The Straits Times, 31 January 1937

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 267 Sunday, January 31, 1937 Pr4ce 10 cants. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya. ft. 267 Sunday, January 31, 1937 Price 10 cents.
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  • 192 1 Singapore— Penang Six Days A Week Return Service TWO MACHINES TO OPERATE Named Governor Raffles And Governor Fullerton THE Sunday Times understands that Malaya's first commer- cial air service is to begin operations on the SingaporePenang route with the opening of the great
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  • 82 1 Pacific Fleet Based at Singapore? Sydney. TPHKRE has been much comment in Australian newspa ocrs on the suggestion that sin .u pore will eventually beMSJM the headquarters of a new British "Pacific Fleet." It ia agreed here that the Empii-e as a whole should, without delay, face the question of
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  • 30 1 The cold in Bulgaria is so Intense that nine men and four women have been frozen to death, while roads and railways are blocked by deep snow.
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  • 1861 1 Reply To Mr, Eden And Eight-Point Policy For Peace In Europe Berlin, Saturday. I OID-SPEAKKKS blaring marches in the streets and avenues decorated with coloured poles, golden streamers and Swastika flags by the million, and the tramp of Black Guards on the march from early morning, turned
    Reuter  -  1,861 words
  • 43 1 NO MORE NOBEL PRIZES FOR GERMANS Berlin, Saturday. Herr Hitler has issued a decree' prohibiting Germans from accepting Nobel pHxes. Instead he has created an annual national prise for art or science of about £8,000 to be distributed to three meritorious; Germain. —Reuter.
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  • 152 1 Mr. Khoo Teik Ee And Miss Loke Yuen Peng Will Be Married Today Last Night's Dinner And Dance (From Our Own ■Coi respondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. "QOODWOOD," the Loke Yew family residence In Ampang Road, was the .scene at another brilliant function tonight when Mrs. Loke Yew gave a dinner
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  • 116 1 Flood Horror Worsens In America ENTIRE CITY SUBMERGED Hew York. Saturday. WEEPING women are oelng evacuated from farms in the Mississippi Valley, while their huscands are remaining behind to salvage livestock and property. As the fast-rising river threateus possible engulfment, thousands have begun to evacuate Memphis, Tennessee, where* It is
    Reuter  -  116 words
  • 54 1 Buddhist Sweepstake Raided (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. A SENSATION was caused here this evening when a posse of detectives under Detective Inspector Jackson raided the fJuddhist Association premises when the draw of the sweepstake on the Ipoh races was being made. Thousands of tickets for Ipoh and Singapore
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  • 117 1 Moscow, Saturday. TTIE sentences passed on Radek, 1 Arnold, Sokolnikoff and Stroilofl came as a big surprise as it was expected all the accused would be sentenced to deatji, especially Radek, whp did not appeal for clemency. Thirteen other accused person in the mass trial for sabotage
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  • 1501 2 Woman With A Chicken Upside Down Sets The Pen To Work IT was an old Chinese womam, pleading guilty in a Singapore police court to a charge of having carried a live chicken upside down, who set in motion this week's Cavalcade. We smiled at the archaic phraseology
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  • 637 2 jy|R. C. HARRIS, of Cookham, writes to The Times, as follows: The belief of your correspondent Mr. Stoner that every Government and Parliament since the War has been indefensibly, shamefully, and even disgracefully penalising Naval officers in their emoluments as compared with the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements

  • 612 3 Alice Reporter In Nomenclatureland ADVENTURES THROUGH THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY "IS that Mr. Sakai speaking?". "Sakai speaking." t: This is Jap here. Look, I hear that English and French are taking Canton and Sydney with them when they go to Bangkok with Siam. London and Manchester will join them later." If
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  • 20 3 THE young King of Siam photo--1 graphed at Arosa, Switzerland, where he is enjoying the winter sports.
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  • 76 3 WHILE the pantomime, "Dick. Whittington," was being performed at the Gaiety Theatre. Dublin, a member of the chorus. Mrs. Zena Carroll, collapsed and died. It was decided to continue with the show rather than disaprjoint the large audience. Mrs. Carroll had Just returned to the
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  • 224 3 Today Australia. New Zealand. Java ana Timor Dillv by air fOantas) 7 O.m. Monday. February 1. Milan (Planclusi 9am Pengerang <8. Soon Heng) ..9 am Java Ac bouthern Sumatra by air i Netherlands i P '<". Philippine Islands (Gaasterkerk) 4 pm. Denmark (Parcels only) (Lalandlaj 7 p.m.
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  • 49 3 M*"t from Europe etc. (London) expected today by air (Imperial) will be delivered to boxholders at 6 p m Oeneral d-Iivery of letters on Monday at 8.25 a.m. Malls from China and Japan on Monday by Tokushlma Maru. Malta from China and Japan on Monday by Yuenaang.
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  • 66 3 Today H. W. 10.30 a.m. 6.5 ft.; 10.40 p.m. 7 ft. High Water at Mrrinc is approximately one hour later than at Kuantan. High water at Denlson Llgh is. approximately 56 minutes earlier, at Port Weld and 45 minutes earlier, at Lumut V approximately I hour and 30 minutes
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  • 115 3 Saturday. January 30. Shtpt aJ*nf*M« the Whams «r expected f arrive G«4*wb Main Wharf Kistna- 18 City of Salisbury 16 Pangkor 12 Brnledi 8 Behar 6 Kmplre Dock Irlsbank 30 OeUuyo Mam 32 Javanese Prince 34 Trollus 36 Marella 46 West Wharf Bride n 5 Jutlandls
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  • 124 3 IN their dally report on the share market Issued at the close of business yesterday, Messrs. Fraser and Co.. state that the local price of tin fell 37 >/ 2 cents. The tin share market continued dull throughout the day. There was a fairly general offering
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  • 76 3 Noon. Saturday Bayers Sellers No. 1 K. R.S.S. In cases (FOB.) 35* i 36 Good FAQ. in cases (FOB) 359 16 3513 16 No. 1 K. R.S.S. (Spot loose) awardaMe- Spore 35 35* 4 Feb.-Mar. 35 3 35 Apr.- Jane 3S'« 3C July-Sept 35?, 36
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  • 40 3 lon Mota and Vaslle Marln. two of the seven Iron Guards who went from Rumania to Spain to tight for the insurgents, have been killed In action. lon Mota was a leading member of the Iron Guard."
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  • 25 3 QNE of the four Guinea baboons in the London Zoo has presented her husband, known as the Sergeant Major, with a baby.
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  • 148 3 'THE managing director of the Manchester works of the British DyesLufls Corporation is conducting an experiment which must be unique in the history of stenography. Convinced that the noise and clatter of the typists' room in the works, which accommodates over 50 machines, must be
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  • 258 3 Jaffna, Jan. 18. |Lf R. Srinivasa Sastri, accompanied ITI by Mr. Vital Pal, the Indian Agent, arrived in Jaffna by the morning train and was welcomed by a large gathering, lie is on his way back to India after visiting Malaya. He motored to Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 83 3 LONDON SINGAPORE BRISBANE Two servicw a wick to LeatM ltd Brisbane by Mfci-tagiMd air Kitrs. Perfict mhrt tor pmmgtrt. PlMty tf rMi fer liggagi. Htttk, auk mi tilt iacMed in tbf Mitratt fare. AND ASSOCIATED COMPANIES Boafcln«s aad lafaraaaUMi fr«m B Mart tad O. U*.. anaU far Imperial Air ways
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 152 3 IN SINGAPORE TODAY CINEMAS. Today. ALHAMBRA: Lightning Warri >r witll Prankie Darro lit 6 chapters. 3 15. 6.1S. 9.15. CAPITOL: Mary of Scotland wl;h Predric M and Kavoarine Heivurn. 3.16— .15. CiARRICK GEYLANG: DardineUa Fatimma 9.15. GLOBE THEATSE. GREAT WORLD: This b The Ute. MARYBOROUGH A Towkiiy trom China.
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    • 137 3 TIDE TABLE SINGAPORE Today. H. W. 1.30 a.M. 92 ft.: 1.26 p.m. 9.4 ft. L. W. 7.20 '..m. 2.8 It.: 7.30 p.m. 2.2 ft. Monday. February 1. H. W. 1.57 a.m. 9.1 ft.: 2.03 p.m. 8 8 ft. L. W. 7.55 am. 2.8 ft.: 805 p.m. 2.7 ft. TUMoay. February
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  • 455 4 Accused Of Trengganu Street Crime INSPECTOR'S STORY OF TALK WITH SHOT MAN A BULLET, which had pierced a man's shoulder, fone between his ri is and had then been slightly deflected, -lodging eventually in his spine, from where it was extracted after his death,
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  • 77 4 HIGHWAY ROBBERY AT MALACCA CATTLE DEALER'S STORY OF ATTACK (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. Saturday. DOLICE are Investigating a reported case of highway robbery in which a Javanese cattle dealer alleges he was pounced upon by four men on Thursday night and relieved of $170. He was bound hand and
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  • 17 4 Mr. 8. L. Higgs. MA. B.Ch. 'Cantab), F.R.C.S., has been appointed orthopaedic surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital.
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  • 235 4 BOXED SYCE'S EARS European Fined Five Dollars A FINE of $5, or one week In de- fault, was imposed by Mr. C. F. J. Ess in the flftli court yesterday, on a European, W. J. Warta. who was convicted on a charge of having caused hurt to his syce. Suratman
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  • 36 4 Mr. O. T. Longley, who has retired from the British Museum staff, went there In April, 1886. as a boy attendant, and In 1929 was promoted to be an assistant keeper in the Department of Manuscripts.
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  • 480 4 IF a flea makes a lonj jump of 13 inches, reaching a height of 7'i inches, how far would the insect jump if it were the she of a man? 1 If a man were as good a jumper as a flea,
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 4 Ml SWAI on* of the BirMte giraffe-necked women at Olymo.a, and her newly-born son. Ma Swat Is the wife of Muang Suri. who was the postmaster of Pekkonr their native village in the Shan «te&>
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  • 279 4 NEW U. S. ENVOY ARRIVES IN MOSCOW Preceded By Staff And Supplies fHE new American Ambassador, Mr. Joseph Davies, has arrived in Moscow, accompanied by his wife and his 21-year-old daughter. He was met at the station by M. Barkoff. of the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, and the entire staff
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  • 236 4 Glenealy Plantations To Acquire 500- Acre Estate FINAL DIVIDEND OF EIGHT PER CENT APPROVED PROPOSING the adoption of the report and account* at the annual .meeting of Glenealy Plantations Ltd. in Singapore yesterday, Mr. H. C. Ukin-Berrv. the chairman, said that .'he nominal capital of the company had recently boen
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  • 56 4 Ford Sees His 25,000,000th Motor-Car Dearborn Mich iga n TUR. HENRY FORD on Jan. 18 saw his twenty-five millionth car leave the assembly line, and was driven in it by his son, Mr. Edsel Ford, to the company's exhibition building. There the vehicle took its place with other historic models,
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  • 186 4 Germany Makes Half Her Petrol r\£TAILS of Germany's progress in producing substitute raw materials are contained in the first number of a new periodical, "The Four Years Plan." Of 2,000,000 tons of petrol used by Germany In 1935, 925.000 tons, or 45 per cent., were produced at home. This percentage
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 4 THE ROYAL CYPHER which jas been approved by King George VI.
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  • 125 4 ORDERED GOODS ON BEHALF OF MALAY SULTAN ONE YEAR'S GAOL FOR TAMIL 'From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. OENTENCE of one y-ars rigorous imprisonment, followed by two years' police supervision, was passed by mt. C. H. Dakers in the Kuala Lumpur police court today on Kimor. David, an English-speaking
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  • 174 4 BOOKMAKER'S PITCH IN CATHEDRAL GROUNDS CHINESE FINED si Am A fine of $1,000, or. in default, four months' rigorous Imprisonm-.nt. w<is imposed by Mr. W. G. Reeves, the third Singapore magistrate, in delivering judgment on Chua Choon Hup a middle aged Chinese, who was convlct- ed of loitering in the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 317 4 SSSF^ffilT^Ssi TM I M A CAREFREE VISIT TO ENGLAND Cur Senrices are »TsJlsMe (or trcrjrthinj you require CONDUCTED or INDEPENDENT TOURS ARRANGED Throughout I' H and the Continent. 'PUutr, Train, Coach or Boat CARS MI'IVHI ON HIRE or RE-PI RCHASE II KM> SEATS BOOKED (or THEATRES arl ALL LEADING EVENTS
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    • 49 4 ALHAMBRA OPENWfi TtMY 3.15-6.15-9.15 The first six chapters of Mascot's most thrill packed sensational serial "THE LIGHTNING WARRIOR" wfth RIN TIN TIN GEORGE BRENT FRANKIE DARRO »m< GEORGIA HALE. If you want action km is the film that wrll keep yon on the edge of your seats in suspense
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    • 70 4 last day GREAT WORLD BELL'S CIRCUS TODAY MATINEE 5 p. m. and NIGHT 9. 15 OPENING JOHORE BAJHRU WED. 3rd to 7th FEB. 9.15 p.m. SPECIAL MATINEE FEB. 6. 515 p.m. SEASON EXTENDED OWING TO SUCCESS I CAPITOL"! 3 SNOWS TODAY 3.15-6.15-9.15 FREDRIC MARCH Co-starred for the first time with
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  • 603 5 TEN COUPLES TO WED TODAY (By Our Chinese Correspondent) THE first mass marriage to be held in Singapore will take place this afternoon at two o'clock in the dance-hall of the Great World. Ten Chinese couples will be married simultaneously. The parties are: BRIDES BRIDEGROOMS. Pal
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  • 263 5 Wife's "My Escape From Tropics" "TJIINE U the old, oid story of a unr wißun who falli n lave ivlt.i a man home on leave from the trofics, becomes gripped by the sorailed glamour of the East, and lives to be completely disillusioned." In these words
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  • 151 5 MRS. LIN HAN-LIANG HU HAN-MIN'S DAUGHTER SEEKING A DIVORCE Canton. SURPRISE is expressed ln social and political circles at the divorce proceedings started by Mrs. Lin Han-liang, better known as Miss Hu Mu-lan, daughter of the late Mr. Hu Han-min, from her husband, although for a long time the couple
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  • 188 5 INNOVATION BY THE ••SHELL" GROUP WE learn that the "Shell" group of oil companies have decided that in future their offices in London shall remain closed on all Saturdays except those departments where it is essential for the purpose of current business that representatives should attend, writes
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  • 76 5 AtttT having the charge of criminal Intimidation read out to him. a young Chinese, Lcong Tuk Sang, claimed trial before Mr. W. O. Reeves, :,e tiitra Singapore magistrate, yesterda-. Tuk Sang. It Is alleged, put Wee Ylt Peng ln fear of his life by intimidating him at Cross
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  • 280 5 ANOTHER GIFT TO EMDEN Former Singapore Man Hands Back Canteen Coin UR. M. Elsear, Shanghai subTI manager of the Canque de l'lndochine, and formerly of Singapore, has returned one of the special canteen coins used on the original Emden, to the present Emder, which is now in Shanghai. These canteen
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  • 42 5 A preliminary inquiry will be conducted by Mr. W. G. Reeves, the third magistrate, Singapore, on Feb. 13, Into charges of theft as a servant and using as genuine a forged document, preferred against a young Malay Hidlr bin Long.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 294 5 A fler wear n <l t««r or dally routine y>u will aJt'i. appreciate the splendid air of hign mountain LS resorts, or th« charmlnj watering places with y wwvn their fashionable hotels or qulct rest-houses catering l'\\ 'or visitors. Inexpensl/e holidays may be enjoyed s\u\ during the season (Sept -Apr.)
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  • 603 6 Not Enough Beds: Thousands Will Sleep In Open 15 'FLOATING HOTELS' AT ANCHOR IN HARBOUR THOUSANDS of devout Roman Catholics from all over the worid are pouring into Manila to attend the Eucharistic Congress which begins on Wednesday. And Manila ri wondering how to accommodate
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  • 58 6 JEAN HARLOW and William Powell left Hollywood recently to fly to Yuma, Arizona, to be married. The next day they returned unmarried. All they would say to friends was: "We changed oar minds." They had flown to a football match in San Francisco. Above is a
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  • 496 6 NEW PASIR PANJANG HOME CINGAPORE gold stocks were exhausted recently when Mr. Aw Boon Haw wanted the six dome 3 in his new villa at Pasir Panjang gold-gilded in parts. Today, a month from the completion of Mr. Aw's 525«,G0« residence, the
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  • 212 6 Accommodation For 1,500 I A NEW air-conditioned cabaret built; ing costing 5169.000 is to be built at the New World, Singapore, next to the site of the present dance halL It will be twice as big as the existing cabaret and will accommodate 1.50H people. The
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  • 174 6 NANKING REFORM CRITICISED Closing Of All Cabarets "THE action of the Chinese Central Government in ordering all cabarets in Nanking to wind up their business In a month, has found many opponents in Singapore. They consider that an extremely narrow-minded view is being taken A message from Shanghai on Friday
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 6 MR- Koki H<rota, who resigned VI the premiership of Japan a few days ago, had a New Year's visit from his aged father. Mr. Tokuhei Hirota, who travelled all the way from Fukuoka Prefecture to see his famous son. Picture shows the then Prime Minister of Japan watching his father
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  • 41 6 New York. Gus Mancuso, veteran catcher of the New York Giants, has signed a contract with the team for the 1937 season, the club management has announced. The amount of his salary I was not disclosed.
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  • 96 6 BED 6 WITH ELECTRIC BELLS: AND WAITRESSES HE maximum penalty of one years hard labour was passed by Mr. K. Keen at the Central Magistracy. Hong Kong, on Chan Ylng who admitted a charge of being in possession of 900 heroin pll s a* 18 Bonham
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  • 28 6 Poles and Lithuanians aie reimorcing their frontier forces following an allegation that 50 Polish soldiers, armed with machine-guns, moved a frontier post 13 yards into Lithuania.
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  • 83 6 Ban These Two Words LORD AUSTIN T ORD Austin, millionaire motorcar maker, asked the Federation of British Industries at Manchester recently "neither to think nor to use the words 'depression' and 'slump.'" He said, "I do not see why the good times should not carry on indefinitely. "I do tot
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  • 33 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bat a v la The total number of wireless listeners registered in Java was 39,028 on Dec. 31 and on Jan. 19, 40,000.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 433 6 Indigestion Gone in 5 minutes Head this letter, sent by an old sufferer: r the past two years I have suffered from indigestion. During: that i have tried many remedies, some :ch wcrs fairiy rood, others entirely s. However, it nas been left to your if Kennie to render me
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    • 274 6 of the day when you can i,iy to your wile that jc.i have saved enough to provide an income for you both when you retire or an income for her should you die? Your dream can be realised by effecting, at a comparatively small cost, a HERITAGE ENDOWMENT Policy with
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  • 663 7  -  Fred. J. Melville Stamp Collecting By ■"THE latest quarterly bulletin from the Crown Agents for the Colonies contains records of a number of consignments of new supplies of stamps, of which my readers in Malaya will be glad to have a note J oh ore. Booklets lc.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 216 7 THE STAMPS OK THE TREATY FOBTS OF CHINA AND OF FORMOSA uy Captain H. R. Oldfleld. LL.B. A comniete history of this little known grouD of stamps. Prtee 4/8 past fro*. The Philatelic Journal of Great Britain. The oldest British Philatelic magasine, now In Its 48th annual volumt. Monthly 4d.
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    • 104 7 GREAT BRITAIN. The handsome tl black stamp of the Postal Congress issue of 1939 in very fine used condition. Price 17/6 only. Wanted tor cash or Exchange used stamps or the Strait* Settlements and Hong Kong In quantities. SZFI-PEMBERTON CO.. LTD., IX. Sooth Molton Street. London W.I. ENGLAND. RARE STRAITS
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    • 393 7 S 1 LONDON CA.'.LS BHaHHF INSISTENTLY gggr ff" aad enjoy at either wlM M> j A|||\A|l^ MITEL RUBENS "■VIwUH Buckingham Palace Road. Tt>C WOfM Centre Of facing Buckingham Pa .are y"?>r*C^ or HOTEL >Ktf^\ Attraction for REMBRANDI 1937 South Kensington. 3W. '^CS?V Two outstanding Hotels that facing, the Victoria and
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 484 7 Today's Wireless Programmes SINGAPORE-ZHL. Wavelength— 225 metres, 1333 ke's (or 1.33 mc/s). 11.30 a.m.— 12 noon. Recital by Mrs. Carter (violin) and Leila Job (pianist and vocalist) Selection: Student Prince Romberg. Violin solo: Llcbeslled (Krclsler); and Elfentanz (E. Jenktnson). Piano solo: Nocturne In E Major Op. 62 Chopin. Coon Songs:
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    • 523 7 CM p.m Bit Ben. A symphony concert. The BBC Empire Orrheatn; Isatsr. Daniel Measa; eeadnetar. Brie Fogg. Kathleen Long (pianoforte). Orchestra: Overture. Patrle (Bizet) Kathleen Long and Orcheatra: Concerto No. 14 In X flat (K. 449): (1) Allegro vivace (3) Andantino (3) Allegro ma non troppo (Motart) Orchestra: Symphony No.
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    • 458 7 fridge -Taylor). I Know at Two Bright Ey<* (Cluteam). Alice LJlley: Damon (Max Stange), Open your Window to the Morn (Montague Philip*). Duett Hargreeves: Columbine'* Garden (Maurice BesJy), tfitae through my Dream* (Ivor Novel*/). 8.M a. m.— Weekly newsletter, sparts susmary. and tnnonncewnti (95 a.m.— Creeawieh time *JfaaL M a.m.—
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    • 435 7 t.M p m. Rerlews and periodicals by M. i Francois de Teramoad. i t.M p ■> Colonial market prices, rates of exchange. i M p.m. Relay. 11 SO p.m. Close down. WaiiliMth tSJM a.. "iJU k«. 11 U p m. Ne-ra In Preach. Market Prices, rates of exchange. 1S.M a.m.
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    • 211 7 CROSSWORD PUZZLE RESULT Mo "all correct" solutions were received to The Sunday Ttmea Crossword Puszle printed In our Issue of Jan. 17, and the prize money of $100 will be divided between two Singapore entrants whose solutions contained one error only. The names and addresses of the winners are: S.
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  • 194 8 Never Felt So Well In His Life Though he tried no eiw* ot so-called remedies, this man continued to suffer .vith let baro for venri. It troubled him. In fact, until !•<• Sound the right remedy, the cne that ran always be relied on
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  • 167 8 GENERAL MOTORS STRIKE STRIKERS MAY BE EJECTED AS TRESPASSERS Flint Michigan, Saturday. EOAL proceedings are being taken on Monday for the ejection of the 1 300 sit-down strikers at General Motors factory. General Motors claim almost 80 per cent, of the 135,000 men idle by the strike want to return
    Reuter  -  167 words
  • 135 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Saturday. THE wedding took place at the 1 Wesley Church here, the Rev. Runyan and the Rev. Proebstel officiating, of Mr. Lav Hun Siong, eldest son of Mr Lav Ek Chlng J.P., and Mrs. Lav Ek Chlng and Miss Loke Sau Hln,
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  • 161 8 FIVE INJURED IN ROAD SMASH BUKIT TIMAH ROAD COLLISION FOLLOWING one of the worst motor smashes to have taken place recently, Mr. C. Fraser, a European engineer at the new Royal Air Force aerodrome at Chua Chu Kang, and Mr. A. S. Gray, a Eurasian assistant,, are now lying in
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  • 127 8 'Thriller" At Victoria Theatre TTHE Singapore Amateur Dramatic 1 Club presented its first "thriller at the Victoria Memorial Hall, Singapore, last night. The production was The Ghost Train," the story of which has become wellknown on the stage and screen. The producer, Mrs. S. W. Coleman, saw to
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  • 521 8 A DIET OF GLASS! Japanese Who Feeds On Empty Bottles With Just A Little Rice SPECIALISTS of Kyoto Imperial University Hospital are interested in the cote of Masao Minamio, a 25 year o'd native of Wakayama prefecture, ta'u) claims to be unable to get along without a diet of glass.
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  • 935 8 Machines With Cruising Speed Of 130 m.p.h. INSTRUMENTS FOR NIGHT AND BLIND FLYING Continued from pace one IN the initial stages the internal air service is to be one for passengers and freight, but negotiations are likely to begin shortly for the carriage of inter air mails.
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  • 297 8 Vienna, Jan. 22. 'THE newspaper, Weltbatt, declares today that the famous Chinese "Christian General," Feng Vuhsiang, is not a Chinese at all but a Hungarian, whose real name is Irenaeus Fengya. The Weltblatt publishes interviews with Feng's alleged brother, Judge Igor Fengya, and a priest. Father
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  • 151 8 CENTRAL TROOPS REACH SIAN OUTSKIRTS Nanking, Saturday. /CENTRAL troops have reached the outskirts ot Sian, capital of Shensi which was until a few days ago the stronghold of the allied rebel-Communist armies. Gen. Ku Chu-tung, new com-mander-in-chief in the North-West, will fly to Sian on Tuesday to assume his duties.
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  • 26 8 The A.C. Sphinx sparking plug works, which were moved from Birmingham to Dunstable three years ago with 300 workpeople, are being extended to employ about 800.
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 8 A Dramatic Scene in the play The Ghost Train" performs .no Victoria Theatre last night by the Singapore Amateur Dramatic Club. Left to right are Flight Lieut. H. C Lee (Dr. Sterling). Mrs. Stanley Coleman (Sylvia). Mrs. Rowan (Peggy Murdoch), G.E.C. Ash (Charles Murdoch), John Hannyngton (Richard Wlnthrop) and Miss
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  • 73 8 "'THE Cycling Parson," the Rev. Frederick Hastings, has died at the age of ninety-eight. He had cycled in America, Australia, Africa, India, and various parts of Europe. On many occasions he rode from England to Italy. His last cycle ride was
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  • 74 8 London, Saturday. The Afghan Prime Minister, Sardar Mohammed Hashlm Khan, has arrived In London where he is spending a week as the guest of the Government. He lunches with Mr. Balwln at 10. Downing Street, on Monday and has an audience with the King on
    Reuter  -  74 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 284 8 4% m g\t*til? earned by seil- m% I I ing the well-known avd LJU best-selling WESTMINSTE« Series Private Christmas Cards. Britain's Premier flrm lest. 19*61 jffers Highest Commbston. Sample Book Free. No Risk. No Oatlay, roorrmm* Saeeeas with 1936 Series. aH records brakes. Lewis Oa, Deal AO Westminster Works, Preston,
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  • 1582 9 By The Onlooker TWO well-known Malayan personalities will be among the favoured few who will see George VI crowned King in historic Westminster Abbey on May 12. They are Col. Cecil Rae, of Perak, and Mr. Choo Kia Peng, of Kuala Lumpur and they have been chosen
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  • 272 9 News Of Malayans In Europe MISS Betty Watson, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Reginald O. Watson, a former British Resident of Perak, and of Mrs. Watson, of Bickenhall Mansions, W.I, is to marry Mr. Herbert Payne, of Rangoon, youngest son of the late Mr. C. C. Payne and of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 243 9 \l\\ Y^i I INFAPiTS THRIVE M IT! wEr Bulw our ch| l<*'« strengthr on o foundation of good health. MONT BLANC milk *f j^ contains all the vitamins that go to make vigorous health. Wf^^Z Joseph Travers Sons Ltd. v Singapore, Penang, Kuala Lumpur. IM THE WO^LD— RENOWNED 4l^^Jr^ ►AlUfUl
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  • 319 10 THREE MORE MYSTERY NOVELS MurJer at the Bar. By TralU Stevenson. Death on Dartmoor. By John Rowland. The Man with Half a Face. By G. Davison. Jenkins Colonial Library. IN "Murder at the Bar" the sale of a famous Scotch distillery degenerates into a treasure hunt, when Fiona Yarrold's library
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  • 165 10 Books Of The Week ALL BREEDS IN A FEW WITTY AND SUCCINCT LINES Dogs from all Ancles. By Nina Scott-Lancley and K. R. Browne. Hutchlnson. Ss. I*HE authors tell you all about almost every breed of dog In a few witty and succinct lines. They
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  • 575 10 ALL KINDS OF COMPANY /\NE of the more ironic consequences of the spread of popular education is that illiteracy is diminishing in our prisons. Mark Benney, who has written a book called Low Company (Davies, 9s. net), left an elementary school at the age of fourteen, yet left with a
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  • 47 10 The Death Game by Captain A. O. Pollard, V.C. Hntchlnson, 7*. M. A broken ex-R.A.F. flight-lieutenant of latUfyingly heroic proportions finds bang-up adventure and love In the KnglUh manner as he participate* hi one of those Latin-American revolutions Not subtle not dull
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  • 112 10 For The AfterDinner Speaker Speaking after Dinner. By C. Kent Wright. Allen and L'nwin. 6s. MR. Kent Wright comes to therescu; of the after-dinner speaker with an anthology of quotations on every subject under the sun. The victim may take his choice among "Fragments of Philosophy, Howlers. Aphorisms and Epigrams."
    112 words
  • 306 10 These Books Make A Massacre Death in the Wood. By Charles Rushton. The Denmede Mystery. By Wyndham Marty n. No Other Killer. By James Corbett. All fro-n Jenkins Colonial Library. 'THESE three books have one quality in common lots of blood! In fact, added all together, the numosr of deaths
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  • 136 10 89—S.S.R.N.V.R. Abdul and Katsim and Dollah and 'Mat, Heirs to brave names and to sacred adat, Grandsons of warriors of honoured renown Long were you pent in the soul-searing town. Then came escape in the White Rajas cause; Forward you came, and with no craven pause, Ready your
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 721 10 y/OH %f tVlCl^ COO* j^^^m^^^H i. i ■_i_jj_ ■jtf* m t I mk _M kill I^^ 01 JAMaMataMaWaiß M Crtven "A" in the I IPOTM I sir-tight 'Trovsc' Tins are as '^^^mMUk I fresh as the day they were I 7^ T|||bH J I made! They're perfect smoking I -4fe
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  • 53 11 RiS I.MRI, the U-i Abyssinian chief to defy the Italian army of invasion, has been taken t<i Italy. It h»s been decided to confine him on an lslant! as he is evidently considered too dangerous a personality to have either captive or at large in
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  • 405 11 Rabbit's Trance as Stoat Springs "AUTOMATIC" ESCAPE FROM TERROR Zoo Curator On Animal Hypnotism TTHK "escape motive," in which human beings retire from the unpleasant facts of everyday life into a world of dreams, has long been a favourite subject with psychologists. Now, according to Dr. Burgess Barnett, Curator of
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  • 68 11 Berlin. On the occasion of the publication of the book describing the construction of the German sportfleld, state-secre-tary Pfundtner Informed newspapermen that the total expenditure for the Bportfleld. which was divided among the State, the city of Berlin, the Railway company the Post Office
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 347 11 m^^L^LPSmI bY -j^JBI^^S B^B™B^B^B^*'**s^^Br I b^b^b^l^k^^^^^ slJb^P^^^^^^^bi Bi H t i^zr~ [ME/ B^. 99f WZ ">^ LINCOLN (gfP ZEPHYK \4^ 19 5 7 NEW ATTRACTIVE PRICES. This new car, the Lincoln-Zephyr V-12 for trie Lincoln-Zephyr is a welded one-piece the Lincoln-built engine of the medium-price 1937, has a year's superb
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  • 271 12 Stamps Of Famous Battle For 'Skins' CAPTURE OF FORT CHARLOTTE T*HE regimental trophies and souvenirs proudly displayed in the officers' mess of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers at Tanglin I Barracks have received a notable addition. The Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements, Mr. Justice
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  • 322 12 "Eat Less Fat" GERMANS ARE TOLD TO IMITATE JACK SPRAT Midday Sandwich To Be Cut Down Berlin. ANOTHER very serious warning has been given to the German population of the Reich by the Food Ministry on the subject of butter, lard, margarine, and other butter substitutes. For the moment, Germans
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  • 52 12 Foerster, C«. n-mander-in-Chief of the Gerrran Navy, has resigned and will be succeeded, it is understood, by Rear Admiral Carls. In his letter of resignation, Admiral Foerster is believed to have said that he could not allow German warships to be exposed to grave risks along the
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  • 63 12 "I used to be a street singer, but owing to the popularity of gramophones and radios 1 have had no business and I cannot starve,' said Kwong Iv to Mr. K. Keen at the Central Magistracy Hong Kong, when he was charged with asking
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  • 66 12 Dried Cod will be tendered In part payment for a 7,400- ton steamer to be built in Italy for the Bergen Steamship Company in Norway. The ship, which is intended for the BcrgenNewcastle service, will cost 8,000,000 kr. (about £400,000). and Italy will take 7,100 tons of
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  • 104 12 Berlin. SHERMAN inventors and engineers have succeeded in constructing a type machine for music notes. It is built somewhat in the style of the ordinary typewriter with four rows of keys, but the holder for the paper is wider. It Is not anticipated that the invention
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  • 35 12 One of two dogs which saved the lives of a Wolverhampion family by raising a fire alarm perished in the flames and its charred body was found by firemen after the outbreak had been extinguished.
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  • 223 12 Because They Had No Christmas Presents 150 MEN ESCAPE Police With Tear Gas Rescue Warders MUTINY broke out in Guclph Prison, Ontario, Canada, last week. Seven hundred convicts suddenly refused to cat their suppers, smashed the furniture so that they could use it as clubs, and
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  • 82 12 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia HTHE Batavlaasch Nieuwsblad under- stands that the K P M will open a new line from Singapore touching Java. Noumea and New Zealand The opening of this service will greatly stimulate interest for New Zealand. Brisk demand for freight and passage, following
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  • 21 12 Mr. Gasnler Duparc, French Minister of Marine, laid the foundation-stone of the new naval base of Mels el Kebir. near Oran.
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  • 322 12 Husband, Wife and Their Lawyer Go To Gaol St. Louis, Dec. 26. THE sensational "Gift of God" baby case came to an end here today when three persons were given prison sentences and fined after being convicted of attempting; to defraud through the mails.
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  • 68 12 The ;.;:v>ting of Council of the Balkan Enteri.*, was to have opened in Athens on tc**. 5. has been postponed to Feb. 15, as M. knt(S*mem\ the Rumanian Minister for Forei 6 u Affairs, has arranged to visit Angora at the beginning of February. At th 2 conclusion
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  • 40 12 A powerful wireless station, which has been constructed within lour months, was completed at Kom-somolsk-on-Amur, the new Soviet town 400 miles from Khabarovsk. The station provides direct wireless communication between the Kremlin and the Far Eastern Army.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 283 12 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts with nuring speed in curing coughs, colds, bronchial inflammation and soreness. It is a safe, tested tonic, entirely free from narcotics and all harmful drugs, yet it is extremely effective. It builds up resistance, prevents more serious ills. Economical too, and pleasant to take. K-U THE
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 529 12 CONTRACT BRIDGE By THE FOUR ACES \17HILE the opening lead is naturally important on all occasions, it becomes more so the higher the contract. Particularly when a Slam has been bid, the leader will do well to consider all possibilities, since it may make a difference of from 1,000 to
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  • 1561 13  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By RESPITE the general gloom that pervades the Press (influenza, Spanish news and a warning from Field-Marshal Lord Milne that the country will be in danger of war in five months dating from last Wednesday) there is a lot of fun to be found
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  • 116 13 NEW BRUNSWICK CLAIM TO BE PROVINCE OF UNITED KINGDOM Ottawa. •T*HE Government of New Brunswick Is taking steps to assert ltd "autonomy" within the Empire. It recently Insisted upon proclaiming King George VI as "King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of this Province depen. dent
    116 words
  • 28 13 James F. Hall, a seaman who attempted to extort £1.000 from Miss Ginger Rogers, the film star was sentenced in Los Angeles to five years' imprisonment.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 343 13 HARROGATE BRITAIN'S FAMOUS SPA Invigorating moorbnd air! 88 natural springs, over 100 different treat menu of immense value to those feeling run-down after prolonged residence in the tropics. Beautiful scenery rich in romantic historical associations. Medically certificated staff. If you are suffering from the effects of the climate or recuperating
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  • 191 14 f*)VER a hundred aeroplanes will be in action during the combined land, sea and air manoeuvres this we«k in Singapore and locality. It will be an impressive demonstration of the changes that have occurred in the science of war. It is difficult to realise that during the
    191 words
  • 133 14 TTHERE is a discernible trend towards more insistent demands for direct representation of sundry important interests on public bodies in Malaya. The most recent example is the claim of the Singapore Chettiars for a seat on the Legislative Council and another on the Municipal Commission— they have a stronger
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  • 200 14 |T is possible to sympathise with 1 His Excellency while feeling that it "serves him right." He faces a very awkward job in being called upon to explain and Justify, to the Secretary of State, the official attitude towards the relief of unemployment and distress in the
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  • 920 14 IRON ARMY MAN DISMAYED BY BLACK CAT •THE luckiest diamond in the world has recently arrived in London. Diamonds are not usually adopted as mascots, but each successive owner of this flawless, rose-pink stone has looked upon it in that light. Weighing nineteen carats, and valued
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  • 985 14 Old Prisons Stories Of Escapes And Captures IWEARLY three hundred long term convicts, serving sentences of fifteen months or more for crimes ranging from larceny to attempted murder, are finding the new prison at Changi a more pleasant place than their last "home" at
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 475 14 for all Optical Requirements. Ring 4310 >#*■* WITH 'VX /fuk 7 OH. Precision A ff/V\ Lenses. 111 COMFORT A STYLE wy WITH N^TO.H.FUL-VUEfWMts/ N^A T*W,OJL.M M.k.o^ Tt/£OPr/CAL t MOUSk h A SURE LIVING WITH BIG PROFITS is «uaranietc ov selling HOSIERY. BMPERY. UNDERWEAR. Men t ana Boys Bhirta Boot* ana
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 1248 15 Drama Of Modern Warfare Played On A Colossal Stage NO SPECTACLE FOR CIVILIANS UNTIL FINAL STAGES ARE REACHED Boom Of Guns But Objectives Hidden Over The Horizon UOW much will the citizens of Singapore sec or hear of the grand navy, army and air 1
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  • Article, Illustration
    0 15
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  • 125 15 THE Marsman interests, says the Marsman Magazine," have acquired an option on mining; rights on the Kantjah Sirang Diamond Concessions in south-east Netherlands Borneo. According to the representations of the property owners, the claims are known to contain platinum and gold in addition to proven
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  • 121 15 Bucharest. A PART from his royal activities, King Carol owns a wine and cheese shop in Bucharest. This prosperous enterprise, which retails the products of the Sovereign's vineyards and dairies, is at the back entrance of the Palace. The customers can purchase there at reasonable
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  • 52 15 The PoUoe Band will play on Tuesday at Telok Ayer at 8.00 p.m.: March, Manor (W. T. Richards); Overture, Le Due D'olonne (Auber); Selection, VleuMfle Memories of Lehar (Henry Hall); Waltz. Brokers (Bertram Lest range); Cornet Solo, II Raclo (Ardlti); Intermeaw. Anona (Vivian Grey); March, Colonel Bogey (K.
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  • 29 15 The German airships on the North Atlantic service paid to the United States Navy last year £12.000 In landins fees for the ground at Lake hurst
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  • 216 15 EXPERIMENTS BY SOVIET SOLDIERS EXPERIMENTS in parachutet t Jumping for dogs are being carried out in the Soviet Army, according to an article in the German dog-breeders' journal "Der Ilund." The idea is that, after Soviet soldiers have landed by parachute behind the lines in enemy
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  • 90 15 The engagement of Maharaja George Jivaji Rao Scindia. Maharaja of Gwallor, to Princess Kamal Prabha Dcvi, sister of the Raja of Trtpura, Is announced. Herr Forster, German Charge d'Affaires In Parts, laid the foundation stone of a monumental entrance to the Reich Building at the Parts 1937 Exhibition.
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  • 201 15 Honours For Well-Known Chinese Shanghai. MOUNT Holyoke College, Ma.vsa- chusetts, has conferred an honorary degree upon Madame Chiang Kai-shek in recognition of her distinction won in public life, and has invited her to attend the College's Centennial celebrations. Madame Chiang has been invited to address the Centennial assemblage next May.
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  • 89 15 (From Our Own Correspondent) Bat.; via. "TTHE firs; test flight of the newly- arrived Glen Martin bombers belonging to the Netherlamls Indian Army, took place in Bandoeng last week. The giant aeroplane tool: off beautifully and the landing was as perfect. The pane appeared to fly so
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  • 109 15 THE wedding took place yesterday of Mr. P. R. Nathan, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Samy, of Singapore, and Miss Seth, second daughter of Mr. i. P. (Joe) Seth, retired Inspector attached to the S.P.C.A., and the late Mr- Seth. The
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  • 41 15 About 16C guests were entertained at a ball given by the Colonial Secretary, Mr. A. S. Small, at his home on Friday night. Music was provided by the Tanglln Club Band, under ttM leadership of fMr. Rex Allen.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 67 15 the light and springy step of youth Boi«e Court with cuban beel If V p\v MP r ■mart perforation. I »U f^rv^" 41^: jl^\ ideal for shopping mWfxk or informal wear vlvK*, ml-. \JL 4 SIC uj Lfl n» 7 Similar model m above K 1 1 I I 1
      67 words
    • 120 15 f)k NEW GLUCOSE At cnc request at numerous customers Cow Gate are now introducing new and Improved Glucose. Glucom A. D. ii pure medldnal glucose with calcium glycerophospftate and vitamins A and O derived from a natural source It is entirely I^^^^SST^- 'ree from artificial vitamin. Pj^^^^^2^^2S^.^M Glucose is particularly
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  • 650 16 STRENUOUS BOUT OF MENTAL GYMNASTICS FOR SCHOOLBOYS British School's Posers Which Will Keep Parents Busy Too Wimsey, and "the old man in ths corner." Dog lovers may be expected to know "What breed Is named after a character in one of Sir Walter Scott's novels?" and "What breed is said
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  • 389 16 DELIEVE it or not, lighted street scenes can be photographed— even with the most inexpensive cameras with little more experience than it takes to make a snapshot in bright sunlight. The lighted theatre and business districts of the average town or city offer opportunities for strikingly attractive
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  • 152 16 Three-Ringed Halo In Sky In Korea ABOUT half past nine one night recently when the temperature suddenly recorded a sharp fall, a number of "haloe," appeared in the sky over Jlnoen, Korea. According to a description by a witness, the halos, consisting of three light-rings, were spread
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  • 24 16 Hollywood Mr. Richard Boieslavsky. Polishborn motion-picture director, has died here at the age of 47. Deatti was due to a heart attack.
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  • 45 16 Nanking. The Executive Yuan has decided to appropriate $730,900 this year for the repair of 17 historical landmarks and buildings in the country, including the Confucian Temple at Chufu. Shantung, and the Ply a jum and Jade Fountain in Pelplng.
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  • 107 16 RUSSIA'S CENSUS PEASANTS OBJECT TO BEING COUNTED JLfORE than 1,000,000 trained inIVI vestigators are taking a census of the Soviet Union's enormous population. In spite of the interne educational campaign which has been carried on for months In preparation for the census, sections of the peasantry retain their old superstitious
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  • 312 16 BULL'S EYE TARGET OUT OF DATE PROPOSED CHANGE IN ARMY SHOOTING THE "bullVeye target is. in the opinion of musketry experts, not sufficiently advanced for the trained soldier. Landscape and other types of target screens more representative of the character of the target engaged in the field should, it is
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 509 16 Announcing H. B. WINTER'S 4-DAY SALE begins Tuesday-February 2nd to Friday Feb. sth. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO RESTOCK YOUR WARDROBE AT PRICES WHICH REPRESENT FROM 20 to 33. SAVING A good line of Shirts and Ties, Sports Jackets and Sports Shirts, FLORSHEIM SHOES and the popular EXELDIA SHOES, Feit Hats
      509 words
    • 281 16 STOP THAT PINKING!! A few small tablets dropped in your patrol tank wil< eliminate knocks. Carbonising mmm result in petrol and engine economy. "MEIRICH" MOTOR TABLETS 60 tablets at Jl-8O per box Obtainable from all good dealers or at LIM KOK GEK e% CO. 6. Chulia Street, Singapore. WILLYS MOTOR
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 1561 17 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD /rlfi Jw&i P fl^ A ENTHUSIASTS ?6^i^fc, I MM i% A% OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE P v MOBm fl WON" OFFER ?7 W f °RTlfv rgfa #jnSOS HfiSSPVi&Sx ■OR 195/ The Sunday Times offers todr.y $100 for a correct solution of
      1,561 words

  • 886 18 A Man Dropped A Bottle Result, Safety Glass ANOTHER TIRED OF STAIRS RESULT, ESCALATORS THE wife of a travelling salesman one day towards the close of t. H e last century received a telegram from kirn, it r?.n I have got it. Our fortune is
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  • 78 18 KMR- W. Duraiswamy, Speaker of m the State Council, and Sir Baron Jayatilaka, Leader of the House, have been selected to represent the Ceylon public at the King's Coronation. The Ceylon Defence Force will be represented by Lieutenant-Colonel F. Gunasekera, Officer Commanding the Ceylon Medical Corps.
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  • 63 18 DIZZY DEAN'S NEW NAMESAKE Saroota, Fla. "Dizzy" Dean, leading pitcher for the St. Louis Cardinals, has a namesake lln the Rlngllng Brothers and Barnum and Bailey circus winter quarters here. It is a baby chimpanzee, born in st. Louis when the circus played in that city. The chimpanzee now weighs
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  • 44 18 During the excavations for the new underground railway in Brussels a shaft more than 30ft. deep has been found leading into a gallery over 100 yards long communicating with the Alexian Convent. A stone bearing the date 1633 was In the gallery.
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  • 193 18 'My 30-Hour Honeymoon* ANN HARDING '"THIS is no sudden romance, although we have tried to keep it a secret. Werner and I have known each other for many years, and have always been great friends." Miss Ann Harding said this as she hurried away from the Caxton Hall register office,
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  • 147 18 Paris. QALES of the Suzanne Lenglen tennis racquet were the subject of dispute in the Paris courts recently. The finding was in favour of the former amateur lawn tennis champion. When Mile. Lenglen became a professional player. It is stated, her manager signed a contract, both
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  • 15 18 Herr Hitler and Dr. Ooebbela received In Berlin Nazi local leaders from the Danzig area,
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  • 232 18 FILED AGAINST JOHN BARRYMORE Fourth Wife's Suit Los Angclts. i VINE weeks after marrying John Barrymore, the fifty -four -yearold film star, Elaine Jacobs Barrymore has filed a salt here for divorce. She is his fourth wife. Aged twenty, Elaine, who was married at Yuma. Arizona, after a tempestuous romance,
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  • 193 18 Regulations For Conduct Of Students Nanking. AS a result of the purity cam- paign launched by the Mayor Mr. Ma Chao-chun. a ban on public dancing has come into force. In a press interview Mayor Ma declared that the Municipal authorities were determined to continue the prohibition of
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  • 35 18 The Japaue:: Ministry o, Communications has a- "ided to twue patriotic stamps to rats- c.^nev "or the construction of airports. TIM annual revenue. It Is estimated, will amount to 1,000.000 yen (approximately £58.330).
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 400 18 q| IT w m Nt-V4 -aa^B y 9S^ aafl JO r- l«c^^.aa~^^BaaW^^ /jr *bbbbbß a^^^aaaaaaa^ atf HaV r t I OH Hsfi3lll»aaS*fli INDIGESTION-HEARTBURN.., ALL STOMACH TROUBLES... call for this immediate relief! Do you dread your meals Are wise and take it in time. Others you for ever wondering what you
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  • 711 19 Necks Long, And Short Max Factor's Advice CONTROL BY COIFFURE, CLOTHES AND CARE POETS have often praised the beauty of their fair ladies' necks with similes of aesthetic worth. They have referred to that section of the anatomy which extends from shoulders to head as being swan-like, or like a
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  • 42 19 DOMMES Parlsienne, as most housewives know, are attle rounds scooped out of large potatoes with a special cutter, then fried hi deep fat The cooking is completed In butter hi a skillet. When finished, the potatoes are golden brown.
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  • 152 19 For lour or five people take two eggs and their welgnt in butter, castor sugar, and self raking flour. Warm the butter sligntl* and beat it to a cream. Whisk the eggs until light and frotny, add them to the butter, and beat until thoroughly mixed. Sift in
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  • 131 19 This Is a delicious party sweet. Wash two or three grapefruit, cut hi halves, and squeeze out the juice without damaging the s*lns. Remove pith and inside skin and cut the top edges of the skins with a pah* of scissors to mak. a fancy pattern. Dissolve a
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  • 91 19 801 l some potatoes in the ordinary way and, while still hot. rub them through a wire sieve. There should be one pound oi sieved potato. Stir in two tablt-spoon'uls of milk, two tablespoonf jls of grated cheese, and one tabtespoonful of butter. Season with pepper and salt,
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  • 109 19 Double Brims For The New Hats A PARIS collection of advance spring hats designed by Madame Simone George, formerly with Agnes, carries out the new feminine trend with frothy tulle and net draperies, tightly colled ostrich feather trimmings, gay multicoloured ribbon bows and sleek allover feathered hats in bright colour
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  • 116 19 Coloured Water For Your Glass Flower Vases By Claude Saunders QN those special occasions when w you want to make your clear crystad flower bowls and vases look particularly attractive, add a pinch of any of the ordinary dyes to the water. You can tint the water to any particular
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  • 101 19 fVARK handkerchiefs and big, swansdown powder puffs on pale colours, are "in" again. Women like powder compacts of wafer-thin thickness, but they do not find the flat puffs which fit them very successful for flufflg on the powder. So handbags a little bigger than usual are
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  • 51 19 U/HEN raspberry jsm that Is not of firm consistency is to be used for filling a sponge sandwich cake, it is advisable to butter the Inner surface of each layer before spreading it with Jam. This will prevent the moisture from soaking to the cake and making it
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 345 19 At Vogue's! FASHION FLASHES FROM NEW TORS FASHION DEMANDS FAULTLESS FOUNDATION and perfect harm*ny of Caataar: HiHtb Farm FHb EVERY BRASSIERE NI.Kil For SHAPELINESS as Well aa UPLIFT "Variation" Maiden -Focx. Sen Braaaaerea. For Sag-fine Boats: "REMO'.D" Maiden Form's Newest FOUNDATION: THE 'VARIATION" "ONCE-OVER" Natural Braatj of Line b Yours
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  • 433 20  -  MARION MORTON BY MOST of us can manage to don our party faces for three or four nights out of seven, but we have to be very young and healthy in order to withstand the ravages of continual late nights. It is not always possible to
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  • 712 20 Costume Jewellery Is An Important Detail Of Fashion Gay Gloves To Match Everything QECORATIVE gloves now rank with coloured buttons, fancy clips, and the rest of the new costume jewellery, as important details of fashion. There are gloves to match handbags, and gloves are paired with shoes. You see a
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  • 104 20 Decorated With Drawn Threads PR day time occasions many women like the plain, small squares of coloured linen lawn. Some of them are decorated with a little fine handwork In the form of drawn-thread embroidery. There are also many lovely examples of this type of stltchery worked upon the finest
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  • 149 20 IAM roll is an easily made and cheap pudding:, useful in cold weather. It can be light and digestible If carefully made. 81ft eight ounces of self-raising flour into a bowl with a quarter of a teaspoonf'il of salt. Add four ounces of finely shredded suet, and rub
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  • 38 20 DICH fabrics are chosen for exclusive evening coats, the IV green and silver moire of this model being an indication of the beautiful materials which are now worn over dresses of black clre satin.
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  • 544 20 White As An Interior Decoration THOUGH white still has a prominent place in interior decoration, it is now used only in siri Jl quantities. Sometimes the floor is white. Or white door-handles are seen on pastel-tinted doors. White cornice rails in a dark walled room may match part of the
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 169 20 1 o every woman who suffers twice a day. Its luxuriant from distressing pimples, en- lather cleanses and purifies the larged pores, blackheads, pores, sweetens and softens muddy complexion, coarse the skin. To dear away and rough patches and blemishes, heal pimples, skin outbreaks, Cuticura presents the most rashes and
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    • 21 20 JUST UNPACKED! CREPE FRIENDSHIP IN ALL Shades and Colours Suitable for EVENING and AFTERNOON WEAR. WASSIAMULLS' 31-33 HIGH ST. Til: 7144
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  • 1426 21 Careers For Girls In Malaya 1 —TEACHING rpHEY are wise parents who train their daughters for a career. Marriage is a fragile in&titution nowadays. Husbands are sometimes very, very human, and always mortal, and marriage settlements have a tiresome way of disappearing into the void. But a professional or a
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  • 530 21 It Is Unwise To Face Your Mirror Only In A Friendly Light I*o see ourselves as others see us is often a rather painful revelation, some of us take care that it happens as seldom as possible. To this end, many women place their mirrors in a becoming light a
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  • 75 21 £JOOK twelve heads of mushrooms In butter under cover, on a slow fire. Add two tablespoons of white wine and let the wine evaporate. Add salt and pepper co taste. 801 l a pint of heavy cream slowly for twenty minutes. Then add the mushrooms to
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  • 135 21 WHEN eggs are dear the following cake can be made without them. Beat half a cupful of lard to a cream with a cupful of sugar. 81ft together two cupfuls of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, and a pinch of salt. Add this to the lard and
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  • 119 21 •7THIS is an appetising supper dish In cold weather and It Is easy to prepare. Choose good baking apples, of moderate size, and of a kind that will not fall too quickly in cooking. Peel them and remove the cores. Place them in a fireproof dish and fill
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  • 129 21 U/HEN a shaped Jelly has :o te turned out of a mould it is advisable to lay a dlshpaper or a paper doyley over the top of the mould before inverting it on the dish. The icily may then be moved into exact centre of the dish by
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 145 21 Reversible >^B^ Satin For The h| b Afternoon Reversible satin Is used for Ate. this afternoon dress. The 4^A Bf^^l^ i^fe shiny sleeves and neckline j| contrast with the dull surface of the frock. This is a Itatil Celebrity model. VVwfa^B B^l TfflM on ly require reasonable care and correct
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  • 1206 22 Police Admission In Segamat Case DRIVER'S 84 PACES OVER 100 YARD TRACK (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. A CASE of considerable interest to motorists came up for hearft ing before Ungku Ismail bin Abdul Rahman, the local magistrate, when Mr. S. J. Millen
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  • 257 22 Pirates Quickly Caught Junk Seized By Armed Band QUICK work on the part of the Nantao River Police resulted in the recapture in Shanghai near the Fish Market in Yangtxepoo of a junk and its cargo which a few hours before were stolen by armed robbers. At the time of
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  • 175 22 Canada' s Ties To Britain New Minister On Unity New York. "THE strong bonds existing between the Dominion of Canada and Great Britain were emphasised here by Sir Herbert Marler, the new Canadian Minister in Washington. The address was the first to be delivered in public by Sir Herbert since
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  • 65 22 Four members of the crew of the Belgian trawler Yierge Marie were drowned when lashed by heavy seas, the trawler was wrecked on the Lamorna Rocks near Pensance, Cornwall. The captain and mate leaped overboard and struggled ashore, where they were assisted up the cliff by
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  • 31 22 Montreal. Brother Andre, 91-year-old "Miracle Man" and founder of St. Joseph's clinic where thousands of persons have left their canes and crutches, has died of a paralytic stroke.
    31 words
  • 16 22 Documents are said to have been seised In Salonika proving the existence of a Communist plot.
    16 words
  • Article, Illustration
    36 22 The Archduke Frederick of Hapsburg died recently in BurUpest at the age of 80. He h;d been seriously ill for over a fortnight. The Archduke was Con.tnandcr-in-Chief of the Austro-Hungarian armies when war began In 1914.
    36 words
  • 221 22 QNE of the most remarkable and protracted legal dramas of the century ended this month by the making absolute of a decree nisi granted in November 1935 to Lady (Christabel Hulme) Ampthill against Lord Ampthill, who succeeded to the title nearly two years ago. Lord and Lady
    221 words
  • 100 22 Europe's Largest Glacier Owned By Hotel TTOE Rhone Glacier, one of the largest In Europe, nas been confirmed as the property of a Swiss hotelier by the Swiss Supreme Federal Court in Lausanne (says the Dally Telegraph Geneva correspondent). The glacier Is about seven miles long and forms the source
    100 words
  • 72 22 Miss Jessie Matthews unveiled at the Golden Square Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital, W. 1. a cot which had been endowned by the Paramount Philanthropic Society. The occupant was Katharine Mlllard, aged 3. The London Ambulance Service of the L.C.C. received 53.019 calls in 1936 In connection with street accidents
    72 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 389 22 7A A M JfjW^^ BRANDY W 5 COMPETITION LOT FIRST PRIZE $500 SECOND PBIZK $1M THIRD PRIZE SIM JL. JU .JL EXTRA PRIZES, 12 BICYCLES if#**V S CONSOLATION GIFTS, 25 large bottles of GoUUsi Valley /^A f Mrandy and 35 half-sne bottles of Golden Valley Brandy. MT EXTENSION TO
      389 words
    • 1 22 im
      1 words
    • 89 22 C LAI RE ON Vo|P^ A Trumpet (or Motor Cars Trico CUir— s i art 40L 9rv sow svailsblo, ••!>•- Mil] —^m^k Hk cUlly designed lor •xterior front-end io- g^B&^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^M IstaJUriont. Claireoo*. |Wj .^a^ssfl KlAssr the moil directional ■sßfiflflßSK K •i all wamin( device*. I produce blended HP musical notr
      89 words

  • 134 23 English Cup, Scottish Cup And League Games DESULTS of football fames played in the leagues yesterday arc, says Reuter t.aj ive: >ol a •> > 0 DIVISION I LdIASU Vllltt A llackbi R. 6 Newcastle V 1 ilackpool C Bradford 0 Iradford C. ..1 Fulham 1 DIVISION II played, ground
    Reuter  -  134 words
  • 99 23 DESULTS of Rugby games piayed at home yesterday are, says Reuter Army 10, Harlequin? 9. Blackbeath vs. Royal Navy, ground unfit. Bristol 3, Newport 0. Cardiff vs. Richmond, ground unfit. Guy's Hospital 6. Gloucester 8. Leicester 3. Coventry 12. Londo i Scottish 24, London Irish 0. O. Mcr.
    99 words
  • 72 23 F.A. CUP— 4TH ROUND Bolton 1 Norwich 1 Everton 3 Arsenal 5 iMtyn 2 Swansea 0 CovenU-y 2 Gi-lmsby 5 Exeter 3 Preston 5 Manchester C. I Millwall 3 Burnley 4 Wolves ,2 Tottenham 1 Derby 3 W. Bromwich Sheffield W. 0 Manchester U. 0 Sunderland 2 York 0 rne»Uf
    72 words
  • 137 23 SCOTTISH CUP First Round Hearts 3 St. Bernards 1 Queen of South 1 Rangers 0 Dundee vs. Bast Stirling ground unfit. Morton .6 Murrayfleld A. 1 Forfar vs. Eist Fife ground unfit. Dalbeatt'.j 1 Queen's Park 2 Dunfermline t?. Arbroath ground unfii Clyde 8 Vale o" Coba 0 Montrose 1
    137 words
  • 441 23 Tin; North and South Rubgy match should be a representative game and not one of contest. This was the suggestion of Mr. B. J. R. Barton, of Johore, at the Malayan Rugby Union dinner at Raffles Hotel last night, when about
    441 words
  • 764 23 DOSITIONS in the leagues including: yesterday's games are Charlton 27 13 5 9 36 Arsenal 26 13 5 8 58 Brentford 25 12 6 7 50 Mlddlesbro' 26 13 0 5 51 Sunderland 26 13 9 4 54 Derby Co 26 12 9 I 58 Huddersfleld ..26 9
    764 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 258 23 QUICK RELIEF Yea*t-Vita not only /^^*^L Don't suffer d*ys J^Vfc relieves ptun and discom- x^ V^lV of tain and ill- \s***\ fort, but tone, the whole (jff/ health cc' relict \2&r »»V| system as weU I It nour- fei <• fsfy! neaun Sf- re j Jf Jht, tbe nervet and
      258 words
    • 562 23 WELL GROOMED MEN AT HOME insist on Brylcreem, the original no >)v gum hair dressing. Actually this mr»st /V s wffr popular of all hair dressings is much ~r t more than a mere fixative. Brylcreem V,, d /^ffn contains valuable tonic ingredients which stimulate the growth of the hair
      562 words

  • 662 24 174 For 2 In Reply To Australia's 288 All Out On First Innings BARNETT NEARING HIS CENTURY Adelaide, Saturday. I7NGLAND have made a fine start j in 'heir first innings reply t Australia in the fourth Test match The Australians were dismissed for the
    Reuter  -  662 words
  • 116 24 •"PHRILLImi tabie tennis should be seen at the Great World tonight when the finals of the men's singles ana women's singles championships will be played. Loh Kum Soon, champion 1934. will meet. Lee Chun Kai runner-up 1934. in the men's final Both players aye displayed very good
    116 words
  • 161 24 AUSTRALIA—Ist. Innings Brown c Allen b Fames 42 Fincleton run out 10 Rife c Ames b Fames 20 Kradi.ian b Allen 26 McCabe 7 Allen b Robins 88 Gregory Ibw. Hammond 23 Oldfield run out 5 Chipperfield not out 57 O'Reilly c Leyland b Allen 7 McCormiek c Ames
    161 words
  • 29 24 New York. Saturday. IN a ten-round contest here last night Joe Louis outpointed Bob Pastor, the New York champion. There were no knock-downs. Renter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 239 24  -  RAIN BY (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. The wet weather of the last few weeks has been responsible for the suspension of tennis activities in the district. Though the Segamat District tournament for the Hawkins' Cup is not yet due, two other tournaments are bel.ig
    239 words
  • 131 24 SEGAMAT RIFLE CLUB DECEMBER SHOOT Volunteer Sergeant The Top-Scorer (From Our Own Correspondent i Segamat. Due to the lack of sufficient members turning out for the monthly shoots of the Segamat Rifle Club, no priae was offered for the December meet The Police members of the Club appear to be
    131 words
  • 345 24 A. S. SAMUEL WINS SELANGOR TITLE ONCE AGAIN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A s. SAMUEL, for several years badminton champion and last year's runner-up, made a gallant come-back today when he won the Selangor men's open singles championship played at the Victoria Institution Hall, defeating Ong Beng
    345 words
  • 66 24 The SJI.C. will meet the RAF. first team at hockey on the B.R.C. ground on Wednesday at 5.10 p.m. The following players have been selected to represent the SRC O. C. Aerla. R. Barth. A O. Armstrong, O. Ross, O. E. N. Oehlers. J. S. de Souza.
    66 words
  • 284 24 SCHOOLS LOSE TO TOWN MALAYS AT SOCCER (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. DLAYING on the School padang last week, the Government English School were well beaten by the Town Malays by two goals to nil In a friendly soccer match. For the Malays. Lambak in goal was sound while the
    284 words
  • 102 24 Kuala Muda Football Cluo officv-tx-arers. President, H. H Tunku Abdul Rahman; vice-president, Che Mat Em: chairman, Mr. A. C. Maxwell; non. fccretaiy and treasurer Che Ismail oln Noor: chairman of th« board or referees Mr J. A. Wyatt. The following clubs were represented at the meeting: Che
    102 words
  • 252 24 SELANGOR BEAT NEGRI BRILLIANT HOCKEY DISPLAY (Vrom Oar Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. CUPERIOR understanding among the forwards gave Selangor a 6 l victory against Negri Sembilan in an inter-State hockey match here today. The game was played on a sodden ground in almost continuous rain. Selangor were the first to
    252 words
  • 290 24 FASTEST BEST FOR LONG WHILE SEGAMAT INDIANS BEAT MUAR I. C. A. (From Our Own Correspondent; Segamat. ORILLIANT play by Ajalb Singh coupled with a staunch detence secured the Segamat India-Ceylon Association a splendid three-nil victory ever the Muar Indo-Ceylonese in a fast hockey match, on the Muar Hospital ground
    290 words
  • 126 24 The Sultan's College beat the Police B at hockey by two goals to one in a fast and exciting game, although in the first half the Police team seemed not to have settled down. Abdul Rahman opened the scoring for the College Just a few minutes
    126 words
  • 34 24 An eclectic competition will be held by the Keppel Golf Club during the whole month of February- Further particulars and conditions of play will be found in the competition book.
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  • 46 24 Australian Championship Tennis Final Sydney, Saturday. In the Australian lawn tennis championships final McGrath beat Bromwich 6-3, 1-6, 6-9, 2-6, 6-1. McGrath was on the peak of his form smashing brilliantly and usinc; the most delicate dropshots. He did not allow Bromwich to settle down. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 541 24 GOOD CRICKET MATERIAL IN JOHORE Why Not a State Team Season Opening Shortly (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. WILL Johore field a State team? That is the question Johore cricketers are asking themselves with the approach of the cricket season. That Johore is able to field a formidable team
    541 words
  • 41 24 The postponed eighth monthly general meeting of the Amateur Sporting Association will be held on Thursday at 8.00 p.m. at the residence of Mr. Khoo Eng Watt. 41. Craig Road. The membership campaign season will closeon Feb. 28.
    41 words
  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 62 24 Around Singapore's Golf Courses 1 I 1 4W'>'*" 1 t^ -^g^ I Jl^l THE RRST HOLE. BOMTTi HAH AMP AS IT ttf?EH*,S ON ICQrtPETITIOH PAY... TME ia* AT ISLAND AN" AS IT SEE^ WHtN M DORHV... THE- THIP.D AT GARRISON ALWAYS \"^?N^^ /VX /> '~"p /Ss>v I) I MR> I
      62 words

  • 1281 25  -  "STAND-OFF" 23-11 Score In Annual Rugger Encounter SCRUM HALVES HEROES OF THE DAY BY THRILL piled on thrill in yesterday's big rugger game, in which North beat South by 23 points (four goals, a try) to 11 (a goal, two tries). It was the
    1,281 words
  • 1738 25 FIRST WIN IN MALAYA: PAYS DIVIDEND OF $116. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. JACK DRUCE, with E. Donnelly up. created a bip upset by winning the third race today, the first day of the Perak Turf Club February meeting, to pay $116 for win
    1,738 words
  • 506 25 COLTS TOO GOOD FOR C. S. C. HOCKEY VICTORY BY THREE CLEAR GOALS Colt s 3, CSC 0 THE Colts beat the Ceylon Sports 1 Club by threo clear goals at Balestier yesterday at hockey. The visitors displayed better combination and their forwards were more thrustful. when within shooting range,
    506 words

  • 1068 26 Should Be Finished In A Fortnight Fraser And Neave Now Tipped Commercial InterTeam Winners BY OUR BADMINTON CORRESPONDENT •THE close of the official badminton season here, which has been much more prolonged than is usual by the many postponements granted during the
    1,068 words
  • 47 26 At the special general meeting of the Union Sporting Association held on Jan. 5. Mr. Chla Kirn Cheng was elected the fourth vice-president, vice Mr. Yeo Eng Hoo. deceased:, ard Mr. Teo Ah Kow to the committee In place of Mr. Chla Kirn Cheng.
    47 words
  • 45 26 The third quarterly general meeting of the Useful B.P. will be held today at the St. Thomas English School, Kampong Bahru Road (facing the party's court) at noon. The new court of the Party at 522. Kampong Bahru Road, Is ready for practice.
    45 words
  • 519 26 TENTH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS At Mr. Aw Boon Haw's bungalow. Pasir Panjang, last week-end more than 80 members and friends of the Slew Sin Bia attended the Vbration of the Association's tenth an. versary. On Saturday afternoon sports were held and the Teo -Che* music was in attendance
    519 words
  • 114 26 At the fourteenth annual general meeting of the Beng Choon Kok held on Jan. 24 at the residence of Mr. Khoo Eng Watt, the following were elected offlce-bearers for the ensuing year:— President, Mr. Khoo Kirn Hock; vicepresidents, Messrs. Llm Chwee Cheng (re-elected), Oh Poh Soo (re-elected);
    114 words
  • 90 26 Entries are invited for the following events in the Suhnydale B.P.s tournament which will begin shortly: A singles championship for Mr. Qhlm Wee Chow's challenge cup; handicap singles championship for Mr. Cheong Tal Poh's challenge cup; Interteam championship for Mr. Tan Joo •oon's challenge shield; B singles and
    90 words
  • 81 26 The annual general meeting of Sans Badminton Party was held at Ban's mess last Sunday. After the report and accounts for the year had been adopted the election took place and resulted: President, Mr. San Kwok Thye; vice-president, Mr. San Kwok Keong; captain, Mr. Chan Ken Leong; viee
    81 words
  • 132 26 In a friendly match the Rex B.P. beat the second string of the Merry Youngsters B.P. last week-end by four games to two. at the former's court. Results (Rex first): Dickie Wee lost to Wee Hong Loo 10—15, 15 —8. 11—15 Yullm Chen beat Yeo Chow Heng 13—13,
    132 words
  • 112 26 The first anniversary celebration of the Merry- Youngsters B.P. will be held a week from today at the sea-sK\ bungalow of Mr. Aw Boon Haw. Pasir Panjang Road. The bungalow will be open as from 2 p.m. Members are requested to go direct. The following players will represent
    112 words
  • 92 26 The following have been elected offlc? bearers of the Sportsman Badminton Party for the year. President, C. B. Nalr; hon. secretary, and sports captain T. Rajoo; hon. treasurer, O. Rajoo; hon. auditor, S. Alram: committee, S. Tayaram, J. Louis and S. Maniam. The following will represent the Sportsman
    92 words
  • 124 26 The Chinese Friendly Association monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday at the Association premises, at 8 p.m. The agenda will be: collect subscriptions, confirm the minutes of the last meeting, pass the statements of accounts for the month of January. 1937, discuss members' overdue arrears and
    124 words
  • 676 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. "THE programme for the 1936 season of t.«e Selangor Badminton Association was concluded- yesterday with the playing of the men's and junior open singles championships at the Victoria institution Hall. The results the games will be found in
    676 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements

  • 634 27 Popularity Of The Seven-A-Side Tournament Two Nights' Boxing Tennis Begins By "ECHO" Co another Rugby season is over. And, in retrospect, what splendid games it has produced. The Malaya Cup final was a classic ot kcMily-fought rugger which result-<-d in a close but well-deserve^
    634 words
  • Article, Illustration
    23 27 In the inter-facnlty badminton match at the King Edward Coll ,:e of Medicine the Dental team (right of picture) beat the Mrdical team.
    23 words
  • 366 27 INDIANS BEAT THE EUROPEANS 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. DLAYING their last match of the Segamat and District Hockey League for the Wills Cup, the IndiaCeylon Association secured a hardearned victory over the Europeans by the odd goal in three on the town padar.g last
    366 words
  • 682 27 Negri-Malacca Representatives In North vs. South Mateh The Malayan Rugby Union Presidents McMichael And Bryson Forme/ Malayan Players Match Against Special Service Squadron Recalled (By Our Seremban Correspondent.) T^HE Negri Sembilan-Malacca rugger team had three representatives In yesterday's North vs. South annual rugger match at Singapore,
    682 words
  • 222 27 Two Wins For The College (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. £"RICKFT has made Its appearance in Kedah, although the hockey season is still in full swing. Two matches have been played at the Sultan Abdul Hamld College Green The first was between the Sultan's College and a
    222 words
  • 59 27 There will be boxing at the Grand Amusement Park, Alor Star, tonight at 10 p.m. including two main events. The programme Is: 10-2 m. rounds. Nal Tong Joo vs. Buddy Dason; 10-2 m rounds. Ravi vs. James Dawn; 6-2 m rounds. Kid Rath vs. Young
    59 words
  • 84 27 Ties in .he S.C.C. billiards handicap tournament MONDAY Carl Lawson Scr. vs. M. S. Robinson, —20; A. F. Hunter —60 vs. G. Pritchett —20. TUESDAY: E. G. Staunton Scr. vs. J. A. Dean 20; C. F. Jennings 20 vs. N. G. Bishop 40. WEDNESDAY: Capt. D. W. Persse
    84 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 611 27 PERAK TURF CLUB. FEBRUARY MEETING 1937 SATURDAY, JANUARY 3». 1937. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY S, 1937. SATURDAY. FEBRI AKY fi. tMI The Subscription for Visl'ing Members shall be MEN $5 LADIES $3 for th" Matting or any day thereof. VISITING MEMBERS must tx- Introduced Uy Members o! Iht Club and MiJST APPLY
      611 words

  • 213 28 Mr. Aw Boon Haw's Villa At Pasir Panjang /*\NE of the most outstanding examples of modern architecture to be seen In the Far East, Mr. Aw Boon Haw's villa at Pasir Panjang, which has been under construction for two years, will be completed in the next month.
    213 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 70 28 (TFColliim's a Meitow aavi Fr*^*y Sptrtt U 111 W!W£| I I 111 il II Q 1 111 111 nn n t n y |jj|^^af||flffSr^^ M filers to H. M^ V *>» I d uck&white i i'^n^H "Kntitto nMf M *T, n *^M^iriiTjS^slsfs»sfs»sl I CHf>r SPtCul BLEND ut drY I I
      70 words
    • 131 28 Tj V n» IMTEm MUUiI IT! O i ST tR. Opposite CUfSord Pier. Itch Germs Killed in 7 Minutes Tour skin has nearly SO million tiny seams hud pores where germs hide and cause terrible Itching, Cracking, Kcsema, Peeling, Born* ing. Acne, Ringworm, Psoriasis, Blackheads, Pimples, Dhoby Itch, Singapore Foot
      131 words
  • Page 28 Miscellaneous
    • 85 28 Wat J&uiflag Hketf Head Office: Ceel' Street, Singapore. Phone M71 (S Hnesl with eztenrtoa to all Department*. Koala Lumpur: Office: M. Ja»a Street, Phone: 3683. •-oh: Offiee: Brewstr r Bed. Trie: 37. Pnuuv: Office: It. Bishop Stre-t, Pensaf, Phone: 1471. Lona— Office: M/4S, Flee* Street. London, -.C.«. Phone: Centi-.J J808—
      85 words