The Straits Times, 2 February 1936

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 36 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA No. 215. Sunday, February 2, 1936. Price 10 cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 215. Sunday, February 2, 1936. Price 10 cents
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  • 478 1 INCREASING FIRE-POWER OF THE MIDDLESEX Message From Colonel Of Inniskillings "DELIGHTED TO BE HERE" By A Staff Reporter OINGAPORE defences will be increased in strength by the 1 equipment of the 1st Middlesex Regiment with Vickers guns instead of rifles, after it arrives here
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  • 161 1 POLICE TO CO-OPERATE WITH GOVERNOR Trenton (New Jersey) Sat. COMMENTING on the statements contained in the letter addressed by Governor Hoffman to Col. Schwartakep, Mr. Wiientz. the chief prosecutor at the Hauptmann trial, stated ihat the statements did not contain a fragment of new evidence and the
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  • 69 1 PRECAUTIONARY STEP NEAR IPOH The bridge on the miin line between lpoh and Lahat was closed to traffl? lor fou. hours yesterday owing to heavy scouring of the abutments. During the interruption, passengers betw?en lpoh and Lahat were conveyed by motor ous. Repairs were effected in time
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  • 72 1 OVER $12'/ 2 MILLIONS "SURPLUS" IN 11 MONTHS <Fr~m Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. In a supplement to ths F.M.S. Government Gazette appears the statement oi revenue and expenditure for 1935 to the end of Novembe." :r.bcr revenue was S 1.973.851 24. and expenditure 53.562.837 61. Revenue
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  • 53 1 Two young Cnlnc-se children were victims of road accidents yesterday. An eight-year-old girl, knocked down by a bus suffered a fracture of the leu thigh and other Injuries. A seven-year-old boy received minor Injuries, when he was knocked down by a cai, while walking along Bukit Tlmah Roao
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    16 1 Troops of the Wiltshires passing equipment up (he gangway prior to their departure by the Dorsetshire.
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  • 74 1 To Be Stationed Abroad By Italy Rome, Saturday. An increase in the. tax on bachelors is among measures enacted by the Italian council. The additional revenue thus obtained will be devoted to funds for marriage and birth bonuses. Another law provides for Press attaches to be stationed abroad,
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  74 words
  • 50 1 Tokio, Saturday. Newspapers report that Japanese mining interests have decided to work the manganese, iron and tin mines in Kwangsl Province In co-operation with the government of Kwangsi A joint stock company, a Slno-Japanese joint concern, capitalised at Yen. 15,000,000 will be organised. Aneta-Trans-Ocean.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  50 words
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    26 1 Capt. H.J. RatclifTe, secretary of the Royal Automobile Club, who declares that Singapore has a lot to learn about traffic. Story in page 5.
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  • 21 1 $20,000 FOR SINGAPORE CHARITIES THE Sunday Times understands that Lord Nuffield, the wellknown motor-car manufacturer, has given $20,000 to local chanties.
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  • 49 1 Rome. Saturday. The Pope Is suffering from a slight chill and is confined to bed. Although nis Indisposition is attracting much attention in view of his advanced age it is stressed in informed quarters that there is not the slightest cause for anxiety. —Aneta-Trans-Ocean.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  49 words
  • 27 1 Tokio. Saturday. The Alpine Club of Rlkkyo University Is to climb one of the Himalaya's peaks this summer, between June and Septemter. Aneta-Trans-Ocean.
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  • 108 1 MALCOLM NOMINATED FOR ROSS CROMARTY London, Saturday. Four candidates were nominated yesterday In the Ross and Cromarty by-election caused by the resignation of Sir lan Macpherson, now Lord Strathcarron, Liberal National member, on account of ill-health. They were the Dominions Secretary, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald, National Government,
    British Wireless  -  108 words
  • 103 1 Benz And Daimler Are Celebrating Berlin. Saturday. piFTY years ago, on Jan. 29, 1885, Carl Benz was granted German patent ***** which the famous inventor himself described as the "birth certificate of the automobile." Claims to which protection was given by this patent were modest enough and the
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  103 words
  • 56 1 Berlin, Saturday. A sporting sensation of the first order was provided In Berlin's great annual horse show when the most difficult jumping event of the tourney, which is open only to riders of outstanding calibre, was won by a young Hamburg girl, Fraeulein Irmgard Georgius. against male
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  56 words
  • 40 1 Dessle, Saturday. Abyssinian headquarters announce a great victory over Gen. Dlamantls army, which was annihilated. They claim the battle ended yesterday with the capture of hundreds of prisoners and quantities of guns, machine-guns and ammunition. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 40 1 Nanking, Saturday. A plan for the expansion of the Chinese navy has been submitted to General Chiang Kai-shek by Adm. Chen Shao-kwan, Navy Minister. Details of the plan are being kept secret. —Sin CV.ew Jit Poh
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  40 words
  • 25 1 Siwan, Bihar and Orlssa, Saturday. It Is officially announced that Pandit Nehru has been elected President of the Indian National Congress.— Reuter.
    Reuter  -  25 words
  • 316 1 Rubber Trees Fed "On The Bottle NOVEL MALAYAN EXPERIMENT Direct Application! Of Fertiliser THE day may come when company chairmen will inform shareholders that their rubber trees have "gone on the bottle!" But it is not quite so bad as it sounds. Here is an item from the Morning: Post
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  • 100 1 A few days ago a French yacht, captained by Convte de Ganay, alter an adventurous .trip to most places in the world, arrived in Singapore with fourteen people, including two women, one of whom is the Comtesse de Ganay, forming the passengers and crew. Yesterday
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  • 61 1 THREE-SIDED ATTACK ON CAPITAL CITY Canton, Saturday. I£WEIYANG, capital of Kweichow, is besieged by Communist forces which are attacking; from three directions. Severe fighting is continuing. A Government communique states that the defenders are confident of ultimately repulsing the enemy. The Government position has been strengthened considerably
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  61 words
  • 92 1 Noon, Saturday. Buyers Sellers No. 1 K. R.S.S. in cues (F. 0.8.) Feb. 24 V> 24 9/16 Good F.A.Q. in cases (F. 0.8.) Feb. 24 i 24 9/16 No. 1 K. R.S.S. (Spot loose) awardable Spore 24 4 24% February M 24-% March 24*8 24«4 Apr- June 24%
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  • 57 1 A cable was received ytsk>raay from Kudat. British North Borneo, reporting the death of Mr. Lee Yun Fook. a cocoanut plantation owner. Mr. Lee was 92 years of age and is the father-in-law of Mi. Wong Yin Sim. Singapore. He leaves two sons, one daughter and
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  • 1687 2 In His Majesty's Name The Crown And The ColonyChinese Centres The S.S.A. And Rotary IF the current year were 1900 instead of 1936, Sir Shenton Thomas would have to be reappointed to the post which he now occupies. When Queen Victoria died all appointments of colonial governors automatically
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  • 55 2 The largest ..ssemblage of cars ever seen in St. Andrew's Cathedral compound presented the police traffic branch with a complicated problem on Tuesday afternoon, but the arrangements worked exceedingly well, and five hundred cars sorted themselves oat after the service and left the compound
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  • 49 2 Karely are the Services represented by one quartette chosen from the ranks. These men, representing the Royal Navy, the Royal Marines, the Army and the Royal Air Force, were on parade in the porch of St. Andrew's Cathedral during the State service on Tuesday.
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    • 86 2 It does seem strange that such a simple article of diet should add so many customers to our lists, but there is no getting away from facts. Oar cheese is so tasty that folks will have it and there are so many varieties. CARTON CHEESES Dutch Edar* Kraft 8 oz.
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  • 396 3 WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT THE WAR Working For Ultimate Victory" By A Staff Reporter WE are all working for the ultimate victory of our country," declared one of the Italian stewards aboard the Lloyd Triestino motor vessel Victoria which was in| Singapore this
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  • 210 3 Traps Man Who Wanted "To Drink 8100d 19 Among the New Year's Honours warn the award of the King's Police Medal to Lance Sergeant Mat Atim bin Mallm Patani of the F.M.S. Police. The award was made In recognition of Mat Atlm's gallantry and remarkable coolness in
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  • 80 3 Saturday, February 1. Ships alongside the Wharves or expected to arrive Entrance Godown Gate East Wharf Somerville 20 1 Main Wharf Toussoum 18 3 Klstna 16 3 Awobasan Maru 14 3 Glcnaffarlc 8 3 BrnvenuD 6 3 Empire Dock City of Perth 30 3 Foylebanlc 32 3
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  • 60 3 Today: Australia. New Zealand. Java and Timor DiUy by air (Qantas) 7 pjn Monday. Belawan <fc Medan (Planciua) 9 a.m. Karimon (Tong Heng) ..9 a.m. Tandjong Pinang (Silver Gull) 9 a.m Fei.gerang (Alk Soon) ..9 a.m. Eastern and Southern Australia (Marella) 10 a.m. New Zealand (Marella) 10
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  • 53 3 Pandit Jagadish Chandra Chatterjee, B.A. (Cantab), formerly Director, Oriental Research and Archaelogy in Kashmir and Director of the India Academy of America In New York, will deliver a lecture on "Vedanta and Modern Science at the Ramakrishna Mission at 6 p.m. tomorrow. Members and all interested are cordially
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  • 444 3 CHURCH SERVICE IN SYRIAC Language Spoken By Babylonians By A Staff Reporter •"piIEUE will be a strange echo of the ancient world in the excessively modern and ugly setting of the Rochorc district this morning. For the first time In the history or Singapore
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    • 281 3 wai rmwwra a»*H*r<.wt* room rmwvrui^^^^HS^^^^^*^^ COM "t with TYPEWRITER TOUCH CONTROL the greatest advance in Typewriter Design for many years! You would not buy a Radio with a fixed wavelength, so why buy a Typewriter with a fixed touch EXCLUSIVE FEATURES. j4|J^B!M^ EXCLUSIVE FEATURES. ®pfK|jFigd§|3^L 3. INCREASED DUST PROTECTION. Enclosed
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 162 3 IN SINGAPORE TODAY HOTELS -> MEW HOTEL: Special Tiffln and Special Dinner. CINEMAS ALHAMBRA: The Irish in Us with James Cagney and Pat O'Brien ccmedy hit. CAPITOL: The Bis Broadc *t of 1936. Riot of Revelry, music and scng. Also. Special air Mail plrtun-s of Thj Pasting of King
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    • 28 3 TIDE TABLES SINGAPORE Sunday. Feb. I. H. W. 5.10 a.m., 8 ft. 4 in., 7.49 p.m., 7 ft. L. W. 12.42 noon. 2 ft. 6 In., 12.10 midnight.
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  • 209 4  - MURDER OR ACCIDENT: THEORIES ON MAN FOUND DYING Gardener Discovery By jy|URDER and accidental death are the theories which have been considered by the Singapore police for the past ten days following the discovery of the unconscious Chinese who died in the General Hos pital a few hours later. There
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  • 744 4 POULTRY NOTES The Incubation season is now I starting and most poultry-keepers are probably taking full advantage of "natural incubation," the mother hen's way which is Nature's way. Incubators In Malaya are almost unknown. What is the difference between the laying and the broody hen? The
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 4 Almost daily seven Chinese wcnen row across from Port Road. Malacca, to an islet half a mile from shore to gather clams which cover the rocks. It is tedious work, however, and a whole day's takings per person amount to about 30 cents.
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  • 76 4  - SCHOOLMASTER THRASHED A MOTHER BY (From Our Own Correspondent.) Talping, Saturday. A PUPIL of a Malay vernacular school in Jalan Bendahara, after being caned at school went home and complained to his mother. The mother became infuriated, went to the school, seized a cane and thrashed the schoolmaster. As a
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  • 391 4 Telegram To Secretary Of State |K a supplement to the F.M.S. Gor. eminent Gazette appear the following: Telegram dispatched by the High Commissioner to the Secretary of State for the Colonies: 'Jan. 25. I have been asked by the Rulers of the Malay states to convey
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  • 30 4 The Bukit Timah rifle range is to be extended. Tenders for this work will be received at the Colonial Secretary's Office up to Feb. 7.
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    • 406 4 ©©puts for IS years oanished by a feut Radox footbaths. Why suffer rrom corns? Way let corns continue to torture you and spoil you* pleasures? You can be rid of them so •tasilyl A few Radoz footbaths and oat they come, roots and all. as this lady discovered **J had
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    • 2 4 TI6EK BEER
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    • 154 4 H. B. WINTER SALE Featuring FLORSHEIM SHOES and Sundries STARTS TOMORROW FOR 3 DAYS ONLY February 3, 4 sth 20 Battery Road. FOR SALE, HILLMAN MINX SALOON. De Luxe Model, as new S' *<M) or near offer. 443. Pasir Punjang Road, between 4 and 7 p.m. >/jHST TheCurrcni lvarcr steals
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 1327 4 WIRELESS PROGRAMMES BD n for Viola and Piano by Max Reger. Max .l).l Frohlen, Hllde Sander. 4.M News and Review of the Week In English. S 05 Relayed transmission 4 from Leipzig: Winter Time In the Country. Two or three of the following frequencies News and Review of the Week
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  • 408 5 "YOU HAVE A LOT TO LEARN ABOUT TRAFFIC" Wanted: A Speed Limit And Road Sense (By A Staff Reporter.) SINGAPORE'S traBk "wings" would be of greater value if— They were cleaner; and They were illuminated in some way during night control. This is
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  • 251 5 Acute Poverty In Sumatra GOVERNMENT RELIEF MEASURES D0\ ERT* ;insniK as a result of the high duty on native rubber and accentuated by a period of wet weather dunnc which tapping was impossible, has resulted in incidents in Iiengkulis where villagers have! attempted to loot Chinese
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  • 38 5 His Highness the Sultan of Perak has ordered that all Ma;or and Lesser Chiefs of the State shall wear a white mourning band on their caps, until further notice, to the memory of the late King George V.
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  • 261 5 CSEVERAL of the most historic regi- ments in the British Arry are today without a colonel-in-chit King George was colonel-in-vhlef oi the Household Cavalry, the five regiments of Foot Guards, the Royals, tht 10th Hussars, the Royal Artillery, the Royal Engineers, and seven regiments of
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  • 620 5 Glenealy Rubber Record Shareholders in Glenealy Plantations are to receive a final dividend of six per cent., making 14 per cent., for the year ended Oct. 31, 1935. Since its first dividend was declaied in 1911, Glemealy has paid a return of 344 per cent. Presiding at
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 5 The wedding took place at the Church of St. Joseph, Singapore, yesterday morning of Mr. Cyril Fredrick Lincoln and Miss Catherine Magdalene de Rosario, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel de Rosario. Following: the service a reception was held at No. 177. Bukit Tlmah Road.
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  • 355 5 Trouble Over A Young Girl (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. AN unusual case came before the Seremban magistrate, Mr. B. S. Davis, when an Indian, Sadasivam, was called upon to show cause why he should not enter into a bond to keep the peace.
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  • 59 5 The construction of further Hood prevention channels at Ballk Pulau Penang. will begin shortly The following tenders havt been accepted One by Ng Ah Seang for $3,720-00 for the construction of Channel No. 2A, and another t>" K. Asslnar for $3,945-00 for construct! Channel No.
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  • 178 5 Master Of Stuttgart Meets Old Friends THE reserve ship of the Norddeutscher Lloyd, the Stuttgart, left Singapore) this morning and will probably not be seen here again. Originally on the North Atlantic run, this 13.000- ten liner called at Singapore on the outward run to th<i
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    • 22 5 W&amW Scots Whisky The Spirit of unexcelled Quality and unvarying flavour. fJOLE AGENTS i j 3/'jiJ^\i m*. i rvTl /z4sVP?/s»b»?^ W.S. I >■__»-•
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    • 324 5 Itch Cause Killed in 7 Minutes Your xkin has nearly 50 million tiny learns or pores whera tiny kc. mi.- or parasites ran hide and cuuxe your skin to Itch. Crack, Peel, Burn, also Kczeina, UlnKworm, pimples. Acne, Crotch-Itch, and Foot Itch. Don't waste time with ordinary methods. You must
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  • 761 6 SINGAPORE GARRISON CHANGE-OVER Half An Hour To Land 24 Officers And 805 Men OECTION 10, the old P. and O. Wharf," was requisitioned by Singapore military all yesterday for the disembarking and embarking of two battalions for the change of garrison on the island.
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  • 138 6 THREW £20 AWAY HUSBAND'S TIDYING-UP CRAZE Wellington, New Zealand. I OVE of tidiness has cost a New Zealand man £3. hours of labour, and his wife's respect. j He was clearing up the kitchen of his house on the outskirts of Wellington when he noticed a lot of "useless" cocoa
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  • 1074 6 DUMMY ANTI-TANK GUNS been taken by wooden dummies and Hags. Judging by modern standards and by the equipment of other Armies, our cavalry and infantry are using out-of-date and unreliable light automatics. The Hotchklss was withdrawn from the cavalry many years ago and has
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  • Article, Illustration
    10 6 I Coluurs cf the Royal Inniskillinff Fusiliers.— Sunday Times Photograph.
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  • 94 6 INFLUENZA AND ALCOHOL "SAME SYMPTOMS" A Wimpole Street specialist said at Stratford police-court that influenza and alcohol produced similar symptoms. His evidence was called on behalf of Dr. Paul Shilllto. 43. of Woodford Bridge, Essex, who was fined £10. with 9 guineas costs, on a charge of driving while under
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 108 6 v m^P?vr^E^T C [j /^^fc /*r^^^^^^^^~^^^y\^BUjJEnSil J5 "I IFEs^II&DD limWat n^SBsPmB^ y ]t.+ HRW^ 0 p '^^TSSWW*wBWk ■MNRWWtofer, :3Bfc?^ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. If unable to obtain our Brands and particular £VAs>r» atEO "LIFEGUARD" HOUSE, 126, Cecil Street, Singapore. Plexje forward CO l^f Carton s containing 4 Jars "LIFEGUARD" Pull Cream Sweetened
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  • Article, Illustration
    534 7 A REPRIEVE for steam has been pronounced by the chairman of I the Great Western Railway— the oldest existing line in the United Kingdom. Electrical train travel Is a great boon, but electrical travel cannot furnish that essential to the complete enjoyment of a holiday the consciousness
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  • 548 7  -  FRED J. MELVILLE) Stamp Collecting (By I SEE that one of the great stamp- dealing firms acclaims the new year as marking the 80th anniversary of its establishment. 1. founder Mr. Edward Stanley Gibbo. who became well-known out East as a traveller after he retired, was
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    • 99 7 RARE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS STAMPS. I am always In a position to offer rare Straits Settlements and States stamps at very reasonable prices. Want lists will receive my prompt personal attention. SELECTIONS SENT ON APPROVAL TO ANY PART OF THE WORLD. >iy Speciality:— RARE BRITISH COLONIALS OF ALL PERIODS. T. ALLEN,
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    • 123 7 ■^S B vLU£__ bb^ b^_- i > >m PRINCE OF WALES ■jfiTCI I^. 1 LONDON F**t3«fel Situated in U.j h. art of the capttal-mld-way between Kensington Palace and Hyde Park Corner; offering quiet luxury, largely finely furnished bedrooms, excellent cuisine, complete but unostentatious service. Modern hot and cold water installation
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    • 199 7 HOWARD JOT EL NO»FOt« SI«tH STDANO IILON DON Rlf he up-to-dit. In st»ff rwpact. room or running water, central hut- inj and telephone. Beautiful luiitt •nd delightful restaurant. Wonderfully central, close to ill Theatre*. From 12/6. Including breakfast. Early reservation advisable. Wire: Hewtfotef, London. BsaMM ho Mi- SCNDAI l| LONDON
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    • 565 7 On Your London Leave Enjoy home comforts with First-class HOTEL SERVICE at WESTMINSTER RESIDENTIAL SUITES in Jcrmvn Street, St. James's Central but quiet position. Decorated in best moderm tasto. Telephone and Private Bathroom in every Suite. Running Hot and Cold Water In all Bedrooms. Meals served in tenants' rooms* Moderate
      565 words
    • 407 7 LONDON GOODWOOD HOTEL QI'KKNSBORO TERRACE. HYDE PARK H. <St C. water and reading light In bedrooms. Lift. Night porter. Oarage Adjacent. Excellent Cuisine Daily Terms from 10,'sd. Weekly from 3 gns. Bed St Breakfast 6/6 to 8/8. New Lounges and Billiard Room. Tariff from Resident Proprietor or the SUNDAY TIMES
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  • 675 8 HIDDEN 300 YEARS AGO BY PORTUGUESE Secret Underground Tunnels May Provide Clue By A Staff Reporter TREASURE buried by the Portuguese defenders just before the fall of Malacca to the Dutch three centuries ago is widely believed to be the real object of the fresh
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  • 439 8 OVER 3,500,000 MILES IN 1935 Large Increase In Membership 1*HERE was another large increase In private flying in England last year. Twenty-seven of the 33 subsidised flying clubs have sent in complete re ports for 1935, showing an aggregate membership of 7,738. A year ago the
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  • 883 8 "William Shakespeare Was An Englishman BASIL DEAN STIRS A STORM "IyiLMAM Shakespeare." declared Basil Dean in a telegram sent to all the London newspapers a fewweeks ago, "was an Englishman." This not very startling announcement was followed by an Invitation to the press to send representatives to meet Mr. Dean
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  • 104 8 SHOOTING ACCIDENT Greensboro. North Carolina. During a shooting party here a shotgun in the hands of Mr. Clay Williams, the millionaire chairman of the Reynolds Tobacco Co., was accidentally discharged, killing Mr. William Law. the wealthy president < i a Philadelphia insurance company. As the party was
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  • 63 8 Mr. and Mrs. Yeo Chung Boh nave Issued invitations to dinner at 8. Depot Road. Penghalan Rama, on Wednesday, Feb. 5, on the occasion of the marriage of their cousin. Mr. Yeo Yoon Watt, the eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Yeo Soon Hee. to Miss
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  • 1492 9 Malaya's Devotion To The Crown /"VNE has been deeply impressed by the true devotion to the British Crown manifested throughout Malaya and among I communities g the past lght. Heartfelt and spontaneous, it has possessed a vast and valuable significance, at a
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 310 9 $ff ELL MOTOR o\ts have you heard j3»* THE NEWS? I won't make your engine so cold that it freezes I 3 TDI «J^ W PEPSODENT ipiW Q r I win rAaifc /&xm >Sf^y^ N\ X M IS SELLING AT A J^WM s^z=z==i^^e^==^====^^=- NEW LOW rKICt Now everyone can afford
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  • 1285 10  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By Tyoos. Now that 1 am on the water wagon and refoose To "boose Seems even sillier than, while pushing back a Burton, I used to read about the adventures of entirely unknown people recorded by Gertie Girton Who writes under Che name of
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 673 10 CONTRACT BRIDGE: ABILITY to reconstruct the oppo- W~\T ncnts' unseen hands from the fall Jf of the cards or from the inference in Tj^I bidding; is the supreme test and thrill X^l V of a masterful player. The difficult art of card reading V^Ul DClTSOll calls for the inductive power
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  • 973 11 Friendsh p With Nelson Patriotic Lady. By Marjorie Bowen. The Bodley Head. 15s. IUIISS Bowen describes her masterly study of Lady Hamilton, and, incidentally, of Lord Nelson, as "a coloured cartoon." Nothing could be more apt. Miss Bowen is in a fair way to becoming a
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  • 386 11 This Our Country. By Major Rawdon Hoare. John Murray. 7s. ML ¥F Major Hoare has nothing very new to say about conditions in England he at least brings the freshness of vision of a man who has been living abroad for 14 years, and who,
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  • 122 11 Scouting Round the World. By Lord Baden-Powell of Gilwell. Jenkins. 2s. 6d. mHIS little book, written for Scouts by the Chief Scout, is a record of "B.P.'s" Journey round the world when he attended the big Scout Jamboree in Melbourne at the end of 1934. It was
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  • 239 11 BUT MORE LIKELY DULL SORDID Out for a Million. By V. Krymov. George Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d. THINK this book is meant to be amusing; the blurb describes it as "entertaining" but personally I found it one of the most sordid productions I have ever
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 475 11 For throat-smooth smoking you can't beat CRAVENA w ill I d THE FRESHNESS OF PACKING "ME^H wIpRSI is preserved within the air-tight 'TRU-VAC &B^ tin and protects the cigarettes against the harm- w ful influences of climatic changes, thus assuring y a cool, sweet smoke wherever and whenever you may
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    • 2 11 TIGER BEER
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    • 236 11 MUDIES BOOKSELLERS TO THE WORLD. E?ery new English and Foreign book A tew of the Utest novels. The Pnrcan be supplied by return mall. Sub- 9an '< b y I u s Goldinr, And Berry srripUons to Magazines and Periool- comes too. Dornford Yates. A. B.C. oata, rmte* free on
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  • 236 12 46 Vessels Under Construction Berlin OAPID progress is being made in building the new German Fleet. In an instructive account of the WDrk done during the past year in the Marine Rundschau, a monthly review dealing with naval matters, it Is point- ed out that there are
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  • 118 12 GUARDED FROM FATHER Mary, a European brown bear nt. Whlpsnade Zoo, has given birth to a cub. The youngster lies snugly beside Mary, protected from the wintry winds that sweep across the snow-mantled Zoo grounds. The baby is a little bigger than a rat. and
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  • 70 12 Berlin. Special "political advisers" have no~ been attached -to all German athletic clubs. It is their duty to ensure that the political side of sport is not. left out of consideration. In one boating club on the Wannsee the political adviser countersigns all committee notices.
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  • 76 12 There is a factory at Loughborough, i Leicestershire, where one-half of the staff never get colds or influenza. The other half are no more immune than anyone else. It is a scent factory, and for five years no man or girl working in the filling
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  • 142 12 New Research Fellows At a meeting of the council of the Royal College of Surgeons, held, with Sir Cuthbert Wallace, the president. In the chair, it was reported that Mr. P. H. Bentley, F.R.C.S.. and Mr David Slome, M.8., had been elected Mackenzie Mackinnon Research Fellows
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  • 161 12 ONLY 225 HORSES IN THE WHOLE FORCE An amusing incident which occurred the other day shows how fast the Koyal Canadian Mounted Police has changed since the days when its members were known as "The Rld»rs of the Plain." The famous force has adopted modern transportation
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 258 12 I aaaa w v* I A HOLIDAY WONDERLAND This island of lofty, colourful mountains, valleys and lovely bays has a supreme appeal tc all travellers, and probably nowhere in the world is there to be found such a wealth of beauty and interest in so compact a space. The perfect
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    • 226 12 EVERY WOMAN m- -65 TAKES PRIDE ■Pi IN HER HOUSE Cheap disinfectants have no value. They merely smother unpleasant odours with their own peculiar smell, *^K| and the money paid for them literally "toes down the drain." LYPENE Is a modern disinfectant. Its soap content lifts the dirt and slime
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 551 12 $100 FREE ENTRY CROSSWORD PUZZLE MONEY PRIZES FOR CROSSWORD ENTHUSIASTS OUR WEEKLY "MUST BE WON" OFFER The Sunday Times offers today $100 for a correct solution of the Crossword Puzzle printed below. Should no reader succeed in solving the puzzle correctly, the $100 will be awarded in respect of the
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  • 827 13 LOWERING STANDARD OF LIVING 1 Minimum Of Remuneration For Maximum Service" "It is all very well and good to preach the doctrine of living within one's income, but I maintain that for the mercantile clerk to do so on the ridiculously small
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 13 Charlie Chaplin as he appears in a scene from his latest film "Modern Times
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  • 280 13 Nine Men Leaped For Life From Wrecked Ship FORCED TO TAKE REFUGE IN RIGGING I ASHED by a Minding snowstorm and drenched by heavy seas, the crew of the Aberdeen trawler Evirgreen, which went ashore on the rocky Aberdeenshire coast, clunr precariously to the rigging until
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  • 79 13 One of Canada's most profitable Industries during 1935 *as— the Dionne Quintuplets! It is estimate- 1 visitors to the world's most famous babies enriched Ontario by spending £270.000 during the summer months last year, and next summer thess figures may reach thp £400.000 mark. Dr. Dafje announces that each
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  • 237 13 RELIGIOUS FERVOUR AT NAPLES Naples. Jan. 8. AMID amazing scenes of patriotic and religious fervour, the "miracul ous image" of the Virgin known as "The Little Madonna of Beyond the Seas" was embarked for the Abyssinian Front late last night. In the same ship were hlghlandcrs
    237 words
  • 75 13 The island of St. Mary's, on which is built the town of Bathurst, capital of Gambia. In West Africa, is to be raised to above sea level at a cost of £250 .UOfl. The low level of tlr* island makes adequate drainage Impossible, and
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  • 28 13 Airport Conference.— Delegates irom more than 00 organisations interested in the ownership ana operaion of aerodron es will attend a conference at British Industries House. Marble Arch W.
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  • 275 13 POMMANDER Sir John Alleyne, D.5.0., D.S.C., formerly King's Harbour Master at Singapore, has retired at his own request, with the rank of captain, after 32 years' service. He will be remembered as navigator of the Vindictive when she was sunk as a blockship In Ostend Harbour
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  • 47 13 Sleeplessness and depression were advanced at the inquest at Paddington as reasons for Mrs. PclhamBrowne (Miss Cynthia Stockleyt. the novelist, taking her life. She was found dead In her flat in Pembrldge Crescent, Bayswater A verdict of suicide while of unsound mind was. recorded.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 83 13 How do you judge a whisky? BY ITS FLAVOUR? Taste the unusual smoothness of Johnnie Walker I BY ITS BOUQUET? Notice the Highland fragrance in your glass of Johnnie Walker I Qby its reputation? Jfcf? Think how Johnnie Walker has be•T/X come a figure of international fame— tr symbol of
      83 words

  • 353 14 CPEAKIKG broadly, the labouring classes in Malaya are reasonably recompensed. Indian estate labour conditions and minimum rates of payment are legally enforced. Chinese labourers can always command a higher wa£3 than Indians. Shop labour is largely on a communal basis. The factory type of labour does not receive
    353 words
  • 1475 14  -  ORANG GILAH j BY Pensions For The Old Schools For The Young IT was only a month since John had landed at Tanjong Pagar for the first time. Carefully dressed in a suit which his provincie." taiior had assured him v»as a lightweight tropical
    1,475 words
  • 292 14 yHE first and fifteenth of the Chinese month are the "BlackCoats" holidays. These hired Cantonese servants, or "Black-Coats" as they are usually called, will always ask for leave on these two days and if you follow them, you will find them congregating at either their coolie-houses or
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 509 14 For Holidays— Rest year health Why do not come to DAL AT (Annam) The best mountain resort In the FarEast (5.000 feet high) Golf. Tennis. Rowing, bathing on the lake, footing excursions, shower fall. Langbian Palace Hotel Dv Pirc Luxurious, full comfort, perfect hote'ji 120 rooms all with hot bath
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    • 5 14 Q|L \^l 4 k Miami
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous

  • 1133 15 170 Degrees When United Engineers Cast Steel ONE OF THE FAR EAST'S BIGGEST FOUNDRIES Blue-Goggled Workmen Amid Blinding Molten Metal By A Stuff Reporter SINGAPORE is not exactly an island of chill winds, or even really cool breezes, but there is one place
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  • 162 15 About £400 was realised at the opening of a two-days' sale of poultry and poultry- farming appliances at Mr. Lloyd George's farm at Churt, Surrey. Average prices were: Pullets. 6s. (top price 7s); hens, 3s. 6d. (top price 45.): stock cockerels. 18s. (top price
    162 words
  • 295 15 "I See Kings ford Smith Alive DUTCH GIRL WITH "SECOND SIGHT" A (ilUL reputed to have "second sight" claims that Sir Charles Kinrsford Smi:h, the vanished airman, is still a'ive. and that she "sees" him frequently. Her statement follows a seance held at Th Hau'.e in which a woman medium
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  • 198 15 Said To Be Millions Of Years Old Two hundred feet below the City of London there lies a millions of years old layer of oysters. These ancient oysters have been found, among other places, In the boring of artesian wells below the Bank I
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  • 155 15 CHURCH ATTACK BY JEALOUS WOMAN Bucarcst. Father Dumltrasco, a priest, had just finished his sermon at the famous Pradul Church here today and was reciting the Lord's Prayer, when a beautiful woman, wearing a luxurious fur coat, stood up in a pew and flung a
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  • 167 15 Precedence Succession 'THE accession of King Edward VIII has raised questions in some minds as to the exact precedence of the Royal Family. As the table below shows, the order of precedence of the Royal ladies is unchanged. MALE. FEMALE. The King:. The Queen Mother. Duke of
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  • 128 15 Accidental Wounding Cairo. Egyptian university students ceased work today when they learned that British officer had accidentally rr>unded an Egyptian. They sent it del >uution to the Residency to rruke p protest and another to th<» Premier to demand er.cj ellc action. J night two
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  • Page 15 Advertisements

  • 1500 16 SINGAPORE BUSINESS MAN'S OFFER Early Opening Expected Of School For Pilots •pHE R.S.F.C. will be adding anjw Hornet Moth to its fleet of aircraft in about two months time, through the generosity of one of the Chib's newer members. This gentleman, who prefers to remain
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  • 44 16 BIRDMAN'S FLYING NOTES three months after it was purchased, I do not expect the club *ill wait long before replacing it. Even this short time was sufficient forcibly to demonstrate the real utility of a cabin plane for advanced instruction and serious work generally.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 1053 16 yWwft Use Odol toothpaste and Odol mouth wash regularly night and morn* ing. They will add to your beauty and to the oomfort of your mouth. Odol toothpaste is wor!d«famous for cleaning teeth to perfection w Mfcoat damaging the delicate enamel. Odol moutiiwash, strongly gertnicidal/ protects your mouth «nd throat
      1,053 words
    • 136 16 All Fountain Pen? write better and last longer if filled with FOUNTAIN PEN INK Specially made for Fountain Pens. The fluidity and freedom from sediment of Stephens' Ink is really remarkable. Directly you put your pen to paper it starts away and goes J flMl foßk £tfi. on flowing smoothly
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  • 301 17 Stranded By Excavations SERVICE EVERY EVENING By A Staff Reporter. T\Q you know the most remarkable shrine in Singapore? It is a small edifice which has been left stranded on the top of a pinnacle of earth in the Tanjong Pagar district. Excavation for Government works
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  • 30 17 Rotary Convention The Rotary International has accepted the i invitation of the Rotary Club of {London to hold its convention of 1937 in London, from June 6 to June 11.
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  • 60 17 Mare Foals In Street A mare i belonging to a dairy company was I drawing a van in Bloemfontein Road. Shepherd's Bush, when she gave blrtn to a foal. Half a doien policemen helped to get the mare and foal into a horse ambulance. Mare and foal are now In
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  • 197 17 "QUADS BAD FOR THE RACE -THROWBACK TO PRIMITIVE" SAYS DIET EXPERT INSTANCES during the last year or so of the birth of quadruplets and quintuple us have raised the question of whether this series of multiple birlhs is v good omen for the race. Dr. Josiah Oldfleld, lecturing to the
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  • 410 17 SPECIAL INTEREST IN THE ONE HORNED RHINO (From Our London Staff) 40, Fleet Street, Jan. 22. A mission of the greatest importance te the future welfare of the wild animal life of Ceylon and Malaya will leave England when Sir Thomas Comyn-Platt sails for Colombo
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  • 189 17 Kiss After His Old Bailey Acquittal A charge of obtaining £3.500 by taSt* pretences from a wealthy widow ended with a kiss outside the Old Bailey. The charge was brought by Mrs. Lily Wooding, of Tudor Lodge. Purley, Surrey, against Baron Hans Phillip Korf. a
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  • 27 17 Live Bomb A live German bomb was found in a hedgerow at Cropston. Leicestershire. It U thought that it was dropped by a Zeppelin during the War.
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  • 29 17 Indoor Bowling Risks.— Tae Baths Committee of Wandsworth Borougn Council has recommended that two Indoor bowling rinks be provided at Wandsworth Bath Hall at total estimated cost of £197.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 184 17 Take SANATOCEN-then you will not feel so f jfCCf P w, •<-?» 'aaaaVaVaw aY »Ti aaßEaflLfc/'* l^aattb. Iff What Sanatogen has done for disappear, and in a short thousands of others it will do time, you will feel and for you. Your listlessness, your look a healthier, happier lack of
      184 words
    • 2 17 TIGER BEER
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    • 1136 17 HERES A WONDERFUL I BEAUTY SECRET f FOR YOUR TEETH T Antiseptic Method of Cleaning Quickly Gives Teeth New Lustre and Natural Whiteness The first step to beauty and per- /M sonal attractiveness is to give < f your teeth the brilliance of ]X)1--ished jewels. So do as thousands W
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 117 18 An excellent selection of FREE GIFTS are now offered /^flßßE^s^ ir U xb^vC^S^^^^*^^&Bh)w to users of Bournvtlle Cocoa. A 1-lb. tin contains 4 MmEP' coupons, a Üb. tin 2 coupons and a Mb. tin 1 cou- g/ Js&sL §Mf!mm' fP^^^^^^^^+imr^^^^^lFyS pon, save them, they are valuable. There are certain ]>
      117 words

  • 598 19 Preserve Your Skin From The Tiniest Blemish Max Factor's Advice DHYSIOLOGY books— at least the ones I studied in the little red schoolhouse— devoted many chapters and lurid illustrations to the lungs, heart and other impressive human organs. However, if my memory serves me right, the pores were lucky if
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  • 356 19 Hobbledehoys t Hobbledehoys, hobbledehoys! That's what we call them the rude little boys Who gobble their food and who make such a noise! Who won't doff their hats. Rub their boots on the mats. Bay "Than* you!' or 'Please; And who worry and tease Their brothers and sisters,
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 210 19 Freckles Secretly and Quickly Removedl Mkw'i Frotklt Craaai blearhra them nl white you aiaaa. Laaraa tka akia matt aa4 wkata— <ha turnSkiloti frech. clear and nalnraL or 17 yaara ia«aaaarla of naara kaTe rndonwd It. Sa aaay lo aaa. Tka flral Jar aroTaa IU nuflc worth. Stillmans Freckle Cream fUmorra
      210 words
    • 371 19 Look at four Skin a^H^a^aW ***^^aw .^MMUMafIi B^flf I Pimples, Spots, Coarse Blotched Shin now Easy to Avoid— say specialists. Thousands of women are now purifies, washes away pore-deep relying upon Cuticura alone as dust and grime, and softens the their external aid to skin health skin. And for pimples,
      371 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous

  • 352 20  -  Diana Prescott By Flowers To Choose rpHE bride's flowers are always the most important accessories of her wedding dress, she has a very large choice of blooms, and she can evolve a floral scheme which is strikingly colourful, unusual or merely sweet and "bridal," just as
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  • 663 20 DRIGHTNESS is the essential quality in new suits for girls of debutante age. For instance, a tailored suit of geranium red is likely to be first favourite with a slim brunette who will wear it over a black and white check blouse. The jacket is probably fastened
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  • 57 20 I To improve the appearance of a lit tart after it has been baked beat i p the white of an egg until It Is !rothy, then spread some of it on the :sp of the tart and dredge white .lifted sugar upon It. Return the tart to
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  • 333 20 WOMEN to whom needlework is a serious study are collecting samplers, not for decoration, but to serve as specimens of stitches when embroidering stool tops, covers for cushions and screen panels. All this fine stitchery demands a surprising amount of patience. Perhaps that is why the
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 323 20 jv Big Assortment jHATS' v Handbags ANNOUNCES a NEW COLLECTION of GOWNS WOOLLEN and TWEED SI I Is MAYNARDS BUILDING, 2nd Floor 11 Battery Road, sin-, •> pore. Phone 4971 Beauty Products Tested by a Doctor Ambrosia deep-pore deanier AmbroiU Tightener— you feel it tingle, you know Doctor's tests prove
      323 words
    • 327 20 At Vogue's! StZCpttSS cjJ CIGck&SS /fiCtfs tht Evening Cozossiete /ftottc Femininity is the keynote of the new fashions firm curves thai, can be achlf.ed only by correct brassieres. Styles to meet Every Figure and Every Fashion Need No matter how revealIng your most formal gown may be, VOGUE has created
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    • 156 20 Two Pieces The Genuine Swias Chocolate, prepared with honey almonds. Beml Milk chocolate contains no preservatives. Always fresh, Large packet for 20 cts. everySCH1FFNER CO., SPORE. W GUESTS; er 1 depend?™***' P OOd entert amment W The r unobt rusive correctness J-^S\ th L? bIe A kfffm q^lity. HUNG YEH
      156 words

  • Article, Illustration
    1886 21 By Our Woman Co rresp on dent I AM a little doubtful about the fitness of including in this column references to tjie Memorial Service which took place at St. Andrew's Cathedral last Tuesday. It was certainly not a social occasion, but it do.ninated the events of the week.
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  • 131 21 Bring a pint of milk to the boil with two ounces of sugar and a pinch of salt. Pour it over four ounces of breadcrumbs, and leave to soak. Add the grated rind of two oranges and a tablespoonful of butter. Put the two oranges into boiling water
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  • 110 21 Apple pudding is excellent eaten hot or cold, and is a good way of using apples. Peel, core, and slice a pound and a half of apples and put them into an aluminium saucepan with the Juice of a lemon. Its grated rind, an ounce of butter, and
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  • 71 21 It is usualy difficult to measure accurate quantities of honey when cooking, as it sticks badly to the spodn. The simplest and quickest way to avoid this is to dip the spoon for a second in boiling water before using it for measuring purposes. Use at once and
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  • 490 21  -  E. K. By pOLLOWING are descriptions of two of the latest Chinese creations. A c of avpc, having an eg^sluM pround. printed in shades o! Witt) a dash of red. is trimmed with a very narrow binding of white ertpe. Another lovely dress is of plain
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 51 21 i tMijflßfiy jsSS^ f^{2ppy 9 XJUlttl tITTtX flGSftp /f&g£gz£djß^%J\ \baby book JJ A COpy f THE LACTOGEN BABY BOOK h^^^B^^Al^JKb^^^. will be given free on personal application to:— -mi&^JßJgwiW ik NESTLES 129/135 Cecil Street-Singapore. Wa^aß^^aWßDWjK t« NESTLES Nestle Bldg., Bungsar Rd.,— Kuala Lumpur. W^fflH^^^^fcfcß NESTLES Nestle Bldg., Fryer Road.— lpoh.
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  • 1913 22 Prophecy Thrice Proved Wrong BOLTON WANDERERS 1 GREAT RECORD Originally A Sunday School Organisation (A Special Correspondent.) "DOLTON Wanderers have never won the Cup and they never will," wrote a sports-scribe of a past era. It seemed that his prophecy was to be fulfilled,
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  • 19 22 Reid, (right) the new Brentford eft winter, in action against Middlesbrough at Brentford.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 299 22 HE ONCE WEIGHED 161 STONE 21 lbs. Off with Two Bottles of Kruschen arc overweight an 1 wait to reduce, there Is no need today to ;>ut »ourself on a diet. Here Is a letter from a man s'eadlly losin? his unwanted fat. yet satisfying his apprtite to tne full.
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    • 217 22 Better the Proved Car! w^^% I Brs SAFER T0 BUY AN trm AUSTIN I^™™"""^^ The 18 h.p. York Saloon illustrated below is the answer to all demands The illustration aoove shows the by motorista for comfort, roominess, power and appearance. ohm brakes and hydraulic jacking Mounted on a long chassis
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  • 1799 23 Great Part In History Of Singapore Chinese DATO BRADDELL'S TRIBUTE CIR Ong Siang Song, Malaya's Grst Chinese knight, an honorary member of their Club, was feted by Singapore Rotarians and friends at a dinner at the Adelphi Hotel last night. With him
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  • 132 23 PROFESSOR'S FORMULA New York. DETAILS of a formula which. It Is claimed, will eliminate much of the dread of the dentist's chair have been given free to the world by the discoverer. Dr. Leroy Hartman. Professor of Dentistry at Columbia University. The formula, which will not be
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  • 54 23 TAXES TOO HIGH IN U.S. LO3 Angeles Miss Marlene Dietrich, the film star, has announced her intention of leaving Hollywood next month, this time to live in Paris. She expressed her discouragement at the exorbitant cost of living charges in Hollywood and the unbearable taxation which,
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  • 46 23 Paris. Saturday. The former Ah* Minister in the Laval Cabinet, Gen. Denain, has been appointed Inspector-General of the French overseas air force. The decree announcing the appointment adds that the general has also been made a member of the Supreme Air Council.— Aneta-Trans-Ocean.
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  46 words
  • 57 23 Dublin. Saturday. The shocking ill-treatment of a young Catholic named Patrick Carson Is reported from Belfast. Carson, while on the way to church, was attacked by four or five unidentified men who tied him to a post then tarred and fathered him. Some time later Carson was
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  57 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements
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    • 243 23 minutes stomach pains are gone Heartburn, acidity, stomacn gra»— •11 disappear within two minutes of taking a dose of Chardox. Chardox is not a drug— lt ts a highly-refined and extremely actlva form of charcoal. It is at least fifty times more active than ordinary medicinal charcoal, and has nfty
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  • 1441 24 MR. R. WHITAKER 'S FINE PERFORMANCE AT TAIPING RACES Objection Upheld In Race Seven FIFTH EVENT RUN IN A A DOWNPOUR Totes And Sweeps Receive Better Support (From Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping, Saturday. THE brilliant weather being experienced broke this afternoon when a shower fell for a while after the
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  • 112 24 M.C.C. DRAW NATCH WITH RANGITIKEI Marton, Saturday. rpHE M.C.C. vs. Hangitikei match was drawn. The tourists batted first and scored 248 runs, Langrldge knocking up 77 rr.d Sims 54. The chief bowling honour went to H. Marshall who took seven wickets for 102. Rangitikei in reply were dismissed
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 127 24 LEAGUE'S FINANCES SATISFACTORY (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. Mr. D. J. Fleming presided at the annual meeting of the Ipoh District Football League. He reported a satisfactory state of affairs financially. Last year they denated $100 to the Popoy Day Fund besides other charitable funds. There was
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  • 52 24 KEDAH TOU RNAMENT (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. In view of the forthcoming tournament to be held l n April, the Kedah Badminton Association has appointed the following to servo en the sub-committee: Che Laedln, Mr. K. Nishlkawa, Tuan Syed Idrus, Kong Hai Chong. Lim Chuan Leone and Le:
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  • 28 24 The hockey match arranged to be played yesterday on Raffles Institution ground between the OR. A. and the 7th Hep.vy Battery, R.A., did not take place.
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  • 305 24 SUGGESTIONS FOR TEAM SELECTING (Prom Our Own Correspondent) .Toh&rc Bahru. r\R. LUTHER'S suggestion in the an- nual meeting of the Johore Football Association concerning the selection of the Malaya Cup team to represent Johore in her ties is well worth a trial. Dr. Luther suggested that the
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  • 166 24 HOCKEY VICTORY TOR ALOR GAJAH (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. The Alor Gajah Recreation Club beat the Teachers' Association of Malacca at hockey by two goals to one. Both sides were not at full strength. The Alor Gajah goalkeeper. Low Seng Meng. for some time kept the Teachers'
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  • 163 24 NEW LBW. RULE TO BE ADOPTED (Prom Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. Following a letter from the Singapore Cricket Club, giving their decision to faH into line with the M.C.C. wishes by trying out the new lbw. rule, and requesting the Segamat Cricket Club to follow suit, it has
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  • 115 24 The cabinet for 1936 of the Ep worth League, Methodist Episcopal Tamil Church, Kuala Lumpur, Is: President: Mr. J. M. Pale iana than. Ist Vice President: Mr. R. R. Supramanlam. (Re-elected). Assistant: Miss M. Gnanapoo. 2nd Vice President: Mr. P. A. Neelapandan (Re-elected). Assistants: Mr. J. Abraham and
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  • 32 24 The Yioh Bin (above) and Chung Hwa (below) Physical Culture Schools' teams which have arrived in Singapore from Nanking are riving variety athletic shows at the Great World.
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  • 527 24 Standard Scratch Score HOW GOLF COURSES ARE "VALUED" I>HE average golfer has merely an academic interest in that seeming miracle of accurac> aided and abetted by amazing good luck such as he seldom experiences personally "on j the contrary," as he will ruefully observe. Still, he may like to know
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  • 203 24 G.S.P.K. BEAT SULTAN'S COLLEGE, ALOR STAR ■From Our Own Correspondent > Alor Star. In a high scoring cricket match on the Sultan's College Green, the G.S.P.K.. a recent" y formed team, did well to beat the College by 38 runs. The match produced some very bright batting by
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  • 175 24 LOSS OF COL. LERMIT BY RETIREMENT (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca. •T*HE Malacca Cricket Association are determined to be a live force this year. The President. Ueut.-Col. A. A. Lermit. and Mr. J. M. Lee have prepared a set of new rules for the Association which will b<»
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
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  • 932 25 F.M.S. BEAT COLONY BY 3-2 Game Fast And Played In Fine Style (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. A MOST thrilling and fitting climax to this year's hockey season was witnessed on the Padang today when the F.M.S. earned a victory by three
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  • 243 25 The following is the draw and starting times for the Women's foursomes competition to be played at Bukit Timah on Monday Feb. 10: 2.30 Mrs. G. V. Allen A Mlsa E. Brooks vs. Mrs. G. Ambler A Mrs J. Moncur. 2.30 Mrs. P. Horsfall A Mrs. I.
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  • 47 25 'From Our Own Correspondent) Alor Star. The Dublin Estate Golf Club held their monthly medal bogey competition last week. The results were Winner J. Matheson 24—2 down. Optional Ball Sweep Out J. Mathe<ain -t-2 up. Home L. J. Thompson 2 down share six balls
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  • 120 25 Inniskillings In Blaze Of Soccer Glory TJNDER the heading "Inniskillings End Shanghai Stay In Blase of Soccer Glory," the North China Daily News says: The Royal InniskilHng Fusiliers brought their sojourn in Shanghai to a glorious conclusion at the Stadium when they met and defeated the supposedly improved Shanghai Interport
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  • 87 25 The following wilt represent the McKenzie Footers in a friendly game of soccer against the A. A. Brigade R A. (Chanel) on Saturday, Peb. 8, at the J.C.SA. ground (Balestier Plain). Kick oft* at 5.10 p.m. O. Paul, Goh Ah Chew, Ahmad Tamby. Son Kirn Swee, Choo
    87 words
  • 361 25 DKILLIAVI sunshine favoured the S. Chinese New Year lawn tennis tournament, several ties of which were played last evening on the Club courts. The following are yesterday's results: Handicap Men's Singles: C. G Simpson I -4> beat H. J. Haas (14/. 6 4: B—6. G.
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  • 374 25 OPENING GAME FOR GRISAR CUP (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. •TTHE opening stage of the Selangor Polo Club tournament for the C.risar Cup between Red and White teams was played today at the racecourse ground in the presence of a fairly large number of enthusiasts.
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  • 211 25 ASSOCIATION'S GOOD YEAR (From Oar Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Saturday. THK Negri Sembilan Football Ako-lii.-i has held its annual general meeting and soon soccer will make a welcome reappearance in Nejrri Sembilan. Ciicket is usually played here from January to August but since the pitch 1 Is not ready
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  • 397 25 CHESTER'S 12 GOALS AGAINST YORK rVKRTON and Aston Villa, both in danger of relegation, did some giant-killinp yesterday. f.verton beat Middlesbrough 5—2 and tin Villa, play ing on Derby's ground gained a 3 l victory. Chester and York spent most of their game scoring goals, the
    397 words
  • 138 25 50,000 SEE GREAT RUGBY GAME Murrayfield. Saturday. jyiOKi: than 50.000 people, inili!-.!iMT ITI 15.000 Welshmen crowded lirre today to see Wales beat Srotland by 13 points to 3. The weather was misty after t-arly rain. The pitch was very soft. The Scottish forwards were better In the
    138 words
  • 32 25 Kimberley. Saturday. The Australians, playing Griqualand West, made 423 for 6. OBrien 113 and O'.dfield 132. Brown 78 not out. Griqualand had made 78 for 4 at the close Reuter.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 1036 25 League tables correct to Friday an as follows: Goals P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts Sunderland (2) 25 18 5 2 71 28 38 Derby (6; 26 13 6 7 40 25 33 Huddersfleld (16) 26 13 7 6 39 38 32 Arsenal (1) 24 10
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  • Page 25 Advertisements
    • 43 25 WILLIS'S SINGAPORE GUIDE 7th Thousand > 170 ART PAGES. A Guide book Souvenir of Singapore copiously illustrated with Maps Photographs Singapore Island Area Maps 20 ins. x 28 ins. in three colours. PRICE $1.06. Obtainable from all Booksellers Distributing Agents: Mai.. Publishing House., Ltd.
      43 words

  • 1090 26 LEOW KIM FATT GIVEN FIRST PLACE Samuel On Down Grade And Comes Fourth By Our Badminton Correspondent I OOKING back on the past few years one cannot help but observe the jjjreat headway the game of badminton, in comparison with other indoor and outdoor frames, has
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  • 118 26 The Gregg Shorthand Writers' Association, Singapore, will hold Its second annual general meeting at the President's residence, 2, Branksome Road, today at 4 p.m. The report for the year states the number of members at the close of the year was 19 active and 5 Associate members. The
    118 words
  • Article, Illustration
    69 26 A croup photograph taken at the formal opening on Jan. 25, of the Library Reading Room of the Per-s.iuchira-an Sahabat I'cna Malaya in Dato K ram at Road, Penan?- Among those present were "lessrs. H.i mid Khan. J.P.. S. A. Maghribi. Sheikh Tahir Jalaludin. S. Mohd. Tambi. Mohd. Darocs, T.
    69 words
  • Article, Illustration
    83 26 Mr. T. T. Mallcson, the foreign sales director of the Royal Typewriter Company, is at present in Singapore on a world tour. The Royal typewriter is sold throughout Malaya by the Roneo organisation, and last week a gathering of the Singapore staff was entertained at the Adelphi Hotel by Mr.
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  • 528 26 (From Our Own Correspondent) Johore Bahru. 'THE Hon. Dato Awang bin Omar, the Hon. Dr. M. Mootatamby, Mr. A. E. Coope, Incie Mahmood bin Hussaln and Wan Mohamad oln Ibrahim were among those present at the Jahore Badminton Association Hall when the finals of tha Johore.
    528 words
  • 368 26 Towkay Nglm Wee Chow, of Malacca, has donated a challenge cup for the open singles championship and cups for the op.-n and "B" singles championship tournaments and Towkay Cheong Tal Poh, of Singapore, a challenge cup for the handicap singles championship and cup* for the doubles and handicap
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  • 526 26 The annual report of tne Postal Union Athletic Club, Kuala Lumpur, to be presented at the seventeenth annual general meting on Sunday, Feb. 9, states a membership drive was launched during the early part of the year and resulted In the admission of 67 members bringing the
    526 words
  • 104 26 The Straits Times Press Sports Club fixtures during the week are: Tuesday, Feb. 4, Friendly soccer game with Bata Shoe Co., Clerical Union's ground at S.IS p.m. Friday, Feb. 7. Friendly soccer game with Fraser St Neave Ltd., F. N. ground at 5.15 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 9,
    104 words
  • Page 26 Advertisements
    • 131 26 A TlHi Tl fil I I^l ml I'M JL3 a v j i*L x~t v_X Jv rW v^^^Br*»«T*fl In this entirely new model, Kodak presents for the first time a roll fUm camera with a really built-in optical range-finder, directly connected with the lens standard, and adjusted with ease and
      131 words

  • 1308 27  -  "Echo" Malayan Sports Jottings More Comment On The New LEW Rule PLENTY OF SUPPORT FOR BOXING By Kuala Lumpur. P*ROM year to year there Ls argument as to the best way to run the Stonor Shield cricket competition—whether on the league system or as
    1,308 words
  • 42 27 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. The Ma'acca Cricket Association have decided in committee to observe the new lbw ru>. One item on the agenda for t&e annual general meeting is to disruss and adept the new rule.
    42 words
  • Article, Illustration
    19 27 Malacca competitors, with the Raja Muda of Perak (centre), at the «llMalaya Malays lawn tennis tournament In Kuala Lumpur.
    19 words
  • 440 27  - Sportsmen Welcome The New Regiment "Argus" JUST IN TIME FOR LEAGUE SOCCER By CINGAPORE sportsmen welcome the men of the Royal Inn) killings. The Wiltshire*, who left for Bat. tlore, included a number of fine athletes, footballers, cricketers, etc., and they have carried away with them the best wishes of
    440 words
  • 237 27 SCHOOLBOYS BEAT "A" TEAM OF CHINESE (From Our Own Correspondent) Segamat. Playing on their own padang on Thursday the Segamat English School did well to beat the local S.C.R.C. 'A team in an interesting football game by three goals to nil. As this was the first game of
    237 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 616 27 Kill Kidney Acid New Way Win Back Your Vigour Famous Doctors ssS^ffStf&ttSfcTC T«ll Al>cut Successful Prescription That !j^ I'.'^h"' Vi M J r ommon kldner •ltd Making Men and Women Fed 10 uncorafo-table aennatlona within a •ad Vigour Brought by Cleaning Out harmleaa." Cyatex la the- prescription the tUCr.cyi. ot
      616 words
    • 2 27 TIGER BEER
      2 words
      191 words

  • 101 28 The body of Kin* George arrived at King's Cross Station, London, from Sandringham by special train. It was taken in procession through streets lined with thousands of mourners and 8,000 police to Westminster Hall in the Houses of Parliament, for the lying in state. King Edward
    101 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 25 28 (P c Gallunrs Scots (Uhisky MeUow and Frleodly Spirit IN friendly BOUTS Mi W MAKE THE FIRST "ROUND" "BLACK* WHITE" i i SOLE AGENTS. MALAYA.
      25 words
    • 281 28 />4jh GIN Tf\ S THE E*BTHW AGENCIES, LTD. TO W I N Not at all easy. Your competitors are Just as keen as you are. Its the extra effort that counts. Have you that extra energy to draw Mil Not while you have overdrawn In a rundown condition. In your
      281 words