The Straits Times, 4 August 1935

Total Pages: 24
1 24 The Straits Times
  • 37 1 THE SUNDAY TIMES THE LEADING SUNDAY NEWSPAPER IN MALAYA I No. 189. Sunday, August 4, 1935 Price 10 cents THE SUNDAY TIMES The Leading Sunday Neuspaper in Malaya. No. 189. Sunday, August 4, 1935 Price 10 cents
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  • 635 1 PRODUCTIONS WHICH WILL RIVAL "CLIVE OF INDIA" FRANK BUCK'S PLANS Raffles' Life And Pirate Activities As Themes (By Our Special Correspondent.) IVfiH Frank Buck, of Bring 'Em Back Alive fame, has one great ambition. He revealed it to me just before he left with Mrs.
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  • 95 1 Heated Words Of Mussolini Rome, Saturday. Y ol7 re invincible You will soon see five continents bow and tremble before Fascist power!" declared Mussolini in his famous speech to Blackshirts on July G, only just revealed by tlu press who had to rest content with short •xtracU then.
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 128 1 ALL YESTERDAY'S SPORT 17 VERY town in Malaya had its big sporting events yesterday. In Penang much progress was made in the All-Malayan Chinese Olympiad and many records were broken. Singapore is doing extremely well. Full report page 1 L Badminton page 20. Also in Penan g was the Jubilee
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  • 62 1 London, Saturday. South Africans 309; Glamorgan 108 fur 3. Derby 314 Townsend 103 not out Warwick 57 for 1. Hants 261, vs. Somerset. Kent 335 Todd 128 not out, Gloucester 29 for 0 Notts 345 for 8. vs. Surrey. Sussex 363. vs. Middlesex. Leicester 137, Northants 139 for
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  • 41 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Bangkok, Saturday. The new session of the Assembly has re-elected for the third time the retiring chairman who recently led the commission to London in an endeavour to persuade King Prajadhlpok not to abdicate.
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  • 48 1 Shanghai, Saturday, There was a serious riot at the Hengfeng Cotton Mill In Chapel this morning, considerable damage being dune to the machinery before the police arrived and restored order. The trouble arose over a reduction In wages— Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh  -  48 words
  • 49 1 (Frow Our Own Correspondent.) London, Saturday. Rubber market closed. SILVER Spot 30 3 lttd. Forward 30 5 l«d. CROSS RATE London -New York, 4.95*4. New York-London, 4.95* i. (Rate as supplied by the London office of the National City Bank of New York applied to Friday's close.)
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  • 34 1 CHINESE OLYMPICS PICTURES The first pi i lures of the Chinese Olympics in Penanf on pages 21 and 24 were taken by a special photographer and rushed to Singapore where they arr'ved last night.
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  • 173 1 Worst Flood Of The Century 2,000 HOUSES COLLAPSE Amoy, Saturday. TIIK worst flood in Fukien in the past century is being experienced in the district around Chuanchow, port on the east roast. Belated reports reaching Amoy state that rain fell unceasingly from Monday to Thursday, and intermittently boinre. with signs
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  • 75 1 WILL CURE ITSELF F. B.I. PROPHECY ON UNEMPLOYMENT (From Our Own Correspondent.) London. Saturday. Referring to the decrease in unemployment in July— the official figures to be published next week are stated to show, for the first time since 1930, a total below 2.000.000 the Federation of British Industry prophesies
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  • 106 1 ROOFS RIPPED OFF STORM SWEEPS PEKAN AND KUANTAN (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuantan, Saturday. Much damage has been acne by a storm which blew over the districts of] Kuantan and Pekan this week Near Beserah, which is a fishing village about five miles from Kuantan.' several fishermen's houses had ti
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  • 133 1 Tientsin, July 23. It is announced by the local court that the case of Gen Ma Chan-shan, who was sued by an old man, Mah Wing, for neglecting him, and counterclaimed for libel, is ordered by the court to be withdrawn on .he ground that the
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  • 52 1 <From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. Mr. G F. Staynes. the first magistrate, sat for the last time on the bench today. He is reverting to his former position of ADO., Kuala Kangsar. Prior to the court rising. Inspector Chllcott wio.ied Mr. Staynes every happiness at
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  • 104 1 Aviator Leaves Moscow Moscow, Saturday. TTHE Soviet airman Levansky has taken off on a flight to the North Pole and (hence to San Francisco. It is hoped to establish a regular air service between Russia and America via the Pole. It is stated the airman is
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 120 1 BOYS' ESCAPADE STOLEN CAR CAPS! IN DITCH (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. A Chines? lad. was ordered ceive six strokes of rotan on bring convicted by the Magistrate of being concerned in the theft of a car belongir.-? to Mr Chin Tek Choon. a bu man of Selar.sor. The
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  • Article, Illustration
    228 1 TIIK wedding took pUtr at the Garrison Church. Tanflin, yesterday of Mr. Leslie Edward Toiler. Messrs. Moutrie and Co.. Ltd., Singapore, and Miss Lily Elisabeth Betty. who came to Malaya from London eighteen months ago. The bride is a daughter of Lieut and Mrs. T. Betty, of Blakan Mati. She
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  • 49 1 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Saturday. A Malay engaged in clearing undergrowth In Chemor Forest Reserve was killed as a result of a large tree falling and pinning him to the ground by the legs. He was taken to hospital but died the following day
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 15 1 THE OCEAN ACCIDENT AND GUARANTEE CORPORATION, (Incorporated in Great Britain.) ■ca4 (MBe* tor Malay* SINOATOBK.
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    • 122 1 OCEAN MOTOR POLICIES FINAL EDITION KEY BRAND HpHB A PRODUCT OF ylHkll SOUTH AFRICA l;.';-i y4fli^T^^^aX o ;j Of exceptional quality, KEY M Rl BRAND Brandy is of full yet '.r l^^^^^^M WV delicate flavour, and sells at a '''•'■■'HmW Mm remarkably low price. It is 'itii $E i recommended
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  • 1936 2 SHOCKS IN EMPRESS PLACE OLD SEAVIEW THE AIRPORT RAILWAY BUNGALOW HUNTERS CRICKET GHOSTS ON THE PADANG. IJAVE yoa erer thought of the extraordinary contrast in architectural styles that we shall see is Empress Place in thi next few years The present setting of the Victoria Memorial bmkttng wfll
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 133 2 Chevrolet THE MOST POPULAR TRUCK IN THE WORLD Since the early days of motoring in Malaya, Chevrolet vehicles have been one of the most popular on these raads. This applies especially to Chevrolet trucks. Literally thousands of these have been purchased for every conceivable transport purpose, and though many are
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  • 624 3 Hates London And Wants To Live In Sarawak DAYANG ELIZABETH'S WEDDING Couple May Take Up Film Work After Honeymoon (By A Special Correspondent.) A cheque is the gift of His High- j ness the Rajah of Sarawak to his second beautiful daughter,
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  • 677 3 THE M. S. V. R.'s NEW O.C. WON MILITARY CROS IN FRANCE (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. II has been announced that >luj > J. C. Cuthbert, M.C., who i with Messrs. Harrisons. Barker and Co Ltd., in Kuala Lumpur, bar been pro moted to the rank of
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  • 206 3 Paris |^|ISS Joan Warner, an American stage artist, against whom was brought a charge of having danced with no visible clothing in a Paris night restaurant, was fined the equl- valent of 13s. Miss Warner said she was not nudo. but it was stated that the covering
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  • 184 3 DEATH OF "AE" IRISH POET MYSTIC. Dr. George William Russell, the Irish poet, who was known to poetry lovers the world over as "JE," died in a Bournemouth nursing home. H? was 68 George Russell came from UlsUt. was educated In Dublin, and went into business there as a young
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  • 260 3 |£AMrONG Malayu. the little settlement to landward of Katonc district, is to have a Malay verna cular school this year. Tenders have already been invited for the erection of the building and it is expected that the new school will be opened before the end
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  • 297 3 Kuantan Tree In Bearing 'From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuantan. Saturday. IT may not be generally known the apple, which Is among the fruits which grow so well in a temperate climate, has been grown in Malaya with a certain amount of success I recently made this
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 187 3 HERE'S A LEAD YOU MAY SAFELY FOLLOW Chat w»khl Safe is usi'd in XHK L>VV DANK 1• 1 K N 1 1 ■^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^■ay ofc.v>UKlli IPI ilj^ ®il dI m 1' v* K NAr I. )^M|»^ ~~Hr 'rciffiß^^^-^^Baj f> Use a Chatwood Safe in your Caa^ ..Buii- ll ffeD neac.. Store
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    • 2 3 TIGER BEER
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    • 539 3 ANOTHER COMEDY TREAT FOR YOU GENE GERRARD 3 HELEN CHANDLER 'I«#|^ 4 in British International Ptrture« Mirth M*kpr s- 7,^H jkffc "ITS A BET" P^^Eyjjf I NEXT CHANGE PAVILION j J f] auoust PUNCHINELLO*^ I Streaming Local Topical Articles Cartoons Dr. Hunter On Hawkers Chopktlck Strike* Back' Aunt ■wall And
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  • 332 4 People With Wigs Like Cossack Hats Am a solas of laiastag adventarcs la tha interior of Northera Paaaa lasting eight laiaths. an ajaaotaa* ItiamVit Magistrate. Mr. J. CL IllaVi. rates* OfaVn James OTMaaay, asao native poMec and 28 canters aav* arrived at Par. Pastes by
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  • 440 4 AM a bald-headed young man and in order to make my hair frow atraxii I am applying a gummy mixture. Some time ago I *as summoned to court us a witness. It was only half an hour before trie trial began I remembered that I hid not applied
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  • 842 4 Poultry Notes BY CUR EXPERT VNY new phases have keen brought about duriag the last reaeratiea in the poultry Inatastry. This is specially true in the importance given to sanitatioa hi its application to peattry-kscainf. It is true to say that, with the exception of sound breeding
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  • 253 4 He Wanted All Eyes On Him IT was about three months ago. I was young and friends had said that I was handsome and quite a dashing fellow. Being keen on dancing, I regularly frequented a local cabaret hall but always while in the dance-hall I made an effort to
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  • 53 4 At the Essex County Show held in Halstead recently the Ovaltine Jersey herd added twelve more awards to its long list of successes. Entries from the Ovaltine dairy farm have been eonsptcaoualy successful at all the important agricultural show*. No less than 173 awards were gained during the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 243 4 Laaaf aaal ssaW aaV^^^aa fct aY saa tf Js^m aY awaw afP^saPlWVwWV^^^BV L 1 RaT -aaa Baaaaa^saaaa^Baaa^Ba^BaVa«flaaaa« •>&ffiaa*^Pl '^H KuvnmilWk I V *l Sr M I 1 M aw r^^a^l sbb^^^^^J*^b^^l s^f^^l^ .saaaaaal H that he did not object mESmJ^^mfjSS^^^^^^ f& tO my smoking a limited f Jl^^Kg^^m^a^aaaaaaaaa! fjß number
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    • 74 4 "SKETOLENE" A Unique Preparation and the only Real Preventive oX MOSQUITO BITES Does not stain the most delicate fabrics Obtainable from all first class Chemists Stores. Me Apato: GRAFTON LABORATORIES. 2Skv Cafftrer Qaaj. FREFJI H" 6O |H FOR HEALTH AMD BEAUTY Mini|. tbc CALCurra chemical CO LTD. y*> a, RaflU*
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    • 772 4 LOST 1 !b. A WEEK FOR 20 WEEKS Woman's Delight at Slimming Success How would you like to lose 20 lbs. at tut In at weeks, and at the same time iaerea** your energy and improve your health weighed today and note your weight, then buy a bottle of Kruschen
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  • 858 5 Spinning Damsel And Her Six Sisters. By Our Chinese Corresponuent THE only Chinese festival in which men and boys are not allowed to take part is the Nui Er Festival (Girls Festival) which is celebrated in all parts of the world where Chinese are domiciled.
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  • 119 5 SUICIDE OF GIBRALTAR TREASURER Gibraltar, July 20. A VERDICT of suicide whUe of un- sound mind was returned here this afternoon at the inquest on Mr. D. L. Bethell, the Colonial Treasurer, who was found shot dead this morning at the Colonial Treasury.' The tragedy was
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  • 108 5 METHODISTS LOSE 140,000 IN A YEAR "Disquieting decreases," in Sundayschool membership were reported at the Methodist Church annual conference at Bristol. In the past year at least 140.000 young people had passed out of their schools and at least 20,290 officers and teachers had
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  • 376 5 Epworth leaguers of the various chapters in Singapore are requested to note that the following events will be conducted by the Union for the year 1935. Application forms and full particulars can be had from the fourth vice-presidents or frwn the honorary sports secretary, 34A. Upper
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  • 199 5 To have terrible pain after every meal to dread eating for fear of the Inevitable Indigestion to be. in fact, a confirmed stomach sufferer such was the unhappy lot of Mrs. A. E. B until she began taking Maclean Brand Stomach Powder. "I am writing to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 645 5 A SURE LIVING WITH BIG PROFITS is guaranteed by selling HOSIERY, DRAPERY, UNDERWEAR, Men's and Boys' Shirts, Boots and shoes, etc. Regular lines of perfect poods. Shopkeepers. Marketmen and Bazaars supplied. Wonderful opportunity for beginners, good living and profit certain. ADVICE AND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. Send cash with trial order.
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    • 890 5 The Bennett College, Ltd., 4^Mk The Principal Sheffield, 461, Joo Chiat Road. WB Bennett College. "Lewaynlr* England. Singapore, SS. JV Sheffield. 27. Hunupitiya RoaJ. Dear Sirs, England. Colombo. I have pleasure in informing you that I Dear Suw^successful in the 1 9;, 1 London City and I BTTBQ C ttm
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  • 885 6 An Irresponsible Commentary On This And That IWITH His Excellency and Mr. Lowinger and other important personages flying around Malaya cuashaw" tides, They Fly c OO1 *ttenWhy Should tlon Is directed to Not We tne convenience and speed o air transport. Let It be rubbed In, by all
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  • 135 6 XII —A TOPICAL ENTREATY* Dear Mr, Ltncinger Tell us what to do We've too much tin and rubber And tee 9 re in an awful stew. The Government wants our money, And it's just the thing we lack. So please, Mr. Lowinger- Will you help us now you're
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 437 6 "WATCH OUT iSJLmL TH EY RE (pi O-"clrash!'' «^V^^ ii .l^i Not your fault But, you may have to pay! You are a -careful Driver! Even so accidents will happen and it isn't always possible to make the other man pay. And even if you do you may not be
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    • 536 6 Engineers Guide Brlgbt Prospects and Big Pay Opportunities for th« tra'ned man M«« k) ttM UaM u|«hi «l tin n( f 4 q vaJ 'f T *or t ptl ilwmH. «r I- j a«M asK Writ* TO-DAY (or th« gr«at Gutdm »htch containa tht »Mm cto«ca of anginaaring couraaa M
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  • 335 7 Young Woman. By Carman Barnes. Werner Laurie. 7s. 6d. QHE had got back her freedom She had got back her guts!" That's what happens to Naomi, and after 300 pages it is high time she got something back, for she has lost quite a lot, including
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  • 768 7 Story Of Changing Social Customs A Newspaper History 1785-1935 (Times Publishing Co., Ltd., 7s. 6d). IN celebration of the 150 th year of publication of The Times a full-length history of that great English newspaper is being published, but in its 150 th anniversary number which appeared
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 427 7 MARCHINGf ORDERS/ 1 J^^foUß PAINFUL ©orms When Radoz gives a corn It* marching orders it GOES! And goes for joodl Just read what Radox did (or this corn ■ulfcrer:— "J suffered with four corns Jor five year* and it uas torture to walk. 1 tried all kinds of remedies without
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    • 797 7 Glands Made Active and Youthful Vigour Restored In 24 Hours American Dodor't Discovery Strength- -W^ o rE d .n b d\mb n i^n? ens Blood, Nerves, Body, Memory, /J g| S&'SS w"oSM*»iE Rnin Uucrlo* and FnHuranrp aWatt dle or older nßoa." And Drain, muscies, aim cnourancv TwM HI a widely
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  • 359 8 TANKS AND CARS GET MOST CHEERS AT KING'S REVIEW. Aidershot. •THF. King's review of his Army sn the Roshmoor Arena here before a crowd of 70,0wt. was a remarkable demonstration of the way in uhkh Great Britain's military forces are rapidly becoming mechanised.
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  • 172 8 Parachute Had Failed GRABBED BY FALLING COMPANION Moscow. A SOVIET Army airman owes his life to a dramatic rescue in midair veritably a millionth rhanoe in life-saving. His parachute failed after he had leaped from a 'plane at a great altitude. As he was falling he
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  • 87 8 Chicago. Jessie Reed, once the highestpaid chorus girl in the world, glorified by the late Florens ("Flo") Zieirfeld as the most beautiful girl he ever saw. Is now, a woman of thirty-eight, wtsndsag in Chicago's breadline. Miss Reed, famous in London. New York, and Chicago a few
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  • 98 8 A SUICIDE'S RESOLVE NOT DETERRED BY FOUR FAILURES Paris. Resolved to end his days, a resident in a Paris suburb began with poison. To his surprise he found that it had no effect. Imperfect anatomical knowledge frustrated his second attempt, with a razor. Somewhat depressed by these failures he drank
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  • 226 8 "Women Haters" Meet In Secret A SOCIETY, whose members have come to be known as The Women Haters," held Its first London reunion dinner in great secrecy at Grosyenor House. It was the Most Hospitable Order of the Knights of the Black Heart, to which bachelors and "irass widowers" alone
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  • 170 8 AN attack on marriages Involving United States money and European titles was made by Mr. Justice Salvator Cotillo. of the New York Supreme Court. His remarks were contained in his reasoned decision annulling the r"irriage of Clendenin Ryan, heir to a £2,000.000 fortune, with the Countess
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 771 9 By Max Factor Of Hollywood I IF.RE is a question for your favourite psychologist Why Is it that a man will go into a barber shop, submit to every ministration suggested by his versatile barber After tennis Eau de Ologne. —which includes being singed scented,
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  • 567 9 (XtiE day while Mary was playing in the garden with her brother Tom, she found a little sparrow under a bush with its wing badly hurt. She took it into th» house and tended it with great care. Every day Mary and Tom *ould feed the bird
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 295 9 Always Something IS ew AT A U R E L I AS THE HOUSE OF NEW THINGS NEW SOPHISTICATING DRESSES and GOWNS Just Received In I Superb Dressmaker I Technique. bIDO. No*. 5-7-9, Stamford Roadj\ FREE GIFTS THE GIFT SHOP 117 So. Ji Briif* B*a4. On all Models value $4
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    • 66 9 WRITING OF MILK: One oT the best-mccredlted professors of be<teriologr In the University of London said Ttis>t a large amount of disease Is carried by raw milk Is no lorger an opinion. it U a fact— fact as well attested as any In the domain of medical science." Use sterilised
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    • 413 9 ANNOUNCES A NEW COLLECTION Or GOWNS SPORTSWEAR FROM LONDON PARIS 2nd floor, Maynards Building, Phone 4974. 16, Battery Road. C. K. T A N G All kinds of fine Linens, Lingeries, Embroideries, Camphorwood Chests, Mahjong-Sets, Porcelain-wares, Peking-Jewels, and many other attractive Novelties. AS EXCIANE MICH IMPROVED PRICES ME GREATLY REDUCED
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  • 680 10  -  E. K. By THK latest Shanghai creations' which have just appeared in Singapore include a dress of con-i trasts, another trimmed with ruch-' lagt, and a third of black silk lace; edged with black satin. These 1 three dresses reach to the heels. The first dress is
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  • 83 10 Ever and anon comes the problem of delicacies for the picnic basket Such excursions become a burden If endless quantities of cutlery, crockery and hampers have to be transported by the party. In spite of all that Is said against them, the most practical and satisfactory solution, in
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  • 622 10 Navy Blue Checked With White Dayang Pearl's Plans For Her Wedding (By Oar Own Correspondent.) Sunday Times Office Fleet Street, July 17. I KNOW you will all want to know as much as I can tell you about the plans for the wedding of Miss
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  • 249 10 Grease a fireproof dish and make a layer of cooked rice. Bone and tall some sardines, split them in half, and spread them over the rice with small pieces of tinned pimento. And more rice and sardines, and cover with enough well-flavoured stock to moisten. Put
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  • 622 10 Popularity Without Prettiness— Can It Be Done?— Girls Who Are Different Next Week's Luncheon I HAVE only one letter to answer this week, and that is from a girl who thinks herself an ugly duckling! She was born plain, homely as the Americans put it, and
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 29 10 "St Ivel" Br»d Gruyere Cheese and "Chedkt" Brand Cheese Both made by the +9t %Af£it Proprietors of the *Tk> I \|^L world famous Brand— frj JACKSON CO. LTD. l^tTTolt
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    • 132 10 iHHi DANGERS OF IMPURE BLOOD E- j? The root cause of not* disease* is impure blood. /S^«g^^ If yoa suffer from Skin Disease, 1 afl Ulcers, Sores, Glandular Trouble. ■J)PH Boil*. Rasbes, Bad Legs, Rheo. icS^ifrU"! matism, Painful Joints, etc— I \%%£i Tou MUST remove the CAUSE by purifying the
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  • 1837 11 By Our Woman Correspondent I AM certain that many of my readers will be scanning these columns in circumstances some wh:U different to the usual Sunday morning, for Malaya is in holiday mcod this week-end. The great annual August bank holiday trek started on Friday i night
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 85 11 I *\r ■■■Jr |t *^9 JJM I MJiPff mM ft. v&r «mfm j I j She purses her lips for a purpose the purpose being an easy entry for Nestles Chocolate Try any of these: Nestk's Milk Chocolate Croquettes, each rolled in silver foil. Nestles Chocolate Wafer Biscuits, simply delicious.
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  • 276 12 |L|ALAYA'S trade back: to preslump level, dividend declarations, salary cut restoration, leave and retirement, healthy exchequers that Is one side of the picture of life in this country. The Sunday Times is well aware, however, that not everybody has yet been able to fit himself or herself into
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  • 1125 12 By Our Shipping Correspondent. MANY decades have passed since Singapore harbour, visited by windjammers of nearly a dozen nations, was a forest of all, shapely masts when the gi at clippers from Britain and from the United States of America called here for stores, pausing in
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  • 240 12 PKOM Bruas comes a report of a pineapple freak— eicht fruit* on one stalk. There's nothing la that Look what grapes and bananas can do! "This happened at 4.30 in the afternoon. In broad daylight," says a K.L. report II It had happened "at 4.30
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 192 12 NEW WORLD SINGAPORE. Side Shows, Cabaret, Dancing, Talkies, Theatre* and Cinemas. ALHAMBRA TODAY 3.15 6.15 9.15 STILL THE ■■w^p^p^pj BIGGEST i*X» bY Attrict feH in TOWN NEXT CHANGE -30 BIG STARS in "GIFT of GAB" I THE HILARIOUS TALE OF A MAN OF I I PEACE, WHO NEABLY BECAME A
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    • 9 12 b^bHPßHt^^TF* I ra^*^BP*^%lTl rV%BW^^WB3I2S3 miHHWKPMi 34 Warm Studios 3
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous

  • 840 13 Huge Crowds Cause Upset In Catering Plans SPECIAL COCONUT SECTION Copra Bugs Exhibited Alive Under Glass (From Our Special Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. TOWNSMEN mingled almost incongruously with country folk at Kuala I umpur today at the Malayan Agri-Horticultural Exhibition which His Excellency
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  • Correspondence.
    • 355 13 THE POOR PLEA FOR ALLEVIATION OF THEIR LOT To the Editor of the Sunday Times Sir,— Your support for action to help those in lowered circumstances Is greatly appreciated and we sincerely hope the Municipal president and commissioners will take steps to alleviate our lot. The Rotarians are helping to
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    • 222 13 To the Editor of the Sunday Times Sir, With reference to the reply of the Traction Company to bus criticisms I wish to comment on the statement that the company had not been asked to run a service from Joo Chiat Place to East Coast Road via Teluk
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  • 281 13 RETIREMENT THIS MONTH CIR Arnold Percy Robinson, senior partner in the Arm of Messrs. Drew and Napier, advocates and solicitors, goes on leave on Aug. 31 prior to retirement at the end of the year after 28 years spent in this country. Born in 1879 and educated
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  • 228 13 Chinese Personalities MB. Yap Geok Tw made J.r. 1935. is the el -a of the late Mr. Yap Tai Tow, leading r .reliant in Singapore. A man of enlightened and progressive views, Mr. Yap Twee takes a very keen and active Interest in all matters relating
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  • 240 13 SIR A. MONTGOMERYMASSINGBERD It is announced that the King has approved the promotion of Gen. Sir Archibald A Montgornery-Massing-berd. Chief of the Imperial General Staff, to the rank of Field-Marshal. Sir Archibald succeeds the late Field-Marshal Viscount Byng, who died on June 6. Major-Gen. A. C. Temperley, Daily
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  • 326 13 VAN KLEEF BEQUEST Four Months' Silence •pHE Singapore Aquarium and (he Van Kleef bequest have for a long time been a bone of contention between Government and the Municipality. At the beginning of this year the controversy was brought to head when the Municipality actually drew up a plan for
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 88 13 J^^ *ommi l^*t£^^. ""^HV JPY* aF f i^B^Bi B^B^B BB^^^^RHhk^ I Protect them\ I with insurance I Could your dependents carry on without your salary in the event of your death? Can you look forward with certainty to a nest-egg in your old age If the answer ia No," just
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    • 94 13 A NEW TONIC WINE. A Medicinal wine of full tonic value and of well-known basic ingredients is being marketed. A leading London analyst vouches for the quality of Phosferine Tonic Wine as follows: "I find it to be made from a sound full-bodied wine of excellent quality. It Is free
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    • 125 13 "K" SHOES Quality and Craftsmanship. ■K TAN WILLOW OXFORD. ■K PATENT DRESS OXFORD. Smart medium toe. Or with imitation stitched cap. Size 5 to 11. Size 5 to 11. Price $11.50 Price $15.50 JOT ~'A b^B^^^ b^ HC^^ If K TAN WILLOW SEMI K TAN WILLOW AND WHITE BROGUE. BI'CKSKIN.
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  • 2991 14 Nine Records Broken In Twelve Finals In One Day SINGAPORE'S SUCCESSES From Our Special Correspondents Penang Saturday. records were set up out of twelve finals in cne day! Not a b i day's sport. The weather still continues to be hot and
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  • 56 14 TENNIS STARS JAPANESE TO TOUR MALAYA (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Saturday. Two Japanese tennis stars due In Ipoh on August 21 will give exhibition matches of singles and doubles. They ill meet Chin Kee Onn and Grut. It is understood both the Japanese will tour Malaya at the invitation
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  • 88 14 The position of the teams competing in the Klang District badminton inter-team doublet league to date, are v follow: P. W. L. Pt«. Yale "A" (holders) If 16 3 16 Merry Ones "A" 18 IS 5 IS Seavewa 7 3 7 Klang Malays ..Ift 6 6 Lucky Star
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 243 14 The storr that raadr Sir James Barrie great the romance that touched the hearts of million* "THE LITTLE MINISTER R.K.Os epochal screen presentation of the matchless stare saeeess. starring KATHARINE HEPBURN M JOHN BEAL— ALAN HALE. COME EXPECTING SOMETHING TREMENDOUS! WATCH FOR IT AT THE [j PAVILION Here is
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    • 155 14 sV^^ av^^^S^M9Ss^B^B^^^^E9^n > > r< y>l YOU, too, can have teeth that are beautifully white and sparkling. Just brush them daily with Macleans, one of the most effective toothpastes Macleans Peroxide Toothpaste M removes unsightly stains, polishes the teeth, and keeps the mouth r\ p^ r™ f** N i i^.
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  • 1428 15  -  BIRDMAN FLYING NOTES aerodrome pending the opening of the Kallang airport has already been overcome and I hope to give full details in my next article. The school, incidentally, will be open to all nationalities and the rates will be about the same
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 592 15 Flatulence gone in 2 minutes There are many remedies that relieve flatulence— after an hour or two. Now there is one that will completely banish that distressing condition In two minutes. < This new remedy is Chardox— a nirhly-activated charcoal— fifty time 3 more effective in its action than ordinary
      592 words
    • 94 15 Tune in the World! WITH A CENTURION 10 TUBE RADIO ■1" -Si I If. *"E" L_P^^_F_i»y ____s. 1 iH*K*'i~ B**'^H flr_r _ulll ■> l3S________!___9_Si B i?w_____!Qil l I 25 r** mm! I v— li f Brs __lr* Mi 111 Brf"*** 1 I ENJOY FOREIGN RECEPTION. SOLE AGENTS, MALAYA: SEOW KUAN
      94 words

  • 1699 16  -  Nathaniel Gubbins By AN Australian school-girl wrote on her examination paper, A Christion is a man who marries only one wife. This is caned monotony.** Every night for forty years Mrs. Smith bunt into tear* Just because soon after dark, Smith would make the same remark
    1,699 words
  • 38 16 With gold at its present high price, all the old fossickers who have spent a lifetime swlrl«i it in Australia are agaia basy. The pietare above was takes on the outskirts of Bendiro.
    38 words
  • 178 16 ADVERTISING AND PUBLICITY BUREAU A di*Ungui»hed gathering including member* of the Legislative Council, the various Consular represent rtivea. Trade Commissioners, members of Chambers of Commerce, and leading business men were present on the occasion of the official opening of the new head offices and studio of the Advertising
    178 words
  • 28 16 The military prison in Stirling, the only one In Scotland, is to be r sed. all military prisoners henceforth serving their sentences at Aldershot.
    28 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 551 16 My NERVESyjD^ Were Terrible JOMS# Life Was a Burden/ y^^\ NOTHING would gin if— me back my VITALITY L- j^^TA euepl YEA^VITE|(^pS^^ V\Q Deer Sir;— l fmmmd ymr Yemet-ViU" Tmmimtm imlhnf imdmwd mnd\ uould not be urithoai tkem. I tried emetrtkimc. mmd nothing mnmtd give I me bark my Vitality.
      551 words
    • 80 16 id Jl1& CORN-PAIN it gone! <$) It's marvelous how fij Wt/f y/) P*' n disappears when j^ jttjt /Vf you use a drop of if W^px L\ "GETS-IT"/ J I Vjay liquid ROYAL AIR FORCE SINGAPORE JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS SATURDAY, 24th AUGUST i Programmes will be on sale at Hotels, Clubs
      80 words

  • Article, Illustration
    37 17 I i BATHERS ON THE ROOF: The greatest crowd of the seasson packed Enfleld Baths during the recent hot weather in England and these bathers were forced to find space on the pavilion roof.
    37 words
  • 690 17  -  Fred. J. Melville President, Junior Philatelic Society By IX/ITH Abyssinia much to the front tn the general news, collectors will be taking a fresh interest in the quaint stamps of the country, which first came to the notice of philatelists forty years ago. The
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 610 17 Qrirs your Stamp Collection up-to-date. British Color. !al and Foreign stamps, all modsrn issues, including large size commemoratives and pictorials, eery stamp attractive and in the best condition, all stamp? that will increase enormously In value in the near future. A fine investment. 150 different 5/-; 500 different 15 pest
      610 words
    • 272 17 SILVER JUBILEE STAMPS. We are buyers of any quantity of used Silver Jubilee Stamps For good postally used specimens of Straits Settlements and Hong Kong we pay from 70 cents per hundred. Stamps damaged or perforated with firms' initials not required. Collectors who prefer to exchange their Silver Jubilee Stamps
      272 words
    • 358 17 A CAR FOR LEAVE YOUR W Km Guaranteed Can supplied with Guaranteed REPI RCHASE Price. 2M in statifc. Including all New Makes. Special Facilities. World-wide references. Write full requirement i and we will quote you by return mail, or call on arrirai at DEN MANS 132, Loag Acre. London, W.C.
      358 words
    • 347 17 TWO RESIDENTIAL HOTELS. Highly recommended for Overseas Visitors and families home on leave Unsurpassed for Comfort. Cuisine Service, Homeliness. GRANTLEIGH HOTEL, INVERNESS TERRACE. HYDE PARK. London's Most Modern Residential Hotel. Lift, H. L C. water, gas lire and telephone in every bedroom. Central Heating. Inclusive terms from 14 gns. p.w.
      347 words
  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 458 17 Contract: By Culbertson IT is very difficult to bluff Grade 1— A sound opening Ud. A opix»rw»nt« out of a vulnerable Tne >est procedure. g amo 3 Chiefly for bluff purposes. ja^ My wife and I, 4 East should take some action at this /i^$^\ however, were point with a
      458 words
    • 213 17 Oar Crossword Puzzle T~ 1 2. I |jjp I* j 15 I rgjfc 17 I T?~ lii ii ii i 3-P—^-^-^— P— i— 25" Zto 5/ 2f* j|^ 29 so 3?i 3fc l^j PH^; ZSZI~I~I~I~I~I~ 3<o NOTE-— Figures tn Darenthewt denote the number ol letters in the words required. ACROSS.
      213 words

  • 158 18 PROGRAMME OF MALACCA INDO-CEYLONESE A departure from the ordinary lit«»--i rary meeting will be made by the Indo(Ceylonese Association of Malacca ua Tuesday, Aug. 6. at the High School premises. Delegates from various local clubs and associations are participate in a night of speech-making, offering subjects of their choice.
    158 words
  • 602 18  -  Bullseye Penang's Good Record— "Club 9 Atmosphere At K.L. By •yHE recently issued handbook con- i taming the rules and programme for this year's meeting of the Malaya Command Rifle Meeting must be „s complete and informative as any publication of its kind. Appendices
    602 words
  • Article, Illustration
    366 18  -  Ringside By ff was very interested to read Young 1 Aide's letter about the welterweight title of the Orient which appeared in the local press a few days ago. Personally I think his claim is quite a Justifiable one. Frisco holds the title at the moment but recent
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
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    • 98 18 CADBU RYahd FRY PICTURE STAMPS OF ALL SERIES MAY NOW BE EXCHANGED x ir 3t>F Iss^^^S WW^Tm I f^K kAi bmELi ITI IS I U> \\olk i\ \*i fflH^w iiv'iV* i^"^ vs^i -TOC You may obtain any one stamp which you require from the above three series by sending any
      98 words

  • 1176 19  -  Smash Woman Singles Champion Also Unable To Go To Penang By KUALA LUMPUiL pERHAPS the Rieatest battle ever staged in the annals of this year's Malayan badminton will be the badminton tourney of the AllMalayan Olympiad in Penang this week-end when no
    1,176 words
  • 694 19 Two First Round Ties Give Good Promise (By Our Badminton Correspondent) SINGAPORE. ALL the important ties in the senior championship tournaments of the various States throughout Malaya have had to be postponed this week owing to the absence of all the best Chinese competitors in Penang, which
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 145 19 20,000 African Natives in a frenzied War Dance inspired on to Battle by the Glorious Singing of PAUL RQBESON. WAR CANOES manned by 80 native warriors shooting the Treacherous Rapids of the African Rivers! Thrilling Battles between Rival Tribes! The African Jungle filmed from a plane nnd re -eaHiig hundreds
      145 words
    • 170 19 THE DE LUXE FORD TEN ,m\LM Mwßm\ mmvmwJoß^^fj^^^^m\Zx. f W AWQ ilKT^I^^ W¥^mmfmm7 x Economy of Purchase, Operation Maintenance to but one of a score of arguments in favour and built to your own specification, built of your selection, for your own, your staff's moreover, of the finest material money
      170 words

  • 1684 20 L. DE SILVA SAVES THE F. M. S. Bowls Well And Then Makes 74 Not Out POOR SCORING ON A PERFECT BATSMAN'S WICKET IN spite of making a ver poor start the F.M.S. finished only 33 runs behind the Colo v with five wickets
    1,684 words
  • 257 20 King Edward VII School Lose At Cricket TAiriNG •"pilE annual cricket match between 1 King Edward VII. School (Taiping) and Penang; Free School was held here last week, and resulted in a comfortable win for the visiting school by seven wickets. Baiting first, the local School scored
    257 words
  • 93 20 The Singapore team for the H.M.S. Malaya Cup Final against SHangor at the Stadium, Kuala Lumpur on Au;. 10 will be selected from: Abdul Rahman, Chia Kens Hock. Choy Khun Onn, Cl'ua Boon Lay, Chwee Chun. Dolhittah, N. Hay, Hor Khoon. H. Humphries, M. K. Hussein,
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  • 36 20 Entries for the sixteenth annual V.M CA. swimming championship carnival will be accepted up to 5 p.m. on Thursday, Aug 8. For entry forms and all particulars apply to the general secretary. V.M.C.A.. Singapore
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  • 120 20 Ties in the 1935 singles tournament of the Useful Badminton Party arranged lor the next week-end are as follows: Kniav. Aof. 9: I;m Jalk Kirn vs. Sng Bens Teck. Saturday. Aug. It: Wee Kirn Wee \s. N. R. Ponnusamy, George Chen vi. Lim Cheng Hong. Chin Tham Swee
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  • 55 20 Members of the Amateur Sporting Association are reminded of the fifth 1935 monthly general meeting to be held en Wrdne3day. Aug. 7. at 8.00 Dm. at the of Mr. Khoo En-; Watt. 41. Cral? Road. Among the items on the agenda is the election of the anniversary sub-com-mittee
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  • 30 20 The usual committee meeting of the Horllcks Badminton Party will be held today at the residence of Mr. E. Tlan Chen*. 350. East Coast Road, at 11 a.m.
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  • 370 20 Rajasingham Wins King George V School Title (From Our Own Correspondent) Seremban. July 28. The annual athletic sports of the King George V. School of Seremban was held on the school padang. Unfortunately the weather interfered with the proceedings but did not dampen the ardour of
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  • 97 20 ALL-IPOH FINAL PERAK JUNIOR TENNIS TOURNAMENT (Frcm Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. Saturday. In the Perak Juruor tennis championships, semi-finals, boys section, Thiam Tet beat Ek Teong 6 3. 6 4 and Lip Thye beat Thajudin 6 3, 7—5. Consequently there will be an all Ipoh final li both the boys
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  • 33 20 WEBER WINS POINTS VICTORY OVER CORNEJO (From Our Own Correspon lent Penang, Saturday Frank Weber gained a points victory over Fighting Cornejo last night in a twelve three-minute round contest at Wembtey Park.
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  • 792 20 DLAY was continued this mormr. and resulted in Penang pi a brilliant victory over Selar. ,n by three games to two in the w m event while Perak defeated Johorc by three pam^s to one In the? men's event Johor- m beaten by Selangor by thre-> gam >
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  • 820 20 Women's Games More Thrilling Than The Men's (From Our Special Representative) °enang, Saturday. The Penang Free School badminton hall was packed on Thursday afternoon when preliminary ties of one of the biggest tournaments ever held in Malaya the All Malayan Chinese Interstate Tournament were played off.
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  • 763 21 GRAND CATCH PAYS $79 AND KOMOLUX $76 Whalan And Spencer Ride Two Winners Each (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penan*, Saturday. There was a good attendance for the fourth day of the Penan* Turf Club jubilee meeting, today, which was favoured by Rood weather.
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  • 370 21 MORE ASIATICS WIN BY THREE WICKETS A Ceylon Sports Club's team was b.-aten at cricket yesterday at Balestier Plain by a team of Johore Asiatics by three wickets In a whole day match. Scores CSC: P. Ratnasabapathy run ou" 10. K Thillanathan b Mantam 5, T K. Retnam
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 21 The Penaag men's tennis team who beat Patuuig in the nrsi ruuuu. Lett to rtcht: Mmck Jta. Tbeaa Scaac Cfceah Wat Im, Cheah Wat Hon. Yeoh Wee Ycanp
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  • 156 21 De Souza Brothers Not Playing: Tennis At K.L. J^ALACCA wIU have only a passing ITI interest in the lawn tennis championships of Malaya this year. Neither Bouza Jr., Malacca's No. 1, nor his brother. P. P. de Souza, are taking part in the tournament. The brothers de
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  • 322 21 Chin Kee Onn Grut Lose To Singapore Pair (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. The Malayan lawn tennlg championships were continued here today. One of the outstanding results was the defeat of Chin Kee Onn, the Malayan champion, and R. L. Grut of Perak by the
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  • 211 21 Port Diduofi Jury 30. On Saturday a friendly game of bauminton was played at Paslr Panjang the Port Diclcson Malays Badminton Party defeating the Paafar Panjang Combined Badminton Party by 6 games to 2. The winners secured 3 out at the 5 loubles games and aD the
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 21 Chan Ah Kow (Medical Caflege). winner of the 126 yards hurdles at the Inter-OBece Sports yestertey hi acOaa.
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  • 366 21 Four New Records Set Up In Inter-College Sports The third annual inter-college sports meeting between nafnes College and Medaeal CoUe«e was held yesterday afternoon on the Raffles College ground In Buklt Timah Road. The Kay Mouat Challenge Cup which was held by Raffles College
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  • 147 21 VICTORIES FOR PERAK AND SELANGOR (From Car Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, B&larday. In conjunction with the MA HA Gold Cup Competition presented by the four Suitans of the F.MS some yean back which was revived this year, two aoeeer matches were played today on the Stadiam In
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  • 905 21 Sikh And Malay Police Teams Already Training Hard: Old Boys And The Competitions: Badminton ALOR STAK. ALTHOUGH the official hockey season has not been herohted keen practices have been going on among the different teanw. The Police, both the Sikhs and the Malays, are training hard. The
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  • 111 21 The draw for the Duffers' Cup to be played at the Island Club on Saturday is: Preliminary Round. E. Yean Bee vs. M. C V Martia, J W. Raitt vs. L. H. Stewart. T C. Yap vs. Chla Chin Siew K. Tajlri vs H. Sasaki. B. H
    111 words
  • 174 21 Kuala Lumpur V.M.C.A. played here, the Kuala Lumpur association won by two c Roals, both goals being scored d >t the second half. Piny was of a a- ermtc natare. The scorers were Row and C. GrenJer. (Prom Our Own Ccrrcspor.der.t Kuala Lumpur, Saturday. The
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  • Article, Illustration
    5 21 The Johore men's tennis team.
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  • Page 21 Advertisements

  • 780 22  -  Argus By Malayan Sports Jottings Will Annamites Win Malayan Tennis Honours? Sir Julien Cahn May Bring Team Here SINGAPORE. MALAYA'S big week-end of sport is upon us. The volume of sporting events held during the August bank-holidays probably surpasses all other holiday week-ends in
    780 words
  • 414 22 Three Japanese Enter For Malayan Championships: School Relay Team's Success: Major Bretherton Fails To Catch Eye Of Selectors SCREMBAN. AMONG the large number of entries for the Malayan lawn tennis championships in Knala Lumpur will be found the names of several competitors from Nc^ri Sembilan. This to
    414 words
  • Article, Illustration
    25 22 The Setangor Chinese (Chin Woo) Athletic Association, the champion team of the Selangor Chinese Amateur (third) Athletic Meet, 1935, which was held in Kuala Lumpur.
    25 words
  • 562 22 Yon bin Mian Attempting The Malayan Title First Johore Malay To Play For F.M.S. Ml AR. "THIS week I am writing these notes from .Muar instead of from Johore Bahru Here in Muar I found many young Chinese and Malay boys in soccer togs which shows that
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  • 178 22 JOHORE POLICE INTERCIRCLE LEAGUE (From Our Special Representative^ Muar. In the annual Police soccer competition for the "Bell Cup" presented by Mr. R. C. Bell, formerly C.P.O, Segamat. Batu Pahat beat at Muar by four goals to nil In the Northern Circle on Thursday before a
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  • Page 22 Advertisements

  • 2155 23  -  "Echo" Malayan Sports Jottings Should Kuala Lumpur Be Tie Permanent Venue? By KUALA LUMPUR. /"*OOD weather, good organisation, pood standard of achievement (with two new records), good crowds everything went well with the Malayan A. A. A. champioaahips here last week-end. Siive for
    2,155 words
  • Page 23 Advertisements

  • 132 24 The band leading the parade at the opening on Friday of the All-Malayan Chinese Olympiad ia Penang Selangor men's and women's tennis teams. The parade at the opeuiug ceremony of the All-Malayan Chinese Olympiad in Penang on Friday. The Pahang tennis team which lost to
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 24 24 We are specialists in FURNITURE Bring your problems to us. SUN WAH COMPANY 83. VICTORIA STREET. SINGAPORE. mW^Lm^mW SOLE AGENTS, MALAYA.. Warm Studtot ll—mmim—m
      24 words
    • 152 24 MODERN ARTISTIC FURNITURE designed and made by SUN WAH COMPANY 83. VICTORIA STREET, SINGAPORE. COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated In England) Fire, Life. Marine. Accident. Guarantee and Motor ASSETS tiiO.OOO.OGO Arthur C. Potts. Manager 3c InderwriUr Eastern Branch. HMOAItMU I EXAMINE TIME CLAIMS OF NUMOL THE KECCNS.^tCTIVE FOOD SEND
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  • Page 24 Miscellaneous
    • 75 24 Head Office: Cecil SUret. Si -apore Phone 5471 (5 lineo «itf» estensims t« all Depart* MenU. Kuala Liunpui. Office: 25 Java Street. Phone: 3683. London Office: 40 13 Fleet S'reet. London, EVA. Phone: Crrtral 3668— 3«t9. Tele: Leadmala> a." SIBSCRIPTION KATI I 3 months 51.641 (Malaya) 3 SIM (Outside M
      75 words