because ji wm i *^A^M. m nr/W*d£. ness, etc., your spirits droop JKnfPCi and you begin to feel twice your age. The deadly nagging pain of indigestion puts years
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  • 1132 9 Mainly About Malayans By The Onlooker pEATURE of the NewYear's Honours were the seven awards made to members of the Malayan police forces, almost a record and singularly appropriate one as the climax to a year of special difficulty for all ranks, especially those in the Federation. Hrn Companionship in
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 123 9 MALAYAN JINGLES 138.— THE TALK-SHOP The City Fathers sut in state, There in St. Andrew's Road. They talked and talked till very late, As is their monthly mode. And as one spoke another rose w Iseless these words. I fear; lantstics, as each member knows Are bad we cannot hear
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    • 106 9 u i ions Itt^ \^B^\ nXr^c- 1 car an d il tlO n even t sc new Chryslers j J^ T^^ Advanced in pr^cisiQ^^^^^^| BORNEO MOTORS, LTD. SINGAPORE, MALACCA, SEREMBAN, KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH. PENANG. W.P.S. 23A f^L* AYE RY IT WEIGHING 1| SCALES.. ISK. BRITISH MADE jO^^L THERE IS AN
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  • 411 10 HUNDRED INDIAN PENITENTS PREPARING FOR THAIPUSAM To Fulfil Vows In Festival Procession Through City ANE hundred Singapore Indian penitents are preparing- themselves for one of the strangest ceremonies that may be seen anywhere in the world Thaipusam, festival of penance in honour of the great Hindu deity, Subramanya, The Spotless
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  • 228 10 BRITISH POST OFFICE HAS RECORD YEAR Revenue Up By £61,000,000 ••■"THE Post Office is no longer a red tape department," declared Sir Walter Womersley, M.P., Assistant Postmaster-Gen-t-ral, when he received the Lord Mayor of London, Sir Harry Tuyford, the Lady Mayoress, and City Sheriffs at Mount Pleasant sorting office, to
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  • 136 10 Infanticide Instead Of Murder TEXT ISSUED •TOE Infanticide Act, 1937, is the title of a bill introduced in the House of Lords by Viscout Dawson of Perm, the text of which is now issued. It is laid down that where a woman, by any wilful act or
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  • 128 10 Augsburg Tilts At Frankfort Berlin. •"PHE citizens of Augsburg, led by the mayor, desiring to enhance the glory of the town, claim to have produced "the perfect sausage." For the last six months experiments have been made in combining n.eats and herbs. At the end of
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  • 98 10 Lovers Pay Twopence To Husband Paris. •COR the first time for 50 years woman and her lover have been fined by a French court for misconduct. Roger Hubert, the husband of one of the accused, sued lor the return of his wife, who ran away with a house painter. The
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  • 111 10 TN Buckfast Abbey, on the fringe of Dartmoor, there died recently i the only survivor of the band of i monks whose arrival in Buckfast 55 years ago led to the building of the Abbey by a few brethren. He was Dom Edmund Boussard,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 228 10 C JSS^ SUNLIGHT SOAP <^ ~*OW W&i-A is KIND TO THE fc* I SZ7/W HANDS <V in I v a vy i I> Don't risk rough chapped hands J W^ by using inferior soap. Sunlight C f^Jfci V —f L f£ Soap is as gentle to hands as it <^TjJ»
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    • 214 10 "Even focus different as you and me agree about one thingwe must have Selo films" Selo and Selochrcmt, the famous trttitf Filmi are made to fit every nake, every type end every size of ran.e r o. What more, thanks to their extra speed and latitude, they you t
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  • Books Of The Week
    • 303 11 JOURNEYS IN MANY PARTS OF THE WORLD These are Real People. By Rosita Forbes. Herbert Jenkins. 15a. CROM her very varied experiences, aided by the copious notes she has always kept throughout her travels, Miss Rosita Forbes sets out to tell
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    • 320 11 IN VIGOROUS PUNGENT STYLE Paint and Frcjidfee. Bt c. R. W. Nevinson. Methnen. 12s. M. iy|R Nevinson "s autobiography is written ia vigorous and pungent style. His likes and dislikes are almost always extreme and expresses in vivid language, on although he strongly deprecates the common opinion that he is
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    • 126 11 My Pillow Book Compiled by Alice Hecan Rice. Hodder and Stoughton. THE problems cf everybody life and the effort necessary to find its wisest solution are the most important of our duly duties. Mrs. Hegan Rice's little book is designed to present short cuilincs for comfort and inspiration,
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    • 353 11 Thieves Picnic. B. Leslie Charteris. Hell Let Loose. By Francis Seeding. Hodder and Stonfhton. 7s. 6d. each. CIMON Templar, our old friend "The Saint," is impossible to keep out of trouble he thrives too well on it This time he mlxej himself up in a
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    • 304 11 By Women And For Women Mauily Abcut Peter. By Lilian Clifford The Glorious? Masquerade. By Kathleen Lindsay Flaming: Dawn. By Stella Richards All from Jenkins' Colonial Library HERE are three books from Jentins all written by women and tor women. "Mainly about Peter" is by far t M best, being
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    • 325 11 The Late George Apley By John P. .tiarquand. Robert Hair. 7s. fid. Not in our Stars. By Robert Eton. Ivor Nicholson and Watson. 7s. 6d. '"THE Late George Apley" is a book of delicate irony and penetrating I if kindly satire. It is a novel of
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    • 183 11 ROBERT Eton has published several books under the name of Laurence W. Meynell. and "Not in our Stars" is an amusing and workmanlike story. There is a threat of immediate war in Europe, and a somewhat ill-assorted little band of people decide to migrate to an island
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 393 11 PERFECT FITNESS Th« cause of Moodinese. Poor Coat. Lo«* Appetite. I.isttessness. Itching. Scratching. Shedding.* etc., v over-heated blood. But dog's blood only gets orerbeated when it is impwrt. Keep jont do«/s blood PURE and yon will keep hi* Mood cool and healthy I MTMSk^ S>liei ley's Tonic and Con-
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    • 689 11 X/JB SPif'^iassr; i sssM mm sW fc^^V S^^^ SF BBfek sf S^P BBBBBBBW*~ l^Sk SsaNk. «l ■SSscbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbblilbT/ Jl fr'^'m. _T ■a iJ a* ssv' '<^'TOSk vlSj Represented in Malaya I amAHI by the ?fc''''Jjjk&al^k SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE W Supplies obtainable everywhere. W.P.S. 3 SBBBSB GREEN CIRCLE LIBRARIES 18-F. BATTERY ROAD,
      689 words

  • 707 12  - NEW FORM OF SEPAK RAG A Spectacular Game Of Agility And Still BENNDY BY A MOST fascinating new game has been evolved by Chinese sepak raga players in Singapore. The great defect of sepak raga and chinlon, which is the name given to the corresponding game in Burma, is that
    707 words
  • 427 12 Naval Reply To Air Threats To Fleets LJOW Ihe n:;val constructor is nutting the air threat to the battlt>hip is revealed by certain data now available. They show that Great Britain, the lnit?d State.-:, France an many are building capital ships of such enormous strength that they
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  • 243 12 Patients Treated By New Method MEDICAL RESEARCH London. AAEDICAL research, it is stated, has discovered what appears to be a cure for blindness caused by excessive smoking of strong tobacco. It is too early yet to say that the method is entirely successful, but it is certain that
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 41 12 KJj; '^iflllJ 1 ip| I^H^^^ 9 STANDARD PLAIK ~i«£ l£ 50 s 10 V iii lHk %1* STANDARD CORK /^^H^^^\ fttf ~m fl >'. '//IvHl Iff Iff h I Advertisement of Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., Singapore Kuala Lumpur Ipoh Penang. WJ'.S. S
      41 words

  • 1325 13 Sitting On The Fence By Nathaniel Gubbins A JAPANESE Cat, whose name, Hitospito Miaowi, means "Early Morning Shadow on the Dustbin." has been causing a lot of trouble to Manhattan Mauser, American tough cat. and the British Ginger Cat. While bullying a little Chinese cat, Meow Wow Weow, Hitospito has
    1,325 words
  • 373 13 By THE FOUR ACES CIR Samuel Joseph, before sailing from America to his native England, did much to correct the American impression that practically all Englishmen .ctliocre Bridge players. During iy in the State Sir Samuel enba many Bridge duels with the New York MtptrU. and acqu tted
    373 words
  • 183 13 I She Lost 6 Stone And Ended Rheumatism Too. "For many years," writes a woman. "I was a veritable martyr to rheumaI tlsm. My joints were slowly becoming deformed and ugiy. To walk a short distance gave me agony. But now, after following a conscisnt
    183 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 127 13 <■ *»7 v \l Mr V ~S A a^m Mm' Ford resources and experience have produced, 4( |L year after year, cars providing new con- K»^--J -^*"^-^B tributions to enjoyment and pride of o^ner- -isli| WF^WKKTIm ship at remarkably low cost I high-value cars, and one of the most out-
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  • The Sunday Times
    • 131 14 Totidem Verbis The Inspectors TIGHT months ago the European police inspectors submitted to Government a petition for the improvement of their conditions of employment. No reply has been received, so they have now offered a polite reminder. The MacGrcgor Committee admitted being impressed by the case put forward by the
      131 words
    • 178 14 i I POH leads the way again The other day the inaugural dinner of the Cos Club was held Cos being obviously short for Cosmopolitan." And it may perhaps fairly be said that this new institution is J not in opposition but complementary jto Rotary, which has won
      178 words
    • 215 14 MALAYA'S gross trade for 1937— I imports and exports combined 1 -is estimated at $1,602,000,000, the only estimate being for the i month of December, so that the aggregate is close to fact. There was 'an increase of about $450,000,000 lor 39 per cent, on 1936, and of nearly
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  • 1607 14 The Goularte Murder Case "Counsel For The Defence" /\NE of the greatest legal fights Knowles made occurred two years after his arrival in Singapore when he defended a Tamil dog shooter charged with murder. The shooting of William Goularte, Inspector of the Rabies Department of the Singapore Municipality, caused as
    1,607 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 227 14 TEL: +*&*t(Q,, TEL: 4310 nS^/a^K^V 4310 MANUFACTURING DISPENSING OPTICIANS THE OPTICAL HOUSE 65. STAMFORD ROAD. SINGAPORE. 3 I MIEN CHONG Singapore's most up-to-date Tailor -34. COLEMAN ST. I A SURE LIVING WITH BIG PROFITS it guaranteed by nJIT| HOSIERY. DRAPERY, UNDERWEAR, Mens and B->ys Shirts. Boots auo shoes, etc. Regular
      227 words
      37 words
    • 592 14 NEXT WEEK: FRAUDS AND FORGERIES Asthma Cause Dissolved in 1 Day Doctor's Prescription |S9~ n Acts 3 Ways P^^J To End Asthma /s^K^\ Do you wheeze, choke, strangle and gasp ~*jfn 1 i (or breath are you unable to sleep at I ffil |>|^^» LEFT nights and find that your
      592 words

  • 345 15 Bombardments Committee Begins Its Work SCHEME SIMILAR TO THAT PLANNED FOR GREAT BRITAIN Organisation Means Training Of Large Personnel 'THE worM learned of the real strength of Singapore's defences last week with the news of the manoeuvres and opening of the graving dock at the Naval
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  • 394 15 Great Britain Would Be Ready For Six Months' Siege DU£PARATIONS have been made by the British Government for keeping at least six months reserve of food in the country, as well as for ensuring a regular arrival of weekly supplies from abroad. They are satisfied that there is no danger
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  • 82 15 A MAN was released from Wandsworth Prison after serving a sentence for fraud. He walked barefoot down London streets black-bearded, robed like a prophet of old— as the "Prophet Christian."' When he was sentenced at the Old Bailey ten months ago, the police said he had
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  • 96 15 Suitor's Revenge New York. A YOUNG girl, Antoinette Imperiale, was killed by a rejected suitor in front of several spectators. The man, a chauffeur named Vincent Franco, first beat the girl with an iron pipe until she was jnconscious; then shot her twice and
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  • 149 15 The Dean Of St. Paul's Sermon THE Dean of St. Paul's Dr. W. R. Matthews, analysed peace proposals in his Christmas Day sermon at St. Pauls Cathedral. "We are looking for some way to peace, and we hear of many admirable proposals for finding it." he
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  • 27 15 me annual Agricultural Hall, London. Circus is still playing to crowded houses, Yteing the delight of children home from school for the holidays.
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  • 202 15 POLECAT KILLS CHILD ASLEEP IN PERAMBULATOR UEARING her baby girl screaming in the garden, a 11 mother at Wadhurst, Sussex, rushed out to find the child being attacked by a polecat. She snatched the child away, but the baby Julia Frankol, five-month-old daughter of Mr. Benjamin Frankol, a 8.8.C. musician
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  • 35 15 A sweeping ordinance establishing minimum wages in all Industries in the province of Quebec wit 1 certain exceptions and excluding fanning and domestic service. Is I ;< d by the Quebec Fair Wase Board.
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  • 132 15 LJOME nursing lectures are to be held at the General Hospital, Singapore, from Thursday. Jan. 2U, two separate courses being held weekly, one at 11 a.m. and tho other at 6 p.m. A course of instruction in first aid will also begin as soon as manuals are
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  • 54 15 Copenhagen. A 147-year-old watch belonged to Abraham Lincoln first Republican President of U.S.A.. is up for sale in Copenhagen Mr. Henry Ford has bid £680. but the offer has not yet been accepted. A spectator at Eton's aaaul Wall Gam« wearing pliu fours
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 108 15 I WHITE ANTS I I THE DEMON DESTRUCTORS! I I YOUR HOME YOUR PROPERTY I I YOUR HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS I are in danger of destruction by the Demon WHITE g ANT whose work is usually undetected until damage is done. It is necessary, not only to jj kill him, but
      108 words
    • 163 15 Vhe Wipe of Peace Smokes sweet and cool straight from the box because it is already "broken- *v In" by Comoy's special carbonizing treat- jf*"^ 1& ment. H *v3r It never sends you "many happy returns" of nicotine because of Comoy's J& patent nicotine trap. t^H^^E 3 r r^K>> E^
      163 words

  • 64 16 Claims Damages Chicago. MRS MARGARET ROSENER has lodged a claim against a cosmetic company for £2,000 damages. She claims that recently she bought a lipstick made by the firm designed to beautify her appearance. Instead she alleges that it made her "Suffer future loss and enjoyment of osculation."
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  • 315 16 FRANCE AND GERMANY EXCHANGE CAUGHT SPIES Secret Night-Time Meeting At Frontier Town CHRISTMAS GESTURE TO AID FRIENDLY RELATIONS Paris, Dec. 23. QNE of the German Secret Service's most beautiful women was among four convicted spies exchanged for four convicted French spies tonight. The exchange, unprecedented in peace time, took place
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  • Article, Illustration
    432 16 CAMPFIRES TAKING pictures at night around the campfire is a lot of fun and the results very pleasing and out of the ordinary. Since the introduction of the photoflash lamp there has been a tremendous interest in campnre pictures for this lamp is so simple to operate. The
    432 words
  • 185 16 OBEYS SIX RULES DRIDE-TRAINING, recently in. troduced in Germany, is the latest university course introduced by the Santa Barbara State College, California. Dr. Jean Krueger, spinster head of the home economics department, considers that a bride must possess six qualities:— INITIATIVE.— She must have the desire ty
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  • 154 16 SCOUT'S 'V.C AWARDED TO CANCER VICTIM FOR the heroism with which he has endured ;reat suffering, the Cornwell scout decoration has been awarded to Leonard Frederick Crispin, aged 21, of the 6th Epping Forest (Ist Wanstead) Group. Crispin entered Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood. to undergo Xray treatment for cancer in
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  • 61 16 S. African Team Edict Johannesburg. I*HE South African Lawn Tennis Union has imposed a ban on relatives accompanying women members of the team for Wimbledon in 1938. Mothers of players some of the candidates are still in their 'teens- will not be permitted to
    61 words
  • 205 16 Budapest *THE problem of drought is Hungary's greatest natural difficulty, and many unsuccessful attempts to find the secret of producing artificial rain have been made. The provincial Pr vss report! that I new and hopeiul system has been made public by the biYenton, Mr. Rovo (assistant
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  • 23 16 The Royal Cl !b at Liibin entcrta:ned to luncheon its nev president. Sir Wai ford Selby. the British Ambassador to Portugal
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 302 16 How KOD A X /r '^wfj^^ 'Snaps give pleasure to so? m-j I*B many people. Make sure t X j|i!§|3aP§Sfc^^i|Ss of getting good ones byj i W^^^^Zj&^S'fh using Kodak"Verichromc"| >«^ /^^^^> rf l 'ffl FUm. It's extra fast and z^S^S^J^f!^ 7 double-coated gets all the f^^^^/^J^^^^ detail in high-light and
      302 words

  • Max Factors Advice
    • 644 17 AN ITEM BY ITEM SCR UTINY UOLIDAY times are natur- ally and logically "fresh-ening-up times. The very spirit of such renovating activity somehow seems to be in the air during such gala days. Away with the old, on with the new we all
      644 words
    • 363 17  -  Margaret Dawson WITH BLACK, PEARLS, DIAMANTE AND GILT ARE WORN By NECKLINES of all the newest dresses are purposely arranged in the simplest manner, in order that they may be decorated with your own particular choice from among the many attractive necklaces and other fripperies which are
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 389 17 At Vogue's! AND GOOD NEWS FOR EVERY V OMAN VOGUE 1 low prices h:ive caused many a person to exclaim I can't BELIEVE it Yet they're true. So true, in fact, that they have made this store one of the largest fashion houses in Singapore and Malaya. Get rid of
      389 words
    • 320 17 K. P. M. LINE (Incorporated in Holland) On leave? Travel home via South Africa FIRST CLASS FROM £8 3/-/. FOR DETAILED INFORMATION APPLY TO: K. P. M. LINE 1. FINLAYSON GREEN. SINGAPORE. y HAIR wm J^N on Arms Legs in 3 minutes TN less time than it takes to j
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  • 720 18 HO you like to carry in your handbag as many little treasures as you can Even so, there is now no need to sacrifice the daintiness of the bag. A tan calf handbag which is very spacious has a rounded top,
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  • 394 18 THE latest novelties at dinner parties are often the tables themselves. For instance, a recent bride is very proud of her table which is made with a black slate top. With its steel frame and slender legs, she finds it most distinctive in a black
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 732 18 i mm suit* reveal /'J the figure unmercifully. I IIJ S** tlim "f^f with Redex /wimm lotion Reduces flesh by external application. jok Simply rub Redex gently into the skin for a few minutes a day. AbsoluteH Pi. ly harmless. Approved by physicians. Reduce* \ji only where applied. W f\
      732 words
    • 106 18 The newest PATTERNS. DESIGNS AND COLOURINGS OF FABRICS ARE ALWAYS STOCKED HERE AND IN A BIGGER RANGE. CALL INSPECT WITHOUT OBLIGATION. GIAN SINGH SPORE CO. W£J*D£?A££" Ancient and Modern Chinese Art Lingerie Pyjamas Dressing Gowns Linen Handkerchiefs etc. etc. 18. Battery Road, Mt floor. Phontt 14 MADE TO IMPROVE THE
      106 words

  • 19 19 Just the thing for afternoon wear is this informal frock in a cool crepe-de-chine.
    19 words
  • 965 19  -  YAUGHAN VANE An Article For The Sunday Times By If You're Lucky You 'II Have Both "fONGRATULATIONS, old man," I said to him. "I saw the notice in the paper. Now. you'll have a daughter to look after you in your old age." He pulled
    965 words
  • 578 19 Fashions In Feminine Correspondence UEMININE correspondence is no longer distinguished by perfumed notepaper, and brightly coloured stationery with fancy borders. Women are now choosing light and dignified colours, both in paper and ink. Grey paper or a pale brown paper is considered distinctive in the single sheet style which foldf
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 399 19 Itching Skin Germs Killed in 7 Minutes Thanks to the discovery of an Amerl- clear, healthy complexion will give you «rd^K,\ l o\ n he'\r i ue^a V us P e OS o 8 f ib nl coe o, t t°^i 1 n 1 SS^gH to troubles. Your skin has
      399 words
    • 98 19 TL* A I O i iiis is tne Jujnoonaiit rersoe from a NESTLE FEEDER Baby's feeding 'times conic round quite quickly "Lactogen".. too, is "simple to prepare: aU enough but the work is simplified if .you use an you need is pure water ai about blood-heat: hygienic Nesde* Feeder. There
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 324 20 Is the place for an id eal holiday! Aiways plenty kto do and much to see and for those who desire It, quiet and rest. With every facility available for sport and pleasure there need not 1= bo an idle moment. An excellent cuisine delights the appetite -^g sharpened by
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    • 280 20 Don't suffer from >v S HEADACHES-NEURALGIA-COLDS TOOTHACHE-FEVER OR RHEUMATISM Do what thousands of ingredients —in convenothers are doing to get ient tablet form, that acts immediate relief from instantly to relieve pain pain and suffering— Take and reduce fever. It does ANACIN— the amaz- not affect the heart or ing,
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 636 20 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRI^^S FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly, the $100 will be awarded in respect of the
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  • 1721 21  -  "Nomad" By cup-tie atmosphere prevailed at Tanglin on Monday when the 30th 'F) Company, Royal Engineers, met the 11th (S) Heavy Battery, Royal Artillery, In the semi-final of the Garrison Interany Hotkey Cup. ial bus loads of supporters arrived in bedecked vehicles and were wearing button-hole
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  • 717 21 "Mac 's Com men ts /"\N Sunday afternoon 7th Heavy Brigade R.A. had thp distinction of inflicting on the Indian Association their first hockey defeat at Blakan Mati this year. A little extra touch of craft and the greater experience of their forwards enabled the Gunners to win by two
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 617 21 ANNOUNCING!! ANNOUNCING!! The third of a series of monthly competitions sponsored by Rothmans for KINGS GATE smokers. Join in the fan to-day and win handsome prizes COT OUT FROM HERE Here is the third of a series of fascinating competitions organised by Rothmans Ltd., manufacturers of Kings Gtte cigarettes. fja
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  • 361 22 By Our Seremban Correspondent jy|R. V. E. H. Rhodes, the Ncgrl Scm- bilan cricliettr. Is expected back from leave with the start of the present cricket season. Mr. J. Calder M.CS. Secretary to Resident. Negri Scmbilan, will be pro- ceeding on home leave on January 14
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  • 474 22 300 Guests At Batu Pahat Triple Ceremony Brothers Marry At The Same Time (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat. TOR the first time in Batu Pahat, a triple wedding ceremony war, performed at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce on New Year's Day. A large number of guests and
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  • 40 22 AN elderly Sakai appeared before the Seremban magistrate last Monday to answer a charge of wilfully disposing of stolen property. The accused 1 claimed to be tried and after evidence had been recorded the magistrate discharged the man.
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  • 36 22 A CHINESE named Wong Yuen w.\:, ordered by the Seremban magistrate to enter into a bond to be of good behaviour. It was stated that the man was found wandering about the Seremban railway yard.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 401 22 <■ ■El Did you Maclean iyour teeth to-day? Oui, oui, Monsieur! MACLEANS PEROXIDE TOOTH PASTE II y»u use a solid dcmilncc. try the new MACLEANS SOLID PEROXIDE DENTIFRICE Glands Made Young -Vigour Renewed Without Operation n 1. 1 ..i,i baton row time or ■urfer from nerve, brain and physical weakneHs,
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  • 1233 23 Preparing For Visit Of The Islington Corinthians (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. COCCER has made an early start in Malacca. This is due largely to the forthcoming visit of the Islington Corinthians to this ancient city on Jan. 20 Although two trials were held by
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  • 183 23 Malacca S. K. Beat Muar C. W. A. A At Basket Ball <Frcm Our Own Correspondent Muar. IN closely contested game the I Malacca Sin Kong basket ball team; beat the Muar Chinese Chin Woo Athletic Association by 52 points to 50. The Chinese Woo A.A. led 15— at iialf
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  • 75 23 •From Our Own Correspondent Malacca, Saturday. WITH the increase of new members i this year, Malacca Club— the pre- Tnier European Club in the State will m all probability enjoy a bright and successful soccer and cricket season. There is every likelihood the Club uill lield a representative
    75 words
  • 147 23 'From Our Own Correspondent' Muar *¥*HE following are the office beprers; of the Eng Choon Association for the curren. year: Presidents, Tay Boon Plan. Lim Sim Ber and Gan Keng Hua; manager. Lim Thai Chong; asst. manager. Gan: Kirn Boon correspondent clerk. Lim Ping Keng; hon.
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 23 The Persidangan Belia Club football team. Champions of the N.S.F.A. League, 1937. Top row, left to right: Dool (Hon. Secy), Suleiman, T.'.ohd Ali (('apt Syed Ahmad (Reserve), Maarof and Azraai. Second row, Baba, Syed Hamid. Haji Ibrahim, Haron. Third row, Hashim and Ahmad. Sheikh Mustapha. (State Goalkeeper) is absent. The
    65 words
  • 373 23 From Our Own Correspondent.; Segamat. AFTER being a goal down at one) stage the Segamat P>lice drew j two-all with the Nondescripts on the I Government English School padang J last week at hockey. Play was keen j throughout but the standard was never i
    373 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 23 The Kurn Font Party of Malacca, who were helpers at the charity cinema show at the New Rialto Theatre in aid of the China Relief Fu nd
    27 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 442 23 Gain 10 lo 25 Pounds Build Rich,Redßlood& Strong, Steady Nerves New Discovery from Hollywood, California, used by Movie Stars. Quickly Renews Energy, Builds Glorious New Vitality and Solid Flesh in One Week Are yon Thin. S. Tawny, T'nd. r\v. ißl.t, fim-nt hesilth. weight, strength and energy ■N.rvous, Tired. Worn-Out, and
      442 words
    • 351 23 %CLUnbreaka Wrisr Warcr>^^^^^r Guaranteed 10 ycdrffOrc >\JWM Lon-ion aWaWa^SaJFx^^ (or H^^ 119.«S Hr "117. HcliabU Hl^,-C.r«l« 15-J*wrl Shockproof Uvcr Movement, n.,,.,! r,,t,,,«ir.| iSubh *"J IMMU w llrr E*£° S.ndprocf m "Finh-Stay-brhe Stalnl«, Sttd back. I■■ ..IT.- 1. I', prnipirati ..n. bod; >■ ..Ik, m .in..,".. Modern DtaJ ml Ma ate
      351 words

  • 2010 24 Last Day Favoured By Good Weather BLARICUM'S SURPRISE WIN: DIVIDEND OF $53 tFrom Our Own Correspondent) Penanß, Saturday. Ughi's Eye won the Penang Gold Cup this afternoon with ease from Beaudekin, Jack Druce, and Where Am I. the Van Breukelen stable thus scoring
    2,010 words
  • 71 24 The iollowing hay accepted to play in a European trial hockey match on Tuesday at the S.C.C. Whites: Glbb (Gordons*; Jlnsey 'S.C.C.). Todd (S.C.C.) Hodgkinson (S.C.C), Haggar (Police), Shaw (S.C.C. 1 Duke (Gordons), Hewan (S.C.C. >. Campbell (Skins) Le Marcriant (R.A.) and Scott (Skins). Colours
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  • 53 24 Leonard Crawley, former Englisn champion and Walker Cup golfer, had a brilliant round on Sunningdale eld course on Dec. 27 and led the qualifiers for the Dormy House Shield with a return of four up .on bogey, playing from plus 2. He went
    53 words
  • 287 24 'From Our Own Correspondent. Johore Bahru. Saturday. SOUTH Johore registered a hard fought victory over the Royal Air Force by the narrow margin of 6 points (a penalty goal and a try to 5 points (one goal), in a fast gamr on the Civil
    287 words
  • 99 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. THE following competitions wil take place at the Seremban Golf Club during January 1938. Jan. 11 Mixed Foursomes (Stroke). Jan. 16 Match vs. Selangor O.C. Jan. 18 Ladles' Medal (Stroke). Jan. 22 Walker Cup 36 holes (Stroke). The results of the December competitions
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  • 178 24 Negri Gets Ready For Cricket (From Our Own Orresponden: Ssreniban. CRICKET nets are expected to maki their appearance next month and already there are indications of successful season. There is talk uf more teams taking the field this year. The Hillrangers art expec < d 10 field a regular side
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  • 186 24 RAFFLES INST. BEAT V.I. AT HOCKEY Playing tlveir last game in Singapore prior to their return to Kuala Lumpur, the Victoria Institution boys yesterday met their first defeat in the series of matches they have played here, being beaten at hockey by Raffles Institution two goals to nil, at the
    186 words
  • 58 24 The following will represent the S.C.C. against the Excise Department on Monday on the padang: F J. L. Mayger. F. V. Duckworth. C. E. Brooke. O. Narjis. J. P. Wood. A N. Other. R. J. Forbes. F. K. McNamara. A J. TRe. F O. S.
    58 words
  • 560 24 Singapore Draw With Selangor At Hockey INJURED MAN GETS GOAL TO EQUALISE (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. r»OMING back midway in the L/ second half to assist the home defence although limping badly. C. O. LakJrooy, SelangorS clever right half, was respon*ible for scoring his side's poal three
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 24 Dan Koloff, the Yugoslavian champion, won the European ratch-as-catch-iin wrestling championship at the Palais des Snorts in Paris, when he beat Charles Risoutot, who had to retire. In the picture Rigoulot is on his feet. Koloff in the air.
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  • 130 24 THE Royal Signal Corps, Cliangi area. were once again victorious when they met a company of the Gordon Highlanders at hockey on a very Tast pitch at Selarang yesterday, winning 2—o. The Signal Corps had most o the game during the second hair Lieut. MacMlllan played
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 77 24 Headache, Biliousness tre relieved qc.ckly. safely, by Diwiwoao'i i*i at Fluu> Macmema, which neutralise* the MMi acid and soothe* the stomach. For ow a cmlttfy DiNiwo«>'» has been prescribed for Indigestion, Acidity, Heartburn, Headache, Biliousness, Constipation. Gout and Gra»rl Pleasant to take, centle in action, and abtohtlely effective. Has no
      77 words

  • 682 25 Singapore Cricket Club Beaten 11-3, After 3-3 At Half Time CEI A\( <>R Club repeated their performance of last year when they dtfcaUri the Singapore ricket Club by 11 points (one penalty, one tr>. and one goal) to three points (one try) in the
    682 words
  • 435 25 la carrying the Brl- ;o the Empire Games are two men who are to shipboard life with mixed ik Handley and Bill Ro- and quarter milers, ar.d both members of the Salford Athletic i They are MMag Walter Ran^eley, inter of the genand the
    435 words
  • 115 25 Rupby games played yesterday resulted Bath 11. Northampton 0. Bristol 7. The Army 0. Coventry 14. Bedford 3. Exeter 0. Weston-Super-Mare 8. Guy's Hospital 5, Birkenhead P. 16. Harlequins 3. Blackheath IS. Leicester 6. Gloucester London Scottish 13. Rosslyn Park 3. M welcy 6. London Welsh I. Newport
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  • 52 25 Melbourne. Saturday. Von Cramm (Germany) beat Donald D Budge, American Wimbledon Champion) 6-4, 8-10. 12-10, in the triangu- lar lawn tennis contest between Aus- tralia, United states and Germany. This was Budge's third defeat in Australia within a month and Vor. Cramms second triumph in
    52 words
  • 28 25 n»-s in the S.CR.C and Singapore M.i'avs lawn tennis tournament »ere not played yesterday owing to the rain. The postponed ties will be played next Saturday.
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  • 1557 25 P T1IE third round ties in the F.A. Cup competition played on Saturday, resulted as follows: Grimsby T Swindon 1 Doncaster 0 Sheffield U. 2 Crystal Palace 0 Liverpool 0 Brentford 3 Pulham 1 Chelsea 0 Everton 1 Derby 1 Stoke 2 Bury 2 Brighton
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  • 186 25 PLAYING In a drizzle for a greater part of the match, the 3rd A. A. Battery (Changi) beat a St. Andrew's fifteen by nine points uwo penalty goals and a try) to three <a try> in a Rugby game at Fairer Park yesterday.
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 25 Buchanan, Scotland's outside right, eludes the Czech left back, Daucik, in the football came at Ibrox Park, Glasgow, in which Scotland beat Chechoslovakia by five coals o all.
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  • 88 25 «From Ou Own Corret undent.) Penang. Saturday. Eight teams from Penang, Kedah and Province Wellesley participated in a seven-a-side Rugby tournament this evening on the esplanade, with honours going to Perak Asiatics who beat the Penan* Volunteers by three tries to one in the linal. Women have
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  • 885 26 Only A Date Now Left To Be Found Mayflowers To Meet Sunnydales Pairings In Married Vs. Single Game BY OUR BADMINTON CORRESPONDENT •THE attempt which is at present being made by the management of the Singapore BadI -ociation to revive inte- j rest in the friendly
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  • 1141 26 tLK HO Liang 1 tan. a vice-president of I Selangor and Malayan Badminton Associations, an enthusiast for the advancement o! loral badminton, has once again led the v ay In encouraging schoolgirls to take up the &:ime giving a silver challenge shield for com- t petition among the
    1,141 words
  • 240 26 ADAMEVEANS TOO GOOD FOR MERRY GANG (By Our Sereintan C'»rre«pcnd2nt.) ■THE Adamevean Badminton Party of Malacca proved too gool for the Merry Gang B.P. SJicmban when they met at Seremban. Llm Ewe Law, the Negri Sembilai: champion, was in good form against Leong Tah Chee of Malacca. Both 8. Veerapan
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  • Article, Illustration
    81 26 Summer BP. which beat the Weame Bros. Ltd. Sports Club by 4—l. Back, left to right: Choo Kok Hoe. Cheng Heng Kuan*. Ho Sun*: H?n S and Tay Hon 3 Wan. Front. Ng Peng Seng, Nf Yong Thye mnd Cbenc Heng Wah. tomztm* Bros. Ltd. Sports Club which lost to
    81 words
  • 119 26 (Prom Our Cwn Correspondent.) Batu Pahat. The Juvenile B.P. of Batu Pahat. beat Parit Sulcng B.P. by live games to nil v.hen they met on New Year's day. Results (Batu Pahat first i HJ Taha b. Ibrahim and Harun o Yusof be I Saitm b Jaffar and Md.
    119 words
  • 57 26 The Lads Unitsd B.P. will celeb/ate KM fifth anniversary during the Chinese New v-- r ,-'•►> tn--~-T "ntl aancr mo6t nrobaWy either at the Great World or Ham-y .a .j .v. ukijrtM >■•- join the anniversary dinner should send In i heir names before Jan. 28. P-U
    57 words
  • 32 26 MerrV-s o' |M ft-nffci p r that entries lor the open singles "A" and "B divisions are now open anu cose o,i j. 'ihe eiitrance tee io $1 a compclWor
    32 words
  • 180 26 At the third annual fenercl meeting of tv« Summer B.P. the loilowing \%ere eleciel office-bearers f- r 183 B: Pic I- -n Mr. Fn* Seng H*ng; vice-presidents. M r Lys Quea and Mr. Lira Jin Ann; hon. tecretar;/, Mr. Choo Kok Hoe ue-elec-adi; hou. ucasurer, Mr. Ho
    180 words
  • Article, Illustration
    54 26 R. A. Alired. one time badm.nton champion of Selanfcor and also of Batu Pahat district, who has gone on three montLs' leave to India. He is also a cric'ieter of local note and was Instrumental in the formation of the local Badminton Association. He Ls assistant master in the Government
    54 words
  • 37 26 M;.T»bers of tru OWM Writadij A tion a.c reminded hai t a mn a meetias will be hell tomorrow a'- the V ociatlona piemi c IS*, .M) t Stmt, \.o> floor, at 8 p.m.
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 57 26 VB B e /ttfae Sod* \s \lmh WWetf et Al I^H 4H^ jp mtde 4ft h|| \«9 J& itt 4m m- t j *w flf fa run! i Ongti Re-. 1 1 H£T > h Zb*^^^ bb v fatknat. c >k M M "Cm #u <c« s^ u m «a
      57 words

  • 590 27  - GREETINGS TO ISLINGTONIANS "ECHO" Arrive In Malaya Today Where Is Their Strength? Attack Or Defence? Chance Of A Good Comparison BY QREi:«INGS to the Islington I Corinthians, who arrive at Penang today for their soccer tour of Malaya One f eels sure that they will be delighted with their welcome
    590 words
  • 344 27  -  Johore Change Will Be Welcomed By (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. THE proposal of the Perak Cricket Association to change the annual cricket test between the i olony and F.M.S. to Colony vs. Malay States will be welcomed by cricketers in Johore. it is expected that
    344 words
  • 147 27 From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. T^HE opening of the Muar Young Chinese Society has given Chinese .-.p ctsrr.en an organisation for facilities for games. The Society will be run on the lines of the Chinese ren clubs of other towns. The following are the office bearers for
    147 words
  • Article, Illustration
    16 27 .mill a team of Csech footballers visited England. Here they are out for a training run
    16 words
  • 271 27 MALAYS KEEN ON HOCKEY IN JOHORE (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. MJ»ALAYS in Johore are showing a great amount of keenness for hockey at the moment and considering that It is a new game to th? State, credit Is due to them for having teams in tU the large districts.
    271 words
  • 124 27 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. KIEW Year's Day was a busy day for the Chinese clubs in Muar when the office bearers for the current year were sworn in. This ceremony was performed at the following Associations: Chong Hua Association, Chiang Chuan Association, Eng Choon
    124 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 27 Group photograph of the Kok Kiew. Amateur Dramatic Association, Muar. at the anniversary meeting on New Year's Day: Mr. Soo Tow Woon, the president, is behind the bit dram.
    29 words
  • 419 27 Segamat And District Hockey League (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. *T*HE town padang has been reopened and hockey will be in full swinß hi the district once again The Segamat and District hockey league which was started for the Wills' Cup last year is about to begin though the trophy
    419 words
  • 409 27 <From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. IN an interesting match on the Government English School padang 'ast week the Segamat Malays did creditably well to share four goals with a strong Colts team at hockey. Play was fast but was marred by many infringements of
    409 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
      48 words
    • 522 27 ineMcioinYour Stomach Would Burn a Hole in the Carpet When you fe«l indices- t_ tlon pains, those WVA Tlf? pains are usually IT^W** sOw caused by too mu< h Tl'V^aßi^^Bf x£l Do you know that rjnltf'Wf nfl that acid is so power- Kjnr 7^ UM ful that It would bum
      522 words

  • 354 28 Scenes From History Of China And Buddha's Life Cover Ceiling (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. THE Lin Khesan temple, little-known owing to its isolated location, is one of the finest examples of Chinese architecture in Malaya. Also known as "The Temple of a Thousand
    354 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 40 28 ft J\ < M 0 \S3£~ s^y y^ inputs riMtsT EsaaHßU y f >' **UrL H Whisky 1 i I MnJTi t II ii*n SOLE AGENTS: THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. (Incorporated in England) SINCiAPORL PENANG IPOH KUALA LUMPUR MALACCA. WPS. SA MSBBMB
      40 words
    • 137 28 Jl\ t::: caiTEim »sEßcits ltd STOPWATCHES 1/5 or 1/10 9.50 Superior quality $16. 1/100 seconds $21. Opposite Clifford Pier BE IT TM YOUNG and BEAUTIFUL m D.T. UM'S SLIMMING d. t. lim-s A UCDD TEA INDIGESTION HtKB-lfcA HERB-TEA j» ItLjil Guaranteed harm* r^^Str'u.'^S^r ifl herbs. oui^T~u3i»«T |J PRICE $1.50 £S3Tl££ZoCw!irra£l
      137 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 90 28 Head Office: Cecil Street. Singapore. Phonr 54*1 (S taw) »i evtensioni to alt Department Kuala Ltunpvr: Office: ti. Java Street. Phonr: Mtti Ipoh Office: Brewtter Road. Tele: 37. Penaac Office: 12. Bishop Sdr-t NaWI Phone: 1477. London Off^r n U, fU-r'. S'r r I mi. ma, E.C.4. Phone: Central 36©r—
      90 words