The Straits Times, 21 November 1937

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 309 Sunday, November 21, 1937 Price 10 cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya. No. 309 Sunday. November 21, 1937 Price 10 cents
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  • 335 1 Plea For Review Of Salary Conditions "ONLY COURSE NOW OPEN TO US" Upcountry Waits For Singapore Lead IT is expected that the Asiatic and Eurasian 1 subordinates in the Malayan Government service will shortly address a petition to the Secretary of State for the Colonies pleading
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  • 163 1 Wedding At St. Andrew's Cathedral A4R Jaaies Uttan Todd. son of the Rev. and Mrs. Todd, of Woolverston^. Suffolk, was man ted yesterday to Mia^ Joanna Katherii:» Douglas daughter of Canon and Mr.-. A. W. Douglas, >of Tunkersley. Yorkshire, at JBt Andrew-, Cathedral. Singapore. Mr is ol» palaeontologist of the
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  • 69 1 Berlin, Saturday. IT is underwood informal conversa- tion3 between Lord Ha'ifax and German tanisters have reached a point at Which there is reasonable hope they may be translated to more offiiial chinneu. German circles appear very sati&ied with trw tre-d o f the discussions and
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  • 47 1 New Delhi Saturday. In addition to tt,«, casualties already announced in tne waziristan Anting one officer nd seven men have been wounded v. d two men ki'led. Two sections oi rec^rftrant Bh i t tani tribesmen have be» n collectively 346 rifles and -£400:— Reuter
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • Article, Illustration
    49 1 pIHNKSK are answering the Central Govtrament's appeal to turn in v silver or rold valuables for appraisal by designated silver- and goldsmiths and receiving Chinese Liberty Bonds in exchange. This picture shows one patriot having his family heirlooms scaled in exchange for Liberty Bonds to finance resistance against Japan.
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  • 172 1 Gloom Over Rubber In Mincing Lane London, Saturday. MINCING LANE presented, a nloomy picture today as rubber sunk to the lowest level of the year. On. all hands brokers were heard TbtnplHinlng "and d*«iaT\ain? tn»i the regulation committee decide on a drastic cut in the first quarter of 1938 at
    Reuter  -  172 words
  • 80 1 (From Oar Ow.i < or: < pondrnt > I.orurn Saturday. RUBBER Dmll ■ondon fc 11 Uu 13 IU November (13 lfd «%d. Jin. -Mar. fHd. 74. I Apr. -Jane 6 15 160 7 1/164. i PALM OIL- Mai. bulk e.i.f norn £18 5a COPRA: S'raite S.D.. Eo. Not
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  • 23 1 The wedding of Prince Paul ot Greece and Princess Frederika Luise of Hanover will take place at Athena on Jan. 9.
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  • 412 1 Q*~>S2ILJ»S«*J rainfall Japan- ese forces are continuing to press through the Chinese left flank while Japanese troops are advancing in the centre and have entered Soochow. According to Japanese reports Chinese troops who have evacuated Soochow are falling back on the Wuslh-Klangyin line which
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 1 Toy runs, used in a stage review in Osaka, are held by these chorines on the roof of the theatre as they set instruction from a Japanese military officer. This picture indicates to what extent the war fever has permeated every avenue of Japanese life.
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  • 67 1 HOT POLICE CHASE ACROSS FRANCE Paris. Saturday. rpWO men believed to be the '.trains of the arms conspiracy are being hotly pursued across France by all available police cars. According to a police message there is a growing tendency to disassociate the arms discoveries from the
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  • 54 1 BIG DEATH TOLL IN PHILIPPINES TYPHOON Manila, Saturday. /\NE hundred and twenty three lives have been lost in two typhoons which struck the Visayan Islands within less than a week, according to incomplete reports reaching here. The damage caused by 100 ra.p.h. winds exceeds £800,000. On one island 10,000 homes
    Reuter  -  54 words
  • 196 1 the big new Empire airboat Cordelia arrives at Singapore at about noon today from Penang at the end of her survey flight, she may land in the boomed-off seaplan« channel in Kallang Basin ciose t > the airport. The Sunday Times understands. If conditions are
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  • 74 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. THE Empire flying-boat Cordelia arrived at Penang at 1.50 o'clock this afternoon from Bangkck after a stop at Samuel Island, off the cast coast of the Kra Isthmus. At Bangkok guest flights were made, those taken aloft including the British
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 j iviODERN AND ARTISTIC FURNITURE SUNWAHCO., X3 Victoria St. Phone 2425. Spore
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    • 169 1 HLMO v SINGAPORE >L, PHOTO CO. SINGAPOi^r HERE IS SOMETHING NOVEL AS A GIFT SILVERICE REPLACES ICE AND CHILLS WITHOUT DILUTING ■H^BS°lR»P**<^6^ i SlLvtiUct ln BcfrifcrsUr HBH|^^^^^BBBNWP^^| 1 and aU<r* to stay for about the HPBNPWR^T len K tta of ttine required to freeze J&gSp. fW^^' m lc ctbet and
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  • 562 2 Local Boy In Romantic Role With Former Javanese Dancer BOOLOO UNIT FILMS STORY OF WHITE TIGER a UIT that switch, boys,-- here we go— okay, now roll 'em boomed associate director John Burch, to set the cameras in motion for a safari scene^ for the
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  • 181 2 DILUTION WITH SODA LJOW he kept observation, with two detectives, and watched the movements of Chinese who were alleged to be mixing genuine beer with soda water in a house at Jalan Besar, was. told by Detective Inspector Nickels, in charge of
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  • 106 2 "Mr. Bira" Races In Bangkok Today DRINCB BIRABONGSE of Siam, rising star of British motor racing, who returned to Siam recently, after having his licence suspended in England, is to give an exhibition In his ERA. racing car at Bangkok today, the Straits Times understands. Since his return, Prince Birabongse
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  • 62 2 Wise Bird, of River Valley Road, yes- terday claimed to be tried on a charge of having allowed her dog to be out of doors without a muzzle, on Nov. 17. She was represented by Mr. Jonn Laycock and the case was postponed to Dec.
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  • 62 2 r Baron Empain Weds Actress U/EALTHY, dapper, 33-year- old, Belgian Baron Em pain, recently in Singapore, has been married in Budapest. His bride is Rosexell Rowland, a yonng actress, who a few years ago was a chorus girl in New York burlesque shows. Reputedly one of the richest men in
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  • 43 2 The resident clergyman of Tiisian da Cunha, the REV. HAROLD WILDE, left Southampton by fitting boat for Durban, on hiv tzoy to Tristan da Cunha for another three years on the island, after spending eight months' lecve in Enpland.
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  • 116 2 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. MFWS was received here today of the death at Bath on Nov. 4 of Mrs. E. L. Mortimer, mother of the late Hugh Mortimer, who was formerly a member of the Johorc Education Service and later headmaster at
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  • 50 2 5,000-Ton Hulk Drifts In Squall IVJRING the heavy squall on Friday night the 5.000-ton hulk of the 8.1. vessel Garada. anchored in the Outer Roads, Sinpaporo. pending towing to Japan, drifted about a quarter of a mile. Two tups began shifting the hulk back to its original anchorage yesterday morning.
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  • 183 2 Mr. J. M. SHEPHERDSON Many Wreaths At The Funeral •TTHE funeral of Mr. J. M. Shepherd- son took place at Malacca on Nov. 17, the Rev. Father Vong conducting service at the house, at the St. Francis Church a.nd at the graveside. It was largely attended both by relations and
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  • 50 2 (From Our Own Correspondent Munr. Krifay. ASikh police constable on beat duty was knocked lown by a motor car lit the junction of ip.'.an Sisi anri Jalan Meriam. Though knocked down th« police constable did not sustain any serious injury and was able to get up.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 71 2 FIIEST phtitsitt mi FIESHEST SELECTIQI MrtrUfM Wttictck OBUIIAILE AIYWNEIE | lor occasions which call for licklilgt something unusual Poultry or mm m e^^ Game is the order of the day. 6W^*^ >rW Let us show you our fine selection Twtayt, and Rive you hints and suggestion* Nafct t C«#«M on
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 447 3 Singapore Shipboard Drinking Becomes News DROUGHT into the news through the announcement du r ing the week of new restrictions en fhe^ quantity o) duty free, Uq'tor that may be consumed in ocean-going ships lying at the Singapore docks is that pleasant habit of shipboard drinking. But it 4 s
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  • 90 3 DRINCE THEODORE OBOLEN3KY, younger brother of the English Rugby International, is now Fusilier N. *****71. He has joined the Army after trying the films "to see how other people live Thp Prince, who is eighteen years of age. has dropped his title and is with
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  • 50 3 A sentercc ol two years' imprisonment and a fire of f.OOO Irancs (ab^ut £34' imp:.;-d at Nics en Mr. Lionel Edwards Ot london. who had been round guilty of man>laught?r following a motor accident, was reduced or. appeal to jtai months' imprisonment and a of 2.000 .Tances.
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  • 16 3 Cz3choj'ovakia pans to spend ncar'y £32.000.000 on national faience during the cam'.ng year.
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  • 106 3 Girl Writes To Hitler 'Please Free Mummy' A POSTCARD from Warsaw ad-j dressed in a childish scrawl to Mr. Hitler. Germany." which bears I the words. "Please set my mummy free Dzidzia Countess Wielopolsca.' has arrived at the Reich Chancel-, lery, but It Is unlikely to have reached Herr Hitler's
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  • 96 3 Intervention By Two Europeans Bombay. J DROMPT intervention by two j British officials saved the Utej of an Indian woman who was about |to commit suttee at Tatia, near Cawnpore (United Provinces). Overwhelmed with grief at the deaVi of her husband she was about to mount
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  • 33 3 The Lord Wakeheld Exploration Party, headed by Mis* Freys Stark, the traveller and writer, left Aden by air for Makalla. the chief port of tne Hadramaut. the southern district of Arabia.
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  • 33 3 The Lloyd Triestino liner Conte Blancamano is due In Singapore on Tuesday. at 8 a.m. from Shanghai and Hong Kong, and Is expected to sail at noon on Lhe same day.
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  • 122 3 Java Southern Sumatra by air (Netherlands) 1 pd» Hong Kong. Canton. Shanghai Kobe. Manila USA by air < Imperial) 10 p m Penang, Burn: a India Iraq. Palestine. Egypt E. 8 Africa. Great Britain. Ircand. Europe and N S. America (lmpriai) 10 f>ta (Kus'ralia New Zealand
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  • 51 3 The latest dates for posting mails ■n Singapore for delivery in Europe before Christmas are By Sea Nov. 25. By Air (Imperial) Dec. 14. By Air (X.1..M Dec. 19. London City. By Air (X.L.M.) Dec. 17. Provincial and Scotland. Correspondence for transmission by X.L.M. must be superscribed By
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  • 132 3 Mails lrom Netherlands Indies expected yt.-terdav by air (K L 31.) Cleneial delivery of 'ettcrs and parcels on Mmany at 41.25 a.m. Malls from Penang and Kuaia Lfrnpur expected yesterday by air (Internal Service) General delivery of lettprs on Moru'ay at 8.25 a.m. 'Malls from Australia Nc'herlai.O* Indie*
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  • 57 3 Berthing arrangemeuts for Sondaj: Yuensang West 7 a.m. 61. CranflcM Shift a.m 16. Berthir< arrangement* for Monday; Planclus East a.m. 22. Marudu East a.m. J8 9. Rlmau Roads a.m. 3. Meonla Roads a.m 17. Aeneas East 6 a.m 13 4. Kcponp Roads 5 pm. 57. Kinta Wen
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  • 226 3 T\R- F. H. Dieterich, a prominent New York medical man, who was in Singapore on his way home last week, told The Sunday Times how on the day of the North China incident at Marco Polo Bridge he met General Chiang Kai-shek
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  • 117 3 Tne Police Band will ulay tiday al Botanic Gardens at 8.30 p.m. March. The Desert Song (Slgmund Rnmberf); Election, "lennesc Vemcrles of Lehar (Henry Hall >: Valse, Embers (Bertram Lestrangc) Suite. In A Lover's Garden (a. W. Ketelbey): Pot-Pourr.. Select n Old and New (Herman Flnck): Cornet Solo,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 418 3 Reveals Secret of Personal Influence Simp'e method to Develop Personal Magnetism, Memory. (ontcntratisn and wlll-Po'.vcr. 64 page Book Full) Describing this I'nique Method, tocethrr nith haractfi Delineation FRI.E all who writ? at once. Tlir wonderful power of Personal In.luci'CP. Magnetism. Fascination. MindControl call tt whit you fill, can surely be
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    • 264 3 More Speed-More Comfort To England Every Wednesday and Sunday, luxury air services leave Sin«apore for India (S days) Errpt 16 days) and England (g dan) Von fly in a big i-englned air liner at far as Alexandria where you Join one of the new Empire flying boat* for the last
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 124 3 IN SINGAPORE TODAY CINEMAS ALHAMBBA: ShlrVv Tem;-le in StowH\vey. 3.15. 6.15 and r l5 CAPITOL: "Easj Uvin:. wHii Jean Ar'hur. 3.15 6.15 ana 8.1.>. GABniCK GEYLANG: Dui'bl* Features Hmiustani Talkies. •jian*»r'. Bait" "The Elack Thief." 6.15 r»». •.in l-.i THEATBE. GBCAT WOBLD: Thunder In The Cltj- 7.15 and 9
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    • 205 3 Moau_j. November 22. H. W. 1.17 a.m. 9 ft.: 12.31 p.m. 10 ft. L. w 6.32 a.m. 4.3 ft.: 7.22 p.m. Q. 3 ft Tuesday. November 23. H. W. 2 07 a.m. 8.6 ft.: 1.22 p.m. 9.6 ft. L. W. 7.22 a.m. 4.4 ft.; 8.11 p.m. 0.9 ft. Wednesday. November
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  • 608 4 BRITAIN'S ATTITUDE STIFFENING Hong Kong Strength Is Equal To Formosa By The Sunday Times Chinese Correspondent THE Powers have massed nearly eighty warships in China waters for the protection of foreign interests, and the British naval and military concentrations at Hong Kong, I
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  • 334 4 Planter Weds Railway Officials Daughter (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. rvAUGHTER of a well-known rall- wayman— Mr. A. F. Bidnell, of the Transportation Department of the F.M.S. Railways— Miss Dorothy Annie Bidnell was married to Mr. David Louis Mann, a planter on Patallng Rubber Estate, Selangor, at St.
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  • 65 4 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. Saturday. A MEETING of the Johore Bar Committee was held at the Counsel room m the Johore Supreme Court this morning. The members of the committee ior the session 1937-1938 are Mr. M. Ismail, president; Mr. E. R. Koek. Mr. 8.
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  • 339 4 Why The People Of The Emoire Remain Calm To the Editor of the Sunday Times. Sir.— Amid war and destruction In other lands, and highly provocative speeches from the victory-mad leaders ol militarism, the common strata of society, the man who works and Just gets on, wonders at
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  • 129 4 To Be Built Soon At Batu Pahat (From Our Own Correspondent.) Joh jre Bahru. WATER service all over the State is undergoing vast improvement. Following the recent extension of the Johore Bahru Reservoir, two other reservoirs are under construction, one for the use of the Sultan's new
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  • 116 4 246 Entrants This Year (From Our Own Correspondent Joho:v Barru. a CAMBRIDGE examinations in Johore as in other part* of M'.Jaya cegin a on Dec. 8. Johore is presenting 158 for the Junior and 88 f or the Schaol Certificate, the numbe? ceing a sMght improvement
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 4 Mr. Syn Mun Chik and Miss Wong Vee China; who were married at the Church of the Sacred Heart yesterday.
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  • 179 4 />OMPLAINTS of difficulties of obtaining Colonial stamps were recently made by philatelists in England, one alleging that dealers who are able to supply them are taking advantage of the position to charge excessive prices. It is suggested that possibly postmasters were
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 269 4 For Beit Results TO TOUR SNAPS entrust them to experts with more than 20 years' experience in the Photographic trade. You will not be disappointed as a trial order uill prove it. LYON PHOTO CO., North Bridge Eoad— Head Oflfre Phone £«75 Ac A Kxport Uept. 1M North Bridre Rd
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    • 323 4 DIAMOND (SPIRAL SPRING MATTRESS Sturdy sll St«el constrsctioa— nut-prMfea'. Open vicihl* sprints harbour no inserts. Prom <tn HmUhv Sleep Rrato*4blt Pncnt By conforming to tMr *hape of the bod* ii tires evea support— keeps the Spine Steaiftit. Recommend** by BeslUi Authorities Extremely eosaforUble— does no* sac ■/rite /or Detcnphve KAitt
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  • 398 5 JUMP IN EXPORTS OF TIN, RUBBER AND IRON ORE TO JAPAN yilK lower prices ruling for rubber and tin in October have had a marked effect on Malayan trade statistics for that month. The official figures were issued yesterday. The total value of the
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  • 112 5 He Dared To Honour Jews In Germany MR. I. J. GENNETT, an American 1 M legionary visiting Berlin, went to official quarters and asked if he might lay a wreath on the Unter den Linden war memorial. He zoas given four stormtroope-} and a non-commissioned officer to accompary him. He
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  • 105 5 COLL conviction and fine of $25 in default to undergo a month* imprisonment, by Mr. F. V Duckworth in the second police court yesterday, for the theft of a bicycle. l Chinese Ton Seng Chaan. was produrec before Mr. H. A. Forrer, In the Criminal District
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  • 32 5 CROKEN Olsen, the champion of Denmark, who won the final of the women's international foil competition for the Hutton Cap, which was decided at Bertrand's Academy Hanover Square, London.
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  • 59 5 TANG SENG, a Chinese was charged' in the third Singapore court yesterday, with the theft of a parcel containing clothes belonging to a European woman. Mrs. V. McKenzle. It was stated that the parcel was In a car and the accused took possession of It The case wa3
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  • 143 5 Moscow. QTALIN and 22 of his c 4ef assistants have now cho. i their constituencies in the Unloa Council elections, which take place, under the new constitution, on Dec. 12. They will, of course, be unopposed. Stalin, who had been nominated for 380 constituencies, has decided to
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  • 146 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday I*HE Chinese boycott of goods from Japan has tightened in Kuala Lumpur. It is now almost impossible to buy any Japanese article but in a Japanese store. Managers of Indian piece-goods stores showed me their stocks thLs morning declaring
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  • 82 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. pOLLOWINO are the members of the r Johore Assessment Committee for 1038 under the Rubber Regulation En-ctment: The Deputy Controller of Rubber (Chairman). H.H. Tunku Abu Bakar. Dato S. Q. Wong. Mr. DC. A. Fraser, Mr. B J. R. Barton, Mr. D.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 320 5 Sumach sufferers- OSBB<^% %z» I .^j^~jtecb&&^' f 'It guarantees i your recovery: "DECAUSE of the world-wide succcm of Maclean Brand Stomach Powder in These Sufferers stomach suffering, even in apparently hopeless cases, many inferior Were CUred by citations are being offered to the public; that is why you must insist
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    • 334 5 "VAN HEUSEN" •ag-tf r<«* Mm* COLLARITE SHIRT This is an exclusive shirt with attached collar and is made In three qualities. I'ne attached Van Heusea Jl 1^ Collar Is made of a single piece of the rf^T^^^K^ sclr material and interlined with the /V curved Van Heusen fabric and has
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  • 972 6 BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT Stocks And Commodities Show Heavy Losses |T cannot be said that the week has 1 provided any really cheerful news about markets. Both stocks and commodities, particularly thoee with which we are more immediately concerned, show heavy losses and confidence
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  • 144 6 Singapore, November 20, 12 noon. Buy.r Seller Gamnie: sa.oo Hamburg Cube $15 50 Java Jut-e $11.00 eppet White Muntok $14.00 Whit* 1350 Black 75 l opra Mixed W-55 Sun Dried MBO ipioca SmaU Flake **.3O Fair Flake 5 400 Medium Pearl 54.90 Small Pearl »*.50 i>ago Flour No. 1
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  • 54 6 The following quotations toi gold hares on c Manila Stock Exchange yesterday *w supplied by Vessrs. S. E. Levy and Co.: pre\ lous Today Pesos Pesos Antamok 0.495 0.49 BtTiiruct Consolidated unquoted ur.quoted C'lasolidatcd Mines 0 013 0.003 I x.L 0.56 0.55 £ai Maurlcio J-51 Umted
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  • 159 6 Nov. 17 18. 19. American Can. Com. 87% 88' 4 84 American Telephone and Telegraph 149V 4 148 Vi 145V 2 Atcheson Railroad 38% 37% 34% Chesapeak 39% 39% 38 Dupont 1" 11« 108% Firestone 21% 21% 20>/ 8 General Electric 40% 39% 37% General Motors 36%
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  • 76 6 Saturday, Not. 20, Noon. No. 1 K. R. S. S. in cases (F. 0.8.) Nov. 22% 23 Good F. A. Q. in bales (F. 0.8.) Not. 22* 22% No. 1 K. R. S. 8. (Spot loose) Awardable Spore 22% 22% December 22% 23 Jan-Mar. 23%
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  • 1288 6 Fraser and Co. 's List CLOSING QUOTATIONS SATURDAY. NOV. Zt, 1935: 1 P m. MINING Buyen Seller* Ampat Tin (4s) to 4s 6d Asam Kumbang 31* 33s Austral Malay 48s 51s Norn Ajer Hitam iss) 36s 27s6dx.d, Ayer Weng ((1) .85 .90 Bftngrin Tin if)
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 346 6 S.E. Levy Co. Shanghai. Hongkong, Manila, Singapore. investment Bankers and Brokers in Securities and Commodine*. Daily Foreign Market Cables and Quotation sentce. MEMBERS. HSW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. CX)MMODITV EXCHANGE. INC. NEW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE. SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE. HONGKONG SHARE BROKERS' ASSN. MANILA
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    • 182 6 Current Company Dividends List Supplied By Messrs. Fraser Co. Sinc»porc, Nov. 2», 1 p.m. ToUl lor Bool* Close anandal Company Dividend To Date E*. D*r. year wongwiy Pt,abXe Date to dat« Aver Hitam Tin ...20%1ni. Nov. 10 Dec. 3 Nov. 15 50% Burma Malay 6d. Int. |Dec. 11 Dec. 18
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 216 7 CARTRIDGES FOR EVERY KIND OF GAME A copy of our complete catalogue posi free on request. yd X ALPHAMAX vln ml HEAVYLOADS FOR I SCIENTIFIC TOOTH PASTE SPARKLING TEETH AND HEALTHY GUMS SteriKies tbe Mouth, Strengthen the Gnm». Prereatt PywrrWea BENGAL CHEMICAL I Calcutta Bombay I A«enU f»r Malaya: Naiaa
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    • 229 7 STAMPS Coronation^»tamps KMll'li.U SKI .'II: >l\Ml> from Gt Britain, tbe 45 Crown Colonies. Dominions. Newfoundland and Mandated Territories. 558.92 UNUSED USED $17.14 Blocks of 4. SI 15.12 Blocks of 4. 5214.29 ISS Stamps from the 45 Crown Colonies only. SI 1.79 I'M Sri) Blocks of 4 $47.14 USED 520.36. These
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    • 273 7 HOTELS I^^,^ LONDON CALLS >*g^^W I.NSISTKNTIV I and enjoy a| rllher /^V HOTEL RUBENS Buckingham Palace Read torlnß Buckingham Palace or HOTEL rek::vdt VJS Scuth Kensington. S w -/y^^^^nV fjclng the Victoria and v'-C^R^^ Albert Museun. Every attention in oieafing surrounamu PF.BFECT Ol II II Dl THESE I'M! in: I
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1723 7 Today's Wireless Programmes SINCjArUKt »f»S Greenwich time signal. 10 50 Homeland in Oveneas. Songs ot O*r--9.15 Cloee down. m*n» abroad. TRANSMISSION 3. S^SSrS.* 88 sa ask s: a phohi-holland. pm pm. :-|ll 17 7: mcs (16 8S m I i .00 Miscellaneous programme of light 9.35 Big Ben. "Scottish Golfers:"
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  • 142 8 Will Red Legions Come To China's Assistance? JAPAN COUNTERS THREATS WITH MORE TROOPS SOVIET intervention in China against Japan is foreshadowed by reported mass movement of troops from Moscow to Siberia. Supporting this belief is the fact that Russia is gradually liquidating her participation in the
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  • 287 8 Official Statement On Government's Removal To Chunking Nanking, Saturday. AN official statement an- nounces the removal of the seat of government from Nanking to Chungking. The statement says China stands firm against coercion into accepting humiliating te-ms which are the object of the Japanese advance westward. It emphasises that submission
    Reuter  -  287 words
  • 73 8 Rome. Saturday. DARON Okura. member of the Japan- ese House of Peers, interviewed on arrival here said "The people of my country have sent me to II Duce with the welcome task of making known to him the deep friendship of the Japanese for
    Reuter  -  73 words
  • 60 8 From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. M7HILE a motor-cycle was being examined at the Causeway customs office the rider and pillion rider, both Chinese, who had come from Singapore, took to their heels. Bota men were caught. In the petrol tank of the machine,
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  • 60 8 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. Saturday. A FURTHER step in the progress of Muar was made when the Hospital at Tangkah, a village ixteen miles from Muar, was supplied with electric light. It is also understood that prevision has been made for the villages of
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  • 25 8 At the Fortnightly Club meeting tomorrow at 10 a.m.. Mr. A. F. Caldwell will speak on "Chemistry In the Kitchen" at the Y.W.C.A., Raffles Quay.
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  • 106 8 TENNIS ELBOW EXPLAINED Adelaide. WIOUSEMAIDS have their knees, n athletes their feet and tennis players have their elbows. At the Australian Medical Congress Dr. A. F. West said a tennis elbow icas a pain caused usually by executing a backhead shot, and more particularly a backhand topspin drive. Lifting a
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  • 163 8 Chandu Tube Counterfeiting Alleged (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, S.^tuioay. PRODUCING several woodon stoo.s mounted with >mplcme.vs t ileged!y used for counterfeiting Johore Government, ohandu tubes, Mr C. O. Williams. Superintendent cf Cvrtoms, .1-monstrated to Sheikh AJjj* Bakar, t )day, the metliod cf operat'nt;. These were seized last ni^nt
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  • 63 8 WILLJAM Field ami Frederick Smith both of the 7th Heavy Battery R.A. (Changi). appeared befoye the second Singapore Magistrate. yestsrefcy on a charge of theft on Nov. 1» of a n»otoruor valued at $2,/0 belDnging to a Chinese. Mr. C. O. Ton. The case was
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  • 154 8 CLOUSTON AND GREEN DO IT AGAIN Days Clipped Off Cape Record LJUGE crowds awaiting Flight- Lieut. Clouston and Mrs. Kirby Green at Croydon after their flight to the Cape and back had a great thrill when the plane four times circled the aerodrome at a great speed and came within
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  • 83 8 Flying Prince Completes First Stage London, Saturday OOMETHING new in lor^-distance flights began at Croydon today when a Rumanian. Prince Cantaconzenle, started an attempt on the Eng-land-Cape record in three hops. The prince made his first descent at Le Bourget. from where he took
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  • 87 8 Ordered To Discharge Cargo At Malta Malta. Saturday. '"THE British steamer African Mari- ncr (6,554 tons), which arrived here under escort of a British destroyer and was immediate^ taken over by port authorities, has been ordered to discharge her cargo. In London the Admiralty stated
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  • 91 8 CHARGED with having imported chandu or an act preparatory to the purpose of importing chandu oft the west coast of Singapore on Nov 18, four Chinese. Ang Teck Huat, LJm Hwty. Le« Choy and Ang San, appc-tred before Mr. H. A. Forrer in the Criminal District
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  • 208 8 "WALK ON, WALK OFF" AIRBOAT PONTOONS CINGAPORE passengers of tht mammoth airboat s of Imperial Airways, the first of which is due here at noon today, may in future be able to walk ashore without the necessity of boarding a launch, if pontoons no; being tested in England are adopted
    208 words
  • 49 8 (FYorn Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bmhru. Salurd^v Adino bin Haron, a Javanese P W I). employee, was fined by Sheikh Abu Bakar today $50. or two months' rigorous imprisonment, (or outraging nls stepdaughter's modesty, the girl Dciii? a Chinese converted to Islam. Evidence was taken In camera.
    49 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 175 8 of your energy? If you feel like nothing at all. if you suffer from irritability, heart troubles, fatigue and lowered resisting power, you ought not to wait 1 All these complaints are danger signals, for they are symptoms of a seiious weakness caused by a lack of minerals. Take Kalzana
      175 words
    • 59 8 SPECIAL X'MAS CHESTS OF PERAK TEA. This uwful »nd much appreciate Gift, will be delivered Free of til Charge*, to any address in Great Britain. 41b.Che.t 5.00 6ib. 7.00 151 b. $u.oo Send address ol friends, together vith your card and remittance and ensure one of these Chests reaching Home
      59 words

  • 1016 9 Mainly About Malayans ITEDAH, always one of the most healthily independent of the Malay* States, has lost one of the most distinguished members of a royal house that has given many able men to her service TUNGKU SIR MAHMUD, Regent and son of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin, who died early this
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 113 9 ifim ECONOMY UN I ill BRINGS HEALTH. U I SAVES MONEY I No reduction in quantity Quality unchanged Think how much you can save by buying Andrews in the Economw Tin— it Sini °n the large (8oz) size, 30< on the small (4oi) size and think how much good -*V
      113 words
    • 1176 9 l l>l ™^|QHffl B^ f or Those Content Only V with the \ewest 1 The distinctly original design among fl the new motor cars —is the way the fl IB motor show critics describe the new H I H Chrysler Dynamic, action -line I B contours foretell real action In
      1,176 words

  • 215 10 Too Fat To Breathe Properly. A year ago she was so fat she coud not get her breath properly, and had to be propped up in bed. Today she runs a house and business What is the secret of this amazing change? Her
    215 words
  • 338 10 Municipality Experimenting With Mercury And Sodium Lamps •yHE better lighting of Singapore's roads, consistently advocated in word and picture by The Sunday Times, is now being considered in more concrete form by the authorities. Mercury lamps have been hung as an experiment at the junctions
    The Sunday Times is now being considered in more concrete form by the authorities  -  338 words
  • 106 10 SINKIANG IS READY TO ASSIST I^IOIIAMMEDANS and other Chinese in Sinkiang, or Chinese Turkestan, ha^e buried all their past differences, and are determined to do their bit in resisting the Japanese invasion, under the leadership of Gen. Chiang Kai-shek. This reassuring message was| brought by Mr. Chang Yuan-fu.i representative in
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  • 872 10 Lived As Lama And Joined In Temple Ceremonies ¥J[ K. Theo. Bernard, the American research scholar and explorer, has returned to Kalimpong, on his way back to New York, after eight months' journeying in Tibet. He has collected a great deal cf valuable literature, taken
    872 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 330 10 \v£H CB^H 0 m A aW U A am H^' a/M^M H^^^^^^b 9 M A W U flr aw _^K^a^^^a^^r t JVwVE g|g||2V^£^sMflM9H9Sß^nHi^^B^Ks^^Sj||j|w|Bf isS l^l Lw -far -^jr» -< IPl^^^i BH« ."nJl^B j^^Ew^^V s 1 tS^m^^B^^^^^V m ot&£ HBBHHHHBHBBB R3B^HSBBfIHfIHBQOR Vf&sfi&*l£ BBB''Ptf^3B| Th e BIG SEVEN Is Here! *'^8? ANNOINCING
      330 words
    • 32 10 ft! THE WORLD— RENOHVIK fl Jm^* m NATURAL MINERAL WATER W/& gf*f fim Bottled as it flows from EFFECTIVE *#JwR ■V w CASES OF m *lo STOMACH I LIVER TROUBLE, GOUT, RHEUMATISM
      32 words

  • Books Of The Week
    • 937 11 AUTHOR'S EARLY YEARS AT PULAU BRANI A Child In The Sun. By CUve Dalton, Eldon Press Limited 10s. 6d. MR. Clive Dalton spent the most impressionable years of hU boyhood at Pulau Brani, near Singapore, where his father was an officer in the
      937 words
    • 143 11 131 CXOSER BLDGETING (A BUREAUCRATIC REPROACH) "A genuine estimate of reasonable expectations a definite breakaway from the tradition of conscious underestimation." Mr. C. A. Vlleland. Financial Commissioner, Johore, introducing the State Budget. O f hmr could you, Mr. lulaiul Proud tradition you've betrayed, For you know we love
      143 words
    • 324 11 Two Gay Adventurous Novels The Clouded Moon. By Max Saltmarsh. Michael Joseph. 6d. The Ace of Knaves. Bj Leslie Chart* ris. Hodder and Stoushton. 7s. 6d. Iff AX Saltmarsh is in the direct line of succession to the late lamented "Sapper" and John Buchan. the John Buchan of the early
      324 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 316 11 The most stubborn irritation yields quickly to the soothing effects of Chamberlain's Cough Reoaedy. J~ breaks up congestion, baaiabes sore. stem, bdp !i-«l inflamed tiaoua. Sa.r. pleasant, economical. Keep a bottle ot Chamberlain's always in your home. Sate Ac«a*U THE BORNEO Ctt. LTD. (Incorporated in England) B.S. r.M.B. POLAROID POLAROID
      316 words
    • 457 11 f "I promise you thai k this 40-year old remedy f\ -^in jfA m will put a stop to Mml This MJM treatment Will also in S the formula of die now ghrehiM new life and spirits, p^, 806 Martin ConditioD One of the dungs that troubled me most when
      457 words

  • 286 12 Take These Flesh-Forming Tablets. You know only too well, wliat that steady loss of weight foretells Che- -It it now, while there is yet time! You can th>w get, in tne form of tiny, tasteless, sugar-coated tablets, the most wonderful body-building, fleshforming elements of
    286 words
  • 1490 12  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By THE news that the Navy is going to provide longer hammocks for tall sailors makes a man with an inquiring mind wonder what has happened to tall sailors for the last seven hundred, eight hundred, or is it a thousand years since King
    1,490 words
  • 468 12 VALUES of the FOUR-ACES SYSTEM ACE 3 KING OLEEN 1 JACK Vi Averare Hand •H Total Value of Pack 36. By THE FOUR ACES IN a close hand, the defenders cannot be too careful in guarding against a squeeze. For instance, today's hand looks like a perfect cinch
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 28 13 Dr Pletro Ghezzl. of Florence has been condemned to a penal island off Sicily for two years because, it is believed, he criticised the Fascist Government
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  • 31 13 A Polish Jewess has been sentenced to six months' Imprisonment at Zoppot, ln the territory of the Free City of Danzig, after making "provocative remarks" about Herr Hitler.
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  • 213 13 Air Commodore From England To Take Over Administration important new appointment is to be added to the headquarters staff of the Royal Air Force, Far East. To take up the Post of air officer in charge of administration, Air Commodore E. W. Norton, D.S v C.
    213 words
  • Article, Illustration
    363 13 SELF-TIMERS r pilE question is often asked, Is there any way that I can take a snapshot of my friends and include myself in the picture There certainly is a way and a simple one. Use a self timer. A self timer is a most fascinating little gadget
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  • 79 13 DRUNK IN CHARGEOF A HORSE QAID to have driven his thoroughbred hunter into a wayside inn, Norman Llewellin, aged 30, a Fishguard farmer, was fined £t at Mathry for being drunk while in charge of the animal. P.C. John Bowen said the horse fell in the inn, damaging furniture end
    79 words
  • 273 13 Kept- Wives" Are Such Bores, Says Lady Rhondda "[\EVITALISED bores, whom any fully alive person will go miles to avoid having to meet." Thus Lady Rhondda. in her book, Notes on the Way (Macmillan, 65.) describes the majority of keptwives "—women economically dependent on their husbands, and with too little
    273 words
  • 91 13 Forthcoming Marriage To Mrs. Raffray Reno, Nevada. JLf RS. Mary Raffray has obtained a divorce here, preparatory to marrying Mr. Ernest Simpson, formerly the husband of the Duchess of Windsor. Mrs. Raffray and the Duchess have been friends ln Baltimore since childhood. It was as a guest
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 251 13 PARIS GARTERS Stay Put and Stay Perfect Made of "Miracle Elastic" woven for supercomfort they stay that way every hour that you wear them ai d every detail of Paris workmanship and styling bears the creative touch of a fine original copied, but never duplicated. (riginaU at the price of
      251 words
    • 269 13 SHU-SHINE the v i WHITENING CLEANING SHOES Here's a white cleaner that we can recommend, confident that it will prove so satisfactory on trial as to win continuous use. "MADE FAMOUS BY NURSES" MAAS-4 1 If «n*<licln«i wert n«-td«d for a 1 I la fir. minat«. I^. tb« dmt tot
      269 words

  • 1274 14 New Profession IN a police court case the other day a witness declared his occupation to be that of radio operator."' Curiosity being manifested, he explained that his Job was to turn the radio on and off. That's the sort of Job we have been looking for vainly,
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  • 2227 14 The Mansoor Treason Case "Counsel For The Defence" THE Sunday Times begins this week an exclusive series of articles on the famous cases of Vincent Devereux Knowles, Malaya's greatest criminal lawyer. The Sunday Times has been given access to the private diaries of Mr. Knowles. The articles will give to
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 189 14 •5 Stamford Rti* Ku Court, S>ore J I Singapore's most up-to-date Tailor MIEN CHONG —34. COLEMAN ST. WHY NOT Enjoy Lit* and Regain YOUTHFUL VITALITY 9 9 ALVO-ECSTASIN Is the reliable and yet harmless I v Idinr. up preparation of the entire oreanivin. ALVO-ECSTASIN counteracts nervousness and lack ot icm.r
      189 words
      36 words
    • 22 14 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS TOURS BRASTAGI PRAPAT 8 day tour $150.00 10 day tour 4 $165.00 including steamer, hotels, tips and sightseeing. X.P.M. LINE
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 569 15 RAFFLES COLLEGE WANTS MORE ROOM FOR STUDENTS Roll Mounting Each Year: Total Now 129 Men &29 Women CINGAPORE'S most important seat of learning, Raffljs College, this year has a record number of 158 students, of whom 29 are young women. Recent announcement that in future Queen's Scholarships to British universities
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  • 93 15 OLD TRAGEDY Aosta. FVIDENCE or an old tragedy came to light on the Breuve Glaclw, above Courmayeur, when a tourist found a boot studded with nails and containing the bones of a leg sticking out from half- formed ice. From the pattern of the boot it
    93 words
  • 133 15 Reading Room And Bar T"HE Air France Company an- nounces that a new four-englned 'plane, the Farman 224, with seats for 40 passengers, a bar, readingroom and other accommodation, !s shortly to be placed In service between Paris and London. Six machines of this
    133 words
  • 61 15 Did Not Know She Was A Mother TWENTY-ONE-YEAR-OLD Mrs. James Welborn, unconscious forty-eight days after a motor-car-train crash, died at Des Moines, lowa, without knowing That she gave birth to a healthy baby boy four hours after she was injured. That her husband was killed in the accident. Mrs. Welborn's
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  • 100 15 DISCOVERY DURING ROCK BLASTING Waterton, Alberta. WHAT may prove to be the first dinosaur eggs ever discovered on the American Continent have been unearthed during: blasting; operations in a park near here. The eggs, which are petrified, measure nine inches In length, and six inches In diameter. They
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  • 148 15 Accident While Out Hunting Karachi. THE Jam of Las Bela State, Ghularn Mohammed Khan, aged 42, wus fatally injured in an accident while out shooting. According to an eye-witness a party of twenty-eight, led by the Jam, was out shooting in the woods. They bagged se/eral
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  • 20 15 The Armenian who assassinated Mr. Marriner, United States Consul-Gen-eral at Beirut, Syria, has been condemned to death.
    20 words
  • 16 15 A Mauritius stamp was sold for £2,728 at an auctkn at Hamburg.
    16 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 104 15 ™T»f«"V 0 ™i I rt,.at-l i you enjvj 1 Hi J Craven "A" in the I |E^Br^lHnl^lß^^uHUttl£ i I air-tight 'Truvac' Tins are as I fresh as the day they were j '7Qj|W I made They're perfect smoking I fßttt'' tH 1 I wherever you buy them. 1 ST^L \T^l^
      104 words
    • 136 15 Q^tf^WHICIJkSPEAK u**^ THIMSILVES/ yfl^l^HVi \J a^^ (O I o^lO «N m to Cow Gate Milk Food is now supplied to practically all Hospitals and Welfare Centres "|"< T "I" In the U.K. The Increasing demand In I* f Malaya is equally significant. m the last tew years seven Royal Babies
      136 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 210 16 CADBURYS ATTRACTIVE OFFER l\ r. -^;y* 2 ''"flMK^f^^^ ■&> -<^ iV x iJ \^^.>**Siiia^a^a^BßP B i \\i y Hf^^B^H)Nk HS s*'5 HHkiBB^HBM^^^HHH <b«k ,i: jhp ■< i ji^^H|^3 I wl 1:1 Ik BkHH <:^ ii^ ij^^ I^l t^^^ <^^^^^^^^ 'v*\ <:^^- i "?s^ s^^ WARE ISN^ Ih& AHO AIL FOR
      210 words

  • 849 17 CTORIES with the "Cindekl rella" theme aren't necessarily fictitious ones^ especially in Hollywood. Barbara Stanwyck told me a true one recently, over the luncheon table. It was all about a "long, lanky kid with big eyes which weren't quite green and yet weren't hazel,
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  • 421 17 MATCHING sets of jewel- lery are more delightful than usual when they follow the mode for antique effects. Thus small oxidised metal leaves have pearls in grape formation here and there. They are made into such fashionable accessories, as a pendant which dangles on a long
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 311 17 /^HIR LIPS Wißl^y I REALLY ALLURING"! [L WA R R E N UNTOOCMIO r«INTID TA WH Read why this movie star picked Hie girl with the Tangee Lips We presented Mr. William to three lovely girls One wore the ordinary lipstick, no lipstick... and the third used Tangee. He
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    • 122 17 You May Be C\ But WHY Be M\ FAT? S For most people, there is really no reason V to stay fat. Thousands bate lat yet fail t 1 to get rid of it because they do the wtoq,} things. It is simple to control excess i weight. Once you
      122 words
    • 45 17 BARBARA STANWYaO?T!!^rTri MAX FACTOR'S FACE POWDER With M.i Ttacr', Ttc, Powder In th. color harmony ih>d< for row compltiioo coloriop, rot cv «nphMit< your b*«utj m th. KJManinfe. Thl. b whu tmiMk mi TtUttj ■■<•*■> *>p fcr boo,, 1 MAX PACTOt, HOLLYWOOD "ft— *i 4 Mm-
      45 words
    • 357 17 1 LOOK YOUNGER THAN YOUR YEARS! ELIZABETH ARDEN'S promise to you If you will follow ncr home treatment faithfully. CLEANSE with Venetian Cleansing Cream. It frees the pores of dust and impurities and thus prevents blacki.eads and coarseness. TONE with Ardena Skin Tonic. It stimulates the circulation, refines the texture,
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  • 582 18 This Season's Dresses Emphasize The Line Of The Diaphragm MOST dresses this season give good diaphragm line. Soft woollens in dark, mellow colours, made with high, defined bust lines help the fashionable efr'ect. One smart new example is cut from striped frog-green-and-holly-red wool, the colours being mixed in a broken
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  • 621 18 BIG lamp shades and small shades to cover bedside candle-lights, are all being with velvet. There are now fewer bows of fancy materials on lamp shades. Pleated vellum is also less popular than it was last season. Instead, tailored smartness in our
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 491 18 a JgigS^s Permanent Waving 1 Bv'tt^i ft A permanent wave by Figaro is a revelation— P\c4£y l rlum P nant Individual style that reveals g *jSsir yorr ln new and lustrous beauty And when Figaro care for your hair regularly. S you acquire the confidence that comes *X^ trom knowln
      491 words
    • 53 18 Ci/toi ©/"BOND ST LONDON REAL-and imitation Jewel.cry call or write for free illustrated catalogues. H.VMIEVS Rodney House I*. Battery Road. 4 MODERN AGE DEMANDS yea can wear Loxit serewless classes anywhere, any time, because Loxit minimises looseness, wobblim and breakaxe. Go to NAN SIN toe onlT place in Malaya 7M
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    • 460 18 DOCTOR'S AMAZING DISCOVERY RESTORES YOUTH TO FADED £|f |1| WRINKLED 9R.IR A Vienna Medical Journal announces the latest triumph of Science. Not only has the cause of wrinkles been found, but kott (hey may be removed. Mothers and even grandmothers can get back the tresh clear :omplexion ot girlhood. Women
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  • 440 19 CURNISHING fashions to- clay are marked by a cult "of the book corner. Life today gives a special attractiveness to the cosy, conveni-ently-lighted corner lined with bookcases, where you may at any time be sure of comfort and a quiet hour. Moreover, the book corner is
    440 words
  • 1203 19 Do You Live? Or Do You lust Exist? sks Godfrey Winn "pHIS morning I went to se« a very dear friend of mine nho has been lying desperately ill for weeks in a nursng home. Now at last the doctors pronounce her to be out of serious danger and she
    1,203 words
  • 28 19 Silver Fox Round The Collar smart and attractive is this winter model from London's Margaret Marks. It is a coat of black wool!?n matwith a silver fox collar.
    28 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 30 19 A CHARMING dressing gown fashioned in pale k blue silk satin E§ "1111* and lightly em- JK tt-oidered in fine fi| silk. Model by <gw- v^B JaniQue. 5 A IBM
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    • 30 19 7 Brally. children, there is unconscious For a sample tin of Lactogen, Spoon Measure anc Baby Book send 20 cents in cash or unused i^^S^^^gjm "LACTOGEN" 129/135 Cecil Street, Singapore.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 267 20 (Co 2^r^ v\ enjoy J-ifte )1 to ika fjulUi An exacting climate soon takes its toll of vitality and stamina, leaving your ~[UL AW body in a depressed and weak condition- HHliB unable to resist the dangers to which It is r^^f^Blfl What you need more than anything else iß|lj^^^||
      267 words
    • 94 20 INSIST ON CHROME f?Jf fat the Amateur photograptiet. f«>t it T J makes "every picture a bettei picture." j Surprising "Lattitudc" in SELOCNROME corrects results of incorrect exposures. SELOCHROME lengthens the photographic day. SELOCHROME By ILFORDS gHBanHHiHBi.aBMHHBaaHBHBaaai i a itoist SS§?gkSS ERNST LEIT2 WETZLAR SERVICE. .i— wps it 1937 X'MAS
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 531 20 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly, the $100 will be awarded in respect of the
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  • 1676 21  -  "Mac" By /"*OOD morning everybody— Perhaps 1 i»m getting ultra-critical but when I visited Changi last week I could net help feeling that there had been something lacking in the quality of the forward play I had seen in the hockey encounter between the 41st Company i
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 318 21 GNAWING PAINS BETWEEN MEALS Ol <UJ me painful torms which stomach trouble t.ikes. is there anything that is moie d'^.-es-iing than the gnawing pain that mum it» appearance like clcckwork between meals Mr A H was a victim to these pains, and was beginning to despair of ever being without
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  • 1046 22 Golf A Lazy Swing For The Short Pitch This Week's Article, Ninth Of The Series, Is By BOBBY JONES COME time ago, when I was asked to name the most difficult shot in golf, I nominated the short pitch over a bunker. Continuing my observation has now led me to
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 418 22 HOME is NEARER nmr—^"^ J^~ ~x «V^ilr jEI tmEvT'k.J w^nmmmmPV?P V^^T S-fc- nCc uifawlmwL JlbwH via this Scenic Route across CANADA The Continental Limited, Canadian National's famous air-conditioned train, will speed you across Canada through the Rockies and other regions of matchless splendour from Vancouver to Montreal. Through trains daily,
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    • 426 22 Gillette reduces your shaving costs Insist on Gillette don't be persuaded to buy inferior blades on the grounds that they are cheaper. They may be lower in price, but they are not economical in use. The best way to reduce your shaving costs is to buy Blue Gillette blades and
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  • 1015 23 BY THE SUNDAY TIMES CORRESPONDENT AN outcome of the Selangor-Kialacca hockey match is that Ideal hockey has not reached inter-State standard yet. Though Malacca won, thanks to Wee Tiam Hong's display at goal, a draw would have reflected the run of the play. Excessive infringements marred the
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  • 1004 23 THE Chinese Literary Association ccl.brated their silver )übllee at a dinner at the association os. 14. Third Cross Street, on Thursday night. More than 150 guests, and members assembled at the gathering, presided over by Capt. Tan i Stng Tee, M.8.E., the president of
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 290 23 (((< yv^Vp j Relieves J {fe^l PAIN h/ji *^rl^ Instantly! ■HfIL^fV^^^HEADACHES ■^■■J^/m^ NEURALGIA TOOTHACHE RHEUMATISM COLDS FEVER If you suffer from headaches to thousands. Doctors and can't sleep because of the dentists prescribe it. pains of neuralgia, tooth- Try ANACIN and see for ache or rheumatism. If you yourself how
      290 words

  • 719 24 Snatch A Win In Last Minutes Of Game (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. CfNCAPORE confounded the critic; and gave Negri-Malacca support ers a rude shock by defeating the combined Stato side in a Malaya Cup rugger match here today by 11 points (a goal and
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  • 27 24 G. L Mytton. Junior lawn tennu doubles champion of Great Britain in 1931. reached the semi-final of the Western India badminton doubles ctidinplonsUlp with D Stllliari recently
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  • 273 24 (Fr&m Our Own Correspondents Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. I*HE third Se^angor State trial play- ed in Kuala Lumpur today bore out the anticipations of the selectors who fielded what is expected to be the State side In white Jerseys— and Whites beat Colours by 3— The play
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  • 107 24 Hockey players of various Singapore schools were put to the test yesterday in order to make a selection of eleven players to be called the Combined School team. The teams were distinguished as Colours and Whites and the match was played on the Raffles School ground.
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  • 131 24 (From Our Own Correspondent; Johore Bahru UK. N. F. H. Mather, president of the Johore Rueby Football Club, has ,been appointed president of the Malayan Rugby Union, in place of Mr. W. A. MacMlchael. who has proceeded Home on leave. Mr. W. L Mussett. hon secretary
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  • 128 24 JACK HODGKINSON. the 26- year-old English professional for Singapore's Island Golf Club. arrived yesterday by the P. O. liner Ranpura. For six years assistant professional at the Municipal Golf Course, Derby, Hodgkinson competed regularly in local competitions and waj third in the Derby Professional Championship
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  • 350 24 IN a match devoid of all thrills 1 the St. Andrew's Old Boys rugger fifteen beat the S.C.C. A team on the padang yesterday by eight points (one goal and a try) to nil. The visitors were playing 'telow their usual standard,
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  • 70 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. In a rather one-sided hockey game at the High School ground yesterday, the Seng Cheong Society beat the Segamat Police by 6— nil. At half-time the score was I—nil.1 nil. The Segamat forwards were weak and railed inside the circle. Plenty oi
    70 words
  • 285 24 Medicals Beaten On Own Ground DLAYING on the Medical College ground yesterday Raffles College won the annual Rugby match, beating their rivals by 10 points (a try. a penalty and a drop goal) to 3 points (a penalty). The winners were definitely superior. Five minutes from
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  • 467 24 SINGAPORE INTER-TEAM BADMINTON (From Our Badminton Correspondent.) "THE meeting of the Straits 1 Times Press Sports Club and Boustead's team in the semi-final of the inter-team tournament for business houses saw one of the finest matches played in the tournament. The result of 4 l In favour ol BousteacLs rather
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 24 Cherring-ton and Smith shaking hands with Lim Yew Jim and Foo Wo Wan after beating them in S C.B.C. tennis tournament 6 4.
    23 words
  • 198 24 RESULTS of yesterday a ties In tr.« SC.R.C. invitation lawn term* tournament are Singles handicap: Poh Guan Hock (scr.i beat Bembroke <— 6> 6--0. 6 -1: Scan Keng Slew (—6) beat Tan Eng Wan (scr.t 2—6. 6—3. 6—l: Ch?ong Chee Lim (—l2) beat Cheong Erg Han (+9»
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  • 300 24 T*H£ second annual Slngapore-Johore-Singapore cycle road race will be held on Nov. 28 at 5 a.m. The following route will be taken: Starting from Ftnlayson Green (trolley bus wrminuM along Collyer Quay and cross over Anderson Bildge. turn right to ■'•illerton Rom' Pion Fullerton
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 24 The Raffles College Ruirby team (top picture) which beat the Medical College team (bottom picture) by 19 point* to 3 la the annual encounter yesterday.
    point to la the annual encounter yesterday  -  25 words
  • 204 24 Cup-Holders Defeat Penang By 18-3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, Saturday. |N the first match in the northern section of the competition, Selangor, Malaya Cup-holders, found little difficulty in defeating Penang by 18 points (one goal, one drop goal, one penalty goal and two tries) to 3 (one try). The
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  • 279 24 S.F.A. WIN BRYANT SHIELD TENNIS FINAL Itan Our Owi. Cortwpond Malacca Saturday A !*rge crowd. wnicL teriuded tho Resident Councilloi Md.acca, Y.tuched «ne finals "i the Brywat F.hield lawn tennis Lea^u- yes'crn.,; ut the Malacca Club esarta. T'cc* l*vwvrth League. 1936 champions, tied with the 55*. Francis Aosoeij'h n on
    279 words

  • 713 25 R.N. R.A.F. Beaten 9-3 In Fast Game IN a fast gome of the most keenly contested rugger seen in Singapore this season, the Army XV defeated the R.N. and It A.F. in their Malaya Cup Rugby tie at Anson Road Stadium yesterday, by nine
    713 words
  • 328 25 T*»e following are tne weights for Thursday next, the first day of the Selanror Turf Cubs Skye Meeting M Kua'a Lumpur: Rare 1- Horse*. Class 5 Dit. i. S'4 fur* Miss Labis 10.11 M.O.M. 1000 Independence 10.07 Allegmnce 9.13! TEt- Ruuev .10.06 Pcui> Hill 8.00 Happinew
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  • 209 25 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. IT. is rare, that a basketball ma eh Is seen at Segamat but when *vtr there happens to be a game a Urge crowd of enthusiasts usually gathers on the court. This is what happened ast week when the Sungei Mati Chines
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  • 123 25 DUGBY gam -s played yesterday resulted as follows: Cumberland 8. Cheshire 18. Durham 19, Yorkshire 9. Lancashire 14, Northumberland 0. Bath 3, Gloucester 0. Bedford 9. London Irish 10. Cambridge Univ. 11. Blackheath 0. Coventry 8, Old Cranleighans 6. Devonport Serv. 0, Bristol 6. Guy's Hospital 3. Rosslyn
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  • 1482 25 DESULTS of the English and IV Scottish Leagues with the tables up-to-date are ENGLISH LEAGUE DIVISION I Birmingham 2 W'verhampton 0 Charlton 0 Arsenal 3 Chelsea 2 Manchester C. 2 Grimsby 0 Brentford 1 Leeds 1 Bolton 1 Liverpool 0 Huddersfleld 1 Middlesbro 4 Leicester
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  • 133 25 TRAVEL AGENTS MEET IN SINGAPORE CINGAPORE travel agents gathered In force at Raffles Hotel yesterday afternoon at the invitation of the Cosmo Club, an organisation of officers In steams I ip. avia- ation firms, to say goodbye to Mr. M. C Elliot, who for five months has been acting manager
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  • 242 25 SEGAMAT STARTS WOMEN'S HOCKEY TEAM (.Tom Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. 'THE Segamat women's hockey team neld their first practice on the Government English School padang on Friday and there was quite a good turnout. Some rare talent was reveaied and if a little more pains are taken to mouid it
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 25 Croup photo fraph taken on the occas »n of the recent Niwarathtri celebrating of the Vivehananda Tamil School. Koala Lumpur. Seated from left (marked X) are Mr. M. Thambinathan honorary secretary, Mr. K. Randiah, honorary manager and Mr. S. Thuroisamy, honorar> treasurer, of the School. In the croup are (iris,
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  • 795 26 Statement Expected Soon From B. A. M. Entries From Upcountry For Big Tourney Disappointing BY OUR BADMINTON CORRESPONDENT WILL the successful competitors in t the forthcoming Malayan cham- t pionship tournaments be offered a trip j ito Hong Kong to represent Malaya in r
    795 words
  • Article, Illustration
    156 26 Robinson's badminton team which lost to the Oversew Chinese Bank team in the SB. A. Commercial houses tournament. Left to ri«ht: Ah Foo, Yeo Priie Koon. On* Kwee Wah and Tan Chwee Hock. PMMi Uiinese Bank badminton team which beat the Robinson's team in the S.B.A. commercial h< uses tournament
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  • 97 26 ÜBflM »..a. A.P. The Useful B.P. beat a team from RaJßes Institution at the home court last Sunday by four games to one. Scores (Useful first) I Chiang Tlong Wan beat Howe Soo Kee, 13 3, IS— 1: C. W. Huang beat Chan Khek Eng, 14 14 (S— l\ IS
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  • 101 26 The Chinese Friendly Association's fourteenth anniversary celebration will be held next Saturday at the Association premises. 126. Albert Street, top floor. Singing and musical entertainment from 1 p.m. to midnight, presentation of sliver cups j by Patron Mr. Sng Kwee Sum at 7.30 pm. and dinner at
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  • Article, Illustration
    178 26 Group photograph taken *t dinner held at the Great World restaurant in connection with the drat annlvtiwiry of Dle'hriin-Hoogiaadt sports lection. First row. left to rlffht: C Muller, E Bnsttein. Mb» K Kaasoto. J O. W. KteU, Mr». Sehwetier. I! Schwfixer. Mr* Kiela, K. Sohmld Mrs. i» Plnnkett. and P.
    178 words
  • 186 26 (From Our Own Correspondent Batu Pahat, LAST wesk-end two basketball matches in aid of the China Relief Fund were played. The Muar (men's) 1 Scow Scow team beat the Eu Eu team (Batu Pahatt by 37 points to 21 In a very fast and exciting game,
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  • 130 26 Results of Clerical Unior badminton ties Dlayed last Wednesday: Cyril Wee beat Lee Yang Kwang 15—9. 6—15. 15— Low Poh Hye beat Leow Kirn Cheng. 11—15. 15—7. 15—2- Lee Seng Her beat Kob Keng Huat 15—12. 7—15. 13—13 (5 Oi: P Nei.bronner beat Yeo Hong Chuan 9.15, 15
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  • 65 26 Entries are invited by the Mayflower B.P. for the open singles (X.0.) system for the Joo-Klan Shield. Members who wish to take part are asked to communicate with the sports captain or vice-captain enclosing their entry fee of 50 cents. The closing date for entries Is Tuesday, Nov.
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  • 121 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. MUAR badminton enthusiasts will b? glad to know that a friendly match of four singles and three doubles has been arranged between the Shamrock 8.P., one of the leading parties in Ma- j lacca, and the Floodlight 8.P.. winners of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 26 The Floodlight Badminton Party, win ners of the Challenge Cup presented by Tengku Ahmad in the Inter-party tournament run by the Muar District Badminton Association.
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  • 73 26 Entries are now open, and will close on Dec 3 for the following tournaments of the United Confederate Funeral Association. 3 ball Billiards championships, 3 ball billiard handicap. 4 ball Billiards championship, 4 ball Billiards handicap. Entrance fee is 50 cents for each competition and members wishing to
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  • 46 26 An extraordinary general meeting of the Singapore Billiards Association will be held at the StralU Chinese Recreation Club. New Bridge Road, tomorrow at 5.15 pm. Delegates of affiliated clubs are requested to attend as many important matters are to be brought forward for discussion.
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  • 108 26 (From Our Own CorrespondentBatu Pahat. IN the final of the Indo-C^ylon badminton tournament R. Alfred easily beat S. Ponnuthurai in two straight sets. 15— 11; IS— lO. Serving first Alfred annexed the first point and kept ahead during the whole of the first set, though
    108 words
  • 140 26 Uembers of the United Engineers Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society held theii first annual picnic at Mr. Tan Boon Liat'i Bungalow on Sunday, Nov. 14. There was a good attendance of members and friends. Including Mr. W. A. L. Schaub. president of i the Co-Operative Union, and
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 433 26 Naturally Jfc Jl aim \lBjW~s Men Women w iL 2 Ways in Ito Add Weight gUrf/ E C Amazing Concentrate oC Minerals and FOOD lODINE W Adds Maturing Ixtra Pounds en Thin Men and M Women Where all Else Fall*. WITHOUT THB UK OF DIUG9 Thin, run-down, prematurely i|tmc people
      433 words
    • 13 26 au Ha Cj^ vP^ wF 9 1 5"L^ *E> t& W** T a^r
      13 words

  • 513 27  -  "ECHO" An Estimate Of 2,000 BY INCLUDING women, there are probably about 2.000 golfers in Singapore The Singapore Golf Club, with its fine 36-hole course, alone has nearly 500 (479 active and 13 country members). as shown in the annual report covering the year to
    513 words
  • Article, Illustration
    151 27 Croup photograph of the Golden Bell Minstrels with some of those who will appear in the eoaeert at the Great World next Saturday in aid of the China Relief Fond: Back row left to right: Tan Chin Gun (Secretary), Taa Tiam Chwee. Chin Khot Fatt, Lee Ong Slang. Oh Sin
    151 words
  • 196 27 From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. *T*HE Segamat teachers' lawn tennis tournament for the Cheah's ChalI lenge Cup saw further progress last week and if a few more sunny days are experienced within the next fortnight the finals will have been reached by the end of November. Rain has
    196 words
  • 36 27 Wolverhampton Wanderers have such a stack of money these days that a £10.000 offer for Cullis has been rejected without consideration. It was no pay-by-instalment offer either They could have cashed the full cheque next day.
    36 words
  • 992 27 (By Our Selangor Badminton Correspondent) I TNLESS something extraordinary happens \J the following will quility for the quarterfinals in the top sectioa ot the Junto: men's badminton singles: Chew Tuck, 3uan Yin. Eng Sek and Hean Sang; while tttt bottom section should have Ismail, Kong -n, Kirn Heng
    992 words
  • Article, Illustration
    45 27 Croup photograph taken at Mr. Choo Lye Haats M-sMe MWg«tow. Belinda, 11. Martia Road, off East Co*** Road, mi Nov. 14, la celebration of the fifteenth anniversary of the Bonr Choon Kok. Seated aeTenth Insb the left te the AMoclattoni patron, Mr. Choo Lye Huat.
    45 words
  • 172 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muax. HOOKEY enthusiasts in Muar will be glad to learn that the Muar Chinese will be fielding a side tLls season. Hockey is still a new game among the Chinese in Johore ana I thin* 1 am not wrong in
    172 words
  • 100 27 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. HPHE Segamat Rifle Club appears to have died a natural death. Beginning exceedingly well in the early part of the year the Club had a fine future before it with a good number of members. The first few shoots were well attended but
    100 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 254 27 SAME AGE AND PARENTAGE ...DIFFERING in likes and dislikes W^ St*> .yet each finds health and his favourite food amongst KjPPILAC MIXED OVALS WItTMfET TIRRI£R BISCUITS*. OOGCAKES fUPPV BISCUITS- COO I'VE ft OIL CAKES. ETC •n» f»r 'm nil B«o^" m if* ATT I PATENT LTD, IW«, EmfUmJ. m*m* OsHee:
      254 words
    • 424 27 A Martyr to Indigestion J FOR 14 YEARS 14 years ot sufl\ ring ended In a day That's tha wonderful story of the writer oi tha following letter "As a manuiacturing chemist, l congratulate you on the excellent formula oi Digestll Rennie 1 have Deen a martyr to indigestion and
      424 words

  • 189 28 fhe pictures in thU page were all taken by a Sunday Timmt staff photographer. The full story of the College U in Page IS. Science slider* s, with pencils poised over note books, ai a lecture. Kulure teavhfrs Post-gnduate students who are being trained
    189 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 42 28 t\ VS: 'BRANDY Vv\v\ 1 J^ttsaS VAsf LJ I C mt^Sr^^ I ..^OTCH WHlS^f 1 1 l^S(iOW* LOriOO^^ii. 1 \V^ X WIR ssW^satessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstnSm^sslassl >A/^^^V #TT#//TIwTTTTTriTs7nT!TiT^^ SOLE AGENTS: THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. (Incorporated in England) BtNGAfUstl PENANG IPOH KUALA LUMPUR MALACX^V. -W.P.S. SJL
      42 words
      349 words