The Straits Times, 5 September 1935

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 15 1 Daisy I IS. OKCIIAKI) KUAI) I for IBOUQIIEIS BASKETS I WREATHS Phone 1119? (Amber Mansions.)
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    • 53 2 B OC.imor tnd Mr. H O Connor intttud t3 all the j ■.ho attended the funeral of their <i r.r lr sband and father and those who .••nt floral tributes antl messages of symfathy. and hepe they will arcept this arknov. ledgmcnt as it Is impossible at preto than'.;
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 393 2 SITUATIONS VACANT i i V. hen applying for any position advrr- li cil in these columns send copies of testimonials. Do not -.end originals. COOK AND HOISE BOY wanted imme- dlately. Can anyone recommend? Apply j Box 63j. Straits Times. WANTED. EUROPEAN LADY to manage Library in Singapore, full time
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    • 781 2 BOARD- RESIDENCE Vacancies at "Lloyd Home," 2 Lloyd Rd. BELLEVILLE, 15. Scotts Road. Phone 4274. Larpt tt airy rooms. Prlv. Verandah, mod. san. "KINRARA," 8, Claymore Hill. Comfortable accom. quiet conveniently situated. Tel. 6697 THE MANSION. Oxley Rise, Singapore, Uuee minutes from town high elevation lnrge airy rooms M. S.
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    • 774 2 LOST LOST female airedale from 36, Meyer Rd. Licence No. 330. AUCTION NOTICES DEFAULTER'S SALE BY ORDER OF THE SINGAPORE HARBOUR BOARD. AUCTION SALE of 10 eases artificial silks (asserted colours). 2 cases zephyrs (assorted colours) and 3 rases embroideries (assorted colours) lying at Godown No. 40. Keppcl Road. (A
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    • 882 2 PUBLIC NOTICES SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 3% DEBENTURE STOCK 1935. INTEREST DUB OCT. 1, 1935. NOTICE is hereby given that the Transfc Register of the above Stock will be closed from Sept. 17 to 30, 1935, both days Inclusive. C. H. OOLDIE. Municipal Secretary. THE TAPAH RUBBER ESTATES LIMITED. ((Incorporated in the
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    • 621 2 BUSINESS CARDS. Etc THE GIFT SHOP Capitol Mansions. 157, N. Bridge nd., Begs to announce to their esteemed patrons that WEEKLY SHIPMENTS of HATS Si NOVELTIES MM beep arranged RUBBER STAMPS of every description made to order. Prices from 75 cents upwards Cash with all orders. THE STRAITS TIMES, Jobbing
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    • 606 2 MASSAGE HALL MANICURE AND MASSAGE Mrs. HARU and Miss HANA 60. WATERLOO STREET, Telephone 7467. SOMETHING FOR LESS. Won't you come and inspect our shopsoil d books They arc not secondhand, mind you, and they arc going at real bargain prices. Why not pay us a call and get the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 36 2 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Singapore Witnin Outside Without Malaya Mala\a Postage Month:-. S 3.00 4.00 S 250 Qcartrr'ly S B.r-0 firoo 5 ".50 Half Yearly 517.00 SZI.OO 513.00 534.00 StO.OO $30.00 Xo:r— <■•;.:.tation chrqucs shoiild Include k discount.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 603 3 GENERAL PASSENGER AGENTS FOR CUNARD WHITE STAR LINE. (Incorporated in Japan) TO LONDON. Naples. Marseille*, London, Antwerp. RoUerdam and Middlesbrough. Vessels Tonnage Due Sail I KATORI MARU 10.000 Sept. 4 5 5 KASHIMA MARU 10.000 Sept. 18 19 VASUKUNI MARU 12.000 Oct 1 2 HAKONE MARU ''0.400 Oct. 18 17
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    • 624 3 <^ >^ L|^j^^\ .^.^a^ilß I Bkl PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. BANGKOK LINE Luxurious One Class Motorshlps. Most Cabins have adjoining private bath. Excellent Cuisine. JTOR GENOA, LONDON. ROTTERDAM. HAMBURG AND COPENHAGEN. Prom Prom Prom Prom Spore Malacca Port Penang M.S. Sham LALANDIA 17/9 17/9 18 9 20/9 JUTLANDIA 8/10 8/10
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    • 170 3 YOUR TRIP TO EUROPE VIA AMERICA on large fast steamers £71.12. Tourist Class £107.5.2 nt. cuss ROUND THE WORLD EASTBOUNO VIA AMERICA RETURNING VIA SUEZ. £117.4. Tourist Class £163.5.2 Ist. Class Above fares Include Ist and or 2nd clau fam oa any Line from Singapore to Hong Kong. See your
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    • 1162 3 SHIPPING. THE BLUE rUNNEL LINE (Ocean The nua Khlow Steamship Co- (1932) Ltd Steam Ship Co. Ltd.. and China Mntual The ui-ard White Star Ltd Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.) The Sarawak Steamshlo Co.. Ltd. The Straits Steamship Co-, Ltd. The Australian Oriental Line Ltd. The China Navigation Co., Ltd. The
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    • 468 4 First Voyage Early Next Summer. London, Aug. 22 Lord Inverclyde, great grandson of one of the founders of the Cunard Company, Sir George Burns, revealed several new details associated with the building of the Cunard-White Star liner "Queen Mary," when he formally opened an exhibition
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    • 75 4 The rate of exchange for the issue and payment of Money Orders Is as follows: On India and Ceylon issue Rs. 153= $10C; On India and Ceylon payment Rs. 155=100. On China:— Amoy $100 Chinese currency =$61 Straits: Canton $100 Chinese currency =$68 Straits as for Shanghai) Foochow
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    • 32 4 The Kidderpore has left Hong Kong and is expected to arrive at this Port at 3 p.m. on Monday, the 9th instant. She will proceed alongside the S.H3 Wharf on arrival.
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    • 286 4 SINGAPORE MAILS CLOSE. 11 Tod.,. Aden (Karapai jr. 3 pm North America Jtcept Western Canada V itcrn States of U.S.A. (Kan ra) ..3 p.m. South America JCarapara) ..3 p.m. Burma (Karai a) 3 p.m. Egypt (Karapa j 3 p.m. Great Britain <1 Europe generally (Karapara) 4 3 p.m. East and
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    • 58 4 PRODUCE. N I. 743 tons, from Bangkok 4. for Bangl 6. TALMA. Brit. .154 tons, from Osaka 4, for Calcutta 6. MIRZAPORE, fcj-tt.. 4 134 tons, frcm Bombay 4. for 1 joya via Kobe 5. GIANG SENG Hit.. 1.085 tons, from Semarang 4. for -a port* 6. DUKAT.
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    • 62 4 The foUc "ing are the number of arrivals an departures to Madras Presidency >«t the month of August 1935. Arrivi !r (stated aided) (figures supplied tjj travelling inspectors) adults 642, poinors 141, infants 95; arrivals (otl *s) (figures supplied by travelling spectors) adults 2,100, minors 191, 123; departures
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  • Article, Illustration
    57 4 The largest Diesel marine engine in the worli 'manufactured by the Fiat Company. A 10 eyUnder job, 18.0 M h p id wei#hinf 75* tons, two of these engines totalling 36,000 h.p. were iced In the new ship. Vulcania. To rive an Idea of the size one rine is 18
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  • 397 4 Transported 200,000 Troops In Safety. When Sir Bertram Hayes, who commanded the Cunard White Star liner Olympic during the war. was told by a representative of the Dally Telegraph that his famous old ship was to be sold, he said: "There's a tragedy for you."
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  • 52 4 Mails from China and Japan today by Hakodate Maru. Malls from Europe (London malls) expected tomorrow by 8.1. (Rohna) will be delivered to boxholders on Sept. 7 at 8.30 a.m. General delivery of letters on Sept. 7 at 8.30 a.m. Malls from China and Japan Sept. 7 by
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  • 44 4 The 8.1. Rohna with malls from Europe is expected to arrive At Penang at 2 p.m. today. The maUs are exoected to reach Singapore by the 5.58 p.m. train tomorrow and will be dealt with on Saturday morning, thy \h instant.
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  • 65 4 The Italian freighter Granian which foundered in 1915, has been found by the Epron Salvaging Expedition at the bottom of the Black Sea in the channel of port Nikolaiev. A steam yacht which belonged to the Admiral commanding the Black Sea Fleet, which sank in 1902 has also
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  • 37 4 According to telegraphic communication from the Chief Inspector cf navigation at Batavia on Sept. 3, the light buoy Station Passage N., Banka Strait (position, 2 deg. 58 m;n S 106 deg. 10 mm. E.) is not burning.
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  • 33 4 Said to be the largest bridge span on the Continent, the middle span of the new bridge over the River Waal, near Nymegn, Holland, is complet?d. It has a width of 801 ft.
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  • 120 4 Thursday. September 5. Ships alongside the Wharves or expected to arrlTC Entrance KIFFEL HARBOI'R. Main Wharf Lch. Alert, Clam. Iris. Pinna, Lch. Moonstone, W. Bt. Joan I Oil Wharf NU Coal Wharf NU. VESSELS IN BEY DOCKS. ran Jon t Pagar Sheers Whart NU. Albert Dock Nil.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 752 4 BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. Incorporated in P. U.S.) LLOYDS AGENTS:BOOKING AGtNTS. F M.S. KLVS. AND SIAM STATES RAILWAYS. Ttl.l PKONt:. Freight 51J3— Passage 5431. CANaIBTaN ir^ACIFIC STEAMSHIPS, LIMITED. i Incorporated in England) REDUCED FARES SINGAPORE/EUROPE First class from £106-4-6 Second class from 70-6-1 REDUCED AROUND THE WORLD FARES BY C.P.R. intrrrharme
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    • 553 4 EIXERMAN BICKNUL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. (Incorporated In England) "ELERMAN" LINE. FOR HAVRE, LONDON. ROTTERDAM HAMBURG. Via Ports and Stirs Canal Also accepting Cargo for Canadian and American ports via Colombo Cue. Sail* tCITY OP HEREFORD Sept. 14 Sept. 18 CITY OP J«EW CASTLE Sept 29 Oct CITY OP BRISTOL Oct.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 130 4 Malayan eteorological Servlc*. Daily rVeather Report. Stations Yesterday Last night tax. Rainfall Bright Mm. emp. Ins. Sunshine temp •F hrs. °F West CDast. Alor Star 85 0.47 22 7b Butterwortn (P.W.) 87 NU 5.9 73 SiUawan W Nil 6.8 74 Buldt Jeram 89 Nil 9.7 73 Malacca 85 0.03 8.7
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  • 195 5 SINO-JAPANESE ALLIANCE Rumoured Talks For Anti-Red Pact. Shanghai, Sept. 3. Political observers generally predict that definite decisions will be reached regarding the much -discusser- economic co-operation between Japan, China and Manchukuo daring the coming parley between the Japanese Government and Oen. Chiang Tso-pin, Chinese Ambassador in Tokio. Mr. Hirota, the
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  195 words
  • 99 5 King's Car Badly Damaged In The Accident. Berne. Sept. 3. The authorities of Kuessnacht, the j village near where Queen Astrid was killed, have erected a cross at the I place where the accident occurred and representatives from the Government have deposited wreaths at
    Aneta-Trans-Ocean  -  99 words
  • 94 5 In The Mediterranean Near The Suez Canal. Bolzano, Sept. 2. It is rumoured that Italy intends to hold l3rge scale naval manoeuvres In ithe Mediterranean In view of the possi- billty of the threat to close the Suez Canal, but official quarters decline to
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 83 5 Peiping Denies Japanese Charge. Peiping. Sept. 4. The Peiping Administration has issued a denial of an allegation by a Japanese newspaper in Tientsin that Blue Shirt activities in Tinetsln and Peiping were being Instigated by the Paiping Military Council. The Blue Shirt organisation is alleged to be run
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  83 words
  • 55 5 Hong Kong, Sept. 4. Tlv? Portuguese Government is reported to have authorised Pan-Ameri-can Airways to establish the terminus of the projected trans-Pacific air service at Macao, the Portuguese colony on the Kwangtung coast near Hong Kong. Radio-telegraph and Chronometric slations will also be established at
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  55 words
  • 35 5 Tientsin. Sept 4. Under military pressure, states a Cliinese report, the Japanese are compelling Gen. Han Fu-chu, Governor of Shantung, to restrict Kuomintang activities in that province. Bin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  35 words
  • 63 5 Despite the draiu on Italy's military resources brought about by the dispute with Abyssinia, Mussolini has not left his home frontiers unprotected by any means. This Is one of the first pictures of the secret manoeuvres of Italian troops in the neighbourhood of the Brenner Pass, gateway to
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  • 137 5 750,000,000 WORDS. Edinburgh, Sept. 3. Lord Haig's prodigious diary writing propensities were mentioned during an action in Edinburgh as the result of which an interim interdict was granted against publication of Lady Haig's book. It was stated Lord Haig's war-time personal daily record aggregated 750.000,000 words and
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 53 5 Big Adverse Balance For First Seven Months. Toklo, Sept. 3. Trade returns by the Finance Ministry from January to August show that imports totalled Yen 1.800,668,000 and exports Yen 1,658,650.000. The excess of imports over exports was Yen 142,018,000 as against Yen 145,830.000 for the same period last
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  • 128 5 Danger Of Inflexible Provisions. Washington. S.'p" President Roosevelt, aftor sintuiiT the Neutrality BUI. Issued a stated ni pointing out the measure provides for a licensing system to control the carrying of arms on American vesv Is. controls yie use of American waters by enemy submarines, and
    Reuter  -  128 words
  • 62 5 In order to check the exodui of the population from Addis Ababa, the Abyssinian Government has announced that it will imprison and confiscate the goods of all emigrants. The Emperor has addressed an appeal to the inhabitants to remain calm and proceed with their normal occupations
    Reuter  -  62 words
  • 31 5 Tokio. Sept 3 Mr. Masaji Yasaka. president of t\:a Yasaka Shojl Kalsha (a trading company), has been appointed by Lithuania as honorary consul in Tokio, Rengo Trans-Ocean.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 306 5 HOTELS r^ MALAYA'S PREMIER HOTEL J rONIGH'I jSk SPECIAL DINNER CONCERT Kl^ 8.15 to 9.15 p.m. JUSlii» K H^. DANCE (formal) 945 to midnight VHSk B^B and Ihr popular Continental Dancer* umA W? YOLA PAUL iWf Appearing Nightly Non-diners $1 Mb also LASZLO, world famed Jt fl Hungarian Caricaturist M^KsLM
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    • 155 5 •^i- ma tes up so beautifully IT KEEPS ITS LIMEa OU will love making up Tobralco. «B«wHMfe""4M^lfV %>> Charming as it looks in the piece, it is t -l|n2^XBflUp^^ i even more attractive made up. It jW MBK'''*:- W "hangs" so beautifully, and no feß4y«^j^^ amount of washing will spoil
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  • 260 6 NEW STARS DEMAND BIG INCREASES. Hollywood. Aug. 22. War is threatening in the film studios between producers and some of the higher paid contract players. In the last two or three years several young actors and actress have cnaieved stardom with startling rapidity and now
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  • 46 6 It is reported that an empty coach which had been detached from the Royal train in Rumania and had been left overnight on a siding at Constanza was robbed, the thieves, who got in through a window which had been left open, stealing blankets and bed-linen.
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  • Article, Illustration
    75 6 Signor Mussolini, while the Three-Power Conference in Paris awaited his reply to its proposals, reviewed the Blackshirt legions recently mobilised for service in East Africa, at Petteranello, near Sulmona, and at Benevento. In stirring speeches he asked them for "the most glorious of victories" and said "we shall go ahead
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  • 171 6 Some Riflemen Have Only 20 Rounds Each. Addis Ababa, Sept. 3. Router's special correspondent noticed a remarkable difference when travelling from Djibouti to Addis Ababa compared with a month ago when everything was comparatively calm. The Abyssinians now are seriously preparing to defend their territory against
    Reuter  -  171 words
  • 201 6 Gradually Handing Over Responsibilities. Lord Nuffield is gradually relinquishing active control of the companies which he created or of which he Is now the head. He is now aged 56. "I am getting older," he told an audience of 1.500 Morris dealers and agents whom he entertained at
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  • 57 6 The famous Dionne Quintuplets need more sleep, and hence they will be shown to admiring visitors at the windows of their special hospital only twice a day. Hitherto they have been on show four times a day. but now they can be viewed only
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  • 194 6 A NEW COMET OR A METEOR Report From European Countries. (From Our Own CorTCcpondent.) Batavia, Sept 1. According to the Neuwe Rott.Tdamche Cjurart a meteor was observed in various pa "ts of the Netherlands on Aug. 6 at about 8.45 p.m. The paper describes it as follow: "Suddenly a light
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  • 61 6 SINO-JAPANESE RA PPROCHEMENT? Shanghai. Sept. Gen. Chang Chun, Governor of Hupeli. called on Mr. Wang Chingwei yesterday "lo report on the flood situation and to appeal for funds." It is rumoured, however, that Gen. Chang Chun has been entrusted by Mr. Wang to open negotiations in Tokio shortly for Sino-Japanese
    Sin Kuo Min  -  61 words
  • 47 6 The International Society of Revolutionary Theatres is conducting a competition for the best play. There are no restriction on the subject mat tor or type of plays. Plays for the competition shou!<2 be sent in not later than August 1, 1936— Tass.
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  • 16 6 The Viceroy and Lady Willinßdon left Calcutta for Delhi after a busy fortnight of semi-private engagements.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 57 6 THE INTERNATIONAL [Eff*] GENERAL ELECTRIC OF AMERICA 0 Superior Per- vß^ki Guaranteed formance. [T~ !prV the finest Exceptional B^f 1 Receiver ever Tone. B offered the Automatic Vol. Malayan Pub- Airplane Low Priced Model M. 81 16-2100 Metres Also EDDYSTONE BATTERY RECEIVERS. CDDYSTONE RADIO ELECTRIC CO., 28-30 ORCHARD ROAD. TEL.
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    • 151 6 PHILCO ALL- WAVE RADIO RECEIVERS RADIOGRAMS. A.C.-D.C. MAINS, or BATTERY OPERATED. Excels in finer tone, greater volume V sG*[^ and World Wide Reception. f '"'jl* t^ To appreciate tho superiority of lei SiJHM PHILCO Receivers we give free fIU r *llff» fill demonßtration in your Home, where ftW 'tsTlk/ 3
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 661 6 FULL BROADCASTING PROGRAMMES FOR MALAYA. WHY EMPIRE CONCERTS ARE DULL. (From Our Radio Correspondent.) 1 have heard several people disagreeing with the view expressed editorially: in the Straits Times last week that tho Empire B. B. C. programmes are very poor quality chiefly suburban cinema orchestras and third-rate concert parties.
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    • 486 6 -hfs.ra. Relayed from the Imperial Hotel, Blackpool 9.tS p.m. Close down. Transmjalon S 9.20 p.m. Big Ben. Herman Darewskl and his Band, relayed from tbe Spa Royal Hall, Bridhngton. 10.2* Light Sympnony Concert. I The 8.8.C. Northern Orchesti* UM Dance Music. 11.50 Greenwich Tune Signal. The I News and Announcements.
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    • 353 6 BERLIN. (Gernuui Short-wave Station, Berlin, D.J.A. (31.38 m.) and D.J.Q. (19 83 m) TODAT. 8.20 pjn. Opening announcement. German folk song. 8.35 Hitler Youth programme for girls. 9.05 News In English and In Dutch. 9.20 Brass band. 10.05 Topical talk. 10.20 Popular duets. 1045 News in German. 10.50 Current events.
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    • 201 6 SINGAPORE. Station Z. 11. 1.. Singapore. Nay.-I. nu'h metres. Owned and operated bj Radio Serriee Co., of Malaya 1931. Ltd.. Broadcast Houie. No. 2. Orchard Kd.. Singapore. TODAT. 6 p.m. Recorded music. 6.45 p.m. News bulletin supplied by Straits Times. 8.30 p.m. Close down. PHOHI-HOLLAND. 7.50 pjn. Station P.H.I.
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  • 409 7 Strange Experiences Related By Survivors. (Finn Our Own Corresdondent.) Calcutta, Aug. 24. A correspondent in the Calcutta Statesman writes that many people who escaped with their lives in the n rent Quetta disaster are relating strange experiences, one or two stories being quoted. "First
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  • 181 7 Sino-.Tapan Rapprocheme To Be Encouraged. Tokio, Aug. 7. Active encouragement of the SlnoJapanese rapprochement was among the cardinal points of the platform adopted yesterday at the caucus of leading members of the Selyukal, Japan's majority party. Party chieftains also went on record as favouring an adjustment In
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  • Article, Illustration
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  • 10 7 DER BOOMERANG Dr. Schacht, President of the Reichsbank and Minis-
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  • 38 7 New French Commander n China. Col. Rene Hentschel. the new com-mander-ln-chlef of the French Forces in cllina- nas lust taken over Col. Charles Roucaud's post In Tientsin. Tne new commander nas a lon 8 and.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 201 7 I Its own A TRUE INVESTMENT 'TKNNY-A-MILE MOTORING"— four people riding In per- SPECIAL FEATURES. New radiator. lon«rr bonnet. valanced feet comfort for a cent a mile each that's what you get with wines, 4-speed fear box with Synchromesh on top, an Austin Seven. And now, with the new Seven
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 166 7 Today's Crossword Puzzle lI LT -ST LLLT LJ* LT H _|i Z S'^Z Z 1"" ZIhZI \l_ii_Hl_ _j- ->~ in NOTE:— Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (CLUES.) ACROSS 22. Sounding horn (H 23. Escaped (4) 1. Colouring <5> 24. Inelegant language (5) 4.
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  • 316 8 Should people of coloured races be prohibited from using public bathing places In Great Britain? The question arises in London b 3 cause the Southern Railway, it is revealed. has discontinued the issue to coloured persons of special tickets which include the fare to
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  • 57 8 Three Candidates For The Vice-Chancellorship. The Executive Council of the Nagpur University has recommended Dr. Sir Hari Singh Oour. Rao Bahadur K. V. Brahma and Mr. N. M. Deshmukh for the office of vice-chancellor, and Col. K. V. Kukday. Khan Bahadur Walayatullah. Messrs. R. W. Date and N.
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  • 45 8 At a meeting of Jewish societies to protest against the anti-Jewish campaign in Germany, held in Paris, an audience of about 3,000 was addressed by prominent Jewish and other refugees from Germany and a resolution was passed protesting against anti-Semitism and Fascism in every form.
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  • 34 8 TRAINING FOR ABYSSINIA Practising for war in the mountain ranges of Abyssinia This picture shows an Italian machine, gun post rear the Brenner Pass, the gateway from Italy to Austria, daring the recent manoeuvres.
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  • 128 8 Wilful Diflobedi«Me Of An Order. Lahore, Aug. 18. Aminuddln Sahrai, who described himself as Third Dictator of the Council of Action, formed in connection with the Shahidgunj agitation, was sentenced by a local magistrate today to one year's rigorous imprisonment and a fine of Rs. 100
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  • 34 8 Rangoon, Aug. 19. A 40- year-old Shan in Mandalay Is stated to have cut off his little finger and offered it as a burnt-offering to Buddha as a propitiation for his sins.
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  • 200 8 Pointed Australian Criticism. Melbourne. Aug. 8. Allegations Of British delay in supplying information in connection wltli the new Empire air mail plans wer; made by Mr. Parkhill. Australian Minister of Defence. Mr. Parkhill said tha- the Britisn authorities had 1 ailed to send to Australia vital
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 40 8 jmM t^^^h^^^^^j Su <n •%MUHHjfIfaWJtis3mSMHHH ism j^^B[^.^ili^| *bw» Jk^ ££|faß^ \e ra! H Ik t<^ o TS c *t> V* v j LYONS MOTORS LIMITED, 92-100, ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE. Represented Throughout the F. M. S. by WEARNE BROS.. LTD. MAAS-63
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    • 99 8 Seclusion Mild Winters in South Devon The Chur.lon Estate, conveniently near Paigntcn and Torbay. offers you quiet and the mildness of the South Devon Winter. The houses, which are completely protected against mass development, are planned to capture the utmost sunshine and require the least labour. There is excellent bathing
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 240 9 From "BENGAL LANCER" to Crime Detector! See FR ANCHOT TONE in this Riotously A m ting Murder My ttery WHAT FUN CAPITA I POSITIVELY UMll JUL LAST NIGHT! Spend a Night of Thrill* and Laughs at a Grant Hotel where something always happens for the worst FRANCKGT TONE gfi^fl^ UNA
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    • 664 9 He held you SPELLBOUND before now he'll keep you GASPING FOR BREATH MOW YOU CAK 1 1 See 1 ALHAMBRA 1 THE INVISIBLE MAN' tonksht 6.15 9.15 in his newesf ana cleverest is thriller! tlOUdi ROiOI'JMH BMIIIK KJ^Wwiiy*nl^B 11 1 1111 1 1 1 i^_l 1 lklllßl R<um Baby lonß
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  • 1013 11 London Financial Letter. Atmosphere Of Extreme Uncertainty. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 23. The past week has seen events of a sufficiently momentous nature to distract the attention of the London financial markets from the continued bullish tendency of domestic affairs. The growing political
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  • 592 11 Nearing Success In Half The Time. Two and a-half years have now elapsed since the inauguration of the second Five-Year Plan of economic development in the Soviet Union, says the Monthly Review issued by Moscow Narodny Bank. At this stage it is of interest to see
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  • 373 11 TRIAL WEAVING MILL RECOMMENDED. The establishment of a small experimental cotton industry in the Dutch East Indies is recommended In a report published by the official Dutch Textile Commission, which has been making investigations into the possibility of creating a cotton industry in Java, says a
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  • 82 11 U.S. Government's Offer To Convert. Washington, Sept. 3. Demonstrating faith In the strength of the market for Government securities, the Treasury h^' offered holders, of the remaining $1,250,000,000 four ar.d a quarter per cent, fourth Liberty Bonds exchange at par into either two and-thrce-quarter per cent. 10/12 year
    Reuter  -  82 words
  • 962 11 SUGGESTED MARKETING ASSOCIATION. DIRECTORS BEING SOUNDED. It is generally agreed that the present level of rubber prices is too low, and that a rise of lVfed. or 2d. a pound would be in every way desirable, and would not damage in the slightest degree the'long-term interests of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 609 11 BANKING. HONG KONG SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Uncoroorat^d In ih« Colony of Hong Konp> The liability ot members k limited to the extent and In manner prescribed by Ordinance No. 6 ol 1929 of the Colony. HEAD OFFICE: lIONG KONG Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 R*wrve Fund:—
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    • 356 11 BANKING. CHARTERED BANK Otf INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England Dy Rm-il Charier 1 853 > Paid Up Capital tn tfOO.OOO snarrs of £5 each ci.^imi.joo Reserve Fund HUMMM Reserve Liability of Proprietors. n.OOO.ttTC HE A II OKFIC* m. Djshopacate. Londtin. E.C. A. AftnU and Brauobea. AmrltTnr Hollo Saigon
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  • 135 12 ADELPHI HOTEL Special Dinner and Dance. ALIIAMBKA The Man Who Reclaimed His Head. With Claude Rains Joan Bennett. 6.15—9.15. CAPITOL One New York Night. With Franchot Tone Una Merkel. 6.15 9.15. GLOBE THEATRE. GREAT WORLD Charlie Chan in London. GREAT WORLD Cabaret Bowry. BOLLYWOOD V. SERANCOON ROAD Girls Will
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  • 815 12 The Straits Times SINGAPORE. THURSDAY, SEPT. 5 1935. GERMANY'S RECOVERY. Dr. Schacht, in a pointedly pessimistic speech delivered, at! Konigsberg recently, redirected attention to the gravity of Ger- many's economic condition. We might have expected him to elaborate the achievements of the 'Nazi Government, but instead he soberly told the
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  • 211 12 Mr. R. A. Terry, assistant superintendent of surveys, F.M.S., has been seconded for service In Johore. Mr. A. Foulds is expected from home by the Mantua to join Sime, Darby and Co, Ltd. Mr. J. R. Burnham. of the shipping department of Sime, Darby and Co., Ltd.,
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  • 2257 12  -  William J. Makin.) Coolly Awaiting The Zero Hour. (By "TONIGHT he sits in that barn like palace at Addis Ababa, a lamp on the table, and the yellow glow falling upon a mass of papers and maps. He is planning desperately, for the greatest
    2,257 words
  • 499 12 A small beginning is a characteristic of Chinese enterprises. A brass foundry is a proposition which hardly commends itself to a man or men without capital, but it is probably not beyond the ingenuity of ten energetic and determined Hokkiens if they
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  • 709 12 NOTES Of The DA Y. \I7HEN we see pictures of East Indiamen under sail, and admire their clean-cut lines and clouds of billowing canvas, we little know what harshness and discontent lay beneath that beauty. Mr. Eric Miller has contributed a summary of the log of the Company's ship Sir
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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  • 159 13 BARON ALOISI TELLS LEAGUE COUNCIL. CLEAR THREAT TO LEAVE GENEVA. MR, A. EDEN'S SPEECH. THE sensation at the critical League Council meeting in Geneva last night was the announcement by Baron Aloisi that Italy will retain her liberty of action to protect her
    159 words
  • 884 13 Geneva, Sept. 3. I Tin- League Council meeting tonight attracted intense public interost and the lobbies were seething with j melted journalists and delegates prior to the arrival of statesmen. M. Laval was greeted with cheers and cries of Vive Laval Tlie chairman of the Council calle.1
    British Wireless  -  884 words
  • Article, Illustration
    15 13 signor Mussolini and the King of Italy at the manoeuvres last week. (Picture By Air)
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  • 99 13 An Explorer's View Of j Italian Strength. Port Said, Sept. 4. "The Abyssinlans do not realise the vast change in the Italian Army since the Battle of Adowa," declared the American archaeologist. Count Deprorok. who has explored Abyssinia and who is now returning with an
    Reuter  -  99 words
  • Article, Illustration
    59 13 gang of workmen had to be called to remove the our in iv::... 1 Astrid of the Belgians was killed and her husband, King Leopold, injured. The accident occurred near Lucerne, Switzerland, the car ending up among the reeds at the lakeside after its mad career. This photo shows workmen
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  • 149 13 Nervousness Felt On The Danakil Border. Addis Ababa, Sept. 4. Danakil tribesmen continue to arrive in driblets in villages near Diredawa I and the rumour persists that Italian troops have crossed the frontier. I Certain nervousness prevails in Direi dawa from where many foreigners
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 45 13 Rome, Sept. 4. Some 180 Italian soldiers died in East Africa, between Jcrt. 1 and July 31, according to an official communique issued today. These figures include 14 officers and 79 other ranks who died between June 29 and July 31. Reuter.
    Reuter  -  45 words
  • 212 13 To Chinese Exhibition In London. RARE TANG PICTURES MAY BE SEEN. A report that the Emperor of Japan has consented tc lend his Chinese art treasures to the big exhibition in London in November greatly excites artistic circles. It is believed that these are likely
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 152 13 To Take Part In Local Exhibition. Shanghai, Aug. 5. Fit teen delegates representinj. more than 100 Chinese factories in Shanghai will leave on Sept. 17 for Singapore to i take part in the exhibition at the Grea* World in October. They will bring with them more
    152 words
  • 104 13 "Regrettable Tendency To Continue." From Our Own Correspondent. > London. Sept. 3. British and Dutch opinion is confident that the International Tin Committee, wiiich meets at Brussels oti Sept. 11. will maintain the quota at i>"> per cent, for the fi.iai quarter of 1935. Messrs.
    104 words
  • 311 13 WOMEN TIED TO MEN'S WAISTS FOR SAFETY. Miami. Sept. 1. Haggard survivors of the Florida hurricane tell heartrending stories of desolation and destruction. Houses have been flattened in the Keys district, and there are no signs of life around. It's Impossible to tell whether the Inhabitants
    311 words
  • 60 13 JAPAN'S NEW WAR MINISTER. Tokio, Sept. 4. The investiture of Cien. K;u\;>shima to the war ministcisliip took place today. He succeeds Gen. Ilayashi who resigned his portfolio yesterday. Reuter. that every building was crushed like ;i matchbo:: as a water wall surged across the island washing victims into
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 96 13 Ma Marmite says: "Sandwiches are like the child in the nursery rhyme— when they're good they're very very good, but when they're bad—!" So don't take a^ny risks make your sandwiches with Marmite. Marmite Sandwiches are the tastiest things everyone enjoys them. And they're so easy to make. Simply mix
      96 words

  • 455 14 Flying Boats Not In Use At Start. BRITISH FLIGHTS (By mr Aviation Correspondent.) These first flights will be made by four-engined landplanes of the Imperial Airways fleet, although a i regular service between the Malay I Peninsula and Hong Kong may eventually depend more upon marine
    455 words
  • 125 14 A Report From East Africa. London, Sept. 4. On the eve of the League's inquiry regarding Abyssinia disquieting personal incidents are reported from Addis Ababa. Ar-ordinn ti Italian sources an i en, Marciano, was a: tacked in t!ic street and knocked down and vere Thrown at another
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 67 14 No Capital Ships For The Mediterranean Fleet. London, Sept. 5. The Admiralty has Issued a statement, denying rumours of the relnfurcfiii*>iH of the Mediterranean fl?et with capital shipIt .suggests that the rumours have probably arisen because the Barham, lie Mediterranean llept, is rejoining it after refit. An
    67 words
  • 72 14 Heavy rains in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday afternoon and i.ifht caused the Klang River to rise, but no serious damage was done by tbe flood. The top photograph shows the river deviation next to Lome Road, with the flooded recreation ground on the left and
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  • 57 14 Japanese Remanded For 24 Hours. An application for a reward in police cusiody for hooirs was made before the Singapore Third Magistrate today, when the Japanese, Michiya Kawano, who is charged with being in possession of 200 sticks of dynamite, 100 detonators and a quantity of fuse, was
    57 words
  • 120 14 The trial started this morning before Mr. H. A. Forrer. the Singapore Criminal District Judge, of Inspector Abdul Sani bin Hlijl Mohamed. a senior Asiatic officer in the Police Force, on a charge of criminal breach of trust. The charge originated in a report
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  • 149 14 For Donations. At the Rotary Club luncheon In Singapore yesterday, Mr. David Frankel j announced that a sub-committee had j been formed of the directors of the Club to deal with the new fund for the relief of the unemployed on whose behalf Mr. John Laycock
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  • 109 14 Imperial Service Award For Dato Shaw. (From Our Own Correspondent) Ipoh. Sept. 4. His Excellency the High Commissioner, Sir Shenton Thomas, Is due at Kuala Kangsar during the last week of this month. The opportunity will be taken then to present the insignia of the
    109 words
  • 108 14 Applications For Import Licences Following the recent announcement regarding textile quotas for the remainder of the year, notice is given In a Government Gazette extraordinary tssued today: (1) that applications for Import licences for use during the period Oct. 1 to Dec. 31. 1935, should be submitted to
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  • 71 14 Dr. John Sung, the famous Chinese Revivalist, Is at present holding a lew meetings in English at the Methodist Institutional Church, Telok Ayer Street, from 7.00 to 8.30 a.m. Owing to lack of accommodation, the meetings in English and Malay, arranged to be held at the Oeylang Chinese
    71 words
  • 65 14 Mr. George C. Hanson Found Shot. Washington, Sept. 4. The State Department announces that George C. Hanson, once known as the 'uncrowned King of Manchuria" i died aboard the liner President Polk I from a gunshot wound, allegedly se!f- inflicted.— Reuter. The President Polk is one
    65 words
  • 67 14 Threat To Hunan City Claimed Ended. Shanghai. Sept. 4. An official message from Changsha, capital of Hunan, states that the Communist army under Ho Lung which has been threatening the city of Changteh. in North Hunan, have withdrawn to East Szechuan. People who evacuated their homes on Sunday
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  67 words
  • 40 14 The Islamic Association of Berlin has cabled the Islamic Congress in Jerusalem calling for a boycott of Italian goods and has sent a telegram of goodwill and wishes for peace to the Emperor of Abyssinia.— Reuter Wireless.
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 15 14 One person was killed and several injured by a gale on the North African coast:
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  • 447 14 SMALLPOX DISCOVERY IN 18th CENTURY. SOME of the serious and lighter aspects in the history of the centuries old fight against disease were touched upon by Dr. J. C. Tull. the Government pathologist, in his address at the weekly Rotary luncheon at the Adelphi Hotel, Singapore,
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  • 103 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Sept. 4. A unique gathering took place at the British Club lout evening when —following the example set by British ex-Servicemen at Home local members of the British Legion and ex-Servicemen arranged to get together for a meeting with
    103 words
  • 100 14 TWO MEN AT LARGE IN SINGAPORE. fAR thieves are operating in Singapore. Two Malays were arrested recently and convicted, but a police circular describing two "wanted" men, a Tamil and a Malay, has been issued. Last week a car belonging to Flight. Lieut. C. B. Greet, of
    100 words
  • 47 14 The varying .types who throng the Singapore Turf Club's great stand are almost world famous. Above are a Javanese Haji and his wife, who refused to face the camera. On the right, three Chinese women excitedly discuss their ivinnings or losses.
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  • 240 14 BLUE STAR LINER'S CARGO. UNUSUAL VISITOR. (From Our Shipping Correspondent) The cargo liner Empire Star, which was at Singapore this week, is one of the very few Blue Star ships to call here. On Mar. 14 the 15.000 tons Arandora Star paid a visit, but she
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 123 14 SMARTNESS AND ECONOMY FEATURES OF THE NEW 1935 WILLYS '77' *-j^^^£j|IWMBnMpJMpBpJ>JBJM>JtJBBMpJpJBIJMtJIJ|^^ Raised Radiator Lines and Other Exterior Contour Changes Impart New Sleekness, Dignity and Speed Economy Features Provide Fascinating Lure for Thrifty Buyers Overall length of 155 inches encased by an all-steel body, the 77 is a veritable fortress of
      123 words

  • 878 15 Committee Will Examine Transport System. NO MORE UGLY SIGNBOARDS AND BILLS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 4. Today's meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board was short but interesting and one important announcement was made that a committee is being appointed to consider
    878 words
  • Article, Illustration
    94 15 Several prominent people attended the wedding of Mr. Wong Yuen Ching, of the Seremban Police Dept.. and Miss Chow Yoke Ling, niece of Mr. Ng Hup Chuan, of Singapore, at Seremban on Tuesday. Mr. Wong Nang Chiew was bestman, and Miss Chu Shuk Lim was the bridesmaid. The ceremony took
    94 words
  • 254 15 Kelly And Walsh Ltd. A photograph of the facade of the new Kelly and Walsh building in Raffles Place, and a description of some of the work carried out In the construction of the building, appear on page 21 of today's issue of the Straits Times. Kelly
    254 words
  • 366 15 I Judge Sends Him To Prison. r:IED on four counts in respect of forgery and cheating, Khoh Cheng Hong, a Chinese shop assistant, was found guilty at the I Singapore Assizes yesterday and 'sentenced to terms of imprisonment amounting in all to six years. The prisoner was
    366 words
  • 43 15 Alleged to have destroyed a promissory note for $100, a Straits-born Chinese woman, Chim Ah Ngo, was produced today before the Singapore Magistrate on a relevant charge. She claimed trial and the case was postponed to Sept. 12, bail in $100 being fixed.
    43 words
  • 109 15 Civil Action For $81,319. After another full day's hearing before Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell In the Singapore Supreme Court yesterday, the civll*"suit' brought by the Fresh Food and Refrigerating Co., Ltd., (In voluntary liquidation) against Messrs. Syme and Co.. (a firm which has since also ceased
    109 words
  • 119 15 Chin Foo Nyan— Sze-Tho Swee Lun. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, ?ept. 4. At the Chan See Shu Yuen yesterday, with Mr. Yap Loong Hin, «.P.. officiating, the wedding took of Mr. Chin Foo Nyan. youngest sen of the late Mr Chin Sin Hee
    119 words
  • 533 15 "Premeditated Attack On i Japanese Club. FINDING him: elf surrounded by a menacing crowd of Chinese swinging iron bars, a Chinese detec- tive attached to the Singapore branch drew his revolver. He levelled it and threatened that if any came near him he would ihoot to kill.
    533 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 146 15 SUPRFMACY THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE IS "GREAT" by reason of the that in a period or little more than a quarter of a century It has (1) built up a large business all over Asia (2) acquired a thoroughly sound financial position (3) Introduced modern innovations that were previously
      146 words
    • 6 15 (l distridutors, HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD.
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  • 106 16 First Big Game Photography. "THESE two remarkable pictures were taken by Mr. Theodore Hubback, Hon. Chief Game Warden, S.S. and F.M.S., in the National Park area in Pahang. They are the first examples of big game photography to be published in any Malayan
    106 words
  • 56 16 Three hundred and fifty state-aided Indian labourers arrive in Penang today. It is expected that 107 will be sent to Pulau Jerejak. and the rest will go to "Port Swettenham for quarantine there. More than 100.000 people turned out to see the athletics contest
    56 words
  • 66 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 3. Buyong bin Mat, a Sarawak Malay, when charged before the Seremban magistrate with possessing stolen clothes, told the court that he bought them In an auction in Singapore, and. as he was stranded in Seremban. he had to pawn them. The
    66 words
  • 66 16 So A Tamil Stows Away On S.S. Klang. Charged with being a stowaway on the s.s. "Klang" on the ship's voyr,3 from Klang to Penang, a Tamil. Kuppusamy. pleaded guilty at Penang. Accused said he wished to go back to India. This was
    66 words
  • 237 16 New Minister Appointed. M. Marcel Ray has been appointed the Minister of France to the Court of Slam, in place of M. Roger Maugras, now Minister in Stockholm. Id. Marcel Ray was born on June 8. 1878. He is an "old boy" (ancien elevei of th«
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  • 27 16 When the Greek Finance Minister, M. Pesmazogiou, visits London this month on Government business, ne will, it is understood, have a meeting with King George of Greece.
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  • 90 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 3. Reporting a profit of $87 on the year's working, the Railway Institute of Seremban. which was established 13 years ago. says in its annual report The committee made great endeavours during the year under review to collect all the
    90 words
  • 109 16 KNOCKED DOWN DEAF MAN. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 1. A clerk and salesman of the Negrl Sembllan Aerated Water Co., Kalyana Sundram. was fined a total of $30 by the Seremban magistrate, Mr. J. Calder. He was charged with driving a van in a careless manner, without a
    109 words
  • 29 16 A fire was reported at the syce's quarters in a bungalow occupied by Mr. Edmonds, of the United Engineers, at Tanjong Rhu yesterday afternoon. The flam-?s were soon extinguished.
    29 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 346 16 tnjoy c^\ 3^ the 11 FULLNESS of life I R I M rich when you .ire radiant with hrahh Kvcry tiis* is performed wuh enthusiasm, spxirts beckon alluringly. emilfs come ''asily But don't b<-<nnie constipated. It is one oi mankind's gmtoM hindrances to hralth. It undf rmines your whole system.
      346 words
    • 128 16 M 1935/7 /-klip HOUR "Pi LUXE" 00^1 FID 1111 tf lfs the Sturdiest, Most Economical car Tve driven Mm*g£ <t and English^ too!" P^jßf^V/ GREATER POWER and ECONOMY FLASHING n PERFORMANCE CENTRE-POISE RIDING COMFORT N ioh.p. (RAC) 4-CYLINDER ENGINE BALANCED CRANK%3P^^^^JLNSL^ Sv SHAFT DOWN DRAUGHT CARBURETTOR &?df!Z >J^^\\ 7\ SYNCHRO-MESH
      128 words

  • 804 17 THE SAKAI IS IGNORANT SAVAGE BUT HE IS FAITHFUL. Malayan Jungle Tribesmen Who Keep Their Word. A SIMPLE LIFE. They Can Only Count Up To Three! "The Sakais are grossly ignorant but faithful indeed. "If you ask a Sakai to come to your house on a certain day at an
    804 words
  • Article, Illustration
    17 17 A Sakai dwelling built on the top of a stout tree trunk as a protection against elephants.
    17 words
  • 69 17 Further attractions at the St. Andrew's School rebuilding fund fair which is to be held at the Victoria Memorial Hall tomorrow and on Saturday will be caricature sketches by Mr. Laszlto Schwaltz, a bar to be run by Toe H and a special cocktail bar on
    69 words
  • 213 17 Cheaper Service For Local Chinese. A custom common among Chinese living overseas is to exhume the bones of parents or a relative years after their d?ath. take them back to China and bury them there. This ustom is observed even in Malaya but poor
    213 words
  • 112 17 Two Malays who recently went to Pcnang from Kedah were taken into custody when they were found arm- I vd with a dagger. They were arraigned before the Peliang Magistrate (states the Straits Echo) F. Bridge on a charge of being armed in public.
    112 words
  • 54 17 ACUTE ALCOHOLISM CAUSES DEATH. >Fi >m Our Own Correspondent.) Taiping. Sept. 2. Acute alcoholism was said to be the cause of death at the inquest held here into the death of a Port Dlckson Tamil barber named Ponniah. Ponnlah died while on a motor Journey to Penang to see a
    54 words
  • 301 17 GERMANY TO A USTRALIA IN A 10-FOOT CANOE. Young Adventurer Now Paddling His Way To Singapore. (From Our Own Corrrcspndent.) Calcutta, Aug. 24. Somewhere between Ceylon and India is a frail-looking 10-foot-long canoe manned by a 28-year-old German youth Herr Oscar Speck, who hopes eventually to reach Australia in it.
    301 words
  • 151 17 (From Our Own Correspondent > Ba avia. I. As from Sept. l the Importation of foreign rice into Sumatra will b' allowed only on condition that tor each three bags of Ion-inn rk-r one ban or Java rice is imported at the same time. This
    151 words
  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 86 17 DDD flrescription II yoo are aoiferei from Eczema. Ringworm, Dbobiet W I toh. Salt Rbeum, Prickly Heat, Paoriuia, Singapore Foot, Itch- ing Eruption* and Raahea, dm I DDD. Prescription Just a Urn I lrop* of thk marvellou* lotion and I fon haT* inctaot relief. Irritation I tod pain goes at
      86 words
    • 162 17 1 I ii "In 1(M ft CC w l T T m 9 5 I 4 F i MfnM|l|l \\wJiff on Voyage! —with 4-7/1 Walfl JPfflß iMttlllli iu\Mn happy thought a charming prelude to the voyage! i T i|n I ifv /I^VvvM H^B "4711" this exquisite and genuine Eau de
      162 words

  • 494 19 AIRMEN LOSE BY FOUR CLEAR GOALS. Winners' Defence Was Too Strong For The R.A.F. CHINESE 4; R.A.F. 0. Ny their victory over the R.A.F. in yesterday's First Division match at Anson Road Stadium the Chinese, last season's champions, made certain of being runners-up
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 19 D.T.P. Crawford of Seremban who has been elected to captain NegTi Malacca during the coming rugger season.
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  • Article, Illustration
    7 19 W Smith, the clever RE fall back
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  • 403 19 Badminton Women's Semi-Final Will Be A Hard Struggle. (From Our Own .Correspondent Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 4. A large crowd is expected at the V.I. Hall on Sunday to witness the Semifinals of the Open Championship Tour- j namrnts organised by the Selangor Badminton Association. Play is scheduled
    403 words
  • 189 19 League Champions Want To Arrange Matches Here. 1 1 Our Own Correspondent) Calcutta, Aug. 30. The Mohammedan Sporting Club of Calcutta, champions of the local football league for 1034 and 1035 and without a doubt one of the strongest football combinations in India,
    189 words
  • 265 19 Remaining Handicaps For Saturday. The lollowing are the remaining handicaps for Saturday, the third day •of the Singapore Turf Club Autumn meeting: Horses. Class 2. Div. 1. Abt. 9 F.:- I Pelorus 9.0. Mr. Pitman 8.11. Star Player 8.10. Gee Up 8.9. Queen's Course 8.7. High Degree 8.6.
    265 words
  • 166 19 The following are the ties for Friday in the S.C.C. autumn lawn tennis tournament: Profession Pairs. W. C. Hill and A. G. Hay vs. O. '.V Gllmour and V. P. Barbat. J. E. Harvey and R. L. Moir vs. A. K. Buchanan and A. A. A. Paterson. A
    166 words
  • 60 19 In the semi-final of the open singles In the Garrison Officers' lawn tennis tournament. Maj. Graham beat Lieut. Chestnutt 7—9, 7—5. 6—l. The Selangor Board of Boxing Control have approved the postponement of the flght between Young Johnson and Ignacio Fernandez (arranged for next Saturday) until Sept.
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  • 299 19 Boxing. Aide Meets Newcomer From Manila. •THE New World boxing stadium has been quiet for two months now but the promoters have been busy getting together new talent and tomorrow will see Al Cante, one of the newcomers, in action against Young Aide. Al
    299 words
    • 135 19 Golf Match On Sunday Against Sepoy Lines G. C. A golf match between "A" (M.G.) Coy. Ist Bn. S.S.V.F. and Sepoy Lines G.C. has been arranged for Sunday at Sepoy Lines. The teams. "A" Coy players mentioned first, and starting times are as follows: 8.45 a.m.
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    • 189 19 Reaches Semi-Final Of Devonshire Tourney. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, Aug. 31. N. S. Wise, the S.C.C. tennis champion, has reached the semifinal of the Budleirh Saiterton, Devon, tennis tournament singles with the loss of only two sets. The other three players left in
      189 words
    • 74 19 The following have been sHeeti-d to play hockey for the Junior Department of the V.M C.A against Colts 2nd XI on Tuesday. Sept. 10. on the Anson Road ground at 5 p m.: Ezckicl Eze: Taye Yew Wee and J. Sanderson; Chew Wai Imm. Ong Swee Keng and
      74 words
    • 219 19 Crystal Palace Take A Hiding At Southend. London, Sept. -I. A NOTIIER batch of F.nglish league football matches were pla>cd today. In the First Division Stoke City. Manch ,«ter Cil>, the Villa and Sunderland all did well to win ;i»av from home. Portsmouth, who beat Everton,
      219 words
    • 177 19 On Friday there will br the afternoon races for "B" and "C" Cla es starting at 5.20 p.m. On Sunday the "B" Class Will Mil the second race for the "Williams m Challenge Cup" starting at 10.10 a.m. Points to date in the Ist Race were Paridy
      177 words
    • Article, Illustration
      23 19 Forest Hills, Sept. 3 There was no play today in tho American lawn tennis championships owing to rain.- Reuter. Jockey Farthing.
      Reuter  -  23 words
  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 46 19 "MOUTRIE" QUALITY PIANO Known throughout the Far East for the past fifty years for long service, fine tone and easy touch. "NATIONAL" 306.00 nett STYLE II 425.00 HI 500.00 IV B 600.00 BABY GRAND $1000.00 HIRE PURCHASE TERMS ARRANGED. S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. RAFFLES PLACE SINGAPORE.
      46 words
    • 25 19 (fou mufti not mi/to a|m lL jflfll Immm^* 1 **Mm/y if t A If" "^^V MTV //j 1 FRASER NEAVE LTD. distributors of tiger beer
      25 words

  • 2084 20 An English Cricket Causerie. (By Our London Staff.) Fleet Street, Aug. 2G. I^HE county cricket season, which, with the exception of the Ess.x vs. Kent match at Ilford finishes with the matches commencing next Saturday, has had many features which give canst for satisfaction. Up to
    2,084 words
  • 369 20 Badminton Women's Doubles Event Cancelled. i Fr>ni Our Own Correspondent I Scremban. Sept. 3. A meeting of the committee of the Nt-^ri Sembilan Badminton Association to >'-: place t')dny .it the assembly hall of the St. Paul's Oid Boys' Association, ut, Tuan Sheikh Ahm.H. J. P.: M.
    369 words
  • 107 20 The annual rifle meeting of the Battalion. F.M S.V.F.. will' lake place on Bondajr, Sept 29. at .a Lumpur range. The orga- r.iscr. anticipate large entry. renta will tx as follows: Rifle. I. 300x 10 Rds Rapid. 2 30flx. 10 Rds. Snapshooting > i. 10 Rds.
    107 words
  • 101 20 South China XI Win Their First Match. The South China Football XI, who were in Penang a few weeks ago, are now on a tour in Medan and played their first match against the Medan Chinese on August 28. They won by two goals to on*. >
    101 words
  • 112 20 Chinese Carry Off The Cup Again. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Sept. 4. The Kuala Pilah district football league which was started in 1929 for a trophy presented by Mr. W. A. Gor-don-Hall has Just concluded and the Chinese, who were the holders, have won the cup
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  • 220 20 Cricket.' Malacca Club Beaten By Eight Runs. (From Our Own Correspondent > Malacca, Sept. 2. Rain on Saturday limited the twoday cricket match between the Malacca Club and the Wiltshire Regiment to a single day and the gamewas decided on one Innings, the Regiment winning
    220 words
  • 257 20 Members Who Play For Other Teams. (From Our Own Correspondent > Kuala Lumpur. Sept. 3. The annual general meeting of the F.M.S. Railway Institute was held on Friday last, when the following officebearers were elected for the year 1935-1936: President, the Hon. Mr. D H. Eiias. M.C.:
    257 words
  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 82 20 1 8 st p s ow SEA LION SHOW T3T 30 s IN THE GREAT WORLD TONIGHT NIGHTLY For A Short Season Only Mrs. Decker, I.ati- Of H;ij«cnbock Circus Fame, Will Show You How Ti-.itures From The Dtt'p Sea Could He Tnujiht To Perform Wonderful Tricks, Which Few People Could
      82 words
    • 255 20 zz^^ "ere is *Z*^ ;;>. riCOlcfl^aP IT is as well to know that whatever the cause of your weakness, new health and new vitality are near at hand. With Sanatogen you can build up your health again in a perfectly natural manner. And Sanatogen a something of which you can
      255 words

  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 593 21 MODERN ARCHITECTURE COMES TO TZ" RAFFLES PLACE i UNIQUE FEATURES IN DESIGN, F Material, applied by v* VENTILATION AND FITTING OF include NEW KELLY WALSH BUILDINC^. UJ 0 MALTHOID Triumph For Local Contractors. SSPBg! MB IncilidtPfl liPllin^S *V f V v < V* Wl^mmKmwmm^^ Hft j4lmto..^J II >UI(1 I v
      593 words

  • 539 22 Dresses Can Be Made In The Home. (Ry in (hit Station "Mem.") AMONG women In Malaya are a few who can make perfect copies of model gowns, by simply taking ■dawn, material, tape measure and a Uttle thought. On the other hand there is the average woman,
    539 words
  • 1443 22 Why Not Garlic? Babies Leaves In The Heat— Fear Of From A Chills— Coir Mattresses Malayan -Bedroom Novelty. J!°_!ff!!i_ /"wF a.l the foodstuffs, herbs and spices displayed upon the market stalls in Singapore, garlic is the most likely to be ignored by British housewives Most of
    1,443 words
  • 334 22 Convalescense In The Nursery. Diet Is Important. (By Our Nursery Expert.) The nursing of young children is a different matter from nursing adults, and in many cases the most difficult time for mother and nurse Is when the illness has passed the acute stage and the little patient is on
    334 words
  • 105 22 Every woman has the right to feel beautiful, no matter how scrambled her features, or how indii'orent Iht figure. She needs this inward assurance to give her serenity, pois; 1 and power. It is her birthright. To all women between the ages of eight and eighty who
    105 words
  • 700 22  -  An "Organised" Coolness. belt and the stockings, will help them to slip on easily, however sticky the weather. It is a good idea to keep at har.i for emergencies, a box of green face powder, for a dusting of this on n. heat-flushed face tones down
    700 words
  • Page 22 Advertisements
    • 158 22 Wk^ gam A igv II i I B gfhfe^gflfl.' *^r ItlPml jlffiGtrt Him eown yo;:r f... .n.i.: \f M^Lii WKSt ,r in the H i -^P»^% fl i -pored ar.d Ii&JJT th it Jyiotsßg&.' 'JffESNPfI haw u«ly Miinc b BP^ *2SFW D— or a thiri:. chalky V»9P^ f ,t
      158 words
    • 132 22 JF^B or W»B IMMACULATEand Why? BECAUSE she has established the "Odorono habit." Perspiration in the small area of the under» arm is a problem she has completely controlled.There is nevert he slightest hint of perspiration odour about her, and never a suspicion of (tamed armhole on her clothing. Odorono is
      132 words

  • 496 23 Wooden Covers Needed In Orchard Road. SERIOUS accidents have been reported recently as happening to women shoppers in their eilorts to cross those wide deep drains, which seem to be necessary to the cleanliness of Singapore. Isn't it time the municipal authorities did something to
    496 words
  • 203 23 Edgar Allan Poe applies the science of deduction to the art of whist playing, the parent-game of modern bridge To have a retentive memory and to play by the book.' are points commonly regarded as good whist playing, but it is in matters beyond the limits of
    203 words
  • 750 23 THE GUSHER. A TEA PARTY TYPE. One meets many kinds of people at afternoon teas the bored, the bashful, the intense but for sheer delight nothing quite equals the gusher. Shi is generally very pretty. Nature Insists upon compensations. When you meet a real gusher one born to gush you
    750 words
  • 494 23 DESIGNERS MAKE CHANGES IN THE SILHOUETTE Flat Pleats Instead Of Slit Skirts. TRIANGULAR HIP POCKETS. Fleet Street, Aug. 23. FASHION wants a change in the silhouette, and dress designers have launched some most attractive ideas, by way of experiment, at the early autumn collections in Paris. For day wear very
    494 words
  • 94 23 Organza Is a new material, pttttcnlarly lultabte for afternoon wear which lends itself adrr.irablj to th« making of attractive deeres. here and there produces novel i in keeping wiiii Hi- si .-i ol th rial, while it haa sufflcU f i ..ay put" byils.'li when It la fully.
    94 words
  • 175 23 yoke the designers repressed fancies got the better of Dame Fashion. Some attractive ankk-lcnuth <ir es, slightly flared, &hou!d have a treat success on the dane? floor, are eminently practical. Truosers appear from and skirt of trained evening gowns in ona Important Paris collection. Fl train at th back, the
    175 words
  • 443 23 Some New "Soft" Drinks Iln spite of the enormous variety of cooling "long" drinks it is nowadays possible to concoct, many people have a long-standing predilection in favour of the good old-fashioned oranges and lemons. So why not try a few ol the following variations on "orangeade"
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  • Page 23 Advertisements
    • 210 23 /f^Z\^ "Protection for \&*^P* your Complexion *L *^7 I" ne tragrant, refreshing ">w_^' properties of "'Hazeline' J •L? XI Snow" will keep your skin y^_ and complexion smooth and soft throughout the most trying day. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS 'HAZELINE' ITraat Hark) SNOW" CU,, P,l, W ColUfM, Tmtu, Jr.m mil CktmuU
      210 words
    • 183 23 Are You Tortured by the Maddening Itch of SKIN TROUBLE? If the maddening itch of a skin have tried has failed to give yon disease is wrecking your health, relief, the efficacy of this simple preventing sleep and reducing you Cuticura treatment will prove an to despair if everything else
      183 words