The Straits Times, 14 November 1937

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA No. 308 Sunday, November 14, 1937 Price 10 cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya. No. 308 Su ndc November 14, 1937 Price 10 cents
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  • 591 1 Japanese Seek To Stir Up Trouble In Settlement WAITING FOR '< INCIDENT TO TAKE STRONG ACTION CITPORTED by a section of the Japanese military, an organised movement to inflame sentiment airainst Great Britain is under way in Japan and in Shanghai, where tension between the Japanese
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  • 56 1 GOLDEN PENS FOR THOSE SIGNING a Our Own CorrespondenO Bangkok. Saturday. THE treaty between Slam and the United States was signed at noon today hers In the presence of full delem officials from the Siamese Forelgn Affairs office and the American Legation. The King of Slam presented golden
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  • 66 1 i From Our Own Correspondent. > Johore Bahru. Saturday. HARBAN SINGH, a young Sikh, who was b^und over under the name of H Tiimn Bricks some months ago for s< filling a bunch of keys from a Chines/ i otel. pleaded guilty in the police court
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  • 29 1 Inche Syed bin Haji Salleh. Irom Kotu Ttnggi. has replaced Inche Kasran bin Haji Idrt.s as District i Treasurer. Segamat. Inch e Kasaran retired recently.
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 1 MKMBERS of the British I-eg <>« the Metropolitan area paraded their standards in the Royal Hospital. Chelsea, to attend service in the chapel with the Pensioners (veterans of the Boer War and other wars of the last century.) Admiral of the Fleet, Lotd f hat A> ld. took the salute
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 1 •>.r. itore-KeUsha, War Minister, examines a machine-gun at the Middlesex Regiment depot at Mill Hill, where .-eriults are receiving instruction.
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  • 122 1 Professor's Claim Vienna. A CLAIM to have isolated virulent germs in malignant growths in animals and to have then infected with the germs the bodies of healthy animals injected with a virus from the growth, has been made before the Medical Society of Vienna by Prof.
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  • 83 1 (From Our Own Correspondent* Johore Bahru. Saturday. SUMMONED on a charge of falling to report their arrival In Johore to tne Commissioner of Police a Japanes couple. Yishlo Naru Kaje Haru Esi and another Japanese, named Islki pleaded guilty in the police court. Accused said they
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  • 185 1 Important Discovery Outside Peiping COMPLETE SKULL FOUND r\R. RALPH (HANKY of the iJ University of California and Carnegie Institute, said that a complete skull of the "Peking Man" had been found near Peiping the day before hostilities between China and Japan broke out. He said that scientists feared
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  • 107 1 Saving In Transport DETROL is now being used in the Army as fuel for travelling; field kitchens instead of wood or coke. The Army in India claims to be the first in the world to be provided with oil-cooking equipment for use in war. This
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  • 41 1 Auckland. The Government analysis of New Zealand's birthrate shows that the i births In 1938 were insufficient to maintain the rate of Its normal level. The births lor the first half of 1937! show a slight Increase however
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  • 40 1 OIL FOR ITALY RUMANIA SEEKING PAYMENT M. Irlmescu. the Rumanian Air and Naval Minister, has arrived In Rome i to discuss a method of settling; the sum due to Rumania for large quantities of oil delivered to Italy since 1935.
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  • 41 1 The Rev. Oliver Jackson and the Rev. W. H. Harris, of the United Church In Newfoundland, were drowned when a motor-boat in which they were crossing Petlte's Bay. on the -Mth-west coast of Newfoundland, was swamped in a gale.
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  • 97 1 Once A Tango Champion CIR SAMUEL HOARE, Home Secretary, speaking at a luncheon given by King George's Jubilee Trust at the Savoy Hotel, said:— "On one occasion I won a tango competii on .at a casino on the Continent. Ii is now many years ago, and since then I have
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  • 155 1 Headmistress Wants New Law JUIISS JESSIE CROSBIE, a Liver- pool headmistress, wants children to be put to bed early by Act of Parliament. "I want a curfew bell to be rung, or a gun to be fired, or a syren sounded at 8 p.m. in the winter and
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 1 fOLONEL W. CAVE-BROWNE C.8.E., D.5.0., M.C.. Chief Engineer, Malaya Command, is leaving with Mrs. Cave-Browne by the troopship Dilwara tomorrow on a month's holiday visit to Hong Kong.
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  • 53 1 I*o stimulate the sale of China na- tional salvation bonds in Ma.aya. Mr. Chao Yieh has arrived at SlngaI pore. He has already visited the Phllliplne Islands and is to go also to India. Australia, Slam. Burma, the Dutch East Inlles and South Africa. From Singapore he will go next
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  • 106 1 Whole Population Engaged In Aviation Rome. TPHE new town of Ouidonia. known as "Aeronautical City" because the activities of inhabitants will be devoted entirely to aviation, is to bo formally inaugurated by Bignor Mussolini. Ouidonia is a short distance from Tlvoli and is built in two
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  • 22 1 Ud to the end of last month 4.018,992 wireless receiving sets had been declared in France for fiscal purposes.
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  • 16 1 Germany potato harvst is expected to amount to the record total ot 52.500,000 tons.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 11 1 MODERN AND ARTISTIC FURNITURE SUNWAHCo., HZ Victoria St. I'hont 2425. S'por«.
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    • 124 1 BUY YOUR CAMERAS AT SINGAPORE PHOTO CO., L >ii^B /~Ni TT" C^i LrfISOCKS ■\'V*3| I W a n socks fancy socks cotton socks woollen rocks »Np two steeples all wool s(KKS ■S#yvl^fl^aM Made from fine soft wool. Neat striped d»«&^%p|^«^p sign in brown or grey. Sizes 10 to 11 Kw)SB
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  • 291 2 "Do It First And Ask Afterwards" Method Strongly Criticised SUGGESTED BY RESIDENTS LAST YEAR BUT SIR SHENTON THEN SAID "NO" (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. 'THE "do it first and ask afterwards" fashion with 1 which officialdom announced the $2,500,000 gift of
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  • 70 2 TWO Australian racehorses for Singapore were unloaded from the X.P.M. vessel Nieuw Holland yesterday. They were Danger Zone, a four-year-old, for Major T. L. Pox and Gay Lothario, for Mr. H. Sleigh. Danger Zone is by Herclc out of Becalmed and has won races at Sydney.
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 2 DR. GEORGE MACDONALD. who is accompanying Sir Malcolm Watson on his tour of yalaya. Sunday Times Picture.
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  • 124 2 JOHORE ANTI-JAPANESE INCIDENT Chinese Fined 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Johoi» Bahru. Saturday. CUSPECTING that a Chinese-driven lorry was carrying Japanese goods a party of Chinese detained the vehicle on the evening of Oct. 5 at Kulai village and damaged goods besides assaulting the driver and attendant Mr. E W. Mum.'ord.
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  • 75 2 GOOD POPPY COLLECTIONS IN JOHORE i From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. Saturday, j "IN spite of the ban on street collec- 1 tlons we hope to reach last year's figure of $1,300 If net better for Joliore Bahru district." said Mrs. L. A. Allen. State organiser of Poppy S^ay
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  • 39 2 On his way to Hong Kong to become Command Paymaster of the China Command there. Colonel T. L. Rogers, who has held a similar post In the Malaya Command, will aye Sy the troopship Dilwara with his wife tomorrow.
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  • 25 2 Tangkak hospital, in Muar district is to be lit by electricity, writes the Sunday Times Johore Bahru correspondent. Preliminary work Is at present in progress.
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  • 66 2 I EADER of the Sian revolt and captor of General Chiang Kai Shefc, Gen. Tang llu Chen is expected at Singapore by the French liner Jean Laborde on Friday on his way back to China to Join the Army. Accompanying him is Mr. Li Kan
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  • 112 2 MIDDLESEX FAMILIES FOR HONG KONG TTIE remainder of wivv* and families of members of the Ist Battalion, The Middlesex Regiment, which is now stationed at 'Hong Kong, will leave Singapore for Hong Kong by the troopship Dilwara on Monday. The bulk of the families travelled north by the troopship Dunera
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  • 77 2 MR. Man Bah Chee. of the staff of| Messrs, Wee Swee Teow and Co.. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Man Kee I Goon, was married at the Singapore Chines*- Consulate-General yesterday to Miss Tan Slew Kirn. daughter of the late Mr. Tan Teck Lee and
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  • Article, Illustration
    42 2 TWO PUPILS o/ the Nanyang Chinese Girls' High School, six-year-old CHU BAN SIU and MISS CHIA SIU VIM, have set a record for schoolchildren by but/ing respectively $1200 and tlfiOO worth of 100 students in the school have subscribed to the bonds.
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  • 50 2 ""THE Chinese and Foreign Goods Asso- elation. Singapore, gave a dramatic performance in a Smith Street th^tre on Friday night in aid of toe China Relief Fund. Proceeds from «ne s^le of tickets, most of which were bought by European firms, amounted to $5,000.
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  • 224 2 A REMARKABLY tame pigeon, which show, d undue interest i in a radio set a few days ago when the military music played in I-omlon tlurit y, the Cenetoph i service was reproduced in Singa- pore, is causing some speculation as to its origin.
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  • 117 2 BALL MADE $1,540. "THE Poppy Day Fund dance held at 1 the Sea View Hotel on Nov. 6 raised $1,540.50 for the fund. The Hon. Organiser. Ball Committee, was Mrs Beatrice Church. Receipts. Proceeds of 240 dinners at $1 each 240 112 tickets at $2 sold
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  • 57 2 On what Is stated to be a holiday visit. Major T. H. Vlnden. of the General Staff of the Malaya Command, is leaving for Hong Kong by the troopship Dllwara on Monday for Hong Kong on his way to China *nd Japan. He is expected
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 2 WORLD'S LARGEST TIN DREDGE. THE DOEJOENG (Sea-cow), after being in Keppel Harbour docks, has left on the final stage of her long trip from the Netherlands to Bi.liton, the tin island. Inset is the skipper. Sunday Times Picture.
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  • 182 2 DLEADING guilty to a efcarge of being in possession of 720 Ibi of tobacco, the dutiable value of which was $576, and admitting three previous Revenue convictions, a Chinese, Ye© Kee Chiang, was sentenced to serve three months' rigorous imprisonment and ordered to
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  • 119 2 British Doctors To Aid China's Wounded DECALLED to China, Mr. Pan Chi, director of provincial health administration in Kiangsi Province, passed through Singapore last week on his way back from Europe, where he had studied health administration for several months and organised ambulance units for China. After the Sino-Japanese hostili'ien
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  • 29 2 New road signs which have met with, great success upcountry are to be used lor the first time in shortly. They will have Stop Look. Go oa them.
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  • 127 2 <2UPPORT for the growing demand of Asiatic and Eurasian government servants for en inquiry into their scale of salaries warn given yesterday by the Singapore Free Press, in a leading article, contending that "there is a very strong case for a general increase
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 77 2 are so much in demand. You will find our cooked meats very pcpi. r They make a delightful change from the routine of heavy meals, and are much less trouble to prepare. Cooked Corned Silvcrside, Pressed Beef! Cooked Ham, Windsor Sausage, Pressed Ox Tongue, Ham Roll, Salmon Roll. Chicken Roll.
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  • 310 3 He Is Blind, But He Is People's Park's Best Seller a 66-year-old Chtnete fruit-teller, almost blind in both eyes, tells the quality of a fruit by feeling and smelling it. His speciality is durians. Now, with durians in season, he is doing a better business at his stand in People's
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 3 MISS JEAN BATTEN talking with Lord Londonderry at a recent Royal Aero Club dinner. She was the guest of honour and the only woman present.
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  • 82 3 Two Of The Marx Brothers Each Fined $1,000 Los Angeles. r* ROUCHO and Chico Marx, of the famous Marx Bothers' combination, were each fined here $1,000 for copyright infringement of a radiobroadcast "Hollywood Adventures of Mr. DUftfc and Mr. Dabble" without permission of the authors, the brothers Carroll and Garrett
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  • 61 3 Melbourne. |T is announced that Lady Kingsford Smith, the airmails widow, is narryins Mr. Alan Tully. chief Austra'asian executive of the Ethyl Corporation. Air Commodore Sir Charles Kingsford Smith disappeared on an EnKland-Australla flight in November 1935 On Apr. 2. 1936, in Sydney (N S.W.i,
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  • 73 3 Japanese Journalists Seek To Sway Others Shanghai. rpWENTY-SEVEN journalists connected with the Bureau of Information of the Toklo Foreign Office have made contact with British. American and French correspondents to present their side of the case. These journalists are instructed to ascertain the foreign sentiment towards Japan and the liaison
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  • 32 3 I Eighteen persons, many of whom are I feared to have been killed, were ouried under tons of debrU in Minneapolis when two floors of a three-storey fruit warehouse collapsed.
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  • 198 3 Employers Told 'Question Unfair' Choi Mi employers get out of the habit of asking applicants for jobs on their staffs, How much pay do you want The National Federation of Professional Workers, one of the most important black-coat unions in England, has been discussing
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  • 187 3 Several Disappear Each Year Sydney. IN Sydney about 300 girls disappear from their homes every year. Many are never seen again by friends or family. A message from a special correspondent in America recently declared that the operations of the white slave gang, with headquarters in Chicago,
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  • 55 3 The Police Band will play on Friday at Katong Park at 8.30 p.m. March. Florentiner (Julius Fuclk); Overture, Maid of Orleans (Harold Rawlinsoni; Selection. The Geisha (Sidney Jones;; Walse. Des Alonettes (R. Drigo»; Cornet Solo, A Perfect Day (Jacobs-Bond) T'^ree Dale Dances. On Yorkshire Folk Songs (Arthur Wood);
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  • 19 3 An agreement for the exchange of cultural films 1 as been signed between Germany and Japan.
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  • 35 3 Today GoU: Sir Arnold Kobiiiscns Cup and mixed! ntM, S.G.C. (yrling: Carn.val at Jalan Bef>sr. I axn Tennis. S.C.R.C. imitation tourna-! ll.xke): Royal Sijtnah vs. I.A. Bntar vs. Lcvcenko. New wo ..a. 8.45.
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  • 186 3 Today J.i-a 6: Southern Sumatia by ah iNetberlanda) 7pm Hciiu Rung Canton. Shanghai Kout. Manila USA by air < Imperial' 10 pin I Siam. Burir.a India. Iraq. i'alemne, Egypt. E. 8c 8. Africa. ureat Britain. Ire.and. Europe and N. S. America (Imperial) 10 Ptn Aus'mlia New Zealand
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  • 29 3 1 ,ki ,h I! W 657 a.m. 7.6 ft.; 7.12 p.m. 7 4 It I W 00 07 a.m. 3 5 P.: 1 02 pm. ri
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  • 130 3 Mall, from NetherUnds Indies expected y«-'terday by aj (X.L.M.* General delivety cfletteri and parcels on Monday at 8.25 from Penan K and Ku»»« I**** yesterday by air (Internal Service, General deUvery of letu-r, on Monday at 8.25 M»'b 'rom Ja P*" '*>«** »V Mikage "S&lTfra^uYtra.U.. Netherlands expecttfi W«*y
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  • 95 3 Berthln« arranrements for Sunday: Perseus Eas> 2p m. 13 4 godowns. Antnochva West 5 p ..1. 11. SUverniaple Roads b.m. 30 1. Mlka^e Maru No !8 East a.m. 18. Berthing arranifeinen«a for" Monday: ten Noon g^, a R1 6 7 g^jo^ns. Silveryew East a. m i 3.
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  • 171 3 CROWDS FURY AFTER FAILURE TO H2j\L Nahan. A YOGI who claimed to possess "healing powers" to cure all physical and mental ailments, became a victim of mob fury in Nahangarh (16 miles from here) when he was beaten to death. Hundreds of infirm people have been
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 350 3 America Imperial Airways A spontaneous tribute from 'Aviation', the leading aeronautical newspaper in the United States of America in all ot iti honourable bistorv. Imperial Airways had never given anyone cause to suspect It capable of breaking out In a perfect rampage of piogma. Vet that's Jftst what H seem*
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 81 3 IN SINGAPORE TO-DAY CINEMAS T<K,iy M H\MRRA:: New ,K« Of 1937' 3.13. f r> mid 9 15 ('.%PITOL: "Broadway Melad,- Of 1938" Ith R >bert Taylor 4c Eleanor Fowell 3.15— 6 11 alid 915 GARKICK-GETLANG: ••Pas.lns Show" am Thrl'ler 6.15 9.15 p.m. GLOW THEATRE. (iKIAT WOULD: •Cirt From Scotland Yard.'
      81 words
    • 221 3 Monday. November 15. H. W. 7.47 a.m. 8 It.; 8.25 p.m. 7.9 It. L- W. 1.19 am. 3.7 ft: 2.07 p.n 3.4 ft. Tuesday. November 16. H. W. 8.3 C a.m. 8.5 ft.; 9.25 p.m. 94 ft L.W.2.17a.m.3.7ft.;Z.5<p.m.Z.41t. Wednesday November 17 H. W 909 a.m 9ft 10.13 p.m. 8.8 f.
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  • 383 4 PACIFIC DEFENC ES INCRE ASE Millions Of Money Pouring Into Eastern Strongholds MORE NAVAL PATROL BOATS FOR SINGAPORE? another tit-bit which he was not yet able to reveal. Was he referring to the possibility of more patrol- boats for the Singapore Royal Naval Reserve The two new craft now In
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  • 253 4 Sir H. Brackenbury In Singapore AFTER visiting New Zealand and Australia, at the special invitation of the Governments of both countries, Sir Henry Braekenbury. vice-president of the British Medical Association and a former chairman of the Council of the same association for more than 13
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  • 89 4 THE French cruiser Primauguet,' on a cruise to China and Australian waters, is due at Singapore on Tuesday, several days earlier than originally announced, and will remain here until Saturday. On anchoring the vessel will flrcj the rational salute of 21 guns, to I which
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  • 57 4 Johore Volunteer Engineers returned from leave last month are Messrs. C. A. ?psen, general manager. Mount Austin Estate. S. M. Kirkpatrick of Sungei 3 !ram Rubber Estate, K. R. Yates of Sagil Estate, R. H. MacNiven ol Paya Lang Estate. A. J. Strath of Sungoi Panan Estate, and A. H.
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  • 140 4 I*HE latest cobra to make its appearance at Singapore's broadcasting station ZHL was caught by daring, 28-year-old grasscutter Bagaly. who has thus bagged his fifteenth reptile in 17 months at the 8.M.8,C. Having played with snakes when he was a' 'boy in India, Bagaly
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  • 34 4 The formation of a Club for the Johore Bahru Electrical Department has been agreed and is expected to take shape after the return from leave of Mr. A. L. Birch, the Chief Electrical Engineer.
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  • 335 4 Gaol For Man Who Robbed House Of Ex-King Of Siam A PLEA for "friendship and mercy" was made at Surrey Quarter Sessions at Kingston on Nov. 2 by a man found guilty of house-breaking. The three charges included one of breaking into the house of the exKing of Siam at
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  • 67 4 Officers' Wives For Hong Kong SERVICES people who leave Oingapore for Hong Kong by the Dilwara on Monday include Mrs. Rump wife of Paymaster Lieutenant Commanc>r R H. Rump of H.MJS. Herald, Mrs. Bishop, wife of Wing Commander A. I G. Bishop formerly of Singapore and now atr liaison officer
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  • 38 4 A railway dispensary is to be opened at Johore Bahru early next year. This move will be greatly appreciated by the railway employees as at present they have to go a long distance to the local j hospital.
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  • 32 4 Inche Ellas bin Inspector of Malay Schools. Segamat. has proceeded to Batu Pahat where ri* will act in place of Syed Esa bin Alwl who is away irom i the district.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 301 4 For Best Results (0 your maps entrutt them to experts with more than 10 years' experience in the Photographic trade. You trill not be disappointed as a trial order will prove it. LYON PHOTO CO., 6* North Bridcr Road Head Office Phone 2075 A c A Export Dept. I*3 North
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    • 41 4 BLACK&WHITE CIGARETTES. ALHAMBRA TODAY 3.15. 6 15 A t.15 One of the Bert Musical Comedies. b Ane entertainment.— F>cc Press 13 11.37 Pr'liT*-'- '■^"■~ral Sh«»w' I fW a^L t rt <sfcJ Jtt Ffpitr M&L Milttß Itrlt 9mM Farkytkarki* filMfi Harritt MKari
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    • 134 4 -J A slim figure always looks youthful. So slim safely with Redex Lotion applied externally. Reduces flesh only where applied. Absolutely harmless to the most sensitive skin. Approved by physicians. No dieting. Unfailingly effectivn and easy to use. Acts in 7 to 10 days. Redex for SLIMMING Vnm ail tood
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  • 1196 5 Chinese Weddings In Singapore, Penang Malacca "MAN WITH THE 3001 b. MILITARY MAP", Ho Ying Chin, One Of China's Greatest Army Leaders By The Sunday Times Chinese Correspondent. r»EN. Ho Ying Chin, the War! Minister of Nanking, who has been entrusted with the gigantic j task of building the defences
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 574 5 HOW SANATORIUM PATIENT PUT ON POUNDS of FLESH INCREASE .^ftL. YOUR WEIGHT jMJIIIE THIS EASY WAY M I Ml m^^^KM IW <** t Not only this sanatorium patient, but f t M hundreds of men, women and children [*>*■ TASTfLUt T "™"1 have put on weight, by taking these tiny,
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  • 983 6 Undertone Healthier Than For Weeks BY THE SUNDAY TIMES FINANCIAL CORRESPONDENT f|NE of the most disturbing *eeks that v the local markets have experienced closed yesterday with a much brighter outlook and more cheerful tone than most operators believed possible a .-lay or two ago. Stocks
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  • 83 6 Singapore. November 13, 12 noon Buy.r Seller Gambler «00 Hambi'-ru Cube »15.j»0 Java 2ut* $11 00 White Muntok *l'™ White Black $925 Zopra. Mixed W/75 Sun Dried 55 00 apioco Small Fiake 30 Fair Flake WOO Medium Pearl 4 90 Small Pearl M3O Sago Flour No 1 Lingga »315
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  • 118 6 Saturday. Nov. 13, Noon. No. 1 K. R. S. S. In cases Tone of Market: Quiet steady. Latest Cables: I ondoii Spot Sheet 7 5/16 d. MX Spot Sheet G. eta- 15 1/16. (FOB.) Nov. 24>& 24 5/H Good F. A. Q. in bales (F.
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  • 131 6 Nov. 9. 10 12. i American Can. Com. 86 89 90>i American Telephone and Telegraph 149V 151 1 m 150 Atcheson Railroad 37% 41V 2 41% Chesapeak 38V4 40Mj 40 Dupont 115'^ 122 123 Firestone 21% 22% 22% General Electric 38% 43 42% General Motors 40 41%
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  • 52 6 The foil iwing quotations lor gold shares on Km Manila Stock Exchange yesterday xrr supplied by Messrs. S. E. Levy and Co.: Previous Today Pesos Pesos Mitanok t-S« ••»> Bcnguet Consolidated 9.X unquoted Consolidated Mines «.016 uuquoted I XL O.M 0.58 San Maurick) «.54 *.54 Ucittd
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  • 1289 6 Fraser and Co. 9 List CLOSING QUOTATIONS SATURDAY. 1 M. Ampat Tin (4s) Bayers Seller* 4s 3d 4s 9d Aiam K urn bang <t) Austral Malay (I) Ayer Hluun tss) Ayer Weng ($1) Bangrin Tin Br.tu Selangor ((1) Burma Malay (E) Chenderlang Hitam Tin (50
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  • 178 6 List Supplied By Messrs. Eraser Co. Singapore, Nov. 13, 1 p.m. Total for Boekr Close Company Dividend To Date TIN P-.y*ble Ayer Hit air Tin 20% Int. Not. 10 Dec. 3 Jelebus 5% Final Nov. 19 Nov. 25 Ex. D»*. Date Nov. 15 Nov. 20 anauclal year
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 279 6 S.E. Levy Co. Shanghai. Hongkong, Manila, Singapore. jr.icttmcnt Bankers and Brokers tn Securities and Commodint*. Daßt Foreign Market Cables and Quotation Service. MEMBERS. HEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. COMMODITY EXCHANGE, INC. NEW YORK COFFEE SUGAR EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE. CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE SHANGHAI STOCK EXCHANGE. HONGKONG SHARE BROKERS' ASSN. MANILA
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 210 7 CARTRIDGES FOR EVERY KIND OF GAME A copy of our complete catalogue post free on request. mm AIMMMAX Tin nfm HEAVYLOAOS FOR I LECIYIN I l^ Becupera'We •r H Tonic BestoreIn. M CHEMICAL |l| Calcutta: Bombay Sole acenta for Malaya: I' 1 Nalna Mohameg S— a. Spfe. GREAT EASTERN OPTICAL
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    • 218 7 STAMPS Coronation-^Utm p^ COMPLETE SET—^O2 STAMPS from Gt. Britain, the 45 Crown Colonies, Dominions. Newfoundland and Mandated Territories. $28.92 UNUSED USED $47.14 Blocks of 4. $115.72. Blocks of 4. 5214.29. 135 Stamps from the 45 Crown Colonies only. $11.79 UNUSED. Blocks of 4. $47.14. USED $20.36. These sets are in
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    • 261 7 HOTELS LONDON CALLS INSISTENTLI anO enjoy at either £if^} HOTEL RUBENS dZjP tlk Buckingham .•a.a-x Koaa. jj^**^ (tcuiß BucklnKham Palact VU^flk or HOTEL J2MTO rem?:a.ndt *Tk\3i South Kensington SW. V/ facing the Victoria and Albert Museum Every attention in oleasiug surrcunctngt PERFECI QL'ItTUDE THESE COMFORTABLE HOTELS WITH ACKNOWLEDGED RENOWNED CATERING
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1879 7 Today's Wireless Programmes IGAP 0 R E 8.35 "Can you Beac It?"* UM taik in U»U and Lade Drink to me Only (Trad., arr. series. Baton Par.lngi. Which Is the Properest ZHL 1 SS Me s («5 m.) 8.50 Close down. Day to Sing? (Trad., arr. Arne). Lily aM Tn
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  • 2171 8  -  ROBERT BRENARD BY Business Men On The Flying Routes WHAT are the latest developments in passenger air transport? Are business men now making a greater use of the flying routes What is the position today as to combined journeys by air and surface transport? If one
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 123 8 Quickly *2JJJ; *t^ oUte al d* the digestive ANDREWS JJiLSALINE WITH THE LARGEST SALE 5 A 4 FVou can rely on Craven A^ Lthey never affect the throatj J^Bl 'I Craven "A" in the S^V^Vfl I air-tight 'Truvac' Tins areas I fresh as the day they were made ||^B B*m
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  • 1169 9  -  Onlooker By The HIS year the Straits Trading Company celebrates its fiftieth year of life. In the accompanying pictures me some of the early officers of the company. A NEW icorm or controversy threatens to break over the tin Industry. For a spell the dane clouds cleared
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 1134 9 I TTbV n y^L^^t^^^SSSSStStT" "*^iSswSiSSmwS^\\^s^s^ts^s^s^s^s^s^s^k^^^s^s^^sW^^^'^^s^^t^9^sw*^^ x^^ J^Uw /^^bISIJsBbI I V^Hw^^^^^^^^^^s^^Bl^W VM^vfV MORRIS '8' SALOON I]Ss[f^ Cut your ccst ot mororing to tie lowest /Ht^^^^^^k^^^^^/l^^^^^^^^SsW^^k^m months proves just how successfully a i..^^T|^^kwnwli "Morris Eight" competes with c ih:v cars MWM in the Mm- class. <I^W /i*^t T»CTKsr^^s»»»^s»»»»»»Hjisf '^v^li When one hundred
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  • 273 10 CLIMATE FAR HEALTHIER, DECLARES 'WILD MAN FROM BORNEO' ENGLISHWOMEN IN TROPICS NOT FOR ME!" "WILD man from Borneo though I am, I'd rather do a four years' contract in Dartmoor, than the Singapore of today the climate's healthier," declared a tall Englishman,
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  • Article, Illustration
    67 10 HERO OF CHAPEI. (Jol. Hsieh Chin-yuan, who with about .">OO troops, held back the victorious Japanese forces long enough fa enable the Chinese to beat an orderly retreat to new defence lines. Their object achieved members of the "doomed battalion," in small groups, ran the gauntlet of Japanese machine-gun fire
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  • 65 10 REDUCTION IN ELECTRICITY RATES FOR JOHORE BAHRU? (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru, Saturday A MEETING will shortly be held, it Is understood, to consider petitions I received by the authorities urging the reduction of rates for electricity. It is believed that v suitable reduction will be effected in view
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  • 64 10 To celebrate the opening of their nnnual international week of fellowship j and prayer, the V M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. will hold a combined service tonight at 8.30 in the Victoria Memorial Hall A special order of worship has been arranged and a cordial Invitation is extended
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  • 91 10 The beating of the retreat by the i band, drums and pipes of the Royal j Inniskilllng Fusiliers will take piace i on the Padang at 5.50 p.m tomorrow.. The programme will be as follows: Quick march, Dobbins Flowery Vale, pipes and drums; Slow March, Eileen Allanah, all
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  • 41 10 Taking several months to construct. the new Senior Rest House at Segamat j is almost ready. It is a two-storey building and occupies the best site in the district, overlooking the reservoir! on Buklt Hampar
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  • 25 10 Since the commencement of the registration of bicycles in Johore some months back, more than 6,000 cycles have been registered at Segamat.
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  • 24 10 The J.V.E. Grove-White Shield competition for 1937 was won by No. 1 Section. Johore Bahru The runner-up is No. 6 section, Sedenak.
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 10 I <>f{|> BRABOURNE, Governor-designate of Bengal, and T -»dy Bra--1-1 bourne were guests of the East India Association and the Royal Empire Society at a luncheon in their honour held in London. Among those present were left to rifht: Sir Firoz Khan Noon, the Marchioness of Willingdon and the Aga
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  • 70 10 N. I. Chinese Sending Ambulance (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia. A RED Cross ambulance con- tributed by the Chinese community in Netherlands India will leave Java for China in December. Five doctors will accompany the ambulance of whom two are expected from Holland. The Chinese Government has asked the Red
    70 words
  • 65 10 Scheme Temporarily Abandoned From Our Own Correspondent.* Batavia. A CCORDING to an Aneta telegram from Amsterdam the Zeppelin syndi- '< cate formed some time ago to establish i an a rship service between Holland J and Netherlands India, has temporarily abandoned the scheme, the reason
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  • 81 10 A popular feature of the Y.W.C.A. i I World Fellowship celebrations will be the Chinese dinner to be held at the Y.W.C.A.. Raffles Quay, on Tuesday, i at 8 p.m to which all members ut the Y.W.C.A. and their friends are Invited. This occasion provides
    81 words
  • 32 10 The Singapore Shorthand Writers' Association has decided to hold a dinner at the Happy Restaurant, on Saturday, Nov. 20, at 8 p.m. in celebration of the Pitman's shorthand j centenary.
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  • 111 10 Ipoh To Have 40 Acre Park «From Our Own Correspondent) I poll, Saturday. A NNOINCEMENT was made today approving a public park for Ipoli. The park will be 40 acres, extending from Anderson Road to the Kinta River, and facing the present district hospital. The situation is considered ideal, providing
    111 words
  • 381 10 Simple method to Develop Personal Magnetism, Memory, Concentration and will-Power. 64 page Book Fully Describing this I'nique Method, together with Character Delineation FREE to all who write at once. The wonderful power of Personal Influence, Mr.gnetism, Fascination, MindControl, call it what you will, can surely
    381 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 296 10 Some things could be done without but not ENO, 1 for, without its gentle, sure assistance, how could the little irregularities, the disturbances of change, the carelessness of holiday freedom, be corrected and controlled."* ENO is your safeguard.* It counteracts all mistakes GJ by purifying^the blood stream, and driving *Q^\\i
      296 words

  • Books Of The Week
    • 657 11 MANY CANNIBALS KIND AND AFFECTIONATE King of the Cannibal Isles. By A. B. Brewster Robert Hale. 18s. THE most remarkable thing about this interesting record of the establishment of white settlers in the Fijian Islands is its freshness and virility, for its author is 83 years
      657 words
    • 476 11 THREE NEW THRILLER NOVELS Dragon Round the Corner. B.» RamMf Bell. On the Ni»ht in Question. By Cecil M Wills. Hi>dder and Stoughton 7s. fid. each. Worth Wile. By P. C. Wren. Murray's Imperial Library. IN spite of the fact that "Dragon Round the Corner" has a wildly improbable, not
      476 words
    • 185 11 Beacon!> of Death. By Maurice B. Ml Ward Lock's Colonial LibraryMurder in the Procession. By Leslie Cargill. Jenkins' Colonial Library. MR. Dixs favourite chara.teis, the "Mount Street Trio," are this time on the side of the angels, or t.'er the police, their help being enlisted to trace an
      185 words
    • 154 11 130 ETHICS I" i lie general public does not see any ethical difference between betting as memoers of the Turf Club and betting as non-membe rs,"— The Inspector General of Police discussing bookmakers in his annual report.] It's a naughty idea the public have gained: Turf Clubs and
      154 words
    • 358 11 NOW BE YOUR OWN BOSS Now Be Your Own Boss. By T. A. Lowe. Longmans Green. 7s. 6d. I •THE author of this work may be remembered by several Singaj poreans. After a long career In the I Highland Light Infantry, which inI eluded three years on the General staff
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 317 11 I Must Tell Master To Get This! I' you own I dog you should also own Shrrley's l&t I>age Dog Book. Not only is this a complete and invaluable health reference l>ut nothing so helpfu.' towards understanding the 'doggy nature' has ever b*»n written. Right from A to Z the
      317 words
    • 777 11 f r? promise you that k this 40-year old remedy P. jpi j^ji H will put a stop to I your dog scratching," M I This same treatment will also *c formula of the now give him new life and spirits, p^ o^ 8015 Manin Condilion I One of die
      777 words

  • 193 12 92 YEARS OLD— AND FIT AS A FIDDLE. Takes Kruschen Every Morning;. "I feel in duty bound," writes Mrs. A.J.W., "to express my gratitud* for the marvellous results my iather has obtained from Kruschen Salts. They should really be cailed Miracles.' He Is ninety-two years old, and is as fit
    193 words
  • 1375 12  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By A RE you out of the top drawer? It seems a shame to ask you such a question on a Sunday morning (just when you thought you would have a quiet day), but it is really frightfully important, because it seems that the
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 331 12 CONTRACT BRIDGE n TAV RFPKFR recently '"ft Mr Becker had absolutely no desire many years, to become a permanent n spades he wisely decided that resident of New York. After ar- 1 tne partnership might Just as well have riving in town, Mr. Becker sur- tne benefit of having him
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  • 347 13 DEATH SENTENCE ON WOMAN WHO KILLED HER SON'S WIFE Vain Bid To Stop Marriage GIRL STRANGLED AND HANGED ON DOOR KNOB Douai, Oct. 28. jyiM E.JOSEPHINE Mory, wife of a hairdresser, was condemned to death this evening for the murder of her daughter-in-law. Her son, an army officer, gave evidence
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  • 168 13 Burma Ministers' Approval Of Plan Criticized Rangoon. IT is understood that the scheme for a State Lottery in Burma has received the approval of the council of Ministers and I necessary arrangements will be made early next year for the holding of the nru St*.te Lottery in
    168 words
  • 197 13 THE game in the Victoria Falls 1 area is now concentrated near Kayama Pan, where the only water is to be obtained, and, with the burning of the veldt over large areas and young grass shooting up, large herds are to be seen, the fawn
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  • 174 13 "SHE CAN RELY ON US" Bucharest. I£ING CAROL, speaking at a ban-qu«-t following the Rumanian army manoeuvres, gave an assurance of Rumania's loyalty to the Little Entente and France. He was replying to Gen. Gamelin, Chief of the French General Staff, who had praised the conduct
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  • 27 13 Gen. Hertzog. the South African Prime Minister, has cancelled all public engagements until the end of the year as he is to undergo dental treatment.
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  • 26 13 The Pope visited his extra-territorial possessions at St. John Lateran and Inaugurated the new seat of the Lateran Univeislty for the clergy.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 468 13 TO KEEP FIT BEECHAMS MfSs&zA riLsiiii sISB^fiSP^IV CONSTIPATION ■■'i'-"w/* PILLS <S>» INDIGESTION V*Sh Sold brth* proprietors if T helens SLUGGISHNESS B|L|OUSNESS \^iffi|ijjjmiQ LISTLESSNESS LIVERISHNESS Itching Skin Germs Killed in 7 Minutes Thank; to the dlacoverjr of an Amerl- clear, healthy complexion will lire you can phys clan it Is now
      468 words
    • 389 13 A BEAUTY HINT STRAIGHT FROM lovely MIRIAM HOPKINS Mar,: "Why do you «dir,lre M <T7 l( nl 7 m n T"? A MONTH LATER: M.rum Hopkins so much. Jack! »s lovely as M.n.m Hopkirus. I a *i^in i^wcn. Jack- "SK* .1.,.. wonder how she keep* it so Uar,: I am
      389 words

  • 554 14 The Sunday Times Totidem Verbis Meter Rents EDITORIAL. MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE: Cecil Street. Singapore. •"THE abolition of the Singapore Municipality's charge of rent for water meters, says President Bartley, is impossible. What he means, of course, is that it is undesirable from the revenue viewpoint. From all other viewpoints
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  • 1938 14 Vincent Devereux Knowles "Counsel For The Defence" r VHE Sunday Times begins next week an exclusive series of fascinating articles on the famous cases of Mr, Vincent Devereux Knotcles, Malaya's greatest criminal lawyer. The Sunday Times has been given access to the private diaries of Mr. Knowles. The articles will
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 201 14 *5 Stamford Bd, ..u Court, Spare J Singapore's most u,i-;o date Tailor MIEN CHONG 3<, COLEMAN ST. I SURE LIVING WITH BIG PROFITS is guarantee by <t.lllrg HOSIERY, DRAPtPY, UNDERWEAR, Men's and Boys Shlrtt. Boots and shoes, etc. Regular lines of perfect goods. Shopkeepers MarkeUnen and Bazaars supplied. Wonderful opportunity
      201 words
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    • 656 14 Asthma Germs Killed in 3 Minutes K you Buffer from choking, whetxln*. ronto, Ontario, Canada, recently aald: "I coughing. Asthma and Bronchltia— if you felt better the first day I started taking saap for breath, c-tn't sleep nights, and Mendaco. I could breathe eaaler. 1 slept tha feolyour heart pounding
      656 words

  • 1364 15 Outer And Inner Rings To Encircle The City CHANGING THE PRESENT MAP OF SUBURBIA JUNGLES are being cleared, hills shorn of their summits, valleys filled, bridges built, ponds reclaimed hundreds of Tamil coolies are dumping many thousands of cubic yards of earth, tons of granite are
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  • 177 15 k PENSION scheme for Merchant Nu.y t officers at the age of 65 was ap- j proved at a meeting of shipowners' and officers representatives in London. The fi^id will be the largest of Its kind in any country. It will cover 20.000 to
    177 words
  • 34 15 Many people are believed to have been drowned in serious floods in the Genoa region ot Italy, where five towns are kaowo to be inundated, some to a dep'.f of 12ft.
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  • 104 15 A GIANT clam shell, large enough to be used as a baby's bath has been presented to the Australian Museum. It Keighs about 4 act., is 3 ft. 2 in. in length, and 2 ft. l*i in. across a world record for a museum
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  • 28 15 4,561 AMERICANS LEAVE CHINA, It is offlcial'v stated in Washington that 4.561 American citizens have been evacuated from all parts of China leaving 5,802 still la the country.
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  • 189 15 Crossing Road On Way To Son DRINCE Victor Nityendra, of Cooch Behar, uncle of the Maharaja of Cooch Behar, was killed by a motor-car while crossing the Great West road, near Osterley Park Station, Middlesex, on Oct. 30. His only son Prince Gautam. an undergraduate
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 11 15 Pictures showing Progress of the Ring Roads are in Page 28
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    • 90 15 L^^J^^^j^^Mties look like this 111 [J Uorth/s/ Strong, sturdy limbs, sound p-.: bones, the happiness of "^^x abounding health these /^B i^SJS;'** 4L are some of the gifts bestowed by A^k j4 %-Qf tffJS this famous English Food. fw <fT tHjP Something a little better, something fmt fll Ha\ a
      90 words

  • 441 16  - MOST PARENTS TODAY HAVE TOO FEW CHILDREN —Dr. A. J. Cronin Selfish Fears Of Expense And Upset Of Life's Routine MRS. Cronin, wife of Dr. A. J. Cronin, the well-known writer, nas just given birth to a son. But she hopes that her next child will be a girl. "You
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 16 Judge Hugh Beasley, formerly on the Hertford and Essex circuit, is now City of London judge at the Old Bailey.
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  • 174 16 War Training For Girls CO marked in recent times has been the process of equa'teing both sexes that very lii j attention has been aroused k Turkey by the news that all pupils in intermediate and high schools for girls, as well as all girl students at
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  • 54 16 The Canadian Chief Justice announced that the Supreme Court would consider the whole will of the late Mr. Charles Millar— who bequeathed £100.000 to the mother who bore the' greatest number o. children between 1926 and 1936 to decide whether or not i the will
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  • 33 16 FREED" FROM JEWS The Reich Apothecary Leader," i Storm Trooper Albert Schmierer, announces that the profession has been freed from Jews by the forced sale j of 400 Jewish chemists' 'justnesses to Aryans."
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  • 25 16 Senor Juan March, the wealthy sup- 1 porter of Gen. Franco, arrived at Gibraltar on his way to Rome from SevUle.
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  • 456 16 IT'S UP TO YOU ITS a Joy to own a fine precision camera with a fast lens and shutter. No one will deny that. Such cameras are versatile and open the way for picture taking under many conditions. Extremely fast action holds no terror for them. They
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 200 16 HbbNbiszß^^^*^2^9 *> I 1 j <^ C vnfl^ I SINGAPORE COLD STORAGE W Supplies obtainable everywhere. 3 SURE DEATH TO IMSCCTS DEAFNESS Partial or total and complicated with Head £!»7,t. f "*A5 U notes and other troubles no matter how long ctmrralralnl arid >mnm m ril. a liuir Hi** i«.',*{..
      200 words
    • 350 16 ACIDITY Stomach Acidity is one of the penalties of modern life. It arises from a variety of c*»»e* irregular meals, imperfect digestion setting up food fermentation, wrong diet, mental anxiety, etc. Whatever th* cause may be, one thing is certain and simple, and that is the cure. To correct acidity
      350 words

  • 652 17 The Importance Of Being Neatly Groomed Times Max Factors Advice THE dictionaries inform us that those who are well groomed are those whose appearances are neatly smart." But then, we are always confronted with the "demigroomed those who are neatly smart only on a parttime basis. Such a person is
    652 words
  • 383 17 THERE are some attractive dinner mats for your entertaining, but if you like to embroider your own, now is the time to make your plans. Cross-stitch is used for some attractive mats, worked in the most vivid colours upon natural coloured linen. The silks or
    383 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
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    • 34 17 has just received a sma!! stock o.* teuie linen from Shanghai and Pelping. ll.nd embroidered linen and •rgandie lurrheon seta, tea cloth* etc No increase in prices 18. Battery Road, „t l.oor. PhO 714S
      34 words
    • 243 17 SPECIAL EXCURSION to BALI by X, P. M. LINE from December 3rd until December 20th. from December 17th until January 3rd. GREATLY REDUCED RATES Details on application from K. P. M. LINE. Tel. 5451 /Happy Christmas i^fc^T from (ofaoteZ(&MV" I f Gifts of beauty that Keep on giving I beauty.
      243 words

  • 744 18 For The Afternoon Dark Brown And Gay Colours Are A Modish Mixture A vivid flash of colour with black is beautiful. But this season dark brown and gay colours are a modish mixture. A handsome printed satin blouse has been seen with a brown skirt. A chocolate brown frock whose
    744 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 189 18 Ci/to of BOND ST LONDON REAL and imitation jewellery call or write for tree illustrated catalogue* HAMLKYS Rodney House 10, Battery Road. rierebos L_Purity Products There at* no gravy-making difficulties BupptOlL U^lKra c n r> 9< seasoning and flavour. (■B^BBBJBpV^H n 9 9°od gravy reeds and ,'mproves b^h B MB«fiEoswß^P—
      189 words
    • 93 18 Uv i For over M years the wellknown house of Figaro has specialised In dressing the hair of who Insist on nothing but thtrbest. A Figaro Coiffure Is both beauti ful distinctive. It Is the work of an artist who Is also a hair expert, and who Is accustomed, from
      93 words
    • 343 18 Silks or Fabrics. For LOVELY DRESSES must of necessity be varied as well as up-to-date. We carry the biggest assortment to meet all t&stes. See ut today in order to amid disappointment. Gian Singh Co. 4, BATTERY RD.. SINGAPORE. The EASIEST way of all to REDUCE Tens of thousands of
      343 words
    • 225 18 I Got The THRILL Of My Life GARTNER Three solemn judges watched me powder my face with an ordinary powder. 1 looked "made-up"; the powder blotched on my skin. I washed it otf. Then I applied anew, iavi 'ible air-floated face powder blended with Mousse of Cream. The judges gapped
      225 words

  • 982 19 How Long Have You Been Married? Another Special Article For The Sunday Times By URSULA BLOOM Decorated With Amusing Little Bows THEY say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. It is like that in marriage. The first year you are two
    982 words
  • 722 19 WUH ETHER you are a busy knitter, or if you merely take to knitting for the sake of a jumper, or couple of vests, there is much to be said for the knitting gauge you can attach to any needles, which acts a»
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 79 19 Mother dreams of her boy becortilnr a hero to fellows. V^V^ U A natural dream, for tvery mother is anxious for hei own {Q/^ child to excel. \?r^Zs(!§' But not an Idle dream* It the right foundation is laid. Mothers can ensure their babies a good start in life by
      79 words

  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 498 20 a^^^tir aw-fla LL_JLJ!jb! Is the place for an ideal holiday! Always plenty io do and much to see and for those who desire it, quiot and rest. With ever, facility available for sport and pleasure there need not 1= be an idle moment. An excellent -=g 5 cuisine delights the
      498 words
    • 347 20 PIT C HI M m» Mr Vsv- WSr j\ I "Always, my dear No o(f.Ja\ for mt uodct 21*^ ny circumstances since I fiunj out whac __T PHOSFERINE can do. What's that! Oh. ye* tfß\^| __T course understand. 1 used to be like Wo tnat mvse horrid headaches and all
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 595 20 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly, the $100 will be awarded in respect of the
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  • 1319 21  -  R. Burton, By Professional of the Hooton Golf Club, Cheshire, and a Ryder Cup player hits his irons like a pro." I suppose you have heard such a remark many times as I have, when there has been a discussion in full spate concerning the play
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 346 21 POLAROID POLAROID Glasses are t h c latest scientific discovery in glare protection. They permit you to actually see 20 to 30 feet below the surface of the water. FOR THE FIRST TIME perfect eye comfort for driving, cruising, fishing, tennis or any outdoor sport. See our demonstration of this
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    • 1 21 Mffffll
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    • 765 21 WELL GROOMED MEN AT HOME insist on Brylcreem, the original no >v gum hair dressing. Actually this most /K^ popular of all hair dressings is much ~j 4 *^^^^^^f more than a mere fixative. Brylcreem i. jtj^JJ contains valuable tonic ingredients which stimulate the growth ofthe hair and ensure a
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  • 774 22 Hockey Trial And This Week's Games BY OUR MALACCA CORRESPONDENT pOLOURS, the probable State side, playing with ten men in the first half, displayed disappointing form and lost by the odd goal in five when opposed by Whites, the reserves, in the third State hockey trial at
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 22 Selangor Colts (top picture) drew I—l1 1 at hockey in the annual Por>nv l> > game with the Malacca Eurasian Association (lower picture).
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 22 Croup taken at the Muar customs office on the transfer of Mr. C. O. Williams to Johore Babru. Stated (left to right) Mr. Tan Hone Kirn. Che A. Rahman. Che Zainal. Mr. N. D. MacKay, Mr. C. O. William*, Che Ibrahim bin Abu Bakar, Che Raof, Ch€ M Salley.
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  • 386 22 i"|N the occasion of the China Re 3 Cross Fund charity soccer match at Muar on Sunday. the Muar Chinese Merchants Association entertained the Malacca Seng Ch?ong Society to dinner at the association premises. Mr. Chua Blow Guan of Malacca thanked the Muar Chinese for their hospitality
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  • 213 22 From Our Own Correspon Jent I Malacca. Saturday, j i\F three hockey ilxtures played at Malacca yesterday, two wer-> drawn. A weak H5.0.3.A. team d-ew 3— 3 with the Excise Spores Clu' at the High School ground. Th > Monopolies men were without J. M. Lee.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 123 22 even m tn» rnryS lcrs age' SeC tHC ttrTlWn goring'BORNEO MOTORS, LTD. SINGAPORE. MALACCA. SEREMBAN. KUALA LUMPUR. IPOH. PENANG. W.P S 2tA Expam ET^i!Kl Its umaue feature is that it is a a 'w^t! sheet of steel network, wherein oil M k XY**»i the strands are members and are 1
      123 words

  • 1328 23  -  "Mac By t AST Sunday I visited Changi to see the Changi Royal Artillery rugby players in action against the 7th Heavy Brigade. R.A. The ground was hard and play was of a high order. The fhangi-men's ft— 3 victory must be regarded as satisfactory. Making due
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  • 150 23 To the Editor of the Sunday Times. Sir, With reference to your issue of The Sunday Times of Nov. 7. I would like to draw your attention to tiie Garrison Sports Notes by "Mac" and, in particular, to the section headed "Jottings from the Air Base." This section deals
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
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    • 359 23 CROSS CANADA by the CANADIAN NATIONAL Route when Homeward Bound. Canadian National offers you most modern comfort on this— the scenic route In every mile! Daily trains JmßgL >r" J^F Vancouver-Montreal jS WT For rales, literature and information apply HONGKONG BANK CHAMBERS. SINGAPORE CANADIAN NATIONAL THE NEW FORD "TEN" h,^,^,^-——
      359 words

  • 2503 24 Madam Gets Double For The Meeting PE racing in Singapore for this year was brought to a close with the third day's races of the Singapore Turf Club Winter Meeting yesterday at Bukit Timah. The weather proved ideal and there was
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 24 The Negri Sembilan and Selangor Chinese soccer teams who played ach arity game at Seremban. Negri won 3 l.
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  • 722 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. MR. WHEELER SENEVIRATNE. the secretary of the Negri Sembilan Cricket Committee, tells me that the proposed visit of the Ceylonese cricketers to Malaya is likely to materialise early next year. The Sinha'ese Sports Club of Colombo, of which Mr.
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  • 45 24 The following are results of the open junior singles ties In the S.C.R.C. lawn tennis tournament played yesterday. Robert Chla beat Cecil Wong 6—l. 6—2. Ong Chew Bee beat Quefc Sam Yor* 6—4. 3. Freddie Tan beat Oan Ec Keng 3—6. 6—2. 6—l.
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  • 44 24 The Singapore Harbour Board Junior Bervlce Club's report for the year ending July 31. 1937. shows well over $1,000 In hand although on the. year's working expenditure exceeded Income by $14.\ owing to big expeiw?* incurred In cele orating the King's Coronation.
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  • 1145 24 i Positions In the English and i leagues prior to yesterdays games arc P W L D f A Pr* Brentford t6> !5 9 4 2 30 21 20 Chelsea US) .14 8 3 333 23 19 Whampton <5> 1* 7 3 4 22 16 13 Preston
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
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  • 643 25 Johore Beaten 16-3 PLAY FAST WILLING BUT INCLINED TO BE SCRAPPY P*l r.!. DIM; the strongest side this season, the Johore XV were defeated by a strong R.N. and R.A.F. XV in the first Malaya Cup Rugby tie tume
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 25 The football teams of the Muar ,C> .r.ese NmhllW Association (left) and the Malacca Sent Cheong Society who met at Muar in aid of the China Red Cross Fund. Malacca won 6 2.
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  • 255 25 Penang Trounce Perak By By 25 Points To 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. WITH the 15—3 defeat at the hands of Ferak at Taiping last month on their mind Penan?! took their revenre on the Esplanade i today, defeating the State by 25 points (three goals, one drop
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  • 170 25 •Fum Our Own Convspondt-no Seremban, Saturday. lUfc\;ni Sembilan-Malacca "A" Rugby team defeated the Negri Sembllan All-Blues by 14 points (a goal and three i tri?s- to 3 points (a try) at Seremban tsday. T ie Blues played good football to hold the strong Negri-Malacca team. consisting of
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  • 325 25 JOHORE'S RUGBY TEAM BUILDING DIFFICULTY (F-om Our Own Correspondent) M«ar. U/TTH the departure of I. F. M.ifK^nzie. Sidford. and E. T. Dean, the first two have pone Home on leave and the last named is now In Perak. and thr inability of "Duggle" Forbes to turn out this season Johore
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  • 286 25 Inter -School Inter-Team Badminton By Our Badminton Correspondent •THERE has so far been no surprise I result in either the inter-school or commercial inter-team badminton tournaments. As expected, both the Anglo-Chinese School and the Straits j Times Press Sports Club won their i matches by a comfortable margin yes- j
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  • 249 25 PERAK ENTER ALL BLUE RUGGER FINAL Selangor Defeated 6-Nil 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. PRAK qualified to enter the flna: of the All-Blues Rugger Cup competition when they beat Selancir thi i-vening on the S.CR.C. ground by points 'two tries) to nil. Selangor were very unlucky to los:
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  • 56 25 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Saturday. J&tfRS. Dugdale and Collins won the Armis ice Day mixed foursomes j competition at the Johore Civil Service Club. They were presented with prizes donated by the Tungku Mabkota and I I consolation prize. presented by Mrs. LA. Allen,
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  • 301 25 SELANGOR JUST WIN" 6-3 I (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. MKGRI -MALACCA.this year's Riant killers in Malayan rugby football, failed in their rule when they came to the Federal Capital this afternoon, Selangor beating them by six points (one penalty goal and one
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  • 231 25 MALACCA BEAT SELANGOR AT HOCKEY (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. JUTALACCA beat Selan^or I—o in the first int:r-State hockey ma>h played here today. Selangor sho- r b-tter combination and stickwork be 1 T ci not pierce Urn solid Malacca r: ftttL Wee Tian Hong, in goal, saved many 1
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  • 483 25 Raffles College 2, Medical College 2. DOTH teams played quiU a good game although on occis.ons lt had to be assumed that hockey was being played." bantered Mr. V Burns the hon. secretary of the M- dical College Union after the sevanth annual I
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  • 169 25 FINALS AT JALAN BESAR TODAY •THE Charity Cycling Carnival will be held at the Jalan Besar Stadium this afternoon. More than 40 competitors, among whom were many or the leading cyclists in the Colony, were seen In action at the stadium yesterday when the heats were run.
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  • 379 25 Puasa Limits Sport In Johore SEGAMAT FORMS WOMEN'S HOCKEY TE'M (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seeamnt 'THE fasting month Las begun and snort will necessriily be limited i in Johore, though the large centres j will be less aff?cted. The Segamat (Police meet the Malacca Sen? Cheontr Societv at hooVcv this
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  • 344 25 lIUSTLING taeiics were a feature of the Rugby match on the Padang .yesterday" when the Royal Artillery beat the Singapore "A" team by 11 points (one try. one penalty, one goal) to 8 (one penalty, one try). The backs of both sides shu-ed fine bursts of
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  • 1028 26 Stiffer Opposition In The Finals This Year Entries For Malayan Championships BY OUR BADMINTON CORRESPONDENT /"•OOD progress ,1s being made in the inter- ze*m tournaments for schools and business houses. These are now approaching a very Interesting stage and will In ail probability be concluded
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  • 32 26 St. Gregory s B.P. court No. 2 has been con- j verted into a cement court and will be avail- i able for practice on Nov. 14 and onwards.
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  • 588 26 REVIEW OF THE YEAR'S BADMINTON IN NEGRI (From Our Own Correspondents Seren.ban. MR. J. D. Sundraj. the honorary secretary of the Negrl Sembilan Badminton Association, sends me r review of the year's activities in Negrl Sembilan and I give it bslow in fu'l:— "All the entries were poor this year
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  • 119 26 At the ninth annual general meeting of the Friendly Sporting Association held on Oct. 38, the following were electee office bearers for the year 1937-38. President, Mr. Tan Yew Cheng (re-elected) vice-presidents, "Ang Cheng Chwee (re-elected), Mr. Chan Kok Seng (re-elected), Mr. Tan Teng Seah; UTn. secretary, Mr.
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  • 87 26 The following Amateur S.A. ties will be played at the court at Institution HiU at 5 p.m. on Tuesday: doubles handicap tournament Chew Keow Bock and Ong Peck Koon vs. Kiong Beng Hong and Tan Chce Eng; Sim Tiam Hwee and Yeo Klan Hoe vs. Chla Tiaiig Choo
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  • 103 26 The Merrytime B.P drew with the HappUads A.**, taree games aU. (McrryUme first) j R'chard Tan lost to P. Neubronner 3 16, 10-15; C. B. Nalr beat Boon Kirn Khim IS 11. IS— 6; A. Bujafc beat Koh Pway Chim 15—10. 15 8; Henry 00l lost to Lee
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  • 44 26 In aid of the China Red Cross R< Uef Fund the Oeleh Oeleh Party will stage r vsrW? performance 8t the Happy World on Nov. 3«. A sUver cup. wiU be presented to the Party by Mr. and Mrs. Teh Ah Kow.
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  • Article, Illustration
    116 26 Njats AUee Yeo and Doris Wee who were beat-n by Miases Kokata and F. Honi. in the SB V Junior dotiMes. A.C.4J. Aports t hid i him i\ian No*', i nl. ivrishnan, Ooh Kirn Poey, Lkin Chin Hee and Arthur Lee. Straits Times Yap Siew Ilye. Gan Kng Ong. Wee
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  • 91 26 The Mem' Union "B" strlnj beat the Daisy BP. by 3 games to 3. (Merry Union I first) Henry 00l beat Cheong Kirn Fan- 1 I 15—9, IS 6; Oeorge Tan lost to Robber Yap I 15 13. 9— IS. 4—15; Edmund Yeo lost to Yeo Tiajig
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  • 67 26 Clerical Union badminton tics for Wednesday, at 7 p.m. Lee Siak Keng vs. C. B. Nalr. Yeo Hong Chuan vs. P. Neubronner. C. O Lin vs. Ong Seong Kang. Chung Cheng Hock. vs. Scow Thiam Kirn; At 8.30 p.m. .Cyril \V« vs. Lee Gang Kwang, Leow Kirn Cheng
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  • 48 26 A committee meeting of the Useful BP. < wtU be held today at the St. Thomas English School. Kampong Bahru Road at 1.30 p.m. A friendly return badminton match will be played against the Raffles Institution at the home court, 532. Kampong Bahru Road at 3 pjn.
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 26 Nestanglo Rack (left to right): .1 .uitese Lee. Billy Loh. and Stephen Ding:. Front Yap Yew Kent and 110 Seah Koiik.
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  • 110 26 MISS LEE CHEE NEO NEGRI ENTRY FOR MALAYAN TOURNEY (From Our Own Correspondent. i Seremban BADMINTON enthusiasts in M«rl Sembl'.an will be pleased to hear that Miss Lee Ci cc Neo. Nagrl Sembilan's woman champion, has enteied tor the Malayan badmlnt:n singles and with her sister. Lee Kirn N?o. fcr
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  • 116 26 The United AP. beat the MerrantU; Cooperative Thrift and Loan Society by four games to three at the former's court. Result* (U.A.P. first) A. F. Rodrigues lost to Chaii Chlm Llm 13—13 (s—o). B—ls. 3—15: Yulln Chen beat Tay Kheng Ann 11—15. 15—11, 15—6; Richard Tan beat Christie
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 149 26 What amazing progress o flfness leave* you weak, tired, and liadeaa. Now Doctor* and nunea all over the world recommend that the worst is passed, you mint summon up Wincarnia a* being invaluable in case* of anaemia, «U your reserve, of energy in the struggle to tiredneaa aad nervoui debility.
      149 words

  • 417 27  - LEVCHENKO SOMPONG CLASH TONIGHT "ECHO" BY Both Clever Boxers And Hard Hitters Special Shows For The "Prelim." Boys UKADING the bill at the New World arena tonight are George Levchenko, the Russian, and Sompong, the hard-punching Siamese. It ought to be a real battle. Coming from Shanghai, Levchenko won ;nany
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  • 332 27 From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. •"THERE can be no question but tha"' thp standard of badminton the I district is at a low ebb as was shown! by conflicts with outstation teams and the performances of the local repre-, spntatUes in the AH- Johore tournament
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  • 151 27 THE lawn tennis tournament of the Segamat teachers for a challenge cup presented by Mr. Cheah Koon Hwee was to have ended last month but rain has held it up so long that only one match has been played so far. The tie played was
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  • 1174 27 'By Our Selangor Badminton Cot respondent) I 11/hile badminton enthusiast* are still conW gratultting the Bintang Malays on their performance in the inter-team singles badminton tournament, an analyrh cl the play ol the individual players is necessary. The Bintang Malays just about deserved the distinction and Sans, though
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 27 Members of the Kuala l.ipis Malay H.l' who have jiu>t celebrated their first anniversary.
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 27 Mr. See Yin (left), soccer captain of the Nerri Sembilan Chinese, and Mr Han Hni Kong, honorary treasurer of the Nerri Sembilan Chinese Recreation Club.
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  • 71 27 ■yHE team to represent The R?st against the two padang clubs, B.C.C. and SRC, in the hockey trial on Tuesday in preparation for the first State hockey match between Singapore and Selangor Is as follows: Hussein (Police); Muthucumaru (OAC), O. Scott (Colts); Thllllanathan (C.S.C.), Baskaran
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 27
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  • Article, Illustration
    58 27 Group taken before the departure of Mr. J. P. Edward*. BUte Forest Officer. Nerri SembUan, on transfer to Johore. Seated (left to rijht) are Mr. C. A. Pinto, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Edwards, Mr. Edwards, Mr. C. Fortao ad Mi I. Sbrigui a. Mcjufeei* uK U* Boasaay Spuf Club, Sincapore, with
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  • 323 27 (From Our Own Correspond: nt) Muar. IN a fast and exciting game the Malacca Seng Cheong Society beat the Muar Chinei-s Merchants Association in a friendly game of football by six goals to two at the Muar Club padang. There was a gale
    323 words
  • 230 27 CHANCES IN GOALMOUTH BUNGLED (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. DUNGLED chances in Iront ot goal coupled with a slippery ground that made ball control difficult I resulted in the Indo-Ceylon Association Just beating the Segamat Police by two goals to one In their first meeting oi the present hockey season,
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 108 27 THE BIG lli.lll TONIGHT! TONIGHT!! GEORGE LEVCHENKO vs. NAI SOMPONG. TICKETS WILL BE SOLD ALL DAY AT FRANKELS TODAY "SUNDAY" PHONE: fis3l. BOOK EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. PRICES: $3, t, 1 AND 5« CTS. PRESENT Bmm of the bcmotifai render*** WarU'i famous Operatic SrUrtUu* bjr well knawn*.- BERLIN
      108 words
    • 437 27 Indigestion Gone in 5 minutes Read this letter, sent by an old sunorepi 'For the past two years i have sui^red STeatly from Indigestion Durini: *hat rd w ave trled man y remedies, some of which wer. fairly eood. otters enti ely mI eS! S- However It has been left
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  • 136 28 Singapore's Encircling Ring Roads Are Now Near Completion Full Story Is In Page 15 Lonr-buried corps s were exhtuned from this HokMen cemetery to make way for Whitley Road, on the Inner Ring scheme. r.rjdclrll Road, on the Outer Ring, will run through this squatter's hat H«r, <Uh pond. »r«
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 94 28 M< fe- BRANDY rA V f in have a bottle ol I -ISlark While" Whisky in the home.' Von never know when it may be wanted for entertaining* a»t a nightcap to make «<ure ol »ouiiil restful sleep, M a restorative after a tiring day, for an effective safeguard against
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