The Straits Times, 2 January 1938

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 39 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUMO AY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FiNAL EDITION No. 315 Sunday, January 2, 1938. Price 10 cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya. No. 315 Sunday, January 2, 1938. Price 10 cents
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  • 496 1 Bomb Outrages Usher In Shanghai's New Year ot "2S£/' Soldiers And Milh (Targets For Armed Gangsters LMOST IMPOSSIBLI D ROUND THF.M TTP i WAVE of terroristic anti-Japanese activities inL auspiciously ushered in the nt\vyear at Shanghai, where Chinese Teports state that thousands of plainclothes men are operating. Four
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  • 175 1 Boycott Revived In Britain London. Saturday. TT is understood that a Joint meet 1 ing of the Trades Union Counci the general council of the Nations Executive Labour Party and th Executive Parliamentary Labou Party will be held in London oi Jan. 7 to consider matters of polic arising from
    Reuter  -  175 words
  • 102 1 jJATHBR than turn traitor to his cau»e. Chang Ih-din. elderly Chinese patriot of So:chow city, committed suicide by Jumping into a well yesterday, reports Nanyang Siang Pan. Chang, who had formed and led a v )lunteer "old men's battalion" In the defence of Soochow.
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  • 356 1 500 Singapore Chinese In Anti-Japanese March Stopped By Police MORE than 503 Chinese took part ITI yesterday in a march towards i the Japanese quarters of Singapore carrying banners, but they were stopped by the police and dispersed before my serious incident occurred. Leaders of the precession displayed a large
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  • 115 1 Naval Race Begins In Earnest Britain Building Nev Battleships London, Saturday. "THREE to five new battleships ar confidently predicted for th Navy estimates for 1938, says th Daily Telegraph Navaf Corrrspon dent. Thu. teu capital ship* may fc anl i( mm k« nevessary to lay the k-els o two- of
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  • 59 1 Siamese Twins rick Tram Conductor iiurlington iSt. Louis). WHEN the Siamese twins presented only one ticket to conductor George Kinning, of the Bur.ington Railroad^ he threw up i his hands in despair and nired St. Louis for instructions. Came the answer. "If unable to collect the other fare, make no
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  • 206 1 RUMANIA'S NEW FASCIST REGIME OUTLINES ITS POLICY j Kucharest. Saturday. «|> UMANIA for the Rrfmanian was the theme of a half hour broadcast to th nation by C M. O. Goea. Prime Minister, of the ncr Fascist regime, explaining- his policy. j "There sh*ll by justice in Rumania .without oppresslvi."
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  • 26 1 REFUGEE TRAIN AT HONG KONG Hong Kong. Saiur Th< refugee train from Hjm carrying British. Arwrieans and at national. irrived h out Incident c:i rout: 1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 6 1 ULLMANN fp. JEWELLERY Raffles Place. Spore.
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    • 50 1 f*\ > FI 8 M C J )»F. >7^ PHOTO SINGAPJH^ Jf NEW and INEXPENSIVE i HAND PAINTED TABLE LAMPS Beautifully Embossed Designs in Pottery Table Lamps with Hand Painted Vellum *j Shades to Match. Complete with Flex. Charming Pastel Shades. rsBL^jHB price 9-25 Kuala Lumpur CiyrADADC Penang Ipoh SINUArUKt
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  • 563 2 Sir R. Vansittart Becomes Chief Adviser To Foreign Secretary GENERAL STAFF HEAD GETS KNIGHTHOOD K"^£TS£t*K "dw— AdvisCT < responslble <Hmtly 'sir^Ro^s'Sw^has been created by the Order If.* 1* Among new baronets in the list is Sir Vernon Thomson, chairman 01 Tramp Shipping Subsidy
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  • 116 2 Quaker As B. B. C". Governor London, Saturday. rpHE King has approved the appointment of Miss Margery Fry to he a Governor of the British Broadcasting Corporation for the next five years, succeeding Mrs. Mary Hamilton, whose term has expired. During the War Miss Fry went to France with the
    British Wireless  -  116 words
  • 188 2 Tokio Peace Terms Held Unacceptable tt ABSOLUTELY unacceptable" sums up the general attitude of Chinese military and civil officials towards the reported Japanese truce verms to China, according to Chinese messages from Hankow and Chungk rhe nature of the demands would sugfest that China
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  • 75 2 Wang Ching-wei's Appeal (if ET all comrade* spill their blood "in order to extinguish Japan's burning fire of aggression," urged Mr. Wang Ching-wei, Kuomintang leader, in a broadcast New Year's message to Party members. So long as party members and tne people continue to harass the
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  75 words
  • 97 2 Salamanca, Saturday. It is officially announced that insurgent troops have again entered Teruel, strategic town retaken a few days ago by the Government forces. Reuter's special correspondent, Mr E. R. S. Sheepshanks, was killed while motoring to observe the battle in the Teruel area. An American correspondent
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 68 2 New York, Dec. 31. RECORD crowds are now packing New York's cinemas to see tht film of the sinking In the Yangtse bs Japanese planes of the American gunboat Panay. Prints of the film are being distributed all over the country Seven thousand
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 74 2 THE battleship Warsplte. recon- structed at a cost of £2,250.000 goes to the Mediterranean on Jan. 4 Three battleships and two battlecnilsers in the Mediterranean and tht brand-new cruiser Birmingham an now being fitted out preparatory U going to China. Although no large additions
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • 140 2 K. L. Relief Fund Ball Committee And Helpers MEMBERS OF THE ORGANISING COMMITTEE at the ball held at the Kuala Lumpur hine^e Assemblj S last month in aid of the China Relief Fund were the following: (left to. right) Mrs Y. Y. Chen, «M "he A^Unt Consul for China. Mrs.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 43 2 Hbv% fly *x( jPk ce P them 01 with a daily pint of I nature's perfect diet— MILK THE COMPLETE FOOD Milk contains all the strength building proteins and protective vitamins so necessary to the growing child. Phone: 5376 (4 Unes) d c
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  • 248 3 Singapore Welcomes 1 938 NEW YEAR COMES IN WITH A BANG Fun Starts Early, Lasts Until Late pONTRASTING sharply with Singapore's Christmas Eve, which fell miserably flat, New Year's Eve went with a swing. In the minds at must people, Christmas has Its roots in snowcovered, winter-bound lands. But such
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  • 80 3 £210,000, "A Little Money vyiir.N Charles Gauss, modest Detroit tobacconist, died his wife said she thought he had <v a money." Executors opened safe deposit box, found in cash, thousands of dairy, dislillcry, and brewery ■s, diamonds and pearls all in envelopes addressed to Mrs. Gauss. P. m,.- kashwant
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  • 289 3 YOUR HEALTH TOLD FROM YOUR MIDDLE FINGER OF THE LEFT HAND (By A Sunday Times Reporter.) AFTER tuiddling the midd'e finger of my left hand, tapping the middle of the back of my hand, and then taking my pulse, he told tne my brain was ovenoorked and that I had
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  • 120 3 CAMEL AS PET IN A FLAT Parts. IS a camel a fit pel for a flat? Yes," said a French subject visiting Paris from the colonies. "No," retorts his landlord. The colorial came to Paris with his camel to be employed in the amusement park of the Exhibition. He rented
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  • 232 3 JAPANESE GREETING CARD PROPAGANDA ItJIANY people* in Singapore received from Japanese sources a Christmas card in the shape of a booklet, in which the first page says, "Greeting you with all best wishes for Christmas and New Year." The next page says, "Commonsense and the China Emergency." Then follow 14
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  • 104 3 D.S.O. VICAR SUCCEEDS 'DICK' SHEPPARD THE Rev. Harold Evelyn Hubbard, 1 D.5.0., M.C.. vicar of St. John's. Middlesbrough, has been appointed chaplain to the King in the room or the late Canon 'Dick' Sheppard. Mr. Hubbard, eldest son of the late Hon. Evelyn Hubbard. is in his early fifties. He
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  • 144 3 GOING TO SPAIN TO FIGHT A MEMBER of one of the oldest and most aristocratic Spanish families in Manila arrived in Singapore last week on his way to Spain to fight for General Franco. He is Mr. Leopold Brias, 25-year-old former student at Notre Dame University in America, who after
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  • 393 3 cram Today auiamrfv "Robtncoa Crusoe or Cliiier Island" with Mala. 3 13. 6.15 and 9.15 p.m. CAMTOL: "Way Out 'rte.f Cl.v?r Hardy and S'^n Laurel. 3.15. 6 15 and 9.15. PAVILION: "The IL'e of Emile Zola". 3 15. 6 15 and 9.15 KIT/. GEYLANG: "Nadira" Hindu. Uni.
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  • 116 3 Mjniay. Jjb. 3. Sups along id e the Wharves or expected to ai ive. location Skip Godown Gate Ea^t Wharf Planciu.s Hjng S'.a:. 1 Mulnam. Anahun 70 1 Main Whsrf Benwyvb 18 2 Jeypcre it 2 P-'icaUon 14 2 V ngia 12 duaur Belleroohon 6 2
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 275 3 More Speed-More Comfort To England E»cry Wednesday and Monday, luxun air service* lea*e Singapore for India (t days) tgyH (C days) and r iifflan* is dayk). You by in a bin t rnginrd air linet a* far a* Alc-ardria where you Join one ot Ihe new trontre flyiag. b»>ats for
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  • 273 4 An Easy Way To Double Your Energy. Day »n*r day of gruelling hard work In a n-iUine hot climate to bound to sap your energy, destroy your power to think straight and dull your keen enjoyment of We. You need to replace erery *»y. the vltAlity
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  • 200 4 HIS FATHER SUFFERED SIMILARLY 14 YEARS BEFORE (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia. I lAUW Gie Tie, while walk- ing in the crowded Tanah Abang market in Batavia, was suddenly caught by unknown hands and in a few seconds his ear was cut off
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 4 One of London's Christmastime Peter Pans learns to fly on a wire across the stage.
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  • 222 4 PENSIONS OF SULTAN'S DESCENDANTS A QUERY has been raised in Singapore following the revelation by The Sunday Times that amounts of $180 and $120 are respectively being received as pensions by the grandchild and great-grand-child of the Sultan of Johore by whom Singapore was ceded to Great Britain in 1819.
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  • 57 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia. The first complete ambulance left last week by the Tjisaroea for China. It was subscribed for by the Chinese in Java. Thousands of Chinese crowded the steamer and the wharf to see the ambulance being shipped and to w'sh the
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  • 71 4 Mrs. I. M. BROWN DIES IN SINGAPORE •THE death took place at the General Hospital yesterday morning, of Mrs Isabella Marion Brown, mother of Mrs W. Bartley, wife of the president of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners, and Mrs. C. A. Leggatt. Mrs. Brown, who was 79 years of age. had
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  • 46 4 From Our Own Correspondent) Batavla AS a result of the new quota agreement between Poland and Netherlands India, it is expected that Polish textile magnates will visit Java shortly with a view to cementing relations and opening textile works in Java.
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  • 51 4 •T*HE New Year was ushered in in time honoured fashion by the members of the Singapore Recreation Club at their carnival dance at the Singapore Volunteer Drill Hall. More than six hundred people were present. The Sambodlan dance band played Mr. G. E. N. Oehlers was master of
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  • 56 4 The Police Band will play on Tuesday at Telok Ayer at 6 p.m. March The God of Thunder (J. S. Howgill) Overture Pique Dame (Suppe) Selection Bric-a-Drac (Lionel Monckton) Valse Confidence (Chater Robinson) Cornet Solo When the Ebb-Time Flows (Stanley Gordon); Pot-Pourri Lionel Monckton Melodies (Arranged by Stamford
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 163 4 4%Q yeat* 1 1 er.^ch^^^^^i^-^ RADIO FOR WORLD-WIDE RECEPTION. SEOW KUAN The VOICE of the Famous d^^^\^ Boy Su*. BOBBY BREEN M iP^^^k. (of Rainbow on the .AA* BASIL RATHBONE in New Romantic Role W #©iU' MUSIC of osCAR 'A -W* STRAUS lilting, Joyoiu! The Beautiful Singing of Hollywood's new
      163 words
    • 74 4 DIAMOND BTUUL SPRING MATTRBSS mmr+y »M Steel fnsifcliim— raat-proofi-d Op«a «WhM sprinc* lurbotn insert*. Promrtti M—Hkw «MP «<U<M«| Prteet •y Moformtac Ike sha#e H the bod» it firtm trmm ni»P<Hheep* Uw Svtee Stnicht Biiiiwuirt by ■ultb \mthmMkm. H> e— UrUbto *m a— mg. Wit* for DMirlptiw *MW OIAMOMD METAX PRODUCTS
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  • 447 5 Special Editions Of Chinese Papers Mean Good Times SOME EARN $100 A MONT SCUKKYING down Cecil Street and Robinson Road as if their lives depended on their speed, Singapore's 200 newsboys; bring the news in special editions, still wet from the presses, to thousands of Chinese-educated
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  • 112 5 The Duke Ought To Go To U.S. Says G.B.S. BERNARD SHAW, commenting suggestion by Sheriff Robert- that the Press should mbllsh news about the Duke J o* Wind3ir. writes in the weekly paper varJ Th.« tint'Mi )i the ex-King ji EngI(u\d vanishing from the news as a tfrivat person is
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  • 168 5 A'c?c yorfc. J'OMMY MASVILLE. four times married 'Alimony King" of the United States, spent a recent week-end working out what it costs him to be Netv York's No. 1 playboy. He found that keeping his title for the last twelvemonths has cost him £250.000.
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  • 294 5 j Niece Of Ambassador In Tientsin Saved JHUGE RANSOM PLANNED Shanghai. UOW British and French police at Tientsin on Dec. 11 frostrated an attempt by four foreigners to kidnap Mile. Denise Theon, pretty 19-year-old daughter of Baroness Guillautne. and niece of the Belgian Ambassador to China, is related
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  • 58 5 a charge against a motorist had been dismissed at Chichester, the chairman of the Bench, Mr. A. F. Lewis, announced that it was hoped to introduce a poor box in the court by means of which people who thought they had been too leniently dealt with would be
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 44 5 u/Mfr IJU* mlTIf If I-et us protect your property against destructive WHITE ANT SI J We arv well known as the leading White Ant Specialists of Malaya and guarantee IS satisfaction. M I B All work U carr *d out under European ■pMBMMnM| supervision.
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    • 58 5 MAKE MONEY WITH The STRAITS TIMES GROUP FORM GUIDE m The Guide appears before each clay's racing (Professional Meetings) in The Straits Times and The Singapore Free Press. The recent running of every horse engaged is given. The Guide is compiled by our experts who are present at all meetings.
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  • 1063 6 Business Dwindles Over H olidays BUSINESS in the local market, awell as in the Home markets, has been reduced almost to vanishing point during the past week owing to the advent of Christmas and New Year holidays and the best that can be said of local
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  • 195 6 Det. 28 2S 3« American Can Cum. 69 3 4 69 70U American Tekphom and Telegraph 144' L 143» 4 H*^ Atcheson Railroad 34 37^ 37» 4 CfcesapfJl: 33 4 33 33 3 4 Dupont 108' 2 111 3 4 111 1 Firestone 19' c 18' 4
    195 words
  • 138 6 Friday. Dm. 31. Noon No. 1 K. R S. S. in rase* (F. 0.8.) Dex. 23 '> 23 5 It. Good F. A. Q. in bale* (FOB.) De*. 22 5 16 22 7 U No. 1 K. R. S. S. (Spot loos*) Atttrdabfe 22'> 23
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  • 1260 6 Fraser And Co.'s List CLOSING QUOTATIONS FRIDAY. DEC. 31, 193:: 1 P.M. MINING Bayers Sellers Ampat Tit. .4- 4s 4 'yd 4s 10>»d Asam Kurobang 32s 34s Austral Malay SOs 59s Ayer Hitam ihet 2Sa 27s Ayer Wenjr isl 77'^, .82., Bangrln Tin Hi 23s
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  • 145 6 List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Co. Singapore. !>•<■ 31. 1 p.m. Tot. flnaaclai Compai.v Dividend Books Date la Div KiN Cloee fi 1 1 olt r-..u Ayer Wenf 2V2'* Fln*i D*c. 29 Jan 4 Dec 3ft Pattani 5% Int Dec i> Dec 21 D« Southern Kinto 6%
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 349 6 5. E. Levy Co. flbanghai, Hongkonf Manila Singapore inwntmtnt Bunker* and Brokers m Securities and C ->7MosUftrr Datlp Foreign Market Cablt! and QuotfMor* i> m MEMBERS. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE COMMODITY EXCHANGE, INC NEW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE HONGKONG BHARE
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 762 7 STAMPS IUMPLETE SKI— *r: STAMPS. rrom (<t Britain, the 15 Crown Colonies. Dominions. Newfound land and Mandated Territories. $19.91 I'NISID USED sr 11 Blocks of 4. 8115.7*. Blocks ol t. $214.29 135 Stamps fro.n tbe 45 Crown Colonies only. $11.79 I'MiSEU. Blocks of 4 $41.14. I'SED S20.3b. These sets are
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1861 7 Today's Wireless Programmes pTo5 Big Ben. Students" songs. Havn NIROM. C 7.HL l.JJ mt (its ok.) Newell baritone.. 35 Studio concert by Australian art:sts: pmn \*o i« mVl !5 I! 00 Cperanc selections The Band of H M Ivle stevenS on (soprano!; ftmn Men- m PMN l0 m I C
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  • 387 8 Assurances By Government And Reds WILL NOT EXCHANGE DR. SUN VAT-SEN'S PRINCIPLES WIDESPREAD fears that China is turning Communistic as a price for Soviet assistance have been allayed by emphatic statements at Hankow by the Chinese Foreign Office and the spokesman of the Chinese
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  • 114 8 Shanghai, Saturday. pniNI.SE reports reaching here state Chinese troops under the Ironsides commander, Chang Fah-kwei. have launched a concerted counterattack designed to recapture Hangchow. It is asserted a severe battle in which both sides are using heavy guns, is raging and it is added
    Reuter  -  114 words
  • 25 8 St. Jean de Luz, Saturday The Nationalists have taken 2.000 prisoners in accomplishing the relief of the Teruel garrison, states an Irun report
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  • 34 8 A Japanese report from Nankir.g says the Soviet Embassy there has been completely destroyed by a nre of unknown origin. The Embassy was unoccupied since the transfer of the staff to Hankow
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  • 21 8 At St. Blasien. Germany, on D?cember| 31, 1937, Eiteen Joyce Henry, beloved wife of J. E. Henry, Reuters Ltd., Singapore.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 147 8 Dr. Kung Becomes New Premier Hankow. Saturday. THE Chinese Government has been reshuffled with the purpose of increasing the effleiency of the anti-Japanese war machinery. Dr H. H. Kung has been appointed president of the Executive Yuan (Premier) in place of Gen. Chiang Kai-shek, who thus is
    Reuter  -  147 words
  • 72 8 MANOEUVRES AGAIN THIS JANUARY BIG scale manoeuvres will be held in Singapore towards the end of January, The Sunday Times understands. Although this is part of a winter exercise programme, it is understood that the two native Regiments In Malaya, the Malay Regiment and the Punjabi Reg ment, will take
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  • Article, Illustration
    71 8 MISS Marjorie Ethelle Campbell, daughter of Sir John Campbell <Bt.) and Lady Campbell of the Straits Settlements, was married at St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore, yesterday aiternoon to Mr. Malcolm Melville, of Malayan Breweries. Ltd, Singapore. Yen Archdeacon Granan took the service. The brki n away t» C. Bain, and Mrs.
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  • 122 8 British Troops Not Being Moved To Egypt OFFICIAL quarters in London < eorically deny rumours that troops are beinc moved from Palestine to Egypt during IM political crisis. A message from Cairo states that the capital and provinces are calm following the chang? of Government, j The organised blue-shirted
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  • 134 8 MAY NOT BE REBUILT IN A CENTURY" Gineva. Satr.!< A VIBRANT plc;i tW a I >agu living real In tt*e as a real hope for the future w.; by General Smuts. Minister of Justice In a spe?ch recorded in South Africa and broadcast all over
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 57 8 Moscow. Saturday THE Soviet Government has decided to establish a separate commissariat for naval affairs "">""?£ fer to it the naval forces 01 the Red Army which will thus be detached 252'thTcontrol of the Commissariat "iFSSioff. at present head of tne Political Administration of the Red Army
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 252 8 Roosevelt Slashes Price Of U. S. Silver lingtoii I PTESIDENT Roosevelt the price of silver mined i United States trom 77.57 <■• C 4.64 cents an ounce. The change in the I for foreign silver will net tx until t!ie Governmei.t poi bid in Nrw York at r.oc.i on M
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  • 21 8 Three of the six occupy' Italian military seaplane were y near Brindisi when the mn «=i?*d while taking off.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 176 8 Gillette offers better and cheaper slwving Insist on Gillette don't think that you will save money by using inferior low-priced blades. It is false economy. To reduce your shaving costs to a minimum, buy Blue Gillette blades and a Gillette razor. Blue Gillettes are designed to fit Gillette razors perfectly.
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  • 645 9 By The Onlooker A v outspoken attack by the Rev. D. Allan Easton on the conditions in which European winchmen work on Malayan dredges printed in St Andrews Outlook, a church magazine of unusual vigour, and reproduced in th«* leading Malayan newspaper... has caused widespread interest in
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  • 149 9 I37.—NEW YEAR. 1938. In thr year that's (gow by icc'vr luui many *nrpri*es In th<*l now to come ivr'll have more Tweivr months full of problems and anxious surmises Hmr oft»n we've knotvn them before Yet for all Fair's queer pranks here we are. stilt surviving, •inrf fare
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  • 165 9 PENANG CHINESE ARE NOT OLD-FASHIONED (To :he Editor of the Sunday Times) CIR After having read the astounding article 'Are the Penan* Chinese Still old-fashion-ed?" by C. C. L. in last week's Sunday Times I feel I must comment. Penang Chinese are quite abreast of the times. Penang Chinese girls
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 289 9 Ik for Those Content Only y HI with the \ercest JH T\\t distinctly original design among M Wj I the new motor cars- -is the way the BF W) motor show critics describe the new Chrysler Dynamic, action line Wt contours foretell real action In' W JB W tnc new
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  • 106 10 TO MARRY MAN SHE HAS NEVER SEEN Toronto. a twenty-eight-year-old girl has A arrived here from Europe to marry a man whom, until she reached Canada, she had never met. The girl. Miss Mechama Pesa Mllner, is a Lithuanian. Her prospective bridegroom Is a fifty- four- year-old grocer. A niece
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  • 275 10 Simple-Life Sailor- Artist Crosses Pacific Ocean In 21ft. Yacht POLISH ADVENTURER IN SINGAPORE SHORTLY Palmerston Islander His Companion ONE of the smallest and lightestbuilt boats ever to put into Singapore from a distant overseas port, the 21ft. yacht Farys is shortly expected here on the way to Europe. She is
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  • 179 10 LOVERS FIND THEMSELVES BROTHER AND SISTER Milan. DOMENK O SINCICH, a young orphan of the Great War, has just discovered here that the girl to whom he was betrothed is his own sister The truth was revealed when a police officer asked Domenico to explain why
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  • 217 10 AJIORE than one-third of th< 3,437 patients admitted directly to the London tounv Council's m-ntal hospitals during 1936 were nous* retired personr, scholars or students. while about Mtsixth were person^ engaged on personal service (inchinstitutions, hotels. <lubv &C). The Councils report on r.ientaj health services, which
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  • 145 10 GAVE GIRL DIAMOND RING— AT 13 A 13-YEAR-OLD boy WM m uncontrollable that h«. Often MM away from home Stole money and watches from the are of six. (lave a diamond ring to a pi Stayed out till three a.m. But when he appeared at Wimbledon juvenile ccurt. his schoolmaster
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 140 10 Standard radio components and tubes. Transmission parts and tries. Test Instruments And everything for radio sound. CONSULT US ON YOUR RADIO SOUND PROBLEMS. Ftr particulars, please apply to WORLD-WIDE RADIO CO. Singapore. WmS^ mm wL^i DURir>u C^l fl is^long while now 'since" Mr Eno first compounded his.'Fruu Salt. fW/*>, l^7\;
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  • 610 11 30 YEARS A SCOTS LORD OF APPEAL A Monograph Of Lord Craigmyle By His Son Thomas Shaw (first Lord Craigmylei. A monograph hy i»~ls Sop Ivor Nicholson Watson 2s. 6d. cd. Price 2s. 6d. I'T'HE subject of this memoir was known to the legal fraternity prhiI cipally by the name
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  • 314 11 CLEVER TALE WITH WIT OBSERVATION Screened. By Faith Wolseley. Murray's Imperial Library. Mid-Summer Murder. By Clifford Witting. Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d. jyiRS. Wolsley, whose first novel "Which Way Came Death," had! an instant success, has written another clever psychological story with wit and observation. An unpleasant man. step-father to
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  • 337 11 Dope Rings And Forgers Tbe Tide Watchers, n, Sydney P»rkman. f Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d. The Fake. By Colin Robertson. Ward Lock's Colonial Library f MP pIE Tide Watchers" is a well' written and constructed tale of modern adventure, and concerns the lolling of a dope ring and the
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  • 368 11 No Hearts to Break. By Susan Frti Hodder and Stougnton. Bs. 6d. jJ^JISS Susan Ertz devotes a long and carefully written book to the strugj gles of a pawn to convert Itself into i a Queen. The pawn in question is j Elizabeth Patterson, the
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  • 330 11 Thriller With No Happy Ending! Murder in Barvaria. By Charles Rushton. The Lady with Feet of Gold. By James Francis Dwyer. Both from Jenkins' Colonial Library. "JLIURDER in Barvaria" flnds a completely Innocent little English tourist involved In matters undreamed of In his philosophy. First he comes across the body
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  • 293 11 Thj Blue Rjdfe Crime By Wvndham Martyn. The Body in the Safe. By Sefton Kyle. Both from Jenkins' Colonial Library. Operator No. 19. B George Goodchild. Ward Lock's Colonial Library. J.JERE are three good detection stories, by authors who have larrj? followings among readers of detective and
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  • 304 11 To Make Strong Men Weep Reflection. By Dorothy Hunt. The Sheik Desires. By H. E H Clamp. Hurst and Blackett 7s. 6d. each. LJERE are two romantic novels of the type which make strong men weep! Miss Hunts heroine starts life as a B waif in South Africa and. having
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 127 11 "A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR CUSTOMERS' BEST DIARIES FOR THE NEW YEAR 1938. Various kinds of POCKETS Office Diaries -FOR LADIES GENTS Special Diaries for Motorists. Aviators. Electricians. Wireless Men. Autj-car Motorists, and Commercial people etc. etc.. Prices Moderate. Try Once Satisfaction in Hand. Obtainable at:—. M Mofaaned Duifakir Co., Corner
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    • 818 11 LIST OF NEW BOOKS RECEIVED The Bells of Rye. fSX, pmi. Monday Talbo. The Paithfal Wife uSSt'sSrW 1 C^ en NeU Ghosts. W?.^, n Tbe Case ot mt Gwd »T StaaWy Recapture the Wharton Edith Umt Canary. Br !e Moon. Murder ln th* Bwz Thompson Silvia. Cana i T Walker
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  • 1269 12  -  r Nathaniel Gubbins Bv QOOD morning, chums. I e pect you are all thinking hard about the Japanese situation and wondering what will happen when they bomb something and forget to apologise. Well, I can't tell you that, chums, but what I can tell you Is
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  • 372 12 By THE FOUR ACES rE opening Duplicate of the season at the Cavendish Club drew a galaxy of Bridge stars. Among those who participated were such experts as Harold S. Vanderbilt, P. Hal Sims, B Jay Becker, the membrvs of our own team and many others. The players
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 262 12 STOMACH SUFFERER "Om Him «t 8ones" friere is nothing like continued stomach trouble for "getting you dowr Mrs L. H., for instance, lost weight most alarmingly and suffered excruciating pain With hard work and cooking, in not, ■nderground kitchens," she writes, I got indigestion and gastric trouble, and bad several
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  • 227 13 LATEST R.A.F. PLANS FOR RECRUITING Mobile Office On Tour VISITS TO MANY REMOTE TOWNS AND VILLAGES THE latest step in recruiting propaganda by the Royal Air Force is to bring to the notice of eligible men in remote towns and villages the opportunities existing in the Service for skilled and
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  • 43 13 Only £3 3s. For R.A. 's Picture APKTIKK called 'Billeting Soldiers,' by Edwin Long. X.A.. was sold at thristi«'> recently for only three guineas. Fifty years ago Long's name was widely known, and other pictures by him fetched between £s,tOt and 1 6,000.
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  • 304 13 Skull 8,000 Years Old Found DISCOVERY IN EGYPTIAN DESERT BY ENGLISHMAN Cairo AS archaeological problem of considerable importance has been raised by the discovery of i prehistoric man's -skull in the Fayoum d*scrt. 70 miles from Cairo. The discovery was made by an ZnyiLsh bank manager. Mr C. Town-send, of
    304 words
  • 51 13 New York Him Mac Wost'.i interpretation of fijve in a broadcast skit. "Adam and SXe,' has been attacked by the Ronian Catholic weekly Brooklyn Tailet U 'an insuFt t-o every Christian." The National Broadcasting Com p*ny express their 'deep regret' having otTended any
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  • 270 13 Men From America's "Devil's Island" BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN DROWNED San Francisco. TpIK two desperadoes who got away from the presumed escape -proof prison on Alcatrax Island. America's Devil's Island," in San Francisco Bay. have not yet been found. They are Ralph Roe. who was serving
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  • 67 13 Strengthening Defence More than ordinary interest attaches to the move of the 4th Anti-Aircraft Brigade to Egypt this menth. The Brigade consists of three batteries and a light battery. It Ls accompanied by an anti-aircraft (searchlights) Company. RE. In view of the increased importance of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 13 Dcvoui Hindus bathing and prayln; c.j tl:= baalu cf the Ganges.
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  • 189 13 Curate's Sacrifice For Child HEALTH BROKEN DOWN Treherbert ((.lam.). A STORY of self-sacrifice Is revealed with the departure of the Rev. Thomas Da vies. of Treherbert. to the West Indies in an effort to try to regain his lost health. Mr. Davies. who is 34, and was formerly a coal
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  • 26 13 Ciiarles Levine, the Transatlantic flier, has been covicted on a charge of conspiracy and concealing and smuggling tungsten from Canada into the United States.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 372 13 A lovely skin charms men keep your complexion perfect with OCUCvv\£l VANISHING CREAM cousin is terribly attractive. Anne What aperfecp/ hj^ fcdT^ has. I? Sr$ 1/ Frank was admiring I ijj^j,,,-^^ I your complexion. Iwish//^\H «MM WL ;I^^Mr*' I I hod a skin like J, r y M V fli
      372 words

  • 264 14 The Sunday Times EDITORIAL MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE: Ccell Street. Singapore Totidem Verbis New Year "THE Sunday Times wishes Its readers a Happy and Prosperous New Year. And may their numbers grow and grow, gra.ifying though they already are! There have been few years in recent times whose fortunes were
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  • 155 14 JAPAN will be perturbed if there is confirmation of the repon (which is at present denied) that 3 000 Chinese labourers are downing tools on the Trengganu iron mines, as a patriotic gesture. She needs all the iron-ore she can I get. and Malaya is one of her
    155 words
  • 197 14 PERHAPS Padre Easton of Perak went just a little too far in that •Farewell to Malaya" broadside of his but his indictment should beget reflection. If it is only partly a true bill he has done a service in stirrine some people to thought upon habits and predilections which
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  • 1960 14 Knowles Takes Advantage Of Change In Law Notable Triumph Point Of Procedure The Turn Of The Jury Verdict Accepted Feat Often Repeated The Crown's Allegations Guilty By Majority "Counsel For The Defence' rVHE Sunday Times continues this week the exclusive series of articles, compiled by Harry Miller, on the cases
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 211 14 iL PHONE n J^-ii* 431 Co*%* 1 FOR PtRFECT *sfcSVkM^k#'fr~ m J V v MIEN CHONG Singapore's most un to-date T«ik>r I —34. COLBMAN ST. WHY NOT 6n}oy Ufa and Regain YOUTHFUL VITALITY ALVO-ECSTASIN la the reliable and jet harmlew ba Mint up preparation of «b* rnur organism. AH J-ECSTASIN
      211 words
    • 26 14 Tke W*rM Cilaret •zarzissmsB 4FTEK D1NN» OANCES < ADMISSION JTS.» IVEBY N1OHT f>ON Ml TO MIDNIGHT rp~rA~N~o~j TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS HIRE CHARLES. Phone 2902. 283, Orchard Rd.
      26 words
    • 29 14 K. P. M. LINE (Incorporated in Holland 1 On leave? Travel home via South Africa FIRST CLASS FROM £83/-/-FOR DETAILED INFORMATION APPLY TO: X.P.M. LINE 1, FINLAYSON GREEN, SINGAPORE.
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  • 218 15 IPOH'S NEW $100,000 CINEMA Ground Floor As Covered Car Park READY BY MIDDLE OF THIS YEAR Plan For Cabaret To Adjoin Likely To Be Abandoned (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. IPOH is to have a new $100,000 cinema at the junction of 1 Anderson and Clarke Roads. It
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  • 599 15 New List Of Awards A FURTHER list of rewards for gallantry in Waziristan. NorthWest Frontier, during the period Jan. 17 to Spet. 15, 1937, appear in thp "London Gazette." The King has Riven orders for the following appointment to the Most Honourable Order of the
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  • 60 15 The Rev. Tharaa Bilcliffe, of Carlisle Avenue, Rhyl, announced the opening hymn at the English Congregational Church, Mostyn, Flintshire, and then sat down in the pulpit, out of sight of the congregation. The hymn ended, Mr Bilcliffe failed to rise from his seat. A deacon went
    60 words
  • 373 15 MOSCOW STARTS PURGE OF STATE THEATRE Downfall Of The Director •PUT ON PLAYS BY ENEMIES SPIES" Moscow. ySEVOLOD Meyerhold, the most famous of all Communist theatre directors, is charged by the official Communist newspaper, Pravda," with a long list of indictable offences against the Soviet. With the change of official
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  • Article, Illustration
    3 words
  • 67 15 Spinster To Be Bride At Seventy-Six jyjJSS Emma Brazier, of Windsor Avenue, New Maiden (Surrey), will be able to claim to be Britain's oldest bride. She is 76. Notice has been given at the local register office of her marriage to Mr Frederick Boughton, a 70-year-old widower. 'We have known
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  • 32 15 Six Brii:on stowaways, believed to be members of the International Brigade, were found in the British steamer Pracat when It arrived at Gibraltar on Its way to Antwerp from Valencia.
    32 words
  • 79 15 KILLING A JEW IS STILL MURDER —German Judge Berlin. M/HEN a German, Josef Reinhard*. I aged 26, was condemned to death at Stettin for murdering a Jew and his Aryan wife, the judge said "That the murdered man was a Jew has nothing tc do with the case. Murjder is
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  • 18 15 Trine Arabs have been ar.esied ai Monastir, Tunisia, following *r;e discovery of ammunition In their homes.'
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  • 13 15 Itie Spanish frontier is complexly closed by the Spanisn Nationalist! authorities.
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  • 284 15 MOLLISON'S "LAST FLING" England To Australia In Two Days "THE END OF MY FLYING CAREER" JIM Mollison is to start early in the New Year on the most desperate venture of his cai Flying: a tiny racing monoplane quite unsuitable for long-distance flying, he is to attempt to smash the
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 118 15 /BACKWARD^ *rPI EABItS m^ I If Baby is backward and not gaining weight either on *J the breast or the bottle add a little Brestol to VT"t^ I* the feeds. mP-vi/ 4 It is probably just what you were looking for <b4~==^=O"£~ t^ Brestol is a blended and pleasant emulsion
      118 words

  • 257 16 MORE FALLEN MEN THAN FALLEN WOMEN HELPING HAND INSTEAD OF SCOLDING AND BLACK LOOKS Present Treatment Of Those In Trouble Is "Antediluvian" Savs Bishop HHHERE ire more fallen men than fallen women. ■Men art- more often responsible for the fall of women than women for the fall of men. These
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  • 447 16 SNAPSHOT GUILD It's Fair Time The county or stale fair offers more possibilities for snapshoot ing than space will permit telling about. There's the side-show band with its battered 1 instruments letting forth loud blasts < of discordant music And there are the i not so clean-looking vendors of dolls,
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  • 262 16 LONDON'S "MUVVER" TONGUE Masters Urged To Teach Correct English TTHE £3,M0-a-year 61 -year-old 1 Education Officer to the L.C.C.— Mr. Edmund Milton Rich has addressed a memorandum to headmasters of L.C.C. elementary schools urging them to correct the English spoken by their pupils. It is a matter of urgency, says
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  • 98 16 1,300,000 VOTED ANTI-STALIN Moscow. riNAL returns for the Soviet r Union's first Parliamentary elections show that 91.113,000 out of 94,000,138 electors went to the polls, and 1.332,000 voted against the Communist Party candidates. The votes against were made by the electors crossing out the names on the ballot papers. This
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  • 88 16 -Warns Air Chief d~*ADETS at Cranwell RAJ. college laughed ichen Air Marshal Sir Cyril N email. Chief of Air Staff, mentioned marriage during a passing out inspection. Sir Cyril retorted: "It is not a subject to be laughed at. 'If you marry too young you are
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  • 50 16 JONG sermons are banned at St. John's Church, Aylesb-^ry. Bucks. An alarm clock has been fitted in the pulpit by the Rev. F. J. E. Rritnell. Two minutes alter the allotted time for the sermon the bell Kill ring and that will end the discourse.
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  • 272 16 DOCTOR'S NAME TO BE RESTORED TO REGISTER Five-Year Campaign By Women fVR. HAROLD HURT-WHITE. the brilliant voting doctor struck off the medical register by the General Medical Council iti 1932 on the grounds of "secret and improper association with a married woman patient, is to have his name restored to
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  • 136 16 GIRL SHOT WHILE PRAYING Belgrade. A MOSLEM tragedy is leported from the village of Osovo, near Serajevo. Behara Meshanovitcli. a ten day bride, was shot dead the other evening at her prayers. It seems that her murderer ook advantage of the period of Ramadan, when all Mosleirs reverse
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 139 16 SIX -20 "Kodak" Junior Choice of MHflHAfl Anu^ugmat ltii-*.-- including fast /4. 5 ■^^^^RTfT .Jlo-sharp pictures. One motion Bfl^HHfll rung for spcctl in action. Extremely slim— take it anywhere. Eye-level and HBWSHRfl :-Icv;l viewfindcrs. Built-in delayed- J %j m 7 jQ action device for seli'-photogruphy and HHHH new "button" release
      139 words
    • 129 16 -a In order to get and keep well you must remove impurities from your system. Remember BEECHAMS RE-AWAKEN AND FEED those HAIR ROOTS! Batart »i «t Hatalfca < <*•* **T ■*■*> «£J MM llllMf IK €•<■»- HPw tal* ui.i.l il. »u ahuwl m. i.'i. I ■F J^Kf TIM I IHI
      129 words

  • 732 17 To Be Glamorous One Must Be Calm Nervous Hurry In Any Way Is Fatal To Charm We "Talk Shop" Technique "Nerves" Max Factor's Advice ALL of these subjects came up in a conversation I had with Rosalind Russell not so long ago a conversation in which we both 'talked shop"
    732 words
  • 534 17 DARK FROCKS AS FOILS TO LOVELY TRIFLES JJARK frocks are sometimes designed merely to provide graceful foils to the lovely trifles worn with them. First the charm of necklaces and bracelets were flattered in this way. Then, fancy clips and belt buckles glowed to the best advantage. Now bright scarves
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 285 17 At Vogue's! At VOGUE'S.. Clothes Make the Woman Highlights of Fashion FLASHES FROM PARIS JUST UNPACKED EXCLUSIVE SELECTION OF EVENING AND AFTERNOON GOWNS FROM PARIS. New Fa sh ion s Authentic Styles At Vogue's where women have always been particular about their appearance will find the largest selection in town
      285 words
    • 232 17 AN INVITATION f TO MEET V^\\ 4»«a> M A REPRESENTATIVE I A ELIZABETH <^ j ARDEN y JANUARY 25.h. i TREATMENTS CompjjmenUry Consultations. X AT X y *S. MAYNARD'S, #3/? TELEPHONE 6115. 1 o every woman who suffers twice a day. Its luxuriant Wdmr^sing pujples en lather clean J'and pul^eT
      232 words

  • 151 18 THIS revival of ribbon-threaded lingerie is certainly very charming. Sometimes. white chiffon is embroidered and threaded with blue ribbon, and narrow ribbon-velvet in cherry colour, or jade or pastel shades of pink, green or blue is used to trim black, brown or navy blue chlfton lingerie in
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  • 428 18 Lingerie Must Be Of Good Design Making Clothes Look Their Very Best Tailored Type WE all know how necessary it is to have lingerie ofy really good design if our new clothes are to look their very best. 111-fitting, old-fashion-ed underwear can make the slickest of dresses wrinkled and bulky—besides
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  • 369 18  - FINE FRAGMENTS MAKE FINE CUSHIONS Madge Ames By CUSHIONS were never more decorative as to fabric, and they could certainly not be plainer as to style. They are of many different shapes, too, including long, rectangular ones, of various widths, small triangular ones, and those which are bolster-shaped or circular.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 185 18 JUST ARRIVED A LARGE COLLECTION OF GOWNS FOR ALL OCCASIONS DI ECT FROM NEW YORK phone 4974 MAYNARDS BUILDING. 11. Battery Road. lilt I li II II O l^_Purity Prnilucts BH^C^ There an no g.-avy -making diificultiM B^*y,.~ \-^s** when you v*« Bisto. h provid«i ail HbOUA^Bk^ the thickening, jeasoning
      185 words
    • 390 18 I A MODERN ACE DEMANDS Y<w caa w«*r toiit »erewles« gUaaas anywhere, any time, because Loilt minimiies hwsenew, wobbUnc and breakage. G« f NAN SIN Uie only pLve i» M*laya you can get L*xil Give A Face Powder Party at your home Rfll* li ftft^fl j<f i ,-r—^. hr**' J
      390 words
      41 words

  • 704 19  - A Mother's Natural Wisdom Is Not Far Wrong A Special Article For The Sunday Times By SOPHIA LAUTERBACH WOT to long ago, when a baby did not thrive it usual to say: "The milk docait agree with him," and jut him on a bottle. w another fashion has replaced this
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  • Useful Things For Your Home
    • 119 19 A WARM bath followed by a n good rub with a fairly hard towel can he invigorating enough. But if you also use one of the new sponges you will have an even more invigorating tubbing. These sponges are oblong and set with short rubber bristles which
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    • 143 19 N afternoon frock just designed in black cloth is a charming example of the continued desire for slim line, plain silhouette, and originality by way of a little trimming and a lot of intricate cut and detail. The cloth of this frock is particularly fine, and around the
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 22 19 lin*t she Lovely? yp'* 1 jit '*a m "ti&kf Obtainable from all the leading stores Agent..- FEDERAL DISPENSARY LTD. 8, RAFFLES PLACE.
      22 words
    • 191 19 MR© WORSHIP 1 If 'Snail boy» can b« h*ro«> to smaller oirlr j .Qfid the love of admiration seems lob* i"«»»nct \N lOh« species j Jfif But^no small .boy or small^gu^wjli try to \J^r v»howjsir unless he feels well so wise mothers <r— Xf •mile t at .these, exhibitions oi
      191 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 336 20 mY w%@?^ Relieves OL B^ L/J^f NEURALGIA •\^^J' TOOTHACHE RHEUMATISM COLDS FEVER If you suffer from headaches to thousands. Doctors and can't sleep because of the dentists prescribe it. pains of neuralgia, tooth- Try ANACIN and see for ache or rheumatism. If you yourself how quickly it have a cold
      336 words
    • 376 20 •RITAIN'S FINEST FRUitTS cannio ay Ua^. •RITAIN'S LEADING FRUIT *#^B Bk CANNERS r I Rri'a^ |k. *«)|JjV Aft I Ljf G A With a stock of Chiven Canned fruit* in m*!!!dlo^^]KBwßKh rour larder you are able to enjoy your \m% Pww*3 favourite varietie* at any time of the year. wB
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 577 20 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PR!7 r S FOR CROSSWORD j ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly the $100 will be awarded in
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  • The Prince Consort
    • 321 21 UIHEN tte* Piince Consort was prematurely carried off at the tarty a?e of 42 on December 14 18G1. Victorias grief knew no bounds. It prompted her. indeed, more or less entirely to relinquish for many years her oueenlv duty of appearing in public, with the
      321 words
    • 457 21 ■THE depth of the feelings which inspired the Prince Consort towards his young bride and future wife is manifest with perfect, because simple and passionately sincere, eloquence in hitherto unpublished letters written by him to her during the time of their betrothal and which appear in
      457 words
    • 811 21 THE whole ardent nature of Albert as wooer is expressed in these letters, the first of which, dated Windsor Castle, October 15. 1839, must have been written barely a few hours after Victoria had sent for Albert and told iiim that it would make her "too
      811 words
    • 140 21 Heirs To The T hrone Appear IN February 1840 the wedding of Victoria and Albert was celebrated at St. James's Palace, and already in November their first child. Victoria, subsequently the Empress Frederic, was born A male heir to the throne, the future King Edward VII, appeared on the scene
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    • 173 21 piFTEEN years after his wedclinpr. Albert is to be found writing from Balmoral on Sept 21 1855. to Prince William of Prussia ond Emperor William I of Germany, concerning the project cherished by Queen Victoria and himself, of the marriage of little Victoria, their eldest child, affectionately
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    • 165 21 yiCKVS marriage to Prince Frederick of Prussia took place m January. 1858. sixteen months after the above letter was penned the bride being barely seventeen years old. Like that of her parents, it proved, in its turn supremely happy until the ghastly skeleton of lingering
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  • 122 21 LAID UP FOR WEEKS m sciatica.BY SCITIKA. Krutefctn C His Cos 1 and v bom be keeps fit in dvanced about a month with a of scntica. 1 was quite P and I suffered tried several remedies, but nttle reUef. At last I sa« your advert isenients. and decid.d 10
    122 words
  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 238 21 jFjj HOLDS 2 Hi] TIMES AS ill MUCH INKI'M US latest .-.nd m. Wm I v <"nient of pern m... IflPHi 1 practically impossible t. s*B|9 <ir > at awkward moment* BtuM. v can caactly how much ink remains MmpK b\ holding the pen up I F^,7 Hold Jg£j i
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  • 466 22 JANUARY 2. 1938 MALACCA A SPORTS CLUB NEWS Historical Society Shamrock B.P. UR F. Cunn sends me the report and accounts of the Simit Sports Club for the year ended Sept. 30. 1837. The membership stood at 32 while the income and expenditure account showed a profit of $13.12. the
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  • 461 22 Negri News Sport Seremban Hockey Negri Favour.; Malay States? vs. Colony Cricket By The Sunday Times THE M:tiopole T'.icutrc. Sercmban j up-to-date talkie hall, appears to be the popular rendezvous of Seremban's cinemagoers judging from th; packed houses since the opanlns ot the house. The seating in the i.ew hall
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  • 185 22 LORD AUSTIN ON HIS MODEST START ORD AUSTIN, head &i the A 1 Motor Co.. spoke of starlit. .•siness in Birmingham 33 yeai (0 with a small shop and 2' 4 aero of ground. He is now 71. H.- was thanking ***** emp. khfl company who had subscribed I gold
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  • 160 22 longer." BRITISH FEARS rui\ inn f RAVE fears that the Italians in Abyssinia may Interfere with the upper waters of the Nile and endanger millions of people in Egypt were expressed at a meeting of the Parliamentary Anglo-Egyp-tian Committee. Major Frank Newhouse. late EMfttC tor -General of Egyptian Irrigation
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  • 79 22 Eurasian Association 2 Mr. J. M. Lee's XI :1 j AN evenly contested hockey game on Sunday bt tween the Eurasian Association and Mr. J. M. Lee's team saw the former emerge winners by the odd goal in thiee H. M. de Seu/a sent a crisp shot following a short
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  • 62 22 Banda Kaba 3 Excise Sports Club 1 •THE Bunda Kaba hockey proved too lormidabie for th? Excise Sports Club at the High Schol ground on Tuesday, anc wjn convincingly by 3—1. The Excise fielded a weak team of ten players. Dollah and Mahmood <2» scored for Banda K while Lim
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  • 266 22 Divergent Views On Evidence DOCTORS REPLY TO MAGISTRATE DZMARKS by Mr. Ivan Sne'.l. the Marylebone DMgla on the respective merits of and doccor.s" evidence in drink ca.-:?s. are the subject of a letter whicli has been sent by the M*ritcol Pnetttlonei Ijnion to Mr. Ceoftrey Lloyd.
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  • 28 22 We~,i Medtord > M A divorcing wife claimed in 0 > her husband was cruel. He used h-i pet goldfish as bait whtle fl I
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 474 22 U.A.THOMPSON DO.Sc. (Dr. of Ocular Science.) Practice Limited To The Eye. 4. ARCADE. (iROl'ND FLOOR. Phone 3002 Hour, Saturday 0—1 or by appointment. Year-> European Clinical I \perience. >n-.iittation Without cost or obligation. (.lasses if needed. m U M JL JL Jfcl Sk mm JCi M J Cfl JN JL
      474 words

  • 1836 23  -  "Nomad" By "Y'liE RAF (Workshops) entereci the final of the Garrison inteipany hockey cup on Thursdry n they defeated •S" Company. F.oyaJ Inniskilling Futilierura by one goal to nil. Although condition? underfoot wci< betln than they have been for some .iig missed Alexandra. M rather uneven and
    1,836 words
  • 653 23  -  "Mac" By 11th 'Seringapatam) Heavy Battery R-A. beat H.M.S. Terror at Rugby at Blakan Mati by nine points to three last Sunday. It was a good performance on the Gunners' part to carry the day seeing that they had only a skeleton team doing duty and started off
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 626 23 EARLY SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION 'I'd! a-« UlMt MluptOOK «hMI. »t.H tho Mm tn.«thi shoil( attrniM-n <.ofnrirni|> i< ma '.ml a thorovch r»»nim;i!ii,r H»rr they ar« J Conch with >o t%»t ol <ttar r \pprrriiiblr lost, of 3. Ofbhiv-ILMi, Mirnirth. ».-tl\ trratmrnl Mill >ayr untold Miffrr. tat mow-) and lives all
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  • 1485 24 Burraneer Given The Seventh Race When Squeeze Is Disqualified SMOKE DREAM SCORES FIRST WIN (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang. Saturday. Bl'KK ANEUK was given the seventh race this afternoon, the second da> of the Penang Gold Cup meeting, after being beaten by half
    1,485 words
  • 143 24 N.I. Soccer Team For World Games <FY'>m Our Own C i.'!ic» Bat i NETHERLANDS India will tit? part in the football Coto be held in Paris In June foi world chamoionship During the Chri.u: matches were wnngcd In vnnou.i parts of Java for the selection n which will N
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  • 1532 24 A teciM of close finish >s and a dead-heat for first place, indicating excellent handicapping, a horse sired by Solario, the leading sire in England during the 1937 season, winning the first race of the meeting— these were the highlights of the first and
    1,532 words
  • 25 24 The big sweep, value "$30,962. resulted as follows: First ***** Secor.d ***** Third ***** Starters: *****. *****. *****. *****. *****. and *****
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  • 21 24 The double tote on races f.ur and five i>aid $417 and the one on seven and eight paid $84
    21 words

  • 351 25 Governor And Three Service Chiefs Among Spectators TO a stranger, Singapore must have been the most fascinating spot in the world yesterday while the annual sea sports were in progress. A glorious morning, white clouds weaving patterns against the l<ght blue sky. white and
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  • 179 25 THE Governor. Sir Shenton Thomas, 1 Lady Thomas, the G.0.C.. MajorGmeral W G. S. Dobbie, and Mrs Dobbie. were among the large gathering which att.nded the New Year land] Held at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday. Good weather d the occasion, which was a b success. ;ed
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  • 228 25 South Johore Draw 5-5 With Terror <From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. J.v M eveniy contested Rugby game 1 played here today. South Johore and H.M.S. Terror drew 5—5, each side scoring one goal. South Johore were without two of their players and had to call on the MffvkM
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  • 79 25 The Johore weight-lifting championships will be held in March at Johore Bahru. Boxing, wrestling and other items of Interest will be included in the programme in support of the weight-lift-ing events. Selection will be made at this meetins if the Association decides to send representatives to compete
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  • 75 25 Britain Plans Contest With United States QREAT Britain has announced her In- tnntion of challenging the United BUtM for the Westchester polo cup in 1939. and plans are already underw: y to find the best possible team during the 1938 season With -nories of he> heavy defeat h-r,
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  • 318 25 POLICE BEAT COLTS AT HOCKEY From Our Own Correspondent.) S^gamat. AFTER being on level tern?* at the rk interval the Segamat Police did very well to score a good hockey victory over the Colts by four goals to one on the Government English School padang last week. Great keenness shown
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  • 104 25 Rugby games played yesterday: England 13. The Rest 11, at Twickenham at 2.15 p.m. Bath 3, Richmond 8. Birkenhead Park 17, Bradford 14. Blackheath 9, Rosslyn Park 3. Bristol 11, London Welsh 8. Leicester 8. Swansea 5. London Scottish 15. Gloucester 3. Newport 0. O.M.T. 0. Northampton 9.
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  • 341 25 c Further ties* were played yesterday >' in the second all-Singapore Malays lawn tennis championship which is c now in progress at the Y.M.CA. c courts. Best match of the day was between the Reshty brothers and A. Haklr and 8. A. Dawood in the open doubles
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  • 83 25 From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. A SOLITARY goal scored early in the first half of the game enabled De Sllva's hockey eleven, a scratch team from Kuala Lumpur, to defeat the Malacca Eurasians at the Malar ca Club padang today. The game was
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  • 306 25 NORTH SOUTH HOCKEY IN JOHORE 'Prom Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. WILL Johor e run a State hockey team shortly? That is the question uppermost in the minds of several enthusiasts at the moment. The chances of this happening in the next few years are very remote indeed. The difficulty is
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  • 90 25 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Batu Pahat. Rain sp*lt the exhibition lawn tennis which was to have preceded the distribution of prizes to the winners of the Lim and Geok Seng cups. The winner in the Juniors is Urn Slang Choon and In the Seniors Teo
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  • 733 25 Planters Win K.L. Seven-A-Side Rugby (Prom Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. ""THE Planters 1 wan the Federal Capital's first seven- a-side rugby football tournament when they beat the Merchants today six points (two tries) to nil. The Planters were worthy winners, dropping only one point throughout the tournament, while
    733 words
  • 920 25 Home Football And League Tables H RESULTS of the English and s ™"«sh I^asues with the tables i up-to-date are (ENGLISH LEACH'E. DIVISION I Arsenal ..2 Everton 1 Blnningham 1 stoke Blackpool 4 Huddrr.s'fleid 0 Bientford 1 Bolton 1 J*!** 0 Le cester p rimsb y 1 Preston 1 teeto
    920 words

  • 725 26 Annual General Meeting BY OUR BADMINTON CORRESPONDENT A NOTHER yeai full of activity fo the Singapore Badminton Asso elation will be brought to an end fortnight from today when th Association will hold an At Horn at the conclusion of the Married Single match. Reviewing the
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 26 Committee members of the Chinese Sportinr l g^ sitting- Lo Tai Shins (hon. secretary-Chinese). Kwan \ing Sionf ice president). K.nt Kai Kong (president) TaMJj* < hon treasurer). Tang Pui Lum (hen. secretary-English Ron Ah Sang (hon. sports secretary). Lac Chung Hon hon. super.nte dent). Tan Tian Sang and Kg
    51 words
  • 1002 26 WHAT may be termed the news of the season Is thai after a lapse of m.»rv j than two years thr friendly games between SeWngor and Singapore may be revmd miring the coming Easter Holidays. That t;, il the local Association deem It wise to hav the match
    1,002 words
  • 83 26 AS the venue for the next annual general meeting of the Badminton Association ol MMaya is Kuala Lumpur. S*" 1 minton Asso~iation tu.s noti'iel -M arTUiaun. todies suggesting that the meeting may conveniently be held during the H.M.S. Malays Cup Rugby final on Jan. 15.
    83 words
  • 107 26 The Merry Union BP. beat the Coionatior BP at the home court by live games to ;\\o Results (Merry Union first* Singlff Flchard Tan beat Feddle Ong 13—13 (5— 3) 14_14 (3—2) C B. Nalr best Leng Lee Choon 13—13 (s—o). 15—3; Selleh Ahniat boat Ong Hock
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  • 63 26 The finals in the badminton handi cap singles and doubles of the Junloi Civil Service Association tournamen will be played at 470. Balestler Fond on Saturday. Jan. 8, beginning from 4 p.m. Si'ifl**: Yno C'lln T« I—ls vs. Ng Liang Chuan —4. Handicap Woubles Y<»p Chin Te;
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 26 Mr. C. L. Leon,. Inspector of Chin-. Scho »1 F.M.S., L "> n at the openinc of the Chon* Wah GlrU' School. Klanj.
    22 words
  • 539 26 CYCLING Two Titles For Americk Singh T*HE Malayan and Perak «ll-rount cycling championships came ta a successml conclusion with the finish of the 150 miles bicycle race, which was the third and last event of th championships, held on Sunday last from Ipoh to Kuala Lumpur. Americk Singh, the 17-year-olc
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  • 157 26 basketball in johori; 'Fr.-m Our Own Correspondent I Seg.i IOHORE appears to be taking MTi nm. ly to basketball and it Is i». to note that her standard is by nu means low. It is unforunate. however, that this fine game has not been tikeu up by the other nationalities.
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 415 26 Waterproof! I ■^■7 II .1 .1, i.tnrr. Reliable I1i«h-Ura4le IS-Jcwel Sfcockproof Lever Mmmeu, tiinri in. I h<I)iim«h1. w i MMlh (■(■r.m.mni Ktltrpe*»f mad Suidprori ,1b r Irth-St.y-brfc«" StainW.* Steel back. I n»flr. i"i-i<ir,!i<in. bnii iruls, •««r or tropical iun•knt.H- dm. Kitie.1 "^P or Mitlmw Sw»l S.ilrtr BrxfM, ■hi. Hill 11.10
      415 words
    • 156 26 Chromium "ij!^^^^ plated m W^. with f^ m t a Chromium B plated |SB S with Heater Neat and Compact T.M.A. MUSIC HOUSE, 61/63, High Str*«t. Sinvnoor*. I L^ V^X^^ Mm Jim j X fl I l~t*r) \k i-' K.W.V. Im de C nlocnp to y«ii bBih 1 ll IV
      156 words

  • 485 27 FAHMY FRISCO TO MEET AGAIN Fifth Battle Over 15 Rounds For Title *|*HK Fart that Fahmy gave Young Frisco a hiding in the Iwelflh and laM round of their fijfht the oth«r ni^ht at the New WwW, hnishin? much the fit- ter man. lends special interest to the news that
    485 words
  • 338 27 v ottish League Scheme For Next Season Many S. ottish League clubs are exDdat a very lean time. Gate been down, and the hard winter, which has resulted in many hes being postponed, has aggrav- the position. T han one rlub has been sending -ignals
    338 words
  • 628 27 FLOODLIGHT B. P. BEAT MALACCA CANTONESE S. A. From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. DLAYING in the floodlit court of the Floodlight Badminton Party the Cantonese Sporting Association of Malacca were beaten by the local party by five matches to two. The match was originally fixed for Sunday afternoon but due
    628 words
  • Article, Illustration
    20 27 The Chin Wu Association basketball te«m of M«ar which lost to the Malacca Seng Cheong Society -B team by 32—22.
    20 words
  • 87 27 Prom Our Own Correspondent.) JOHORE is progressing remarkab' as far as sport is concerned br it is rather unfortunate that n proper athletic meeting of any sort i being held. The reason for this lac' L« due to the non-existence of a Statr Amateur Athletic Association. Why
    87 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
      97 words
    • 442 27 The Acid in Your Stomach Would Burn a Hole in the Carpet When you feel indices- r tion pains, those WT ■f'MBJ pains are usually J^aw* V*M Tamml by ton mm h t"«^B> 4 L^Hf v 9 acid In your sioma( h tLXfwm^^^ W Do you know that fV<fl|K M
      442 words

  • 136 28 Mr 11. Schweuer. whose graceful old-time costume won her first flr>t »riie in the women's fancy dress competition at Sea View Hotel. Allows Mr. L. G. Wolfenbercen. also picturesquely garbed, to steal a kiss as 1938 is ushered In. Dr c. v... p. tV
    136 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 100 28 Wf^p- <>^EfIPIRES FINEST nevek (v v < m\ V T MMOU> j^J\ It's always wise to have a bottle of '-Mark White Whisky in the home.' Yon never know when it may he wanted for entertaining, as a nightcap to make sure of •onnd restful sleep, as a restorative after
      100 words
    • 176 28 xh fte «EACERC _J-\ I S' T7 fnl thiJt*% A6EHCIES LT», II v-" Watchmen Clocks »or 6 or more Stations Opposite Clifford Pier YOUNG^T BEAUTIFUL G O.T. LIM'S iffe Y\ 3LIMMING HERB-TEA INDIGESTION HERB-TEA ij Qnaraatcel harmj! herh r^T«^jr^^; i $1.50 mmmmtjMj—n T >u4*Mtioii: postage """•"r^^T- £T~" )bUJnabl* at hi«h
      176 words