The Straits Times, 22 September 1935

Total Pages: 28
1 28 The Straits Times
  • 36 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA No. 196. Sunday, September 22, 1935. Price 10 cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Newspaper in Malaya. No. 196. Sunday, September 22, 1935. Price 10 cents
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  • 106 1 League Told All About It By Woman M.P. London, Saturday. ryillNG the discussion of the opium problem at the League Assembly yesterday, the British delegate. Miss Horsburgh, M.P., described the constructive policy of reform adopted in Malaya. Realising that the drug evil could not be solved by
    British Wireless  -  106 words
  • 44 1 London. Saturday. Mr. Henry Bell, director and former general manager of Lloyds Bank and a member of the Dawes Committee in 1924. died here yesterday at the age of 75. He played for England at Rugby football in 1880 British Wlreles:.
    British Wireless  -  44 words
  • 63 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Saturday. RUBBER Spot (Buyers) MfA. (Sellers) 5-,u September 5"-* d. OtL-Dec. 5* 4 d. Jan -Mar. > -d Market steady. SILVER Sp*t ?9'<d. 1.-rward M>',d CROSS RATE London-New York. 4.91 'j. New York-London. 4.91 1... (.old ltls. sd. (Rate as supplied by the
    63 words
  • 85 1 STRANGE HITCH MAY HOLD ~Jp PROCEEDINGS Jacramento. Calif). Saturday. A strange hitch threatens to hold up the habeas corpus proceedings designed to free Tori Mooney, who In 1916 was sent to prison for alleged complicity in a bombing outrage. Mooney s comrade. Warren Billings, who was convicted of
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  • 37 1 Owing to information having been received that cholera exists In an epidemic state at Bangkok, that port has been declared an infected place for the purposes of the Quarantine and Prevention of Diseases Ordinance.
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  • 217 1 Last Week's Solutions Ipoh Reader Wins $100. Mr. M. P. Jeremiah, Ipoh Club, Ipoh, succeeded in identifying correetiy all the photographs published in The Sunday Times Disguises Competition on Sept. 8 and he, therefore, takes the whole of the prize money 919k This week we offer another |100
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 1 The finish of the first race at Bukit Timah yesterday. Sunday Times photograpr
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 1 Gallant Maggie (Wahab up) after winning the first race.
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  • 263 1 Emperors Hand Addis Ababa, Saturday. CEATED on a told -draped throne amid a pile of crimson cushions, the Emperor this morning presided over the "Little Maskal"— the great Ethiopian religious festival which was, celebrated with gorgeous ceremonial at the Old Palace. The ceremony was held in a
    Reuter  -  263 words
  • 102 1 ENGLAND TO THE CAPE AND BACK London, Saturday. CAMPBELL Black, accompanied by a to-pilot and wireless operator, J. II Me Arthur, took off from Hatfleld Ihls evening In an attempt to makes record flight to the Cape and back. He is flying a De Havllland Comet "Boomerang" with
    Reuter  -  102 words
  • 78 1 CHINESE IN WARSHIPS NOW IN PORT ALL Chinese servants temporarily engaged In the warships now in port have been sent back to Hong Konr by the Admiralty oil tanker. Pearleaf, which left Singapore yesterday. This trailer is In accordance wltn the customary procedure when vessel* of
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  • 75 1 Noon, Saturday. Bayer* Sellers No. 1 K. R.S.S. In cases (P. 0.8.) Sept. 19 1»M Good F.A.Q. in cases (F. 0.8.) Sept. IS 11 16 IS 13/16 No. 1 K. R.S.S. (Spot loose) ntest Cable: per •*>. London Spot Sheet 5 7/ltd. New York Spot Sheet G. cts.
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  • 471 1 "DOOR CLOSED BUT NOT BOLTED" Rome, Saturday. IT is < ..icia.lly announced that the, Cabinet has rejected the Geneva proposals. A communique states that while appreciating the efforts by the! Committee of Five the Cabinet has reached the conclusion that it considers the proposals unacceptable in
    Reuter  -  471 words
  • 69 1 (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh, Saturday. As a permanent memorial of the King's silver jubilee the public of Temerloh, Pahang, has Cecided to erect an obelisk, made of Malayan marble. The obelisk will be fourteen feet high standing on a two-tiered marble base, one tier four feet square
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  • 47 1 London. Saturday. Mr. Arthur Henderson, President of the Disarmament Conference, who is in a London nursing home suffering; from jaundice and stomach trouble, has received a message of sympath/ from the King and Quein Th«» patient was reported not much better last night.— British Wireless.
    British Wireless  -  47 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 16 1 THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, f lncorporated in Great Britain.) a«*d omct iot M*tar* SINGAPOU.
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    • 152 1 OCEAN MOTOR POLICIES SIEDCE 51J R j #MIUK •Sledge Brand tg«g|.» Sweetened Condensed SWISS MILK i 3 pure rich X-— Milk collected from selected v cows which graze upon the *^*"><"* -^^W/ p! st verdant and health giving rexsr^^f kfT'^S^-gA pastures of the Emmenthal &\fn 2m*&?*wBLx+ in the famous Bernese
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  • 1793 2 RUBBER TOPICS PROMINENT DAYS WHEN THE INDUSTRY WAS NEW: NOISY RADIO: MALAYAN PINEAPPLES WOT for a long time have rubber topics been so prominent in Malayan news to the extent thatt.icy have been during the past few months. The great riddle the experts arc setting themselves to solve
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 177 2 ■> s^^sf 1% fm f% The ideal open car for the tropics, CHEVROLET presents a new line of i:^§BW{ *ggg| car in the lowest price range. The New Standard Chevrolet Tourer providing. an entirely new degree of performance and operating HHH JflfiffiflMsmßMß economy. This car is powered by the same
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  • 958 3 Canvass Of Opinions In Singapore PEOPLE WHO CHALLENGE KIPLING'S VIEWS (By A Sunday Times Reporter.) 'TO the uninitiated Anglo-Saxon mind it is still the Mystic East, peopled by the conceptions of the Rudyard Kipling* of literature, and guarded by Cockney privates
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  • 191 3 Malaya's Bill For Cosmetics AMALAY.K Is again spending more money on perfumery and cosmetics. Total imports of these articles reached their peak in 1929, when the total was $2.r>00,000. This figure decreased appreciably during the depression. Last year, however, it was just short of the $2,000,000
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  • 107 3 NEED FOR FUNDS AS GREAT AS EVER (From Our Own Correspondent.) lpoh. Saturday. Presiding at a public meeting called to make arrangements for Poppy Day. Col. Cecil Rae said from facts which could not be refuted the need for funds was as great as ever. He congratulated the
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  • 360 3 SINGAPORE RUBBER AUCTION r pHKRE is an auction held in Singapore once a week which is not open to the general public. It is the weekly rubber auction of the Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, held in the Exchange Room in Pullerton Building Only members and associate members of
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  • 64 3 The Wiltshire Band will give the following programme at the Botanical Gardens on Tuesday at 5-15 p.m.: March. Royal Standard. (Keith) Overture. Morning, Norn and Night, (Suppc); Selection. Golden Moth. (Novclle) Fantasia, Reminiscences of all Nations (Arr.: Godfrey) Valsc. Luna, (Lincke) Fantasia. Marltana, (Kappcyt; Descriptive, Pastoral Scene, (Hume)
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  • 39 3 Major-General E. O. Lewin, GO C. Malaya, whu was admitted to the General Hospital last w:ek f:llowins his return from Seremban, is reported to be much better and should leave hospital In three or four dayv
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  • 67 3 Mr. Sze Jin Chan and Mr. W. A. Fell have been appointed to be tern porarily unofficial members of the Executive Council, in place of Mr. Tan Cheng Lock and Sir Arnold Robinson, respectively, wh> have resigned. Mr. R. Williamson has been appointed to
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  • 183 3 Shanghai. Saturday. f REAT Britain is prepared to make' a loan of $€99.0—.— (Chinese currency) to Nanking, according .to an unconfirmed report. The British conditions for the loan, says the report are that the surplus salt and customs revenues be held as security and
    Sin Kuo Min  -  183 words
  • 190 3 TAIPING BETTING HOUSE CASE (Prom Our Own Correspondent) lpoh, Saturday. Judgment was reserved in the Appeal of J. Manecksha and his brother against conviction in the magistrates court at Talplng on a charge of having the management and '/sist.ig in the management of a common betting nouse whnn
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  • 33 3 Upsetting his oven a Chinese hawker in Tembeling Street set flre to his stall. The flre brigade was called and a few buckets of water soon put the flre out.
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  • 101 3 BURGhARS AT CHANGKAT FUNDING ESTATE (Prom Our Own Correspondent.) lpoh. Saturday. Burglars succeeded last night In breaking into the office at Changkat Kinding Estate and removing the safe, safe. The loss was discovered this morning. The police v/cre informed and a search resulted in the safe being found
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 976 3 CRIED FOR HOURS WITH NEURITIS Could Not Walk For Pain This woman sufficed so badly with Daurßtl that for days together she could n t She used to cry far hours at a tini? wi:li the pain. Then one day sh" started taking Kruschen Salts— and in a short time
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  • 598 4 Russian Vessel In Singapore AND FOUR JEWS AMONG THE CREW (By Our Shipping Correspondent.) COMET ships which call at Singapore on their way to and from Siberia have always revealed conditions that must appear strange to seamen of other nationalities. Last month we saw a Russian
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  • 261 4 AN Anglican Church is shortly to be built at the 6th mile. Upper Serangoon Road. It is to be called St. Paul's, and Is being erected by Mr. G. B. Oehlers, of Singapore, at his j own expense, in memory of his son Harry, who was
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  • 89 4 WOMAN DEAD ON FLOOR CHILD INJURED (From Our Own Correspondent > Koala Lumpur, Saturday. A Tamil coolie was found hanging in the lines at Sentul yesterday. On the floor of the room was a woman, as yet unidentified, also dead. By the side of the woman was a
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  • 30 4 Mr. J. W. Jones, of Sungkap Para Plantations, Ltd., has left Bungei Patani on home leave. Mr. R. L. Inder, who has Just returned from home, is acting for him.
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  • 95 4 The Singapore Anti-Opium Society will hold an oratorical contest for pupils of English schools in Singapore on the subject Why The Opium Habit Is Harmful on Friday. Sept. 27. at 4.30 p.m. In the Victoria Theatre. Mr. H. R. Cheeseman, Inspector of Schools, will be chairman and Dr.
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  • Article, Illustration
    24 4 Group taken at the weddinr at St. Thomas's Cathedral, Kuching, Sarawak, of Mm. Chia Bok Gee, a champion weifhUifter. and Miss Llm Geek Llan
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  • 26 4 Che Mihamed Lsa, Land Officer. Kuala Muda, Kedah, is spending his leave in a tour of Japan. His place has been taken by Tuan Syed Bakar.
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  • 495 4 Poultry Notes npHERE are distressed families. Euro- 1 pean and Asiatic, that are badly de- serving help, but will monetary help be enough and sufficient to remeay such a state of affairs. Certainly not. in fact it may encourage others to keep at home when It
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 364 4 Sloans quickly re- i^£\ 7%r J li«v«i stiffn«s* and v^/^w <>v^^* s >s. •ches from $or« s^^^r N. muscles. tjS^\^f\ powerful stimulation s^. th« work, driving out sT «J swelling and pain in H s-JJTj&S^^ tCUTKA-MsHSMTrS. >^. ■st£lL^»»tß^^^a»ay»MlAAM( ACMMk MUMS s SLOAN'S! LINIMENT KILLS PAIN G. it I "Imagine How
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    • 120 4 TROPICAL SKIN DISEASES. A New Discovery. After Ion? and patient research on the peculiarities of many prevalent skin disorders, and experiments with varying proportions of Ingredients and formulae, a wonderful new remedy In the form of Kltano Ointment, Is offered for the treatment of all types of akin diseases. A
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    • 538 4 NIGHTS OF AWFUL STOMACH PAIN. What a relief to be able to eat and sleep normally after years of stomach trouble which caused nights of unbearable pain. No wonder Mr. T says he was fortunate when he tried Maclean Brand Stomach Powder. "Being a sufferer from stomach trouble for years,
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 5 Mr. Chee Chin Kion?
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  • 418 5 Mr. Tan Soo Chong Chosen As Nominee By S.C.B.A. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. HTWO names were submitted (or election as nominee for the seat on the Malacca Municipal Commission made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Chan Teck Chye. These were Chee Chin Kiong and
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  • 102 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. The spacious bend that has resulted from widening the Fort Road fronting the Reclamation foreshore has opened up a flne prospect for the Interested observer. The removing of the large trees, even If they will no longer provide shade, enhances
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  • 102 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. After the Installation of the bollards at the Kubu "circus" others of the same type will be put up at the "clrcuc" at the end of Riverside and Wolferstan Road and Runga Raya Road. Another has been fixed at thr junction of
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  • 849 5 (From Oar Own Correspondent Malacca, Saturday. f\NCE araki with their oaual generosity the Malacca Club have placed their fine field at the disposal of the Malacca Hockey Association every Monday. The Malacca Lawn Tennis Association are playing off the ties on the annual championships on the M.C.
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  • 169 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Saturday. Professor Van Stein Callenfells. accompanied by Dr. A. L. Hoops. Capt C. T. M. Husband. Mrs. Husband, Mr M. C. ff Sheppard < District Officer, Alor Gajah) and Mr. R. A. Ward (Assistant District Officer, Alor Gajah), visited the
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  • 47 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wi Kfat Yam have Issued Invitations to dinner en Thursday on the occasion of the marriage of their son, Mr. Wl Tlam Chin, to Miss Khoo Kirn Neo. the daughter ot Mr. Khoo Ah Voo, of Singapore.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 625 5 MALAKA RADIO SERVICE. DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE FAMOUS R.C. A. VICTORS WESTINGHOUSE. ALL MAINS AND BATTERY MODELS. D. C. mains Amplifiers 4 and 10 watts models complete in Teak Cabinets. "Garrard" Universal Automatic Record changers and Radiogram Electric Motors and Pick-ups. G. E. C. Electrical Accessories Philips, Osram and Isa lamp
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    • 413 5 PARIS Garters NO METAL CAN TOUCH YOU I^V Yamr Cmmrsnln Carttr iamlttmm 'The correct dresser everyxihert demands PARIS GARTERS Unsurpassed for extreme com* fort, long service and price economy all due to the long stretch snd long wear STEIN WEAVE ELASTIC which can only be found in Paris Garters. In
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  • 335 6 •I BECAME desperate. "I took one of my chisels and stab bed m> r!f. Intending to commit suicide." This was part of a statement made to police by a 27- year-old Chinese carpenter. Lok Yam. as he lay In the Tan Tock
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  • 37 6 Shanghai, Saturday. The Sin Tung Commercial 8a Tings Bank closed its doors this morning. This Is believed to have some connection with the recent failure of the Bank of Canton— Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  37 words
  • 287 6 POLICE FIND $95 IN HANDLE-BARS UOW $95 dollars alleged to have; been stolen from his European employer was found concealed in the handle- bars of a bicycle was told at the trial of a "boy," Ling Ah Nonjr. In the Singapore police court before Mr. C.
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  • 116 6 BERKHATANN OF SON OF RAJA BENDAHARA (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. A salute of five guns followed by beating of State drums announced the beginning of elaborate ceremonial in connection with the Berkhatann ceremony of the son of Raja Bendahara. The Bertlndek ceremony of the daughter was
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  • 101 6 $1,000,000 FOR SHANTUNG GOVERNMENT Nanking, Saturday. Mr. Chin Fan. Nanking Vlce-Mlnis-ter of Finance and Secretary- general of the National Economic Council, has wired to the Shantung provincial government that 1U request for $1,000,000 for emergency flood, wore has been granted. This decision was the result of an
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  101 words
  • 58 6 HELD UP BY MEN IN STREET (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Saturday A Chinese woman returning hom<> last night was held up by two men who relieved her of all her Jewellery and money. She was also beaten. The police have detained one person on suspicion. The Incident
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  • 50 6 Nanking, Saturday. A Government communique from Chengtu states that Ho Lung's Red Army has been surrounded by Central forces In the Slnshul River area. Ho Lung has been wounded In the left leg by a bomb dropped from a Government plane. Bin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  50 words
  • 35 6 The Slogan Competition attracted a tremendous entry and the task of Judging will be a heavy one. The winners' names and winning slogans will be published In the Sunday Times of Oct 6.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 316 6 AD-TREBLES WINNERS •FHE first week of the Ad-Trebles Contest produced an extraordinary number of entries and the judging has proved most difficult, so high was the standard attained by the majority of competitors. After careful scrutiny of all entries the prizes have been awarded Ba follows: FIRST PRIZE— S2S THE
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    • 212 6 GRACE AND A ENDURANCE j Few cars of its class at anything like its prise, gi*es IJ such a remarkable performance. J Note how the De Lyxe 10 h.p. Ford is designed to provide improved riding comfort. The forward mounting of the engine has made it possible for all seat?
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 829 7 "X d-Jre b Us $5O FOR POSTCARDS I $25 FIRST PRIZE; |I^->^^> From every OTHER PRIZES OF I <L "k NM p I r $15 and $10 O f P V ANGLE IV U L L A HOW TO ENTER I aJbwdv 3"om will find the V^E^^ C-non \l Q
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  • 491 8 Malacca Conference WARNING TO LAND BUYERS AT CAMERON HIGHLANDS (From Our Own Correspondent) i Malacca, Saturday. JPYOLI'TIOX and the passing of time have brought about the establishment of the Tnited Planting Association of Malaya which has If ft the In?- rporated Society of Planters
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  • Article, Illustration
    5 8 Herding water buffaloes in Singapore.
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  • 81 8 S. AFRICAN CRICKETERS LEAVE ENGLAND London, Sa'iudar. The South African cricket team, which have been touring England and which for the first time in the history of the tours won the Test match rubber against England, left Southampton yesterday on board the liner Windsor Castle At a farewell
    Reuter  -  81 words
  • 28 8 London. Saturday. The Prince of Wales has left Vienna for St. Wolfgang, near Salzburg, where he will stay for several days Br' M sh Wireless.
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  • 596 8 (BY OUR WOMAN CORRESPONDENT.) DRIGRT sunny weather, no doubt, was responsible for the large crowd at Bukit Timah yesterday for the last day of the Autumn Skye Meeting There was an unusual numb* r of Chinese women and many of the ensembles worn
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 39 8 v h\=JM a/ of z^ r W I eO fiJ *nce°tL* ain P«°n C 'v M w& A/ I by kee Ptn* tl,*** 0 tfte tee th 'S^ME DAfißYt Co.. Ltd. BPITISU UAIA^ AND SARAWAK 4* Wmrtn Studtct I
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    • 312 8 B Sga .1 88-'Ufl^ul search and practical experience and it needed JMrKhK M M ■^HKmH c numerous resources that only a big tm^BBSH^H S^S posal to solve the difficult problem of real V mfHa' Wl^HitflßHuuul se offering short-wave long distance perV uw^Bv^i^^uuull!S^iu^uul regional broadcasting on medium and ■■uuuuuu^s vb jVPir^i
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  • 1090 9 CAID the Governor, describing himself as "just a scribbler," when speaking at the engineers* dinner the other day H.E.s Is A x taow leBS Difficult about clvil en Job, Too neertn e h a n anybody else In Om ro m It
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  • 218 9 XVIII.— THE PLANTERS' PRAYER. Dear Mr. Governor, 'iten to our pleas We want to make some money out of our Hevea trees. It cant be done while you demand your pound of fleshy and more; Remember Mr. Shylock, whose ideas we all deplore. Those quit rents are a
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 196 9 I HAVE YOU HEARD I £B£* THE NEWS? I TsA^ Ifid PEPSODENT 1 > TOOTHPASTE 1^IS SELLING AT A !^j| NEW LOW PRICE M Now everyone can afford this Scientific Film- removing Tooth Paste This announcement is vitally important to everybody who wanU clean, lovely AT JHE NRW LQW p|rJC|
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    • 187 9 —^Y~^ N I Lasting beauty p/«s INVESTMENT VALUE In the world of cars you measure dependability by the Austin. In running costs, too. and resale value, comparison TTn m #%«>|%«p witn Austin is the truest guide. Now, every Austin model ATTRACTIVE displays striking beauty of line and countless new refinements
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 258 10 /^J iy I I 'vv (yk(ycMgi&6 Ci. J. Chocolates are costly but not expensive.... I Like prizo dogs, good polo ponies. Rolls Royce cars y^ fr *^^HttK^"^^^tf M^^ :ind SchiiparelH gowns, G. J. Superlatives are :y i /^^^^J^^r prepared to meet tin.* demands of those accustomed cjmp*'***''*' Ofc ■■:£j^^^Br to
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  • 607 11 With The Sportswoman Winning MAX FACTOR'S ADVICE THE case of beauty versus the sportswoman is a clear one Your active sportswoman will spend hours on the fit of her riding habit or will turn the town upside down for the perfect hat to wear on the golf
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  • 211 11 LONDON FASHIONS FOR PURDAH WOMAN AFGHAN QUEEN LEA OS THC WAY KABUL. FASHIONABLE dresses from London and Paris are rapidly ousting from popularity here the traditional costumes worn by Afghan women of the upper classes. The Queen of Afghanistan dresses almost entirely according to Western fashions and her lead Is
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  • 617 11 f\NCE upon a time there was great excitement among the mermaids of Neptune's Court. Coral, the eldest daughter of the King, had disappeared. The King had offered a reward of an eighth of his Kingdom to the person who could bring her back safe and sound. Seawell, one
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  • Article, Illustration
    34 11 y///S frock worn by Jane Baxter, the actress appearing in the film "The Clairvoyant," is in supple black satin. The bolero effect is embroidered in white soutache braid. A Marianne model designed by Strassner.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 375 11 Frgfcles > '^aa^r Secrrtly and Quickly R*moi*dl Pilmiiii FraekH Craaa Mi»cfci« Skaei cat white roa U»m SkaaklSNft mm* wain cmftetfMi fcwk. efmr mm* ■•tar*L Far >7 yaara <■■— rti »f aaara sava radaraed h. 8* mk was. tint Jar lv Bugle wort*. Stillmans Freckle Cream |-r««aJ«* 1 TWSkjM FOE SALE
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    • 85 11 SAFETY PINS NEW TYPE WHICH MAY BE SWALLOWED Spokane. Washington. A new type of safety-pin which baby may be swallow with less chance of internal injury, has been invented. The pin springs shut instead of open, according to Mr. J. H. Williams, of Spokane. He said that he and Mr.
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    • 578 11 C. K. T A N G All kinds of fine Linens, Lingeries, Embroideries, Camphorwood Chests, Mahjong-Sets, Porcelain-wares, Peking-Jewels, and many other attractive Novelties. AS EXCHANGE MUCH IMPROVED PRICES ARE GREATLY REDUCED COME and SEE 231, River Valley Road, (Ist. Floor) SINGAPORE. products %\\mjtf from the Famous houses of Aplin Barrett
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  • 42 12 In Black And White IMELEN VinMon, the Hollywood actress, in an attractive spotted afternoon frock trimmed with white worn with a shiny black straw hat turned up in front. Miss Vinson was recently married to F. J. Perry, the lawn tenn>* player.
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  • 1061 12  -  Marie Brown By THE recipes collected here do not, in all cases, aspire to be considered as the national dishes of the countries concerned. But they have the merit of being easily understood and followed by toreio^iers" while at the same time preserving their special
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  • 639 12 By Our Own Correspondent DOMANTICISM has been the watchword of Fashion for the last two seasons, particularly in the evening. In the advance news of autumn fashions, there is nothing to indicate that it will be superseded. One important reason appears to be that designers
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 198 12 What a DIFFERENCE! What a truly amazing difference MAYBELLINE DOES make HML\ '^ttr m\3mW^ Wl L Do you carefully powder and rouse, and then allow scraggy brows tnd pale, icanty tasnes to mar what should be your most expressive feature, your eye;? You would be amazed at the added loveliness
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    • 440 12 Her Skin fine -textured, soft as at 2O -DERMATOLOGIST FINDS 1 M Mrs» Victor on Pont lit M haa a delicate akin like '*i f <^l* W fi it; aalrlof 29 Not a slnftlc '^■G&m^aV >msm\ P°*« nlble." Der- wa ?<^sfi I rru olo S' 1: Report itmt^mm m^W i\
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  • 1461 13 Beautiful Cotcns. l T*<lE numerous other women rose r.ably to the occasion and were By Our Woman Correspondent AS I anticipated last week, the banqueting hall and ballroom at the Ist ana Besar ?.t Johore Jtahru presented a scene on Tuesday night which not even Hollywood could
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  • 729 13  -  E. K. B> CIRIKING proof ot the ever-crowing popularity of the Shanghai dress among Straits-born women is the fact that more and more are giving up the saron- and kerbaya in favour of the undoubtedly more chic mode. Many a head-shaking woman of yesterday has today only
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 312 14 The Sunday Times EDITORIAL. MANAGERIAL AND ADVERTISING OFFICE: Cecil Street. Singapore. TOTIDEM VERBIS CHOULO an aeroplane pilct be a law unto himself Should he when in the air be empowered with the authority of a ship's captain while at sea? The question which will have to be settled In the
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  • 1508 14 Elaborate Ceremonies In Houses Of Bride And Bridegroom THIS is Kirn Lian's wedding eve the house is like a beehive. The servants are s\veepin o the dust from all comers. New lace curtains of a most fascinating orange hue adorn the windows and doors. Beautifully crocheted
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  • 349 14 (SUGGESTION after reading numerous reports and commentaries in recent months: that the boxers declar■>i by the judges tn have lost fights be deemed the winners, since according to the ringside experts the judges are always wrong. After capturing the Gold Cup on Saturday. Jockey Dawson
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 418 14 CINEMA ANNOUNCEMENTS f A is week will be found IN PAGE 24. TUNE in ibe WORLD! with a ccaUrion It take < A.Uu *'fE ill i'Jr I' W Vtfl 'Jl^l BETTER FOREIGN RECEPTION. SoJr Agents. Malaya: SEOW KUAN COMPANY, OHOBY GHAUT. SINGAPORE. HC| USE THESE Once >ou have put a
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    • 45 14 I PIANO I TUNING REPAIRS REMOVALS HIRE i E. CHARLES. Phone 2902. 74. Orchard Rd. \mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm NEW WORLD j SINGAPORE. Side Shews, Cabaret, Dancing, Talkies, Theatres and Cinemas. fc H inir I i i V---1 «scvo» U/aZck SntccauSiS Illustrated catalogue free l^^^lß^^^^S^^tfKL 2S^^^^BL B^B^tii' Br
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    • 13 14 v A v I ilB to I II rl li. Lk.l^ L^J ki
      13 words

  • 462 15 If You Were To Meet All 923 Of Them At The Same Time! PASSENGERS MORE WARY NOW "£HAN€E your money? Change your money?" Every passenger descending a big ship's gangway at Singapore runs the gauntlet of this cry from saronged Indians
    462 words
  • 141 15 MR. JOHN KINDNESS AND MISS EVELYN SHARPE *T*HE wedding has taken place in Bangkok of Mr. John Kindness, of the Bangkok staff of the Hong Kon? and Shanghai Banking Corporation and of Oyne. Aberdccnshire. and Miss Evelyn Katherine Sharpe, of the RaJ-ini-bon School, and Hertford. Herts. The civil
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  • 403 15 Tropical Medicine School Experts Touring Malaya TPWO eminent members of the medical profession. Professor D. B. Blacklock and his wife Dr. (Mrs.) Blacklock. are now in Malaya studying health conditions in the Peninsula. Prof. Blacklock is director of the department of tropical hygiene in
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  • 173 15 V.C. "GIANT." KILLED BY SLIPPING ON A MAT A SLIP on a mat while walking from his study to the garden ended the adventurous life of Lt -Gen. Sir Fenton John Ay.mer, V.C. 73. This was stated at a Wimbledon Inquest. A verdict of accidental death was returned. For 14
    173 words
  • 199 15 BOYS RED TIES— GIRLS BLUE DRESSES S MOSCOW TANDARDISED education for Russia's 25,000.000 school-children is laid down by a decree issued by the Council of Commissars. Children will be graded according to behaviour, and, when they leave school, will be given diplomas in every subject
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  • 38 15 Phosferine Tonic Wine contains all that is best in a sound, pure vine, plus those other qualities which are generally associated with a course of medicine with strong body and nerve building properties.
    38 words
  • Article, Illustration
    21 15 'Y'HE marriage took place at the Java Merchant*' Association premises, Singapore, of Mr. Wee Hong Hai and Miss Soo Huay Ee.
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  • 97 15 J^|R. Roy W. Howard, chairman of the boards of the ScrippsHoward Newspapers and the United Press Association, is leaving California shortly for another trip round the world. After some weeks in Japan, China and the Philippines Mr. Howard will visit Malaya before continuing his journey
    97 words
  • 181 15 AMAZING STORY OF BOGUS MAJOR Posed As Doctor In Singapore WHEN Richard Gerald Wlllougbbf was sentenced at Anclover, Hampshire, to three months prisonment and a fin? of i 3 lor unlawfully wearing a ma.. form and military decorations at Tidworth, where he wa* cricket match and was entertained in the
    181 words
  • 31 15 The Sunday Times understands that the judge was Mr. Justice F. G. Etevans. who in 1931 went home on medical advice. He retired while at He is now in good health.
    31 words
  • 92 15 A NEW anti-aircraft battery for Hong Kong as well as Sincapor? is announced. Last month it was learned that a i third battery was to be formed in Singapore in November. This battery and the two already In existence will be stationed at Changi. The King has
    92 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 78 15 GO SMARTLY HANDKERCHIEFED! Choose your handkerchiefs as you choose your ties to go with your suits to suit all occasions. See Pyramids at your outfitters. Colours and colour borders in inimitable variety, and a choice of self-designs even in white. Don't be misled by the moderate Pyramid prices. Men who
      78 words
    • 2 15 TIGER BEER
      2 words
    • 104 15 APPOINTMENT WS»SP B[^VVK H.M. KINGCEORCE V BILLIARD TABLES ACCESSORIES a_i^__B__aaY^^____ ___i T fiaVß^B^S ____7 E "STRAITS" TABLE Full size, in solid Mahogany throughout supported on eight bold turned legs, fitted with slate bed, the "Borwat" cushions "Kw-efca" extra low, fast and noiseless, best India rubber, patent Invisible pocket plates superfine
      104 words

  • 263 16 Experiments To Help People Living In The Tropics npROPICAL colonists may wear sulrs i of aluminium foil as a protection against the heat, following the success of experiments made by the London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Practical tests of the metallic cloth which they have evolved
    263 words
  • Article, Illustration
    31 16 Mr. Nf Seng Yong, sou of .Mrs. Ng Joo Khiang and the late Mr. Kg Joo Khiang. with ais bride. Kirn Buan Eng, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kirn Lip Hoo.
    31 words
  • Article, Illustration
    24 16 The Fisherman a picture taken on the Singapore coast. He is turning over the sand with an oar in a search for anything edible.
    24 words
  • 1257 16 SOME ASPECTS OF THE PROBLEM ELECTRICITY, PETROL OR HEAVY OIL (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. ■MUCH satisfaction has been caused by the announcement that the Resident of Selangor is appointing a committee to investigate the urgent problem of public transport in
    1,257 words
  • 57 16 DRAKE'S GUN LOST IN ENGLISH WAR WITH SPAIN Cortm.:a A cannon eight feet long with a three-inch calibre has been dredged from the mud in Corunna Harbour. Experts say that it is one of the guns from a ship in Admiral Drake's fleet which was sunk when he attacked Corunna
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 111 16 i j- ZZZZZZZ Z ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ2ZZGZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZ ZZ SO I How do you judge a whisky I BY ITS FLAVOUR? I I I I < Taste the unusual smoothness of i Johnnie Walker! < BY ITS BOUQUET? < i J Notice the Highland fragrance in your glass of Jonnme Walker! j
      111 words
    • 118 16 Help Kidneys Don't Take Drastic Drugs Tour kidneys hay* nine million tiny tubes) or filters which are endangered by neglect or drastic. Irritating drugs. Beware! If Kidney trouble or Bladder weak* iifss makes you suffer from < letting Up Nights, Leg Pains. Nervousness. DluU ness. Stiffness, Rheumatism. L«umbago, circles Under
      118 words

  • 1275 17  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By THE frankest statement of the week came from Baron Aloisi, Mussolini's spokesman at Geneva. When asked what Italy wanted of Abyssinia, the baron replied, "Everything." This is probably the first recorded instance in history of a statesman not only speaking Oie truth but
    1,275 words
  • 526 17 Peep* At China (XF a Chinese superstitions, the one which persistr most stubbornly, exerting a great influence on the national life. Is the famous feag shui— the Wind and Water system of geomancy. It seems impossible to give a correct explanation of this belief, which has
    526 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 909 17 IQUICK ACTION with SAFETY fegc KEYNOTE of J W^L* -"^t I \\7^^^ Headaches Pain High Temperatures, and I VlWvHnYnLi numerous conditions of ill-health appear you want I yVV RELIEF, and Quick Relief, to get back to normal. This I IHb s w here the use of 'ASPRO' is so valuable.
      909 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 404 17 Contract: By Culbertson 117HEN a player holds some surh combination as K 10 3 of a suit in one hand and nothing but email cards in the other, he need tnot worry about losing more than two tricks in that suit, provided he is not compelled to lead the suit.
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  • 774 18 Books Of The Week Individualism And Sloth The Enemies Of Quick Progress Russia, Then and Now. By Briga-tUer-General W. H. H. Waters. John Murray 7s. 6d. DRIGADIER-GENERAL Waters D has known Russia since he first visited the country in 1888, when he gained a Civil Service
    774 words
  • 304 18 The House in Paris. By Elizabeth Bowen. Gollancs. 7s. 6d. AAISS Brown is a young authoress who has been extravagantly praised by her contemporaries. Printed round the cover of "The House in Paris" are extnct3 from highly laudatory reviews. We read of "frightening brilliance," "red letter days
    304 words
  • 93 18 School Plays for Infants. By Kate Lay. Macmillan and Co. 6d. a set. •T*HIS is a series of six plays whlcn has been written for very young children. The language is so simple that a two-year-old could follow the lines. The speeches are numbered in order of utterance
    93 words
  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 275 18 KEEP THE MEN BUSY AT M .j.. ii HOME BY BUYING BRITISH II goods. iHHHMMHH I WHY BUY FOREIGN? M -I when there Is no better Typewriter r^B&~#'* <| In the World than 1 HiTf^^^i -I The All-British. (IMPERIAL Mgpgpl As suppled to all Government £Kf3glJH9UM|^Hj i, 1 Departments and
      275 words
    • 44 18 Junior Bock Club, Ltd., IS, LOWER 6JiC:VFROR PLACE. LONDON, S.W. 1. £3 a year brings you a OOOD BOOK straight from England every month for your children. Oversea* Members given special attention. Particulars may be bad from the SUNDAY TIMES OFFICE, CECIL STBXKT. SINGAPOKE.
      44 words
    • 335 18 oteel Wire Hopes pfi'lljj||||n YOU WANT THE ~^|ffl BEST ROPES. WE HAVE THEM! -,vIH LARGE STOCKS all sizes STEEL WIRE ROPES. c^rE[ ALWAYS AVAILABLE Write for full particulars. fTf William Jack* gj Co. </I\almia> LtcO H SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR PENANG IPOH. MAAS-53 WESTBNG HOUSE AVAILABLE Components FROM SI 50 UP
      335 words

  • Article, Illustration
    405 19 r England Mow Under the shadow of historic Big Ben a little bmnd of athletes gather, accompanied by a low triends, officials and p**— A curious crowd soon forms, far in the nip of this fine September morning a start Is about to be made on a
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 735 19 Bring your Stamp Collection up-tO'rifiti* British Colonial and Foreign stamps. aO modern mm tnrlurtrag mice sue com- amwMasttvm and ptctuimli. umij stamp attractive and tn the beet eoorittmti. nil stamp* that wl 1 Increase enormously tn value in the near future. A fine investment. ISO dlSerra: 6M different 15/- i
      735 words
    • 342 19 SILVER JUBILEE STAMPS. We ate buyers of any quantity of used BUvar Jubltee Stamps. For good postally used specimens of ■traits Settlements and Hong Kong mi pay from 70 cents per hundred, ■mini ii damaged or perforated with Arms' Initials not required. Collectors who prefer to exchange their Bllver Jubilee
      342 words
    • 938 19 LONDON. FINEST YET QUIETEST POSITION HOTEL STRATHCONA, (The Strathcona Residential Club) LANCASTER GATE. HYDE PARK. A few yards from Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. Buses and Tubes to all parts Hot and cold water and gas fire in bedrooms Ample bathrooms Central Heating Lift Inclusive terms from 3 gns per
      938 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 304 19 Our Crossword Puzzle JSKW S/jH^ i i I fii 'La NOTE:— Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (CLUES.) ACROSS. Call to mind (7) 33 One taking vengeance CD L Claimed back (t) (J( Flowed (8) 36. Mate a camp (8) 10. Impresses 18) M
      304 words

  • 1823 20 GREAT CLUBS GREAT PLAYERS j I J —And He Scored Against His Own Side! MEN WHO HAVE MADE EVERTON BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. 'TO an Everton man belong* the distinction of having scored more goals in a single season of League football than anyone
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 92 20 IP W*^ an< women w h° wish to rff IVI appear at their best must 9 A be sure that their teeth arc white m ,m and sparkling. P Dull discoloured teeth ruin the m H appearance keep your teeth j|p strong, healthy and white by m 0 the daily
      92 words
    • 141 20 HIpE STORE f^lyouthful [Mhfc YlbUUn DRAND'S Essence of Chicken is E aE begins at once to repair functional j»» JM^jf Brand's Essence of Chicken is not 'JsJI iiMf* S an extract but the pure essence of H. H. HODGES 37. RaMma* Raatf. Singapore "watch out jfiSu TH EY RE Im]
      141 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 1265 21 mm^F s^s^^^ J& mmm^^^^^^^^^^au flt **P I mmmmrn BbsV mw 9 Mmmt A^ mmm mm^mttt^m^m^m^mX b^b^^^ mr J J^^^K^K<sk^»»Sm 99 I ■^Lb^bi^bb^b^^^^^^^^^^bb^bb^bbT I r Mmmmt 2 m^ m mR !Bl WWfc < W^m bb^Ly VkS 'W V^ V bHbbMbVbbV^l ib^LP^^^^^^^^bbl W*t 'Cq^^H flK^^Lw .^BB^BskjaVl «b^bb^bb^H^BbbW JHMHbW. i* W*^ mmmmmm»-L' mmmt
      1,265 words

  • 890 22 SERVICE, the drive on both sides of the body, the volleys high and low by now you should be learning to play them all. Here is a shot you'll enjoy, one you can really let yourself go over and another tha* uill get
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  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 89 22 Banish the torment THE ANTISEPTIC J^fcSl^lfiil TOILET SOAP /i^^^^^^^»| No more broken, sleepless nights; no 1 jllj fpt^v^/ \3 heat Follow the recommendation of the Y^^^t^Er^T^- heat and other skin diseases, the wonderful antiseptic properties of Asepso quickly restore the skin to its proper healthy condition. Doctors who study tropical
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  • 312 23 Chelsea Win Again London, Saturday. RESULTS of League football games played today, says Renter, are as follows DIVISION I Arsenal 2 Manchester C. 3 Birmingham 0 Stoke City 5 Brentford 1 Aston Villa 2 Derby Co 3 Middlesbrough 2 Everton 1 Huddersflcld T. 3 Grimsby
    Reuter  -  312 words
  • 133 23 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Saturday. In a scrappy Rugby game Penang A beat Talplng by 8 points (a goal and a try) to 6 points (two tries). Taiping were two men short and had the assistance of Richardson and Murray, both probable St-.te players. Both sides missed
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  • 910 23 BOXING (By Our Boxing Correspondent.) pKANKIL Weber met his match in Ventura Marauez, the Mexican. li»n they foiij-lit twelve three-minute rounds at the New World stadium last right. He lest and by a laige margin. There was no doubt that Marquez. a pretty and
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  • 98 23 Sourabaya to Batavia and return— a total of 1.586 kilometres in 18 hours. 21 minutes, maintaining an average speed of more than 86 kilometres an hour. is the new record created by Mr. D. H. Heuterman. managing director of the N.V. Nederlands Indies Gas MaatachapplJ and chairman
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 23 The Nanyan* Girls' School, Singapore, basket bsU team
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  • 630 23 (By Oar Badminton Correspondent) Singapore. •T*HE individual badminton tnampionship tournaments were successfully concluded last week when the finals of the men's open singles and doubles events were played off. and for the first time In the history of badminton in Singapore since the tournaments were first
    630 words
  • 455 23 HOW LEOW KIM FATT WON CHAMPIONSHIP By Our Badminton CORMPOI CAIR, of medium height v.lth s. sISSwJI frame Is Leow Kirn Fatt. Singapore's new singles and doubles i>adininton champion. When I told him an insight lr:o ins method of training would be of vuiuable assistance
    455 words
  • 994 23 (By Oar Badminton Correspondent.) THE big crowd that turned up at the Clerical Union Hall yesterday, expecting to see a rood match, were not disappointed as the match between the Novice Badminton Party (holders of the inter-clah trophy) and the Diehard Badminton
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 375 23 Wakened by indigestion PAIN GOME-^f ASLEEP AGAIN IN 5 MINUTES Do you know that awful feeling of wakening in tbe middle of tbe night With the pains of indigestion trnawlng at your inside? Read how one eucb sufferer ended his trouble ima that now I am turned 50. tf 1
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  • 673 24 Three Goals Scored In Second Half WINNING SHOT COMES FEW MINUTES FROM END S.C.F.A 3: R.A 2. THE winning goal in yesterday's S.A.F.A. Cup match at the Anson Road Stadium was scored less than ten minutes from the end. It j eliminated the
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  • 139 24 LOW SCORING IN STATE TRIAL (Prom Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Saturday. The State Rugger trial ended in a win for Colours by eight points (a goal and a try) to three points <a try). J. Brown scored the first try for the Colours. Mayor converted, and soon
    139 words
  • 94 24 The return match between the American Association golf team and the Japanese Golf Club, played over the Japanese Tanghn course lost Sunday resulted in a wir for the American Association team by 5' 4 to 2' 4 as follows: Baston A Curley Hcwhisakl A Chikamoto 1. Lee Howey
    94 words
  • 72 24 The following players will represent the National B.P. against the St. Gregory B.P. in a frlend.y badminton match of five singles and two doubles at the home court, Pukat Road (off Martin Road) today at 2.30 p.m. Low Hock Chiang. Sag Beng Teck. Sng Seng Heng, Soh Lim
    72 words
  • 55 24 The following will represent th» Anscn B.P. against the August in a friendly badminton match today at I p.m. Lee Yang Chlm. Teo Soo Poh. Sng Beng Teck. Sng Seng Hcng. Kon Puay Chlm Chan Pook Kan. Lee Teow liong. Ho Cheong Srng. Soh Ah Loo. Sim Poh
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  • 300 24 FIVE-YEAR-OLD RECORD BROKEN /"\NE record was broken 'at the sixth annual swimming carnival of Anglo-Chinese School held yesterday at the V.M.C.A. pool at Fort Canning. This was in the 80 yards backstroke event which was swum by Yeo Jut Mok, who proved to be the champion of
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  • 84 24 Competitors in the Slew Sin 81a tournaments are hereby Informed that the lawn tennis tournament will begin on Saturday and badminton tournament on Sunday. The following are the first ound ties for the coming week-end:— Tennis: Saturday at 4 00 p.m., Thng Soon Tee vs. lim Kirn
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  • 286 24 KUALA ROVERS WIN BY ONLY GOAL (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. there was heavy rain this afternoon the Stadium ground remained in good condition when the teams took the field for the Selangor Cup final between the Tamils and the Kuala Rovers which the Rovers
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  • 95 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star. Saturday. The Kedah Medical Recreation Club. Alor Star, will celebrate their third anniversary at their club premises on Sept. 26. The State Surgeon, D. J. Gray, will preside and the Lady Medical Officer. Dr. (Mrs.) M. O. Brodle has consented to give
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  • 64 24 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Alor Star, Saturday. Kedah has produced a representative for the All-China Olympiad. He is Sehu Tap. a well-known all-round sportsman, excelling in volley ball in which game he has been selected to represent Malaya. Mr. Chin Kok New. president of the Newsville Badminton Party,
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  • 91 24 The following have been selected to represent the August Badminton Party in a friendly badminton match withe Anson Badminton Party of sevea singles today at the latter's court 35. Wallich Street at 1 p.m. P.ayers and supprters are requested to assemble st the honrary sports captain's residence 186,
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  • Article, Illustration
    45 24 Malaya's swimming team for the China Olympiad. Left to right, standing: Yeo Jul Mok, Ho Su Tong. Yeo Jui Hua. Loo Kut Shin*. Kneeling: Miss Leong Yut Hong, Miss Goon Poh Chin. Miss Goon Oeofc Chin. Miss Annie Yeo. Miss Florence Ng, Miss Peggy Ho.
    45 words
  • 120 24 INTER-CLUB TENNIS OVERWHELMING VICTORY FOX CHINESE I*HE tennis match between the Singapore Cricket Club and th 2 Slraiis Chinese Recreation Club ytv.tcrda/ I afternoon on th? S.C.C. courts resulted In an overwhelming victory for the Chinese by six matches to nil. 12 MM to 3 and 85 games to 47.
    120 words
  • 168 24 TONIGHrS AMATEUR FIGHTS. AN amateur boxing programme of ten fights will be staged at the New World Arena tonight, the full proceeds being donated to the Singapore Jubilee Fund. His Excellency the Oovernor has given his patronage to the show. There will be an added attraction as H.M.S. Hermes,
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 129 24 An Absolute Scream and just a bit Naughty too! Cane and have a trwmk Laugh TODAY CAPITOL 3.15 6.15 9.15 Warner Bros' saucy, snappy comedy hit! The *tory of an author who taught a million womrn how to Love in his red-hot romantic novel*— and then a dizsy blonde stepped
      129 words
    • 176 24 'NER-YIGOR* A STRENGTHENING TONIC I (axm-iMtm«rtt«inu without mtuns) 1 INCREASES VITALITY m Gencralweakness Loss of Nerve Power Huxleys Lost Energy Poorness of Blood IlliraA/iieflß Anemia Sleeplessness. 1 Formates 1 lx~---~ Indigestion Ss=— Depression throughout the large towns of I»«JIA.eURMAH,CFn.ON. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. I SHANGHAI, CAPE TOWN. MALTA. EGYPT CV. Messrs Paramount
      176 words

  • 2283 25 CAPTAIN DASH'S FOUR STRAIGHT WINNERS JUSTICIA REWARDS BACKERS WITH $124 GLORIOI'S weather prevailed for the last day of the Singapore Turf dob Autumn Skye meeting and there was quite a large attendance. "Capt Dash" gave four winners. Wahab, who had such a
    2,283 words
  • Article, Illustration
    491 25 Chinese Personalities MR. Lim Bong Soo. Malaya's lawn Unnis champion, is the hope of Malaya in the 1 hina National Meet v. nich will take place at the brginnine of October in Shanghai. Born in Singapore In January. 1901--son of the late Mr. Urn Tjwie. Ong, v
    491 words
  • Page 25 Advertisements

  • 1217 26  -  Argus" Malayan Sports Jottings "By Strength Of Newcomers Will Be Seen On Oct. 5 Singapore. DM.IiY football prospects in Singapore for the forthcoming -eiLM.n are reported to be very bright, but we shall have to wait until int. 5 to see what the calibre of the
    1,217 words
  • Article, Illustration
    22 26 SeUntor Malay Association football team, last year's winners of the junior knock-out competition, beaten this year 3 l by Kuala Rovers ft."
    22 words
  • 379 26 New Move Results in Higher Standard Three League Games Football Visitors Badminton i From Our Own Correspondent! ALOR STAR. FI'RTHER progress has been made in th- Kedah Hockey Association League Competition and it is a healthy sign for hockey this season to «cc that all
    379 words
  • 156 26 Prom Our Own Correspondent Malacca. Saturday. The fallowing are the latest results in the Malacca Lawn Tennis Association Championship ties: OfM Slngta*: Cban Ah Seng beat A. Williams. 6—l. J; Chan Boon Big teal V. WuM. 4. S— 4; C. F. Gomes beat T K Pillar. I. 6—2;
    156 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 26 A. L. Henry, champion of the Selangor Government Servants' Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society sports.
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 26 \t the polo ground in Singapore, lelt to riffat Mr. Goodman, Major Lindsay Years. Tnngku Mahkota of Johore.
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 26 Ihe NewvUle Badminton Party, Siingei Patani. In the centre is Sena Tip, who is going to the China Olympiad with the Malayan volley ball team. On his left b Mr. Chin Ksk Hosj. oresideot of the Party.
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  • Page 26 Advertisements
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  • Article, Illustration
    13 27 Foo Lenc Siew (Perak) individual champion at the Customs sports In Kuala Lumpur.
    13 words
  • 1027 27  -  "Echo" Malayan Sports Jottings By Rangers Prove True Cricket Champions Kuala Lumpur. fHE bier fight on Saturday night fulfilled expectations. And the local champion, Young Johnson, delighted the crowd by winning a splendid victory over Ignacio Fernandez, who had been declared capable of mastering the
    1,027 words
  • 453 27 Lawn Tennis Handicaps Begin This Week Why Not A Junior Tournament Europeans Compete In Open Badminton Tourney (From Oar Own Correspondent) Seremban. HPHE hockey season has begun in Nerri Sembilan and inter-club matches are being played bat not until October will the first State match
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  • 694 27 Team Selected To Go To Penang Two Singapore Visitors Chosen —Hockey Now In Full Swing (From Oar Own Correspondent) Taiping. ■TAIPING held its first merer prac- tice on Wednesday last, in preparation for the coming inter-district match with Penang "A." The keenness of local rugger players,
    694 words
  • Page 27 Advertisements
    • 432 27 THAT CONSTANT IRREPRESSIBLE COUGH! COUGH!! COUGH -> That nerve-racking, chattering. Incessant "root from cough is a danger signal! Take heed of tts v I r l stern warning, or you risk Lung Fracture. g lateral Q et r j(j o f tnat cough before grave complicaDatients tlons set In. Ephazcne
      432 words

  • 139 28 He must look his best for the Tiny Tots parade at Southend Carnival. Upper left:— Some of the youthful competition! celebrate the opening of the Middlesex Lawn Tennis tournament at Harrow by jampintr the nets before piny begins. On extreme left: "Miss 1935 shows Miss 1895 the
    139 words
  • Page 28 Advertisements
    • 34 28 We are specialists in FURNITURE Bring your problems to us.' SUN WAN COMPANY 83. VICTORIA STREET. SINGAPORE. I BLACK WH ITE I SCOTCH WHISKY j Sole Agents: MALAYA. w^» 36 WmrtH Studk* 14 ■^■hhi
      34 words
    • 225 28 MODERN ARTISTIC FURNITURE designed and made by SUN WAH COMPANY 83. VICTORIA STREET. SINGAPORE. COMMEROAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated la England) Fire, Life. Marine. Accident. Guarantee and Motor ASSETS £60,000,000. Arthur C. Potts, Manafer Underwrite* Eastern Branch. SINGAPORE. I EXAMINE THE CLAIMS OF NUMOL THE RECONSTRUCTIVE FOOD SEND A
      225 words