The Straits Times, 8 November 1936

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 38 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA FINAL EDITION No. 255 Sunday, November 8, 1936 Price 10 cents. THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper In Malaya, No. 255 Sunday, November 8* 1936 Price 10 cents.
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  • 257 1 British Guard To Leave Addis Ababa Trade Agreement London. Saturday. TH- Italian Government having undertaken to guarantee the continued safety of the British Legation staff and property at Addis Ababa. Count Ciano, the Italian Foreign Minister, was informed yesterday by the British Ambassador at Rome. Sir Eric Prummond, that the
    British Wireless  -  257 words
  • 72 1 Batavia Shipping Boom (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia. CINCi; the devaluation of the guilder exports from Tandjung Priok harbour have gone up by leaps and bounds. The Ocean Steamship Company which hitherto used to send out five steamers monthly from Tandjong Priok, has been obliged to double that number. Dutch
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  • 44 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Saturday. A large crowd, including well-known members of the Chinese and European communities, saw the Resident Councillor Mr. A. M. Goodman, open the Penang Trade Fair here this evening. More than 20 firms are exhibiting.
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  • 71 1 The above details, if correct, will relieve the Malayan mining jidustry of a certain amount of nervousness and a feeling that the basic quota for this country would r>3 cut down with that of Netherlands India, proportionately to ti.e increase in the standard tonnage given to Siam.
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  • 256 1 New Attack On Suiyuan Shanghai, Saturday. /CONVINCED that the Sino-Ja-panese negotiations in Nanking are doomed, the Japanese military leaders have decided to embark in earnest upon their plan for tbe breakway and eventual conquest of the Inner Mongolian provinces of rhahar and Suiyuan, according to foreign
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  256 words
  • 108 1 No More Bearded Bolsheviks CINGAPORE club members will have to forget those funny stories about the bearded Bolshevik famous in cartoon and story. They are no longer applicable! An army of over 15 000 new barbers to be trained before the end of the next year, it to be sent
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  • 41 1 Manchukuo's first lighthouse has begun its useful work guiding ships plying between Ylngkow and the outside world. Built at the cost of Y.IOO.OOO.the lighthouse stands on Chang Hsln Island, off the east coast of -the Gulf of PechihlL
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  • 125 1 Tokio, Saturday. CIR Robert (live, the British Am- bassador, interviewed the ViceMinister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Horinouchi, yesterday afternoon concerning the alleged mistreatment of three British sailors in Keelung by Japanese police and informed him of the results of the court of inquiry held in Hong
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 145 1 N.I. RUBBER DUTIES CHANGE AGAIN Batavia. Saturday. A GOVERNMENT ordinance states the export duty on all native rubber will be increased to 55 guilders a 100 kgs effective on Nov, 8, except that the export duty on dry-rubber in sheets, relating 'o blankets, bark crepe and suchlike rubber which is
    Reuter  -  145 words
  • 70 1 OIL SCANDAL COMPANIES INDICTED BY GRAND JURY Madison, (Wis) Saturday. THE Federal grand jury has indict- ed twenty-four oil companies and forty-six individuals charged with violating the Anti-Trust Act alleging they agreed unlawfully to fix and restrict price margins in their charges to petrol jobbers. The persons indicted include Mr
    Reuter  -  70 words
  • 100 1 7V' EARLY 100 famous actresses, stars and near-stars :n South China's Hollywood at Kowloom, staged mammoth 'cabaret nights" recently in Hong Kovg to -aise funds to buy aeroplanes fcr ncneral Chiang Kai-shek. They took the part of professional dancers and received $1 for every two
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  • 174 1 SPANISH GOVERNMENT FLEES TO VALENCIA But Not The End Of Civil War rFHE flight of the Spanish Govern- ment from Madrid to Valencia is expected to open the way to tbe easy capture of the capital by the Insurgents. Nevertheless, the fall of Madrid is not likely to mean tbe
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 46 1 London, Saturday. /GENERAL Evangellne Booth, head ot the Salvation Army, today oegan. her world tour during which she win visit India. Ceylon, Malaya. Netherlands India, China, Korea, and Japan, ri'tnrnkiK to London next April by way of the United States.
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  • 44 1 London. Saturday. In accordance with the decision recently announced, 1.400 reservists and drafts from other regiments in Palestine have left Haifa for England in tha liner Laurantlc. and an additional 875 have embarked in the Tuscanla at Port Said.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  44 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 110 1 COMING "STAGE STRUCK" A MUSICAL ROMANCE FROM WARNER BROS. T^" Tonr Honour, it is a tragedy that the prisoner was not raisedon BEAB BRAND Milk, otherwise he would not hare got into this trouble. BEAfi BBAHD Hilk comes right from tha heart ol Switzerland and is most carefully sterilized in
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  • 2102 2 The Straits As A Playground —East and West Of The Causeway Between Lonely Shores I HAVE bt-en lucky enough to spend the last two Sundays on the Straits of Johore. This would be so common an experience as not to be worth mentioning if Singapore people made as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 53 2 SgKkSsS B 8 Sufir 'fill] ]i) /^y^ i\\ "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." AND THE SAME IS TRUE OF OUR CHILLED BEEF which is deliciously tender, retaining all its natural juices and having a flavour all its own. A trial will prove the truth of our
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  • 207 3 Now Nearly 60 Years Old /CROSSED millions of times by pedestrians and rickshas since it was built nearly 60 years ago, Cavenagh Bridge is urgently in need of repairs. The surface of the carriageway has been torn up, revealing that the domed iron plates are
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  • 157 3 •pUBLIC Martyr No. 1" has not suffered in vain. The new Singapore telephone directory now in course of preparation will not be quite the same confused jumble of "names in a hat' that the previous ones have It tcill be remembered that a correspondent
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  • 63 3 I Our Own Correspondent. > Batavia. ACCORD T NG to the Batavlaasch Nieuwsblad. a Grape Growers' Association has been formed in Bandoeng. Grape cuttings to the value oi F 1.5.000. 5.000 have been ordered from Europe and arc expected to arrive shortly. There is at present great interest
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  • 101 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Muar. THE second annual general meeting of the Nattukottai Chettiars Chamber of Commerce, Muar, took place at the Chettiars Hall, Jalan Martam. and the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year:— President PI. A. Palaniappah Chettlar. vice-president S. RM. Sethamparain Chettiar. Secretary P.
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  • 89 3 Mr. A. D. York in the third court yesterday convicted two Chinese, Chong Sam and Chin Kirn Chye, on a charge of having attempted to cheat a pawnbroker by pawning an Imitation Parker fountain pen. Chong Sam was bound over to be of good behaviour for
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  • 111 3 Poppy Day donations from Singapore firms up to Nov. 6: John O. Campbell and Co., SlO, Coodrlch Co. (S.S) Ltd.. $10, Ford Motor Co., of Malaya Ltd. $20. Singapore Casket Co. $15, Evatt and Co. $50. A. O. Dobb and Co. $250, Henry Wau^h and Co.. Ltd.
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  • 191 3 WHEN WILL RADIOPHONE BE HERE? R4ALAYA, renowned for its dyed-in-the-wool conservatism, is still without radiotelephone communication with London, and the other key cities of the world. Five months ago it was announced the service would "probably be opened in a few months." But it hasn't come yet. Ceylon's telephone tie-up
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  • 108 3 The Victoria Memorial Hall tonight at 8.30 will be the scene of a great fellowship meeting of the members and friends of the V.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. It marks the beginning day of the International Week of Prayer sponsered annually by these two world Associations. Mrs.
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  • 110 3 Vatican City. Stamp collectors from all over the world will shortly convene In Rome to attend the famed Philatelic Exposition jt the Vatican City. Rare stamps of the Pontifical State, those of the entire community of states belonging to the Postal Union since 1929, and those Issued
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  • Article, Illustration
    41 3 The marriage of Mr. Wee Bak Ler nephew of Mr. Lee Iloon Leong, 1 Miss Yeo Nya Kiat, only daughter of the late Mr. Yeo Gnan Swee le of Mrs. Yeo Gnan Swee. took place at the United Chinese Library, Singapore.
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  • 96 3 £500 Left In Will For Two Parrots Baltimore. rpwo parrots have been left a 1 legacy of £500 by a will filed in the Orphans' Court here. The birds belonged to Miss Rachel Weems. So attached had she beco* is to them that she set up a trust fund of
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  • 125 3 'THROUGHOUT the Pacific and particularly on the r-rthern coast of Australia, Japanese sampans are denuding the pearl beds of even the young "chicken" shell. The waters of Netherlands India are also frequently raided. Already the Japanese have practically denuded the Daiwin pearling grounds and in an
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  • 35 3 The s.s. "Pierre Loti" from Pondlcherry Is expected to arrive in Singapore today at 1 p.m. and sail on the same day at 4 p.m. for Saigon. Tourane and Haiphong. Berth: The Roads.
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    • 45 3 WILLIAMSON Buchanan At the Presbyterian Church. Singapore, on Nov. 7. 1936 by the Rev. Stephen Band, Alexander Dewmr, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Williamson. Glffnock. Glasgow, to Catherine McLean, younger daughter of the late Nell Buchanan and of Mrs. Buchanan, 63, Lauderdalc Garden, Glasgow.
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    • 281 3 fHOME-in the] I height of luxury I There is no such luxury H in the air as is provided by the British air, I service, with its room/ comfort in great S air liners equipped with four engines for I perfect reliability and with its unequalled 1 name for personal
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 603 3 IN SINGAPORE TODAY SEA VIEW HOTEL Tuesday. Nor. IT. Spt:ial Tiffin and Sp.-cial Dinner. Eastern Australia (Nleuw HolUndi Wednesday, Nov. 18. CINEMAS. Cocos Island (H. M. S. Danaej Al HAMltilA: China Clipper with Pfct O'Brien and Rofs Alexander. 3.15, C 15. 9 1s. unite vypitthi CAFITOL: 3 Cheers For Love
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  • 185 4 Complexion Perfect After Six Weeks of Kruschen Thi.s lady was greatly worried by eruptions of pimpics and blotches. Naturally, she tried every way of getting rid of them, and at last she discovered the remedy which Mad* nor cotnnlrxion perfect again. Here Is what she
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  • 482 4 Presents Should Be Sent Now j TOO LATE ALREADY FOR PARCEL POST TO U. S. UERE'S some advice about those Christmas presents you SIMPLY MUST SEND. Post them now. It will soon be too late, if they have to go overseas. Of course, if
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  • 86 4 Amsterdam-Batavia Flight TVO Dutch fliers on their way from j Amsterdam to Java on a private flight arrived at the Royal Air Force Station. Seletar. on Friday In a M,otll machine and continued their trip yesterday. They were Mr. J. Hoymans und a companion. They
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  • 254 4 One Of The Empire f s Leading Experts (From Our Special Representative) Kuala Lumpur. rpilE appointment of a Chief Game Warden in Malaya, as announced by the High Commissioner in the Federal Council, is received with unanimous approval in Government and departmental circles. It is understood
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  • 70 4 MALACCA'S NEW RESIDENT COUNCILLOR (from Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. fU^R J- R- 3ykes arrived here yester- day from Singapore to take over duties as Resident Councillor and President of the Municipal Commissioners. Mr. J. G. Bryant left M.laccu on Thursday for Singapore en route to England where he goes
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 4 MISS Lee Ya-chint*. a leading Chinese aviatrix, who took part hi the ah- display which followed the christening at Lunghwa aerodrome, Shanghai, of planes presented to Gen. Chiang on his 50th. birthday.
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  • 71 4 Married 82 Wives 4 MAN who married 82 wives has been arrested in Warsaw. His name is Jehuda Lepstajn, aged 44. Fe married 22 wives in Po'.and and 60 in seventeen countries abroad, including three in England. He wat arrested by the secret police just after he married his 22nd
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  • 133 4 A UTOGRAPHED photographs of the M.C.C. cricketers were i among the contents of a barrel put to sea from the liner Orion five days after leaving Colombo on Its way to Fremantle, Western Aus- tralia, last month. The barrel was picked up by a sailing boat
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  • 290 4 Van Der Wijck Sailed With Scuttle Ports Left Open CAUSE OF SUDDEN SINKING (From Our Own Correspondent) Batavia, Saturday. THE Bataviaasch Nienwsblad learns that the preliminary inquiry in respect of the capsizing of the Van der Wijck has revealed enough to explain the sudden sinking of the boat. It appears
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  • 104 4 VATICAN MARRIAGE ANNULMENT THE "Acta Apostolicae Sedls." official gazette of the Holy See. has published a statement to clarify the laws regulating petitions for the annulment of marriage This follows information that there have been two cases of Impersonation during the preparations for a petition for annulment. In each case
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  • 24 4 London. A daughter has be?n born to Princess Fazil of Egypt at Salisbury. Both mother and baby are well.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 254 4 R. A. THOMPSON. D.O.Sc, (Doctor of Ocular Science) Sperialirlni; Eyesight. Ncr-ons, j squint, subnormal vision, prob- !-m cases. Glasses if needed. 4, ARCADE. GROUND FLOOR. j Phone 3002. I N«w and second-hand refrigerators for sale or hire. Fully guaranteed, prices j from $10 per Month. BP.INKMANN CO.. 15. Grange Red.
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    • 200 4 Vigour Restored, Glands Made Young In 24 Hours ii is no loneer necessary to tuffer from loss of vigour and manhood, weak memory and body, nenrousnena Impure biood. sickly skin, depression, and poor sleep, beruuse an American Doctor bas discovered .i Quick, easy W3y to end theae troubles. Tliii rtlncovery
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    • 140 4 fh e Year's Sauciest, funniest PAVILION TUESDAY an d brightest Laugh Show. As Shoum by Royal Command to H.M. The King. WILLIAM POWELL and CAROLE LOMBARD in ITTJ "MY MAN GODFREY" I u..~«u-. sth Week T" D Best Picture in London? The Story f a ButUr nd Blonde of the
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  • 530 5 Armistice Day Plans For Singapore EARL HAIG FUND APPEAL THE Governor, Sir Shenton Thomas, will lead Singapore in the homage on Wednesday to the men who died in the War which ended 18 years ago. The roar of guns, the chiming of bells, voices raised in
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  • 232 5 TUiR George Robey. who is cele- brating his 45th year on the stage, was the guest of nonour at a dinner given by the O.P. Club at the Criterion Restaurant. London. y.r Cedric Hardwicke proposed from the chair the toast of the great comedian's health,
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  • 150 5 26 Weds 68Now They Are Parted CHE was 68, he was 26. He made love to her and asked her to marry him. He was so persistent that at lad she consented. That was just over two years ago And now she— Mrs. Ellen Simmonil; —has summoned him— Charles Sin
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  • 78 5 To celebrate the Constitution Day this year, the Government of Slam Is holding a Winter Fair at the Royal Gardens, Bangkok, from Dec. 8 to Dec. 12. On that occasion the title of Miss Siam, 1937 will be elected by popular vote, and there will be
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  • 52 5 The police Band will play on Wednesday at Katong Park at 8.30 p.m. March, Distant Greeting (Doring) Overture, Light Cavalry (Suppi) Se.ectlon. Tom Jones < Edward German*: Waltz. Over the Waves <Rosas>: Cornet Solo, A Perfect Day (Jacobs-Bond); Pot-Pourrl. Wedded Whimsies (Kenneth J Alford>: March, Colonel Bogey l
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  • 37 5 Berlin. The Hamburg-Amerika line Is Increasing its fleet of freight vessels on the Far Eastern route by two 8.000--ton ships. The first one will be ready in the spring of 1938.
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  • 480 5 DICTATORS CANNOT ATTACK Forces Arrayed Against Them MX. Lloyd George, speaking at a Council of Action demonstration < at Manchester recently, said that l!i international outlook was getting; worse. livery nation was arming on a gigantic scale, and these preparations had always precipitated the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 729 6 Squatters 9 Demands For Compensation HON. LILUT.-COL. G.M.P. HORNIDGE'S MAIDEN SPEECH (From our Special Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 6. A LUCID maiden speech by the Hon. Lieut.-Col G. M. P. Hornidge, the new Unofficial Mining Member from Perak, which was loudly applauded and described by
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  • 220 6 Statement By Hon. Mr. W. D. Barron (From Our Special Corespondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 6. FOLLOWING queries made by the Hon. Col. Rae on the advisability of lifting the import duty on saccharine, the Hon. Mr. W. D. Barron, Commissioner of Customs and Excise, pointed out
    British Wireless  -  220 words
  • 16 6 The Taurus Express ran Into a motor-omnibus near Eskishehr: 17 persons were killed and 16 injured.
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 6 RillSS Teh Yew Cheng, second ITI daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Teh Geok Teong, of Kuala Lumpur, who is marrying: Mr. Lai Nyen Kwee, fifth son of the Hon. Mr. Lai Tet Loke and Mrs. Tet Loke of Kuala Lumpur, at the Church of the Holy Rosary, Brickfields
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  • 397 6 Giants Dwarfs In Mysore Pageant RULER'S NINE DAYS AS PRIEST Mysore, Oct. 25. MORE than 100,000 visitors from all parts of India today saw a spectacle which for sheer magnificence was comparable only to a coronation. It was the culminating point of the famous Dasera, or
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  • 518 6 Decentralisation SIR SHENTON REPLIES TO MR. E. D. SHEARN'S CRITICISM (From Our Special Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Nov. G. AN eloquent appeal by the Hon. Raja Ida, Malay Unofficial Member, on behalf of decentralisation in the Federal Council today, evoked a comment from the Hon. Mr. E.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 241 6 gjj^KODACHROME 7^"WMfck a camera everyDoay can afford. It $c!&ft*^T^^l excels by its utmost simplicity in manlKSBfet^^^^P^bSß pulation, and economic use. I^l Cine-'Koviak" 8 Model 20 is fitted with P/4B f 3.5 lens ar.d costs only $64.50 HBijf CINE-KODAK 8 99 Of course you'll want full-colour KodaJfSf^ chrome movies of the
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    • 133 6 THE Ex-Services Association of Kalaya SINGAPORE BRANCH ARMISTICE DAY CELEBRATIONS 19 3 6 7.30 a.m. Service at the Cenotaph. 10. 30 a.m. Service at the Catheflral. (The Public are earnestly requested to be in their 1020 am.) 800 p.m. Dinner at the MtfcM "''■> Tickets $4.00 tach obtainable from the
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  • 988 7  -  Fred. J. Melville Stamp Collectin, (By AT the time of writing In London i we are about to bo regaled by I a stamp exhibition at the Dorland j Hall, one of the most central of 1 London's show centres. I shall pro- bably have something more
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  • 171 7 AMONG the thousands of callers, conferees and job hunters who called on General Chiang-Kai-shek, president of the Executive Yuan, at Whampoa during the last month was a young widow, who called to thank the Generalissimo for $3,000 v/hich he had presented to her. She was Mrs. Wu
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 450 7 _■■!_> _r*A .s^^^**^ A Ni-w brand of cigarettes has made its appearance on the local market. Nearly a year ago Mr. Sydney Rothman, of the wellknown tobacco firm, visited Singapore and as a result there has been evolved a brand of Virginia cigarettes specially blended for the tropics. These cigarettes,
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    • 388 7 'mm hi London calls LONDON. INSISTENTLY finest yet quiettst position £J{ a,?d M r E njo, at either »<>TEL STRATHCONA, .rrr^m^ MAT-! minruo <The stratr >cona Residential Club) Af-f/£r HUTcL RUBENS Lancaster gate, hyde park ■a l. k d.i. Dn .j A few yards from Hyde Park and S& u^SSnSSS
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 1315 7 Today's Wireless Programmes ElfPIDE STATION IIS p.m.— Weekly newsletter, sports sum- the piano; Martha Keller-Lersch. 4.20 A 12.35 a.m. News in French. Market prices. Liifll ilVL. Jinl 1UH. mary, and announcements, shortwave trip through the Home country. 1.05 News in Arabic. 1.2* Concert relay. TniUCUICCinu a p.m.— Greenwich time signal.
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    • 231 7 CROSSWORD PUZZLE RESULT Five readers share the $100 offered In The Sunday Times Crossword Puzzle Competition printed In our issue of Oct. 25. Each of the following submitted entries in which there were no errors and the prise money is therefore shared among them in equal proportions: W. Bachelor. 395,
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  • 321 8 Women Present At Annual Dinner I FIRST TIME IN 118 YEARS 118-YEAR-OLD tradition was broken last nigrht when \vom«»n were present lor the first time at a function held by civii engineers Members of the Malayan Association of the Institute of Civil Engineers applauded this
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  • 221 8 CARNIVAL SCENES AT KUALA LUMPUR (Fro.n oir Own Correspondent .> Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. The Kuala Lumpur padang, which is usually the venue of iron-jawed Rugger players on Saturdays, was this afternoon transformed into a gay and crowded carnival scene. The Malay Volunteer Infantry Band
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  • 42 8 Shanghai, Saturday. Dr. H.H. Kung, Finance Minister, who has been ill in a Shanghai hospital for the past two weeks, is well again and will resume his duties next week.— Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  42 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 8 Graduates and staff of the 1936 Class of the Singapore Chinese Mandarin School
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  • 116 8 Women 's Dress In Church rpHE Bishop of Liverpool, Dr A. David, writes in the Livervool Diocesan Review: "There ha>,e been a few instances of clergymen refusing admission to churches to young visitors clad rly >n 'he scanty garb of hikers o, of cijclivg parties. Dress is almost entirely a
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  • 244 8 jyilSS Hilda Wright and Miss Isobel Mclntyre, producers of the Ninth Grand Ballet, which was staged in aid of St. Andrew's School Building Fund at the Victoria Theatre yesterday evening, have done extremely well. Throughout the performance the audience, who packed the theatre,
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  • 67 8 Noon, Saturday. Buyers Sellers No. 1 K. R.S.S. In cases (F. 0.8.) Nov. 29% 29 15/16 Good F.A.Q. In cases (F. 0.8.) Nov. 29 13/16 29^h Spot loose) Awardable Singapore 29*4 29% November 29% 30 Nov.-Dec. 29% 30 Jan-March 30 30', AprU-June 30H 30U Tone of Market: Steady.
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  • 283 8 WARSHIP'S EXPEDITION IN PACIFIC DECAUSE they are considered of great value in the defence of the Pacific, the formal claiming by the New Zealand warship Leith on behalf of Great Britain of several islands in the Phoenix Group (as first reported in the
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  • 324 8 Singapore Concert For Earl Haig's Fund CINGAPORE presented a great array of talent that was almost breathtaking in its variety at the musical entertainment and tableaux vivants staged at Goodwood Park Hotel last night in aid of Earl Halg's Fund. Each one of these was a gem In i perfect
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  • 86 8 r(E wedding took place at the Presbyterian Church, Singapore, yesterday of Dr. Alexander Dewar Williamson, of the General Hospital. Singapore, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, Giffnock, Glasgow, and Miss Catherine McLean Buchanan, younger daughter of the late Neil Buchanan and of Mrs. Buchanan. Glasgow. The
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  • 71 8 (From Our Own Coriesponc: ,J Bangkok, Satin T^HE State Council has decid.cj to abolish the Brahmin ceremony held every year to mark the bo- inning of the ploughing season This ceremony has been hi in "iam for hundreds of years '•oi the State
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  • 66 8 Canton, Saturda/ A Japanese report that Gen. Pel Chung-hsi, vice-commander-in-ctii of Kwangsl, would shortly go Into retirement Is untrue, according to messages from Kwangsi today. It is s* tied that in his capacity as member of he Central Military Affairs Commission Gen. Pel has sent
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  66 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 531 8 JrWkJ**" BRANDY M 0 *VSI.OOO V COMPETITION 1.G31 first prize $soo SECOND PRIZE $150 THIRD PRIZE $100 EXTRA PRIZES. 12 BICYCLES OH <4f "^Jr *mr CONSOLATION GIFTS. 25 large bottle* of "Golden Valley" #*I^_ A Brandy and 25 half size bottles of "Golden Valley" Brandy. AJm^P W^ A Th\t ii
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    • 118 8 Itch Cause Killed In 7 Minutes Tour skin has nearly 50 million tiny ■earns or pores where tiny germs or pnr.-i--■ltes can hide and cause your skin to Itch, Crack, Peel, Burn, also Eczema, Dhoby Itch, Rlnsrworm, Pimples, Acne, Crotch-Itch, and Singapore Foot. Don't waste time with ordinary methods. You
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    • 66 8 SPECIAL XMAS CHESTS PERAK TEA (ORANGE PEKOE) This useful and much appreciated Gift, Direct from the Garden, will be delivered Free of all Charges, to any address in Great Britain. 4 Ib. chest 5.00 6 7.00 15 n $14.00 Send address of friends, together with your rard and remittance, to
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  • 860 9 With It 130 Years Of Social, Political And Economic History In England I air 0.-npany. By Doris Leslie. Tiir Budley Head. Bs. Cd. jyi.\N v novelists have fallen to the temptation to describe history by following the lives of members of o:i<- family through
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  • 58 9 Twelve Christmas Cards. Bjr Arthur Wragg. Michael Joseph Ltd. ss. MESSRS. Michael Joseph have published a strikingly beautlfrl set of Christmas cards by Arthur Wragg. The cards are of a religious character, each one illustrating a text having a strong pacifist flavour. The drawings are boldly don- and
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  • 297 9 Lively And Amusing Tale Of The Sea la Brighton Wafers. By Gordon Yolk. Skeffington. 7s. 6d. A SPOT of mystery; an unknown steamer sailing under an assumed flag; a very large yacht and a very small one; a dangerous invention; a nice manly man and an attractive girl; and lots
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  • 723 9 THREE NEW NOVELS Sacrifice for Lov«. By Harriet T. Corns tock. Hurst and BUckett 7s. 6d. The Black Forest Inn. By Jane Poland. HuU'hinsun. 7s. oJ The Winking Gown. By Muriel Wrighton. Melrose. 7s. 6d. WOACRIFICE for Love" is the story of a couple who start their married life under
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 655 9 Thin, Ailing, Nervous O Rundown..! AX How MINERALS and Natural FOOD lODINeBMSJP Build Worn-Out, Ageing, Weak.Sickly People Into Strong Red Blooded, Virile, Men and Womeny^j Ifo 11 VI KELP T.bW Am.<in« Mio.r.l CooctraU froa ika PadfU Oc>n R,ck,.t Jfa Sour M of Ik* 12**»anti»l MINERALS axl FOOD lODINE— F—i Starved
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    • 282 9 ~^RiJoßt"*^s iHE TrfWaw I■■ j i^UIIKIA »■■—^B*^F— q^StnS-law**^'! I Cam vnll'M A suggestion for a fortnight's local leave Take French luxury hncr from Singapore to Saigon ~V ,BAN^M( (2 days); stop over in Capital seeing the sights 1 /^y^^B^KOti Three days of picturesque travel by organised irOKI coaches, with nightly
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  • 403 10 Plans For Production And Marketing "SECURITY OF BRITISH PROTECTORATE" ANE big American company owning oil fields and a refinery in the Persian Gulf, and another having markets for oil products throughout a wide area in the Far Enst are to b? merged as
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  • 518 10 Lord Russell On Its Failures EDUCATION AND WISDOM AN attack on arithmetic as a test of scholastic capacity was made by Mr. Bertram! Russell (Earl Russell) in his presidential address a' Birmingham to the Union of Educational Institutions. "It plays," he said, "much too great a
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  • 85 10 Enforcement in Philippines Postponed Manila. Enforcement of the new "Chinese book-keeping law" in the Philippines, requiring Chinese mer .lants to keep sworn translations of their Journals and ledgers. Is expected to be postponed from one to two years. President Manuel L. Quezon asked, In a special message to
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  • 60 10 Canton. It is announced that a Japanese mission of eleren Peers, headed by Baron Zembei Horlktrl, a former Mayor of Toklo and Secretary to the Cabinet, will visit Canton. The mission Includes a number of distinguished Japanese Industrial leaders, a professor of law, and a Major-General. The purpose
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  • 105 10 AMELIA PLANS LONE FLIGHT ROUND WORLD I ILfISS Amelia Earhart, the famous ITI United States flyer, is considering making a solo flight around the world. In her new "flying laboratory" aeroplane Miss Earhart has been making a number of experimental flights designed to test the stresses and strains affecting the
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  • 81 10 Weil-Known Liner To Be Broken Up IN order to be broken up at the Osaka Iron Works at Chlkko, the N.Y.K. steamer Shlnyo Maru, once a famous Pacific liner, was auctioned for Y640.000 in Toklo and was towed to Osaka. The Shin Maru was one of three
    81 words
  • 67 10 Opened Across Straits Of Dover Paris. Train ferries between Dover and Dunkirk have been officially opened in the presence of Sir George Clerk, British Ambassador to France. At present the service Is being run by three ferries, in which the whole range of British railway rolling stock can
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  • 184 10 GOLD IN HONG KONG SEWERS A PPEARING on a charge of tres- passing on land under the control of the Director of Public Works in Hillier Street, Chung Sing, aged 26, coolie, was bound over in the suit of $50 to be of good behaviour for one year, by Mr.
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  • 128 10 Tokio. A FORMER Minister of Railways has been sentenced to two years' imprisonment at hard labour as the climax of a seven-year investigation and trial growing out of the notorious railway scandal of 1929. The former Minister, Mr. H. Okawa, was found guilty of accepting bribes
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 493 10 W HEUSEN" PRODUCTS Represent an QUALITY Aii- r COMFORT Alliance oi ECONONT 'VAN HARDING" hi T bk shirts nre made in SHIRTS hi^ u class poplins in the same ran&e of colours and designs as the Van Keusen Collars. All Van Harding shirts have Van Heusen unshrinkable neck- ■■ICC Lands
      493 words
    • 2 10 TIGER BEER
      2 words
    • 193 10 0V MV ''«-"^J»'«i"H«» I lioUU 102% morm JBr*seßm^F s^^K J y* mr regular hmnd I if^R' sfo^j/j^^ I without in« (J^f Wj tl— «fc» I create in Mizm. /3r ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS-NONE OF THE FAULTS! K^ BT VOPULAB selection, Parker** are never touched by ink hence cannot corrode miracle pea
      193 words

  • 1519 11  -  Onlooker By IT will be with very genuine regret that the business world of Singapore will say goodbye to Mr. C. Huisken when he leaves next month to settle down in Amsterdam, having relinquished the managership of the Singapore Rubber Works to join the board of directors
    1,519 words
  • 101 11 77 —THE PATRIARCHS [The terms of several Municipal Commissioners o/ Singapore expire shortly.] City Fathers, hear our prayer You who have stayed too long; (Grandfathers now, with snowy hair, And garrulous of tongue. Retirement is a graceful thing For younger men make way; Don't be like barnacles, and
    101 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 909 11 OPEN LETTER TO Mr. SOMEBODY AND HIS SON Dear Sir, The natural de»ir» of most parents it to giv* their children a fair chance in life in the form or a food Collage Training, also there are many young men who would like to GO TO COLLEGE but for tome
      909 words

  • 1374 12  -  NATHANIEL GUBBINS By '"THE saki monkey was chased about by the capuchin monkeys as schoolboys will rag a colleague who does not quite answer to the conventional type From the news. It doesn't mattti what you be, A man, a bird, a chimpanzee, A cat, a
    1,374 words
  • 438 12 By THE FOUR ACES 117HILE most experts believe in bidding for a small slam on a fifty-fifty chance, the cold mathematics serve to show that there is no actual pervalues centage in either bidding or not FOUR ACES biddin Sma FOUR-ACES slam under SYSTEM these conditions. *V£ Q
    438 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 388 12 TO BE j-jfc- |i WE ALLY CC To be really beautiful, you S>l Sv tnust have perfectly clean, white f teeth. Be wise. Clean your teeth "^jr every night and morning with the toothpaste that is world* famous, the toothpaste on which many of the most noted beauties rely Odol.
      388 words
    • 414 12 famous aviator NON sWUMItsVIMJ For safe landing and Protection against dazzle Sole distributing trends fi£Ezekielsc Sen} Established over 20 ye.irs Manufacturing Opticians Only address: 9, Sadies I'lacc, Singapore. Branch office. Noordvyk. Ratavla. No connectio.l and interest whatsoever with any other house hearing the name EZEKIF.L in Singapore. Oar only address:
      414 words

  • 582 13 Praise For Foresight In Building Naval Base At Singapore SINGAPORE, Cape Town, and Cyprus are the three main "centres of British Imperial defence developments," according to the author of a feature article in the Berliner Illust rievlc Zeitung, a copy of which has just
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  • 89 13 I ORD Dawson of Perm has described the Dionne quintuplets as I an interesting clinical case. "Rut it. is not a matter of any pleasure to me to know that one human being has produced five children." he said. "I have no ambition that we
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  • 146 13 Johannesburg. A JOHANNESBURG magistrate, a prosecutor, the defending j counsel, court officials and two accused men sat in the Palladium Theatre while a sound film record of an alleged incriminating conversation was shown as part of the evidence in a trial under the Bribery
    146 words
  • 446 13 SALES TOTAL £88,000,000 THE Motor Show at Olympia, London, ended on a flood-tide of prosperity. Contracts amounting to over £88,000,000 were signed, aivl 237,">H() people paid for admission during the nine days of the 5h0w— 5,576 more than the previous record. "The keynote of the
    446 words
  • 318 13 NEW PINEAPPLE FACTORY IN SINGAPORE "yilE pineapple canning industry of Malaya has still further expanded with the opening of the new factory of Chuan Seng and Co., at the 11' 2 milestone. Kran. Koad, off Bukit Timah Road. Chuan Seng and Co. have been in i the pineapple canning business
    318 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 29 13 GkKAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO. Hi. South Bridie Raad, Singapore. (Optician Mr. C. Y. LAN). Trli. 21 G». T»MHIW CIIFAPER THAN ANYWHERE 2. CROOKS LENSES complele.l »ith Irair.e fro.n $C
      29 words

  • 543 14 Totidem Verbis A Happy Land <4IWE live here as Indians, and not as Hindus and Muslims," said Mr. M. Jumabhoy at the garden party the other day in honour of a distinguished visitor from India, who was asked to take that message back with him to the country in which
    543 words
  • 1709 14 How The Rajah Lost His Trousers At His Wedding The Ranee Of Sarawak, In Her Startlingly Frank Autobiography, Tells The Story Of The Orchestra Of Virgins And The Gaiety Girl Who Went To Kuching IJOW the Ranee of Sarawak arranged to elope with the present Rajah but lost her nerve
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
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    • 45 14 j^-i B^l mm M. j^k^B s^H wm t mm. 9MB fl SUB STOfl UmmmWFmfUfmn^WmWi ft 'JwaS IWAIbVErSaI mmmS^mm}^ V i\\ t mmmmmmmWßu*^ 4 '^^^r mmmmmmf// i< •■*> \V\ V l mWZ<^^&i>\ I^H^Hl^^ 'HI Ii I IE IjJIJjJ! Pr MPHnHIIIH i iii WKBmmmm '"SINGAPORE* W.S. 2— mm.
      45 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 580 15 Circling The World In Search Of Adventures HINDU FIRE-WALKING THEIR BIG THRILL (By A Staff Reporter.) THREE men worth about $(U.S.) 10,000,000, if not more. walked through the Chinatown of Singapore one night lasi week looking for :dv?nture. Robbers and gunmen, lounging on the pavements, glanced
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  • 134 15 QTONES were thrown at Miss Sophie Tucker, the Jewish American star, outside the Troxy Cinema, CouimcrCinl Road, London, where she is appearing, during recent disturbances. One stone struck her on the arm and another hit the fur collar of her coat. She was uninjured,
    134 words
  • 44 15 It haf been announced that in Berlin Ir fut ire all "Aryan" (non- Jewish) tmsinesr,c3 are to be distinguished by a badge indicating membership of the German Labour Front, which is held >y "Aryans," as a means of making "an urgently necessary clarification."
    44 words
  • 190 15 Pans A MUMMIFIED child was found ma 'cello case belonging to an exied Russian prince when a Paris hotel proprietor was ordered to sell the prince's possessions to pay his bils. lor years the Russian, known as Priice Kerkoff, had lived in the hotel
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  • 91 15 He Woke Up In A Mortuary! WHILE on the march at Singapore, Regimental Ser-geant-Major F. Watson, of the Royal Engineers, was overcome by the heat and fell apparently dead, like several other soldiers who had collapsed. Nineteen hours later he "woke up" in a mort' try. Six dead men lay
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  • 65 15 Resignation Refused Owing: To Troubled Conditions Evans ton. The Episcopal House of Bishops has refused to accept the resignation of Bishop Frederick Graves, of Shanghai, and urged him to reconsider his decision and re-submlt his resignation at the general Conference in 1937. The reason for the refusal Is
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  • 32 15 Captain E. Loretan, a medical officer In the Swiss Air Corps, died In hospital shortly after a private aeroplane which he was testing crashed on the aerodrome at Lausanne.
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  • 238 15 Sir Harry McGowan's View CIR Harry McGowan, chairman of v Imperial Chemical Industries, opening a display of household goods and electrical appliances in the Scottish section at British Industries House, Marble Arch, said that a busy world was a peaceful world. In the last few
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  • 382 15 Will New P. and O. Boats Be On Far East Run 117 ILL the two new fast liners being built for the P. and O. fleet he placed in the Far East service when they are put in commission next year? That is the question being asked in Singapore shipping
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  • 164 15 A NUDIST colony, believed to be the first and only one of its kind in China, composed entirely of fishermen and their families, has just been discovered at Chingkow, on the northern coast of Kiangsu province. These fishermen have turned nudist, according to the Star Daily
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  • 94 15 GERMANS NOT PAYING MAY LOSE JOBS Berlin. IlitORE compulsion than hitherto is being applied this year to obtain subscriptions for the winter relief fund. In previous years employees have been asked whether they wished to subscribe. This year they have been informed that between one and two per
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  • 71 15 The Foreign Secretary has received through both the Netherlands Minister in London and the British Minister at The Hague the thanks of the Dutch Government for services rendered to Netherlands subjects in Spain by his Majesty's Government. M. Bukharin, editor of the Soviet Government newspaper Izvestia, who
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 67 15 y. JH| J Fy^jtim Gr#> co n#n: Special rubber sole \KWW&kSLL «S. $1.60 F. M.S. $2.10. "COOL" How deliciously t COOL REFRESHING OUt there Filtered sunshine J^v. Inviting cosy shade ~ijn*< S*"**^S enervating breezes. *^Q PP^ "OPEN SANDALS Light as feather win Kic leather sandals: Red, white-blue augment your Joys
      67 words
    • 137 15 "FEEDIN6 TIME FOR SMILER" »n R%», fegU TIHfcHK SSTiSFRCI&RV MtW. WAKTS SOUfHOW ID E>PR£$S TttlS TrtAT A COCO HVtIV FEEUK6 VfRV MOCM AT PWCE Mis CMfrBft)i.NESS. BEHTO ON NOfct JlfiT ftKSwER*, H6 WtM ThE vWftlD BoWj. WVW SPOON MOOD. BEATS ON HKJ TW 1 ii -s /Tf^rn -s^i /-.-ft i
      137 words

  • 1539 16 Attorneys-General Of The Straits Settlements Fro 1867 To 1936 I HAVE already dealt with the Chief Justices and now I come to the Attorneys-General of the Straits Settlements f-om 1867 to 1936, of which there have been many. It is not generally known that in the good old days the
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  • 505 16 ONE of the faults often seen in the work of an amateur photographer, especially of a beginner, is the inclusion of too much in one picture. He tries to "hog the whole show," as it were, with results that are uninteresting or distracting.
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  • 394 16 "STOP THAT DRIFTING" AND TRAIN YOUR MIND FOR SUCCESS Sir Herbert Austin, Chairman of the fam« ous Austin Motor Company, and one of the foremost Business Leaders, makes a Mitring appeal to readers to take up Pelmanism and train their minds for success. "To command opuortunity and
    394 words
  • 67 16 I*2 M. Cilte Street. CALCUTTA. Please send me a Free Copy cf:— 1. "The Science of Success" and formj explaining convnicnt terms. 2. A copy cf •Truth's" Special "?fort on the Improved and enlarged Course. Name Address Occupation All Correspondence Is Confidential. Students in Straits Settlements and
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  • Page 16 Advertisements

  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 301 17 NEW BEAUTY SECRET TRANSFORMS PULL TEETH Scientific Antiseptic Dentifrice Quickly Gives Teeth Their Natural Brilliance and Whiteness If you are one of those who have Every tiny crevice where decay starts m'most given up hope of ever finding is cleaned out. Every tooth surface anything that will make your teeth
      301 words
    • 324 17 VraL\ well-groomed \SMBf It is so easy to keep your hair smartly \\MF smooth from sun-up to sun- down with W^ Stacomb. Just a touch of Stacomb makes the most unruly hair "stay put" V for hours without leaving it greasy ot sticky. Don't go through the day harassed with
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 604 17 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly, the $100 will be awarded in respect of the
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  • 189 18 Chinese Girl Tells Of Dope Ring New York. "I WAS the dupe of narcotic smugglers," declares Miss Maria Wcndt, the Chinese girl who is at I^os Angeles awaiting trial on a charge of smuggling £10,000 worth of heroin into the country. Revelations of the
    189 words
  • 308 18 1,100 At "As You Like It" WHAT THEY LIKED BEST PLEVEN hundred L.C.C. school children, many of them from the poorest areas of Dockland, were invited to see "As You Like It" on the screen at the Carlton Theatre, London, recently. They came; they saw— and
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  • 88 18 H.M.S. Caledonia, formerly the famous liner Majestic, will be ready in April to take up her new duty at Rosyth as an accommodation ship for 1.500 boys and 500 artificer apprentices of the Royal Navy. She is being prepared for this service at the Southampton yard of
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  • 121 18 THE matrimonial troubles of Stan Laurel, the mournful member of the "Laurel and Hardy" film team, are before the Los Angeles court again. Laurel has begun a divorce suit in answer to the action by his second wife, formerly Mrs. Virginia Ruth Rogers, for separate maintenance.
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  • 145 18 Barber Succeeds Where Astronomers Fail Tokio. A 26-YEAR-OLD barber vrith scientific inclinations will be honoured by the Japan Astronomicai Association in a Jew days for discovering a new star in the Lizard constellation. The youth, Ichimei Gomi, plies his trade in Kamisuwa, Nagano Prefecture, meddling in astronomy between shaves. In
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  • 327 18 An Experiment In Turkey HUMANE TREATMENT Istanbul. f\S an isolated island in the Sea of Marmora, a few hours distant from Istanbul, fifty criminals, of whom many are murderers, are undergoing a social experiment, says the Observer correspondent. The idea underlying the experiment is that many
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  • 93 18 FOR FEEDING BIRDS IN HIS GARDEN "THE Rev. John E. Hurst, vicar of North Frodingham, Yorks., has refused a strange bequest of £100 from his predecessor. The Rev. S. Isaacson, vicar of the parish for forty-five years, left the £100 in trust, one half of the
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  • 83 18 Statement By Premier Of New Zealand. Auckland. The Premier of New Zealand (Mr. Savage) told a delegation of Samoans that the Chinese labour question was 'not a live one, but he recommended j that no renewals be granted when 1 contracts expired at the end of the
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  • 171 18 Douglas Fairbanks To Film In China Hollywood. lIAR. Douglas Fairbanks sen. is returning to active film production again in association with Mr. Samuel Goldwyn. They will jointly produce the first starring picture under Mr. Gary Cooper's new contract with Mr. Goldwyn. This contract is the subject of a £1.000.000 suit,
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  • 49 18 An order issued by the Minister of the Interior proliii-i.s begging Hi me streets and from door f> door in. Hungary. The public are requested to send monthly contributions to '-he Public Charity Committees Which have been formed in each district to help persons in genuine distress.
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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    • 102 18 "I used to be subject to very i severe colds I I wid to be subject to very I severe colds, but since using I Vapex I hrn« always b««n abQ I CO chtck (Him. Pnm a Vap*x air You too can be free frooi the i miter v of
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  • 795 19 Max Factors Advice Emphasizes And Maintains Her Distinctive Ckarm ANOTHER new star has zoomed across the Hollywood firmament and taken her place with the loveliest lights in filmdom's constellation. With each release of her latest pictures, Virginia Bruce's breathtaking beauty and piquant delicacy have captivated more and
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  • 593 19 Autumn Fashion News From Paris London FUR trimmings on many of the new autumn frocks give a bizarre effect. But, as with all early fashions, modifications arrive later, and then they will probably be very charming versions of these early modes. On a coat-frock of brown boucle cloth, Mack fur
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  • 130 19 P THIS omelet Is quite plain, and the 'secret of its flavour Is just the taste of the eggs and of the butter, which must both be perfectly fresh: the seasoning Is only salt. The eggs a.c oeaten as usual, a good piece of butter it put in
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 305 19 At Vogue's! FASHION FLASHES FROM PARIS AXU X£W YORK. I II DESIGN FULFILS A DIFFERENT— AND ACIIVL— FAMIION OR FIGURE NEED HANDS FAILTLLSS FOINDAi I i, ..i.l pc "t hanom* of Contour: n Knrin IV I'.RASSIERE n of thr Larger Women Tlit ■■Bjdicf-Txpe"' Eickless Brassiere c;n -Iv i trrt
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  • 517 20 AMONG the bargains in linen generally found at sales are sets of slightly soiled table mats, and cloths, and it is useful to know that stains and discolourations can all be removed by soaking the cloth in butter-milk for a day or two. Really
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  • 101 20 1 firm red cabbage 1 qt. vinegar 1 dessertspoonful 1 dessertspoonful who'.e pepper allspice Salt Quarter the cabbage, removing the outer leaves and centre stalk, and cut into each quarter very finely. Place the cabbage on a dish, sprinkling plenty of salt over it, and leave until
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  • 94 20 TAKE the required quantity of French beans, clean and boil them in the ordinary way; drain them well and add small pieces of tomato flesn and little shreds of lean ham. Season with salt and pepper, mix well, add a good piece of butter and cook slowly
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  • 117 20 £>REAM together eight ounces of butter and six ounces of castor sugar. Work In four ounces of flour sifted with a pinch of salt and make Into a stiff dough with the yolk of an egg. If rather soft, leave until dry enough to roll out thinly on
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  • 51 20 piJT a dozen ripe peaches peeled. toned and cut in slices, In a bowl sprinkle freely with sugar, leave for two hours, then pour a bottle of red wine and another of white wine. This i 3 iced. Just bi fore serving a bottle of champagne may be
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  • 348 20 Clothes Affect Your Complexion VELVETS and furs are very, flattering to the complexion, especially when the skin is clear and fair. Generally, however, we find that the rich, dark colours of the new clothes make our tan appear very sallow and yellowish, by ontrast. So, it always becomes necessary to
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  • 106 20 DUT aside the stock In which salmon has been boiled. Then cook half a pound of shelled peas, tinned of fresh, in very little water, put through a sieve, and add the puree to the salmon stock. Chop an onion, fry lightly in a good lump
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  • 438 20 Things To Remember When Selecting Lampshades IN selecting new lamp shades colour is all-important, whether the shades are small or large, made of parchment or glass. Blue shades, for instance, have a chilling effect, throwing cold shadows over the room. Pink is always soft and flattering. The glow which amber
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 272 20 Any woman with hair of any texture and colour may sit for a IKiARO Permanent serenely confident that It will be a beautiful 4)ermanenr and permanently beautiful Only made possible through the engagement of a larger stall of experienced hair dressers and the insta latlon of 6 up-to-date machines Forget—
      272 words
    • 269 20 IT }bur MB Mend CCH HAT r>ure and delicatc| y m?iiii«te4i ttU fT^B^ V1 V' //^^B C uticura Talcum cools and comfort* I COT Jj3sr I iMn bbar'sb > r s tind skin and k^l» 'tO I p^A j niiU sweet and wholesome. Shaken oo And j ~i^^. t icon
      269 words

  • 1426 21  -  John Drinkwater By London, Oct. 31. 'THE other day i heard a significant story about the King •when he was Prince of Wales. It has, I think, not been told before. It had been announced that he would make a speech at an unofficial but not
    1,426 words
  • 528 21  -  SANTOS CASANI -By— World-Famous Exhibition Ballroom Dancer YOU show something of your real self when you dance. Your character is revealed in a hu: Ired ways. See that girl painstakingly keeping her feet close together as ,they pass each other, concentrating her mind on heel turns,
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  • 76 21 rpRAYS and boxes of lacquer should not be washed with soap and water, for It Is liable to cause cracks in the surface. They should be rubbed with a pad of cotton wool dipped in milk or olive oil and afterwards polished with a soft, dry cloth. If
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  • 276 21  -  MURIEL RAPSON BY \I7E all know the cheeriness of a newly-decorated room, in which the colours and designs have been well chosen. You will probably think that interior decorating is one of the most interesting of hobbies, and you will no doubt decide to do the work
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  • 123 21 DEEL and core 2 or 3 pounds apples. Cook gently without water, unless the apples are very dry, then add 1 tablespoonful lemon juice. Rub through a hair sieve, put In a saucepan with an equal weight of sugar, the grated rind and juice of one lemon, a
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 65 21 Ifli Iff fifcw 11* MACARONI AU GRATIN. \A A i^— mm t^^k\mmf^ 1 9-oz package 2 cups "Ideal" macaroni Milk diluted with 2 eggs 1 cap water 1 cup cheese, grated Cook macaroni in boiling salted water until tender. Drain. Beat eggs, and add diluted "Ideal" milk f" "tk-J -'<J^
      65 words

  • 2132 22 MALAYAN SIKHS CELEBRATE HIS BIRTHDAY VERY little is known to the general public of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the Lion of the Punjab," whose birthday, which fell on November 2, was celebrated by some Sikhs in Malaya last week for the first time. Left an
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  • 886 22 I>HE majority of Indians at homa and overseas are eagerly looking forward to the 13th day of this month because on that day falls one of their principal festivals, Deepavali. It is mainly a Hindu festival, but Sikhs and Jains also celebrate it. In spite of
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 202 22 MEIRICH MOTOR TABLETS used by DISCRIMINATING MOTORISTS 20th (ENTURY INVENTION ffnUffMLS Mtnuftcturinq Optician; I r h M...1. .'WAHIKK. I tl! bl AbiorMM >'. P*"« "V^ I "»<•» *«cpiy-tik«» out ">« >Jyj2 I torrn«s>-giv«l rrlltl «I<MH«. I ftenurVtMr twjling qutlftwt iof ill torts, bruisrv «nj own wounflfc AndtcotK nonirrt COVERING MALAYA
      202 words

  • 1030 23 Big Improvement In Juniors' Standard NEED OF INTER-STATE MATCHES (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. rpilE Johore State badminton championship tournaments will conclude next week when the finals in the main events will be played after which the presentation of trophies will take place. Competition
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  • 162 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. The following are the Perak Golf Clubs fixtures for November: Nov. 6 Mixed Foursomes: Nov. 8 2nd Round President's Cup Competition; Nov. 10 Armistice Cup Competition; Nov. 15 Semi-Final President's Cup Competition: Armistice Cup Competition; Nov. 20 Ladles Medal (Stroke);
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  • 145 23 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. CEVEKAL good hockey matches were played at, Segamat last week. The Governmen. English School scored an overwhelming victory over the Segamat Malays, beating them by five goals to one. The School forwards were in complete command of the game and despite
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  • 121 23 (From Our Own Correspondent* Alor Star. The following are the results of the championship semi-final cf the Kulim Golf Club: D. Campbell beat D. W. B. Vanrenen 5 and 3; T. Kitching beat E. R. Da vies 6 and 4 D. Can.pbell will meet D. Kitching in
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  • 104 23 (From Our Own Correspondent .> Taiping, Saturday. In the return encounter the Taiping Tigers again beat the Punjab Regiment in a fast hockey game by two goals to one. The Tigers were unlucky to lose the services of their left full-back. Wan Chik Bakar, who had to retire
    104 words
  • Article, Illustration
    190 23 •THE Hoi Thin Amateur Dramatic Association recently staged a show at the Smith Street Theatre, Singapore, in aid of the Kwong Wai 0!..u Free Hospital. Two performances were given and more than $25,000 collected. There was no fixed price for the tickets Mr. Lam Mun Thin bought his ticket for
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  • 441 23 NEGRI'S HOCKEY TEAM IN SINGAPORE j (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. •THE Negri Scmbilan hockey team will be visitors to Singapore this week-end, and, on the day these notes appear, they will meet the Malaya Command at Tanglin after, the game at the S.C.C. against Singapore. That the home
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  • 122 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Segamat, Saturday. For the first time, the Segamat Chinese are to have an all-Chinese athletic meet in celebration of the "Double Tenth." The meet was originally fixed for Oct. 10 but owing to lack of time in which to make the necessary arrangements
    122 words
  • 46 23 Playing at the home court on Oct. 31, the Tamils Reform Assn. beat Th* 1 Vivekananda Sanmarka Sangam by three matches to nil in a return friendly badminton match of five ties. The last two ties were abandoned due to failure of light.
    46 words
  • 272 23 TEAMS CHOSEN The annual Rugby match between the S.S.V. Forces and F.M.S.V. Forces will take place at Kuala Lumpur on Nov. 11. The following team has been selected to represent the S.S.V. Forces: Sub. Lieut. O. R. T. Henman, (S.S.R.N.V.R.); Sub Lieut. G. D. A.
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  • 70 23 In a friendly badminton fixture, the Lamt Peranakan Club shared points with the Matang Union Party, each side winning two matches. Results (Larut first): Wan Jusoh and Syed Burhan bt Awang and Mansur 21—16, 9—21. 30—20 (3—1); Yeop and Hamid lost to Nordln and Hamld 20—21, 19—21 Nordln
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  • 73 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. The Free School easily defeated the Collegians at badminton by four games to nil. Scores, (Free first): Chee Choong Keng boat Ooi Eng Teik 15—12, 15—1; Chee Choong Wan beat Ariffln Mann 15—:), 15—5; Chee Choong Leng and Fod Eow Teng beat
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  • 78 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. Two hockey matches were played at Seremban on Thursday. The State Medical and Health Department beat St. Paul's Institution by five goals to three. The Medicos are a new team and this is their first ou'ing. In the other match, King Geor,~e
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 74 23 Hair Growing Discovery Man? penoot who were completely I*l4 hn*e grown a full crop of beautiful hair by mine Kotalk >and X' t-Uko 8«p, Marrelloua an I If growth of hair ha* been reported •t<> i lieu falling hair. dandruff and b.tldneM k»» u-ted for yean. "tRU EHAIRCROwrf Buy Kotalko
      74 words
    • 104 23 I 'a r i HiiMMrtfatWM q^WSE^V: f Sag?*; sßtepg WWW f; en BR. from Actual Photograph j -I W escort Blgy Young men are askir.3 fcr this now *iKai>r* Homburg. Older men. too. appreciate fi 9Rf its sturdy dignity. Woodscn gives it L-K •itfKsMU '"lassie style hand fashion- \{i 1
      104 words

  • 375 24 High Scoring In Scottish League DKSfI.TS of football games played in the leagues yesterday are, says Reuter: DIVISION I Arsenal 4 Leeds U 1 V. 1 Mlddlesbro. 3 Brentford 2 Birmingham 1 Derby Co Stoke C 2 Ewrton 4 W. Bromwich A. 2 Huddersfield 1
    Reuter  -  375 words
  • 133 24 MORE members of the Royal m InniskiUing Fusiliers and the Middlesex Regiment qualified in life saving at the swimming pool, Tanglin Barracks, yesterday. The candidates passed tests for the Royal Life Saving Society intermediate certificate and bronze medallion. The I examiners were Lt. Boilers, Lt. Anson. J
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  • 173 24 PENANG'S RUGBY TEAM AGAINST SELANGOR (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. Saturday. IN a trial Rugby game on the Padang today the probables beat the Possibles by 26 points to 10 after a game which was closer than the score indicates. After the match the Penang XV to meet Selangor next
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  • 113 24 Possessing a much better three quarter line the Medical College defeated the R.A.M.C. on the College grcund yesterday, in their rugby fixture by 17 points to six. The ground was heavy but the R.A.M.C. pact held its own. The College three quarter line however, handled a greasy ball
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  • 970 24 pc>ITION in the leagues including yesterday's irames are: DIVISION I V W L U PIS Portsmouth 14 7 3 J 25 16 18 Brcntfcrd 14 7 4 3 29 25 17 Sundrrland 13 7 4 2 29 25 16 Derby Co 14 6 5 3 35 28 lb
    970 words
  • 247 24 PERAK RETAIN RUGBY TROPHY NEGRI DEFLATED BY 21—3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoli, Saturday. In a mediocre Rugby game today Perak defeated Nsgri Sembilan by 21 points to three to retain the FarleyRobertson trophy. The game was marked by poor handling by both sets of threes. Perak, after being uncer
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  • 95 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. F^r the first tim? since 1912 the Penang Mohamedan Football Association held a sports meet on the Dato Kramat ground this evening to celebrate its silver jubilee. Thirteen clubs affiliated to the Association participated and the meet was a great
    95 words
  • Article, Illustration
    55 24 Top: BOa De Silva and Miss Vfcttfcelincam, first and second respedi. in the 75 yards race. Below: J. Ambrose and Lee Siow Monp, first tn second in the nut tins the weight. To 1 riirlit: Start of the thread-and-needi race won by Miss Tay Kheng SianBclcw ri^ht: Senior
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  • 284 24 Players and times for the Royal Johore International Club golf match against the Island Club on Friday, on the R.J.I.C. ground. J. H. Beeton scr. vs. C. A H. Bateman 3. 8.30 a.m. Dr. T. E. Cheah 8 vs. N. A. Mallal 6. 8.30 a.m. W. H. Brrikett
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  • 67 24 The following have been invited to play Rugby football for S.C.C. vs. R.E. on Tuesday at S.C.C. A. E. Minns; F. P. H. Pearse. W. H. McNelll. K. A. Haddocks, Lt. J. R. Rodwell; R. P. Bingham, A. Cromarty; K. S. Sykes. A. R. Brand. D. P.
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  • 270 24 BADMINTON MIXED DOUBLES FINAL (By Our Badminton Correspondent.) T»Hi: Singapore open mixed doubles badminton tournament was concluded yesterday and saw yet another title going: to Miss Tan Kirn Lai who in partnership with Leow Kirn Fatt, representing the Novice Badminton Party, beat Yap Chin Tee and Miss Lillian Tan of
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  • 117 24 DUGBY games played at home on Saturday resulted, says Reuter as follows: Cumberland 11, Yorkshire 3. Lancashire 13, Cheshire 0. North Midlands 6, Notts, Lines and Derby 0. Blackheath 3, Old Mer. Taylors 16. Bradford 0, Edinburgh Academy 12. Cambridge Univ. 18, London Scottish 15. Guy's Hospital 0,
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  • 73 24 The 3rd A.A. Brigade. Royal Artillery beat the Singapore Cricket Club "A team by 13 points (two goals, a try> to nil in a dull Rugby game on the Singapore padang yesterday afternoon. Taylor, enterprising breakaway forward, scored two tries, one of which was converted
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  • 207 24 (From A Correspondent) In a game rich in thrills and attractive Itugby the Blakan Mati R.A. beat the RAF. by 17 points to nil at Blakan Mati yesterday. The RAF. were no match for tne gunners. They maintained their hooking advantage, but in
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  • 133 24 (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. Saturday. The second annual Negri Sembilan Ping Pong tournament will begin shortly at the Negri Sembilan Chinese Athletic Association. The following have entered for the tournament Men's Singles: Chu Hok Kwee. Wong Sau Chong. Lee Hoi Chong. Chan Chee Wah, Chua
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 1643 25 GOING BECOMES HEAVY AFTER SHORT RAIN Sweeps Receive Generous Support (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. ITaCEPT for one period, the weather kept fine today, the third anrf final day of the Perak Turf Club Autumn meeting. The going at th? beginning was holding,
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  • 290 25 DULL RUGGER ON THE PADANG THE 3rd A.A. Brigade, Koyal Artil- lery, beat the Singapore Cricket Club "A" team by 13 points (two goals, a try) to nil in a dull Rugby game on the Singapore padang yesterday afternoon. There were occasional moments of
    290 words
  • 168 25 TOO GOOD FOR PULAU BRANI T>T an even Rugby game at Farrer Psfk yesterday, St. Andrew's School beat Pulau Branl by eight points (one goal and a try) to three .a try). St. Andrew's tried out several new men There was no score in the first
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  • 277 25 RAFFLES COLLEGE SPORTS NEW HIGH JUMP RECORD rpAIB bki Haji Andak set up a new record of 5 ft. s=»i in. in the high jump evrnt by breaking his own record of 5 ft. 4 in. of 1934 at the fourth annual athletic sports of the Raffles College Union held
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  • 86 25 FREDERICK TAKES SIX FOR 65 Melbourne. Saturday. DAIN severely curtailed play here to- day in the match between the M.C.C. and Victoria. The tourists resumed their innings •iviti 328 on the board for the loss of seven wickets, but were all out with Us: addition
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 94 25 ffrom Our Own Correspondent) Seremban, Saturday. For the first time. Negrl SembUan and Selangor will meet In an interState badminton match at Seremban on Not. 22. The following have been ■elected to represent Negrl Sembi lan: Stack*: Wong Yew Chong. Urn Ewe Law and S. Veerapan. Doubles: Au
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  • 821 25 Singapore's Six Against The Negri Singapore 6. Negri Sembilan 3. {\N a very slippery ground and in wretched conditions for hockey. Singapore started their Inter-State season with a creditable win over Negri Sembilan yesterday on the Padang, the margin of victory being six goals to three. The home forwards combined
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  • 603 25 SINGAPORE'S MALA YA CUP RUGBY VICTORY Rengam, Saturday. CINGAPORE scored a convincing win over Johore by 17 points (a goal three trirs and a penalty goal) to nil in a Malaya Cup Rugby match at Rcngam today. Singapore wen definitely the better team and would have piled up a bigger
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  • 157 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru. IN a friendly football match played at the Sri Kopi Ma'ay School field the Merslng team beat the Education Department by four poals to Uo. Mersing deserved to win, showing better combination and possessing a good defence. The Education
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  • 1118 26 Entries For Tournaments Still Wanted Fees To Be Reduced Champions 9 Styles Compared BY OUR BADMINTON CORRESPONDENT I 4M reliably informed that a last I and flnai attempt is to be made by the Singapore Badminton Association to organise the women's -■iii^U-s and doubles tournaments by
    1,118 words
  • 379 26 J 'THE Klang District badminton open and junior doubles championships have reached the final stage. The semi-finals were played at the 'Lucky Star' Badminton court during the wepk I with the following results:— SENIOR DIVISION, for the Forbes Challenge Cup: Moey Liang Teck and i Lee Sim
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  • 181 26 i The Yayu Athletic Association will organise a basketball tournament in December. Mr. Aw Cheong Yew, the President of the Singapore Basketball and Volleyball Association and the Patron of the "V.A.A.," has consented to donate a shield for the competition. Mr. Wong Peng Nam. of Senal, and I
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  • 198 26 The draw of the ping-pong Inter-team (league system) tournament of the Merridale Badminton Party la: A. team:— Ng Peck Chuan (Capt.). C. H. Tan. Tan Yong Klan and Miss Alleen Wong. B. team:— Tan Keng Sin (Capt.). Wong Peng Nam. Yap Chin Tee and j :»:iss Waileen Wong.
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  • 232 26 At a committee meeting of the Selangor Malays Badminton League held on Nov. 1. the following resolutions were passed The committee accept with re«Tet the resignations of Raja Mohamed and Che Ahmad bin from the presidency and secretaryship respectively of this League and their places
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  • 30 26 Play fair Athletic Union "B" string will meet the Merry Youngsters B.P. "B" string at home court, at 2.30 p.m. today, five men's singles and two men's doubles.
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  • 201 26 The Chinese Friendly Association's monthly meeting will be held at tnc Association's premises 128 Albert Street, at 8 p.m. The thirteenth anniversary celebration was at Mr Aw Boon Haw's bungalow Pasir Panjang. on Saturuay and Sunday Oct. 24 and 25. Officials for the year 1936-1937 were Mr.
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  • 146 26 I The following will represent the "A" j team of the Merry-Youngsters B.P. In i 3. friendly badminton match of four singles and two doubles against the Mayblossom B.P. today at 3 p.m. at the otter's court, 1, Lorong 25, Geyiang: £hln Tham Swee, Richard Tan, Johnny Lim.
    146 words
  • 63 26 The following are selected to represent the Mayblossom B.P. against the Merry-Youngsters B.P. in a friendly badminton match today on the former's court 1, Lorong 25, Geylang. at 3 p.m.. four singles and two i doubles: Ahmad Mattar. H. Olivelro. i Lee Kirn Seng, Omar bin Ahmad, Zaha
    63 words
  • 383 26 *I*HE August Badminton Party (Pok Al Seah» held its seventh anniversary celebatlon at Mr. Ay/ Boon Haw's bungalow. Pasir Panjang, last Saturday and Sunday. There was a good attendance of members and guesis. Dinner was served at 8 p.m. on Saturday and was very much enjoyed by the
    383 words
  • 49 26 The Novice Badminton Party will celebrate Its seventh anniversary on Saturday and Sunday. Nov. 7 and 8. On Saturday a dinner will be Held at the Great World Restauiuut and on Sunday the members will have a picnic at Bedoh where several sporU vents will be held.
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 26 Group taken at the August B.P.s seventh anniversary celebration.
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  • Page 26 Advertisements

  • 538 27  - SELANGOR THE ARMY IN FORM "ECHO" Malaya Cup Rugby Prospects By |»LREADY, before reading these notes, rugger enthusiasts will have learned from another page how Singapore fared in their Malaya Cup match with Johore at Rengam yesterday. Probably they have had their expectations fulfilled by a Sing' pore victory; but
    538 words
  • Article, Illustration
    27 27 The hockey teams of the P.W D., Johore Bahru, t.nd Government English School, Batu Pahmt, before their match which the latter won by four goals to three.
    27 words
  • 143 27 The fourth annual general meeting of the Young Chinese Amateur .Weight-lifting Party vv.ll be held at 85, Dusker Road, on Sunday, Nov. 15, at noon. The annual report states at tho Malayan championships In r 193!>, Boey Chee Choon and V. Scan Xce secured first-place hwours In
    143 words
  • 425 27 (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. DEFORE a large crowd, which included the Hon. Dato Abdullah bin Esa (State Commissioner) and Mr. D. Wills (Assistant Adviser), the Government Serviced, this year's winners of the league, pulled the double last week when they beat the Europeans by
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  • 118 27 The Poat Office Club will hold a football match at their ground today between the married and singles for the Anderton Cup presented by Mr. C. T. Anderton. of the Master Attendant's Office. Play will begin at 5.15 p.m. and the teams will be: MARRIED: Mohd Taib
    118 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 27 Groap taken at the 23rd anniversary »X Urn Hindu Association. l>r. BiiMm, Urn new president, is in the centre.
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  • 224 27 THRILLING RUGBY AT TAIPING (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taipin?. IN the return Rugby encounter. King Edward VII School defeated the Old Edwardians by eleven points (one goal and two tries) to five points (one goal). Despite the rain that I D, the rugger seen was
    224 words
  • 151 27 •THE 23rd anniversary celebration of the Hindu Association was held last Sunday and members cf the I ous associations and distinguished guests attended ths function. Before the commencement of the programme, a -prayer was given by Swami Bhasvarananda, followed with music, while the audience stood up In silence.
    151 words
  • 119 27 JASIN— I.C.A. (From Our Own Correspondent) Muar. Playing at Muar in their first out- station match the Jasin Badminton Party met the Indo-Ceylonese Association. Results (Jasin first' SINGLES: N. Kandiar. beat A. Ponampalam 15 13, 15 3; Yong Nam lost to Nagalingam 3 15, 5 15; M. Kandiah lost to
    119 words
  • 437 27 HARD-EARNED TWO-NIL VICTORY SEGAMAT MALAYS BEAT THE MUAR OLD BOYS (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. rpiANKS mainly to a brilliant defence, the Segamat Malays scored a hard-earned two-nil victory over the Muar Old Boys' Association in their annual hockey fixture, on the Segamat school padang. The game was quite fast
    437 words
  • 59 27 The following are requested to represent the Changl Rangers against the Tecks B.P. on Nov. 11 on the latter's court at 12, Lorong 25A, Geylang at 3 p.m.: C. B. Nalr, Wee Cheng San, Arthur Lim, Harry Lee. Lee Kirn Seng, Omar bin Ahmad, Abdul Rahman. A. Rahman
    59 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 334 27 K We're se >3T-« I* Poo* Ooddy ,iiTt Murioi. Vou'r* jujt 1 v "°L!L*" < <lor no 0»ooVoV*. i il««»Ybo> O'Stot <« ■■> I t*M toino ©ottonod by O«*flt OoMy.* gf Cty 9MMn -v-M *f« to odd iom#'«r*i mBHHM^. ir- '■I J\ £LT*" l u d M Th.l n^M r*.
      334 words

  • 69 28 THE SCENE be 'ore Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris during: the State funeral of the victims of the Pourquoi Pas, the French exploration ship which sank in a storm in Faxa Bay, Iceland. With great crowds lining: the streets and battalion* of troops in
    69 words
  • 158 28 General Guardsman WHEN LIEUTENANT-GENERAL Sir Alfred Codrington. Colonel of the Coldstream Guards, was walking off the parade ground at Aldershot after a farewell inspection of the 3rd Battalion, who were about to sail for Palestine, he topped to shake hands with Guardsman Charlie Laverlck, veteran of the battaiJon and the
    158 words
  • 55 28 Soviet Japan Renew Agreement For Drilling For Oil In Sakhalin M. BUKUIMUVICH, Assistant Soviet People's Commissar for Heavy Industry, signing in Moscow an agreement with Admiral Sakonji, chairman of the North Sakhalin Oil Co., permitting the Japanese- to continue drilling for oil in Sakhalin for a further five years. The
    55 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 85 28 (D'GaUums !P Scotsaihlsk> Mellow and Friendly Spirit >rfH ■Bh^^^^m%v ■■■V m yf 'V^ l ~lj a &*<>S' yU2HC&» (Rob«, southern*) Like an affectionate handclasp and a cheery smile. s-.-^j B -ACK WHITE conveys its loyal friendship in a manner i&St unsurpass-d. For this grand old whisky gets its fane character
      85 words
    • 292 28 V*)m3 «EAGER'C >v r m eutern ag:«cies in. INSURE WITH THE COMMERCIAL UMIOH ASSURANCE CO. LTD. (iNCOOPOSAtfO IN CNGIANO) ff( fl/tlliliy FIB I 1 l IH AfriDtMFMCICD A MA/M¥f --c (1414+71/^M IViVP4*lf J&f^ Arthur C. Potts. Manager and .^U^S mH I'nderwrlifr .^Dffvcjfl Eastern Branch .^liSfvoSlfl X S MAS CARPS WITH
      292 words