The Straits Times, 10 December 1936

Total Pages: 24
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 95 1 SINC-aoore 140. CECIL ST. CPHONE 5471).' GUARANTEED TWOUARS BRINKMARIiCO SINGAPORE K-LUMPUB y-, Economy I i A lJmj!^iiY\ f or Brilliance ML» > B *tJ Durability J AM RC J So-called 'cheap* lamps are expensive. They consume considerably M* f Ji more current, which has 1^ fo 6e parW for!! 5ai;e
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    • 161 1 KUALA LUMPUR: JAVA ST. rpun —-»•»> Cfli H. Scots OJhlsky ijl J)inma out? r 1 Sir means smart m A I Evening Wear ■I I J Only good tailoring can give you ll IB I THIS. FOR YEARS WE HAVE SPECIALISED VI II I IN THE CAREFUL TAILORING OF EVENING
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 381 2 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Singapore Within Outside Without Uamya Maiavn Postage MnrthlT 3.M ««f !M Quarter^ I 8.5* flit* I 1M dill Vearlj t\'.M «< W *15.00 Yearl? «34.»0 $48.00 $30 00 Note. Ontalation cheqaes should Include the uMml bank discount. ADVERTISEMENT RATES The chare** and 3wir»eUon» tm CLASSIriKD MJVEHTISKMKNTS «r» a*
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    • 477 2 SITUATIONS VACANT VACANCIES exist In a big commercial house for three canvassers, who must be prepared to travel and work in any part of Malaya. Applicants should be able to speak English and fluent Malay and also one or more of the following dialects- Hokicn. Cantonese. Teochew, Hakka, Tamil. Good
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    • 512 2 FOR SALE FOB SALE, Furniture at Capitol Flat, end December, Complete, Including Electric Gramophone and Refrigerator. Apply— Bennle Lowlck it Co. ONE RACHAL'S UPRIGHT PIANO and one ORGAN, both in very good tone. Can be seen at 109 Rangoon Road between 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. to
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    • 377 2 HOUSES, FLATS TO LET TO LET modern European houses, Nos 51 and 71, Holland Rosd, J bedrooms wl'h batnrorms attached, modern sanitation garace, tennis court. Apply Credit Fonclei Meyer Chambers. HOUSE FULLY FURNISHED VMlh ail modern conveniences, 3 bed-rooms. Knoll court, cool situation, extensive views to let for about 8
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    • 790 2 AUCTION NOTICE GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR XMAS Si NEW YEAR GIFTS BY ORDER OF COVRT Estate of Mahboob Khan, Dece^.d IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of a large collection of valuable Jewellery, cutglass, -silver and p>ated-ware, cutlery, turnilurc. Gci-iran-made fire-proof safe Etc Etc. To bo held at No. 24, Chulia Street on Tuesday
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    • 593 2 J^yjI! NESS CARDS tii c MASSAGE HALL MANICURE AND MASSAGE Mrs. HARU and Miss HANA 60. WATERLOO SIRtET. Telephone 7467. EN( YC I.OPEIIIA OF StXl AI. KNOWI by Dib. A. Cooler, A. Wii.j ..n under I tutorship oi Norman Haire, ChM. MB. Ono (tout volume of 617 pape; n-itii Rupplementary
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  • 114 3 Comments Of Airway Passengers. Tllt> .it the Port C.rwin Australia, now contains some tmmenta on tbe impress ii!*prs who have been I!yinn ov,r the Empire route to and lrom Australia A I. melon business man. lor example. alter an air voyage through from England to Australia, wrote
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  • 34 3 A new direction-finding wireless station has been completed at Basra, and will shortly bj In regular operation. The river and nyir.g-boat basin BN now being dredged, and a slipway Is alsj to be provided.
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  • 102 3 Soviet Claim Synthetic Rubber Success. The Soviet press publishes a report r.ddrcssed to Stalin by the synthetic rubber industry, on the fulfilment of the second Five- Year Plan of rubber production in 3 years and 11 months By comparison with 1935, the capacity of the USSR, rubber plants ha.s almost
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  • 47 3 A striking development In the United States recently has been the increase in the operation of air-taxi services. Nearly every air-port in America now has its special-charter service. Land -planes, seaplanes, and amphibians are included in the airfleets, and are provided with radio and instruments for blind-flying
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 3 M. van Zeeland. the Belgian Premier, who is visiting London for conferences with Mr. Anthony Eden, the British Foreign Minister, was the guest of honour at a luncheon given by the British Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce at the Savoy Hotel, Londdn.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 281 3 CHEVROLET TRUCKS OFFER THE MOST ECONOMICAL --;^jg&i(ffl TRANSPORTATION Jh Think of a truck that is engineered in every feature to ""NZ^TT^W ft t FULL LENGTH WATER JACKETS j JWtT^fcfc extending to the bottom of the bore* PreVCnt WMte and WYe mone y' That the new Chevrolet mr^sT ,W^i T k
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    • 82 3 Lmtest in Quality K4diot> EVERY MOML A OULLKNCm Sole Agents "H.M V." American Radios: KB Hi at RADIO OOHPANI m W n\. Orchard K,,ad. Phonr: !;,<.•, si IgapoiV. '"PAIRS .\NIf"sKUVH !.\7i To all makes of R x t;,,. \nip!i-. (r *<nind Systems and i;<iuj r C ciisult us on your
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 154 3 Broadcast i n a EMPIRE STATION. TODAY TRANSMISSION 2. The following frequencies wUl be ua«T— GSH 21.47 Mc/s (13.97 m.) GSG 17.79 Mcs (16.86 m.) 6.20 p.m.— Big Ben. Oxford vs. Cambridge.' A commtnlary on the Association Kootball Match. 6.42 p.m.— A Stratus waltz.;6.50 p.m.— 'A Thieves' Kitchen.'* A nieht
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    • 767 3 VanCortland. his wife; Jim Bailey, business man; Billy Blake, touring actor; Sally, his fiancee; a man; a girl. Production by Howard Row. 9.50 p.m.— The BBC Empire Orchestra; leader. Daniel Meka; conductor. Eric Ko«. Marie Wilson (Violin). OrchestraOverture. Leonora. No. 3 (Beethoven) Marie Wilson and Orchestra: Concerto No. 5 in
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    • 322 3 HONG KONG. TODAY c 2J'?« 3 P m hmese Procrajjime P-m.-Europcan Prosnunma Lft^ u il ri *-e Signal. v, n .hn Remente Quotation, and ftnnounc£ 8.30 p.m-DAVENTRY-N>«s Bullrim ,nd Announcements. 10.30 p.m.— fiosc down. NIROM. TODAY 5 Vnu' Tim M8nal °P° ll;: l.lilZ. Q^tSr^ 0 csaxi>iih 6 35 p.m. Sounds
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 4 Large crowds followed Queen Mary's car down Mile End Road, after her visit to Queen Mary's folk-go.
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  • 337 4 Can A Family Man Live On $100 A Month? Correspondence. To the Editor of the Straits TimesSir— l read with Interest "Practical Co-operator's" letter and I would like to give him credit for what he states. U, as Mr. Sivapragasam says, committees of co-cperative societies should exercise a "rigid loan
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  • 95 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Talplng, Dec. 7. The members of the Perak Sangeetha Sabha, Ipoh. staged a show at the Palladium Hall. Taiping. on Saturday night, in aid of the Tamil School run by the Sabha at Ipoh. The proceeds amounted over $500. Tl»e Sabha recently
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  • 95 4 <From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Dec. 7. Rough weather along the sea coast has accounted for another two tragedies at Port Weld. A Chinese fisherman named On«j Kirn was reported missing a few days ago. A search party was organised by deceased's son-in-law and three
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  • 36 4 Sir Archdale Parkhill. Minister of Defence, announced In Australia recently that letter-mails will, by the middle of next year, be carried by air between capital cities in Australia at ordinary rates, without any form of surcharge.
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  • 160 4 As pointed out in last year's report there was reason to believe that since the year 1931 Malaya enjoyed a period of natural recession in the incidence of malaria, which accords with the theory of the periodicity of malaria outbreaks. So it appears that in
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  • 394 4 SON CONTRADICTS FATHER'S STORY. ALLEGED ASSAULT BY NEPHEW. i Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat, Dec. 8. A tooth wrapped in a scr.ap of yellow paper formed an exhibit in an a-.sault case before Ungku Ismail bin Abdul Rahman, the Segamat magistrate. Tey Sey Leng, a middle-aged Chinese ol Buloh Kasap.
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  • 72 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Dec. 8. Taib bin Haji Ahmad was today charged before Sheikh Abu Baker b'.n Yahya, the Second Magistrate with causing hurt to Yaknb by stabbing him with a knife yesterday morning at the car stand at Jalan Segget. The accused
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  • 160 4 Annoyed Debtor Who Was A Bankrupt. iFYom Our Own Correspondent. > Seremban. Dec. Z On the amended charge ot trespassing into the house with intent to insult or annoy on 3 Charles Fernandez, a bank clerk at Seremban. a Siki money-lender. Delip Singh was today fined
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  • 59 4 From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. Dec. 8. Alleged to have voluntarily caused grievous hurt t oa compatriot at Mantln, three Sikhs were ordered to stand their trial at the next Assizes, by Inche Mohamed Yusop. in the Seremban magistrate's court. Inspector Dan Singh prosecuted, and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 315 4 HOTELS Orchestral Concert 8.16 to 9.15 p.m. <** Dinner and Dance (Formal) *V° 9-45 to midnight Edith and Billy Hersey wilh Raffles Celebrated Orchestra <X directed by Dan Hopkins Nun-dinrn $1.0« Book Now for the Xmas and When in Penan* stay at New Year Lve't Festivities the E and O
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  • 276 5 THE Straits Times is publishing this daily feature to give readers a comprehensive summary of entertainments, meetings, sports events, social functions and other outstanding happenings. Organisers of meetings etc. are invited to submit diary dates. HOTELS. RAFFLES HOTEL: Orchestral concert, 8.15—9.15 p.m. Formal dinner and dance.
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  • 337 5 Boxing. K.O.s Speedy Chan In Fifth Round. (From Our Own Correspondent) Talplng. Dec. 3. Lively boxing was seen at the Ourden Park tonight, before a larger crowd than for other recent program mes. Then main event provided a seusr»tlonal finish. Little Juan, 7.10, the clever
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  • 208 5 London Promoter Officers Purse Of *3,000. A well-known London promoter has made an offer of £3.000 for a British and Empire heavy-weight championship match between the holder. Ben Foord, of South Africa, and Tommy Farr, the Welsh champion. This may not sound like a generous
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  • 188 5 LOSS TO CHARITIES. Will Not Properly Executed. Because the will of Mr. Arthur Victor Calvertt. of Marloes Road, Kensington, was not properly executed, two charities will not receive bequests he made to them. A grant of Intestacy was made by Mr. Justice Bucknlll in the Probate Court. Mr. H. T.
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  • 48 5 Mr. Noel Baker. (Labour), urged the British Government to Instruct warships in Spanish waters to make reports on such incidents as the reported submarine attack on Spanish Government warships on the ground that such incidents might result i international war. sir Samuel Hoare replied in the negative.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 316 5 Hockey. The Medical College Union team defeated the Ceylon Sports Club second team yesterday on the College ground by two goals to nil. Haohlm and Lim Chin bein o the scorers. THE RAIN WON! When rain fell at half-time yesterday, the match b?tween the SRC "B"
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  • 110 5 The Singapore Laboratory has prepared a Tropical Diet Chart which is i^sed by all schools, both English and vernacular. The Important feature of this scheme for educating people In regard to better nutrition is that the attack Is conducted through the schools. In a recent speech quoted in these
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 97 5 SilviVriip SOLIDIFIED BBILLIAXTINB Prevents the forma- i 1 tion of Dandruff anc f ~"V Falling Hair. Keei«s BJLt^ the hair neat, glossy. tHrS| tidy and wavy. (W% Lasts four times longer }^^tJ than other Brilliantines. li^^^^^BH REDUCED PRICE: 55 CENTS. From all Chemhts, High Clan Stores and Hair-dressers, Sole Distributors:
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    • 393 5 X MA S SALE SPECIAL REDUCTIONS a »OR I MONTH ONLY ef HIGH GRADE ENG- V^fc^^ESlß LISII LEATHER SHOES J§^BM| In newest styles with^H BY p^rfrrt Biting BP^^^"JT a t modrrau- >nBsI^SBT Ist prlrr-t. LADIES' S HOES A spkiiality aVBBiBsVBr THE MODERN SHOE CO., MM Middle Road. Singapore. TOMORROW HI6HT
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    • 79 5 It is officially announced that Mr. Karl Robson, the Berlin correspondent of the Morning Post (London), has been evicted from Germany by the German Government for telegraphing to his newspaper the suggestion that the German Government were themselves not sure of the innocence of the German engineer, Herr Stickling, who
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    • 326 5 lATE ADVERTISEMENTS. SITUATJON VACANT" I SITUATION WANTED .hS'^T K E S OMMEND ED~i^iH~ a va.i: aoie middle of January, also syce very carciil driver. Box 447, Straits Times. WANTED fn™uhZi EO Modem house. 4or 5 bedrooms] i£~^ °f unfurn^hed. Any dtotrtet preferred Apply 449. Straits Times. __MOTOR_VEHICL^ co^^ V 10
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    • 504 6 More Activity In Tin Shares. Our Km ncial Correspondent. Singapore, Dec. 10. Tin is up 60a. for both positions in London yesterday. Spot and three months are now s.;>.nuing at the same price of £233 and after :<\ years run there is no longer premium on spot
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    • 65 6 .ia.l. uec. iv. A Chii y styled the "Anti-Red Organisation of Asia," supported by the Japanese military, has established Its headquarters in the Japanese confession at Tientsin, according to Chinese press reports. It |i this organisation Is preparing 1 uranches iv \ari.-us parts ol Hopei and
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    • 30 6 NaiiKi::g. Dec. 10. Government yesterday i;^ued a denial of any plan to create ►poly of the wood-oil (tung011) trade in China.— Sin Chew Jit red
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      • 573 6 Issue Val. Fraser Co. Lyall Evatt Buyers Sellers Buyers Sellers 4/- Ampa. Tin 4/9 5/6 5/- 5/6 £1 Asam Kumbar.g 32/- 34/-cd 32/- 34/-cd £1 Vustra' Malay 55 6 57/-cd 55/- 57/-xd 5 Ayer nilam 19/9 21/3xd 20/6 21/6 1 Ayer Weng 1.70 1.80 1.80 1.90 £1 Bangnr. Tin
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      • 437 6 2 2 Aiex Brick Ord. 1.25 1.40 125 1 35 2 2 do 7',2'i Prefs. 2.30 235 2.25 2.35 10 10 Atlas Ics 800 IOOOn. 800 IOOOn £1 £1 BAT 6.7.6 6.17.6 6.7.6 6.12 6 1 IBM. Broadcasting 0.85 0.95 0.90 0.95 10 5 B. M. Trustee 6.25 7.00
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      • 205 6 SINUATUKE MUmUIFALi. 5% 1901 red. 1940 $400,000 Int. Mar 31 Sept. 30 108 IVfe'c. 1907 red. 1947 $1,600,000 Int Mar. 31 Sept. 30 11l 4' 2 «i ICO9 red. 1955 51. 000.000 tot. Mar. 31 Sept. 30 120 4"- VJI3 red. 1963 $2,000,000 Mar 31 Sept. 30
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      • 371 6 Fras3r Co. Lyall Evatt Allenby 200 2.20 1.95 2.05 Alor Gajah 175 1.90 cd 1.75 1.90 cd Amal. Malay 2.15 2.30 2.15 2.30 Ayer Hitam 1.75 1.90 1.70 1.80 Ayer Molek 1.40 1.45 1.40 1.50 Ayer Panao 2.00 2.10 2.00 2.10 Bassctt 0.80 084 0.77 0.81 Batu Ltntang
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    • 198 6 The lolltiwiDt UM ttnnimi rate*, this morning according U tne dally circular issued oy tne Horn Korn and Munrha< Banrtna Corpora: <-n: sei ling London demand 2,± 1/16 London IT 2/4 i/l« London months' sight 2/4>.' R Lyons, demand 1230 Hamburg der.ii»nd 141 New York demand CT% Montreal demand
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    • 82 6 Noon, Dec. 10. No. 1 X. R. S. S. in cases (F. 0.8.) Nov. 32i/ 4 32-% Good F. A. Q. in cases (F. 0.8.) Nov. 32 3/16 32 5/16 No. 1 I R. S. S. (Spot loose) Awardable Singapore 32 Vi 32% December 32
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  • 139 6 TOTAL DIVIDEND OF 80 PER CENT. SOUTHERN MALAYAN TO PAY 45 PER CENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Dec. 9. The accounts for Malayan Tin Dredging Ltd. have just bsen Issued for the year endod Ju 1? last and they disclose profit j that are almost
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  • 88 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) London. LVc. 9. Tronoh Mines Ltd has declared an. Interim dlv'dend Cf 10 per c:nt. and a bonus of 2>2 per cent, makma a total interim distribution to d.ite >1 40 per cent, on account of the financial year ending Dec. 31. Southern
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  • 367 6 London, N)V. 9. Ihe following are toaay 8 closm* middle prices on the London Stoc.n Exchange: Shares ot £1 denomination ur.los>s jtherwise stated: Yesler- Rise c-jr or r'u.) Convcrsiao Loan 5 p.c. 1944-54 IMU Funding Loan 4 DC. 1960-90 HC'j War Loan 3'.j p.c. 105'j Com. Union Assce.
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  • 24 6 The output of gold from Raub Australian Gold Mining Co. Ltd. for the four weeks ended Dec. 5 was 1,997.05 ounces.
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  • 90 6 TO ACQUIRE MALAYAN ESTATE OF ."5.000 ACRES. FIRST ISSUE OP U 75,000 fFrom Our Ow: > nt> Lon. Dctai's of the nen I being formed by the Stral Rubber jjroup are n ;w ay. I The company .s named B I Rubber Estate Ltd an I l
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  • 68 6 Big Rise In < And Vaiue 0 Our Ow:; The value from Slam In the y iprifi. was well over quantity amounted to 26.600.0 i grammes. th slump ?:am\s expert tota kilogrammes and well under .^ioo.oco. cam of the years of thi Then thp r\p->rl
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  • 41 6 9 For tfa Beard of Trad prices showed an btr, the i v aa c mr n d w ber amounting to 0 7 pel against I cent. For tli* 1 first time the in;!: British Ireieaa
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  • 178 6 siii'i.ip..c. ii-«<». liJ. 12 neon Buy s Uer Oambk l I Hambur- Cube 10. 50 Java Cube 0-M Pepper. White Muni >U White 19-00 11.00 Mixed $.T.4 r > Stmdrled 8 Tapioca. I Small Flak 5 C 3 Fur FlaKe Medium Pearl 23 Small Pearl J aaio your.
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  • 91 6 Luitdon, N/;. 9. The following were closing mean rates: Paris 10S 9 ri Athfns 547<4 New York 4.90 5. Bucharest 6C7V» Montreal 4.89", sellers Brussels 28.98'j Rio Geneva 21.33. Amsterdam 9.00* i Belgrade 213 Milan 93' i B'cno") Alrc Berlin 12.18 Vi Montevideo Madrid notilnal seller I Copenhagen 22.40
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

    • 788 7 WEAK SPOT IN BRITAIN'S DEFENCE ARMOUR FURTHER 5,500 TONS METAL REQUIRED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Nov. 28. During the past wee* prices of standard tin have been creeping upward again fo.lowing the recent stakeout. It is pretty obvious that the underlying sentiment is good, tnanks
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    • 848 7 EXTENT OF RESTRICTION IN BORNEO. PURCHASE OF NEW PROPERTY. The fifth ordinary general meeting of shareholders of the Tenom Rubber Estates, Ltd., was held recently In the registered office of the company, 7, Royal Bank-place, Glasgow. In the course of his speech. Mr. David Carruthers. the chairman
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    • 786 7 INTERIM DIVIDEND MAY BE DELAYED. OUTPUT NOW ABOUT NORMAL. Proposing the adoption of the report and accounts at the annual meeting of Lukut Tin Dredglrg Ltd. In Seremban on Nov. 25. Mr. M. L. Phillips, the chairman, said: You will have seen from the accounts that the
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    • 51 7 Nanking, Dec. 9. A Chinese company for the manufacture of motor-cars, with a capital of $6,000,000, was inaugurated in Nanking yesterday. The promoters are Shanghai financiers. The directorate of the company Is composed of 19 persons, including Messrs. T. V. Soong, Tsang Yang-pu, "hang Chlng-klang and Chang Kungchun.—Sin Chew Jit
      Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  51 words
  • 207 7 THE Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 1.307 th auction yesterday when there were catalogued 1,128.887 lbs., 503.97 tons; offered 980.770 los., 437.84 tons; sold 801.818 lbs.. 357.95 tons. Spot London 9 3HGd. New York 19 3;16 cts PRICES REALISED Ribbed smoked sheet rents per
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 608 7 BANKING. MONtJ KONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. ilncorvoi-BU-a u> ld» Colon; ol Hong Kong.) The liability n members la limited to the extent and to manner prescribed by Ordinance No 6 of 1928 j» ths Colony Authorised Capita. 150.000 000 Issued and Fully Palo-Up »]ooO Reserve Funds 8terllc« i 8.500.000 Honn
      608 words
    • 379 7 BANK OF CHINA (incorporated m Chtna tr> Special Charter j 12, CecO Street, Singapore. Trltphones: Man*cer'i OIBce (144 Exchange Dept. 6441 General Offle* 51M-» with 11 extrationi Cable AMrtn: -CHUNGKUO* FmM-Cp Capital h. J 10. 000.90* Ofl *"«»d Ch. $3,453,591.43 Total Resources Ch. *144l.242,l«6.J5 HEAD OFFICE: SHANGHAI Tfce-Vung Soong, Chairman
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    • 506 7 BANKING. CHARTERED BANh Ot INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. <lacorporai*a id Eugiano tn Hnrut Charter I8SJ1 ?»ld Op Capital to 6OU.000 s.iarw ot €5 eaca Reserve Pund Reserve Liability of Proprietors f3.000.000 BEAD OKFKL: M RlmbepscatL UMoa. K C A. Alor 8tar Hong Kong Saigon Amntsar Hollo Simarana Bangkok
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 691 8 P. ft 0. BWTKB INIHA \m APCAH LINES. ra'ec ir Fr.lland Ifjtn PASS*NOI* AND CARGO ICES i jip™ OOTWABD FKUM uONUON FOR CHINA AMD JAPAN Xormagf S'pore1936 BAMOALOaS COM r wc"it BANPVH.X 7lK l nf 37 RAWALPUON IJ2« n X J DufiTiN D.I 00 Jan. io ?oufu »M" Jaa 15
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    • 398 8 SHIPPING ANNOUNCEMENTS- (NIPPON VUSEN KAISHA) GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FCR CUNARD WHITE STAP LTD. TO EUROPE VIA SUEZ. Regular fortnightly sailings. London via Penang, Colombo, Aden, Suez, Port Said, Naples, Marseilles and Gibraltar. S.S. StiWA MARU Dec. 24. S.S. FUSHIMI MARU Jan. 7. S5. HAKOZAKI MARU Jan. 21. M.S. TERUKUNI MARU
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    • 572 8 PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. BANGKOK LINE Luxurious One Class Motorshlps- Mort Cmbins have adjoining private bath Excellent Cuisine FOR MARSEILLES, LONDON. Q.OTTKRDAM. HAMBURG AND COPENHAGEN HOMEWARD SAILINGS 1937 Prom Prom Prom Prom Spore Malacca Port Penang M s S'hara EP.mA 12/1 U'l "'I ULANDIA 2/2 2/2 3/2 5/2 JTTTLANDIA 23/2
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    • 226 8 B. I. S. N. CO., LTD. (Incorporated tn England) APCAR LINE. FOR OONO KONG. SHANGHAI. MOJI. KOBE AND OSAKA 3.5. TALMA 10.0C8 17 Dec 3 pjn. Excellent modern accommodation Jot first and second class oassengers Special boliday return ticket' Mrtrrw*»:if?eable wun P. O. 8. N. CO. issue* «t cheap rate*
      226 words
    • 1030 8 SHIPPING. TTTt niC* FUNNEL LINK (Ocean nit Una Kblow HMMfek Co (IKU Lti. Steam Shin Co Ltd. and China Miami Ihe Canard while !ai Ltd. Steam N^Tlß»tton Co. Ltd.) The Sarawak Sip. autiij, Co. Ltd. The Slrallf Steamship Co.. Ltd The Australian Orleniil U« I »cL The China Navigation **o.
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  • 127 9 Thursday, December 10. Ships alongilde the Wharves or expected to arrive Entrance Godown Gat: East Wharf Havana Mara 22 1 Main Wharf Kutsang 18 3 Burduan 16 3 Tilawa 13 3 Oldenburg 11 3 Cremcr 9 3 Manila Maru 7 3 Empire Dock Pcnrlth Castle 30
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  • 60 9 Dae. 8: Piavda (Soviet;; Marechal Jortre (Fch.); Buyo Maru, China Maru (Jap.); Rokan, Oewang. J V O'barnevelt (Dut.); Chye Hin Tay Yit Kepong, Silver Gull. Tandjong Pinane (Brit.). D.'c. 9: Meran, Rimau, Malacca, Sin Aik Lee, Tung Song, Klang, Lipis Memnon. Raub <Brit>: Khoen Hoea Sinakjl. Mllo. Kulit, Makasser.
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  • 28 9 The Terukuni Maru for Hong Kcng etc. Mails previously announced as closing on Dec. 10, at 7 p m. will now close on Dec. 11 at 4 p.m.
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  • 210 9 Today. Aden (Karoa) 3 p.m. North America except W. Canada W. States of USA. (Karoa) 3 p.m. Burma (Karoa) 3 n.m. Egypt (Karoa) 3 p.m. Great Britain and Europe generally (Karoa) 3pm East, North, South and West India (Karoa) 3 p.m. Indo-China (Kutsang) 3 pm Bengkalls. F.
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  • 58 9 INWARD. X.L.M.: From Europe: Arrives tonifht. Imperial: From Europe: Arrives tonight. OUTWARD. Dutch: To Java and Southern Sumatra: Mails close 7 p.m. today. Qantas: To Australia: Mails close 7 p.m. today. X.L.M.: To Europe: Mails close 12.45 p.m. Saturday. Imperial: To Hons Kong: Mails close 7 p.m. Saturday.
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  • 99 9 The latest times for posting letters in Singapore for transmission by air in time for delivery in Europe before Christmas are: Imperial: Dec. 12. 7 p.m. X.L.M.: Dec. 16. 12.15 p.m. (Kajang) >&W 4 > m Laboean Bilik (Rantau) I Palembans (Senang) Pontianalc (Tohiti) Philippine Islajicis (Menestheus) 4pm
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  • 120 9 Mails from Europe etc. (London) expected today Dec. 10, by air (Imperial) will be delivered to boxholders at 6 p.m. General delivery of letters tomorrow, Dec. 11, at 8.45 a.m. Mails from Europe (Amsterdam) expected today, Dec, 10. by air (Netherlands) will be delivered to boxholders at 7.30
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  • 124 9 Correspondence ;or transmission Dy air "via Netherlands" must be specially and clearly superscribed "By X.L.M." Mails will close at Malacca as follows Tomorrow. Upper Burma, Norn and East India. SAden. {Egypt, {Europe, SGreat Britain. Slreland, SCanada and §U.S.A. (Karoa) ..I.lspjn Saturday. Dec. 12. Medan by air (Netherlands) 6
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  • 704 9 S. AFRICAN COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATIONS. MORE PROTECTION FOR INVESTORS. |\RASTIC chances, aimed at prevent- 1 ing the fraudulent exploitation of the investing public, are suggested by the South African Company Law, Commission, in its report Issued on Nov. 20. The Commissioners have drafted a Bill of 100 clauses
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 608 9 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated la F.M.3.) LLOYDS AGENTS BOOKING AGENTS. F.M.S. Xl VS. AND SIAM STATES RAILWAYS. TELEPnoNE: Freight 5433— Passage 5431. TP UT X* EMPRESS \rm*m£ I To orth America i B^vl- JA Fortnightly sailing., to Victoria and Vancouver Direct or vi» ■T "^^^yiSj<!|ijjgß? Honolulu ships-side rail conWPI i^SjilJQt
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 403 9 MALAYAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE. Daily Weather Report. i Stations Yesterday Last night max. rain- bright mln temp, fall s'shine temp 'V ins hrs. *P West Coast. Alor Star 89 0.04 9.7 71 Bayan Lepas (Penang) 89 0.50 10.3 74 Sitiawan 84 0.34 4.9 73 Bukit Jeram 87 0.40 7.7 73 Malacca
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  • 120 10 SINGAPORE. AM I PHI HOTEL Special Dinner Dance. GARRK-K THEATRE, GEYLANG The New Adventures of Tarzan. With Herman Brix. 6«i- 9.15. GLOBE THEATRE Two's Company. 7. 1E 9.30. GREAT WORLD— THE SKY TALKIK The Raven. NFW WORLD S;ae Shows. Cabaret. DtncXD*. Talkies Theatre? RITZ GEYLANG 3 Wise Guys. With
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  • 762 10 The Straits Times SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1936. Nearing The End. attempting to assess the tremendous loss which the Empire would suffer by the abdication of King Edward, we have not paused to place beside that loss the assets with which H.R.H. the Duke of York would approach the task
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  • 141 10 The Hen* Mr. Lai Tet Loke, who is a member of the Federal Council, left Kuala Lumpur on Sunday on a visit to Borneo. He will be away for about three weeks. Mr. V. Kinloch, formerly of Kenny Estate, Jeram, has returned from leave and assumed duties
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  • 209 10 Penang's New Municipal Commissioner. The following appointments are notified in the S.S. Government Gazette: Mr. J. Dick to be a Municipal Commissioner of George Town. Pcnang. vice Mr. F. H. Grumitt resigned. Mr. D. K. Walters, Advocate and Solicitor, to be a Deputy to the Public Prosecutor and
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  • 98 10 Hong Kong. Dec. 10. Senor Manuel Quezon, President of the Philippines, has arrived in Hong Kong and will visit Canton tomorrow. Mr. LJ Ching-chuen. representative of the Fuklen Government, who is due here from Foochow, will accompany the President to Canton. The Japanese press raised
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  98 words
  • 1485 10 "Razcol" Ambushed— A Sensation On The Frontier— Air Marshals Versus Admirals Iron Rations In Modern Armies. By Our Military Correspondent. London, Nov. "0. By another of those lightning strokes for which the NorthWest Frontier tribesmen have gained notoriety, a large Britisn force was made to look rather
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  • 650 10 'TROPIC FEVER." A NOVEL of planting life in Sumatra with the title "Tropic Fever" has had a considerable success on the Co :inent. taring been published orifinaiy in Hungarian and since translated nto Dutch, German md Italian It is :o be published in English t!\ naving
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 177 10 MARCONI ALL-WAVE RADIO GRAMOPHONE covering wave length front 7 to 2250 metres The Greatist thing in wireless for years New Shipment Just Arrived Bj tin II $335 Fasy Payment terms on application THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY. (S.So LIMITED. (Opposite the New Pier SINGAPORE) PENANG, KIALA LCMFIJB, IPOH and BANGKOK. The
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  • 157 11 Fort Belvedere Scenes: Queen's Visit. •THERE was again a busy day at I-Oit Belvedere, where the King remains in residence. Both the Duke of York and the Duke Of Kent were with His Majesty loi .ioir.? time. Air.onn the Court officials at Fort Belvedere was Mr. Walter Monckton. the Attorney-General
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  • 141 11 CONSTANT TELEPHONIC CONTACT WITH LONDON. London, Dec. 9. The Dominion! continue to exercise In no uncertain nicr.ner their rights under the Statute cf Westminster, the Act or Parliament which regulates the relations of the Dominions n^.d the Mother Country. Prominent persona in Lonaon state that the Dominions,
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  • 313 11 TIIK KING AND HIS MINI JTER'S ADVICE. London, Dec. 9. TTHE Tiir.e.s, :n its leading article 1 today, declares that the King proposed a certain course of action and has been advised that in its constitutional form it is impracticable. There is no reason to doubt that
    Reuter  -  313 words
  • 33 11 The Archbishop of Westminster has asked the clerpy and people to offer united prayer for the King and country. Permission has been grant>fi for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament whenever possible— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  33 words
  • 515 11 MR. BALDWIN'S FULL STATEMENT TODAY. Well-informed Circles Expect King To Abdicate. DOCUMENTS WILL BE SIGNED AS SOON AS DECISION MADE. Duke Of York As King. MRS. SIMPSON MAKES CHOICE AS EASY AS POSSIBLE. Continuous Activity Of Royal Personages. A STATEMENT on the position in relation to the Kinjj and the
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  • 165 11 MR BALDWIN'S REPLY QUESTIONS. London, Dec. 9. Jr. the House of Commons, Mr AUleo, the leader of the Opposition, asked whether the Prime Minister was now in a position to add anything to the statement he made on Monday. Mr. Baldwin replied "I regret that
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  • 153 11 NO INTERMEDIATE STATEMENT. London, Dec. 10. A Cabinet meeting was held at 7.30 p.m. last night to consider the latest position in the Constitutional crisis. There was reason to believe that at that time the King had not reached a decision but it was hoped that he would
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  • 175 11 Cannes, Dec. 9. iJ^RS. Waliis Simpson is still at Cannes staying as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. Rogers, American friends of King Edward. A large number of reporters and press photographers are waiting at Cannes for any statement which she
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  • 302 11 London, Dec. 10, 2 a.m. All lights in the rooms of the ground floor of the Colonial Office were still burning at a.m., when a member of Mr. Baldwin's staff bearing a sheaf of documents crossed over to the Colonial Office. Since midnight messengers have been constantly going
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  • 254 11 J^JRS. Simpson was born at Baltimore ncar'.y 40 years ago of a distinguished family, tchosc ancestry can be traced back to William the Conqueror. She is the daughter of the late Mr. Teacklc Wa'.Us Warfleld who died when she was three and after his death Mrs. Simpson dropped
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  • 252 11 Rest of the News. CENOR Juan de la Ciena. the autogyro, and Admiral Lindman, former Premier of Sweden, wen among the fourteen dead as a i of an accident to a Royal Dutch X.L.M air liner n r.r Croydon yesterday. The liner with 14 pass^ crew of
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  • 26 11 It is stated, says Aneta-Havas. that the King has been discussing with the American explorer. Lincoln Ellsworth, the question of the sale cf hla Canadian ranch.
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  • 365 12 RAIDS FOLLOW MURDER OF DETECTIVE. Identification Parades Held Today. POLICE of the Kandrng Kerbau division and the Hokkien 1 Cantonese <mb-branches of the Detective Branch d last night on houses in various parts of Singapore, occupied by alleged Communists and— Took int« detention,
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  • 154 12 The German, cruiser Emden in W. Lohmann) is expected to arrive at Singapore at 10 o'clock tond will anchor in the OuU- Roads. She will remain until Saturday •<^ wtl spend Christmas at Paknani (Bangkok. to Victoria iLabuan) from n the Entden anchors tomorrow :i lire .i
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  • 130 12 PREMIER'S ADVICE MRS. SIMPSON. NEWSPAPER COMMENT O\ TIE KING'S DILKMM4 Ljniion, Div. 8. Tin- London newspapers are publishing special editions containing every i regarding the atlonal crisis. newspaper states that the King tde up his mind. While the newspaper does not say What tin 1 King's decision is. it is
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  • 125 12 FOUR R. R. L VACANCIES. Advertised In London. (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Dec. 9. For the past few years the work of the Rubber Research Institute has oeen retarded owing to lack of sufficient European scientific officers. This deficiency is to be remedied in the near future and the
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 12 who. 3.000 miles away, tapped the famous te p to t ffi The photo occasions and the great structure was thrown open to traffic.^ l »e p shows (1 to r) Mayor Angele Rossi, of San F"™ sc c t Hoover Francisco side.
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  • 135 12 CHINa FUNDS: CONSUL'S FURTHER STATEMENT. "Offering For Sufferers." Mr Kai Ling Pai. Chinese ConsulGeneral. Singapore, made further re-l-rence yesterday to the subject raised in Monday's Legislate Council meeting about Malayan Chinese contributing money for remission to China for military ard warlike purpose?. He sa'.d: "Th" Chinese are a peace-loving .atlon
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  • 65 12 MOTOR FATALITY EUROPEAN CHARGED. A. Park, a Euiopcin. of Singapore, was this morning charged before Mr. E E. Coleman. in the fifth court, with causing the death of Han Chok Fong by driving a motor car rashly In Serar.goon Road on Dec. 2. The case was postponed until Dec. 17
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  • 34 12 A debate on "Which is more preferable in the building of a nationmoney or education?" will be held at the Hindu Association's premises 3 Race Course Lane. Singapore, tomorrow at 7 30 p m.
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  • 77 12 Tokio, Dec. 8. The Pelping correspondent of the Nichi-Nichl Shimbun reports that the wife of Wang Chao Wang, a peasant, near Kalgan. gave birth to a batch of ten babies including one girl on Nov. 16. Five of the boys and the girl have
    Aneta-Havas  -  77 words
  • 306 12 Negotiations Today. Although there is still a Rood prospect of the Singapore strike < being settled today, agreement had 1 not been reached up to «he time of i going to press. Negotiations were continued this morning between Mr. X P. K. M.-non, legal representative of
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  • 166 12 MUNICIPAL STRIKE. Coolies Pampered And "Splendidly Housed." Correspondence. To the Editor of the Straits Times. Sir,— With reference to the letter, from "Fairplay," having handled and worked Tamils for over 30 years, it gives me very great pleasure to state their case. Exceptionally low caste Tamils, drawing from two t;
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  • 194 12 Col. Wedgwood's Motion And The King. Ther was a mild scene in the House Of Commons when Col. J. C. Wedg- i wood (Independent Labour) rose to ask the Prime Minister if he would give an early opportunity to discuss the notice of his motion
    Reuter  -  194 words
  • 60 12 Ottawa, Dec. 8. Mr. Baldwin's statement in the House of Commons, the full text of which was broadcast throughout Canada, has occasioned a distinct feeling of reliel among all classes. The clear statement that the Government will not press the King as regards his final decision has
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 50 12 London. Dec 8. Whereas the Australian Commonwealth government is supporting the British Cabinet officially in London. messages from Australia show that the I Press and public opinion in the Commonwealth is greatly perturbed at the possibility of the King's abdication and its eventual consequences for the Empire. Aneta-Trans-Oe^an.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  50 words
  • 203 12 After boveral months of delay there is growing public support in Malacca for the Immediate construction of an aerodrome. For both strategic and commercial reasons it is desirable that a chain of airfields should traverse Malaya at intervals of not more than 70 miles. Since
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  • 214 12 Shorter Service Abroad. War Minister's Promise To Commons. London, Dec. 10. MR. A. Duff Cooper, Secretary for War replied this evening in very sympathetic terms to debate on the House of Commons motion urging improvements in the conditions of service in the defence forces, in the course of which several
    214 words
  • Article, Illustration
    4 12 Mr. Chung Kirn Chee
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  • 96 12 London, D"C 8. There Is considerable -livision of j opinion In London over the Constitutional crisis. Soma quarters believe that the Cabinet is bringing undue pressure to bear on the King The Times denies this and says it is also untrue that Mr. Baldwin
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  96 words
  • 127 12 Amsterdam, Dec. 9. Because of the tense political situation in Europe and the Far East, the Dutch Government will shortly introduce a Bill proposing that the duration of the first training period in the Royal Dutch Navy be extended. In a memorandum submitted by the Premier
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  • 90 12 SINGAPORE CHINESE FOR AUCKLAND UNIVERSITY. Mr Ci'.i'ns Kirn Chee. eldest son or Mr. H. W. Chung, the Blngapon architect. sailed f>;r New Zealand by the steamer Narbada this Di He will cnttr Auckland University College to study architecture. Mr. Chung will probably be the onlf Chinese student, although there is
    90 words
  • 58 12 London. O Th? ConstituLional crisis I now to have developed into a dispute between the conservative and liberal groups in the House of Commons. The Independent Labour I'.irtv mibnot bound to any group and that it luis no intention of concluding a political armistice with the government
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  • 49 12 The New Zealand Cabin berated in the closest scciecy. Mr. I Savage, the Premier, had an Inter* with the Governor-General and ■t was subsequently announced the Ministers had discussed the constitutional situation. It is vi I stood the Cabinet is ready to i i discussion* at any moment— R
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  • 791 13 ANGLO-FRENCH PLAN FOR MEDIATION. Russia In Favour: Armistice Possibility. h REUTER message from London says that the Foreign Office announces that the British and French Governments on Dec. 4 asked the Italian, German Portugese and Soviet Governrnents to join them in declaring their absolute
    Reuter; British Wireless  -  791 words
  • 895 13 A PRETTY young Anglo-Indian, i^* Maria Verghese, was granfed a decree nisi to be made absolute in three months, yesterday, by Mr. Justice Adrian Clark, on her petition for disssolution of marriage with her husband, William Verghese a clerk employed at Government House, on the
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  • 149 13 NEW WARSHIP CRASHES INTO WALL. Hitler Sees Mishap At Launching. Kiel, Dec. 9. A mishap at the launching of the Gnelsenau appalled the thousands of spectators. The crowds had just sung Deutschland Über Alles and the ship was launched and sped Into the water with such force that it crossed
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 147 13 Mr. Liew Say Cheong. (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Dec 9. Mr. Liew Say Cheong, a well-know?: footballer, brother of Mr. Liew Ah Swee, the Negri Sembilan State soccer full-back, and of Mr. Liew Choon Meow, died at the Seremban General Hospital last night, after a
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  • 134 13 Kiosk Built Without Permission. From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban Dec 9. Mr. Goh Ens Thye, the proprietor cf the Negrl Scmbilan Dance Hall, was summoned before Inche Samsudln bin Nain, in the magistrate's court at Seremban, for erecting a tea kiosk without the permission of the Seremban
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  • 233 13 Smugglers' Tale. "Tell the accused that these things must be stopped." said Mr. E. E Colman In the fifth court yesterday, when he convicted four Chinese named LJm, Sar Tee, Goh Cheok and Urn Giam with having Imported about 90 plculs of rubber
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  • 52 13 50,000 HOMELESS. ANOTHER BIG FLOOD DISASTER. Istanbul, Dec. 9. Over 300 people were downed in a flood disaster at Adana. South Anatolia. Thousands were injured and 50,000 are homeless and suffering from cold and starvation and are wandering aimlessly, practically unclothed. The cotton and orange areas of Adana were ravaged.
    Reuter  -  52 words
  • 144 13 Appearing on a summons, before Mr. E. E. Colman in the fifth court yesterday, a European woman named Mrs. K. Booy, who described herself as the wife of a captain of a K.P.M boat, pleaded guilty to a charge of having tailed to lurnlsh the Chief Police
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  • 73 13 The F.M.S. Post Office announces that it has been arranged that radio telephone calls between Malaya and Bangkok may be booked for completion during the usual hours of service on Dec. 21 to 24 inclusive, and Dec 28 to 31 inclusive, at half the normai charge, i.e., $5 fcr the
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  • 45 13 A petition signed by one million inhabitant of the American continent asking that governments should renounce war was presented to the Pan-American Peace Conference by the United States delegate. The petition demanded recourse to arbitration should be made in every ca/-e to settle dilutes.— Renter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 196 13 District Officer In K. L. Plane. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 9. By going up alone in a Kuala Lumpur Flying Club machine last month, Inche Mohamed Salleh, District Officer at Kajaag, is the third Malay in this State to achieve the distinction of
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  • 76 13 (Frovi O; r Own Correspond.;;! Seremban, Dec. 9. jp//£ danger to motensta caused by k,tc (tiling in the Puau road area of Kuan Lumpur w*» mentioved by a member nt a meeting of the committee of Urn Nefjri Scnbi'ai branch of the AA. of Ma'ara.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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    • 149 13 Wi f Ls fi I I Wfta: more acceptable than I (yzsuxmaJl w Hm;nr cap! /LS± _J voting and fragrant per- 2 /T) a A i I "Mischief." CrtefijeMjed. j mischief This excitingly neiv perfume is m different, so utterly distinctive In charming Black and Silver Bottles. The perfume of
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  • 790 14 THE DRAMA TIC FINALE AT BRISBANE. ALLEN "PRACTICALLY UNPLAYABLE." THK Australian selectors, cables Reuter from Brisbane, have selected the same twtlve players as for the Test Match just concluded a? those from whom they will choose the eleven play in the second Tes',
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 14 lh tt A (Ulakan Mali) team who lof<ated the S.C.C. "A' at n<- yesterday. —Straits Times Photograph.
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  • 462 14 F. A. Ward the South Australian slow bowler, who did well In his first Test Mtach against England, recently stated that he had obtained a position that would keep him in South Australia fcr a long time. .\l MKAMA Ist inning* Badcock b Allen Flngletoß b Verity
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  • 160 14 Rugby Football. In a strenuous match played in the rain the 3rd Anti-Aircraft Brigade -A" team beat the Police "A" XV by eight points to three at the Police Depot yesterday afternoon. Play seldom reached a very high standard. Hunt opened the scoring for Police with a
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  • 453 14 THE S.C.C. 'S RALLY CAME TOO LATE. Gunners Win Rugger Match On Padang. The R.A. (Blakan Mali) proved just good enough to beat the SCC "A" team in yesterday's rugger match on the padang. The score in their favour was 11 points (a goal, a try and a penalty goal)
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  • 162 14 N.S.-Malacca XV To Meet Singapore On Saturday. (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Dec. 9. Negri Sembilan-Malacca will on Saturday meet Singapore at Seremban in a State match. In the Malaya Cup tie played at Singapore recently, the home side won comfortably. The Negri-Malauca team will be: G. Pinto (N.S. All
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 118 14 jtitß&kL TAKE A SECOND LOOK EVERYBODY ELSE DOES. 1 HUDSON Every street's a Hudson showroom every road a proving ground. fii| For out on the street, where you can see this impressive new bigness aad beauty side by side with the other 1937 cars. Is the best place to discover
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  • 439 15 The Engineers Snapped Up Their Chances. The first teams of the S.C.C. and the R.E. met at hockey on the padang last evening, in a match affected by rain in the second half though it must be said that the players did
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 15 The R.E. hockey team who defeated the S.C.C. on the paaan s yvstccaay. —Straits Times Photograph.
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  • 52 15 The scratching for today, the first day of the Perak Turf Club's Skye Meeting at Ipoh, are Timbang, Irish Lady and Loyalty, all in the first race. The double totes will be held on Races 4 and 5 and Races 7 and 8, and the big sweep on
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  • 392 15 Lawn Tennis. Warden And Abed Beaten In Open Doubles. All competitors who are still In the open tournament at the S.C.R.C. are requested to be present on Saturday at 2 p.m.. and on Sunday at 11 a.m. to complete their ties on account of the possibility of bad
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  • 80 15 TODAY. Hockey: Singapore vs. Combined Services, The Turf: Pcrak skye Meeting, Ist day. B.C.C. ground; O.S.C. l*t v». Y.W.C.A G.B.C. ground. TOMORROW. Rugby: Pulau Bra:.i vs. Silns, at P 3 Vachtinj: R.S.Y.C. vs. Johore (Dato Mentri Besar Cha'.lcrgc Cup). 5 p.m. Hockey: Combined Services vs. Police. Thomson
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  • 83 15 Sixteen Ties For Saturday. The second round ties in the PA. Cup competition will be played on Saturday, as follows: Carlisle vs. Clapton Orient. Mansfield vs. Bournemouth.. Shildon vs. Dartford. Cardiff vs. Swindon. Lincoln vs. Oldham. Burton vs. Darlington. Ipswich vs. Spennymoor. Walsall vs. Yeovll and
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  • 340 15 London "Derby"— Chelsea vs. Brentford. The following are the fixtures in the Home soccer leagues tor Saturday, the Third Division programmes being severely curtailed owing to most of the teams being engaged in the cup tips. ENGLISH LEAGUE— DIV. L Birmingham vs. Derby Co. Charlton A. vs.
    Reuter  -  340 words
  • 618 15  -  "ECHO." Conducted by Test Match Reflections The Luck Was England's But Australia Has Serious Problems And Now For Sydney/ YESTERDAY, in a note written before any news had come from Brisbane. I predicted that scr.ic fun was likely when the Test Match \vn* resumed. Who could have
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
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  • 955 16 Mrs. Simpson The King's Proposal. People in the News. ONE of the most surprising facts about the present crisis is that the American newspapers and commentators were forecasting it mor<? than five weeks ago. The general opinion appears to have been that JCing Edward wanted to marry Mrs. Simpson, and
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  • 214 16 Los Angeles, Dec. 9. Maria Wendt, pretty Eurasian girl from Shanghai, has been convicted by a Federal jury on charges of concealing $100,000 worth of narcotics by smuggling them from China to the United States. Conviction carries a maximum penalty of $10,000 and 20 years'
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  • 305 16 ECHO OF INDIAN FLOOD DEATHS. Man's Body Concealed After Drowning. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Dec. 4. An echo of a recent flood tragedy was heard In the court of the subdivisional officer of Khunti when Ram Chandra Sal was sentenced to four months' simple imprisonment and a fine of
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  • 101 16 CORPORAL'S THROAT CUT. POONA INCIDENT. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Nov. 28. Cpl. Quick, of the Somerset Light Infantry. Poona, was admitted Into tUe Connaught Military Hospital with nu throat cut. Sergt. Cook reported that he went to the guardroom about 11.45 a.m. to take Cpl. Quick to the Commanding
    101 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 247 16 SAVE TIME IN THE MORNING ll^l III" Gillette ll^^Sfes^ "one piece" W^f^ Aristocrat /%F{ Here's the Gillette one piece Iggjjfjjg Aristocrat— the razor that saves you [WfflJU time and trouble every morning. Twist yGJcw the handle— the head opens, allowing Arc*; y£ you to remove or replace the blade in
      247 words
    • 116 16 Avoid many an illness... this way DECAYING teeth and gum irritations allow poisons to filter through the system. Fijjht these dangers scientifically by brushing daily with Squibb Dental Cream. This safe, agreeable, economical dentifrice is antacid. \tneutral -eslYic dangerous Germ Acids forming in the mouth 'rom fermenting food particles which
      116 words

  • 356 17 INFECTED IMMIGRANTS HARD TO DETECT. ACCOMMODATIONS INSUFFICIENT. .Since modern treatment was introBased, lepers .iave sousht refuge in tbs listing 1 prosoria in increasing ij-r.s and ths large number of apints now sacking admission and ment is proving a source of eml;irrassment to the Pdmir.istration charged with
    356 words
  • 202 17 Employer Accuses Servant. From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Dec. 8. An attack on a Chinese in a coffee Shop in Batu Road formed th? subject of a preliminary Inquiry in which a Rokklen. L.m Eng, was charged with voluntarily causing grievous hurt to his
    202 words
  • Article, Illustration
    83 17 Vhtm tae am of bringing; "everything under one roof to suit the cjnR e a n m nCe -i° f th PU u lic< Mr David Frank *> has opened Raffles Bauar, at Kames Place, in which cool drinks, light refreshments and articles such as the average man or woman
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  • 520 17 Daughter Of Late Sir John Anderson. The funeral of Mrs. Wynfreda Dunbar Hogg, only daughter of the late Sir John Anderson, once head of the firm of Guthrie and Co.. Ltd.j Singapore, and Lady Anderson, of Eastcote, died at Eastcote on Nov. 15 after an
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  • 144 17 From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Dec. 8. The Hon. Mr J. w. W. Hughes. British Resident, Negri Sembilan. will be entertained by the Seremban Rotary Club, the Negri Sembilan Club and the Sungel UJong Club, prior to his departure on retirement shortly. The proposed Negri Sembilan
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  • 140 17 PRISONER IN COURT ESCAPES. (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Muar, Dec. 7. I am afraid the polio; are not taking good care of the accused and this must be the result, and somebody must answer for this." was the remark made by Inche Mohamed Noah bin Omar, First Magistrate, In the
    140 words
  • 267 17 Handicapped By Staff Shortage. I Anti-malarial work in Malacca i: under the direct supervision of the Health Officer, who has the assistant of a mosquito Inspector, a larva searcher and 3 overseers in the Centra: District, and 1 overseer in each of the other districts. The
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  • 78 17 The Straits Settlements Police Band vil perform today at 6 p.m. at Telolc Ayer as follows, under the direction of Mr. J. C. Hitch. L.R.A.M.. A.C.R.M.. R M.S.M. March: ••Tarifa" T. W. Stopford; Overt ;rr "OpoUo" Haydn Wood; Selection: "Wild Violets" Robert Stolz; March: "Old faithful" Abe.
    78 words
  • 285 17 Preliminary Inquiry Fixed. s (From Our Own Correspond :iM c Kuala Lumpur. Dec 8. c The police h:-.d f >.:! d make c investigations and to b:,' sufficient material to lasue a c ck-clared Mr. s. M. Bbarma i i for a Sikh named Hasu
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  • 37 17 Tsangchow station, about 50 mil- s south of Tientsin on the TiontsinPukow Railway, was raided by 30 Japanese soldiers, who assaulted guards and seized various code bTcks and maps. Sin Chew Jil Puh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  37 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 143 17 THE GENERAL TRANSPORT CO., LTD. owners of the Npriv I YELLOW TOP CABS have for private hire Several New Saloon 5 Seater Cars And a 7 Seater New Vauxhall Saloon suitable for Business or Pleasure trips through the F.M.S., Weddings, etc., st vtry Itw Rates. Drive ytwitrf Cars frta $3
      143 words
    • 237 17 Did you have a G^Q^iight^ -L. W AS y our slee P (lec 'P. peaceful and ivs'j 7 ful Or was it light, fitful an I a troubled by periods of wakefulness V_. \jmj£f How you slee P ma y ma l<e all the diffrreiKv "\^B >/ to > our
      237 words

  • 1179 18 COR son.c years past, since motoring hai been in a sense mv business, I have made flying my be *)y, writes the Earl of Cardigan In the Morris Owner. I find that many people, observing this, suppose that motoring has become too "slow" for me. I am credited
    1,179 words
  • 494 18 TENANTS NOT LIABLE FOR LICENCES IMPORTANT RULING BY MAGISTRATE. Tenants of flats that have loudspeakers worked from a central wireless receiver are not liable for wireless licences. This was the considered decision siven by Mr. Ivan Snell, the magistrate at Marylebone Police court. Twelve tenants
    494 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 179 18 I triple rlnl (J/LotfwelsJttJL ri^ \sheu/ WHICH DOES OVER 58 MPG/ \jf/ A BETTER INVESTMENT THAN EVER THE MOST ECONOMICAL £AR STILL Wm EFFICIENT SWEETER RUNNING SAFER The New Austin Seven has to be tried Girliug pattern give luslunt but smooth on the road before you can appreciate the braking
      179 words
    • 186 18 Your engine pinks your compression and acceleraUou power fails and your engine should run-down US<' MEIRIC II MOTOR lABI.KTS. They drcaibonisc Rnnerato and rejuvenate your engines. Absolutely harmless and are really eflrclivr antiknocks. They are Mltl-nnTT* t TT Wholesale ifocVisfs Willys Motor Works, 50. Lavender Street, SINGAPORE Phone Gfi2« 50
      186 words

  • 897 19 Certain Substances Which Check Tumours. J^ DISCOVERY which may prove to be of first-rate importance in the future development of cancer arch and treatment is announced in the 13th Annual Report of the Rrit'sh Kmpirc Cancer CamI'HiKn. It is presented by Dr.
    897 words
  • 201 19 New Vitality from Tasteless Tablets. Wlien tiring weather conditions or > weakening illness have sapped strength and energy, left you languid, inert and uninterested in life, it is time for you to recharge your devitalised body with life-giving, energising vitamins It's quite
    201 words
  • 166 19 JAPANESE ABROAD NOW 1,058,000. Why Emigration Policy Has Failed. Gciu-va, Dec. 8. Japan—a living abroad total 1.*****3, according to a survey of Japanese emigration by Mr. Ogi--shima, published in the International Labour Review. Of this number, 243,000 live in Manchukuo, 150,000 in Hawaii, 14G.C00 in the United States 202,000 in
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  • 212 19 Blows Exchanged While Landing From Steamer. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Calcutta, Dec. 3. Water pots and fetters were used by convicts in a free fight on the wharves at Karachi, only prompt action by the police averting what very probably would have turned into a serious
    212 words
  • Article, Illustration
    48 19 .ocuuste nocuig aer we»' (The most thai., Kin* in the world), lyrics by Beda and Jacques Rotfer, music by Heinz Landauer, has been recorded. In Vienna. A record has been handed to Sir Walford Selby, the British Ambassador in Vienna, who is sending it to the King.
    48 words
  • 124 19 'APOLOGY FOR STATUS OF MRS. SIMPSON.' WHAT MORGANATIC MARRIAGE WOULD BE. London, L The Tinu-.-,. di^usaiujj the :n favour of a morganatic m:: iuys, "What is demanded Is statutory recognition of the fact that Mr.s. Simpson is not litted to be Queen. "The Prime Ministers of the Empire are to
    Reuter  -  124 words
  • 31 19 At the annual meeting of the Airial Transport Company of Slam It was stated that the Company's latest figures for mileage flown and mails carried have both reached r. cord figures.
    31 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 90 19 Which is the right Whisky for Christmas The glasses on this tree are testing glasses each contains a "single" or unblended whisky. Each single whisky is different in character and flavour. Only after years of maturing are these good whiskies blended together to make a better whisky. Then, and only
      90 words

  • Article, Illustration
    207 20 tan of the Spanish Government photographed after holding their first meeting on Nov. 28, at Valencia, since leaving Madrid. d NuffieUl on Nov. 24 attended the Convocation and Congregation at Oxford University, when decrees were promulgated giving effect to his benefaction for the purpose of promoting medical research. While to
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  • Page 20 Advertisements

  • in A Malayan Bungalow
    • 18 1 in A Malayan Bungalow STRAITS TIMES WEEKLY SUPPLEMENT. 1 01 v pages THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1936 No. 48.
      18 words
    • A Guide For Gifts This Christmas.
      • 966 1 A Woman's Note-Book. SCARFS, KNITTED SEWN: TABLE MATS. rVERY year it seems the same difficulties arise about Christmas presents for our Malayan friends. It Isn't easy to find a number of appealIng presents at a moderate price, but it is simple to make them, if one
        966 words
      • 655 1 SUGGESTIONS FOR CHILDREN OF ALL AGES. ]y[ AN Y Malayan mothers are now asking themselves what are the best toys to buy for their children this Christmas. The question "What makes a good toy?" is answered in the following article, and points for the guidance
        655 words
    • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 558 2 Foundation Of Fashion. Belts, Brassieres And All-in-Ones. THE difference between new and not so new belts, brassieres and all-in-one foundation garments is precisely the same as the difference between this and last yoar's dresses. Although, to the casual eye, this is often subtle, it is sufficiently strong in reality to
      558 words
    • 317 2 Questions regarding children, Ihe nursery, household management, marketing, cookery and other matters will be answered by women contributors who have had many years of practical experience in Malaya. Letters should be addressed to the Inquiry Bureau, Straits Times, Singapore. Where a confidential reply is requested, a stamped,
      317 words
    • 181 2 Big Jewellery Pieces In Favour. Bigger Bracelets. Tomorrows fashion in jewellery favours pieces which are big, but not necessarily bizarre in effect, nor expensive. A bracelet in which strips of wood alternate with pale metal, is reversible. One side is mostly wood, the other, mostly metal. Glass clips are larger
      181 words
    • Page 2 Advertisements
      • 333 2 I The Easy Cutex Manicure Met hr J'^VsflMH I s a to busy women. I With it, lovely hands now can be I yours, by these simple steps. JF I CutexCuticleßemoverandNail I Cleanser is the basis of the perj^L I feet manicure. Use it to shape I the cuticle and
        333 words
      • 535 2 Knitted If you can do the most simple of ■PC k.:itting cr crochet stitches thr.i you ir%^» can nlllke yoursell some exceedingly ■%M W^?~ M smart and expensive looking aceei j'Jli *jt I sories in a very slior; time. 4^ W^'^^^^ssk, For evcnln S wear t'.ien- an very %*>- Yin
        535 words
    • Fashion 's Pitfalls.
      • 408 3 rrrom Our Own Correspondent.) Strarts Times Office, Fleet Street, Nov. 26. COME women always look smart. Others, however much money they mnv spend on new, never loaki right What is the differer.rc between, the two types? It is realty very simp'e— the first knows
        408 words
      • 635 3 self bulging or ruffling out into space at certain points or at certain curves. That is the way people see you at first view, before they have time to see details. Before I go any further, perhaps I had better explain what exact'y
        635 words
    • Page 3 Advertisements
      • 273 3 has just received Viennese handbags and belts in real leather in every shade. Also fancy crepe de Chine evening bai;*. Model Gowns for all occasions. 5, Stamford Road, CAPITOL EUILDING. Phono 3833. Singapore. Cheese needs TlJii 4™ Condiment Ji\^tf\ You can only enjoy a i^jjlj/ hearty meal if you have
        273 words
      • 332 3 Wake-up LOOKING YOUNGER tomorrow morning NEW CELL FOOD 9a NOURISHES SKIN /Zm^S^S WHILE YOU SLEEP X^S^XSm^' ryM Astounding Discovery Jr^%> T%"*^^ A smooth unwrinklcd skin at <V^A V i •0. Women of 60 who look almost //^B as younK as their daughters. ifW^^LjOmt These seeming miracles are to- jH ti:
        332 words
    • 400 4 I A famous f.lm star noted for her I Ibeaut:: eyea was once asked if she I .>ny special precautions to guard khdtr beauty "I never rub or press! Khefn 1 urd." she replied. and I make Lit p«....i ol using them." r^ rults
      400 words
    • 561 4  - FISH IS DEAR. Pomfret Make A Good Choice. Housewife. H> Singapore. Dec. 8. ALTHOUGH fish generally are slightly more plentiful this week, certain varieties continue to be dear; large soles in particular, are scarce and highly priced. Pomlret are certainly at pre*ent the b««t choice to make where fillets of
      561 words
    • 876 4 (Special To The Straits Times.) THIS market list has been specially compiled for the Straits 1 Times by a Singapore housewife and gives last Tuesday's prices. Those prices are only approximate, but they will be useful as a general guide both for women who do their own
      876 words
    • 290 4 Housewives Cannot Get Meat. Evidence of the growing seriousness of the food situation In Germany is provided by a stern announcement < issued by Count Helldorf, the Berlin 1 chief of police. It is described as a 1 final warning to would-be profiteers. I "I warn
      290 words
    • Page 4 Advertisements
      • 149 4 I lllßlllliiPKlll ll I PLENTY OF ROOM MERE No fuming and fusting, no upset shelve* Scientific shelf arrangement is just one of the many extra value* inside, outside, in appe a r a nee, performance, convenience, economy. Snowy-while fin!*!;, c r ceru lint* Moonstone Ware Water Cooler, Triple FoodSaver Set
        149 words
      • 348 4 INSIST an A Coiffure I! at re- .analUjr. We five L-4^ssssP^ jH^^SSr^CJ^^il artists will alto create a new Cott- I fare that wiU be N distinctly yours i^" it modest prtc»t. A bif t«r staff 6 European! includinc 1 Manicure S««eiaUs«— 4 assistant* A 6 up-to-date mMhtmes enwre better servlre
        348 words