The Straits Times, 29 September 1935

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 36 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA No. 197. Sunday, September 29, 1935. Price 10 cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 197 Sunday, S«ptemb«r 79, 1935. Price 10 cents
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  • 271 1 No More Fixed Deposits A STRAITS Settlements Government Gazette notificaion issued yesterday afternoon states thai the Governor has directed that no further sum shall be placed in any tixed deposit account in the Straits Settlements Savings Bank after tomorrow. At, recently as Sept. 20 a rule was
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  • 50 1 London. Friday. The Duke of Kent today opened the a Dealers' Fair in London at which the total value of exhibits is rstimated at a million pounds. The exhibits include a necklace made for Marie Antoinette and a gold and ena- mcl run attributed to Benvenuto Cellini—British Wireless.
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  • 178 1 London, Saturday. yEH¥ high speeds were reached by the streamlined train Silver Jubilee on the London and North {Eastern Railway yesterday. In a trial run from King's Cross, London, to Grantham a top speed of 112 miles an hour was reached and the train covered twenty-seven
    British Wireless  -  178 words
  • 114 1 Shortly before a steamer sailed for China on Friday evening Singapore detectives arrested a would-be Chines? passenger on a warrant from Ipoh. They searched him and it is reported that in the lining of a irousei pocket found about $1,000. A woman companion was also searched and
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  • 407 1 EARLIER DELIVERY OF \Y TIMES •■pu.. rraw..,,.iin today of the Imperial Airways service to Penan*, which has been made possible by the progress of the Pcn ant aerodrome reconditioning scheme, will mean a two hour earlier delivery of th« Sunday i Times to the rapidly increasing number
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 1 A Malay forward heads the ball during the SAP. A. Cup final yesterday, won by the Chinese by three goals to one. Report Page 21.
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  • 415 1 Abyssinia London, Saturday. A FURTHER meeting of the League Council Committee, which consists of all members of the Council with the exception of Italy, was held this tnorn- ing at Geneva to consider the preparation of a report on the Italian-Abys--1 sinian dispute
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  • 106 1 (FTom Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. Sultan of Pahang who is at present staying at Kuala Kangsar paid a visit to Cameron Highlands today. His Highness was met at the Perak Pahang boundary below Reng!et Village by Mr. J.K. Creer. ADO., and motored to the Astana
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  • Article, Illustration
    44 1 It was Mickey Mouse's seventh birthday yesterday and nearly 2.C00 children attended the parly at the Capitol Theatre. The children brought with them toys of all descriptions as prssents for Mickey Mouse These toys, which filled two loriies. will be ffiven to poor children.
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  • 57 1 I (From Our Own Correspondent.). London, Saturday. United Kingdom tin stocks are now only about 8M tons equal to a I bare month's supply, chiefly beI cause Bolivian shipments are 700 tons behind the quota as a result of labour shortage. Famine is feared by the London
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  • 216 1 FOOD STILL RISING IN PRICE The upward curve of food prices in Singapore, referred to last week in the Sunday Times, has not been checked. During the week, further rises in prices of rice have been recorded, increasing the difficulties of local consumers. A comparison of rice prices at the
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  • 69 1 (From Our Qwn Correspondent.) London. Saturday. RUBBER Spot (Buyers) ;,d. (Sellers) 5 13 16d. September 5 l.~> lHd. Oct.-Dec. 6 1 lhd. Jan. Mar 6 3/lttd. Market steady. SILVER Spot 29 3 !6d. Forward 29 I lfid. CROSS RATE London-New York. CM Now York-London, 4.91 Gold 141s. (id.
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  • 76 1 Noon, Saturday. Buyers Sellers No. I K. R.S.S. in rases (F. 0.8.) Sept. 19 7 16 19 3/16 Good F.A.Q. in rases (F. 0.8.) Sept. 19 1 16 19 316 No. 1 K. R.S.S. (Spot loose) awardable Spore 19< 4 19V< October 19' t 1» Oct.-Dec. 19 1
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 44 1 THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, (Incorporated tn Great Britain.) O«4 Osfee ear Malays SINGAPORE. COMPETITIONS IDENTITIES: Last week's solution, winners and how to make claims Page 3 Another $100 offered... Page 19 A I) -TREBLES winners Page 3 Another $50 offered. Page 6
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    • 40 1 OCEAN MOTOR POLICIES the AYLMER RANGE NATURAL FLAVOUR PRODUCTS Manufactured by the largest canning organisation in the British Empire W J2» GOLDEN WAX BEANV HE I TOMATO CATSUP Sjjgj- 111 When ordering |£sisslslsi£^ssssills«HM^sfissssH 'AYLMKK.' Sole Agent- 1 '^^^■Q bsiSSSSSSSSS*^ •^BSSSt^sm
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  • 1657 2 SINGAPORE'S LIBRARY CHINESE RADIO ENTHUSIASTS- COMING VISITORS DIFFICULT WORDS IN SCHOOL BOOKS SINGAPORE scarcely realises what a good library It has. I don't know how many books Raffles Library has on Its shelves, but so many are added each week that the total must be formidable. Particularly Impressive
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 96 2 Hair Neat. .Scaj^pHealthy Your hair will always look if S\, \v^ f best if you use Stacomb regular- ilt ja^SH^tK^^*\ y This modern hair dressing, i^ i^Xlr '/'^K JEs§^^^^^\ light and invisible, kecpse very h Vfe/)^ I .^1 B|V\ hair in place and adds a natural J WMTi healthy lustre.
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    • 223 2 ->r^j[ Do you know why you need the k&7 FOOD-DRINK THAT DIGESTS YOUR OTHER FOOD? In the tvw-lncreastnf strain of modern life your At the same time the valuable diastase in it give* digestion suffers first You absorb less and less of your digestion just the help it needs to
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  • 246 3 Due To Heat And Drought MALAYA NEED NOT BE ALARMED (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Luir.nur. A FEW days ago the b iits Times had cable news Dm Batavia that cases of ketela poisoning three of them fatal had occurred at Wonosari (Gunong Kedole). The
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  • Article, Illustration
    19 3 Staring girls of Nanking who gave m .-oncert In aid of the Chin* Ho ,-i Relief Fund IN PS.
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  • 122 3 "IMMODEST" DRESSES IN CANTON Canton. SINCE the enforcement of the prohibition on modern and undesirable women's clothes, inspectors of the Bureau of Public safety have made a search of the various women's dress-making shops in different parts of the city. Upon investigation, it Is reveal- cc that there
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  • 76 3 The Ladles' Union. Singapore, will g>e a variety entertainment at the Victoria Theatre on Friday, Oct. 25. in aid of the Jubilee Fund and the Union's Building Fund. The entertainment, which will be under the patronage of the Governor and Lady Thomas, will have many unusual features.
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  • 46 3 Through the Singapore Urban Cooperative Union Ltd. and the Clerical Union a lecture will be given by Mr. E. B. Williams. M.CS, Official Assignee, on "Clerical Bankruptcies" on Wednesday, Oct. 2, at 5.15 pm. at the Raffles Institution. Mr. Tay Llan Tec* will preside.
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  • 41 3 The Indian Association will hold a literary meeting at 1, Short Street, on Monday at 5.15 p.m. Mr. L. P. Mllum B.A. will speak on Montaigne." Mr N. A. Malial will preside. All members and others Interested are invited.
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 3 The Rev. (loh Hood Kent, of the Straits Chinese Methodist Church, Kampong Kapor.
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  • 473 3 Costumes Described By Our Woman Correspondent •"INHERE were so many lovely gowns and costumes to be seen at the Movie Ball at Raffles Hotel last night that it was a most difficult task to pick out any for special description. His Highness the Sultan of Johorv and
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  • 53 3 V.13,000,000 MERGER OF MANCHURIAN CONCERNS Daircn. The first serious challenge to the British American Tobacco Company's domination In Manchuria has been hurled by the 12.000,000-yen Manchuria Tobacco Company announcing that it will seek a merger with the 1.000.000-yen Toa Tobacco Company for competition against the BAT. In
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 350 3 IDENTITIES COMPETITION Last Week's Solutions— Three Readers Share $100 Miss Gloria Song. 400. Orchard Rd.. Singapore Miss B. Song. 365. Orchard Rd., Singapore, and Mr. M. C. Velge 131, Devonshire Rd Singapore, succeeded in identifying correctly all the photographs published in The Sunday Times Id-ntities Competition on Sept. 15, and
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    • 318 3 PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE. SPECIALIZING: Ocular Muscle ttß^ anomalies. Crossed /V^^^^ eyes. Complicated ff jfc^S^.Jf cases of defective J^^^ vision. Glasses if needed. R.A. Thompson Dr. of Optometry} (Gort. Licentiate U.S.A.) M.0.1 London5, Raffles Place (Fraakeb) Phone 2500. 35 YEARS fl ROPE AN CLINICAL EXPERIENCE. TIGER BEER A SURE
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    • 206 3 MADE WALKING A TORTU R E For 10 years the writer of the letter below wu "pestered" by tornthem. But she has finished wltta them now. Read how she did it "Radoi Bath Salts have done marvels for my feet. At one time my Jre'. i. uith corns and hard
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  • 562 4  - Fostering Malayan Civil Aviation A. L. Birch By COME people wonder why the Governments of Malaya spend the taxpayers' money in subsidising light aeroplane clubs, thus making it cheaper for the pupil to learn to fly. Is it realised that there is a very great future for civil aviation in
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  • 321 4 Poultry Notes FOLLOWING my article on Land for Unemployed I have received from a reader a catting from the News of the World headed Land of Promise for the Workless and I was surprised to see that the Secretary of the Land Settlement Association in
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  • 157 4 "THE TRAVELLER n OF INVERNESS DEAD Famed locally v an athlete, "when he was a young man of 50." Donald McLaughan has died at Port William. Inverness, at the ace of 84. "The traveller." they called him, probably because he would walk up and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 512 4 ■•••■■■■b^ bSb^bHM The Cork Tip \V^fc ,v\>\ keeps the Cigarette-end dry: The water-thin Tip of a Craven "A" keeps the Cigarette-end dry, the smoke cool, the fla\our rich; and j teeth, lips and finger* less readily fHnHfi&fifil^Er become stained. Moist Tobacco smokes hot. If you *£%1 are a "wet" smoker,
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    • 1 4 DEH
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    • 177 4 NEEM TOOTH PASTE T r ill SparUiac T«Ui mgraat Br.atfa 7-day take FUE ef oeal. Manager. THE CALCUTTA lIEMK AJ, CO.. LTD. N*. S, RaOea Chambers. Slngaaore. TVast send me a free sample tube of NKEkC Tooth Paste. I enclose 2 cts. In stamps to cover the cost of mailing.
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    • 409 4 SEVENTY POUNDS OFF HER WEIGHT "Hateful Fatness" Hat Disappeared It sounds almost incredible that anyone could lose as much as seventy pounds 01 fat without discomfort and without an »> effect on their health. Yet this nurse Una reduced herself by that amount, and is actually in much better health
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  • 589 5 Slow But Steady Growth Of A Museum (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. LJOUSED in a room adjoining the Malacca Library is the nucleus of a Malacca Museum. The Rev. Father Cardon, who was so keenly interested in Malacca's historical past, was chiefly responsible for the starting
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  • Article, Illustration
    23 5 Mr. Tay Hong Seng, sports secretary of Senz ('heong Society. Malacca, one of the officials going; to China with the Malayan Olympic team.
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  • 832 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) U MALACCA. •"pWO Malacca Chinese who will be j travelling with the Malayan athle- tes to take part in the Chinese Olym- pics are Tan Kee Alk and Tay Hong Seng. i Tay Hong Seng is the energetic sports secretary of the Seng
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  • 67 5 'From Our Own Correspondent. > Malacca. Saturday. At the last Agri-Horticultural Show held in Kuala Lumpur the following schools offered exhibits and were successful in securing awards: BookBinding: Ist. Prize— High School (Mr J Baruch. master in chargeV Rugs: A special prize and highly commended Tranqucrah English School
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  • 67 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. The wedding will take place at the Registrar's Chambers. Kuala Lumpur, on Wednesday. Oct. 2. at 9 am. of Mr Leslie Noel Samanakoddy. of T» ipln. and Evelyn Janet, daughter oi Mrs M. J. Wljasuriya reception will be held at the Masonic Hall.
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  • 615 5 TEACHERS' ASSN. MEETING OFFICE BEARERS' FOR THE YEAR (From Our Own Correspondent* Malacca, Saturday. •"PHE seventh annual general meeting j of the Teachers' Association of Malacca was held on Friday at the Banda Hilir English School Hall with Mr. Loh Hung Loon, the president, in the chair. There was a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
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    • 137 5 THE ASIA BOARDING HOUSE s* —^sfe^ HtlMM'i rrtmin r'^B iL^ftV 93 95 *•">€» B»7», 1 ttlM Bm I* 1 B garage with mod\fff jJ^3**fj|fl erftt charges \J j^^ESßilllSlllllV k°^ gers can *J~ V^Jfllll^^S' ways charter cars BEAUTY HOUSE No. 24, RIVERSIDE, MALACCA. 'PHONE No. 40. UF-TO-DATE HAUt DRESSING SALOON FOR
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    • 295 5 2 minutes stomach pains are gone Heartburn, acidity, stomach ea»— nil disappear within two minute* of taking a dose of Chardox Chardox Is not a drug— v is a highly-refined and extremely actlv* form of charcoal. It Is at least fifty times more active than ordinary medicinal charcoal, and has
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 286 6 "M-Jrebfes $5O FOR POSTCARDS YNifi ERdHN FM MtVTI LAME EMMN FOR STABILITY ASIA LIFE (Incorporated in the SUite of Delaware, V. S. A.) INSURANCE COMPANY Mansfield Freeman, President. RECORD OF GROWTH The growth of the Asia Life Insurance Company may he summarized in the following tabulation. ASSETS. POLICY RESERVES. INSURANCE
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    • 341 6 $25 FIRST PRIZE; OTHER PRIZES OF $15 and $10 HOW TO ENTER AND WIN Here is the third of the popular Ad-Trebles competition. Ad-Trebling enables you to get still more interest from your study of the advertisements in The Sunday Times and offers you at the same time the opportunity
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    • 165 6 IROLEX THE MASTERPIECE OF WATCH CRAFTMANSHIP _Jfe^ ROLEX OYSTER ■™bJßbHb«\<^/ Hmm™ill 2081 HHmsH bW p )hw prtciiion movement scaled against f'-Tn^S^ dements by scientific means. 18 Carat Solid Gold $185.00 MARCONI i^^ /Hf^^^^^^^^^^s»*^^^^^^^sjjHj^s^^ No. 1766 -css^^ 3^ Fiaely berelled cases .^^JLL —^m^ i Hmmsß^bi___ witk stajbnte pen- 11*^ I Tf
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  • 1060 7 OERHAPS twenty- four years on the sunny side of Suez qualifies me to Join in the argument abo"t the respective Home vs. East: merlts of llfe at Malaya Is Home and ln tne All Right East And neres m y considered verdict
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  • 141 7 XIX. THE BROKERS Friends, I present the tutup-garbed brigade Mostly their haunt is Singapore's Arcade. Would you be wealthy They are the men to know. Give them your cash; then watch it swiftly grow I Loans and Industrials, Rubbers and Tins as well Cheaply they'll buy, and dearly
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 410 7 I JM THE WORLD RENOWNED ■La^J^MftfL NATURAL MINERAL WATER WfwmJ mm^Uwf a Bottled as jt flows from JWr M^r f£it* B spring KS^/ especially MmmG EFFECTIVE V f ffJPI ■V IN CASES Of *10 r/ STOMACH 4 LIVER TROUBLE. GOUT, RHEUMATISM ''^^'^y^ r --^f^--^ zrl>^ Claudette Colbert m^^~-\ ■1 j-3ll^^*
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  • 733 8 Two Detective Tales And A Study In Sensitiveness The Sleeping Child By Alice! Grant Roman. They Wouldn't Be Chessmen. Cy A. E. W. Mason. The Spy Paramount By Phillips Oppenheim. Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. Crt each. TTiE Sleeping Child Is a st'dy 1 of the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 489 8 «DO6 OFF HIS FOOD Perhaps you have never heard tiie 01 your neglect. Provide him regutenn a bad doer." It is applied larly with Bob Martin's Condition to animals whose appetites are in- Powders. If your dog is off his food different. As a result, they don't now give him
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    • 142 8 Junior Book Club, Ltd., 15. LOWER fiMSVENOI PLAGE. LONDON, S.W. 1. £3 a rear brings you a GOOD BOOK straight from England every month for your children. Overseas Members given special attention. Particulars may be had tram the SUNDAY TIMES OFFICE, CftClX STREET. SINGAPORE. Kill Kidney Trouble Quick Thousands of
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    • 1018 8 1 frzfY— Tbe Bennett College. Ltd., <^Wfe rrindpal. bbeffield. 461, Joo Chiat Road. '2^. iJennett College, •'Lewsyniya." England Singapore SS. i i^P .aaaV bheffielj. 27, Ilutiupitiva Road. l)eir S, rs England Colombo. I have pleasure in informing yon that I Dear su*. was successful in the 1934 London City and
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 173 8 SUNDAY TIMES CROSSWORD 1 1 nrn pn F~p|^ p I 7 I p~ ll^Pf^"" P ll"~~i3J 17 y jr w wwww ZO 2.» 2* p| ST" **S 2fe> 1. :j -"I 1 P ACROSS: L (Colour: 5. Hew; 9 Maks SOLUTION OF LAST WEEKS entry; 10. Oolf chibs; 11. Bird;
      173 words

  • 519 9 "What Is Beauty?" Asks Max Factor HAD luncheon the other day out at the Warner Brothers' Studio. Sitting at my table were Orry Kelly, the famed costums stylist; Busby Berkeley, the dance director; Dick Powell, the handsome hero of the Warner Brothers' musicals. We were about half through the luncheon
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  • 427 9 /"VNCE upon a time there was an elf who was feeling very unhappy. Things were so difficult; nobody seemed to have any use for a bugler, and his little store of money was nearly at an end. All the fairies in Fairyland never seemed to lose anything, and
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  • 492 9 Cut otf the saddle of a medium- sized hare and shorten the ribs so that it will stand in covered fireproof dish. Roast it with some butter and half a pint of milk, with the cover on the dish. Baste well and often, turning It now and again. It
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  • 39 9 NECK IS lnche» BUST 34^' inches WRIST 5% Inches WAIST 26 Inches HIPS Mft Inches ~THIGHS 21V4 Inches CALF 13V4 Inches ANKLE S inches HEIGHT 7. 5 feet 5V 2 inches WEIGHT 120 pounds
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 342 9 Freckles Secretly mnd Quickly Rcmot»dl frfll-r--'- rrachto Craaaa M.acfcia aftaas •■> white ym alias. Lmm tfca akla aaft aad white— 4a* caai■toxtaaj fraah. daar and aalaraL rot 17 yaara th.aaaarta »t ata Sara ■■amis' IL 8a aaay to aaa. Vha (Vat Jar praraa Ita Btacte worth. Still/nans FntkJrCrtam FOR SALE
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    • 50 9 HALF PRICE 6 DAYS ONLY Commencing Monday Sept. 30th to Saturday, Oct. sth. Excess Stock Must Be Cleared To Make Room For Our Large Coming Shipments. 50% Reducti on on HATS SHOES DRESSES STOCKINGS NOVELTIES BEAUTY PREPARATIONS AND MANY OTHERS. AURELIA'S 5-7-9 STAMFORD ROAD, CAPITOL BLD<; CASH SALES NO EXCHANGES.
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    • 514 9 C. K. T A N G All kinds of fine Linens, Lingeries, Embroideries, Camphorwood Chests, Mahjong-Sets, Porcelain-wares, Peking- Jewels, and many other attractive Novelties. AS EXCHANGE MUCH IMPROVED PRICES ARE GREATLY REDUCED COME and SE E 231, River Valley Road, lst. Floor) SINGAPORE. COCKTAIL SAUSAGES I Delicious and Appetising Sole
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  • 857 10  -  Mary Brown By AUSTRlA— Dattelbusserin Ingredients: 3 beaten whites of eggs, lb. sugar, 3^ o*. blanched almonds, stoned dates and nuts. am Method: Stir the stiffly- whipped whites with the sugar, and beat them together over steam. Then take the mixture off the fire and
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  • 472 10 By E.K. IT i dinner party the other night I met two beautifully dressed < women. One wore a dress of light b'ue geor- gette with white satin design. The collar is very high, measuring about three inches. It !s ta&Uned by t.ireu crystal buttons. The opening
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  • Article, Illustration
    33 10 J~*HIS becoming blouse i« whit*, embroidered in shades of red white and blue, with a cord of the thr— colour* tied at nock. It is feather stitched round the collar and cuff a.
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  • 74 10 To half a dozen medium-siaed sardines add six small pickles, a teaspoonful of chopped parsley, a teaspoonful of made mustard. the yolks of two hard-boiled eggs, a tablespoonful of olive oil, a taWespoonful of lemon ftiice, salt and pepper to taste. Mash the pickles and sardines together, and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 276 10 They're off Every Morning IW/c/e Awafe-nappy %t m n H they 4tn fty 5 1 it m*^ 5 V. ""T "Both of them are up in their f-'\ studies m stand high at school. /gv I'm sure Quaker Cfcts is the reaAt I son. It starts them oft ri^ht, *~"7rp£4M^^
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    • 114 10 To Make Your Eyes TRULY GLAMOROUS we suggest WAYBELLINE MASCARA to make your lashes look loryr. dark and luxuriant MAYBKIJ.ini: KYE SHADOW to accentuate the expressiveness of your eyes. ..MAY* RELLINE KYrBKOW Ir \< 11. to neatly form your brows MAYBELLINE EYELASH TONH CREAM tt> keep your lashes eoft and
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  • 2294 11  -  Our Woman Correspondent SEPTEMBER 29. 1939 ANE of the most successful functions of its kind that I have ever attended was held at the Y.W.C.A. at Raffles Quay on Thursday. This vas the Chinese dinner, during which several much-appreci-ated musical items were given organised by the Chinese
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 80 11 f^^^^^o^^Wf/ T \l Please send me a copy of M THE LACTOGEN BABY BOOK." y^^^o>it^-:^^. flj|/ THE VI enclose \q cents in unused postage stamps to cover postage. §§s| LACTOGEN NAME BABY I] ADDRESS H I^m Jr^ Ihe milk for I v y^f) \m "ontrol from the moment it jk.
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  • 348 12 The SunDAY Times TOTIDEM VERBIS EDITORIAL. MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE: Cecil Street. Singapore. REGULATION of output has become a recognised principle of economics among producers of primary commodities. Will the same principle ultimately be applied to labour? We in Malaya for years heard nothing from the educational authorities but praise
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  • 957 12 Singapore's Harbour Does Not Know Moh otony A TROPIC midnight had cast its mantle of qu}et over Singapore wharves and roads, had turned its hand forbiddingly to the clatter and urgency of harbour traffic. Out beyond the breakwater the masts of warships reared to the
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  • 501 12 OO.MEONE wants public baths at Malacca, but most residents will go on preferring private ones. After all, how many people have figures which will bear exhibition "in the altogether'? A Malacca writer refers severely to people who, in a superman complex, "sizzle and wilt like
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  • 210 12 By Our Java Correspondent A TOURIST who had travelled extensively in different parts of the world, suggested recently that there was probably a link between the Hawaiians and the Javanese, and that the name "Hawaii" was probably n changed form of "Java." He had evidently observed some similarities
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 180 12 THE BEST SHOW OF ITS KIND THAT HAS EVER VISITED MALAYA! 3 SKOWS TODAY! OWING TO SUCCESS SEASON EXTENDED UNTIL TOMORROW NIGHT LONG TACK SAM and His Celebrated Revue including China's Most Beautiful ItssT NE-SA LONG S.c the Seiuational Acrobatic Display, and dozens of other amazing arts. With Excellent Surportinc
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    • 46 12 NEW WORLD SINGAPORE. Side Shows, Cabaret, Dancing, Talkies, Theatres and Cinema*, L.... ...j PIANO TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS HIRE E. CHARLES. Phone 2902. 74, Orchard Rd. [l J a} ■sssSr^B mI Electric Clocks from $14. 8 Day B *15.— 1 alarm clock $10. OPPOSITE THE NEW PIER
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    • 6 12 HiHSHHMiiM-MMMap««iiMa M Warm Stodiot 5 a^_
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  • 147 13 UNABLE TO GIVE AN EXPLANATION Better Living Conditions Yet More Babies Die OFFICIAL INQUIRY SUGGESTED (By Our Kuala Lumpur Correspondent THE doctor* are puzzled. There wa* in Malaya last year an increate in infant mortality, for which there i* no obvious explanation. I discussed the
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  • 41 13 JV/£ Church of the Visitation, alter addition* and alteration*, was blessed by the Bishop of Malacca latt week-end. Above is the present church and below i* the church a* it wa*. Inset is the Rev. Father George Auguin.
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  • 91 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Arrested at Ipoh on a warrant Issued in Kuala Lumpur. Wong Poh Seng, until recently proprietor of the Hollywood Amusement Park, appeared before Mr. F. K. Wilson in the Kuala Lumpur police court charged with criminal breach of trust
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  • 72 13 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. The servant, whose disappearance coincided with the loss of cash and jewellery from the residence of a Chinese towkay during the latter's absence, has been arrested at Singapore. The police have also taken into custody the servant's mother. The greater
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  • 127 13 MAN LYING IN PATH OF ONCOMING TRAIN (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Saturday. DASSEN&ERS traveling by from Taiping to Ipoh experienced a shock when the train was suddenly brought to a halt when nearing Chemor. The reason for the abrupt stop was i that a
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  • 656 13 i MENTION being made of the uneasiness prevailing, especially in Perak. about conditions in the kampongs, and the requests for an inquiry into them, the official interviewed agreed that an inquiry might yield useful results. "It might," he said, enable us to see how we can extend to the more
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  • 197 13 REV. ALAN H. PRINGLE OF KUALA LUMPUR (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. The wedding took place at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Kuala Lumpur, today of the Rev. Alan H Prlngle, vicar of the church, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pringle, of Crouch End, London, and
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  • 40 13 Mr. E. I. Parrish manager of the Malacca branch of Georgetown Dispensary, and Mrs Parrish are on a short holiday at Tukit Fraser. Mr. H. J. Lewis, director of Georgetown Dispensary. Penang. is acting for Mr. Parrish during his absence.
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  • 61 13 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. At the last meeting of the Malacca Municipal Commissioners it was decided to appoint Mr. James Hope as Clerk of Works on six months' probation on a salary scheme of $175 15A —$350. with transport allowance of $40 a month, the
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  • Article, Illustration
    83 13 y//£ picture shows the type of omnibu* now mamiy providing public transport in Kuala Lumpur. Thrae omnibuses are similar to Singapore's "mosquitoes" an.* usually have seating capacity for nine passengers. A committee is to examine the whole problem of cheap transport in the Federal Capital, following approval by the Sanitary
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  • 92 13 A Medicinal wine of full tonic value and of well-known basic ingredients is being marketed. A leading London analyst vouches for the quality of Phosferine Tonic Wine as follows: "I find It to be made from a sound full-bodied wine of excellent quality. It is free
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  • 39 13 The Albemarlc Trading Association, Ltd. wUbea to get into touch with Malayan firm* requiring experienced London buying Agents. Mr. O. D. Young date of Malaya) will give his personal attention to all enquiries 7, Alkemarie Strmt, Pteeadfllr, LiHw. W.I
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  • 135 13 SILVA SENTENCED TO SIX YEARS AFTER a trial lar.ung three and a half days, W. Wilmot Silva, who was charged with the murder of a Tamil, Slnnethamby, by stabbing him In the neck on the night of July 5 last at the Junction of Dhoby Ghaut and
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 78 13 I 9 Protect themM I with insurance I Could your dependents carry on without your salary in the event of your death Can you look forward with certainty to a nest-egg in your old age? If the answer is No," just consider how a whole-life or endowment policy will protect
      78 words
    • 2 13 TIGER BEER
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  • 77 14 "POCKET' VESSEL'S CAPABILITIES Toklo. fynCIAL and lay circles are displayyj ing the keenest interest in taw new pocket submarine developed at the Yokohama dockyard Experts reported tta&t the new submarine Is capable of diving to an exceptional depth and cruising under water for eight hours with a 25
    77 words
  • Article, Illustration
    56 14 liie "Ten-a-Penny" band of H.M S Hermes which played hist week at the Sailor*' Institute and the Warders' Clab. The band consists of 29 moath organs, 10 hockaphones, two rornete. a piano, cymbals, big dram and sided rums The leader is A B Garbett; president, Bag-Corn. MeLeltead, vice-president, Eng. -Lieut.
    56 words
  • 64 14 two reporters of the Aaahl" crutoed 1 for four hours under the sea. Scientiata point out that the submarine haa many features possessed by Dr. William Beebe's divine sphere, and la capable of reaching three-fourths of the depth penetrated by Dr. Beebe's "bathysphere," but in addition is abie
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  • 25 14 Moscow. Direct air service between Mosoow and Pragwe, as provided for In the Csach9-Bovlet agreement of May tO, 1935, has been inaugurated.
    25 words
  • 254 14 GOLF COURSE IN A JUNGLE LAND CLEARED WITH AXES IN AUSTRALIA r\ARWIN golfers have just completed probably the most curious golf course in Australia. They have hacked it out of thick jungle and have utilised ,a swamp, converting an impenetrable /Piece of land into a beauty spot. Fairways run down
    254 words
  • 493 14 Work Already Begun On Old Racecourse Scheme recent announcement that a number of 99-year building lease* unit lapse shortly has an important bearing on the health of tuberculosis-ravaged Singapore, for —me of the sites affected are to be made into open spaces. How important this
    493 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 136 14 TONE in the WOBLD! with a eeatcrlM It take RADIO feUT-j^Jß^Sfrffffi^ BETTKK FOREIGN RECBFTION. Sole hftmtm, Malajra: SEOW KUAN COMPANY, ONOBY GHAUT. SINGAPORE. I* Size 11 a Kill x \j in. In riush lined ducoed case. CO4 FOOT rREE When ordering stale for what money or purpose required. Also cheaper
      136 words
    • 72 14 NO MORE ERRORS Use the FAST pocket ADDOMETER A 'Is subtracts rapidly and accurately, models made lor English Money Cts or ordinary figures and feet and Inches, guaranteed, last* for years. FOR POCKET OR DESK: SO SIMPLE ANYONE CAN USE IT. BIJOU QUIET PORTABLE WRITER The Quietest. lightest and best.
      72 words
    • 1 14 EMI
      1 words
    • 175 14 [rHOWOAY and TUESDa7 AT THE P A V I LION SPECIAL RETURN VISIT BY POPULAR DEMAND. Th« ■engol lon-£ '•/V c«rt often^T^i i \\\\it'l oirt-numbtrtd m never out-fought I A lav o sweeping v\ ipectocle of sen mM tationol action I |§SjA UVES OF I A BENGAL j LANCER
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  • 1088 15  -  Nathaniel Gab bins By AS Uncle Nat toddled off to his beddy-byes the other evening a sentence he had read In a moving article printed in his favourite funny daily newspaper kept singing through his head. 'It was But for us to threaten Italy in defence
    1,088 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 164 15 BmJLj LfljferS a^|H Ol v r tl| n v ai\^l b^bbß i", 87^^^^ aaaaaaaaV ■jrtft-Hf* |Vv£i?\v\^H door and give you <re« access to KF^L^IT^/m^ wKat is behind It £flfl|fl|^H;jif!9 One turn, one twist of the IWv" \W~+tuning knob of the new Philips I receiver 335 is sufficient to bring in
      164 words
    • 1 15 SHELL
      1 words
    • 402 15 USE cleaning your |L *>**-—- <Z kitchen sink Wt^K^.^gJ^ Grease clings more stubbornly M f if^^"aV| w/I round sinks and draining I M boards. Dirt and grime get i^^M [I '/jm rubbed in with the grease, and I Vl; A ordinary scourets cannot get ii |Br JKm rid of them
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 540 15 Contract: By Culbertson AAANY people say, in condemnation of duplicate fames with matchpoint scorinr. that such games necessitate unsound and unnatural bidding. It Is true the _jqgS^ mate h-p o 1 n t Qt^^^\ scoring system jl 1 makes It importIV ant to play many \rl_^y hands In no\lf~ v
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  • 252 16 Learn To Play Tennis With Dan Maskell 6 I"ir..» week I shall tell you about a shot in which delicacy of touch and control are the essential points that is the drop shot. It is used either to win the point outright or, which is most usual, to draw a
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  • 808 16 BE SURL TO KEEP THESE VALUABLE ARTICLES Next Week; Match Play 2 [)AN Maskell practising the backhand drop shot. Extreme watchfulness is needed in playing this shot for the racket does not move along but across the line of the ball. movement of the racket
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 261 16 I* bw^^^bW^^^^^^^^^ Famous doctors recommend Asepso If you suffer from the burning torture of Mh i\ prickly heat, take the advice of doctors /^^-^/[l who have made a special study of tropical complaints— wash and bath with Asepso L mf 1. Asepso, containing 3% Biniodide of U^i^B^t^fcS^V^^ Mercury, is the
      261 words

  • Article, Illustration
    285 17 IN England Now! The time b drawing to a close when U can be enjoyed 'neath Nature's canopy, Lovers of the open air must take advantage of every sunny afternoon now, before garden chairs and tables are moved to an outhouse. The scent of dying summer hangs
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  • 59 17 PERUVIAN BASKET BALL TEAM Nanking. The prowess of China's basketball payers has evidently become known to far away South America, for sometime before the end of this year, the University of Peru will send its squad to i hallenge the best of the Chinese here, according to
    59 words
  • 70 17 An Important contract for timbers has been placed with Handley Page, Limited, by the Air Ministry. Details and number of the alrcrau are not known, but the machines are not expected to be delivered for some months. The contract is unconnected with the formation of
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  • 49 17 CRASH INTO PROPELLER. A seagull struck a seaplane flying at Sinclair's Bay, near Wick, and broke the propeller, the plane being forced down. The seaplane was surveying the west coast of Scotland and the Orkneys foi suitable bases for the proposed Transatlantic air service.
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  • 555 17 By FRED. J. MELVILLE (PRESIDENT. JI T NIOR PHILATELIC SOCIETY) OF the flood of new stamps which came out of the Armistice In 1918. the most remarkable are those which record the great adventure of Gabriele D'Annunzio at Flume. Italy's greatest living writer, he turned aside
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 708 17 W0 SPECIAL OFFERS. 1. 000 stamps all different, used and mint, mostly modern, with large s-« conunemorstives. pictorials, air malls and Colonial Jubilees. 10/6 post 4d Air Mail 2/-. 2.000 ctamps all different, with many magnificent medern Items some of which are very hard to gft. A good representative collection
      708 words
    • 410 17 SILVER JUBILEE STAMPS. We are buyers ot any quantity of used Silver Jubilee Stamps. Pot gcod postally used specimens of Straits Settlements and Hong Kong we pay from 70 cents per hundred. Stamps damaged or perforated with firms' Initials not required. Collectors who prefer to exchange their Silver Jubilee Stamps
      410 words
    • 151 17 U 161. HoUxnd Park Are.ue, W.ll, Large bright bed-sitting rooms single from 30/-, double from 3 gns. CAW. throughout. Bath each ftoot. Very quiet Personal supervision. Europeans only. Pull tariff from THE SUNDAY TTMES. Singapore I Milford on Sea, Hants. On Border sf New forest— wHbln easy reach of Bournemouth.
      151 words
    • 508 17 LONDON Phone Human 0830. CUMBERLAND HOUSE. 51—53—55 EARLS COI'RT SQIARE. South Kensington, S.W.S. Pleasantly situated. In a good locality Ideal for long or short visits, convenient shopping centre. Magnl3ceru Public rooms. Large recreation room HOT k COLD running water tn ail rooms Central Heating. Excellent table. Liberal varied menu, accommorla'
      508 words
    • 409 17 LONDON GOODWOOD HOTEL 0.1 1.1 NSH(>:U> TERK.U t HYDE P\KH II k C. water and reading HgtM in bedrooms. Uft Nisht porter Garage Adjacent Excellent Culslri? Gaily Terms from !T f? Weekly fro.r. 3 gns Bed k Breakfast 6 6 to 8 6 New Lounges and R'Miird Roora. Tariff f'O'.n
      409 words

  • 571 18 Liverpool's Five Goals Against W. Bromwich London, Saturday. 'Rotherham U. 3 Gateshead 0 kirn« i <i_ r Wrexham 3 Darlington 1 QAMES played today in the foot- ball league, resulted, says Reuter, as follow. Alrdrle 3 St. Johnstone 3 DIVISION I Arbroath 0 Queen's
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  • 186 18 (ftwi Owr Own Owi ult.) Malacca. In a friendly badminton match played ua Saturday the Adamevean Badminton Parly beat the Shamrock Badminton Party. The results are as follows, Adamevean s players mentioned first. Singles: Cho Kirn Hawke beat C. M Narayanan, 19—6, 15—7; Charlie Scow beat Lee Kirn
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  • 307 18 By virtue of walk-over received from V. Kandiah and Low Thjan 800 of the SeaYews, Port Sw.ttenham. Chan Kon Leoog and Chan Kon Shin (Merry Ones) will now i.ieet the holders. Moey Liang Teck and Lee Sim Beng (Ya!e). in the semi-final of the Klang District badminton open
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  • 185 18 At the seventh annual general meeting of the Amicable Athletic Association held at the Association's premises at 43-B, Upper Nankin Street, Singapore on Sept. 22, the following were elected to serve on the management committee for the ensuing year 1935--1936: Patron. Mr. Lim Keng Tiam; President, Mr. Son
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  • 62 18 Entries are invited for the following annual championship tournaments organised by the Selamror Badminton Association: 1935 In-ter-Team Singles Championship. 1985 Open Singles Championship ($1 a player). 1935 Junior Stngln Championship ($1 a player i Entries (or the above tournaments will dose on Oct. 6, and should be forwarded
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  • 64 18 The monthly committee meeting ot the Oxygen B.P. will be held on Sunday at 450, Paslr Panjang Road, at 1 pjn. Schoo's, parties and Clubs desirour of having Badminton friendly game* with the oxygen B.P. should write to the Hon. Secretary Mr. O. Jean or to ths Sports
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  • 246 18 The second cycling excursion of the Association of Barb/ll Mm was held on tfspt. IS, beginning early at 7. 50 a.m. Although -he weather was threatening the party was progressive and never gave up hope. According to the schedule time the party reached the Singapore Dairy Farm at
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  • 103 18 The half-yearly general meeting of the Singapore Government Public Works Cooperative Thrift anl Loan Society will oe held at the office oi the Mechanical Engineer. P.W.D., Kandang Kerbau, Singapore, at 4.15 p.m., on Tuesday. Oct 1 Agenda 1 To read and confirm the minutes .>f the last general
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  • 97 18 The postponed ni>als of 'he Adamevean B.P. men's singles and doubles badminton championship tournament* for 1935 will be played on Saturday, Oct. 5. or Sunday. Oct. 6. at 4.30 p.m. at tno Party's courts. Men's Singles: Charlie Seo v vs. Chua Ann Chuan Men's D— b*e»: Charlie Scow
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  • 39 18 Rome. The Marchesa Carina Negroni, holder of the world's altitude record for women, has enlisted In the Italian air force. She has been admitted Into a special squadron which Is exp?rimentins in stratosphere flying.
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  • Article, Illustration
    21 18 The Novices B. P. team left to rl»ht. Leow Kirn Fatt. Goh Ah Sow, Teo Soo Poh, Lim Boon Go An.
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  • 946 18 First And Second Teams In Inter-Club Final BY OUR BADMINTON CORRESPONDENT *I*HE Singapore championship tourna--1 ments for the current year will bo concluded next Saturday when the final of the last of the championship events, the Inter- Club Tournament. will be played at the Clerical Unior
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 284 18 [T^TOMACI^UFFERERS THE amazinf cures effected by Maclean Brand Stomach Powder, even in cases where all else has failed, have brought on to the market so many Imitations of its name »nd its appearance, that you must be very careful to Insist on the ordinal product, bearing the signature Alex. C
      284 words
    • 201 18 YCX/RDOGNKrtT i/AVE^MEAT/ He geu it in really wholesome form in combination with finest whcatmcals in SPRATTS o-SrOVALS door«/m* WEETftSEET Triidt erujuiritt It: K. S. BEST, P.O. Box 291, Bombay. PREVENTS SEASICKNESS and all Travel Sickness by 'bus, car, train or air never fails. Guaranteed In every case. Tiny, tasteless capsules,
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 225 19 Don't let dirt and germs threaten children's health PROTECT HEALTH WITH LIFEBUOY SOAP tx.- aij __>. ™ii.__ TMj dirt carrie* infection* The children t toy* rolling i~» ki a^ »•> rrrmi %vaitmg to M picker up about the floor collect dirt. J^ j m^uJj or body. Lifebuoy Soap protects precious
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    • 549 19 WHOSE BABY IS THIS? $100 FOR IDENTIFYING TEN PEOPLE. NO ENTRANCE FEE. Today, The Sunday Times repeats its weekly |100 MUSf BE WON Competition. We give at the top ten photographs of parents and below ten photographs of children. Can you discover the likeness and indicate which is the child
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    • 209 19 r^^j3^-^v children jtS*A 1 1 vigorous health Tyl fJT A. nj'VERY mother can help her *^m r 'M 4 |l ones to radiant health J^jj I i 1! by giving them a nutritious, 4K, M***~r 1 balanced diet. That is why -Jm\ f^XJ n& thousands of wise mothers give V
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  • 1582 20 Quota Springs Surprise To Pay $75 SEVERAL OTHER GOOD DIVIDENDS i(From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. IDEAL weather favoured th«> opening day of the Selangor Turf Club Autumn professional meeting. The going was good, a large crowd was present, and both
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  • Article, Illustration
    14 20 The newly-formed Chinese football team of Alor Star and the Alor Star Cresrent eleven
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  • 157 20 SELANGOR BADMINTON DOUBLES (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. The Selangor badminton champion[Ships were conc'uded today in the V. I. Hall before a large and representative lathering including the Hon. Mr. C. G. Howfll, President of thp 58.;.. Mr. F. IL Shaw. Mr. 3an Ah V/lng.
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  • 30 20 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. Owing to heavy rain here, the first Selangor Stat<» hockey trial fixed for this evening had to be careelled.
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  • 127 20 EASY VICTORY FOR COLOURS (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. Colours beat Whites by 26 points (four tries, two goals and one dropped goal) to nil in the final State rugger trial on the Padang today. Colours, which contained the probable State side, were distinctly superior.
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  • 32 20 The Malaya Command will meet the Malayan Chinese football team at MM Jalan Besar Stadium today in a test match for the Malayan Chinese prior to their departure for Shanghai.
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  • 20 20 The Wiltshire Regiment beat tho Chinese by four goals to nil in a hockey match at Tanglln yesterday.
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 171 20 glppw j&Br [fit' C /111 J CHINA is all for the old, and well-tried— old traditions, old methods and old friends. Perhaps that is why Eno's "FruiC Salt 3 finds such an extensive market in the Far East The world-wide fame of this fine old British preparation and its record
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    • 457 20 COUPONS. RUBBER REGULATION. SINGAPORE. HOLDINGS OF LESS THAN 100 ACRES. 1. NOTICE is hereby given that the Issue of coupons for the fourth quarter of 1935 (October 1 to December 31) will tw made in the Land Office, Singapore, beginning October 1. 2. To avoid confusion, owners aro requested to
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  • 410 21 WELL BEATEN BY THE COLTS Colts. 6; Combined Fleet L HTHE Colts beat a Combined Fleet team by G —l in a hockey match on the Nondescripts' ground yesterday They had to struggle very hard for those six goals. It was plain sailing in the first
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  • 405 21 Members of Union Sporting Association spent a most enjoyable week-end, Sept. 21 and 32, at the iHylw sea-side bungalow of Mr. Aw Boon Haw at Fastr Panjane The occasion was the ninth anniversary celebration. There was a large number of members and friends present on both days. On
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  • 82 21 Mwßbcn of the Slew Sin 8U Association •re requested to note that entries are now opened for the badminton singles handicap tournament aud win dote on Sunday, Oct. f Intend tag competitor* are requested to ■end In their entries with toe neceeaary entrance fee to the sports
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  • 1228 21 QUAN CHONG DOES ALL THE SCORING Absence Of Mat Noor A Severe Handicap Chinese 3; Malays 1. THE eurtaia was nag down an the official soccer season yesterday when the Chinese wosi the Singapore Cop by beating the Malays, who were the
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  • 328 21 WHITES EASILY BEAT THE COLOURS Whites 4; Colours 0. •TOE Ant of two S.C.C. hockey trials was played on the Padans yesterday, the game resulting In a win for the Whites by four clear goals. On paper the Whites had the stronger team and included several! players who
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  • 142 21 CHOSEN TO REPRESENT S'HAI IN NATIONAL MEET Eighteen Chinese footballers have been selected to represent Shanghai in the forthcoming National Athletic Meet to be held in October at the Civic Centre of Kiangwan. At the selection committee meeting N. Lee, the-left full-back of Tung Twa Club,
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  • 182 21 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. The following are the latest results in the tournament run by the Malacca Lawn Tennis Association Open Singles: Tay Hong Seng beat A. Matthews 3—6, 6-1, 3—o retired: H. 8. Lee beat Wong Tee Chin 2, 5—7. 10—8; C. F. Gomes beat
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  • 126 21 (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Saturday. Next month there will come on transfer to the Malacca branch of the Asiatic Petroleum Co. Ltd., Mr. R. M. Hoops, son of Dr. A. L. Hoops. He Is a very good rugger player for he has pla ed in the Singapore
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  • 55 21 Members of tbe August DP. are reminded of the sixth annrrcnary celebrations to be held at Mr. Aw Buon Haw's bungalow. Pastr Panjanr on Oct. IS and 13. Those who have not et paid subscriptions are requested to do so on or before Oct. 8 to the honorary
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  • 130 21 A trial Rugby game will be played tomorrow on the Padang with the object of selecting the teams for the Newcomers vs. The Rest match on Saturday. Oct. 5. The teams will be chosen from the following, but If any new players' names are not included, they
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  • 107 21 Joe Mendiola, a contender for the world fly-weight tiUe which according to the July number of The Ring Is vacant, will meet Frankie Weber. Malay's best feather-weight boxer, at the Olympic Stadium on Friday. Oct. 4 Mendiola Is ranked fourth to Benny Lynch. Jackie Brown, and Small Montana.
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 21 The Chinese team which beat the Malays yesterday
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  • 471 21 R.S.Y.C. ROWING REGATTA In addition to the Senior Sculls fcr the Rodesse Cup. the R.S.Y.C. rowing regatta yesterday afternoon included a splendid fours contest with H.M.B. Cornwall. The event was won by the Club by two lengths, while L. D. Walfcrd was first in the scullir.c
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  • 76 21 At the Royal Show in K-ewcast'e the Ovaltine Jersey Herd continued its record of successes by gaining eleven iwards. These include the Cor.yngham Challenge Cup which is awarded for Lhe highest aggregate of points in the Jersey classes. The Ovaltine Herd has iow won the Conyngham Cup for
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  • 696 21 SHOOTING NOTES. I INURING next month two competi*J tions, the N.R.A. Postal Match and the Colonial Smallbore Match, are due to be fired by teams representing the Straits Settlements. In practice, the teams will probably consist entirely of riflemen from Singapore, where both competitions will be fired.
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  • 1209 22  -  Malayan Sports Jottings United Services XV Show? Promising Form By "Argus" SINGAPORE. THK official season for soccer was due to end yesterday with the playing of the Singapore Cup final between the Malays and Chinese, v»ho had beaten each other once during the League season.
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 22 Some of the swimming stars who took part in the opening of the Shanghai Swimrainr Pool.
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  • 567 22 Police A Beat B Team By Six Goals —O. B. A. Lose To Kuala Muda XI Chinese Soccer ALOR STAR. 'ACCORDING to the fixtures four league hockey matches should have been played last week but the name between the Warders A and Warders B had to
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  • Article, Illustration
    12 22 Group picture Uken at the anniversary celebrations of the Union Sporting Association.
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  • 508 22 Will Combined States Enter Final? Wong Yew Chong May Be Ne?ri Badminton Champion (By Our Seremban Correspondent.) At the Nerri SembiUn State Lawn Tennis Association handicap tournament now in progress, one saw comji liters of various standards or rath -r at various stages in the game.
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 76 22 SELANGOR TENNIS. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 26 In the quarter-final of the profession pairs in the Selangor Club! i tournamer.t yesterday E. N. W. Oliver and R. B: Wyatt Smith beat L. R Ferrlday and J. Rowley S— l. ft— 2. Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 27 L. R.
      76 words
    • 140 22 30 VARIETIES of COOKED COLD MEATS AND COOKED SAUSAGES Every Day a Different Cold Lunch Menu Pressed Brisket Beef Pressed Pork Pressed Ox Tongue Pork Brawn Baked Ham Corned Silverside Beef Roast Leg Pork Botled Pineapple Ham Tudor Pork Pies (Small) Walls Breakfast Wall 5 Veal Ham Pies Sausages Windsor
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  • 990 23  -  "Echo" By A Gift Goal And A Missed Penalty-Kick Kuala Lumpur. pONGRATULATIONS to Mr. Van Tooren, of Port Swettenham, a keen and generous sportsman, on the successes of his soccer team during the season just ended for the Kuala Rovers are his team, and
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  • Article, Illustration
    11 23 Group of officials at the City High School, Singapore, sports meeting.
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 23 A section of the big crowd which attended the opening of the Shanghai Swimming PooL
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  • 750 23 Krian Gurus Enter Final —Schoolboys Get Rough Four Hockey Games (From Our Own Correspondent) TAIPING. TNTERESTING football was seen at the M.V.I. Padang on Thursday when the semi-final round of the competition among Malay Teachers in Perak. for the Raja Modi's Cap, was played between the
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  • 179 23 A friendly badminton match of five slng'es and two doubles will be played today, home court, 522. Kampong Bahru Road, at 3 p.m. with the Lads' United B.P. The "Draw" of the party's open ihMbha championship (K. O. system) will take place at the court, today, at 4
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 23 Gump taken at the kttver Jubilee (1910—1935) celebration ka Singapore of the LUn Kee K«k
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 395 23 SPEED Experience the thrill of speed with an ELTO OUTBOARD MOTOR ''ELTO" LIGHTWIN "ELTO" LIGHTFOtIR IMPERIAL 5 h.p. IMPERIAL 9.2 h.p. $220. $265. Sole Agents UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED SINGAPORE BRANCHES. ■^^^■^^HBH^i^HiiHi^HßH^^ War in Studio* IS SINCERE S ffj^l COUGH SPECIFIC Large -90 cts. —-—-==3^ #s A SINCKRE'B I ati£j& jjA
      395 words

  • 110 24 THE Sunday Times photographer was among the hundreds of 1 people in Raffles Hotel last night for the Movie Ball in aid of the Jubilee Fund. Above, left to right, are: Mr. Buckeridge as !*>nry VIII and Mrs. Phipps as Jane Seymour; Miss Margaret (her as Elizabeth
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 121 24 We are specialists in FURNITURE Bring your problems to us? SUN WAN COMPANY 83. VICTORIA STREET. SINGAPORE v r*~i§n. 1^ 'BLACK WHITE' WHEN DINING lEi| A v Black White at Dinner will create yj^^z^ just that feeling of brilliance and zest £m^^£k one needs for the social round and m
      121 words
    • 331 24 MODERN ARTISTIC FURNITURE designed and made by SUN WAH COMPANY 83. VICTORIA STREET. SINGAPORE. COMMERCUL UNION ASS I lANGI CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in Qigland) life. Marine. Accident. Guarantee and Motor ASSETS 166.00e.M0. Arthur C. P»tU, Manager A Under writer Eastern Branch. SINGAPORE. U S C L E S— -^w O
      331 words