The Straits Times, 29 November 1936

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 258 Sunday* November 29, 1936 Prlco 10 cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya. No. 258 Sunday, November 29, 1936 Price 10 cents.
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  • 711 1 Flung Back Twice By "Shock Troopers DEADLOCK IN SUNGEI BESI STRIKE POMPLETE deadlock exists in the Sungei Besi mine strike, *-none of the 700 workers, who clashed with the police on the hi^h road four miles outside Kuala Lumpur on Friday night, returning
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  • 58 1 CAPTAIN Robert B. Irving, commander of the Aquitania, who has been appointed to take command of the "Queen Mary." Although the appointment is officially v temporary one it is considered certain that Captain Irving will succeed the late Sir Edgar Britten as master of the giant
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  • 57 1 Control For "Defence Purposes" London, Saturday. •I The Government has decided to establish a special depart- ment to draw up plans for the control, supply and distribution of food for defence purposes. The department will be within the Board of Trade and work in co-operation with the
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 46 1 Shanghai. Saturday. Dr. Mcl Lan-iang, famous Chinese female Impersonator, has agreed to emerge from his retirement to give a series of performances In various cities to raise funds for the Ch.nesc defenders in Sulyuan. Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  46 words
  • 25 1 President Roosevelt has appointed Mr. Charles Edison, the sen of the late Thomas A. Edison, the inventor, aa Assistant Secretary of the United States Navy.
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  • 437 1 gQI ATTERS living in the Soli lar, Jurong and Thomson Road areas of Singapore have been terrified during the past week by a tiger, believed to be eight feet long, which has been roaming along the north of the island. Each night it? roars near
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  • 185 1 ALLEGED STRIKE LEADERS IN COURT (From Our Dwn Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Alleged to have been agitators In the recent Batu Arar. o and the Sungel Best labour troubles, two Hakkas, Liew Woon and Yip Fong, were produced- before Mr. C. H. Dakers in the Kuala Lumpur police court today
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  • 29 1 Huntlngton (California). Saturday. Billy Papke. former world middleweight champion, and his divorced wife were both found shot dead in the latter's home.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 78 1 I" 1 HE first two-wheeled motor- ar has made its appearance in the streets of London. The invention of Mr. F. Hayes of Holland Park (London), it is claimed that the vehicle offers the emse of handling and economy of a motor -cycle and the protection and comfort
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  • 365 1 London Comment On Foreign Secretary's Statement London. Saturday. •"THERE is not much comment in his speech yesterday: that "the Independence and integrity of Belgium is of vital interest for this nation and that Belgium could count upon our help were she ever victim of unprovoked aggression."
    British Wireless  -  365 words
  • 76 1 HOPE OF REMARKABLE ADVANCE IN SURGERY London. Saturday. *THE newspapers report an operation performed in Newcastle Hospital In a case of angina poctoris which, if finally successful, will constitute a remarkable advance in surgery. The heart was joined to the vascular tissue through the diaphram in such; a way as
    British Wireless  -  76 words
  • 181 1 SPANISH WARFARE NOW LIKE FLANDERS Rain- Filled Trenches And Mud Telavera, Saturday. "THE fighting at Madrid is increasingly resembling Flanders warfare, the rain -filled trenches near the Toledo Bridge, espec'ally, look like small canals. To stand upright is to court death. Men crawl through the mud towards their objectives until
    Reuter  -  181 words
  • 48 1 Lor. rUy Sir Edwin Deller. Principal of Lon-» don University ,who with four others was seriously injured yesterday while inspecting the progress of work on the new University buildings, was stated this morning to be slightly better though his condition is still serious.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  48 words
  • 30 1 The Tashl Lama is reported to have reached Jyekundo, near the border of Tibet. The weather during the winter is likely to prevent him from entering Tibet before the spring.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 126 1 COMING "STAGE STRUCK" A MUSICAL ROMANCE FROM WARNER BROS. ■HSR? i'/QI ,i J. m tV ■^L^L^m^mmß Do yon want your girlf i jj to be a future jtF Tennis Champion? r~5 ■any t mother has regretted the %fjr f v fmct ol not haFioe selected tke right V uT^^y*^?^*? kind
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  • 1499 2 Dancing Under The Stars —And Scrumming At The Post Office-A Hectic Life readers may like to hear something about Singapore's new night club, the first of its kind and a remarkably popular innovation. Not being much of a gadabout, or at any rate not as much of one
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 642 3 SPONSORED WIRELESS PROGRAMMES NOT WANTED Debate On Singapore Broadcasting SPONSORED programmes should be "taboo" as far as the 8.M.8.C. is concerned, but if the Corpjration decides on obtaining help from commercial firms, then it should receive no Government subsidy, and there should be no increase in radio licence fees. This
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  • Article, Illustration
    108 3 THK weddinr took place on 1 Thursday at St. Andrews Cathedral, Archdeacon Graham White taking the service, of Mr. Lim Loi Hin and Miss Nellie Loh Swee Yin. Tbv bride is the sister of Mr. Loh Kit Sens, of the Cooperative Department. Kuala I.umnur, and Mr. Loh Moi Seng. The
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  • 127 3 Priest Who Sold "Seats In Heaven Warsaw. A PRIEST who was "selling seats in Heaven" has been arrested by the police in Kiszyniew, Bessarabia. He had a 'map of Heaven" on his desk uith allotments portioned out and numbers on them. Simp'eminded peasants, mostly women, used to come to his
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  • 75 3 (From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star. Kedah's first dance hall will be opened at the Grand Amusement Park. Alor Star, shortly. No entertainments are allowed during the fastIng month but on the night of Harl Raya Puasa a grand attraction will be staged. Shanghai
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  • 62 3 The Indian community of Singapore will be At Home to the Indian Deputation, consisting of the Rt. Hon. Mr. Srlnlvasa Sastrl and Mr. O. S. Bozman, 1.C.5.. on Dec. 31. Members of the Indian Association. Singapore, who wish to attend the function are requested
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  • 28 3 A lecture will be given by Dr. Lim Boon Keng at the Singapore Chinese Mandarin School. 74/748. Prlnsep Street, on Dec. 3, at 8 p.m.
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  • 102 3 IN their daily report on the sharemarket issued at the close of business yesterday Messrs Fraser and Co. state that the tin share market was again firmer on good demand from London. Dollar shares firmed up and there was a fair turnover, but the market was
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  • 81 3 Noon, Saturday. No. 1 K. R. S. S. in cases (F. 0.8.) Nov. SI .!I' Good P. A. Q. in cases (F. 0.8.) Nov. 31 H 31 Vt No. 1 K. R. S. S. (Spot loose) Awardable Singapore 31% 31' December 31 7 hi 31 9/16 Jan. -March
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  • 162 3 Anglo-Dutch "Agreement" In East Indies Comment In Europe I DUMOURS Of an impending Anglo- Dutch understanding for the mutual defence of their Far Eastern possessions are given prominence in Berlin, states a Trans-Ocean Service message. Attention is drawn to the simultaneous visit to Singapore of Dutch warships and the Civil
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 177 3 LONDON SINGAPORE BRISBANE wo services a week to London and Brisbane by aiulti-engmed air liners. Perfect coafort for passengers. Plenty of room for luggage. Hotels, meals even tins included in the Moderate fare. AND ASSOCIATED COMPANIES Bookincs and information from BO L' STEAD CO., LTD.. agents for Imperial Airways Ltd..
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  • 357 4 First For Penang-Kuala Lumpur Rail Link RESULT OF TESTS IN ENGLAND WITH ARTIFICIAL CLIMATE THE first of Malaya's new air-conditioned luxury railway coaches has been completed in England, and travellers wi-> soon be able to travel in comfort during the midday heat At present most railway
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  • 142 4 (By Our Pahang Correspondent) Ail ORE and more tragedies are being I¥l recorded in the coastal fishing; villages of Pahang. They are attributed to the present monsoon that is racing. News 2omes from Beserah, a little fishing village about five miles from Kuantan, of the
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  • 129 4 NEW EASTERN SERVICE (By Our Chinese Correspondent) A CCORDING to information re- ceived by a prominent Chinese merchant of Singapore, Chinese shipping interests in China have bought four steamers from the Bright Navigation Company of England for the inauguration of a steamship service between China, Malaya,
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  • 121 4 "OUT OF WORK AND NO MONEY FOR FOOD." A 26-YEAR-OLD unemployed Chinese, Lam Hei-yam, of Singapore, was brought before Mr. E. Himsworth at the Kowloon Magistracy, charged with having stowed .away on board the s^. Cremer from Singapore to Hong Kong. Hel-yam admitted the charge, and said
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  • 41 4 Dr. Lim Boon Keng, President of Amoy University, will give a lecture on "The Chinese Optimistic Philosophy of Life" at the Ramakrishna Mission, 8. Horrls Road, at 6.30 p.m. on Tuesday Mr. H. P. Kaka wIU preside.
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  • 31 4 Glan Singh. Battery Road, are holding a Christmas Sale beginning tomorrow. Big reductions have been made. Extra staff has been engaged so that customers are not kept waiting.
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  • 274 4 Mass Attack For Quick Victory FRENCH GENERAL AIR MENACE Paris. QEN. Debeney, former Chief of the French General Staff, writing in the "Revue des Deux Mondes," predicts that if France was attacked the offensive would take the form of a surprise blow in which
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  • Correspondence
    • 74 4 MUST our intellectual British he- j men spend most of their Sunday mornings dice-ing for drinks If this desire to play about with a l-'ttle box and cubes is aimed at eliminating the strain of intelligent conversation, it would sun r be a public spirited action if
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    • 170 4 A/fAY I draw attention in your col- umns to the ba^ arrangements existing in Singapore for meeting overseas liners Although a ship may be advertised to berth at the docks at a definite hour, there seems no means by which the ceneral public can ascertain that
      UP  -  170 words
    • 66 4 rvURING the past many days there has been much mention in the local newspapers of M. Salengro, the French Minister for the Interior, wno was driven to suicide by false reports of his war service. Can any reader say whether M. Salengro was of Gypsy origin The
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    • 96 4 I WAS very glad to see In last week's Sunday Times that a mo-.- was being made In Singapore to better Street lighting. If those dark patches on so many roads could be eliminated then I am sure that dazzling headlights would also disappear. Those drivers who
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    • 199 4 I E"OR some time past it has been com- mon gossip In Singapore that the Telephone Company is considering the possibility of the introduction of a new scale of charges. Instead of the pre- sent fiat rate of $140 and $160 a year the proposal is. I believe,
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    • 107 4 FOR every bouse In Singapore that gas, water, or electric light the Municipality Installs a meter to check the consumption. I have been told that the househo'.der Is responsible for meters and If they are damaged In any way he has got to foot the repair bill.
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  • 81 4 Using Guns: Going To Hospital (From Our Pahang Correspondent.. IT is interesting to record that in the Koala Li pis and other Pahang districts the Sakais are getting more and more "civilised" and nowadays they are to be seen going about the towns and are sometimes also
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  • 73 4 Naha, Loochoo Islands. The tiny island of lye, in ttis Loochoos, has been picked out by Dr. H. Tokunaga, of Wascda University, as the cradle of Japan. Dr. Tokunaga. who is an eminent geologist, reached this conclusion after discovering traces of primitive art,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 418 4 CHAINED TO BED BY BACKACHE Now Than! a to Kruschen Not a Trace of Pain This woman's life was made a misery by the nagging pains of backache. Then her fptlu-r, who had proved the value of Kruschrn himself, advised her to try It. She did ar.d here Is her
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    • 57 4 SEASON EXTENDED LAST TWO DAYS Don't mias this opportunity of seeing the finest of all the Chan pietwes! ALHAMBRA TODAY at 3.15— 615.— 9.15 20th Century Fox Films thrilling murder mystery CHARLIE CHAN at THE RACE TRACK" with WARNER OLAND KEYE LUKE HELEN WOOD. NEXT CHANGE JACK LONDON'S "WHITE FANG
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  • 776 5 JUDGE USES MAGNIFYING GLASS AND EXAMINES PRISON BUTTONS Amazing Court Story Of Sikh Moneylender And Warder (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. |\/|R D. J. White, Gaoler, Seremban Prison, was the defendant-respon-dent In a case in the Seremban Supreme Court before Mr. Justice N. H. P. Whitley in which a Sikh
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  • Article, Illustration
    61 5 anixci group photograph of Mr. Chou See Kins, eldest son of the late Mr. Chin Sin J-e€ and Mrs. Chou Sin Lee (nee Heng Mai Sim) and Miss Dulrie Theln, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Them Van Soon, ll.e wedding took place on Nov. 21 at 14. Balmoral Road.
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  • 224 5 Globe-Circling Planes To Visit Singapore TWO aeroplanes, starting and finishing at Darwin and separating at Singapore, will encircle the world in opposite directions and will sca'tcr goodwill messages, according to a plan now being formulated as part of Sydney's 150 th anniversary celebrations in 1938. Tho machines will start simultaneously
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  • 82 5 >l KITE FINDS UP TO (iIDDV HEIGHTS (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia. The boom in shares continues unp.batcd. some of the favourite funds reaching giddy heights. It ts estimated that since the devaluation of the guilder the funds have appreciated by about one and a half milliard suiUcrs.
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  • 53 5 DITCH SWIMMERS TO VISIT N.I. (From Our Own Correspondents Data via. Throe of the five foremost Dutch women swimmers will visit Netherlands I India shortly following the invitation j of the Netherlands India Swimming Association. The swimmers are Tinl Wagner. Rio Mortenbroek (the Olympic ehanptanl ?r.d Will 7 den Ouden.
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  • 189 5 4,000 Sign Up For Military Service NO MORE PRESS GANGS Canton. A BOUT a third of the conscripts, 3,000 to 4,000, are signing-up for another term of military service. It is better than going home when there is no Job waiting, and better than going back in a
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  • 174 5 Flying-Boat Or Land Plane DECENT solo crossings of the notorious Tasman Sea that stormy 1,100-mile stretch between Australia and New Zealand by Miss Jean Batten, and Mr. E. L. Clarke, another New Zealander, have given impetus to the proposal for a regular air service across the
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  • 85 5 Jim Says: "I Expect Amy To Divorce Me" Paris. JIM MOLLJSON, the long-distance J record-breaking air pilot, said in D interview that he expected that llTOrce proceedings would be started :gainst him. His wlio, *he equally famous Amy fulinson, said: "I can neither confirm :< r deny tho rumour— in
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  • 61 5 N.I.— AUSTRALIA TRADE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia. Taking advantage of his holiday trip I to Australia, Dr. Hart, the Director of Economic Affairs in N.1., met several prominent Government officials at Canberra, with a view to further strengthening the economic relatlorfs between N.I. and Australia. Mr. Hoist Pellekaan will
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  • Article, Illustration
    76 5 (From Our Own Corre c >ondent Batavia. At a meeting of the Board ol Delegates, It was announced by the Director of Finance that a supplementary budget will be submitted to the Peoples' Council in January for an extra six million guilders for Netherlands Indian Defence. At a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 271 5 H wi _JB !■< r I^l J w?2in&* to» IQ)awson especial fin scotch fF^q WHISKY UawsoN 1 "WKCIAL" Scotch WisK^; W "Ht£T '..S P*iC£ $3.35 PER BUiTLE ■^--^J^^^M (INCLUDING DUTY) 6N SOLE AGENTS: WMM KM ROBINSON 6c CO., LTD. «|I7 SIN GAPORE KUALA LUMPUR Wyr iililliß*n'.iM <& V v^k^fl r
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  • 78 6 Canton. r[E details of the demand of the Hong Kong Government for the removal of Chinese slum dwellers in Kowloon City, have been conveyed to Dr. Philip Tyau, special foreign affairs commissioner for Kwangtung and Kwangsi, by Mr. H. Phillips, British Consul-General at Canton. It is
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  • 67 6 An Indian-owned shipping line Is Lkely to begin a passenger service between Bombay and London shortly. A scheme for such a service has been prepared by the Scindla Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., of Bombay. The line row maintains a cargo service between India, Ceylon and Burma
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  • 87 6 poUR Australian nurses who have volunteered for service in Spain to work with Government troops passed through Colombo in the Orient liner Oronsay. Sister Mary Lawson, the leader of the unit, said that the Spanish Relief Committee in Sydney had been responsible for sending them
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  • 35 6 Noel Coward, brilliant author dramatist and actor, will visit the Far; East shortly and will call at Singapore. He is a frequent visitor to this part of j the world.
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  • 1327 6 RESCUING BOYS FROM THE STREETS OF SINGAPORE GOOD WORK OF SALVATION ARMY'S HOME Turning Potential Criminals Into Useful Citizens T"HAT an urgent need had been filled by the Salvation Army's Boys' Industrial Home was stated by Brigadier Lord at the official opening; ceremony yesterday, performed by Col. Cecil Rae. He
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  • 477 6 "Hong Kong Blot On British Colonisation SHAMED BY SINGAPORE'S HEALTH STATISTICS The following letter to the editor appeared recently in the South China Morning Post: IN view of the fact that a most virulent epidemic is taking such toll in Hong Kong, and that for Some time your columns have
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  • 135 6 LAND FOR TRIAL CROPS Kind's Lynn. THE King has given permission for six acres of land at Sandringham to be devoted to experimental crops of lavender to assist this new Norfolk Industry. Remarkabl3 results have bean achieved from lavender growr at Frlng. a few miles from
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  • 54 6 New York. General Motors have announced a "year-end" dividend of $1.50 on common stock, aggregating a payment of $65,250,000. Wage increases of five cents hourly for all employees are also announced, as well as the distribution of a $10,000,000 Christmas fund in addition to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 284 6 PYIJI roughly competent A Yw*^4 but simple, moderately Kg £<3 priced camera. fc^Sfr^JOl Hi^SfW. "Ko*«i" Junior f 8.8 with «MVS g^ jf^T tW^?4?KD^^ "Kodak" 3-shutUr $14.00 S^JjjlßJP 111 -Kod;d<" Junior f 7.7 with "Kodak" 4-shuttcr $19.80 "Kodak" Junior f 6.3 with "Kodak Special" Sclf[l timing shatter $24.50 Any camera even
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    • 2 6 TIBER BEER
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  • 285 7 ILIALAYA i^ largely a country of cyclists, and every year sees an increase in the number of people who manure to balance on wheels rather than footslog. Singapore ulonc, it is estimated, has a total of 20 000 bicyclists and tricyclists. It is a tribute,
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  • 770 7  -  Fred. J. Melville Stamp Collecting By IN my articles last week I mentioned briefly the Issue, at comparatively short notice, of the King Edward VIII stamps for use in the British Post Offices in Morocco. There are eleven varieties of these, and as many of my
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 395 7 HB STAMPS OF TIIK TKIATV PORTS GREAT BRITAIN. OF CHINA AND OK FORMOSA WKfcMl by Captain H. R. Oldfleld. IX. B. handsome £1 black stamp of the A complete history of this little known Postal Confess issue of 1929 In very I rouD cf stamps. fine used cond.aon. Piie, 4
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    • 463 7 IIONDON CATXS inj] INSISTENTLY LEAVES FROM MY DIARY come; and rnjoy at either JK^jL HOTELREMBMNDI <^S# conomiosT South Kensington. S.W. -ml tacing the Victoria and Sl^^M Albert Museum. or HOTEL "Pretty decent fellow back jSS^^ RUBENS from Rhodesia, Says he '7^3. BucHn-iham Palace Road. always stays here when on\ Vw
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1180 7 Today's Wireless Programmes EiMllKC jlAlJUW. 7.20 p.m.— Motor Car Mass-Production Pro- 151 p m. A Handful of Notes and a Heart port, Stock Quotations and Announce- gramme.* Produced by Robin Whitwortb. filled with Love. A musical play by Herbert men*. I RANSMISSION 4 7-50 p.m.— The Cambridge Town SU>»r Witt
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    • 312 7 CROSSWORD PUZZLE RESULT Fifteen readers share the $100 offered in The Sunday Times Crossword Puzzle Competition printed in our issue of Nov. 15. Each of the following submitted entries in which there were no errors and the piize money is therefor* shared among them in equal proportions: Mr. Ulick Lam,
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  • 544 8 Speakers Stress Need Of Friendship Among Nations THE important part that can be played by the individual in cultivating a belter understanding between nations was stressed at the Rotary Club dinner held at the Adclphi Hotel last night in honour of Rotarian the
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  • 322 8 British Factories Overworked •yilE possibility of Australia buying American fighting planes for the Royal Australian Air Force is being investigated by the defence authorities, who have been in touch with the Imperial Defence Committee about reports that the British Air Ministry 'proposed to acquire 1500 United
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  • 109 8 VAST DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Hong Kong, Saturday. 'THE Nanking Government has 1 allocated $30,000,000 for the development of Hainan Island, including the construction of a railway from Hoihow, the chief port, into the interior, and the construction of deep sea ports, according to Chinese reports. Mr. T.V.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  109 words
  • 47 8 Representatives of India at the Imperial Conference in London next May will be the Marquess of Zeeland. Secretary for India, His Highness the Maharaja Galkwar of Baroda and Sir Zafrulla Khan, member of the Executive Council of the Viceroy.— British Wireless. y^,.,..
    British Wireless  -  47 words
  • 232 8 NEW GAS METHOD AT LOW COST London. •THAT it is now possible for every 1 woman in England who becomes a mother to experience virtually painless child-birth is revealed by Mrs. Lucy Baldwin, wife of the Prime Minister, in a letter to The Times. She
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  • 112 8 INDESTRUCTIBLE, SAYS RED LEADER Moscow. Saturday. "•"THE Soviet Far Eastern territory today is stronger and more inaccessible than ever, and in the event of an attack on it all the workers of the Far East will help the Red Army to 'deal the enemy
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 98 8 (From Or.r Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A law enabling the Government tc exercise control over the use of wireless telegraphy to and from aircraft in the same way as the proposed law in the Colony and to provide for the licensing of wireless in
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  • 32 8 Madrid. Saturday. It is estimated that 2,500 persons have been killed and 3.000 wounded since the beginning of the bombardment on the capital three weeks ago. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 8 The interior of a typical trans-Siberian express train showing passengers watching a film.
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  • 144 8 DOPPY DAY was made the occasion of a demonstration by agitators on the Galle Face Green, Colombo. The speakers were Mr. H. Roy de Mcl, the Rev. Slrisanankara Udakanandawala. Dr. Colvin R. de Sllva. Dr N. M. Perera and Mr. Philip Gunawarden". The speeches
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  • 53 8 The second Singapore company of the Girl Guides have this year won the Jean Cavendish Shield which is competed for by the whole of Malaya, and at an enrolment ceremony held ou Friday the shield was presented by Mr. R. Bird. District Commissioner for Singapore. The fifth Singapore
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  • 25 8 The German Supreme Court at Leipzig has ruled that the German Broadcasting Company may not broadcast gramophone records of music without compensation to their makers.
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  • 135 8 Malayan Collieries Want More Railway (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. MALAYAN CoUieries, Ltd., Malaya's largest coal mine operators, of Batu Aranp, Selangor, have asked for legislative powers from the F.M.S. Government authorising the construction, maintenance and working of private railway extensions for transporting their own goods, produce and
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  • 81 8 AFTER being cowed 160 miles by the Singapore Harbour Board tug Varuna, the 5.000-ton tramp steamer Barrgrove, which lost her propeller because of a broken laiishaft on a voyage from Singapore to Saigon, returned to port yesterday afternoon. When the vessel became disabled in the
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  • 113 8 TEA QUOTA NO CHANGE EXPECTED London, Saturday. THE tea production quota which will be announced tomorrow is not expected to produce any fireworks similar to those encountered following recent meetings of other commodity regulating: committees. The majority of tea traders do not look for any change in the present exportable
    Reuter  -  113 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 100 8 is actual beef in oonce jtrated fluid form manufactured by the Pioneers of the Fluid Beef Industry in Australia. It is prepared from selected beef grown on Australia's Pastures and _fL~— its quality is unsurpassed by any jf 4h£? other similar product in th«; world. y^^Bffy^v. Beefine is sold by
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    • 54 8 PYRAMID the handkerchief to shout about! This man is proud of his handkerchief, because it Is a Pyramid. Pyramiu Handkerchiefs are always soft and smooth, and also look very smart. They are made in many attractive colours and designs for your choice. On sale at ail department stores and large
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  • 1422 9 IT Is evident from Mr. William Teeling's new book on his world tour that one of the experiences which interested him most in Malaya was a visit to the big leper settlement at Sungei Buloh, outside Kuala Lumpur. He gives high praise to its superintendent, Dr. Gordon
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 130 9 Unvarying in quality year in and year out CRAVENA MADE SPECIALLY TO PREVENT SORE THROATS 1 THE FRESHNESS of I WOUSvi mm packing time I BHEL JI is preserved within WwwPWi yT the air-tight 'TßU- I '^^^^tyM VAC tin And pro- lyKlfq i m^^l tccts the cigarettes I If JsflLjjH
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    • 239 9 DURING the Season t September-April) short vacations in Indo-Chii a are Inexpensive. .BangTOjk Beautiful scenery, healthy hill-statkm resthouses. I /*-V. ijfPl|-i<nD wonderful motor roads. Inexhaustible field of «j|jj|P' rl < archaelogical and historical wonders. Old time US courtesy to visitors. Large touring cars with export I V driven take tourists
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  • 643 10 Knowledge, Wisdom Laughter MEMOIRS OF 18 YEARS IN THE EGYPTIAN DESERTS Three Deserts. By C. S. Jarvis. John Murray 10s. 6d. riGHTEEN years as an Arab admi- nistrator, 13 of which were spent as Governor of Sinai, give Major Jarvis every right to publish an authoritative book about the Egyptian
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  • 336 10 Sir Hiram Maxim 's Life Story A Genius in the Family. By Hiram Percy Maxim. Michael Joseph. 7s. lid. WHEN the genius in the family is Sir Hiram Maxiir.. one of the most vehement of an exceptionally vehement family, and "a paragon of American resourcefulness," earthquakes would seem quiet and
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  • 390 10 Shallow Brown. By Stephen Hockaby. Michael Joseph. 7s. 6d. A LTHOUGH "Shallow Brown" Is mainly concerned with the usually reprehensible adventures of Tom Mansey the whole Mansey family Is a Joy. "Ma" is a woman of character well used to keeping order in the
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  • 436 10 CLEVER STUDY OF THE END OF THE WAR YEARS Peter ThornhlU, R.A.F. By Kmincline Morrison. Hntchinson. 7s. Gd. JUIISS Morrison is a clever psychologist and her study of the end of the War years, and the succeeding years of the reconstruction and readjustment, with all their difficulties and disillusion, is
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  • 127 10 Four Days' War. By S. Fowler Wright. Robert Hale. 7s. 6d. "C"OUR Days' War" Is one of those books designed to wring our withers and give the reader a foretaste of what he will have to put up with in the next war. But 'he
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 250 10 Smartness combined with comfort "\m HEUSEN" 0 SEMI -STIFF COLLARS give the comfort of a soft, and the smartness of a stiff in white and collar. No wrinkling, therecoloured designs fore ideal for hot weather. PrSCfi Made in one piece without seams. "Van Heusen" collars I CtS. re lain their
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    • 103 10 MALAYAN JINGLES 80— FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH They feed me and they nurse me, They stroke my silken hide And then, mayhap, they curse me, Because a tipster lied. Only one horse can win a race— At cost of cruel strain! And sometimes voe can make the pace, But sometimes
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    • 111 10 THE "UNION JACK" SERIES OF PUZZLING PASTIMES These clever and interesting Oaroes have become quite the rage and afford delightful amusement at Afternoon and Evening Parties. PUZZLING PASTIME 8 CARDS IN A BOX. Precious Stories Medium Snippets Advanced Burled Weights Measures do The Bothered Butcher Easy Frantic Film SUrs Medium
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  • 415 11 Consul's Appeal To Local Leaders (By Our Chinese Correspondent) THE National Economic Reconstrjetion Society of China is contempliti".g lh" establishment of a branch society in Singapore shortly, sccording to V»r. Kao Ling Pai, the new I isul-General for MaL'.yu, wl'o considers that the assistance
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  • 63 11 Tokio. Construction of a V. 40, 000,000 dam, the second largest In the world and the biggest in the Far East, will soon begin on the Tone River, 55 miles from here. The reservoir of the dam will contain 0,000,000,000 cubic feet of water for the
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  • 524 11 Joined To Central Provinces PACT WITH NIZAM OF HYDERABAD IT is announced that an agreement has been concluded between the King-Emperor and the Nizam of Hyderabad concerning the future of Berar. While reaffirming the sovereignty of the Nizam over Berar, the agreement provides that Berar and
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  • 53 11 Hankow. The students and teachers in the Taking Middle School at Wuchang one day recently denied themselves meals and presented the money saved from fosd towards the national aeroplane funds. The school's staff members also contributed one-third of their monthly salaries for
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  • 37 11 Military Service For Turkish Women Beyogln. pOMPULSORY military service for Turkish women is again under consideration, according to the newspapers. It is expected that legislation on the subject will be introduced during the present session of Parliament.
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  • 283 11 SHARED AMONG 2,000 PEASANTS •yHE Mexican Government ha7e sequestered 55,000 acres of cotton-lands from 19 ranches In Mexico, owned by a British concern —the Purcell Estate Compa. In Coahuila State and distribu ed them among 2.00 C peasants. The basis of the Government's i action
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  • 232 11 10,000 Arrested In Vienna "UNION" AND ITS SPIES Vienna. I"\URING the past year the Austrian police have conducted a successful campaign against the professional beggars in Vienna. In ten months the polk carried out i5O raids on professional beggars In the Inner city, and 700 raids In
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 5 11 MEMPE 340 AC-DC 355 ac
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    • 260 11 More Money-Saving Power in CHEVROLET TRUCKS Business men who i -r trucks will be sure to Lot US piOV©' HOY/ vftcll Itew f CatlireS investigate tin- remarkable advancement* in i• 'j x••is s cut haulage costs. to new low levels Tbcy are the most powerful Chevrolet truck*' {fiflH^H^fkCN. BS^S-^^' ever
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  • 609 12 Jack— Mascot Of The Fire Brigade How He Helped The Engine Turnout JACK, Canine King of Fort Canning and mascot of the Singa- pore Fire Brigade, the most famous dog in Singapore, has died. Age crept upon him. He was 12 years old when he
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  • 350 12 •FIME and again novices forget the 1 old rule that says that you should have the sun over your shoulder when you take pictures, and suffer the penalty of a sun-struck negative. They see something "pretty" and excitedly shoot at it regardless of the fact that Old
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  • 130 12 DECAUSE he shot dead his brother's Belgrade beautiful twenty-three-year-old widow, after keeping her in chains, Zhlvadin Kostitch, of Kijeva, Jugoslavia, has been sentenced to imprisonment for life. The woman rejected his advances. So he chained her to a tree in the forest. For weeks she
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  • 360 12 AID FOR CHINESE WOUNDED SOLDIERS Prompt Support In Singapore (By Our Chinese Correspondent) "THE movement initiated by the Sin 1 Pao, a Chineie journal of Shanghai, to "give one day's earnings or revenue for the benefit of the Chinese wounded soldiers from the Suiyuan front" is receiving prompt support in
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  • 57 12 THIRD EMPIRE FLYING BOAT LAUNCHED "THE "Centaurus." third of the new Empire flying-boats to be launched, gave a demonstration flight at Rochester on Nov. 11, before leaving for the Mediterranean to serve on the BrindlslAlexandria route. Sister flying-boats to the "Centaurus" will be completed and in service, it is hoped,
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  • 205 12 Heavier Penalties Suggested COURTS DECLARED TO BE TOO LENIENT LJEAVIER penalities for uninsured drivers of cars are proposed in a memorandum submitted to the Departmental Committee by the British Insurance Association. The assets of the association members total more than £1,750.000, 000. With regard to motor vehicle
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  • 93 12 DOWERS have been granted to the Union-Castle Mail Steamship Co. to operate air services, following a petition in the Chancery Division recently before Mr. Justice Crossman. The company's ships operate extensively between English and South African p^rts. Mr. John Brunyate. for the company, stated that it
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 314 12 COMFORT Deeply padded real f leather upholttery with conveniently W.- placed armrrsts together with the re- -'.[mi noicncd Chevrolet knee-action tuspen- "■■»«> rion makes this car ideal for town or .J/r J^"s|H^S**to^ totring. /w^i^**/?Si JpFfl Haflf; J***^*'" m \1 Mm jpMr r'Bg^- 3Hr* #«P KNEE ACTION Is just one of
      314 words
    • 128 12 i KOR ALL WraCfl OK MON NEWCHIKAOPhCALCO.. »6. HIGH STREET. SINGAPORE. Hair Growing Discovery Manr p*rson« who were nova a full crop of beantiru! hair i y «<i'« K..t.ilk ami K tilko S.ap. Ma T»UoM »n I *|iee!y growth of luiir hx» i rep I i «ti» i rli.mi filling
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  • 238 13  -  3w To Behave At A Wrddin FLIZA MIFFIN (MRS) one of the chief things to avoid at a weddln is makin them ccarse Jokes about storks and gooseberry bushes wot not only lmbarrlsej the bride and bridegroom b'tt alnt at all funny to them as still has
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  • 1014 13  -  Narhaniel Gubbins By T>HANKS, a thousand thanks and ten thousand butterfly kisses to the two public-spirited readers who have sent me ducky little handmade parachutes for air-minded mice. But what are two little parachutes among countless million mice? More and more mice are travelling by air
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  • 424 13  -  THE FOUR ACES By PRACTICALLY every Bridge expert not only has his favourite partner, but also a least favourite partner. In the case of Waldemar values jv on Zedtwitz, of the the least favour-four-aces ite partner is SYSTEM. the Signaller." ace 3 Accord ing to king 2 Von
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 401 13 MEN IN MIDDLE LIFE No symi-tom M be more disturbing to the peace of mind than undue (rcqucucy and urgency. This distressing complaint U very common to men in middle life, and may well be due to enlargement and hardening ot the Prostate Gland. The dar. .s of enlarged prostate
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    • 812 13 I I <&&■ /lIMHALAYr\^ 1 "The only thing 1 that does me good for colds" I Vapex is the only thing I thai nujfirr done me g00d If I get a cold I at once take I a few drops on my hanky and in a few hour* am /it
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  • 225 14 Totidem Verbis "M.C.S. Trained" r!E selection of the Hon. Mr. T. S. Adams and Mr. H. C. Willan for important posts in Nigeria and Kenya respectively is further evidence of the high regard shown by the Colonial Office for men of the Malayan Civil Service. The Crown Colonies and Protectorates
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  • 160 14 DERKAPS the 8.M.8.C. are entitled to some sympathy. As a business concern they propose to "make a bit" by introducing "sponsored programmes" in plain words, sheer advertising and they are at once severely criticised, in our opinion fairly. Now they are invited by* Johore legislators to undertake propaganda for
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  • 156 14 QUR quite recent suggestion that an interesting announcement about Malayan air services might soon be expected was fully borne out by the statement the other day that a scheme is at last actually under preparation. That a little further patience may be called for, as in the matter
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  • 513 14 One Hour A Quarter 7.15 p.m.— Junip to it, Charles. Stella and Prank will be here any moment. Stella said she would be here really and truly early this time so that we can get in a good long session at the cards." 7.30 p.m.— "You take an age to
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  • 842 14 FROM SINGAPORE By Train TO LONDON ALL that Thursday and then that Friday Singapore kept slipping rapidly behind. The padi lands inland from Malacca glided by in beauty, and next Kuala Lumpur with its minarets of a station, Moorish arch"ecture in a Malay setting, then lpoh.... More townships rolled by....
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 53 14 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY TRIPS TO SUMATRA b y K. P. M. From 15th December to 15th January SINGAPORE TO BELAWAN DELI Ist class Return $65.--2nd class Return $50.PENANG TO BELAWAN DELI Ist class Return $30.--2nd class Return $20.For detailed information please apply to: K. p. M. LIME, 1 Flnlayson Green Tel.
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 757 15 Terminal Equipment Arrives In Malaya KUAL4 LUMPUR BEGINS INSTALLATION WORK To Be Given Practical Tests In Near Future (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. MEN laying: wires and installing switches in the Kuala Lumpur telephone exchange are completing the last link in the radio-telephone service between
    Keng  -  757 words
  • 290 15 "We Comes After Religion Says Husband H7IIEN Joseph H. Symes, a gas fitter, of Sandringham Road, Thornton Heath, v/as summoned by his wife at Croydon for alleged desertion, which he denied, he told the Court that his attitude to her had changed since ho -vac converted at a mission hall.
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  • 135 15 MONUMENT BY JAPANESE TO AMERICAN Tokio. A ONE-TIME office boy of the late Mr. Townsend Harris, first Amelican diplomatic envoy to Japan has completed arrangements to erect a memorial to his former "boss." He is Baron Takashi Masuda, 90-year-old retired multi-millionaire. The monument will consist of a ix-foot block of
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  • 42 15 Mexico City. The Mexican Board of Censore has ci added to ban all screen appearances of Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini, as well as films exalting the achievements of dictators, or glorifying the exploits of Spanish rebels.
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  • 16 15 The Japenese Government have decided to raise the Legation in Warsaw to the rank of Embassy.
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  • 69 15 Water Meters Protest In Jamaica CINGAPORE is not the only city which dislikes water meters. The largest public meeting for 25 years in Kingston, Jamaica, was held last week when protest was made against the use of meters for water supplied to householders. Speakers condemned the attempt to restrict the
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  • 71 15 DARE-TO-DIE UNIT OF PRINCE'S WIDOW Madame Shin widow of the late Prince Shin, former loyal Mongolian Prince attached to the Suiyuan Mongolian Council, has wired to the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission in Nanking saying that she is organising a dare-to-die unit with her three
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  • 514 15 Germany Again A Great Power 'WHOLE WORLD WILL BE FASCIST' Berlin. QERMANY'S demand for colonies has once more been voiced by Dr. Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda. He declared that Germany was now a gieat Power which could not be ignored by the outside world.
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  • 43 15 Bombay. It is stated that yielding to his mother's picas. Hiralal Gandhi, son of the Indian Nationalist leader, has prel pared to return to the Hindu faith I which he recently renounced to adopt 1 Mohammedanism.
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  • 94 15 General Says "ABANDON HAWAII," Kansas City. TLMAJOR-GEN. Smedley D. Buticr. iJR retired United States Marine officer, advocates the abandonment of American control of Hawaii and the withdrawal o* American troops now sta'ic: cd there. "Hawaii is a pleasure ground the veteran campaigner said, "comprised of sugar plantations. We don't need
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  • 224 15 AIR CHIEF MARSHAL SIR HENRY BROOKE-POPHAM has been appointed Governor of Kcny:i because it is planned to make the colony the headquarters of Imperial defence. Sir Henry, then Inspector General of the R.A.F.. returned last month from a tour of R.A.F. stations.
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  • 99 15 NAZIS DESTROY MENDELSSOHN STATUE Leipzig. •T*HE monument unveiled ner<- in I 1892 in memory of the great composer. Felix Mrntfplcss^hp-Bartr oldy. I has been destroyed and its pedestal I broken, as a result of the movement against non-Aryan works. This act, characteristic of Nazi hostility to anything which can be
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 12 15 /jgMr s Wj4A/ r*^i I j F^gh^l 'm^A fW XgE U ij
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    • 152 15 ANOTHER ROYAL DISTINCTION! It Is mnoUB sed that the Roy;il Warrant of Appointment has been granted by the Court of Jugoslavia to Messrs. Cow and Gate Ltd., manufacturers of the well-known Infants Food. This warrant has been granted In respect of the successful use of the Food for Princess Elizabeth,
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  • 699 16 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WILL EVER WRITTEN He Had No Money. He Died In A Poorhouse. But Before He Died He Made f CHARLES' Lounsberry, being of sound and disp ing mind and memory, do hereby make and publish this my last will and testament in order to distribute my interest
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  • 403 16 SOULS OF THE OYSTERS ENSHRINED Shinjugashima, (Isle of Pearls). ""TO the bosom of Buddha have gone the souls of some fifty million oysters that changed the status of a macaroni maker to that of the pearl king of the Orient. At the sacred family shrine of Kokichi Mikimoto where were
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  • 95 16 MARCONI CALLS FROM HIS YACHT On the occasion of the completion of tthe tenth year of the National Broadcasting Company of America Senator Marconi caUed by wireless telephone from his yacht Elettra, anchored off Santa Margherita Ligure. near Rapalllo, the chairman of the company, who was In
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  • 25 16 Since 1931 the population of the Union of South Africa has increased by 1,466,065 to 9.588,665. The white population la 2,003,512— an increase of *****7.
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  • 601 16 FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT pERMIT me to say, ladirs and trentlemen, the vital problem of the day, the burning question of the hour, is: how to plan a successful dinner. The dining season in Singapore has begun. Already several local associations have hold their
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  • 109 16 LOS ANGELES NQNCiKNAKIAN SLAIN: WIFE'S SUICIDE. Los Angeles P" AilL Sargent lound his invalid grand- fathsr, Charles Toh:!son yl years of age. slumped In a rlniv and almast decapitated as a result of bl>w.; with a straight ed^o razor. Later, he found his grandmother. Mrs.
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  • 31 16 Mr. Justice Cut lewis, of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court ot the Union of South Africa, has been appointed Chief Justice ln succession to the late Sir Johannes Wcssels.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 415 16 ■rfpK °f litel importance a w l su er ran IygfISTOMACH *%h TROUBLE/ The ichcf of suffering, the avoidance of operations is a matter of such national importance that we feel it necessary, in the public interest, to bring the following facts to the attention of those who suffer from
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    • 2 16 lI6ER BEER
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    • 95 16 THE LEADING MEDICINE S FOR SKIN DISEASES, ULCERS. g||j^ SORES, ENLARGED GLANDS, !|PJ BOILS, and BAD LEGS, u^jgy RHEUMATIC COMPLAINTS, I SWig PAINFUL JOINTS, LOSS OF VIGOUR. gg^^ffii^ Clarke's Blood Mixture is the direct ;Jsajpiiggij| way to health as it removes the CAUSE of the disease from the blood and
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 431 17 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Writes...instantly! the Platinum channel of the FEATHER B ju TOUCH point Kti to that. Six other ouuund- mi OS inj, Sheaffer advantages bring new pleasure to It Mm writing. One-ttrok^ tilling, emptying and MT Hr cleaning. Lifetime Guarantee.* Streamline OsW BALANCE (letigo to eliminate writing
      431 words
    • 341 17 MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly, the $100 will be awarded in respect of the entry containing the smallest number
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    • 216 17 I 1 J/taataut _S V tenth UscOdol toothparte andOdolmouthwash regularly ni S ntandmorning. I hey will add to your beauty and to the comfort of your mouth. Odol toothpaste is world-famous for cleaning teeth to perfection without damaging the delicate enamel. Odo' mouthwash, strongly sermicidal, protects your mouth and throat
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 188 17 I ■H__J^HL__ 1 1 tfopf. ■^■F'u -JTZ "THE BBBG Write your name and address here and also ON THE BACK OF THE ENVELOPE IN WHICH YOU POST YOUR ENTRY. T Name Address 29—11—36. i j DEFINITIONS ACBOSS: DEFINITION DOWN: 1. To show. 1. Springy. 5. Measures. a. To dress with
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 172 18 CADBURY'S ATTRACTIVE OFFER I* \> 3TV *^BK ."-^SHB^ll^^^^^^^^^ WEDGWOOD WEDGWOOD SET AND SPECIAL SPOONS I I WHAT >QUgN.\fiTA rs I /fj y 8«J No. I. One Beaker and saucer 2 l-lb. 4uiv»lent HHA HIB^ HH^ HBft «OUBw.vtT*, S m«j«^h I \*~-*t\A'vZ*'LLy No. 2. spoon, 5 l-lb. L M—M 1— 1
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  • 307 19 Attractive China For The Table II7E all take a great interest in the china which decorates our i tables. Some hostesses like the very deli- i cate china, with the new faintly grey background decorated with chaste designs in soft, pastel colours. In the right type of dining room, this
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  • 775 19 Brush Your Way To Beauty Host Of Different Forms And Uses MILADIES of the Movies may not all be domestically inclined, but they do know how to sweep aside the cobwebs which are continually trying to obscure true Beauty. And they use the logical implements. .brushes, to be specific. Brushes
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 378 19 At Vogue's! VARIETY In the EVENING BRASSIERE Mode STYLES TO MEET EVERT FIGURE AND EVERY FASHION NEED— FASHION DEMANDS FAULTLESS FOUNDATION and p*rfrct harmony of Contour: Haidrn Form Fills EVERY BRASSIERE NKFD of tlw> I-nrrrr Women The New "BodJce-Type" Baoklean Bra«lere lor Smart Closely FiiieU Gowns. PRE-LUDF." BRASSIERES With Low-Back
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  • 581 20 Just The Thing For First Thing In The Morning ANCE in a while, a frock of some specific occasion is invented. The latest is a breakfast frock. It would be wrong to describe this frock a? a dressing-gown because it fastens from throat to hem and does,
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  • 80 20 BANANA Bread is an idea ior a Bridge Tea Ingredients— K cup 01 brown sugar, 3 bananas (mashed), 1 2 cup butter, 6 tablespoons sour milk. 2 eggs, 1 cup walnut, chopped. Cream the sugar and the butter together. Add the beaten eggs, milk, bananas, flour sifted
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  • 340 20 Ensuring Soft Radiance IT is quite surprising the importance the lampshades have in any room. They c»n make your light so dim as to be far too dull and gloomy, or they can merely tone it down and transfonr an unbecoming, and irritating glare into a soft radiance. Moreover, at
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 341 20 An Opening Sale of Exquisite Evening Bags Is being held by THE JADE TREE 18 Battery Road, Ist Floor Christmas Cards that are "Different" for 70 rents a dosen. including enve lopes, and hundreds of unusual Christmas Gifts RENE ULLMANN ANNOUNCES the CLOSING of the MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. in view of
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    • 39 20 PALAIS DES. MODES. 33. Stamford Road. Singapore. Exclusive X'mas Stocks Just Arrive From NEW YORK LONDON PARIS Exquisite Model, Evening Gowns in latest materials Cblc Evening Wraps, Smart Swssrer Coats. Jackets, and suits etc., etc.. ALL THE VERY LATEST
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    • 60 20 I Ert^ Isn't it simpler and Ij5>*/ safer to ask for, I-jS^*w> M Southalls"-when' Mjy b do 1 I' 0 MT&dfijfim r »«tur«d o» J "^^ypr chc' complete Vj^ protection, soft J soothing comfort I i\ 4ntf P"* 60 P urtt y M K that name stands Of all ChemUts
      60 words
    • 263 20 Freckles NtSBBBMaI Jm9^ o*CT*tly and Quickly Removed! Htlllmmn*. FrackH Craara blearhea tail out whll. yoa >1..p. Laata* the akia noTt and wklle— tka ran. Blruoa freak, rlrar and n.lur.L Far 17 raara laooaaada of aacr* hava ffadaragd It. So eaay la aaa» Tke fun Jar pravaa lla mirk worta. Stitlman's
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  • 1429 21  -  John Drinkwater By London, Nov. 21. THE King's public engagements, exacting as they are, account for but a small proportion of his official time. More and more between now and his Coronation, he expects to be kept at his desk in the transactions of endless business,
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  • 87 21 FELT hats triat are out-of-tUte <vir. br rot into strips and crocheted ♦<> make i attractive rug. Cut the brin s from the crowns. Then begin cutting a nan-... 'p irom the edge ol each crown and continue cutting, in spiral fashinn. until the top is reached
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  • 1078 21  - SWIMMING FOR HEALTH BEAUTY SIR HERBERT BARKER BY WHEN the three tests by which any sport may be judge d utility, healthfulness, pleasure are applied to swimming, it undoubtedly stands very high. Swimming is useful, since to be unable to swim may spell the difference between a day's misadventure and
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  • 100 21 APPLE HONEY PUDDING f F.EASE a ple-dlsh and sprinlw'o it with brown sugar. Cover wtch thinly sliced apples. Sprinkle thickly with brown sugar and pour over a tablespoonful of honey, then sprinkle with chopped walnut*. Half fill £m dish like this. Then whisk two cgss thoroughly with two ounces of
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 101 21 H^^^"*^^^^ (fir 4 i Wt lr S t S I **tcmfiS --^^1^ '"V. JS)Br Healthy, contented, lovable baby. Your baby too, will thrive on Lactogen, you can see Lactogen doing him good from the very first feed. He takes Lactogen contentedly, sleeps peacefully, and wakes up bright-eyed and happy! Not
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  • 186 22 Strenpther.'r..? Vitamins in Tasteless Tablets. m->:i and women who are rundown r.nd tired and have lost all zest lor iipture all their old vigorous cnergj and vitality and youthful enthusiasm for living, simply by taking t.vj r.y. tasteless, sugar-' I -i: icr every
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  • 301 22 First Choices Not Available (From Our Own Correspondent). Seremban, Saturday. Y ET another trial will be held on Wednesday before the Negri Sembilan hockey side is finally chosen to meet Singapore on Saturday (Dec. 5) at Seremban. It is doubtful if the home side will be able
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  • 42 22 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang. Saturday. The Rest defeated Scotland by 24 points to 3 in their annual rugby game here today. Scotland who were captained by J. F. Keay, were outplayed by a very strong side.
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  • 544 22 Game Fought Between The Forwards (From Our Own Correspondent) Rcngam, Saturday. CCORING two tries and a penalty goal and keeping their lines intact, Johore beat the Royal Navy and Royal Air Force in a Malaya Cup match at Rengam today by nine points to
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  • 152 22 Run under the auspices or tiia Sultan Suleiman Club. Kuala Lumpur, and sanctioned by the L.T.A M.. the second All Ma'aya Malays championship tournament will be held on the courts of the Sultan SuMman Club during the Chinese New Yvar holidays on Feb. 11-14 inclusive. Entries are
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  • 276 22 SCHOOLBOYS WIN AGAINST KRIAN CLUB NOR AZIZ SHINES IN GOAL (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. DLAYing their return hockey fixture in Taiping Krian Club (Parit Buntar) lost to King Edward VII School by one goa! to nil. j Fast hockey was seen thrcugliout the match, and Krian Club were unlucky
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  • 21 22 New York. Saturday. Barney Ross ct" pointed Iz^y Jannazo over 15 rounds her? List nignt. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  21 words
  • 189 22 GAMMAN CUP Win For Government Co-operators (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Pthe final of the soccer competition for the Gamman Cup played on the Railway Institute ground today the Government Servants' Cooperative Society gained an overwhelming victory over the Mercantile Co-Operatlve Society by seven goals to two. Play
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  • 336 22 Following is the Combined SchooU team to meet the S.R.C. at hockey on Monday on the C.R.C. ground: Patrick Yee (BJX) Telk Bee (R.U, Balasingam (A.C.&.) Toledo (S J.I >, Kohihoff (R.I. capt.). Varnia (B.I.). Surat.a ir.l) Watte (R.I), Pcnn«;ather (5.J.1.). Swee Un> Suang (A.C.S.), Thoy (S.A.). Reserve*
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  • 84 22 At a committee meeting held on Not. 24, the following were elected members of the Board of Control (Games) of the Junior Civil Service Association. Singapore: -Hon. Sports Secretary, Mr. Sect Teong Geok; supt. of physical culture, Mr. A. Wanjor: football convener. Mr. Choo Seng Quee: hockey, Mr S. Thiagarajan;
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 181 22 r Whatever your optical requirements NAN-SIN has exactly what you want pus efficiency and economy. Ring up 6363 for a convenient appointment compete satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back with a rmiic. i WANTED* MEIRICH MOTOR TABLETS Apply-— WILLYS MOTORS WORKS SINGAPORE. CHOP TAN BOON PENG, PENANG. m JM TIIE
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    • 144 22 LISTEN Jto the latest Song and Dance Hfo y—m^ nn chosen, for Regal Zonophone Records are certainly at the top of the tree. There is something royal about their quality as no gramophone owner can afford to be without a good selection of them. Try out some of the new
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  • 639 23 HOCKEY WIN FOR SEGAMAT INDIA CEYLON ASSN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat. 'THE Segamat India Ceylon Asso--1 elation registered another hockey win over the Sagil Estate when they beat them by the odd goal in seven in a well contested game on the Sagil padang. The hockey played did not
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  • Article, Illustration
    49 23 AC.HOI'P photograph of the Sungci Siput Ist Scouts Trt>op \...i. l>r. George^li Scott and Mrs. Scott as the central .'itures was taken at the Anglo-Chinese School, Sungei Siput. Dr. Scott has taken Rf*at interest In '.he scout movement at Sungrei Siput and has presented the scouts with uniforms.
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  • 1001 23 Good Omens For Next Season (From Our Own Correspondent) |i Segamat. i r TIIE paMB l»«s begun and uiost|c I sport in the lii^trict will have to i ji >cii. With the playing of the t Scoi Cheo.iß Cup some Urn tack, the oRi-.ial f
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
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    • 235 23 8 Dignity of Style y i &A Correct dress was never \,f Ws\ \\t> *T'" /a. more a business asset than today. It is no idle claim f~. (SBti/^-tf to astert that he who is Bk aCL^mm) well tailored w eari n ir ,i mm clothes which possess in- i
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  • 2230 24 Last Day Of Singapore Winter Meeting BIG dividends and thrilling finishes were the order in the last day's racing yesterday of the Singapore Turf Club's winter meeting. One of the finishes yet seen came in the third raca when Ray Welkin and Wait-And-See fought
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 24 A croup photograph taken at the Sungei Stpui Club in honour of Dr. and Mrs. G. Waugh Scott
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  • 196 24 First Malay To Play In State Rugby (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiplng. To Mohamed Darus, of Taipmg, goes the distinction of being the first Malay to be selected in this country to play In a" Malaya Cup Rugby match. He represents Peral: as hooker in the match againsl Sela n
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  • 379 24 Asiatic Rugger At Seremban (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. CIPERIOR backs decided the Asiatic rugger match in the AllBlues Cup competition when Singapore beat Negri Sembilan by 16 points (two goals, a try and a penalty goal) to nil. Ne^ri Sembilan rever deserved to los?
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  • 360 24 BEAT PERAK IN STRENUOUS GAME (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. jCELANGOR, after a strenuous match, qualified for the Malaya Cup Rugby final today by beati'i* Perak here by 13 points (two goals and a penalty goal) to a try. Against the run of play, Selangor
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  • 230 24 Fine Bowling By Verity Brisbane, Saturday. IT was Queensland's turn today tc suffer a rapid change in fortunes in their match against the M.C.C., their innings running almost parallel with the tourists' batting of yesterday, some very fine bowling by Verity bringing about a collapse. The
    Reuter  -  230 words
  • 66 24 No Matches At Sports Club This Season (From Our Own Correspondent) Bangkok. Saturday. Cricket, one of their earliest games Introduced by foreigners to Slam, has fallen on evil days. The Sports Club players have decided to miss the coming season as far as regular matches arc
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  • 78 24 St. Andrew's Rugby teftm r the week: Monday St. Andrew's vs. Middlesex "A" Co. at Farrer Park at 5 p.m. Tha following will play J. Baker; P. Smith, M. Hartley, J. Duclos. I. Ross: J. Lovlclc (captain), O. Loh; Eze Ezekiel. P. Hill. V. Harris, C. Crowther,
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  • 55 24 Tha following hive been seloc'cl to represent Wearne's Sports Club at football against the Clerical Union <>:i luesday on their ground at 5.15 p.m.: Too Chee Tang, Samadi. Sow Wan. R. Milne, Galistan, Sidl, Kwai Oon. E. Yetts, G. Nagua, J. Mission and o. Michael (captain). Reserves:
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  • 651 25  -  "STAND-OFF" BY Convincing Defeat Of Negri-Malacca gELANGOR will play either Singapore or the Army in the Malaya Cup final at Kuala Lumpur in January. By healing Pcrak IJ— 3 at Ipoh yesterday Selangor has won the northern division and the deciding match of the
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  • 139 25 London, Saturday. •yUK Manchester November Handicap run today at Manchester over one mile and four furlongs, resulted r.s fol'.ows: KEWTOr »<ORD <Nevett) 1 SEA BDQUEST (E. Smith) 2 LATOI (Evnns) S Betting: 100 8: 3 1: 21 1. Won by a neck, one and a half
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  • 167 25 FAULTY PASSING BY LOSERS' THREES (From A Correspondent.) The R A.M.C. beat Fort Canning by eight points (one goal ar.ri a try) to nil in a Rugby match at Tfcngttn yesterday. Fort Canning had the hc:.v;:r pack, but failed to take advr.r.t.-; c of it. The
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  • 144 25 Tha ure the Uams and startng times far the match between Is' Battalion. S S.V.F and the Army, to be played at the Garrison GoU Club on Sunday morn ng (Army players are mentioned flrstt: 9.15 an. S.-.venson and Ilamilton vs Cruiksbank and Hamlyn. 920 am.
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  • 58 25 (Fnn Our Own Correspondent) Barcmbaa. Saturday T!i.> annual opm Invitation double. 5 tournam nt i r the Mm C'-'eng Slong Cup wifl be hr'd at the Negrl Sembliar r .\'i-n C'.'.'h's hard courts on Dee. 5 and C. ESntrlej cos" on Dec 2. All mtries should be sent
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  • 161 25 "■pHE second annual inspection of the Fifth Singapore Company of the Boys' Brigade, was held yesterday on the Chcon Guan Presbyterian Mission School ground at Katong Alter the march past of the whole company, the Rev. T C. Gibson led a prayer. Platcon drill and maze l
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  • 186 25 STRENUOUS HOCKEY IN TAIPING (From Our Own Correspondent) Taping. THE Taiping Police were beaten at hockey by Jamal's XI at the Esplanade by the odd goal In three after a strenuous game. The scratch side leided a strong team including a Negrl Sembllan player (Mohd. Nor) who
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  • 171 25 The key match in the Chines? Swimming Club table-tennis league was played between Kiong Woon Kew ana Lim Slow Nghee. each of whom riad lost only one match. Slew Ng'.ioe. fresh from his triumph at the interclub match, was generally expected to win. but through nervousness and
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  • 51 25 Th- follow;:^ is the draw for the I Tarn se Cup competlton at the Island Cub. starting en Thursday next. Mrs C. B. C Swayne, bye. Mrs D. Duncan vs. Mrs. C A. R. Bateman Mrs. S. N. Kelly vs Mrs W McMitllan. Mrs. K. C. En.
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 25 A be i ...y just prevented in the Rugby match on the Padanf on Friday between the S.C.C. B and th c Skins "A". The Skins won 10—0.
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  • 209 25 F. A. Cup First Round London, Saturday. fAMES in the Football Association Cup first round draw played today resulted as follows: Shildon 4 S. Liverpool 1 Lincoln C 1 Accrington S. 3 York C 5 Oldham 1 Crewe A 5 Blyth S 0 Roth er ham U. 4 Burton 5
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  • 115 25 piGBY games played at home on Saturday resulted, says Reuter as follows: Cheshire 12, Yorkshire 21. Cumberland 3, Lancashire 14. Durham 9, Northumberland 4. Bristol 5, Ric'.vmonci 5. Cambridge Univ. 22, Urlted Ser. 3. Devonport Serv. 13. Bart's Hosp. 18. Harlequins 16, Black'.ioath 0. Leicesttr 11, Bath 0.
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  • 61 25 (From Our Own Correspoadent.) Penang Saturday. The Penang women defeated the Ipoh Y.W.C.A. at hockey on the Hutchings School ground this evening by one goal la nil. Penang slarted badiy but Improved as the game progressed and were definitely the better side. Mrs. Rowlands played
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  • 279 25 DESULTS of football games played in the leagues yesterday are, says Reuter: DIVISION I DIVISION III (Southern) No matches teams engaged In F.A. Cup ties. DIVISION III (Northern) Chester 0 Port Vale 0 Rest of teams engaged in F.A Cup ties. Birmingham 1 Sheffield
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  • 1133 25 DOSITION in the leagues including yesterday's games are: DIVISION I P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. Portsmouth 17 8 4 5 27 21 21 Sur.derland 16 9 5 2 TS '.9 20 Brentford 17 8 5 4 31 29 20 Arsenal 16 7 4 5 30 22
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  • 940 26 Women's Open Doubles And The Inter-Club— Lack Of Entries Married vs. Single Interest Among Europeans BY OUR BADMINTON CORRESPONDENT r TIli: news of the cancellation of two further events on the list if the local tournament programme for the current year, due to lack of entries,
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  • 96 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Taiping. Through Mr. L. A. G. Newman, who has presented a cup to the Railway Institute. Taiping. a handicap billiards tournament 'three ball > will shortly be held. The draw is V. Ponnurajah iscr.) vs R. Malvaganam (scr.) Loh Choon San 60) vs. C.
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  • 32 26 The Chinese Friendly As. 1 billiards tournament is open for entries. There are four events, Am: rican gome for championship and handif&p and English game for championship and handicap
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 26 ihe Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Badminton Party ot .->iaia.
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  • 144 26 The seventh monthly general meeting of the Amateur Sporting Association will be held on Thursday at 8.00 p.m. at the residence of Mr. Khoo Eng Watt. 41, Craig Road. The seventeenth anniversary of the Association will be celebrated next week-end at the seaside bungalow of the patron,
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  • 151 26 The Hong Kong Bank Badminton Party (Malacca) held an at home on Nov. 21 and the final of the singles handicap was played between Tarn Seat Wah and Chan Boon Peng. The former won in two straight sets and thus retained the Bell Cup for the
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  • 942 26 MATCH WITH SELANCOR (By Our Seremban COl spondtnU CUNDAY, Nov. 22 will g«. down in the anr.als of Negri Sembilan badminton as one of the most memorable days in the history of the game. The occasion was the first inter-State match between Selangor and Negri
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  • 164 26 The second strings of the Useful Badminton Party and the Chin Koon School badminton team met in a friendly badminton game at the latter's court on Sunday last, resulting in a win for the Useful by seven games to nil. Scores (Useful players first): SINGLES: Soh Hun Leng
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  • 43 26 In ihe November women's (stroke) competition at Kulim Golf Club the best four ware Mrs. R. B. Homer. 51—17=34; Mrs G. S. Rela 52—11 41 Mrs. J. W. Pinhey 56—15=11 Mlsc P. M. Bab:ngton 61—18=43. Seven cards were taken out.
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  • 331 26 YOUNG CHINESE AMATEUR W. L. P. The fourth annual general mectini of the Young Chines? Amateur WeightLifting Party was he'd on Nov. 15 at 35, Desker Road. Singapore. The minutes of Ul3 third annual general meeting were confirmed. The committee's report and acccurto for the past year were approved ar.d
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 111 26 PERAK TURF CLUB DECEMBER SKYE MEETING 1936 TDUSMMY, DECEMBER 10. HML BATUROAT. DECEMBER IS. 1936. Tl.f Subscription for Visit It g Members shall be MM S5 LADIES S2 for the Meeting or any da> thereof. VISITINQ MEMBERS must tr Introduced mbers of th? Club and MUST APPLY TO THE SECRETARY'S
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  • 901 27  -  "ECHO" BY Perak's Improvement And What Of Singapore? Shouting And Rough Play Boxing Purses Hockey Troubles •VIIE Malaya Cup situation has !.t (I up somewhat in the last wick or two, both North and South, and there cannot nearly be the assurance of quite
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  • 265 27 JOHORE WEIGHT LIFTERS COMMITTEE'S SIX RESOLUTIONS (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. AT a committee meeting of the Johore Amateur Weight-Lifters Association held at the P.W.D. Reading Room the following resolutions were passed: 1. The following lifters to be entered for the forthcoming Malayan weight lifting championships at Singapore during
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  • 143 27 The S.C.F.A. League begins this week-end. There are nine teams including newcomers in the August Badminton Party, the Chinese High School and the Social Athletic Party. Each team is limited to three SC.FA. first team players. A feature of the league Is that all the matches are playeu
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  • 618 27 Negri Sembilan Rugby PEN PICTURES OF THE PLAYERS (By Our Seremban Corresponde* •"THE results of two Important rut ger matches In which Negri Sembilan is concerned will be found in another page. At Seremban, Singapore and Negri Sembilan Asiatics met for the All Blues Cup competition while Negri SembilanMalacca were
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  • 217 27 Fusiliers And Police Well Represented Nexi Sunday's international walking race from Johore to Stngr.ore has attracted an entry of 42, there being 16 members of the Royal InnlsklUlng 'Fusiliers and 15 S.S. Police among this number. At a meeting of the committee presided over by Mr. G. H.
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  • 419 27 FOON YEW OLD BOYS Good Basket Ball Season (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. THE basket ball team of the Foon Yew Old Boys have had a very successful season Indeed. Out of nine matches played they have won seven and lost only two. This Is Indeed a record to
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  • 34 27 The women's Foursome Competition at the Keppel Golf Club, played on Friday, resulted In a win for Mrs. W. P. Douglas and Mrs. M. G. Harvey, 55— 12y 4 =42y 4
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  • Page 27 Advertisements
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 91 28 OrGolliims Scots (dblsßy a Mellow and Friendly Spirit i Shi,. f I j*t^b^ 1 I i ,f J 'Vlu ruWM~jfixx4}cU<*i JzUhcU'*- (Robcr.soudH7.n74) Like an affectionate hanJclisp and a cheery smiie. ksS?H BLACK WHITE conveys its loyal friendship in a manner t^& unsurpassed. For this grand old whisky gets its fine
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