The Straits Times, 16 February 1936

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 36 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA No. 217. Sunday, February 16, 1936. Price 10 cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 217, Sunday, February 16, 1936. Price 10 cents
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  • 376 1 MUKDEN STAFF TO BE RECALLED Gravest Development Since 1931 POWERFUL RED FORCE ARRIVES IN OUTER MONGOLIA SOVIET Russia has announced her decision to recall her consular representatives from Manchukuo, it is reported, "as Ihe continued maintenance of diplomatic representation in the State is impossible under
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  376 words
  • Article, Illustration
    62 1 111. Mm tv Kins Edward VIII, then Prince of Wales, visited Singapore in March, 1!>22, when he opened the Malaya-Borneo Exhibition. In t! picture His Majesty Is seen with Sir Frederick Seton James, then Colonial Secretary, i hattin;; with members of the rhinese Reception Committee. In the centre is Mr.
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  • 77 1 SYNTHETIC PRODUCT 3<K BETTER Berlin, Saturday. A CLAIM that (icrmanv hM solved tlic pr<>l»!cm of producing usable synthetic rubber was made by Chancellor Hitler in ;i speech at tlir opening of the International Automobile Exhibition. He paid a tribute to miracles performed by German chemists and sai-i synth-tlc
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 26 1 Shanghai. Saturday. The Shanghal-Toklo radiophone servi'- was opened this morning. Prominent Chinese and Japanese Government officials exchanged greetings. Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  26 words
  • 574 1 Back Benchers Don 't Care About Malaya QUESTION TIME IN PARLIAMENT (From A Special Correspondent) DIMTISII Members of Parliament are! roprled to l:e the most inquisitive in thp world, ijucstion Time in the;- «.i Cnmii. his occupies more than an hour overy day and supplementary answers have t> be
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  • 69 1 Shanghai, Saturday. The condition of Mr. Wang Chingwei, former Chinese Premier, has again taken a turn for the worse, his pulse beats stopping with increasing frequency. Mr. Wang, who was recovering from the bullet wounds received in the assassination attempt on him in Nanking last
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  69 words
  • 46 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Saturday. The Siamese Royal yacht, built 16 years ago and very little used, is for sale. Until a purchaser is found the yacht will be used for popular cruises In Siamese waters. The yacht cost over £250.000.
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  • 73 1 London, Saturday. An agreement .reached .by the National Maritime Board, which has secured peace in the shipping industry for over twenty years, restores two more quarters of the reductions made in seamen's pay in 1932. One quarter's reduction remains In force. The agreement also provides for
    British Wireless  -  73 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 1 Cutting the cake at the reception after the wedding yesterday of Mr. G. E Tatham and Miss Diana Murison. —Sunday Times Photograph
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  • 93 1 Gassed Yacht Owners Seek Damages ALLEGING that the Singapore health authorities were negligent in releasing so much pas in their yacht La Korrigane. which was overrun by cockroaches when it called at Singapore earlier this month, the 'unite de Ganay and M. van den Brock d'Obrenan have lodged a claim
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  • Article, Illustration
    60 1 Group taken at the wedding of Mr. G. E. Tatham and Miss Diana Murison in Singapore yesterday. Left to right: Hon. Mr. Justice N. H. P. Whitley, Lady Murisan. Miss Joy Lonsdale, the bride, the bridegroom, Mr. D. 11. Palmer 'test man) and Miss Muriel Lonsdale, In front is Miss
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  • 448 1 Woman Jumps Out Of Closed Window Kovno, Saturday. £"OVERED with blood and clad only In a nightdress a woman In a fearful state of agitation burst into the police station here and speaking only with the greatest difficulty told how she had been attacked In her flat
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  • 216 1 SEARCH FOR MYSTERY TRIBE A BRITISH luxury air-liner, flown by men whose names ha\e so far been kept secret, will be passing through Singapore soon on its way to New Guinea. There the fliers will try to probe the mysteries of a jungle area where
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  • 79 1 MAN CHLOROFORMED SECURITIES STOLEN Prague, Saturday. A daring robbery was committed in the Warsaw-Prague express when an unknown assailant chloroformed a passenger In a first class compartment, a Hungarian resident of Poland named Gerenday. escaping with securities to the value of 7,000,000 Czech crowns. The criminal is
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 65 1 For Neon Lighting Consult Universal Neon Lights Ltd. 28-A. Cavcnacb Road. I'hone 3127. Sketches A Particulars Free. Prices Cheap. Page Crossword Puzzle 12 Crossword Solution 25 Wireless 24 Babies progress wcnderfu'iy when nourished and strengthened by the vital food values contained in "BEAR BRAND" Natural Swiss Milk Under tropical conditions
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  • 1862 2 Rice Rations By Law— A.P.C.'s Answer To Jeremiahs Vacant Sites Horses In Orchard Road. TOMORROWS meeting of the Legislative Council will be a landmark in the social history of the Colony, for it will see the first motion to place on the statute book a law to help
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  • 73 2 A Significant Contrast The Old And New Protectorates This building: in Havelock Road, which housed the Chinese Protectorate for fifty years, is vacant again, after having been temporarily used for police courts, and Government is now considering what use to make of it. Appropriately enough, the modern Chinese Protectorate in
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  • 27 2 A fine portrait of the Honourable Mr. R. H. de S. Onraet, Inspector General, Straito Settlements (reproduced from the Malayan Police Magazine.)
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    • 39 2 its going into lv U| fresh creamery SXCXS BUTTER \f There is purity and perfection in every pat. It is obtainable at all our retail establishments and at all first class provision dealers in Malaya. TEL. 5378 ws. iv
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  • 2049 3 WEDDING OF MR. G. E. TATHAM MISS DIANA MURISON BRIDE ONLY DAUGHTER OF FORMER CHIEF JUSTICE Nassim Hill Reception After Cathedral Service MISS Diana Elizabeth Lilly Murison, only daughter of Sir William Murison, formerly Chief Justice of the Straits Settlements, and Lady Murison, was married at St. Andrew's Cathedral yest«rday,
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  • 491 3 HOTELS SEA VIEW HOTEL: Special Tiffin and Special Dinner. CINEMAS AI.II AMIIKA: OShaughnessy's Boy witli Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper. 3.15. C. 15. 9.15. CAPITOL: One Night of Love with Gra.e 3.15. 6.15. 9.15. GLOBE THEATRE. GREAT WORLD: Casino tie Paris. 7.15. 9.15. GREAT WORLD: Murder in
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  • 212 3 Now Back at Work After Taking Kruschen To have rheumatism in the? tap is bad enough, but tJUs man, a tailor, had it In his hands too, and, therefore, could not earn his living. But he la fit now. and back at work. His
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 46 3 "Daisy. Daisy. I'll be rood and true. Your HATs lovely, it's just made for you. GIFT SHOP bats for ever. They are so smart and clever. So. if you'd go nap. Wear a GIFT SHOP hat and flowers of pink and blue. 157 North Bridce Road."
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    • 195 3 ml "cStj^wnK^Kp ~a >^B For more than 50 years Chamber* lain's Cough Kcmcilv has enjoyed the confidence of the entire moiirul profession. It is a safe, proven reranl\, pleasant to take and entirelyfree from all harmful narcotics. It acts quickly, breaks up congestion. clears the air passages. Keep a hottie
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  • 865 4 JUBILEE RELIEF FUND TO BE GIVEN LIFE Measures Affecting Nearly $2,000,000 STRAITS Settlements Legislative Council will tomorrow con- sider measures affecting nearly $2 million from the colony's revenue. This will be $750,000 FOR THE SINGAPORE JUBILEE FUND. $300,000 FOR THE PENANG JUBILEE FUND.
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  • 439 4 Poultry Notes •T*HERE are two breeds of French poultry that could be reared easily in Malaya. Being themselves originally of Asiatic stock it would be interesting to see If duplicate breeds could not be reared In Malaya where all sorts of poultry are now available. To
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  • 355 4 Goes Ahead In Singapore MM WAS experiment at MMhia Basic English to Asiatics is goitv. ahead with th« full support of the Department of Education. Basic English is a language which permits writing and talking with a vocabularly of 850 words and their derivatives. A number of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 359 4 MARCHINGI ORDERS/ TV- FOUR PAINFUL When Kadox cives a corn Its niarctiing orders it GOK^! And gees for food I Just reaJ what Hadox did for this corn •utlerer: "J suffered with tout corns lot fioe yeatu ana it was torture to walk. I tried all ol remedies without result.
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    • 117 4 Help Kidneys Don't Take Drastic Drugs Tour kidneys bar* nine million tiny tubes or filters which are endangered by neglect or drastic, irritating- drugs. lewars If Kidney trouble or Bladder weakness makes you suffer from Getting Up Nights. Leg Pains, Nervousness. JDlsifness. Stiffness, Rheumatism. Lumbago, Circles Under Kyes, Swollen Ankles,
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    • 115 4 y. i"" Vx*"^ vtfllC&J v '"'-^sa s^^BT f L> V £"\T_ < 3 c. for a Bigger and Better Bar Containing Two Picture Stamps This a new pastime which we know boys and girls will find great fun. You will love cutting out the figures and completing the pictures. All
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  • 314 5 SI AM LIKES A SCHOOLBOY AS A KING HE IS SO CHEAP Pocket Money 6d. A Week CIAM finds that it is cheaper ta have a boy King who is still at school. The Royal Household grant, which came before the People's Assembly in Bangkok, totals only Tcs. l,01?,330. As
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  • 178 5 PLANTER MARRIES MR. E. J. DIMOCK AND MISS C. E. JACOBS T^WO wen- known farming families of Cambridgeshire were united In Singapore yesterday when Eric John, son of Mrs. Dlmock, and the late Mr. Dimock, was married to Constance Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs, in St. Andrew's Cathedral.
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 5 Mr. I.oko Eng Kiat, of Batu Pahat, and his bride. Miss Oon Swee Slab, of the Chong Wah Girls' School, Singapore.
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  • 172 5 EXPECTED SOON TO BE IN THE AIR (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. The Perak Flying Club hopes to begin flying activities In the near future. It will be a State club, not merely a town club. This point, which has been stressed repeatedly since the inauguration
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  • 180 5 OFFICERS ENTERTAINED ON EVE OF DEPARTURE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ip- Saturday. Asiatic officers of the .'.V.1., cadet corps and boy scouts bade farewell to officers of the Burma Rifles holding the Viceroy's Commission on the eve o" their departure from Talping to Burma. The function took
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  • 910 5 Road Rule Breakers— s2oo Wrapped In Sheet Of Newspaper Excuses Are Cast-Iron Or Amusing IF Singapore traffic police think you are reckless driver or suspect you have disobeyed one or other of the road regulations you have little chance of escaping their clutches. Take, for instance,
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  • 77 5 IT EARLY 500 den. t.ts are regis11, <tered under the Registration oi' Dentists Ordinance 1933, and their names and qualifications appear m the current issue of the Government Gazette. Of these only 21 are credited with University degrees indicating training as denial surgeons in British, Singapore.
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  • 261 5 ,«»««s»»*vi»r»ji.^y«.,(. WTWFv«i«MhS»K«^..TSlBawiBs«»*»i*K* /i"l'l«W 111 >W'fm" lllHiJujlllMl l. l. l. ..'i..ujilj If It lMMM».'liljl..jLlJ M.J.I. .iIiXJ ~«J» p S*JWsf?*S*\"», K^'*-. v >*; ifT.*^-- -V «a /""•roup photograph taken on Wednesday of the Magistrates, Coroner. Court Inspectors and staff attached to the Singapore Magistrates'
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 441 5 My NERVES vS£S>v Were Terrible >&!Pfci|i Life Was a Burden/ K NOTHING woufd give r— <-^t me back my VITALITY ir-T^Wm^TX r except Yt J^- VlTt ndP^^ \\h D*ar Strt.-I found your Ytatl- V,te Tablet* excellent indeed and I would not fee iril/ioul them. I tried everything, and nothing »oaU
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  • 191 6 New Tasteless Tablets for Weak Run-down Feople. No longer need mother force fishytasting Cod Liver Oil down children's throats! No longer need men and womru who are thin and under healthy weight stay that way because they hate the thing which could put them
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  • 614 6 ZIONIST'S SURPRISING DISCOVERY I IKE the apostles of Israel, Mr. S. M. MaschiefT, a present-day leader of Zionist thought, is wandering from country to country bringing a mission to some of the 16,000,000 Jews scattered over the surface of the tarth. But where Moses, Ezeklel and
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  • 242 6 SIR A. CALDECOTT PAYS A CALL "ITHE Governor of Hong Ku:ir. Sir Andrew Caldccott. formerly Colonial Secretary of the Straits Settlements, was recently shown over A post- War German warship and saw the new naval ensign created by Chancellor Hitler. Sir Andrew went aboard the cruiser
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  • 145 6 IPOH MAGISTRATE GOES ON LEAVE. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. The Perak Bar bade a formal farewell to Mr. C. W. A. Sennett. first magistrate, who sat for the last time today prior to leaving for home on furlough. Mr. F.J. Bryant, doyen of
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  • 394 6 PERAK RESIDENT FINDS A SINECURE. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. The European community of Talping district assembled at the New Club, Taiping. to entertain the Hon. Mr. G. E. Cator, British Resident of Perak, on the eve of his departure on hom3 furlough
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 6 Mr. Lint Choon Hai,, of the Chartered Bank, and Miss Sng Oon Neo who were married at the Chinese Consulate. Singapore, before the Chinese ConsulGeneral, Dr. Philip K C Tyau
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  • 69 6 A hostel for foreign students has been opened in Tokio under the auspices of the Foreign Office. It accommodates thirty students from India. Indo-Chlna, Netherlands India, the Philippines, Siam and Afghanistan. Cardinal Luigi Sincere is lying seriously ill in Rome, and the Pope has sent him his
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    725 7 Fa former article in this pace we decr>ed the electric train. That wis far reasons of sentiment and owing to asso< iulion of ideas. We are, however, forced to admit that electric traction makes for speed, comfort and cleanliness Ml invariably obtained on steam lines. From Croydon
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  • 422 7  -  FRED J. MELVILLE Stamp Collecting By MO section of the community will A^ mourn the passing of the R. Emperor George V more deeply a. sincerely than the philatelists, not only of the Empire but of the world. The late King's love of stamps was a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 873 7 THE STAMPS OF TIIK TK.ATY PORTS A BARGAIN IN STAMPS OF CHINA AND OF FORMO* For Is. Post Free. rnn n R oirfn.-in ii r <°r its equivalent ln current uniued by Captain 11. K. uiniK la, 1.1..8. mn country) „kte hi tory of this little known wffl»S you 60
      873 words
    • 205 7 ILJOWARD nyjOTEL I™ U NOHFOK S!Of II SIOANO I II LONDON Rljht up-to-dat* In ev«ry rejpect. Etch room nu cither privict bithln| and telephone. Beautiful tuttei fully central, close to all Theatres. From 12 6. including breakfaic. Early reservation advisable. Wire: Howdoid, London. Illustrated booklet (mm I SUNDAY I NIKS
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    • 139 7 LEAVES FROM MY DIARY concerning OATLANDS "Typical winter gale how it poured! leaves whirling everywhere. 'Bus met me at the station sorry for driver, glad for passengers! Arrival very pleasing. Exterior of building floodlit, even trees. Dubbed it "The Welcome Inn." Fine central lounge, orchestra tea good smell of buttered
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    • 1005 7 m—_^ LONDON On Your London leave 9r S_^^J_SS CB l I?iI^AR« Enjoy humb comforts h c and rea(Unß Ught with First-class bedrooms. pcrter. UOTCI cE-ovir>- Garage Adjacent. HOTEL SERVICE at Excellent Cuisine Dally Terms from 10/od. t\7-CO-r\-IX-rOT-?T> Weekly from 3 gns. W hSTM IN OTLR Bed Breakfast 6/6 to 8/6.
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  • 608 8 INCREASE IN NUMBER OF STUDENTS Tailoring And Shoemaking To Be Added (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. FEBRUARY 6 this year saw the first anniversary of the Malacca Trade 4 School. The school began with an enrolment of ten and Mr. B. V. Richards, of the
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  • 196 8 YOUTH WHO WANTED WORK IN MALAYA Jallna. A FTER a five-mile tramp off tha main road to Kudathanal Mr. Felix S. Paul, police magistrate of Pt. Pedro, found, in a secluded spot, a human skeleton hanging from the branch of a tree. Near it
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  • 96 8 Notice is given In the Straits Settlements Government Gazette that seven schools In the Colony have been struck off the register of schools and that the registration of all teachers and members of the committee of management of the schools has been cancelled. Lion City Institute,
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  • 63 8 A visitor from Kuala Lumpur. Wong Mln Shin, was found unconscious on the floor of a room In the Shang Ann Hotel, at the corner of Purvis Street and Beach Road, Singapore, last night. On a table was a bottle containing 1* liquid and a letter addressed
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  • 94 8 REVOLVER PRACTICE MISHAP During revolver practice at the Kandang Kerbau police station, Singapore, an Indian detective, Shukdeo Prasad was shot in the right thigh. Several detectives were lined up in the station corridor waiting to be taken through their practice when the accident occurred. The shot came from
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  • 109 8 HEAVY FINE FOR CHINESE FROM SHANGHAI Mo Chee Beng. who halls from Shanghai, was charged before Mr. H. A. Forrer in the District Court, Singapore, yesterday with being In possession of deleterious drugs and poison. Chee Beng was produced on the first charge some time ago and
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  • 109 8 SARAWAK PAYS REWARD OF $500 Kudang, a Dayak outlaw and muiderer, was killed by levies on Jan. 8. His head was brought to Song Port, and the Government reward 0/ $500 has been paid to those responsible. Two other wanted Dayaks. Makau and Serai, were captured a few
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  • 672 8 MR. L.A.S. JERMYN THE NEW PRESIDENT (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. AAALACCA Rolarians turned up in good numbers at the monthly dinner of the Club to bid farewell to their president, Mr. M. C. ff Sheppard. who today leaves for Kemaman. The guests were: Rev. L. St.
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  • 171 8 New Site For Camp (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. The Malacca Boy Scouts have been lucky to get an excellent camp site at Bukit Duyong. on Bukit Katil Road, the Municipal Commissioners having allowed the Scouts the use of the land attached to the Duyong Reservoir. Before now
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  • 47 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. At the Seng Cheong Society. Tranqucrah, today the subordinate stair of the Posts and Telegraph engineering branch, Malacca and N.S. South, are entertaining Mr. C. G. R Phillips to a farewell tea on the occasion of his transfer to Seremban.
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  • 199 8 To have terrible pain after every meal: to dread eating for fear of the inevitable indigestion; to be, in fact, a confirmed stomach sufferer— such was the unhappy lot of Mrs. A. E. B— until she began taking Maclean Brand Stomach Powder. "I am writing to
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  • 39 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. Taiping's Jubilee Memorial is to take the form of a concrete Jetty, to be erected at the Lake. The Jetty will be Illuminated at night. Work will commence this month. >
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  • 1205 9 The Colony's Little Bit For Defence f|V)MORROW the Legislative Counrll will vote another half-million dollars as a gift from the Colony"s funds towards Imperial defence, this sum being additional to the fixed annual contribution of four million dollars, arrived at after years
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  • 110 9 XXXIX MEENA She dwells in a one-room ii ({uarter t And sleeps on a mat-stretcn board. Abdullah's wife Leads a humble life, And there*s much she can't afford. She envies her white-faced sisters Their dress and their powder and paint. Their lot ust seem Like a sumptuous dream,
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 384 9 y^^^ggß^^_ Better the proved car '---than the most s Be l -<^ pttt- "*i of%gy(* 4- /-y f% ff /•> >' HmHRI V" f) £y ylyn«o yj f SDOII Cfl6 DCCIUtY Of yOUIT SIHIIIC Pictured above is the Austin Ten-Four Lichfleld c Jooa, tfe last word In *r The Ulus
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  • 522 10 Coffee Wins Fight Against Wine And King Beer The Sara of Coffee. By Heinrich Eduard Jacob. George Allen and Uuwin. 156. m/IR. Jacob must have spent a vast amount of time In research work before writing "The Sara of Coffee." In his preface, he claims
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  • 352 10 Flynn, A.B. By E. Laurie Long;. A Brother For Richard. By A.R. R.K. Weekes. Ward Lock Co.'s Colonial Library--IITHEN Captain Flyni steamship agent in Brona, son where in South America, became Jealous of his wife and started out on a colossal drunk, he laid up a lot of
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  • 94 10 We have received from Messrs. Macmillan and Co., Ltd., St. Martin's Street, London, W.C., copies of the following newly-issued school books. New Everyday Classics. (Primer Part I and Primer.: Part ID. Is each. The Homeland. By H. J. Odell. (Macmillan 's Senior School Series). Is. 3d. Readings In
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  • 133 10 Camp-Fire Stories and How To Tell Them. By Arthur Catherall. Herbert Jenktas Ltd. 2s. 6d. HPHE art of story telling is one of A the oldest in the world. But not all oi us are fortunate enough to be born story tellers. For those of us who would
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 226 10 'Ji p^s*re« -8 R ESSENTIAL W TO BEAUTY White teeth are essential to beauty. Clean your teeth with OJol, the toothpaste that is recommended by dentists; the toothpaste that is used by many worldfamous beau: es to protect the natural loveliness of their teeth. Use Odol mouthwash as well. It
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    • 191 10 lr**jj& cJl(Baby c J^r *rC For some months after your child has been born, you are liable to get quickly tired and jl&y easily exhausted: /sp> That is the time to take Wincarnis. A plass- gj ful of this delicious tonic after every meal and By! at bedtime will restore
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  • 1365 11  -  Nathanial Gubbins By •THOSE who don't like free verse that doesn't scan and hardly rhymes. Are obviously not living with the times. They belong to a generation Full of veneratio.i For things of the past And stand aghast With scalps' a-tinglc At anything that doesn't jingle.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 320 11 $M/vthefo ptoofi off ihe wtmde/v#u£r cuAinu p/Lope/Ui&k 0f... 111 tsssi W ill 111 l 111 111 till lilt ltll m \i>v T* c%& vVj *«A.> ,-.•<* t* -«J»rt9>* O C° .-.ft 1 VrO* L.eC°* A «>V^ r\* W^ 3 II I Illlill I 111 111 l *t6t A aO^ 111
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 693 11 CONTRACT: By Culbertson II7ITII one fatal wag of bis tongue, combined hands, so he bid a grand Ananias won a reputation for lying slam S A 6 5 whic h st'H is the standard after near- HKQJIO 742 ly 2,000 years. As a matter of fart, he D K was
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  • 335 12 MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly, the $100 will be awarded in respect of the
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  • 168 12 MR. DU FONTS INCOME Washington. A spirited defence of Mr. Pierre S. dv Pont, the financier, against whom a £123.000 income tax claim has been filed, was made in the Senate by Senator Daniel Hastings. Mr. dv Pont, he asserted, was "one of the finest characters this
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 414 12 ECONOMISE ON THE BIGGEST ITEM IN THE PRICE OF LIGHT. Do you know that whereas your lamps only cost one-tenth of the total cost of light, the electricity they require costs as much as NINE-TENTHS? It is so, and every saving on turrcnt consumption is worth nine times as much
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    • 438 12 A NEW FACE POWDER FASHION SWEEPS THE COUNTRY Beauty Secret I P^LtMk^l Smart- Women I vAfl mf* Have Learned fM from Paris I 0H i P« In an inten-iew Mile. Yvonno C^^tJ^R^ I 1 a raanncqtnnofoneof tha Vm*lT m 1 leading Paris dressmakers, said WJt. UB^ 1 1 "Smart Freuch
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 235 12 r^ II klfld I Name I Address J># j j 16-2-36. DEFINITIONS ACROSS: DEFINITIONS DOWN: I. A holder. i. P»rt of knife. 6. Soldiers go under theae. 2 One* a«tr«v 8. The ensigns of royalty. r°~ M ir »y8. Twist out of shape. Lukewarm. 10. Inspect ckwely. 4. Describes a
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  • 1175 13 PLANTERS' TRIBULATION No Shade Overhead Hot Bungalows, And Lower Crops (From A Planting Correspondent.) AUTUMN has ccrne to the rubber districts. From one end of the Peninsula to the other the landscape presents a mixture of yellow, red and brown tints. Malayan scenery,
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  • 188 13 "LOSS OF SKILL J Warsaw. Alfred Maciejewski. an ex-hangman, was found hanging from a tree in the park near the Belvedere Palace. The knot, however, was faulty and he revived under medical treatment. When questioned in court, he apologised for his "loss of professional skill."
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  • 22 13 ftRITISH natives from Kenya and British Somaliland have been recruited to aid the British Red Cross units in Ethiopia.
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  • 89 13 PACIFIC ISLANDS OWNERSHIP NO FRICTION WITH U.S. Washington. DLANS are being made to utilise three small islands in mid-Pactlnc, nearly halfway between Hawaii and Australia, as bases for a trans-Pacific air mail service. Rumours alleging friction between the British and American Governments over their ownership, or reports that they have
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  • 45 13 Drop In Maternal Mortality.— There were 139 cases of maternal mortality in London during 1935. compared with 158 in 1934, while deaths among infants less than one year old numbered 3,207, or 51 per 1,000 births, compared with 3,788, or 60 per 1,000, in 1934.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 119 13 Itch Cause Killed ii 7 Minutes Tour akin haa nearly 89 million tiny ••inn or por*s wh«r« tiny gtrmj or paraaites can hid* and causa roar akls to Itch. Crack. PeaJ, Burs, also Kcsema, Rlns-worm, Plmplas. Asm. Crotch-Itch, and Footltch. Don't wasta tlma with ordinary method*. Too mast haye a
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    • 197 13 Westinghouse sjßßß_fjs-fjJ«jßßßSjß«i^_ This masUrpirrc of the radio-making art n l\C\ffll 9 '--mn 10 TUBE sIPERHET I WwHr^W^V-'-^BM ewbooytnj la it* chassis test** rrrrj wortta- l j jHHIe-;., f^+^-'lv^yffl;// abilc improvement known to the industry ■vSlr^^^^^'S/ all-mful tubes. l^'/W'TlF' SHADOWGRAPH TUNING. ■t^Ol* COLOR WAVE BAND SELECTOR. Mr "NHir •^lifcHsi'Jß AUTOMATIC VOLUME
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  • 390 14 IT is estimated that since the close of the War. British Malaya has granted nearly $100,000,000 toward Imperial defence. There Is always with us the annual contribution of 54.000.000. agreed upon in 1933 as a settlement of the long and bitter controversy which J- began in the days
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  • 1964 14 The Part They Play In The Progress Of Malaya WHEN Chinese merchants first visited Malaya for trading purposes they had no thought of settling permanently in the land that promised them good business. They sailed through the South China Sea with the south-west monsoon, landed in Malaya
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  • 268 14 IRRIGATION methods in some parts of China are carried out in a primitive and laborious manner, and only in places where they are assiduously applied has Nature rewarded the gardener with appreciable returns. Passing along a stretch of rice field, it is customary to see water being
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 338 14 Hf^SF!) NO MORE ERRORS Jf V Use the FAST pocket ADDOMETER tiC^; Wf Add s subtracts rapidly *> <•■■' and accurately, models made (or English Money, t Cts. Btee 1 1 xt% or ordinary figures and feet x a lv. and inches, guaranteed, lasts In Plush lined for years, docscd
      338 words
    • 168 14 PIANO TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS HIRE CHARLES. Phone 2902. 74. Orchard Rd. n ii ml The New World Cabaret TEA DANCE (ADMISSION FREE) TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER DINNER DANCES (ADMISSION 50 CTS.) EVERY NIGHT FROM 9 P.M. TO filled SIGNET RING. Artistically hand -engraved with 2 Initials. This ring is
      168 words
    • 25 14 »Nt rrvv/vEris mt f 1 1 ILHI r U Llv Jr 4fli BREWED. AND BOTTLED IN SINGAPORE BY THE ARCHIPELAGO BREWERY, Cq.Ltd. siMe'dAßßyTco.Ltd W.S. 7
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  • 921 15 Complaint Of Restricted Hours And High Charges REAL DEMAND FOR LINK WITH LONDON Service Not Popularised By The Post Office WHEN the Malaya-Europe radio-telephone is inaugurated in a few months' time, will local business men make good use of it THIS QUESTION IS PROMPTED RY
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  • 247 15 SHANGHAI CENSUS TROUBLES FIVE LANGUAGES AND THREE CALENDARS SHANGHAI'S. International Settlement is taking a census, and the munit ipalilv is realising that it is a complicated job. Census forms are printed in four languages, each with a different script, Chinese, Japanese. Russian, and i English. A fifth language has to
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  • 153 15 NEW ZEALAND SOCIALIST SYSTEM EXTENSION Wellington (N.Z.). A detailed plan has been prepared for the New Zealand Socialist Government whereby ministers' salaries will be shared by all members of the party in Parliament. This will be an extension of the system recently introduced. Members of the executive without
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  • 102 15 The Admiralty announces that Mr. E. C. Jubb, Deputy Director of Navy Contracts, will become Director of Navy Contracts when Sir Walter St. D. Jenkins retires from that post. The date of the appointment 9JH be announced shortly. Sir Walter has been Director of Contracts
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  • 391 15 STERN PENALTIES IF RULES ARE DISOBEYED ALL slave girls, in China are to be freed in future and their owners are threatened with stern action by the government if they refuse to release girls they have taken either by purchasing or other means,
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  • 156 15 NATION SAVES £390,000,000 >OST OFFICE BANK'S NEW RECORDS The British Post Office Savings Bank has opened the year with a record balance of £390.000,000 due to depositors. This represents an increase during 1935 of no less than £35,000,000, the largest increase ever recorded in a year. The General Post Office
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  • 41 15 Mr. W. H. Midwood, of Caveley Hall, Cheshire, whose horse Shaun Oollin won the Grand National In 1930, has decided to relinquish at the end of the season tne mastership of the Cheshire Foxhounds, which he has held for 13 years.
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  • 26 15 £200,000 Film Studio Extension— The £200,000 extension scheme at Sound City, Shepperton, Middlesex, for the prductlon of about 50 British films a year has been Inaugurated.
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  • 335 15 Youth Who Wanted To Free Girl IMPERIAL PORTRAITS STOLEN FROM SCHOOL AN extraordinary case of blackmail, characterised by two distinctively Japanese features, reverence for the portraits of the Imperial family and desire to buy the liberation of a girl in the I licensed quarters, has just been
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 116 15 Jrarachutes^ V v i v 111 ne Catcrpillai Club, so .^js^kiU^i/Ca^vi f ll'l named because the silk cover i« 1 of the parachute comes from A i <2pB~i caterpillars Is composed of V^JHhS \s| airmen whose Hves have been /^aSSHr saved by parachutes. Among v-.^fl'H-f ihe members of the Club
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    • 1 15 Hi
      1 words
    • 82 15 BUY MILK YOU KNOW IS SAFE COW GATE LTD. have great pleasure in announcing "DOMO MILK POWDER" This must not be confused with the famous Milk Food for Babies. DOMO DOMESTIC MILK POWDER is made by the Spray Process from English Milk obtained from West Country pastures, free from dangerous
      82 words

  • 833 16 BEST APPOINTED OF ANY EAST OF SUEZ Kallang White Elephant Suggestion Scouted SINGAPORE'S great airport at Kalian?, which will be used by i air liners from Europe, Australia, China, Netherlands India and other parts of the world, is nearing completion. PLANS HAVE JUST BEEN PUBLISHED
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  • 296 16 MERCHANT'S MALADY Rs. 20,000 Reward Offer For Cure LJAVING suffered from seemingly incurable sleeplessness for two years, a wealthy Marwari merchant of Cxi utta, who is also a well-known philanthropist, is offering Rs. 20,000 to any one who can cure him of his strange
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  • 117 16 Ji ASTfcR FORSAKES HORSE IN LONG BUN Col. Ralph Clarke, master of the Old Surrey and Burstow Foxhounds, was following the meet at Ardlngley Sussex, when hounds ran unchecked for orer three hours. To keep with them Col. Clarke left his horse, caught a "bus, and eventually
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  • 259 16 MALAYA'S CLIMATE BLAMED WHY SIR ANDREW DISLIKES BORROW OIR Andrew CaidecDtt does not like George Borrow and the Romany novels. He blames the Malayan climate. Presiding at a meeting of the Hong Kong Rotary Club, when a talk was given on George Borrow, Sir Andrew said he was glad to
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  • 95 16 MAN SENT TO GAOL For stealing electricity from a telephone kiosk and using insulting •words, John WiUiam Elms, 22, a labourer, was sent to prison for six months hard labour by Mr. H. Metcalfe, the Old Street, London, magistrate. Det. Sgt. Wallis said that certain suggestions were
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 277 16 Take SANATOGEN and feel thoroughly Healthy i f J J i^^Hk. JL\ You can be stronger and Saaatogen increases your more healthy— Sanatogen strength, for it gives will make you so. Whether your body exactly those you are run-down as a elements that produce result of strain and worry, vitality.
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    • 76 16 VIV THE OIL -BOUND WATER PAINT b^gHAiis distemper^ j Its Unique Advantages in Tropical JiL^fkJK^ M Countries. Hall's Distemper the **£&JsM}Jj£ world renowned sanitary water paint *> *%> is sold in the form of a stiff paste ready to mix with water, which, when mixed, is quickly and easily applied
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  • 1165 17 CLAIMED AS A CURE FOR DREAD G. P. I. Deliberate Infection Of Singapore Sufferers MALARIA is one of the diseases which Malayan health auth- orities most assiduously attack and thousands of dollars are spent annually in Singapore alone in attempts to
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  • 227 17 ESKIMOS CATCH COLDS SCIENTISTS "EXPLODE" AN OLD THEORY Montreal. '"PHE old theory that the intense cold in the Arctic kills the germs of the common cold has been "exploded" by Dr. I. M. Rablnowltch, a Montreal scientist, who says that Eskimos fall an easy prey to colds. Tuberculosis was rapidly
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  • 268 17 Inniskilling Bandsmen Join Orchestra *pHE Singapore Muslctl Society's next orchestral concert takes place on Sunday, Seb. 23, in the Victoria Memorial Hall. The concert will begin at 9.15 p.m. Instead of 9.30 p.m. as formerly Great progress has been made by the orchestra since the last concert
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  • 40 17 The native shoemakers' corporation at Rabat, which has 600 members, Is to close its workshops and stores as a protest against Japanese competition, which ls flooding Morocco with cheap rubber shoes. Similar protests are expected In other towns.
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  • 540 17 Simple Method that Anyone Can I'se to Develop the Powers of Personal Ma«nettam, Memory, Concentration. Will -Power and to correct Undesirable Habits through the wonder-science of SuxfeMlo»> 80 pace Book Folly Describing this I niq£ Method and a Psyeho-Aaalyrig Character Delineation FREE to all who
    540 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 489 17 FACTS ABOUT YOURSELF YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Your Heart beat* about V-^ Urn 72 timet minute. At every beat it pump* about /'Zy~T~ J ,^r 3 ounc«s of blood. Th«r« are C 1.440 minutes in every day. vr 72x1, 440x3 ounces- 31 1,040 oaitccs Xfttfj *£_J OVER EICHT T O
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    • 2 17 TIGER BEER
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    • 202 17 Stomach gas condensed in 2 minutes Why continue to suffer unnecessarily from the pains of Indigestion? Yom oan ;et rid of those stomach pains 1b two minutes witb Chardox, a superactivated form of vegetable charcoal, which has the HP 1 power of attracting *s^':V- to Itself all gases 2 and
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 151 18 An excellent selection of FREE GIFTS are now offered to users of Bourn villo Cocoa. A 1-lb. tin contains 4 coupons, a *-lb. tin 2 coupons and 1-lb. tin A '■^■T' 1 coupon, sc:ve them, they are valuable. There are certain slocks on the \)l H^ M market without coupons
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  • 592 19 Max Factors Advice How To Fight Inferiority Complex. TIME and time again Hollywood has seen timid, mousey little girls emerge on the screen as glamorous beauties, assured and confident in their appealing charm. The transformation is complete, because it is more than skin-deep." The acquisition of
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  • 299 19 The Playground Gnome (Continued from last week) WHEN they came to the main gates there was a sudden blaze of light and a merry fanfare of trumpets. The gates opened, and Doris and her companion entered. What a surprise she had All down the pathway leading to the
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 274 19 Freckles ■H BHfc By BjS St^^^ Secretly and Quickly Removed! Hilllm.n'. Frcckl* Cream tl«»r»«l tkem out while >oo uleea. Laavaa the hkin soft and white «he eoai. rkiion freak, dear and natural. at 17 jteara Ihouaaadii of amrn have endorsed lv Ho eairr to uae. Tke flr»l Jar proraa iv
      274 words
    • 404 19 BabysNannielm^^k advised me W -^jQ to use this WL^mß TalcumPowder^z* Trai One day I came home hoi /m^ a// and tired after four strenuous 9 J' sets of tennis my skin felt hot and prickly all over. Nanni^ had just finished Baby's evening toilet, and as I was going in
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous

  • 345 20  -  Eleanor Allen The Rolled Variety Is The Newest In Shapes By AT all times of the year sandwiches are much in demand. They make, too, a very welcome addition to the menu, whether they are arranged on the side table at a buffet supper, an informal luncheon,
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 20 'THIS glamorous evening frock in violet velvet, has, at the back, not only gauging, but also a deep slit and neck-band fastened with jewelled link' buttons.
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  • 120 20 Here is a light sweet, equally good hot or cold. Peel, core and slice two apples, and stew them until soft with two tablespoonfuls of water and two tablespoonfuls of sugar. Add a small piece of butter, and rub through a sieve. Beat the yolks of two small
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  • 565 20 OBLONG CROCKERY DINNER SERVICE STYLES pROCKERY following an oblong design is still a novelty, and one of the latest dinner services to attract attention is that in which every plate is oblong, with a convenient circular dip in the centre. Even cups for soup stand on small plates of the
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
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    • 4 20 Cll If ri ilLßi^r^
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    • 341 20 to SAIGON and return to SINGAPORE via BANGKOK (Saigon to Bangkok overland); steamer fare Ist cl. Singapore Saigon and Bangkok Singapore $100.— SINGAPORE— SAIGON— HONG KONG— BANGKOK— SINGAPORE Ist cl. round trip fare 5140.00. SINGAPORE— HONG KONG— SHANGHAI— MANILA-SAIGON— BANGKOK —SINGAPORE: Ist class round trip fare S'oo.oo. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES
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  • Article, Illustration
    1605 21 By Our Woman Correspondent DIDING has once more become a fashionable pursuit in Singapore, and every fine afternoon sees a goodly assembly of horses awaiting their riders for the evening ride round Bukit Timah. The last year or two has seen a good many new recruits to the jrame,
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  • 1107 21  -  E. K. By IyjANV of the latest Slianr.liai cos- tunics arc of various kinds of velvets, satins and laces, with large buttons and beautiful tri.nniing-s. These large buttons arc made in the shapes cf butterflies and several kinds o 1 (lowers. Some are of one colour, while
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  • 152 21 BUILDING up pictures from scraps of I-aper is no mere child's play. At i on c time It was one of the arts of an I accomplished young lady, and ranked i with her music and her painting. At an exhibition In London, one sees the latest expression
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 80 21 I Babies thrive on r^ OH grow sturdy, strong, /i;! HR|| vigorous, healthy and v^\ "^^^^F AbS x happy, with firm flesh, j dense bone, good teeth, j ;ji:|\ steady nerves and I J splendid constitutions. I ij j: Wr^ A Py f THE LACTOGEN BABY BOOK" \WHh!^ Hi NESTLES
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  • 1854 22 Goalkeeper In Penny-A-Shot Booth "BOY" BEECH AM AND HIS BROTHERS English International Who Played For Scotland By A Special Correspondent J?ULHAM have never been League Champions. Nor have they ever been Cup-finalists, yet their standing and reputation in the game is high, due
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  • 287 22 808 OLIN LIKELY TO BE PETERSEN'S NEXT (From Our Own Correspondent) London, Jan. 31. UARVEY is anxious to meet Petcrser. a fourth time, but I think it unlikely that this match will be made at any rate until Petersen has had a number of other
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
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    • 56 22 SMELL MOTOR OILS won't make your car go so fast that it flies 9 OIIT Ww 1 they will ensure that easy trouble free running at all speeds that makes motoring a real pleasure. One of the many reasons why you can rely on Lubrication by Shell Advertisement of the
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  • 221 23 DEATH SENTENCE AT IPOH RECOMMENDATION TO MERCY (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. CAM FAN who as the result of being jilted fatally stabbed the girl he loved, after a lengthy trial was sentenced to death at the Assizes yesterday, the judge adding he
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  • 122 23 /F Chong Kwong Yong Siang (or ).ix executors if he is dead) will go to the District Court, Nibong Tebal. Province Wellcsley, he will be given back the sum of nine cents nhich ;;hzs dcposi'ed there in Auguir'. 1924—aimost 12 years coo in
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  • 143 23 T RUCULENT CLANSMEN SMALL INCIDENT ALMOST ENDS IN RIOT (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Saturday. Police reinforcements had to be sent to Chemor last night where an ugly situation developed as the result of a quarrel Dc'.ween a shop-keeper and a vegetable gardener. It appears MM gardener called at tin-
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  • 165 23 New York A party of nudists bound for the Virgin Islands, in the West Indies, has run aground in a ship near Tampa, Florida. The schooner Fleetwood, chartered by the family ol Captain Maurice Allard— father, "mother, their two daughters, and a son to convey
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  • 153 23 £3,500 FOR BEING CALLED A FREEMASON Brussels. A CURIOUS lawsuit ended in Brussels, when M. Van Zeeland, the Prime Minister, was awarded £3,500 damages by the Brussels Civil Court against M. Armand Jonssens, editor of the political newspaper Renovation. M. Jonssens had stated in an articl*
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  • 35 23 The L.N.E.R. announces that contracts to the value of £800.000. under the Government Assisted Loan, have been placed for 22 locomotives. 225 coaching vehicles, and the conversion from gas to e'ectric lighting of 593 carriages.
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  • 26 23 A torch-light procession welcomed Gen. Evangeline Booth to Amsterdam, where she will address a meeting at which Jonkhcer de Geer. a former Cabinet Minister, will preside.
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 23 Mr. W. A. Fleury, son of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Fleury, and Miss Christian Lizzie Bodestync. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald A. Bodestyne, were married at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd, Singapore, yesterday. The reception was held at 231. Tembelinr Road.
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  • 527 23 Now Living In Singapore I TK was a great man, an Empire builder and one of the old sra dors; but very few people remember him for his greatness. That is why I want Malaya to know. This tribute to Rear- Admiral Sir J. Hindmarsh, founder
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  • 224 23 JUDGE SAID HE COULD NOT SEE IT Paris. I^IISS Joan Warner, the platinum blonde dr.ncer, appeared in the Paris courts to appeal against a fine of 13s. 4d. for dancing so lightly-clad as to offend public morals and also to endorse her claim that her performance
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  • 137 23 San Francisco. Warrants are to be issued for three arrests arising out of Miss Ann Cooper Hewitts allegation that an operation was performed on her to prevent her bearing children. This was announced here by Judge Sylvain Lazarus. He said that Miss Hewitt's mother and two
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  • 223 23 SITE FOR HIGH-POWER STATION CHOSEN ORIGHTON is expected shortly to become the centre of a highpowered police radio broadcasting station covering the whole of SouthEastern England. Plans are under consideration whereby it is proposed to erect a transmitter on top of a specially constructed tower near the
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  • 98 23 VS. CAR EXPERIMENT Trenton (New Jersey). A motor-car "speed governor," believed to be the first ever legally ln- stalled by a public official, has been attached to a car owned by a mar who has been convicted several times of excessive speed on the New Jersey
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  • 46 23 Those who figured in the New Year's honours have taken the following titles, according to the "London Gazette": Lord Trenchard Viscount Trenchard of Wolfeton; Sir Arthur Shirley Benn Baron Glenravel of Kensington; and Sir James Garner Berry Baron Kemsley of Farnham Royal.
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  • 22 23 Queen Wilhelmlna and Princess Juliana have left Holland for Igls. in the Tyrol, where the Princess will take part In winter sports.
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 162 23 "Thai brown mark? It's worn enamel, nof stain. Change to GIBBSf jtPHI Experience guides Dentists in their rsjorr.mrndatlon cf Gibbs Dentifrice. Day after day, exanvi ation of patients' mouths proves how thoroughly Gibbs Dentifrice cleans. And how safely. How it purifies and tones up the mouth. No wonder Gibbs Dentifrice
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  • 1583 24 Gee Up Wins Cup Race To Pay $66 SILVERY MIRTH SHOT WITH BROKEN HIP Club's Best Meeting For Years (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. TTODAY'S races opened in fine weather but rain came down at the end of the first race. It
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 24 Group of competitors with their pets who took part in the Girl Guide's animal show at the Z.MS. Mission School, Singapore yesterday
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 24 Ir;;:-': 17. K. Wons with the baxers in his camp at Ghctas.
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  • 105 24 JOHORE BAHRU'S FIRST CRICKET MATCH. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru Saturday. The cricket season in Johore Bahru opened yesterday with a match bettween the Johore Bahru Eurasians and the Johore Malays on the College ground. There was an exciting finish, the Eurasians winning by one run.
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  • 125 24 Four Goals Against Kedah Police (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Staf. In an interesting football match the Sultan's College beat the Kedah State Police by four goals to one. The game was keenly fought but there was no doubt that the Collegians played better football. Their forwards were
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  • 194 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star The Yew Lian (Alor Star) easily defeated the Cheng Nean (Junun) a l basket-ball by the wide margin of 57 points to 18. The game was played at a very fast pace and the winners exhibited accurate long passes. Ong Jin Keat, the
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  • 98 24 Affairs at the Turf Club are no happier apparently, if the story that Phya Surlndr Sevl. Luang Medhi. Luang Prasert, and Khun Pradit have also tendered their resignations from the committee, is true, says the Bangkok Times. Rumour was busy over the weekend to the effect that
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  • 193 24 ROUGH DIAMOND BEATS YOUNG PUTEH ON T.K.O. 'From Our Own Correspondent? Alor Star. Boxing, a sport which is rarely seen locally, drew a record crowd and tho Hon. Che Mohamed Sheriff was a keen spectator. The main item wa; twelve rounds between Rough Diamond and Kid Ahmad
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  • 76 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. The local cricket season began today. Two friendly matches wero arranged but heavy rain prevented a finish. The game between the Indians and the Technical School was abandoned when the Indians had scored 47 i for seven. Hassan (30) batted brilliantly
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 1022 24 WIRELESS PROGRAMMES D!) Frank Mannhcimer (Pianoforte). Or- 5.50 pm. to closing YD.\ 3.010 k/e (98 63 i>.i».v chestra: SuIU- from Dardanus: (1) m.) and YUB 9.610 k/c (31.2 m.) Overture (2) Minuet (3) Rondeau ten- T-ansmlsßlon 4 dre (4) Tair.bourin I and II (Ra- and 920 church ■KTteM Three of
      1,022 words

  • 263 25 BEATEN BY SECOND DIVISION TEAMS Arsenal To Try Again: Derby Only Just Through *rHK F. A. (up fifth round ties were played yesterday jtnd provided several upsets. Stoke, Deal the top of the first division, met Barnsley. who not long
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  • 57 25 FOURTH TEST Australia Well Ahead On First Innings Johannesburg, Saturday. In the fourth test match which opened here today South Africa made 157, Siedle knocking up 44 runs and O'Reilly taking five wickets .or 20. At the close of play Australia totalled 185 for three, Ftmgleton scoring 108 in Just
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  • 260 25 In an international amateur soccer game at Blackpool on Saturday, England beat Ireland s—o.5—0. At Dumfries Scotland drew with Wales I—l. DKSi of League games played yesterday, aays Reuter, were as follows I Blackpool 1 Sunderland 1 Birmingham 2 Liverpool 0 i Bolton 4 Aston Villa 3
    Reuter  -  260 words
  • 46 25 M.C.C. Score Freely In j New Zealand Rotorua, Saturday. In a one-day cricket match the M.C.C. beat Bay of Plenty by nine wickets, but play continued and the scores were: Bay of Plenty 99 (Sims 5 for 26); M.C.C. 291 for six iHuman 107).—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 1048 25 League tabhs correct to Friday are as foilows: \J\JAU>. P. W. L. D. F. A. Pit Rundcrbnd (2> 27 19 5 3 77 41 41 Derby (G) 28 13 7 8 41 2fi 34 iluddersfleld (16) 28 14 8 6 42 41 34 IVrsenal (1) 26 12
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 25 The combined teams of the Alor Gajah R C and the Kuala Pilah R C. who drew I—l at hockey
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  • 370 25 OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES BRITAIN FOURTH IN TWO-MAN 808 Garmisch, Saturday. 171KLUND (Sweden) won the 50 kilometres cross country ski race in 3 hours 30 minutes 11 seconds in the Olympic winter games. The United States number two crew won the two-man bobsleigh championship with an aggregate time for four runs
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  • 48 25 Billiards Player's Suit Stolen.— When Sidney Smith and Melbourne Inman went to resume their billiards match in the Dally Mail Gold Cup tournament at Leeds, It was discovered that during the night thieves stolen from the hall the dress suit which Smith wears at the evening sessions.
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  • 564 25 REPORT ON YEAR'S ACTIVITIES (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A SUCCESSFUL year is reported for 1935 by the Sports Club of the Y.W.C.A., Kuala Lumpur. The annual report is as follows: There has been a slight increase In membership. The Club lias
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  • 174 25 Every Chance Of Malays Running A Team (From Our Own Correspondent.) Begamat. /CRICKET enthusiasts will be glad to learn that the Oenuang Cricket Club have agreed to the proposal of a European vs. Rest fixture for the Tan Ho Leng Cup. The game has been fixed for the
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  • 63 25 DONOUGH On Feb. 15. 1936. tX No. 533-c. Balestier Road, Singapore, after a long and painful Illness, bravely borne. Mary Rose the dearly beloved wife of Mr. H. W. Donough In her 51st year. The funeral cortege will leave her late residence at 10 a.m. today for the Cathedral
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  • 225 25 HOPE OF FORMING A MALAY TEAM (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. pKICKKT has made an early appearance in Taipinr this season. Perak Club, the premier cricket club in this town, has started net practice already, and one was very glad to see such stalwarts as C. A. Speldewkide
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  • 118 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. The cricket match between T*hir'i> XI and Natt's XI was notable for the display of Tahir who was only nine runs short of his century when he was caught by Syed Noor. Tahir's XI piled up the tall score
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  • 224 25 JNNISKILLINGS TAKE PART INHERE is every indication that the 1 polo season which opened yesterday is going to be most MMMB> ful. Nearly forty ponies arc in training in Singapore including tho-o of members of the Inniskilling Fusiliers. Keen interest was displayed at yesterday's opening game, when
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  • 150 25 Johannesburg. A. D. Locke, the Souih Afiicaa boy golfer, who is shortiy leaving for England, has won the Transvaal Amateur Championship, beating J. S. Wllkins by 13 up and 11 to play in the final. Locke, who is not y=H eighteen, now j holds the
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  • 41 25 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. Selangor Government Servants' CoOperative Society were given a walk over by the F.M.S. Railways Co-Opera-tive Society in the semi-final soccer match for the Gamman.s Cup which war to have been played today.
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 24 25 Junior European Salesman required with some office experience, good terms and prospects for keen worker. Aplications with copies testimonials Box No. D Sunday Times.
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  • Page 25 Miscellaneous
    • 177 25 CROSSWORD PUZZLE RESULT HOW TO CLAIM $200 PRIZE MONEY We give below the solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed in The Sunday Times on Feb. a. in connection with which $200 prize money wai offered. Competitors are asked to compare their copies oi the solution* which they submitted with the
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  • 577 26  -  "Argus" By BEST PLAYERS GOING TO OLYMPIC GAMES? Problem Of British Subjects Playing For China ARE the Chinese {joins to be in the forefront in the coming League cxer season, or aYe they going to be handicapped by the absence of some of their best
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  • 229 26 CRICKET IN MALACCA The two schools. St. Francis Institution and the High School hays made an early start for their annual battle for the inter-school crickjt championship of Ma'acca. Both schools had trial matches on Saturday in order to unearth talent to flli the gaps
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  • 101 26 Gain To Alor Gajah And Malacca Sport (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. The new District Officer at Alor Gajah, Mr. J. D. Hodgkinson, will be an acquisition not only to Malacca cricket but the several other forms of sport. He is an old Cambridge hockey blue.
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  • 189 26 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Begamat. Playing on the School Padang the Segamat Europeans did well In their first football outing to gain a hardj earned victory by the odd goal in five over the Government English School. jThe game was well contested and the score was a
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  • Article, Illustration
    143 26 Colonel Newport Ridley, with Mrs Ridley, iz on a visit to Malaya as the guest of the Hon. Mr. Justice A. B. Howes, all of whom were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C J. Towers at the first All-Malay School cricket match and tiffin in Ipoh. Col. Ridley is
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 26 The Malay Regiment hockey team which beat an Alor Gaiah team
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  • 756 26  -  "Echo" THE "DOG" TENNIS TOURNAMENT By Kuala Lumpur. r\S Monday evening the S.A.F.L. will vote itself out <>f existence on a decision to join i -res with the S.P.A. to form the Football Association of Selangor. The League has had an honourable existence and has
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  • 119 26 HAMID RASHID MAKES A BRILLIANT 80 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. In a high scoring cricket match Lim Sin Chaw's XI beat Abbass' XI by 37 runs. Batting first Sin Chaw's XI scored 157 runs out of which Hamtd Rashld contributed a brilliant 80. He hit. four
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  • 64 26 (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Alor, Star. The winners of the monthly medals In 1935 of the Kullm Golf Club competed for the annual Gold Medal and the results were: T. Kltchlng 85—15= 70; L. T. Thompson 90—19=71; Che Din 90—18=72; P. H. Bonnet 90— 1«
    64 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 812 26 fQ m (^■V i (lands Made Active and Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours American Doctor's Discovery Strength- j^^ l° r^ d .n b d y .£s,l^? P e a": ens Blood, Nerves, Body, Memory, H M J™X K m id! Brain Musalus anrf FnHurincp WtlsH dl 9 or older
      812 words

  • 1011 27 Women's Singles Women's Doubles And Men's Doubles By Our Badminton Correspondent IN compliance with the many requests received, I promised in my notes of last week to draw up the Malayan ranking lists for the women's singles and doubles and the men's doubles, which arc as
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  • 259 27 In a friendly inter-deparlmcntal badminton match of four singles and five doubles, played at the European Badminton Club, Ualr.yan A^ri-Horticultural Association ccurts. last week, the Agricultural Department defeated the Government Printing Department by six games to three. There were many cxeltln? games and v.itli the exception of two
    259 words
  • 64 27 At tho annual genera meeting of th? Rcscray B.P. held on Feb. 13, the following wire fleeted office-bearers for the currcrr. "resident, Mr. Tan Kirn Joo (re-elect-ed); vice-presidents, Messrs. Chan Tiane Choon (re-elected) Charlie Chua: hon. secretary. Mr. Tan Keng Yam (re-elected): fcon. treasurer, Mr. Koh Cheng Moh
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  • 205 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.'* Alor Star. The badminton match between the Kong Keong B.P. and the Health-Seekers resultled in a surprise victory for the former by tour uames to one. Results (Kong Sconiw mentioned first) Lim Heng Kooi and Ong l-ok Thean beat Cheah Sim Kong and Sim
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  • 153 27 At the request of many badminton players iti Kulim district a meeting was held at the Ibrahim Club. Kullm, last week with Tuan Syed Abdul Rahman in the chair. It was proposed to run a badminton tournament in Kulim district on the knock-out system. Thourh this is the
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  • 17 27 The National Bar'minton Part- have postponed the match with the Pulau Brani Eagle bac!minton team.
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  • Article, Illustration
    39 27 Officials of the St. Gregory B.P. Standing, left to right, Mun Ah Her. (sports captain) and M. Leong (com mittee.) Sitting, left to right, Scow Sect Yonsr (vice-president) Lee Seng (president), W. Mun Hoi (secretary). Lim Tin Loy (treasurer).
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  • 742 27 Entries For The Junior Championships (Prom A Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. Entries for the junior championships this year, conducted by the Penang Badminton Association, have exceeded all expectations. There are about 160 competitors but unfortunately there are only a few glr) competitors. The Windy Dale Badminton ""arty which possesses
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  • 32 27 In a friendly game of badminton, played last Sunday, the Straits Times Press Sports Club beat the Aurora B. P. by three games to two. at th; latt-r's court
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  • 334 27 (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. THE Chinese New Year holidays and the close of the 1935 season have created a lull in badminton activities during the past few weeks, and for the present great interest is centred on the annual prize-giving; to the winners of
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  • 170 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. Results of two Inter-village badminton matches: M»Ung best B*tu Kb. an by five matches to two (Matang mentioned first) Singles, Llew Siew Chong beat Arlffln, 15 10, 15 12; Awang beat Ayub, 15 10, 15 12; Doubles, Awang Sc Noordin lost to Arlffin
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  • 117 27 (From Our Own Correspondent) Batu Pahat At the annual meeting of the Chinese Recreation Club the following office bearers were elected: President, Dr. Ng Geok Seng; vice-president. Mr. Yap Keng Soon; hon. secretary, Mr. Ong Kwee Luan; hon. treasurer. Mr. Koe Chin Kcan; hon. sports secretary, Mr.
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  • 30 27 A meeting of Bennett College students will be held at 6. Blacksmith Street. Malacca, on Sunday, Feb. 23. at 11 a.m. for the purpose of forming an association.
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  • 104 27 The Rochorc Athletic Party beat the Dlngin Tennis Party In a friendly game of tennis by five matches to nil at the latter s oourt, Lorong 35. Geylang Road, last Sunday: Results (R.A.P. players mentioned first) Singles: Hassan beat Ismail, B—2,8 2, S 4; Abdullah H. Ahmad beat
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  • 97 27 The Slong 800 Athletic Association will celebrate Its tenth anniversary en Sunday, Feb. 23, at the Association's premises, 128B, Robinson Road. Members and their friends are Invited to take part in the celebrations. The charges are $1 50 for each participant. Those* who have not signified their
    97 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 272 27 SPEED Experience the thrill of speed with an EL T O OUTBOARD MOTOR <<ELTO" UGH TWIN "ELTO" LIGHTFOUR IMPERIAL 5 h.p. IMPERIAL 9.2 h.p. $220, $265. Sole Agents UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED SINGAPORE BRANCHES. SCRATCHING never gives a DOG relief but it often leads to Eczema A word of warning if
      272 words

  • Article, Illustration
    8 28 Londoners Toboggan In The Snow On Hampstead Heath
    8 words
  • 86 28 bhoutir..; Down with him and We do not want him" demonstrators scuffled with police at the election in Istanbul (Constantinople) of the Metropolitan of Ileraclea as Oecumenical Patriarch, head of the Eastern Orthodox communion of Churches in succession to the Patriarch PboUas 11, who
    86 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 28 i' irlable beach dressing-rooms large and brightly coloured cloth bags with a draw-string at the top— which ensure privacy for the bather, have made their appearance at Venice, California.
    29 words
  • Article, Illustration
    42 28 With just over a week before the race with Cambridge, the Oxford University women's crew is practising for the ether boat-race." The picture shows the women's crew practising on the riv<r at Oxford. In the background is an Oxford University sailing boat.
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  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 30 28 (T) c Gollum's Scotsfflhisfc a Mellow and Friendly Spirit I *•.<?**£«***+*,/& 1 HE man plays HE MAN'S wSMm game -AND DRINKS "BLACK WHITE" i I SOLE AGENTS. MALAYA. —i ■■»««__«>■ WS. 21.
      30 words
    • 256 28 Tf\ y E "ST^UN AGENCIES, LTD. |TO WIN! Not at all easy. Your competitors are Just as keen as you are. It's the extra effort that counts. Have you that extra energy to draw on? Not while you have overdrawn to a rundown condition. In your long search lor a
      256 words